



  1. -- Changes to rfc1512 (FDDI 7.3 SMT MIB):
  2. --      Added the IMPORT for transmission.
  3. -- dperkins@scruznet.com
  5.           IMPORTS
  6.                   Counter
  7.                       FROM RFC1155-SMI
  8.                   OBJECT-TYPE
  9.                       FROM RFC-1212
  10.                   transmission
  11.                       FROM RFC1213-MIB;
  12.           --  This MIB module uses the extended OBJECT-TYPE macro as
  13.           --  defined in [7].
  14.           -- this is the FDDI MIB module
  15.           fddi    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { transmission 15 }
  16.           fddimib   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fddi 73 }
  17.           -- textual conventions
  18.           FddiTimeNano ::= INTEGER (0..2147483647)
  19.           -- This data type specifies 1 nanosecond units as
  20.           -- an integer value.
  21.           --
  22.           -- NOTE: The encoding is normal integer representation, not
  23.           -- two's complement.  Since this type is used for variables
  24.           -- which are encoded as TimerTwosComplement in the ANSI
  25.           -- specification, two operations need to be performed on such
  26.           -- variables to convert from ANSI form to SNMP form:
  27.           --
  28.           -- 1) Convert from two's complement to normal integer
  29.           --    representation
  30.           -- 2) Multiply by 80 to convert from 80 nsec to 1 nsec units
  31.           --
  32.           -- No resolution is lost.  Moreover, the objects for which
  33.           -- this data type is used effectively do not lose any range
  34.           -- due to the lower maximum value since they do not require
  35.           -- the full range.
  36.           --
  37.           -- Example: If fddimibMACTReq had a value of 8 ms, it would
  38.           -- be stored in ANSI TimerTwosComplement format as 0xFFFE7960
  39.           -- [8 ms is 100000 in 80 nsec units, which is then converted
  40.           -- to two's complement] but be reported as 8000000 in SNMP
  41.           -- since it is encoded here as FddiTimeNano.
  42.           FddiTimeMilli ::= INTEGER (0..2147483647)
  43.           -- This data type is used for some FDDI timers. It specifies
  44.           -- time in 1 millisecond units, in normal integer
  45.           -- representation.
  46.           FddiResourceId ::= INTEGER (0..65535)
  47.           -- This data type is used to refer to an instance of a  MAC,
  48.           -- PORT, or PATH Resource ID.  Indexing begins
  49.           -- at 1.  Zero is used to indicate the absence of a resource.
  50.           FddiSMTStationIdType ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (8))
  51.           -- The unique identifier for the FDDI station.  This is a
  52.           -- string of 8 octets, represented as X' yy yy xx xx xx xx
  53.           -- xx xx' with the low order 6 octet (xx) from a unique IEEE
  54.           -- assigned address.  The high order two bits of the IEEE
  55.           -- address, the group address bit and the administration bit
  56.           -- (Universal/Local) bit should both be zero.  The first two
  57.           -- octets, the yy octets, are implementor-defined.
  58.           --
  59.           -- The representation of the address portion of the station id
  60.           -- is in the IEEE (ANSI/IEEE P802.1A) canonical notation for
  61.           -- 48 bit addresses.  The canonical form is a 6-octet string
  62.           -- where the first octet contains the first 8 bits of the
  63.           -- address, with the I/G(Individual/Group) address bit as the
  64.           -- least significant bit and the  U/L (Universal/Local) bit
  65.           -- as the next more significant bit, and so on.  Note that
  66.           -- addresses in the ANSI FDDI standard SMT frames are
  67.           -- represented in FDDI MAC order.
  68.           FddiMACLongAddressType ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (6))
  69.           -- The representation of long MAC addresses as management
  70.           -- values is in the IEEE (ANSI/IEEE P802.1A) canonical
  71.           -- notation for 48 bit addresses.  The canonical form is a
  72.           -- 6-octet string where the first octet contains the first 8
  73.           -- bits of the address, with the I/G (Individual/Group)
  74.           -- address bit as the least significant bit and the  U/L
  75.           -- (Universal/Local) bit as the next more significant bit,
  76.           -- and so on.  Note that the addresses in the SMT frames are
  77.           -- represented in FDDI MAC order.
  78.           -- groups in the FDDI MIB module
  79.           fddimibSMT          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fddimib 1 }
  80.           fddimibMAC          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fddimib 2 }
  81.           fddimibMACCounters  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fddimib 3 }
  82.           fddimibPATH         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fddimib 4 }
  83.           fddimibPORT         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fddimib 5 }
  84.           -- the SMT group
  85.           -- Implementation of the SMT group is mandatory for all
  86.           -- systems which implement manageable FDDI subsystems.
  87.           fddimibSMTNumber OBJECT-TYPE
  88.               SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..65535)
  89.               ACCESS  read-only
  90.               STATUS  mandatory
  91.               DESCRIPTION
  92.                       "The number of SMT implementations (regardless of
  93.                       their current state) on this network management
  94.                       application entity.  The value for this variable
  95.                       must remain constant at least from one re-
  96.                       initialization of the entity's network management
  97.                       system to the next re-initialization."
  98.               ::= { fddimibSMT  1 }
  99.           -- the SMT table
  100.           fddimibSMTTable OBJECT-TYPE
  101.               SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF FddimibSMTEntry
  102.               ACCESS  not-accessible
  103.               STATUS  mandatory
  104.               DESCRIPTION
  105.                       "A list of SMT entries.  The number of entries
  106.                       shall not exceed the value of fddimibSMTNumber."
  107.               ::= { fddimibSMT  2 }
  108.           fddimibSMTEntry OBJECT-TYPE
  109.               SYNTAX  FddimibSMTEntry
  110.               ACCESS  not-accessible
  111.               STATUS  mandatory
  112.               DESCRIPTION
  113.                       "An SMT entry containing information common to a
  114.                       given SMT."
  115.               INDEX   { fddimibSMTIndex }
  116.               ::= { fddimibSMTTable 1 }
  117.           FddimibSMTEntry ::=
  118.               SEQUENCE {
  119.                   fddimibSMTIndex
  120.                       INTEGER,
  121.                   fddimibSMTStationId
  122.                       FddiSMTStationIdType,
  123.                   fddimibSMTOpVersionId
  124.                       INTEGER,
  125.                   fddimibSMTHiVersionId
  126.                       INTEGER,
  127.                   fddimibSMTLoVersionId
  128.                       INTEGER,
  129.                   fddimibSMTUserData
  130.                       OCTET STRING,
  131.                   fddimibSMTMIBVersionId
  132.                       INTEGER,
  133.                   fddimibSMTMACCts
  134.                       INTEGER,
  135.                   fddimibSMTNonMasterCts
  136.                       INTEGER,
  137.                   fddimibSMTMasterCts
  138.                       INTEGER,
  139.                   fddimibSMTAvailablePaths
  140.                       INTEGER,
  141.                   fddimibSMTConfigCapabilities
  142.                       INTEGER,
  143.                   fddimibSMTConfigPolicy
  144.                       INTEGER,
  145.                   fddimibSMTConnectionPolicy
  146.                       INTEGER,
  147.                   fddimibSMTTNotify
  148.                       INTEGER,
  149.                   fddimibSMTStatRptPolicy
  150.                       INTEGER,
  151.                   fddimibSMTTraceMaxExpiration
  152.                       FddiTimeMilli,
  153.                   fddimibSMTBypassPresent
  154.                       INTEGER,
  155.                   fddimibSMTECMState
  156.                       INTEGER,
  157.                   fddimibSMTCFState
  158.                       INTEGER,
  159.                   fddimibSMTRemoteDisconnectFlag
  160.                       INTEGER,
  161.                   fddimibSMTStationStatus
  162.                       INTEGER,
  163.                   fddimibSMTPeerWrapFlag
  164.                       INTEGER,
  165.                   fddimibSMTTimeStamp
  166.                       FddiTimeMilli,
  167.                   fddimibSMTTransitionTimeStamp
  168.                       FddiTimeMilli,
  169.                   fddimibSMTStationAction
  170.                       INTEGER
  171.               }
  172.           fddimibSMTIndex OBJECT-TYPE
  173.               SYNTAX  INTEGER (1..65535)
  174.               ACCESS  read-only
  175.               STATUS  mandatory
  176.               DESCRIPTION
  177.                       "A unique value for each SMT.  The value for each
  178.                       SMT must remain constant at least from one re-
  179.                       initialization of the entity's network management
  180.                       system to the next re-initialization."
  181.               ::= { fddimibSMTEntry 1 }
  182.           fddimibSMTStationId OBJECT-TYPE
  183.               SYNTAX  FddiSMTStationIdType -- OCTET STRING (SIZE (8))
  184.               ACCESS  read-only
  185.               STATUS  mandatory
  186.               DESCRIPTION
  187.                       "Used to uniquely identify an FDDI station."
  188.               REFERENCE
  189.                       "ANSI { fddiSMT 11 }"
  190.               ::= { fddimibSMTEntry 2 }
  191.           fddimibSMTOpVersionId OBJECT-TYPE
  192.               SYNTAX  INTEGER (1..65535)
  193.               ACCESS  read-only
  194.               STATUS  mandatory
  195.               DESCRIPTION
  196.                       "The version that this station is using for its
  197.                       operation (refer to ANSI The value of
  198.                       this variable is 2 for this SMT revision."
  199.               REFERENCE
  200.                       "ANSI { fddiSMT 13 }"
  201.               ::= { fddimibSMTEntry 3 }
  202.           fddimibSMTHiVersionId OBJECT-TYPE
  203.               SYNTAX  INTEGER (1..65535)
  204.               ACCESS  read-only
  205.               STATUS  mandatory
  206.               DESCRIPTION
  207.                       "The highest version of SMT that this station
  208.                       supports (refer to ANSI"
  209.               REFERENCE
  210.                       "ANSI { fddiSMT 14 }"
  211.               ::= { fddimibSMTEntry 4 }
  212.           fddimibSMTLoVersionId OBJECT-TYPE
  213.               SYNTAX  INTEGER (1..65535)
  214.               ACCESS  read-only
  215.               STATUS  mandatory
  216.               DESCRIPTION
  217.                       "The lowest version of SMT that this station
  218.                       supports (refer to ANSI"
  219.               REFERENCE
  220.                       "ANSI { fddiSMT 15 }"
  221.               ::= { fddimibSMTEntry 5 }
  222.           fddimibSMTUserData OBJECT-TYPE
  223.               SYNTAX  OCTET STRING (SIZE (32))
  224.               ACCESS  read-write
  225.               STATUS  mandatory
  226.               DESCRIPTION
  227.                       "This variable contains 32 octets of user defined
  228.                       information. The information shall be an ASCII
  229.                       string."
  230.               REFERENCE
  231.                       "ANSI { fddiSMT 17 }"
  232.               ::= { fddimibSMTEntry 6 }
  233.           fddimibSMTMIBVersionId OBJECT-TYPE
  234.               SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..65535)
  235.               ACCESS  read-only
  236.               STATUS  mandatory
  237.               DESCRIPTION
  238.                       "The version of the FDDI MIB of this station.  The
  239.                       value of this variable is 1 for this SMT
  240.                       revision."
