



  1. -- Changes to RFC1694 - ATM-MIB
  2. --   The following items need to removed from the MODULE-COMPLIANCE
  3. --   atmMIBCompliance since they are not in any group:
  4. --      atmVplVpi
  5. --      atmVpCrossConnectLowVpi
  6. --      atmVpCrossConnectHighVpi
  7. --      atmVclVpi
  8. --      atmVcCrossConnectLowVpi
  9. --      atmVcCrossConnectHighVpi
  10. --      aal5VccVpi
  11. --
  12.                ATM-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN
  13.                IMPORTS
  15.                   Counter32, Integer32, IpAddress
  16.                       FROM SNMPv2-SMI
  17.                   TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, DisplayString,
  18.                   TimeStamp, RowStatus
  19.                       FROM SNMPv2-TC
  20.                   MODULE-COMPLIANCE, OBJECT-GROUP
  21.                       FROM SNMPv2-CONF
  22.                   ifIndex, mib-2
  23.                       FROM RFC1213-MIB;
  24.                atmMIB MODULE-IDENTITY
  25.                     LAST-UPDATED "9406072245Z"
  26.                     ORGANIZATION "IETF AToM MIB Working Group"
  27.                     CONTACT-INFO
  28.                      "          Masuma Ahmed
  29.                         Postal:  Bellcore
  30.                                  331 Newman Springs Road
  31.                                  Red Bank, NJ 07701
  32.                                  US
  33.                         Tel:     +1 908 758 2515
  34.                         Fax:     +1 908 758 4131
  35.                         E-mail:
  36.                                  Kaj Tesink
  37.                         Postal:  Bellcore
  38.                                  331 Newman Springs Road
  39.                                  Red Bank, NJ 07701
  40.                                  US
  41.                         Tel:     +1 908 758 5254
  42.                         Fax:     +1 908 758 4196
  43.                         E-mail:"
  44.                     DESCRIPTION
  45.                      "This is the MIB Module for ATM and AAL5-related
  46.                       objects for managing ATM interfaces, ATM virtual
  47.                       links, ATM cross-connects, AAL5 entities, and
  48.                       and AAL5 connections."
  49.                     ::= { mib-2 37 }
  50.                atmMIBObjects  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {atmMIB 1}
  51.                -- This ATM MIB Module consists of the following groups:
  52.                -- (1) ATM Interface configuration group
  53.                -- (2) ATM Interface DS3 PLCP group
  54.                -- (3) ATM Interface TC Sublayer group
  55.                -- (4) ATM Interface VPL configuration group
  56.                -- (5) ATM Interface VCL configuration group
  57.                -- (6) ATM VP Cross Connect group
  58.                -- (7) ATM VC Cross Connect group
  59.                -- (8) ATM Interface AAL5 VCC performance statistics
  60.                --     group
  61.                IfIndex ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
  62.                     STATUS     current
  63.                     DESCRIPTION
  64.                       "The value of this object identifies the interface
  65.                        for which the entry contains management
  66.                        information. The value of this object for a
  67.                        particular interface has the same value as the
  68.                        ifIndex object, defined in RFC 1213, for the same
  69.                        interface."
  70.                     SYNTAX     Integer32
  71.                AtmTrafficDescrParamIndex ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
  72.                     STATUS     current
  73.                     DESCRIPTION
  74.                       "The value of this object identifies the row
  75.                        in the atmTrafficDescrParamTable."
  76.                     SYNTAX     Integer32
  77.                atmTrafficDescriptorTypes  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
  78.                                                     {atmMIBObjects 1}
  79.                -- The following values are defined for use as
  80.                -- possible values of the ATM traffic descriptor type.
  81.                -- ATM Forum specified seven types of ATM traffic
  82.                -- descriptors.
  83.                atmNoTrafficDescriptor  OBJECT-IDENTITY
  84.                     STATUS     current
  85.                     DESCRIPTION
  86.                       "This identifies the no ATM traffic descriptor
  87.                        type. Parameters 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 are not used.
  88.                        This traffic descriptor type can be used for
  89.                        best effort traffic."
  90.                     ::= { atmTrafficDescriptorTypes 1}
  91.                atmNoClpNoScr  OBJECT-IDENTITY
  92.                     STATUS     current
  93.                     DESCRIPTION
  94.                      "This traffic descriptor is for no CLP and
  95.                       no Sustained Cell Rate.  The use of the
  96.                       parameter vector for this type:
  97.                       Parameter 1: CLP=0+1 peak cell rate in
  98.                                    cells per second
  99.                       Parameter 2: not used
  100.                       Parameter 3: not used
  101.                       Parameter 4: not used
  102.                       Parameter 5: not used.
  103.                       This traffic descriptor type can be used
  104.                       for best effort traffic."
  105.                   ::= { atmTrafficDescriptorTypes 2}
  106.                atmClpNoTaggingNoScr OBJECT-IDENTITY
  107.                     STATUS     current
  108.                     DESCRIPTION
  109.                      "This traffic descriptor is for no CLP without
  110.                       tagging and no Sustained Cell Rate.  The use
  111.                       of the parameter vector for this type:
  112.                       Parameter 1: CLP=0+1 peak cell rate in
  113.                                    cells per second
  114.                       Parameter 2: CLP=0 peak cell rate in
  115.                                    cells per second
  116.                       Parameter 3: not used
  117.                       Parameter 4: not used
  118.                       Parameter 5: not used."
  119.                     ::= { atmTrafficDescriptorTypes 3}
  120.                atmClpTaggingNoScr OBJECT-IDENTITY
  121.                    STATUS     current
  122.                    DESCRIPTION
  123.                      "This traffic descriptor is for CLP with
  124.                       tagging and no Sustained Cell Rate.  The
  125.                       use of the parameter vector for this type:
  126.                       Parameter 1: CLP=0+1 peak cell rate in
  127.                                    cells per second
  128.                       Parameter 2: CLP=0 peak cell rate in
  129.                                    cells per second with excess
  130.                                    traffic tagged as CLP=1
  131.                       Parameter 3: not used
  132.                       Parameter 4: not used
  133.                       Parameter 5: not used."
  134.                    ::= { atmTrafficDescriptorTypes 4}
  135.                atmNoClpScr OBJECT-IDENTITY
  136.                     STATUS     current
  137.                     DESCRIPTION
  138.                      "This traffic descriptor is for no CLP
  139.                       with Sustained Cell Rate.  The
  140.                       use of the parameter vector for this type:
  141.                       Parameter 1: CLP=0+1 peak cell rate in
  142.                                    cells per second
  143.                       Parameter 2: CLP=0+1 sustained cell rate in
  144.                                    cells per second
  145.                       Parameter 3: CLP=0+1 maximum burst size
  146.                                    in cells
  147.                       Parameter 4: not used
  148.                       Parameter 5: not used."
  149.                    ::= { atmTrafficDescriptorTypes 5}
  150.                atmClpNoTaggingScr OBJECT-IDENTITY
  151.                     STATUS     current
  152.                     DESCRIPTION
  153.                      "This traffic descriptor is for CLP
  154.                       with Sustained Cell Rate and no tagging.
  155.                       The use of the parameter vector for this type:
  156.                       Parameter 1: CLP=0+1 peak cell rate in
  157.                                    cells per second
  158.                       Parameter 2: CLP=0 sustained cell rate in
  159.                                    cells per second
  160.                       Parameter 3: CLP=0 maximum burst size in cells
  161.                       Parameter 4: not used
  162.                       Parameter 5: not used."
  163.                    ::= { atmTrafficDescriptorTypes 6}
  164.                atmClpTaggingScr OBJECT-IDENTITY
  165.                     STATUS     current
  166.                     DESCRIPTION
  167.                      "This traffic descriptor is for CLP
  168.                       with tagging and Sustained Cell Rate.
  169.                       The use of the parameter vector for this type:
  170.                       Parameter 1: CLP=0+1 peak cell rate in
  171.                                    cells per second
  172.                       Parameter 2: CLP=0 sustained cell rate in
  173.                                    cells per second with excess
  174.                                    traffic tagged as CLP=1
  175.                       Parameter 3: CLP=0 maximum burst size in cells
  176.                       Parameter 4: not used
  177.                       Parameter 5: not used."
  178.                     ::= { atmTrafficDescriptorTypes 7}
  179.                --    ATM Interface Configuration Parameters Group
  180.                -- This group contains ATM specific
  181.                -- configuration information associated with
  182.                -- an ATM interface beyond those
  183.                -- supported using the ifTable.
  184.                atmInterfaceConfTable    OBJECT-TYPE
  185.                     SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF AtmInterfaceConfEntry
  186.                     MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
  187.                     STATUS       current
  188.                     DESCRIPTION
  189.                      "This table contains ATM local interface
  190.                       configuration parameters, one entry per ATM
  191.                       interface port."
  192.                     ::= { atmMIBObjects 2 }
  193.                atmInterfaceConfEntry    OBJECT-TYPE
  194.                     SYNTAX         AtmInterfaceConfEntry
  195.                     MAX-ACCESS     not-accessible
  196.                     STATUS         current
  197.                     DESCRIPTION
  198.                      "This list contains ATM interface configuration
  199.                       parameters and state variables."
  200.                     INDEX { ifIndex }
  201.                     ::= { atmInterfaceConfTable  1}
  202.                AtmInterfaceConfEntry    ::= SEQUENCE  {
  203.                     atmInterfaceMaxVpcs             INTEGER,
  204.                     atmInterfaceMaxVccs             INTEGER,
  205.                     atmInterfaceConfVpcs            INTEGER,
  206.                     atmInterfaceConfVccs            INTEGER,
  207.                     atmInterfaceMaxActiveVpiBits    INTEGER,
  208.                     atmInterfaceMaxActiveVciBits    INTEGER,
  209.                     atmInterfaceIlmiVpi             INTEGER,
  210.                     atmInterfaceIlmiVci             INTEGER,
  211.                     atmInterfaceAddressType         INTEGER,
  212.                     atmInterfaceAdminAddress        OCTET STRING,
  213.                     atmInterfaceMyNeighborIpAddress IpAddress,
  214.                     atmInterfaceMyNeighborIfName    DisplayString
  215.                          }
  216.                atmInterfaceMaxVpcs    OBJECT-TYPE
  217.                     SYNTAX       INTEGER  (0..4096)
  218.                     MAX-ACCESS    read-write
  219.                     STATUS         current
  220.                     DESCRIPTION
  221.                      "The maximum number of VPCs (PVCs and SVCs)
  222.                       supported at this ATM interface.  At the ATM UNI,
  223.                       the maximum number of VPCs (PVCs and SVCs)
  224.                       ranges from 0 to 256 only."
  225.                     ::= { atmInterfaceConfEntry 1}
  226.                atmInterfaceMaxVccs    OBJECT-TYPE
  227.                     SYNTAX       INTEGER  (0..65536)
  228.                     MAX-ACCESS     read-write
  229.                     STATUS         current
  230.                     DESCRIPTION
  231.                      "The maximum number of VCCs (PVCs and SVCs)
  232.                       supported at this ATM interface."
  233.                     ::= { atmInterfaceConfEntry 2}
  234.                atmInterfaceConfVpcs    OBJECT-TYPE
  235.                     SYNTAX       INTEGER  (0..4096)
  236.                     MAX-ACCESS     read-only
  237.                     STATUS         current
  238.                     DESCRIPTION
  239.                      "The number of VPCs (PVCs and SVCs)
  240.                       configured for use at this ATM interface.
  241.                       At the ATM UNI, the configured number of
  242.                       VPCs (PVCs and SVCs) can range from
  243.                       0 to 256 only."
  244.                     ::= { atmInterfaceConfEntry 3}
  245.                atmInterfaceConfVccs    OBJECT-TYPE
  246.                     SYNTAX       INTEGER  (0..65536)
  247.                     MAX-ACCESS    read-only
  248.                     STATUS        current
  249.                     DESCRIPTION
  250.                      "The number of VCCs (PVCs and SVCs)
  251.                       configured for use at the ATM interface."
  252.                     ::= { atmInterfaceConfEntry 4}
  253.                atmInterfaceMaxActiveVpiBits    OBJECT-TYPE
  254.                     SYNTAX           INTEGER  (0..12)
  255.                     MAX-ACCESS         read-write
  256.                     STATUS             current
  257.                     DESCRIPTION
  258.                      "The  maximum number of active VPI bits
  259.                       configured for use at the ATM interface.
  260.                       At the ATM UNI, the maximum number of active
  261.                       VPI bits configured for use ranges from
  262.                       0 to 8 only."
  263.                     ::= { atmInterfaceConfEntry 5}
  264.                atmInterfaceMaxActiveVciBits    OBJECT-TYPE
  265.                     SYNTAX             INTEGER  (0..16)
  266.                     MAX-ACCESS         read-write
  267.                     STATUS             current
  268.                     DESCRIPTION
  269.                      "The maximum number of active VCI bits
  270.                       configured for use at this ATM interface."
  271.                     ::= { atmInterfaceConfEntry 6}
  272.                atmInterfaceIlmiVpi         OBJECT-TYPE
  273.                     SYNTAX          INTEGER (0..255)
  274.                     MAX-ACCESS       read-write
  275.                     STATUS           current
  276.                     DESCRIPTION
  277.                      "The VPI value of the VCC supporting
  278.                       the ILMI at this ATM interface.  If the values of
  279.                       atmInterfaceIlmiVpi and atmInterfaceIlmiVci are
  280.                       both equal to zero then the ILMI is not
  281.                       supported at this ATM interface."
  282.                     DEFVAL { 0 }
  283.                     ::= { atmInterfaceConfEntry 7}
  284.                atmInterfaceIlmiVci         OBJECT-TYPE
  285.                     SYNTAX          INTEGER (0..65535)
  286.                     MAX-ACCESS       read-write
  287.                     STATUS           current
  288.                     DESCRIPTION
  289.                      "The VCI value of the VCC supporting
  290.                       the ILMI at this ATM interface.  If the values of
  291.                       atmInterfaceIlmiVpi and atmInterfaceIlmiVci are
  292.                       both equal to zero then the ILMI is not
  293.                       supported at this ATM interface."
