- {*******************************************************}
- { }
- { RichView }
- { TRVItemResizer: helps to resize RichView }
- { item. }
- { }
- { Copyright (c) Sergey Tkachenko }
- { svt@trichview.com }
- { http://www.trichview.com }
- { }
- {*******************************************************}
- unit RVResize;
- interface
- uses Windows, Classes, Graphics, Controls, DLines, RVItem;
- type
- TRVResizeHandleIndex = (rvrhLeftTop, rvrhRightTop, rvrhRightBottom, rvrhLeftBottom,
- rvrhTop, rvrhRight, rvrhBottom, rvrhLeft);
- TRVResizeHandlesPosition = (rvhpInside, rvhpOutside);
- TRVItemResizer = class
- private
- FWidth, FHeight: Integer;
- FDrawItem: TRVDrawLineInfo;
- FDrawItemNo, FItemNo: Integer;
- FDragging, FDragCancelled: Boolean;
- FDx, FDy: Integer;
- FDragRect: TRect;
- FDraggedResizeHandle: TRVResizeHandleIndex;
- FItem: TCustomRVItemInfo;
- FPosition: TRVResizeHandlesPosition;
- function IsCornerResizeHandle(Index: TRVResizeHandleIndex): Boolean;
- procedure GetResizeHandleShift(Index: TRVResizeHandleIndex; var DX, DY: Integer);
- public
- constructor Create(ADrawItem: TRVDrawLineInfo; AItem: TCustomRVItemInfo; ADrawItemNo: Integer);
- procedure Draw(Canvas: TCanvas; HOffs, VOffs: Integer);
- procedure GetResizeHandleCoords(Index: TRVResizeHandleIndex; Shifted: Boolean; var X, Y: Integer);
- function GetResizeHandleAt(X, Y, HOffs, VOffs: Integer;
- var Index: TRVResizeHandleIndex): Boolean;
- function MouseDown(X, Y, HOffs, VOffs: Integer): Boolean;
- procedure MouseUp(X, Y, HOffs, VOffs: Integer);
- procedure DragTo(Shift: TShiftState; X, Y, HOffs, VOffs: Integer);
- function GetResizeHandleCursor(Index: TRVResizeHandleIndex): TCursor;
- procedure XorDrawing(Canvas: TCanvas; HOffs, VOffs: Integer);
- procedure CancelDrag;
- procedure UpdateItem(ADrawItem: TRVDrawLineInfo; AItem: TCustomRVItemInfo; ADrawItemNo: Integer);
- property Dragging: Boolean read FDragging;
- property DragCancelled: Boolean read FDragCancelled;
- property ItemNo: Integer read FItemNo;
- property DrawItemNo: Integer read FDrawItemNo;
- property DrawItem: TRVDrawLineInfo read FDrawItem;
- property Width: Integer read FWidth;
- property Height: Integer read FHeight;
- property Position: TRVResizeHandlesPosition read FPosition write FPosition;
- end;
- const
- RichViewResizeHandleSize = 6; // must be even number
- implementation
- uses RVERVData;
- {============================== TRVItemResizer ================================}
- constructor TRVItemResizer.Create(ADrawItem: TRVDrawLineInfo;
- AItem: TCustomRVItemInfo; ADrawItemNo: Integer);
- begin
- inherited Create;
- UpdateItem(ADrawItem, AItem, ADrawItemNo);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVItemResizer.UpdateItem(ADrawItem: TRVDrawLineInfo;
- AItem: TCustomRVItemInfo; ADrawItemNo: Integer);
- begin
- FDrawItem := ADrawItem;
- FDrawItemNo := ADrawItemNo;
- FWidth := FDrawItem.Width;
- FHeight := FDrawItem.Height;
- FItemNo := FDrawItem.ItemNo;
- FItem := AItem;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVItemResizer.Draw(Canvas: TCanvas; HOffs, VOffs: Integer);
- {.................................................}
- procedure DrawResizeHandle(X,Y: Integer);
- var size: Integer;
- begin
- size := RichViewResizeHandleSize;
- dec(X, size div 2);
- dec(Y, size div 2);
- Canvas.Pen.Mode := pmCopy;
- Canvas.Rectangle(X,Y,X+size,Y+size);
- inc(X);
- inc(Y);
- dec(size,2);
- Canvas.Pen.Mode := pmNot;
- while size>1 do begin
- Canvas.Rectangle(X,Y,X+size,Y+size);
- inc(X);
- inc(Y);
- dec(size,2);
- end;
- end;
- {.................................................}
- var i: TRVResizeHandleIndex;
- Left, Top, X, Y: Integer;
- begin
- Left := FDrawItem.Left-HOffs;