  241.               REFERENCE
  242.                       "ANSI { fddiSMT 18 }"
  243.               ::= { fddimibSMTEntry 7 }
  244.           fddimibSMTMACCts OBJECT-TYPE
  245.               SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..255)
  246.               ACCESS  read-only
  247.               STATUS  mandatory
  248.               DESCRIPTION
  249.                       "The number of MACs in this station or
  250.                       concentrator."
  251.               REFERENCE
  252.                       "ANSI { fddiSMT 21 }"
  253.               ::= { fddimibSMTEntry 8 }
  254.           fddimibSMTNonMasterCts OBJECT-TYPE
  255.               SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..2)
  256.               ACCESS  read-only
  257.               STATUS  mandatory
  258.               DESCRIPTION
  259.                       "The value of this variable is the number of A, B,
  260.                       and S ports in this station or concentrator."
  261.               REFERENCE
  262.                       "ANSI { fddiSMT 22 }"
  263.               ::= { fddimibSMTEntry 9 }
  264.           fddimibSMTMasterCts OBJECT-TYPE
  265.               SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..255)
  266.               ACCESS  read-only
  267.               STATUS  mandatory
  268.               DESCRIPTION
  269.                       "The number of M Ports in a node. If the node is
  270.                       not a concentrator, the value of the variable is
  271.                       zero."
  272.               REFERENCE
  273.                       "ANSI { fddiSMT 23 }"
  274.               ::= { fddimibSMTEntry 10 }
  275.           fddimibSMTAvailablePaths OBJECT-TYPE
  276.               SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..7)
  277.               ACCESS  read-only
  278.               STATUS  mandatory
  279.               DESCRIPTION
  280.                       "A value that indicates the PATH types available
  281.                       in the station.
  282.                       The value is a sum.  This value initially takes
  283.                       the value zero, then for each type of PATH that
  284.                       this node has available, 2 raised to a power is
  285.                       added to the sum.  The powers are according to the
  286.                       following table:
  287.                                Path   Power
  288.                             Primary     0
  289.                           Secondary     1
  290.                               Local     2
  291.                       For example, a station having Primary and Local
  292.                       PATHs available would have a value of 5 (2**0 +
  293.                       2**2)."
  294.               REFERENCE
  295.                       "ANSI { fddiSMT 24 }"
  296.               ::= { fddimibSMTEntry 11 }
  297.           fddimibSMTConfigCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE
  298.               SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..3)
  299.               ACCESS  read-only
  300.               STATUS  mandatory
  301.               DESCRIPTION
  302.                       "A value that indicates the configuration
  303.                       capabilities of a node. The 'Hold Available' bit
  304.                       indicates the support of the optional Hold
  305.                       Function, which is controlled by
  306.                       fddiSMTConfigPolicy.  The 'CF-Wrap-AB' bit
  307.                       indicates that the station has the capability of
  308.                       performing a wrap_ab (refer to ANSI SMT
  309.                       The value is a sum.  This value initially takes
  310.                       the value zero, then for each of the configuration
  311.                       policies currently enforced on the node, 2 raised
  312.                       to a power is added to the sum.  The powers are
  313.                       according to the following table:
  314.                                  Policy   Power
  315.                           holdAvailable     0
  316.                              CF-Wrap-AB     1 "
  317.               REFERENCE
  318.                       "ANSI { fddiSMT 25 }"
  319.               ::= { fddimibSMTEntry 12 }
  320.           fddimibSMTConfigPolicy OBJECT-TYPE
  321.               SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..1)
  322.               ACCESS  read-write
  323.               STATUS  mandatory
  324.               DESCRIPTION
  325.                       "A value that indicates the configuration policies
  326.                       currently desired in a node.  'Hold' is one of the
  327.                       terms used for the Hold Flag, an optional ECM flag
  328.                       used to enable the optional Hold policy.
  329.                       The value is a sum.  This value initially takes
  330.                       the value zero, then for each of the configuration
  331.                       policies currently enforced on the node, 2 raised
  332.                       to a power is added to the sum.  The powers are
  333.                       according to the following table:
  334.                                      Policy   Power
  335.                           configurationhold     0 "
  336.               REFERENCE
  337.                       "ANSI { fddiSMT 26 }"
  338.               ::= { fddimibSMTEntry 13 }
  339.           fddimibSMTConnectionPolicy OBJECT-TYPE
  340.               SYNTAX  INTEGER (32768..65535)
  341.               ACCESS  read-write
  342.               STATUS  mandatory
  343.               DESCRIPTION
  344.                       "A value representing the connection policies in
  345.                       effect in a node. A station sets the corresponding
  346.                       bit for each of the connection types that it
  347.                       rejects. The letter designations, X and Y, in the
  348.                       'rejectX-Y' names have the following significance:
  349.                       X represents the PC-Type of the local PORT and Y
  350.                       represents the PC_Type of the adjacent PORT
  351.                       (PC_Neighbor). The evaluation of Connection-
  352.                       Policy (PC-Type, PC-Neighbor) is done to determine
  353.                       the setting of T- Val(3) in the PC-Signalling
  354.                       sequence (refer to ANSI 9.6.3). Note that Bit 15,
  355.                       (rejectM-M), is always set and cannot be cleared.
  356.                       The value is a sum.  This value initially takes
  357.                       the value zero, then for each of the connection
  358.                       policies currently enforced on the node, 2 raised
  359.                       to a power is added to the sum.  The powers are
  360.                       according to the following table:
  361.                              Policy   Power
  362.                           rejectA-A     0
  363.                           rejectA-B     1
  364.                           rejectA-S     2
  365.                           rejectA-M     3
  366.                           rejectB-A     4
  367.                           rejectB-B     5
  368.                           rejectB-S     6
  369.                           rejectB-M     7
  370.                           rejectS-A     8
  371.                           rejectS-B     9
  372.                           rejectS-S     10
  373.                           rejectS-M     11
  374.                           rejectM-A     12
  375.                           rejectM-B     13
  376.                           rejectM-S     14
  377.                           rejectM-M     15 "
  378.               REFERENCE
  379.                       "ANSI { fddiSMT 27 }"
  380.               ::= { fddimibSMTEntry 14 }
  381.           fddimibSMTTNotify OBJECT-TYPE
  382.               SYNTAX  INTEGER (2..30)
  383.               ACCESS  read-write
  384.               STATUS  mandatory
  385.               DESCRIPTION
  386.                       "The timer, expressed in seconds, used in the
  387.                       Neighbor Notification protocol. It has a range of
  388.                       2 seconds to 30 seconds, and its default value is
  389.                       30 seconds (refer to ANSI SMT 8.2)."
  390.               REFERENCE
  391.                       "ANSI { fddiSMT 29 }"
  392.               ::= { fddimibSMTEntry 15 }
  393.           fddimibSMTStatRptPolicy OBJECT-TYPE
  394.               SYNTAX  INTEGER { true(1), false(2) }
  395.               ACCESS  read-write
  396.               STATUS  mandatory
  397.               DESCRIPTION
  398.                       "If true, indicates that the node will generate
  399.                       Status Reporting Frames for its implemented events
  400.                       and conditions. It has an initial value of true.
  401.                       This variable determines the value of the
  402.                       SR_Enable Flag (refer to ANSI SMT"
  403.               REFERENCE
  404.                       "ANSI { fddiSMT 30 }"
  405.               ::= { fddimibSMTEntry 16 }
  406.           fddimibSMTTraceMaxExpiration OBJECT-TYPE
  407.               SYNTAX  FddiTimeMilli
  408.               ACCESS  read-write
  409.               STATUS  mandatory
  410.               DESCRIPTION
  411.                       "Reference Trace_Max (refer to ANSI SMT
  412.             "
  413.               REFERENCE
  414.                       "ANSI { fddiSMT 31 }"
  415.               ::= { fddimibSMTEntry 17 }
  416.           fddimibSMTBypassPresent OBJECT-TYPE
  417.               SYNTAX  INTEGER { true(1), false(2) }
  418.               ACCESS  read-only
  419.               STATUS  mandatory
  420.               DESCRIPTION
  421.                       "A flag indicating if the station has a bypass on
  422.                       its AB port pair."
  423.               REFERENCE
  424.                       "ANSI { fddiSMT 34 }"
  425.               ::= { fddimibSMTEntry 18 }
  426.           fddimibSMTECMState OBJECT-TYPE
  427.               SYNTAX  INTEGER {
  428.                           ec0(1), -- Out
  429.                           ec1(2), -- In
  430.                           ec2(3), -- Trace
  431.                           ec3(4), -- Leave
  432.                           ec4(5), -- Path_Test
  433.                           ec5(6), -- Insert
  434.                           ec6(7), -- Check
  435.                           ec7(8)  -- Deinsert
  436.                       }
  437.               ACCESS  read-only
  438.               STATUS  mandatory
  439.               DESCRIPTION
  440.                       "Indicates the current state of the ECM state
  441.                       machine (refer to ANSI SMT 9.5.2)."
  442.               REFERENCE
  443.                       "ANSI { fddiSMT 41 }"
  444.               ::= { fddimibSMTEntry 19 }
  445.           fddimibSMTCFState OBJECT-TYPE
  446.               SYNTAX  INTEGER {
  447.                           cf0(1),   -- isolated
  448.                           cf1(2),   -- local_a
  449.                           cf2(3),   -- local_b
  450.                           cf3(4),   -- local_ab
  451.                           cf4(5),   -- local_s
  452.                           cf5(6),   -- wrap_a
  453.                           cf6(7),   -- wrap_b
  454.                           cf7(8),   -- wrap_ab
  455.                           cf8(9),   -- wrap_s
  456.                           cf9(10),  -- c_wrap_a
  457.                           cf10(11), -- c_wrap_b
  458.                           cf11(12), -- c_wrap_s
  459.                           cf12(13)  -- thru
  460.                       }
  461.               ACCESS  read-only
  462.               STATUS  mandatory
  463.               DESCRIPTION
  464.                       "The attachment configuration for the station or
  465.                       concentrator (refer to ANSI SMT"
  466.               REFERENCE
  467.                       "ANSI { fddiSMT 42 }"
  468.               ::= { fddimibSMTEntry 20 }
  469.           fddimibSMTRemoteDisconnectFlag OBJECT-TYPE
  470.               SYNTAX  INTEGER { true(1), false(2) }
  471.               ACCESS  read-only
  472.               STATUS  mandatory
  473.               DESCRIPTION
  474.                       "A flag indicating that the station was remotely
  475.                       disconnected from the network as a result of
  476.                       receiving an fddiSMTAction, disconnect (refer to
  477.                       ANSI SMT in a Parameter Management Frame.
  478.                       A station requires a Connect Action to rejoin and
  479.                       clear the flag (refer to ANSI SMT"
  480.               REFERENCE
  481.                       "ANSI { fddiSMT 44 }"
  482.               ::= { fddimibSMTEntry 21 }
  483.           fddimibSMTStationStatus OBJECT-TYPE
  484.               SYNTAX  INTEGER { concatenated(1), separated(2), thru(3) }
  485.               ACCESS  read-only
  486.               STATUS  mandatory
  487.               DESCRIPTION
  488.                       "The current status of the primary and secondary
  489.                       paths within this station."
