资源名称:IEHelper1.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- IEHelper - How to implement a Browser Helper Object
- ---------------------------------------------------
- 1. Introduction
- In order to attach to a running instance of Internet Explorer 4.0 (IE4), An application called a "Browser Helper Object" can be used. This application is a DLL that will attach itself to every instance of IE that is executed on the system. IEHelper demonstrates how to create a Browser Helper Object.
- When an instance of IE is started, it looks in the registry for CLSIDs stored under the following key:
- HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerBrowser Helper Objects
- If this key exists and there are CLSIDs listed under this key, IE will use CoCreateInstance() to try to create an instance of each object listed as a subkey under this key. Note that the CLSID of the object you create must be listed as a subkey and not a named value.
- 2. Restrictions of Browser Helper Objects
- 1) The application that you create must be an in-proc server (i.e., DLL)
- 2) This DLL must implement IObjectWithSite.
- 3) The IObjectWithSite::SetSite() method must be implemented. It is
- through this method that your application receives a pointer to IE's
- IUnknown. (IE actually passes a pointer to IWebBrowser2 but the
- implementation of SetSite() receives a pointer to IUnknown.) You can
- use this IUnknown pointer to automate IE or to sink events from IE.
- 3. Using IEHelper
- To compile and run IEHelper, follow these steps:
- 1) Compile IEHelper using Visual C++ 5.0 or above. Compiling IEHelper will register the DLL in the registry. The registry script contained in IEHlprObj.rgs will create the necessary registry entries to register IEHelper as an IE4 Browser Helper Object.
- 2) Each time a new instance of IE4 is started, IEHelper will be loaded. IE will create an instance of each Browser Helper Object listed in the registry every time a new instance of IE is executed. This means that if you have Active Desktop installed, the Browser Helper Objects will be loaded every time you open a folder or change to a new folder as well as when the browser itself is started.
- 3) View IE4 events in IEHelper's events window.
- 4) To unregister IEHelper so that it is no longer registered as a Browser Helper Object, run regsvr32 with the following options from the command line: regsvr32 /u IEHelper.dll