资源名称 [点击查看]
- /*===========================================================================
- FILE: mymenu.c
- ===========================================================================*/
- /*===============================================================================
- =============================================================================== */
- #include "AEEModGen.h" // Module interface definitions
- #include "AEEAppGen.h" // Applet interface definitions
- #include "AEEShell.h" // Shell interface definitions
- #include ""
- #include "mymenu_res.h"
- #include "AEEMenu.h"
- // defination for the menu items
- #define ID_ENTER 1
- #define ID_HELP 2
- #define ID_ABOUT 3
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------
- Applet structure. All variables in here are reference via "pMe->"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- // create an applet structure that's passed around. All variables in
- // here will be able to be referenced as static.
- typedef struct _mymenu {
- AEEApplet a ; // First element of this structure must be AEEApplet
- AEEDeviceInfo DeviceInfo; // always have access to the hardware device information
- IDisplay *pIDisplay; // give a standard way to access the Display interface
- IShell *pIShell; // give a standard way to access the Shell interface
- // add your own variables here...
- IMenuCtl *pMenu;
- int state;
- } mymenu;
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------
- Function Prototypes
- -------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- static boolean mymenu_HandleEvent(mymenu* pMe, AEEEvent eCode,
- uint16 wParam, uint32 dwParam);
- boolean mymenu_InitAppData(mymenu* pMe);
- void mymenu_FreeAppData(mymenu* pMe);
- static void BuildMainMenu(mymenu *pMe);
- /*===============================================================================
- =============================================================================== */
- /*===========================================================================
- FUNCTION: AEEClsCreateInstance
- This function is invoked while the app is being loaded. All Modules must provide this
- function. Ensure to retain the same name and parameters for this function.
- In here, the module must verify the ClassID and then invoke the AEEApplet_New() function
- that has been provided in AEEAppGen.c.
- After invoking AEEApplet_New(), this function can do app specific initialization. In this
- example, a generic structure is provided so that app developers need not change app specific
- initialization section every time except for a call to IDisplay_InitAppData().
- This is done as follows: InitAppData() is called to initialize AppletData
- instance. It is app developers responsibility to fill-in app data initialization
- code of InitAppData(). App developer is also responsible to release memory
- allocated for data contained in AppletData -- this can be done in
- IDisplay_FreeAppData().
- int AEEClsCreateInstance(AEECLSID ClsId,IShell * pIShell,IModule * po,void ** ppObj)
- clsID: [in]: Specifies the ClassID of the applet which is being loaded
- pIShell: [in]: Contains pointer to the IShell object.
- pIModule: pin]: Contains pointer to the IModule object to the current module to which
- this app belongs
- ppObj: [out]: On return, *ppObj must point to a valid IApplet structure. Allocation
- of memory for this structure and initializing the base data members is done by AEEApplet_New().
- none
- AEE_SUCCESS: If the app needs to be loaded and if AEEApplet_New() invocation was
- successful
- EFAILED: If the app does not need to be loaded or if errors occurred in
- AEEApplet_New(). If this function returns FALSE, the app will not be loaded.
- none
- ===========================================================================*/
- int AEEClsCreateInstance(AEECLSID ClsId, IShell *pIShell, IModule *po, void **ppObj)
- {
- *ppObj = NULL;
- if( ClsId == AEECLSID_MYMENU )
- {
- // Create the applet and make room for the applet structure
- if( AEEApplet_New(sizeof(mymenu),
- ClsId,
- pIShell,
- po,
- (IApplet**)ppObj,
- (AEEHANDLER)mymenu_HandleEvent,
- (PFNFREEAPPDATA)mymenu_FreeAppData) ) // the FreeAppData function is called after sending EVT_APP_STOP to the HandleEvent function
- {
- //Initialize applet data, this is called before sending EVT_APP_START
- // to the HandleEvent function
- if(mymenu_InitAppData((mymenu*)*ppObj))
- {
- //Data initialized successfully
- return(AEE_SUCCESS);
- }
- else
- {
- //Release the applet. This will free the memory allocated for the applet when
- // AEEApplet_New was called.