  490.               REFERENCE
  491.                       "ANSI { fddiSMT 45 }"
  492.               ::= { fddimibSMTEntry 22 }
  493.           fddimibSMTPeerWrapFlag OBJECT-TYPE
  494.               SYNTAX  INTEGER { true(1), false(2) }
  495.               ACCESS  read-only
  496.               STATUS  mandatory
  497.               DESCRIPTION
  498.                       "This variable assumes the value of the
  499.                       PeerWrapFlag in CFM (refer to ANSI SMT
  500.             "
  501.               REFERENCE
  502.                       "ANSI { fddiSMT 46 }"
  503.               ::= { fddimibSMTEntry 23 }
  504.           fddimibSMTTimeStamp OBJECT-TYPE
  505.               SYNTAX  FddiTimeMilli
  506.               ACCESS  read-only
  507.               STATUS  mandatory
  508.               DESCRIPTION
  509.                       "This variable assumes the value of TimeStamp
  510.                       (refer to ANSI SMT"
  511.               REFERENCE
  512.                       "ANSI { fddiSMT 51 }"
  513.               ::= { fddimibSMTEntry 24 }
  514.           fddimibSMTTransitionTimeStamp OBJECT-TYPE
  515.               SYNTAX  FddiTimeMilli
  516.               ACCESS  read-only
  517.               STATUS  mandatory
  518.               DESCRIPTION
  519.                       "This variable assumes the value of
  520.                       TransitionTimeStamp (refer to ANSI SMT"
  521.               REFERENCE
  522.                       "ANSI { fddiSMT 52 }"
  523.               ::= { fddimibSMTEntry 25 }
  524.           fddimibSMTStationAction OBJECT-TYPE
  525.               SYNTAX  INTEGER {
  526.                           other(1),               -- none of the following
  527.                           connect(2),
  528.                           disconnect(3),
  529.                           path-Test(4),
  530.                           self-Test(5),
  531.                           disable-a(6),
  532.                           disable-b(7),
  533.                           disable-m(8)
  534.                       }
  535.               ACCESS  read-write
  536.               STATUS  mandatory
  537.               DESCRIPTION
  538.                       "This object, when read, always returns a value of
  539.                       other(1).  The behavior of setting this variable
  540.                       to each of the acceptable values is as follows:
  541.                            other(1): Results in an appropriate error.
  542.                            connect(2): Generates a Connect signal to ECM
  543.                                 to begin a connection sequence. See ANSI
  544.                                 Ref 9.4.2.
  545.                            disconnect(3): Generates a Disconnect signal
  546.                                 to ECM. see ANSI Ref 9.4.2.
  547.                            path-Test(4): Initiates a station Path_Test.
  548.                                 The Path_Test variable (see ANSI Ref
  549.                                 9.4.1) is set to 'Testing'. The results
  550.                                 of this action are not specified in this
  551.                                 standard.
  552.                            self-Test(5): Initiates a station Self_Test.
  553.                                 The results of this action are not
  554.                                 specified in this standard.
  555.                            disable-a(6): Causes a PC_Disable on the A
  556.                                 port if the A port mode is peer.
  557.                            disable-b(7): Causes a PC_Disable on the B
  558.                                 port if the B port mode is peer.
  559.                            disable-m(8): Causes a PC_Disable on all M
  560.                                 ports.
  561.                       Attempts to set this object to all other values
  562.                       results in an appropriate error.  The result of
  563.                       setting this variable to path-Test(4) or self-
  564.                       Test(5) is implementation-specific."
  565.               REFERENCE
  566.                       "ANSI { fddiSMT 60 }"
  567.               ::= { fddimibSMTEntry 26 }
  568.           -- the MAC group
  569.           -- Implementation of the MAC Group is mandatory for all
  570.           -- systems which implement manageable FDDI subsystems.
  571.           fddimibMACNumber OBJECT-TYPE
  572.               SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..65535)
  573.               ACCESS  read-only
  574.               STATUS  mandatory
  575.               DESCRIPTION
  576.                       "The total number of MAC implementations (across
  577.                       all SMTs) on this network management application
  578.                       entity.  The value for this variable must remain
  579.                       constant at least from one re-initialization of
  580.                       the entity's network management system to the next
  581.                       re-initialization."
  582.               ::= { fddimibMAC  1 }
  583.           -- the MAC table
  584.           fddimibMACTable OBJECT-TYPE
  585.               SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF FddimibMACEntry
  586.               ACCESS  not-accessible
  587.               STATUS  mandatory
  588.               DESCRIPTION
  589.                       "A list of MAC entries.  The number of entries
  590.                       shall not exceed the value of fddimibMACNumber."
  591.               ::= { fddimibMAC  2 }
  592.           fddimibMACEntry OBJECT-TYPE
  593.               SYNTAX  FddimibMACEntry
  594.               ACCESS  not-accessible
  595.               STATUS  mandatory
  596.               DESCRIPTION
  597.                       "A MAC entry containing information common to a
  598.                       given MAC."
  599.               INDEX   { fddimibMACSMTIndex, fddimibMACIndex }
  600.               ::= { fddimibMACTable 1 }
  601.           FddimibMACEntry ::=
  602.               SEQUENCE {
  603.                   fddimibMACSMTIndex
  604.                           INTEGER,
  605.                   fddimibMACIndex
  606.                           INTEGER,
  607.                   fddimibMACIfIndex
  608.                           INTEGER,
  609.                   fddimibMACFrameStatusFunctions
  610.                           INTEGER,
  611.                   fddimibMACTMaxCapability
  612.                           FddiTimeNano,
  613.                   fddimibMACTVXCapability
  614.                           FddiTimeNano,
  615.                   fddimibMACAvailablePaths
  616.                           INTEGER,
  617.                   fddimibMACCurrentPath
  618.                           INTEGER,
  619.                   fddimibMACUpstreamNbr
  620.                           FddiMACLongAddressType,
  621.                   fddimibMACDownstreamNbr
  622.                           FddiMACLongAddressType,
  623.                   fddimibMACOldUpstreamNbr
  624.                           FddiMACLongAddressType,
  625.                   fddimibMACOldDownstreamNbr
  626.                           FddiMACLongAddressType,
  627.                   fddimibMACDupAddressTest
  628.                           INTEGER,
  629.                   fddimibMACRequestedPaths
  630.                           INTEGER,
  631.                   fddimibMACDownstreamPORTType
  632.                           INTEGER,
  633.                   fddimibMACSMTAddress
  634.                           FddiMACLongAddressType,
  635.                   fddimibMACTReq
  636.                           FddiTimeNano,
  637.                   fddimibMACTNeg
  638.                           FddiTimeNano,
  639.                   fddimibMACTMax
  640.                           FddiTimeNano,
  641.                   fddimibMACTvxValue
  642.                           FddiTimeNano,
  643.                   fddimibMACFrameCts
  644.                           Counter,
  645.                   fddimibMACCopiedCts
  646.                           Counter,
  647.                   fddimibMACTransmitCts
  648.                           Counter,
  649.                   fddimibMACErrorCts
  650.                           Counter,
  651.                   fddimibMACLostCts
  652.                           Counter,
  653.                   fddimibMACFrameErrorThreshold
  654.                           INTEGER,
  655.                   fddimibMACFrameErrorRatio
  656.                           INTEGER,
  657.                   fddimibMACRMTState
  658.                           INTEGER,
  659.                   fddimibMACDaFlag
  660.                           INTEGER,
  661.                   fddimibMACUnaDaFlag
  662.                           INTEGER,
  663.                   fddimibMACFrameErrorFlag
  664.                           INTEGER,
  665.                   fddimibMACMAUnitdataAvailable
  666.                           INTEGER,
  667.                   fddimibMACHardwarePresent
  668.                           INTEGER,
  669.                   fddimibMACMAUnitdataEnable
  670.                           INTEGER
  671.               }
  672.           fddimibMACSMTIndex OBJECT-TYPE
  673.               SYNTAX  INTEGER (1..65535)
  674.               ACCESS  read-only
  675.               STATUS  mandatory
  676.               DESCRIPTION
  677.                       "The value of the SMT index associated with this
  678.                       MAC."
  679.               ::= { fddimibMACEntry 1 }
  680.           fddimibMACIndex OBJECT-TYPE
  681.               SYNTAX  INTEGER (1..65535)
  682.               ACCESS  read-only
  683.               STATUS  mandatory
  684.               DESCRIPTION
  685.                       "Index variable for uniquely identifying the MAC
  686.                       object instances, which is the same as the
  687.                       corresponding resource index in SMT."
  688.               REFERENCE
  689.                       "ANSI { fddiMAC 34 }"
  690.               ::= { fddimibMACEntry 2 }
  691.           fddimibMACIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
  692.               SYNTAX  INTEGER (1..65535)
  693.               ACCESS  read-only
  694.               STATUS  mandatory
  695.               DESCRIPTION
  696.                       "The value of the MIB-II ifIndex corresponding to
  697.                       this MAC.  If none is applicable, 0 is returned."
  698.               REFERENCE
  699.                       "MIB-II"
  700.               ::= { fddimibMACEntry 3 }
  701.           fddimibMACFrameStatusFunctions OBJECT-TYPE
  702.               SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..7)
  703.               ACCESS  read-only
  704.               STATUS  mandatory
  705.               DESCRIPTION
  706.                       "Indicates the MAC's optional Frame Status
  707.                       processing functions.
  708.                       The value is a sum.  This value initially takes
  709.                       the value zero, then for each function present, 2
  710.                       raised to a power is added to the sum.  The powers
  711.                       are according to the following table:
  712.                            function   Power
  713.                        fs-repeating     0
  714.                          fs-setting     1
  715.                         fs-clearing     2 "
  716.               REFERENCE
  717.                       "ANSI { fddiMAC 11 }"
  718.               ::= { fddimibMACEntry 4 }
  719.           fddimibMACTMaxCapability OBJECT-TYPE
  720.               SYNTAX  FddiTimeNano
  721.               ACCESS  read-only
  722.               STATUS  mandatory
  723.               DESCRIPTION
  724.                       "Indicates the maximum time value of fddiMACTMax
  725.                       that this MAC can support."
  726.               REFERENCE
  727.                       "ANSI { fddiMAC 13 }"
  728.               ::= { fddimibMACEntry 5 }
  729.           fddimibMACTVXCapability OBJECT-TYPE
  730.               SYNTAX  FddiTimeNano
  731.               ACCESS  read-only
  732.               STATUS  mandatory
  733.               DESCRIPTION
  734.                       "Indicates the maximum time value of
  735.                       fddiMACTvxValue that this MAC can support."
  736.               REFERENCE
  737.                       "ANSI { fddiMAC 14 }"
  738.               ::= { fddimibMACEntry 6 }
  739.           fddimibMACAvailablePaths OBJECT-TYPE
  740.               SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..7)
  741.               ACCESS  read-only
  742.               STATUS  mandatory
  743.               DESCRIPTION
  744.                       "Indicates the paths available for this MAC (refer
  745.                       to ANSI SMT 9.7.7).
