



  1. -- Changes for rfc1657 - (BGP4-MIB)
  2. --      Renamed bgpRcvdPathAttrTable to bgpPathAttrTable so it
  3. --          a consistent name.
  4. --
  6.                 IMPORTS
  8.                     IpAddress, Integer32, Counter32, Gauge32
  9.                         FROM SNMPv2-SMI
  10.                     mib-2
  11.                         FROM RFC1213-MIB;
  12.                 bgp MODULE-IDENTITY
  13.                     LAST-UPDATED "9405050000Z"
  14.                     ORGANIZATION "IETF BGP Working Group"
  15.                     CONTACT-INFO
  16.                                 "   John Chu  (Editor)
  17.                             Postal: IBM Corp.
  18.                                     P.O.Box 218
  19.                                     Yorktown Heights, NY 10598
  20.                                     US
  21.                                Tel: +1 914 945 3156
  22.                                Fax: +1 914 945 2141
  23.                             E-mail:"
  24.                         DESCRIPTION
  25.                                 "The MIB module for BGP-4."
  26.                     ::= { mib-2 15 }
  27.                 bgpVersion OBJECT-TYPE
  28.                     SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..255))
  29.                     MAX-ACCESS read-only
  30.                     STATUS     current
  31.                     DESCRIPTION
  32.                             "Vector of supported BGP protocol version
  33.                             numbers.  Each peer negotiates the version
  34.                             from this vector.  Versions are identified
  35.                             via the string of bits contained within this
  36.                             object.  The first octet contains bits 0 to
  37.                             7, the second octet contains bits 8 to 15,
  38.                             and so on, with the most significant bit
  39.                             referring to the lowest bit number in the
  40.                             octet (e.g., the MSB of the first octet
  41.                             refers to bit 0).  If a bit, i, is present
  42.                             and set, then the version (i+1) of the BGP
  43.                             is supported."
  44.                     ::= { bgp 1 }
  45.                 bgpLocalAs OBJECT-TYPE
  46.                     SYNTAX     INTEGER (0..65535)
  47.                     MAX-ACCESS read-only
  48.                     STATUS     current
  49.                     DESCRIPTION
  50.                             "The local autonomous system number."
  51.                     ::= { bgp 2 }
  52.                 -- BGP Peer table.  This table contains, one entry per
  53.                 -- BGP peer, information about the BGP peer.
  54.                 bgpPeerTable OBJECT-TYPE
  55.                     SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF BgpPeerEntry
  56.                     MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
  57.                     STATUS     current
  58.                     DESCRIPTION
  59.                             "BGP peer table.  This table contains,
  60.                             one entry per BGP peer, information about
  61.                             the connections with BGP peers."
  62.                     ::= { bgp 3 }
  63.                 bgpPeerEntry OBJECT-TYPE
  64.                     SYNTAX     BgpPeerEntry
  65.                     MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
  66.                     STATUS     current
  67.                     DESCRIPTION
  68.                             "Entry containing information about the
  69.                             connection with a BGP peer."
  70.                     INDEX { bgpPeerRemoteAddr }
  71.                     ::= { bgpPeerTable 1 }
  72.                 BgpPeerEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
  73.                         bgpPeerIdentifier
  74.                             IpAddress,
  75.                         bgpPeerState
  76.                             INTEGER,
  77.                         bgpPeerAdminStatus
  78.                             INTEGER,
  79.                         bgpPeerNegotiatedVersion
  80.                             Integer32,
  81.                         bgpPeerLocalAddr
  82.                             IpAddress,
  83.                         bgpPeerLocalPort
  84.                             INTEGER,
  85.                         bgpPeerRemoteAddr
  86.                             IpAddress,
  87.                         bgpPeerRemotePort
  88.                             INTEGER,
  89.                         bgpPeerRemoteAs
  90.                             INTEGER,
  91.                         bgpPeerInUpdates
  92.                             Counter32,
  93.                         bgpPeerOutUpdates
  94.                             Counter32,
  95.                         bgpPeerInTotalMessages
  96.                             Counter32,
  97.                         bgpPeerOutTotalMessages
  98.                             Counter32,
  99.                         bgpPeerLastError
  100.                             OCTET STRING,
  101.                         bgpPeerFsmEstablishedTransitions
  102.                             Counter32,
  103.                         bgpPeerFsmEstablishedTime
  104.                             Gauge32,
  105.                         bgpPeerConnectRetryInterval
  106.                             INTEGER,
  107.                         bgpPeerHoldTime
  108.                             INTEGER,
  109.                         bgpPeerKeepAlive
  110.                             INTEGER,
  111.                         bgpPeerHoldTimeConfigured
  112.                             INTEGER,
  113.                         bgpPeerKeepAliveConfigured
  114.                             INTEGER,
  115.                         bgpPeerMinASOriginationInterval
  116.                             INTEGER,
  117.                         bgpPeerMinRouteAdvertisementInterval
  118.                             INTEGER,
  119.                         bgpPeerInUpdateElapsedTime
  120.                             Gauge32
  121.                         }
  122.                 bgpPeerIdentifier OBJECT-TYPE
  123.                     SYNTAX     IpAddress
  124.                     MAX-ACCESS read-only
  125.                     STATUS     current
  126.                     DESCRIPTION
  127.                             "The BGP Identifier of this entry's BGP
  128.                             peer."
