



  1. -- Changes to rfc1382 (X.25 Packet Layer MIB):
  2. --      No changes needed.
  3. -- dperkins@scruznet.com
  5.           IMPORTS
  6.                   Counter, Gauge, TimeTicks
  7.                           FROM RFC1155-SMI
  8.                   OBJECT-TYPE
  9.                           FROM RFC-1212
  10.                   DisplayString, transmission
  11.                           FROM RFC1213-MIB
  12.                   TRAP-TYPE
  13.                           FROM RFC-1215
  14.                   EntryStatus
  15.                           FROM RFC1271-MIB
  16.                   PositiveInteger,
  17.                   IfIndexType
  18.                           FROM RFC1381-MIB;
  19.           x25     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { transmission 5 }
  20.           -- Support of the X25 subtree and all subtrees under it
  21.           -- is mandatory for all agents of system that implement X.25.
  22.           X121Address ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..17))
  23.            -- 0 to 17 bytes in length containing the ASCII
  24.            -- characters [0-9], each octet contains one digit
  25.            -- of the address.
  26.           -- ###########################################################
  27.           --            X.25 Administration Table
  28.           -- ###########################################################
  29.           x25AdmnTable OBJECT-TYPE
  30.                   SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF X25AdmnEntry
  31.                   ACCESS  not-accessible
  32.                   STATUS  mandatory
  33.                   DESCRIPTION
  34.                           "This table contains the administratively
  35.                           set configuration parameters for an X.25
  36.                           Packet Level Entity (PLE).
  37.                           Most of the objects in this table have
  38.                           corresponding objects in the x25OperTable.
  39.                           This table contains the values as last set
  40.                           by the administrator.  The x25OperTable
  41.                           contains the values actually in use by an
  42.                           X.25 PLE.
  43.                           Changing an administrative value may or may
  44.                           not change a current operating value.  The
  45.                           operating value may not change until the
  46.                           interface is restarted.  Some
  47.                           implementations may change the values
  48.                           immediately upon changing the administrative
  49.                           table.  All implementations are required to
  50.                           load the values from the administrative
  51.                           table when initializing a PLE."
  52.                   ::= { x25 1 }
  53.           x25AdmnEntry OBJECT-TYPE
  54.                   SYNTAX  X25AdmnEntry
  55.                   ACCESS  not-accessible
  56.                   STATUS  mandatory
  57.                   DESCRIPTION
  58.                           "Entries of x25AdmnTable."
  59.                   INDEX { x25AdmnIndex }
  60.                   ::= { x25AdmnTable 1 }
  61.           X25AdmnEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
  62.                   x25AdmnIndex
  63.                           IfIndexType,
  64.                   x25AdmnInterfaceMode
  65.                           INTEGER,
  66.                   x25AdmnMaxActiveCircuits
  67.                           INTEGER,
  68.                   x25AdmnPacketSequencing
  69.                           INTEGER,
  70.                   x25AdmnRestartTimer
  71.                           PositiveInteger,
  72.                x25AdmnCallTimer
  73.                           PositiveInteger,
  74.                   x25AdmnResetTimer
  75.                           PositiveInteger,
  76.                   x25AdmnClearTimer
  77.                           PositiveInteger,
  78.                   x25AdmnWindowTimer
  79.                           PositiveInteger,
  80.                   x25AdmnDataRxmtTimer
  81.                           PositiveInteger,
  82.                   x25AdmnInterruptTimer
  83.                           PositiveInteger,
  84.                   x25AdmnRejectTimer
  85.                           PositiveInteger,
  86.                   x25AdmnRegistrationRequestTimer
  87.                           PositiveInteger,
  88.                   x25AdmnMinimumRecallTimer
  89.                           PositiveInteger,
  90.                   x25AdmnRestartCount
  91.                           INTEGER,
  92.                   x25AdmnResetCount
  93.                           INTEGER,
  94.                   x25AdmnClearCount
  95.                           INTEGER,
  96.                   x25AdmnDataRxmtCount
  97.                           INTEGER,
  98.                   x25AdmnRejectCount
  99.                           INTEGER,
  100.                   x25AdmnRegistrationRequestCount
  101.                           INTEGER,
  102.                   x25AdmnNumberPVCs
  103.                           INTEGER,
  104.                   x25AdmnDefCallParamId
  105.                           OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
  106.                   x25AdmnLocalAddress
  107.                           X121Address,
  108.                   x25AdmnProtocolVersionSupported
  109.                           OBJECT IDENTIFIER
  110.                   }
  111.           x25AdmnIndex OBJECT-TYPE
  112.                   SYNTAX  IfIndexType
  113.                   ACCESS  read-only
  114.                   STATUS  mandatory
  115.                   DESCRIPTION
  116.                   "The ifIndex value for the X.25 Interface."
  117.                   ::= { x25AdmnEntry 1 }
  118.           x25AdmnInterfaceMode OBJECT-TYPE
  119.                   SYNTAX  INTEGER {
  120.                                   dte (1),
  121.                                   dce (2),
  122.                                   dxe (3)
  123.                           }
  124.                   ACCESS  read-write
  125.                   STATUS  mandatory
  126.                   DESCRIPTION
  127.                           "Identifies DCE/DTE mode in which the
  128.                           interface operates.  A value of dxe
  129.                           indicates the mode will be determined by XID
  130.                           negotiation."
  131.                   REFERENCE "10733 5.9 interfaceMode"
  132.                   ::= { x25AdmnEntry 2 }
  133.           x25AdmnMaxActiveCircuits        OBJECT-TYPE
  134.                   SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..4096)
  135.                   ACCESS  read-write
  136.                   STATUS  mandatory
  137.                   DESCRIPTION
  138.                           "The maximum number of circuits this PLE can
  139.                           support; including PVCs."
  140.                   REFERENCE "10733 5.9 maxActiveCircuits;
  141.                           See ISO 8208, Section 3.7"
  142.                   ::= { x25AdmnEntry 3 }
  143.           x25AdmnPacketSequencing OBJECT-TYPE
  144.                   SYNTAX  INTEGER {
  145.                                   modulo8 (1),
  146.                                   modulo128 (2)
  147.                           }
  148.                   ACCESS  read-write
  149.                   STATUS  mandatory
  150.                   DESCRIPTION
  151.                           "The modulus of the packet sequence number
  152.                           space."
  153.                   REFERENCE "10733 extendedPacketSequencing;
  154.                           See ISO 8208 Section 7.1.1"
  155.                   ::= { x25AdmnEntry 4 }
  156.           x25AdmnRestartTimer OBJECT-TYPE
  157.                SYNTAX     PositiveInteger
  158.                   ACCESS  read-write
  159.                   STATUS  mandatory
  160.                   DESCRIPTION
  161.                           "The T20 restart timer in milliseconds."
  162.                   REFERENCE "10733 5.9 restartTime
  163.                           See ISO 8208 Section 4.1, table 26"
  164.                   ::= { x25AdmnEntry 5 }
  165.           x25AdmnCallTimer OBJECT-TYPE
  166.                   SYNTAX  PositiveInteger
  167.                   ACCESS  read-write
  168.                   STATUS  mandatory
  169.                   DESCRIPTION
  170.                           "The T21 Call timer in milliseconds."
  171.                   REFERENCE "10733 callTime;
  172.                           See ISO 8208 Section 5.2.1, table 26"
  173.                   ::= { x25AdmnEntry 6 }
  174.           x25AdmnResetTimer OBJECT-TYPE
  175.                   SYNTAX  PositiveInteger
  176.                   ACCESS  read-write
  177.                   STATUS  mandatory
  178.                   DESCRIPTION
  179.                           "The T22 Reset timer in milliseconds."
  180.                   REFERENCE "10733 resetTime;
  181.                           See ISO 8208 Section 8.1, table 26"
  182.                   ::= { x25AdmnEntry 7 }
  183.           x25AdmnClearTimer OBJECT-TYPE
  184.                   SYNTAX  PositiveInteger
  185.                   ACCESS  read-write
  186.                   STATUS  mandatory
  187.                   DESCRIPTION
  188.                           "The T23 Clear timer in milliseconds."
  189.                   REFERENCE "10733 clearTime;
  190.                           See ISO 8208 Section 5.5.1, table 26"
  191.                   ::= { x25AdmnEntry 8 }
  192.           x25AdmnWindowTimer OBJECT-TYPE
  193.                   SYNTAX  PositiveInteger
  194.                   ACCESS  read-write
  195.                   STATUS  mandatory
  196.                   DESCRIPTION
  197.                           "The T24 window status transmission timer in
  198.                           milliseconds.  A value of 2147483647
  199.                           indicates no window timer in use."
  200.                   REFERENCE "10733 5.10.1 windowTime (opt);
  201.                           See ISO 8208 Section 11.2.2, table 26"
  202.                   ::= { x25AdmnEntry 9 }
  203.           x25AdmnDataRxmtTimer OBJECT-TYPE
  204.                   SYNTAX  PositiveInteger
  205.                   ACCESS  read-write
  206.                   STATUS  mandatory
  207.                   DESCRIPTION
  208.                           "The T25 data retransmission timer in
  209.                           milliseconds.  A value of 2147483647
  210.                           indicates no data retransmission timer in
  211.                           use."
  212.                   REFERENCE "10733 5.10.1 dataRetransmissionTime (opt);
  213.                           See ISO 8208 Section 11.2.1, table 26"
  214.                   ::= { x25AdmnEntry 10 }
  215.           x25AdmnInterruptTimer OBJECT-TYPE
  216.                   SYNTAX  PositiveInteger
  217.                   ACCESS  read-write
  218.                   STATUS  mandatory
  219.                   DESCRIPTION
  220.                           "The T26 interrupt timer in milliseconds.  A
  221.                           value of 2147483647 indicates no interrupt
  222.                           timer in use."
  223.                   REFERENCE "10733 interruptTime;
  224.                           See ISO 8208 Section 6.8.1, table 26"
  225.                   ::= { x25AdmnEntry 11 }
  226.           x25AdmnRejectTimer OBJECT-TYPE
  227.                   SYNTAX  PositiveInteger
  228.                   ACCESS  read-write
  229.                   STATUS  mandatory
  230.                   DESCRIPTION
  231.                           "The T27 Reject retransmission timer in
  232.                           milliseconds.  A value of 2147483647
  233.                           indicates no reject timer in use."
  234.                   REFERENCE "10733 5.10.1 dataRejectTime (opt);
  235.                           See ISO 8208 Section 13.4.1, table 26"
  236.                   ::= { x25AdmnEntry 12 }
  237.           x25AdmnRegistrationRequestTimer OBJECT-TYPE
  238.                   SYNTAX  PositiveInteger
  239.                   ACCESS  read-write
  240.                   STATUS  mandatory
  241.                   DESCRIPTION
  242.                           "The T28 registration timer in milliseconds.
  243.                           A value of 2147483647 indicates no
  244.                           registration timer in use."
  245.                   REFERENCE "10733 5.8.1 registrationRequestTime (opt)
  246.                           See ISO 8208    Section, table 26"
  247.                   ::= { x25AdmnEntry 13 }
  248.           x25AdmnMinimumRecallTimer OBJECT-TYPE
  249.                   SYNTAX  PositiveInteger
  250.                   ACCESS  read-write
  251.                   STATUS  mandatory
  252.                   DESCRIPTION
  253.                           "Minimum time interval between unsuccessful
  254.                           call attempts in milliseconds."
  255.                   REFERENCE "10733 5.9 minimum RecallTimer"
  256.                   ::= { x25AdmnEntry 14 }
  257.           x25AdmnRestartCount OBJECT-TYPE
  258.                   SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..65535)
  259.                   ACCESS  read-write
  260.                   STATUS  mandatory
  261.                   DESCRIPTION
  262.                           "The R20 restart retransmission count."
  263.                   REFERENCE "10733 5.9 restartCount;
  264.                           See ISO 8208    Section 4.1, table 27"
  265.                   ::= { x25AdmnEntry 15 }
  266.           x25AdmnResetCount OBJECT-TYPE
  267.                   SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..65535)
  268.                   ACCESS  read-write
  269.                   STATUS  mandatory
  270.                   DESCRIPTION
  271.                           "The r22 Reset retransmission count."
  272.                   REFERENCE "10733 resetCount;
  273.                           See section ISO 8208 8.1, table 27"
  274.                   ::= { x25AdmnEntry 16 }
  275.           x25AdmnClearCount OBJECT-TYPE
  276.                   SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..65535)
  277.                   ACCESS  read-write
  278.                   STATUS  mandatory
  279.                   DESCRIPTION
  280.                   "The r23 Clear retransmission count."
  281.                   REFERENCE "10733 clearCount;
  282.                           See ISO 8208 Section 5.5.1, table 27"
  283.                   ::= { x25AdmnEntry 17 }
  284.           x25AdmnDataRxmtCount OBJECT-TYPE
  285.                   SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..65535)
  286.                   ACCESS  read-write
  287.                   STATUS  mandatory
  288.                   DESCRIPTION
  289.                           "The R25 Data retransmission count.  This
  290.                           value is irrelevant if the
  291.                           x25AdmnDataRxmtTimer indicates no timer in
  292.                           use."
  293.                   REFERENCE "10733 5.10.1 dataRetransmissionCount (opt)
  294.                           See ISO 8208 Section 11.2.1, table 27"
  295.                   ::= { x25AdmnEntry 18 }
  296.           x25AdmnRejectCount OBJECT-TYPE
  297.                   SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..65535)
  298.                   ACCESS  read-write
  299.                   STATUS  mandatory
  300.                   DESCRIPTION
  301.                           "The R27 reject retransmission count.  This
  302.                           value is irrelevant if the
  303.                           x25AdmnRejectTimer indicates no timer in
  304.                           use."