  294.                     DEFVAL { 16 }
  295.                     ::= { atmInterfaceConfEntry 8}
  296.                atmInterfaceAddressType    OBJECT-TYPE
  297.                     SYNTAX      INTEGER {
  298.                                          private(1),
  299.                                          nsapE164(2),
  300.                                          nativeE164(3),
  301.                                          other(4)
  302.                                         }
  303.                     MAX-ACCESS    read-only
  304.                     STATUS        current
  305.                     DESCRIPTION
  306.                      "The type of primary ATM address configured
  307.                       for use at this ATM interface."
  308.                     ::= { atmInterfaceConfEntry 9 }
  309.                atmInterfaceAdminAddress    OBJECT-TYPE
  310.                     SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..255))
  311.                     MAX-ACCESS    read-only
  312.                     STATUS        current
  313.                     DESCRIPTION
  314.                      "An address assigned for administrative purposes,
  315.                       for example, an address associated with the
  316.                       service provider side of a public network UNI.
  317.                       If this interface has no assigned administrative
  318.                       address, or when the address used for
  319.                       administrative  purposes is the same as that used
  320.                       for ifPhysAddress, then this is an octet string of
  321.                       zero length."
  322.                     ::= { atmInterfaceConfEntry 10 }
  323.                atmInterfaceMyNeighborIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE
  324.                     SYNTAX       IpAddress
  325.                     MAX-ACCESS   read-write
  326.                     STATUS       current
  327.                     DESCRIPTION
  328.                      "The IP address of the neighbor system connected to
  329.                       the  far end of this interface, to which a Network
  330.                       Management Station can send SNMP messages, as IP
  331.                       datagrams sent to UDP port 161, in order to access
  332.                       network management information concerning the
  333.                       operation of that system.  Note that the value
  334.                       of this object may be obtained in different ways,
  335.                       e.g., by manual configuration, or through ILMI
  336.                       interaction with the neighbor system."
  337.                     ::= { atmInterfaceConfEntry 11 }
  338.                atmInterfaceMyNeighborIfName    OBJECT-TYPE
  339.                     SYNTAX       DisplayString
  340.                     MAX-ACCESS   read-write
  341.                     STATUS       current
  342.                     DESCRIPTION
  343.                      "The textual name of the interface on the neighbor
  344.                       system on the far end of this interface, and to
  345.                       which this interface connects.  If the neighbor
  346.                       system is manageable through SNMP and supports
  347.                       the object ifName, the value of this object must
  348.                       be identical with that of ifName for the ifEntry
  349.                       of the lowest level physical interface
  350.                       for this port.  If this interface does not have a
  351.                       textual name, the value of this object is a zero
  352.                       length string.  Note that the value of this object
  353.                       may be obtained in different ways, e.g., by manual
  354.                       configuration, or through ILMI interaction with
  355.                       the neighbor system."
  356.                     ::= { atmInterfaceConfEntry 12 }
  357.                -- The ATM Interface DS3 PLCP Group
  358.                -- This group contains the DS3 PLCP configuration and
  359.                -- state parameters of those ATM interfaces
  360.                -- which use DS3 PLCP for carrying ATM cells over DS3.
  361.                atmInterfaceDs3PlcpTable    OBJECT-TYPE
  362.                     SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF AtmInterfaceDs3PlcpEntry
  363.                     MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
  364.                     STATUS       current
  365.                     DESCRIPTION
  366.                      "This table contains ATM interface DS3 PLCP
  367.                       parameters and state variables, one entry per
  368.                       ATM interface port."
  369.                     ::= { atmMIBObjects 3}
  370.                atmInterfaceDs3PlcpEntry    OBJECT-TYPE
  371.                     SYNTAX       AtmInterfaceDs3PlcpEntry
  372.                     MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
  373.                     STATUS       current
  374.                     DESCRIPTION
  375.                      "This list contains DS3 PLCP parameters and
  376.                       state variables at the ATM interface."
  377.                     INDEX    {ifIndex }
  378.                     ::= { atmInterfaceDs3PlcpTable 1}
  379.                AtmInterfaceDs3PlcpEntry    ::= SEQUENCE  {
  380.                     atmInterfaceDs3PlcpSEFSs         Counter32,
  381.                     atmInterfaceDs3PlcpAlarmState    INTEGER,
  382.                     atmInterfaceDs3PlcpUASs          Counter32
  383.                       }
  384.                atmInterfaceDs3PlcpSEFSs    OBJECT-TYPE
  385.                     SYNTAX       Counter32
  386.                     MAX-ACCESS   read-only
  387.                     STATUS       current
  388.                     DESCRIPTION
  389.                      "The number of DS3 PLCP Severely Errored Framing
  390.                       Second (SEFS).  Each SEFS represents a
  391.                       one-second interval which contains
  392.                       one or more SEF event."
  393.                     ::= { atmInterfaceDs3PlcpEntry 1}
  394.                atmInterfaceDs3PlcpAlarmState    OBJECT-TYPE
  395.                     SYNTAX       INTEGER {
  396.                                           noAlarm(1),
  397.                                           receivedFarEndAlarm(2),
  398.                                           incomingLOF(3)
  399.                                                 }
  400.                     MAX-ACCESS     read-only
  401.                     STATUS         current
  402.                     DESCRIPTION
  403.                      "This variable indicates if there is an
  404.                       alarm present for the DS3 PLCP.  The value
  405.                       receivedFarEndAlarm means that the DS3 PLCP
  406.                       has received an incoming Yellow
  407.                       Signal, the value incomingLOF means that
  408.                       the DS3 PLCP has declared a loss of frame (LOF)
  409.                       failure condition, and the value noAlarm
  410.                       means that there are no alarms present.
  411.                       Transition from the failure to the no alarm state
  412.                       occurs when no defects (e.g., LOF) are received
  413.                       for more than 10 seconds."
  414.                     ::= { atmInterfaceDs3PlcpEntry 2}
  415.                atmInterfaceDs3PlcpUASs    OBJECT-TYPE
  416.                     SYNTAX       Counter32
  417.                     MAX-ACCESS   read-only
  418.                     STATUS       current
  419.                     DESCRIPTION
  420.                      "The counter associated with the number of
  421.                       Unavailable Seconds encountered by the PLCP."
  422.                     ::= { atmInterfaceDs3PlcpEntry 3}
  423.                -- The ATM Interface TC Sublayer Group
  424.                -- This group contains TC sublayer configuration and
  425.                -- state parameters of those ATM interfaces
  426.                -- which use TC sublayer for carrying ATM cells over
  427.                -- SONET or DS3.
  428.                atmInterfaceTCTable    OBJECT-TYPE
  429.                     SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF AtmInterfaceTCEntry
  430.                     MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
  431.                     STATUS       current
  432.                     DESCRIPTION
  433.                      "This table contains ATM interface TC
  434.                       Sublayer parameters and state variables,
  435.                       one entry per ATM interface port."
  436.                     ::= { atmMIBObjects 4}
  437.                atmInterfaceTCEntry    OBJECT-TYPE
  438.                     SYNTAX          AtmInterfaceTCEntry
  439.                     MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
  440.                     STATUS          current
  441.                     DESCRIPTION
  442.                      "This list contains TC Sublayer parameters
  443.                       and state variables at the ATM interface."
  444.                     INDEX  {ifIndex }
  445.                     ::= { atmInterfaceTCTable 1}
  446.                AtmInterfaceTCEntry    ::= SEQUENCE  {
  447.                     atmInterfaceOCDEvents      Counter32,
  448.                     atmInterfaceTCAlarmState   INTEGER
  449.                       }
  450.                atmInterfaceOCDEvents    OBJECT-TYPE
  451.                     SYNTAX        Counter32
  452.                     MAX-ACCESS    read-only
  453.                     STATUS        current
  454.                     DESCRIPTION
  455.                      "The number of times the Out of Cell
  456.                       Delineation (OCD) events occur.  If seven
  457.                       consecutive ATM cells have Header Error
  458.                       Control (HEC) violations, an OCD event occurs.
  459.                       A high number of OCD events may indicate a
  460.                       problem with the TC Sublayer."
  461.                     ::= { atmInterfaceTCEntry 1}
  462.                atmInterfaceTCAlarmState    OBJECT-TYPE
  463.                     SYNTAX        INTEGER {
  464.                                            noAlarm(1),
  465.                                            lcdFailure(2)
  466.                                             }
  467.                     MAX-ACCESS    read-only
  468.                     STATUS        current
  469.                     DESCRIPTION
  470.                      "This variable indicates if there is an
  471.                       alarm present for the TC Sublayer.  The value
  472.                       lcdFailure indicates that a Loss of
  473.                       Cell Delineation (LCD) failure state has been
  474.                       declared for the TC Sublayer.  Transition from
  475.                       failure to the no alarm state occurs
  476.                       when 6 consecutive ATM cells
  477.                       are received with valid HEC, followed by
  478.                       about 10 seconds of acceptable working signal."
  479.                      ::= { atmInterfaceTCEntry 2}
  480.                --  ATM Traffic Descriptor Parameter Group
  481.                -- This group contains a set of self-consistent
  482.                -- ATM traffic parameters including the
  483.                -- ATM traffic QoS Class.
  484.                -- The ATM virtual link tables (i.e., VPL and VCL tables)
  485.                -- will use this ATM Traffic Descriptor table
  486.                -- to assign traffic parameters and QoS Class
  487.                -- to the receive and transmit directions of
  488.                -- the ATM virtual links (i.e., VPLs and VCLs).
  489.                -- The ATM VPL or VCL table will indicate a row
  490.                -- in the atmTrafficDescrParamTable
  491.                -- using its atmTrafficDescrParamIndex value.
  492.                -- The management application can then compare a set of
  493.                -- ATM traffic parameters with a single value.
  494.                -- If no suitable row(s) in the atmTrafficDescrParamTable
  495.                -- exists, the manager must create a new row(s) in this
  496.                -- table. If such a row is created, agent checks the
  497.                -- sanity of that set of ATM traffic parameter values.
  498.                -- When creating a new row, the parameter values
  499.                -- will be checked for self-consistency.
  500.                -- Predefined/template rows may be supported.
  501.                -- A row in the atmTrafficDescrParamTable is deleted
  502.                -- by setting the atmTrafficDescrRowStatus to destroy(6).
  503.                -- The agent will check whether this row is still in use
  504.                -- by any entry of the atmVplTable or atmVclTable.
  505.                -- The agent denies the request if the row is still in
  506.                -- use.
  507.                --  The ATM Traffic Descriptor Parameter Table
  508.                atmTrafficDescrParamTable    OBJECT-TYPE
  509.                     SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF AtmTrafficDescrParamEntry
  510.                     MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
  511.                     STATUS       current
  512.                     DESCRIPTION
  513.                      "This table contains information on ATM traffic
  514.                       descriptor type and the associated parameters."
  515.                     ::= { atmMIBObjects 5}
  516.                atmTrafficDescrParamEntry    OBJECT-TYPE
  517.                     SYNTAX           AtmTrafficDescrParamEntry
  518.                     MAX-ACCESS       not-accessible
  519.                     STATUS           current
  520.                     DESCRIPTION
  521.                      "This list contains ATM traffic descriptor
  522.                       type and the associated parameters."
  523.                     INDEX  {atmTrafficDescrParamIndex}
  524.                     ::= { atmTrafficDescrParamTable  1}
  525.                AtmTrafficDescrParamEntry    ::= SEQUENCE  {
  526.                  atmTrafficDescrParamIndex   AtmTrafficDescrParamIndex,
  527.                  atmTrafficDescrType         OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
  528.                  atmTrafficDescrParam1       Integer32,
  529.                  atmTrafficDescrParam2       Integer32,
  530.                  atmTrafficDescrParam3       Integer32,
  531.                  atmTrafficDescrParam4       Integer32,
  532.                  atmTrafficDescrParam5       Integer32,
  533.                  atmTrafficQoSClass          INTEGER,
  534.                  atmTrafficDescrRowStatus    RowStatus
  535.                               }
  536.                atmTrafficDescrParamIndex    OBJECT-TYPE
  537.                     SYNTAX           AtmTrafficDescrParamIndex
  538.                     MAX-ACCESS       not-accessible
  539.                     STATUS        current
  540.                     DESCRIPTION
  541.                      "This object is used by the virtual link
  542.                       table (i.e., VPL or VCL table)
  543.                       to identify the row of this table."
  544.                     ::= { atmTrafficDescrParamEntry  1}
  545.                atmTrafficDescrType    OBJECT-TYPE
  546.                     SYNTAX             OBJECT IDENTIFIER
  547.                     MAX-ACCESS         read-create
  548.                     STATUS             current
  549.                     DESCRIPTION
  550.                      "The value of this object identifies the type
  551.                       of ATM traffic descriptor.
  552.                       The type may indicate no traffic descriptor or
  553.                       traffic descriptor with one or more parameters.
  554.                       These parameters are specified as a parameter
  555.                       vector, in the corresponding instances of the
  556.                       objects:
  557.                           atmTrafficDescrParam1
  558.                           atmTrafficDescrParam2
  559.                           atmTrafficDescrParam3
  560.                           atmTrafficDescrParam4
  561.                           atmTrafficDescrParam5."
  562.                      DEFVAL  { atmNoTrafficDescriptor }
  563.                      ::= { atmTrafficDescrParamEntry 2}
  564.                atmTrafficDescrParam1    OBJECT-TYPE
  565.                     SYNTAX             Integer32
  566.                     MAX-ACCESS          read-create
  567.                     STATUS              current
  568.                     DESCRIPTION
  569.                      "The first parameter of the ATM traffic descriptor
  570.                       used according to the value of
  571.                       atmTrafficDescrType."
  572.                     DEFVAL  { 0 }
  573.                     ::= { atmTrafficDescrParamEntry 3}
  574.                atmTrafficDescrParam2    OBJECT-TYPE
  575.                     SYNTAX             Integer32
  576.                     MAX-ACCESS          read-create
  577.                     STATUS              current
  578.                     DESCRIPTION
  579.                      "The second parameter of the ATM traffic descriptor
  580.                       used according to the value of
  581.                       atmTrafficDescrType."
