- {*******************************************************}
- { }
- { RichView }
- { TCustomRVFormattedData is a basic class }
- { representing RichView document with }
- { formatting. }
- { }
- { Copyright (c) Sergey Tkachenko }
- { }
- { }
- { }
- {*******************************************************}
- unit CRVFData;
- interface
- {$I}
- uses SysUtils, Windows, Messages, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Clipbrd,
- Forms,
- RVFuncs, RVStyle, RVItem, CRVData, DLines, RVScroll, RVBack, RVUni,
- ActiveX, RVDragDrop,
- {$ENDIF}
- RVClasses;
- type
- TCustomRVFormattedData = class;
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------}
- TRVJumpInfo = class
- public
- RVData: TCustomRVFormattedData;
- l,t,w,h: Integer;
- id, DrawItemNo: Integer;
- Cursor: TCursor;
- end;
- TRVSoftPageBreakInfo = class
- ItemNo, Offset, ExtraData: Integer;
- end;
- TRVSoftPageBreakList = class (TRVList)
- public
- function FindItem(ItemNo: Integer): Integer;
- end;
- TRVSelectingState = (rvsesInWord, rvsesOutsideWord, rvsesFreeMode,
- rvsesParaMode);
- { TRVSelectingInfo: information about the selection process (with mouse).
- For internal use (used as FSelectingInfo field of TCustomRVFormattedData.
- This field is allocated while user is making selection.
- Contains two set of fields: for starting and for ending parts of selection
- (bounds of word containing selection end, actual selection position). }
- TRVSelectingInfo = class
- public
- DrawItemSOffs, DrawItemEOffs, DrawItemSWordOffs1, DrawItemSWordOffs2,
- DrawItemEWordOffs1, DrawItemEWordOffs2: Integer;
- DrawItemSNo, DrawItemENo: Integer;
- SWordState, EWordState: TRVSelectingState;
- procedure InitE(ASWordState: TRVSelectingState);
- function IsAboveSWord(ADrawItemNo, ADrawItemOffs: Integer): Boolean;
- function IsBelowSWord(ADrawItemNo, ADrawItemOffs: Integer): Boolean;
- function IsInSWord(ADrawItemNo, ADrawItemOffs: Integer): Boolean;
- function AreWordsEqual: Boolean;
- function IsEWord(ADrawItemNo,
- ADrawItemWordOffs1, ADrawItemWordOffs2: Integer): Boolean;
- function IsEFreeStateNeeded(ADrawItemNo, ADrawItemOffs: Integer): Boolean;
- end;
- {--------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
- { TCustomRVFormattedData: information about drag&drop caret location.
- See: TCustomRVFormattedData.GetDragDropCaretInfo }
- TRVDragDropCaretInfo = class
- public
- X,Y, // coordinates relative to RVData top-left
- Height, // caret height
- ItemNo, ItemOffs: Integer; // item index and offset in item, in RVData
- RVData: TCustomRVData; // RVData containing d&d caret
- RefCount: Integer;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- TRVFontInfoCacheItem = class
- public
- LastBiDiMode: TRVBiDiMode;
- Canvas: TCanvas;
- TextMetric: TTextMetric;
- FontInfo: TFontInfo;
- VerticalOffset: Integer;
- EmptyLineHeight: Integer;
- HyphenWidth: Integer;
- end;
- PRVFontInfoCacheItem = ^TRVFontInfoCacheItem;
- TRVFontInfoCache = class (TRVList)
- protected
- FCanvas: TCanvas;
- FRVStyle: TRVStyle;
- FCanUseCustomPPI: Boolean;
- FOwner: TObject;
- function GetItems(Index: Integer): TRVFontInfoCacheItem; virtual; abstract;
- public
- CurParaBiDiMode: TRVBiDiMode;
- IgnoreParaBiDiMode: Boolean;
- LastTextStyle: Integer;
- constructor Create(const AData: TCustomRVFormattedData;
- const ARVStyle: TRVStyle; const ACanvas: TCanvas; ACanUseCustomPPI: Boolean); virtual;
- property Items[Index: Integer]: TRVFontInfoCacheItem read GetItems; default;
- end;
- TRVFormatParams = record
- x, baseline, prevdesc, prevabove:Integer;
- IsParaStart: Boolean;
- LineWidth, FirstIndent, LastDrawItem, VerticalOffs, LeftIndent, RightIndent: Integer;
- LastTextStyle: Integer;
- FirstParaItemNo: Integer;
- NoCaching, Reformatting: Boolean;
- DontFSL: Boolean;
- LastTabDrawItemNo: Integer;
- LastTabAlign: TRVTabAlign;
- LastTabPosition: Integer;
- SpaceEaten: Boolean;
- FontInfoCache: TRVFontInfoCache;
- FormatCanvas: TCanvas;
- FormatCanvasHandle: HDC;
- TextMetric: TTextMetric;
- end;
- {--------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
- { TCustomRVFormattedData: RichView document with formatting. }
- TCustomRVFormattedData = class (TCustomRVData)
- private
- LastRaisedCP: TRVCPInfo;
- FXORDrawing: TMouseMoveEvent;
- FCaptureMouseItem: TCustomRVItemInfo;
- FSelectingInfo: TRVSelectingInfo;
- //FZoomPercent: Integer;
- //LastSelectionRect: TRect;
- function FindDrawItemAtPos(X, Y: Integer): Integer;
- procedure CopyText_;
- procedure CopyTextW_;
- procedure CopyImage_;
- procedure CopyRVF_(Color: TColor; Background: TRVBackground);
- {$ENDIF}
- procedure CopyRTF_(Color: TColor; Background: TRVBackground);
- {$ENDIF}
- procedure StartFormatting;
- procedure EndFormatting;
- procedure SearchHotItem(X, Y, HOffs, VOffs: Integer);
- procedure AdjustSelection;
- //procedure SetZoomPercent(const Value: Integer);
- protected
- { Protected declarations }
- XorImageDrawn: Boolean;
- MouseX, MouseY: Integer;
- Jumps: TList;
- nJmps: Integer;
- LastItemFormatted: Integer;
- LastJumpMovedAbove, LastDIMovedAbove: Integer;
- LastRVDataMovedAbove: TCustomRVFormattedData;
- LastJumpDowned: Integer;
- FPartialSelectedItem: TCustomRVItemInfo;
- AlreadyFormatted: Boolean;
- FSoftPageBreaks: TRVSoftPageBreakList;
- FClickedDrawItemNo: Integer;
- { Inplace }
- function GetInplaceEditor: TControl; dynamic;
- procedure DestroyInplaceEditor; dynamic;
- { Clearing }
- procedure ClearLastJump;
- { Drawing item info }
- function IsDrawItemParaStart(DrawItemNo: Integer): Boolean;
- function IsDrawItemItemStart(DrawItemNo: Integer): Boolean;
- function IsDrawItemParaSectionStart(DrawItemNo: Integer): Boolean;
- function IsDrawItemParaEnd(DrawItemNo: Integer): Boolean;
- function IsDrawItemFromNewLine(DrawItemNo: Integer): Boolean;
- function IsDrawItemLastOnWrappedLine(DrawItemNo: Integer): Boolean;
- function GetDrawItemStyle(DrawItemNo: Integer): Integer;
- function IsSpaceBetweenDrawItems(DrawItemNo: Integer): Boolean;
- { Drawing }
- procedure PostPaintTo(Canvas: TCanvas;
- HOffs, VOffs, FirstDrawItemNo, LastDrawItemNo: Integer); virtual;
- { Selecting }
- procedure FindDrawItemForSel(X, Y: Integer; var No, Offs: Integer; Strict: Boolean);
- function AdjustSelectionByMode(X,Y: Integer): Boolean;
- function AdjustLineSelection(X,Y: Integer): Boolean;
- function ExpandSelectionToParagraph(OnlyIfMultiple: Boolean): Boolean;
- procedure ExpandSelectionToLines(OneLine: Boolean);
- procedure DeselectPartiallySelectedItem(NewPartiallySelected: TCustomRVItemInfo); dynamic;
- procedure SetPartialSelectedItem(Item: TCustomRVItemInfo); virtual;
- { Selection info }
- function IsSelectionTopDown: Boolean;
- function DItem_InsideSelection(DItemNo, DItemOffs: Integer): Boolean;
- function GetClientSelectionRect: TRect;
- { Drag & drop: drop to }
- procedure DrawDragDropCaret(Canvas: TCanvas; OnlyForSelf: Boolean);
- { Drag & drop: drop from }
- function CanStartDragging: Boolean; dynamic;
- function InitDragging(var DropSource: TRVDropSource; var OKEffect: Integer): Boolean; dynamic;
- procedure DoneDragging(FDeleteSelection: Boolean); dynamic;
- {$ENDIF}
- { Formatting }
- procedure FinishScreenLine(const sad: TRVScreenAndDevice;
- LineWidth, LastDrawItem: Integer; parafinished: Boolean;
- var ExtraSpace: Integer; var dontdoit: Boolean; Canvas: TCanvas);
- procedure UpdateLastTab(var Params: TRVFormatParams);
- procedure FormatLine(const Text, OrigText: String; StartOffs, Len, ItemNo: Integer;
- Canvas: TCanvas; var sad: TRVScreenAndDevice;
- var Params: TRVFormatParams);
- procedure FormatWords(ItemNo: Integer; Canvas: TCanvas;
- var sad: TRVScreenAndDevice; var Params: TRVFormatParams);
- procedure GetSADForFormatting(Canvas: TCanvas; var sad: TRVScreenAndDevice); virtual;
- procedure Formatted(FirstItemNo, LastItemNo: Integer; Partial: Boolean); dynamic;
- procedure CreateFontInfoCache(ACanvas: TCanvas); dynamic;
- procedure DestroyFontInfoCache(var Cache: TRVFontInfoCache); dynamic;
- function GetFontInfoCache(ACanvas: TCanvas;
- RVData: TCustomRVFormattedData): TRVFontInfoCache; dynamic;
- { Misc. }
- procedure ConcateItems(FirstItemNo: Integer);
- function InsideWord(DrawItemNo, DrawItemOffs: Integer): Boolean;
- procedure GetWordBounds(DrawItemNo, DrawItemOffs: Integer;
- var DrawItemWordOffs1, DrawItemWordOffs2: Integer);
- procedure GetScreenLineBounds(DrawItemNo: Integer; var First, Last: Integer);
- procedure AfterDeleteStyles(Data: TRVDeleteUnusedStylesData); override;
- procedure InternalFreeItem(item: TCustomRVItemInfo; Clearing: Boolean); override;
- procedure ApplyZoom(Canvas: TCanvas);
- procedure ZoomRectDown(var r: TRect);
- procedure ZoomInt(var v: Integer);
- procedure RestoreZoom(Canvas: TCanvas);
- function GetFirstItemMarker(var ListNo, Level: Integer): Boolean; virtual;
- procedure GetIndents(ItemNo: Integer; IsParaStart: Boolean;
- var FirstParaItemNo: Integer; var LeftIndent, RightIndent,
- PureLeftIndent: Integer);
- function GetRVDataExtraVOffs: Integer; virtual;
- function GetMaxIndent(ItemNo: Integer; var FirstParaItemNo: Integer): Integer;
- procedure RVFGetLimits(SaveScope: TRVFSaveScope;
- var StartItem, EndItem, StartOffs, EndOffs: Integer;
- var StartPart, EndPart: TRVMultiDrawItemPart); override;
- {$ENDIF}
- { Live spelling }
- procedure LiveSpellingCheckCurrentItem; dynamic;
- {$ENDIF}
- public
- FActiveItem: TCustomRVItemInfo;
- DocumentWidth: Integer;
- DocumentHeight, TextWidth,FocusedItemNo: Integer;
- DrawItems: TRVDrawLines;
- FSelStartNo, FSelEndNo, FSelStartOffs, FSelEndOffs: Integer;
- { Create & Destroy }