  305.                   REFERENCE "10733 5.10.1 dataRejectCount (opt)"
  306.                   ::= { x25AdmnEntry 19 }
  307.           x25AdmnRegistrationRequestCount OBJECT-TYPE
  308.                   SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..65535)
  309.                   ACCESS  read-write
  310.                   STATUS  mandatory
  311.                   DESCRIPTION
  312.                           "The R28 Registration retransmission Count.
  313.                           This value is irrelevant if the
  314.                           x25AdmnRegistrationRequestTimer indicates no
  315.                           timer in use."
  316.                   REFERENCE "10733 5.8.1 registrationRequestCount (opt);
  317.                           See ISO 8208    Section, table 27"
  318.                   ::= { x25AdmnEntry 20 }
  319.           x25AdmnNumberPVCs OBJECT-TYPE
  320.                   SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..4096)
  321.                   ACCESS  read-write
  322.                   STATUS  mandatory
  323.                   DESCRIPTION
  324.                           "The number of PVC configured for this PLE.
  325.                           The PVCs use channel numbers from 1 to this
  326.                           number."
  327.                   ::= { x25AdmnEntry 21 }
  328.           x25AdmnDefCallParamId OBJECT-TYPE
  329.                   SYNTAX  OBJECT IDENTIFIER
  330.                   ACCESS  read-write
  331.                   STATUS  mandatory
  332.                   DESCRIPTION
  333.                           "This identifies the instance of the
  334.                           x25CallParmIndex for the entry in the
  335.                           x25CallParmTable which contains the default
  336.                           call parameters for this PLE."
  337.                   ::= { x25AdmnEntry 22 }
  338.           x25AdmnLocalAddress OBJECT-TYPE
  339.                   SYNTAX  X121Address
  340.                   ACCESS  read-write
  341.                   STATUS  mandatory
  342.                   DESCRIPTION
  343.                           "The local address for this PLE subnetwork.
  344.                           A zero length address maybe returned by PLEs
  345.                           that only support PVCs."
  346.                   REFERENCE "10733 5.9 localDTEAddress"
  347.                   ::= { x25AdmnEntry 23 }
  348.           x25AdmnProtocolVersionSupported OBJECT-TYPE
  349.                   SYNTAX  OBJECT IDENTIFIER
  350.                   ACCESS  read-write
  351.                   STATUS  mandatory
  352.                   DESCRIPTION
  353.                           "Identifies the version of the X.25 protocol
  354.                           this interface should support.  Object
  355.                           identifiers for common versions are defined
  356.                           below in the x25ProtocolVersion subtree."
  357.                   REFERENCE "10733 5.9 protocolVersionSupported"
  358.                   ::= { x25AdmnEntry 24 }
  359.           -- ###########################################################
  360.           --            X.25 Operational Table
  361.           -- ###########################################################
  362.           x25OperTable OBJECT-TYPE
  363.                   SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF X25OperEntry
  364.                   ACCESS  not-accessible
  365.                   STATUS  mandatory
  366.                   DESCRIPTION
  367.                           "The operation parameters in use by the X.25
  368.                           PLE."
  369.                   ::= { x25 2 }
  370.           x25OperEntry OBJECT-TYPE
  371.                   SYNTAX  X25OperEntry
  372.                   ACCESS  not-accessible
  373.                   STATUS  mandatory
  374.                   DESCRIPTION
  375.                           "Entries of x25OperTable."
  376.                   INDEX { x25OperIndex }
  377.                   ::= { x25OperTable 1 }
  378.           X25OperEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
  379.                   x25OperIndex
  380.                           IfIndexType,
  381.                   x25OperInterfaceMode
  382.                           INTEGER,
  383.                   x25OperMaxActiveCircuits
  384.                           INTEGER,
  385.                   x25OperPacketSequencing
  386.                           INTEGER,
  387.                   x25OperRestartTimer
  388.                           PositiveInteger,
  389.                   x25OperCallTimer
  390.                           PositiveInteger,
  391.                   x25OperResetTimer
  392.                           PositiveInteger,
  393.                   x25OperClearTimer
  394.                           PositiveInteger,
  395.                   x25OperWindowTimer
  396.                           PositiveInteger,
  397.                   x25OperDataRxmtTimer
  398.                           PositiveInteger,
  399.                   x25OperInterruptTimer
  400.                           PositiveInteger,
  401.                   x25OperRejectTimer
  402.                           PositiveInteger,
  403.                   x25OperRegistrationRequestTimer
  404.                           PositiveInteger,
  405.                   x25OperMinimumRecallTimer
  406.                           PositiveInteger,
  407.                   x25OperRestartCount
  408.                           INTEGER,
  409.                   x25OperResetCount
  410.                           INTEGER,
  411.                   x25OperClearCount
  412.                           INTEGER,
  413.                   x25OperDataRxmtCount
  414.                           INTEGER,
  415.                   x25OperRejectCount
  416.                           INTEGER,
  417.                   x25OperRegistrationRequestCount
  418.                           INTEGER,
  419.                   x25OperNumberPVCs
  420.                           INTEGER,
  421.                   x25OperDefCallParamId
  422.                           OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
  423.                   x25OperLocalAddress
  424.                           X121Address,
  425.                   x25OperDataLinkId
  426.                           OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
  427.                   x25OperProtocolVersionSupported
  428.                           OBJECT IDENTIFIER
  429.                   }
  430.           x25OperIndex OBJECT-TYPE
  431.                   SYNTAX  IfIndexType
  432.                   ACCESS  read-only
  433.                   STATUS  mandatory
  434.                   DESCRIPTION
  435.                           "The ifIndex value for the X.25 interface."
  436.                   ::= { x25OperEntry 1 }
  437.           x25OperInterfaceMode OBJECT-TYPE
  438.                   SYNTAX  INTEGER {
  439.                                   dte (1),
  440.                                   dce (2),
  441.                                   dxe (3)
  442.                           }
  443.                   ACCESS  read-only
  444.                   STATUS  mandatory
  445.                   DESCRIPTION
  446.                   "Identifies DCE/DTE mode in which the
  447.                           interface operates.  A value of dxe
  448.                           indicates the role will be determined by XID
  449.                           negotiation at the Link Layer and that
  450.                           negotiation has not yet taken place."
  451.                   REFERENCE "10733 5.9 interfaceMode"
  452.                   ::= { x25OperEntry 2 }
  453.           x25OperMaxActiveCircuits        OBJECT-TYPE
  454.                   SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..4096)
  455.                   ACCESS  read-only
  456.                   STATUS  mandatory
  457.                   DESCRIPTION
  458.                           "Maximum number of circuits this PLE can
  459.                           support."
  460.                   REFERENCE "10733 5.9 maxActiveCircuits
  461.                           See ISO 8208, Section 3.7"
  462.                   ::= { x25OperEntry 3 }
  463.           x25OperPacketSequencing OBJECT-TYPE
  464.                   SYNTAX  INTEGER {
  465.                                   modulo8 (1),
  466.                                   modulo128 (2)
  467.                           }
  468.                   ACCESS  read-only
  469.                   STATUS  mandatory
  470.                   DESCRIPTION
  471.                           "The modulus of the packet sequence number
  472.                           space."
  473.                   REFERENCE "10733 extendedPacketSequencing;
  474.                           See ISO 8208    Section 7.1.1"
  475.                   ::= { x25OperEntry 4 }
  476.           x25OperRestartTimer OBJECT-TYPE
  477.                   SYNTAX  PositiveInteger
  478.                   ACCESS  read-only
  479.                   STATUS  mandatory
  480.                   DESCRIPTION
  481.                           "The T20 restart timer in milliseconds."
  482.                   REFERENCE "10733 5.9 restartTime;
  483.                           See ISO 8208    Section 4.1, table 26"
  484.                   ::= { x25OperEntry 5 }
  485.           x25OperCallTimer OBJECT-TYPE
  486.                   SYNTAX  PositiveInteger
  487.                   ACCESS  read-only
  488.                   STATUS  mandatory
  489.                   DESCRIPTION
  490.                           "The T21 Call timer in milliseconds."
  491.                   REFERENCE "10733 callTime;
  492.                           See ISO 8208 Section 5.2.1, table 26"
  493.                   ::= { x25OperEntry 6 }
  494.           x25OperResetTimer OBJECT-TYPE
  495.                   SYNTAX  PositiveInteger
  496.                   ACCESS  read-only
  497.                   STATUS  mandatory
  498.                   DESCRIPTION
  499.                           "The T22 Reset timer in milliseconds."
  500.                   REFERENCE "10733 resetTime;
  501.                           See ISO 8208    Section 8.1, table 26"
  502.                   ::= { x25OperEntry 7 }
  503.           x25OperClearTimer OBJECT-TYPE
  504.                   SYNTAX  PositiveInteger
  505.                   ACCESS  read-only
  506.                   STATUS  mandatory
  507.                   DESCRIPTION
  508.                           "The T23 Clear timer in milliseconds."
  509.                   REFERENCE "10733 clearTime;
  510.                           See ISO 8208 Section 5.5.1, table 26"
  511.                   ::= { x25OperEntry 8 }
  512.           x25OperWindowTimer OBJECT-TYPE
  513.                   SYNTAX  PositiveInteger
  514.                   ACCESS  read-only
  515.                   STATUS  mandatory
  516.                   DESCRIPTION
  517.                           "The T24 window status transmission timer
  518.                           milliseconds.  A value of 2147483647
  519.                           indicates no window timer in use."
  520.                   REFERENCE "10733 5.10.1 windowTime (opt);
  521.                           See ISO 8208 Section 11.2.2, table 26"
  522.                   ::= { x25OperEntry 9 }
  523.           x25OperDataRxmtTimer OBJECT-TYPE
  524.                   SYNTAX  PositiveInteger
  525.                   ACCESS  read-only
  526.                   STATUS  mandatory
  527.                   DESCRIPTION
  528.                           "The T25 Data Retransmission timer in
  529.                           milliseconds.  A value of 2147483647
  530.                           indicates no data retransmission timer in
  531.                           use."
  532.                   REFERENCE "10733 5.10.1 dataRetransmissionTime (opt);
  533.                           See ISO 8208 Section 11.2.1, table 26"
  534.                   ::= { x25OperEntry 10 }
  535.           x25OperInterruptTimer OBJECT-TYPE
  536.                   SYNTAX  PositiveInteger
  537.                   ACCESS  read-only
  538.                   STATUS  mandatory
  539.                   DESCRIPTION
  540.                           "The T26 Interrupt timer in milliseconds.  A
  541.                           value of 2147483647 indicates interrupts are
  542.                           not being used."
  543.                   REFERENCE "10733 interruptTime;
  544.                           See ISO 8208 Section 6.8.1, table 26"
  545.                   ::= { x25OperEntry 11 }
  546.           x25OperRejectTimer OBJECT-TYPE
  547.                   SYNTAX  PositiveInteger
  548.                   ACCESS  read-only
  549.                   STATUS  mandatory
  550.                   DESCRIPTION
  551.                           "The T27 Reject retransmission timer in
  552.                           milliseconds.  A value of 2147483647
  553.                           indicates no reject timer in use."
  554.                   REFERENCE "10733 5.10.1 dataRejectTime (opt);
  555.                           See ISO 8208 Section 13.4.1, table 26"
  556.                   ::= { x25OperEntry 12 }
  557.           x25OperRegistrationRequestTimer OBJECT-TYPE
  558.                   SYNTAX  PositiveInteger
  559.                   ACCESS  read-only
  560.                   STATUS  mandatory
  561.                   DESCRIPTION
  562.                           "The T28 registration timer in milliseconds.
  563.                           A value of 2147483647 indicates no
  564.                           registration timer in use."
  565.                   REFERENCE "10733 5.8.1 registrationRequestTime (opt);
  566.                           See ISO 8208    Section, table 26"
  567.                   ::= { x25OperEntry 13 }
  568.           x25OperMinimumRecallTimer OBJECT-TYPE
  569.                   SYNTAX  PositiveInteger
  570.                   ACCESS  read-only
  571.                   STATUS  mandatory
  572.                   DESCRIPTION
  573.                           "Minimum time interval between unsuccessful
  574.                           call attempts in milliseconds."
  575.                   REFERENCE "10733 5.9 minimum RecallTimer"
  576.                   ::= { x25OperEntry 14 }
  577.           x25OperRestartCount OBJECT-TYPE
  578.                   SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..65535)
  579.                   ACCESS  read-only
  580.                   STATUS  mandatory
  581.                   DESCRIPTION
  582.                           "The R20 restart retransmission count."
  583.                   REFERENCE "10733 5.9 restartCount
  584.                           See ISO 8208    Section 4.1, table 27"
  585.                   ::= { x25OperEntry 15 }
  586.           x25OperResetCount OBJECT-TYPE
  587.                   SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..65535)
  588.                   ACCESS  read-only
  589.                   STATUS  mandatory
  590.                   DESCRIPTION
  591.                           "The r22 Reset retransmission count."
  592.                   REFERENCE "10733 resetCount;
  593.                           See section ISO 8208 8.1, table 27"
  594.                   ::= { x25OperEntry 16 }
  595.           x25OperClearCount OBJECT-TYPE
  596.                   SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..65535)
  597.                   ACCESS  read-only
  598.                   STATUS  mandatory
  599.                   DESCRIPTION
  600.                           "The r23 Clear retransmission count."
