- {*******************************************************}
- { }
- { RichView }
- { TCustomRVData is a basic class representing }
- { RichView document. }
- { }
- { Copyright (c) Sergey Tkachenko }
- { }
- { }
- { }
- {*******************************************************}
- unit CRVData;
- interface
- {$I}
- uses
- Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
- Jpeg,
- {$ENDIF}
- RVMarker,
- {$ENDIF}
- ImgList,
- {$ENDIF}
- RVStyle, RVBack, RVFuncs, RVItem, RVScroll, RVUni, RVClasses,
- type
- { State of RVData }
- TRVState = (
- rvstMakingSelection, // Mouse selection is in process
- rvstLineSelection, // Line selection (started from the left margin)
- // is in process
- rvstDrawHover, // There is a highlighted hyperlink
- rvstSkipFormatting, // Reformatting is not allowed
- rvstIgnoreNextMouseDown, // Next mouse-down event must be ignored
- rvstChangingBkPalette, // Palette of background image is being updated
- // (avoiding recursive call)
- rvstCompletelySelected, // RVData is completely selected (table cell)
- rvstClearing, // Document is being cleared
- // (avoiding recursive call)
- rvstDoNotMoveChildren, // Call of AdjustChildrenCoords is not allowed
- rvstForceStyleChangeEvent, // Editor must call events for changing styles
- // even if next value assigned to current style
- // is equal to the current value
- rvstIgnoreNextChar, // Next call of WMChar or KeyPress must be ignored
- // (the character is already processed in WMKeyDown)
- rvstDoNotTab, // Next call of DoTabNavigation will be ignored
- rvstDeselecting, // Deselection is in process
- // (avoiding recursive call)
- rvstUnAssigningChosen, // Unassigning chosen data is in process
- // (avoiding recursive call)
- rvstNoScroll, // Scrolling is not allowed
- rvstFinalizingUndo, // Avoiding recursive calls of FinalizeUndoGroup
- rvstRTFSkipPar, // Saving to RTF: do not save paragraph mark
- rvstLoadingAsPartOfItem, // This RVData is loaded from RVF as a part of item
- // (cell is loaded with table)
- // (not calling AfterLoading(rvlfRVF) for items
- // of this RVData: will be called for the container item
- rvstNoKillFocusEvents, // Disabling processing of WMKillFocus
- rvstEditorUnformatted, // TRichViewEdit was not formatted before the call of Format
- rvstNameSet, // TRichView.Name was assigned. Used to detect placing
- // the component on the form from the Component Palette
- rvstFirstParaAborted, // This is a page saved and reloaded in ReportHelper,
- // and the first paragraph is not completely on this page
- rvstLastParaAborted, // The same for the last paragraph
- rvstInvalidSelection, // Selection is not valid: do not create item resizer
- rvstDoNotClearCurTag, // TRVEditRVData.ChangeEx must not clear "current tag"
- // ("current tag" is used in methods for inserting text)
- rvstStartingDragDrop, // Dragging from this RichView is about to start
- // (WM_RVDRAGDROP was posted). Only in absolute
- // root RVData
- rvstCanDragDropDeleteSelection, // After dragging from this editor, selection
- // must be deleted (set when moving data to
- // another control)
- rvstDragDropCursorNotMoved, // Dragging is finished, but cursor was not
- // moved (it is not a d&d, it is a simple click on
- // the selection)
- rvstKeyPress // do some special processing related to d&d in keypress
- );
- TRVStates = set of TRVState;
- { Flags for RVData }
- TRVFlag = (
- rvflUseJumps, // List of hyperlink coords must be maintained
- rvflTrim, // Formatting routine may not show spaces in line
- // wrap places (always set)
- rvflShareContents, // This RVData uses smb. else's items
- rvflUseExternalLeading, // Formatting routine uses font external leading
- // (never set)
- rvflMouseXYAlwaysCorrect,// Mouse processing procedures may not preprocess
- // coordinates (used in table cells)
- rvflAllowCustomDrawItems,// Formatting routine may create drawing items
- // of custom types (not only TRVDrawLineInfo) -
- // used in RVPrint and RVReportHelper
- rvflPrinting, // This is RVData with formatting for printing (or
- // reports)
- rvflRootEditor, // This is TRVEditRVData (not RVData of inplace)
- rvflRoot, // This is TRichViewRVData or TRVEditRVData
- // (not RVData of inplace)
- rvflDBRichViewEdit, // This is TDBRichViewEdit.RVData
- rvflCanUseCustomPPI, // Allows using RVStyle.TextStyles.PixelsPerInch
- rvflCanProcessGetText); // Allows processing WM_GETTEXT, WM_SETTEXT, WM_GETTEXTLENGTH
- TRVFlags = set of TRVFlag;
- { Which part to save in RVF? }
- TRVFSaveScope = (
- rvfss_Full, // document
- rvfss_Selection, // selection
- rvfss_Page); // page (for TRVPrint or TRVReportHelper)
- PRVIntegerList = ^TRVIntegerList;
- TRVRTFFontTable = class;
- TCustomRVData = class;
- TRVEnumItemsProc = procedure (RVData: TCustomRVData; ItemNo: Integer;
- var UserData1: Integer; const UserData2: String;
- var ContinueEnum: Boolean) of object;
- { ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- TRVLayoutInfo: information about document layout for saving and loading in
- RVF.
- Main properties:
- - margins,
- - min- and maxtextwidth,
- - bidimode.
- For saving RVReportHelper page, additional properties:
- - LastParaAborted: <>0 if the last page paragraph is not completely on the page;
- - FirstParaAborted: the same for the first page paragraph;
- - FirstMarkerListNo, FirstMarkerLevel - information about marker of the
- first page paragraph (marker is before this page)
- }
- TRVLayoutInfo = class
- public
- Loaded: Boolean;
- LeftMargin, RightMargin, TopMargin, BottomMargin: Integer;
- MinTextWidth, MaxTextWidth: Integer;
- BiDiMode: TRVBiDiMode;
- LastParaAborted, FirstParaAborted: Integer;
- FirstMarkerListNo, FirstMarkerLevel: Integer;
- constructor Create;
- procedure SaveToStream(Stream: TStream; IncludeSize: Boolean);
- procedure LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream; IncludeSize: Boolean);
- procedure SaveTextToStream(Stream: TStream);
- procedure LoadText(const s: String);
- procedure LoadBinary(const s: String);
- end;
- { ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- TRVHTMLBulletInfo: information for saving shared images in HTML
- (several items can use the same image file).
- Used by: "bullets", "hotspots", list markers with pictures and image lists.
- }
- TRVHTMLBulletInfo = class
- public
- FileName: String;
- ImageList: TCustomImageList;
- ImageIndex: Integer;
- BackColor: TColor;
- Graphic: TGraphic;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- { ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- TRVRTFFontTableItem: item of RTF font table (TRVRTFFontTable)
- }
- TRVRTFFontTableItem = class
- public
- FontName: String;
- Charset: TFontCharset;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- { ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- TRVRTFFontTable: RTF font table. Created for saving to RTF, contains all
- fonts used in the document (both by styles and by items)
- }
- TRVRTFFontTable = class (TRVList)
- private
- function Get(Index: Integer): TRVRTFFontTableItem;
- procedure Put(Index: Integer; const Value: TRVRTFFontTableItem);
- public
- function Find(const FontName: String
- {$IFDEF RICHVIEWCBDEF3}; Charset: TFontCharset{$ENDIF}): Integer;
- function AddUnique(const FontName: String
- {$IFDEF RICHVIEWCBDEF3}; Charset: TFontCharset{$ENDIF}): Integer;
- property Items[Index: Integer]: TRVRTFFontTableItem read Get write Put; default;
- end;
- { ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- TCustomRVData: RichView document. This class is not used directly.
- Direct descendant: TCustomRVFormattedData.
- }
- TCustomRVData = class(TPersistent)
- private
- { Private declarations }
- FFirstJumpNo: Integer;
- FItems: TStringList;
- { Property values }
- function GetPageBreaksBeforeItems(Index: Integer): Boolean;
- procedure SetPageBreaksBeforeItems(Index: Integer; Value: Boolean);
- function GetItemCount: Integer;
- { HTML & RTF }
- function ShouldSaveTextToHTML(StyleNo: Integer): Boolean;
- function GetHTMLATag(ItemNo: Integer; CSS: String; UTF8: Boolean): String;
- {$ENDIF}
- function ShouldSaveTextToRTF(StyleNo: Integer): Boolean;
- {$ENDIF}
- { Others }
- procedure AddNLTag_(const s: String; StyleNo, ParaNo, Tag: Integer);
- procedure AddNLATag_(const s: String; StyleNo, ParaNo, Tag: Integer);
- {$ENDIF}
- function AddTextUniversal(const text: String; StyleNo, FirstParaNo, OtherParaNo: Integer;
- AsSingleParagraph, CheckUnicode: Boolean; Tag: Integer): Boolean;
- protected
- { Protected declarations }
- FAllowNewPara: Boolean;
- FirstCP, LastCP, NotAddedCP: TRVCPInfo;
- CPCount: Integer;
- function NextCharStr(const str: String; ItemNo, Index: Integer): Integer;
- function PrevCharStr(const str: String; ItemNo, Index: Integer): Integer;
- function NextChar(ItemNo: Integer; Index: Integer): Integer;
- function PrevChar(ItemNo: Integer; Index: Integer): Integer;
- procedure CheckItemClass(ItemNo: Integer;
- RequiredClass: TCustomRVItemInfoClass);
- function ShareItems: Boolean; dynamic;
- function CanLoadLayout: Boolean; dynamic;
- function GetURL(id: Integer): String; dynamic; abstract;
- function GetOptions: TRVOptions; virtual;
- procedure SetOptions(const Value: TRVOptions); virtual;
- function GetRVFOptions: TRVFOptions; virtual;
- procedure SetRVFOptions(const Value: TRVFOptions); virtual;
- function GetRTFOptions: TRVRTFOptions; virtual;
- procedure SetRTFOptions(const Value: TRVRTFOptions); virtual;
- function GetRVFWarnings: TRVFWarnings; virtual;
- procedure SetRVFWarnings(const Value: TRVFWarnings); virtual;
- function GetDelimiters: String; dynamic;
- function GetRVFTextStylesReadMode: TRVFReaderStyleMode; virtual;
- function GetRVFParaStylesReadMode: TRVFReaderStyleMode; virtual;
- procedure RVFGetLimits(SaveScope: TRVFSaveScope;
- var StartItem, EndItem, StartOffs, EndOffs: Integer;
- var StartPart, EndPart: TRVMultiDrawItemPart); dynamic;
- function GetRTFProperties:TPersistent {TRVRTFReaderProperties}; dynamic;
- procedure DoOnStyleReaderError(Reader: TReader; const Message: string;
- var Handled: Boolean);
- function InsertRVFFromStream_(Stream: TStream; var Index: Integer;
- AParaNo: Integer; AllowReplaceStyles, AppendMode, EditFlag: Boolean;
- var Color: TColor; Background: TRVBackground;
- Layout: TRVLayoutInfo; var NonFirstItemsAdded: Integer;
- var Protect, FullReformat: Boolean):Boolean;
- procedure DataWriter(Stream: TStream);
- procedure DataReader(Stream: TStream);
- {$ENDIF}
- procedure NormalizeParas(StartItemNo: Integer);
- procedure InsertCheckpoint(ItemNo, Tag: Integer; const Name: String;
- RaiseEvent: Boolean);
- procedure UpdateCPPos(cp: TRVCPInfo; ItemNo: Integer);
- procedure UnlinkCheckpoint(cp: TRVCPInfo; DecCPCount: Boolean);
- function FindCPBeforeItem(ItemNo: Integer): TRVCPInfo;
- procedure UpdateCPItemNo;
- procedure InternalFreeItem(item: TCustomRVItemInfo; Clearing: Boolean); virtual;
- function IsDelimiter(const s: String; Index: Integer;
- ItemOptions: TRVItemOptions): Boolean;
- function GetItemOptions(ItemNo: Integer): TRVItemOptions;