  129.                     ::= { bgpPeerEntry 1 }
  130.                 bgpPeerState OBJECT-TYPE
  131.                     SYNTAX     INTEGER {
  132.                                         idle(1),
  133.                                         connect(2),
  134.                                         active(3),
  135.                                         opensent(4),
  136.                                         openconfirm(5),
  137.                                         established(6)
  138.                                }
  139.                     MAX-ACCESS read-only
  140.                     STATUS     current
  141.                     DESCRIPTION
  142.                             "The BGP peer connection state."
  143.                     ::= { bgpPeerEntry 2 }
  144.                 bgpPeerAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
  145.                     SYNTAX     INTEGER {
  146.                                         stop(1),
  147.                                         start(2)
  148.                                }
  149.                     MAX-ACCESS read-write
  150.                     STATUS     current
  151.                     DESCRIPTION
  152.                             "The desired state of the BGP connection.
  153.                             A transition from 'stop' to 'start' will
  154.                             cause the BGP Start Event to be generated.
  155.                             A transition from 'start' to 'stop' will
  156.                             cause the BGP Stop Event to be generated.
  157.                             This parameter can be used to restart BGP
  158.                             peer connections.  Care should be used in
  159.                             providing write access to this object
  160.                             without adequate authentication."
  161.                     ::= { bgpPeerEntry 3 }
  162.                 bgpPeerNegotiatedVersion OBJECT-TYPE
  163.                     SYNTAX     Integer32
  164.                     MAX-ACCESS read-only
  165.                     STATUS     current
  166.                     DESCRIPTION
  167.                             "The negotiated version of BGP running
  168.                             between the two peers."
  169.                     ::= { bgpPeerEntry 4 }
  170.                 bgpPeerLocalAddr OBJECT-TYPE
  171.                     SYNTAX     IpAddress
  172.                     MAX-ACCESS read-only
  173.                     STATUS     current
  174.                     DESCRIPTION
  175.                             "The local IP address of this entry's BGP
  176.                             connection."
  177.                     ::= { bgpPeerEntry 5 }
  178.                 bgpPeerLocalPort OBJECT-TYPE
  179.                     SYNTAX     INTEGER (0..65535)
  180.                     MAX-ACCESS read-only
  181.                     STATUS     current
  182.                     DESCRIPTION
  183.                             "The local port for the TCP connection
  184.                             between the BGP peers."
  185.                     ::= { bgpPeerEntry 6 }
  186.                 bgpPeerRemoteAddr OBJECT-TYPE
  187.                     SYNTAX     IpAddress
  188.                     MAX-ACCESS read-only
  189.                     STATUS     current
  190.                     DESCRIPTION
  191.                             "The remote IP address of this entry's BGP
  192.                             peer."
  193.                     ::= { bgpPeerEntry 7 }
  194.                 bgpPeerRemotePort OBJECT-TYPE
  195.                     SYNTAX     INTEGER (0..65535)
  196.                     MAX-ACCESS read-only
  197.                     STATUS     current
  198.                     DESCRIPTION
  199.                             "The remote port for the TCP connection
  200.                             between the BGP peers.  Note that the
  201.                             objects bgpPeerLocalAddr,
  202.                             bgpPeerLocalPort, bgpPeerRemoteAddr and
  203.                             bgpPeerRemotePort provide the appropriate
  204.                             reference to the standard MIB TCP
  205.                             connection table."
