资源名称:snmp.src.rar [点击查看]
- /*
- * snmpusm.c
- *
- * Routines to manipulate a information about a "user" as
- * defined by the SNMP-USER-BASED-SM-MIB MIB.
- *
- * All functions usm_set_usmStateReference_*() return 0 on success, -1
- * otherwise.
- *
- * !! Tab stops set to 4 in some parts of this file. !!
- * (Designated on a per function.)
- */
- #include <config.h>
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <ip/socket.h>
- #endif
- #include <stdio.h>
- #ifdef HAVE_STDLIB_H
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #endif
- # ifdef WIN32
- # include <sys/timeb.h>
- # else
- # include <time.h>
- # endif
- # include <time.h>
- #else
- # include <sys/time.h>
- # else
- # include <time.h>
- # endif
- #endif
- #include <string.h>
- #else
- #include <strings.h>
- #endif
- #include <netinet/in.h>
- #endif
- #include <dmalloc.h>
- #endif
- #include <libsys/misc.h>
- #include "asn1.h"
- #include "snmp_api.h"
- #include "snmp_debug.h"
- #include "callback.h"
- #include "tools.h"
- #include "keytools.h"
- #include "snmp.h"
- #include "read_config.h"
- #include "snmpv3.h"
- #include "parse.h"
- #include "snmp-tc.h"
- #include "lcd_time.h"
- #include "scapi.h"
- #include "callback.h"
- #include "default_store.h"
- #include "snmpusm.h"
- /* #include "transform_oids.h" */
- oid usmNoAuthProtocol[10] = { 1,3,6,1,6,3,10,1,1,1 };
- oid usmHMACMD5AuthProtocol[10] = { 1,3,6,1,6,3,10,1,1,2 };
- oid usmHMACSHA1AuthProtocol[10] = { 1,3,6,1,6,3,10,1,1,3 };
- oid usmNoPrivProtocol[10] = { 1,3,6,1,6,3,10,1,2,1 };
- oid usmDESPrivProtocol[10] = { 1,3,6,1,6,3,10,1,2,2 };
- static u_int dummy_etime, dummy_eboot; /* For ISENGINEKNOWN(). */
- extern time_t time(time_t *);
- /*
- * Globals.
- */
- static u_int salt_integer;
- /* 1/2 of seed for the salt. Cf. RFC2274, Sect
- */
- int reportErrorOnUnknownID = 0;
- /* Should be determined based on msg type.
- */
- static struct usmUser *initialUser = NULL;
- static struct usmUser *noNameUser = NULL;
- /*
- * Prototypes
- */
- int
- usm_check_secLevel_vs_protocols(int level,
- oid *authProtocol, u_int authProtocolLen,
- oid *privProtocol, u_int privProtocolLen);
- /*
- * Set a given field of the secStateRef.
- *
- * Allocate <len> bytes for type <type> pointed to by ref-><field>.
- * Then copy in <item> and record its length in ref-><field_len>.
- *
- * Return 0 on success, -1 otherwise.
- */
- #define MAKE_ENTRY( type, item, len, field, field_len )
- {
- if (ref == NULL)
- return -1;
- if (ref->field != NULL) {
- SNMP_ZERO(ref->field, ref->field_len);
- SNMP_FREE(ref->field);
- }
- ref->field_len = 0;
- if (len == 0 || item == NULL) {
- return 0;
- }
- if ((ref->field = (type*) malloc (len * sizeof(type))) == NULL)
- {
- return -1;
- }
- memcpy (ref->field, item, len * sizeof(type));
- ref->field_len = len;
- return 0;
- }
- void
- usm_set_reportErrorOnUnknownID (int value)
- {
- reportErrorOnUnknownID = value;
- }
- struct usmStateReference *
- usm_malloc_usmStateReference(void)
- {
- struct usmStateReference *retval = (struct usmStateReference *)
- calloc(1,sizeof(struct usmStateReference));
- return retval;
- } /* end usm_malloc_usmStateReference() */
- void
- usm_free_usmStateReference (void *old)
- {
- struct usmStateReference *old_ref = (struct usmStateReference *)old;
- if (old_ref) {
- SNMP_FREE(old_ref->usr_name);
- SNMP_FREE(old_ref->usr_engine_id);
- SNMP_FREE(old_ref->usr_auth_protocol);
- SNMP_FREE(old_ref->usr_priv_protocol);
- if (old_ref->usr_auth_key) {
- SNMP_ZERO(old_ref->usr_auth_key, old_ref->usr_auth_key_length);
- SNMP_FREE(old_ref->usr_auth_key);
- }
- if (old_ref->usr_priv_key) {
- SNMP_ZERO(old_ref->usr_priv_key, old_ref->usr_priv_key_length);
- SNMP_FREE(old_ref->usr_priv_key);
- }
- SNMP_ZERO(old_ref, sizeof(*old_ref));
- SNMP_FREE(old_ref);
- }
- } /* end usm_free_usmStateReference() */
- int
- usm_set_usmStateReference_name (
- struct usmStateReference *ref,
- char *name,
- size_t name_len)
- {
- MAKE_ENTRY (char,name,name_len,usr_name,usr_name_length);
- }
- int
- usm_set_usmStateReference_engine_id (
- struct usmStateReference *ref,
- u_char *engine_id,
- size_t engine_id_len)
- {
- MAKE_ENTRY (u_char,engine_id,engine_id_len,
- usr_engine_id,usr_engine_id_length);
- }
- int
- usm_set_usmStateReference_auth_protocol (
- struct usmStateReference *ref,
- oid *auth_protocol,
- size_t auth_protocol_len)
- {
- MAKE_ENTRY (oid ,auth_protocol,auth_protocol_len,
- usr_auth_protocol,usr_auth_protocol_length);
- }
- int
- usm_set_usmStateReference_auth_key (
- struct usmStateReference *ref,
- u_char *auth_key,
- size_t auth_key_len)
- {
- MAKE_ENTRY (u_char,auth_key,auth_key_len,
- usr_auth_key,usr_auth_key_length);
- }
- int
- usm_set_usmStateReference_priv_protocol (
- struct usmStateReference *ref,
- oid *priv_protocol,
- size_t priv_protocol_len)
- {
- MAKE_ENTRY (oid,priv_protocol,priv_protocol_len,
- usr_priv_protocol,usr_priv_protocol_length);
- }
- int
- usm_set_usmStateReference_priv_key (
- struct usmStateReference *ref,
- u_char *priv_key,
- size_t priv_key_len)
- {
- MAKE_ENTRY (u_char,priv_key,priv_key_len,
- usr_priv_key,usr_priv_key_length);
- }
- int
- usm_set_usmStateReference_sec_level (
- struct usmStateReference *ref,
- int sec_level)
- {
- if (ref == NULL) return -1;
- ref->usr_sec_level = sec_level;
- return 0;
- }
- /*******************************************************************-o-******
- * emergency_print
- *
- * Parameters:
- * *field
- * length
- *
- * This is a print routine that is solely included so that it can be
- * used in gdb. Don't use it as a function, it will be pulled before
- * a real release of the code.
- *
- * tab stop 4
- *
- * XXX fflush() only works on FreeBSD; core dumps on Sun OS's
- */
- void
- emergency_print (u_char *field, u_int length)
- {
- int iindex;
- int start=0;
- int stop=25;
- while (start < stop)
- {
- for (iindex = start; iindex < stop; iindex++)
- printf ("%02X ", field[iindex]);
- printf ("n");
- start = stop;
- stop = stop+25<length?stop+25:length;
- }
- fflush (0);
- } /* end emergency_print() */
- #endif /* SNMP_TESTING_CODE */
- /*******************************************************************-o-******
- * asn_predict_int_length
- *
- * Parameters:
- * type (UNUSED)
- * number
- * len
- *
- * Returns:
- * Number of bytes necessary to store the ASN.1 encoded value of 'number'.
- *
- *
- * This gives the number of bytes that the ASN.1 encoder (in asn1.c) will
- * use to encode a particular integer value.
- *
- * Returns the length of the integer -- NOT THE HEADER!
- *
- * Do this the same way as asn_build_int()...
- */
- int
- asn_predict_int_length (int type, long number, size_t len)
- {
- register u_long mask;
- if (len != sizeof (long)) return -1;
- mask = ((u_long) 0x1FF) << ((8 * (sizeof(long) - 1)) - 1);
- /* mask is 0xFF800000 on a big-endian machine */
- while((((number & mask) == 0) || ((number & mask) == mask)) && len > 1)
- {
- len--;
- number <<= 8;
- }
- return len;
- } /* end asn_predict_length() */
- /*******************************************************************-o-******
- * asn_predict_length
- *
- * Parameters:
- * type
- * *ptr
- * u_char_len
- *
- * Returns:
- * Length in bytes: 1 + <n> + <u_char_len>, where
- *
- * 1 For the ASN.1 type.
- * <n> # of bytes to store length of data.
- * <u_char_len> Length of data associated with ASN.1 type.
- *
- * This gives the number of bytes that the ASN.1 encoder (in asn1.c) will
- * use to encode a particular integer value. This is as broken as the
- * currently used encoder.
- *
- * XXX How is <n> chosen, exactly??
- */
- int
- asn_predict_length (int type, u_char *ptr, size_t u_char_len)
- {
- if (type & ASN_SEQUENCE) return 1+3+u_char_len;
- if (type & ASN_INTEGER)
- {
- u_long value;
- memcpy (&value, ptr, u_char_len);
- u_char_len = asn_predict_int_length (type, value, u_char_len);
- }
- if (u_char_len < 0x80)
- return 1+1+u_char_len;
- else if (u_char_len < 0xFF)
- return 1+2+u_char_len;
- else
- return 1+3+u_char_len;
- } /* end asn_predict_length() */
- /*******************************************************************-o-******
- * usm_calc_offsets
- *
- * Parameters:
- * (See list below...)