- IAPPLET_Release((IApplet*)*ppObj);
- return EFAILED;
- }
- } // end AEEApplet_New
- }
- return(EFAILED);
- }
- /*===========================================================================
- FUNCTION SampleAppWizard_HandleEvent
- This is the EventHandler for this app. All events to this app are handled in this
- function. All APPs must supply an Event Handler.
- boolean SampleAppWizard_HandleEvent(IApplet * pi, AEEEvent eCode, uint16 wParam, uint32 dwParam)
- pi: Pointer to the AEEApplet structure. This structure contains information specific
- to this applet. It was initialized during the AEEClsCreateInstance() function.
- ecode: Specifies the Event sent to this applet
- wParam, dwParam: Event specific data.
- none
- TRUE: If the app has processed the event
- FALSE: If the app did not process the event
- none
- ===========================================================================*/
- static boolean mymenu_HandleEvent(mymenu* pMe, AEEEvent eCode, uint16 wParam, uint32 dwParam)
- {
- uint16 item;
- if(pMe->pMenu && IMENUCTL_HandleEvent(pMe->pMenu,eCode,wParam,dwParam) )
- return TRUE;
- switch (eCode)
- {
- // App is told it is starting up
- // Add your code here...
- BuildMainMenu(pMe);
- return(TRUE);
- // App is told it is exiting
- case EVT_APP_STOP:
- // Add your code here...
- return(TRUE);
- // App is being suspended
- // Add your code here...
- IMENUCTL_Release(pMe->pMenu);
- pMe->pMenu = NULL;
- return(TRUE);
- // App is being resumed
- // Add your code here...
- BuildMainMenu(pMe);
- return(TRUE);
- // An SMS message has arrived for this app. Message is in the dwParam above as (char *)
- // sender simply uses this format "//BREW:ClassId:Message", example //BREW:0x00000001:Hello World
- // Add your code here...
- return(TRUE);
- // A key was pressed. Look at the wParam above to see which key was pressed. The key
- // codes are in AEEVCodes.h. Example "AVK_1" means that the "1" key was pressed.
- case EVT_KEY:
- //lab 6
- // Add your code here...
- if((wParam == AVK_CLR) && (pMe->state == 2)){
- IMENUCTL_Redraw(pMe->pMenu);
- IMENUCTL_SetActive(pMe->pMenu,TRUE);
- pMe->state = 1;
- return TRUE;
- }
- return(FALSE);
- item = IMENUCTL_GetSel (pMe->pMenu);
- switch(item)
- {
- case ID_ENTER:
- {
- //lab 5
- AECHAR szText[] = {'e','n', 't', 'e','r', ' '};
- IMENUCTL_SetActive(pMe->pMenu,FALSE);
- IDISPLAY_ClearScreen(pMe->pIDisplay);
- IDISPLAY_DrawText(pMe->pIDisplay, // Display instance
- AEE_FONT_BOLD, // Use BOLD font
- szText, // Text - Normally comes from resource
- -1, // -1 = Use full string length
- 0, // Ignored - IDF_ALIGN_CENTER
- 0, // Ignored - IDF_ALIGN_MIDDLE
- NULL, // No clipping
- IDISPLAY_Update (pMe->pIDisplay);
- pMe->state =2;
- }
- break;
- case ID_HELP:
- {
- //lab 5
- AECHAR szText[] = {'h','e', 'l', 'p','!', ' '};
- IMENUCTL_SetActive(pMe->pMenu,FALSE);
- IDISPLAY_ClearScreen(pMe->pIDisplay);
- IDISPLAY_DrawText(pMe->pIDisplay, // Display instance
- AEE_FONT_BOLD, // Use BOLD font
- szText, // Text - Normally comes from resource
- -1, // -1 = Use full string length
