



  1. -- Changes to rfc1381 (X.25 LAPB MIB):
  2. --      No changes needed.
  3. -- dperkins@scruznet.com
  5.           IMPORTS
  6.                   Counter
  7.                           FROM RFC1155-SMI
  8.                   transmission
  9.                           FROM RFC1213-MIB
  10.                   OBJECT-TYPE
  11.                           FROM RFC-1212;
  12.                           --  LAPB MIB
  13.           lapb    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { transmission 16 }
  14.           PositiveInteger ::= INTEGER (0..2147483647)
  15.           IfIndexType     ::= INTEGER (1..2147483647)
  16.           -- IfIndexType specifies an index object for a table
  17.           -- with entries that match entries in the MIB-II ifTable.
  18.           -- The value of the index for the table will match the
  19.           -- ifIndex entry for same interface in the ifTable.
  20.           -- The values of this object range from 1 to ifNumber
  21.           -- inclusive.
  22.           -- ###########################################################
  23.           --                      LAPB Admn Table
  24.           -- ###########################################################
  25.           -- Support of the lapbAdmnTable is mandatory for all
  26.           -- agents of systems that implement LAPB.
  27.           lapbAdmnTable   OBJECT-TYPE
  28.                   SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF LapbAdmnEntry
  29.                   ACCESS  not-accessible
  30.                   STATUS  mandatory
  31.                   DESCRIPTION
  32.                           "This table contains objects that can be
  33.                           changed to manage a LAPB interface.
  34.                           Changing one of these parameters may take
  35.                           effect in the operating LAPB immediately or
  36.                           may wait until the interface is restarted
  37.                           depending on the details of the
  38.                           implementation.
  39.                           Most of the objects in this read-write table
  40.                           have corresponding read-only objects in the
  41.                           lapbOperTable that return the current
  42.                           operating value.
  43.                           The operating values may be different from
  44.                           these configured values if changed by XID
  45.                           negotiation or if a configured parameter was
  46.                           changed after the interface was started."
  47.                   ::= { lapb 1 }
  48.           lapbAdmnEntry   OBJECT-TYPE
  49.                   SYNTAX  LapbAdmnEntry
  50.                   ACCESS  not-accessible
  51.                   STATUS  mandatory
  52.                   DESCRIPTION
  53.                           "Configured parameter values for a specific
  54.                           LAPB."
  55.                   INDEX { lapbAdmnIndex }
  56.                   ::= { lapbAdmnTable 1 }
  57.           LapbAdmnEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
  58.                   lapbAdmnIndex
  59.                           IfIndexType,
  60.                   lapbAdmnStationType
  61.                           INTEGER,
  62.                   lapbAdmnControlField
  63.                           INTEGER,
  64.                   lapbAdmnTransmitN1FrameSize
  65.                           PositiveInteger,
  66.                   lapbAdmnReceiveN1FrameSize
  67.                           PositiveInteger,
  68.                   lapbAdmnTransmitKWindowSize
  69.                           INTEGER,
  70.                   lapbAdmnReceiveKWindowSize
  71.                           INTEGER,
  72.                   lapbAdmnN2RxmitCount
  73.                           INTEGER,
  74.                   lapbAdmnT1AckTimer
  75.                           PositiveInteger,
  76.                   lapbAdmnT2AckDelayTimer
  77.                           PositiveInteger,
  78.                   lapbAdmnT3DisconnectTimer
  79.                           PositiveInteger,
  80.                   lapbAdmnT4IdleTimer
  81.                           PositiveInteger,
  82.                   lapbAdmnActionInitiate
  83.                           INTEGER,
  84.                   lapbAdmnActionRecvDM
  85.                           INTEGER
  86.                   }
  87.           lapbAdmnIndex   OBJECT-TYPE
  88.                   SYNTAX  IfIndexType
  89.                   ACCESS  read-only
  90.                   STATUS  mandatory
  91.                   DESCRIPTION
  92.                           "The ifIndex value for the LAPB interface."
  93.                   ::= { lapbAdmnEntry 1 }
  94.           lapbAdmnStationType     OBJECT-TYPE
  95.                   SYNTAX  INTEGER {
  96.                           dte (1),
  97.                           dce (2),
  98.                           dxe (3)
  99.                           }
  100.                   ACCESS  read-write
  101.                   STATUS  mandatory
  102.                   DESCRIPTION
  103.                           "Identifies the desired station type of this
  104.                           interface."
  105.                   REFERENCE "ISO 7776 section 3.1"
  106.                   DEFVAL { dte }
  107.                   ::= { lapbAdmnEntry 2 }
  108.           lapbAdmnControlField OBJECT-TYPE
  109.                   SYNTAX  INTEGER {
  110.                           modulo8 (1),
  111.                           modulo128 (2)
  112.                           }
  113.                   ACCESS  read-write
  114.                   STATUS  mandatory
  115.                   DESCRIPTION
  116.                           "The desired size of the sequence numbers
  117.                           used to number frames."