- *
- * Returns:
- * 0 On success,
- * -1 Otherwise.
- *
- *
- * This routine calculates the offsets into an outgoing message buffer
- * for the necessary values. The outgoing buffer will generically
- * look like this:
- *
- * SNMPv3 Message
- * SEQ len[11]
- * INT len version
- * Header
- * SEQ len
- * INT len MsgID
- * INT len msgMaxSize
- * OST len msgFlags (OST = OCTET STRING)
- * INT len msgSecurityModel
- * MsgSecurityParameters
- * [1] OST len[2]
- * SEQ len[3]
- * OST len msgAuthoritativeEngineID
- * INT len msgAuthoritativeEngineBoots
- * INT len msgAuthoritativeEngineTime
- * OST len msgUserName
- * OST len[4] [5] msgAuthenticationParameters
- * OST len[6] [7] msgPrivacyParameters
- * MsgData
- * [8] OST len[9] [10] encryptedPDU
- * or
- * [8,10] SEQUENCE len[9] scopedPDU
- * [12]
- *
- * The bracketed points will be needed to be identified ([x] is an index
- * value, len[x] means a length value). Here is a semantic guide to them:
- *
- * [1] = globalDataLen (input)
- * [2] = otstlen
- * [3] = seq_len
- * [4] = msgAuthParmLen (may be 0 or 12)
- * [5] = authParamsOffset
- * [6] = msgPrivParmLen (may be 0 or 8)
- * [7] = privParamsOffset
- * [8] = globalDataLen + msgSecParmLen
- * [9] = datalen
- * [10] = dataOffset
- * [11] = theTotalLength - the length of the header itself
- * [12] = theTotalLength
- */
- int
- usm_calc_offsets (
- size_t globalDataLen, /* SNMPv3Message + HeaderData */
- int secLevel,
- size_t secEngineIDLen,
- size_t secNameLen,
- size_t scopedPduLen, /* An BER encoded sequence. */
- u_long engineboots, /* XXX (asn1.c works in long, not int.) */
- long engine_time, /* XXX (asn1.c works in long, not int.) */
- size_t *theTotalLength, /* globalDataLen + msgSecurityP. + msgData */
- size_t *authParamsOffset,/* Distance to auth bytes. */
- size_t *privParamsOffset,/* Distance to priv bytes. */
- size_t *dataOffset, /* Distance to scopedPdu SEQ -or- the
- * crypted (data) portion of msgData. */
- size_t *datalen, /* Size of msgData OCTET STRING encoding. */
- size_t *msgAuthParmLen, /* Size of msgAuthenticationParameters. */
- size_t *msgPrivParmLen, /* Size of msgPrivacyParameters. */
- size_t *otstlen, /* Size of msgSecurityP. O.S. encoding. */
- size_t *seq_len, /* Size of msgSecurityP. SEQ data. */
- size_t *msgSecParmLen) /* Size of msgSecurityP. SEQ. */
- {
- int engIDlen, /* Sizes of OCTET STRING and SEQ encodings */
- engBtlen, /* for fields within */
- engTmlen, /* msgSecurityParameters portion of */
- namelen, /* SNMPv3Message. */
- authlen,
- privlen, temp;
- /*
- * If doing authentication, msgAuthParmLen = 12 else msgAuthParmLen = 0.
- * If doing encryption, msgPrivParmLen = 8 else msgPrivParmLen = 0.
- */
- *msgAuthParmLen = (secLevel == SNMP_SEC_LEVEL_AUTHNOPRIV
- || secLevel == SNMP_SEC_LEVEL_AUTHPRIV)?12:0;
- *msgPrivParmLen = (secLevel == SNMP_SEC_LEVEL_AUTHPRIV)?8:0;
- /*
- * Calculate lengths.
- */
- if ( (engIDlen = asn_predict_length(ASN_OCTET_STR,
- 0, secEngineIDLen)) == -1 )
- {
- return -1;
- }
- if ( (engBtlen = asn_predict_length (ASN_INTEGER,
- (u_char*)&engineboots,sizeof(long))) == -1 )
- {
- return -1;
- }
- if ( (engTmlen = asn_predict_length (ASN_INTEGER,
- (u_char*)&engine_time,sizeof(long))) == -1 )
- {
- return -1;
- }
- if ( (namelen = asn_predict_length (ASN_OCTET_STR,0,secNameLen))==-1 )
- {
- return -1;
- }
- if ( (authlen = asn_predict_length (ASN_OCTET_STR,
- 0,*msgAuthParmLen)) == -1 )
- {
- return -1;
- }
- if ( (privlen = asn_predict_length (ASN_OCTET_STR,
- 0,*msgPrivParmLen)) == -1 )
- {
- return -1;
- }
- *seq_len = engIDlen + engBtlen + engTmlen + namelen + authlen + privlen;
- if ( (temp = asn_predict_length (ASN_SEQUENCE,
- 0, *seq_len)) == -1 )
- {
- return -1;
- }
- *otstlen = temp;
- if ( (temp = asn_predict_length (ASN_OCTET_STR,
- 0,*otstlen)) == -1 )
- {
- return -1;
- }
- *msgSecParmLen = temp;
- *authParamsOffset = globalDataLen +
- + (*msgSecParmLen - *seq_len)
- + engIDlen + engBtlen + engTmlen + namelen
- + (authlen - *msgAuthParmLen);
- *privParamsOffset = *authParamsOffset + *msgAuthParmLen
- + (privlen - *msgPrivParmLen);
- /*
- * Compute the size of the plaintext. Round up to account for cipher
- * block size, if necessary.
- *
- * XXX This is hardwired for 1DES... If scopedPduLen is already
- * a multiple of 8, then *add* 8 more; otherwise, round up
- * to the next multiple of 8.
- *
- * FIX Calculation of encrypted portion of msgData and consequent
- * setting and sanity checking of theTotalLength, et al. should
- * occur *after* encryption has taken place.
- */
- if (secLevel == SNMP_SEC_LEVEL_AUTHPRIV)
- {
- scopedPduLen = ROUNDUP8(scopedPduLen);
- if (( temp =
- asn_predict_length (ASN_OCTET_STR,0,scopedPduLen))==-1)
- {
- return -1;
- }
- *datalen = temp;
- }
- else
- {
- *datalen = scopedPduLen;
- }
- *dataOffset = globalDataLen + *msgSecParmLen +
- (*datalen - scopedPduLen);
- *theTotalLength = globalDataLen + *msgSecParmLen + *datalen;
- return 0;
- } /* end usm_calc_offsets() */
- /*******************************************************************-o-******
- * usm_set_salt
- *
- * Parameters:
- * *iv (O) Buffer to contain IV.
- * *iv_length (O) Length of iv.
- * *priv_salt (I) Salt portion of private key.
- * priv_salt_length (I) Length of priv_salt.
- * *msgSalt (I/O) Pointer salt portion of outgoing msg buffer.
- *
- * Returns:
- * 0 On success,
- * -1 Otherwise.
- *
- * Determine the initialization vector for the DES-CBC encryption.
- * (Cf. RFC 2274,
- *
- * iv is defined as the concatenation of engineBoots and the
- * salt integer.
- * The salt integer is incremented.
- * The resulting salt is copied into the msgSalt buffer.
- * The result of the concatenation is then XORed with the salt
- * portion of the private key (last 8 bytes).
- * The IV result is returned individually for further use.
- */
- int
- usm_set_salt ( u_char *iv,
- size_t *iv_length,
- u_char *priv_salt,
- size_t priv_salt_length,
- u_char *msgSalt)
- {
- size_t propersize_salt = BYTESIZE(USM_MAX_SALT_LENGTH);
- int net_boots;
- int net_salt_int;
- /* net_* should be encoded in network byte order. XXX Why?
- */
- int iindex;
- /*
- * Sanity check.
- */
- if ( !iv || !iv_length || !priv_salt || !msgSalt
- || (*iv_length != propersize_salt)
- || (priv_salt_length < propersize_salt) )
- {
- return -1;
- }
- net_boots = htonl(snmpv3_local_snmpEngineBoots());
- net_salt_int = htonl(salt_integer);
- salt_integer += 1;
- memcpy(iv, &net_boots, propersize_salt/2);
- memcpy(iv+(propersize_salt/2), &net_salt_int, propersize_salt/2);
- memcpy(msgSalt, iv, propersize_salt);
- /*
- * Turn the salt into an IV: XOR <boots, salt_int> with salt
- * portion of priv_key.
- */
- for (iindex = 0; iindex < (int)propersize_salt; iindex++)
- iv[iindex] ^= priv_salt[iindex];
- return 0;
- } /* end usm_set_salt() */
- /*******************************************************************-o-******
- * usm_generate_out_msg
- *
- * Parameters:
- * (See list below...)
- *
- * Returns:
- * SNMPERR_SUCCESS On success.
- *
- *
- * Generates an outgoing message.
- *
- * XXX Beware of misnomers!
- */
- int
- usm_generate_out_msg (
- int msgProcModel, /* (UNUSED) */
- u_char *globalData, /* IN */
- /* Pointer to msg header data will point to the beginning
- * of the entire packet buffer to be transmitted on wire,
- * memory will be contiguous with secParams, typically
- * this pointer will be passed back as beginning of
- * wholeMsg below. asn seq. length is updated w/ new length.
- *
- * While this points to a buffer that should be big enough
- * for the whole message, only the first two parts
- * of the message are completed, namely SNMPv3Message and
- * HeaderData. globalDataLen (next parameter) represents
- * the length of these two completed parts.