- procedure Replace0(var s: String);
- function RV_CanConcateItems(FirstItemNo: Integer; item1, item2: TCustomRVItemInfo;
- IgnorePara: Boolean): Boolean;
- procedure SimpleConcate(FirstItemNo: Integer; item1, item2: TCustomRVItemInfo);
- procedure MassSimpleConcate(FirstItemNo, LastItemNo: Integer);
- procedure SimpleConcateSubitems(ItemNo: Integer);
- procedure InitStyleMappings(var PTextStylesMapping, PParaStylesMapping,
- PListStylesMapping: PRVIntegerList); dynamic;
- procedure DoneStyleMappings(PTextStylesMapping, PParaStylesMapping,
- PListStylesMapping: PRVIntegerList); dynamic;
- function SupportsPageBreaks: Boolean; dynamic;
- procedure SaveHTMLCheckpoint(Stream: TStream; Checkpoint: TRVCPInfo;
- var cpno: Integer; const Prefix: String; FromNewLine: Boolean;
- Options: TRVSaveOptions);
- function GetTextForHTML(const Path: String; ItemNo: Integer; CSSVersion: Boolean;
- SaveOptions: TRVSaveOptions): String;
- {$ENDIF}
- function GetFirstParaItem(ItemNo: Integer): Integer;
- function GetFirstParaSectionItem(ItemNo: Integer): Integer;
- procedure DestroyMarkers; dynamic;
- function FindPreviousMarker(ItemNo: Integer): TRVMarkerItemInfo;
- function FindMarkerLocalLocationFrom(StartItemNo: Integer;
- Marker: TRVMarkerItemInfo): Integer;
- function FindLastMarkerIndex(StartAfterMeIndex: Integer; ListStyles: TRVIntegerList): Integer;
- {$ENDIF}
- function GetFlags: TRVFlags; virtual; abstract;
- procedure SetFlags(const Value: TRVFlags); virtual; abstract;
- procedure AddStringFromFile(const s: String; StyleNo,ParaNo: Integer;
- FromNewLine, AsSingleParagraph: Boolean; var FirstTime, PageBreak: Boolean);
- procedure AfterDeleteStyles(Data: TRVDeleteUnusedStylesData); dynamic;
- public
- State: TRVStates;
- { Constructors - destructors }
- constructor Create;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- { Document/control & styles properties }
- function GetRVData: TCustomRVData; virtual;
- function GetSourceRVData: TCustomRVData; virtual;
- function GetStyleCodePage(StyleNo: Integer): TRVCodePage;
- function GetStyleLocale(StyleNo: Integer): Cardinal;
- function GetDefaultCodePage: TRVCodePage;
- function GetRVStyle: TRVStyle; virtual;
- function GetParentControl: TWinControl; dynamic;
- procedure GetParentInfo(var ParentItemNo: Integer;
- var Location: TRVStoreSubRVData); dynamic;
- function GetChosenRVData: TCustomRVData; dynamic;
- function GetChosenItem: TCustomRVItemInfo; dynamic;
- function GetParentData: TCustomRVData; virtual;
- function GetRootData: TCustomRVData; virtual;
- function GetAbsoluteParentData: TCustomRVData; virtual;
- function GetAbsoluteRootData: TCustomRVData; virtual;
- { Palette }
- function GetRVPalette: HPALETTE; virtual;
- function GetRVLogPalette: PLogPalette; virtual;
- function GetDoInPaletteMode: TRVPaletteAction; virtual;
- procedure UpdateItemsPaletteInfo;
- { Item properties }
- function GetItemNo(Item: TCustomRVItemInfo): Integer;
- function GetItem(ItemNo: Integer): TCustomRVItemInfo;
- function SetItemExtraIntProperty(ItemNo: Integer;
- Prop: TRVExtraItemProperty; Value: Integer): Boolean;
- function GetItemExtraIntProperty(ItemNo: Integer;
- Prop: TRVExtraItemProperty; var Value: Integer): Boolean;
- function SetItemExtraStrProperty(ItemNo: Integer;
- Prop: TRVExtraItemStrProperty; const Value: String): Boolean;
- function GetItemExtraStrProperty(ItemNo: Integer;
- Prop: TRVExtraItemStrProperty; var Value: String): Boolean;
- function GetItemTag(ItemNo: Integer): Integer;
- function IsParaStart(ItemNo: Integer): Boolean;
- function GetItemPara(ItemNo: Integer): Integer;
- function IsFromNewLine(ItemNo: Integer): Boolean;
- function GetOffsAfterItem(ItemNo: Integer): Integer;
- function GetOffsBeforeItem(ItemNo: Integer): Integer;
- function ItemLength(ItemNo: Integer): Integer;
- procedure SetItemTag(ItemNo: Integer; ATag: Integer);
- function GetItemStyle(ItemNo: Integer): Integer;
- function GetActualStyle(Item: TCustomRVItemInfo): Integer;
- function GetActualStyle2(StyleNo, ParaNo: Integer): Integer;
- function GetItemText(ItemNo: Integer): String;
- procedure SetItemText(ItemNo: Integer; const s: String);
- function GetTextInItemFormatW(ItemNo: Integer; const s: WideString): String;
- function GetItemTextW(ItemNo: Integer): WideString;
- procedure SetItemTextW(ItemNo: Integer; const s: WideString);
- {$ENDIF}
- function GetTextInItemFormatA(ItemNo: Integer; const s: String): String;
- procedure SetItemTextA(ItemNo: Integer; const s: String);
- {$ENDIF}
- function GetItemTextA(ItemNo: Integer): String;
- function FindControlItemNo(actrl: TControl): Integer;
- { BiDi }
- function GetItemBiDiMode(ItemNo: Integer): TRVBiDiMode;
- function GetParaBiDiMode(ParaNo: Integer): TRVBiDiMode;
- function GetBiDiMode: TRVBiDiMode; virtual;
- { Operations on items - internal }
- procedure FreeItem(ItemNo: Integer; Clearing: Boolean);
- { Operations on items - public }
- procedure Clear; dynamic;
- procedure DeleteItems(FirstItemNo, Count: Integer); dynamic;
- procedure DeleteSection(const CpName: String);
- { Related to events }
- function IsAssignedOnProgress: Boolean; dynamic;
- procedure DoProgress(Operation: TRVLongOperation; Stage: TRVProgressStage;
- PercentDone: Byte); dynamic;
- function GetExtraRTFCode(Area: TRVRTFSaveArea; Obj: TObject;
- Index1, Index2: Integer; InStyleSheet: Boolean): String; dynamic;
- function GetExtraHTMLCode(Area: TRVHTMLSaveArea;
- CSSVersion: Boolean): String; dynamic;
- function GetParaHTMLCode(RVData: TCustomRVData; ItemNo: Integer;
- ParaStart, CSSVersion: Boolean): String; dynamic;
- procedure ReadHyperlink(const Target, Extras: String; DocFormat: TRVLoadFormat;
- var StyleNo, ItemTag: Integer; var ItemName: String); dynamic;
- procedure WriteHyperlink(id: Integer; RVData: TCustomRVData; ItemNo: Integer;
- SaveFormat: TRVSaveFormat; var Target, Extras: String); dynamic;
- function SaveItemToFile(const Path: String; RVData: TCustomRVData;
- ItemNo: Integer; SaveFormat: TRVSaveFormat; Unicode: Boolean;
- var Text: String): Boolean; virtual;
- function ImportPicture(const Location: String;
- Width, Height: Integer; var Invalid: Boolean): TGraphic; dynamic;
- function GetItemHint(RVData: TCustomRVData; ItemNo: Integer;
- const UpperRVDataHint: String): String; dynamic;
- function DoSavePicture(DocumentSaveFormat: TRVSaveFormat;
- const imgSavePrefix, Path: String; var imgSaveNo: Integer;
- OverrideFiles: Boolean; CurrentFileColor: TColor;
- gr: TGraphic): String; virtual;
- function SavePicture(DocumentSaveFormat: TRVSaveFormat;
- const imgSavePrefix, Path: String; var imgSaveNo: Integer;
- OverrideFiles: Boolean; CurrentFileColor: TColor;
- gr: TGraphic): String;
- function RVFPictureNeeded(const ItemName: String; ItemTag: Integer): TGraphic; dynamic;
- procedure ControlAction(ControlAction: TRVControlAction; ItemNo: Integer;
- Item: TCustomRVItemInfo);
- procedure ItemAction(ItemAction: TRVItemAction; Item: TCustomRVItemInfo;
- var Text: String; RVData: TCustomRVData); virtual;
- procedure ControlAction2(ControlAction: TRVControlAction; ItemNo: Integer;
- var Control: TControl); dynamic; abstract;
- function RVFControlNeeded(const ItemName: String; ItemTag: Integer): TControl; dynamic;
- function RVFImageListNeeded(ImageListTag: Integer): TCustomImageList; dynamic;
- procedure HTMLSaveImage(RVData: TCustomRVData; ItemNo: Integer;
- const Path: String; BackgroundColor: TColor; var Location: String;
- var DoDefault: Boolean); dynamic;
- procedure SaveImage2(Graphic: TGraphic; SaveFormat: TRVSaveFormat;
- const Path, ImagePrefix: String; var ImageSaveNo: Integer;
- var Location: String; var DoDefault: Boolean); dynamic;
- function SaveComponentToFile(const Path: String; SaveMe: TComponent;
- SaveFormat: TRVSaveFormat): String; virtual;
- { Text save and load }
- function LoadTextFromStreamW(Stream: TStream; StyleNo, ParaNo: Integer;
- DefAsSingleParagraph: Boolean):Boolean;
- function LoadTextW(const FileName: String; StyleNo, ParaNo: Integer;
- DefAsSingleParagraph: Boolean):Boolean;
- {$ENDIF}
- function SaveTextToStream(const Path: String; Stream: TStream;
- LineWidth: Integer; SelectionOnly, TextOnly, Unicode,
- UnicodeWriteSignature: Boolean):Boolean;
- function SaveText(const FileName: String; LineWidth: Integer;
- Unicode: Boolean):Boolean;
- function LoadText(const FileName: String; StyleNo, ParaNo: Integer;
- AsSingleParagraph: Boolean):Boolean;
- function LoadTextFromStream(Stream: TStream; StyleNo, ParaNo: Integer;
- AsSingleParagraph: Boolean):Boolean;
- { HTML save }
- function SaveBackgroundToHTML(bmp: TBitmap; Color: TColor;
- const Path, ImagesPrefix: String; var imgSaveNo: Integer;
- SaveOptions: TRVSaveOptions): String;
- function SaveHTMLToStreamEx(Stream: TStream;
- const Path, Title, ImagesPrefix, ExtraStyles, ExternalCSS, CPPrefix: String;
- Options: TRVSaveOptions; Color: TColor; var CurrentFileColor: TColor;
- var imgSaveNo: Integer; LeftMargin, TopMargin, RightMargin, BottomMargin: Integer;
- Background: TRVBackground; Bullets: TRVList): Boolean; dynamic;
- function SaveHTMLToStream(Stream: TStream; const Path, Title,ImagesPrefix: String;
- Options: TRVSaveOptions; Color: TColor; var imgSaveNo: Integer;
- LeftMargin, TopMargin, RightMargin, BottomMargin: Integer;
- Background: TRVBackground; Bullets: TRVList): Boolean; dynamic;
- function SaveHTMLEx(const FileName, Title, ImagesPrefix, ExtraStyles,
- ExternalCSS, CPPrefix: String; Options: TRVSaveOptions;
- Color: TColor; var CurrentFileColor: TColor;
- var imgSaveNo: Integer; LeftMargin, TopMargin, RightMargin, BottomMargin: Integer;
- Background: TRVBackground): Boolean;
- function SaveHTML(const FileName,Title,ImagesPrefix: String;
- Options: TRVSaveOptions; Color: TColor; var imgSaveNo: Integer;
- LeftMargin, TopMargin, RightMargin, BottomMargin: Integer;
- Background: TRVBackground): Boolean;
- {$ENDIF}
- function GetNextFileName(const ImagesPrefix, Path, Ext: String;
- var imgSaveNo: Integer; OverrideFiles: Boolean): String; dynamic;
- { RVF save and load }
- function LoadRVFFromStream(Stream: TStream; var Color: TColor;
- Background: TRVBackground; Layout: TRVLayoutInfo):Boolean;
- function InsertRVFFromStream(Stream: TStream; Index: Integer;
- var Color: TColor; Background: TRVBackground; Layout: TRVLayoutInfo;
- AllowReplaceStyles: Boolean):Boolean;
- function AppendRVFFromStream(Stream: TStream; ParaNo: Integer;
- var Color: TColor; Background: TRVBackground):Boolean;
- function LoadRVF(const FileName: String;
- var Color: TColor; Background: TRVBackground;
- Layout: TRVLayoutInfo):Boolean;
- //SelectionOnly=True - reserved here
- function SaveRVFToStream(Stream: TStream; SelectionOnly: Boolean;
- Color: TColor; Background: TRVBackground;
- Layout: TRVLayoutInfo):Boolean;
- function SaveRVFToStreamEx(Stream: TStream; SaveScope: TRVFSaveScope;
- Color: TColor; Background: TRVBackground;
- Layout: TRVLayoutInfo):Boolean;
- //SelectionOnly=True - reserved here
- function SaveRVF(const FileName: String; SelectionOnly: Boolean;
- Color: TColor; Background: TRVBackground;