  118.                   REFERENCE "ISO 8885 Table 3, Name: HDLC Option - 10"
  119.                   DEFVAL { modulo8 }
  120.                   ::= { lapbAdmnEntry 3 }
  121.           lapbAdmnTransmitN1FrameSize OBJECT-TYPE
  122.                   SYNTAX  PositiveInteger
  123.                   ACCESS  read-write
  124.                   STATUS  mandatory
  125.                   DESCRIPTION
  126.                           "The default maximum N1 frame size desired
  127.                           in number of bits for a frame transmitted by
  128.                           this DTE.  This excludes flags and 0 bits
  129.                           inserted for transparency."
  130.                   REFERENCE "ISO 8885 Table 3,
  131.                           Name: Information Field length"
  132.                   DEFVAL { 36000 } -- 4500 * 8; 802.5 Frame size
  133.                   ::= { lapbAdmnEntry 4 }
  134.           lapbAdmnReceiveN1FrameSize OBJECT-TYPE
  135.                   SYNTAX  PositiveInteger
  136.                   ACCESS  read-write
  137.                   STATUS  mandatory
  138.                   DESCRIPTION
  139.                           "The default maximum N1 frame size desired
  140.                           in number of bits for a frame the DCE/remote
  141.                           DTE transmits to this DTE.  This excludes
  142.                           flags and 0 bits inserted for transparency."
  143.                   DEFVAL { 36000  } -- 4500 * 8; 802.5 Frame size
  144.                   ::= { lapbAdmnEntry 5 }
  145.           lapbAdmnTransmitKWindowSize OBJECT-TYPE
  146.                   SYNTAX  INTEGER (1..127)
  147.                   ACCESS  read-write
  148.                   STATUS  mandatory
  149.                   DESCRIPTION
  150.                           "The default transmit window size for this
  151.                           Interface.  This is the maximum number of
  152.                           unacknowledged sequenced PDUs that may be
  153.                           outstanding from this DTE at any one time."
  154.                   REFERENCE "ISO 8885 Table 3, Name: Window size"
  155.                   DEFVAL { 7 }
  156.                   ::= { lapbAdmnEntry 6 }
  157.           lapbAdmnReceiveKWindowSize OBJECT-TYPE
  158.                   SYNTAX  INTEGER (1..127)
  159.                   ACCESS  read-write
  160.                   STATUS  mandatory
  161.                   DESCRIPTION
  162.                           "The default receive window size for this
  163.                           Interface.  This is the maximum number of
  164.                           unacknowledged sequenced PDUs that may be
  165.                           outstanding from the DCE/remote DTE at any
  166.                           one time."
  167.                   REFERENCE "ISO 8885 Table 3, Name: Window size"
  168.                   DEFVAL { 7 }
  169.                   ::= { lapbAdmnEntry 7 }
  170.           lapbAdmnN2RxmitCount    OBJECT-TYPE
  171.                   SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..65535)
  172.                   ACCESS  read-write
  173.                   STATUS  mandatory
  174.                   DESCRIPTION
  175.                           "The default N2 retry counter for this
  176.                           interface.  This specifies the number of
  177.                           times a PDU will be resent after the T1
  178.                           timer expires without an acknowledgement for
  179.                           the PDU."
  180.                   REFERENCE "ISO 8885 Table 3,
  181.                           Name: Retransmission Attempts"
  182.                   DEFVAL { 20 }
  183.                   ::= { lapbAdmnEntry 8 }
  184.           lapbAdmnT1AckTimer      OBJECT-TYPE
  185.                   SYNTAX  PositiveInteger
  186.                   ACCESS  read-write
  187.                   STATUS  mandatory
  188.                   DESCRIPTION
  189.                           "The default T1 timer for this interface.
  190.                           This specifies the maximum time in
  191.                           Milliseconds to wait for acknowledgment of a
  192.                           PDU."
  193.                   REFERENCE "ISO 8885 Table 3, Name:
  194.                           Acknowledgement timer"
  195.                   DEFVAL { 3000 }
  196.                   ::= { lapbAdmnEntry 9 }
  197.           lapbAdmnT2AckDelayTimer         OBJECT-TYPE
  198.                   SYNTAX  PositiveInteger
  199.                   ACCESS  read-write
  200.                   STATUS  mandatory
  201.                   DESCRIPTION
  202.                           "The default T2 timer for this interface.
  203.                           This specifies the maximum time in
  204.                           Milliseconds to wait before sending an
  205.                           acknowledgment for a sequenced PDU.  A value
  206.                           of zero means there will be no delay in
  207.                           acknowledgement generation."
  208.                   REFERENCE "ISO 8885 Table 3,
  209.                           Name: Reply delay timer"
  210.                   DEFVAL { 0 }
  211.                   ::= { lapbAdmnEntry 10 }
  212.           lapbAdmnT3DisconnectTimer OBJECT-TYPE
  213.                   SYNTAX  PositiveInteger
  214.                   ACCESS  read-write
  215.                   STATUS  mandatory
  216.                   DESCRIPTION
  217.                           "The T3 timer for this interface.  This
  218.                           specifies the time in Milliseconds to wait
  219.                           before considering the link disconnected.  A
  220.                           value of zero indicates the link will be
  221.                           considered disconnected upon completion of
  222.                           the frame exchange to disconnect the link."