- */
- size_t globalDataLen, /* IN - Length of msg header data. */
- int maxMsgSize, /* (UNUSED) */
- int secModel, /* (UNUSED) */
- u_char *secEngineID, /* IN - Pointer snmpEngineID. */
- size_t secEngineIDLen, /* IN - SnmpEngineID length. */
- char *secName, /* IN - Pointer to securityName. */
- size_t secNameLen, /* IN - SecurityName length. */
- int secLevel, /* IN - AuthNoPriv, authPriv etc. */
- u_char *scopedPdu, /* IN */
- /* Pointer to scopedPdu will be encrypted by USM if needed
- * and written to packet buffer immediately following
- * securityParameters, entire msg will be authenticated by
- * USM if needed.
- */
- size_t scopedPduLen, /* IN - scopedPdu length. */
- void *secStateRef, /* IN */
- /* secStateRef, pointer to cached info provided only for
- * Response, otherwise NULL.
- */
- u_char *secParams, /* OUT */
- /* BER encoded securityParameters pointer to offset within
- * packet buffer where secParams should be written, the
- * entire BER encoded OCTET STRING (including header) is
- * written here by USM secParams = globalData +
- * globalDataLen.
- */
- size_t *secParamsLen, /* IN/OUT - Len available, len returned. */
- u_char **wholeMsg, /* OUT */
- /* Complete authenticated/encrypted message - typically
- * the pointer to start of packet buffer provided in
- * globalData is returned here, could also be a separate
- * buffer.
- */
- size_t *wholeMsgLen) /* IN/OUT - Len available, len returned. */
- {
- size_t otstlen;
- size_t seq_len;
- size_t msgAuthParmLen;
- size_t msgPrivParmLen;
- size_t msgSecParmLen;
- size_t authParamsOffset;
- size_t privParamsOffset;
- size_t datalen;
- size_t dataOffset;
- size_t theTotalLength;
- u_char *ptr;
- size_t ptr_len;
- size_t remaining;
- size_t offSet;
- u_int boots_uint;
- u_int time_uint;
- long boots_long;
- long time_long;
- /*
- Indirection because secStateRef values override parameters.
- None of these are to be free'd - they are either pointing to
- what's in the secStateRef or to something either in the
- actual prarmeter list or the user list.
- */
- char *theName = NULL;
- u_int theNameLength = 0;
- u_char *theEngineID = NULL;
- u_int theEngineIDLength = 0;
- u_char *theAuthKey = NULL;
- u_int theAuthKeyLength = 0;
- oid *theAuthProtocol = NULL;
- u_int theAuthProtocolLength = 0;
- u_char *thePrivKey = NULL;
- u_int thePrivKeyLength = 0;
- oid *thePrivProtocol = NULL;
- u_int thePrivProtocolLength = 0;
- int theSecLevel = 0; /* No defined const for bad
- * value (other then err).
- */
- DEBUGMSGTL(("usm","USM processing has begun.n"));
- if (secStateRef != NULL)
- {
- /* To hush the compiler for now. XXX */
- struct usmStateReference *ref
- = (struct usmStateReference *)secStateRef;
- theName = ref->usr_name;
- theNameLength = ref->usr_name_length;
- theEngineID = ref->usr_engine_id;
- theEngineIDLength = ref->usr_engine_id_length;
- if (!theEngineIDLength) {
- theEngineID = secEngineID;
- theEngineIDLength = secEngineIDLen;
- }
- theAuthProtocol = ref->usr_auth_protocol;
- theAuthProtocolLength = ref->usr_auth_protocol_length;
- theAuthKey = ref->usr_auth_key;
- theAuthKeyLength = ref->usr_auth_key_length;
- thePrivProtocol = ref->usr_priv_protocol;
- thePrivProtocolLength = ref->usr_priv_protocol_length;
- thePrivKey = ref->usr_priv_key;
- thePrivKeyLength = ref->usr_priv_key_length;
- theSecLevel = ref->usr_sec_level;
- }
- /*
- * Identify the user record.
- */
- else
- {
- struct usmUser *user;
- /* we do allow an unknown user name for
- unauthenticated requests. */
- if ( (user =
- usm_get_user(secEngineID, secEngineIDLen, secName))
- == NULL &&
- {
- DEBUGMSGTL(("usm","Unknown Usern"));
- usm_free_usmStateReference (secStateRef);
- }
- theName = secName;
- theNameLength = secNameLen;
- theEngineID = secEngineID;
- theSecLevel = secLevel;
- theEngineIDLength = secEngineIDLen;
- if (user) {
- theAuthProtocol = user->authProtocol;
- theAuthProtocolLength = user->authProtocolLen;
- theAuthKey = user->authKey;
- theAuthKeyLength = user->authKeyLen;
- thePrivProtocol = user->privProtocol;
- thePrivProtocolLength = user->privProtocolLen;
- thePrivKey = user->privKey;
- thePrivKeyLength = user->privKeyLen;
- } else {
- /* unknown users can not do authentication (obviously) */
- theAuthProtocol = usmNoAuthProtocol;
- theAuthProtocolLength = sizeof(usmNoAuthProtocol)/sizeof(oid);
- theAuthKey = NULL;
- theAuthKeyLength = 0;
- thePrivProtocol = usmNoPrivProtocol;
- thePrivProtocolLength = sizeof(usmNoPrivProtocol)/sizeof(oid);
- thePrivKey = NULL;
- thePrivKeyLength = 0;
- }
- } /* endif -- secStateRef==NULL */
- /*
- From here to the end of the function, avoid reference to
- secName, secEngineID, secLevel, and associated lengths.
- */
- /*
- * Check to see if the user can use the requested sec services.
- */
- if (usm_check_secLevel_vs_protocols(
- theSecLevel,
- theAuthProtocol, theAuthProtocolLength,
- theAuthProtocol, theAuthProtocolLength) == 1)
- {
- DEBUGMSGTL(("usm","Unsupported Security Leveln"));
- usm_free_usmStateReference (secStateRef);
- }
- /*
- * Retrieve the engine information.
- *
- * XXX No error is declared in the EoP when sending messages to
- * unknown engines, processing continues w/ boots/time == (0,0).
- */
- if (get_enginetime (theEngineID, theEngineIDLength,
- &boots_uint, &time_uint, FALSE) == -1)
- {
- DEBUGMSGTL(("usm","%sn", "Failed to find engine data."));
- }
- boots_long = boots_uint;
- time_long = time_uint;
- /*
- * Set up the Offsets.
- */
- if (usm_calc_offsets (globalDataLen, theSecLevel, theEngineIDLength,
- theNameLength, scopedPduLen, boots_long, time_long,
- &theTotalLength, &authParamsOffset,
- &privParamsOffset, &dataOffset, &datalen,
- &msgAuthParmLen, &msgPrivParmLen,
- &otstlen, &seq_len, &msgSecParmLen) == -1)
- {
- DEBUGMSGTL(("usm","Failed calculating offsets.n"));
- usm_free_usmStateReference (secStateRef);
- }
- /*
- So, we have the offsets for the three parts that need to be
- determined, and an overall length. Now we need to make
- sure all of this would fit in the outgoing buffer, and
- whether or not we need to make a new buffer, etc.
- */
- /*
- * Set wholeMsg as a pointer to globalData. Sanity check for
- * the proper size.
- *
- * Mark workspace in the message with bytes of all 1's to make it
- * easier to find mistakes in raw message dumps.
- */
- ptr = *wholeMsg = globalData;
- if (theTotalLength > *wholeMsgLen)
- {
- DEBUGMSGTL(("usm","Message won't fit in buffer.n"));
- usm_free_usmStateReference (secStateRef);
- }
- ptr_len = *wholeMsgLen = theTotalLength;
- memset (&ptr[globalDataLen], 0xFF, theTotalLength-globalDataLen);
- #endif /* SNMP_TESTING_CODE */
- /*
- * Do the encryption.
- */
- if (theSecLevel == SNMP_SEC_LEVEL_AUTHPRIV)
- {
- size_t encrypted_length = theTotalLength - dataOffset;
- size_t salt_length = BYTESIZE(USM_MAX_SALT_LENGTH);
- /* XXX Hardwired to seek into a 1DES private key!
- */
- if ( usm_set_salt( salt, &salt_length,
- thePrivKey+8, thePrivKeyLength-8,
- &ptr[privParamsOffset])
- == -1 )
- {
- DEBUGMSGTL(("usm","Can't set DES-CBC salt.n"));
- usm_free_usmStateReference (secStateRef);
- }
- if ( sc_encrypt(
- thePrivProtocol, thePrivProtocolLength,
- thePrivKey, thePrivKeyLength,
- salt, salt_length,
- scopedPdu, scopedPduLen,
- &ptr[dataOffset], &encrypted_length)
- {
- DEBUGMSGTL(("usm","DES-CBC error.n"));
- usm_free_usmStateReference (secStateRef);
- }
- if ( debug_is_token_registered("usm/dump") == SNMPERR_SUCCESS) {
- dump_chunk("usm/dump", "This data was encrypted:",
- scopedPdu, scopedPduLen);
- dump_chunk("usm/dump", "salt + Encrypted form:",
- salt, salt_length);
- dump_chunk("usm/dump", NULL,
- &ptr[dataOffset], encrypted_length);
- dump_chunk("usm/dump", "*wholeMsg:",
- *wholeMsg, theTotalLength);
- }
- #endif
- ptr = *wholeMsg;
- ptr_len = *wholeMsgLen = theTotalLength;
- /*
- * XXX Sanity check for salt length should be moved up
- * under usm_calc_offsets() or tossed.
- */
- if ( (encrypted_length != (theTotalLength - dataOffset))
- || (salt_length != msgPrivParmLen) )
- {
- DEBUGMSGTL(("usm","DES-CBC length error.n"));
- usm_free_usmStateReference (secStateRef);
- }
- DEBUGMSGTL(("usm","Encryption successful.n"));
- }
- /*
- * No encryption for you!