- Layout: TRVLayoutInfo):Boolean;
- {$ENDIF}
- function InsertFirstRVFItem(var Index: Integer; var s: String;
- var item: TCustomRVItemInfo; EditFlag: Boolean; var FullReformat: Boolean;
- var NewListNo: Integer): Boolean; dynamic;
- function GetRVFSaveScope(SelectionOnly: Boolean):TRVFSaveScope;
- { RTF save and load }
- procedure SaveRTFListTable97(Stream: TStream; ColorList: TRVColorList;
- ListOverrideOffsetsList: TRVIntegerList;
- FontTable: TRVRTFFontTable; tpp: Double);
- {$ENDIF}
- function SaveRTFToStream(Stream: TStream; const Path: String; SelectionOnly: Boolean;
- Level: Integer; Color: TColor; Background: TRVBackground; ColorList: TRVColorList;
- StyleToFont, ListOverrideOffsetsList1, ListOverrideOffsetsList2: TRVIntegerList;
- FontTable: TRVRTFFontTable; tpp: Double):Boolean; dynamic;
- function SaveRTF(const FileName: String; SelectionOnly: Boolean;
- Color: TColor; Background: TRVBackground):Boolean;
- {$ENDIF}
- function LoadRTFFromStream(Stream: TStream):TRVRTFErrorCode;
- function LoadRTF(const FileName: String):TRVRTFErrorCode;
- function LoadWordDoc(const FileName: String):TRVRTFErrorCode;
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
- procedure MakeRTFTables(ColorList: TRVColorList;
- ListOverrideCountList: TRVIntegerList; TopLevel: Boolean);
- { Adding items - general }
- procedure AddItem(const Text: String; Item: TCustomRVItemInfo);
- procedure AddItemAsIs(const Text: String; Item: TCustomRVItemInfo);
- { Adding items - text }
- procedure AddFmt(const FormatStr: String; const Args: array of const;
- StyleNo, ParaNo: Integer);
- procedure AddNL(const s: String; StyleNo, ParaNo: Integer);
- procedure AddNLTag(const s: String; StyleNo, ParaNo, Tag: Integer);
- procedure AddTextNL(const s: String; StyleNo, FirstParaNo, OtherParaNo: Integer
- {$IFDEF RICHVIEWDEF4};Tag: Integer=0{$ENDIF});
- procedure AddTextNLA(const s: String; StyleNo, FirstParaNo, OtherParaNo: Integer
- {$IFDEF RICHVIEWDEF4};Tag: Integer=0{$ENDIF});
- {$ENDIF}
- procedure AddTextBlockNL(const s: String; StyleNo, ParaNo: Integer
- {$IFDEF RICHVIEWDEF4};Tag: Integer=0{$ENDIF});
- procedure AddNLWTag(const s: WideString; StyleNo, ParaNo, Tag: Integer);
- {$ENDIF}
- procedure AddNLWTagRaw(const s: String; StyleNo, ParaNo, Tag: Integer);
- procedure AddNLATag(const s: String; StyleNo, ParaNo, Tag: Integer);
- procedure AddTextNLW(const s: String; StyleNo, FirstParaNo,
- OtherParaNo: Integer; DefAsSingleParagraph: Boolean);
- {$ENDIF}
- { Adding items - others }
- procedure AddTab(TextStyleNo, ParaNo: Integer);
- {$ENDIF}
- procedure AddBreakExTag(Width: Byte; Style: TRVBreakStyle;
- Color: TColor; Tag: Integer);
- procedure AddBreak;
- procedure AddBreakEx(Width: Byte; Style: TRVBreakStyle; Color: TColor);
- procedure AddBreakTag(Tag: Integer);
- procedure AddBulletEx(const Name: String; ImageIndex: Integer;
- ImageList: TCustomImageList; ParaNo: Integer);
- procedure AddBulletExTag(const Name: String; ImageIndex: Integer;
- ImageList: TCustomImageList; ParaNo, Tag: Integer);
- procedure AddHotspotEx(const Name: String; ImageIndex,
- HotImageIndex: Integer; ImageList: TCustomImageList; ParaNo: Integer);
- procedure AddHotspotExTag(const Name: String; ImageIndex,
- HotImageIndex: Integer; ImageList: TCustomImageList; ParaNo, Tag: Integer);
- procedure AddPictureExTag(const Name: String; gr: TGraphic; ParaNo: Integer;
- VAlign: TRVVAlign; Tag: Integer);
- procedure AddControlExTag(const Name: String; ctrl: TControl;
- ParaNo: Integer; VAlign: TRVVAlign; Tag: Integer);
- procedure AddPictureEx(const Name: String; gr: TGraphic; ParaNo: Integer;
- VAlign: TRVVAlign);
- procedure AddControlEx(const Name: String; ctrl: TControl;
- ParaNo: Integer; VAlign: TRVVAlign);
- procedure AddHotPicture(const Name: String; gr: TGraphic; ParaNo: Integer;
- VAlign: TRVVAlign);
- procedure AddHotPictureTag(const Name: String; gr: TGraphic; ParaNo: Integer;
- VAlign: TRVVAlign; Tag: Integer);
- { Checkpoints - internal }
- procedure FreeCheckpoint(var cp: TRVCPInfo; AdjustLinks, DecCPCount: Boolean);
- procedure SetCP(Item: TCustomRVItemInfo; var PrevCP, CP: TRVCPInfo);
- { Checkpoints - public }
- function AddNamedCheckpointExTag(const CpName: String; RaiseEvent: Boolean;
- Tag: Integer): Integer;
- procedure SetCheckpointInfo(ItemNo: Integer; ATag: Integer; const AName: String;
- ARaiseEvent: Boolean);
- function RemoveCheckpoint(ItemNo: Integer): Boolean;
- function GetFirstCheckpoint: TCheckpointData;
- function GetNextCheckpoint(CheckpointData: TCheckpointData): TCheckpointData;
- function GetLastCheckpoint: TCheckpointData;
- function GetPrevCheckpoint(CheckpointData: TCheckpointData): TCheckpointData;
- function GetItemCheckpoint(ItemNo: Integer):TCheckpointData;
- function FindCheckpointByName(const Name: String): TCheckpointData;
- function FindCheckpointByTag(Tag: Integer): TCheckpointData;
- function GetCheckpointByNo(No: Integer): TCheckpointData;
- function GetCheckpointItemNo(CheckpointData: TCheckpointData): Integer;
- function GetCheckpointNo(CheckpointData: TCheckpointData): Integer;
- procedure GetCheckpointInfo(CheckpointData: TCheckpointData;
- var Tag: Integer; var Name: String; var RaiseEvent: Boolean);
- { Get info for specific item types }
- procedure GetBreakInfo(ItemNo: Integer; var AWidth: Byte;
- var AStyle: TRVBreakStyle; var AColor: TColor; var ATag: Integer);
- procedure GetBulletInfo(ItemNo: Integer; var AName: String;
- var AImageIndex: Integer; var AImageList: TCustomImageList;
- var ATag: Integer);
- procedure GetHotspotInfo(ItemNo: Integer; var AName: String;
- var AImageIndex, AHotImageIndex: Integer; var AImageList: TCustomImageList;
- var ATag: Integer);
- procedure GetPictureInfo(ItemNo: Integer; var AName: String;
- var Agr: TGraphic; var AVAlign: TRVVAlign; var ATag: Integer);
- procedure GetControlInfo(ItemNo: Integer; var AName: String;
- var Actrl: TControl; var AVAlign: TRVVAlign; var ATag: Integer);
- procedure GetTextInfo(ItemNo: Integer; var AText: String;
- var ATag: Integer);
- { Set info for specific item types }
- procedure SetGrouped(ItemNo: Integer; Grouped: Boolean);
- procedure SetBreakInfo(ItemNo: Integer; AWidth: Byte; AStyle: TRVBreakStyle;
- AColor: TColor; ATag: Integer);
- procedure SetBulletInfo(ItemNo: Integer; const AName: String;
- AImageIndex: Integer; AImageList: TCustomImageList; ATag: Integer);
- procedure SetHotspotInfo(ItemNo: Integer; const AName: String;
- AImageIndex, AHotImageIndex: Integer; AImageList: TCustomImageList;
- ATag: Integer);
- function SetPictureInfo(ItemNo: Integer; const AName: String;
- Agr: TGraphic; AVAlign: TRVVAlign; ATag: Integer): Boolean;
- function SetControlInfo(ItemNo: Integer; const AName: String;
- AVAlign: TRVVAlign; ATag: Integer): Boolean;
- { Styles }
- procedure DoMarkStylesInUse(Data: TRVDeleteUnusedStylesData);
- procedure DoUpdateStyles(Data: TRVDeleteUnusedStylesData);
- procedure MarkStylesInUse(Data: TRVDeleteUnusedStylesData); dynamic;
- procedure DeleteMarkedStyles(Data: TRVDeleteUnusedStylesData);
- procedure DeleteUnusedStyles(TextStyles, ParaStyles, ListStyles: Boolean);
- { Paragraph list markers}
- function GetMarkers(AllowCreate: Boolean): TRVMarkerList; dynamic;
- function GetPrevMarkers: TRVMarkerList; dynamic;
- function SetListMarkerInfo(AItemNo, AListNo, AListLevel, AStartFrom,
- AParaNo: Integer; AUseStartFrom: Boolean): Integer;
- procedure RecalcMarker(AItemNo: Integer; AllowCreateList: Boolean);
- procedure RemoveListMarker(ItemNo: Integer);
- function GetListMarkerInfo(AItemNo: Integer; var AListNo, AListLevel,
- AStartFrom: Integer; var AUseStartFrom: Boolean): Integer;
- procedure AddMarkerInList(ItemNo: Integer);
- procedure DeleteMarkerFromList(Item: TCustomRVItemInfo; Clearing: Boolean);
- {$ENDIF}
- { Others }
- function IsDelimiterA(ch: Char): Boolean;
- function IsDelimiterW(ch: Word): Boolean;
- function EnumItems(Proc: TRVEnumItemsProc; var UserData1: Integer;
- const UserData2: String): Boolean;
- procedure ShareItemsFrom(Source: TCustomRVData);
- procedure AssignItemsFrom(Source: TCustomRVData);
- procedure DrainFrom(Victim: TCustomRVData);
- procedure SetParagraphStyleToAll(ParaNo: Integer);
- procedure SetAddParagraphMode(AllowNewPara: Boolean);
- procedure AppendFrom(Source: TCustomRVData);
- procedure Inserting(RVData: TCustomRVData; Safe: Boolean);
- function Edit: TCustomRVData; dynamic;
- procedure Beep;
- procedure ExpandToParaSection(ItemNo1,ItemNo2: Integer;
- var FirstItemNo, LastItemNo: Integer);
- procedure ExpandToPara(ItemNo1,ItemNo2: Integer;
- var FirstItemNo, LastItemNo: Integer);
- function ReplaceTabs(const s: String; StyleNo: Integer;
- UnicodeDef: Boolean): String;
- procedure AdjustInItemsRange(var ItemNo: Integer);
- { Properties }
- function GetDocProperties: TStringList; dynamic;
- property Flags: TRVFlags read GetFlags write SetFlags;
- property Items: TStringList read FItems;
- property ItemCount: Integer read GetItemCount;
- property Options: TRVOptions read GetOptions write SetOptions;
- property RVFOptions: TRVFOptions read GetRVFOptions write SetRVFOptions;
- property RTFOptions: TRVRTFOptions read GetRTFOptions write SetRTFOptions;
- property RVFWarnings: TRVFWarnings read GetRVFWarnings write SetRVFWarnings;
- property FirstJumpNo: Integer read FFirstJumpNo write FFirstJumpNo;
- property PageBreaksBeforeItems[Index: Integer]: Boolean
- read GetPageBreaksBeforeItems write SetPageBreaksBeforeItems;
- end;
- procedure RVCheckUni(Length: Integer);
- function RVCompareLocations(RVData1: TCustomRVData; ItemNo1: Integer;
- RVData2: TCustomRVData; ItemNo2: Integer): Integer;
- procedure RVSaveFontToRTF(Stream: TStream; Font: TFont;
- ColorList: TRVColorList; FontTable: TRVRTFFontTable;
- RVStyle: TRVStyle);
- {$ENDIF}
- const
- RichViewSavePInHTML: Boolean = False;
- RichViewSavePageBreaksInText: Boolean = False;
- RichViewDoNotCheckRVFStyleRefs: Boolean = False;
- cssBKAttStrFixed = 'fixed';
- cssBKAttStrScroll = 'scroll';
- cssBKRepStrRepeat = 'repeat';
- cssBKRepStrNoRepeat = 'no-repeat';
- rv_cssBkAttachment : array[TBackgroundStyle] of PChar
- = ('', cssBKAttStrFixed, cssBKAttStrFixed, cssBKAttStrScroll, cssBKAttStrFixed,
- cssBKAttStrFixed, cssBKAttStrFixed, cssBKAttStrFixed, cssBKAttStrFixed);
- rv_cssBkRepeat : array[TBackgroundStyle] of PChar =
- ('', cssBKRepStrNoRepeat, cssBKRepStrRepeat, cssBKRepStrRepeat,
- cssBKRepStrNoRepeat, cssBKRepStrNoRepeat, cssBKRepStrNoRepeat,
- cssBKRepStrNoRepeat, cssBKRepStrNoRepeat);
- procedure RV_RegisterHTMLGraphicFormat(ClassType: TGraphicClass);
- procedure RV_RegisterPngGraphic(ClassType: TGraphicClass);
- function RV_IsHTMLGraphicFormat(gr: TGraphic): Boolean;
- procedure RV_ReplaceStr(var str: String; oldstr, newstr: String);
- var RVPngGraphiClass: TGraphicClass;
- implementation
- uses RVFMisc, RVStr, RVRTFProps;
- const RVFVersion = 1;
- RVFSubVersion = 3;
- const
- crlf = #13#10;
- {==============================================================================}
- { Replaces in str all substrings oldstr with substring newstr.