  223.                   REFERENCE "ISO 7776 section"
  224.                   DEFVAL { 60000 }
  225.                   ::= { lapbAdmnEntry 11 }
  226.           lapbAdmnT4IdleTimer OBJECT-TYPE
  227.                   SYNTAX  PositiveInteger
  228.                   ACCESS  read-write
  229.                   STATUS  mandatory
  230.                   DESCRIPTION
  231.                           "The T4 timer for this interface.  This
  232.                           specifies the maximum time in Milliseconds
  233.                           to allow without frames being exchanged on
  234.                           the data link.  A value of 2147483647
  235.                           indicates no idle timer is being kept."
  236.                   REFERENCE "ISO 7776 section"
  237.                   DEFVAL { 2147483647 }
  238.                   ::= { lapbAdmnEntry 12 }
  239.           lapbAdmnActionInitiate OBJECT-TYPE
  240.                   SYNTAX  INTEGER {
  241.                   sendSABM (1),
  242.                           sendDISC (2),
  243.                           sendDM (3),
  244.                           none (4),
  245.                           other (5)
  246.                           }
  247.                   ACCESS  read-write
  248.                   STATUS  mandatory
  249.                   DESCRIPTION
  250.                           "This identifies the action LAPB will take
  251.                           to initiate link set-up."
  252.                   DEFVAL { sendSABM }
  253.                   ::= { lapbAdmnEntry 13 }
  254.           lapbAdmnActionRecvDM OBJECT-TYPE
  255.                   SYNTAX  INTEGER {
  256.                           sendSABM (1),
  257.                           sendDISC (2),
  258.                           other (3)
  259.                           }
  260.                   ACCESS  read-write
  261.                   STATUS  mandatory
  262.                   DESCRIPTION
  263.                           "This identifies the action LAPB will take
  264.                           when it receives a DM response."
  265.                   DEFVAL { sendSABM }
  266.                   ::= { lapbAdmnEntry 14 }
  267.           -- ###########################################################
  268.           --                      LAPB operating parameters.
  269.           -- ###########################################################
  270.           -- Support of the lapbOperTable is mandatory for all
  271.           -- agents of systems that implement LAPB.
  272.           lapbOperTable   OBJECT-TYPE
  273.                   SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF LapbOperEntry
  274.                   ACCESS  not-accessible
  275.                   STATUS  mandatory
  276.                   DESCRIPTION
  277.                           "This table contains configuration
  278.                           information about interface parameters
  279.                           currently set in the interface.  Many of
  280.                           these objects have corresponding objects in
  281.                   the lapbAdmnTable."
  282.                   ::= { lapb 2 }
  283.           lapbOperEntry   OBJECT-TYPE
  284.                   SYNTAX  LapbOperEntry
  285.                   ACCESS  not-accessible
  286.                   STATUS  mandatory
  287.                   DESCRIPTION
  288.                           "Currently set parameter values for a
  289.                           specific LAPB."
  290.                   INDEX { lapbOperIndex }
  291.                   ::= { lapbOperTable 1 }
  292.           LapbOperEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
  293.                   lapbOperIndex
  294.                           IfIndexType,
  295.                   lapbOperStationType
  296.                           INTEGER,
  297.                   lapbOperControlField
  298.                           INTEGER,
  299.                   lapbOperTransmitN1FrameSize
  300.                           PositiveInteger,
  301.                   lapbOperReceiveN1FrameSize
  302.                           PositiveInteger,
  303.                   lapbOperTransmitKWindowSize
  304.                           INTEGER,
  305.                   lapbOperReceiveKWindowSize
  306.                           INTEGER,
  307.                   lapbOperN2RxmitCount
  308.                           INTEGER,
  309.                   lapbOperT1AckTimer
  310.                           PositiveInteger,
  311.                   lapbOperT2AckDelayTimer
  312.                           PositiveInteger,
  313.                   lapbOperT3DisconnectTimer
  314.                           PositiveInteger,
  315.                   lapbOperT4IdleTimer
  316.                           PositiveInteger,
  317.                   lapbOperPortId
  318.                           OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
  319.                   lapbOperProtocolVersionId
  320.                           OBJECT IDENTIFIER
  321.                   }
  322.           lapbOperIndex   OBJECT-TYPE
  323.              SYNTAX       IfIndexType
  324.                   ACCESS  read-only
  325.                   STATUS  mandatory
  326.                   DESCRIPTION
  327.                           "The ifIndex value for the LAPB interface."
  328.                   ::= { lapbOperEntry 1 }
  329.           lapbOperStationType     OBJECT-TYPE
  330.                   SYNTAX  INTEGER {
  331.                           dte (1),
  332.                           dce (2),
  333.                           dxe (3)
  334.                           }
  335.                   ACCESS  read-only
  336.                   STATUS  mandatory
  337.                   DESCRIPTION
  338.                           "Identifies the current operating station
  339.                           type of this interface.  A value of dxe (3)
  340.                           indicates XID negotiation has not yet taken
  341.                           place."
