



  1. -- Changes for RFC1233 (DS3 MIB):
  2. --      Changes from RFC-1239 applied which include:
  3. --              removing import of experimental,
  4. --              adding import of transmission, changing
  5. --              ds3 to be { transmission 30 }
  6. --              instead of { experimental 15 }
  7. --      Changed defintions and references from "DS3" to "Ds3" for
  8. --              the following: DS3ConfigEntry, DS3IntervalEntry,
  9. --              DS3CurrentEntry, DS3TotalEntry
  10. --      Question: should the description for ds3SendCode say
  11. --              "DS3" instead of "DS1"?
  12. -- dperkins@scruznet.com
  13.               RFC1233-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN
  14.               -- RFC1233
  15.               -- May 91
  16.               IMPORTS
  17.                       Counter
  18.                               FROM RFC1155-SMI
  19.                       DisplayString, transmission
  20.                               FROM RFC1213-MIB
  21.                       OBJECT-TYPE
  22.                               FROM RFC-1212;
  23.                --  this is the MIB module for the DS3 objects
  24.                ds3     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { transmission 30 }
  25.                -- the DS3 Configuration group
  26.                -- Although the objects in this group are read-only, at
  27.                -- the agent's discretion they may be made read-write
  28.                -- so that the management station, when appropriately
  29.                -- authorized, may change the behavior of the CSU,
  30.                -- e.g., to place the device into a loopback state.
  31.                -- Implementation of this group is mandatory for all
  32.                -- systems that attach to a DS3 Interface.
  33.                ds3ConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE
  34.                    SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF Ds3ConfigEntry
  35.                    ACCESS  not-accessible
  36.                    STATUS  mandatory
  37.                    DESCRIPTION
  38.                            "The Ds3 Configuration table."
  39.                   ::= { ds3 1 }
  40.               ds3ConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE
  41.                   SYNTAX  Ds3ConfigEntry
  42.                   ACCESS  not-accessible
  43.                   STATUS  mandatory
  44.                   DESCRIPTION
  45.                           "An entry in the Ds3 Configuration table."
  46.                  INDEX   { ds3CSUIndex }
  47.                  ::= { ds3ConfigTable 1 }
  48.              Ds3ConfigEntry ::=
  49.                  SEQUENCE {
  50.                      ds3CSUIndex
  51.                          INTEGER,
  52.                      ds3Index
  53.                          INTEGER,
  54.                      ds3TimeElapsed
  55.                          INTEGER (1..900),
  56.                      ds3ValidIntervals
  57.                          INTEGER (0..96),
  58.                      ds3LineType
  59.                          INTEGER,
  60.                      ds3ZeroCoding
  61.                          INTEGER,
  62.                      ds3Loopback
  63.                          INTEGER,
  64.                      ds3SendCode
  65.                          INTEGER,
  66.                      ds3YellowAlarm
  67.                          INTEGER,
  68.                      ds3RedAlarm
  69.                          INTEGER,
  70.                      ds3CircuitIdentifier
  71.                          DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
  72.              }
  73.              ds3CSUIndex OBJECT-TYPE
  74.                  SYNTAX  INTEGER
  75.                  ACCESS  read-only
  76.                  STATUS  mandatory
  77.                  DESCRIPTION
  78.                          "The index value which uniquely identifies the
  79.                          CSU to which this entry is applicable."
  80.                 ::= { ds3ConfigEntry 1 }
  81.             ds3Index OBJECT-TYPE
  82.                 SYNTAX  INTEGER
  83.                 ACCESS  read-only
  84.                 STATUS  mandatory
  85.                 DESCRIPTION
  86.                         "An index value that uniquely identifies a DS3
  87.                         Interface.  The interface identified by a
  88.                         particular value of this index is the same
  89.                         interface as identified by the same value an
  90.                         ifIndex object instance."
  91.                ::= { ds3ConfigEntry 2 }
  92.            ds3TimeElapsed OBJECT-TYPE
  93.                SYNTAX  INTEGER (1..900)
  94.                ACCESS  read-only
  95.                STATUS  mandatory
  96.                DESCRIPTION
  97.                        "The number of seconds, including partial
  98.                        seconds, that have elapsed since the beginning of
  99.                        the current error-measurement period."