  582.                     DEFVAL  { 0 }
  583.                     ::= { atmTrafficDescrParamEntry 4}
  584.                atmTrafficDescrParam3    OBJECT-TYPE
  585.                     SYNTAX             Integer32
  586.                     MAX-ACCESS          read-create
  587.                     STATUS              current
  588.                     DESCRIPTION
  589.                      "The third parameter of the ATM traffic descriptor
  590.                       used according to the value of
  591.                       atmTrafficDescrType."
  592.                     DEFVAL  { 0 }
  593.                     ::= { atmTrafficDescrParamEntry 5}
  594.                atmTrafficDescrParam4    OBJECT-TYPE
  595.                     SYNTAX             Integer32
  596.                     MAX-ACCESS          read-create
  597.                     STATUS              current
  598.                     DESCRIPTION
  599.                      "The fourth parameter of the ATM traffic descriptor
  600.                       used according to the value of
  601.                       atmTrafficDescrType."
  602.                     DEFVAL  { 0 }
  603.                     ::= { atmTrafficDescrParamEntry 6}
  604.                atmTrafficDescrParam5    OBJECT-TYPE
  605.                     SYNTAX             Integer32
  606.                     MAX-ACCESS          read-create
  607.                     STATUS              current
  608.                     DESCRIPTION
  609.                      "The fifth parameter of the ATM traffic descriptor
  610.                       used according to the value of
  611.                       atmTrafficDescrType."
  612.                     DEFVAL  { 0 }
  613.                     ::= { atmTrafficDescrParamEntry 7}
  614.                atmTrafficQoSClass   OBJECT-TYPE
  615.                     SYNTAX         INTEGER (0..255)
  616.                     MAX-ACCESS      read-create
  617.                     STATUS          current
  618.                     DESCRIPTION
  619.                      "The value of this object identifies the QoS Class.
  620.                       Four Service classes have been
  621.                       specified in the ATM Forum UNI Specification:
  622.                       Service Class A: Constant bit rate video and
  623.                                        Circuit emulation
  624.                       Service Class B: Variable bit rate video/audio
  625.                       Service Class C: Connection-oriented data
  626.                       Service Class D: Connectionless data
  627.                       Four QoS classes numbered 1, 2, 3, and 4 have
  628.                       been specified with the aim to support service
  629.                       classes A, B, C, and D respectively.
  630.                       An unspecified QoS Class numbered `0' is used
  631.                       for best effort traffic."
  632.                     DEFVAL  { 0 }
  633.                     ::= { atmTrafficDescrParamEntry 8}
  634.                atmTrafficDescrRowStatus       OBJECT-TYPE
  635.                     SYNTAX    RowStatus
  636.                     MAX-ACCESS   read-create
  637.                     STATUS          current
  638.                     DESCRIPTION
  639.                      "This object is used to create
  640.                       a new row or modify or delete an
  641.                       existing row in this table."
  642.                     DEFVAL  { active }
  643.                     ::= {atmTrafficDescrParamEntry 9}
  644.                --  ATM Interface Virtual Path Link (VPL) Group
  645.                -- This group contains configuration and state
  646.                -- information of a bi-directional Virtual Path Link
  647.                -- (VPL)
  648.                -- This table can be used to create, delete or modify
  649.                -- a VPL that is terminated in an ATM host or switch.
  650.                -- This table can also be used to create, delete or
  651.                -- modify a VPL which is cross-connected to another
  652.                -- VPL.
  653.                -- In the example below, the traffic flows on the receive
  654.                -- and transmit directions of the VPLs are characterized
  655.                -- by atmVplReceiveTrafficDescrIndex and
  656.                -- atmVplTransmitTrafficDescrIndex respectively.
  657.                -- The cross-connected VPLs are identified by
  658.                -- atmVplCrossConnectIdentifier.
  659.                --           ________________________________
  660.                --           |                              |
  661.                --  VPL      | ATM Host, Switch, or Network |   VPL
  662.                -- receive   |                              |  receive
  663.                -- ========> X                              X <=======
  664.                -- <======== X                              X ========>
  665.                -- transmit  |                              |  transmit
  666.                --           |______________________________|
  667.                --  The ATM Interface VPL Table
  668.                atmVplTable    OBJECT-TYPE
  669.                     SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF AtmVplEntry
  670.                     MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
  671.                     STATUS       current
  672.                     DESCRIPTION
  673.                      "The Virtual Path Link (VPL) table.  A
  674.                       bi-directional VPL is modeled as one entry
  675.                       in this table."
  676.                     ::= { atmMIBObjects 6}
  677.                atmVplEntry    OBJECT-TYPE
  678.                     SYNTAX           AtmVplEntry
  679.                     MAX-ACCESS       not-accessible
  680.                     STATUS           current
  681.                     DESCRIPTION
  682.                      "An entry in the VPL table.  This entry is
  683.                       used to model a bi-directional VPL.
  684.                       To create a VPL at an ATM interface,
  685.                       either of the following procedures are used:
  686.                       Negotiated VPL establishment
  687.                     (1) The management application creates
  688.                         a VPL entry in the atmVplTable
  689.                         by setting atmVplRowStatus to createAndWait(5).
  690.                         This may fail for the following reasons:
  691.                         - The selected VPI value is unavailable,
  692.                         - The selected VPI value is in use.
  693.                         Otherwise, the agent creates a row and
  694.                         reserves the VPI value on that port.
  695.                     (2) The manager selects an existing row(s) in the
  696.                         atmTrafficDescrParamTable,
  697.                         thereby, selecting a set of self-consistent
  698.                         ATM traffic parameters and the QoS Class
  699.                         for receive and transmit directions of the VPL.
  700.                    (2a) If no suitable row(s) in the
  701.                         atmTrafficDescrParamTable exists,
  702.                         the manager must create a new row(s)
  703.                         in that table.
  704.                    (2b) The manager characterizes the VPL's traffic
  705.                         parameters through setting the
  706.                         atmVplReceiveTrafficDescrIndex and the
  707.                         atmVplTransmitTrafficDescrIndex values
  708.                         in the VPL table, which point to the rows
  709.                         containing desired ATM traffic parameter values
  710.                         in the atmTrafficDescrParamTable.  The agent
  711.                         will check the availability of resources and
  712.                         may refuse the request.
  713.                     (3) The manager activates the VPL by setting the
  714.                         the atmVplRowStatus to active(1).
  715.                         If this set is successful, the agent has
  716.                         reserved the resources to satisfy the requested
  717.                         traffic parameter values and the QoS Class
  718.                         for that VPL.
  719.                     (4) If the VPL terminates a VPC in the ATM host
  720.                         or switch, the manager turns on the
  721.                         atmVplAdminStatus to up(1) to turn the VPL
  722.                         traffic flow on.  Otherwise, the
  723.                         atmVpCrossConnectTable  must be used
  724.                         to cross-connect the VPL to another VPL(s)
  725.                         in an ATM switch or network.
  726.                       One-Shot VPL Establishment
  727.                       A VPL may also be established in one step by a
  728.                       set-request with all necessary VPL parameter
  729.                       values and atmVplRowStatus set to createAndGo(4).
  730.                       In contrast to the negotiated VPL establishment
  731.                       which allows for detailed error checking
  732.                       (i.e., set errors are explicitly linked to
  733.                       particular resource acquisition failures),
  734.                       the one-shot VPL establishment
  735.                       performs the setup on one operation but
  736.                       does not have the advantage of step-wise
  737.                       error checking.
  738.                       VPL Retirement
  739.                       A VPL is released by setting atmVplRowStatus to
  740.                       destroy(6), and the agent may release all
  741.                       associated resources."
  742.                     INDEX  {ifIndex, atmVplVpi }
  743.                     ::= { atmVplTable  1}
  744.                AtmVplEntry    ::= SEQUENCE  {
  745.                     atmVplVpi                       INTEGER,
  746.                     atmVplAdminStatus               INTEGER,
  747.                     atmVplOperStatus                INTEGER,
  748.                     atmVplLastChange                TimeStamp,
  749.                     atmVplReceiveTrafficDescrIndex
  750.                                     AtmTrafficDescrParamIndex,
  751.                     atmVplTransmitTrafficDescrIndex
  752.                                     AtmTrafficDescrParamIndex,
  753.                     atmVplCrossConnectIdentifier    INTEGER,
  754.                     atmVplRowStatus                 RowStatus
  755.                        }
  756.                atmVplVpi    OBJECT-TYPE
  757.                     SYNTAX    INTEGER  (1..4095)
  758.                     MAX-ACCESS     not-accessible
  759.                     STATUS         current
  760.                     DESCRIPTION
  761.                      "The VPI value of the VPL.
  762.                       Note that the VPI=0 is not used
  763.                       for a VPL not associated with a VCL.
  764.                       The maximum VPI value cannot
  765.                       exceed the value allowable by the
  766.                       atmInterfaceMaxVpiBits."
  767.                     ::= { atmVplEntry 1}
  768.                atmVplAdminStatus   OBJECT-TYPE
  769.                     SYNTAX   INTEGER  {
  770.                                        up(1),
  771.                                        down(2)
  772.                                            }
  773.                     MAX-ACCESS   read-create
  774.                     STATUS       current
  775.                     DESCRIPTION
  776.                      "This object is implemented only for a VPL which
  777.                       terminates a VPC (i.e.,
  778.                       one which is NOT cross-connected to other VPLs).
  779.                       Its value specifies the desired administrative
  780.                       state of the VPL.  The up and down states indicate
  781.                       that the traffic flow is enabled and disabled
  782.                       respectively for this VPL."
  783.                     DEFVAL { down }
  784.                     ::= { atmVplEntry 2}
  785.                atmVplOperStatus   OBJECT-TYPE
  786.                     SYNTAX   INTEGER  {
  787.                                        up(1),
  788.                                        down(2),
  789.                                        unknown(3)
  790.                                            }
  791.                     MAX-ACCESS   read-only
  792.                     STATUS       current
  793.                     DESCRIPTION
  794.                      "This object indicates the current operational
  795.                       status of the VPL.  The up and down states
  796.                       indicate that the VPL is currently
  797.                       operational, or not operational, respectively.
  798.                       The unknown state indicates that the status of
  799.                       this VPL cannot be determined."
  800.                     ::= { atmVplEntry 3}
  801.                atmVplLastChange     OBJECT-TYPE
  802.                     SYNTAX  TimeStamp
  803.                     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
  804.                     STATUS  current
  805.                     DESCRIPTION
  806.                      "The value of MIB II's sysUpTime object
  807.                       at the time this VPL entered its current
  808.                       operational state.  If the current state was
  809.                       entered prior to the last re-initialization of the
  810.                       agent, then this object contains a zero value."
  811.                     ::= { atmVplEntry 4 }
  812.                atmVplReceiveTrafficDescrIndex    OBJECT-TYPE
  813.                     SYNTAX             AtmTrafficDescrParamIndex
  814.                     MAX-ACCESS         read-create
  815.                     STATUS             current
  816.                     DESCRIPTION
  817.                      "The value of this object identifies the row
  818.                       in the atmTrafficDescrParamTable which
  819.                       applies to the receive direction of the VPL."
  820.                      ::= { atmVplEntry 5}
  821.                atmVplTransmitTrafficDescrIndex    OBJECT-TYPE
  822.                     SYNTAX             AtmTrafficDescrParamIndex
  823.                     MAX-ACCESS         read-create
  824.                     STATUS             current
  825.                     DESCRIPTION
  826.                      "The value of this object identifies the row
  827.                       in the atmTrafficDescrParamTable which
  828.                       applies to the transmit direction of the VPL."
  829.                      ::= { atmVplEntry 6}
  830.                atmVplCrossConnectIdentifier   OBJECT-TYPE
  831.                     SYNTAX         INTEGER (0..2147483647)
  832.                     MAX-ACCESS      read-only
  833.                     STATUS          current
  834.                     DESCRIPTION
  835.                      "This object is implemented only for a VPL
  836.                       which is cross-connected to other VPLs
  837.                       that belong to the same VPC.  All such
  838.                       associated VPLs have the same value of this
  839.                       object, and all their cross-connections are
  840.                       identified by entries in the
  841.                       atmVpCrossConnectTable for which
  842.                       atmVpCrossConnectIndex has the same value.
  843.                       The value of this object is initialized by the
  844.                       agent after the associated entries in the
  845.                       atmVpCrossConnectTable have been created."
  846.                     ::= {atmVplEntry 7}
  847.                atmVplRowStatus       OBJECT-TYPE
  848.                     SYNTAX    RowStatus
  849.                     MAX-ACCESS   read-create
  850.                     STATUS          current
  851.                     DESCRIPTION
  852.                      "This object is used to create, delete
  853.                       or modify a row in this table.
  854.                       To create a new VCL, this object is
  855.                       initially set to 'createAndWait' or
  856.                       'createAndGo'.  This object must not be
  857.                       set to 'active' unless the following columnar
  858.                       objects exist in this row:
  859.                       atmVplReceiveTrafficDescrIndex and
  860.                       atmVplTransmitTrafficDescrIndex."
  861.                     DEFVAL { active }
  862.                     ::= {atmVplEntry 8}
  863.                --  ATM Interface Virtual Channel Link (VCL) Group
  864.                -- This group contains configuration and state
  865.                -- information of a bi-directional Virtual Channel
  866.                -- Link (VCL) at an ATM interface.
  867.                -- This table can be used to create, delete or modify
  868.                -- a VCL that is terminated in an ATM host or switch.
  869.                -- This table can also be
  870.                -- used to create, delete or modify a VCL that is
  871.                -- cross-connected to another VCL.
  872.                --  The ATM Interface VCL Table
  873.                atmVclTable    OBJECT-TYPE
  874.                     SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF AtmVclEntry
  875.                     MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
  876.                     STATUS       current
  877.                     DESCRIPTION
  878.                      "The Virtual Channel Link (VCL) table.  A
  879.                       bi-directional VCL is modeled as one entry
  880.                       in this table."