  342.                   REFERENCE "ISO 7776 section 3.1"
  343.                   ::= { lapbOperEntry 2 }
  344.           lapbOperControlField OBJECT-TYPE
  345.                   SYNTAX  INTEGER {
  346.                           modulo8 (1),
  347.                           modulo128 (2)
  348.                           }
  349.                   ACCESS  read-only
  350.                   STATUS  mandatory
  351.                   DESCRIPTION
  352.                           "The current operating size of the sequence
  353.                           numbers used to number frames."
  354.                   REFERENCE "ISO 7776 section 3.3"
  355.                   ::= { lapbOperEntry 3 }
  356.           lapbOperTransmitN1FrameSize OBJECT-TYPE
  357.                   SYNTAX  PositiveInteger
  358.                   ACCESS  read-only
  359.                   STATUS  mandatory
  360.                   DESCRIPTION
  361.                           "The current operating N1 frame size used
  362.                           for the maximum number of bits in a frame
  363.                           this DTE can transmit.  This excludes flags
  364.                           and 0 bits inserted for transparency."
  365.                   REFERENCE "ISO 7776 section 5.7.3"
  366.                   ::= { lapbOperEntry 4 }
  367.           lapbOperReceiveN1FrameSize OBJECT-TYPE
  368.                   SYNTAX  PositiveInteger
  369.                   ACCESS  read-only
  370.                   STATUS  mandatory
  371.                   -- See lapbOperTransmitN1FrameSize above
  372.                   DESCRIPTION
  373.                           "The current operating N1 frame size used
  374.                           for the maximum number of bits in a frame
  375.                           the DCE/remote DTE can transmit.  This
  376.                           excludes flags and 0 bits inserted for
  377.                           transparency."
  378.                   ::= { lapbOperEntry 5 }
  379.           lapbOperTransmitKWindowSize OBJECT-TYPE
  380.                   SYNTAX  INTEGER (1..127)
  381.                   ACCESS  read-only
  382.                   STATUS  mandatory
  383.                   DESCRIPTION
  384.                           "The current PDU window size this Interface
  385.                           uses to transmit.  This is the maximum
  386.                           number of unacknowledged sequenced PDUs that
  387.                           may be outstanding from this DTE at any one
  388.                           time."
  389.                   REFERENCE "ISO 7776 section 5.7.4"
  390.                   ::= { lapbOperEntry 6 }
  391.           lapbOperReceiveKWindowSize OBJECT-TYPE
  392.                   SYNTAX  INTEGER (1..127)
  393.                   ACCESS  read-only
  394.                   STATUS  mandatory
  395.                   DESCRIPTION
  396.                           "The current receive PDU window size for
  397.                           this Interface.  This is the maximum number
  398.                           of unacknowledged sequenced PDUs that may be
  399.                           outstanding from the DCE/remote DTE at any
  400.                           one time."
  401.                   REFERENCE "ISO 7776 section 5.7.4"
  402.                   ::= { lapbOperEntry 7 }
  403.           lapbOperN2RxmitCount    OBJECT-TYPE
  404.                   SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..65535)
  405.                   ACCESS  read-only
  406.                   STATUS  mandatory
  407.                   DESCRIPTION
  408.                           "The current N2 retry counter used for this
  409.                           interface.  This specifies the number of
  410.                           times a PDU will be resent after the T1
  411.                           timer expires without an acknowledgement for
  412.                           the PDU."
  413.                   REFERENCE "ISO 7776 section 5.7.2"
  414.                   ::= { lapbOperEntry 8 }
  415.           lapbOperT1AckTimer      OBJECT-TYPE
  416.                   SYNTAX  PositiveInteger
  417.                   ACCESS  read-only
  418.                   STATUS  mandatory
  419.                   DESCRIPTION
  420.                           "The current T1 timer for this interface.
  421.                           This specifies the maximum time in
  422.                           Milliseconds to wait for acknowledgment of a
  423.                           PDU."
  424.                   REFERENCE "ISO 7776 section"
  425.                   ::= { lapbOperEntry 9 }
  426.           lapbOperT2AckDelayTimer         OBJECT-TYPE
  427.                   SYNTAX  PositiveInteger
  428.                   ACCESS  read-only
  429.                   STATUS  mandatory
  430.                   DESCRIPTION
  431.                           "The current T2 timer for this interface.
  432.                           This specifies the maximum time in
  433.                           Milliseconds to wait before sending an
  434.                           acknowledgment for a sequenced PDU.  A value
  435.                           of zero means there will be no delay in
  436.                           acknowledgement generation."
  437.                   REFERENCE "ISO 7776 section"
  438.                   ::= { lapbOperEntry 10 }
  439.           lapbOperT3DisconnectTimer OBJECT-TYPE
  440.                   SYNTAX  PositiveInteger
  441.                   ACCESS  read-only
  442.                   STATUS  mandatory
  443.                   DESCRIPTION
  444.                           "The current T3 timer for this interface.
  445.                           This specifies the time in Milliseconds to
  446.                           wait before considering the link
  447.                           disconnected.  A value of zero indicates the
  448.                           link will be considered disconnected upon
  449.                           completion of the frame exchange to
  450.                           disconnect the link."