  746.                       The value is a sum.  This value initially takes
  747.                       the value zero, then for each type of PATH that
  748.                       this MAC has available, 2 raised to a power is
  749.                       added to the sum.  The powers are according to the
  750.                       following table:
  751.                                Path   Power
  752.                             Primary     0
  753.                           Secondary     1
  754.                               Local     2 "
  755.               REFERENCE
  756.                       "ANSI { fddiMAC 22 }"
  757.               ::= { fddimibMACEntry 7 }
  758.           fddimibMACCurrentPath OBJECT-TYPE
  759.               SYNTAX  INTEGER {
  760.                           isolated(1),
  761.                           local(2),
  762.                           secondary(3),
  763.                           primary(4),
  764.                           concatenated(5),
  765.                           thru(6)
  766.                       }
  767.               ACCESS  read-only
  768.               STATUS  mandatory
  769.               DESCRIPTION
  770.                       "Indicates the Path into which this MAC is
  771.                       currently inserted (refer to ANSI 9.7.7)."
  772.               REFERENCE
  773.                       "ANSI { fddiMAC 23 }"
  774.               ::= { fddimibMACEntry 8 }
  775.           fddimibMACUpstreamNbr OBJECT-TYPE
  776.               SYNTAX  FddiMACLongAddressType -- OCTET STRING (SIZE (6))
  777.               ACCESS  read-only
  778.               STATUS  mandatory
  779.               DESCRIPTION
  780.                       "The MAC's upstream neighbor's long individual MAC
  781.                       address. It has an initial value of the SMT-
  782.                       Unknown-MAC Address and is only modified as
  783.                       specified by the Neighbor Information Frame
  784.                       protocol (refer to ANSI SMT 7.2.1 and 8.2)."
  785.               REFERENCE
  786.                       "ANSI { fddiMAC 24 }"
  787.               ::= { fddimibMACEntry 9 }
  788.           fddimibMACDownstreamNbr OBJECT-TYPE
  789.               SYNTAX  FddiMACLongAddressType -- OCTET STRING (SIZE (6))
  790.               ACCESS  read-only
  791.               STATUS  mandatory
  792.               DESCRIPTION
  793.                       "The MAC's downstream neighbor's long individual
  794.                       MAC address. It has an initial value of the SMT-
  795.                       Unknown-MAC Address and is only modified as
  796.                       specified by the Neighbor Information Frame
  797.                       protocol (refer to ANSI SMT 7.2.1 and 8.2)."
  798.               REFERENCE
  799.                       "ANSI { fddiMAC 25 }"
  800.               ::= { fddimibMACEntry 10 }
  801.           fddimibMACOldUpstreamNbr OBJECT-TYPE
  802.               SYNTAX  FddiMACLongAddressType -- OCTET STRING (SIZE (6))
  803.               ACCESS  read-only
  804.               STATUS  mandatory
  805.               DESCRIPTION
  806.                       "The previous value of the MAC's upstream
  807.                       neighbor's long individual MAC address. It has an
  808.                       initial value of the SMT-Unknown- MAC Address and
  809.                       is only modified as specified by the Neighbor
  810.                       Information Frame protocol (refer to ANSI SMT
  811.                       7.2.1 and 8.2)."
  812.               REFERENCE
  813.                       "ANSI { fddiMAC 26 }"
  814.               ::= { fddimibMACEntry 11 }
  815.           fddimibMACOldDownstreamNbr OBJECT-TYPE
  816.               SYNTAX  FddiMACLongAddressType -- OCTET STRING (SIZE (6))
  817.               ACCESS  read-only
  818.               STATUS  mandatory
  819.               DESCRIPTION
  820.                       "The previous value of the MAC's downstream
  821.                       neighbor's long individual MAC address. It has an
  822.                       initial value of the SMT- Unknown-MAC Address and
  823.                       is only modified as specified by the Neighbor
  824.                       Information Frame protocol (refer to ANSI SMT
  825.                       7.2.1 and 8.2)."
  826.               REFERENCE
  827.                       "ANSI { fddiMAC 27 }"
  828.               ::= { fddimibMACEntry 12 }
  829.           fddimibMACDupAddressTest OBJECT-TYPE
  830.               SYNTAX  INTEGER { none(1), pass(2), fail(3) }
  831.               ACCESS  read-only
  832.               STATUS  mandatory
  833.               DESCRIPTION
  834.                       "The Duplicate Address Test flag, Dup_Addr_Test
  835.                       (refer to ANSI 8.2)."
  836.               REFERENCE
  837.                       "ANSI { fddiMAC 29 }"
  838.               ::= { fddimibMACEntry 13 }
  839.           fddimibMACRequestedPaths OBJECT-TYPE
  840.               SYNTAX  INTEGER  (0..255)
  841.               ACCESS  read-write
  842.               STATUS  mandatory
  843.               DESCRIPTION
  844.                       "List of permitted Paths which specifies the
  845.                       Path(s) into which the MAC may be inserted (refer
  846.                       to ansi SMT 9.7).
  847.                       The value is a sum which represents the individual
  848.                       paths that are desired.  This value initially
  849.                       takes the value zero, then for each type of PATH
  850.                       that this node is, 2 raised to a power is added to
  851.                       the sum.  The powers are according to the
  852.                       following table:
  853.                                          Path   Power
  854.                                         local     0
  855.                           secondary-alternate     1
  856.                             primary-alternate     2
  857.                        concatenated-alternate     3
  858.                           secondary-preferred     4
  859.                             primary-preferred     5
  860.                        concatenated-preferred     6
  861.                                          thru     7 "
  862.               REFERENCE
  863.                       "ANSI { fddiMAC 32 }"
  864.               ::= { fddimibMACEntry 14 }
  865.           fddimibMACDownstreamPORTType OBJECT-TYPE
  866.               SYNTAX  INTEGER { a(1), b(2), s(3), m(4), none(5) }
  867.               ACCESS  read-only
  868.               STATUS  mandatory
  869.               DESCRIPTION
  870.                       "Indicates the PC-Type of the first port that is
  871.                       downstream of this MAC (the exit port)."
  872.               REFERENCE
  873.                       "ANSI { fddiMAC 33 }"
  874.               ::= { fddimibMACEntry 15 }
  875.           fddimibMACSMTAddress OBJECT-TYPE
  876.               SYNTAX  FddiMACLongAddressType -- OCTET STRING (SIZE (6))
  877.               ACCESS  read-only
  878.               STATUS  mandatory
  879.               DESCRIPTION
  880.                       "The 48-bit individual address of the MAC used for
  881.                       SMT frames."
  882.               REFERENCE
  883.                       "ANSI { fddiMAC 41 }"
  884.               ::= { fddimibMACEntry 16 }
  885.           fddimibMACTReq OBJECT-TYPE
  886.               SYNTAX  FddiTimeNano
  887.               ACCESS  read-only
  888.               STATUS  mandatory
  889.               DESCRIPTION
  890.                       "This variable is the T_Req_value passed to the
  891.                       MAC.  Without having detected a duplicate, the
  892.                       time value of this variable shall assume the
  893.                       maximum supported time value which is less than or
  894.                       equal to the time value of fddiPATHMaxT-Req.  When
  895.                       a MAC has an address detected as a duplicate, it
  896.                       may use a time value for this variable greater
  897.                       than the time value of fddiPATHTMaxLowerBound.  A
  898.                       station shall cause claim when the new T_Req may
  899.                       cause the value of T_Neg to change in the claim
  900.                       process, (i.e., time value new T_Req < T_Neg, or
  901.                       old T_Req = T_Neg)."
  902.               REFERENCE
  903.                       "ANSI { fddiMAC 51 }"
  904.               ::= { fddimibMACEntry 17 }
  905.           fddimibMACTNeg OBJECT-TYPE
  906.               SYNTAX  FddiTimeNano
  907.               ACCESS  read-only
  908.               STATUS  mandatory
  909.               DESCRIPTION
  910.                       "It is reported as a FddiTimeNano number."
  911.               REFERENCE
  912.                       "ANSI { fddiMAC 52 }"
  913.               ::= { fddimibMACEntry 18 }
  914.           fddimibMACTMax OBJECT-TYPE
  915.               SYNTAX  FddiTimeNano
  916.               ACCESS  read-only
  917.               STATUS  mandatory
  918.               DESCRIPTION
  919.                       "This variable is the T_Max_value passed to the
  920.                       MAC.  The time value of this variable shall assume
  921.                       the minimum suported time value which is greater
  922.                       than or equal to the time value of fddiPATHT-
  923.                       MaxLowerBound"
  924.               REFERENCE
  925.                       "ANSI { fddiMAC 53 }"
  926.               ::= { fddimibMACEntry 19 }
  927.           fddimibMACTvxValue OBJECT-TYPE
  928.               SYNTAX  FddiTimeNano
  929.               ACCESS  read-only
  930.               STATUS  mandatory
  931.               DESCRIPTION
  932.                       "This variable is the TVX_value passed to the MAC.
  933.                       The time value of this variable shall assume the
  934.                       minimum suported time value which is greater than
  935.                       or equal to the time value of
  936.                       fddiPATHTVXLowerBound."
  937.               REFERENCE
  938.                       "ANSI { fddiMAC 54 }"
  939.               ::= { fddimibMACEntry 20 }
  940.           fddimibMACFrameCts OBJECT-TYPE
  941.               SYNTAX  Counter
  942.               ACCESS  read-only
  943.               STATUS  mandatory
  944.               DESCRIPTION
  945.                       "A count of the number of frames received by this
  946.                       MAC (refer to ANSI MAC 7.5.1)."
  947.               REFERENCE
  948.                       "ANSI { fddiMAC 71 }"
  949.               ::= { fddimibMACEntry 21 }
  950.           fddimibMACCopiedCts OBJECT-TYPE
  951.               SYNTAX  Counter
  952.               ACCESS  read-only
  953.               STATUS  mandatory
  954.               DESCRIPTION
  955.                       "A count that should as closely as possible match
  956.                       the number of frames addressed to (A bit set) and
  957.                       successfully copied into the station's receive
  958.                       buffers (C bit set) by this MAC (refer to ANSI MAC
  959.                       7.5). Note that this count does not include MAC
  960.                       frames."
  961.               REFERENCE
  962.                       "ANSI { fddiMAC 72 }"
  963.               ::= { fddimibMACEntry 22 }
  964.           fddimibMACTransmitCts OBJECT-TYPE
  965.               SYNTAX  Counter
  966.               ACCESS  read-only
  967.               STATUS  mandatory
  968.               DESCRIPTION
  969.                       "A count that should as closely as possible match
  970.                       the number of frames transmitted by this MAC
  971.                       (refer to ANSI MAC 7.5).  Note that this count
  972.                       does not include MAC frames."