  601.                   REFERENCE "10733 clearCount;
  602.                           See ISO 8208 Section 5.5.1, table 27"
  603.                   ::= { x25OperEntry 17 }
  604.           x25OperDataRxmtCount OBJECT-TYPE
  605.                   SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..65535)
  606.                   ACCESS  read-only
  607.                   STATUS  mandatory
  608.                   DESCRIPTION
  609.                           "The R25 Data retransmission count.  This
  610.                           value is undefined if the
  611.                           x25OperDataRxmtTimer indicates no timer in
  612.                           use."
  613.                   REFERENCE "10733 5.10.1 dataRetransmissionCount (opt);
  614.                           See ISO 8208 Section 11.2.1, table 27"
  615.                   ::= { x25OperEntry 18 }
  616.           x25OperRejectCount OBJECT-TYPE
  617.                   SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..65535)
  618.                   ACCESS  read-only
  619.                   STATUS  mandatory
  620.                   DESCRIPTION
  621.                           "The R27 reject retransmission count.  This
  622.                           value is undefined if the x25OperRejectTimer
  623.                           indicates no timer in use."
  624.                   REFERENCE "10733 5.10.1 dataRejectCount (opt)"
  625.                   ::= { x25OperEntry 19 }
  626.           x25OperRegistrationRequestCount OBJECT-TYPE
  627.                   SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..65535)
  628.                   ACCESS  read-only
  629.                   STATUS  mandatory
  630.                   DESCRIPTION
  631.                           "The R28 Registration retransmission Count.
  632.                           This value is undefined if the
  633.                           x25OperREgistrationRequestTimer indicates no
  634.                           timer in use."
  635.                   REFERENCE "10733 5.8.1 registrationRequestCount (opt);
  636.                           See ISO 8208    Section, table 27"
  637.                   ::= { x25OperEntry 20 }
  638.           x25OperNumberPVCs OBJECT-TYPE
  639.                   SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..4096)
  640.                   ACCESS  read-only
  641.                   STATUS  mandatory
  642.                   DESCRIPTION
  643.                           "The number of PVC configured for this PLE.
  644.                           The PVCs use channel numbers from 1 to this
  645.                           number."
  646.                   ::= { x25OperEntry 21 }
  647.           x25OperDefCallParamId OBJECT-TYPE
  648.                   SYNTAX  OBJECT IDENTIFIER
  649.                   ACCESS  read-only
  650.                   STATUS  mandatory
  651.                   DESCRIPTION
  652.                           "This identifies the instance of the
  653.                           x25CallParmIndex for the entry in the
  654.                           x25CallParmTable that contains the default
  655.                           call parameters for this PLE."
  656.                   ::= { x25OperEntry 22 }
  657.           x25OperLocalAddress OBJECT-TYPE
  658.                   SYNTAX  X121Address
  659.                   ACCESS  read-only
  660.                   STATUS  mandatory
  661.                   DESCRIPTION
  662.                           "The local address for this PLE subnetwork.
  663.                           A zero length address maybe returned by PLEs
  664.                           that only support PVCs."
  665.                   REFERENCE "10733 5.9 localDTEAddress"
  666.                   ::= { x25OperEntry 23 }
  667.           x25OperDataLinkId OBJECT-TYPE
  668.                   SYNTAX  OBJECT IDENTIFIER
  669.                   ACCESS  read-only
  670.                   STATUS  mandatory
  671.                   DESCRIPTION
  672.                           "This identifies the instance of the index
  673.                           object in the first table of the most device
  674.                           specific MIB for the interface used by this
  675.                           PLE."
  676.                   ::= { x25OperEntry 24 }
  677.           x25OperProtocolVersionSupported OBJECT-TYPE
  678.                   SYNTAX  OBJECT IDENTIFIER
  679.                   ACCESS  read-only
  680.                   STATUS  mandatory
  681.                   DESCRIPTION
  682.                           "Identifies the version of the X.25 protocol
  683.                           this interface supports.  Object identifiers
  684.                           for common versions are defined below in the
  685.                           x25ProtocolVersion subtree."
  686.                   REFERENCE "10733 5.9 protocolVersionSupported"
  687.                   ::= { x25OperEntry 25 }
  688.           --      MIB-II also provides:
  689.           -- ifDescr:
  690.           -- On an X.25 interface this must include sufficient
  691.           -- information to enable the system's administrator
  692.           -- to determine the appropriate configuration
  693.           -- information on a system having multiple X.25
  694.           -- subnetworks.
  695.           -- ifType: ddn-x25 or rfc877-x25
  696.           --      an interface of type ddn-x25 will use an algorithm to
  697.           --      translate between X.121 address and IP addresses.
  698.           --      An interface of type rfc877-x25 will use a
  699.           --      configuration table to translate between X.121
  700.           --      addresses and IP addresses.
  701.           -- ifMtu: the maximum PDU a higher layer can pass to X.25 or
  702.           -- receive from X.25
  703.           -- ifSpeed:
  704.           -- This will be the value of the local clock for this line.
  705.           -- A value of zero indicates external clocking.
  706.           -- ifAdminStatus:
  707.           -- ifOperStatus
  708.           -- ifLastChange
  709.           -- ###########################################################
  710.           --            X.25 Statistics Table
  711.           -- ###########################################################
  712.           x25StatTable OBJECT-TYPE
  713.                   SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF X25StatEntry
  714.                   ACCESS  not-accessible
  715.                   STATUS  mandatory
  716.                   DESCRIPTION
  717.                           "Statistics information about this X.25
  718.                           PLE."
  719.                   ::= { x25 3 }
  720.           x25StatEntry OBJECT-TYPE
  721.                   SYNTAX  X25StatEntry
  722.                   ACCESS  not-accessible
  723.                   STATUS  mandatory
  724.                   DESCRIPTION
  725.                            "Entries of the x25StatTable."
  726.                            INDEX { x25StatIndex }
  727.                   ::= { x25StatTable 1 }
  728.           X25StatEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
  729.                   x25StatIndex
  730.                           IfIndexType,
  731.                   x25StatInCalls
  732.                           Counter,
  733.                   x25StatInCallRefusals
  734.                           Counter,
  735.                   x25StatInProviderInitiatedClears
  736.                           Counter,
  737.                   x25StatInRemotelyInitiatedResets
  738.                           Counter,
  739.                   x25StatInProviderInitiatedResets
  740.                           Counter,
  741.                   x25StatInRestarts
  742.                           Counter,
  743.                   x25StatInDataPackets
  744.                           Counter,
  745.                   x25StatInAccusedOfProtocolErrors
  746.                           Counter,
  747.                   x25StatInInterrupts
  748.                           Counter,
  749.                   x25StatOutCallAttempts
  750.                           Counter,
  751.                   x25StatOutCallFailures
  752.                           Counter,
  753.                   x25StatOutInterrupts
  754.                           Counter,
  755.                   x25StatOutDataPackets
  756.                           Counter,
  757.                   x25StatOutgoingCircuits
  758.                           Gauge,
  759.                   x25StatIncomingCircuits
  760.                           Gauge,
  761.                   x25StatTwowayCircuits
  762.                           Gauge,
  763.                   x25StatRestartTimeouts
  764.                           Counter,
  765.                   x25StatCallTimeouts
  766.                           Counter,
  767.                   x25StatResetTimeouts
  768.                           Counter,
  769.                   x25StatClearTimeouts
  770.                           Counter,
  771.                   x25StatDataRxmtTimeouts
  772.                           Counter,
  773.                   x25StatInterruptTimeouts
  774.                           Counter,
  775.                   x25StatRetryCountExceededs
  776.                           Counter,
  777.                   x25StatClearCountExceededs
  778.                           Counter
  779.                   }
  780.           x25StatIndex OBJECT-TYPE
  781.                   SYNTAX  IfIndexType
  782.                   ACCESS  read-only
  783.                   STATUS  mandatory
  784.                   DESCRIPTION
  785.                           "The ifIndex value for the X.25 interface."
  786.                   ::= { x25StatEntry 1 }
  787.           x25StatInCalls OBJECT-TYPE
  788.                   SYNTAX  Counter
  789.                   ACCESS  read-only
  790.                   STATUS  mandatory
  791.                   DESCRIPTION
  792.                           "The number of incoming calls received."
  793.                   ::= { x25StatEntry 2 }
  794.           x25StatInCallRefusals OBJECT-TYPE
  795.                   SYNTAX  Counter
  796.                   ACCESS  read-only
  797.                   STATUS  mandatory
  798.                   DESCRIPTION
  799.                           "The number of incoming calls refused.  This
  800.                           includes calls refused by the PLE and by
  801.                           higher layers.  This also includes calls
  802.                           cleared because of restricted fast select."
  803.                   ::= { x25StatEntry 3 }
  804.           x25StatInProviderInitiatedClears        OBJECT-TYPE
  805.                   SYNTAX  Counter
  806.                   ACCESS  read-only
  807.                   STATUS  mandatory
  808.                   DESCRIPTION
  809.                           "The number of clear requests with a cause
  810.                           code other than DTE initiated."
  811.                           REFERENCE "10733 providerInitiatedDisconnect"
  812.                   ::= { x25StatEntry 4 }
  813.           x25StatInRemotelyInitiatedResets        OBJECT-TYPE
  814.                   SYNTAX  Counter
  815.                   ACCESS  read-only
  816.                   STATUS  mandatory
  817.                   DESCRIPTION
  818.                           "The number of reset requests received with
  819.                           cause code DTE initiated."
  820.                   REFERENCE "10733 remotelyInitiatedResets"
  821.                   ::= { x25StatEntry 5 }
  822.           x25StatInProviderInitiatedResets        OBJECT-TYPE
  823.                   SYNTAX  Counter
  824.                   ACCESS  read-only
  825.                   STATUS  mandatory
  826.                   DESCRIPTION
  827.                           "The number of reset requests received with
  828.                           cause code other than DTE initiated."
  829.                   REFERENCE "10733 ProviderInitiatedResets"
  830.                   ::= { x25StatEntry 6 }
  831.           x25StatInRestarts OBJECT-TYPE
  832.                   SYNTAX  Counter
  833.                   ACCESS  read-only
  834.                   STATUS  mandatory
  835.                   DESCRIPTION
  836.                           "The number of remotely initiated (including
  837.                           provider initiated) restarts experienced by
  838.                           the PLE excluding the restart associated
  839.                           with bringing up the PLE interface.  This
  840.                           only counts restarts received when the PLE
  841.                           already has an established connection with
  842.                           the remove PLE."
  843.                   REFERENCE "10733 5.9 remotelyInitiatedRestarts"
  844.                   ::= { x25StatEntry 7 }
  845.           x25StatInDataPackets    OBJECT-TYPE
  846.                   SYNTAX  Counter
  847.                   ACCESS  read-only
  848.                   STATUS  mandatory
  849.                   DESCRIPTION
  850.                           "The number of data packets received."
  851.                           REFERENCE "10733 5.9 dataPacketsReceived."
  852.                   ::= { x25StatEntry 8 }
  853.           x25StatInAccusedOfProtocolErrors        OBJECT-TYPE
  854.                   SYNTAX  Counter
  855.                   ACCESS  read-only
  856.                   STATUS  mandatory
  857.                   DESCRIPTION
  858.                           "The number of packets received containing a
  859.                           procedure error cause code.  These include
  860.                           clear, reset, restart, or diagnostic
  861.                           packets."
  862.                   REFERENCE "CD 10733 5.9 accusedOfProtocolError"
  863.                   ::= { x25StatEntry 9 }
  864.           x25StatInInterrupts OBJECT-TYPE
  865.                   SYNTAX  Counter
  866.                   ACCESS  read-only
  867.                   STATUS  mandatory
  868.                   DESCRIPTION
  869.                           "The number of interrupt packets received by
  870.                           the PLE or over the PVC/VC."
  871.                   REFERENCE "10733 interruptPacketsReceived"
  872.                   ::= { x25StatEntry 10 }
  873.           x25StatOutCallAttempts OBJECT-TYPE
  874.                   SYNTAX  Counter
  875.                   ACCESS  read-only
  876.                   STATUS  mandatory
  877.                   DESCRIPTION
  878.                           "The number of calls attempted."
  879.                   REFERENCE "10733 5.9 callAttempts"
  880.                   ::= { x25StatEntry 11 }
  881.           x25StatOutCallFailures OBJECT-TYPE
  882.                   SYNTAX  Counter
  883.                   ACCESS  read-only
  884.                   STATUS  mandatory
  885.                   DESCRIPTION
  886.                           "The number of call attempts which failed.
  887.                           This includes calls that were cleared
  888.                           because of restrictive fast select."
  889.                   ::= { x25StatEntry 12 }
  890.           x25StatOutInterrupts    OBJECT-TYPE
  891.                   SYNTAX  Counter
  892.                   ACCESS  read-only
  893.                   STATUS  mandatory
  894.                   DESCRIPTION
  895.                           "The number of interrupt packets send by the
  896.                           PLE or over the PVC/VC."
  897.                   REFERENCE "10733 InterruptPacketsSent"
  898.                   ::= { x25StatEntry 13 }
  899.           x25StatOutDataPackets   OBJECT-TYPE
  900.                   SYNTAX  Counter
  901.                   ACCESS  read-only
  902.                   STATUS  mandatory
  903.                   DESCRIPTION
  904.                           "The number of data packets sent by this
  905.                           PLE."
  906.                   REFERENCE "10733 dataPacketSent"
  907.                   ::= { x25StatEntry 14 }
  908.           x25StatOutgoingCircuits OBJECT-TYPE
  909.                   SYNTAX  Gauge
  910.                   ACCESS  read-only
  911.                   STATUS  mandatory
  912.                   DESCRIPTION
  913.                           "The number of active outgoing circuits.