- Case insensitive. Newstr CANNOT contain oldstr as a substring. }
- procedure RV_ReplaceStr(var str: String; oldstr, newstr: String);
- var p: Integer;
- begin
- while true do begin
- p := pos(oldstr, str);
- if p=0 then break;
- Delete(str,p, Length(oldstr));
- Insert(newstr, str, p);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Raises an exception - error in processing Unicode text. }
- procedure RVRaiseUni;
- begin
- raise ERichViewError.Create(errRVUnicode);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Raises an exception is Length is odd value. It's used to check lengths of
- "raw Unicode" string. }
- procedure RVCheckUni(Length: Integer);
- begin
- if Length mod 2 <> 0 then
- RVRaiseUni;
- end;
- {========================== HTML Graphic Classes ==============================}
- { List of HTML graphic classes.
- Pictures of HTML graphic classes will be saved in HTML without
- converting to Jpegs.
- Initialization: nilled.
- Finalization: freed and nilled. }
- var HTMLGraphicFormats: TList;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Registers the graphic class ClassType as an HTML graphic class. }
- procedure RV_RegisterHTMLGraphicFormat(ClassType: TGraphicClass);
- begin
- if HTMLGraphicFormats=nil then
- HTMLGraphicFormats := TList.Create;
- if HTMLGraphicFormats.IndexOf(ClassType)<0 then
- HTMLGraphicFormats.Add(ClassType);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Is this a picture of HTML graphic class? }
- function RV_IsHTMLGraphicFormat(gr: TGraphic): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := (HTMLGraphicFormats<>nil) and
- (HTMLGraphicFormats.IndexOf(gr.ClassType)>=0)
- end;
- {================================ Png =========================================}
- procedure RV_RegisterPngGraphic(ClassType: TGraphicClass);
- begin
- RVPngGraphiClass := ClassType;
- end;
- {================================ TRTFFontTable ===============================}
- { Returns an index of (FontName, Charset) item, or -1 if not found.
- Charset is not supported in D2/CB1 version.
- FontName is case insensitive. }
- function TRVRTFFontTable.Find(const FontName: String
- {$IFDEF RICHVIEWCBDEF3}; Charset: TFontCharset{$ENDIF}): Integer;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- for i := 0 to Count-1 do
- if (AnsiCompareText(Items[i].FontName,FontName)=0)
- and (Items[i].Charset = Charset)
- {$ENDIF}
- then begin
- Result := i;
- exit;
- end;
- Result := -1;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Adds (FontName, Charset) item if it does not present.
- In any case, returns an index of (FontName, Charset) item.
- Charset is not supported in D2/CB1 version.
- FontName is case insensitive. }
- function TRVRTFFontTable.AddUnique(const FontName: String
- {$IFDEF RICHVIEWCBDEF3}; Charset: TFontCharset{$ENDIF}): Integer;
- var item: TRVRTFFontTableItem;
- begin
- Result := Find(FontName{$IFDEF RICHVIEWCBDEF3}, Charset{$ENDIF});
- if Result<0 then begin
- item := TRVRTFFontTableItem.Create;
- item.FontName := FontName;
- item.Charset := Charset;
- {$ENDIF}
- Add(item);
- Result := Count-1;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Reads Items[Index] }
- function TRVRTFFontTable.Get(Index: Integer): TRVRTFFontTableItem;
- begin
- Result := TRVRTFFontTableItem(inherited Get(Index));
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Writes Items[Index] }
- procedure TRVRTFFontTable.Put(Index: Integer; const Value: TRVRTFFontTableItem);
- begin
- inherited Put(Index, Value);
- end;
- {============================ TRVLayoutInfo ===================================}
- { Constructor. }
- constructor TRVLayoutInfo.Create;
- begin
- inherited Create;
- FirstMarkerListNo := -1;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Loads iteslf from the Stream.
- If IncludeSize=True, first reads size (4 bytes) of the rest of data; reports
- error is the size is too small; reads at least size bytes (for compatibility
- with possible future extensions). }
- procedure TRVLayoutInfo.LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream; IncludeSize: Boolean);
- var v: Integer;
- const defsize1 = sizeof(Integer)*(4+2)+sizeof(TRVBiDiMode);
- begin
- if IncludeSize then
- Stream.ReadBuffer(v, sizeof(Integer)); // ignoring
- Stream.ReadBuffer(v, sizeof(Integer));
- Stream.ReadBuffer(v, sizeof(Integer));
- if v<defsize1 then
- raise ERichViewError.Create(errRVFDocProp);
- Stream.ReadBuffer(LeftMargin, sizeof(Integer));
- Stream.ReadBuffer(RightMargin, sizeof(Integer));
- Stream.ReadBuffer(TopMargin, sizeof(Integer));
- Stream.ReadBuffer(BottomMargin, sizeof(Integer));
- Stream.ReadBuffer(MinTextWidth, sizeof(Integer));
- Stream.ReadBuffer(MaxTextWidth, sizeof(Integer));
- Stream.ReadBuffer(BiDiMode, sizeof(TRVBiDiMode));
- dec(v, defsize1);
- if v>=sizeof(Integer)*4 then begin
- Stream.ReadBuffer(FirstParaAborted, sizeof(Integer));
- Stream.ReadBuffer(LastParaAborted, sizeof(Integer));
- Stream.ReadBuffer(FirstMarkerListNo, sizeof(Integer));
- Stream.ReadBuffer(FirstMarkerLevel, sizeof(Integer));
- dec(v, sizeof(Integer)*4);
- end;
- if v>0 then
- Stream.Seek(v,soFromCurrent);
- Loaded := True;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Saves itself to the stream.
- If IncluseSize=True, first saves its size (4 bytes).
- Size is usually processed by RVF loading procedures. }
- procedure TRVLayoutInfo.SaveToStream(Stream: TStream; IncludeSize: Boolean);
- var v,size: Integer;
- const defsize1 = sizeof(Integer)*(4+2)+sizeof(TRVBiDiMode);
- begin
- size := defsize1;
- if (FirstParaAborted<>0) or (LastParaAborted<>0) then
- inc(size, sizeof(Integer)*4);
- if IncludeSize then begin
- v := size+sizeof(Integer)*2;
- Stream.WriteBuffer(v, sizeof(Integer));
- end;
- v := 0;
- Stream.WriteBuffer(v, sizeof(Integer));
- v := size;
- Stream.WriteBuffer(v, sizeof(Integer));
- Stream.WriteBuffer(LeftMargin, sizeof(Integer));
- Stream.WriteBuffer(RightMargin, sizeof(Integer));
- Stream.WriteBuffer(TopMargin, sizeof(Integer));
- Stream.WriteBuffer(BottomMargin, sizeof(Integer));
- Stream.WriteBuffer(MinTextWidth, sizeof(Integer));
- Stream.WriteBuffer(MaxTextWidth, sizeof(Integer));
- Stream.WriteBuffer(BiDiMode, sizeof(TRVBiDiMode));
- if (FirstParaAborted<>0) or (LastParaAborted<>0) then begin
- Stream.WriteBuffer(FirstParaAborted, sizeof(Integer));
- Stream.WriteBuffer(LastParaAborted, sizeof(Integer));
- Stream.WriteBuffer(FirstMarkerListNo, sizeof(Integer));
- Stream.WriteBuffer(FirstMarkerLevel, sizeof(Integer));
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Loads itself from the hexadecimal string: extracts the string to a temporal
- memory stream, and calls LoadFromStream(..., False). }
- procedure TRVLayoutInfo.LoadText(const s: String);
- var TmpStream: TMemoryStream;
- begin
- TmpStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
- try
- RVFTextString2Stream(s, TmpStream);
- TmpStream.Position := 0;
- LoadFromStream(TmpStream, False);
- finally
- TmpStream.Free;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Loads itself from the binary string: copies the string to a temporal memory
- stream, and calls LoadFromStream(..., False). }
- procedure TRVLayoutInfo.LoadBinary(const s: String);
- var TmpStream: TMemoryStream;
- begin
- TmpStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
- try
- TmpStream.WriteBuffer(PChar(s)^, Length(s));
- TmpStream.Position := 0;
- LoadFromStream(TmpStream, False);
- finally
- TmpStream.Free;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Saves itself to stream as a hexadecimal string that can be loaded by
- LoadText. }
- procedure TRVLayoutInfo.SaveTextToStream(Stream: TStream);
- var TmpStream: TMemoryStream;
- s: String;
- begin
- TmpStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
- try
- SaveToStream(TmpStream, False);
- TmpStream.Position := 0;
- s := RVFStream2TextString(TmpStream);
- RVFWriteLine(Stream, s);
- finally
- TmpStream.Free;
- end;
- end;
- {$I+}
- {================================ TCustomRVData ===============================}
- constructor TCustomRVData.Create;
- begin
- inherited Create;
- if not ShareItems then
- FItems := TStringList.Create;
- FAllowNewPara := True;
- CPCount := 0;
- State := [];
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- destructor TCustomRVData.Destroy;
- begin
- Clear;
- if not ShareItems then
- FItems.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TCustomRVData.SavePicture(DocumentSaveFormat: TRVSaveFormat;
- const imgSavePrefix, Path: String; var imgSaveNo: Integer;
- OverrideFiles: Boolean; CurrentFileColor: TColor;
- gr: TGraphic): String;
- var fn: String;
- bmp: TBitmap;
- ext: String;
- jpg: TJpegImage;
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- if DocumentSaveFormat=rvsfHTML then begin
- ext := '.jpg';
- if RV_IsHTMLGraphicFormat(gr) then
- ext := '.'+GraphicExtension(TGraphicClass(gr.ClassType));
- end
- else
- ext := '.bmp';
- {$ELSE}
- ext := '.bmp';
- {$ENDIF}
- fn := GetNextFileName(imgSavePrefix, Path, Ext, imgSaveNo, OverrideFiles);
- Result := ExtractFilePath(imgSavePrefix);
- if (Length(Result)>0) and (Result[Length(Result)]<>'') then
- Result := Result+'';
- Result := Result+ExtractFileName(fn);
- if (DocumentSaveFormat=rvsfHTML) and
- ((gr is TJpegImage) or RV_IsHTMLGraphicFormat(gr)) then begin
- gr.SaveToFile(fn);
- exit;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- bmp := TBitmap.Create;
- try
- if gr is TBitmap then
- bmp.Assign(gr)
- else begin
- bmp.PixelFormat := pf32bit;
- {$ENDIF}
- bmp.Height := gr.Height;
- bmp.Width := gr.Width;
- if CurrentFileColor=clNone then
- CurrentFileColor := clWhite;
- bmp.Canvas.Brush.Color := CurrentFileColor;
- bmp.Canvas.Pen.Color := CurrentFileColor;
- bmp.Canvas.FillRect(Rect(0,0,gr.Width,gr.Height));
- bmp.Canvas.Draw(0,0,gr);
- end;
- if DocumentSaveFormat=rvsfHTML then begin
- jpg := TJpegImage.Create;
- try
- jpg.Assign(bmp);
- jpg.SaveToFile(fn);
- finally
- jpg.Free;
- end;
- end
- else
- bmp.SaveToFile(fn);
- {$ELSE}
- bmp.SaveToFile(fn);
- {$ENDIF}
- finally
- bmp.Free;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TCustomRVData.DoSavePicture(DocumentSaveFormat: TRVSaveFormat;
- const imgSavePrefix, Path: String; var imgSaveNo: Integer;
- OverrideFiles: Boolean; CurrentFileColor: TColor;
- gr: TGraphic): String;
- var DoDefault: Boolean;
- begin
- SaveImage2(gr, DocumentSaveFormat, Path, imgSavePrefix, imgSaveNo, Result,
- DoDefault);
- if not DoDefault then
- exit;
- Result := SavePicture(DocumentSaveFormat, imgSavePrefix, Path, imgSaveNo,
- OverrideFiles, CurrentFileColor, gr);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TCustomRVData.ItemLength(ItemNo: Integer): Integer;
- begin
- with GetItem(ItemNo) do
- if StyleNo<0 then
- Result := 1
- else
- Result := RVU_Length(Items[ItemNo], ItemOptions);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Returns the file name in the directory Path. File name is built as
- ImagesPrefix + <number> + Ext.