  100.               ::= { ds3ConfigEntry 3 }
  101.           ds3ValidIntervals OBJECT-TYPE
  102.               SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..96)
  103.               ACCESS  read-only
  104.               STATUS  mandatory
  105.               DESCRIPTION
  106.                       "The number of previous intervals for which valid
  107.                       data was collected.  The value will be 96 unless
  108.                       the CSU device was brought online within the last
  109.                       24 hours, in which case the value will be the
  110.                       number of complete 15 minute intervals the CSU has
  111.                       been online."
  112.               ::= { ds3ConfigEntry 4 }
  113.           ds3LineType OBJECT-TYPE
  114.               SYNTAX  INTEGER {
  115.                           other(1),
  116.                           ds3M23(2),
  117.                           ds3SYNTRAN(3),
  118.                           ds3CbitParity(4),
  119.                           ds3ClearChannel(5)
  120.                       }
  121.               ACCESS  read-only
  122.               STATUS  mandatory
  123.               DESCRIPTION
  124.                       "This variable indicates the variety of DS3 C-bit
  125.                       application implementing this circuit.  The type
  126.                       of circuit affects the interpretation of the usage
  127.                       and error statistics.  The rate of all of them is
  128.                       44.736 Mbps.
  129.                       The values, in sequence, describe:
  130.                       TITLE:            SPECIFICATION:
  131.                       ds3M23            ANSI T1.107-1988 [10]
  132.                       ds3SYNTRAN        ANSI T1.107-1988 [10]
  133.                       ds3C-bitParity    ANSI T1.107a-1989 [10a]
  134.                       ds3ClearChannel   ANSI T1.102-1987 [9]
  135.                       "
  136.               ::= { ds3ConfigEntry 5 }
  137.           ds3ZeroCoding OBJECT-TYPE
  138.               SYNTAX  INTEGER {
  139.                           ds3other(1),
  140.                           ds3B3ZS(2)
  141.                       }
  142.               ACCESS  read-only
  143.               STATUS  mandatory
  144.               DESCRIPTION
  145.                       "This variable describes the variety of Zero Code
  146.                       Suppression used on the link, which in turn
  147.                       affects a number of its characteristics.
  148.                       ds3B3ZS refers to the use of specified patterns of
  149.                       normal bits and bipolar violations which are used
  150.                       to replace sequences of zero bits of a specified
  151.                       length."
  152.               ::= { ds3ConfigEntry 6 }
  153.           ds3Loopback OBJECT-TYPE
  154.               SYNTAX  INTEGER {
  155.                           ds3NoLoop(1),
  156.                           ds3LocalLoopbackLocalSide(2),
  157.                           ds3LocalLoopbackRemoteSide(3),
  158.                           ds3RemoteLoopbackLocalSide(4),
  159.                           ds3RemoteLoopbackRemoteSide(5)
  160.                       }
  161.               ACCESS  read-only
  162.               STATUS  mandatory
  163.               DESCRIPTION
  164.                       "This variable represents the loopback state of
  165.                       the CSU.  Devices supporting read/write access
  166.                       should return badValue in response to a requested
  167.                       loopback state that the CSU does not support.  The
  168.                       values mean:
  169.                         ds3NoLoop
  170.                            Not in the loopback state.  A device that is
  171.                            not capable of performing a loopback on
  172.                            either interface shall always return this as
  173.                            it's value.
  174.                         ds3LocalLoopbackLocalSide
  175.                            Signal received from the local side of the
  176.                            device is looped back at the local connector
  177.                            (eg, without involving the CSU).
  178.                         ds3LocalLoopbackRemoteSide
  179.                            Signal received from the local side of the
  180.                            device is looped back at the remote connector
  181.                            (eg, through the CSU).
  182.                         ds3RemoteLoopbackLocalSide
  183.                            Signal received from the remote side of the
  184.                            device is looped back at the local connector
  185.                            (eg, through the CSU).