- */
- else
- {
- memcpy( &ptr[dataOffset], scopedPdu, scopedPduLen );
- }
- /*
- * Start filling in the other fields (in prep for authentication).
- *
- * offSet is an octet string header, which is different from all
- * the other headers.
- */
- remaining = ptr_len - globalDataLen;
- offSet = ptr_len - remaining;
- asn_build_header (&ptr[offSet], &remaining,
- offSet = ptr_len - remaining;
- asn_build_sequence (&ptr[offSet], &remaining,
- (u_char)(ASN_SEQUENCE | ASN_CONSTRUCTOR), seq_len);
- offSet = ptr_len - remaining;
- asn_build_string (&ptr[offSet], &remaining,
- theEngineID, theEngineIDLength);
- offSet = ptr_len - remaining;
- asn_build_int (&ptr[offSet], &remaining,
- &boots_long, sizeof(long));
- offSet = ptr_len - remaining;
- asn_build_int (&ptr[offSet], &remaining,
- &time_long, sizeof(long));
- offSet = ptr_len - remaining;
- asn_build_string (&ptr[offSet], &remaining,
- (u_char *)theName, theNameLength);
- /*
- Note: if there is no authentication being done,
- msgAuthParmLen is 0, and there is no effect (other than
- inserting a zero-length header) of the following
- statements.
- */
- offSet = ptr_len - remaining;
- asn_build_header(
- &ptr[offSet],
- &remaining,
- msgAuthParmLen);
- || theSecLevel == SNMP_SEC_LEVEL_AUTHPRIV)
- {
- offSet = ptr_len - remaining;
- memset (&ptr[offSet],0,msgAuthParmLen);
- }
- remaining -= msgAuthParmLen;
- /*
- Note: if there is no encryption being done, msgPrivParmLen
- is 0, and there is no effect (other than inserting a
- zero-length header) of the following statements.
- */
- offSet = ptr_len - remaining;
- asn_build_header(
- &ptr[offSet],
- &remaining,
- msgPrivParmLen);
- remaining -= msgPrivParmLen; /* Skipping the IV already there. */
- /*
- * For privacy, need to add the octet string header for it.
- */
- {
- offSet = ptr_len - remaining;
- asn_build_header(
- &ptr[offSet],
- &remaining,
- theTotalLength - dataOffset );
- }
- /*
- * Adjust overall length and store it as the first SEQ length
- * of the SNMPv3Message.
- *
- * FIX 4 is a magic number!
- */
- remaining = theTotalLength;
- asn_build_sequence (ptr, &remaining,
- (u_char)(ASN_SEQUENCE | ASN_CONSTRUCTOR), theTotalLength-4);
- /*
- * Now, time to consider / do authentication.
- */
- || theSecLevel == SNMP_SEC_LEVEL_AUTHPRIV)
- {
- size_t temp_sig_len = msgAuthParmLen;
- u_char *temp_sig = (u_char *) malloc (temp_sig_len);
- if (temp_sig == NULL)
- {
- DEBUGMSGTL(("usm","Out of memory.n"));
- usm_free_usmStateReference (secStateRef);
- }
- if ( sc_generate_keyed_hash (
- theAuthProtocol, theAuthProtocolLength,
- theAuthKey, theAuthKeyLength,
- ptr, ptr_len,
- temp_sig, &temp_sig_len)
- {
- /* FIX temp_sig_len defined?!
- */
- SNMP_ZERO(temp_sig, temp_sig_len);
- SNMP_FREE(temp_sig);
- DEBUGMSGTL(("usm","Signing failed.n"));
- usm_free_usmStateReference (secStateRef);
- }
- if (temp_sig_len != msgAuthParmLen)
- {
- SNMP_ZERO(temp_sig, temp_sig_len);
- SNMP_FREE(temp_sig);
- DEBUGMSGTL(("usm","Signing lengths failed.n"));
- usm_free_usmStateReference (secStateRef);
- }
- memcpy (&ptr[authParamsOffset], temp_sig, msgAuthParmLen);
- SNMP_ZERO(temp_sig, temp_sig_len);
- SNMP_FREE(temp_sig);
- } /* endif -- create keyed hash */
- usm_free_usmStateReference (secStateRef);
- DEBUGMSGTL(("usm","USM processing completed.n"));
- } /* end usm_generate_out_msg() */
- /*******************************************************************-o-******
- * usm_parse_security_parameters
- *
- * Parameters:
- * (See list below...)
- *
- * Returns:
- * 0 On success,
- * -1 Otherwise.
- *
- * tab stop 4
- *
- * Extracts values from the security header and data portions of the
- * incoming buffer.
- */
- int
- usm_parse_security_parameters (
- u_char *secParams,
- size_t remaining,
- u_char *secEngineID,
- size_t *secEngineIDLen,
- u_int *boots_uint,
- u_int *time_uint,
- char *secName,
- size_t *secNameLen,
- u_char *signature,
- size_t *signature_length,
- u_char *salt,
- size_t *salt_length,
- u_char **data_ptr)
- {
- u_char *parse_ptr = secParams;
- u_char *value_ptr;
- u_char *next_ptr;
- u_char type_value;
- size_t octet_string_length = remaining;
- size_t sequence_length;
- size_t remaining_bytes;
- long boots_long;
- long time_long;
- u_int origNameLen;
- /*
- * Eat the first octet header.
- */
- if ((value_ptr = asn_parse_sequence (parse_ptr, &octet_string_length,
- &type_value,
- "usm first octet")) == NULL)
- {
- /* RETURN parse error */ return -1;
- }
- /*
- * Eat the sequence header.
- */
- parse_ptr = value_ptr;
- sequence_length = octet_string_length;
- if ((value_ptr = asn_parse_sequence (parse_ptr, &sequence_length,
- &type_value,
- "usm sequence")) == NULL)
- {
- /* RETURN parse error */ return -1;
- }
- /*
- * Retrieve the engineID.
- */
- parse_ptr = value_ptr;
- remaining_bytes = sequence_length;
- DEBUGDUMPHEADER("dump_recv", "Parsing msgAuthoritativeEngineIDn");
- if ( (next_ptr
- = asn_parse_string (parse_ptr, &remaining_bytes, &type_value,
- secEngineID, secEngineIDLen)) == NULL )
- {
- /* RETURN parse error */ return -1;
- }
- if (type_value != (u_char) (ASN_UNIVERSAL|ASN_PRIMITIVE|ASN_OCTET_STR))
- {
- /* RETURN parse error */ return -1;
- }
- /*
- * Retrieve the engine boots, notice switch in the way next_ptr and
- * remaining_bytes are used (to accomodate the asn code).
- */
- DEBUGDUMPHEADER("dump_recv", "Parsing msgAuthoritativeEngineBootsn");
- if ((next_ptr = asn_parse_int (next_ptr, &remaining_bytes, &type_value,
- &boots_long, sizeof(long))) == NULL)
- {
- /* RETURN parse error */ return -1;
- }
- if (type_value != (u_char) (ASN_UNIVERSAL|ASN_PRIMITIVE|ASN_INTEGER))
- {
- /* RETURN parse error */ return -1;
- }
- *boots_uint = (u_int) boots_long;
- /*
- * Retrieve the time value.
- */
- DEBUGDUMPHEADER("dump_recv", "Parsing msgAuthoritativeEngineTimen");
- if ((next_ptr = asn_parse_int (next_ptr, &remaining_bytes, &type_value,
- &time_long, sizeof(long))) == NULL)
- {
- /* RETURN parse error */ return -1;
- }
- if (type_value != (u_char) (ASN_UNIVERSAL|ASN_PRIMITIVE|ASN_INTEGER))
- {
- /* RETURN parse error */ return -1;
- }
- *time_uint = (u_int) time_long;
- /*
- * Retrieve the secName.
- */
- origNameLen = *secNameLen;
- DEBUGDUMPHEADER("dump_recv", "Parsing msgUserNamen");
- if ( (next_ptr
- = asn_parse_string (next_ptr, &remaining_bytes, &type_value,
- (u_char *)secName, secNameLen)) == NULL )
- {
- /* RETURN parse error */ return -1;
- }
- /* FIX -- doesn't this also indicate a buffer overrun?
- */
- if ((int)origNameLen < *secNameLen + 1)
- {
- /* RETURN parse error, but it's really a parameter error */
- return -1;
- }
- secName[*secNameLen] = ' ';
- if (type_value != (u_char) (ASN_UNIVERSAL|ASN_PRIMITIVE|ASN_OCTET_STR))
- {
- /* RETURN parse error */ return -1;
- }
- /*
- * Retrieve the signature and blank it if there.
- */
- DEBUGDUMPHEADER("dump_recv", "Parsing msgAuthenticationParametersn");
- if ( (next_ptr
- = asn_parse_string (next_ptr, &remaining_bytes, &type_value,
- signature, signature_length)) == NULL )
- {
- /* RETURN parse error */ return -1;
- }
- if (type_value != (u_char) (ASN_UNIVERSAL|ASN_PRIMITIVE|ASN_OCTET_STR))
- {
- /* RETURN parse error */ return -1;
- }
- if (*signature_length != 0) /* Blanking for authentication step later */
- {
- memset (next_ptr-(u_long)*signature_length,
- 0, *signature_length);
- }
- /*
- * Retrieve the salt.
- *
- * Note that the next ptr is where the data section starts.
- */
- DEBUGDUMPHEADER("dump_recv", "Parsing msgPrivacyParametersn");
- if ( (*data_ptr
- = asn_parse_string (next_ptr, &remaining_bytes, &type_value,
- salt, salt_length)) == NULL )
- {
- /* RETURN parse error */ return -1;
- }
- if (type_value != (u_char) (ASN_UNIVERSAL|ASN_PRIMITIVE|ASN_OCTET_STR))
- {
- /* RETURN parse error */ return -1;
- }
- return 0;
- } /* end usm_parse_security_parameters() */
- /*******************************************************************-o-******
- * usm_check_and_update_timeliness
- *
- * Parameters:
- * *secEngineID
- * secEngineIDen
- * boots_uint
- * time_uint
- * *error
- *
- * Returns:
- * 0 On success,
- * -1 Otherwise.