- If OverrideFiles=True, <number> is imgSaveNo+1.
- If not, <number> is increased until file name does not belong to an existing
- file.
- On exit, imgSaveNo = <number>.
- Notes:
- - ImagesPrefix can contain path. It may be the full path (contains ':')
- or relative path. In the last case the file is assumed to be in
- Path + ExtractFilePath(ImagesPrefix).
- - It's assumed that the directory exists. }
- function TCustomRVData.GetNextFileName(const ImagesPrefix, Path, Ext: String;
- var imgSaveNo: Integer; OverrideFiles: Boolean): String;
- var FullPath: String;
- begin
- if {$IFDEF RICHVIEWCBDEF3}AnsiPos{$ELSE}Pos{$ENDIF}(':',ImagesPrefix)>0 then
- FullPath := ImagesPrefix
- else
- FullPath := Path+ImagesPrefix;
- while True do begin
- inc(imgSaveNo);
- Result := FullPath+IntToStr(imgSaveNo)+Ext;
- if not FileExists(Result) then
- exit;
- if OverrideFiles and ((FileGetAttr(Result) and faReadOnly)=0) then
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TCustomRVData.AddItem(const Text: String; Item: TCustomRVItemInfo);
- var s: String;
- begin
- if (Item.ParaNo=-1) and (Items.Count<>0) and
- not GetItem(Items.Count-1).GetBoolValue(rvbpFullWidth) then begin
- Item.SameAsPrev := True;
- Item.ParaNo := TCustomRVItemInfo(Items.Objects[Items.Count-1]).ParaNo;
- end
- else begin
- if (Items.Count<>0) and (GetItemStyle(Items.Count-1)=rvsListMarker) then
- AddNL('',0,-1);
- {$ENDIF}
- Item.SameAsPrev := False;
- Item.BR := (Item.BR or not FAllowNewPara) and not Item.GetBoolValue(rvbpFullWidth);
- if Item.ParaNo=-1 then
- Item.ParaNo := 0;
- end;
- if Item.Checkpoint<>nil then
- with Item.Checkpoint do
- AddNamedCheckpointExTag(Name, RaiseEvent, Tag);
- SetCP(Item, LastCP, NotAddedCP);
- Item.UpdatePaletteInfo(GetDoInPaletteMode, False, GetRVPalette, GetRVLogPalette);
- s := Text;
- Item.Inserting(Self, s, False);
- Items.AddObject(s, Item);
- Item.Inserted(Self, Items.Count-1);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TCustomRVData.AddItemAsIs(const Text: String; Item: TCustomRVItemInfo);
- var s: String;
- begin
- if Item.Checkpoint<>nil then
- with Item.Checkpoint do
- AddNamedCheckpointExTag(Name, RaiseEvent, Tag);
- SetCP(Item, LastCP, NotAddedCP);
- Item.UpdatePaletteInfo(GetDoInPaletteMode, False, GetRVPalette, GetRVLogPalette);
- s := Text;
- Item.Inserting(Self, s, False);
- Items.AddObject(s, Item);
- Item.Inserted(Self, Items.Count-1);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Does not replace tabs }
- procedure TCustomRVData.AddNLTag_(const s: String; StyleNo, ParaNo, Tag: Integer);
- var Item: TCustomRVItemInfo;
- begin
- Item := RichViewTextItemClass.Create(Self);
- if StyleNo<0 then
- Item.StyleNo := rvsDefStyle
- else
- Item.StyleNo := StyleNo;
- Item.ParaNo := ParaNo;
- Item.Tag := Tag;
- if (GetRVStyle<>nil) and (GetRVStyle.TextStyles[GetActualStyle(Item)].Unicode) then
- Include(Item.ItemOptions, rvioUnicode);
- {$ENDIF}
- AddItem(s, Item);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TCustomRVData.AddNLATag_(const s: String; StyleNo, ParaNo, Tag: Integer);
- var ress: String;
- LParaNo: Integer;
- begin
- LParaNo := ParaNo;
- if (StyleNo<0) or (StyleNo=rvsDefStyle) then begin
- StyleNo := rvsDefStyle;
- if LParaNo=-1 then begin
- if Items.Count<>0 then
- LParaNo := GetItemPara(Items.Count-1)
- else
- LParaNo := 0;
- end;
- end;
- if (GetRVStyle<>nil) and
- (GetRVStyle.TextStyles[GetActualStyle2(StyleNo, LParaNo)].Unicode) then
- ress := RVU_AnsiToUnicode(GetStyleCodePage(GetActualStyle2(StyleNo, LParaNo)), s)
- else
- ress := s;
- AddNLTag_(ress, StyleNo, ParaNo, Tag);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TCustomRVData.AddNLTag(const s: String; StyleNo, ParaNo, Tag: Integer);
- var Item: TCustomRVItemInfo;
- begin
- Item := RichViewTextItemClass.Create(Self);
- if StyleNo<0 then
- Item.StyleNo := rvsDefStyle
- else
- Item.StyleNo := StyleNo;
- Item.ParaNo := ParaNo;
- Item.Tag := Tag;
- if (GetRVStyle<>nil) and (GetRVStyle.TextStyles[GetActualStyle(Item)].Unicode) then
- Include(Item.ItemOptions, rvioUnicode);
- {$ENDIF}
- AddItem(ReplaceTabs(s, GetActualStyle(Item), False), Item);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TCustomRVData.GetTextInItemFormatA(ItemNo: Integer; const s: String): String;
- begin
- if (GetItemStyle(ItemNo)>=0) and (rvioUnicode in GetItemOptions(ItemNo)) then
- Result := RVU_AnsiToUnicode(GetStyleCodePage(GetItemStyle(ItemNo)), s)
- else
- Result := s;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TCustomRVData.AddNLWTagRaw(const s: String; StyleNo, ParaNo, Tag: Integer);
- var ansis: String;
- begin
- ansis := s;
- if StyleNo<0 then
- StyleNo := rvsDefStyle;
- if (GetRVStyle<>nil) and
- not GetRVStyle.TextStyles[GetActualStyle2(StyleNo, ParaNo)].Unicode then
- ansis := RVU_UnicodeToAnsi(GetStyleCodePage(GetActualStyle2(StyleNo, ParaNo)), ansis);
- AddNLTag(ansis, StyleNo, ParaNo, Tag);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TCustomRVData.GetTextInItemFormatW(ItemNo: Integer; const s: WideString): String;
- begin
- Result := RVU_GetRawUnicode(s);
- if (GetItemStyle(ItemNo)<0) or not (rvioUnicode in GetItemOptions(ItemNo)) then
- Result := RVU_UnicodeToAnsi(GetStyleCodePage(GetItemStyle(ItemNo)), Result);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TCustomRVData.AddNLWTag(const s: WideString; StyleNo, ParaNo, Tag: Integer);
- begin
- AddNLWTagRaw(RVU_GetRawUnicode(s), StyleNo, ParaNo, Tag);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TCustomRVData.GetItemTextW(ItemNo: Integer): WideString;
- var s: String;
- begin
- s := Items[ItemNo];
- if (GetItemStyle(ItemNo)<0) or (not (rvioUnicode in GetItemOptions(ItemNo))) then
- s := RVU_AnsiToUnicode(GetStyleCodePage(GetItemStyle(ItemNo)), s);
- Result := RVU_RawUnicodeToWideString(s);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TCustomRVData.SetItemTextW(ItemNo: Integer; const s: WideString);
- begin
- Items[ItemNo] := GetTextInItemFormatW(ItemNo, s);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TCustomRVData.AddNLATag(const s: String; StyleNo, ParaNo, Tag: Integer);
- var ress: String;
- LParaNo: Integer;
- begin
- LParaNo := ParaNo;
- if (StyleNo<0) or (StyleNo=rvsDefStyle) then begin
- StyleNo := rvsDefStyle;
- if LParaNo=-1 then begin
- if Items.Count<>0 then
- LParaNo := GetItemPara(Items.Count-1)
- else
- LParaNo := 0;
- end;
- end;
- if (GetRVStyle<>nil) and
- (GetRVStyle.TextStyles[GetActualStyle2(StyleNo, LParaNo)].Unicode) then
- ress := RVU_AnsiToUnicode(GetStyleCodePage(GetActualStyle2(StyleNo, LParaNo)), s)
- else
- ress := s;
- AddNLTag(ress, StyleNo, ParaNo, Tag);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TCustomRVData.SetItemTextA(ItemNo: Integer; const s: String);
- begin
- Items[ItemNo] := GetTextInItemFormatA(ItemNo, s);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TCustomRVData.GetItemTextA(ItemNo: Integer): String;
- begin
- Result := Items[ItemNo];
- if (GetItemStyle(ItemNo)>=0) and (rvioUnicode in GetItemOptions(ItemNo)) then
- Result := RVU_UnicodeToAnsi(GetStyleCodePage(GetItemStyle(ItemNo)), Result);
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TCustomRVData.AddNL(const s: String; StyleNo, ParaNo: Integer);
- begin
- AddNLTag(s, StyleNo, ParaNo, 0);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TCustomRVData.AddFmt(const FormatStr: String; const Args: array of const;
- StyleNo, ParaNo: Integer);
- begin
- AddNL(Format(FormatStr,Args), StyleNo, ParaNo);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TCustomRVData.AddTextNL(const s: String; StyleNo,
- FirstParaNo, OtherParaNo : Integer
- {$IFDEF RICHVIEWDEF4};Tag: Integer=0{$ENDIF});
- begin
- AddTextUniversal(s, StyleNo, FirstParaNo, OtherParaNo, False, False,
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TCustomRVData.AddTextNLA(const s: String; StyleNo,
- FirstParaNo, OtherParaNo : Integer
- {$IFDEF RICHVIEWDEF4};Tag: Integer=0{$ENDIF});
- begin
- AddTextUniversal(s, StyleNo, FirstParaNo, OtherParaNo, False, True,
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TCustomRVData.AddTextBlockNL(const s: String; StyleNo, ParaNo: Integer
- {$IFDEF RICHVIEWDEF4};Tag: Integer=0{$ENDIF});
- begin
- AddTextUniversal(s, StyleNo, ParaNo, ParaNo, True, False,
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TCustomRVData.AddNamedCheckpointExTag(const CpName: String;
- RaiseEvent: Boolean;
- Tag: Integer): Integer;
- begin
- if NotAddedCP<>nil then begin
- Result := CPCount-1;
- exit;
- end;
- {$ELSE}
- if NotAddedCP<>nil then
- raise ERichViewError.Create(errCPByCP);
- {$ENDIF}
- NotAddedCP := TRVCPInfo.Create;
- NotAddedCP.Name := CPName;
- NotAddedCP.Tag := Tag;
- NotAddedCP.Next := nil;
- NotAddedCP.Prev := nil;
- //NotAddedCP.ItemNo := -1;
- NotAddedCP.RaiseEvent := RaiseEvent;
- Result := CPCount;
- inc(CPCount);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TCustomRVData.AddTab(TextStyleNo, ParaNo: Integer);
- var Item: TRVTabItemInfo;
- begin
- Item := TRVTabItemInfo.Create(Self);
- Item.StyleNo := rvsTab;
- Item.TextStyleNo := TextStyleNo;
- Item.ParaNo := ParaNo;
- Item.SameAsPrev := ParaNo=-1;
- AddItem('', Item);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TCustomRVData.AddBreakExTag(Width: Byte; Style: TRVBreakStyle;
- Color: TColor; Tag: Integer);
- var Item: TRVBreakItemInfo;
- begin
- Item := TRVBreakItemInfo.CreateEx(Self, Width, Style, Color);
- Item.SameAsPrev := False;
- Item.ParaNo := 0;
- Item.Tag := Tag;
- AddItem('',Item);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TCustomRVData.AddBreakEx(Width: Byte; Style: TRVBreakStyle;
- Color: TColor);
- begin
- AddBreakExTag(Width, Style, Color, 0);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TCustomRVData.AddBreakTag(Tag: Integer);
- begin
- AddBreakExTag(1, rvbsLine, clNone, Tag);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TCustomRVData.AddBreak;
- begin
- AddBreakTag(0);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TCustomRVData.AddHotspotExTag(const Name: String;