  186.                         ds3RemoteLoopbackRemoteSide
  187.                            Signal received from the remote side of the
  188.                            device is looped back at the remote connector
  189.                            (eg, without involving the CSU).
  190.                       Note that M23 and ClearChannel interfaces do not
  191.                       support the Loopback managed object."
  192.               ::= { ds3ConfigEntry 7 }
  193.           ds3SendCode OBJECT-TYPE
  194.               SYNTAX  INTEGER {
  195.                           ds3SendTestMessage(1),
  196.                           ds3SendNoCode(2),
  197.                           ds3SendSetCode(3),
  198.                           ds3SendLoopbackCode(4),
  199.                           ds3SendResetCode(5)
  200.                       }
  201.               ACCESS  read-only
  202.               STATUS  mandatory
  203.               DESCRIPTION
  204.                       "This variable indicates what type of code is
  205.                       being sent across the DS1 circuit by the CSU.  The
  206.                       values mean:
  207.                         ds3SendNoCode
  208.                            sending looped or normal data
  209.                         ds3SendSetCode
  210.                            sending a loopback request
  211.                         ds3SendLoopbackCode
  212.                            sending the code to choose a specific
  213.                            loopback
  214.                         ds3SendResetCode
  215.                            sending a loopback termination request
  216.                         ds3SendTestMessage
  217.                            sending a Test pattern as defined in
  218.                            T1.107a-1989 [10a].
  219.                       "
  220.                        ::= { ds3ConfigEntry 8 }
  221.                    ds3YellowAlarm OBJECT-TYPE
  222.                        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
  223.                                    ds3YellowAlarm(1),
  224.                                    ds3NoYellowAlarm(2)
  225.                                }
  226.                        ACCESS  read-only
  227.                        STATUS  mandatory
  228.                        DESCRIPTION
  229.                                "This variable indicates if a Yellow
  230.                                Alarm condition exists."
  231.                       ::= { ds3ConfigEntry 9 }
  232.                   ds3RedAlarm OBJECT-TYPE
  233.                       SYNTAX  INTEGER {
  234.                                   ds3RedAlarm(1),
  235.                                   ds3NoRedAlarm(2)
  236.                               }
  237.                       ACCESS  read-only
  238.                       STATUS  mandatory
  239.                       DESCRIPTION
  240.                               "This variable indicates if a Red Alarm
  241.                               condition exists."
  242.                      ::= { ds3ConfigEntry 10 }
  243.                  ds3CircuitIdentifier OBJECT-TYPE
  244.                      SYNTAX  DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
  245.                      ACCESS  read-only
  246.                      STATUS  mandatory
  247.                      DESCRIPTION
  248.                              "This variable contains the transmission
  249.                              vendor's circuit identifier, for the
  250.                              purpose of facilitating troubleshooting."
  251.                     ::= { ds3ConfigEntry 11 }
  252.                 -- the DS3 Interval group
  253.                 -- Implementation of this group is mandatory for all
  254.                 -- systems that attach to a DS3 interface.
  255.                 -- The DS3 Interval Table contains various statistics
  256.                 -- collected by each CSU over the previous 24 hours of
  257.                 -- operation.  The past 24 hours are broken into 96
  258.                 -- completed 15 minute intervals.
  259.                 ds3IntervalTable OBJECT-TYPE
  260.                     SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF Ds3IntervalEntry
  261.                     ACCESS  not-accessible
  262.                     STATUS  mandatory
  263.                     DESCRIPTION
  264.                             "The DS3 Interval table."
  265.                    ::= { ds3 2 }
  266.                ds3IntervalEntry OBJECT-TYPE
  267.                    SYNTAX  Ds3IntervalEntry
  268.                    ACCESS  not-accessible
  269.                    STATUS  mandatory
  270.                    DESCRIPTION
  271.                            "An entry in the DS3 Interval table."