  914.                           This includes call requests sent but not yet
  915.                           confirmed.  This does not count PVCs."
  916.                   ::= { x25StatEntry 15 }
  917.           x25StatIncomingCircuits OBJECT-TYPE
  918.                   SYNTAX  Gauge
  919.                   ACCESS  read-only
  920.                   STATUS  mandatory
  921.                   DESCRIPTION
  922.                           "The number of active Incoming Circuits.
  923.                           This includes call indications received but
  924.                           not yet acknowledged.  This does not count
  925.                           PVCs."
  926.                   ::= { x25StatEntry 16 }
  927.           x25StatTwowayCircuits   OBJECT-TYPE
  928.                   SYNTAX  Gauge
  929.                   ACCESS  read-only
  930.                   STATUS  mandatory
  931.                   DESCRIPTION
  932.                   "The number of active two-way Circuits.
  933.                           This includes call requests sent but not yet
  934.                           confirmed.  This does not count PVCs."
  935.                   ::= { x25StatEntry 17 }
  936.           x25StatRestartTimeouts OBJECT-TYPE
  937.                   SYNTAX  Counter
  938.                   ACCESS  read-only
  939.                   STATUS  mandatory
  940.                   DESCRIPTION
  941.                           "The number of times the T20 restart timer
  942.                           expired."
  943.                   REFERENCE "10733 5.9 restartTimeouts"
  944.                   ::= { x25StatEntry 18 }
  945.           x25StatCallTimeouts OBJECT-TYPE
  946.                   SYNTAX  Counter
  947.                   ACCESS  read-only
  948.                   STATUS  mandatory
  949.                   DESCRIPTION
  950.                           "The number of times the T21 call timer
  951.                           expired."
  952.                   REFERENCE "10733 5.9 callTimeouts"
  953.                   ::= { x25StatEntry 19 }
  954.           x25StatResetTimeouts    OBJECT-TYPE
  955.                   SYNTAX  Counter
  956.                   ACCESS  read-only
  957.                   STATUS  mandatory
  958.                   DESCRIPTION
  959.                           "The number of times the T22 reset timer
  960.                           expired."
  961.                   REFERENCE "10733 5.9 resetTimeouts"
  962.                   ::= { x25StatEntry 20 }
  963.           x25StatClearTimeouts    OBJECT-TYPE
  964.                   SYNTAX  Counter
  965.                   ACCESS  read-only
  966.                   STATUS  mandatory
  967.                   DESCRIPTION
  968.                           "The number of times the T23 clear timer
  969.                           expired."
  970.                   REFERENCE "10733 5.9 clearTimeouts"
  971.                   ::= { x25StatEntry 21 }
  972.           x25StatDataRxmtTimeouts OBJECT-TYPE
  973.                   SYNTAX  Counter
  974.                   ACCESS  read-only
  975.                   STATUS  mandatory
  976.                   DESCRIPTION
  977.                           "The number of times the T25 data timer
  978.                           expired."
  979.                   REFERENCE "10733 5.9 dataRetransmissionsTimerExpiries"
  980.                   ::= { x25StatEntry 22 }
  981.           x25StatInterruptTimeouts        OBJECT-TYPE
  982.                   SYNTAX  Counter
  983.                   ACCESS  read-only
  984.                   STATUS  mandatory
  985.                   DESCRIPTION
  986.                           "The number of times the T26 interrupt timer
  987.                           expired."
  988.                   REFERENCE "10733 5.9 interruptTimerExpires"
  989.                   ::= { x25StatEntry 23 }
  990.           x25StatRetryCountExceededs OBJECT-TYPE
  991.                   SYNTAX  Counter
  992.                   ACCESS  read-only
  993.                   STATUS  mandatory
  994.                   DESCRIPTION
  995.                           "The number of times a retry counter was
  996.                           exhausted."
  997.                   REFERENCE "10733 5.9 retryCountsExceeded"
  998.                   ::= { x25StatEntry 24 }
  999.           x25StatClearCountExceededs OBJECT-TYPE
  1000.                   SYNTAX  Counter
  1001.                   ACCESS  read-only
  1002.                   STATUS  mandatory
  1003.                   DESCRIPTION
  1004.                           "The number of times the R23 clear count was
  1005.                           exceeded."
  1006.                   REFERENCE "10733 5.9 clearCountsExceeded"
  1007.                   ::= { x25StatEntry 25 }
  1008.           --      MIB-II also contains:
  1009.           -- ifInOctets: Number of data octets delivered to upper
  1010.           -- layer entities.
  1011.           -- ifInUcastPkts: Number of packets with a clear M-bit
  1012.           -- delivered to higher layer entities.
  1013.           -- ifDiscards: Number of packets dropped for lack of buffering
  1014.           -- ifInErrors: Number of packets received containing errors
  1015.             -- REFERENCE ProtocolErrorsDetectedLocally
  1016.           -- ifInUnknownProtos: Number of packets with unknown circuit
  1017.           -- identifier.
  1018.           -- ifOutOctets: Number of data octets delivered by
  1019.           --      X.25 to upper layers.
  1020.           -- ifOutUcastPkts: Number of packets with a clear M-bit
  1021.           -- received from higher layer entities.
  1022.           -- ###########################################################
  1023.           --                    X.25 Channel Table
  1024.           -- ###########################################################
  1025.           x25ChannelTable OBJECT-TYPE
  1026.                   SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF X25ChannelEntry
  1027.                   ACCESS  not-accessible
  1028.                   STATUS  mandatory
  1029.                   DESCRIPTION
  1030.                           "These objects contain information about the
  1031.                           channel number configuration in an X.25 PLE.
  1032.                           These values are the configured values.
  1033.                           changes in these values after the interfaces
  1034.                           has started may not be reflected in the
  1035.                           operating PLE."
  1036.                   REFERENCE "See ISO 8208, Section 3.7"
  1037.                   ::= { x25 4 }
  1038.           x25ChannelEntry OBJECT-TYPE
  1039.                   SYNTAX  X25ChannelEntry
  1040.                   ACCESS  not-accessible
  1041.                   STATUS  mandatory
  1042.                   DESCRIPTION
  1043.                           "Entries of x25ChannelTable."
  1044.                   REFERENCE "This provides the information available
  1045.                           in 10733 logicalChannelAssignments."
  1046.                   INDEX { x25ChannelIndex }
  1047.                   ::= { x25ChannelTable 1    }
  1048.           X25ChannelEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
  1049.                   x25ChannelIndex
  1050.                           IfIndexType,
  1051.                   x25ChannelLIC
  1052.                           INTEGER,
  1053.                   x25ChannelHIC
  1054.                           INTEGER,
  1055.                   x25ChannelLTC
  1056.                           INTEGER,
  1057.                   x25ChannelHTC
  1058.                           INTEGER,
  1059.                   x25ChannelLOC
  1060.                           INTEGER,
  1061.                   x25ChannelHOC
  1062.                           INTEGER
  1063.                   }
  1064.           x25ChannelIndex OBJECT-TYPE
  1065.                   SYNTAX  IfIndexType
  1066.                   ACCESS  read-only
  1067.                   STATUS  mandatory
  1068.                   DESCRIPTION
  1069.                           "The ifIndex value for the X.25 Interface."
  1070.                   ::= { x25ChannelEntry 1 }
  1071.           x25ChannelLIC OBJECT-TYPE
  1072.                   SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..4095)
  1073.                   ACCESS  read-write
  1074.                   STATUS  mandatory
  1075.                   DESCRIPTION
  1076.                           "Lowest Incoming channel."
  1077.                   ::= { x25ChannelEntry 2 }
  1078.           x25ChannelHIC OBJECT-TYPE
  1079.                   SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..4095)
  1080.                   ACCESS  read-write
  1081.                   STATUS  mandatory
  1082.                   DESCRIPTION
  1083.                           "Highest Incoming channel.  A value of zero
  1084.                           indicates no channels in this range."
  1085.                   ::= { x25ChannelEntry 3 }
  1086.           x25ChannelLTC OBJECT-TYPE
  1087.                   SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..4095)
  1088.                   ACCESS  read-write
  1089.                   STATUS  mandatory
  1090.                   DESCRIPTION
  1091.                           "Lowest Two-way channel."
  1092.                   ::= { x25ChannelEntry 4 }
  1093.           x25ChannelHTC OBJECT-TYPE
  1094.                   SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..4095)
  1095.                   ACCESS  read-write
  1096.                   STATUS  mandatory
  1097.                   DESCRIPTION
  1098.                           "Highest Two-way channel.  A value of zero
  1099.                           indicates no channels in this range."
  1100.                   ::= { x25ChannelEntry 5 }
  1101.           x25ChannelLOC OBJECT-TYPE
  1102.                   SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..4095)
  1103.                   ACCESS  read-write
  1104.                   STATUS  mandatory
  1105.                   DESCRIPTION
  1106.                           "Lowest outgoing channel."
  1107.                   ::= { x25ChannelEntry 6 }
  1108.           x25ChannelHOC OBJECT-TYPE
  1109.                   SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..4095)
  1110.                   ACCESS  read-write
  1111.                   STATUS  mandatory
  1112.                   DESCRIPTION
  1113.                           "Highest outgoing channel.  A value of zero
  1114.                           indicates no channels in this range."
  1115.                   ::= { x25ChannelEntry 7 }
  1116.           -- ###########################################################
  1117.           --          X25 Per Circuits Information Table
  1118.           -- ###########################################################
  1119.           x25CircuitTable OBJECT-TYPE
  1120.                   SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF X25CircuitEntry
  1121.                   ACCESS  not-accessible
  1122.                   STATUS  mandatory
  1123.                   DESCRIPTION
  1124.                           "These objects contain general information
  1125.                           about a specific circuit of an X.25 PLE."
  1126.                   ::= { x25 5 }
  1127.           x25CircuitEntry OBJECT-TYPE
  1128.                   SYNTAX  X25CircuitEntry
  1129.                   ACCESS  not-accessible
  1130.                   STATUS  mandatory
  1131.                   DESCRIPTION
  1132.                           "Entries of x25CircuitTable."
  1133.                   INDEX { x25CircuitIndex,
  1134.                           x25CircuitChannel }
  1135.                   ::= { x25CircuitTable 1 }
  1136.           X25CircuitEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
  1137.                   x25CircuitIndex
  1138.                           IfIndexType,
  1139.                   x25CircuitChannel
  1140.                           INTEGER,
  1141.                   x25CircuitStatus
  1142.                           INTEGER,
  1143.                   x25CircuitEstablishTime
  1144.                           TimeTicks,
  1145.                   x25CircuitDirection
  1146.                           INTEGER,
  1147.                   x25CircuitInOctets
  1148.                           Counter,
  1149.                   x25CircuitInPdus
  1150.                           Counter,
  1151.                   x25CircuitInRemotelyInitiatedResets
  1152.                           Counter,
  1153.                   x25CircuitInProviderInitiatedResets
  1154.                           Counter,
  1155.                   x25CircuitInInterrupts
  1156.                           Counter,
  1157.                   x25CircuitOutOctets
  1158.                           Counter,
  1159.                   x25CircuitOutPdus
  1160.                           Counter,
  1161.                   x25CircuitOutInterrupts
  1162.                           Counter,
  1163.                   x25CircuitDataRetransmissionTimeouts
  1164.                           Counter,
  1165.                   x25CircuitResetTimeouts
  1166.                           Counter,
  1167.                   x25CircuitInterruptTimeouts
  1168.                           Counter,
  1169.                   x25CircuitCallParamId
  1170.                           OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
  1171.                   x25CircuitCalledDteAddress
  1172.                           X121Address,
  1173.                   x25CircuitCallingDteAddress
  1174.                           X121Address,
  1175.                   x25CircuitOriginallyCalledAddress
  1176.                           X121Address,
  1177.                   x25CircuitDescr
  1178.                           DisplayString
  1179.                   }
  1180.           x25CircuitIndex OBJECT-TYPE
  1181.                   SYNTAX  IfIndexType
  1182.                   ACCESS  read-only
  1183.                   STATUS  mandatory
  1184.                   DESCRIPTION
  1185.                           "The ifIndex value for the X.25 Interface."
  1186.                   ::= { x25CircuitEntry 1 }
  1187.           x25CircuitChannel OBJECT-TYPE
  1188.                   SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..4095)
  1189.                   ACCESS  read-only
  1190.                   STATUS  mandatory
  1191.                   DESCRIPTION
  1192.                           "The channel number for this circuit."
  1193.                   ::= { x25CircuitEntry 2 }
  1194.           x25CircuitStatus OBJECT-TYPE
  1195.                   SYNTAX  INTEGER {               -- state table states
  1196.                                   invalid (1),
  1197.                                   closed (2),             -- (p1)
  1198.                                   calling (3),            -- (p2,p3,p5)
  1199.                                   open (4),               -- (p4)
  1200.                                   clearing (5),           -- (p6,p7)
  1201.                                   pvc (6),
  1202.                                   pvcResetting (7),
  1203.                                   startClear (8),         -- Close cmd
  1204.                                   startPvcResetting (9),  -- Reset cmd
  1205.                                   other (10)
  1206.                           }
  1207.                   ACCESS  read-write
  1208.                   STATUS  mandatory
  1209.                   DESCRIPTION
  1210.                           "This object reports the current status of
  1211.                           the circuit.
  1212.                           An existing instance of this object can only
  1213.                           be set to startClear, startPvcResetting, or
  1214.                           invalid.  An instance with the value calling
  1215.                           or open can only be set to startClear and
  1216.                           that action will start clearing the circuit.
