



  1. -- Changes to RFC1318 (Parallel Printer MIB)
  2. --      No changes needed.
  3. -- dperkins@scruznet.com
  4.                     RFC1318-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN
  5.                     IMPORTS
  6.                             Counter
  7.                                     FROM RFC1155-SMI
  8.                             transmission
  9.                                     FROM RFC1213-MIB
  10.                             OBJECT-TYPE
  11.                                     FROM RFC-1212;
  12.             -- this is the MIB module for Parallel-printer-like
  13.             -- hardware devices
  14.             para    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { transmission 34 }
  15.             -- the generic Parallel-printer-like group
  16.             -- Implementation of this group is mandatory for all
  17.             -- systems that have Parallel-printer-like hardware
  18.             -- ports supporting higher level services such as
  19.             -- character streams
  20.             paraNumber OBJECT-TYPE
  21.                 SYNTAX INTEGER
  22.                 ACCESS read-only
  23.                 STATUS mandatory
  24.                 DESCRIPTION
  25.                     "The number of ports (regardless of their current
  26.                     state) in the Parallel-printer-like port table."
  27.                 ::= { para 1 }
  28.             -- the Parallel-printer-like Port table
  29.             paraPortTable OBJECT-TYPE
  30.                 SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ParaPortEntry
  31.                 ACCESS not-accessible
  32.                 STATUS mandatory
  33.                 DESCRIPTION
  34.                     "A list of port entries.  The number of entries is
  35.                     given by the value of paraNumber."
  36.                 ::= { para 2 }
  37.             paraPortEntry OBJECT-TYPE
  38.                 SYNTAX ParaPortEntry
  39.                 ACCESS not-accessible
  40.                 STATUS mandatory
  41.                 DESCRIPTION
  42.                     "Status and parameter values for a port."
  43.                 INDEX { paraPortIndex }
  44.                 ::= { paraPortTable 1 }
  45.             ParaPortEntry ::=
  46.                 SEQUENCE {
  47.                     paraPortIndex
  48.                         INTEGER,
  49.                     paraPortType
  50.                         INTEGER,
  51.                     paraPortInSigNumber
  52.                         INTEGER,
  53.                     paraPortOutSigNumber
  54.                         INTEGER
  55.                 }
  56.             paraPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE
  57.                 SYNTAX INTEGER
  58.                 ACCESS read-only
  59.                 STATUS mandatory
  60.                 DESCRIPTION
  61.                     "A unique value for each port.  Its value ranges
  62.                     between 1 and the value of paraNumber.  By
  63.                     convention and if possible, hardware port numbers
  64.                     map directly to external connectors.  The value for
  65.                     each port must remain constant at least from one
  66.                     re-initialization of the network management agent to
  67.                     the next."
  68.                 ::= { paraPortEntry 1 }
  69.             paraPortType OBJECT-TYPE
  70.                 SYNTAX INTEGER {
  71.                     other(1),
  72.                     centronics(2),
  73.                     dataproducts(3)
  74.                 }
  75.                 ACCESS read-only
  76.                 STATUS mandatory
  77.                 DESCRIPTION
  78.                     "The port's hardware type."
  79.                 ::= { paraPortEntry 2 }
  80.             paraPortInSigNumber OBJECT-TYPE
  81.                 SYNTAX INTEGER
  82.                 ACCESS read-only
  83.                 STATUS mandatory
  84.                 DESCRIPTION
  85.                     "The number of input signals for the port in the
  86.                     input signal table (paraPortInSigTable).  The table
  87.                     contains entries only for those signals the software
  88.                     can detect."
  89.                 ::= { paraPortEntry 3 }
  90.             paraPortOutSigNumber OBJECT-TYPE
  91.                 SYNTAX INTEGER
  92.                 ACCESS read-only
  93.                 STATUS mandatory
  94.                 DESCRIPTION
  95.                     "The number of output signals for the port in the
  96.                     output signal table (paraPortOutSigTable).  The
  97.                     table contains entries only for those signals the
  98.                     software can assert."
  99.                 ::= { paraPortEntry 4 }
  100.             -- the Input Signal table
  101.             paraInSigTable OBJECT-TYPE
  102.                 SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ParaInSigEntry
  103.                 ACCESS not-accessible
  104.                 STATUS mandatory
  105.                 DESCRIPTION
  106.                     "A list of port input control signal entries."
  107.                 ::= { para 3 }
  108.             paraInSigEntry OBJECT-TYPE
  109.                 SYNTAX ParaInSigEntry
  110.                 ACCESS not-accessible
  111.                 STATUS mandatory
  112.                 DESCRIPTION
  113.                     "Input control signal status for a hardware port."