  272.                   INDEX   { ds3IntervalIndex, ds3IntervalNumber }
  273.                   ::= { ds3IntervalTable 1 }
  274.               Ds3IntervalEntry ::=
  275.                   SEQUENCE {
  276.                       ds3IntervalIndex
  277.                           INTEGER,
  278.                       ds3IntervalNumber
  279.                           INTEGER (1..96),
  280.                       ds3IntervalESs
  281.                           Counter,
  282.                       ds3IntervalSESs
  283.                           Counter,
  284.                       ds3IntervalSEFSs
  285.                           Counter,
  286.                       ds3IntervalUASs
  287.                           Counter,
  288.                       ds3IntervalCSSs
  289.                           Counter,
  290.                       ds3IntervalBPVs
  291.                           Counter,
  292.                       ds3IntervalCVs
  293.                           Counter
  294.                   }
  295.               ds3IntervalIndex OBJECT-TYPE
  296.                   SYNTAX  INTEGER
  297.                   ACCESS  read-only
  298.                   STATUS  mandatory
  299.                   DESCRIPTION
  300.                           "The index value which uniquely identifies the
  301.                           CSU to which this entry is applicable.  The
  302.                           interface identified by a particular value of
  303.                           this index is the same interface as identified
  304.                           by the same value an DS3CSUIndex object
  305.                           instance."
  306.                  ::= { ds3IntervalEntry 1 }
  307.              ds3IntervalNumber OBJECT-TYPE
  308.                  SYNTAX  INTEGER (1..96)
  309.                  ACCESS  read-only
  310.                  STATUS  mandatory
  311.                  DESCRIPTION
  312.                          "A number between 1 and 96, where 1 is the most
  313.                          recently completed 15 minute interval and 96 is
  314.                          the least recently completed 15 minutes
  315.                          interval (assuming that all 96 intervals are
  316.                          valid)."
  317.                 ::= { ds3IntervalEntry 2 }
  318.             ds3IntervalESs OBJECT-TYPE
  319.                 SYNTAX  Counter
  320.                 ACCESS  read-only
  321.                 STATUS  mandatory
  322.                 DESCRIPTION
  323.                         "The counter associated with the number of
  324.                         Errored Seconds, as defined by [12], encountered
  325.                         by a DS3 CSU in one of the previous 96,
  326.                         individual 15 minute, intervals."
  327.                ::= { ds3IntervalEntry 3 }
  328.            ds3IntervalSESs OBJECT-TYPE
  329.                SYNTAX  Counter
  330.                ACCESS  read-only
  331.                STATUS  mandatory
  332.                DESCRIPTION
  333.                        "The counter associated with the number of
  334.                        Severely Errored Seconds, as defined by [12],
  335.                        encountered by a DS3 CSU in one of the previous
  336.                        96, individual 15 minute, intervals."
  337.               ::= { ds3IntervalEntry 4 }
  338.           ds3IntervalSEFSs OBJECT-TYPE
  339.               SYNTAX  Counter
  340.               ACCESS  read-only
  341.               STATUS  mandatory
  342.               DESCRIPTION
  343.                       "The counter associated with the number of
  344.                       Severely Errored Framing Seconds, as defined by
  345.                       [12], encountered by a DS3 CSU in one of the
  346.                       previous 96, individual 15 minute, intervals."
  347.               ::= { ds3IntervalEntry 5 }
  348.           ds3IntervalUASs OBJECT-TYPE
  349.               SYNTAX  Counter
  350.               ACCESS  read-only
  351.               STATUS  mandatory
  352.               DESCRIPTION
  353.                       "The counter associated with the number of
  354.                       Unavailable Seconds, as defined by [12],
  355.                       encountered by a DS3 CSU in one of the previous
  356.                       96, individual 15 minute, intervals."
  357.               ::= { ds3IntervalEntry 6 }
  358.           ds3IntervalCSSs OBJECT-TYPE
  359.               SYNTAX  Counter
  360.               ACCESS  read-only
  361.               STATUS  mandatory
  362.               DESCRIPTION
  363.                       "The counter associated with the number of
  364.                       Controlled Slip Seconds, as defined by [12],
  365.                       encountered by a DS3 CSU in one of the previous
  366.                       96, individual 15 minute, intervals.