  1217.                           An instance with the value PVC can only be
  1218.                           set to startPvcResetting or invalid and that
  1219.                           action resets the PVC or deletes the circuit
  1220.                           respectively.  The values startClear or
  1221.                           startPvcResetting will never be returned by
  1222.                           an agent.  An attempt to set the status of
  1223.                           an existing instance to a value other than
  1224.                           one of these values will result in an error.
  1225.                           A non-existing instance can be set to PVC to
  1226.                           create a PVC if the implementation supports
  1227.                           dynamic creation of PVCs.  Some
  1228.                           implementations may only allow creation and
  1229.                           deletion of PVCs if the interface is down.
  1230.                           Since the instance identifier will supply
  1231.                           the PLE index and the channel number,
  1232.                           setting this object alone supplies
  1233.                           sufficient information to create the
  1234.                           instance.  All the DEFVAL clauses for the
  1235.                           other objects of this table are appropriate
  1236.                           for creating a PVC; PLEs creating entries
  1237.                           for placed or accepted calls will use values
  1238.                           appropriate for the call rather than the
  1239.                           value of the DEFVAL clause.  Two managers
  1240.                           trying to create the same PVC can determine
  1241.                           from the return code which manager succeeded
  1242.                           and which failed (the failing manager fails
  1243.                           because it can not set a value of PVC for an
  1244.                           existing object).
  1245.                           An entry in the closed or invalid state may
  1246.                           be deleted or reused at the agent's
  1247.                           convence.  If the entry is kept in the
  1248.                           closed state, the values of the parameters
  1249.                           associated with the entry must be correct.
  1250.                           Closed implies the values in the circuit
  1251.                           table are correct.
  1252.                           The value of invalid indicates the other
  1253.                           values in the table are invalid.  Many
  1254.                           agents may never return a value of invalid
  1255.                           because they dynamically allocate and free
  1256.                           unused table entries.  An agent for a
  1257.                           statically configured systems can return
  1258.                           invalid to indicate the entry has not yet
  1259.                           been used so the counters contain no
  1260.                           information."
  1261.                   REFERENCE "See ISO 8208,
  1262.                                   table 33 for (p<n>) state table"
  1263.                   ::= { x25CircuitEntry 3 }
  1264.           x25CircuitEstablishTime OBJECT-TYPE
  1265.                   SYNTAX  TimeTicks
  1266.                   ACCESS  read-only
  1267.                   STATUS  mandatory
  1268.                   DESCRIPTION
  1269.                           "The value of sysUpTime when the channel was
  1270.                           associated with this circuit.  For outgoing
  1271.                           SVCs, this is the time the first call packet
  1272.                           was sent.  For incoming SVCs, this is the
  1273.                           time the call indication was received.  For
  1274.                           PVCs this is the time the PVC was able to
  1275.                           pass data to a higher layer entity without
  1276.                           loss of data."
  1277.                   ::= { x25CircuitEntry 4 }
  1278.           x25CircuitDirection OBJECT-TYPE
  1279.                   SYNTAX  INTEGER {
  1280.                                   incoming (1),
  1281.                                   outgoing (2),
  1282.                                   pvc (3)
  1283.                           }
  1284.                   ACCESS  read-write
  1285.                   STATUS  mandatory
  1286.                   DESCRIPTION
  1287.                           "The direction of the call that established
  1288.                           this circuit."
  1289.                   REFERENCE "10733 direction"
  1290.                   DEFVAL { pvc }
  1291.                   ::= { x25CircuitEntry 5 }
  1292.                           -- X25 Circuit data flow statistics
  1293.           x25CircuitInOctets OBJECT-TYPE
  1294.                   SYNTAX  Counter
  1295.                   ACCESS  read-only
  1296.                   STATUS  mandatory
  1297.                   DESCRIPTION
  1298.                           "The number of octets of user data delivered
  1299.                           to upper layer."
  1300.                   REFERENCE "5.11 octetsReceivedCounter"
  1301.                   ::= { x25CircuitEntry 6 }
  1302.           x25CircuitInPdus OBJECT-TYPE
  1303.                   SYNTAX  Counter
  1304.                   ACCESS  read-only
  1305.                   STATUS  mandatory
  1306.                   DESCRIPTION
  1307.                           "The number of PDUs received for this
  1308.                           circuit."
  1309.                   REFERENCE "10733 5.11 dataPacketsReceived"
  1310.                   ::= { x25CircuitEntry 7 }
  1311.           x25CircuitInRemotelyInitiatedResets OBJECT-TYPE
  1312.                   SYNTAX  Counter
  1313.                   ACCESS  read-only
  1314.                   STATUS  mandatory
  1315.                   DESCRIPTION
  1316.                           "The number of Resets received for this
  1317.                           circuit with cause code of DTE initiated."
  1318.                   REFERENCE "10733 remotelyInitiatedResets"
  1319.                   ::= { x25CircuitEntry 8 }
  1320.           x25CircuitInProviderInitiatedResets OBJECT-TYPE
  1321.                   SYNTAX  Counter
  1322.                   ACCESS  read-only
  1323.                   STATUS  mandatory
  1324.                   DESCRIPTION
  1325.                           "The number of Resets received for this
  1326.                           circuit with cause code other than DTE
  1327.                           initiated."
  1328.                   REFERENCE "10733 ProviderInitiatedResets"
  1329.                   ::= { x25CircuitEntry 9 }
  1330.           x25CircuitInInterrupts OBJECT-TYPE
  1331.                   SYNTAX  Counter
  1332.                   ACCESS  read-only
  1333.                   STATUS  mandatory
  1334.                   DESCRIPTION
  1335.                           "The number of interrupt packets received
  1336.                           for this circuit."
  1337.                   REFERENCE "10733 interruptPacketsReceived"
  1338.                   ::= { x25CircuitEntry 10 }
  1339.           x25CircuitOutOctets OBJECT-TYPE
  1340.                   SYNTAX  Counter
  1341.                   ACCESS  read-only
  1342.                   STATUS  mandatory
  1343.                   DESCRIPTION
  1344.                           "The number of octets of user data sent for
  1345.                           this circuit."
  1346.                   REFERENCE "10733 5.11 octetsSentCounter"
  1347.                   ::= { x25CircuitEntry 11 }
  1348.           x25CircuitOutPdus OBJECT-TYPE
  1349.                   SYNTAX  Counter
  1350.                   ACCESS  read-only
  1351.                   STATUS  mandatory
  1352.                   DESCRIPTION
  1353.                           "The number of PDUs sent for this circuit."
  1354.                   REFERENCE "10733 5.11 dataPacketsSent"
  1355.                   ::= { x25CircuitEntry 12 }
  1356.           x25CircuitOutInterrupts OBJECT-TYPE
  1357.                   SYNTAX  Counter
  1358.                   ACCESS  read-only
  1359.                   STATUS  mandatory
  1360.                   DESCRIPTION
  1361.                           "The number of interrupt packets sent on
  1362.                           this circuit."
  1363.                   REFERENCE "10733 interruptPacketsSent"
  1364.                   ::= { x25CircuitEntry 13 }
  1365.                           -- X25 circuit timer statistics
  1366.           x25CircuitDataRetransmissionTimeouts OBJECT-TYPE
  1367.                   SYNTAX  Counter
  1368.                   ACCESS  read-only
  1369.                   STATUS  mandatory
  1370.                   DESCRIPTION
  1371.                           "The number of times the T25 data
  1372.                           retransmission timer expired for this
  1373.                           circuit."
  1374.                   REFERENCE "10733 5.11 dataRetransmissionTimerExpiries"
  1375.                   ::= { x25CircuitEntry 14 }
  1376.           x25CircuitResetTimeouts OBJECT-TYPE
  1377.                   SYNTAX  Counter
  1378.                   ACCESS  read-only
  1379.                   STATUS  mandatory
  1380.                   DESCRIPTION
  1381.                           "The number of times the T22 reset timer
  1382.                           expired for this circuit."
  1383.                   REFERENCE "10733 5.11 resetTimeouts"
  1384.                   ::= { x25CircuitEntry 15 }
  1385.           x25CircuitInterruptTimeouts OBJECT-TYPE
  1386.                   SYNTAX  Counter
  1387.                   ACCESS  read-only
  1388.                   STATUS  mandatory
  1389.                   DESCRIPTION
  1390.                           "The number of times the T26 Interrupt timer
  1391.                           expired for this circuit."
  1392.                   REFERENCE "10733 interruptTimerExpiries"
  1393.                   ::= { x25CircuitEntry 16 }
  1394.           x25CircuitCallParamId OBJECT-TYPE
  1395.                   SYNTAX  OBJECT IDENTIFIER
  1396.                   ACCESS  read-write
  1397.                   STATUS  mandatory
  1398.                   DESCRIPTION
  1399.                           "This identifies the instance of the
  1400.                           x25CallParmIndex for the entry in the
  1401.                           x25CallParmTable which contains the call
  1402.                           parameters in use with this circuit.  The
  1403.                           entry referenced must contain the values
  1404.                           that are currently in use by the circuit
  1405.                           rather than proposed values.  A value of
  1406.                           NULL indicates the circuit is a PVC or is
  1407.                           using all the default parameters."
  1408.                   DEFVAL { {0 0} }
  1409.                   ::= { x25CircuitEntry 17 }
  1410.           x25CircuitCalledDteAddress OBJECT-TYPE
  1411.                   SYNTAX  X121Address
  1412.                   ACCESS  read-write
  1413.                   STATUS  mandatory
  1414.                   DESCRIPTION
  1415.                           "For incoming calls, this is the called
  1416.                           address from the call indication packet.
  1417.                           For outgoing calls, this is the called
  1418.                           address from the call confirmation packet.
  1419.                           This will be zero length for PVCs."
  1420.                   REFERENCE "10733 calledDTEAddress"
  1421.                   DEFVAL { ''h }
  1422.                   ::= { x25CircuitEntry 18 }
  1423.           x25CircuitCallingDteAddress OBJECT-TYPE
  1424.                   SYNTAX  X121Address
  1425.                   ACCESS  read-write
  1426.                   STATUS  mandatory
  1427.                   DESCRIPTION
  1428.                           "For incoming calls, this is the calling
  1429.                           address from the call indication packet.
  1430.                           For outgoing calls, this is the calling
  1431.                           address from the call confirmation packet.
  1432.                           This will be zero length for PVCs."
  1433.                   REFERENCE "10733 callingDTEAddress"
  1434.                   DEFVAL { ''h }
  1435.                   ::= { x25CircuitEntry 19 }
  1436.           x25CircuitOriginallyCalledAddress OBJECT-TYPE
  1437.                   SYNTAX  X121Address
  1438.                   ACCESS  read-write
  1439.                   STATUS  mandatory
  1440.                   DESCRIPTION
  1441.                           "For incoming calls, this is the address in
  1442.                           the call Redirection or Call Deflection
  1443.                           Notification facility if the call was
  1444.                           deflected or redirected, otherwise it will
  1445.                           be called address from the call indication
  1446.                           packet.  For outgoing calls, this is the
  1447.                           address from the call request packet.  This
  1448.                           will be zero length for PVCs."
  1449.                   REFERENCE "10733 originallyCalledAddress"
  1450.                   DEFVAL { ''h }
  1451.                   ::= { x25CircuitEntry 20 }
  1452.           x25CircuitDescr OBJECT-TYPE
  1453.                   SYNTAX  DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
  1454.                   ACCESS  read-write
  1455.                   STATUS  mandatory
  1456.                   DESCRIPTION
  1457.                           "A descriptive string associated with this
  1458.                           circuit.  This provides a place for the
  1459.                           agent to supply any descriptive information
  1460.                           it knows about the use or owner of the
  1461.                           circuit.  The agent may return the process
  1462.                           identifier and user name for the process
  1463.                           using the circuit.  Alternative the agent
  1464.                           may return the name of the configuration
  1465.                           entry that caused a bridge to establish the
  1466.                           circuit.  A zero length value indicates the
  1467.                           agent doesn't have any additional
  1468.                           information."
  1469.                   DEFVAL { ''h }
  1470.                   ::= { x25CircuitEntry 21 }
  1471.           -- ###########################################################
  1472.           --              The Cleared Circuit Table
  1473.           -- ###########################################################
  1474.           x25ClearedCircuitEntriesRequested OBJECT-TYPE
  1475.                   SYNTAX  PositiveInteger
  1476.                   ACCESS  read-write
  1477.                   STATUS  mandatory
  1478.                   DESCRIPTION
  1479.                           "The requested number of entries for the
  1480.                           agent to keep in the x25ClearedCircuit
  1481.                           table."
  1482.                   ::= { x25 6 }
  1483.           x25ClearedCircuitEntriesGranted OBJECT-TYPE
  1484.                   SYNTAX  PositiveInteger
  1485.                   ACCESS  read-only
  1486.                   STATUS  mandatory
  1487.                   DESCRIPTION
  1488.                           "The actual number of entries the agent will
  1489.                           keep in the x25ClearedCircuit Table."
  1490.                   ::= { x25 7 }
  1491.           x25ClearedCircuitTable  OBJECT-TYPE
  1492.                   SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF      X25ClearedCircuitEntry
  1493.                   ACCESS not-accessible
  1494.                   STATUS  mandatory
  1495.                   DESCRIPTION
  1496.                           "A table of entries about closed circuits.