- Top := FDrawItem.Top -VOffs;
- Canvas.Pen.Width := 1;
- Canvas.Pen.Color := clBlack;
- Canvas.Pen.Style := psSolid;
- Canvas.Brush.Style := bsClear;
- for i := Low(TRVResizeHandleIndex) to High(TRVResizeHandleIndex) do begin
- GetResizeHandleCoords(i, True, X, Y);
- DrawResizeHandle(Left+X,Top+Y);
- end;
- Canvas.Pen.Mode := pmCopy;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVItemResizer.GetResizeHandleAt(X, Y, HOffs, VOffs: Integer;
- var Index: TRVResizeHandleIndex): Boolean;
- var i: TRVResizeHandleIndex;
- HX, HY, Delta: Integer;
- begin
- dec(X, FDrawItem.Left-HOffs);
- dec(Y, FDrawItem.Top-VOffs);
- Delta := (RichViewResizeHandleSize+1) div 2;
- for i := Low(TRVResizeHandleIndex) to High(TRVResizeHandleIndex) do begin
- GetResizeHandleCoords(i, True, HX, HY);
- Result := (abs(HX-X)<=Delta) and (abs(HY-Y)<=Delta);
- if Result then begin
- Index := i;
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- Result := False;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVItemResizer.GetResizeHandleCoords(Index: TRVResizeHandleIndex;
- Shifted: Boolean; var X, Y: Integer);
- var DX, DY: Integer;
- begin
- case Index of
- rvrhLeftTop:
- begin
- X := 0;
- Y := 0;
- end;
- rvrhRightTop:
- begin
- X := FWidth;
- Y := 0;
- end;
- rvrhRightBottom:
- begin
- X := FWidth;
- Y := FHeight;
- end;
- rvrhLeftBottom:
- begin
- X := 0;
- Y := FHeight;
- end;
- rvrhTop:
- begin
- X := FWidth div 2;
- Y := 0;
- end;
- rvrhRight:
- begin
- X := FWidth;
- Y := FHeight div 2;
- end;
- rvrhBottom:
- begin
- X := FWidth div 2;
- Y := FHeight;
- end;
- rvrhLeft:
- begin
- X := 0;
- Y := FHeight div 2;
- end;
- end;
- if Shifted then begin
- GetResizeHandleShift(Index, DX, DY);
- inc(X, DX);
- inc(Y, DY);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVItemResizer.GetResizeHandleShift(Index: TRVResizeHandleIndex;
- var DX, DY: Integer);
- var delta: Integer;
- APosition: TRVResizeHandlesPosition;
- begin
- APosition := Position;
- if (FWidth<RichViewResizeHandleSize*2) or
- (FHeight<RichViewResizeHandleSize*2) then
- APosition := rvhpOutside;
- case APosition of
- rvhpInside:
- delta := RichViewResizeHandleSize div 2;
- rvhpOutside:
- delta := -RichViewResizeHandleSize div 2;
- else
- delta := 0;
- end;
- case Index of
- rvrhLeft, rvrhLeftTop, rvrhLeftBottom:
- DX := delta;
- rvrhRight, rvrhRightTop, rvrhRightBottom:
- DX := -delta;
- else
- DX := 0;
- end;
- case Index of
- rvrhLeftTop, rvrhRightTop, rvrhTop:
- DY := delta;
- rvrhLeftBottom, rvrhRightBottom, rvrhBottom:
- DY := -delta;
- else
- DY := 0;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVItemResizer.GetResizeHandleCursor(
- Index: TRVResizeHandleIndex): TCursor;
- begin
- case Index of
- rvrhLeftTop, rvrhRightBottom:
- Result := crSizeNWSE;
- rvrhRightTop, rvrhLeftBottom:
- Result := crSizeNESW;
- rvrhTop, rvrhBottom:
- Result := crSizeNS;
- else
- Result := crSizeWE;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVItemResizer.MouseDown(X, Y, HOffs, VOffs: Integer): Boolean;
- var Index: TRVResizeHandleIndex;
- HX, HY: Integer;
- begin
- Result := GetResizeHandleAt(X, Y, HOffs, VOffs, Index);
- if not Result then
- exit;
- FDragging := True;
- FDraggedResizeHandle := Index;
- GetResizeHandleCoords(Index, False, HX, HY);
- dec(X, FDrawItem.Left-HOffs);
- dec(Y, FDrawItem.Top-VOffs);
- FDx := X-HX;
- FDy := Y-HY;
- FDragRect := Rect(0,0,FDrawItem.Width, FDrawItem.Height);
- FDragCancelled := False;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVItemResizer.DragTo(Shift: TShiftState; X, Y, HOffs, VOffs: Integer);
- {........................................}
- procedure AdjustRect(L,T,R,B: Boolean);
- var XRatio, YRatio: Double;