- constructor Create;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- { Clearing }
- procedure ClearTemporal;virtual;
- procedure Clear; override;
- { Soft page breaks }
- procedure AssignSoftPageBreaks(RVPrint: TComponent);
- function ClearSoftPageBreaks: Boolean;
- { Focused items }
- function GetNextFocusedItem(ItemNo: Integer; GoForward: Boolean;
- var TopLevelRVData: TCustomRVFormattedData;
- var TopLevelItemNo: Integer): Integer;
- procedure ClearFocus;
- procedure AdjustFocus(NewFocusedItemNo: Integer;
- TopLevelRVData: TPersistent; TopLevelItemNo: Integer); dynamic;
- { Animation }
- function AllowAnimation: Boolean; dynamic;
- procedure InsertAnimator(var Animator: TObject); dynamic;
- procedure ResetAniBackground; dynamic;
- {$ENDIF}
- { Size and position of document }
- procedure GetOrigin(var ALeft, ATop: Integer); virtual;
- procedure GetOriginEx(var ALeft, ATop: Integer); dynamic;
- function GetAreaWidth: Integer; virtual; abstract;
- function GetAreaHeight: Integer; virtual; abstract;
- function GetLeftMargin: Integer; virtual; abstract;
- function GetRightMargin: Integer; virtual; abstract;
- function GetTopMargin: Integer; virtual; abstract;
- function GetBottomMargin: Integer; virtual; abstract;
- function GetMinTextWidth: Integer; virtual; abstract;
- function GetMaxTextWidth: Integer; virtual; abstract;
- function GetWidth: Integer; virtual; abstract;
- function GetHeight: Integer; virtual; abstract;
- procedure SetDocumentAreaSize(Width,Height: Integer;
- UpdateH: Boolean); virtual; abstract;
- function CalculatePureParaSectionWidth(ItemNo: Integer;
- var FirstParaItemNo: Integer; sad: PRVScreenAndDevice; Canvas: TCanvas): Integer;
- function CalculateParaSectionMinWidth(StartItemNo: Integer;
- var FirstParaItemNo: Integer; sad: PRVScreenAndDevice;
- Canvas: TCanvas): Integer;
- function CalculateParaSectionMinWidthDef(StartItemNo: Integer): Integer;
- function CalculateParaSectionsMinWidth(StartItemNo, EndItemNo: Integer;
- var FirstParaItemNo: Integer; sad: PRVScreenAndDevice;
- Canvas: TCanvas): Integer;
- function CalculateParaSectionsMinWidthDef(StartItemNo, EndItemNo: Integer): Integer;
- function CalculateMinItemWidthPlus_WithoutPSWidth(ItemNo: Integer;
- sad: PRVScreenAndDevice; Canvas: TCanvas): Integer;
- function CalculateMinItemsWidthPlus(StartItemNo, EndItemNo: Integer;
- var FirstParaItemNo: Integer; sad: PRVScreenAndDevice;
- Canvas: TCanvas): Integer;
- function CalculateMinItemWidthPlusEx(ItemNo: Integer): Integer;
- function CalculateMinItemsWidthPlusEx(StartItemNo, EndItemNo: Integer): Integer;
- function CalculateMinDocWidthPlus(sad: PRVScreenAndDevice; Canvas: TCanvas): Integer;
- function CalculateMinWidthAfterInsert(item:TCustomRVItemInfo; InsertItemNo: Integer): Integer;
- { Coordinates }
- procedure ResetSubCoords; dynamic;
- function GetDrawItemNo(BoundLine: Integer; Option: Integer): Integer;
- function GetItemCoords(ItemNo: Integer;var Left,Top: Integer): Boolean;
- function GetItemClientCoords(ItemNo: Integer;var Left,Top: Integer): Boolean;
- function ClientToScreen(const p: TPoint): TPoint; dynamic;
- function ScreenToClient(const p: TPoint): TPoint; dynamic;
- procedure AdjustSpecialControlsCoords(RVData: TCustomRVFormattedData); dynamic;
- {$ENDIF}
- procedure AdjustChildrenCoords;
- { Get ... at (X,Y) }
- procedure GetWordAt(X, Y: Integer; var RVData: TCustomRVFormattedData;
- var ItemNo: Integer; var Word: String);
- function FindWordAt(var Word: String; X, Y: Integer; var StyleNo,
- ItemNo, Offs: Integer; var RVData: TCustomRVFormattedData): Boolean;
- procedure GetItemAt(X,Y: Integer; var ItemNo, OffsetInItem: Integer);
- procedure GetItemAtEx(X,Y: Integer; var RVData: TCustomRVFormattedData;
- var ItemNo, OffsetInItem: Integer; Strict: Boolean;
- var InSubRVDataOwnerItem: Boolean);
- { Scrolling }
- procedure ShowRectangle(Left, Top, Width, Height: Integer); dynamic;
- procedure AdjustVScrollUnits; virtual; abstract;
- function GetHOffs: Integer; virtual;
- function GetVOffs: Integer; virtual;
- function GetZHOffs: Integer;
- function GetZVOffs: Integer;
- procedure ScrollTo(Y: Integer; Redraw: Boolean); virtual; abstract;
- procedure HScrollTo(X: Integer); virtual; abstract;
- function GetVSmallStep: Integer; virtual; abstract;
- procedure AfterVScroll;
- procedure OnTimerScroll;
- { Calling events }
- procedure DoCopy; dynamic;
- function IsAssignedCopy: Boolean; dynamic;
- function IsAssignedRVMouseUp: Boolean; dynamic; abstract;
- function IsAssignedRVMouseDown: Boolean; dynamic; abstract;
- function IsAssignedRVRightClick: Boolean; dynamic;
- function IsAssignedJump: Boolean; dynamic; abstract;
- function IsAssignedRVDblClick: Boolean; dynamic;
- function IsAssignedCheckpointVisible: Boolean; dynamic; abstract;
- procedure DoRVMouseUp(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState;
- ItemNo, X, Y: Integer); dynamic; abstract;
- procedure DoRVMouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState;
- ItemNo, X, Y: Integer); dynamic; abstract;
- procedure DoRVRightClick(const ClickedWord: String; StyleNo, X, Y: Integer);dynamic;
- procedure DoJump(id: Integer); dynamic; abstract;
- procedure DoRVMouseMove(id: Integer); dynamic; abstract;
- procedure DoRVDblClick(const ClickedWord: String; StyleNo: Integer); dynamic;
- procedure DoSelect; dynamic;
- procedure DoCheckpointVisible(CheckpointData: TCheckpointData); dynamic; abstract;
- procedure DoCurrentTextStyleConversion(var StyleNo: Integer;
- ParaStyleNo, ItemNo, UserData: Integer; ToWholeParagraphs: Boolean); dynamic;
- { Properties }
- function GetNormalCursor: TCursor; dynamic; abstract;
- function GetCPEventKind: TCPEventKind; dynamic;
- function GetBackground: TRVBackground; virtual; abstract;
- function GetCanvas: TCanvas; virtual;
- function GetColor: TColor; virtual; abstract;
- procedure SetCursor(Cursor: TCursor); dynamic;
- function GetEditor: TWinControl; dynamic;
- { Mouse }
- procedure MouseLeave;
- procedure MouseMove(Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); dynamic;
- procedure MouseUp(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);dynamic;
- procedure MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);dynamic;
- procedure DblClick;
- procedure AdjustMouseUpSelection; dynamic;
- { Mouse capture }
- procedure SetMouseCapture(Item: TCustomRVItemInfo; var Left,Top: Integer);
- procedure ReleaseMouseCapture(Item: TCustomRVItemInfo);
- { Drag & drop: drop to }
- function GetDragDropCaretInfo: TRVDragDropCaretInfo; dynamic;
- procedure SetDragDropCaretTo(X,Y: Integer);
- procedure RemoveDragDropCaret;
- procedure SetDragDropCaret(ItemNo, Offs: Integer);
- { Drag & drop: drop from }
- procedure DoDrag;
- function IsDragging: Boolean; dynamic;
- {$ENDIF}
- { Insertion and protection (used in editor or by drag&drop) }
- function CanInsertHere(ItemNo, Offs: Integer): Boolean;
- function IsProtected(ItemNo: Integer; Option: TRVProtectOption): Boolean;
- function IsParaProtected(ParaNo: Integer; Option: TRVParaOption): Boolean;
- function IsItemParaProtected(ItemNo: Integer): Boolean;
- function IsSticking(FirstItemNo: Integer; NoSound: Boolean): Boolean;
- { Drawing }
- procedure DrawBackground(Canvas: TCanvas; r: TRect); virtual;
- procedure PaintTo(Canvas: TCanvas; AClipRect: TRect);
- procedure GetItemBackground(ItemNo: Integer; r: TRect; MakeImageRect: Boolean;
- var Color: TColor; var bmp: TBitmap;
- var UseBitmap: Boolean); virtual;
- { Redrawing }
- procedure InvalidateJumpRect(id: Integer);
- procedure Refresh;
- procedure UpdateView;
- procedure Invalidate;
- procedure InvalidateRect(const r: TRect);
- { Palette }
- procedure UpdateBackgroundPaletteInfo(Background: TRVBackground);
- function UpdatingBackgroundPalette: Boolean;
- { Drawing XOR }
- procedure XorDrawing; virtual;
- procedure XorDrawingEx(X,Y: Integer);
- function ClearXorDrawing: Boolean;
- procedure AssignXorDrawing(P: TMouseMoveEvent);
- function UsingThisXorDrawing(P: TMouseMoveEvent): Boolean;
- procedure UnAssignXorDrawing(P: TMouseMoveEvent);
- { Formatting }
- procedure FormatParas(StartDrawItemNo, EndDrawItemNo, ItemsInserted: Integer);
- procedure FormatParasExact(StartDrawItemNo, EndDrawItemNo,
- ItemsInserted: Integer; NoCaching: Boolean);
- procedure Format_(OnlyResized, ForceFormat, NoScroll: Boolean;
- depth: Integer; Canvas: TCanvas; OnlyTail, NoCaching, Reformatting: Boolean); virtual;
- procedure Format(NoCaching: Boolean);
- { Selecting }
- procedure DoSetSelectionBounds(StartItemNo, StartItemOffs, EndItemNo,
- EndItemOffs: Integer);
- procedure SetSelectionBounds(StartItemNo, StartItemOffs, EndItemNo,
- EndItemOffs: Integer);
- function SearchText(Down, MatchCase, WholeWord: Boolean; s: String): Boolean;
- procedure SelectWordAt(X, Y: Integer);
- function SelectControl(AControl: TControl): Boolean;
- procedure Deselect(NewPartiallySelected: TCustomRVItemInfo;
- MakeEvent: Boolean); dynamic;
- procedure SelectAll;
- procedure SelectLine(ItemNo, Offs: Integer);
- procedure RestoreSelBounds(StartNo, EndNo, StartOffs, EndOffs: Integer);
- procedure SrchSelectIt(strt, offs, len: Integer; Invert: Boolean); dynamic;
- procedure SrchStart(Down: Boolean; var strt, offs: Integer);dynamic;
- { Chosen RVData & Item }
- procedure AssignChosenRVData(RVData: TCustomRVFormattedData;
- Item: TCustomRVItemInfo); dynamic;
- procedure SilentReplaceChosenRVData(RVData: TCustomRVFormattedData); dynamic;
- procedure UnassignChosenRVData(RVData: TCustomRVData); dynamic;
- { Get selection }
- function SelectionExists(AllowReset: Boolean;
- UsePartialSelected: Boolean): Boolean;
- procedure GetSelectionBounds(var StartItemNo, StartItemOffs, EndItemNo,
