



  1. -- File: RFC1792.MIB - TCPIPX-MIB
  2. -- Changes:
  3. --      Fixed case for "SIZE" in IpxAddress TC
  4. --      Added IMPORTS for enterprises.
  5. --      Added missing comma in definition for sequence TcpIpxConnEntry.
  6. --      Added missing comma in definition for sequence UdpIpxEntry.
  7. --      Removed extra comma in definition for sequence TcpUnspecConnEntry.
  8. --      Changed syntax for tcpUnspecConnTable from
  9. --        "SEQUENCE OF TcpIpxConnEntry" to "SEQUENCE OF TcpUnspecConnEntry".
  10. --
  12.            IMPORTS
  13.                    OBJECT-TYPE
  14.                            FROM RFC-1212
  15.                    enterprises
  16.                            FROM RFC1155-SMI;
  17.         -- IPX address type.
  18.         -- First 4 octests are the network numbers and the last 6
  19.         -- octests are the node numbers.  In ascii, it is represented
  20.         -- as hex digits, as in:  nnnnnnnn:mmmmmmmmmmmm
  21.         IpxAddress ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (10))
  22.            -- TCP/IPX MIB object idenfifiers
  23.         novell        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 23 }
  24.         mibDoc        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { novell 2 }
  25.         tcpx          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mibDoc 29 }
  26.         tcpxTcp       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tcpx 1 }
  27.         tcpxUdp       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tcpx 2 }
  28.           -- the TCP/IPX Connection table
  29.            -- The TCP/IPX connection table contains information
  30.            -- about this entity's existing TCP connections over
  31.            -- IPX.
  32.            tcpIpxConnTable OBJECT-TYPE
  33.                SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF TcpIpxConnEntry
  34.                ACCESS  not-accessible
  35.                STATUS  mandatory
  36.                DESCRIPTION
  37.                        "A table containing information specific on
  38.                        TCP connection over IPX network layer."
  39.                ::= { tcpxTcp 1 }
  40.            tcpIpxConnEntry OBJECT-TYPE
  41.                SYNTAX  TcpIpxConnEntry
  42.                ACCESS  not-accessible
  43.                STATUS  mandatory
  44.                DESCRIPTION
  45.                        "Information about a particular current TCP
  46.                        connection over IPX  An object of this type is
  47.                        transient, in that it ceases to exist when (or
  48.                        soon after) the connection makes the transition
  49.                        to the CLOSED state."
  50.                INDEX   { tcpIpxConnLocalAddress,
  51.                          tcpIpxConnLocalPort,
  52.                          tcpIpxConnRemAddress,
  53.                          tcpIpxConnRemPort }
  54.               ::= { tcpIpxConnTable 1 }
  55.            TcpIpxConnEntry ::=
  56.                SEQUENCE {
  57.                    tcpIpxConnState
  58.                        INTEGER,
  59.                    tcpIpxConnLocalAddress
  60.                        IpxAddress,
  61.                    tcpIpxConnLocalPort
  62.                        INTEGER (0..65535),
  63.                    tcpIpxConnRemAddress
  64.                        IpxAddress,
  65.                    tcpIpxConnRemPort
  66.                        INTEGER (0..65535)
  67.                }
  68.            tcpIpxConnState OBJECT-TYPE
  69.                SYNTAX  INTEGER {
  70.                            closed(1),
  71.                            listen(2),
  72.                            synSent(3),
  73.                            synReceived(4),
  74.                            established(5),
  75.                            finWait1(6),
  76.                            finWait2(7),
  77.                            closeWait(8),
  78.                            lastAck(9),
  79.                            closing(10),
  80.                            timeWait(11),
  81.                            deleteTCB(12)
  82.                        }
  83.                ACCESS  read-write
  84.                STATUS  mandatory
  85.                DESCRIPTION
  86.                        "The state of this TCP connection.
  87.                        The only value which may be set by a management
  88.                        station is deleteTCB(12).  Accordingly, it is
  89.                        appropriate for an agent to return a `badValue'
  90.                        response if a management station attempts to set
  91.                        this object to any other value.
  92.                        If a management station sets this object to the
  93.                        value deleteTCB(12), then this has the effect of
  94.                        deleting the TCB (as defined in RFC 793) of the
  95.                        corresponding connection on the managed node,
  96.                        resulting in immediate termination of the
  97.                        connection.