- ImageIndex, HotImageIndex: Integer;
- ImageList: TCustomImageList;
- ParaNo, Tag: Integer);
- var Item: TRVHotspotItemInfo;
- begin
- Item := TRVHotspotItemInfo.CreateEx(Self, ImageIndex, HotImageIndex,
- ImageList, rvvaBaseLine);
- Item.ParaNo := ParaNo;
- Item.Tag := Tag;
- AddItem(Name, Item);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TCustomRVData.AddHotspotEx(const Name: String;
- ImageIndex, HotImageIndex: Integer;
- ImageList: TCustomImageList;
- ParaNo: Integer);
- begin
- AddHotspotExTag(Name, ImageIndex, HotImageIndex, ImageList, ParaNo, 0);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TCustomRVData.AddBulletExTag(const Name: String; ImageIndex: Integer;
- ImageList: TCustomImageList;
- ParaNo, Tag: Integer);
- var Item: TRVBulletItemInfo;
- begin
- Item := TRVBulletItemInfo.CreateEx(Self, ImageIndex, ImageList, rvvaBaseline);
- Item.ParaNo := ParaNo;
- Item.Tag := Tag;
- AddItem(Name, Item);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TCustomRVData.AddBulletEx(const Name: String; ImageIndex: Integer;
- ImageList: TCustomImageList;
- ParaNo: Integer);
- begin
- AddBulletExTag(Name, ImageIndex, ImageList, ParaNo, 0)
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { "gr" does not copied, do not free it! }
- procedure TCustomRVData.AddPictureExTag(const Name: String; gr: TGraphic;
- ParaNo: Integer; VAlign: TRVVAlign;
- Tag: Integer);
- var Item: TRVGraphicItemInfo;
- begin
- Item := TRVGraphicItemInfo.CreateEx(Self, gr, VAlign);
- Item.ParaNo := ParaNo;
- Item.Tag := Tag;
- AddItem(Name, Item);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { gr does not copied, do not free it! }
- procedure TCustomRVData.AddPictureEx(const Name: String; gr: TGraphic;
- ParaNo: Integer;
- VAlign: TRVVAlign);
- begin
- AddPictureExTag(Name, gr, ParaNo, VAlign, 0);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TCustomRVData.AddHotPicture(const Name: String; gr: TGraphic;
- ParaNo: Integer; VAlign: TRVVAlign);
- begin
- AddHotPictureTag(Name, gr, ParaNo, VAlign, 0);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TCustomRVData.AddHotPictureTag(const Name: String; gr: TGraphic;
- ParaNo: Integer; VAlign: TRVVAlign; Tag: Integer);
- var Item: TRVHotGraphicItemInfo;
- begin
- Item := TRVHotGraphicItemInfo.CreateEx(Self, gr, VAlign);
- Item.ParaNo := ParaNo;
- Item.Tag := Tag;
- AddItem(Name, Item);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { do not free ctrl yourself! }
- procedure TCustomRVData.AddControlExTag(const Name: String; ctrl: TControl;
- ParaNo: Integer; VAlign: TRVVAlign;
- Tag: Integer);
- var Item: TRVControlItemInfo;
- begin
- Item := TRVControlItemInfo.CreateEx(Self, ctrl, VAlign);
- Item.StyleNo := rvsComponent;
- Item.ParaNo := ParaNo;
- Item.Tag := Tag;
- AddItem(Name, Item);
- ctrl.Parent := GetParentControl;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { do not free ctrl yourself! }
- procedure TCustomRVData.AddControlEx(const Name: String; ctrl: TControl;
- ParaNo: Integer;
- VAlign: TRVVAlign);
- begin
- AddControlExTag(Name, ctrl, ParaNo, VAlign, 0);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TCustomRVData.SetAddParagraphMode(AllowNewPara: Boolean);
- begin
- FAllowNewPara := AllowNewPara;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TCustomRVData.SetCP(Item: TCustomRVItemInfo; var PrevCP, CP: TRVCPInfo);
- begin
- if CP=nil then
- exit;
- CP.Prev := PrevCP;
- CP.ItemInfo := Item;
- if (PrevCP=nil) then begin // inserting before first, making first
- if FirstCP<>nil then
- FirstCP.Prev := CP;
- CP.Next := FirstCP;
- FirstCP := CP;
- end
- else
- CP.Next := PrevCP.Next;
- if PrevCP<>nil then
- PrevCP.Next := CP;
- if CP.Next<>nil then
- CP.Next.Prev := CP;
- if PrevCP=LastCP then
- LastCP := CP;
- Item.Checkpoint := CP;
- CP := nil;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TCustomRVData.UnlinkCheckpoint(cp: TRVCPInfo; DecCPCount: Boolean);
- begin
- if cp<>nil then begin
- cp.ItemInfo := nil;
- if FirstCP = cp then FirstCP := cp.Next;
- if LastCP = cp then LastCP := cp.Prev;
- if cp.Prev<>nil then cp.Prev.Next := cp.Next;
- if cp.Next<>nil then cp.Next.Prev := cp.Prev;
- if DecCPCount then
- dec(CPCount);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TCustomRVData.FreeCheckpoint(var cp: TRVCPInfo; AdjustLinks,DecCPCount: Boolean);
- begin
- if cp<>nil then begin
- if AdjustLinks then
- UnlinkCheckpoint(cp,False);
- if rvoTagsArePChars in Options then
- StrDispose(PChar(cp.Tag));
- cp.Free;
- cp := nil;
- if DecCPCount then
- dec(CPCount);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TCustomRVData.ShareItems: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := False;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TCustomRVData.CanLoadLayout: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := False;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TCustomRVData.DeleteItems(FirstItemNo, Count: Integer);
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- if ShareItems then exit;
- if FirstItemNo>=Items.Count then exit;
- if FirstItemNo+Count>Items.Count then
- Count := Items.Count-FirstItemNo;
- Items.BeginUpdate;
- try
- for i := FirstItemNo to FirstItemNo+Count-1 do
- FreeItem(i,False);
- for i :=1 to Count do
- Items.Delete(FirstItemNo);
- finally
- Items.EndUpdate;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TCustomRVData.DeleteSection(const CpName: String);
- var startno, endno: Integer;
- cp: TRVCPInfo;
- begin
- if ShareItems then exit;
- cp := FirstCP;
- startno := -1;
- endno := -1;
- while cp<>nil do begin
- if cp.Name=CpName then begin
- startno := Items.IndexOfObject(cp.ItemInfo);
- endno := Items.Count-1;
- break;
- end;
- cp := cp.Next;
- end;
- if startno=-1 then exit;
- cp := cp.Next;
- while cp<>nil do begin
- if cp.Name<>'' then begin
- endno := Items.IndexOfObject(cp.ItemInfo)-1;
- break;
- end;
- cp := cp.Next;
- end;
- DeleteItems(startno, endno-startno+1);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TCustomRVData.InternalFreeItem(item: TCustomRVItemInfo; Clearing: Boolean);
- begin
- if Item=nil then
- exit;
- DeleteMarkerFromList(item, Clearing);
- {$ENDIF}
- FreeCheckpoint(Item.Checkpoint, True, True);
- if rvoTagsArePChars in Options then
- StrDispose(PChar(Item.Tag));
- Item.Free;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TCustomRVData.FreeItem(ItemNo: Integer; Clearing: Boolean);
- var item: TCustomRVItemInfo;
- s: String;
- begin
- item := TCustomRVItemInfo(Items.Objects[ItemNo]);
- s := Items[ItemNo];
- ItemAction(rviaDestroying, item, s, Self);
- ControlAction(rvcaDestroy, ItemNo, item);
- InternalFreeItem(item, Clearing);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TCustomRVData.Clear;
- var i: Integer;
- Clearing: Boolean;
- begin
- Clearing := rvstClearing in State;
- Include(State, rvstClearing);
- try
- Exclude(State, rvstFirstParaAborted);
- Exclude(State, rvstLastParaAborted);
- if not ShareItems then begin
- Items.BeginUpdate;
- for i:=0 to Items.Count-1 do
- FreeItem(i,True);
- Items.Clear;
- Items.EndUpdate;
- end;
- FreeCheckpoint(NotAddedCP, False, True);
- FirstCP := nil;
- LastCP := nil;
- if GetDocProperties<>nil then
- GetDocProperties.Clear;
- finally
- if not Clearing then
- Exclude(State, rvstClearing);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TCustomRVData.GetOffsBeforeItem(ItemNo: Integer): Integer;
- begin
- if GetItemStyle(ItemNo)<0 then
- Result := 0
- else
- Result := 1;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TCustomRVData.GetOffsAfterItem(ItemNo: Integer): Integer;
- begin
- if GetItemStyle(ItemNo)<0 then
- Result := 1
- else
- Result := RVU_Length(Items[ItemNo], GetItemOptions(ItemNo))+1;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TCustomRVData.ReplaceTabs(const s: String; StyleNo: Integer;
- UnicodeDef: Boolean): String;
- begin
- if GetRVStyle = nil then begin
- if UnicodeDef then
- Result := RV_ReplaceTabsW(s,8)
- else
- {$ENDIF}
- Result := RV_ReplaceTabsA(s,8)
- end
- else
- if GetRVStyle.TextStyles[StyleNo].Unicode then
- Result := RV_ReplaceTabsW(s, GetRVStyle.SpacesInTab)
- else
- {$ENDIF}
- Result := RV_ReplaceTabsA(s, GetRVStyle.SpacesInTab);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TCustomRVData.AddStringFromFile(const s: String;
- StyleNo,ParaNo: Integer; FromNewLine, AsSingleParagraph: Boolean;
- var FirstTime, PageBreak: Boolean);
- begin
- if not FromNewLine then
- ParaNo := -1;
- AddNLATag(s,StyleNo,ParaNo,0);
- {$ELSE}
- AddNLTag(s,StyleNo,ParaNo,0);
- {$ENDIF}
- if AsSingleParagraph and FirstTime then begin
- SetAddParagraphMode(False);
- FirstTime := False;
- end;
- if PageBreak then begin
- PageBreaksBeforeItems[Items.Count-1] := True;
- PageBreak := False;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TCustomRVData.LoadText(const FileName: String; StyleNo, ParaNo: Integer;
- AsSingleParagraph: Boolean): Boolean;
- var Stream: TFileStream;
- {
- f: TextFile;
- s: String;
- }
- begin
- {
- AssignFile(f, FileName);
- Reset(f);
- while not eof(f) do begin
- Readln(f, s);
- AddTextNL(s, StyleNo, ParaNo, ParaNo);
- end;
- CloseFile(f);
- Result := True;
- exit;
- }
- try
- Stream := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmOpenRead);
- try
- Result := LoadTextFromStream(Stream, StyleNo, ParaNo, AsSingleParagraph)
- finally
- Stream.Free;
- end;
- except
- Result := False;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TCustomRVData.AddTextUniversal(const text: String; StyleNo, FirstParaNo,
- OtherParaNo: Integer; AsSingleParagraph, CheckUnicode: Boolean; Tag: Integer): Boolean;
- var ANP: Boolean;
- FromNewLine, FirstTime, ProcessPageBreaks, PageBreak, ProcessTabs,
- CopyTags: Boolean;
- ParaNo : Integer;
- fulltextstartptr, startptr, ptr, endptr: PChar;
- SkipIfEqual: Char;
- TabItem: TRVTabItemInfo;
- {........................................................}
- procedure AddTextItem;
- var AParaNo, ATag: Integer;
- s: String;
- begin