  206.                     ::= { bgpPeerEntry 8 }
  207.                 bgpPeerRemoteAs OBJECT-TYPE
  208.                     SYNTAX     INTEGER (0..65535)
  209.                     MAX-ACCESS read-only
  210.                     STATUS     current
  211.                     DESCRIPTION
  212.                             "The remote autonomous system number."
  213.                     ::= { bgpPeerEntry 9 }
  214.                 bgpPeerInUpdates OBJECT-TYPE
  215.                     SYNTAX     Counter32
  216.                     MAX-ACCESS read-only
  217.                     STATUS     current
  218.                     DESCRIPTION
  219.                             "The number of BGP UPDATE messages
  220.                             received on this connection.  This object
  221.                             should be initialized to zero (0) when the
  222.                             connection is established."
  223.                     ::= { bgpPeerEntry 10 }
  224.                 bgpPeerOutUpdates OBJECT-TYPE
  225.                     SYNTAX     Counter32
  226.                     MAX-ACCESS read-only
  227.                     STATUS     current
  228.                     DESCRIPTION
  229.                             "The number of BGP UPDATE messages
  230.                             transmitted on this connection.  This
  231.                             object should be initialized to zero (0)
  232.                             when the connection is established."
  233.                     ::= { bgpPeerEntry 11 }
  234.                 bgpPeerInTotalMessages OBJECT-TYPE
  235.                     SYNTAX     Counter32
  236.                     MAX-ACCESS read-only
  237.                     STATUS     current
  238.                     DESCRIPTION
  239.                             "The total number of messages received
  240.                             from the remote peer on this connection.
  241.                             This object should be initialized to zero
  242.                             when the connection is established."
  243.                     ::= { bgpPeerEntry 12 }
  244.                 bgpPeerOutTotalMessages OBJECT-TYPE
  245.                     SYNTAX     Counter32
  246.                     MAX-ACCESS read-only
  247.                     STATUS     current
  248.                     DESCRIPTION
  249.                             "The total number of messages transmitted to
  250.                             the remote peer on this connection.  This
  251.                             object should be initialized to zero when
  252.                             the connection is established."
  253.                     ::= { bgpPeerEntry 13 }
  254.                 bgpPeerLastError OBJECT-TYPE
  255.                     SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE (2))
  256.                     MAX-ACCESS read-only
  257.                     STATUS     current
  258.                     DESCRIPTION
  259.                             "The last error code and subcode seen by this
  260.                             peer on this connection.  If no error has
  261.                             occurred, this field is zero.  Otherwise, the
  262.                             first byte of this two byte OCTET STRING
  263.                             contains the error code, and the second byte
  264.                             contains the subcode."
  265.                     ::= { bgpPeerEntry 14 }
  266.                 bgpPeerFsmEstablishedTransitions OBJECT-TYPE
  267.                     SYNTAX     Counter32
  268.                     MAX-ACCESS read-only
  269.                     STATUS     current
  270.                     DESCRIPTION
  271.                             "The total number of times the BGP FSM
  272.                             transitioned into the established state."
  273.                     ::= { bgpPeerEntry 15 }
  274.                 bgpPeerFsmEstablishedTime OBJECT-TYPE
  275.                     SYNTAX     Gauge32
  276.                     MAX-ACCESS read-only
  277.                     STATUS     current
  278.                     DESCRIPTION
  279.                             "This timer indicates how long (in
  280.                             seconds) this peer has been in the
  281.                             Established state or how long
  282.                             since this peer was last in the
  283.                             Established state.  It is set to zero when
  284.                             a new peer is configured or the router is
  285.                             booted."
  286.                     ::= { bgpPeerEntry 16 }
  287.                 bgpPeerConnectRetryInterval OBJECT-TYPE
  288.                     SYNTAX     INTEGER (1..65535)
  289.                     MAX-ACCESS read-write
  290.                     STATUS     current
  291.                     DESCRIPTION
  292.                             "Time interval in seconds for the
  293.                             ConnectRetry timer.  The suggested value
  294.                             for this timer is 120 seconds."