- *
- *
- * Performs the incoming timeliness checking and setting.
- */
- int
- usm_check_and_update_timeliness(
- u_char *secEngineID,
- size_t secEngineIDLen,
- u_int boots_uint,
- u_int time_uint,
- int *error)
- {
- u_char myID[USM_MAX_ID_LENGTH];
- int myIDLength = snmpv3_get_engineID(myID, USM_MAX_ID_LENGTH);
- u_int myBoots;
- u_int myTime;
- if ( (myIDLength > USM_MAX_ID_LENGTH) || (myIDLength < 0) )
- {
- /* We're probably already screwed...buffer overwrite. XXX? */
- DEBUGMSGTL(("usm","Buffer overflow.n"));
- return -1;
- }
- myBoots = snmpv3_local_snmpEngineBoots();
- myTime = snmpv3_local_snmpEngineTime();
- /*
- * IF the time involved is local
- * Make sure message is inside the time window
- * ELSE
- * IF boots is higher or boots is the same and time is higher
- * remember this new data
- * ELSE
- * IF !(boots same and time within USM_TIME_WINDOW secs)
- * Message is too old
- * ELSE
- * Message is ok, but don't take time
- */
- /*
- * This is a local reference.
- */
- if ( (int)secEngineIDLen == myIDLength
- && memcmp (secEngineID, myID, myIDLength) == 0 )
- {
- u_int time_difference = myTime > time_uint ?
- myTime - time_uint : time_uint - myTime;
- if (boots_uint == ENGINEBOOT_MAX
- || boots_uint != myBoots
- || time_difference > USM_TIME_WINDOW)
- {
- if ( snmp_increment_statistic(
- {
- DEBUGMSGTL(("usm","%sn",
- "Failed to increment statistic."));
- }
- DEBUGMSGTL(("usm","%sn", "Not in local time window."));
- return -1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * This is a remote reference.
- */
- else
- {
- u_int theirBoots,
- theirTime,
- theirLastTime;
- u_int time_difference;
- if ( get_enginetime_ex( secEngineID, secEngineIDLen,
- &theirBoots, &theirTime,
- &theirLastTime,
- {
- DEBUGMSGTL(("usm","%sn",
- "Failed to get remote engine's times."));
- return -1;
- }
- time_difference = theirTime > time_uint ?
- theirTime - time_uint : time_uint - theirTime;
- /*
- * XXX Contrary to the pseudocode:
- * See if boots is invalid first.
- */
- if (theirBoots == ENGINEBOOT_MAX || theirBoots > boots_uint)
- {
- DEBUGMSGTL(("usm","%sn", "Remote boot count invalid."));
- return -1;
- }
- /*
- * Boots is ok, see if the boots is the same but the time
- * is old.
- */
- if (theirBoots == boots_uint && time_uint < theirLastTime)
- {
- if(time_difference > USM_TIME_WINDOW)
- {
- DEBUGMSGTL(("usm","%sn", "Message too old."));
- return -1;
- }
- else /* Old, but acceptable */
- {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- /*
- Message is ok, either boots has been advanced, or
- time is greater than before with the same boots.
- */
- if ( set_enginetime( secEngineID, secEngineIDLen,
- boots_uint, time_uint,
- {
- DEBUGMSGTL(("usm","%sn", "Failed updating remote boot/time."));
- return -1;
- }
- return 0; /* Fresh message and time updated */
- } /* endif -- local or remote time reference. */
- } /* end usm_check_and_update_timeliness() */
- /*******************************************************************-o-******
- * usm_process_in_msg
- *
- * Parameters:
- * (See list below...)
- *
- * Returns:
- * SNMPERR_SUCCESS On success.
- *
- *
- * ASSUMES size of decrypt_buf will always be >= size of encrypted sPDU.
- *
- * FIX Memory leaks if secStateRef is allocated and a return occurs
- * without cleaning up. May contain secrets...
- */
- int
- usm_process_in_msg (
- int msgProcModel, /* (UNUSED) */
- size_t maxMsgSize, /* IN - Used to calc maxSizeResponse. */
- u_char *secParams, /* IN - BER encoded securityParameters.*/
- int secModel, /* (UNUSED) */
- int secLevel, /* IN - AuthNoPriv, authPriv etc. */
- u_char *wholeMsg, /* IN - Original v3 message. */
- size_t wholeMsgLen, /* IN - Msg length. */
- u_char *secEngineID, /* OUT - Pointer snmpEngineID. */
- size_t *secEngineIDLen, /* IN/OUT - Len available, len returned. */
- /* NOTE: Memory provided by caller. */
- char *secName, /* OUT - Pointer to securityName. */
- size_t *secNameLen, /* IN/OUT - Len available, len returned. */
- u_char **scopedPdu, /* OUT - Pointer to plaintext scopedPdu.*/
- size_t *scopedPduLen, /* IN/OUT - Len available, len returned. */
- size_t *maxSizeResponse, /* OUT - Max size of Response PDU. */
- void **secStateRf) /* OUT - Ref to security state. */
- {
- size_t remaining = wholeMsgLen
- - (u_int)
- ((u_long)*secParams-(u_long)*wholeMsg);
- u_int boots_uint;
- u_int time_uint;
- size_t signature_length = BYTESIZE(USM_MAX_KEYEDHASH_LENGTH);
- size_t salt_length = BYTESIZE(USM_MAX_SALT_LENGTH);
- u_int iv_length = BYTESIZE(USM_MAX_SALT_LENGTH);
- u_char *data_ptr;
- u_char *value_ptr;
- u_char type_value;
- u_char *end_of_overhead;
- int error;
- int i;
- struct usmStateReference **secStateRef = (struct usmStateReference **)secStateRf;
- struct usmUser *user;
- DEBUGMSGTL(("usm","USM processing begin...n"));
- if (secStateRef) /* FIX -- huh? destroy it? */
- {
- *secStateRef = usm_malloc_usmStateReference();
- if (*secStateRef == NULL)
- {
- DEBUGMSGTL(("usm", "Out of memory.n"));
- }
- }
- /*
- * Make sure the *secParms is an OCTET STRING.
- * Extract the user name, engine ID, and security level.
- */
- if ( usm_parse_security_parameters (
- secParams, remaining,
- secEngineID, secEngineIDLen,
- &boots_uint, &time_uint,
- secName, secNameLen,
- signature, &signature_length,
- salt, &salt_length,
- &data_ptr)
- == -1 )
- {
- DEBUGMSGTL(("usm","Parsing failed.n"));
- if (snmp_increment_statistic (STAT_SNMPINASNPARSEERRS)==0)
- {
- DEBUGMSGTL(("usm","%sn", "Failed to increment statistic."));
- }
- }
- if (secStateRef)
- {
- /* Cache the name, engine ID, and security level,
- * per step 2 (section 3.2)
- */
- if ( usm_set_usmStateReference_name (
- *secStateRef, secName, *secNameLen) == -1 )
- {
- DEBUGMSGTL(("usm","%sn", "Couldn't cache name."));
- }
- if ( usm_set_usmStateReference_engine_id (
- *secStateRef, secEngineID, *secEngineIDLen) == -1 )
- {
- DEBUGMSGTL(("usm","%sn", "Couldn't cache engine id."));
- }
- if ( usm_set_usmStateReference_sec_level (
- *secStateRef, secLevel) == -1 )
- {
- DEBUGMSGTL(("usm","%sn", "Couldn't cache security level."));
- }
- }
- /*
- * Locate the engine ID record.
- * If it is unknown, then either create one or note this as an error.
- */
- if (reportErrorOnUnknownID)
- {
- if (ISENGINEKNOWN(secEngineID, *secEngineIDLen)==FALSE)
- {
- DEBUGMSGTL(("usm","Unknown Engine ID.n"));
- if (snmp_increment_statistic (
- {
- DEBUGMSGTL(("usm","%sn",
- "Failed to increment statistic."));
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if ( ENSURE_ENGINE_RECORD(secEngineID,*secEngineIDLen)
- {
- DEBUGMSGTL(("usm","%sn", "Couldn't ensure engine record."));
- }
- }
- /*
- * Locate the User record.
- * If the user/engine ID is unknown, report this as an error.
- */
- if ( (user =
- usm_get_user(secEngineID, *secEngineIDLen, secName))
- == NULL )
- {
- DEBUGMSGTL(("usm","Unknown User.n"));
- if (snmp_increment_statistic (STAT_USMSTATSUNKNOWNUSERNAMES)==0)
- {
- DEBUGMSGTL(("usm","%sn", "Failed to increment statistic."));
- }
- }
- /*
- * Make sure the security level is appropriate.
- */
- if (usm_check_secLevel(secLevel, user) == 1)
- {
- DEBUGMSGTL(("usm","Unsupported Security Level.n"));
- if (snmp_increment_statistic
- {
- DEBUGMSGTL(("usm","%sn", "Failed to increment statistic."));
- }
- }
- /*
- * Check the authentication credentials of the message.
- */
- {
- if ( sc_check_keyed_hash (
- user->authProtocol, user->authProtocolLen,
- user->authKey, user->authKeyLen,
- wholeMsg, wholeMsgLen,
- signature, signature_length)
- {
- DEBUGMSGTL(("usm","Verification failed.n"));
- if (snmp_increment_statistic
- {
- DEBUGMSGTL(("usm","%sn",
- "Failed to increment statistic."));
- }
- }
- DEBUGMSGTL(("usm","Verification succeeded.n"));
- }
- /*
- * Steps 10-11 user is already set - relocated before timeliness
- * check in case it fails - still save user data for response.