- s := System.Copy(text, startptr-fulltextstartptr+1, ptr-startptr);
- if (s='') and not FromNewLine then
- exit;
- if FromNewLine or PageBreak then
- AParaNo := ParaNo
- else
- AParaNo := -1;
- if CopyTags then
- ATag := RV_CopyTag(Tag, True)
- else
- ATag := Tag;
- if not CheckUnicode then
- {$ENDIF}
- if ProcessTabs then
- AddNLTag_(s, StyleNo, AParaNo, ATag)
- else
- AddNLTag(s, StyleNo, AParaNo, ATag)
- else
- if ProcessTabs then
- AddNLATag_(s, StyleNo, AParaNo, ATag)
- else
- AddNLATag(s, StyleNo, AParaNo, ATag)
- {$ENDIF};
- FromNewLine := False;
- if PageBreak then begin
- PageBreaksBeforeItems[Items.Count-1] := True;
- PageBreak := False;
- end;
- if AsSingleParagraph and FirstTime then begin
- SetAddParagraphMode(False);
- FirstTime := False;
- end;
- end;
- {........................................................}
- begin
- ANP := FAllowNewPara;
- FirstTime := True;
- Result := True;
- ProcessPageBreaks := SupportsPageBreaks;
- PageBreak := False;
- ProcessTabs := (GetRVStyle<>nil) and (GetRVStyle.SpacesInTab<=0);
- CopyTags := (Tag<>0) and (rvoTagsArePChars in Options);
- ParaNo := FirstParaNo;
- FromNewLine := ParaNo>=0;
- try
- fulltextstartptr := PChar(text);
- startptr := fulltextstartptr;
- ptr := startptr;
- endptr := PChar(text)+Length(text);
- SkipIfEqual := #0;
- while ptr<endptr do begin
- if SkipIfEqual<>#0 then begin
- if (ptr^=SkipIfEqual) then begin
- inc(startptr);
- inc(ptr);
- SkipIfEqual := #0;
- continue;
- end;
- SkipIfEqual := #0;
- end;
- if ((ptr^) in [#10, #12, #13]) or (ProcessTabs and ((ptr^)=#9)) then begin
- AddTextItem;
- startptr := ptr+1;
- end;
- case ptr^ of
- #9: // tab
- begin
- if ProcessTabs then begin
- TabItem := TRVTabItemInfo.Create(Self);
- TabItem.StyleNo := rvsTab;
- TabItem.TextStyleNo := StyleNo;
- if FromNewLine then
- TabItem.ParaNo := ParaNo
- else
- TabItem.ParaNo := -1;
- AddItem('', TabItem);
- FromNewLine := False;
- end;
- end;
- #12: // page break
- begin
- PageBreak := ProcessPageBreaks;
- FromNewLine := True;
- ParaNo := OtherParaNo;
- end;
- #13:
- begin
- FromNewLine := True;
- SkipIfEqual := #10;
- ParaNo := OtherParaNo;
- end;
- #10:
- begin
- FromNewLine := True;
- SkipIfEqual := #13;
- ParaNo := OtherParaNo;
- end;
- end;
- inc(ptr);
- end;
- AddTextItem;
- except
- Result := False;
- end;
- SetAddParagraphMode(ANP);
- if CopyTags then
- StrDispose(PChar(Tag));
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TCustomRVData.LoadTextFromStream(Stream: TStream; StyleNo,
- ParaNo: Integer; AsSingleParagraph: Boolean):Boolean;
- var FullText: String;
- begin
- if Stream.Size=Stream.Position then begin
- Result := True;
- exit;
- end;
- SetLength(FullText, Stream.Size-Stream.Position);
- Stream.ReadBuffer(PChar(FullText)^, Length(FullText));
- Replace0(FullText);
- Result := AddTextUniversal(FullText, StyleNo, ParaNo, ParaNo,
- AsSingleParagraph, True, 0);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TCustomRVData.SaveTextToStream(const Path: String; Stream: TStream;
- LineWidth: Integer;
- SelectionOnly, TextOnly, Unicode, UnicodeWriteSignature: Boolean):Boolean;
- var i, StartItemNo,EndItemNo,StartOffs,EndOffs: Integer;
- MarkerItemNo: Integer;
- {$ENDIF}
- Item: TCustomRVItemInfo;
- s: String;
- NotUsedPart: TRVMultiDrawItemPart;
- CustomSave: Boolean;
- UniSign: Word;
- {$ENDIF}
- {..................................................}
- function GetStr(Item:TCustomRVItemInfo; const s: String;
- CustomSave: Boolean) : String;
- begin
- if not CustomSave then begin
- if (Item=nil) or (Item.StyleNo<0) then begin
- if Unicode and ((Item=nil) or not Item.GetBoolValue(rvbpCanSaveUnicode)) then
- Result := RVU_AnsiToUnicode(GetDefaultCodePage, s)
- else
- Result := s
- end
- else if (rvioUnicode in Item.ItemOptions) and not Unicode then
- Result := RVU_UnicodeToAnsi(GetDefaultCodePage, s)
- else if not (rvioUnicode in Item.ItemOptions) and Unicode then
- Result := RVU_AnsiToUnicode(GetStyleCodePage(GetActualStyle(Item)), s)
- else
- Result := s;
- end
- else
- {$ENDIF}
- Result := s;
- end;
- {..................................................}
- function GetTextStr(ItemNo, StartOffs, EndOffs: Integer;
- var CustomSave: Boolean): String;
- begin
- if StartOffs<0 then
- Result := Items[ItemNo]
- else
- Result := RVU_Copy(Items[ItemNo], StartOffs, EndOffs-StartOffs,
- GetItem(ItemNo).ItemOptions);
- CustomSave := SaveItemToFile(Path, Self, ItemNo, rvsfText, Unicode, Result);
- end;
- {..................................................}
- function GetNonTextStr(ItemNo, StartOffs, EndOffs: Integer;
- var CustomSave: Boolean): String;
- var SaveUnicode: Boolean;
- Item: TCustomRVItemInfo;
- begin
- CustomSave := False;
- Item := GetItem(ItemNo);
- Result := '';
- if (not TextOnly or Item.GetBoolValue(rvbpAlwaysInText)) and
- (StartOffs<EndOffs) then begin
- CustomSave := SaveItemToFile(Path, Self, ItemNo, rvsfText, Unicode, Result);
- if not CustomSave then begin
- SaveUnicode := Unicode and Item.GetBoolValue(rvbpCanSaveUnicode);
- {$ELSE}
- SaveUnicode := False;
- {$ENDIF}
- Result := GetItem(ItemNo).AsText(LineWidth, Self, Items[ItemNo], Path,
- TextOnly, SaveUnicode);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {..................................................}
- begin
- try
- Result := True;
- RVFGetLimits(GetRVFSaveScope(SelectionOnly),StartItemNo,EndItemNo,StartOffs,EndOffs,NotUsedPart,NotUsedPart);
- if (StartItemNo=-1) or (StartItemNo>EndItemNo) then
- exit;
- if Unicode and UnicodeWriteSignature then begin
- UniSign := UNI_LSB_FIRST;
- Stream.WriteBuffer(UniSign, 2);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- if SelectionOnly then begin
- MarkerItemNo := GetFirstParaSectionItem(StartItemNo);
- if GetItemStyle(MarkerItemNo)=rvsListMarker then begin
- s := GetNonTextStr(MarkerItemNo, 0, 1, CustomSave);
- RVFWrite(Stream, GetStr(GetItem(MarkerItemNo), s, CustomSave));
- end;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- Item := GetItem(StartItemNo);
- if StartItemNo = EndItemNo then begin
- if Item.StyleNo<0 then
- s := GetNonTextStr(StartItemNo, StartOffs, EndOffs, CustomSave)
- else
- s := GetTextStr(StartItemNo, StartOffs, EndOffs, CustomSave);
- RVFWrite(Stream, GetStr(Item, s, CustomSave));
- end
- else begin
- if Item.StyleNo < 0 then
- s := GetNonTextStr(StartItemNo, StartOffs, 1, CustomSave)
- else
- s := GetTextStr(StartItemNo, StartOffs, RVU_Length(Items[StartItemNo],
- Item.ItemOptions)+1, CustomSave);
- RVFWrite(Stream, GetStr(Item, s, CustomSave));
- for i := StartItemNo+1 to EndItemNo-1 do begin
- Item := GetItem(i);
- if Item.PageBreakBefore and RichViewSavePageBreaksInText then
- RVFWrite(Stream, GetStr(nil, #$0C, False))
- else if not Item.SameAsPrev then
- RVFWrite(Stream, GetStr(nil, crlf, False));
- if Item.StyleNo < 0 then
- s := GetNonTextStr(i, 0, 1, CustomSave)
- else
- s := GetTextStr(i, -1, -1, CustomSave);
- RVFWrite(Stream, GetStr(Item, s, CustomSave));
- end;
- Item := GetItem(EndItemNo);
- if Item.PageBreakBefore and RichViewSavePageBreaksInText then
- RVFWrite(Stream, GetStr(nil, #$0C, False))
- else if not Item.SameAsPrev then
- RVFWrite(Stream, GetStr(nil, crlf, False));
- if Item.StyleNo < 0 then
- s := GetNonTextStr(EndItemNo, 0, EndOffs, CustomSave)
- else
- s := GetTextStr(EndItemNo, 1, EndOffs, CustomSave);
- RVFWrite(Stream, GetStr(Item, s, CustomSave));
- end;
- except
- Result := False;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TCustomRVData.SaveText(const FileName: String; LineWidth: Integer;
- Unicode: Boolean): Boolean;
- var Stream: TFileStream;
- begin
- try
- Stream := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmCreate);
- try
- Result := SaveTextToStream(ExtractFilePath(FileName), Stream, LineWidth,
- False, False, Unicode, Unicode);
- finally
- Stream.Free;
- end;
- except
- Result := False;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TCustomRVData.AddTextNLW(const s: String; StyleNo, FirstParaNo,
- OtherParaNo : Integer; DefAsSingleParagraph: Boolean);
- var
- ParaNo: Integer;
- startptr,ptr,endptr: PWord;
- SkipIfEqual: Word;
- ANP: Boolean;
- ProcessTabs, ProcessPageBreaks, PageBreak, FromNewLine: Boolean;
- TabItem: TRVTabItemInfo;
- {.................................}
- procedure AddTextItem(AllowAddingEmpty: Boolean);
- var str: String;
- AParaNo: Integer;
- begin
- if (startptr=ptr) and (not FromNewLine or not AllowAddingEmpty) then
- exit;
- str := Copy(s, PChar(startptr)-PChar(s)+1, PChar(ptr)-PChar(startptr));
- if FromNewLine or PageBreak then
- AParaNo := ParaNo
- else
- AParaNo := -1;
- AddNLWTagRaw(str, StyleNo, AParaNo, 0);
- FromNewLine := False;
- if PageBreak then begin
- PageBreaksBeforeItems[Items.Count-1] := True;
- PageBreak := False;
- end;
- end;
- {.................................}
- begin
- ANP := FAllowNewPara;
- RVCheckUni(Length(s));
- startptr := PWord(PChar(s));
- endptr := PWord(PChar(s)+Length(s));
- RVU_ProcessByteOrderMark(startptr, Length(s) div 2);
- ptr := startptr;
- if ptr=endptr then begin
- if FirstParaNo<>-1 then
- AddNL(s, StyleNo, FirstParaNo);
- exit;
- end;
- ParaNo := FirstParaNo;
- FromNewLine := ParaNo>=0;
- SkipIfEqual := 0;
- ProcessPageBreaks := SupportsPageBreaks;
- PageBreak := False;
- ProcessTabs := (GetRVStyle<>nil) and (GetRVStyle.SpacesInTab<=0);
- SetAddParagraphMode(not DefAsSingleParagraph);
- while PChar(ptr)<PChar(endptr) do begin
- if SkipIfEqual<>0 then begin
- if (ptr^=SkipIfEqual) then begin
- inc(PChar(startptr),2);
- inc(PChar(ptr), 2);
- SkipIfEqual := 0;
- continue;
- end;
- SkipIfEqual := 0;
- end;
- case ptr^ of
- UNI_LineSeparator, UNI_VerticalTab:
- begin
- AddTextItem(True);
- SetAddParagraphMode(False);
- ParaNo := OtherParaNo;
- FromNewLine := True;
- startptr := PWord(PChar(ptr)+2);
- end;
- UNI_ParagraphSeparator:
- begin
- AddTextItem(True);
- SetAddParagraphMode(True);
- ParaNo := OtherParaNo;
- FromNewLine := True;
- startptr := PWord(PChar(ptr)+2);
- end;
- begin
- AddTextItem(True);
- PageBreak := ProcessPageBreaks;
- ParaNo := OtherParaNo;
