- /* $Id: snmpv3trap.src,v 2009/01/28 13:32:12 tmanoj Exp $ */
- /*
- * @(#)
- * Copyright (c) 1996-2009 AdventNet, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- * Please read the associated COPYRIGHTS file for more details.
- */
- /**
- * This is an example program to explain how to write an application to send a
- * v3 Trap message using com.adventnet.snmp.snmp2 package of AdventNetSNMP2 api.
- * The user could run this application by giving any one of the following usage.
- *
- * java snmpv3trap [-d] [-p port] [-e engineID(0x....)] [-a auth_protocol] [-w auth_password] [-s priv_password] [-i context_id] userName[-pp privProtocol(DES/AES-128/AES-192/AES-256/3DES)] host TimeTicksvalue OIDvalue [OID {INTEGER | STRING | GAUGE | TIMETICKS | OPAQUE | IPADDRESS | COUNTER | COUNTER64 | UNSIGNED32} value] ...
- * e.g.
- * java snmpv3trap -e 0x000012141516171819202121 -a MD5 -w initial2Pass -i initial initial2 16352 . . STRING TrapTest
- *
- * If the oid is not starting with a dot (.) it will be prefixed by . .
- * So the entire OID of 1.1.0 will become . . You can also
- * give the entire OID .
- *
- * Options:
- * [-d] - Debug output. By default off.
- * [-p] <port> - remote port no. By default 162.
- * [-e] <engineID> - Engine ID.
- * [-a] <autProtocol> - The authProtocol(MD5/SHA). Mandatory if authPassword is specified
- * [-w] <authPassword> - The authentication password.
- * [-s] <privPassword> - The privacy protocol password. Must be accompanied with auth password and authProtocol fields.
- * [-n] <contextName> - The contextName to be used for the v3 pdu.
- * [-i] <contextID> - The contextID to be used for the v3 pdu.
- * <username> - The v3 principal/userName. Mandatory.
- * <timeticks> Mandatory - the value of object sysUpTime when the event occurred
- * <OID-value> Mandatory - Object Identifier
- * <host> Mandatory - The RemoteHost (agent).Format (string without double qoutes/IpAddress).
- * <OID> Mandatory - Object Identifier.
- * <value> Mandatory - The object instance value to be set .
- */
- import java.lang.*;
- import java.util.*;
- import*;
- import com.adventnet.snmp.snmp2.*;
- import com.adventnet.snmp.snmp2.usm.*;
- public class snmpv3trap {
- private static final int DEBUG = 0;
- private static final int PORT = 1;
- private static final int AUTH_PROTOCOL = 2;
- private static final int AUTH_PASSWORD = 3;
- private static final int PRIV_PASSWORD = 4;
- private static final int CONTEXT_NAME = 5;
- private static final int CONTEXT_ID = 6;
- private static final int ENGINEID = 7;
- static final int USM_SECURITY_MODEL = 3;
- private static final int PRIV_PROTOCOL=9;
- public static void main(String args[]) {
- // Take care of getting options
- String usage = "snmpv3trap [-d] [-p port][-g agent-address][-e engineID(0x....)] [-a auth_protocol] [-w auth_password] [-s priv_password] [-n contextName] [-i contextID]n[-pp privProtocol(DES/AES-128/AES-192/AES-256/3DES)] userName host TimeTicksvalue OIDvalue [OID {INTEGER | STRING | GAUGE | TIMETICKS | OPAQUE | IPADDRESS | COUNTER | COUNTER64 | UNSIGNED32} value] ...";
- String options[] = { "-d", "-p", "-a", "-w", "-s", "-n", "-i", "-e" ,"-g", "-pp"};
- String values[] = { "None", null, null, null, null, null, null, null,null, null };
- String id = new String("");
- String userName = new String("");
- int authProtocol = USMUserEntry.NO_AUTH;
- int privProtocol=USMUserEntry.NO_PRIV;
- String authPassword = new String ("");
- String privPassword = new String ("");
- String contextName = new String ("");
- String contextID = new String ("");
- ParseOptions opt = new ParseOptions(args,options,values, usage);
- if (opt.remArgs.length<4) opt.usage_error();
- // Start SNMP API
- SnmpAPI api;