  295.                     ::= { bgpPeerEntry 17 }
  296.                 bgpPeerHoldTime OBJECT-TYPE
  297.                     SYNTAX     INTEGER  ( 0 | 3..65535 )
  298.                     MAX-ACCESS read-only
  299.                     STATUS     current
  300.                     DESCRIPTION
  301.                             "Time interval in seconds for the Hold
  302.                             Timer established with the peer.  The
  303.                             value of this object is calculated by this
  304.                             BGP speaker by using the smaller of the
  305.                             value in bgpPeerHoldTimeConfigured and the
  306.                             Hold Time received in the OPEN message.
  307.                             This value must be at lease three seconds
  308.                             if it is not zero (0) in which case the
  309.                             Hold Timer has not been established with
  310.                             the peer, or, the value of
  311.                             bgpPeerHoldTimeConfigured is zero (0)."
  312.                     ::= { bgpPeerEntry 18 }
  313.                 bgpPeerKeepAlive OBJECT-TYPE
  314.                     SYNTAX     INTEGER ( 0 | 1..21845 )
  315.                     MAX-ACCESS read-only
  316.                     STATUS     current
  317.                     DESCRIPTION
  318.                             "Time interval in seconds for the KeepAlive
  319.                             timer established with the peer.  The value
  320.                             of this object is calculated by this BGP
  321.                             speaker such that, when compared with
  322.                             bgpPeerHoldTime, it has the same
  323.                             proportion as what
  324.                             bgpPeerKeepAliveConfigured has when
  325.                             compared with bgpPeerHoldTimeConfigured.
  326.                             If the value of this object is zero (0),
  327.                             it indicates that the KeepAlive timer has
  328.                             not been established with the peer, or,
  329.                             the value of bgpPeerKeepAliveConfigured is
  330.                             zero (0)."
  331.                     ::= { bgpPeerEntry 19 }
  332.                 bgpPeerHoldTimeConfigured OBJECT-TYPE
  333.                     SYNTAX     INTEGER ( 0 | 3..65535 )
  334.                     MAX-ACCESS read-write
  335.                     STATUS     current
  336.                     DESCRIPTION
  337.                             "Time interval in seconds for the Hold Time
  338.                             configured for this BGP speaker with this
  339.                             peer.  This value is placed in an OPEN
  340.                             message sent to this peer by this BGP
  341.                             speaker, and is compared with the Hold
  342.                             Time field in an OPEN message received
  343.                             from the peer when determining the Hold
  344.                             Time (bgpPeerHoldTime) with the peer.
  345.                             This value must not be less than three
  346.                             seconds if it is not zero (0) in which
  347.                             case the Hold Time is NOT to be
  348.                             established with the peer.  The suggested
  349.                             value for this timer is 90 seconds."
  350.                     ::= { bgpPeerEntry 20 }
  351.                 bgpPeerKeepAliveConfigured OBJECT-TYPE
  352.                     SYNTAX     INTEGER ( 0 | 1..21845 )
  353.                     MAX-ACCESS read-write
  354.                     STATUS     current
  355.                     DESCRIPTION
  356.                             "Time interval in seconds for the
  357.                             KeepAlive timer configured for this BGP
  358.                             speaker with this peer.  The value of this
  359.                             object will only determine the
  360.                             KEEPALIVE messages' frequency relative to
  361.                             the value specified in
  362.                             bgpPeerHoldTimeConfigured; the actual
  363.                             time interval for the KEEPALIVE messages
  364.                             is indicated by bgpPeerKeepAlive.  A
  365.                             reasonable maximum value for this timer
  366.                             would be configured to be one
  367.                             third of that of
  368.                             bgpPeerHoldTimeConfigured.
  369.                             If the value of this object is zero (0),
  370.                             no periodical KEEPALIVE messages are sent
  371.                             to the peer after the BGP connection has
  372.                             been established.  The suggested value for
  373.                             this timer is 30 seconds."
  374.                     ::= { bgpPeerEntry 21 }
  375.                 bgpPeerMinASOriginationInterval OBJECT-TYPE
  376.                     SYNTAX     INTEGER (1..65535)
  377.                     MAX-ACCESS read-write
  378.                     STATUS     current
  379.                     DESCRIPTION
  380.                             "Time interval in seconds for the
  381.                             MinASOriginationInterval timer.
  382.                             The suggested value for this timer is 15
  383.                             seconds."