- *
- * Cache the keys and protocol oids, per step 11 (s3.2).
- */
- if (secStateRef)
- {
- if (usm_set_usmStateReference_auth_protocol (*secStateRef,
- user->authProtocol, user->authProtocolLen) ==-1)
- {
- DEBUGMSGTL(("usm","%sn",
- "Couldn't cache authentication protocol."));
- }
- if (usm_set_usmStateReference_auth_key (*secStateRef,
- user->authKey, user->authKeyLen) == -1)
- {
- DEBUGMSGTL(("usm","%sn", "Couldn't cache authentiation key."));
- }
- if (usm_set_usmStateReference_priv_protocol (*secStateRef,
- user->privProtocol, user->privProtocolLen) ==-1)
- {
- DEBUGMSGTL(("usm","%sn", "Couldn't cache privacy protocol."));
- }
- if (usm_set_usmStateReference_priv_key (*secStateRef,
- user->privKey, user->privKeyLen) == -1)
- {
- DEBUGMSGTL(("usm","%sn", "Couldn't cache privacy key."));
- }
- }
- /*
- * Perform the timeliness/time manager functions.
- */
- {
- if ( usm_check_and_update_timeliness (
- secEngineID, *secEngineIDLen,
- boots_uint, time_uint, &error) == -1 )
- {
- return error;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Cache the unauthenticated time to use in case we don't have
- * anything better - this guess will be no worse than (0,0)
- * that we normally use.
- */
- else
- {
- set_enginetime(secEngineID, *secEngineIDLen,
- boots_uint, time_uint, FALSE);
- }
- #endif /* LCD_TIME_SYNC_OPT */
- /*
- * If needed, decrypt the scoped PDU.
- */
- if (secLevel == SNMP_SEC_LEVEL_AUTHPRIV)
- {
- remaining = wholeMsgLen - (data_ptr - wholeMsg);
- if ((value_ptr = asn_parse_sequence (data_ptr, &remaining,
- &type_value,
- "encrypted sPDU")) == NULL)
- {
- DEBUGMSGTL(("usm","%sn",
- "Failed while parsing encrypted sPDU."));
- if (snmp_increment_statistic
- {
- DEBUGMSGTL(("usm","%sn",
- "Failed increment statistic."));
- }
- }
- end_of_overhead = value_ptr;
- /*
- * XOR the salt with the last (iv_length) bytes
- * of the priv_key to obtain the IV.
- */
- for (i = 0; i < (int)iv_length; i++)
- iv[i] = salt[i] ^ user->privKey[iv_length + i];
- if (sc_decrypt (
- user->privProtocol, user->privProtocolLen,
- user->privKey, user->privKeyLen,
- iv, iv_length,
- value_ptr, remaining,
- *scopedPdu, scopedPduLen)
- {
- DEBUGMSGTL(("usm","%sn", "Failed decryption."));
- if (snmp_increment_statistic
- {
- DEBUGMSGTL(("usm","%sn",
- "Failed increment statistic."));
- }
- }
- if ( debug_is_token_registered("usm/dump") == SNMPERR_SUCCESS) {
- dump_chunk("usm/dump", "Decrypted chunk:",
- *scopedPdu, *scopedPduLen);
- dump_chunk("usm/dump", "IV + Encrypted form:",
- salt, salt_length);
- dump_chunk("usm/dump", NULL,
- value_ptr, remaining);
- }
- #endif
- }
- /*
- * sPDU is plaintext.
- */
- else
- {
- *scopedPdu = data_ptr;
- *scopedPduLen = wholeMsgLen - (data_ptr - wholeMsg);
- end_of_overhead = data_ptr;
- } /* endif -- PDU decryption */
- /*
- * Calculate the biggest sPDU for the response (i.e., whole - ovrhd).
- *
- * FIX Correct?
- */
- *maxSizeResponse = maxMsgSize - (int)
- ((u_long)end_of_overhead - (u_long)wholeMsg);
- DEBUGMSGTL(("usm","USM processing completed.n"));
- } /* end usm_process_in_msg() */
- void
- init_usm(void) {
- init_usm_post_config, NULL);
- }
- /*
- * initializations for the USM.
- *
- * Should be called after the configuration files have been read.
- *
- * Set "arbitrary" portion of salt to a random number.
- */
- int
- init_usm_post_config(int majorid, int minorid, void *serverarg,
- void *clientarg) {
- size_t salt_integer_len = sizeof(salt_integer);
- time_t t_temp;
- initialUser = usm_create_initial_user("initial", usmHMACMD5AuthProtocol,
- usmDESPrivProtocol,
- SNMP_FREE(initialUser->engineID);
- initialUser->engineIDLen = 0;
- if ( sc_random((u_char *) &salt_integer, &salt_integer_len) != SNMPERR_SUCCESS )
- {
- DEBUGMSGTL(("usm","sc_random() failed: using time() as salt.n"));
- salt_integer = (u_int) time(&t_temp);
- salt_integer_len = sizeof(salt_integer);
- }
- noNameUser = usm_create_initial_user("", usmHMACMD5AuthProtocol,
- usmDESPrivProtocol,
- SNMP_FREE(noNameUser->engineID);
- noNameUser->engineIDLen = 0;
- } /* end init_usm_post_config() */
- /*
- * Local storage (LCD) of the default user list.
- */
- static struct usmUser *userList=NULL;
- struct usmUser *
- usm_get_userList(void)
- {
- return userList;
- }
- /*******************************************************************-o-******
- * usm_check_secLevel
- *
- * Parameters:
- * level
- * *user
- *
- * Returns:
- * 0 On success,
- * -1 Otherwise.
- *
- * Checks that a given security level is valid for a given user.
- */
- int
- usm_check_secLevel(int level, struct usmUser *user)
- {
- && (snmp_oid_compare(user->privProtocol, user->privProtocolLen,
- usmNoPrivProtocol, sizeof(usmNoPrivProtocol)/sizeof(oid))==0) )
- {
- return 1;
- }
- && (snmp_oid_compare(user->authProtocol, user->authProtocolLen,
- usmNoAuthProtocol, sizeof(usmNoAuthProtocol)/sizeof(oid))==0) )
- {
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
- } /* end usm_check_secLevel() */
- /*******************************************************************-o-******
- * usm_check_secLevel_vs_protocols
- *
- * Parameters:
- * level
- * *authProtocol
- * authProtocolLen
- * *privProtocol
- * privProtocolLen
- *
- * Returns:
- * 0 On success,
- * -1 Otherwise.
- *
- * Same as above but with explicitly named transform types instead of taking
- * from the usmUser structure.
- */
- int
- usm_check_secLevel_vs_protocols(int level,
- oid *authProtocol, u_int authProtocolLen,
- oid *privProtocol, u_int privProtocolLen)
- {
- && (snmp_oid_compare(privProtocol, privProtocolLen, usmNoPrivProtocol,
- sizeof(usmNoPrivProtocol)/sizeof(oid))==0) )
- {
- return 1;
- }
- && (snmp_oid_compare(authProtocol, authProtocolLen, usmNoAuthProtocol,
- sizeof(usmNoAuthProtocol)/sizeof(oid))==0) )
- {
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
- } /* end usm_check_secLevel_vs_protocols() */
- /*usm_walkThrUserEntry*/
- BOOL usm_walkThrUserEntry(void (*thrMethod)(struct usmUser*))
- {
- struct usmUser *ptr;
- if (userList == NULL)
- return FALSE;
- for (ptr = userList; ptr != NULL; ptr = ptr->next) {
- thrMethod(ptr);
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- BOOL usm_walkThrUserEntry_fromlist(void (*thrMethod)(struct usmUser*), struct usmUser *userlist)
- {
- struct usmUser *ptr;
- if (userlist == NULL)
- return FALSE;
- for (ptr = userlist; ptr != NULL; ptr = ptr->next) {
- thrMethod(ptr);
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- /* usm_get_user(): Returns a user from userList based on the engineID,
- engineIDLen and name of the requested user. */
- struct usmUser *
- usm_get_user(u_char *engineID, size_t engineIDLen, char *name)
- {
- DEBUGMSGTL(("usm","getting user %sn", name));
- return usm_get_user_from_list(engineID, engineIDLen, name, userList, 1);
- }
- struct usmUser *
- usm_get_user_from_list(u_char *engineID, size_t engineIDLen,
- char *name, struct usmUser *puserList, int use_default)
- {
- struct usmUser *ptr;
- char noName[] = "";
- if (name == NULL)
- name = noName;
- for (ptr = puserList; ptr != NULL; ptr = ptr->next) {
- /*modified by sxf*/
- if (!strcmp(ptr->name, name)
- &&
- ptr->engineIDLen == engineIDLen &&
- ((ptr->engineID == NULL && engineID == NULL) ||
- (ptr->engineID != NULL && engineID != NULL &&
- memcmp(ptr->engineID, engineID, engineIDLen) == 0)))
- return ptr;
- }
- /* return "" user used to facilitate engineID discovery */
- if (use_default && !strcmp(name, "")) return noNameUser;
- /* this next line may be vestigial from when the draft used 'initial'
- to discover engineID, also did not remove creation if 'inital' user
- -gsm 2/6/99 */
- if (use_default && !strcmp(name, "initial")) return initialUser;
- return NULL;
- }
- /* usm_add_user(): Add's a user to the userList, sorted by the
- engineIDLength then the engineID then the name length then the name
- to facilitate getNext calls on a usmUser table which is indexed by
- these values.
- Note: userList must not be NULL (obviously), as thats a rather trivial
- addition and is left to the API user.
- returns the head of the list (which could change due to this add).