  881.                     ::= { atmMIBObjects 7}
  882.                atmVclEntry    OBJECT-TYPE
  883.                     SYNTAX           AtmVclEntry
  884.                     MAX-ACCESS       not-accessible
  885.                     STATUS           current
  886.                     DESCRIPTION
  887.                      "An entry in the VCL table.  This entry is
  888.                       used to model a bi-directional VCL.
  889.                       To create a VCL at an ATM interface,
  890.                       either of the following procedures are used:
  891.                       Negotiated VCL establishment
  892.                     (1) The management application creates
  893.                         a VCL entry in the atmVclTable
  894.                         by setting atmVclRowStatus to createAndWait(5).
  895.                         This may fail for the following reasons:
  896.                         - The selected VPI/VCI values are unavailable,
  897.                         - The selected VPI/VCI values are in use.
  898.                         Otherwise, the agent creates a row and
  899.                         reserves the VPI/VCI values on that port.
  900.                     (2) The manager selects an existing row(s) in the
  901.                         atmTrafficDescrParamTable,
  902.                         thereby, selecting a set of self-consistent
  903.                         ATM traffic parameters and the QoS Class
  904.                         for receive and transmit directions of the VCL.
  905.                    (2a) If no suitable row(s) in the
  906.                         atmTrafficDescrParamTable exists,
  907.                         the manager must create a new row(s)
  908.                         in that table.
  909.                    (2b) The manager characterizes the VCL's traffic
  910.                         parameters through setting the
  911.                         atmVclReceiveTrafficDescrIndex and the
  912.                         atmVclTransmitTrafficDescrIndex values
  913.                         in the VCL table, which point to the rows
  914.                         containing desired ATM traffic parameter values
  915.                         in the atmTrafficDescrParamTable.  The agent
  916.                         will check the availability of resources and
  917.                         may refuse the request.
  918.                     (3) The manager activates the VCL by setting the
  919.                         the atmVclRowStatus to active(1).
  920.                         If this set is successful, the agent has
  921.                         reserved the resources to satisfy the requested
  922.                         traffic parameter values and the QoS Class
  923.                         for that VCL.
  924.                     (4) If the VCL terminates a VCC in the ATM host
  925.                         or switch, the manager turns on the
  926.                         atmVclAdminStatus to up(1) to turn the VCL
  927.                         traffic flow on.  Otherwise, the
  928.                         atmVcCrossConnectTable  must be used
  929.                         to cross-connect the VCL to another VCL(s)
  930.                         in an ATM switch or network.
  931.                      One-Shot VCL Establishment
  932.                      A VCL may also be established in one step by a
  933.                      set-request with all necessary VCL parameter
  934.                      values and atmVclRowStatus set to createAndGo(4).
  935.                      In contrast to the negotiated VCL establishment
  936.                      which allows for detailed error checking
  937.                      (i.e., set errors are explicitly linked to
  938.                      particular resource acquisition failures),
  939.                      the one-shot VCL establishment
  940.                      performs the setup on one operation but
  941.                      does not have the advantage of step-wise
  942.                      error checking.
  943.                      VCL Retirement
  944.                      A VCL is released by setting atmVclRowStatus to
  945.                      destroy(6), and the agent may release all
  946.                      associated resources."
  947.                     INDEX  {ifIndex, atmVclVpi, atmVclVci }
  948.                     ::= { atmVclTable  1}
  949.                AtmVclEntry    ::= SEQUENCE  {
  950.                     atmVclVpi                       INTEGER,
  951.                     atmVclVci                       INTEGER,
  952.                     atmVclAdminStatus               INTEGER,
  953.                     atmVclOperStatus                INTEGER,
  954.                     atmVclLastChange                TimeStamp,
  955.                     atmVclReceiveTrafficDescrIndex
  956.                                     AtmTrafficDescrParamIndex,
  957.                     atmVclTransmitTrafficDescrIndex
  958.                                     AtmTrafficDescrParamIndex,
  959.                     atmVccAalType                   INTEGER,
  960.                     atmVccAal5CpcsTransmitSduSize   INTEGER,
  961.                     atmVccAal5CpcsReceiveSduSize    INTEGER,
  962.                     atmVccAal5EncapsType            INTEGER,
  963.                     atmVclCrossConnectIdentifier    INTEGER,
  964.                     atmVclRowStatus                 RowStatus
  965.                            }
  966.                atmVclVpi    OBJECT-TYPE
  967.                     SYNTAX    INTEGER  (0..4095)
  968.                     MAX-ACCESS     not-accessible
  969.                     STATUS         current
  970.                     DESCRIPTION
  971.                      "The VPI value of the VCL.
  972.                       The maximum VPI value cannot
  973.                       exceed the value allowable by the
  974.                       atmInterfaceMaxVpiBits."
  975.                     ::= { atmVclEntry 1}
  976.                atmVclVci    OBJECT-TYPE
  977.                     SYNTAX    INTEGER  (0..65535)
  978.                     MAX-ACCESS     not-accessible
  979.                     STATUS         current
  980.                     DESCRIPTION
  981.                      "The VCI value of the VCL.
  982.                       The maximum VCI value cannot
  983.                       exceed the value allowable by the
  984.                       atmInterfaceMaxVciBits."
  985.                     ::= { atmVclEntry 2}
  986.                atmVclAdminStatus   OBJECT-TYPE
  987.                     SYNTAX   INTEGER  {
  988.                                        up(1),
  989.                                        down(2)
  990.                                            }
  991.                     MAX-ACCESS   read-create
  992.                     STATUS       current
  993.                     DESCRIPTION
  994.                      "This object is implemented only for a VCL which
  995.                       terminates a VCC (i.e.,
  996.                       one which is NOT cross-connected to other VCLs).
  997.                       Its value specifies the desired administrative
  998.                       state of the VCL.  The up and down states indicate
  999.                       that the traffic flow is enabled and disabled
  1000.                       respectively for this VCL."
  1001.                     ::= { atmVclEntry 3}
  1002.                atmVclOperStatus   OBJECT-TYPE
  1003.                     SYNTAX   INTEGER  {
  1004.                                        up(1),
  1005.                                        down(2),
  1006.                                        unknown(3)
  1007.                                            }
  1008.                     MAX-ACCESS   read-only
  1009.                     STATUS       current
  1010.                     DESCRIPTION
  1011.                      "This object indicates the current operational
  1012.                       status of the VCL.  The up and down states
  1013.                       indicate that the VCL is currently
  1014.                       operational, or not operational, respectively.
  1015.                       The unknown state indicates that the status of
  1016.                       this VCL cannot be determined."
  1017.                     ::= { atmVclEntry 4}
  1018.                atmVclLastChange     OBJECT-TYPE
  1019.                     SYNTAX  TimeStamp
  1020.                     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
  1021.                     STATUS  current
  1022.                     DESCRIPTION
  1023.                      "The value of MIB II's sysUpTime object
  1024.                       at the time this VCL entered its current
  1025.                       operational state.  If the current state was
  1026.                       entered prior to the last re-initialization of the
  1027.                       agent, then this object contains a zero value."
  1028.                     ::= { atmVclEntry 5 }
  1029.                atmVclReceiveTrafficDescrIndex    OBJECT-TYPE
  1030.                     SYNTAX             AtmTrafficDescrParamIndex
  1031.                     MAX-ACCESS         read-create
  1032.                     STATUS             current
  1033.                     DESCRIPTION
  1034.                      "The value of this object identifies the row
  1035.                       in the ATM Traffic Descriptor Table which
  1036.                       applies to the receive direction of this VCL."
  1037.                      ::= { atmVclEntry 6}
  1038.                atmVclTransmitTrafficDescrIndex    OBJECT-TYPE
  1039.                     SYNTAX             AtmTrafficDescrParamIndex
  1040.                     MAX-ACCESS         read-create
  1041.                     STATUS             current
  1042.                     DESCRIPTION
  1043.                      "The value of this object identifies the row
  1044.                       of the ATM Traffic Descriptor Table which applies
  1045.                       to the transmit direction of this VCL."
  1046.                      ::= { atmVclEntry 7}
  1047.                atmVccAalType    OBJECT-TYPE
  1048.                     SYNTAX      INTEGER {
  1049.                                          aal1(1),
  1050.                                          aal34(2),
  1051.                                          aal5(3),
  1052.                                          other(4),
  1053.                                          unknown(5)
  1054.                                         }
  1055.                     MAX-ACCESS    read-create
  1056.                     STATUS        current
  1057.                     DESCRIPTION
  1058.                      "An instance of this object only exists when the
  1059.                       local VCL end-point is also the VCC end-point,
  1060.                       and AAL is in use.
  1061.                       The type of AAL used on this VCC.
  1062.                       The AAL type includes AAL1, AAL3/4,
  1063.                       and AAL5. The other(4) may be user-defined
  1064.                       AAL type.  The unknown type indicates that
  1065.                       the AAL type cannot be determined."
  1066.                     ::= { atmVclEntry 8 }
  1067.                atmVccAal5CpcsTransmitSduSize OBJECT-TYPE
  1068.                     SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
  1069.                     MAX-ACCESS   read-create
  1070.                     STATUS       current
  1071.                     DESCRIPTION
  1072.                      "An instance of this object only exists when the
  1073.                       local VCL end-point is also the VCC end-point,
  1074.                       and AAL5 is in use.
  1075.                       The maximum AAL5 CPCS SDU size in octets that is
  1076.                       supported on the transmit direction of this VCC."
  1077.                     DEFVAL { 9188 }
  1078.                           ::= { atmVclEntry 9 }
  1079.                atmVccAal5CpcsReceiveSduSize OBJECT-TYPE
  1080.                     SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
  1081.                     MAX-ACCESS   read-create
  1082.                     STATUS       current
  1083.                     DESCRIPTION
  1084.                      "An instance of this object only exists when the
  1085.                       local VCL end-point is also the VCC end-point,
  1086.                       and AAL5 is in use.
  1087.                       The maximum AAL5 CPCS SDU size in octets that is
  1088.                       supported on the receive direction of this VCC."
  1089.                     DEFVAL { 9188 }
  1090.                           ::= { atmVclEntry 10 }
  1091.                atmVccAal5EncapsType  OBJECT-TYPE
  1092.                     SYNTAX   INTEGER {
  1093.                                    vcMultiplexRoutedProtocol(1),
  1094.                                    vcMultiplexBridgedProtocol8023(2),
  1095.                                    vcMultiplexBridgedProtocol8025(3),
  1096.                                    vcMultiplexBridgedProtocol8026(4),
  1097.                                    vcMultiplexLANemulation8023(5),
  1098.                                    vcMultiplexLANemulation8025(6),
  1099.                                    llcEncapsulation(7),
  1100.                                    multiprotocolFrameRelaySscs(8),
  1101.                                    other(9),
  1102.                                    unknown(10)
  1103.                                       }
  1104.                     MAX-ACCESS   read-create
  1105.                     STATUS        current
  1106.                     DESCRIPTION
  1107.                      "An instance of this object only exists when the
  1108.                       local VCL end-point is also the VCC end-point,
  1109.                       and AAL5 is in use.
  1110.                       The type of data encapsulation used over
  1111.                       the AAL5 SSCS layer. The definitions reference
  1112.                       RFC 1483 Multiprotocol Encapsulation
  1113.                       over ATM AAL5 and to the ATM Forum
  1114.                       LAN Emulation specification."
  1115.                     DEFVAL { llcEncapsulation }
  1116.                           ::= { atmVclEntry 11 }
  1117.                atmVclCrossConnectIdentifier   OBJECT-TYPE
  1118.                     SYNTAX         INTEGER (0..2147483647)
  1119.                     MAX-ACCESS      read-only
  1120.                     STATUS          current
  1121.                     DESCRIPTION
  1122.                      "This object is implemented only for a VCL
  1123.                       which is cross-connected to other VCLs
  1124.                       that belong to the same VCC.  All such
  1125.                       associated VCLs have the same value of this
  1126.                       object, and all their cross-connections are
  1127.                       identified by entries in the
  1128.                       atmVcCrossConnectTable for which
  1129.                       atmVcCrossConnectIndex has the same value.
  1130.                       The value of this object is initialized by the
  1131.                       agent after the associated entries in the
  1132.                       atmVcCrossConnectTable have been created."
  1133.                     ::= {atmVclEntry 12}
  1134.                atmVclRowStatus          OBJECT-TYPE
  1135.                     SYNTAX       RowStatus
  1136.                     MAX-ACCESS   read-create
  1137.                     STATUS       current
  1138.                     DESCRIPTION
  1139.                      "This object is used to create, delete or
  1140.                       modify a row in this table.  To create
  1141.                       a new VCL, this object is initially set
  1142.                       to 'createAndWait' or 'createAndGo'.
  1143.                       This object must not be set to 'active'
  1144.                       unless the following columnar objects exist
  1145.                       in this row:
  1146.                       atmVclReceiveTrafficDescrIndex,
  1147.                       atmVclTransmitTrafficDescrIndex.
  1148.                       In addition, if the local VCL end-point
  1149.                       is also the VCC end-point:
  1150.                       atmVccAalType.
  1151.                       In addition, for AAL5 connections only:
  1152.                       atmVccAal5CpcsTransmitSduSize,
  1153.                       atmVccAal5CpcsReceiveSduSize, and
  1154.                       atmVccAal5EncapsType."
  1155.                     DEFVAL { active }
  1156.                           ::= {atmVclEntry 13}
  1157.                --     ATM Virtual Path (VP) Cross Connect Group
  1158.                -- This group contains configuration and state
  1159.                -- information of all point-to-point,
  1160.                -- point-to-multipoint, or multipoint-to-multipoint
  1161.                -- VP cross-connects.
  1162.                -- This table has read-create access and can be used
  1163.                -- to cross-connect the VPLs together in an ATM switch
  1164.                -- or network. The atmVpCrossConnectIndex
  1165.                -- is used to associate the related
  1166.                -- VPLs that are cross-connected together.
  1167.                -- The ATM VP Cross Connect Group
  1168.                -- models each bi-directional VPC
  1169.                -- cross-connect as a set of entries in
  1170.                -- the atmVpCrossConnectTable. A
  1171.                -- point-to-point VPC cross-connect is modeled
  1172.                -- as one entry; a point-to-multipoint (N leafs) VPC
  1173.                -- cross-connect as N entries in this table; and
  1174.                -- a multipoint-to-multipoint (N parties) VPC cross-
  1175.                -- connect as N(N-1)/2 entries in this table.