  384.                     ::= { bgpPeerEntry 22 }
  385.                 bgpPeerMinRouteAdvertisementInterval OBJECT-TYPE
  386.                     SYNTAX     INTEGER (1..65535)
  387.                     MAX-ACCESS read-write
  388.                     STATUS     current
  389.                     DESCRIPTION
  390.                             "Time interval in seconds for the
  391.                             MinRouteAdvertisementInterval timer.
  392.                             The suggested value for this timer is 30
  393.                             seconds."
  394.                     ::= { bgpPeerEntry 23 }
  395.                 bgpPeerInUpdateElapsedTime OBJECT-TYPE
  396.                     SYNTAX     Gauge32
  397.                     MAX-ACCESS read-only
  398.                     STATUS     current
  399.                     DESCRIPTION
  400.                             "Elapsed time in seconds since the last BGP
  401.                             UPDATE message was received from the peer.
  402.                             Each time bgpPeerInUpdates is incremented,
  403.                             the value of this object is set to zero
  404.                             (0)."
  405.                     ::= { bgpPeerEntry 24 }
  406.                 bgpIdentifier OBJECT-TYPE
  407.                     SYNTAX     IpAddress
  408.                     MAX-ACCESS read-only
  409.                     STATUS     current
  410.                     DESCRIPTION
  411.                             "The BGP Identifier of local system."
  412.                     ::= { bgp 4 }
  413.                 -- Received Path Attribute Table.  This table contains,
  414.                 -- one entry per path to a network, path attributes
  415.                 -- received from all peers running BGP version 3 or
  416.                 -- less.  This table is deprecated.
  417. --                bgpRcvdPathAttrTable OBJECT-TYPE
  418.                 bgpPathAttrTable OBJECT-TYPE
  419.                     SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF BgpPathAttrEntry
  420.                     MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
  421.                     STATUS     obsolete
  422.                     DESCRIPTION
  423.                             "The BGP Received Path Attribute Table
  424.                             contains information about paths to
  425.                             destination networks received from all
  426.                             peers running BGP version 3 or less."
  427.                     ::= { bgp 5 }
  428.                 bgpPathAttrEntry OBJECT-TYPE
  429.                     SYNTAX     BgpPathAttrEntry
  430.                     MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
  431.                     STATUS     obsolete
  432.                     DESCRIPTION
  433.                             "Information about a path to a network."
  434.                     INDEX { bgpPathAttrDestNetwork,
  435.                             bgpPathAttrPeer        }
  436. --                    ::= { bgpRcvdPathAttrTable 1 }
  437.                     ::= { bgpPathAttrTable 1 }
  438.                 BgpPathAttrEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
  439.                     bgpPathAttrPeer
  440.                          IpAddress,
  441.                     bgpPathAttrDestNetwork
  442.                          IpAddress,
  443.                     bgpPathAttrOrigin
  444.                          INTEGER,
  445.                     bgpPathAttrASPath
  446.                          OCTET STRING,
  447.                     bgpPathAttrNextHop
  448.                          IpAddress,
  449.                     bgpPathAttrInterASMetric
  450.                          Integer32
  451.                 }
  452.                 bgpPathAttrPeer OBJECT-TYPE
  453.                     SYNTAX     IpAddress
  454.                     MAX-ACCESS read-only
  455.                     STATUS     obsolete
  456.                     DESCRIPTION
  457.                             "The IP address of the peer where the path
  458.                             information was learned."
  459.                     ::= { bgpPathAttrEntry 1 }
  460.                 bgpPathAttrDestNetwork OBJECT-TYPE
  461.                     SYNTAX     IpAddress
  462.                     MAX-ACCESS read-only
  463.                     STATUS     obsolete
  464.                     DESCRIPTION
  465.                             "The address of the destination network."
  466.                     ::= { bgpPathAttrEntry 2 }
  467.                 bgpPathAttrOrigin OBJECT-TYPE
  468.                     SYNTAX     INTEGER {
  469.                                    igp(1),-- networks are interior
  470.                                    egp(2),-- networks learned via EGP
  471.                                    incomplete(3) -- undetermined
  472.                                }
  473.                     MAX-ACCESS read-only
  474.                     STATUS     obsolete
  475.                     DESCRIPTION
  476.                          "The ultimate origin of the path information."