  367.                       Note that SYNTRAN interfaces are the only
  368.                       interfaces that support the Controlled Slip
  369.                       Seconds managed object.  Accordingly, agents
  370.                       configured with non-SYNTRAN interfaces may treat
  371.                       this object as having an ACCESS clause value of
  372.                       not-accessible."
  373.               ::= { ds3IntervalEntry 7}
  374.           ds3IntervalBPVs OBJECT-TYPE
  375.               SYNTAX  Counter
  376.               ACCESS  read-only
  377.               STATUS  mandatory
  378.               DESCRIPTION
  379.                       "The counter associated with the number of Bipolar
  380.                       Violations, as defined by [12], encountered by a
  381.                       DS3 CSU in one of the previous 96, individual 15
  382.                       minute, intervals."
  383.               ::= { ds3IntervalEntry 8 }
  384.           ds3IntervalCVs OBJECT-TYPE
  385.               SYNTAX  Counter
  386.               ACCESS  read-only
  387.               STATUS  mandatory
  388.               DESCRIPTION
  389.                       "The counter associated with the number of Coding
  390.                       Violations, as defined by [12], encountered by a
  391.                       DS3 CSU in one of the previous 96, individual 15
  392.                       minute, intervals."
  393.               ::= { ds3IntervalEntry 9 }
  394.           -- the DS3 Current group
  395.           -- Implementation of this group is mandatory for all systems
  396.           -- that attach to a DS3 Interface.
  397.           -- The DS3 current table contains various statistics being
  398.           -- collected for the current 15 minute interval.
  399.           ds3CurrentTable OBJECT-TYPE
  400.               SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF Ds3CurrentEntry
  401.               ACCESS  not-accessible
  402.               STATUS  mandatory
  403.               DESCRIPTION
  404.                       "The DS3 Current table."
  405.               ::= { ds3 3 }
  406.           ds3CurrentEntry OBJECT-TYPE
  407.               SYNTAX  Ds3CurrentEntry
  408.               ACCESS  not-accessible
  409.               STATUS  mandatory
  410.               DESCRIPTION
  411.                       "An entry in the DS3 Current table."
  412.               INDEX   { ds3CurrentIndex }
  413.               ::= { ds3CurrentTable 1 }
  414.           Ds3CurrentEntry ::=
  415.               SEQUENCE {
  416.                   ds3CurrentIndex
  417.                       INTEGER,
  418.                   ds3CurrentESs
  419.                       Counter,
  420.                   ds3CurrentSESs
  421.                       Counter,
  422.                   ds3CurrentSEFSs
  423.                       Counter,
  424.                   ds3CurrentUASs
  425.                       Counter,
  426.                   ds3CurrentCSSs
  427.                       Counter,
  428.                   ds3CurrentBPVs
  429.                       Counter,
  430.                   ds3CurrentCVs
  431.                       Counter
  432.               }
  433.           ds3CurrentIndex OBJECT-TYPE
  434.               SYNTAX  INTEGER
  435.               ACCESS  read-only
  436.               STATUS  mandatory
  437.               DESCRIPTION
  438.                       "The index value which uniquely identifies the CSU
  439.                       to which this entry is applicable.  The interface
  440.                       identified by a particular value of this index is
  441.                       the same interface as identified by the same value
  442.                       an DS3CSUIndex object instance."
  443.               ::= { ds3CurrentEntry 1 }
  444.           ds3CurrentESs OBJECT-TYPE
  445.               SYNTAX  Counter
  446.               ACCESS  read-only
  447.               STATUS  mandatory
  448.               DESCRIPTION
  449.                       "The counter associated with the number of Errored
  450.                       Seconds, as defined by [12], encountered by a DS3
  451.                       CSU in the current 15 minute interval."
  452.               ::= { ds3CurrentEntry 2 }
  453.           ds3CurrentSESs OBJECT-TYPE
  454.               SYNTAX  Counter
  455.               ACCESS  read-only
  456.               STATUS  mandatory
  457.               DESCRIPTION
  458.                       "The counter associated with the number of
  459.                       Severely Errored Seconds, as defined by [12],
  460.                       encountered by a DS3 CSU in the current 15 minute
  461.                       interval."