- 0, // Ignored - IDF_ALIGN_CENTER
- 0, // Ignored - IDF_ALIGN_MIDDLE
- NULL, // No clipping
- IDISPLAY_Update (pMe->pIDisplay);
- pMe->state =2;
- }
- break;
- case ID_ABOUT:
- {
- //lab 5
- AECHAR szText[] = {'a','b', 'o', 'u', 't','!', ' '};
- IMENUCTL_SetActive(pMe->pMenu,FALSE);
- IDISPLAY_ClearScreen(pMe->pIDisplay);
- IDISPLAY_DrawText(pMe->pIDisplay, // Display instance
- AEE_FONT_BOLD, // Use BOLD font
- szText, // Text - Normally comes from resource
- -1, // -1 = Use full string length
- 0, // Ignored - IDF_ALIGN_CENTER
- 0, // Ignored - IDF_ALIGN_MIDDLE
- NULL, // No clipping
- IDISPLAY_Update (pMe->pIDisplay);
- pMe->state =2;
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- return TRUE;
- // If nothing fits up to this point then we'll just break out
- default:
- break;
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- // this function is called when your application is starting up
- boolean mymenu_InitAppData(mymenu* pMe)
- {
- // Get the device information for this handset.
- // Reference all the data by looking at the pMe->DeviceInfo structure
- // Check the API reference guide for all the handy device info you can get
- // The display and shell interfaces are always created by
- // default, so we'll asign them so that you can access
- // them via the standard "pMe->" without the "a."
- pMe->pIDisplay = pMe->a.m_pIDisplay;
- pMe->pIShell = pMe->a.m_pIShell;
- // Insert your code here for initializing or allocating resources...
- pMe->pMenu = NULL;
- pMe->state =0;
- pMe->DeviceInfo.wStructSize = sizeof(pMe->DeviceInfo);
- ISHELL_GetDeviceInfo(pMe->a.m_pIShell,&pMe->DeviceInfo);
- // if there have been no failures up to this point then return success
- return TRUE;
- }
- // this function is called when your application is exiting
- void mymenu_FreeAppData(mymenu* pMe)
- {
- // insert your code here for freeing any resources you have allocated...
- // example to use for releasing each interface:
- // if ( pMe->pIMenuCtl != NULL ) // check for NULL first
- // {
- // IMENUCTL_Release(pMe->pIMenuCtl) // release the interface
- // pMe->pIMenuCtl = NULL; // set to NULL so no problems trying to free later
- // }
- //
- if(pMe->pMenu != NULL)
- {
- IMENUCTL_Release(pMe->pMenu);
- pMe->pMenu = NULL;
- }
- }
- static void BuildMainMenu(mymenu *pMe)
- {
- CtlAddItem pai;
- if(ISHELL_CreateInstance(pMe->pIShell,AEECLSID_MENUCTL,(void**)&pMe->pMenu) != SUCCESS)
- return ;
- //lab 1
- //lab 2
- pai.pText = NULL;
- pai.pImage = NULL;
- pai.wFont = AEE_FONT_BOLD;
- pai.dwData = NULL;
- pai.pszResImage = MYMENU_RES_FILE;
- pai.pszResText = MYMENU_RES_FILE;
- pai.wText = IDS_ENTER;
- pai.wImage = IDB_ENTER;
- pai.wItemID = ID_ENTER;
- IMENUCTL_AddItemEx(pMe->pMenu,&pai);
- //lab 3
- pai.wText = IDS_HELP;
- pai.wImage = IDB_HELP;
- pai.wItemID = ID_HELP;
- IMENUCTL_AddItemEx(pMe->pMenu,&pai);
- //lab 4
- pai.wText = IDS_ABOUT;
- pai.wImage = IDB_ABOUT;
- pai.wItemID = ID_ABOUT;
- IMENUCTL_AddItemEx(pMe->pMenu,&pai);
- IMENUCTL_SetActive(pMe->pMenu,TRUE);
- pMe->state = 1;
- }