  1176.                -- In the latter cases, all the N (or N(N-1)/2) entries
  1177.                -- are associated with a single VPC cross-connect by
  1178.                -- having the same value of atmVpCrossConnectIndex.
  1179.                --      _________________________________________
  1180.                --      |                                       |
  1181.                --  Low |         ATM Switch or Network         | High
  1182.                --  port|                                       | port
  1183.                -- _____|>> from low to high VPC traffic flow >>|______
  1184.                --      |<< from high to low VPC traffic flow <<|
  1185.                --      |                                       |
  1186.                --      |_______________________________________|
  1187.                --
  1188.                -- The terms low and high are chosen to represent
  1189.                -- numerical ordering of the two interfaces associated
  1190.                -- with a VPC cross-connect. That is, the ATM interface
  1191.                -- with the lower value of ifIndex is termed 'low',
  1192.                -- while the other ATM interface associated with the
  1193.                -- VPC cross-connect is termed 'high'. This terminology
  1194.                -- is used to provide directional information; for
  1195.                -- example, the atmVpCrossConnectL2HOperStatus applies
  1196.                -- to the low->high direction, and
  1197.                -- atmVpCrossConnectH2LOperStatus applies to the
  1198.                -- high->low  direction, as illustrated above.
  1199.                atmVpCrossConnectIndexNext    OBJECT-TYPE
  1200.                     SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..2147483647)
  1201.                     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
  1202.                     STATUS  current
  1203.                     DESCRIPTION
  1204.                      "This object contains an appropriate value to
  1205.                       be used for atmVpCrossConnectIndex when creating
  1206.                       entries in the atmVpCrossConnectTable.  The value
  1207.                       0 indicates that no unassigned entries are
  1208.                       available. To obtain the atmVpCrossConnectIndex
  1209.                       value for a new entry, the manager issues a
  1210.                       management protocol retrieval operation to obtain
  1211.                       the current value of this object.  After each
  1212.                       retrieval, the agent should modify the value to
  1213.                       the next unassigned index."
  1214.                     ::= { atmMIBObjects 8 }
  1215.                --  The ATM VP Cross Connect Table
  1216.                atmVpCrossConnectTable OBJECT-TYPE
  1217.                     SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF AtmVpCrossConnectEntry
  1218.                     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
  1219.                     STATUS  current
  1220.                     DESCRIPTION
  1221.                      "The ATM VP Cross Connect table.  A bi-
  1222.                       directional VP cross-connect which
  1223.                       cross-connects two VPLs is modeled
  1224.                       as one entry in this table."
  1225.                     ::= { atmMIBObjects 9 }
  1226.                atmVpCrossConnectEntry OBJECT-TYPE
  1227.                     SYNTAX  AtmVpCrossConnectEntry
  1228.                     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
  1229.                     STATUS  current
  1230.                     DESCRIPTION
  1231.                      "An entry in the ATM VP Cross Connect table.
  1232.                       This entry is used to model a bi-directional
  1233.                       ATM VP cross-connect which cross-connects
  1234.                       two VPLs.
  1235.                       Step-wise Procedures to set up a VP Cross-connect
  1236.                       Once the entries in the atmVplTable are created,
  1237.                       the following procedures are used
  1238.                       to cross-connect the VPLs together.
  1239.                      (1) The manager obtains a unique
  1240.                          atmVpCrossConnectIndex by reading the
  1241.                          atmVpCrossConnectIndexNext object.
  1242.                      (2) Next, the manager creates a set of one
  1243.                          or more rows in the ATM VP Cross Connect
  1244.                          Table, one for each cross-connection between
  1245.                          two VPLs.  Each row is indexed by the ATM
  1246.                          interface port numbers and VPI values of the
  1247.                          two ends of that cross-connection.
  1248.                          This set of rows specifies the topology of the
  1249.                          VPC cross-connect and is identified by a single
  1250.                          value of atmVpCrossConnectIndex.
  1251.                       Negotiated VP Cross-Connect Establishment
  1252.                     (2a) The manager creates a row in this table by
  1253.                          setting atmVpCrossConnectRowStatus to
  1254.                          createAndWait(5).  The agent checks the
  1255.                          requested topology and the mutual sanity of
  1256.                          the ATM traffic parameters and
  1257.                          QoS Classes, i.e., the row creation fails if:
  1258.                          - the requested topology is not supported
  1259.                            by the agent,
  1260.                          - the traffic/QoS parameter values
  1261.                            associated with the requested row are
  1262.                            incompatible with those of already existing
  1263.                            rows for this VP cross-connect.
  1264.                          [For example, for setting up
  1265.                          a point-to-point VP cross-connect, the
  1266.                          ATM traffic parameters in the receive direction
  1267.                          of a VPL at the low end of the cross-connect
  1268.                          must equal to the traffic parameters in the
  1269.                          transmit direction of the other VPL at the
  1270.                          high end of the cross-connect,
  1271.                          otherwise, the row creation fails.]
  1272.                          The agent also checks for internal errors
  1273.                          in building the cross-connect.
  1274.                          The atmVpCrossConnectIndex values in the
  1275.                          corresponding atmVplTable rows are filled
  1276.                          in by the agent at this point.
  1277.                     (2b) The manager promotes the row in the
  1278.                          atmVpCrossConnectTable by setting
  1279.                          atmVpCrossConnectRowStatus to active(1).  If
  1280.                          this set is successful, the agent has reserved
  1281.                          the resources specified by the ATM traffic
  1282.                          parameter and QoS Class values
  1283.                          for each direction of the VP cross-connect
  1284.                          in an ATM switch or network.
  1285.                      (3) The manager sets the
  1286.                          atmVpCrossConnectAdminStatus to up(1) in all
  1287.                          rows of this VP cross-connect to turn the
  1288.                          traffic flow on.
  1289.                       One-Shot VP Cross-Connect Establishment
  1290.                       A VP cross-connect may also be established in
  1291.                       one step by a set-request with all necessary
  1292.                       parameter values and atmVpCrossConnectRowStatus
  1293.                       set to createAndGo(4).
  1294.                       In contrast to the negotiated VP cross-connect
  1295.                       establishment which allows for detailed error
  1296.                       checking (i.e., set errors are explicitly linked
  1297.                       to particular resource acquisition failures),
  1298.                       the one-shot VP cross-connect establishment
  1299.                       performs the setup on one operation but does not
  1300.                       have the advantage of step-wise error checking.
  1301.                       VP Cross-Connect Retirement
  1302.                       A VP cross-connect identified by a particular
  1303.                       value of atmVpCrossConnectIndex is released by:
  1304.                      (1) Setting atmVpCrossConnectRowStatus of all
  1305.                          rows identified by this value of
  1306.                          atmVpCrossConnectIndex to destroy(6).
  1307.                          The agent may release all
  1308.                          associated resources, and the
  1309.                          atmVpCrossConnectIndex values in the
  1310.                          corresponding atmVplTable row are removed.
  1311.                          Note that a situation when only a subset of
  1312.                          the associated rows are deleted corresponds
  1313.                          to a VP topology change.
  1314.                      (2) After deletion of the appropriate
  1315.                          atmVpCrossConnectEntries, the manager may
  1316.                          set atmVplRowStatus to destroy(6) the
  1317.                          associated VPLs.  The agent releases
  1318.                          the resources and removes the associated
  1319.                          rows in the atmVplTable.
  1320.                       VP Cross-connect Reconfiguration
  1321.                       At the discretion of the agent, a VP
  1322.                       cross-connect may be reconfigured by
  1323.                       adding and/or deleting leafs to/from
  1324.                       the VP topology as per the VP cross-connect
  1325.                       establishment/retirement procedures.
  1326.                       Reconfiguration of traffic/QoS parameter
  1327.                       values requires release of the VP cross-connect
  1328.                       before those parameter values may by changed
  1329.                       for individual VPLs."
  1330.                     INDEX { atmVpCrossConnectIndex,
  1331.                           atmVpCrossConnectLowIfIndex,
  1332.                           atmVpCrossConnectLowVpi,
  1333.                           atmVpCrossConnectHighIfIndex,
  1334.                           atmVpCrossConnectHighVpi }
  1335.                     ::= { atmVpCrossConnectTable 1 }
  1336.                AtmVpCrossConnectEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
  1337.                     atmVpCrossConnectIndex          INTEGER,
  1338.                     atmVpCrossConnectLowIfIndex     IfIndex,
  1339.                     atmVpCrossConnectLowVpi         INTEGER,
  1340.                     atmVpCrossConnectHighIfIndex    IfIndex,
  1341.                     atmVpCrossConnectHighVpi        INTEGER,
  1342.                     atmVpCrossConnectAdminStatus    INTEGER,
  1343.                     atmVpCrossConnectL2HOperStatus  INTEGER,
  1344.                     atmVpCrossConnectH2LOperStatus  INTEGER,
  1345.                     atmVpCrossConnectL2HLastChange  TimeStamp,
  1346.                     atmVpCrossConnectH2LLastChange  TimeStamp,
  1347.                     atmVpCrossConnectRowStatus      RowStatus
  1348.                             }
  1349.                atmVpCrossConnectIndex OBJECT-TYPE
  1350.                     SYNTAX  INTEGER (1..2147483647)
  1351.                     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
  1352.                     STATUS  current
  1353.                     DESCRIPTION
  1354.                      "A unique value to identify this VP cross-connect."
  1355.                     ::= { atmVpCrossConnectEntry 1 }
  1356.                atmVpCrossConnectLowIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
  1357.                     SYNTAX  IfIndex
  1358.                     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
  1359.                     STATUS  current
  1360.                     DESCRIPTION
  1361.                      "The value of this object is equal to MIB II's
  1362.                       ifIndex value of the ATM interface port for this
  1363.                       VP cross-connect.  The term low implies
  1364.                       that this ATM interface has the numerically lower
  1365.                       ifIndex value than the other ATM interface
  1366.                       identified in the same atmVpCrossConnectEntry."
  1367.                     ::= { atmVpCrossConnectEntry 2 }
  1368.                atmVpCrossConnectLowVpi OBJECT-TYPE
  1369.                     SYNTAX  INTEGER  (1..4095)
  1370.                     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
  1371.                     STATUS  current
  1372.                     DESCRIPTION
  1373.                      "The value of this object is equal to the VPI
  1374.                       value at the ATM interface
  1375.                       associated with the VP cross-connect that is
  1376.                       identified by atmVpCrossConnectLowIfIndex.
  1377.                       The VPI value cannot exceed the number
  1378.                       supported by the atmInterfaceMaxVpiBits
  1379.                       at the low ATM interface port."
  1380.                     ::= { atmVpCrossConnectEntry 3 }
  1381.                atmVpCrossConnectHighIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
  1382.                     SYNTAX  IfIndex
  1383.                     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
  1384.                     STATUS  current
  1385.                     DESCRIPTION
  1386.                      "The value of this object is equal to MIB II's
  1387.                       ifIndex value of the ATM interface port for
  1388.                       this VP cross-connect.  The term high
  1389.                       implies that this ATM interface has the
  1390.                       numerically higher ifIndex value than the
  1391.                       other ATM interface identified in the same
  1392.                       atmVpCrossConnectEntry."
  1393.                     ::= { atmVpCrossConnectEntry 4 }
  1394.                atmVpCrossConnectHighVpi OBJECT-TYPE
  1395.                     SYNTAX  INTEGER   (1..4095)
  1396.                     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
  1397.                     STATUS  current
  1398.                     DESCRIPTION
  1399.                      "The value of this object is equal to the VPI
  1400.                       value at the ATM interface associated with
  1401.                       the VP cross-connect that is identified
  1402.                       by atmVpCrossConnectHighIfIndex.
  1403.                       The VPI value cannot exceed the number
  1404.                       supported by the atmInterfaceMaxVpiBits
  1405.                       at the high ATM interface port."
  1406.                     ::= { atmVpCrossConnectEntry 5 }
  1407.                atmVpCrossConnectAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
  1408.                     SYNTAX  INTEGER {
  1409.                                     up(1),
  1410.                                     down(2)
  1411.                             }
  1412.                     MAX-ACCESS  read-create
  1413.                     STATUS  current
  1414.                     DESCRIPTION
  1415.                      "The value of this object identifies the desired
  1416.                       administrative status of this bi-directional
  1417.                       VP cross-connect.  The up and down states
  1418.                       indicate that the traffic flow is enabled
  1419.                       and disabled respectively on this VP
  1420.                       cross-connect."
  1421.                     DEFVAL { down }
  1422.                     ::= { atmVpCrossConnectEntry 6 }
  1423.                atmVpCrossConnectL2HOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE
  1424.                     SYNTAX  INTEGER {
  1425.                               up(1),
  1426.                               down(2),
  1427.                               unknown(3)
  1428.                                 }
  1429.                     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
  1430.                     STATUS  current
  1431.                     DESCRIPTION
  1432.                      "The value of this object identifies the current
  1433.                       operational status of the VP cross-connect
  1434.                       in one direction; (i.e., from the low to
  1435.                       high direction).  The up and down states indicate
  1436.                       that this ATM VP cross-connect from low
  1437.                       to high direction is operational or not
  1438.                       operational respectively.
  1439.                       The unknown state indicates that
  1440.                       the state of it cannot be determined."
  1441.                     ::= { atmVpCrossConnectEntry 7 }
  1442.                atmVpCrossConnectH2LOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE
  1443.                     SYNTAX  INTEGER {
  1444.                               up(1),
  1445.                               down(2),
  1446.                               unknown(3)
  1447.                                  }
  1448.                     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
  1449.                     STATUS  current
  1450.                     DESCRIPTION
  1451.                      "The value of this object identifies the current
  1452.                       operational status of the VP cross-connect
  1453.                       in one direction; (i.e., from the high to
  1454.                       low direction).  The up and down states indicate
  1455.                       that this ATM VP cross-connect from high
  1456.                       to low direction is operational or not
  1457.                       operational respectively.  The
  1458.                       unknown state indicates that the state
  1459.                       of it cannot be determined."