  973.               REFERENCE
  974.                       "ANSI { fddiMAC 73 }"
  975.               ::= { fddimibMACEntry 23 }
  976.           fddimibMACErrorCts OBJECT-TYPE
  977.               SYNTAX  Counter
  978.               ACCESS  read-only
  979.               STATUS  mandatory
  980.               DESCRIPTION
  981.                       "A count of the number of frames that were
  982.                       detected in error by this MAC that had not been
  983.                       detected in error by another MAC (refer to ANSI
  984.                       MAC 7.5.2)."
  985.               REFERENCE
  986.                       "ANSI { fddiMAC 81 }"
  987.               ::= { fddimibMACEntry 24 }
  988.           fddimibMACLostCts OBJECT-TYPE
  989.               SYNTAX  Counter
  990.               ACCESS  read-only
  991.               STATUS  mandatory
  992.               DESCRIPTION
  993.                       "A count of the number of instances that this MAC
  994.                       detected a format error during frame reception
  995.                       such that the frame was stripped (refer to ANSI
  996.                       MAC 7.5.3)."
  997.               REFERENCE
  998.                       "ANSI { fddiMAC 82 }"
  999.               ::= { fddimibMACEntry 25 }
  1000.           fddimibMACFrameErrorThreshold OBJECT-TYPE
  1001.               SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..65535)
  1002.               ACCESS  read-write
  1003.               STATUS  mandatory
  1004.               DESCRIPTION
  1005.                       "A threshold for determining when a MAC Condition
  1006.                       report (see ANSI shall be generated.
  1007.                       Stations not supporting variable thresholds shall
  1008.                       have a value of 0 and a range of (0..0)."
  1009.               REFERENCE
  1010.                       "ANSI { fddiMAC 95 }"
  1011.               ::= { fddimibMACEntry 26 }
  1012.           fddimibMACFrameErrorRatio OBJECT-TYPE
  1013.               SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..65535)
  1014.               ACCESS  read-only
  1015.               STATUS  mandatory
  1016.               DESCRIPTION
  1017.                       "This variable is the value of the ratio,
  1018.                        ((delta fddiMACLostCts + delta fddiMACErrorCts) /
  1019.                        (delta fddiMACFrameCts + delta fddiMACLostCts ))
  1020.                        * 2**16 "
  1021.               REFERENCE
  1022.                       "ANSI { fddiMAC 96 }"
  1023.               ::= { fddimibMACEntry 27 }
  1024.           fddimibMACRMTState OBJECT-TYPE
  1025.               SYNTAX  INTEGER {
  1026.                           rm0(1), -- Isolated
  1027.                           rm1(2), -- Non_Op
  1028.                           rm2(3), -- Ring_Op
  1029.                           rm3(4), -- Detect
  1030.                           rm4(5), -- Non_Op_Dup
  1031.                           rm5(6), -- Ring_Op_Dup
  1032.                           rm6(7), -- Directed
  1033.                           rm7(8)  -- Trace
  1034.                       }
  1035.               ACCESS  read-only
  1036.               STATUS  mandatory
  1037.               DESCRIPTION
  1038.                       "Indicates the current state of the RMT State
  1039.                       Machine (refer to ANSI 10.3.2)."
  1040.               REFERENCE
  1041.                       "ANSI { fddiMAC 111 }"
  1042.               ::= { fddimibMACEntry 28 }
  1043.           fddimibMACDaFlag OBJECT-TYPE
  1044.               SYNTAX  INTEGER { true(1), false(2) }
  1045.               ACCESS  read-only
  1046.               STATUS  mandatory
  1047.               DESCRIPTION
  1048.                       "The RMT flag Duplicate Address Flag, DA_Flag
  1049.                       (refer to ANSI"
  1050.               REFERENCE
  1051.                       "ANSI { fddiMAC 112 }"
  1052.               ::= { fddimibMACEntry 29 }
  1053.           fddimibMACUnaDaFlag OBJECT-TYPE
  1054.               SYNTAX  INTEGER { true(1), false(2) }
  1055.               ACCESS  read-only
  1056.               STATUS  mandatory
  1057.               DESCRIPTION
  1058.                       "A flag, UNDA_Flag (refer to ANSI, set
  1059.                       when the upstream neighbor reports a duplicate
  1060.                       address condition. Cleared when the condition
  1061.                       clears."
  1062.               REFERENCE
  1063.                       "ANSI { fddiMAC 113 }"
  1064.               ::= { fddimibMACEntry 30 }
  1065.           fddimibMACFrameErrorFlag OBJECT-TYPE
  1066.               SYNTAX  INTEGER { true(1), false(2) }
  1067.               ACCESS  read-only
  1068.               STATUS  mandatory
  1069.               DESCRIPTION
  1070.                       "Indicates the MAC Frame Error Condition is
  1071.                       present when set. Cleared when the condition
  1072.                       clears and on station initialization."
  1073.               REFERENCE
  1074.                       "ANSI { fddiMAC 114 }"
  1075.               ::= { fddimibMACEntry 31 }
  1076.           fddimibMACMAUnitdataAvailable OBJECT-TYPE
  1077.               SYNTAX  INTEGER { true(1), false(2) }
  1078.               ACCESS  read-only
  1079.               STATUS  mandatory
  1080.               DESCRIPTION
  1081.                       "This variable shall take on the value of the
  1082.                       MAC_Avail flag defined in RMT."
  1083.               REFERENCE
  1084.                       "ANSI { fddiMAC 116 }"
  1085.               ::= { fddimibMACEntry 32 }
  1086.           fddimibMACHardwarePresent OBJECT-TYPE
  1087.               SYNTAX  INTEGER { true(1), false(2) }
  1088.               ACCESS  read-only
  1089.               STATUS  mandatory
  1090.               DESCRIPTION
  1091.                       "This variable indicates the presence of
  1092.                       underlying hardware support for this MAC object.
  1093.                       If the value of this object is false(2), the
  1094.                       reporting of the objects in this entry may be
  1095.                       handled in an implementation-specific manner."
  1096.               REFERENCE
  1097.                       "ANSI { fddiMAC 117 }"
  1098.               ::= { fddimibMACEntry 33 }
  1099.           fddimibMACMAUnitdataEnable OBJECT-TYPE
  1100.               SYNTAX  INTEGER { true(1), false(2) }
  1101.               ACCESS  read-write
  1102.               STATUS  mandatory
  1103.               DESCRIPTION
  1104.                       "This variable determines the value of the
  1105.                       MA_UNITDATA_Enable flag in RMT.  The default and
  1106.                       initial value of this flag is true(1)."
  1107.               REFERENCE
  1108.                       "ANSI { fddiMAC 118 }"
  1109.               ::= { fddimibMACEntry 34 }
  1110.           -- the Enhanced MAC Counters group
  1111.           -- Implementation of this Group is optional, but systems
  1112.           -- claiming support must implement all variables in this
  1113.           -- group
  1114.           -- the MAC Counters table
  1115.           fddimibMACCountersTable OBJECT-TYPE
  1116.               SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF FddimibMACCountersEntry
  1117.               ACCESS  not-accessible
  1118.               STATUS  mandatory
  1119.               DESCRIPTION
  1120.                       "A list of MAC Counters entries.  The number of
  1121.                       entries shall not exceed the value of
  1122.                       fddimibMACNumber."
  1123.               ::= { fddimibMACCounters  1 }
  1124.           fddimibMACCountersEntry OBJECT-TYPE
  1125.               SYNTAX  FddimibMACCountersEntry
  1126.               ACCESS  not-accessible
  1127.               STATUS  mandatory
  1128.               DESCRIPTION
  1129.                       "A MAC Counters entry containing information
  1130.                       common to a given MAC."
  1131.               INDEX   { fddimibMACSMTIndex, fddimibMACIndex }
  1132.               ::= { fddimibMACCountersTable 1 }
  1133.           FddimibMACCountersEntry ::=
  1134.               SEQUENCE {
  1135.                   fddimibMACTokenCts
  1136.                           Counter,
  1137.                   fddimibMACTvxExpiredCts
  1138.                           Counter,
  1139.                   fddimibMACNotCopiedCts
  1140.                           Counter,
  1141.                   fddimibMACLateCts
  1142.                           Counter,
  1143.                   fddimibMACRingOpCts
  1144.                           Counter,
  1145.                   fddimibMACNotCopiedRatio
  1146.                           INTEGER,
  1147.                   fddimibMACNotCopiedFlag
  1148.                           INTEGER,
  1149.                   fddimibMACNotCopiedThreshold
  1150.                           INTEGER
  1151.               }
  1152.           fddimibMACTokenCts OBJECT-TYPE
  1153.               SYNTAX  Counter
  1154.               ACCESS  read-only
  1155.               STATUS  mandatory
  1156.               DESCRIPTION
  1157.                       "A count that should as closely as possible match
  1158.                       the number of times the station has received a
  1159.                       token (total of non-restricted and restricted) on
  1160.                       this MAC (see ANSI MAC 7.4). This count is
  1161.                       valuable for determination of network load."
  1162.               REFERENCE
  1163.                       "ANSI { fddiMAC 74 }"
  1164.               ::= { fddimibMACCountersEntry 1 }
  1165.           fddimibMACTvxExpiredCts OBJECT-TYPE
  1166.               SYNTAX  Counter
  1167.               ACCESS  read-only
  1168.               STATUS  mandatory
  1169.               DESCRIPTION
  1170.                       "A count that should as closely as possible match
  1171.                       the number of times that TVX has expired."
  1172.               REFERENCE
  1173.                       "ANSI { fddiMAC 83 }"
  1174.               ::= { fddimibMACCountersEntry 2 }
  1175.           fddimibMACNotCopiedCts OBJECT-TYPE
  1176.               SYNTAX  Counter
  1177.               ACCESS  read-only
  1178.               STATUS  mandatory
  1179.               DESCRIPTION
  1180.                       "A count that should as closely as possible match
  1181.                       the number of frames that were addressed to this
  1182.                       MAC but were not copied into its receive buffers
  1183.                       (see ANSI MAC 7.5). For example, this might occur
  1184.                       due to local buffer congestion. Because of
  1185.                       implementation considerations, this count may not
  1186.                       match the actual number of frames not copied. It
  1187.                       is not a requirement that this count be exact.
  1188.                       Note that this count does not include MAC frames."
  1189.               REFERENCE
  1190.                       "ANSI { fddiMAC 84 }"
  1191.               ::= { fddimibMACCountersEntry 3 }
  1192.           fddimibMACLateCts OBJECT-TYPE
  1193.               SYNTAX  Counter
  1194.               ACCESS  read-only
  1195.               STATUS  mandatory
  1196.               DESCRIPTION
  1197.                       "A count that should as closely as possible match
  1198.                       the number of TRT expirations since this MAC was
  1199.                       reset or a token was received (refer to ANSI MAC
  1200.                       7.4.5)."
  1201.               REFERENCE
  1202.                       "ANSI { fddiMAC 85 }"
  1203.               ::= { fddimibMACCountersEntry 4 }
  1204.           fddimibMACRingOpCts OBJECT-TYPE
  1205.               SYNTAX  Counter
  1206.               ACCESS  read-only
  1207.               STATUS  mandatory
  1208.               DESCRIPTION
  1209.                        "The count of the number of times the ring has
  1210.                       entered the 'Ring_Operational' state from the
  1211.                       'Ring Not Operational' state.  This count is
  1212.                       updated when a SM_MA_STATUS.Indication of a change
  1213.                       in the Ring_Operational status occurs (refer to
  1214.                       ANSI 6.1.4). Because of implementation
  1215.                       considerations, this count may be less than the
  1216.                       actual RingOp_Ct. It is not a requirement that
  1217.                       this count be exact."