  451.                   REFERENCE "ISO 7776 section"
  452.                   ::= { lapbOperEntry 11 }
  453.           lapbOperT4IdleTimer OBJECT-TYPE
  454.                   SYNTAX  PositiveInteger
  455.                   ACCESS  read-write
  456.                   STATUS  mandatory
  457.                   DESCRIPTION
  458.                           "The current T4 timer for this interface.
  459.                           This specifies the maximum time in
  460.                           Milliseconds to allow without frames being
  461.                           exchanged on the data link.  A value of
  462.                           2147483647 indicates no idle timer is being
  463.                           kept."
  464.                   REFERENCE "ISO 7776 section"
  465.                   ::= { lapbOperEntry 12 }
  466.           lapbOperPortId OBJECT-TYPE
  467.                   SYNTAX  OBJECT IDENTIFIER
  468.                   ACCESS  read-only
  469.                   STATUS  mandatory
  470.                   DESCRIPTION
  471.                           "This object identifies an instance of the
  472.                           index object in the first group of objects
  473.                           in the MIB specific to the physical device
  474.                           or interface used to send and receive
  475.                           frames.  If an agent does not support any
  476.                           such objects, it should return nullSpec
  477.                           OBJECT IDENTIFIER {0 0}."
  478.                   ::= { lapbOperEntry 13 }
  479.           lapbOperProtocolVersionId       OBJECT-TYPE
  480.                   SYNTAX  OBJECT IDENTIFIER
  481.                   ACCESS  read-only
  482.                   STATUS  mandatory
  483.                   DESCRIPTION
  484.                           "This object identifies the version of the
  485.                           lapb protocol implemented by this
  486.                           interface."
  487.                   ::= { lapbOperEntry 14 }
  488.           -- ###########################################################
  489.           --                      LAPB    Flow Table
  490.           -- ###########################################################
  491.           -- Support of the lapbFlowTable is mandatory for all
  492.           -- agents of systems that implement LAPB.
  493.           lapbFlowTable OBJECT-TYPE
  494.                   SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF LapbFlowEntry
  495.                   ACCESS  not-accessible
  496.                   STATUS  mandatory
  497.                   DESCRIPTION
  498.                           "This table defines the objects recorded by
  499.                           LAPB to provide information about the
  500.                           traffic flow through the interface."
  501.                   ::= { lapb 3 }
  502.           lapbFlowEntry OBJECT-TYPE
  503.                   SYNTAX  LapbFlowEntry
  504.                   ACCESS  not-accessible
  505.                   STATUS  mandatory
  506.                   DESCRIPTION
  507.                           "The information regarding the effects of
  508.                           flow controls in LAPB."
  509.                    INDEX { lapbFlowIfIndex }
  510.                   ::= { lapbFlowTable 1 }
  511.           LapbFlowEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
  512.                   lapbFlowIfIndex
  513.                           IfIndexType,
  514.                   lapbFlowStateChanges
  515.                           Counter,
  516.                   lapbFlowChangeReason
  517.                           INTEGER,
  518.                   lapbFlowCurrentMode
  519.                           INTEGER,
  520.                   lapbFlowBusyDefers
  521.                           Counter,
  522.                   lapbFlowRejOutPkts
  523.                           Counter,
  524.                   lapbFlowRejInPkts
  525.                           Counter,
  526.                   lapbFlowT1Timeouts
  527.                           Counter,
  528.                   lapbFlowFrmrSent
  529.                   OCTET STRING,
  530.                   lapbFlowFrmrReceived
  531.                           OCTET STRING,
  532.                   lapbFlowXidReceived
  533.                           OCTET STRING
  534.                   }
  535.           lapbFlowIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
  536.                   SYNTAX  IfIndexType
  537.                   ACCESS  read-only
  538.                   STATUS  mandatory
  539.                   DESCRIPTION
  540.                           "The ifIndex value for the LAPB Interface."
  541.                   ::= { lapbFlowEntry 1 }
  542.           lapbFlowStateChanges OBJECT-TYPE
  543.                   SYNTAX  Counter
  544.                   ACCESS  read-only
  545.                   STATUS  mandatory
  546.                   DESCRIPTION
  547.                           "The number of LAPB State Changes, including
  548.                           resets."