  1497.                           Entries must be made in this table whenever
  1498.                           circuits are closed and the close request or
  1499.                           close indication packet contains a clearing
  1500.                           cause other than DTE Originated or a
  1501.                           Diagnostic code field other than Higher
  1502.                           Layer Initiated disconnection-normal.  An
  1503.                           agent may optionally make entries for normal
  1504.                           closes (to record closing facilities or
  1505.                           other information).
  1506.                           Agents will delete the oldest entry in the
  1507.                           table when adding a new entry would exceed
  1508.                           agent resources.  Agents are required to
  1509.                           keep the last entry put in the table and may
  1510.                           keep more entries.  The object
  1511.                           x25OperClearEntriesGranted returns the
  1512.                           maximum number of entries kept in the
  1513.                           table."
  1514.                   REFERENCE "See ISO 8208 Section
  1515.                                   and"
  1516.                   ::= { x25 8 }
  1517.           x25ClearedCircuitEntry  OBJECT-TYPE
  1518.                   SYNTAX  X25ClearedCircuitEntry
  1519.                   ACCESS  not-accessible
  1520.                   STATUS  mandatory
  1521.                   DESCRIPTION
  1522.                           "Information about a cleared circuit."
  1523.                   INDEX { x25ClearedCircuitIndex }
  1524.                   ::= { x25ClearedCircuitTable 1 }
  1525.           X25ClearedCircuitEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
  1526.                   x25ClearedCircuitIndex
  1527.                           PositiveInteger,
  1528.                   x25ClearedCircuitPleIndex
  1529.                           IfIndexType,
  1530.                   x25ClearedCircuitTimeEstablished
  1531.                           TimeTicks,
  1532.                   x25ClearedCircuitTimeCleared
  1533.                           TimeTicks,
  1534.                   x25ClearedCircuitChannel
  1535.                           INTEGER,
  1536.                   x25ClearedCircuitClearingCause
  1537.                           INTEGER,
  1538.                   x25ClearedCircuitDiagnosticCode
  1539.                           INTEGER,
  1540.                   x25ClearedCircuitInPdus
  1541.                           Counter,
  1542.                   x25ClearedCircuitOutPdus
  1543.                           Counter,
  1544.                   x25ClearedCircuitCalledAddress
  1545.                           X121Address,
  1546.                   x25ClearedCircuitCallingAddress
  1547.                           X121Address,
  1548.                   x25ClearedCircuitClearFacilities
  1549.                           OCTET STRING
  1550.                   }
  1551.           x25ClearedCircuitIndex OBJECT-TYPE
  1552.                   SYNTAX  PositiveInteger
  1553.                   ACCESS  read-only
  1554.                   STATUS  mandatory
  1555.                   DESCRIPTION
  1556.                           "An index that uniquely distinguishes one
  1557.                           entry in the clearedCircuitTable from
  1558.                           another.  This index will start at
  1559.                           2147483647 and will decrease by one for each
  1560.                           new entry added to the table.  Upon reaching
  1561.                           one, the index will reset to 2147483647.
  1562.                           Because the index starts at 2147483647 and
  1563.                           decreases, a manager may do a getnext on
  1564.                           entry zero and obtain the most recent entry.
  1565.                           When the index has the value of 1, the next
  1566.                           entry will delete all entries in the table
  1567.                           and that entry will be numbered 2147483647."
  1568.                   ::= { x25ClearedCircuitEntry 1 }
  1569.           x25ClearedCircuitPleIndex OBJECT-TYPE
  1570.                   SYNTAX  IfIndexType
  1571.                   ACCESS  read-only
  1572.                   STATUS  mandatory
  1573.                   DESCRIPTION
  1574.                           "The value of ifIndex for the PLE which
  1575.                           cleared the circuit that created the entry."
  1576.                   ::= { x25ClearedCircuitEntry 2 }
  1577.           x25ClearedCircuitTimeEstablished OBJECT-TYPE
  1578.                   SYNTAX  TimeTicks
  1579.                   ACCESS  read-only
  1580.                   STATUS  mandatory
  1581.                   DESCRIPTION
  1582.                           "The value of sysUpTime when the circuit was
  1583.                           established.  This will be the same value
  1584.                           that was in the x25CircuitEstablishTime for
  1585.                           the circuit."
  1586.                   ::= { x25ClearedCircuitEntry 3 }
  1587.           x25ClearedCircuitTimeCleared OBJECT-TYPE
  1588.                   SYNTAX  TimeTicks
  1589.                   ACCESS  read-only
  1590.                   STATUS  mandatory
  1591.                   DESCRIPTION
  1592.                           "The value of sysUpTime when the circuit was
  1593.                           cleared.  For locally initiated clears, this
  1594.                           will be the time when the clear confirmation
  1595.                           was received.  For remotely initiated
  1596.                           clears, this will be the time when the clear
  1597.                           indication was received."
  1598.                   ::= { x25ClearedCircuitEntry 4 }
  1599.           x25ClearedCircuitChannel OBJECT-TYPE
  1600.                   SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..4095)
  1601.                   ACCESS  read-only
  1602.                   STATUS  mandatory
  1603.                   DESCRIPTION
  1604.                           "The channel number for the circuit that was
  1605.                           cleared."
  1606.                   ::= { x25ClearedCircuitEntry 5 }
  1607.           x25ClearedCircuitClearingCause OBJECT-TYPE
  1608.                   SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..255)
  1609.                   ACCESS  read-only
  1610.                   STATUS  mandatory
  1611.                   DESCRIPTION
  1612.                           "The Clearing Cause from the clear request
  1613.                           or clear indication packet that cleared the
  1614.                           circuit."
  1615.                   REFERENCE "See ISO 8208 Section"
  1616.                   ::= { x25ClearedCircuitEntry 6 }
  1617.           x25ClearedCircuitDiagnosticCode OBJECT-TYPE
  1618.                   SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..255)
  1619.                   ACCESS  read-only
  1620.                   STATUS  mandatory
  1621.                   DESCRIPTION
  1622.                           "The Diagnostic Code from the clear request
  1623.                           or clear indication packet that cleared the
  1624.                           circuit."
  1625.                   REFERENCE "See ISO 8208 Section"
  1626.                   ::= { x25ClearedCircuitEntry 7 }
  1627.           x25ClearedCircuitInPdus OBJECT-TYPE
  1628.                   SYNTAX  Counter
  1629.                   ACCESS  read-only
  1630.                   STATUS  mandatory
  1631.                   DESCRIPTION
  1632.                           "The number of PDUs received on the
  1633.                           circuit."
  1634.                   ::= { x25ClearedCircuitEntry 8 }
  1635.           x25ClearedCircuitOutPdus OBJECT-TYPE
  1636.                   SYNTAX  Counter
  1637.                   ACCESS  read-only
  1638.                   STATUS  mandatory
  1639.                   DESCRIPTION
  1640.                           "The number of PDUs transmitted on the
  1641.                           circuit."
  1642.                   ::= { x25ClearedCircuitEntry 9 }
  1643.           x25ClearedCircuitCalledAddress OBJECT-TYPE
  1644.                   SYNTAX  X121Address
  1645.                   ACCESS  read-only
  1646.                   STATUS  mandatory
  1647.                   DESCRIPTION
  1648.                           "The called address from the cleared
  1649.                           circuit."
  1650.                   ::= { x25ClearedCircuitEntry 10 }
  1651.           x25ClearedCircuitCallingAddress OBJECT-TYPE
  1652.                   SYNTAX  X121Address
  1653.                   ACCESS  read-only
  1654.                   STATUS  mandatory
  1655.                   DESCRIPTION
  1656.                           "The calling address from the cleared
  1657.                           circuit."
  1658.                   ::= { x25ClearedCircuitEntry 11 }
  1659.           x25ClearedCircuitClearFacilities OBJECT-TYPE
  1660.                   SYNTAX  OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..109))
  1661.                   ACCESS  read-only
  1662.                   STATUS  mandatory
  1663.                   DESCRIPTION
  1664.                           "The facilities field from the clear request
  1665.                           or clear indication packet that cleared the
  1666.                           circuit.  A size of zero indicates no
  1667.                           facilities were present."
  1668.                   ::= { x25ClearedCircuitEntry 12 }
  1669.           -- ###########################################################
  1670.           --                The Call Parameter Table
  1671.           -- ###########################################################
  1672.           x25CallParmTable OBJECT-TYPE
  1673.                   SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF X25CallParmEntry
  1674.                   ACCESS  not-accessible
  1675.                   STATUS  mandatory
  1676.                   DESCRIPTION
  1677.                           "These objects contain the parameters that
  1678.                           can be varied between X.25 calls.  The
  1679.                           entries in this table are independent of the
  1680.                           PLE.  There exists only one of these tables
  1681.                           for the entire system.  The indexes for the
  1682.                           entries are independent of any PLE or any
  1683.                           circuit.  Other tables reference entries in
  1684.                           this table.  Entries in this table can be
  1685.                           used for default PLE parameters, for
  1686.                           parameters to use to place/answer a call,
  1687.                           for the parameters currently in use for a
  1688.                           circuit, or parameters that were used by a
  1689.                           circuit.
  1690.                           The number of references to a given set of
  1691.                           parameters can be found in the
  1692.                           x25CallParmRefCount object sharing the same
  1693.                           instance identifier with the parameters.
  1694.                           The value of this reference count also
  1695.                           affects the access of the objects in this
  1696.                           table.  An object in this table with the
  1697.                           same instance identifier as the instance
  1698.                           identifier of an x25CallParmRefCount must be
  1699.                           consider associated with that reference
  1700.                           count.  An object with an associated
  1701.                           reference count of zero can be written (if
  1702.                           its ACCESS clause allows it).  An object
  1703.                           with an associated reference count greater
  1704.                           than zero can not be written (regardless of
  1705.                           the ACCESS clause).  This ensures that a set
  1706.                           of call parameters being referenced from
  1707.                           another table can not be modified or changed
  1708.                           in a ways inappropriate for continued use by
  1709.                           that table."
  1710.                   ::= { x25 9 }
  1711.           x25CallParmEntry OBJECT-TYPE
  1712.                   SYNTAX  X25CallParmEntry
  1713.                   ACCESS  not-accessible
  1714.                   STATUS  mandatory
  1715.                   DESCRIPTION
  1716.                           "Entries of x25CallParmTable."
  1717.                   INDEX { x25CallParmIndex }
  1718.                   ::= { x25CallParmTable 1 }
  1719.           X25CallParmEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
  1720.                   x25CallParmIndex
  1721.                           PositiveInteger,
  1722.                   x25CallParmStatus
  1723.                           EntryStatus,
  1724.                   x25CallParmRefCount
  1725.                           PositiveInteger,
  1726.                   x25CallParmInPacketSize
  1727.                           INTEGER,
  1728.                   x25CallParmOutPacketSize
  1729.                           INTEGER,
  1730.                   x25CallParmInWindowSize
  1731.                           INTEGER,
  1732.                   x25CallParmOutWindowSize
  1733.                           INTEGER,
  1734.                   x25CallParmAcceptReverseCharging
  1735.                           INTEGER,
  1736.                   x25CallParmProposeReverseCharging
  1737.                           INTEGER,
  1738.                   x25CallParmFastSelect
  1739.                           INTEGER,
  1740.                   x25CallParmInThruPutClasSize
  1741.                           INTEGER,
  1742.                   x25CallParmOutThruPutClasSize
  1743.                           INTEGER,
  1744.                   x25CallParmCug
  1745.                           DisplayString,
  1746.                   x25CallParmCugoa
  1747.                           DisplayString,
  1748.                   x25CallParmBcug
  1749.                           DisplayString,
  1750.                   x25CallParmNui
  1751.                           OCTET STRING,
  1752.                   x25CallParmChargingInfo
  1753.                           INTEGER,
  1754.                   x25CallParmRpoa
  1755.                           DisplayString,
  1756.                   x25CallParmTrnstDly
  1757.                           INTEGER,
  1758.                   x25CallParmCallingExt
  1759.                           DisplayString,
  1760.                   x25CallParmCalledExt
  1761.                           DisplayString,
  1762.                   x25CallParmInMinThuPutCls
  1763.                           INTEGER,
  1764.                   x25CallParmOutMinThuPutCls
  1765.                           INTEGER,
  1766.                   x25CallParmEndTrnsDly
  1767.                           OCTET STRING,
  1768.                   x25CallParmPriority
  1769.                           OCTET STRING,
  1770.                   x25CallParmProtection
  1771.                           DisplayString,
  1772.                   x25CallParmExptData
  1773.                           INTEGER,
  1774.                   x25CallParmUserData
  1775.                           OCTET STRING,
  1776.                   x25CallParmCallingNetworkFacilities
  1777.                           OCTET STRING,
  1778.                   x25CallParmCalledNetworkFacilities
  1779.                           OCTET STRING
  1780.                   }
  1781.           x25CallParmIndex OBJECT-TYPE
  1782.                   SYNTAX  PositiveInteger
  1783.                   ACCESS  read-only
  1784.                   STATUS  mandatory
  1785.                   DESCRIPTION
  1786.                           "A value that distinguishes this entry from
  1787.                           another entry.  Entries in this table are
  1788.                           referenced from other objects which identify
  1789.                           call parameters.
  1790.                           It is impossible to know which other objects
  1791.                           in the MIB reference entries in the table by
  1792.                           looking at this table.  Because of this,
  1793.                           changes to parameters must be accomplished
  1794.                           by creating a new entry in this table and
  1795.                           then changing the referencing table to
  1796.                           identify the new entry.
  1797.                           Note that an agent will only use the values
  1798.                           in this table when another table is changed
  1799.                           to reference those values.  The number of
  1800.                           other tables that reference an index object
  1801.                           in this table can be found in
  1802.                           x25CallParmRefCount.  The value of the
  1803.                           reference count will affect the writability
  1804.                           of the objects as explained above.