- api = new SnmpAPI();
- if (values[0].equals("Set")) api.setDebug( true );
- SnmpPDU pdu = new SnmpPDU();
- Snmp3Message msg = (Snmp3Message)(pdu.getMsg());
- pdu.setCommand( api.TRP2_REQ_MSG );
- // Open session
- SnmpSession session = new SnmpSession(api);
- // set remoteHost
- UDPProtocolOptions ses_opt = new UDPProtocolOptions(opt.remArgs[1]);
- // set version
- session.setVersion( SnmpAPI.SNMP_VERSION_3 ) ;
- try {
- if(values[PORT] != null)
- ses_opt.setRemotePort( Integer.parseInt(values[PORT]) );
- else
- ses_opt.setRemotePort(162);
- if (values[ENGINEID]!=null) {
- id = values[ENGINEID];
- if(id.startsWith("0x") || id.startsWith("0X"))
- id = new String(gethexValue(values[ENGINEID]));
- }
- }
- catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
- System.err.println("Invalid Integer Arg");
- }
- catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException sie){
- System.err.println("Invalid engineID. Please specify proper" +
- " hex value. Exception = " + sie);
- opt.usage_error();
- }
- session.setProtocolOptions(ses_opt);
- userName = opt.remArgs[0];
- if ((values[AUTH_PROTOCOL] != null) && (values[AUTH_PASSWORD] != null)) {
- if(values[AUTH_PROTOCOL].equals("SHA"))
- authProtocol = USMUserEntry.SHA_AUTH;
- else
- authProtocol = USMUserEntry.MD5_AUTH;
- if(authProtocol==USMUserEntry.NO_AUTH){
- System.err.println("Enter authentication protocol");
- opt.usage_error();
- }
- authPassword = values[AUTH_PASSWORD];
- if (values[PRIV_PASSWORD] != null)
- {
- privPassword = values[PRIV_PASSWORD];
- if(values[PRIV_PROTOCOL] !=null)
- {
- if(values[PRIV_PROTOCOL].equals("DES"))
- {
- privProtocol=USMUserEntry.CBC_DES;
- }
- else if(values[PRIV_PROTOCOL].equals("AES-128"))
- {
- privProtocol=USMUserEntry.CFB_AES_128;
- }
- else if(values[PRIV_PROTOCOL].equals("AES-192"))
- {
- privProtocol=USMUserEntry.CFB_AES_192 ;
- }
- else if(values[PRIV_PROTOCOL].equals("AES-256"))
- {
- privProtocol=USMUserEntry.CFB_AES_256;
- }
- else if(values[PRIV_PROTOCOL].equals("3DES"))
- {
- privProtocol=USMUserEntry.CBC_3DES;
- }
- else
- {
- System.out.println(" Invalid privProtocol ");
- opt.usage_error();
- }
- }
- else
- {
- System.out.println(" Please specify the privProtocol value ");
- opt.usage_error();
- }
- }
- }
- else if ((values[AUTH_PROTOCOL] != null)
- || (values[AUTH_PASSWORD] != null)
- || (values[PRIV_PASSWORD] != null)) {
- opt.usage_error();
- }
- if (values[CONTEXT_NAME] != null)
- contextName = values[CONTEXT_NAME];
- if (values[CONTEXT_ID] != null)
- contextID = values[CONTEXT_ID];
- createUSMTable(userName.getBytes(), id.getBytes(), authProtocol,
- authPassword, privPassword, api,privProtocol);
- pdu.setUserName(userName.getBytes());
- // Build trap request PDU
- // Adding the sysUpTime variable binding
- SnmpOID oid = new SnmpOID(".");
- if (oid.toValue() == null)
- System.err.println("Invalid OID argument: .");
- else {
- SnmpVar var = null ;
- try {
- var = SnmpVar.createVariable(opt.remArgs[2], SnmpAPI.TIMETICKS);
- }
- catch (SnmpException e) {
- System.err.println("Cannot create variable: " + oid
- +" with value: "+opt.remArgs[1]);
- }
- SnmpVarBind varbind = new SnmpVarBind(oid, var);
- pdu.addVariableBinding(varbind);
- }
- // Adding the snmpTrapOID variable binding
- oid = new SnmpOID(".");
- if (oid.toValue() == null) System.err.println("Invalid OID argument: "
- + ".");
- else {
- SnmpVar var = null ;
- try {
- var = SnmpVar.createVariable(opt.remArgs[3], SnmpAPI.OBJID);
- }
- catch (SnmpException e) {
- System.err.println("Cannot create variable: " + oid
- +" with value: "+opt.remArgs[2]);
- }
- SnmpVarBind varbind = new SnmpVarBind(oid, var);
- pdu.addVariableBinding(varbind);
- }
- String agentAddress="";