  98.                        As an implementation-specific option, a RST
  99.                        segment may be sent from the managed node to the
  100.                        other TCP endpoint (note however that RST
  101.                        segments are not sent reliably)."
  102.                ::= { tcpIpxConnEntry 1 }
  103.            tcpIpxConnLocalAddress OBJECT-TYPE
  104.                SYNTAX  IpxAddress
  105.                ACCESS  read-only
  106.                STATUS  mandatory
  107.                DESCRIPTION
  108.                        "The local IPX address for this TCP connection.
  109.                        In the case of a connection in the listen state
  110.                        which is willing to accept connections for any
  111.                        interface, the value 00000000:000000000000 is
  112.                        used.  See tcpUnspecConnTable for connections in
  113.                        the listen  state which is willing to accept
  114.                        connects for any IP interface associated with
  115.                        the node."
  116.                ::= { tcpIpxConnEntry 2 }
  117.            -- NetworkAddress defined in SMI only include IP currently,
  118.            -- so we can't use it to represent both IP and IPX address.
  119.            tcpIpxConnLocalPort OBJECT-TYPE
  120.                SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..65535)
  121.                ACCESS  read-only
  122.                STATUS  mandatory
  123.                DESCRIPTION
  124.                        "The local port number for this TCP connection."
  125.                ::= { tcpIpxConnEntry 3 }
  126.            tcpIpxConnRemAddress OBJECT-TYPE
  127.                SYNTAX  IpxAddress
  128.                ACCESS  read-only
  129.                STATUS  mandatory
  130.                DESCRIPTION
  131.                        "The remote IPX address for this TCP connection."
  132.                ::= { tcpIpxConnEntry 4 }
  133.            tcpIpxConnRemPort OBJECT-TYPE
  134.                SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..65535)
  135.                ACCESS  read-only
  136.                STATUS  mandatory
  137.                DESCRIPTION
  138.                        "The remote port number for this TCP connection."
  139.                ::= { tcpIpxConnEntry 5 }
  140.            -- the UDP Listener table
  141.            -- The UDP listener table contains information about this
  142.            -- entity's UDP end-points on which a local application is
  143.            -- currently accepting datagrams.
  144.            udpIpxTable OBJECT-TYPE
  145.                SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF UdpIpxEntry
  146.                ACCESS  not-accessible
  147.                STATUS  mandatory
  148.                DESCRIPTION
  149.                        "A table containing UDP listener information."
  150.                ::= { tcpxUdp 1 }
  151.            udpIpxEntry OBJECT-TYPE
  152.                SYNTAX  UdpIpxEntry
  153.                ACCESS  not-accessible
  154.                STATUS  mandatory
  155.                DESCRIPTION
  156.                        "Information about a particular current UDP
  157.                        listener."
  158.                INDEX   { udpIpxLocalAddress, udpIpxLocalPort }
  159.                ::= { udpIpxTable 1 }
  160.            UdpIpxEntry ::=
  161.                SEQUENCE {
  162.                    udpIpxLocalAddress
  163.                        IpxAddress,
  164.                    udpIpxLocalPort
  165.                        INTEGER (0..65535)
  166.                }
  167.            udpIpxLocalAddress OBJECT-TYPE
  168.                SYNTAX  IpxAddress
  169.                ACCESS  read-only
  170.                STATUS  mandatory
  171.                DESCRIPTION
  172.                        "The local IPX address for this UDP listener.  In
  173.                        the case of a UDP listener which is willing to
  174.                        accept datagrams for any interface, the value
  175.                        00000000:000000000000 is used.  See
  176.                        udpUnspecTable for UDP listener which is
  177.                        willing to accept datagrams from any network
  178.                        layer."
  179.                ::= { udpIpxEntry 1 }
  180.            udpIpxLocalPort OBJECT-TYPE
  181.                SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..65535)
  182.                ACCESS  read-only
  183.                STATUS  mandatory
  184.                DESCRIPTION
  185.                        "The local port number for this UDP listener."
  186.                ::= { udpIpxEntry 2 }
  187.            -- the TCP/UNSPEC Connection table
  188.            -- The TCP/UPSPEC connection table contains information
  189.            -- about this entity's existing TCP connections over
  190.            -- unspecified network.
  191.            -- Since the network is unspecified, the network
  192.            -- address is also unspecified.  Hence, this
  193.            -- connection table does not include any network
  194.            -- address.