- Delta: Integer;
- OriginalWidth, OriginalHeight: Integer;
- begin
- with FDragRect do begin
- if (Left>=Right-1) then begin
- if L then
- Left := Right-2;
- if R then
- Right := Left+2;
- end;
- if (Top>=Bottom-1) then begin
- if T then
- Top := Bottom-2;
- if B then
- Bottom := Top+2;
- end;
- if ssCtrl in Shift then begin
- if L then
- Right := FDrawItem.Width-Left;
- if T then
- Bottom := FDrawItem.Height-Top;
- if R then
- Left := FDrawItem.Width-Right;
- if B then
- Top := FDrawItem.Height-Bottom;
- end;
- if (ssShift in Shift) or
- (RichViewEditDefaultProportionalResize and IsCornerResizeHandle(FDraggedResizeHandle)) then begin
- OriginalWidth := FDrawItem.Width;
- OriginalHeight := FDrawItem.Height;
- if FItem is TRVRectItemInfo then begin
- dec(OriginalWidth, TRVRectItemInfo(FItem).Spacing*2);
- dec(OriginalHeight, TRVRectItemInfo(FItem).Spacing*2);
- end;
- if (OriginalWidth>0) and (OriginalHeight>0) then begin
- XRatio := (Right-Left)/OriginalWidth;
- YRatio := (Bottom-Top)/OriginalHeight;
- if XRatio>YRatio then begin
- Delta := Round(XRatio*OriginalHeight)-(Bottom-Top);
- if ssCtrl in Shift then begin
- dec(Top, Delta div 2);
- inc(Bottom, Delta div 2);
- end
- else if T then
- dec(Top, Delta)
- else
- inc(Bottom, Delta);
- end
- else begin
- Delta := Round(YRatio*OriginalWidth)-(Right-Left);
- if ssCtrl in Shift then begin
- dec(Left, Delta div 2);
- inc(Right, Delta div 2);
- end
- else if L then
- dec(Left, Delta)
- else
- inc(Right, Delta);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {........................................}
- begin
- dec(X, FDx);
- dec(Y, FDy);
- dec(X, FDrawItem.Left-HOffs);
- dec(Y, FDrawItem.Top-VOffs);
- FDragRect := Rect(0,0,FDrawItem.Width, FDrawItem.Height);
- case FDraggedResizeHandle of
- rvrhLeftTop:
- begin
- FDragRect.Left := X;
- FDragRect.Top := Y;
- AdjustRect(True, True, False, False);
- end;
- rvrhRightTop:
- begin
- FDragRect.Right := X;
- FDragRect.Top := Y;
- AdjustRect(False, True, True, False);
- end;
- rvrhRightBottom:
- begin
- FDragRect.Right := X;
- FDragRect.Bottom := Y;
- AdjustRect(False, False, True, True);
- end;
- rvrhLeftBottom:
- begin
- FDragRect.Left := X;
- FDragRect.Bottom := Y;
- AdjustRect(True, False, False, True);
- end;
- rvrhTop:
- begin
- FDragRect.Top := Y;
- AdjustRect(False, True, False, False);
- end;
- rvrhRight:
- begin
- FDragRect.Right := X;
- AdjustRect(False, False, True, False);
- end;
- rvrhBottom:
- begin
- FDragRect.Bottom := Y;
- AdjustRect(False, False, False, True);
- end;
- rvrhLeft:
- begin
- FDragRect.Left := X;
- AdjustRect(True, False, False, False);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVItemResizer.XorDrawing(Canvas: TCanvas; HOffs, VOffs: Integer);
- begin
- with Canvas do begin
- Pen.Mode := pmNot;
- Pen.Width := 1;
- Brush.Style := bsClear;
- Pen.Style := psDot;
- with FDragRect do
- Rectangle(FDrawItem.Left+Left-HOffs,
- FDrawItem.Top+Top-VOffs,
- FDrawItem.Left+Right-HOffs,
- FDrawItem.Top+Bottom-VOffs);
- Pen.Mode := pmCopy;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVItemResizer.MouseUp(X, Y, HOffs, VOffs: Integer);
- begin
- if not FDragCancelled then begin
- FWidth := FDragRect.Right-FDragRect.Left;
- FHeight := FDragRect.Bottom-FDragRect.Top;
- end;
- FDragging := False;
- FDragCancelled := False;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVItemResizer.CancelDrag;
- begin
- FDragging := False;
- FDragCancelled := True;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVItemResizer.IsCornerResizeHandle(Index: TRVResizeHandleIndex): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := Index in [rvrhLeftTop, rvrhRightTop, rvrhRightBottom, rvrhLeftBottom];
- end;
- end.