  477.                     ::= { bgpPathAttrEntry 3 }
  478.                 bgpPathAttrASPath OBJECT-TYPE
  479.                     SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE (2..255))
  480.                     MAX-ACCESS read-only
  481.                     STATUS     obsolete
  482.                     DESCRIPTION
  483.                             "The set of ASs that must be traversed to
  484.                             reach the network.  This object is
  485.                             probably best represented as SEQUENCE OF
  486.                             INTEGER.  For SMI compatibility, though,
  487.                             it is represented as OCTET STRING.  Each
  488.                             AS is represented as a pair of octets
  489.                             according to the following algorithm:
  490.                                 first-byte-of-pair = ASNumber / 256;
  491.                                 second-byte-of-pair = ASNumber & 255;"
  492.                     ::= { bgpPathAttrEntry 4 }
  493.                 bgpPathAttrNextHop OBJECT-TYPE
  494.                     SYNTAX     IpAddress
  495.                     MAX-ACCESS read-only
  496.                     STATUS     obsolete
  497.                     DESCRIPTION
  498.                             "The address of the border router that
  499.                             should be used for the destination
  500.                             network."
  501.                     ::= { bgpPathAttrEntry 5 }
  502.                 bgpPathAttrInterASMetric OBJECT-TYPE
  503.                     SYNTAX     Integer32
  504.                     MAX-ACCESS read-only
  505.                     STATUS     obsolete
  506.                     DESCRIPTION
  507.                             "The optional inter-AS metric.  If this
  508.                             attribute has not been provided for this
  509.                             route, the value for this object is 0."
  510.                     ::= { bgpPathAttrEntry 6 }
  511.                 -- BGP-4 Received Path Attribute Table.  This table
  512.                 -- contains, one entry per path to a network, path
  513.                 -- attributes received from all peers running BGP-4.
  514.                 bgp4PathAttrTable OBJECT-TYPE
  515.                     SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF Bgp4PathAttrEntry
  516.                     MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
  517.                     STATUS     current
  518.                     DESCRIPTION
  519.                             "The BGP-4 Received Path Attribute Table
  520.                             contains information about paths to
  521.                             destination networks received from all
  522.                             BGP4 peers."
  523.                     ::= { bgp 6 }
  524.                 bgp4PathAttrEntry OBJECT-TYPE
  525.                     SYNTAX     Bgp4PathAttrEntry
  526.                     MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
  527.                     STATUS     current
  528.                     DESCRIPTION
  529.                             "Information about a path to a network."
  530.                     INDEX { bgp4PathAttrIpAddrPrefix,
  531.                             bgp4PathAttrIpAddrPrefixLen,
  532.                             bgp4PathAttrPeer            }
  533.                     ::= { bgp4PathAttrTable 1 }
  534.                 Bgp4PathAttrEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
  535.                     bgp4PathAttrPeer
  536.                          IpAddress,
  537.                     bgp4PathAttrIpAddrPrefixLen
  538.                          INTEGER,
  539.                     bgp4PathAttrIpAddrPrefix
  540.                          IpAddress,
  541.                     bgp4PathAttrOrigin
  542.                          INTEGER,
  543.                     bgp4PathAttrASPathSegment
  544.                          OCTET STRING,
  545.                     bgp4PathAttrNextHop
  546.                          IpAddress,
  547.                     bgp4PathAttrMultiExitDisc
  548.                          INTEGER,
  549.                     bgp4PathAttrLocalPref
  550.                          INTEGER,
  551.                     bgp4PathAttrAtomicAggregate
  552.                          INTEGER,
  553.                     bgp4PathAttrAggregatorAS
  554.                          INTEGER,
  555.                     bgp4PathAttrAggregatorAddr
  556.                          IpAddress,
  557.                     bgp4PathAttrCalcLocalPref
  558.                          INTEGER,
  559.                     bgp4PathAttrBest
  560.                          INTEGER,
  561.                     bgp4PathAttrUnknown
  562.                          OCTET STRING
  563.                 }
  564.                 bgp4PathAttrPeer OBJECT-TYPE
  565.                     SYNTAX     IpAddress
  566.                     MAX-ACCESS read-only
  567.                     STATUS     current
  568.                     DESCRIPTION
  569.                             "The IP address of the peer where the path
  570.                             information was learned."