  1460.                     ::= { atmVpCrossConnectEntry 8 }
  1461.                atmVpCrossConnectL2HLastChange OBJECT-TYPE
  1462.                     SYNTAX  TimeStamp
  1463.                     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
  1464.                     STATUS  current
  1465.                     DESCRIPTION
  1466.                      "The value of MIB II's sysUpTime object
  1467.                       at the time this VP cross-connect entered
  1468.                       its current operational state in the low to
  1469.                       high direction.  If the current state was
  1470.                       entered prior to the last re-initialization of the
  1471.                       agent, then this object contains a zero value."
  1472.                     ::= { atmVpCrossConnectEntry 9 }
  1473.                atmVpCrossConnectH2LLastChange OBJECT-TYPE
  1474.                     SYNTAX  TimeStamp
  1475.                     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
  1476.                     STATUS  current
  1477.                     DESCRIPTION
  1478.                      "The value of MIB II's sysUpTime object at the
  1479.                       time this VP cross-connect entered its current
  1480.                       operational state in the high to low direction.
  1481.                       If the current state was entered prior to the
  1482.                       last re-initialization of the agent,
  1483.                       then this object contains a zero value."
  1484.                     ::= { atmVpCrossConnectEntry 10 }
  1485.                atmVpCrossConnectRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
  1486.                     SYNTAX  RowStatus
  1487.                     MAX-ACCESS  read-create
  1488.                     STATUS  current
  1489.                     DESCRIPTION
  1490.                      "The status of this entry in the
  1491.                       atmVpCrossConnectTable.  This object is used to
  1492.                       create a cross-connect for cross-connecting
  1493.                       VPLs which are created using the atmVplTable
  1494.                       or to change or delete an existing cross-connect.
  1495.                       This object must be initially set
  1496.                       to `createAndWait' or 'createAndGo'.
  1497.                       This object cannot be set to `active'
  1498.                       unless the following columnar object exists
  1499.                       in this row: atmVpCrossConnectAdminStatus.
  1500.                       To turn on a VP cross-connect,
  1501.                       the atmVpCrossConnectAdminStatus
  1502.                       is set to `up'."
  1503.                     DEFVAL { active }
  1504.                     ::= { atmVpCrossConnectEntry 11 }
  1505.                --     ATM Virtual Channel (VC) Cross Connect Group
  1506.                -- This group contains configuration and state
  1507.                -- information of a bi-directional VC cross-connect.
  1508.                -- This group is used to model a bi-directional
  1509.                -- point-to-point, point-to-multipoint or
  1510.                -- multipoint-to-multipoint VC cross-connects.
  1511.                -- This table has read-create access and is used
  1512.                -- to cross-connect the VCLs together in an ATM switch
  1513.                -- or network that belong to a VC connection.
  1514.                -- The atmVcCrossConnectIndex is used to associate
  1515.                -- the related VCLs that are cross-connected together.
  1516.                -- The step-wise procedures described for setting
  1517.                -- up a VP cross-connect are also used for setting up
  1518.                -- a VC cross-connect.
  1519.                atmVcCrossConnectIndexNext    OBJECT-TYPE
  1520.                     SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..2147483647)
  1521.                     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
  1522.                     STATUS  current
  1523.                     DESCRIPTION
  1524.                      "This object contains an appropriate value to
  1525.                       be used for atmVcCrossConnectIndex when creating
  1526.                       entries in the atmVcCrossConnectTable.  The value
  1527.                       0 indicates that no unassigned entries are
  1528.                       available. To obtain the atmVpCrossConnectIndex
  1529.                       value for a new entry, the manager issues a
  1530.                       management protocol retrieval operation to obtain
  1531.                       the current value of this object.  After each
  1532.                       retrieval, the agent should modify the value to
  1533.                       the next unassigned index."
  1534.                     ::= { atmMIBObjects 10 }
  1535.                --  The ATM VC Cross Connect Table
  1536.                atmVcCrossConnectTable OBJECT-TYPE
  1537.                     SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF AtmVcCrossConnectEntry
  1538.                     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
  1539.                     STATUS  current
  1540.                     DESCRIPTION
  1541.                      "The ATM VC Cross Connect table.  A bi-
  1542.                       directional VC cross-connect which
  1543.                       cross-connects two end points (i.e., VCLs)
  1544.                       is modeled as one entry in this table."
  1545.                     ::= { atmMIBObjects 11 }
  1546.                atmVcCrossConnectEntry OBJECT-TYPE
  1547.                     SYNTAX  AtmVcCrossConnectEntry
  1548.                     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
  1549.                     STATUS  current
  1550.                     DESCRIPTION
  1551.                      "An entry in the ATM VC Cross Connect table.
  1552.                       This entry is used to model a bi-directional ATM
  1553.                       VC cross-connect cross-connecting two end points.
  1554.                       Step-wise Procedures to set up a VC Cross-connect
  1555.                       Once the entries in the atmVclTable are created,
  1556.                       the following procedures are used
  1557.                       to cross-connect the VCLs together to
  1558.                       form a VCC segment.
  1559.                      (1) The manager obtains a unique
  1560.                          atmVcCrossConnectIndex by reading the
  1561.                          atmVcCrossConnectIndexNext object.
  1562.                      (2) Next, the manager creates a set of one
  1563.                          or more rows in the ATM VC Cross Connect
  1564.                          Table, one for each cross-connection between
  1565.                          two VCLs.  Each row is indexed by the ATM
  1566.                          interface port numbers and VPI/VCI values of
  1567.                          the two ends of that cross-connection.
  1568.                          This set of rows specifies the topology of the
  1569.                          VCC cross-connect and is identified by a single
  1570.                          value of atmVcCrossConnectIndex.
  1571.                       Negotiated VC Cross-Connect Establishment
  1572.                     (2a) The manager creates a row in this table by
  1573.                          setting atmVcCrossConnectRowStatus to
  1574.                          createAndWait(5).  The agent checks the
  1575.                          requested topology and the mutual sanity of
  1576.                          the ATM traffic parameters and
  1577.                          QoS Classes, i.e., the row creation fails if:
  1578.                          - the requested topology is not supported
  1579.                            by the agent,
  1580.                          - the traffic/QoS parameter values
  1581.                            associated with the requested row are
  1582.                            incompatible with those of already existing
  1583.                            rows for this VC cross-connect.
  1584.                          [For example, for setting up
  1585.                          a point-to-point VC cross-connect, the
  1586.                          ATM traffic parameters in the receive direction
  1587.                          of a VCL at the low end of the cross-connect
  1588.                          must equal to the traffic parameters in the
  1589.                          transmit direction of the other VCL at the
  1590.                          high end of the cross-connect,
  1591.                          otherwise, the row creation fails.]
  1592.                          The agent also checks for internal errors
  1593.                          in building the cross-connect.
  1594.                          The atmVcCrossConnectIndex values in the
  1595.                          corresponding atmVclTable rows are filled
  1596.                          in by the agent at this point.
  1597.                     (2b) The manager promotes the row in the
  1598.                          atmVcCrossConnectTable by setting
  1599.                          atmVcCrossConnectRowStatus to active(1).  If
  1600.                          this set is successful, the agent has reserved
  1601.                          the resources specified by the ATM traffic
  1602.                          parameter and QoS Class values
  1603.                          for each direction of the VC cross-connect
  1604.                          in an ATM switch or network.
  1605.                      (3) The manager sets the
  1606.                          atmVcCrossConnectAdminStatus to up(1)
  1607.                          in all rows of this VC cross-connect to
  1608.                          turn the traffic flow on.
  1609.                       One-Shot VC Cross-Connect Establishment
  1610.                       A VC cross-connect may also be established in
  1611.                       one step by a set-request with all necessary
  1612.                       parameter values and atmVcCrossConnectRowStatus
  1613.                       set to createAndGo(4).
  1614.                       In contrast to the negotiated VC cross-connect
  1615.                       establishment which allows for detailed error
  1616.                       checking i.e., set errors are explicitly linked to
  1617.                       particular resource acquisition failures), the
  1618.                       one-shot VC cross-connect establishment
  1619.                       performs the setup on one operation but does
  1620.                       not have the advantage of step-wise error
  1621.                       checking.
  1622.                       VC Cross-Connect Retirement
  1623.                       A VC cross-connect identified by a particular
  1624.                       value of atmVcCrossConnectIndex is released by:
  1625.                      (1) Setting atmVcCrossConnectRowStatus of all rows
  1626.                          identified by this value of
  1627.                          atmVcCrossConnectIndex to destroy(6).
  1628.                          The agent may release all
  1629.                          associated resources, and the
  1630.                          atmVcCrossConnectIndex values in the
  1631.                          corresponding atmVclTable row are removed.
  1632.                          Note that a situation when only a subset of
  1633.                          the associated rows are deleted corresponds
  1634.                          to a VC topology change.
  1635.                      (2) After deletion of the appropriate
  1636.                          atmVcCrossConnectEntries, the manager may
  1637.                          set atmVclRowStatus to destroy(6) the
  1638.                          associated VCLs.  The agent releases
  1639.                          the resources and removes the associated
  1640.                          rows in the atmVclTable.
  1641.                       VC Cross-Connect Reconfiguration
  1642.                       At the discretion of the agent, a VC
  1643.                       cross-connect may be reconfigured by
  1644.                       adding and/or deleting leafs to/from
  1645.                       the VC topology as per the VC cross-connect
  1646.                       establishment/retirement procedures.
  1647.                       Reconfiguration of traffic/QoS parameter
  1648.                       values requires release of the VC cross-connect
  1649.                       before those parameter values may by changed
  1650.                       for individual VCLs."
  1651.                     INDEX { atmVcCrossConnectIndex,
  1652.                           atmVcCrossConnectLowIfIndex,
  1653.                           atmVcCrossConnectLowVpi,
  1654.                           atmVcCrossConnectLowVci,
  1655.                           atmVcCrossConnectHighIfIndex,
  1656.                           atmVcCrossConnectHighVpi,
  1657.                           atmVcCrossConnectHighVci }
  1658.                     ::= { atmVcCrossConnectTable 1 }
  1659.                AtmVcCrossConnectEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
  1660.                     atmVcCrossConnectIndex          INTEGER,
  1661.                     atmVcCrossConnectLowIfIndex     IfIndex,
  1662.                     atmVcCrossConnectLowVpi         INTEGER,
  1663.                     atmVcCrossConnectLowVci         INTEGER,
  1664.                     atmVcCrossConnectHighIfIndex    IfIndex,
  1665.                     atmVcCrossConnectHighVpi        INTEGER,
  1666.                     atmVcCrossConnectHighVci        INTEGER,
  1667.                     atmVcCrossConnectAdminStatus    INTEGER,
  1668.                     atmVcCrossConnectL2HOperStatus  INTEGER,
  1669.                     atmVcCrossConnectH2LOperStatus  INTEGER,
  1670.                     atmVcCrossConnectL2HLastChange  TimeStamp,
  1671.                     atmVcCrossConnectH2LLastChange  TimeStamp,
  1672.                     atmVcCrossConnectRowStatus      RowStatus
  1673.                             }
  1674.                atmVcCrossConnectIndex OBJECT-TYPE
  1675.                     SYNTAX  INTEGER (1..2147483647)
  1676.                     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
  1677.                     STATUS  current
  1678.                     DESCRIPTION
  1679.                      "A unique value to identify this VC cross-connect."
  1680.                     ::= { atmVcCrossConnectEntry 1 }
  1681.                atmVcCrossConnectLowIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
  1682.                     SYNTAX  IfIndex
  1683.                     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
  1684.                     STATUS  current
  1685.                     DESCRIPTION
  1686.                      "The value of this object is equal to MIB II's
  1687.                       ifIndex value of the ATM interface port for this
  1688.                       VC cross-connect.  The term low implies
  1689.                       that this ATM interface has the numerically lower
  1690.                       ifIndex value than the other ATM interface
  1691.                       identified in the same atmVcCrossConnectEntry."
  1692.                     ::= { atmVcCrossConnectEntry 2 }
  1693.                atmVcCrossConnectLowVpi OBJECT-TYPE
  1694.                     SYNTAX  INTEGER  (0..4095)
  1695.                     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
  1696.                     STATUS  current
  1697.                     DESCRIPTION
  1698.                      "The value of this object is equal to the VPI
  1699.                       value at the ATM interface
  1700.                       associated with the VC cross-connect that is
  1701.                       identified by atmVcCrossConnectLowIfIndex.
  1702.                       The VPI value cannot exceed the number
  1703.                       supported by the atmInterfaceMaxVpiBits
  1704.                       at the low ATM interface port."
  1705.                     ::= { atmVcCrossConnectEntry 3 }
  1706.                atmVcCrossConnectLowVci OBJECT-TYPE
  1707.                     SYNTAX  INTEGER  (0..65535)
  1708.                     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
  1709.                     STATUS  current
  1710.                     DESCRIPTION
  1711.                      "The value of this object is equal to the VCI
  1712.                       value at the ATM interface
  1713.                       associated with this VC cross-connect that is
  1714.                       identified by atmVcCrossConnectLowIfIndex.
  1715.                       The VCI value cannot exceed the number
  1716.                       supported by the atmInterfaceMaxVciBits
  1717.                       at the low ATM interface port."
  1718.                     ::= { atmVcCrossConnectEntry 4 }
  1719.                atmVcCrossConnectHighIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
  1720.                     SYNTAX  IfIndex
  1721.                     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
  1722.                     STATUS  current
  1723.                     DESCRIPTION
  1724.                      "The value of this object is equal to MIB II's
  1725.                       ifIndex value for the ATM interface port for
  1726.                       this VC cross-connect.  The term high
  1727.                       implies that this VC cross-connect
  1728.                       that this ATM interface has the numerically higher
  1729.                       ifIndex value than the other ATM interface
  1730.                       identified in the same atmVcCrossConnectEntry."