- EndItemOffs: Integer; Normalize: Boolean);
- procedure GetSelBounds(var StartNo, EndNo, StartOffs, EndOffs: Integer;
- Normalize: Boolean); dynamic;
- procedure StoreSelBounds(var StartNo, EndNo, StartOffs, EndOffs: Integer;
- Normalize: Boolean);
- procedure GetSelectionBoundsEx(var StartItemNo, StartItemOffs, EndItemNo,
- EndItemOffs: Integer; Normalize: Boolean); dynamic;
- procedure GetSelStart(var DINo, DIOffs: Integer);dynamic;
- function GetSelText(Unicode: Boolean): String;
- function GetSelectedImage: TGraphic;
- function GetSelectionRect: TRect;
- { Selection misc. }
- procedure DoOnSelection(AllowScrolling: Boolean); dynamic;
- function Item_InsideSelection(ItemNo, ItemOffs: Integer): Boolean;
- { Checkpoints }
- procedure GetCheckpointXY(CheckpointData: TCheckpointData; var X, Y: Integer);
- function GetCheckpointYEx(CheckpointData: TCheckpointData): Integer;
- { Hypertext }
- procedure BuildJumpsCoords(var StartJumpNo: Integer; jumps: TList);
- procedure ClearJumps;
- procedure AdjustJumpsCoords;
- function GetJumpPointY(id: Integer): Integer;
- function GetJumpPointItemNo(id: Integer): Integer;
- procedure GetJumpPointLocation(id: Integer; var RVData: TCustomRVFormattedData; var ItemNo: Integer);
- { Copying to the Clipboard }
- procedure CopyRVF(Color: TColor; Background: TRVBackground);
- {$ENDIF}
- procedure CopyRTF(Color: TColor; Background: TRVBackground);
- {$ENDIF}
- procedure CopyText;
- procedure CopyTextW;
- procedure CopyImage;
- procedure Copy(Color: TColor; Background: TRVBackground);
- function CopyDef(Color: TColor; Background: TRVBackground): Boolean;
- { Items and drawitems indices, line numbers }
- function GetLineNo(ItemNo, ItemOffs: Integer): Integer;
- procedure GetParaBounds(DINo1, DINo2: Integer; var ParaStart, ParaEnd: Integer);
- function GetFirstVisible(TopLine: Integer): Integer;
- function GetFirstItemVisible: Integer; dynamic;
- function GetLastItemVisible: Integer; dynamic;
- function GetOffsBeforeDrawItem(DrawItemNo: Integer): Integer;
- function GetOffsAfterDrawItem(DrawItemNo: Integer): Integer;
- procedure DrawItem2Item(DrawItemNo, DrawItemOffs: Integer; var ItemNo, ItemOffs: Integer);
- procedure Item2DrawItem(ItemNo, ItemOffs: Integer; var DrawItemNo, DrawItemOffs: Integer);
- procedure Item2FirstDrawItem(ItemNo: Integer; var DrawItemNo: Integer);
- procedure Item2LastDrawItem(ItemNo: Integer; var DrawItemNo: Integer);
- function FindDrawItemByItem(ItemNo: Integer): Integer;
- procedure InvalidateDrawItem(DrawItemNo, Spacing: Integer);
- { Deleting }
- procedure DeleteItems(FirstItemNo, Count: Integer); override;
- procedure DeleteParas(FirstItemNo, LastItemNo: Integer);
- { Others }
- procedure Normalize;
- { Properties }
- property PartialSelectedItem: TCustomRVItemInfo
- read FPartialSelectedItem write SetPartialSelectedItem;
- property CaptureMouseItem: TCustomRVItemInfo read FCaptureMouseItem;
- property SoftPageBreaks: TRVSoftPageBreakList read FSoftPageBreaks;
- //property ZoomPercent:Integer read FZoomPercent write SetZoomPercent;
- { Selection Info }
- function IsMultiParagraphSelection: Boolean;
- end;
- const
- RichViewSafeFormatting:Boolean = False;
- RichViewShowGhostSpaces: Boolean = False;
- implementation
- uses RichView,
- RVWordPaint,
- {$ENDIF}
- RVMarker,
- {$ENDIF}
- RVCtrlData, RVStr, PtblRV, PtRVData
- ;
- {==============================================================================}
- const gdinFirstVisible = 1;
- const gdinLastCompleteVisible = 2;
- const gdinLastVisible = 3;
- const MAXLINELENGTH = 1000;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function MyStrRScanA(Str: PChar; Chr: Char; Length: Integer): PChar;
- begin
- Result := Str+Length-1;
- while Result>=Str do begin
- if Result^=Chr then
- exit;
- dec(Result);
- end;
- Result := nil;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {
- function MyStrRScanW(Str: PChar; Chr: Char; Length: Integer): PChar;
- begin
- Result := Str+(Length-1)*2;
- while Result>=Str do begin
- if (Result^=Chr) and ((Result+1)^=#0) then
- exit;
- dec(Result, 2);
- end;
- Result := nil;
- end;
- }
- {$ENDIF}
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function max(a,b: Integer): Integer;
- begin
- if a>b then
- max := a
- else
- max := b;
- end;
- {================================ TRVSelectingInfo ============================}
- { Initializing ending values with the starting values }
- procedure TRVSelectingInfo.InitE(ASWordState: TRVSelectingState);
- begin
- DrawItemEOffs := DrawItemSOffs;
- DrawItemENo := DrawItemSNo;
- DrawItemEWordOffs1 := DrawItemSWordOffs1;
- DrawItemEWordOffs2 := DrawItemSWordOffs2;
- if ASWordState=rvsesParaMode then begin
- SWordState := rvsesParaMode;
- EWordState := rvsesParaMode;
- end
- else begin
- SWordState := ASWordState;
- EWordState := rvsesInWord;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Is (ADrawItemNo, ADrawItemOffs) in inside the starting word? }
- function TRVSelectingInfo.IsInSWord(ADrawItemNo, ADrawItemOffs: Integer): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := (ADrawItemNo=DrawItemSNo) and
- (ADrawItemOffs>=DrawItemSWordOffs1) and
- (ADrawItemOffs<=DrawItemSWordOffs2)
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Is (ADrawItemNo, ADrawItemOffs) below the starting word? }
- function TRVSelectingInfo.IsBelowSWord(ADrawItemNo, ADrawItemOffs: Integer): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := (ADrawItemNo>DrawItemSNo) or
- ((ADrawItemNo=DrawItemSNo) and (ADrawItemOffs>DrawItemSWordOffs2));
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Is (ADrawItemNo, ADrawItemOffs) above the starting word? }
- function TRVSelectingInfo.IsAboveSWord(ADrawItemNo, ADrawItemOffs: Integer): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := (ADrawItemNo<DrawItemSNo) or
- ((ADrawItemNo=DrawItemSNo) and (ADrawItemOffs<DrawItemSWordOffs1));
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Are the positions of the ending and the starting words equal? }
- function TRVSelectingInfo.AreWordsEqual: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := (DrawItemENo=DrawItemSNo) and
- (DrawItemEWordOffs1=DrawItemSWordOffs1) and
- (DrawItemEWordOffs2=DrawItemSWordOffs2);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Are the parameters equal to the ending word? }
- function TRVSelectingInfo.IsEWord(ADrawItemNo,
- ADrawItemWordOffs1, ADrawItemWordOffs2: Integer): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := (DrawItemENo=DrawItemENo) and
- (DrawItemEWordOffs1=ADrawItemWordOffs1) and
- (DrawItemEWordOffs2=ADrawItemWordOffs2);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Should we change EWordState to rvsesFreeMode?
- This function assumes that the ending point of the selection
- (ADrawItemNo, ADrawItemOffs) is inside the ending word }
- function TRVSelectingInfo.IsEFreeStateNeeded(ADrawItemNo,
- ADrawItemOffs: Integer): Boolean;
- begin
- Result :=
- (IsAboveSWord(ADrawItemNo,ADrawItemOffs) and (ADrawItemOffs>DrawItemEOffs))
- or
- (IsBelowSWord(ADrawItemNo,ADrawItemOffs) and (ADrawItemOffs<DrawItemEOffs));
- end;
- {=========================== TRVSoftPageBreakList =============================}
- function TRVSoftPageBreakList.FindItem(ItemNo: Integer): Integer;
- var a,b,no: Integer;
- {....................................}
- procedure AdjustResult(var R: Integer);
- begin
- while (R>0) and (TRVSoftPageBreakInfo(Items[R-1]).ItemNo=ItemNo) do
- dec(R);
- end;
- {....................................}
- begin
- a := 0;
- b := Count-1;
- while b-a>1 do begin
- Result := (a+b) div 2;
- no := TRVSoftPageBreakInfo(Items[Result]).ItemNo;
- if no=ItemNo then begin
- AdjustResult(Result);
- exit;
- end;
- if no<ItemNo then
- a := Result
- else
- b := Result;
- end;
- if TRVSoftPageBreakInfo(Items[a]).ItemNo=ItemNo then
- Result := a
- else if TRVSoftPageBreakInfo(Items[b]).ItemNo=ItemNo then
- Result := b
- else
- Result := -1;
- AdjustResult(Result);
- end;
- {============================ TCustomRVFormattedData ==========================}
- constructor TCustomRVFormattedData.Create;
- begin
- inherited Create;
- DrawItems := TRVDrawLines.Create;
- Jumps := TList.Create;
- FSelStartNo := -1;
- FSelEndNo := -1;
- FSelStartOffs := 0;
- FSelEndOffs := 0;
- TextWidth := -1;
- DocumentWidth := -1;
- DocumentHeight := 0;//GetTopMargin;
- LastItemFormatted := -1;
- LastJumpMovedAbove := -1;
- LastDIMovedAbove := -1;
- LastJumpDowned := -1;
- FocusedItemNo := -1;
- FActiveItem := nil;
- FPartialSelectedItem := nil;
- //FZoomPercent := 100;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- destructor TCustomRVFormattedData.Destroy;
- begin
- ClearTemporal;
- DrawItems.Free;
- DrawItems := nil;
- Jumps.Free;
- Jumps := nil;
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TCustomRVFormattedData.ClearLastJump;
- begin
- if LastRVDataMovedAbove<>nil then begin
- LastRVDataMovedAbove.State := LastRVDataMovedAbove.State - [rvstDrawHover];
- LastRVDataMovedAbove.LastJumpMovedAbove := -1;
- LastRVDataMovedAbove.LastJumpDowned := -1;
- DoRVMouseMove(-1);
- end;
- State := State - [rvstDrawHover];
- LastJumpMovedAbove := -1;
- LastJumpDowned := -1;
- LastRVDataMovedAbove := nil;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TCustomRVFormattedData.ClearJumps;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- if Jumps<>nil then begin
- for i:=0 to Jumps.Count-1 do
- TObject(Jumps[i]).Free;
- Jumps.Clear;
- ClearLastJump;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TCustomRVFormattedData.ClearTemporal;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- if DrawItems<>nil then begin