- */
- struct usmUser *
- usm_add_user(struct usmUser *user)
- {
- struct usmUser *uptr;
- uptr = usm_add_user_to_list(user, userList);
- if (uptr != NULL)
- userList = uptr;
- return uptr;
- }
- struct usmUser *
- usm_add_user_to_list(struct usmUser *user,
- struct usmUser *puserList)
- {
- struct usmUser *nptr, *pptr;
- /* loop through puserList till we find the proper, sorted place to
- insert the new user */
- for (nptr = puserList, pptr = NULL; nptr != NULL;
- pptr = nptr, nptr = nptr->next) {
- if (nptr->engineIDLen > user->engineIDLen)
- break;
- if (user->engineID == NULL && nptr->engineID != NULL)
- break;
- if (nptr->engineIDLen == user->engineIDLen &&
- (nptr->engineID != NULL && user->engineID != NULL &&
- memcmp(nptr->engineID, user->engineID, user->engineIDLen) > 0))
- break;
- if (!(nptr->engineID == NULL && user->engineID != NULL)) {
- if (nptr->engineIDLen == user->engineIDLen &&
- ((nptr->engineID == NULL && user->engineID == NULL) ||
- memcmp(nptr->engineID, user->engineID, user->engineIDLen) == 0) &&
- strlen(nptr->name) > strlen(user->name))
- break;
- if (nptr->engineIDLen == user->engineIDLen &&
- ((nptr->engineID == NULL && user->engineID == NULL) ||
- memcmp(nptr->engineID, user->engineID, user->engineIDLen) == 0) &&
- strlen(nptr->name) == strlen(user->name) &&
- strcmp(nptr->name, user->name) > 0)
- break;
- if (nptr->engineIDLen == user->engineIDLen &&
- ((nptr->engineID == NULL && user->engineID == NULL) ||
- memcmp(nptr->engineID, user->engineID, user->engineIDLen) == 0) &&
- strlen(nptr->name) == strlen(user->name) &&
- strcmp(nptr->name, user->name) == 0)
- /* the user is an exact match of a previous entry. Bail */
- return NULL;
- }
- }
- /* nptr should now point to the user that we need to add ourselves
- in front of, and pptr should be our new 'prev'. */
- /* change our pointers */
- user->prev = pptr;
- user->next = nptr;
- /* change the next's prev pointer */
- if (user->next)
- user->next->prev = user;
- /* change the prev's next pointer */
- if (user->prev)
- user->prev->next = user;
- /* rewind to the head of the list and return it (since the new head
- could be us, we need to notify the above routine who the head now is. */
- for(pptr = user; pptr->prev != NULL; pptr = pptr->prev);
- return pptr;
- }
- /* usm_remove_user(): finds and removes a user from a list */
- struct usmUser *
- usm_remove_user(struct usmUser *user)
- {
- return usm_remove_user_from_list(user, &userList);
- }
- struct usmUser *
- usm_remove_user_from_list(struct usmUser *user,
- struct usmUser **ppuserList)
- {
- struct usmUser *nptr, *pptr;
- /* NULL pointers aren't allowed */
- if (ppuserList == NULL)
- return NULL;
- /* find the user in the list */
- for (nptr = *ppuserList, pptr = NULL; nptr != NULL;
- pptr = nptr, nptr = nptr->next) {
- if (nptr == user)
- break;
- }
- if (nptr) {
- /* remove the user from the linked list */
- if (pptr) {
- pptr->next = nptr->next;
- }
- if (nptr->next) {
- nptr->next->prev = pptr;
- }
- } else {
- /* user didn't exit */
- return NULL;
- }
- if (nptr == *ppuserList) /* we're the head of the list, need to change
- the head to the next user */
- *ppuserList = nptr->next;
- return *ppuserList;
- } /* end usm_remove_user_from_list() */
- /* usm_free_user(): calls free() on all needed parts of struct usmUser and
- the user himself.
- Note: This should *not* be called on an object in a list (IE,
- remove it from the list first, and set next and prev to NULL), but
- will try to reconnect the list pieces again if it is called this
- way. If called on the head of the list, the entire list will be
- lost. */
- struct usmUser *
- usm_free_user(struct usmUser *user)
- {
- if (user == NULL)
- return NULL;
- SNMP_FREE(user->engineID);
- SNMP_FREE(user->name);
- SNMP_FREE(user->secName);
- SNMP_FREE(user->cloneFrom);
- SNMP_FREE(user->userPublicString);
- SNMP_FREE(user->authProtocol);
- SNMP_FREE(user->privProtocol);
- SNMP_FREE(user->password_plaintext);
- if (user->authKey != NULL) {
- SNMP_ZERO(user->authKey, user->authKeyLen);
- SNMP_FREE(user->authKey);
- }
- if (user->privKey != NULL) {
- SNMP_ZERO(user->privKey, user->privKeyLen);
- SNMP_FREE(user->privKey);
- }
- /* FIX Why not put this check *first?*
- */
- if (user->prev != NULL) { /* ack, this shouldn't happen */
- user->prev->next = user->next;
- }
- if (user->next != NULL) {
- user->next->prev = user->prev;
- if (user->prev != NULL) /* ack this is really bad, because it means
- we'll loose the head of some structure tree */
- DEBUGMSGTL(("usm","Severe: Asked to free the head of a usmUser tree somewhere."));
- }
- SNMP_ZERO(user, sizeof(*user));
- SNMP_FREE(user);
- return NULL; /* for convenience to returns from calling functions */
- } /* end usm_free_user() */
- /* take a given user and clone the security info into another */
- struct usmUser *
- usm_cloneFrom_user(struct usmUser *from, struct usmUser *to)
- {
- /* copy the authProtocol oid row pointer */
- SNMP_FREE(to->authProtocol);
- if ((to->authProtocol =
- snmp_duplicate_objid(from->authProtocol,from->authProtocolLen)) != NULL)
- to->authProtocolLen = from->authProtocolLen;
- else
- to->authProtocolLen = 0;
- /* copy the authKey */
- SNMP_FREE(to->authKey);
- if (from->authKeyLen > 0 &&
- (to->authKey = (u_char *) malloc(from->authKeyLen))
- != NULL) {
- to->authKeyLen = from->authKeyLen;
- memcpy(to->authKey, from->authKey, to->authKeyLen);
- } else {
- to->authKey = NULL;
- to->authKeyLen = 0;
- }
- /* copy the privProtocol oid row pointer */
- SNMP_FREE(to->privProtocol);
- if ((to->privProtocol =
- snmp_duplicate_objid(from->privProtocol,from->privProtocolLen)) != NULL)
- to->privProtocolLen = from->privProtocolLen;
- else
- to->privProtocolLen = 0;
- /* copy the privKey */
- SNMP_FREE(to->privKey);
- if (from->privKeyLen > 0 &&
- (to->privKey = (u_char *) malloc(from->privKeyLen))
- != NULL) {
- to->privKeyLen = from->privKeyLen;
- memcpy(to->privKey, from->privKey, to->privKeyLen);
- } else {
- to->privKey = NULL;
- to->privKeyLen = 0;
- }
- return to;
- }
- /* usm_create_user(void):
- create a default empty user, instantiating only the auth/priv
- protocols to noAuth and noPriv OID pointers
- */
- struct usmUser *
- usm_create_user(void)
- {
- struct usmUser *newUser;
- /* create the new user */
- newUser = (struct usmUser *) calloc(1,sizeof(struct usmUser));
- if (newUser == NULL)
- return NULL;
- /* fill the auth/priv protocols */
- if ((newUser->authProtocol =
- snmp_duplicate_objid(usmNoAuthProtocol,
- sizeof(usmNoAuthProtocol)/sizeof(oid))) == NULL)
- return usm_free_user(newUser);
- newUser->authProtocolLen = sizeof(usmNoAuthProtocol)/sizeof(oid);
- if ((newUser->privProtocol =
- snmp_duplicate_objid(usmNoPrivProtocol,
- sizeof(usmNoPrivProtocol)/sizeof(oid))) == NULL)
- return usm_free_user(newUser);
- newUser->privProtocolLen = sizeof(usmNoPrivProtocol)/sizeof(oid);
- /* set the storage type to nonvolatile, and the status to ACTIVE */
- newUser->userStorageType = ST_NONVOLATILE;
- newUser->userStatus = RS_ACTIVE;
- return newUser;
- } /* end usm_clone_user() */
- /* usm_create_initial_user(void):
- creates an initial user, filled with the defaults defined in the
- USM document.