  1218.               REFERENCE
  1219.                       "ANSI { fddiMAC 86 }"
  1220.               ::= { fddimibMACCountersEntry 5 }
  1221.           fddimibMACNotCopiedRatio OBJECT-TYPE
  1222.               SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..65535)
  1223.               ACCESS  read-only
  1224.               STATUS  mandatory
  1225.               DESCRIPTION
  1226.                       "This variable is the value of the ratio:
  1227.                        (delta fddiMACNotCopiedCts /
  1228.                        (delta fddiMACCopiedCts +
  1229.                          delta fddiMACNotCopiedCts )) * 2**16 "
  1230.               REFERENCE
  1231.                       "ANSI { fddiMAC 105 }"
  1232.               ::= { fddimibMACCountersEntry 6 }
  1233.           fddimibMACNotCopiedFlag OBJECT-TYPE
  1234.               SYNTAX  INTEGER { true(1), false(2) }
  1235.               ACCESS  read-only
  1236.               STATUS  mandatory
  1237.               DESCRIPTION
  1238.                       "Indicates that the Not Copied condition is
  1239.                       present when read as true(1).  Set to false(2)
  1240.                       when the condition clears and on station
  1241.                       initialization."
  1242.               REFERENCE
  1243.                       "ANSI { fddiMAC 115 }"
  1244.               ::= { fddimibMACCountersEntry 7 }
  1245.           fddimibMACNotCopiedThreshold OBJECT-TYPE
  1246.               SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..65535)
  1247.               ACCESS  read-write
  1248.               STATUS  mandatory
  1249.               DESCRIPTION
  1250.                       "A threshold for determining when a MAC condition
  1251.                       report shall be generated.  Stations not
  1252.                       supporting variable thresholds shall have a value
  1253.                       of 0 and a range of (0..0)."
  1254.               REFERENCE
  1255.                       "ANSI { fddiMAC 103 }"
  1256.               ::= { fddimibMACCountersEntry 8 }
  1257.           -- the PATH group
  1258.           -- Implementation of the PATH group is mandatory for all
  1259.           -- systems which implement manageable FDDI subsystems.
  1260.           fddimibPATHNumber OBJECT-TYPE
  1261.               SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..65535)
  1262.               ACCESS  read-only
  1263.               STATUS  mandatory
  1264.               DESCRIPTION
  1265.                       "The total number of PATHs possible (across all
  1266.                       SMTs) on this network management application
  1267.                       entity.  The value for this variable must remain
  1268.                       constant at least from one re-initialization of
  1269.                       the entity's network management system to the next
  1270.                       re-initialization."
  1271.               ::= { fddimibPATH  1 }
  1272.           -- the PATH table
  1273.           fddimibPATHTable OBJECT-TYPE
  1274.               SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF FddimibPATHEntry
  1275.               ACCESS  not-accessible
  1276.               STATUS  mandatory
  1277.               DESCRIPTION
  1278.                       "A list of PATH entries.  The number of entries
  1279.                       shall not exceed the value of fddimibPATHNumber."
  1280.               ::= { fddimibPATH  2 }
  1281.           fddimibPATHEntry OBJECT-TYPE
  1282.               SYNTAX  FddimibPATHEntry
  1283.               ACCESS  not-accessible
  1284.               STATUS  mandatory
  1285.               DESCRIPTION
  1286.                       "A PATH entry containing information common to a
  1287.                       given PATH."
  1288.               INDEX   { fddimibPATHSMTIndex, fddimibPATHIndex }
  1289.               ::= { fddimibPATHTable 1 }
  1290.           FddimibPATHEntry ::=
  1291.               SEQUENCE {
  1292.                   fddimibPATHSMTIndex
  1293.                           INTEGER,
  1294.                   fddimibPATHIndex
  1295.                           INTEGER,
  1296.                   fddimibPATHTVXLowerBound
  1297.                           FddiTimeNano,
  1298.                   fddimibPATHTMaxLowerBound
  1299.                           FddiTimeNano,
  1300.                   fddimibPATHMaxTReq
  1301.                           FddiTimeNano
  1302.               }
  1303.           fddimibPATHSMTIndex OBJECT-TYPE
  1304.               SYNTAX  INTEGER (1..65535)
  1305.               ACCESS  read-only
  1306.               STATUS  mandatory
  1307.               DESCRIPTION
  1308.                       "The value of the SMT index associated with this
  1309.                       PATH."
  1310.               ::= { fddimibPATHEntry 1 }
  1311.           fddimibPATHIndex OBJECT-TYPE
  1312.               SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..65535)
  1313.               ACCESS  read-only
  1314.               STATUS  mandatory
  1315.               DESCRIPTION
  1316.                       "Index variable for uniquely identifying the
  1317.                       primary, secondary and local PATH object
  1318.                       instances. Local PATH object instances are
  1319.                       represented with integer values 3 to 255."
  1320.               REFERENCE
  1321.                       "ANSI { fddiPATH 11 }"
  1322.               ::= { fddimibPATHEntry 2 }
  1323.           fddimibPATHTVXLowerBound OBJECT-TYPE
  1324.               SYNTAX  FddiTimeNano
  1325.               ACCESS  read-write
  1326.               STATUS  mandatory
  1327.               DESCRIPTION
  1328.                       "Specifies the minimum time value of
  1329.                       fddiMACTvxValue that shall be used by any MAC that
  1330.                       is configured in this path. The operational value
  1331.                       of fddiMACTvxValue is managed by settting this
  1332.                       variable.  This variable has the time value range
  1333.                       of:
  1334.                       0 < fddimibPATHTVXLowerBound < fddimibPATHMaxTReq
  1335.                       Changes to this variable shall either satisfy the
  1336.                       time value relationship:
  1337.                       fddimibPATHTVXLowerBound <=
  1338.                       fddimibMACTVXCapability
  1339.                       of each of the MACs currently on the path, or be
  1340.                       considered out of range.  The initial value of
  1341.                       fddimibPATHTVXLowerBound shall be 2500 nsec (2.5
  1342.                       ms)."
  1343.               REFERENCE
  1344.                       "ANSI { fddiPATH 21 }"
  1345.               ::= { fddimibPATHEntry 3 }
  1346.           fddimibPATHTMaxLowerBound OBJECT-TYPE
  1347.               SYNTAX  FddiTimeNano
  1348.               ACCESS  read-write
  1349.               STATUS  mandatory
  1350.               DESCRIPTION
  1351.                       "Specifies the minimum time value of fddiMACTMax
  1352.                       that shall be used by any MAC that is configured
  1353.                       in this path.  The operational value of
  1354.                       fddiMACTMax is managed by setting this variable.
  1355.                       This variable has the time value range of:
  1356.                       fddimibPATHMaxTReq <= fddimibPATHTMaxLowerBound
  1357.                       and an absolute time value range of:
  1358.                       10000nsec (10 msec) <= fddimibPATHTMaxLowerBound
  1359.                       Changes to this variable shall either satisfy the
  1360.                       time value relationship:
  1361.                       fddimibPATHTMaxLowerBound <
  1362.                       fddimibMACTMaxCapability
  1363.                       of each of the MACs currently on the path, or be
  1364.                       considered out of range.  The initial value of
  1365.                       fddimibPATHTMaxLowerBound shall be 165000 nsec
  1366.                       (165 msec)."
  1367.               REFERENCE
  1368.                       "ANSI { fddiPATH 22 }"
  1369.               ::= { fddimibPATHEntry 4 }
  1370.           fddimibPATHMaxTReq OBJECT-TYPE
  1371.               SYNTAX  FddiTimeNano
  1372.               ACCESS  read-write
  1373.               STATUS  mandatory
  1374.               DESCRIPTION
  1375.                       "Specifies the maximum time value of fddiMACT-Req
  1376.                       that shall be used by any MAC that is configured
  1377.                       in this path.  The operational value of fddiMACT-
  1378.                       Req is managed by setting this variable.  This
  1379.                       variable has the time value range of:
  1380.                       fddimibPATHTVXLowerBound < fddimibPATHMaxTReq <=
  1381.                                                fddimibPATHTMaxLowerBound.
  1382.                       The default value of fddimibPATHMaxTReq is 165000
  1383.                       nsec (165 msec)."
  1384.               REFERENCE
  1385.                       "ANSI { fddiPATH 23 }"
  1386.               ::= { fddimibPATHEntry 5 }
  1387.           -- the PATH Configuration table
  1388.           fddimibPATHConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE
  1389.               SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF FddimibPATHConfigEntry
  1390.               ACCESS not-accessible
  1391.               STATUS mandatory
  1392.               DESCRIPTION
  1393.                       "A table of Path configuration entries.  This
  1394.                       table lists all the resources that may be in this
  1395.                       Path."
  1396.               REFERENCE
  1397.                       "ANSI { fddiPATH 18 }"
  1398.               ::= { fddimibPATH 3 }
  1399.           fddimibPATHConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE
  1400.               SYNTAX FddimibPATHConfigEntry
  1401.               ACCESS not-accessible
  1402.               STATUS mandatory
  1403.               DESCRIPTION
  1404.                       "A collection of objects containing information
  1405.                       for a given PATH Configuration entry."
  1406.               INDEX { fddimibPATHConfigSMTIndex,
  1407.                       fddimibPATHConfigPATHIndex,
  1408.                       fddimibPATHConfigTokenOrder }
  1409.               ::= { fddimibPATHConfigTable 1 }
  1410.           FddimibPATHConfigEntry ::=
  1411.               SEQUENCE {
  1412.                   fddimibPATHConfigSMTIndex
  1413.                       INTEGER,
  1414.                   fddimibPATHConfigPATHIndex
  1415.                       INTEGER,
  1416.                   fddimibPATHConfigTokenOrder
  1417.                       INTEGER,
  1418.                   fddimibPATHConfigResourceType
  1419.                       INTEGER,
  1420.                   fddimibPATHConfigResourceIndex
  1421.                       INTEGER,
  1422.                   fddimibPATHConfigCurrentPath
  1423.                       INTEGER
  1424.               }
  1425.           fddimibPATHConfigSMTIndex OBJECT-TYPE
  1426.               SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535)
  1427.               ACCESS read-only
  1428.               STATUS mandatory
  1429.               DESCRIPTION
  1430.                       "The value of the SMT index associated with this
  1431.                       configuration entry."
  1432.               ::= { fddimibPATHConfigEntry 1 }
  1433.           fddimibPATHConfigPATHIndex OBJECT-TYPE
  1434.               SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535)
  1435.               ACCESS read-only
  1436.               STATUS mandatory
  1437.               DESCRIPTION
  1438.                       "The value of the PATH resource index associated
  1439.                       with this configuration entry."
  1440.               ::= { fddimibPATHConfigEntry 2 }
  1441.           fddimibPATHConfigTokenOrder OBJECT-TYPE
  1442.               SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535)
  1443.               ACCESS read-only
  1444.               STATUS mandatory
  1445.               DESCRIPTION
  1446.                       "An object associated with Token order for this
  1447.                       entry.  Thus if the token passes resources a, b, c
  1448.                       and d, in that order, then the value of this
  1449.                       object for these resources would be 1, 2, 3 and 4
  1450.                       respectively."