  114.                 INDEX { paraInSigPortIndex, paraInSigName }
  115.                 ::= { paraInSigTable 1 }
  116.             ParaInSigEntry ::=
  117.                 SEQUENCE {
  118.                     paraInSigPortIndex
  119.                         INTEGER,
  120.                     paraInSigName
  121.                         INTEGER,
  122.                     paraInSigState
  123.                         INTEGER,
  124.                     paraInSigChanges
  125.                         Counter
  126.                 }
  127.             paraInSigPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE
  128.                 SYNTAX INTEGER
  129.                 ACCESS read-only
  130.                 STATUS mandatory
  131.                 DESCRIPTION
  132.                     "The value of paraPortIndex for the port to which
  133.                     this entry belongs."
  134.                 ::= { paraInSigEntry 1 }
  135.             paraInSigName OBJECT-TYPE
  136.                 SYNTAX INTEGER { power(1), online(2), busy(3),
  137.                                  paperout(4), fault(5) }
  138.                 ACCESS read-only
  139.                 STATUS mandatory
  140.                 DESCRIPTION
  141.                     "Identification of a hardware signal."
  142.                 ::= { paraInSigEntry 2 }
  143.             paraInSigState OBJECT-TYPE
  144.                 SYNTAX INTEGER { none(1), on(2), off(3) }
  145.                 ACCESS read-only
  146.                 STATUS mandatory
  147.                 DESCRIPTION
  148.                     "The current signal state."
  149.                 ::= { paraInSigEntry 3 }
  150.             paraInSigChanges OBJECT-TYPE
  151.                 SYNTAX Counter
  152.                 ACCESS read-only
  153.                 STATUS mandatory
  154.                 DESCRIPTION
  155.                     "The number of times the signal has changed from
  156.                     'on' to 'off' or from 'off' to 'on'."
  157.                 ::= { paraInSigEntry 4 }
  158.             -- the Output Signal table
  159.             paraOutSigTable OBJECT-TYPE
  160.                 SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ParaOutSigEntry
  161.                 ACCESS not-accessible
  162.                 STATUS mandatory
  163.                 DESCRIPTION
  164.                     "A list of port output control signal entries."
  165.                 ::= { para 4 }
  166.             paraOutSigEntry OBJECT-TYPE
  167.                 SYNTAX ParaOutSigEntry
  168.                 ACCESS not-accessible
  169.                 STATUS mandatory
  170.                 DESCRIPTION
  171.                     "Output control signal status for a hardware port."
  172.                 INDEX { paraOutSigPortIndex, paraOutSigName }
  173.                 ::= { paraOutSigTable 1 }
  174.             ParaOutSigEntry ::=
  175.                 SEQUENCE {
  176.                     paraOutSigPortIndex
  177.                         INTEGER,
  178.                     paraOutSigName
  179.                         INTEGER,
  180.                     paraOutSigState
  181.                         INTEGER,
  182.                     paraOutSigChanges
  183.                         Counter
  184.                 }
  185.             paraOutSigPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE
  186.                 SYNTAX INTEGER
  187.                 ACCESS read-only
  188.                 STATUS mandatory
  189.                 DESCRIPTION
  190.                     "The value of paraPortIndex for the port to which
  191.                     this entry belongs."
  192.                 ::= { paraOutSigEntry 1 }
  193.             paraOutSigName OBJECT-TYPE
  194.                 SYNTAX INTEGER { power(1), online(2), busy(3),
  195.                                  paperout(4), fault(5) }
  196.                 ACCESS read-only
  197.                 STATUS mandatory
  198.                 DESCRIPTION
  199.                     "Identification of a hardware signal."
  200.                 ::= { paraOutSigEntry 2 }
  201.             paraOutSigState OBJECT-TYPE
  202.                 SYNTAX INTEGER { none(1), on(2), off(3) }
  203.                 ACCESS read-only
  204.                 STATUS mandatory
  205.                 DESCRIPTION
  206.                     "The current signal state."
  207.                 ::= { paraOutSigEntry 3 }
  208.             paraOutSigChanges OBJECT-TYPE
  209.                 SYNTAX Counter
  210.                 ACCESS read-only
  211.                 STATUS mandatory
  212.                 DESCRIPTION
  213.                     "The number of times the signal has changed from
  214.                     'on' to 'off' or from 'off' to 'on'."
  215.                 ::= { paraOutSigEntry 4 }
  216.             END