- for i:=0 to DrawItems.Count-1 do
- DrawItems[i].Free;
- DrawItems.Clear;
- ClearJumps;
- nJmps := 0;
- FActiveItem := nil;
- //FPartialSelectedItem := nil;
- FCaptureMouseItem := nil;
- LastDIMovedAbove := -1;
- LastRVDataMovedAbove := nil;
- State := State - [ rvstMakingSelection, rvstLineSelection, rvstDrawHover];
- LastRaisedCP := nil;
- FClickedDrawItemNo := -1;
- FSelectingInfo.Free;
- FSelectingInfo := nil;
- LastItemFormatted := -1;
- DocumentHeight := GetTopMargin+GetBottomMargin;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TCustomRVFormattedData.Clear;
- var Clearing: Boolean;
- begin
- Clearing := rvstClearing in State;
- Include(State, rvstClearing);
- try
- ClearSoftPageBreaks;
- Deselect(nil, True);
- ClearTemporal;
- inherited Clear;
- finally
- if not Clearing then
- Exclude(State, rvstClearing);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TCustomRVFormattedData.Deselect(NewPartiallySelected: TCustomRVItemInfo;
- MakeEvent: Boolean);
- begin
- if rvstDeselecting in State then
- exit;
- State := State + [rvstDeselecting];
- try
- State := State - [rvstMakingSelection, rvstLineSelection];
- FSelStartNo := -1;
- FSelEndNo := -1;
- FSelStartOffs := 0;
- FSelEndOffs := 0;
- if (FocusedItemNo>=0) and (FocusedItemNo<ItemCount) then
- GetItem(FocusedItemNo).ClearFocus;
- FocusedItemNo := -1;
- DeselectPartiallySelectedItem(NewPartiallySelected);
- if MakeEvent then
- DoSelect;
- finally
- State := State - [rvstDeselecting];
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TCustomRVFormattedData.SelectAll;
- begin
- if Items.Count=0 then
- exit;
- LiveSpellingCheckCurrentItem;
- {$ENDIF}
- DestroyInplaceEditor;
- DeselectPartiallySelectedItem(nil);
- FSelStartNo := 0;
- FSelEndNo := DrawItems.Count-1;
- FSelStartOffs := GetOffsBeforeDrawItem(0);
- FSelEndOffs := GetOffsAfterDrawItem(FSelEndNo);
- DoOnSelection(False);
- DoSelect;
- end;
- procedure TCustomRVFormattedData.ConcateItems(FirstItemNo: Integer);
- var item1,item2: TCustomRVItemInfo;
- begin
- item1 := TCustomRVItemInfo(Items.Objects[FirstItemNo]);
- item2 := TCustomRVItemInfo(Items.Objects[FirstItemNo+1]);
- if ((rvioUnicode in item1.ItemOptions)<>
- (rvioUnicode in item2.ItemOptions)) and
- (Items[FirstItemNo+1]<>'') then begin
- item2.SameAsPrev := item1.SameAsPrev;
- item2.BR := item1.BR;
- FreeItem(FirstItemNo, False);
- Items.Delete(FirstItemNo);
- end
- else begin
- Items[FirstItemNo] := Items[FirstItemNo]+Items[FirstItemNo+1];
- FreeItem(FirstItemNo+1, False);
- Items.Delete(FirstItemNo+1);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TCustomRVFormattedData.Normalize;
- var li, li2: TCustomRVItemInfo;
- i: Integer;
- begin
- for i := Items.Count-1 downto 1 do begin
- li := TCustomRVItemInfo(Items.Objects[i-1]);
- li2 := TCustomRVItemInfo(Items.Objects[i]);
- if RV_CanConcateItems(i-1, li,li2,False) then
- ConcateItems(i-1);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TCustomRVFormattedData.GetOffsBeforeDrawItem(DrawItemNo: Integer): Integer;
- begin
- if GetDrawItemStyle(DrawItemNo)<0 then
- Result := 0
- else
- Result := 1;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TCustomRVFormattedData.GetOffsAfterDrawItem(DrawItemNo: Integer): Integer;
- begin
- if GetDrawItemStyle(DrawItemNo)<0 then
- Result := 1
- else
- Result := DrawItems[DrawItemNo].Length+1;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TCustomRVFormattedData.FinishScreenLine(const sad: TRVScreenAndDevice;
- LineWidth, LastDrawItem: Integer; parafinished: Boolean;
- var ExtraSpace: Integer; var dontdoit: Boolean; Canvas: TCanvas);
- var pi: TParaInfo;
- BiDiMode: TRVBiDiMode;
- Alignment: TRVAlignment;
- {.......................................................}
- function GetDevY(ScreenY: Integer): Integer;
- begin
- Result := MulDiv(ScreenY, sad.ppiyDevice, sad.ppiyScreen);
- end;
- {.......................................................}
- function GetDevX(ScreenX: Integer): Integer;
- begin
- Result := MulDiv(ScreenX, sad.ppixDevice, sad.ppixScreen);
- end;
- {.......................................................}
- procedure RearrangeMarker(FirstDrawItem, LastDrawItem: Integer);
- var extrax, i: Integer;
- begin
- if not GetItem(DrawItems[FirstDrawItem].ItemNo).SameAsPrev and
- (DrawItems[FirstDrawItem].Offs<=GetOffsBeforeItem(DrawItems[FirstDrawItem].ItemNo)) then begin
- if (GetItemStyle(DrawItems[FirstDrawItem].ItemNo)=rvsListMarker) then begin
- extrax := GetDevX(-TRVMarkerItemInfo(GetItem(DrawItems[FirstDrawItem].ItemNo)).GetLeftOverhang);
- end
- else
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- extrax := GetDevX(pi.FirstIndent);
- end;
- if extrax<>0 then
- for i := FirstDrawItem to LastDrawItem do
- dec(DrawItems[i].Left, extrax);
- end;
- end;
- {.......................................................}
- function GetDrawItemBiDi(DrawItemNo: Integer; var Start, Ending: TRVBiDiMode): Boolean;
- var item: TCustomRVItemInfo;
- Locale: Cardinal;
- Len: Integer;
- s: String;
- CharTypes: PWordArray;
- begin
- Start := BiDiMode;
- Ending := BiDiMode;
- Result := True;
- item := GetItem(DrawItems[DrawItemNo].ItemNo);
- if item.StyleNo<0 then
- exit;
- s := DrawItems.GetString(DrawItemNo, Items);
- if s='' then
- exit;
- if GetRVStyle.TextStyles[GetActualStyle(item)].Unicode then
- Len := Length(s) div 2
- else
- {$ENDIF}
- Len := Length(s);
- Locale := GetStyleLocale(GetActualStyle(item));
- if GetRVStyle.TextStyles[GetActualStyle(item)].BiDiMode<>rvbdUnspecified then begin
- Start := GetRVStyle.TextStyles[GetActualStyle(item)].BiDiMode;
- Ending := GetRVStyle.TextStyles[GetActualStyle(item)].BiDiMode;
- end;
- GetMem(CharTypes, Len*sizeof(Word));
- try
- if GetRVStyle.TextStyles[GetActualStyle(item)].Unicode then
- GetStringTypeExW(Locale, CT_CTYPE2, Pointer(s), Len, CharTypes^)
- else
- {$ENDIF}
- GetStringTypeExA(Locale, CT_CTYPE2, Pointer(s), Len, CharTypes^);
- case CharTypes[0] of
- Start := rvbdLeftToRight;
- Start := rvbdRightToLeft;
- end;
- case CharTypes[Len-1] of
- Ending := rvbdLeftToRight;
- Ending := rvbdRightToLeft;
- end;
- finally
- FreeMem(CharTypes);
- end;
- end;
- {.......................................................}
- function RearrangeLineEx(LastDrawItem: Integer): Boolean;
- var FirstDrawItem, i,insertpoint: Integer;
- extrax, curx: Integer;
- diorder: TRVIntegerList;
- CurBiDi, PrevBiDi, StartBiDi, EndBiDi: TRVBiDiMode;
- begin
- Result := True;
- if BiDiMode=rvbdUnspecified then
- exit;
- FirstDrawItem := LastDrawItem;
- while (FirstDrawItem>0) and not DrawItems[FirstDrawItem].FromNewLine do
- dec(FirstDrawItem);
- if BiDiMode=rvbdRightToLeft then
- RearrangeMarker(FirstDrawItem, LastDrawItem);
- if FirstDrawItem=LastDrawItem then
- exit;
- insertpoint := 0;
- diorder := TRVIntegerList.Create;
- try
- PrevBiDi := BiDiMode;
- for i := FirstDrawItem to LastDrawItem do begin
- if not GetDrawItemBiDi(i, StartBiDi, EndBiDi) then begin
- diorder.Free;
- Result := False;
- exit;
- end;
- CurBiDi := BiDiMode;
- if PrevBiDi=StartBiDi then
- CurBiDi := PrevBiDi;
- PrevBiDi := EndBiDi;
- if CurBiDi=rvbdLeftToRight then begin
- if insertpoint<diorder.Count then
- inc(insertpoint);
- end;
- diorder.Insert(insertpoint, i);
- end;
- curx := DrawItems[FirstDrawItem].Left;
- for i := 0 to diorder.Count-1 do begin
- if diorder[i]>FirstDrawItem then
- extrax := DrawItems[diorder[i]].Left-(DrawItems[diorder[i]-1].Left+DrawItems[diorder[i]-1].Width)
- else
- extrax := 0;
- DrawItems[diorder[i]].Left := curx;
- inc(curx, DrawItems[diorder[i]].Width+extrax);
- end;
- finally
- diorder.Free;
- end;
- end;
- {.......................................................}
- procedure RearrangeLine(LastDrawItem: Integer);
- var FirstDrawItem, i: Integer;
- curx, extrax: Integer;
- begin
- if BiDiMode<>rvbdRightToLeft then
- exit;
- FirstDrawItem := LastDrawItem;
- while (FirstDrawItem>0) and
- not DrawItems[FirstDrawItem].FromNewLine do
- dec(FirstDrawItem);
- RearrangeMarker(FirstDrawItem, LastDrawItem);
- if FirstDrawItem=LastDrawItem then
- exit;
- curx := DrawItems[FirstDrawItem].Left;
- for i := LastDrawItem downto FirstDrawItem do begin
- if i>FirstDrawItem then
- extrax := DrawItems[i].Left-(DrawItems[i-1].Left+DrawItems[i-1].Width)
- else
- extrax := 0;
- DrawItems[i].Left := curx;
- inc(curx, DrawItems[i].Width+extrax);
- end;
- end;
- {.......................................................}
- var i, j, dx, min,max: Integer;
- fl: Boolean;
- dli: TRVDrawLineInfo;
- item: TCustomRVItemInfo;
- SpaceCount, strt: Integer;
- s: String;
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- ExtraSpace := 0;
- if dontdoit then begin
- dontdoit := False;
- exit;
- end;
- i := LastDrawItem-1;
- if i=-1 then
- exit;
- dli := DrawItems[i];
- item := GetItem(dli.ItemNo);
- if item.GetBoolValue(rvbpFullWidth) then
- exit;
- pi := GetRVStyle.ParaStyles[item.ParaNo];
- BiDiMode := GetParaBiDiMode(item.ParaNo);
- Alignment := pi.Alignment;
- if (Alignment=rvaJustify)
- and (BiDiMode<>rvbdUnspecified)
- {$ENDIF}
- then
- Alignment := rvaLeft;
- if (Alignment = rvaLeft) or ((Alignment = rvaJustify) and ParaFinished) then
- dx := 0
- else begin
- dx := LineWidth - (dli.Left+dli.Width);
- if Alignment = rvaCenter then begin
- dx := dx div 2;
- if dx<0 then
- dx := 0;
- end;
- end;
- case pi.LineSpacingType of
- rvlsSpaceBetween:
- if pi.LineSpacing>=0 then
- ExtraSpace := GetDevY(pi.LineSpacing);
- rvlsPercent:
- begin
- if pi.LineSpacing>=50 then begin
- j := i;
- min := 0;
- max := 0;
- fl := True;
- repeat
- if GetDrawItemStyle(j)>=0 then begin
- if fl or (DrawItems[j].Top<min) then
- min := DrawItems[j].Top;