  1805.                           Entries in this table which have a reference
  1806.                           count of zero maybe deleted at the convence
  1807.                           of the agent.  Care should be taken by the
  1808.                           agent to give the NMS sufficient time to
  1809.                           create a reference to newly created entries.
  1810.                           Should a Management Station not find a free
  1811.                           index with which to create a new entry, it
  1812.                           may feel free to delete entries with a
  1813.                           reference count of zero.  However in doing
  1814.                           so the Management Station much realize it
  1815.                           may impact other Management Stations."
  1816.                   ::= { x25CallParmEntry 1 }
  1817.           x25CallParmStatus OBJECT-TYPE
  1818.                   SYNTAX  EntryStatus
  1819.                   ACCESS  read-write
  1820.                   STATUS  mandatory
  1821.                   DESCRIPTION
  1822.                           "The status of this call parameter entry.
  1823.                           See RFC 1271 for details of usage."
  1824.                   ::= { x25CallParmEntry 2 }
  1825.           x25CallParmRefCount OBJECT-TYPE
  1826.                   SYNTAX  PositiveInteger
  1827.                   ACCESS  read-only
  1828.                   STATUS  mandatory
  1829.                   DESCRIPTION
  1830.                           "The number of references know by a
  1831.                           management station to exist to this set of
  1832.                           call parameters.  This is the number of
  1833.                           other objects that have returned a value of,
  1834.                           and will return a value of, the index for
  1835.                           this set of call parameters.  Examples of
  1836.                           such objects are the x25AdmnDefCallParamId,
  1837.                           x25OperDataLinkId, or x25AdmnDefCallParamId
  1838.                           objects defined above."
  1839.                   ::= { x25CallParmEntry 3 }
  1840.           x25CallParmInPacketSize OBJECT-TYPE
  1841.                   SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..4096)
  1842.                   ACCESS  read-write
  1843.                   STATUS  mandatory
  1844.                   DESCRIPTION
  1845.                           "The maximum receive packet size in octets
  1846.                           for a circuit.  A size of zero for a circuit
  1847.                           means use the PLE default size.  A size of
  1848.                           zero for the PLE means use a default size of
  1849.                           128."
  1850.                   REFERENCE "10733 proposedPacketSize;
  1851.                           See ISO 8208 Section"
  1852.                   DEFVAL { 128 }
  1853.                   ::= { x25CallParmEntry 4 }
  1854.           x25CallParmOutPacketSize OBJECT-TYPE
  1855.                   SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..4096)
  1856.                   ACCESS  read-write
  1857.                   STATUS  mandatory
  1858.                   DESCRIPTION
  1859.                           "The maximum transmit packet size in octets
  1860.                           for a circuit.  A size of zero for a circuit
  1861.                           means use the PLE default size.  A size of
  1862.                           zero for the PLE default means use a default
  1863.                           size of 128."
  1864.                   REFERENCE "10733 proposedPacketSize;
  1865.                           See ISO 8208 Section"
  1866.                   DEFVAL { 128 }
  1867.                   ::= { x25CallParmEntry 5 }
  1868.           x25CallParmInWindowSize OBJECT-TYPE
  1869.                   SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..127)
  1870.                   ACCESS  read-write
  1871.                   STATUS  mandatory
  1872.                   DESCRIPTION
  1873.                           "The receive window size for a circuit.  A
  1874.                           size of zero for a circuit means use the PLE
  1875.                           default size.  A size of zero for the PLE
  1876.                           default means use 2."
  1877.                   REFERENCE "10733 proposedWindowSize;
  1878.                           See ISO 8208 Section"
  1879.                   DEFVAL { 2 }
  1880.                   ::= { x25CallParmEntry 6 }
  1881.           x25CallParmOutWindowSize OBJECT-TYPE
  1882.                   SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..127)
  1883.                   ACCESS  read-write
  1884.                   STATUS  mandatory
  1885.                   DESCRIPTION
  1886.                           "The transmit window size for a circuit.  A
  1887.                           size of zero for a circuit means use the PLE
  1888.                           default size.  A size of zero for the PLE
  1889.                           default means use 2."
  1890.                   REFERENCE "10733 proposedWindowSize;
  1891.                           See ISO 8208 Section"
  1892.                   DEFVAL { 2 }
  1893.                   ::= { x25CallParmEntry 7 }
  1894.           x25CallParmAcceptReverseCharging OBJECT-TYPE
  1895.                   SYNTAX  INTEGER {
  1896.                                   default (1),
  1897.                                   accept (2),
  1898.                                   refuse (3),
  1899.                                   neverAccept (4)
  1900.                           }
  1901.                   ACCESS  read-write
  1902.                   STATUS  mandatory
  1903.                   DESCRIPTION
  1904.                           "An enumeration defining if the PLE will
  1905.                           accept or refuse charges.  A value of
  1906.                           default for a circuit means use the PLE
  1907.                           default value.  A value of neverAccept is
  1908.                           only used for the PLE default and indicates
  1909.                           the PLE will never accept reverse charging.
  1910.                           A value of default for a PLE default means
  1911.                           refuse."
  1912.                   REFERENCE "10733 acceptReverseCharging"
  1913.                   DEFVAL { refuse }
  1914.                   ::= { x25CallParmEntry 8 }
  1915.           x25CallParmProposeReverseCharging OBJECT-TYPE
  1916.                   SYNTAX  INTEGER {
  1917.                                   default (1),
  1918.                                   reverse (2),
  1919.                                   local (3)
  1920.                           }
  1921.                   ACCESS  read-write
  1922.                   STATUS  mandatory
  1923.                   DESCRIPTION
  1924.                           "An enumeration defining if the PLE should
  1925.                           propose reverse or local charging.  The
  1926.                           value of default for a circuit means use the
  1927.                           PLE default.  The value of default for the
  1928.                           PLE default means use local."
  1929.                   REFERENCE "10733 proposedPacketSize;
  1930.                           See ISO 8208 Section"
  1931.                   DEFVAL { local }
  1932.                   ::= { x25CallParmEntry 9 }
  1933.           x25CallParmFastSelect OBJECT-TYPE
  1934.                   SYNTAX  INTEGER {
  1935.                                   default (1),
  1936.                                   notSpecified (2),
  1937.                                   fastSelect (3),
  1938.                                   restrictedFastResponse (4),
  1939.                                   noFastSelect (5),
  1940.                                   noRestrictedFastResponse (6)
  1941.                           }
  1942.                   ACCESS  read-write
  1943.                   STATUS  mandatory
  1944.                   DESCRIPTION
  1945.                           "Expresses preference for use of fast select
  1946.                           facility.  The value of default for a
  1947.                           circuit is the PLE default.  A value of
  1948.                           default for the PLE means noFastSelect.  A
  1949.                           value of noFastSelect or
  1950.                           noRestrictedFastResponse indicates a circuit
  1951.                           may not use fast select or restricted fast
  1952.                           response."
  1953.                   REFERENCE "10733 fastSelect;
  1954.                   Sec ISO 8208 Section"
  1955.                   DEFVAL { noFastSelect }
  1956.                   ::= { x25CallParmEntry 10 }
  1957.           x25CallParmInThruPutClasSize    OBJECT-TYPE
  1958.                   SYNTAX  INTEGER {
  1959.                                   tcReserved1 (1),
  1960.                                   tcReserved2 (2),
  1961.                                   tc75 (3),
  1962.                                   tc150 (4),
  1963.                                   tc300 (5),
  1964.                                   tc600 (6),
  1965.                                   tc1200  (7),
  1966.                                   tc2400  (8),
  1967.                                   tc4800  (9),
  1968.                                   tc9600  (10),
  1969.                                   tc19200 (11),
  1970.                                   tc48000 (12),
  1971.                                   tc64000 (13),
  1972.                                   tcReserved14 (14),
  1973.                                   tcReserved15 (15),
  1974.                                   tcReserved0 (16),
  1975.                                   tcNone  (17),
  1976.                                   tcDefault (18)
  1977.                           }
  1978.                   ACCESS  read-write
  1979.                   STATUS  mandatory
  1980.                   DESCRIPTION
  1981.                           "The incoming throughput class to negotiate.
  1982.                           A value of tcDefault for a circuit means use
  1983.                           the PLE default.  A value of tcDefault for
  1984.                           the PLE default means tcNone.  A value of
  1985.                           tcNone means do not negotiate throughtput
  1986.                           class."
  1987.                   REFERENCE "See ISO 8208 Section, table 18"
  1988.                   DEFVAL { tcNone }
  1989.                   ::= { x25CallParmEntry 11 }
  1990.           x25CallParmOutThruPutClasSize   OBJECT-TYPE
  1991.                   SYNTAX  INTEGER {
  1992.                                   tcReserved1 (1),
  1993.                                   tcReserved2 (2),
  1994.                                   tc75 (3),
  1995.                                   tc150 (4),
  1996.                                   tc300 (5),
  1997.                                   tc600 (6),
  1998.                                   tc1200  (7),
  1999.                                   tc2400  (8),
  2000.                                   tc4800  (9),
  2001.                                   tc9600  (10),
  2002.                                   tc19200 (11),
  2003.                                   tc48000 (12),
  2004.                                   tc64000 (13),
  2005.                                   tcReserved14 (14),
  2006.                                   tcReserved15 (15),
  2007.                                   tcReserved0 (16),
  2008.                                   tcNone  (17),
  2009.                                   tcDefault (18)
  2010.                           }
  2011.                   ACCESS  read-write
  2012.                   STATUS  mandatory
  2013.                   DESCRIPTION
  2014.                           "The outgoing throughput class to negotiate.
  2015.                           A value of tcDefault for a circuit means use
  2016.                           the PLE default.  A value of tcDefault for
  2017.                           the PLE default means use tcNone.  A value
  2018.                           of tcNone means do not negotiate throughtput
  2019.                           class."
  2020.                   REFERENCE "See ISO 8208 Section, table 18"
  2021.                   DEFVAL { tcNone }
  2022.                   ::= { x25CallParmEntry 12 }
  2023.           x25CallParmCug  OBJECT-TYPE
  2024.                   SYNTAX  DisplayString (SIZE(0..4))
  2025.                   ACCESS  read-write
  2026.                   STATUS  mandatory
  2027.                   DESCRIPTION
  2028.                           "The Closed User Group to specify.  This
  2029.                           consists of two or four octets containing
  2030.                           the characters 0 through 9.  A zero length
  2031.                           string indicates no facility requested.  A
  2032.                           string length of three containing the
  2033.                           characters DEF for a circuit means use the
  2034.                           PLE default, (the PLE default parameter may
  2035.                           not reference an entry of DEF.)"
  2036.                   REFERENCE "See ISO 8208 Section"
  2037.                   DEFVAL { ''h }
  2038.                   ::= { x25CallParmEntry 13 }
  2039.           x25CallParmCugoa        OBJECT-TYPE
  2040.                   SYNTAX  DisplayString (SIZE(0..4))
  2041.                   ACCESS  read-write
  2042.                   STATUS  mandatory
  2043.                   DESCRIPTION
  2044.                           "The Closed User Group with Outgoing Access
  2045.                           to specify.  This consists of two or four
  2046.                           octets containing the characters 0 through
  2047.                           9.  A string length of three containing the
  2048.                           characters DEF for a circuit means use the
  2049.                           PLE default (the PLE default parameters may
  2050.                           not reference an entry of DEF).  A zero
  2051.                           length string indicates no facility
  2052.                           requested."
  2053.                   REFERENCE "See ISO 8208 Section"
  2054.                   DEFVAL { ''h }
  2055.                   ::= { x25CallParmEntry 14 }
  2056.           x25CallParmBcug OBJECT-TYPE
  2057.                   SYNTAX  DisplayString (SIZE(0..3))
  2058.                   ACCESS  read-write
  2059.                   STATUS  mandatory
  2060.                   DESCRIPTION
  2061.                           "The Bilateral Closed User Group to specify.
  2062.                           This consists of two octets containing the
  2063.                           characters 0 through 9.  A string length of
  2064.                           three containing the characters DEF for a
  2065.                           circuit means use the PLE default (the PLE
  2066.                           default parameter may not reference an entry
  2067.                           of DEF).  A zero length string indicates no
  2068.                           facility requested."
  2069.                   REFERENCE "See ISO 8208 Section"
  2070.                   DEFVAL { ''h }
  2071.                   ::= { x25CallParmEntry 15 }
  2072.           x25CallParmNui  OBJECT-TYPE
  2073.                   SYNTAX  OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..108))
  2074.                   ACCESS  read-write
  2075.                   STATUS  mandatory
  2076.                   DESCRIPTION
  2077.                           "The Network User Identifier facility.  This
  2078.                           is binary value to be included immediately
  2079.                           after the length field.  The PLE will supply
  2080.                           the length octet.  A zero length string
  2081.                           indicates no facility requested.  This value
  2082.                           is ignored for the PLE default parameters
  2083.                           entry."
  2084.                   REFERENCE "See ISO 8208 Section"
  2085.                   DEFVAL { ''h }
  2086.                   ::= { x25CallParmEntry 16 }
  2087.           x25CallParmChargingInfo OBJECT-TYPE
  2088.                   SYNTAX INTEGER {
  2089.                                   default (1),
  2090.                                   noFacility (2),
  2091.                                   noChargingInfo (3),
  2092.                                   chargingInfo (4)
  2093.                           }
  2094.                   ACCESS  read-write
  2095.                   STATUS  mandatory
  2096.                   DESCRIPTION
  2097.                           "The charging Information facility.  A value
  2098.                           of default for a circuit means use the PLE
  2099.                           default.  The value of default for the
  2100.                           default PLE parameters means use noFacility.