  549.                   ::= { lapbFlowEntry 2 }
  550.           lapbFlowChangeReason OBJECT-TYPE
  551.                   SYNTAX  INTEGER {
  552.                           notStarted (1),    -- Initial state
  553.                           abmEntered (2),    -- SABM or UA
  554.                           abmeEntered (3),   -- SABME or UA
  555.                           abmReset (4),      -- SABM in ABM
  556.                           abmeReset (5),     -- SABME in ABME
  557.                           dmReceived (6),    -- DM Response
  558.                           dmSent (7),        -- DM sent
  559.                           discReceived (8),  -- DISC Response
  560.                           discSent (9),      -- DISC Sent
  561.                           frmrReceived (10), -- FRMR Received
  562.                           frmrSent (11),     -- FRMR Sent
  563.                           n2Timeout (12),    -- N2 Timer Expired
  564.                           other (13)
  565.                             }
  566.                   ACCESS  read-only
  567.                   STATUS  mandatory
  568.                   DESCRIPTION
  569.                           "The reason for the most recent incrementing
  570.                           of lapbFlowStateChanges.  A DM or DISC frame
  571.                           generated to initiate link set-up does not
  572.                           alter this object.  When the MIB-II object
  573.                           ifOperStatus does not have a value of
  574.                           testing, there exists a correlation between
  575.                           this object and ifOperStatus.  IfOperStatus
  576.                           will have a value of up when this object
  577.                           contains:  abmEntered, abmeEntered,
  578.                           abmReset, or abmeReset.  IfOperStatus will
  579.                           have a value of down when this object has a
  580.                           value of notStarted, or dmReceived through
  581.                           n2Timeout.  There is no correlation when
  582.                           this object has the value other."
  583.                   ::= { lapbFlowEntry 3 }
  584.           lapbFlowCurrentMode OBJECT-TYPE
  585.                   SYNTAX  INTEGER {
  586.                           disconnected (1),
  587.                                   -- initial state or DISC received
  588.                           linkSetup (2),
  589.                                   -- SABM sent
  590.                           frameReject (3),
  591.                                   -- Invalid frame received and
  592.                                   -- FRMR sent
  593.                           disconnectRequest (4),
  594.                                   -- DISC sent
  595.                           informationTransfer (5),
  596.                                   -- normal information transfer state
  597.                                   -- SABM(E) sent and UA received, or
  598.                                   -- SABM(E) received and UA sent
  599.                           rejFrameSent (6),
  600.                                   -- invalid NS received and REJ sent
  601.                           waitingAcknowledgement (7),
  602.                                   -- T1 expired and RR sent
  603.                           stationBusy (8),
  604.                                   -- RNR sent
  605.                           remoteStationBusy (9),
  606.                                   -- RNR received
  607.                           bothStationsBusy (10),
  608.                                   -- RNR received and RNR sent
  609.                           waitingAckStationBusy (11),
  610.                                   -- T1 expired, RNR sent
  611.                           waitingAckRemoteBusy (12),
  612.                                   -- T1 expired, RNR received
  613.                           waitingAckBothBusy (13),
  614.                                   -- T1 expired, RNR sent,
  615.                                   -- and RNR received
  616.                           rejFrameSentRemoteBusy (14),
  617.                                   -- REJ sent and RNR received
  618.                           xidFrameSent (15),
  619.                                   -- XID frame sent
  620.                           error (16),
  621.                                   -- An error state other than
  622.                                   -- a one defined above
  623.                           other (17)
  624.                                   --  A state not listed above
  625.                             }
  626.                   ACCESS  read-only
  627.                   STATUS  mandatory
  628.                   DESCRIPTION
  629.                           "The current condition of the conversation."
  630.                   ::= { lapbFlowEntry 4 }
  631.           lapbFlowBusyDefers OBJECT-TYPE
  632.                   SYNTAX  Counter
  633.                   ACCESS  read-only
  634.                   STATUS  mandatory
  635.                   DESCRIPTION
  636.                           "The number of times this device was unable
  637.                           to transmit a frame due to a perceived
  638.                           remote busy condition.  Busy conditions can
  639.                           result from the receipt of an RNR from the
  640.                           remote device, the lack of valid sequence
  641.                           number space (window saturation), or other
  642.                           conditions."
  643.                   ::= { lapbFlowEntry 5 }
  644.           lapbFlowRejOutPkts OBJECT-TYPE
  645.                   SYNTAX  Counter
  646.                   ACCESS  read-only
  647.                   STATUS  mandatory
  648.                   DESCRIPTION
  649.                           "The number of REJ or SREJ frames sent by
  650.                           this station."
  651.                   ::= { lapbFlowEntry 6 }
  652.           lapbFlowRejInPkts OBJECT-TYPE
  653.                   SYNTAX  Counter
  654.                   ACCESS  read-only
  655.                   STATUS  mandatory
  656.                   DESCRIPTION
  657.                           "The number of REJ or SREJ frames received
  658.                           by this station."
  659.                   ::= { lapbFlowEntry 7 }
  660.           lapbFlowT1Timeouts OBJECT-TYPE
  661.                   SYNTAX  Counter
  662.                   ACCESS  read-only
  663.                   STATUS  mandatory
  664.                   DESCRIPTION
  665.                           "The number of times a re-transmission was
  666.                           effected by the T1 Timer expiring."
  667.                   ::= { lapbFlowEntry 8 }
  668.           lapbFlowFrmrSent OBJECT-TYPE
  669.                   SYNTAX  OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..7))
  670.                   ACCESS  read-only
  671.                   STATUS  mandatory
  672.                   DESCRIPTION
  673.                           "The Information Field of the FRMR most
  674.                           recently sent.  If no FRMR has been sent
  675.                           (the normal case) or the information isn't
  676.                           available, this will be an OCTET STRING of
  677.                           zero length."