- FromNewLine := True;
- startptr := PWord(PChar(ptr)+2);
- end;
- begin
- AddTextItem(True);
- SetAddParagraphMode(not DefAsSingleParagraph);
- SkipIfEqual := UNI_LF;
- ParaNo := OtherParaNo;
- FromNewLine := True;
- startptr := PWord(PChar(ptr)+2);
- end;
- begin
- AddTextItem(True);
- SetAddParagraphMode(not DefAsSingleParagraph);
- SkipIfEqual := UNI_CR;
- ParaNo := OtherParaNo;
- FromNewLine := True;
- startptr := PWord(PChar(ptr)+2);
- end;
- UNI_Tab:
- begin
- if ProcessTabs then begin
- AddTextItem(False);
- TabItem := TRVTabItemInfo.Create(Self);
- TabItem.StyleNo := rvsTab;
- TabItem.TextStyleNo := StyleNo;
- if FromNewLine then
- TabItem.ParaNo := ParaNo
- else
- TabItem.ParaNo := -1;
- AddItem('', TabItem);
- FromNewLine := False;
- SetAddParagraphMode(not DefAsSingleParagraph);
- startptr := PWord(PChar(ptr)+2);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- inc(PChar(ptr), 2);
- end;
- AddTextItem(True);
- SetAddParagraphMode(ANP);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TCustomRVData.LoadTextFromStreamW(Stream: TStream; StyleNo, ParaNo: Integer;
- DefAsSingleParagraph: Boolean):Boolean;
- var s: String;
- begin
- Result := True;
- try
- RVCheckUni(Stream.Size-Stream.Position);
- SetLength(s, Stream.Size-Stream.Position);
- Stream.ReadBuffer(PChar(s)^,Stream.Size-Stream.Position);
- AddTextNLW(s, StyleNo, ParaNo, ParaNo, DefAsSingleParagraph);
- except
- Result := False;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TCustomRVData.LoadTextW(const FileName: String; StyleNo, ParaNo: Integer;
- DefAsSingleParagraph: Boolean): Boolean;
- var Stream: TFileStream;
- begin
- Stream := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmOpenRead);
- try
- Result := LoadTextFromStreamW(Stream, StyleNo, ParaNo, DefAsSingleParagraph);
- finally
- Stream.Free;
- end;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TCustomRVData.SaveHTML(const FileName, Title,
- ImagesPrefix: String; Options: TRVSaveOptions; Color: TColor;
- var imgSaveNo: Integer;
- LeftMargin, TopMargin, RightMargin, BottomMargin: Integer;
- Background: TRVBackground): Boolean;
- var Stream: TFileStream;
- begin
- try
- Stream := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmCreate);
- try
- Result := SaveHTMLToStream(Stream, ExtractFilePath(FileName),
- Title, ImagesPrefix, Options,
- Color, imgSaveNo,
- LeftMargin, TopMargin,
- RightMargin, BottomMargin,
- Background, nil);
- finally
- Stream.Free;
- end;
- except
- Result := False;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TCustomRVData.SaveHTMLEx(const FileName, Title, ImagesPrefix,
- ExtraStyles, ExternalCSS, CPPrefix: String; Options: TRVSaveOptions;
- Color: TColor; var CurrentFileColor: TColor; var imgSaveNo: Integer;
- LeftMargin, TopMargin, RightMargin, BottomMargin: Integer;
- Background: TRVBackground):Boolean;
- var Stream: TFileStream;
- begin
- try
- Stream := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmCreate);
- try
- Result := SaveHTMLToStreamEx(Stream, ExtractFilePath(FileName),
- Title, ImagesPrefix, ExtraStyles, ExternalCSS, CPPrefix, Options,
- Color, CurrentFileColor, imgSaveNo, LeftMargin, TopMargin,
- RightMargin, BottomMargin, Background, nil);
- finally
- Stream.Free;
- end;
- except
- Result := False;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TCustomRVData.ShouldSaveTextToHTML(StyleNo: Integer): Boolean;
- begin
- with GetRVStyle.TextStyles[StyleNo] do
- Result := (rvteoHTMLCode in Options) or not (rvteoRTFCode in Options)
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TCustomRVData.GetHTMLATag(ItemNo: Integer; CSS: String;
- UTF8: Boolean): String;
- var Target, Extras: String;
- begin
- WriteHyperlink(GetItem(ItemNo).JumpID+FirstJumpNo, Self, ItemNo, rvsfHTML,
- Target, Extras);
- if (Target<>'') or (Extras<>'') then begin
- if Extras<>'' then
- Extras := ' '+Extras;
- if CSS<>'' then
- CSS := ' '+CSS;
- Result := Format('<a%s href="%s"%s>',[CSS, Target, Extras]);
- if UTF8 then
- Result := RVU_AnsiToUTF8(GetRVStyle.DefCodePage, Result);
- end
- else
- Result := '';
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TCustomRVData.SaveHTMLCheckpoint(Stream: TStream;
- Checkpoint: TRVCPInfo; var cpno: Integer; const Prefix: String;
- FromNewLine: Boolean; Options: TRVSaveOptions);
- begin
- if Checkpoint<>nil then begin
- if FromNewLine then
- RVWriteLn(Stream,'');
- if (rvsoUseCheckpointsNames in Options) and (Checkpoint.Name<>'') then
- RVWriteLn(Stream,'<a name="'+Checkpoint.Name+'"></a>')
- else
- RVWriteLn(Stream,'<a name='+Prefix+IntToStr(cpno)+'></a>');
- inc(cpno);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Returns text string for saving to HTML. Path - path for saving HTML (pictures).
- ItemNo - index of text item to save.
- CSSVersion is True is called from SaveHTMLEx.
- Calls OnSaveItemToHTML, if assigned.
- If CSSVersion, special processing for "Symbol" font }
- function TCustomRVData.GetTextForHTML(const Path: String; ItemNo: Integer;
- CSSVersion: Boolean; SaveOptions: TRVSaveOptions): String;
- var Item: TCustomRVItemInfo;
- FontInfo: TFontInfo;
- StyleNo: Integer;
- begin
- Result := Items[ItemNo];
- if not SaveItemToFile(Path, Self, ItemNo, rvsfHTML, False, Result) then begin
- if (Result='') and IsFromNewLine(ItemNo) and
- ((ItemNo+1=ItemCount) or IsFromNewLine(ItemNo+1)) then begin
- Result := Format('<br%s>', [RV_HTMLGetEndingSlash(SaveOptions)]);
- exit;
- end;
- Item := GetItem(ItemNo);
- StyleNo := GetActualStyle(Item);
- FontInfo := GetRVStyle.TextStyles[StyleNo];
- if rvioUnicode in Item.ItemOptions then
- if CSSVersion and (AnsiCompareText(FontInfo.FontName, RVFONT_SYMBOL)=0) then
- Result := RV_MakeHTMLSymbolStrRaw(Result)
- else if rvsoUTF8 in SaveOptions then
- Result := RVU_UnicodeToUTF8(Result, rvteoHTMLCode in FontInfo.Options)
- else
- Result := RVU_GetHTMLEncodedUnicode(Result, rvteoHTMLCode in FontInfo.Options)
- else
- {$ENDIF}
- if CSSVersion and (AnsiCompareText(FontInfo.FontName, RVFONT_SYMBOL)=0) then
- Result := RV_MakeHTMLSymbolStr(Result)
- else begin
- Result := RV_MakeHTMLStr(Result, rvteoHTMLCode in FontInfo.Options);
- if rvsoUTF8 in SaveOptions then
- Result := RVU_AnsiToUTF8(GetStyleCodePage(StyleNo), Result);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TCustomRVData.SaveHTMLToStream(Stream: TStream; const Path, Title,
- ImagesPrefix: String; Options: TRVSaveOptions; Color: TColor;
- var imgSaveNo: Integer; LeftMargin, TopMargin, RightMargin, BottomMargin: Integer;
- Background: TRVBackground; Bullets: TRVList): Boolean;
- {......................................................}
- procedure WriteExtraHTMLCode(Area: TRVHTMLSaveArea; AddSpace: Boolean);
- var s: String;
- begin
- s := GetExtraHTMLCode(Area, False);
- if s<>'' then
- if AddSpace then
- RVWrite(Stream,' '+s)
- else
- RVWrite(Stream, s);
- end;
- {...........................................................}
- procedure SaveFirst(Stream: TStream; const Path, Title: String);
- var s: String;
- begin
- if rvsoXHTML in Options then begin
- RVWrite(Stream, '<?xml version="1.0"');
- if rvsoUTF8 in Options then
- s := 'UTF-8'
- else
- s := RV_CharSet2HTMLLang(GetRVStyle.TextStyles[0].CharSet);
- if s<>'' then
- RVWrite(Stream,SysUtils.Format(' encoding="%s"',[s]));
- {$ENDIF}
- RVWriteLn(Stream, '?>');
- end;
- s := Title;
- if rvsoUTF8 in Options then
- s := RVU_AnsiToUTF8(GetRVStyle.DefCodePage, Title);
- RVWriteLn(Stream,'<html><head><title>'+s+'</title>');
- if rvsoUTF8 in Options then
- s := 'UTF-8'
- else
- s := RV_CharSet2HTMLLang(GetRVStyle.TextStyles[0].CharSet);
- if s<>'' then
- RVWriteLn(Stream,SysUtils.Format('<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=%s"%s>',
- [s, RV_HTMLGetEndingSlash(Options)]));
- {$ENDIF}
- WriteExtraHTMLCode(rv_thms_Head, False);
- RVWriteLn(Stream,'</head>');
- RVWrite(Stream,'<body');
- if Color<>clNone then
- RVWrite(Stream,' bgcolor='+RV_GetHTMLRGBStr(Color, True));
- if (Background.Style<>bsNoBitmap) and
- (not Background.Bitmap.Empty) then begin
- s := SaveBackgroundToHTML(Background.Bitmap, Color, Path, ImagesPrefix,
- imgSaveNo, Options);
- if s<>'' then begin
- RVWrite(Stream, Format(' background="%s"', [s]));
- if (Background.Style<>bsTiledAndScrolled) then
- RVWrite(Stream,Format(' bgproperties=%s', [RV_HTMLGetStrAttrVal('fixed', Options)]));
- end;
- end;
- WriteExtraHTMLCode(rv_thms_BodyAttribute, True);
- RVWriteLn(Stream, Format(' leftmargin=%s topmargin=%s rightmargin=%s bottommargin=%s>',
- [RV_HTMLGetIntAttrVal(LeftMargin, Options),
- RV_HTMLGetIntAttrVal(TopMargin, Options),
- RV_HTMLGetIntAttrVal(RightMargin, Options),
- RV_HTMLGetIntAttrVal(BottomMargin, Options)]));
- WriteExtraHTMLCode(rv_thms_Body, False);
- end;
- {...........................................................}
- procedure SaveLast(Stream: TStream);
- begin
- WriteExtraHTMLCode(rv_thms_End, False);
- RVWriteLn(Stream,'</body></html>');
- end;
- {......................................................}
- function GetPageBreakCSS(item: TCustomRVItemInfo): String;
- begin
- if (rvsoForceNonTextCSS in Options) and item.PageBreakBefore then
- Result := ' style="page-break-before: always;"'
- else
- Result := '';
- end;
- {...........................................................}
- function GetOpenDIVTag(Align: TRVAlignment; item: TCustomRVItemInfo): String;
- var s: String;
- begin
- s := '<%%s align=%s%%s>';
- case Align of
- rvaCenter:
- Result := Format(s, [RV_HTMLGetStrAttrVal('center', Options)]);
- rvaRight:
- Result := Format(s, [RV_HTMLGetStrAttrVal('right', Options)]);
- rvaJustify:
- Result := Format(s, [RV_HTMLGetStrAttrVal('justify', Options)]);
- else
- Result := '<%s%s>';
- end;
- if RichViewSavePInHTML then
- s := 'p'
- else
- s := 'div';
- Result := SysUtils.Format(Result, [s, GetPageBreakCSS(item)]);
- end;
- {...........................................................}
- function GetCloseDIVTag: String;
- begin
- if RichViewSavePInHTML then
- Result := '</p>'
- else