  2101.                           The value of noFacility means do not include
  2102.                           a facility."
  2103.                   REFERENCE "See ISO 8208 Section"
  2104.                   DEFVAL { noFacility }
  2105.                   ::= { x25CallParmEntry 17 }
  2106.           x25CallParmRpoa OBJECT-TYPE
  2107.                   SYNTAX  DisplayString (SIZE(0..108))
  2108.                   ACCESS  read-write
  2109.                   STATUS  mandatory
  2110.                   DESCRIPTION
  2111.                           "The RPOA facility.  The octet string
  2112.                           contains n * 4 sequences of the characters
  2113.                           0-9 to specify a facility with n entries.
  2114.                           The octet string containing the 3 characters
  2115.                           DEF for a circuit specifies use of the PLE
  2116.                           default (the entry for the PLE default may
  2117.                           not contain DEF).  A zero length string
  2118.                           indicates no facility requested."
  2119.                   REFERENCE "See ISO 8208, section"
  2120.                   DEFVAL { ''h }
  2121.                   ::= { x25CallParmEntry 18 }
  2122.           x25CallParmTrnstDly     OBJECT-TYPE
  2123.                   SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..65537)
  2124.                   ACCESS  read-write
  2125.                   STATUS  mandatory
  2126.                   DESCRIPTION
  2127.                           "The Transit Delay Selection and Indication
  2128.                           value.  A value of 65536 indicates no
  2129.                           facility requested.  A value of 65537 for a
  2130.                           circuit means use the PLE default (the PLE
  2131.                           default parameters entry may not use the
  2132.                           value 65537).  The value 65535 may only be
  2133.                           used to indicate the value in use by a
  2134.                           circuit."
  2135.                   REFERENCE "See ISO 8208, Section"
  2136.                   DEFVAL { 65536 }
  2137.                   ::= { x25CallParmEntry 19 }
  2138.                   -- The following parameters are for CCITT facilities.
  2139.           x25CallParmCallingExt OBJECT-TYPE
  2140.                   SYNTAX  DisplayString (SIZE(0..40))
  2141.                   ACCESS  read-write
  2142.                   STATUS  mandatory
  2143.                   DESCRIPTION
  2144.                           "The Calling Extension facility.  This
  2145.                           contains one of the following:
  2146.                           A sequence of hex digits with the value to
  2147.                           be put in the facility. These digits will be
  2148.                           converted to binary by the agent and put in
  2149.                           the facility.  These octets do not include
  2150.                           the length octet.
  2151.                           A value containing the three character DEF
  2152.                           for a circuit means use the PLE default,
  2153.                           (the entry for the PLE default parameters
  2154.                           may not use the value DEF).
  2155.                           A zero length string indicates no facility
  2156.                           requested."
  2157.                   REFERENCE "See ISO 8208 Section"
  2158.                   DEFVAL { ''h }
  2159.                   ::= { x25CallParmEntry 20 }
  2160.           x25CallParmCalledExt OBJECT-TYPE
  2161.                   SYNTAX  DisplayString (SIZE(0..40))
  2162.                   ACCESS  read-write
  2163.                   STATUS  mandatory
  2164.                   DESCRIPTION
  2165.                           "The Called Extension facility.  This
  2166.                           contains one of the following:
  2167.                           A sequence of hex digits with the value to
  2168.                           be put in the facility.  These digits will be
  2169.                           converted to binary by the agent and put in
  2170.                           the facility.  These octets do not include
  2171.                           the length octet.
  2172.                           A value containing the three character DEF
  2173.                           for a circuit means use the PLE default,
  2174.                           (the entry for the PLE default parameters
  2175.                           may not use the value DEF).
  2176.                           A zero length string indicates no facility
  2177.                           requested."
  2178.                   REFERENCE "See ISO 8208 Section"
  2179.                   DEFVAL { ''h }
  2180.                   ::= { x25CallParmEntry 21 }
  2181.           x25CallParmInMinThuPutCls       OBJECT-TYPE
  2182.                   SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..17)
  2183.                   ACCESS  read-write
  2184.                   STATUS  mandatory
  2185.                   DESCRIPTION
  2186.                           "The minimum input throughput Class.  A
  2187.                           value of 16 for a circuit means use the PLE
  2188.                           default (the PLE parameters entry may not
  2189.                           use this value).  A value of 17 indicates no
  2190.                           facility requested."
  2191.                   REFERENCE "See ISO 8208 Section"
  2192.                   DEFVAL { 17 }
  2193.                   ::= { x25CallParmEntry 22 }
  2194.           x25CallParmOutMinThuPutCls OBJECT-TYPE
  2195.                   SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..17)
  2196.                   ACCESS  read-write
  2197.                   STATUS  mandatory
  2198.                   DESCRIPTION
  2199.                           "The minimum output throughput Class.  A
  2200.                           value of 16 for a circuit means use the PLE
  2201.                           default (the PLE parameters entry may not
  2202.                           use this value).  A value of 17 indicates no
  2203.                           facility requested."
  2204.                   REFERENCE "See ISO 8208 Section"
  2205.                   DEFVAL { 17 }
  2206.                   ::= { x25CallParmEntry 23 }
  2207.           x25CallParmEndTrnsDly OBJECT-TYPE
  2208.                   SYNTAX  OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..6))
  2209.                   ACCESS  read-write
  2210.                   STATUS  mandatory
  2211.                   DESCRIPTION
  2212.                           "The End-to-End Transit Delay to negotiate.
  2213.                           An octet string of length 2, 4, or 6
  2214.                           contains the facility encoded as specified
  2215.                           in ISO/IEC 8208 section  An octet
  2216.                           string of length 3 containing the three
  2217.                           character DEF for a circuit means use the
  2218.                           PLE default (the entry for the PLE default
  2219.                           can not contain the characters DEF).  A zero
  2220.                           length string indicates no facility
  2221.                           requested."
  2222.                   REFERENCE "See ISO 8208 Section"
  2223.                   DEFVAL { ''h }
  2224.                   ::= { x25CallParmEntry 24 }
  2225.           x25CallParmPriority OBJECT-TYPE
  2226.                   SYNTAX  OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..6))
  2227.                   ACCESS  read-write
  2228.                   STATUS  mandatory
  2229.                   DESCRIPTION
  2230.                           "The priority facility to negotiate.  The
  2231.                           octet string encoded as specified in ISO/IEC
  2232.                           8208 section  A zero length string
  2233.                           indicates no facility requested.  The entry
  2234.                           for the PLE default parameters must be zero
  2235.                           length."
  2236.                   REFERENCE "See ISO 8208 Section"
  2237.                   DEFVAL { ''h }
  2238.                   ::= { x25CallParmEntry 25 }
  2239.           x25CallParmProtection OBJECT-TYPE
  2240.                   SYNTAX  DisplayString (SIZE(0..108))
  2241.                   ACCESS  read-write
  2242.                   STATUS  mandatory
  2243.                   DESCRIPTION
  2244.                           "A string contains the following:
  2245.                           A hex string containing the value for the
  2246.                           protection facility.  This will be converted
  2247.                           from hex to the octets actually in the
  2248.                           packet by the agent.  The agent will supply
  2249.                           the length field and the length octet is not
  2250.                           contained in this string.
  2251.                           An string containing the 3 characters DEF
  2252.                           for a circuit means use the PLE default (the
  2253.                           entry for the PLE default parameters may not
  2254.                           use the value DEF).
  2255.                           A zero length string mean no facility
  2256.                           requested."
  2257.                   REFERENCE "See ISO 8208 Section"
  2258.                   DEFVAL { ''h }
  2259.                   ::= { x25CallParmEntry 26 }
  2260.           x25CallParmExptData OBJECT-TYPE
  2261.                   SYNTAX  INTEGER {
  2262.                                   default (1),
  2263.                                   noExpeditedData (2),
  2264.                                   expeditedData (3)
  2265.                           }
  2266.                   ACCESS  read-write
  2267.                   STATUS  mandatory
  2268.                   DESCRIPTION
  2269.                           "The Expedited Data facility to negotiate.
  2270.                           A value of default for a circuit means use
  2271.                           the PLE default value.  The entry for the
  2272.                           PLE default parameters may not have the
  2273.                           value default."
  2274.                   REFERENCE "See ISO 8208 Section"
  2275.                   DEFVAL { noExpeditedData }
  2276.                   ::= { x25CallParmEntry 27 }
  2277.           x25CallParmUserData     OBJECT-TYPE
  2278.                   SYNTAX  OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..128))
  2279.                   ACCESS  read-write
  2280.                   STATUS  mandatory
  2281.                   DESCRIPTION
  2282.                           "The call user data as placed in the packet.
  2283.                           A zero length string indicates no call user
  2284.                           data.  If both the circuit call parameters
  2285.                           and the PLE default have call user data
  2286.                           defined, the data from the circuit call
  2287.                           parameters will be used.  If only the PLE
  2288.                           has data defined, the PLE entry will be
  2289.                           used.  If neither the circuit call
  2290.                           parameters or the PLE default entry has a
  2291.                           value, no call user data will be sent."
  2292.                   REFERENCE "See ISO 8208 Section,"
  2293.                   DEFVAL { ''h }
  2294.                   ::= { x25CallParmEntry 28 }
  2295.           x25CallParmCallingNetworkFacilities     OBJECT-TYPE
  2296.                   SYNTAX  OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..108))
  2297.                   ACCESS  read-write
  2298.                   STATUS  mandatory
  2299.                   DESCRIPTION
  2300.                           "The calling network facilities.  The
  2301.                           facilities are encoded here exactly as
  2302.                           encoded in the call packet.  These
  2303.                           facilities do not include the marker
  2304.                           facility code.
  2305.                           A zero length string in the entry for the
  2306.                           parameter to use when establishing a circuit
  2307.                           means use the PLE default.  A zero length
  2308.                           string in the entry for PLE default
  2309.                           parameters indicates no default facilities."
  2310.                   REFERENCE "See ISO 8206 Section 15.1, category b"
  2311.                   DEFVAL { ''h }
  2312.                   ::= { x25CallParmEntry 29 }
  2313.           x25CallParmCalledNetworkFacilities      OBJECT-TYPE
  2314.                   SYNTAX  OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..108))
  2315.                   ACCESS  read-write
  2316.                   STATUS  mandatory
  2317.                   DESCRIPTION
  2318.                           "The called network facilities.  The
  2319.                           facilities are encoded here exactly as
  2320.                           encoded in the call packet.  These
  2321.                           facilities do not include the marker
  2322.                           facility code.
  2323.                           A zero length string in the entry for the
  2324.                           parameter to use when establishing a circuit
  2325.                           means use the PLE default.  A zero length
  2326.                           string in the entry for PLE default
  2327.                           parameters indicates no default facilities."
  2328.                   REFERENCE "See ISO 8206 Section 15.1, category c"
  2329.                   DEFVAL { ''h }
  2330.                   ::= { x25CallParmEntry 30 }
  2331.           -- ###########################################################
  2332.           --              X.25 Traps
  2333.           -- ###########################################################
  2334.           x25Restart      TRAP-TYPE
  2335.                   ENTERPRISE  x25
  2336.                   VARIABLES { x25OperIndex }
  2337.                   DESCRIPTION
  2338.                           "This trap means the X.25 PLE sent or
  2339.                           received a restart packet.  The restart that
  2340.                           brings up the link should not send a
  2341.                           x25Restart trap so the interface should send
  2342.                           a linkUp trap.  Sending this trap means the
  2343.                           agent does not send a linkDown and linkUp
  2344.                           trap."
  2345.                   ::= 1
  2346.           x25Reset        TRAP-TYPE
  2347.                   ENTERPRISE  x25
  2348.                   VARIABLES { x25CircuitIndex,
  2349.                           x25CircuitChannel }
  2350.                   DESCRIPTION
  2351.                           "If the PLE sends or receives a reset, the
  2352.                           agent should send an x25Reset trap."
  2353.                   ::= 2
  2354.           -- ###########################################################
  2355.           --              X.25 Protocol Version Identifiers
  2356.           -- ###########################################################
  2357.           x25ProtocolVersion OBJECT IDENTIFIER
  2358.                   ::= { x25 10 }
  2359.                   -- X.25 CCITT 1976 version.
  2360.           x25protocolCcittV1976 OBJECT IDENTIFIER
  2361.                   ::= { x25ProtocolVersion 1 }
  2362.                   -- X.25 CCITT 1980 version.
  2363.           x25protocolCcittV1980 OBJECT IDENTIFIER
  2364.                   ::= { x25ProtocolVersion 2 }
  2365.                   -- X.25 CCITT 1984 version.
  2366.           x25protocolCcittV1984 OBJECT IDENTIFIER
  2367.                   ::= { x25ProtocolVersion 3 }
  2368.                   -- X.25 CCITT 1988 version.
  2369.           x25protocolCcittV1988 OBJECT IDENTIFIER
  2370.                   ::= { x25ProtocolVersion 4 }
  2371.                   -- X.25 1987 version of ISO 8208.
  2372.           x25protocolIso8208V1987 OBJECT IDENTIFIER
  2373.                   ::= { x25ProtocolVersion 5 }
  2374.                   -- X.25 1989 version of ISO 8208.
  2375.           x25protocolIso8208V1989 OBJECT IDENTIFIER
  2376.                   ::= { x25ProtocolVersion 6 }
  2377.           -- ###########################################################
  2378. END