  678.                   REFERENCE "ISO 7776 Section 4.3.9, tables 7 and 8"
  679.                   ::= { lapbFlowEntry 9 }
  680.           lapbFlowFrmrReceived OBJECT-TYPE
  681.                   SYNTAX  OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..7))
  682.                   ACCESS  read-only
  683.                   STATUS  mandatory
  684.                   DESCRIPTION
  685.                           "The Information Field of the FRMR most
  686.                           recently received.  If no FRMR has been
  687.                           received (the normal case) or the
  688.                           information isn't available, this will be an
  689.                           OCTET STRING of zero length."
  690.                   REFERENCE "ISO 7776 Section 4.3.9, tables 7 and 8"
  691.                   ::= { lapbFlowEntry 10 }
  692.           lapbFlowXidReceived OBJECT-TYPE
  693.                   SYNTAX  OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..8206))
  694.                   ACCESS  read-only
  695.                   STATUS  mandatory
  696.                   DESCRIPTION
  697.                           "The Information Field of the XID frame most
  698.                           recently received.  If no XID frame has been
  699.                           received, this will be an OCTET STRING of
  700.                           zero length."
  701.                   REFERENCE "ISO 8885"
  702.                   ::= { lapbFlowEntry 11 }
  703.           -- ###########################################################
  704.           --                      LAPB    XID Table
  705.           -- ###########################################################
  706.           -- Support for the lapbXidTable is mandatory for all agents
  707.           -- of systems that have a LAPB implementation using XID
  708.           -- negotiation.  Agents of systems without XID negotiation
  709.           -- support should not implement this table.
  710.           lapbXidTable    OBJECT-TYPE
  711.                   SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF LapbXidEntry
  712.                   ACCESS  not-accessible
  713.                   STATUS  mandatory
  714.                   DESCRIPTION
  715.                           "This table defines values to use for XID
  716.                           negotiation that are not found in the
  717.                           lapbAdmnTable.  This table is optional for
  718.                           implementations that don't support XID and
  719.                           mandatory for implementations that do
  720.                           initiate XID negotiation."
  721.                   ::= { lapb 4 }
  722.           lapbXidEntry    OBJECT-TYPE
  723.                   SYNTAX  LapbXidEntry
  724.                   ACCESS  not-accessible
  725.                   STATUS  mandatory
  726.                   DESCRIPTION
  727.                           "XId negotiation parameter values for a
  728.                           specific LAPB."
  729.                   INDEX { lapbXidIndex }
  730.                   ::= { lapbXidTable 1 }
  731.           LapbXidEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
  732.                   lapbXidIndex
  733.                           IfIndexType,
  734.                   lapbXidAdRIdentifier
  735.                           OCTET STRING,
  736.                   lapbXidAdRAddress
  737.                           OCTET STRING,
  738.                   lapbXidParameterUniqueIdentifier
  739.                           OCTET STRING,
  740.                   lapbXidGroupAddress
  741.                           OCTET STRING,
  742.                   lapbXidPortNumber
  743.                           OCTET STRING,
  744.                   lapbXidUserDataSubfield
  745.                           OCTET STRING
  746.                   }
  747.           lapbXidIndex    OBJECT-TYPE
  748.                   SYNTAX  IfIndexType
  749.                   ACCESS  read-only
  750.                   STATUS  mandatory
  751.                   DESCRIPTION
  752.                           "The ifIndex value for the LAPB interface."
  753.                   ::= { lapbXidEntry 1 }
  754.           lapbXidAdRIdentifier OBJECT-TYPE
  755.                   SYNTAX  OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..255))
  756.                   ACCESS  read-write
  757.                   STATUS  mandatory
  758.                   DESCRIPTION
  759.                           "The value of the Address Resolution
  760.                           Identifier.  A zero length string indicates
  761.                           no Identifier value has been assigned."
  762.                   REFERENCE "ISO 8885 Table 2, Name: Identifier"
  763.                   DEFVAL { ''h }
  764.                   ::= { lapbXidEntry 2 }
  765.           lapbXidAdRAddress OBJECT-TYPE
  766.                   SYNTAX  OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..255))
  767.                   ACCESS  read-write
  768.                   STATUS  mandatory
  769.                   DESCRIPTION
  770.                           "The value of the Address Resolution
  771.                           Address.  A zero length string indicates no
  772.                           Address value has been assigned."
  773.                   REFERENCE "ISO 8885 Table 2, Name: Address"
  774.                   DEFVAL { ''h }
  775.                   ::= { lapbXidEntry 3 }
  776.           lapbXidParameterUniqueIdentifier OBJECT-TYPE
  777.                   SYNTAX  OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..255))
  778.                   ACCESS  read-write
  779.                   STATUS  mandatory
  780.                   DESCRIPTION
  781.                           "The value of the parameter unique
  782.                           Identifier.  A zero length string indicates
  783.                           no Unique identifier value has been
  784.                           assigned."
  785.                   REFERENCE "ISO 8885 Table 3, Name: Identifier"
  786.                   DEFVAL { ''h }
  787.                   ::= { lapbXidEntry 4 }
  788.           lapbXidGroupAddress OBJECT-TYPE
  789.                   SYNTAX  OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..255))
  790.                   ACCESS  read-write
  791.                   STATUS  mandatory
  792.                   DESCRIPTION
  793.                           "The value of the parameter Group address.