  462.               ::= { ds3CurrentEntry 3 }
  463.           ds3CurrentSEFSs OBJECT-TYPE
  464.               SYNTAX  Counter
  465.               ACCESS  read-only
  466.               STATUS  mandatory
  467.               DESCRIPTION
  468.                       "The counter associated with the number of
  469.                       Severely Errored Framing Seconds, as defined by
  470.                       [12], encountered by a DS3 CSU in the current 15
  471.                       minute interval."
  472.               ::= { ds3CurrentEntry 4 }
  473.           ds3CurrentUASs OBJECT-TYPE
  474.               SYNTAX  Counter
  475.               ACCESS  read-only
  476.               STATUS  mandatory
  477.               DESCRIPTION
  478.                       "The counter associated with the number of
  479.                       Unavailable Seconds, as defined by [12],
  480.                       encountered by a DS3 CSU in the current 15 minute
  481.                       interval."
  482.               ::= { ds3CurrentEntry 5 }
  483.           ds3CurrentCSSs OBJECT-TYPE
  484.               SYNTAX  Counter
  485.               ACCESS  read-only
  486.               STATUS  mandatory
  487.               DESCRIPTION
  488.                       "The counter associated with the number of
  489.                       Controlled Slip Seconds, as defined by [12],
  490.                       encountered by a DS3 CSU in the current 15 minute
  491.                       interval.
  492.                       Note that SYNTRAN interfaces are the only
  493.                       interfaces that support the Controlled Slip
  494.                       Seconds managed object.  Accordingly, agents
  495.                       configured with non-SYNTRAN interfaces may treat
  496.                       this object as having an ACCESS clause value of
  497.                       not-accessible."
  498.               ::= { ds3CurrentEntry 6 }
  499.           ds3CurrentBPVs OBJECT-TYPE
  500.               SYNTAX  Counter
  501.               ACCESS  read-only
  502.               STATUS  mandatory
  503.               DESCRIPTION
  504.                       "The counter associated with the number of Bipolar
  505.                       Violations, as defined by [12], encountered by a
  506.                       DS3 CSU in the current 15 minute interval."
  507.               ::= { ds3CurrentEntry 7}
  508.           ds3CurrentCVs OBJECT-TYPE
  509.               SYNTAX  Counter
  510.               ACCESS  read-only
  511.               STATUS  mandatory
  512.               DESCRIPTION
  513.                       "The counter associated with the number of Coding
  514.                       Violations, as defined by [12], encountered by a
  515.                       DS3 CSU in the current 15 minute interval."
  516.               ::= { ds3CurrentEntry 8 }
  517.           -- the DS3 Total group
  518.           -- Implementation of this group is mandatory for all systems
  519.           -- that attach to a DS3.
  520.           -- The DS3 Total Table contains the cumulative sum of the
  521.           -- various statistics for the 24 hour interval preceding the
  522.           -- first valid interval in the DS3CurrentTable.
  523.           ds3TotalTable OBJECT-TYPE
  524.               SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF Ds3TotalEntry
  525.               ACCESS  not-accessible
  526.               STATUS  mandatory
  527.               DESCRIPTION
  528.                       "The DS3 Total table.  24 hour interval."
  529.               ::= { ds3 4 }
  530.           ds3TotalEntry OBJECT-TYPE
  531.               SYNTAX  Ds3TotalEntry
  532.               ACCESS  not-accessible
  533.               STATUS  mandatory
  534.               DESCRIPTION
  535.                       "An entry in the DS3 Total table."