  1731.                     ::= { atmVcCrossConnectEntry 5 }
  1732.                atmVcCrossConnectHighVpi OBJECT-TYPE
  1733.                     SYNTAX  INTEGER   (0..4095)
  1734.                     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
  1735.                     STATUS  current
  1736.                     DESCRIPTION
  1737.                      "The value of this object is equal to the VPI
  1738.                       value at the ATM interface
  1739.                       associated with the VC cross-connect that is
  1740.                       identified by atmVcCrossConnectHighIfIndex.
  1741.                       The VPI value cannot exceed
  1742.                       the number supported by the atmInterfaceMaxVpiBits
  1743.                       at the high ATM interface port."
  1744.                     ::= { atmVcCrossConnectEntry 6 }
  1745.                atmVcCrossConnectHighVci OBJECT-TYPE
  1746.                     SYNTAX  INTEGER   (0..65535)
  1747.                     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
  1748.                     STATUS  current
  1749.                     DESCRIPTION
  1750.                      "The value of this object is equal to the VCI
  1751.                       value at the ATM interface
  1752.                       associated with the VC cross-connect that is
  1753.                       identified by atmVcCrossConnectHighIfIndex.
  1754.                       The VCI value cannot exceed
  1755.                       the number supported by the atmInterfaceMaxVciBits
  1756.                       at the high ATM interface port."
  1757.                     ::= { atmVcCrossConnectEntry 7 }
  1758.                atmVcCrossConnectAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
  1759.                     SYNTAX  INTEGER {
  1760.                               up(1),
  1761.                               down(2)
  1762.                               }
  1763.                     MAX-ACCESS  read-create
  1764.                     STATUS  current
  1765.                     DESCRIPTION
  1766.                      "The value of this object identifies the desired
  1767.                       administrative status of this bi-directional
  1768.                       VC cross-connect. The up and down states
  1769.                       indicate that the traffic flow is enabled or
  1770.                       disabled respectively on this VC cross-connect."
  1771.                     DEFVAL { down }
  1772.                     ::= { atmVcCrossConnectEntry 8 }
  1773.                atmVcCrossConnectL2HOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE
  1774.                     SYNTAX  INTEGER {
  1775.                               up(1),
  1776.                               down(2),
  1777.                               unknown(3)
  1778.                             }
  1779.                     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
  1780.                     STATUS  current
  1781.                     DESCRIPTION
  1782.                      "The value of this object identifies the current
  1783.                       operational status of the VC cross-connect
  1784.                       in one direction; (i.e., from the low to
  1785.                       high direction).  The up and down states indicate
  1786.                       that this ATM VC cross-connect from low
  1787.                       to high direction is operational or not
  1788.                       operational respectively.  The unknown state
  1789.                       indicates that the state of it cannot be
  1790.                       determined."
  1791.                     ::= { atmVcCrossConnectEntry 9 }
  1792.                atmVcCrossConnectH2LOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE
  1793.                     SYNTAX  INTEGER {
  1794.                               up(1),
  1795.                               down(2),
  1796.                               unknown(3)
  1797.                             }
  1798.                     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
  1799.                     STATUS  current
  1800.                     DESCRIPTION
  1801.                      "The value of this object identifies the current
  1802.                       operational status of the VC cross-connect
  1803.                       in one direction; (i.e., from the high to
  1804.                       low direction).  The up and down states indicate
  1805.                       that this ATM VC cross-connect from high
  1806.                       to low direction is operational or not
  1807.                       operational respectively.  The unknown state
  1808.                       indicates that the state of it cannot be
  1809.                       determined."
  1810.                     ::= { atmVcCrossConnectEntry 10 }
  1811.                atmVcCrossConnectL2HLastChange OBJECT-TYPE
  1812.                     SYNTAX  TimeStamp
  1813.                     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
  1814.                     STATUS  current
  1815.                     DESCRIPTION
  1816.                      "The value of MIB II's sysUpTime object
  1817.                       at the time this VC cross-connect entered
  1818.                       its current operational state in low to high
  1819.                       direction.  If the current state was
  1820.                       entered prior to the last re-initialization of the
  1821.                       agent, then this object contains a zero value."
  1822.                     ::= { atmVcCrossConnectEntry 11 }
  1823.                atmVcCrossConnectH2LLastChange OBJECT-TYPE
  1824.                     SYNTAX  TimeStamp
  1825.                     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
  1826.                     STATUS  current
  1827.                     DESCRIPTION
  1828.                      "The value of MIB II's sysUpTime object
  1829.                       at the time this VC cross-connect entered
  1830.                       its current operational state in high to low
  1831.                       direction.  If the current state was
  1832.                       entered prior to the last re-initialization of the
  1833.                       agent, then this object contains a zero value."
  1834.                     ::= { atmVcCrossConnectEntry 12 }
  1835.                atmVcCrossConnectRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
  1836.                     SYNTAX  RowStatus
  1837.                     MAX-ACCESS  read-create
  1838.                     STATUS  current
  1839.                     DESCRIPTION
  1840.                      "The status of this entry in the
  1841.                       atmVcCrossConnectTable.  This object is used to
  1842.                       create a new cross-connect for cross-connecting
  1843.                       VCLs which are created using the atmVclTable
  1844.                       or to change or delete existing cross-connect.
  1845.                       This object must be initially set to
  1846.                       `createAndWait' or 'createAndGo'.  This object
  1847.                       cannot be set to `active' unless the following
  1848.                       columnar object exists in this row:
  1849.                       atmVcCrossConnectAdminStatus.
  1850.                       To turn on a VC cross-connect,
  1851.                       the atmVcCrossConnectAdminStatus
  1852.                       is set to `up'."
  1853.                     ::= { atmVcCrossConnectEntry 13 }
  1854.                -- AAL5 Virtual Channel Connection Performance Statistics
  1855.                -- Group
  1856.                -- This group contains the AAL5
  1857.                -- performance statistics of a VCC at the
  1858.                -- interface associated with an AAL5 entity in an ATM
  1859.                -- host or ATM switch.
  1860.                aal5VccTable    OBJECT-TYPE
  1861.                     SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF Aal5VccEntry
  1862.                     MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
  1863.                     STATUS       current
  1864.                     DESCRIPTION
  1865.                      "This table contains AAL5 VCC performance
  1866.                       parameters."
  1867.                     ::= { atmMIBObjects 12 }
  1868.                aal5VccEntry    OBJECT-TYPE
  1869.                     SYNTAX         Aal5VccEntry
  1870.                     MAX-ACCESS     not-accessible
  1871.                     STATUS         current
  1872.                     DESCRIPTION
  1873.                      "This list contains the AAL5 VCC
  1874.                       performance parameters."
  1875.                     INDEX { ifIndex, aal5VccVpi, aal5VccVci }
  1876.                     ::= { aal5VccTable 1 }
  1877.                Aal5VccEntry    ::= SEQUENCE  {
  1878.                     aal5VccVpi                        INTEGER,
  1879.                     aal5VccVci                        INTEGER,
  1880.                     aal5VccCrcErrors                  Counter32,
  1881.                     aal5VccSarTimeOuts                Counter32,
  1882.                     aal5VccOverSizedSDUs              Counter32
  1883.                          }
  1884.                aal5VccVpi               OBJECT-TYPE
  1885.                     SYNTAX       INTEGER  (0..4095)
  1886.                     MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
  1887.                     STATUS         current
  1888.                     DESCRIPTION
  1889.                      "The VPI value of the AAL5 VCC at the
  1890.                       interface identified by the ifIndex."
  1891.                     ::= { aal5VccEntry 1 }
  1892.                aal5VccVci               OBJECT-TYPE
  1893.                     SYNTAX       INTEGER  (0..65535)
  1894.                     MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
  1895.                     STATUS         current
  1896.                     DESCRIPTION
  1897.                      "The VCI value of the AAL5 VCC at the
  1898.                       interface identified by the ifIndex."
  1899.                     ::= { aal5VccEntry 2 }
  1900.                aal5VccCrcErrors    OBJECT-TYPE
  1901.                     SYNTAX  Counter32
  1902.                     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
  1903.                     STATUS           current
  1904.                     DESCRIPTION
  1905.                      "The number of AAL5 CPCS PDUs received with
  1906.                       CRC-32 errors on this AAL5 VCC at the
  1907.                       interface associated with an AAL5 entity."
  1908.                     ::= { aal5VccEntry 3 }
  1909.                aal5VccSarTimeOuts    OBJECT-TYPE
  1910.                     SYNTAX  Counter32
  1911.                     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
  1912.                     STATUS           current
  1913.                     DESCRIPTION
  1914.                      "The number of partially re-assembled AAL5
  1915.                       CPCS PDUs which were discarded
  1916.                       on this AAL5 VCC at the interface associated
  1917.                       with an AAL5 entity because they
  1918.                       were not fully re-assembled within the
  1919.                       required time period.  If the re-assembly
  1920.                       timer is not supported, then this object
  1921.                       contains a zero value."
  1922.                     ::= { aal5VccEntry 4 }
  1923.                aal5VccOverSizedSDUs    OBJECT-TYPE
  1924.                     SYNTAX  Counter32
  1925.                     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
  1926.                     STATUS           current
  1927.                     DESCRIPTION
  1928.                      "The number of AAL5 CPCS PDUs discarded
  1929.                       on this AAL5 VCC at the interface
  1930.                       associated with an AAL5 entity because the
  1931.                       AAL5 SDUs were too large."
  1932.                     ::= { aal5VccEntry 5 }
  1933.                -- Conformance Information
  1934.                atmMIBConformance   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { atmMIB 2 }
  1935.                atmMIBGroups        OBJECT IDENTIFIER
  1936.                                           ::= { atmMIBConformance 1 }
  1937.                atmMIBCompliances   OBJECT IDENTIFIER
  1938.                                           ::= { atmMIBConformance 2 }
  1939.                -- Compliance Statements
  1940.                atmMIBCompliance       MODULE-COMPLIANCE
  1941.                     STATUS      current
  1942.                     DESCRIPTION
  1943.                       "The compliance statement for SNMP entities
  1944.                        including networks which have ATM and
  1945.                        AAL5 interfaces."
  1946.                     MODULE -- this module
  1947.                       MANDATORY-GROUPS  {atmInterfaceConfGroup,
  1948.                                          atmTrafficDescrGroup}
  1949.                       OBJECT   atmInterfaceMaxVpcs
  1950.                       MIN-ACCESS read-only
  1951.                       DESCRIPTION
  1952.                         "Write access is not required."
  1953.                       OBJECT   atmInterfaceMaxVccs
  1954.                       MIN-ACCESS read-only
  1955.                       DESCRIPTION
  1956.                         "Write access is not required."
  1957.                       OBJECT   atmInterfaceMaxActiveVpiBits
  1958.                       MIN-ACCESS read-only
  1959.                       DESCRIPTION
  1960.                         "Write access is not required."
  1961.                       OBJECT   atmInterfaceMaxActiveVciBits
  1962.                       MIN-ACCESS read-only
  1963.                       DESCRIPTION
  1964.                         "Write access is not required."
  1965.                       OBJECT   atmInterfaceIlmiVpi
  1966.                       MIN-ACCESS read-only
  1967.                       DESCRIPTION
  1968.                         "Write access is not required."
  1969.                       OBJECT   atmInterfaceIlmiVci
  1970.                       MIN-ACCESS read-only
  1971.                       DESCRIPTION
  1972.                         "Write access is not required."
  1973.                       OBJECT   atmInterfaceMyNeighborIpAddress
  1974.                       MIN-ACCESS read-only
  1975.                       DESCRIPTION
  1976.                         "Write access is not required."
  1977.                       OBJECT   atmInterfaceMyNeighborIfName
  1978.                       MIN-ACCESS read-only
  1979.                       DESCRIPTION
  1980.                         "Write access is not required."
  1981.                       OBJECT   atmTrafficDescrType
  1982.                       MIN-ACCESS read-only
  1983.                       DESCRIPTION
  1984.                         "Write access is not required."
  1985.                       OBJECT   atmTrafficDescrParam1
  1986.                       MIN-ACCESS read-only
  1987.                       DESCRIPTION
  1988.                         "Write access is not required."
  1989.                       OBJECT   atmTrafficDescrParam2
  1990.                       MIN-ACCESS read-only
  1991.                       DESCRIPTION
  1992.                         "Write access is not required."
  1993.                       OBJECT   atmTrafficDescrParam3
  1994.                       MIN-ACCESS read-only
  1995.                       DESCRIPTION
  1996.                         "Write access is not required."
  1997.                       OBJECT   atmTrafficDescrParam4
  1998.                       MIN-ACCESS read-only
  1999.                       DESCRIPTION
  2000.                         "Write access is not required."
  2001.                       OBJECT   atmTrafficDescrParam5
  2002.                       MIN-ACCESS read-only
  2003.                       DESCRIPTION
  2004.                         "Write access is not required."
  2005.                       OBJECT   atmTrafficQoSClass
  2006.                       MIN-ACCESS read-only
  2007.                       DESCRIPTION
  2008.                         "Write access is not required."
  2009.                       OBJECT   atmTrafficDescrRowStatus
  2010.                       SYNTAX   INTEGER {active(1)}
  2011.                                        -- subset of RowStatus
  2012.                       MIN-ACCESS read-only
  2013.                       DESCRIPTION
  2014.                         "Write access is not required, and only one
  2015.                          of the six enumerated values for the
  2016.                          RowStatus textual convention need be
  2017.                          supported, specifically: active(1)."
  2018.                       GROUP   atmInterfaceDs3PlcpGroup
  2019.                       DESCRIPTION
  2020.                         "This group is mandatory only for those
  2021.                          ATM interfaces which implement the
  2022.                          DS3 PLCP layer."
  2023.                       GROUP   atmInterfaceTCGroup
  2024.                       DESCRIPTION
  2025.                         "This group is mandatory only for those
  2026.                          ATM interfaces which implement the
  2027.                          TC Sublayer."
  2028.                       GROUP   atmVpcTerminationGroup
  2029.                       DESCRIPTION
  2030.                         "This group is mandatory only for those
  2031.                          ATM interfaces which implement ATM
  2032.                          VPLs that terminate VPCs (i.e., ones which
  2033.                          are NOT cross-connected to other VPLs)."
