



  1. -- Changes for RFC 1471 (PPP LCP MIB)
  2. --   ** No changes needed **
  3. -- dperkins@scruznet.com
  5.           IMPORTS
  6.                Counter
  7.                     FROM RFC1155-SMI
  8.                ifIndex, transmission
  9.                     FROM RFC1213-MIB
  10.                OBJECT-TYPE
  11.                     FROM RFC-1212;
  12.                --  PPP MIB
  13.                ppp  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { transmission 23 }
  14.                pppLcp OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ppp 1 }
  15.                -- The individual groups within the PPP-LCP-MIB
  16.                pppLink      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pppLcp 1 }
  17.                pppLqr       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pppLcp 2 }
  18.                pppTests     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pppLcp 3 }
  19.           -- 4.1.  PPP Link Group
  20.           --
  21.           -- The PPP Link Group. Implementation of this
  22.           -- group is mandatory for all PPP entities.
  23.           --
  24.           -- The following object reflect the values of the option
  25.           -- parameters used in the PPP Link Control Protocol
  26.           --   pppLinkStatusLocalMRU
  27.           --   pppLinkStatusRemoteMRU
  28.           --   pppLinkStatusLocalToPeerACCMap
  29.           --   pppLinkStatusPeerToLocalACCMap
  30.           --   pppLinkStatusLocalToRemoteProtocolCompression
  31.           --   pppLinkStatusRemoteToLocalProtocolCompression
  32.           --   pppLinkStatusLocalToRemoteACCompression
  33.           --   pppLinkStatusRemoteToLocalACCompression
  34.           --   pppLinkStatusTransmitFcsSize
  35.           --   pppLinkStatusReceiveFcsSize
  36.           --
  37.           -- These values are not available until after the PPP Option
  38.           -- negotiation has completed, which is indicated by the link
  39.           -- reaching the open state (i.e., ifOperStatus is set to
  40.           -- up).
  41.           --
  42.           -- Therefore, when ifOperStatus is not up
  43.           -- the contents of these objects is undefined. The value
  44.           -- returned when accessing the objects is an implementation
  45.           -- dependent issue.
  46.           pppLinkStatusTable   OBJECT-TYPE
  47.                SYNTAX    SEQUENCE OF PppLinkStatusEntry
  48.                ACCESS    not-accessible
  49.                STATUS    mandatory
  50.                DESCRIPTION
  51.                          "A table containing PPP-link specific variables
  52.                          for this PPP implementation."
  53.                ::= { pppLink 1 }
  54.           pppLinkStatusEntry   OBJECT-TYPE
  55.                SYNTAX    PppLinkStatusEntry
  56.                ACCESS    not-accessible
  57.                STATUS    mandatory
  58.                DESCRIPTION
  59.                          "Management information about a particular PPP
  60.                          Link."
  61.                INDEX     { ifIndex }
  62.                ::= { pppLinkStatusTable 1 }
  63.           PppLinkStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
  64.                pppLinkStatusPhysicalIndex
  65.                     INTEGER,
  66.                pppLinkStatusBadAddresses
  67.                     Counter,
  68.                pppLinkStatusBadControls
  69.                     Counter,
  70.                pppLinkStatusPacketTooLongs
  71.                     Counter,
  72.                pppLinkStatusBadFCSs
  73.                     Counter,
  74.                pppLinkStatusLocalMRU
  75.                     INTEGER,
  76.                pppLinkStatusRemoteMRU
  77.                     INTEGER,
  78.                pppLinkStatusLocalToPeerACCMap
  79.                     OCTET STRING,
  80.                pppLinkStatusPeerToLocalACCMap
  81.                     OCTET STRING,
  82.                pppLinkStatusLocalToRemoteProtocolCompression
  83.                     INTEGER,
  84.                pppLinkStatusRemoteToLocalProtocolCompression
  85.                     INTEGER,
  86.                pppLinkStatusLocalToRemoteACCompression
  87.                     INTEGER,
  88.                pppLinkStatusRemoteToLocalACCompression
  89.                     INTEGER,
  90.                pppLinkStatusTransmitFcsSize
  91.                     INTEGER,
  92.                pppLinkStatusReceiveFcsSize
  93.                     INTEGER
  94.                }
  95.           pppLinkStatusPhysicalIndex   OBJECT-TYPE
  96.                SYNTAX    INTEGER(0..2147483647)
  97.                ACCESS    read-only
  98.                STATUS    mandatory
  99.                DESCRIPTION
  100.                          "The value of ifIndex that identifies the
  101.                          lower-level interface over which this PPP Link
  102.                          is operating. This interface would usually be
  103.                          an HDLC or RS-232 type of interface. If there
  104.                          is no lower-layer interface element, or there
  105.                          is no ifEntry for the element, or the element
  106.                          can not be identified, then the value of this
  107.                          object is 0.  For example, suppose that PPP is
  108.                          operating over a serial port. This would use
  109.                          two entries in the ifTable. The PPP could be
  110.                          running over `interface' number 123 and the
  111.                          serial port could be running over `interface'
  112.                          number 987.  Therefore, ifSpecific.123 would
  113.                          contain the OBJECT IDENTIFIER ppp
  114.                          pppLinkStatusPhysicalIndex.123 would contain
  115.                          987, and ifSpecific.987 would contain the
  116.                          OBJECT IDENTIFIER for the serial-port's media-
  117.                          specific MIB."
  118.                ::= { pppLinkStatusEntry 1 }
  119.           pppLinkStatusBadAddresses   OBJECT-TYPE
  120.                SYNTAX    Counter
  121.                ACCESS    read-only
  122.                STATUS    mandatory
  123.                DESCRIPTION
  124.                          "The number of packets received with an
  125.                          incorrect Address Field. This counter is a
  126.                          component of the ifInErrors variable that is
  127.                          associated with the interface that represents
  128.                          this PPP Link."