- */
- struct usmUser *
- usm_create_initial_user(const char *name, oid *authProtocol, size_t authProtocolLen,
- oid *privProtocol, size_t privProtocolLen)
- {
- struct usmUser *newUser = usm_create_user();
- if (newUser == NULL)
- return NULL;
- if ((newUser->name = strdup(name)) == NULL)
- return usm_free_user(newUser);
- if ((newUser->secName = strdup(name)) == NULL)
- return usm_free_user(newUser);
- if ((newUser->engineID = snmpv3_generate_engineID(&newUser->engineIDLen)) == NULL)
- return usm_free_user(newUser);
- if ((newUser->cloneFrom = (oid *) malloc(sizeof(oid)*2)) == NULL)
- return usm_free_user(newUser);
- newUser->cloneFrom[0] = 0;
- newUser->cloneFrom[1] = 0;
- newUser->cloneFromLen = 2;
- SNMP_FREE(newUser->privProtocol);
- if ((newUser->privProtocol = (oid *) malloc(privProtocolLen*sizeof(oid)))
- == NULL)
- return usm_free_user(newUser);
- newUser->privProtocolLen = privProtocolLen;
- memcpy(newUser->privProtocol, privProtocol, privProtocolLen*sizeof(oid));
- SNMP_FREE(newUser->authProtocol);
- if ((newUser->authProtocol = (oid *) malloc(authProtocolLen*sizeof(oid)))
- == NULL)
- return usm_free_user(newUser);
- newUser->authProtocolLen = authProtocolLen;
- memcpy(newUser->authProtocol, authProtocol, authProtocolLen*sizeof(oid));
- newUser->userStatus = RS_ACTIVE;
- newUser->userStorageType = ST_READONLY;
- return newUser;
- }
- /* this is a callback that can store all known users based on a
- previously registered application ID */
- int
- usm_store_users(int majorID, int minorID, void *serverarg, void *clientarg)
- {
- /* figure out our application name */
- char *appname = (char *) clientarg;
- if (appname == NULL)
- appname = ds_get_string(DS_LIBRARY_ID, DS_LIB_APPTYPE);
- /* save the user base */
- usm_save_users("usmUser", appname);
- /* never fails */
- }
- /* usm_save_users(): saves a list of users to the persistent cache */
- void
- usm_save_users(const char *token, const char *type)
- {
- usm_save_users_from_list(userList, token, type);
- }
- void
- usm_save_users_from_list(struct usmUser *puserList, const char *token,
- const char *type)
- {
- struct usmUser *uptr;
- for (uptr = puserList; uptr != NULL; uptr = uptr->next) {
- if (uptr->userStorageType == ST_NONVOLATILE)
- usm_save_user(uptr, token, type);
- }
- }
- /* usm_save_user(): saves a user to the persistent cache */
- void
- usm_save_user(struct usmUser *user, const char *token, const char *type)
- {
- char line[4096];
- char *cptr;
- memset(line, 0, sizeof(line));
- sprintf(line, "%s %d %d ", token, user->userStatus, user->userStorageType);
- cptr = &line[strlen(line)]; /* the NULL */
- cptr = read_config_save_octet_string(cptr, user->engineID, user->engineIDLen);
- *cptr++ = ' ';
- cptr = read_config_save_octet_string(cptr, (u_char *)user->name,
- (user->name == NULL) ? 0 :
- strlen(user->name)+1);
- *cptr++ = ' ';
- cptr = read_config_save_octet_string(cptr, (u_char *)user->secName,
- (user->secName == NULL) ? 0 :
- strlen(user->secName)+1);
- *cptr++ = ' ';
- cptr = read_config_save_objid(cptr, user->cloneFrom, user->cloneFromLen);
- *cptr++ = ' ';
- cptr = read_config_save_objid(cptr, user->authProtocol,
- user->authProtocolLen);
- *cptr++ = ' ';
- cptr = read_config_save_octet_string(cptr, user->authKey, user->authKeyLen);
- *cptr++ = ' ';
- cptr = read_config_save_objid(cptr, user->privProtocol,
- user->privProtocolLen);
- *cptr++ = ' ';
- cptr = read_config_save_octet_string(cptr, user->privKey, user->privKeyLen);
- *cptr++ = ' ';
- cptr = read_config_save_octet_string(cptr, user->userPublicString,
- (user->userPublicString == NULL) ? 0 :
- strlen((char *)user->userPublicString)+1);
- read_config_store(type, line);
- }
- /* usm_parse_user(): reads in a line containing a saved user profile
- and returns a pointer to a newly created struct usmUser. */
- struct usmUser *
- usm_read_user(char *line)
- {
- struct usmUser *user;
- size_t len;
- user = usm_create_user();
- if (user == NULL)
- return NULL;
- user->userStatus = atoi(line);
- line = skip_token(line);
- user->userStorageType = atoi(line);
- line = skip_token(line);
- line = read_config_read_octet_string(line, &user->engineID,
- &user->engineIDLen);
- /* set the lcd entry for this engineID to the minimum boots/time
- values so that its a known engineid and won't return a report pdu.
- This is mostly important when receiving v3 traps so that the usm
- will at least continue processing them. */
- set_enginetime(user->engineID, user->engineIDLen, 1, 0, 0);
- line = read_config_read_octet_string(line, (u_char **)&user->name,
- &len);
- line = read_config_read_octet_string(line, (u_char **)&user->secName,
- &len);
- SNMP_FREE(user->cloneFrom);
- user->cloneFromLen = 0;
- line = read_config_read_objid(line, &user->cloneFrom, &user->cloneFromLen);
- SNMP_FREE(user->authProtocol);
- user->authProtocolLen = 0;
- line = read_config_read_objid(line, &user->authProtocol,
- &user->authProtocolLen);
- line = read_config_read_octet_string(line, &user->authKey,
- &user->authKeyLen);
- SNMP_FREE(user->privProtocol);
- user->privProtocolLen = 0;
- line = read_config_read_objid(line, &user->privProtocol,
- &user->privProtocolLen);
- line = read_config_read_octet_string(line, &user->privKey,
- &user->privKeyLen);
- line = read_config_read_octet_string(line, &user->userPublicString,
- &len);
- return user;
- }
- /* snmpd.conf parsing routines */
- void
- usm_parse_config_usmUser(const char *token, char *line)
- {
- struct usmUser *uptr;
- uptr = usm_read_user(line);
- usm_add_user(uptr);
- }
- /*******************************************************************-o-******
- * usm_set_password
- *
- * Parameters:
- * *token
- * *line
- *
- *
- * format: userSetAuthPass secname engineIDLen engineID pass
- * or: userSetPrivPass secname engineIDLen engineID pass
- * or: userSetAuthKey secname engineIDLen engineID KuLen Ku
- * or: userSetPrivKey secname engineIDLen engineID KuLen Ku
- * or: userSetAuthLocalKey secname engineIDLen engineID KulLen Kul
- * or: userSetPrivLocalKey secname engineIDLen engineID KulLen Kul
- *
- * type is: 1=passphrase; 2=Ku; 3=Kul.
- *
- *
- * ASSUMES Passwords are null-terminated printable strings.
- */
- void
- usm_set_password(const char *token, char *line)
- {
- char *cp;
- char nameBuf[SNMP_MAXBUF];
- u_char *engineID;
- size_t engineIDLen;
- struct usmUser *user;
- cp = copy_word(line, nameBuf);
- if (cp == NULL) {
- config_perror("invalid name specifier");
- return;
- }
- DEBUGMSGTL(("usm", "comparing: %s and %sn", cp, WILDCARDSTRING));
- if (strncmp(cp, WILDCARDSTRING, strlen(WILDCARDSTRING)) == 0) {
- /* match against all engineIDs we know about */
- cp = skip_token(cp);
- for(user = userList; user != NULL; user = user->next) {
- if (strcmp(user->secName, nameBuf) == 0) {
- usm_set_user_password(user, token, cp);
- }
- }
- } else {
- cp = read_config_read_octet_string(cp, &engineID, &engineIDLen);
- if (cp == NULL) {
- config_perror("invalid engineID specifier");
- return;
- }
- user = usm_get_user(engineID, engineIDLen, nameBuf);
- if (user == NULL) {
- config_perror("not a valid user/engineID pair");
- return;
- }
- usm_set_user_password(user, token, cp);
- }
- }
- /* uses the rest of LINE to configure USER's password of type TOKEN */
- void
- usm_set_user_password(struct usmUser *user, const char *token, char *line)
- {
- char *cp = line;
- u_char *engineID = user->engineID;
- size_t engineIDLen = user->engineIDLen;
- u_char **key;
- size_t *keyLen;
- u_char userKey[SNMP_MAXBUF_SMALL];
- size_t userKeyLen = SNMP_MAXBUF_SMALL;
- int type, ret;
- /*
- * Retrieve the "old" key and set the key type.
- */
- if (strcmp(token, "userSetAuthPass") == 0) {
- key = &user->authKey;
- keyLen = &user->authKeyLen;
- type = 0;
- } else if (strcmp(token, "userSetPrivPass") == 0) {
- key = &user->privKey;
- keyLen = &user->privKeyLen;
- type = 0;
- } else if (strcmp(token, "userSetAuthKey") == 0) {
- key = &user->authKey;
- keyLen = &user->authKeyLen;
- type = 1;
- } else if (strcmp(token, "userSetPrivKey") == 0) {
- key = &user->privKey;
- keyLen = &user->privKeyLen;
- type = 1;
- } else if (strcmp(token, "userSetAuthLocalKey") == 0) {
- key = &user->authKey;
- keyLen = &user->authKeyLen;
- type = 2;
- } else if (strcmp(token, "userSetPrivLocalKey") == 0) {
- key = &user->privKey;
- keyLen = &user->privKeyLen;
- type = 2;
- } else {
- /* no old key, or token was not recognized */
- return;
- }
- if (*key) {
- /* (destroy and) free the old key */
- memset(*key, 0, *keyLen);
- free(*key);
- }
- if (type == 0) {
- /* convert the password into a key
- */
- ret = generate_Ku( user->authProtocol, user->authProtocolLen,
- (u_char *)cp, strlen(cp),
- userKey, &userKeyLen );
- if (ret != SNMPERR_SUCCESS) {
- config_perror("setting key failed (in sc_genKu())");
- return;
- }
- } else if (type == 1) {
- cp = read_config_read_octet_string(cp, (u_char **) &userKey, &userKeyLen);
- if (cp == NULL) {
- config_perror("invalid user key");
- return;
- }
- }
- if (type < 2) {
- *key = (u_char *)malloc(SNMP_MAXBUF_SMALL);
- ret = generate_kul( user->authProtocol, user->authProtocolLen,
- engineID, engineIDLen,
- userKey, userKeyLen,
- *key, keyLen );
- if (ret != SNMPERR_SUCCESS) {
- config_perror("setting key failed (in generate_kul())");
- return;
- }
- /* (destroy and) free the old key */
- memset(userKey, 0, sizeof(userKey));
- } else {
- /* the key is given, copy it in */
- cp = read_config_read_octet_string(cp, key, keyLen);
- if (cp == NULL) {
- config_perror("invalid localized user key");
- return;
- }
- }
- } /* end usm_set_password() */