- if fl or (DrawItems[j].Top+DrawItems[j].Height>max) then
- max := DrawItems[j].Top+DrawItems[j].Height;
- fl := False;
- end;
- dec(j);
- until (j<0) or DrawItems[j+1].FromNewLine;
- if not fl then
- ExtraSpace := (max-min)*(pi.LineSpacing-100) div 100;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- if ExtraSpace<>0 then begin
- j := i;
- repeat
- DrawItems[j].ExtraSpaceBelow := ExtraSpace;
- dec(j);
- until (j<0) or DrawItems[j+1].FromNewLine;
- end;
- if (Alignment = rvaJustify) and not ParaFinished then begin
- if DrawItems[i].FromNewLine then
- exit;
- SpaceCount := 0;
- while (i>=0) and not DrawItems[i].FromNewLine and (GetDrawItemStyle(i)<>rvsTab) do
- with DrawItems[i] do begin
- if (GetItemStyle(ItemNo)>=0) then begin
- s := DrawItems.GetString(i,Items);
- if (System.Length(s)>0) and RVU_IsSpace(s, 1, GetItemOptions(ItemNo)) then
- inc(SpaceCount)
- end;
- dec(i);
- end;
- strt := i+1;
- for i := strt to LastDrawItem-1 do
- with DrawItems[i] do begin
- if (GetItemStyle(ItemNo)>=0) then begin
- s := DrawItems.GetString(i,Items);
- if (System.Length(s)>0) and RVU_IsSpace(s, 1, GetItemOptions(ItemNo)) then begin
- SpaceBefore := dx div SpaceCount;
- inc(Width,SpaceBefore);
- dec(dx,SpaceBefore);
- dec(SpaceCount);
- end;
- end;
- if not FromNewLine then
- Left := DrawItems[i-1].Left+DrawItems[i-1].Width;
- end;
- RearrangeLineEx(LastDrawItem-1);
- exit;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- while (i>=0) do begin
- with DrawItems[i] do begin
- inc(Left,dx);
- if FromNewLine then begin
- RearrangeLineEx(LastDrawItem-1);
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- dec(i);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TCustomRVFormattedData.GetFirstItemMarker(var ListNo, Level: Integer): Boolean;
- begin
- ListNo := -1;
- Level := -1;
- Result := False;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TCustomRVFormattedData.GetRVDataExtraVOffs: Integer;
- begin
- Result := 0;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TCustomRVFormattedData.GetIndents(ItemNo: Integer; IsParaStart: Boolean;
- var FirstParaItemNo: Integer; var LeftIndent, RightIndent,
- PureLeftIndent: Integer);
- var RVStyle: TRVStyle;
- item : TCustomRVItemInfo;
- item2 : TCustomRVItemInfo;
- bidimode: TRVBiDiMode;
- ListNo, Level: Integer;
- {$ENDIF}
- pi : TParaInfo;
- begin
- RVStyle := GetRVStyle;
- item := GetItem(ItemNo);
- bidimode := GetParaBiDiMode(item.ParaNo);
- {$ENDIF}
- pi := RVStyle.ParaStyles[item.ParaNo];
- if (rvstFirstParaAborted in State) then begin
- if FirstParaItemNo<0 then
- FirstParaItemNo := GetFirstParaItem(ItemNo);
- if FirstParaItemNo=0 then
- IsParaStart := False;
- end;
- if IsParaStart then begin
- if (item.StyleNo=rvsListMarker) and (TRVMarkerItemInfo(item).GetLevelInfo(RVStyle)<>nil) then
- if bidimode=rvbdRightToLeft then begin
- RightIndent := TRVMarkerItemInfo(item).GetLevelInfo(RVStyle).MarkerIndent;
- LeftIndent := pi.LeftIndent;
- PureLeftIndent := LeftIndent;
- end
- else begin
- LeftIndent := TRVMarkerItemInfo(item).GetLevelInfo(RVStyle).MarkerIndent;
- RightIndent := pi.RightIndent;
- PureLeftIndent := LeftIndent;
- end
- else begin
- if FirstParaItemNo<0 then
- FirstParaItemNo := GetFirstParaItem(ItemNo);
- item2 := GetItem(FirstParaItemNo);
- if (item2.StyleNo=rvsListMarker) and (TRVMarkerItemInfo(item2).GetLevelInfo(RVStyle)<>nil) then
- if bidimode=rvbdRightToLeft then begin
- RightIndent := TRVMarkerItemInfo(item2).GetLevelInfo(RVStyle).LeftIndent;
- LeftIndent := pi.LeftIndent;
- PureLeftIndent := LeftIndent;
- end
- else begin
- LeftIndent := TRVMarkerItemInfo(item2).GetLevelInfo(RVStyle).LeftIndent;
- RightIndent := pi.RightIndent;
- PureLeftIndent := LeftIndent;
- end
- else
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- LeftIndent := pi.LeftIndent;
- PureLeftIndent := LeftIndent;
- if not item.BR and not item.GetBoolValue(rvbpFullWidth) then
- inc(LeftIndent, pi.FirstIndent);
- RightIndent := pi.RightIndent;
- end;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- end
- else begin
- if FirstParaItemNo<0 then
- FirstParaItemNo := GetFirstParaItem(ItemNo);
- item2 := GetItem(FirstParaItemNo);
- if (item2.StyleNo=rvsListMarker) and (TRVMarkerItemInfo(item2).GetLevelInfo(RVStyle)<>nil) then begin
- if bidimode=rvbdRightToLeft then begin
- RightIndent := TRVMarkerItemInfo(item2).GetLevelInfo(RVStyle).LeftIndent;
- LeftIndent := pi.LeftIndent;
- PureLeftIndent := LeftIndent;
- end
- else begin
- LeftIndent := TRVMarkerItemInfo(item2).GetLevelInfo(RVStyle).LeftIndent;
- RightIndent := pi.RightIndent;
- PureLeftIndent := LeftIndent;
- end
- end
- else if (FirstParaItemNo=0) and (rvstFirstParaAborted in State) and
- GetFirstItemMarker(ListNo, Level) then begin
- if bidimode=rvbdRightToLeft then begin
- RightIndent := RVGetLevelInfo(RVStyle, ListNo, Level).LeftIndent;
- LeftIndent := pi.LeftIndent;
- PureLeftIndent := LeftIndent;
- end
- else begin
- LeftIndent := RVGetLevelInfo(RVStyle, ListNo, Level).LeftIndent;
- RightIndent := pi.RightIndent;
- PureLeftIndent := LeftIndent;
- end
- end
- else
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- LeftIndent := pi.LeftIndent;
- RightIndent := pi.RightIndent;
- PureLeftIndent := LeftIndent;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TCustomRVFormattedData.GetMaxIndent(ItemNo: Integer; var FirstParaItemNo: Integer): Integer;
- var RVStyle: TRVStyle;
- item: TCustomRVItemInfo;
- pi : TParaInfo;
- levelinfo: TRVListLevel;
- item2 : TCustomRVItemInfo;
- bidimode: TRVBiDiMode;
- ListNo, Level: Integer;
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- RVStyle := GetRVStyle;
- item := GetItem(ItemNo);
- bidimode := GetParaBiDiMode(item.ParaNo);
- {$ENDIF}
- pi := RVStyle.ParaStyles[item.ParaNo];
- if FirstParaItemNo<0 then
- FirstParaItemNo := GetFirstParaItem(ItemNo);
- item2 := GetItem(FirstParaItemNo);
- if (item2.StyleNo=rvsListMarker) and (TRVMarkerItemInfo(item2).GetLevelInfo(RVStyle)<>nil) then
- levelinfo := TRVMarkerItemInfo(item2).GetLevelInfo(RVStyle)
- else if (FirstParaItemNo=0) and (rvstFirstParaAborted in State) and GetFirstItemMarker(ListNo, Level) then
- levelinfo := RVGetLevelInfo(RVStyle, ListNo, Level)
- else
- levelinfo := nil;
- if levelinfo<>nil then begin
- Result := levelinfo.LeftIndent;
- if levelinfo.FirstIndent>0 then
- inc(Result,levelinfo.FirstIndent);
- if bidimode=rvbdRightToLeft then
- inc(Result, pi.LeftIndent)
- else
- inc(Result, pi.RightIndent);
- end
- else
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- Result := pi.LeftIndent+pi.RightIndent;
- if (pi.FirstIndent>0) and not item.GetBoolValue(rvbpFullWidth) then
- inc(Result,pi.FirstIndent);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TCustomRVFormattedData.UpdateLastTab(var Params: TRVFormatParams);
- var FreeSpace, i, XShift: Integer;
- LastDrawItem, TabDrawItem: TRVDrawLineInfo;
- begin
- if Params.LastTabDrawItemNo<0 then
- exit;
- LastDrawItem := DrawItems[Params.LastDrawItem-1];
- TabDrawItem := DrawItems[Params.LastTabDrawItemNo];
- XShift := Params.x - (LastDrawItem.Left+LastDrawItem.Width);
- if Params.LastTabPosition>Params.LineWidth+Params.FirstIndent then
- Params.LastTabPosition := Params.LineWidth+Params.FirstIndent;
- case Params.LastTabAlign of
- rvtaRight:
- begin
- FreeSpace := Params.LastTabPosition-(LastDrawItem.Left+LastDrawItem.Width);
- end;
- rvtaCenter:
- begin
- FreeSpace := Params.LastTabPosition+
- (Params.LastTabPosition-TabDrawItem.Left-TabDrawItem.Width)-
- (LastDrawItem.Left+LastDrawItem.Width);
- FreeSpace := FreeSpace div 2;
- end;
- else
- FreeSpace := 0;
- end;
- if FreeSpace<0 then
- FreeSpace := 0;
- if FreeSpace>=0 then
- inc(TabDrawItem.Width, FreeSpace);
- if FreeSpace>=0 then begin
- for i := Params.LastTabDrawItemNo+1 to Params.LastDrawItem-1 do
- inc(DrawItems[i].Left, FreeSpace);
- Params.x := LastDrawItem.Left+LastDrawItem.Width+XShift;
- end;
- Params.LastTabDrawItemNo := -1;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TCustomRVFormattedData.FormatLine(const Text, OrigText: String;
- StartOffs, Len, ItemNo: Integer; Canvas: TCanvas; var sad: TRVScreenAndDevice;
- var Params: TRVFormatParams);
- var sourceStrPtr,OrigSourceStrPtr, sourceStrPtr2, strForAdd, strSpacePos: PChar;
- sourceStrPtrLen: Integer;
- sz: TSIZE;
- max,max2,j, y: Integer;
- dli: TRVDrawLineInfo;
- newline, AtStart:Boolean;
- jmpinfo: TRVJumpInfo;
- y5, Offs, ActualStyleNo: Integer;
- pi: TParaInfo;
- SpaceAfter, ExternalLeading, ExtraSpaceBelowLine: Integer;
- li: TCustomRVItemInfo;
- RVStyle: TRVStyle;
- IsUnicodeItem: Boolean;
- {$ENDIF}
- {.......................................................}
- function GetDevX(ScreenX: Integer): Integer;
- begin
- Result := MulDiv(ScreenX, sad.ppixDevice, sad.ppixScreen);
- end;
- {.......................................................}
- function GetDevY(ScreenY: Integer): Integer;
- begin
- Result := MulDiv(ScreenY, sad.ppiyDevice, sad.ppiyScreen);
- end;
- {.......................................................}
- function AdjustMaxFitR(value: Integer): Integer;
- var PStart, PCur, PCur2: PChar;
- begin
- Result := value;
- PStart := sourceStrPtr;
- // we cannot use CharNextW() because string does not have WideChar(0) at the end
- while True do begin
- if (Result=0) or (Result=sourceStrPtrLen) then
- exit;
- PCur := PStart + (Result+1)*2;
- PCur2 := PChar(CharPrevW(Pointer(PStart), Pointer(PCur)));
- if PCur2=PStart+(Result)*2 then
- exit;
- inc(Result);
- end;
- end;
- {.......................................................}
- function AdjustMaxFitL(value: Integer): Integer;
- var PStart, PCur, PCur2: PChar;