  571.                     ::= { bgp4PathAttrEntry 1 }
  572.                 bgp4PathAttrIpAddrPrefixLen OBJECT-TYPE
  573.                     SYNTAX     INTEGER (0..32)
  574.                     MAX-ACCESS read-only
  575.                     STATUS     current
  576.                     DESCRIPTION
  577.                             "Length in bits of the IP address prefix
  578.                             in the Network Layer Reachability
  579.                             Information field."
  580.                     ::= { bgp4PathAttrEntry 2 }
  581.                 bgp4PathAttrIpAddrPrefix OBJECT-TYPE
  582.                     SYNTAX     IpAddress
  583.                     MAX-ACCESS read-only
  584.                     STATUS     current
  585.                     DESCRIPTION
  586.                             "An IP address prefix in the Network Layer
  587.                             Reachability Information field.  This object
  588.                             is an IP address containing the prefix with
  589.                             length specified by
  590.                             bgp4PathAttrIpAddrPrefixLen.
  591.                             Any bits beyond the length specified by
  592.                             bgp4PathAttrIpAddrPrefixLen are zeroed."
  593.                     ::= { bgp4PathAttrEntry 3 }
  594.                 bgp4PathAttrOrigin OBJECT-TYPE
  595.                     SYNTAX     INTEGER {
  596.                                          igp(1),-- networks are interior
  597.                                          egp(2),-- networks learned
  598.                                                 -- via EGP
  599.                                          incomplete(3) -- undetermined
  600.                                        }
  601.                     MAX-ACCESS read-only
  602.                     STATUS     current
  603.                     DESCRIPTION
  604.                             "The ultimate origin of the path
  605.                             information."
  606.                     ::= { bgp4PathAttrEntry 4 }
  607.                 bgp4PathAttrASPathSegment OBJECT-TYPE
  608.                     SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE (2..255))
  609.                     MAX-ACCESS read-only
  610.                     STATUS     current
  611.                     DESCRIPTION
  612.                             "The sequence of AS path segments.  Each AS
  613.                             path segment is represented by a triple
  614.                             <type, length, value>.
  615.                             The type is a 1-octet field which has two
  616.                             possible values:
  617.                                  1      AS_SET: unordered set of ASs a
  618.                                              route in the UPDATE
  619.                                              message has traversed
  620.                                  2      AS_SEQUENCE: ordered set of ASs
  621.                                              a route in the UPDATE
  622.                                              message has traversed.
  623.                             The length is a 1-octet field containing the
  624.                             number of ASs in the value field.
  625.                             The value field contains one or more AS
  626.                             numbers, each AS is represented in the octet
  627.                             string as a pair of octets according to the
  628.                             following algorithm:
  629.                                 first-byte-of-pair = ASNumber / 256;
  630.                                 second-byte-of-pair = ASNumber & 255;"
  631.                     ::= { bgp4PathAttrEntry 5 }
  632.                 bgp4PathAttrNextHop OBJECT-TYPE
  633.                     SYNTAX     IpAddress
  634.                     MAX-ACCESS read-only
  635.                     STATUS     current
  636.                     DESCRIPTION
  637.                             "The address of the border router that
  638.                             should be used for the destination
  639.                             network."
  640.                     ::= { bgp4PathAttrEntry 6 }
  641.                 bgp4PathAttrMultiExitDisc OBJECT-TYPE
  642.                     SYNTAX     INTEGER (-1..2147483647)
  643.                     MAX-ACCESS read-only
  644.                     STATUS     current
  645.                     DESCRIPTION
  646.                             "This metric is used to discriminate
  647.                             between multiple exit points to an
  648.                             adjacent autonomous system.  A value of -1
  649.                             indicates the absence of this attribute."
  650.                     ::= { bgp4PathAttrEntry 7 }
  651.                 bgp4PathAttrLocalPref OBJECT-TYPE
  652.                     SYNTAX     INTEGER (-1..2147483647)
  653.                     MAX-ACCESS read-only
  654.                     STATUS     current
  655.                     DESCRIPTION
  656.                             "The originating BGP4 speaker's degree of
  657.                             preference for an advertised route.  A
  658.                             value of -1 indicates the absence of this
  659.                             attribute."