  794.                           A zero length string indicates no Group
  795.                           address value has been assigned."
  796.                   REFERENCE "ISO 8885 Table 3, Name: Group address"
  797.                   DEFVAL { ''h }
  798.                   ::= { lapbXidEntry 5 }
  799.           lapbXidPortNumber OBJECT-TYPE
  800.                   SYNTAX  OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..255))
  801.                   ACCESS  read-write
  802.                   STATUS  mandatory
  803.                   DESCRIPTION
  804.                           "The port number assigned for this link.  A
  805.                           zero length string indicates no local port
  806.                           number identifier has been assigned."
  807.                   REFERENCE "ISO 8885 Table 3, Name: Port number"
  808.                   DEFVAL { ''h }
  809.                   ::= { lapbXidEntry 6 }
  810.           lapbXidUserDataSubfield OBJECT-TYPE
  811.                   SYNTAX  OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..8206))
  812.                   ACCESS  read-write
  813.                   STATUS  mandatory
  814.                   DESCRIPTION
  815.                           "A user data subfield, if any, to be
  816.                           transmitted in an XID frame.  A zero length
  817.                           frame indicates no user data subfield has
  818.                           been assigned.  The octet string should
  819.                           include both the User data identifier and
  820.                           User data field as shown in Figures 1 and
  821.                           4."
  822.                   REFERENCE "ISO 8885 section 4.3"
  823.                   DEFVAL { ''h }
  824.                   ::= { lapbXidEntry 7 }
  825.           -- ###########################################################
  826.           --                      LAPB protocol versions
  827.           -- ###########################################################
  828.           lapbProtocolVersion OBJECT IDENTIFIER
  829.                   ::= { lapb 5 }
  830.           lapbProtocolIso7776v1986 OBJECT IDENTIFIER
  831.                   ::= { lapbProtocolVersion 1 }
  832.           lapbProtocolCcittV1980 OBJECT IDENTIFIER
  833.                   ::= { lapbProtocolVersion 2 }
  834.           lapbProtocolCcittV1984 OBJECT IDENTIFIER
  835.                   ::= { lapbProtocolVersion 3 }
  836.           -- The following describes some of the MIB-II interface
  837.           -- objects and their relationship with the objects in this
  838.           -- MIB extension.
  839.           -- ifDescr:  describes the interface.   It should include
  840.           -- identification information for the physical line and a
  841.           -- description of the network.  For connections to PDNs,
  842.           -- it should name the PDN.
  843.           -- ifMtu: the maximum number of octets an upper layer can
  844.           -- pass to this interface as a single frame.
  845.           -- ifSpeed:
  846.           -- ifAdminStatus:
  847.           -- ifOperStatus:
  848.           -- ifLastChange: the last time the state of the interface
  849.           -- changed.  A reset is considered an instantaneous change to
  850.           -- the ndm state and back to abm or abme.  This will be the
  851.           -- last time that lapbFlowChangeReason and lapbFlowChanges
  852.           -- changed.
  853.           -- ifInOctets: contains the number of octets
  854.           -- received from the peer LAPB including FCS.
  855.           -- ifInUcastPkts: contains the number of I-frames delivered
  856.           -- by this interface to a higher layer interface.
  857.           -- ifInDiscards: contains the number of received
  858.           -- frames discarded because of internal conditions
  859.           -- (such as lack of buffering).
  860.           -- ifInErrors: contains the number of Invalid frames received.
  861.           -- This does not have any relationship with the number REJ,
  862.           -- or RNR frames sent or received.
  863.           -- ifInUnknownProtos: contains the number of frames
  864.           -- that were correct but were dropped because they
  865.           -- were inappropriate for the current state.  This
  866.           -- includes an invalid Poll bit, an unknown address,
  867.           -- or other condition such as an RNR when connection
  868.           -- not established.  This also includes the number of
  869.           -- DISC or other frames that were ignored because the
  870.           -- link was not established and this interface was not
  871.           -- configured to perform link setup on that type frame.
  872.           -- ifOutOctets: number of octets sent to peer including
  873.           -- FCS octets.
  874.           -- ifOutUcastPkts: number of I-frames received from
  875.           -- a higher layer for transmission to peer.
  876.           -- ifOutDiscards: number of frames to be sent that were
  877.           -- dropped due to internal conditions such as buffering etc.
  878.           -- ifOutErrors: number of transmissions that failed
  879.           -- due to errors or were considered invalid by the receiver.
  880.           -- This does not have any relationship with the number REJ,
  881.           -- or RNR frames sent or received.
  882.           -- ifOutQLen: number of frames waiting to be transmitted.
  883.           -- This MIB does not provide any support for:
  884.           --      Multilink procedure (MLP) in ISO 7776 section 6
  885.           --      LLC Pbit timer
  886.           --      LLC REJ timer
  887.           --      LLC Busy State Timer
  888.           -- ###########################################################
  889. END