- begin
- Result := value;
- RVU_GetTextExtentPoint32W(Params.FormatCanvas, Pointer(sourceStrPtr), Result, sz);
- if<=SpaceAfter then
- exit;
- PStart := sourceStrPtr;
- PCur := PStart + (Result-1)*2;
- PCur2 := PChar(CharPrevW(Pointer(PStart), Pointer(PCur)));
- Result := (PCur2-PStart) div 2;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- function MaxFitSafe: Integer; // out: sz
- var r: Integer;
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- if (rvpaoNoWrap in pi.Options) then
- Result := sourceStrPtrLen
- else begin
- RVU_GetTextExtentExPointPC(Params.FormatCanvas, OrigSourceStrPtr, sourceStrPtrLen,
- SpaceAfter, Result, nil, li.ItemOptions, sz);
- {$ELSE}
- RVU_GetTextExtentExPointPC(Params.FormatCanvas, OrigSourceStrPtr, sourceStrPtrLen,
- SpaceAfter, Result, nil, li.ItemOptions, sz);
- if IsUnicodeItem then begin
- if (Result>0) and
- (PRVWordArray(OrigSourceStrPtr)[Result-1]=UNI_SOFT_HYPHEN) and
- (PRVWordArray(SourceStrPtr)[Result-1]=UNI_ZERO_WIDTH_SPACE) then begin
- inc(, Params.FontInfoCache[ActualStyleNo].HyphenWidth);
- if>SpaceAfter then
- dec(Result);
- end;
- // we do not allow to break just before the soft hyphen
- if (Result>0) and (Result<sourceStrPtrLen) and
- (PRVWordArray(OrigSourceStrPtr)[Result]=UNI_SOFT_HYPHEN) then
- dec(Result);
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- if IsUnicodeItem and RVNT then begin
- r := Result;
- Result := AdjustMaxFitR(r);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- end;
- {.......................................................}
- function MaxFitA: Integer; // out: sz
- var maxlo, maxhi, cxlo, cxhi : Integer;
- begin
- if RichViewSafeFormatting or (not RVNT and (rvflPrinting in Flags)) then begin
- Result := MaxFitSafe;
- exit;
- end;
- { First, find the length of the whole string }
- GetTextExtentPoint32(Params.FormatCanvasHandle, sourceStrPtr, sourceStrPtrLen, sz);
- if (rvpaoNoWrap in pi.Options) or (( <= SpaceAfter) and (>=0)) then
- { it will fit on the line }
- Result := sourceStrPtrLen
- else begin
- maxlo := 0;
- maxhi := sourceStrPtrLen;
- cxlo := 0;
- cxhi :=;
- while maxhi > (maxlo + 1) do begin
- { make the best estimate of where max should be }
- if cxhi=cxlo then
- inc(cxhi);
- Result := maxlo + (maxhi - maxlo) * (SpaceAfter - cxlo) div (cxhi - cxlo);
- if Result <= maxlo then
- Result := maxlo + 1;
- if Result >= maxhi then
- Result := maxhi - 1;
- GetTextExtentPoint32(Params.FormatCanvasHandle,sourceStrPtr,Result,sz);
- { if = SpaceAfter then max is correct }
- if = SpaceAfter then begin
- maxlo := Result;
- maxhi := Result;
- end
- else if ( < SpaceAfter) and (>0) then begin
- maxlo := Result;
- cxlo :=;
- end
- else { > SpaceAfter } begin
- maxhi := Result;
- cxhi :=;
- end;
- end;
- Result := maxlo;
- end
- end;
- {.......................................................}
- function MaxFitW: Integer; // out: sz
- var maxlo, maxhi, cxlo, cxhi : Integer;
- HyphenWidth: Integer;
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- if RichViewSafeFormatting or ({not RVNT and }(rvflPrinting in Flags)) then begin
- Result := MaxFitSafe;
- exit;
- end;
- HyphenWidth := 0;
- {$ENDIF}
- { First, find the length of the whole string }
- RVU_GetTextExtentPoint32W(Params.FormatCanvas, Pointer(sourceStrPtr), sourceStrPtrLen, sz);
- if (rvpaoNoWrap in pi.Options) or (( <= SpaceAfter) and (>=0)) then
- { it will fit on the line }
- Result := sourceStrPtrLen
- else begin
- maxlo := 0;
- maxhi := sourceStrPtrLen;
- cxlo := 0;
- cxhi :=;
- while maxhi > (maxlo + 1) do begin
- { make the best estimate of where max should be }
- if cxhi=cxlo then
- inc(cxhi);
- Result := maxlo + (maxhi - maxlo) * (SpaceAfter - cxlo) div (cxhi - cxlo);
- if Result <= maxlo then
- Result := maxlo + 1;
- if Result >= maxhi then
- Result := maxhi - 1;
- RVU_GetTextExtentPoint32W(Params.FormatCanvas, Pointer(sourceStrPtr), Result, sz);
- if (PRVWordArray(OrigSourceStrPtr)[Result-1]=UNI_SOFT_HYPHEN) and
- (PRVWordArray(SourceStrPtr)[Result-1]=UNI_ZERO_WIDTH_SPACE) then begin
- if HyphenWidth=0 then
- HyphenWidth := Params.FontInfoCache[ActualStyleNo].HyphenWidth;
- inc(,HyphenWidth);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- { if = SpaceAfter then max is correct }
- if = SpaceAfter then begin
- maxlo := Result;
- maxhi := Result;
- end
- else if ( < SpaceAfter) and (>0) then begin
- maxlo := Result;
- cxlo :=;
- end
- else { > SpaceAfter } begin
- maxhi := Result;
- cxhi :=;
- end;
- end;
- // we do not allow to break just before the soft hyphen
- if (maxlo>0) and (maxlo<sourceStrPtrLen) and
- (PRVWordArray(OrigSourceStrPtr)[maxlo]=UNI_SOFT_HYPHEN) then
- dec(maxlo);
- {$ENDIF}
- // Adjusting combined characters
- if RVNT then begin
- Result := AdjustMaxFitR(maxlo);
- if Result<>maxlo then
- Result := AdjustMaxFitL(Result);
- end
- else
- Result := maxlo;
- end
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {.......................................................}
- procedure OnStartNewLine(li: TCustomRVItemInfo; wrapping: Boolean);
- var dli: TRVDrawLineInfo;
- SpaceAtEnd: Boolean;
- StyleNo: Integer;
- LeftIndent: Integer;
- begin
- if not Params.SpaceEaten and wrapping and (Params.LastDrawItem>0) then begin
- dli := DrawItems[Params.LastDrawItem-1];
- StyleNo := GetItemStyle(dli.ItemNo);
- if StyleNo>=0 then begin
- if rvioUnicode in GetItemOptions(dli.ItemNo) then
- SpaceAtEnd := (dli.Length>0) and
- (PWord(PChar(Items[dli.ItemNo])+(dli.Offs+dli.Length-2)*2)^=ord(' '))
- else
- {$ENDIF}
- SpaceAtEnd := (dli.Length>0) and
- (Items[dli.ItemNo][dli.Offs+dli.Length-1]=' ');
- if SpaceAtEnd and not IsDrawItemFromNewLine(Params.LastDrawItem-1) then begin
- if (dli.Length=1) and (Params.LastDrawItem-2>=0) and
- (dli.ItemNo=DrawItems[Params.LastDrawItem-2].ItemNo) and
- not dli.FromNewLine then begin
- DrawItems.Delete(Params.LastDrawItem-1);
- dec(Params.LastDrawItem);
- end
- else begin
- dec(dli.Length);
- RVStyle.ApplyStyle(Params.FormatCanvas, StyleNo, GetItemBiDiMode(dli.ItemNo),
- rvflCanUseCustomPPI in Flags);
- dli.Width := RVU_TextWidth(DrawItems.GetString(Params.LastDrawItem-1, Items),
- Params.FormatCanvas, GetItemOptions(dli.ItemNo));
- if (GetItemStyle(ItemNo)>=0) and (GetItemStyle(ItemNo)<>StyleNo) then
- RVStyle.ApplyStyle(Params.FormatCanvas, GetItemStyle(ItemNo), GetItemBiDiMode(ItemNo),
- rvflCanUseCustomPPI in Flags);
- end;
- Params.SpaceEaten := True;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- // if the last draw item on the previous (just formed) line is finihed with
- // the soft hyphen, increasing its Width on the hyphen width
- if wrapping and (Params.LastDrawItem-1>=0) and (Params.LastDrawItem-1<DrawItems.Count) and
- (not (rvoShowSpecialCharacters in Options) or not (rvscSoftHyphen in RVVisibleSpecialCharacters)) then begin
- dli := DrawItems[Params.LastDrawItem-1];
- if (rvioUnicode in GetItemOptions(dli.ItemNo)) and (dli.Length>0) and
- (PRVWordArray(PChar(DrawItems.GetString(Params.LastDrawItem-1, Items)))[dli.Length-1]=UNI_SOFT_HYPHEN) then begin
- Params.FontInfoCache.IgnoreParaBiDiMode := True;
- inc(dli.Width, Params.FontInfoCache[GetActualStyle(GetItem(dli.ItemNo))].HyphenWidth);
- Params.FontInfoCache.IgnoreParaBiDiMode := False;
- end;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- UpdateLastTab(Params);
- FinishScreenLine(sad, Params.LineWidth+Params.FirstIndent,
- Params.LastDrawItem, Params.IsParaStart, ExtraSpaceBelowLine,
- Params.DontFSL, Params.FormatCanvas);
- pi := RVStyle.ParaStyles[TCustomRVItemInfo(Items.Objects[ItemNo]).ParaNo];
- GetIndents(ItemNo, Params.IsParaStart, Params.FirstParaItemNo,
- LeftIndent, Params.RightIndent, Params.LeftIndent);
- Params.LeftIndent := GetDevX(Params.LeftIndent);
- LeftIndent := GetDevX(LeftIndent);
- Params.RightIndent := GetDevX(Params.RightIndent);
- if Params.IsParaStart and not li.BR then begin
- if ItemNo>0 then
- inc(Params.prevdesc,
- GetDevY(RVStyle.ParaStyles[GetItemPara(ItemNo-1)].SpaceAfter));
- inc(Params.prevdesc,GetDevY(pi.SpaceBefore));
- end;
- if rvpaoNoWrap in pi.Options then
- Params.LineWidth := DocumentWidth - (LeftIndent+Params.RightIndent)
- else
- Params.LineWidth := TextWidth - (LeftIndent+Params.RightIndent);
- Params.FirstIndent := sad.LeftMargin+LeftIndent;
- end;
- {.......................................................}
- procedure AdjustLineHeight(h: Integer);
- begin
- if Params.prevabove < h then begin
- j := Params.LastDrawItem-1;
- if j>=0 then
- repeat
- inc(DrawItems[j].Top,h-Params.prevabove);
- dec(j);
- until DrawItems[j+1].FromNewLine;
- inc(Params.baseline,h-Params.prevabove);
- Params.prevabove := h;
- end;
- end;
- {.......................................................}
- procedure OnNonText(li: TRVRectItemInfo; dli: TRVDrawLineInfo);
- var above, VerticalOffs: Integer;
- w,h,desc,hshift: Integer;
- TabLeader: String;
- TabAlign: TRVTabAlign;
- TabPos: Integer;
- begin
- hshift := 0;
- li.OnDocWidthChange(TextWidth - GetDevX(pi.LeftIndent+pi.RightIndent+pi.FirstIndent),
- dli, rvflPrinting in Flags, Canvas, Self, @sad, hshift, desc, Params.NoCaching,
- Params.Reformatting);
- if li.GetBoolValue(rvbpDrawingChangesFont) then
- Params.LastTextStyle := -1;
- if li.GetBoolValueEx(rvbpActualPrintSize, RVStyle) then begin
- w := dli.Width;
- h := dli.Height;
- end
- else begin
- w := GetDevX(li.Width);
- h := GetDevY(li.Height);
- desc := GetDevY(desc);
- end;
- if li.StyleNo=rvsTab then begin
- UpdateLastTab(Params);
- RVStyle.GetNextTab(li.ParaNo, Params.x+Params.FirstIndent, sad, TabPos,
- TabLeader, TabAlign, GetBiDiMode, Params.LeftIndent, Params.RightIndent);