  660.                     ::= { bgp4PathAttrEntry 8 }
  661.                 bgp4PathAttrAtomicAggregate OBJECT-TYPE
  662.                     SYNTAX     INTEGER {
  663.                                    lessSpecificRrouteNotSelected(1),
  664.                                    lessSpecificRouteSelected(2)
  665.                                }
  666.                     MAX-ACCESS read-only
  667.                     STATUS     current
  668.                     DESCRIPTION
  669.                             "Whether or not the local system has
  670.                             selected a less specific route without
  671.                             selecting a more specific route."
  672.                     ::= { bgp4PathAttrEntry 9 }
  673.                 bgp4PathAttrAggregatorAS OBJECT-TYPE
  674.                     SYNTAX     INTEGER (0..65535)
  675.                     MAX-ACCESS read-only
  676.                     STATUS     current
  677.                     DESCRIPTION
  678.                             "The AS number of the last BGP4 speaker that
  679.                             performed route aggregation.  A value of
  680.                             zero (0) indicates the absence of this
  681.                             attribute."
  682.                     ::= { bgp4PathAttrEntry 10 }
  683.                 bgp4PathAttrAggregatorAddr OBJECT-TYPE
  684.                     SYNTAX     IpAddress
  685.                     MAX-ACCESS read-only
  686.                     STATUS     current
  687.                     DESCRIPTION
  688.                             "The IP address of the last BGP4 speaker
  689.                             that performed route aggregation.  A value
  690.                             of indicates the absence of this
  691.                             attribute."
  692.                     ::= { bgp4PathAttrEntry 11 }
  693.                 bgp4PathAttrCalcLocalPref OBJECT-TYPE
  694.                     SYNTAX     INTEGER (-1..2147483647)
  695.                     MAX-ACCESS read-only
  696.                     STATUS     current
  697.                     DESCRIPTION
  698.                             "The degree of preference calculated by the
  699.                             receiving BGP4 speaker for an advertised
  700.                             route.  A value of -1 indicates the
  701.                             absence of this attribute."
  702.                     ::= { bgp4PathAttrEntry 12 }
  703.                 bgp4PathAttrBest OBJECT-TYPE
  704.                     SYNTAX     INTEGER {
  705.                                    false(1),-- not chosen as best route
  706.                                    true(2) -- chosen as best route
  707.                                }
  708.                     MAX-ACCESS read-only
  709.                     STATUS     current
  710.                     DESCRIPTION
  711.                             "An indication of whether or not this route
  712.                             was chosen as the best BGP4 route."
  713.                     ::= { bgp4PathAttrEntry 13 }
  714.                bgp4PathAttrUnknown OBJECT-TYPE
  715.                     SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..255))
  716.                     MAX-ACCESS read-only
  717.                     STATUS     current
  718.                     DESCRIPTION
  719.                             "One or more path attributes not understood
  720.                              by this BGP4 speaker.  Size zero (0)
  721.                              indicates the absence of such
  722.                              attribute(s).  Octets beyond the maximum
  723.                              size, if any, are not recorded by this
  724.                              object."
  725.                     ::= { bgp4PathAttrEntry 14 }
  726.                 -- Traps.
  727.                 bgpTraps                OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { bgp 7 }
  728.                 bgpEstablished NOTIFICATION-TYPE
  729.                     OBJECTS { bgpPeerLastError,
  730.                               bgpPeerState      }
  731.                     STATUS  current
  732.                     DESCRIPTION
  733.                             "The BGP Established event is generated when
  734.                             the BGP FSM enters the ESTABLISHED state."
  735.                     ::= { bgpTraps 1 }
  736.                 bgpBackwardTransition NOTIFICATION-TYPE
  737.                     OBJECTS { bgpPeerLastError,
  738.                               bgpPeerState      }
  739.                     STATUS  current
  740.                     DESCRIPTION
  741.                             "The BGPBackwardTransition Event is generated
  742.                             when the BGP FSM moves from a higher numbered
  743.                             state to a lower numbered state."
  744.                     ::= { bgpTraps 2 }
  745. END