  2034.                       GROUP   atmVpCrossConnectGroup
  2035.                       DESCRIPTION
  2036.                         "This group is mandatory only for those
  2037.                          ATM interfaces which implement ATM
  2038.                          VPLs that are not associated with VCLs
  2039.                          and are cross-connected to other VPLs."
  2040. --                      OBJECT   atmVplVpi
  2041. --                      SYNTAX   INTEGER (1..255)
  2042. --                      DESCRIPTION
  2043. --                        "For ATM UNIs supporting VPCs, the VPI value
  2044. --                         ranges from 1 to 255."
  2045.                       OBJECT   atmVplAdminStatus
  2046.                       MIN-ACCESS read-only
  2047.                       DESCRIPTION
  2048.                         "Write access is not required."
  2049.                       OBJECT   atmVplReceiveTrafficDescrIndex
  2050.                       MIN-ACCESS read-only
  2051.                       DESCRIPTION
  2052.                         "Write access is not required."
  2053.                       OBJECT   atmVplTransmitTrafficDescrIndex
  2054.                       MIN-ACCESS read-only
  2055.                       DESCRIPTION
  2056.                         "Write access is not required."
  2057.                       OBJECT   atmVplRowStatus
  2058.                       SYNTAX   INTEGER {active(1)}
  2059.                                        -- subset of RowStatus
  2060.                       MIN-ACCESS read-only
  2061.                       DESCRIPTION
  2062.                         "Write access is not required, and only one
  2063.                          of the six enumerated values for the
  2064.                          RowStatus textual convention need be
  2065.                          supported, specifically: active(1)."
  2066. --                      OBJECT   atmVpCrossConnectLowVpi
  2067. --                      SYNTAX   INTEGER (1..255)
  2068. --                      DESCRIPTION
  2069. --                        "For ATM UNIs supporting VPCs, the VPI value
  2070. --                         at the numerically lower ATM interface port
  2071. --                         index number ranges from 1 to 255."
  2072. --                      OBJECT   atmVpCrossConnectHighVpi
  2073. --                      SYNTAX   INTEGER (1..255)
  2074. --                      DESCRIPTION
  2075. --                        "For ATM UNIs supporting VPCs, the VPI value
  2076. --                         at the numerically higher ATM interface port
  2077. --                         index number ranges from 1 to 255."
  2078.                       OBJECT   atmVpCrossConnectAdminStatus
  2079.                       MIN-ACCESS read-only
  2080.                       DESCRIPTION
  2081.                         "Write access is not required."
  2082.                       OBJECT   atmVpCrossConnectRowStatus
  2083.                       SYNTAX   INTEGER {active(1)}
  2084.                                        -- subset of RowStatus
  2085.                       MIN-ACCESS read-only
  2086.                       DESCRIPTION
  2087.                         "Write access is not required, and only one
  2088.                          of the six enumerated values for the
  2089.                          RowStatus textual convention need be
  2090.                          supported, specifically: active(1)."
  2091.                       GROUP   atmVccTerminationGroup
  2092.                       DESCRIPTION
  2093.                         "This group is mandatory only for those
  2094.                          ATM interfaces which implement ATM
  2095.                          VCLs that terminate VCCs (i.e., ones which
  2096.                          are NOT cross-connected to other VCLs)."
  2097.                       GROUP   atmVcCrossConnectGroup
  2098.                       DESCRIPTION
  2099.                         "This group is mandatory only for those
  2100.                          ATM interfaces which implement ATM
  2101.                          VCLs that are cross-connected to
  2102.                          other VCLs."
  2103. --                      OBJECT   atmVclVpi
  2104. --                      SYNTAX   INTEGER (0..255)
  2105. --                      DESCRIPTION
  2106. --                        "For ATM UNIs supporting VCCs, the VPI value
  2107. --                         ranges from 0 to 255."
  2108.                       OBJECT   atmVclAdminStatus
  2109.                       MIN-ACCESS read-only
  2110.                       DESCRIPTION
  2111.                         "Write access is not required."
  2112.                       OBJECT   atmVclReceiveTrafficDescrIndex
  2113.                       MIN-ACCESS read-only
  2114.                       DESCRIPTION
  2115.                         "Write access is not required."
  2116.                       OBJECT   atmVclTransmitTrafficDescrIndex
  2117.                       MIN-ACCESS read-only
  2118.                       DESCRIPTION
  2119.                         "Write access is not required."
  2120.                       OBJECT     atmVccAalType
  2121.                       MIN-ACCESS read-only
  2122.                       DESCRIPTION
  2123.                         "Write access is not required."
  2124.                       OBJECT   atmVclRowStatus
  2125.                       SYNTAX   INTEGER {active(1)}
  2126.                                        -- subset of RowStatus
  2127.                       MIN-ACCESS read-only
  2128.                       DESCRIPTION
  2129.                         "Write access is not required, and only one
  2130.                          of the six enumerated values for the
  2131.                          RowStatus textual convention need be
  2132.                          supported, specifically: active(1)."
  2133. --                      OBJECT   atmVcCrossConnectLowVpi
  2134. --                      SYNTAX   INTEGER (0..255)
  2135. --                      DESCRIPTION
  2136. --                        "For ATM UNIs supporting VCCs, the VPI value
  2137. --                         at the numerically lower ATM interface port
  2138. --                         index number ranges from 0 to 255."
  2139. --                      OBJECT   atmVcCrossConnectHighVpi
  2140. --                      SYNTAX   INTEGER (0..255)
  2141. --                      DESCRIPTION
  2142. --                        "For ATM UNIs supporting VCCs, the VPI value
  2143. --                         at the numerically higher ATM interface port
  2144. --                         index number ranges from 0 to 255."
  2145.                       OBJECT   atmVcCrossConnectAdminStatus
  2146.                       MIN-ACCESS read-only
  2147.                       DESCRIPTION
  2148.                         "Write access is not required."
  2149.                       OBJECT   atmVcCrossConnectRowStatus
  2150.                       SYNTAX   INTEGER { active(1)}
  2151.                                        -- subset of RowStatus
  2152.                       MIN-ACCESS read-only
  2153.                       DESCRIPTION
  2154.                         "Write access is not required, and only one
  2155.                          of the six enumerated values for the
  2156.                          RowStatus textual convention need be
  2157.                          supported, specifically: active(1)."
  2158.                       GROUP   aal5VccGroup
  2159.                       DESCRIPTION
  2160.                         "This group is mandatory for the
  2161.                          AAL5 virtual connections only."
  2162. --                      OBJECT   aal5VccVpi
  2163. --                      SYNTAX   INTEGER (0..255)
  2164. --                      DESCRIPTION
  2165. --                        "For ATM UNIs supporting AAL5 VCCs,
  2166. --                         the VPI value ranges from 0 to 255."
  2167.                       OBJECT     atmVccAal5CpcsTransmitSduSize
  2168.                       MIN-ACCESS read-only
  2169.                       DESCRIPTION
  2170.                         "Write access is not required."
  2171.                       OBJECT     atmVccAal5CpcsReceiveSduSize
  2172.                       MIN-ACCESS read-only
  2173.                       DESCRIPTION
  2174.                         "Write access is not required."
  2175.                       OBJECT     atmVccAal5EncapsType
  2176.                       MIN-ACCESS read-only
  2177.                       DESCRIPTION
  2178.                         "Write access is not required."
  2179.                        ::= { atmMIBCompliances 1 }
  2180.                -- Units of Conformance
  2181.                atmInterfaceConfGroup    OBJECT-GROUP
  2182.                       OBJECTS {
  2183.                             atmInterfaceMaxVpcs, atmInterfaceMaxVccs,
  2184.                             atmInterfaceConfVpcs, atmInterfaceConfVccs,
  2185.                             atmInterfaceMaxActiveVpiBits,
  2186.                             atmInterfaceMaxActiveVciBits,
  2187.                             atmInterfaceIlmiVpi,
  2188.                             atmInterfaceIlmiVci,
  2189.                             atmInterfaceAddressType,
  2190.                             atmInterfaceAdminAddress,
  2191.                             atmInterfaceMyNeighborIpAddress,
  2192.                             atmInterfaceMyNeighborIfName}
  2193.                       STATUS     current
  2194.                       DESCRIPTION
  2195.                         "A collection of objects providing configuration
  2196.                          information about an ATM interface."
  2197.                       ::= { atmMIBGroups 1 }
  2198.                atmTrafficDescrGroup    OBJECT-GROUP
  2199.                       OBJECTS {
  2200.                           atmTrafficDescrType, atmTrafficDescrParam1,
  2201.                           atmTrafficDescrParam2, atmTrafficDescrParam3,
  2202.                           atmTrafficDescrParam4, atmTrafficDescrParam5,
  2203.                           atmTrafficQoSClass, atmTrafficDescrRowStatus}
  2204.                       STATUS     current
  2205.                       DESCRIPTION
  2206.                          "A collection of objects providing information
  2207.                           about ATM traffic descriptor type and
  2208.                           the associated parameters."
  2209.                       ::= { atmMIBGroups 2 }
  2210.                atmInterfaceDs3PlcpGroup    OBJECT-GROUP
  2211.                       OBJECTS {atmInterfaceDs3PlcpSEFSs,
  2212.                           atmInterfaceDs3PlcpAlarmState,
  2213.                           atmInterfaceDs3PlcpUASs}
  2214.                       STATUS     current
  2215.                       DESCRIPTION
  2216.                          "A collection of objects providing information
  2217.                           about DS3 PLCP layer at an ATM interface."
  2218.                       ::= { atmMIBGroups 3 }
  2219.                atmInterfaceTCGroup    OBJECT-GROUP
  2220.                       OBJECTS { atmInterfaceOCDEvents,
  2221.                           atmInterfaceTCAlarmState }
  2222.                       STATUS     current
  2223.                       DESCRIPTION
  2224.                          "A collection of objects providing information
  2225.                           about TC sublayer at an ATM interface."
  2226.                       ::= { atmMIBGroups 4 }
  2227.                atmVpcTerminationGroup    OBJECT-GROUP
  2228.                       OBJECTS  {atmVplOperStatus, atmVplAdminStatus,
  2229.                           atmVplLastChange,
  2230.                           atmVplReceiveTrafficDescrIndex,
  2231.                           atmVplTransmitTrafficDescrIndex,
  2232.                           atmVplRowStatus }
  2233.                       STATUS     current
  2234.                       DESCRIPTION
  2235.                          "A collection of objects providing
  2236.                           information about a VPL at an ATM interface
  2237.                           which terminates a VPC
  2238.                           (i.e., one which is NOT cross-connected
  2239.                           to other VPLs)."
  2240.                       ::= { atmMIBGroups 5 }
  2241.                atmVccTerminationGroup    OBJECT-GROUP
  2242.                       OBJECTS {atmVclOperStatus, atmVclAdminStatus,
  2243.                           atmVclLastChange,
  2244.                            atmVclReceiveTrafficDescrIndex,
  2245.                            atmVclTransmitTrafficDescrIndex,
  2246.                            atmVccAalType, atmVclRowStatus }
  2247.                       STATUS     current
  2248.                       DESCRIPTION
  2249.                          "A collection of objects providing information
  2250.                           about a VCL at an ATM interface
  2251.                           which terminates a VCC (i.e., one which is
  2252.                           NOT cross-connected to other VCLs)."
  2253.                       ::= { atmMIBGroups 6 }
  2254.                atmVpCrossConnectGroup    OBJECT-GROUP
  2255.                       OBJECTS { atmVplReceiveTrafficDescrIndex,
  2256.                           atmVplTransmitTrafficDescrIndex,
  2257.                           atmVplOperStatus, atmVplRowStatus,
  2258.                           atmVpCrossConnectAdminStatus,
  2259.                           atmVpCrossConnectL2HOperStatus,
  2260.                           atmVpCrossConnectH2LOperStatus,
  2261.                           atmVpCrossConnectL2HLastChange,
  2262.                           atmVpCrossConnectH2LLastChange,
  2263.                           atmVpCrossConnectRowStatus,
  2264.                           atmVplCrossConnectIdentifier,
  2265.                           atmVpCrossConnectIndexNext }
  2266.                       STATUS     current
  2267.                       DESCRIPTION
  2268.                          "A collection of objects providing
  2269.                           information about a VP cross-connect
  2270.                           and the associated VPLs that are
  2271.                           cross-connected together."
  2272.                       ::= { atmMIBGroups 7 }
  2273.                atmVcCrossConnectGroup    OBJECT-GROUP
  2274.                       OBJECTS { atmVclReceiveTrafficDescrIndex,
  2275.                           atmVclTransmitTrafficDescrIndex,
  2276.                           atmVclOperStatus, atmVclRowStatus,
  2277.                           atmVcCrossConnectAdminStatus,
  2278.                           atmVcCrossConnectL2HOperStatus,
  2279.                           atmVcCrossConnectH2LOperStatus,
  2280.                           atmVcCrossConnectL2HLastChange,
  2281.                           atmVcCrossConnectH2LLastChange,
  2282.                           atmVcCrossConnectRowStatus,
  2283.                           atmVclCrossConnectIdentifier,
  2284.                            atmVcCrossConnectIndexNext }
  2285.                       STATUS     current
  2286.                       DESCRIPTION
  2287.                          "A collection of objects providing
  2288.                           information about a VC cross-connect
  2289.                           and the associated VCLs that are
  2290.                           cross-connected together."
  2291.                       ::= { atmMIBGroups 8 }
  2292.                aal5VccGroup    OBJECT-GROUP
  2293.                       OBJECTS {atmVccAal5CpcsTransmitSduSize,
  2294.                           atmVccAal5CpcsReceiveSduSize,
  2295.                           atmVccAal5EncapsType,
  2296.                           aal5VccCrcErrors, aal5VccSarTimeOuts,
  2297.                           aal5VccOverSizedSDUs }
  2298.                       STATUS     current
  2299.                       DESCRIPTION
  2300.                          "A collection of objects providing
  2301.                           AAL5 configuration and performance statistics
  2302.                           of a VCC."
  2303.                       ::= { atmMIBGroups 9 }
  2304.                END