- w := TabPos-(Params.x+Params.FirstIndent);
- if Params.x+w<=Params.LineWidth then
- case TabAlign of
- rvtaRight:
- w := 0;
- rvtaCenter:
- begin
- w := w-(Params.LineWidth+Params.FirstIndent-TabPos);
- if w<0 then
- w := 0;
- end;
- end;
- dli.Width := w;
- end;
- if li.AssociatedTextStyleNo>=0 then
- VerticalOffs := MulDiv(h, RVStyle.TextStyles[li.AssociatedTextStyleNo].VShift, 100)
- else
- if li.VShiftAbs then
- VerticalOffs := GetDevY(li.VShift)
- else
- VerticalOffs := MulDiv(h,li.VShift,100);
- dli.SetSize(w, h);
- if not li.SameAsPrev or
- ((dli is TRVMultiDrawItemInfo)
- )
- or
- (
- (Params.x+w > Params.LineWidth) and
- not (rvpaoNoWrap in pi.Options)
- and not ((ItemNo>0) and (GetItemStyle(ItemNo-1)=rvsListMarker))
- {$ENDIF}
- ) then begin
- if li.SameAsPrev then
- Params.IsParaStart := False;
- OnStartNewLine(li, li.SameAsPrev);
- dli.FromNewLine := True;
- Params.x :=0;
- inc(Params.baseline, ExtraSpaceBelowLine);
- y := Params.baseline + Params.prevdesc;
- case li.VAlign of
- rvvaBaseline:
- Params.prevabove := h-desc;
- else {rvvaMiddle:}
- Params.prevabove := h div 2;
- end;
- inc(Params.prevabove, VerticalOffs);
- inc (Params.baseline,Params.prevdesc+Params.prevabove);
- Params.prevdesc :=h-Params.prevabove;
- end
- else begin
- pi := RVStyle.ParaStyles[li.ParaNo];
- case li.VAlign of
- rvvaBaseline:
- above := h-desc;
- else {rvvaMiddle:}
- above := h div 2;
- end;
- AdjustLineHeight(above+VerticalOffs);
- y := Params.baseline - above-VerticalOffs;
- if Params.prevdesc < (h-above-VerticalOffs) then
- Params.prevdesc := (h-above-VerticalOffs);
- dli.FromNewLine := False;
- end;
- dli.Left := Params.x+Params.FirstIndent+hshift;
- if li.StyleNo=rvsTab then begin
- RVStyle.GetNextTab(li.ParaNo, dli.Left, sad, TabPos, TabLeader, TabAlign,
- GetBiDiMode, Params.LeftIndent, Params.RightIndent);
- TRVTabItemInfo(li).Leader := TabLeader;
- w := TabPos-dli.Left;
- case TabAlign of
- rvtaRight:
- begin
- w := 0;
- Params.LastTabDrawItemNo := Params.LastDrawItem;
- Params.LastTabAlign := TabAlign;
- Params.LastTabPosition := TabPos;
- end;
- rvtaCenter:
- begin
- w := w-(Params.LineWidth+Params.FirstIndent-TabPos);
- if w<0 then
- w := 0;
- Params.LastTabDrawItemNo := Params.LastDrawItem;
- Params.LastTabAlign := TabAlign;
- Params.LastTabPosition := TabPos;
- end;
- end;
- dli.Width := w;
- end;
- inc(Params.x, w+hshift);
- dli.Top := y;
- dli.ItemNo := ItemNo;
- dli.SetSize(w, h);
- dli.Offs := 0;
- dli.Length := 0;
- if not ShareItems then
- li.DrawItemNo := Params.LastDrawItem;
- DrawItems.Insert(Params.LastDrawItem, dli);
- if rvflUseJumps in Flags then
- li.BuildJumps(dli.Left, dli.Top, nJmps, jumps);
- //AdjustCP(li);
- inc(Params.LastDrawItem);
- end;
- {.......................................................}
- var HShift, Desc: Integer;
- begin
- HShift := 0;
- Desc := 0;
- RVStyle := GetRVStyle;
- li := GetItem(ItemNo);
- pi := RVStyle.ParaStyles[li.ParaNo];
- if (not li.SameAsPrev) and (StartOffs=0) then begin
- Params.IsParaStart := True;
- Params.SpaceEaten := False;
- end;
- {
- if LineWidth<0 then
- OnStartNewLine(not li.BR, li);
- }
- if li.StyleNo<0 then begin
- if li is TRVRectItemInfo then begin
- // rvsComponent, rvsHotspot, rvsBullet, rvsPicture:
- if rvflAllowCustomDrawItems in Flags then
- dli := li.CreatePrintingDrawItem(Self,sad)
- else
- dli := TRVDrawLineInfo.Create;
- OnNonText(TRVRectItemInfo(li), dli);
- if li.GetBoolValue(rvbpDrawingChangesFont) then
- Params.LastTextStyle := -1;
- if li.GetBoolValueEx(rvbpJump, RVStyle) then begin
- if rvflUseJumps in Flags then begin
- jmpinfo := TRVJumpInfo.Create;
- jmpinfo.w := dli.Width;
- jmpinfo.h := dli.Height;
- := nJmps;
- jmpinfo.DrawItemNo := Params.LastDrawItem-1;
- jmpinfo.Cursor := li.GetHypertextCursor(RVStyle);
- jmpinfo.RVData := Self;
- jumps.Add(jmpinfo);
- end;
- TCustomRVItemInfo(Items.Objects[ItemNo]).JumpID := nJmps;
- inc(nJmps);
- end;
- end
- else begin
- UpdateLastTab(Params);
- FinishScreenLine(sad, Params.LineWidth+Params.FirstIndent,Params.LastDrawItem,
- True, ExtraSpaceBelowLine, Params.DontFSL, Params.FormatCanvas);
- if ItemNo>0 then
- inc(Params.prevdesc,GetDevY(RVStyle.ParaStyles[GetItemPara(ItemNo-1)].SpaceAfter));
- inc(Params.prevdesc, GetDevY(RVStyle.ParaStyles[GetItemPara(ItemNo)].SpaceBefore));
- if li.StyleNo=rvsBreak then begin
- inc(Params.prevdesc, GetDevY(RVStyle.ParaStyles[0].SpaceBefore));
- y5 := MulDiv(5, sad.ppiyDevice, sad.ppiyScreen);
- dli := TRVDrawLineInfo.CreateEx(sad.LeftMargin,
- Params.baseline + Params.prevdesc, TextWidth, y5+y5+1, ItemNo, True);
- end
- else begin
- Params.LineWidth := TextWidth - GetDevX(pi.LeftIndent+pi.RightIndent);
- y5 := sad.LeftMargin+GetDevX(pi.LeftIndent); // y5 <- left
- if rvflAllowCustomDrawItems in Flags then
- dli := li.CreatePrintingDrawItem(Self,sad)
- else
- dli := TRVDrawLineInfo.Create;
- li.OnDocWidthChange(Params.LineWidth, dli, rvflPrinting in Flags,
- Params.FormatCanvas, Self, @sad, HShift, Desc, Params.NoCaching, Params.Reformatting);
- if li.GetBoolValue(rvbpDrawingChangesFont) then
- Params.LastTextStyle := -1;
- dli.SetSize(GetDevX(TRVFullLineItemInfo(li).Width),
- GetDevY(TRVFullLineItemInfo(li).Height));
- case pi.Alignment of
- rvaRight:
- inc(y5, Params.LineWidth-dli.Width);
- rvaCenter:
- begin
- inc(y5, (Params.LineWidth-dli.Width) div 2);
- if y5<0 then y5 := 0;
- end;
- end;
- dli.SetData(y5+HShift, Params.baseline + Params.prevdesc, ItemNo,True);
- end;
- if not ShareItems then
- li.DrawItemNo := Params.LastDrawItem;
- DrawItems.Insert(Params.LastDrawItem, dli);
- if rvflUseJumps in Flags then
- li.BuildJumps(dli.Left, dli.Top, nJmps, jumps);
- //AdjustCP(li);
- inc(Params.LastDrawItem);
- if li.StyleNo=rvsBreak then begin
- inc (Params.baseline,Params.prevdesc+y5+1);
- Params.prevdesc := y5;
- Params.prevabove := y5;
- end
- else begin
- inc (Params.baseline,Params.prevdesc+dli.Height);
- Params.prevabove := dli.Height;
- Params.prevdesc := 0;
- end;
- end
- end
- else begin // text
- IsUnicodeItem := rvioUnicode in li.ItemOptions;
- if IsUnicodeItem then begin
- sourceStrPtr := PChar(Text)+StartOffs*2;
- OrigSourceStrPtr := PChar(OrigText)++StartOffs*2;
- end
- else
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- sourceStrPtr := PChar(Text)+StartOffs;
- OrigSourceStrPtr := PChar(OrigText)+StartOffs;
- end;
- sourceStrPtrLen := Len;
- ActualStyleNo := GetActualStyle(li);
- if ActualStyleNo<>Params.LastTextStyle then begin
- Params.FontInfoCache.LastTextStyle := Params.LastTextStyle;
- Params.FontInfoCache.CurParaBiDiMode := GetParaBiDiMode(GetItemPara(ItemNo));
- with Params.FontInfoCache[ActualStyleNo] do begin
- Params.LastTextStyle := ActualStyleNo;
- Params.TextMetric := TextMetric;
- Params.VerticalOffs := VerticalOffset;
- Params.FormatCanvas := {Params.FontInfoCache[ActualStyleNo].}Canvas;
- end;
- Params.FormatCanvasHandle := Params.FormatCanvas.Handle;
- if (RVStyle.TextStyles[ActualStyleNo].CharSpacing<>0) and
- (sad.ppixScreen<>sad.ppixDevice) and
- (GetItemBiDiMode(ItemNo)=rvbdUnspecified) then
- SetTextCharacterExtra(Params.FormatCanvasHandle,
- GetDevX(RVStyle.TextStyles[ActualStyleNo].CharSpacing));
- end;
- if rvflUseExternalLeading in Flags then
- ExternalLeading := Params.TextMetric.tmExternalLeading
- else
- ExternalLeading := 0;
- AtStart := (StartOffs=0);
- if sourceStrPtrLen=0 then begin {empty string}
- := Params.FontInfoCache[ActualStyleNo].EmptyLineHeight;
- := 0;
- if not li.SameAsPrev then begin
- OnStartNewLine(li, False);
- Params.x :=0;
- inc(Params.baseline, ExtraSpaceBelowLine);
- y := Params.baseline+Params.prevDesc;
- Params.prevabove := ExternalLeading+Params.TextMetric.tmAscent+Params.VerticalOffs;
- inc(Params.baseline, Params.prevDesc+Params.prevabove);
- Params.prevDesc := Params.TextMetric.tmDescent-Params.VerticalOffs;
- end
- else begin
- AdjustLineHeight(ExternalLeading+Params.TextMetric.tmAscent+Params.VerticalOffs);
- y := Params.baseline - (ExternalLeading+Params.TextMetric.tmAscent+Params.VerticalOffs);
- if Params.prevDesc < Params.TextMetric.tmDescent-Params.VerticalOffs then
- Params.prevDesc := Params.TextMetric.tmDescent-Params.VerticalOffs;
- end;
- dli := TRVDrawLineInfo.CreateEx(Params.x+Params.FirstIndent,y,,,
- ItemNo, not li.SameAsPrev);
- dli.Offs := 1+StartOffs;
- inc(Params.x,;
- if RVStyle.TextStyles[ActualStyleNo].Jump then
- TCustomRVItemInfo(Items.Objects[ItemNo]).JumpID := -3;
- dli.Length := 0;
- if AtStart and not ShareItems then
- li.DrawItemNo := Params.LastDrawItem;
- DrawItems.Insert(Params.LastDrawItem, dli);
- //AdjustCP(li);
- inc(Params.LastDrawItem);
- exit;
- end;
- newline := AtStart and not li.SameAsPrev;
- while sourceStrPtrLen>0 do begin
- if newline then begin
- OnStartNewLine(li, not Params.IsParaStart);
- Params.x:=0;
- if (rvflTrim in Flags) and not Params.SpaceEaten and
- not Params.IsParaStart and (sourceStrPtrLen>1) then
- if IsUnicodeItem then begin
- if PWord(sourceStrPtr)^=ord(' ') then begin
- inc(sourceStrPtr,2);
- inc(OrigSourceStrPtr, 2);
- dec(sourceStrPtrLen);
- end;
- end
- else
- {$ENDIF}
- if sourceStrPtr^=' ' then begin
- inc(sourceStrPtr);
- inc(OrigSourceStrPtr);
- dec(sourceStrPtrLen);
- end;
- Params.SpaceEaten := False;
- end;
- SpaceAfter := Params.LineWidth-Params.x;
- if SpaceAfter<0 then SpaceAfter := 0;
- if IsUnicodeItem then
- max := MaxFitW
- else
- {$ENDIF}
- max := MaxFitA;
- max2 := max;
- sourceStrPtr2 := sourceStrPtr;
- if max=0 then
- if newline
- or (AtStart and (ItemNo>0) and (GetItemStyle(ItemNo-1)=rvsListMarker))
- {$ENDIF}
- then begin
- max := 1;
- if RVNT and IsUnicodeItem then
- max := AdjustMaxFitR(max);