  1451.               ::= { fddimibPATHConfigEntry 3 }
  1452.           fddimibPATHConfigResourceType OBJECT-TYPE
  1453.               SYNTAX INTEGER { mac(2), port(4) }
  1454.               ACCESS read-only
  1455.               STATUS mandatory
  1456.               DESCRIPTION
  1457.                       "The type of resource associated with this
  1458.                       configuration entry."
  1459.               ::= { fddimibPATHConfigEntry 4 }
  1460.           fddimibPATHConfigResourceIndex OBJECT-TYPE
  1461.               SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535)
  1462.               ACCESS read-only
  1463.               STATUS mandatory
  1464.               DESCRIPTION
  1465.                       "The value of the SMT resource index used to refer
  1466.                       to the instance of this MAC or Port resource."
  1467.               ::= { fddimibPATHConfigEntry 5 }
  1468.           fddimibPATHConfigCurrentPath OBJECT-TYPE
  1469.               SYNTAX INTEGER {
  1470.                        isolated(1), local(2), secondary(3), primary(4),
  1471.                        concatenated(5), thru(6)
  1472.                      }
  1473.               ACCESS read-only
  1474.               STATUS mandatory
  1475.               DESCRIPTION
  1476.                       "The current insertion status for this resource on
  1477.                       this Path."
  1478.               ::= { fddimibPATHConfigEntry 6 }
  1479.           -- the PORT group
  1480.           -- Implementation of the PORT group is mandatory for all
  1481.           -- systems which implement manageable FDDI subsystems.
  1482.           fddimibPORTNumber OBJECT-TYPE
  1483.               SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..65535)
  1484.               ACCESS  read-only
  1485.               STATUS  mandatory
  1486.               DESCRIPTION
  1487.                       "The total number of PORT implementations (across
  1488.                       all SMTs) on this network management application
  1489.                       entity.  The value for this variable must remain
  1490.                       constant at least from one re-initialization of
  1491.                       the entity's network management system to the next
  1492.                       re-initialization."
  1493.               ::= { fddimibPORT  1 }
  1494.           -- the PORT table
  1495.           fddimibPORTTable OBJECT-TYPE
  1496.               SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF FddimibPORTEntry
  1497.               ACCESS  not-accessible
  1498.               STATUS  mandatory
  1499.               DESCRIPTION
  1500.                       "A list of PORT entries.  The number of entries
  1501.                       shall not exceed the value of fddimibPORTNumber."
  1502.               ::= { fddimibPORT  2 }
  1503.           fddimibPORTEntry OBJECT-TYPE
  1504.               SYNTAX  FddimibPORTEntry
  1505.               ACCESS  not-accessible
  1506.               STATUS  mandatory
  1507.               DESCRIPTION
  1508.                       "A PORT entry containing information common to a
  1509.                       given PORT."
  1510.               INDEX   { fddimibPORTSMTIndex, fddimibPORTIndex }
  1511.               ::= { fddimibPORTTable 1 }
  1512.           FddimibPORTEntry ::=
  1513.               SEQUENCE {
  1514.                   fddimibPORTSMTIndex
  1515.                           INTEGER,
  1516.                   fddimibPORTIndex
  1517.                           INTEGER,
  1518.                   fddimibPORTMyType
  1519.                           INTEGER,
  1520.                   fddimibPORTNeighborType
  1521.                           INTEGER,
  1522.                   fddimibPORTConnectionPolicies
  1523.                           INTEGER,
  1524.                   fddimibPORTMACIndicated
  1525.                           INTEGER,
  1526.                   fddimibPORTCurrentPath
  1527.                           INTEGER,
  1528.                   fddimibPORTRequestedPaths
  1529.                           OCTET STRING,
  1530.                   fddimibPORTMACPlacement
  1531.                           FddiResourceId,
  1532.                   fddimibPORTAvailablePaths
  1533.                           INTEGER,
  1534.                   fddimibPORTPMDClass
  1535.                           INTEGER,
  1536.                   fddimibPORTConnectionCapabilities
  1537.                           INTEGER,
  1538.                   fddimibPORTBSFlag
  1539.                           INTEGER,
  1540.                   fddimibPORTLCTFailCts
  1541.                           Counter,
  1542.                   fddimibPORTLerEstimate
  1543.                           INTEGER,
  1544.                   fddimibPORTLemRejectCts
  1545.                           Counter,
  1546.                   fddimibPORTLemCts
  1547.                           Counter,
  1548.                   fddimibPORTLerCutoff
  1549.                           INTEGER,
  1550.                   fddimibPORTLerAlarm
  1551.                           INTEGER,
  1552.                   fddimibPORTConnectState
  1553.                           INTEGER,
  1554.                   fddimibPORTPCMState
  1555.                           INTEGER,
  1556.                   fddimibPORTPCWithhold
  1557.                           INTEGER,
  1558.                   fddimibPORTLerFlag
  1559.                           INTEGER,
  1560.                   fddimibPORTHardwarePresent
  1561.                           INTEGER,
  1562.                   fddimibPORTAction
  1563.                           INTEGER
  1564.               }
  1565.           fddimibPORTSMTIndex OBJECT-TYPE
  1566.               SYNTAX  INTEGER (1..65535)
  1567.               ACCESS  read-only
  1568.               STATUS  mandatory
  1569.               DESCRIPTION
  1570.                       "The value of the SMT index associated with this
  1571.                       PORT."
  1572.               ::= { fddimibPORTEntry 1 }
  1573.           fddimibPORTIndex OBJECT-TYPE
  1574.               SYNTAX  INTEGER (1..65535)
  1575.               ACCESS  read-only
  1576.               STATUS  mandatory
  1577.               DESCRIPTION
  1578.                       "A unique value for each PORT within a given SMT,
  1579.                       which is the same as the corresponding resource
  1580.                       index in SMT.  The value for each PORT must remain
  1581.                       constant at least from one re-initialization of
  1582.                       the entity's network management system to the next
  1583.                       re-initialization."
  1584.               REFERENCE
  1585.                       "ANSI { fddiPORT 29 }"
  1586.               ::= { fddimibPORTEntry 2 }
  1587.           fddimibPORTMyType OBJECT-TYPE
  1588.               SYNTAX  INTEGER { a(1), b(2), s(3), m(4), none(5) }
  1589.               ACCESS  read-only
  1590.               STATUS  mandatory
  1591.               DESCRIPTION
  1592.                       "The value of the PORT's PC_Type (refer to ANSI
  1593.                       9.4.1, and"
  1594.               REFERENCE
  1595.                       "ANSI { fddiPORT 12 }"
  1596.               ::= { fddimibPORTEntry 3 }
  1597.           fddimibPORTNeighborType OBJECT-TYPE
  1598.               SYNTAX  INTEGER { a(1), b(2), s(3), m(4), none(5) }
  1599.               ACCESS  read-only
  1600.               STATUS  mandatory
  1601.               DESCRIPTION
  1602.                       "The type of the remote PORT as determined in PCM.
  1603.                       This variable has an initial value of none, and is
  1604.                       only modified in PC_RCode(3)_Actions (refer to
  1605.                       ANSI SMT"
  1606.               REFERENCE
  1607.                       "ANSI { fddiPORT 13 }"
  1608.               ::= { fddimibPORTEntry 4 }
  1609.           fddimibPORTConnectionPolicies OBJECT-TYPE
  1610.               SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..3)
  1611.               ACCESS  read-write
  1612.               STATUS  mandatory
  1613.               DESCRIPTION
  1614.                       "A value representing the PORT's connection
  1615.                       policies desired in the node. The value of pc-
  1616.                       mac-lct is a term used in the PC_MAC_LCT Flag (see
  1617.               The value of pc-mac-loop is a term used
  1618.                       in the PC_MAC_Loop Flag.
  1619.                       The value is a sum.  This value initially takes
  1620.                       the value zero, then for each PORT policy, 2
  1621.                       raised to a power is added to the sum.  The powers
  1622.                       are according to the following table:
  1623.                                     Policy   Power
  1624.                                 pc-mac-lct     0
  1625.                                pc-mac-loop     1 "
  1626.               REFERENCE
  1627.                       "ANSI { fddiPORT 14 }"
  1628.               ::= { fddimibPORTEntry 5 }
  1629.           fddimibPORTMACIndicated OBJECT-TYPE
  1630.               SYNTAX  INTEGER {
  1631.                           tVal9FalseRVal9False(1),
  1632.                           tVal9FalseRVal9True(2),
  1633.                           tVal9TrueRVal9False(3),
  1634.                           tVal9TrueRVal9True(4)
  1635.                       }
  1636.               ACCESS  read-only
  1637.               STATUS  mandatory
  1638.               DESCRIPTION
  1639.                       "The indications (T_Val(9), R_Val(9)) in PC-
  1640.                       Signalling, of the intent to place a MAC in the
  1641.                       output token path to a PORT (refer to ANSI SMT
  1642.             "
  1643.               REFERENCE
  1644.                       "ANSI { fddiPORT 15 }"
  1645.               ::= { fddimibPORTEntry 6 }
  1646.           fddimibPORTCurrentPath OBJECT-TYPE
  1647.               SYNTAX  INTEGER {
  1648.                           ce0(1), -- isolated
  1649.                           ce1(2), -- local
  1650.                           ce2(3), -- secondary
  1651.                           ce3(4), -- primary
  1652.                           ce4(5), -- concatenated
  1653.                           ce5(6)  -- thru
  1654.                       }
  1655.               ACCESS  read-only
  1656.               STATUS  mandatory
  1657.               DESCRIPTION
  1658.                       "Indicates the Path(s) into which this PORT is
  1659.                       currently inserted."
  1660.               REFERENCE
  1661.                       "ANSI { fddiPORT 16 }"
  1662.               ::= { fddimibPORTEntry 7 }
  1663.           fddimibPORTRequestedPaths OBJECT-TYPE
  1664.               SYNTAX  OCTET STRING (SIZE (3))
  1665.               ACCESS  read-write
  1666.               STATUS  mandatory
  1667.               DESCRIPTION
  1668.                       "This variable is a list of permitted Paths where
  1669.                       each list element defines the Port's permitted
  1670.                       Paths.  The first octet corresponds to 'none', the
  1671.                       second octet to 'tree', and the third octet to
  1672.                       'peer'."
  1673.               REFERENCE
  1674.                       "ANSI { fddiPORT 17 }"
  1675.               ::= { fddimibPORTEntry 8 }
  1676.           fddimibPORTMACPlacement OBJECT-TYPE
  1677.               SYNTAX  FddiResourceId -- INTEGER (0..65535)
  1678.               ACCESS  read-only
  1679.               STATUS  mandatory
  1680.               DESCRIPTION
  1681.                       "Indicates the MAC, if any, whose transmit path
  1682.                       exits the station via this PORT. The value shall
  1683.                       be zero if there is no MAC associated with the
  1684.                       PORT. Otherwise, the MACIndex of the MAC will be
  1685.                       the value of the variable."