- int otherVarBinds=0;
- for (int i=4;i<opt.remArgs.length;) { // add Variable Bindings
- if (opt.remArgs.length < i+3) opt.usage_error(); //need "{OID type value}"
- oid = new SnmpOID(opt.remArgs[i++]);
- if (oid.toValue() == null)
- System.err.println("Invalid OID argument: " + opt.remArgs[i]);
- else
- addVarBind(pdu, oid, opt.remArgs[i++], opt.remArgs[i++]);
- } // end of add variable bindings
- if(values[8]!=null)
- {
- oid = new SnmpOID(".");
- addVarBind(pdu, oid,"STRING", values[8]);
- }
- try {
- // Opening session
- // Send PDU
- session.send(pdu);
- }
- catch (SnmpException e) {
- System.err.println("Sending PDU"+e.getMessage());
- }
- // close session
- session.close();
- // stop api thread
- api.close();
- System.exit(0);
- }
- /** adds the varbind with specified oid, type and value to the pdu */
- static void addVarBind(SnmpPDU pdu, SnmpOID oid, String type, String value)
- {
- byte dataType ;
- if (type.equals("INTEGER")) {
- dataType = SnmpAPI.INTEGER;
- } else if (type.equals("STRING")) {
- dataType = SnmpAPI.STRING;
- } else if (type.equals("GAUGE")) {
- dataType = SnmpAPI.GAUGE;
- } else if (type.equals("TIMETICKS")) {
- dataType = SnmpAPI.TIMETICKS;
- } else if (type.equals("OPAQUE")) {
- dataType = SnmpAPI.OPAQUE;
- } else if (type.equals("IPADDRESS")) {
- dataType = SnmpAPI.IPADDRESS;
- } else if (type.equals("COUNTER")) {
- dataType = SnmpAPI.COUNTER;
- } else if (type.equals("OID")) {
- dataType = SnmpAPI.OBJID;
- }else if (type.equals("COUNTER64")) {
- dataType = SnmpAPI.COUNTER64;
- }
- else { // unknown type
- System.err.println("Invalid variable type: " + type);
- return;
- }
- SnmpVar var = null;
- try {
- var = SnmpVar.createVariable( value, dataType );
- }
- catch(SnmpException e){
- System.err.println("Cannot create variable: " + oid
- + " with value: " + value);
- return;
- }
- SnmpVarBind varbind = new SnmpVarBind(oid, var);
- pdu.addVariableBinding(varbind);
- }
- private static byte[] gethexValue(String value)
- {
- byte temp;
- byte[] Key=new byte[value.length()/2 - 1];
- String ss,str;
- ss = value.substring(2);
- for(int i = 0; i < ss.length(); i+=2)
- {
- str = ss.substring(i,i+2);
- temp = (byte)Integer.parseInt(str,16);
- Key[i/2] = temp;
- }
- return Key;
- }
- public static void createUSMTable(byte[] name, byte[] engineID,
- int authProtocol, String authPassword,
- String privPassword, SnmpAPI api, int privProtocol)
- {
- byte level = 0;
- USMUserTable uut = (USMUserTable)api.getSecurityProvider().
- USMUserEntry entry = new USMUserEntry(name, engineID);
- entry.setAuthProtocol(authProtocol);
- if ((authProtocol != USMUserEntry.NO_AUTH) && (authPassword != null))
- {
- byte[] authKey = USMUtils.password_to_key(authProtocol,
- authPassword.getBytes(),
- authPassword.getBytes().length,
- engineID);
- entry.setAuthKey(authKey);
- level = 1;
- if ((privPassword != null)&&(privPassword.length()>0))
- {
- byte[] tempKey = USMUtils.password_to_key(authProtocol,
- privPassword.getBytes(),
- privPassword.getBytes().length,
- engineID,privProtocol);
- entry.setPrivProtocol(privProtocol);
- byte privKey[]=null;
- if(privProtocol==USMUserEntry.CFB_AES_192)
- {
- privKey=new byte[24];
- System.arraycopy(tempKey,0,privKey,0,24);
- }
- else if(privProtocol==USMUserEntry.CFB_AES_256)
- {
- privKey =new byte[32];
- System.arraycopy(tempKey,0,privKey,0,32);
- }
- else if(privProtocol==USMUserEntry.CBC_3DES)
- {
- privKey =new byte[32];
- System.arraycopy(tempKey,0,privKey,0,32);
- }
- else
- {
- privKey=new byte[16];
- System.arraycopy(tempKey,0,privKey,0,16);
- }
- entry.setPrivKey(privKey);
- level |= 2;
- }
- }
- entry.setSecurityLevel(level);
- uut.addEntry(entry);
- api.setSnmpEngineID(engineID);
- }
- }