  195.            tcpUnspecConnTable OBJECT-TYPE
  196.                SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF TcpUnspecConnEntry
  197.                ACCESS  not-accessible
  198.                STATUS  mandatory
  199.                DESCRIPTION
  200.                        "A table containing information specific on
  201.                        TCP connection over unspecified network layer."
  202.                ::= { tcpxTcp 2 }
  203.            tcpUnspecConnEntry OBJECT-TYPE
  204.                SYNTAX  TcpUnspecConnEntry
  205.                ACCESS  not-accessible
  206.                STATUS  mandatory
  207.                DESCRIPTION
  208.                        "Information about a particular current TCP
  209.                        connection over unspecified network layer.  An
  210.                        object of this type is transient, in that it
  211.                        ceases to exist when the connection makes
  212.                        transition beyond LISTEN state, or when (or
  213.                        soon after) the connection makes transition
  214.                        to the CLOSED state,"
  215.                INDEX   { tcpUnspecConnLocalPort }
  216.                ::= { tcpUnspecConnTable 1 }
  217.            TcpUnspecConnEntry ::=
  218.                SEQUENCE {
  219.                    tcpUnspecConnState
  220.                        INTEGER,
  221.                    tcpUnspecConnLocalPort
  222.                        INTEGER (0..65535)
  223.                }
  224.            tcpUnspecConnState OBJECT-TYPE
  225.                SYNTAX  INTEGER {
  226.                            closed(1),
  227.                            listen(2),
  228.                            deleteTCB(12)
  229.                        }
  230.                ACCESS  read-write
  231.                STATUS  mandatory
  232.                DESCRIPTION
  233.                        "The state of this TCP connection.
  234.                        Since the TCP connection can belong to this table
  235.                        only when its state is less than SYN_SENT, only
  236.                        closed and listen state apply.
  237.                        The only value which may be set by a management
  238.                        station is deleteTCB(12).  Accordingly, it is
  239.                        appropriate for an agent to return a `badValue'
  240.                        response if a management station attempts to set
  241.                        this object to any other value.
  242.                        If a management station sets this object to the
  243.                        value deleteTCB(12), then this has the effect of
  244.                        deleting the TCB (as defined in RFC 793) of the
  245.                        corresponding connection on the managed node,
  246.                        resulting in immediate termination of the
  247.                        connection.
  248.                        As an implementation-specific option, a RST
  249.                        segment may be sent from the managed node to the
  250.                        other TCP endpoint (note however that RST
  251.                        segments are not sent reliably)."
  252.                ::= { tcpUnspecConnEntry 1 }
  253.            tcpUnspecConnLocalPort OBJECT-TYPE
  254.                SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..65535)
  255.                ACCESS  read-only
  256.                STATUS  mandatory
  257.                DESCRIPTION
  258.                        "The local port number for this TCP connection."
  259.                ::= { tcpUnspecConnEntry 2 }
  260.            -- the UDP Listener table
  261.            -- The UDP listener table contains information about this
  262.            -- entity's UDP end-points over unspecified network layer,
  263.            -- on which a local application is currently accepting
  264.            -- datagrams.  If network layer is unspecified, the network
  265.            -- address is also unspecified.  Hence, this table does not
  266.            -- include any network address.
  267.            udpUnspecTable OBJECT-TYPE
  268.                SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF UdpUnspecEntry
  269.                ACCESS  not-accessible
  270.                STATUS  mandatory
  271.                DESCRIPTION
  272.                         "A table containing UDP listener information."
  273.                ::= { tcpxUdp 2 }
  274.            udpUnspecEntry OBJECT-TYPE
  275.                SYNTAX  UdpUnspecEntry
  276.                ACCESS  not-accessible
  277.                STATUS  mandatory
  278.                DESCRIPTION
  279.                        "Information about a particular current UDP
  280.                        listener."
  281.                INDEX   { udpUnspecLocalPort }
  282.                ::= { udpUnspecTable 1 }
  283.            UdpUnspecEntry ::=
  284.                SEQUENCE {
  285.                    udpUnspecLocalPort
  286.                        INTEGER (0..65535)
  287.                }
  288.            udpUnspecLocalPort OBJECT-TYPE
  289.                SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..65535)
  290.                ACCESS  read-only
  291.                STATUS  mandatory
  292.                DESCRIPTION
  293.                        "The local port number for this UDP listener."
  294.                ::= { udpUnspecEntry 1 }
  295.             END