  1686.               REFERENCE
  1687.                       "ANSI { fddiPORT 18 }"
  1688.               ::= { fddimibPORTEntry 9 }
  1689.           fddimibPORTAvailablePaths OBJECT-TYPE
  1690.               SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..7)
  1691.               ACCESS  read-only
  1692.               STATUS  mandatory
  1693.               DESCRIPTION
  1694.                       "Indicates the Paths which are available to this
  1695.                       Port. In the absence of faults, the A and B Ports
  1696.                       will always have both the Primary and Secondary
  1697.                       Paths available.
  1698.                       The value is a sum.  This value initially takes
  1699.                       the value zero, then for each type of PATH that
  1700.                       this port has available, 2 raised to a power is
  1701.                       added to the sum.  The powers are according to the
  1702.                       following table:
  1703.                                Path   Power
  1704.                             Primary     0
  1705.                           Secondary     1
  1706.                               Local     2 "
  1707.               REFERENCE
  1708.                       "ANSI { fddiPORT 19 }"
  1709.               ::= { fddimibPORTEntry 10 }
  1710.           fddimibPORTPMDClass OBJECT-TYPE
  1711.               SYNTAX  INTEGER {
  1712.                               multimode(1),
  1713.                               single-mode1(2),
  1714.                               single-mode2(3),
  1715.                               sonet(4),
  1716.                               low-cost-fiber(5),
  1717.                               twisted-pair(6),
  1718.                               unknown(7),
  1719.                               unspecified(8)
  1720.                       }
  1721.               ACCESS  read-only
  1722.               STATUS  mandatory
  1723.               DESCRIPTION
  1724.                       "This variable indicates the type of PMD entity
  1725.                       associated with this port."
  1726.               REFERENCE
  1727.                       "ANSI { fddiPORT 22 }"
  1728.               ::= { fddimibPORTEntry 11 }
  1729.           fddimibPORTConnectionCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE
  1730.               SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..3)
  1731.               ACCESS  read-only
  1732.               STATUS  mandatory
  1733.               DESCRIPTION
  1734.                       "A value that indicates the connection
  1735.                       capabilities of the port. The pc-mac-lct bit
  1736.                       indicates that the station has the capability of
  1737.                       setting the PC_MAC_LCT Flag. The pc-mac-loop bit
  1738.                       indicates that the station has the capability of
  1739.                       setting the PC_MAC_Loop Flag (refer to ANSI
  1741.                       The value is a sum.  This value initially takes
  1742.                       the value zero, then for each capability that this
  1743.                       port has, 2 raised to a power is added to the sum.
  1744.                       The powers are according to the following table:
  1745.                          capability   Power
  1746.                          pc-mac-lct     0
  1747.                         pc-mac-loop     1 "
  1748.               REFERENCE
  1749.                       "ANSI { fddiPORT 23 }"
  1750.               ::= { fddimibPORTEntry 12 }
  1751.           fddimibPORTBSFlag OBJECT-TYPE
  1752.               SYNTAX  INTEGER { true(1), false(2) }
  1753.               ACCESS  read-only
  1754.               STATUS  mandatory
  1755.               DESCRIPTION
  1756.                       "This variable assumes the value of the BS_Flag
  1757.                       (refer to ANSI SMT"
  1758.               REFERENCE
  1759.                       "ANSI { fddiPORT 33 }"
  1760.               ::= { fddimibPORTEntry 13 }
  1761.           fddimibPORTLCTFailCts OBJECT-TYPE
  1762.               SYNTAX  Counter
  1763.               ACCESS  read-only
  1764.               STATUS  mandatory
  1765.               DESCRIPTION
  1766.                       "The count of the consecutive times the link
  1767.                       confidence test (LCT) has failed during connection
  1768.                       management (refer to ANSI 9.4.1)."
  1769.               REFERENCE
  1770.                       "ANSI { fddiPORT 42 }"
  1771.               ::= { fddimibPORTEntry 14 }
  1772.           fddimibPORTLerEstimate OBJECT-TYPE
  1773.               SYNTAX  INTEGER (4..15)
  1774.               ACCESS  read-only
  1775.               STATUS  mandatory
  1776.               DESCRIPTION
  1777.                       "A long term average link error rate. It ranges
  1778.                       from 10**-4 to 10**-15 and is reported as the
  1779.                       absolute value of the base 10 logarithm (refer to
  1780.                       ANSI SMT"
  1781.               REFERENCE
  1782.                       "ANSI { fddiPORT 51 }"
  1783.               ::= { fddimibPORTEntry 15 }
  1784.           fddimibPORTLemRejectCts OBJECT-TYPE
  1785.               SYNTAX  Counter
  1786.               ACCESS  read-only
  1787.               STATUS  mandatory
  1788.               DESCRIPTION
  1789.                       "A link error monitoring count of the times that a
  1790.                       link has been rejected."
  1791.               REFERENCE
  1792.                       "ANSI { fddiPORT 52 }"
  1793.               ::= { fddimibPORTEntry 16 }
  1794.           fddimibPORTLemCts OBJECT-TYPE
  1795.               SYNTAX  Counter
  1796.               ACCESS  read-only
  1797.               STATUS  mandatory
  1798.               DESCRIPTION
  1799.                       "The aggregate link error monitor error count, set
  1800.                       to zero only on station initialization."
  1801.               REFERENCE
  1802.                       "ANSI { fddiPORT 53 }"
  1803.               ::= { fddimibPORTEntry 17 }
  1804.           fddimibPORTLerCutoff OBJECT-TYPE
  1805.               SYNTAX  INTEGER (4..15)
  1806.               ACCESS  read-write
  1807.               STATUS  mandatory
  1808.               DESCRIPTION
  1809.                        "The link error rate estimate at which a link
  1810.                       connection will be broken. It ranges from 10**-4
  1811.                       to 10**-15 and is reported as the absolute value
  1812.                       of the base 10 logarithm (default of 7)."
  1813.               REFERENCE
  1814.                       "ANSI { fddiPORT 58 }"
  1815.               ::= { fddimibPORTEntry 18 }
  1816.           fddimibPORTLerAlarm OBJECT-TYPE
  1817.               SYNTAX  INTEGER (4..15)
  1818.               ACCESS  read-write
  1819.               STATUS  mandatory
  1820.               DESCRIPTION
  1821.                       "The link error rate estimate at which a link
  1822.                       connection will generate an alarm. It ranges from
  1823.                       10**-4 to 10**-15 and is reported as the absolute
  1824.                       value of the base 10 logarithm of the estimate
  1825.                       (default of 8)."
  1826.               REFERENCE
  1827.                       "ANSI { fddiPORT 59 }"
  1828.               ::= { fddimibPORTEntry 19 }
  1829.           fddimibPORTConnectState OBJECT-TYPE
  1830.               SYNTAX  INTEGER {
  1831.                           disabled(1),
  1832.                           connecting(2),
  1833.                           standby(3),
  1834.                           active(4)
  1835.                       }
  1836.               ACCESS  read-only
  1837.               STATUS  mandatory
  1838.               DESCRIPTION
  1839.                       "An indication of the connect state of this PORT
  1840.                       and is equal to the value of Connect_State (refer
  1841.                       to ANSI 9.4.1)"
  1842.               REFERENCE
  1843.                       "ANSI { fddiPORT 61 }"
  1844.               ::= { fddimibPORTEntry 20 }
  1845.           fddimibPORTPCMState OBJECT-TYPE
  1846.               SYNTAX  INTEGER {
  1847.                           pc0(1), -- Off
  1848.                           pc1(2), -- Break
  1849.                           pc2(3), -- Trace
  1850.                           pc3(4), -- Connect
  1851.                           pc4(5), -- Next
  1852.                           pc5(6), -- Signal
  1853.                           pc6(7), -- Join
  1854.                           pc7(8), -- Verify
  1855.                           pc8(9), -- Active
  1856.                           pc9(10) -- Maint
  1857.                       }
  1858.               ACCESS  read-only
  1859.               STATUS  mandatory
  1860.               DESCRIPTION
  1861.                       "The state of this Port's PCM state machine refer
  1862.                       to ANSI SMT 9.6.2)."
  1863.               REFERENCE
  1864.                       "ANSI { fddiPORT 62 }"
  1865.               ::= { fddimibPORTEntry 21 }
  1866.           fddimibPORTPCWithhold OBJECT-TYPE
  1867.               SYNTAX  INTEGER {
  1868.                            none(1),
  1869.                            m-m(2),
  1870.                            otherincompatible(3),
  1871.                            pathnotavailable(4)
  1872.                       }
  1873.               ACCESS  read-only
  1874.               STATUS  mandatory
  1875.               DESCRIPTION
  1876.                       "The value of PC_Withhold (refer to ANSI SMT
  1877.                       9.4.1)."
  1878.               REFERENCE
  1879.                       "ANSI { fddiPORT 63 }"
  1880.               ::= { fddimibPORTEntry 22 }
  1881.           fddimibPORTLerFlag OBJECT-TYPE
  1882.               SYNTAX  INTEGER { true(1), false(2) }
  1883.               ACCESS  read-only
  1884.               STATUS  mandatory
  1885.               DESCRIPTION
  1886.                       "The condition becomes active when the value of
  1887.                       fddiPORTLerEstimate is less than or equal to
  1888.                       fddiPORTLerAlarm. This will be reported with the
  1889.                       Status Report Frames (SRF) (refer to ANSI SMT
  1890.                        7.2.7 and 8.3)."
  1891.               REFERENCE
  1892.                       "ANSI { fddiPORT 64 }"
  1893.               ::= { fddimibPORTEntry 23 }
  1894.           fddimibPORTHardwarePresent OBJECT-TYPE
  1895.               SYNTAX  INTEGER { true(1), false(2) }
  1896.               ACCESS  read-only
  1897.               STATUS  mandatory
  1898.               DESCRIPTION
  1899.                       "This variable indicates the presence of
  1900.                       underlying hardware support for this Port object.
  1901.                       If the value of this object is false(2), the
  1902.                       reporting of the objects in this entry may be
  1903.                       handled in an implementation-specific manner."
  1904.               REFERENCE
  1905.                       "ANSI { fddiPORT 65 }"
  1906.               ::= { fddimibPORTEntry 24 }
  1907.           fddimibPORTAction OBJECT-TYPE
  1908.               SYNTAX  INTEGER {
  1909.                       other(1),           -- none of the following
  1910.                       maintPORT(2),
  1911.                       enablePORT(3),
  1912.                       disablePORT(4),
  1913.                       startPORT(5),
  1914.                       stopPORT(6)
  1915.                       }
  1916.               ACCESS  read-write
  1917.               STATUS  mandatory
  1918.               DESCRIPTION
  1919.                       "Causes a Control signal to be generated with a
  1920.                       control_action of 'Signal' and the 'variable'
  1921.                       parameter set with the appropriate value (i.e.,
  1922.                       PC_Maint, PC_Enable, PC_Disable, PC_Start, or
  1923.                       PC_Stop) (refer to ANSI 9.4.2)."
  1924.               REFERENCE
  1925.                       "ANSI { fddiPORT 70 }"
  1926.               ::= { fddimibPORTEntry 25 }
  1927. END