- {$ENDIF}
- end
- else begin
- Params.x:=0;
- Params.IsParaStart := False;
- newline := true;
- continue;
- end;
- if max<sourceStrPtrLen then begin
- if IsUnicodeItem then begin
- strSpacePos := RVU_FindLineBreak(PRVWordArray(OrigSourceStrPtr), max,
- max+1=sourceStrPtrLen); // MyStrRScanW(sourceStrPtr,' ',max)
- if (strSpacePos<>nil) then
- strSpacePos := sourceStrPtr + (strSpacePos-OrigSourceStrPtr);
- { // commented Jun 24 2004
- if strSpacePos=sourceStrPtr+max*2 then
- strSpacePos := nil;}
- end
- else
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- if max+1=sourceStrPtrLen then
- strSpacePos := MyStrRScanA(sourceStrPtr,' ',max)
- else
- strSpacePos := MyStrRScanA(sourceStrPtr,' ',max+1);
- end;
- if (strSpacePos=nil) and (rvflTrim in Flags) and
- ((max+1<sourceStrPtrLen) or ((ItemNo+1<Items.Count) and not IsFromNewLine(ItemNo+1)))
- then begin
- if IsUnicodeItem then begin
- if PRVWordArray(sourceStrPtr)[max]=UNI_Space then begin
- strSpacePos := sourceStrPtr+max*2;
- inc(max);
- end;
- end
- else
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- if sourceStrPtr[max]=' ' then begin
- strSpacePos := sourceStrPtr+max;
- inc(max);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- if strSpacePos<>nil then begin
- if IsUnicodeItem then begin
- if (rvflTrim in Flags) and (PRVWordArray(strSpacePos)[0]=UNI_Space) and
- (strSpacePos<>sourceStrPtr) then begin
- max := (strSpacePos-sourceStrPtr) div 2;
- Params.SpaceEaten := True;
- end
- else
- max := (strSpacePos-sourceStrPtr) div 2+1;
- end
- else
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- if (rvflTrim in Flags) and (strSpacePos<>sourceStrPtr) then begin
- max := strSpacePos-sourceStrPtr;
- Params.SpaceEaten := True;
- end
- else
- max := strSpacePos-sourceStrPtr+1;
- end;
- end
- else if not (newline
- or (AtStart and (ItemNo>0) and (GetItemStyle(ItemNo-1)=rvsListMarker))
- {$ENDIF}
- )
- then begin
- Params.IsParaStart := False;
- newline := true;
- continue;
- end;
- end;
- if IsUnicodeItem then begin
- Offs := (sourceStrPtr - PChar(Text)) div 2+1;
- StrForAdd := sourceStrPtr;
- inc(sourceStrPtr,max*2);
- inc(OrigSourceStrPtr, max*2);
- dec(sourceStrPtrLen,max);
- if Params.SpaceEaten then begin
- inc(sourceStrPtr, 2);
- inc(OrigSourceStrPtr, 2);
- dec(sourceStrPtrLen);
- Params.SpaceEaten := sourceStrPtrLen=0;
- end;
- end
- else
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- Offs := sourceStrPtr - PChar(Text)+1;
- StrForAdd := sourceStrPtr;
- inc(sourceStrPtr,max);
- inc(OrigSourceStrPtr,max);
- dec(sourceStrPtrLen,max);
- if Params.SpaceEaten then begin
- inc(sourceStrPtr);
- inc(OrigsourceStrPtr);
- dec(sourceStrPtrLen);
- Params.SpaceEaten := sourceStrPtrLen=0;
- end;
- end;
- if (newline or (max<>0)) then begin
- dli := TRVDrawLineInfo.Create;
- dli.ItemNo := ItemNo;
- dli.Offs := Offs;
- if {(sourceStrPtrLen<>0) and} ((max<>max2) or (sourceStrPtr2<>sourceStrPtr) or (rvpaoNoWrap in pi.Options)) then
- if IsUnicodeItem then
- RVU_GetTextExtentPoint32W(Params.FormatCanvas, Pointer(strForAdd), max, sz)
- else
- {$ENDIF}
- GetTextExtentPoint32(Params.FormatCanvasHandle,strForAdd,max,sz);
- if not newline then begin {continue line}
- AdjustLineHeight(ExternalLeading+Params.TextMetric.tmAscent+Params.VerticalOffs);
- y := Params.baseline - (ExternalLeading+Params.TextMetric.tmAscent+Params.VerticalOffs);
- dli.FromNewLine := False;
- end
- else begin { new line }
- dli.FromNewLine := True;
- Params.x :=0;
- inc(Params.baseline, ExtraSpaceBelowLine);
- y := Params.baseline+Params.prevDesc;
- Params.prevabove := ExternalLeading+Params.TextMetric.tmAscent+Params.VerticalOffs;
- inc(Params.baseline, Params.prevDesc+Params.prevabove);
- end;
- dli.Left :=Params.x+Params.FirstIndent;
- dli.Top := y;
- dli.Width :=;
- dli.Height :=;
- dli.Length := max;
- DrawItems.Insert(Params.LastDrawItem,dli);
- if AtStart and not ShareItems then
- li.DrawItemNo := Params.LastDrawItem;
- inc(Params.LastDrawItem);
- if (rvflUseJumps in Flags) and RVStyle.TextStyles[ActualStyleNo].Jump then begin
- jmpinfo := TRVJumpInfo.Create;
- jmpinfo.w :=;
- jmpinfo.h :=;
- := nJmps;
- if StartOffs>0 then dec(;
- jmpinfo.DrawItemNo := Params.LastDrawItem-1;
- jmpinfo.Cursor := RVStyle.TextStyles[ActualStyleNo].JumpCursor;
- jmpinfo.RVData := Self;
- jumps.Add(jmpinfo);
- end;
- if newline or (Params.prevDesc < Params.TextMetric.tmDescent-Params.VerticalOffs) then
- Params.prevDesc := Params.TextMetric.tmDescent-Params.VerticalOffs;
- inc(Params.x,;
- newline := True;
- Params.IsParaStart := False;
- AtStart := False;
- end
- else
- newline := true;
- end; { while }
- if RVStyle.TextStyles[ActualStyleNo].Jump and (StartOffs=0) then begin
- TCustomRVItemInfo(Items.Objects[ItemNo]).JumpID := nJmps;
- inc(nJmps);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TCustomRVFormattedData.FormatWords(ItemNo: Integer; Canvas: TCanvas;
- var sad: TRVScreenAndDevice; var Params: TRVFormatParams);
- var offs: Integer;
- LinesNo, TmpStr, SpacePos: PChar;
- Len, WordLen: Integer;
- Unicode: Boolean;
- {$ENDIF}
- Text, OrigText: String;
- begin
- Len := Length(Items[ItemNo]);
- if Len=0 then begin
- FormatLine( '', '', 0, Len, ItemNo, Canvas, sad, Params);
- exit;
- end;
- Unicode := rvioUnicode in GetItemOptions(ItemNo);
- if Unicode then
- Len := Len div 2;
- {$ENDIF}
- offs := 0;
- OrigText := Items[ItemNo];
- Text := RV_ReturnProcessedString(OrigText,
- GetRVStyle.TextStyles[GetItemStyle(ItemNo)], False,
- rvoShowSpecialCharacters in Options, False);
- LinesNo := PChar(Text);
- while Len>0 do begin
- TmpStr := LinesNo;
- if Unicode then begin
- if (PWord(TmpStr)^ = ord(' ')) then
- inc(PChar(TmpStr), 2);
- SpacePos := RVU_StrScanW(TmpStr, ord(' '), Len)
- end
- else
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- if (TmpStr^ = ' ') then
- inc(TmpStr);
- SpacePos := StrScan(TmpStr, ' ');
- end;
- if SpacePos=nil then
- WordLen := Len
- else begin
- WordLen := SpacePos-LinesNo;
- if Unicode then
- WordLen := WordLen div 2;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- FormatLine(Text, OrigText, Offs, WordLen, ItemNo, Canvas, sad, Params);
- inc(offs, WordLen);
- inc(LinesNo, WordLen);
- if Unicode then
- inc(LinesNo, WordLen);
- {$ENDIF}
- dec(Len, WordLen);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TCustomRVFormattedData.GetHOffs: Integer;
- begin
- Result := 0;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TCustomRVFormattedData.GetVOffs: Integer;
- begin
- Result := 0;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TCustomRVFormattedData.Format(NoCaching: Boolean);
- begin
- Format_(False, True, False, 0, GetCanvas, False, NoCaching, False);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TCustomRVFormattedData.ApplyZoom(Canvas: TCanvas);
- begin
- {
- if ZoomPercent<>100 then begin
- SetMapMode(Canvas.Handle,MM_ANISOTROPIC);
- SetWindowExtEx(Canvas.Handle,100,100,nil);
- SetViewportExtEx(Canvas.Handle,ZoomPercent,ZoomPercent,nil);
- end;
- }
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TCustomRVFormattedData.RestoreZoom(Canvas: TCanvas);
- begin
- {
- if ZoomPercent<>100 then
- SetMapMode(Canvas.Handle,MM_TEXT);
- }
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TCustomRVFormattedData.ZoomInt(var v: Integer);
- begin
- v := v;
- //v := MulDiv(v,100,ZoomPercent);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TCustomRVFormattedData.ZoomRectDown(var r: TRect);
- begin
- {
- with r do begin
- Left := MulDiv(Left,100,ZoomPercent);
- Top := MulDiv(Top,100,ZoomPercent);
- Right := MulDiv(Right,100,ZoomPercent);
- Bottom := MulDiv(Bottom,100,ZoomPercent);
- end;
- }
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TCustomRVFormattedData.GetSADForFormatting(Canvas: TCanvas;
- var sad: TRVScreenAndDevice);
- begin
- // ApplyZoom(Canvas);
- RV_InfoAboutSaD(sad, Canvas);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TCustomRVFormattedData.Format_(OnlyResized, ForceFormat,
- NoScroll: Boolean; depth: Integer; Canvas: TCanvas;
- OnlyTail, NoCaching, Reformatting: Boolean);
- var i: Integer;
- oldtextwidth, olddocumentwidth, cw, ch: Integer;
- sad: TRVScreenAndDevice;
- StartLine: Integer;
- StartNo, EndNo, StartOffs, EndOffs: Integer;
- DevMinTextWidth, DevMaxTextWidth: Integer;
- FV, DeltaFV: Integer;
- RVStyle: TRVStyle;
- ExtraSpaceBelowLine: Integer;
- Params: TRVFormatParams;
- begin
- if AlreadyFormatted then begin
- AlreadyFormatted := False;
- exit;
- end;
- if (depth>1) or (GetRVStyle=nil) or (rvstSkipformatting in State) then exit;
- if Canvas=nil then
- Canvas := GetCanvas;
- if depth=0 then begin
- StartFormatting;
- end;
- try
- Params.SpaceEaten := False;
- Params.LastTabDrawItemNo := -1;
- Params.NoCaching := NoCaching;
- Params.Reformatting := Reformatting;
- Params.FirstParaItemNo := -1;
- Params.LastTextStyle := -1;
- Params.IsParaStart := True;
- FV := -1; { avoiding warings }
- DeltaFV := 0; { avoiding warings }
- if depth=0 then begin
- if OnlyResized then begin
- StoreSelBounds(StartNo, EndNo, StartOffs, EndOffs, False);
- if not NoScroll then begin
- FV := GetDrawItemNo(GetVOffs, gdinFirstVisible);
- if FV>=DrawItems.Count then FV:=DrawItems.Count-1;
- if FV<>-1 then begin
- DeltaFV := GetVOffs-DrawItems[FV].Top;
- FV := DrawItems[FV].ItemNo;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- if OnlyTail then FV := GetVOffs;
- end;
- oldtextwidth := TextWidth;
- olddocumentwidth := DocumentWidth;
- GetSADForFormatting(Canvas, sad);
- sad.LeftMargin := MulDiv(GetLeftMargin, sad.ppixDevice, sad.ppixScreen);
- sad.RightMargin := MulDiv(GetRightMargin, sad.ppixDevice, sad.ppixScreen);