  536.               INDEX   { ds3TotalIndex }
  537.               ::= { ds3TotalTable 1 }
  538.           Ds3TotalEntry ::=
  539.               SEQUENCE {
  540.                   ds3TotalIndex
  541.                       INTEGER,
  542.                   ds3TotalESs
  543.                       Counter,
  544.                   ds3TotalSESs
  545.                       Counter,
  546.                   ds3TotalSEFSs
  547.                       Counter,
  548.                   ds3TotalUASs
  549.                       Counter,
  550.                   ds3TotalCSSs
  551.                       Counter,
  552.                   ds3TotalBPVs
  553.                       Counter,
  554.                   ds3TotalCVs
  555.                       Counter
  556.               }
  557.           ds3TotalIndex OBJECT-TYPE
  558.               SYNTAX  INTEGER
  559.               ACCESS  read-only
  560.               STATUS  mandatory
  561.               DESCRIPTION
  562.                       "The index value which uniquely identifies the CSU
  563.                       to which this entry is applicable.  The interface
  564.                       identified by a particular value of this index is
  565.                       the same interface as identified by the same value
  566.                       an DS3CSUIndex object instance."
  567.               ::= { ds3TotalEntry 1 }
  568.           ds3TotalESs OBJECT-TYPE
  569.               SYNTAX  Counter
  570.               ACCESS  read-only
  571.               STATUS  mandatory
  572.               DESCRIPTION
  573.                       "The counter associated with the number of Errored
  574.                       Seconds, as defined by [12], encountered by a DS3
  575.                       CSU in the previous 24 hour interval."
  576.               ::= { ds3TotalEntry 2 }
  577.           ds3TotalSESs OBJECT-TYPE
  578.               SYNTAX  Counter
  579.               ACCESS  read-only
  580.               STATUS  mandatory
  581.               DESCRIPTION
  582.                       "The counter associated with the number of
  583.                       Severely Errored Seconds, as defined by [12],
  584.                       encountered by a DS3 CSU in the previous 24 hour
  585.                       interval."
  586.               ::= { ds3TotalEntry 3 }
  587.           ds3TotalSEFSs OBJECT-TYPE
  588.               SYNTAX  Counter
  589.               ACCESS  read-only
  590.               STATUS  mandatory
  591.               DESCRIPTION
  592.                       "The counter associated with the number of
  593.                       Severely Errored Framing Seconds, as defined by
  594.                       [12], encountered by a DS3 CSU in the previous 24
  595.                       hour interval."
  596.               ::= { ds3TotalEntry 4 }
  597.           ds3TotalUASs OBJECT-TYPE
  598.               SYNTAX  Counter
  599.               ACCESS  read-only
  600.               STATUS  mandatory
  601.               DESCRIPTION
  602.                       "The counter associated with the number of
  603.                       Unavailable Seconds, as defined by [12],
  604.                       encountered by a DS3 CSU in the previous 24 hour
  605.                       interval."
  606.               ::= { ds3TotalEntry 5 }
  607.           ds3TotalCSSs OBJECT-TYPE
  608.               SYNTAX  Counter
  609.               ACCESS  read-only
  610.               STATUS  mandatory
  611.               DESCRIPTION
  612.                       "The counter associated with the number of
  613.                       Controlled Slip Seconds, as defined by [12],
  614.                       encountered by a DS3 CSU in the previous 24 hour
  615.                       interval.
  616.                       Note that SYNTRAN interfaces are the only
  617.                       interfaces that support the Controlled Slip
  618.                       Seconds managed object.  Accordingly, agents
  619.                       configured with non-SYNTRAN interfaces may treat
  620.                       this object as having an ACCESS clause value of
  621.                       not-accessible."
  622.               ::= { ds3TotalEntry 6 }
  623.           ds3TotalBPVs OBJECT-TYPE
  624.               SYNTAX  Counter
  625.               ACCESS  read-only
  626.               STATUS  mandatory
  627.               DESCRIPTION
  628.                       "The counter associated with the number of Bipolar
  629.                       Violations, as defined by [12], encountered by a
  630.                       DS3 CSU in the previous 24 hour interval."
  631.               ::= { ds3TotalEntry 7 }
  632.           ds3TotalCVs OBJECT-TYPE
  633.               SYNTAX  Counter
  634.               ACCESS  read-only
  635.               STATUS  mandatory
  636.               DESCRIPTION
  637.                       "The counter associated with the number of Coding
  638.                       Violations, as defined by [12], encountered by a
  639.                       DS3 CSU in the previous 24 hour interval."
  640.               ::= { ds3TotalEntry 8 }
  641.           END