  129.                REFERENCE
  130.                          "Section 3.1, Address Field, of RFC1331."
  131.                ::= { pppLinkStatusEntry 2 }
  132.           pppLinkStatusBadControls   OBJECT-TYPE
  133.                SYNTAX    Counter
  134.                ACCESS    read-only
  135.                STATUS    mandatory
  136.                DESCRIPTION
  137.                          "The number of packets received on this link
  138.                          with an incorrect Control Field. This counter
  139.                          is a component of the ifInErrors variable that
  140.                          is associated with the interface that
  141.                          represents this PPP Link."
  142.                REFERENCE
  143.                          "Section 3.1, Control Field, of RFC1331."
  144.                ::= { pppLinkStatusEntry 3 }
  145.           pppLinkStatusPacketTooLongs   OBJECT-TYPE
  146.                SYNTAX    Counter
  147.                ACCESS    read-only
  148.                STATUS    mandatory
  149.                DESCRIPTION
  150.                          "The number of received packets that have been
  151.                          discarded because their length exceeded the
  152.                          MRU. This counter is a component of the
  153.                          ifInErrors variable that is associated with the
  154.                          interface that represents this PPP Link. NOTE,
  155.                          packets which are longer than the MRU but which
  156.                          are successfully received and processed are NOT
  157.                          included in this count."
  158.                ::= { pppLinkStatusEntry 4 }
  159.           pppLinkStatusBadFCSs   OBJECT-TYPE
  160.                SYNTAX    Counter
  161.                ACCESS    read-only
  162.                STATUS    mandatory
  163.                DESCRIPTION
  164.                          "The number of received packets that have been
  165.                          discarded due to having an incorrect FCS. This
  166.                          counter is a component of the ifInErrors
  167.                          variable that is associated with the interface
  168.                          that represents this PPP Link."
  169.                ::= { pppLinkStatusEntry 5 }
  170.           pppLinkStatusLocalMRU   OBJECT-TYPE
  171.                SYNTAX    INTEGER(1..2147483648)
  172.                ACCESS    read-only
  173.                STATUS    mandatory
  174.                DESCRIPTION
  175.                          "The current value of the MRU for the local PPP
  176.                          Entity. This value is the MRU that the remote
  177.                          entity is using when sending packets to the
  178.                          local PPP entity. The value of this object is
  179.                          meaningful only when the link has reached the
  180.                          open state (ifOperStatus is up)."
  181.                ::= { pppLinkStatusEntry 6 }
  182.           pppLinkStatusRemoteMRU   OBJECT-TYPE
  183.                SYNTAX    INTEGER(1..2147483648)
  184.                ACCESS    read-only
  185.                STATUS    mandatory
  186.                DESCRIPTION
  187.                          "The current value of the MRU for the remote
  188.                          PPP Entity. This value is the MRU that the
  189.                          local entity is using when sending packets to
  190.                          the remote PPP entity. The value of this object
  191.                          is meaningful only when the link has reached
  192.                          the open state (ifOperStatus is up)."
  193.                ::= { pppLinkStatusEntry 7 }
  194.           pppLinkStatusLocalToPeerACCMap   OBJECT-TYPE
  195.                SYNTAX    OCTET STRING (SIZE (4))
  196.                ACCESS    read-only
  197.                STATUS    mandatory
  198.                DESCRIPTION
  199.                          "The current value of the ACC Map used for
  200.                          sending packets from the local PPP entity to
  201.                          the remote PPP entity. The value of this object
  202.                          is meaningful only when the link has reached
  203.                          the open state (ifOperStatus is up)."
  204.                ::= { pppLinkStatusEntry 8 }
  205.           pppLinkStatusPeerToLocalACCMap   OBJECT-TYPE
  206.                SYNTAX    OCTET STRING (SIZE (4))
  207.                ACCESS    read-only
  208.                STATUS    mandatory
  209.                DESCRIPTION
  210.                          "The ACC Map used by the remote PPP entity when
  211.                          transmitting packets to the local PPP entity.
  212.                          The value of this object is meaningful only
  213.                          when the link has reached the open state
  214.                          (ifOperStatus is up)."
  215.                ::= { pppLinkStatusEntry 9 }
  216.           pppLinkStatusLocalToRemoteProtocolCompression
  217.                OBJECT-TYPE
  218.                SYNTAX    INTEGER {
  219.                          enabled(1),
  220.                          disabled(2)
  221.                     }
  222.                ACCESS    read-only
  223.                STATUS    mandatory
  224.                DESCRIPTION
  225.                          "Indicates whether the local PPP entity will
  226.                          use Protocol Compression when transmitting
  227.                          packets to the remote PPP entity. The value of
  228.                          this object is meaningful only when the link
  229.                          has reached the open state (ifOperStatus is
  230.                          up)."
  231.                ::= { pppLinkStatusEntry 10 }
  232.           pppLinkStatusRemoteToLocalProtocolCompression
  233.                OBJECT-TYPE
  234.                SYNTAX    INTEGER {
  235.                          enabled(1),
  236.                          disabled(2)
  237.                     }
  238.                ACCESS    read-only
  239.                STATUS    mandatory
  240.                DESCRIPTION
  241.                          "Indicates whether the remote PPP entity will
  242.                          use Protocol Compression when transmitting
  243.                          packets to the local PPP entity. The value of
  244.                          this object is meaningful only when the link
  245.                          has reached the open state (ifOperStatus is
  246.                          up)."
  247.                ::= { pppLinkStatusEntry 11 }
  248.           pppLinkStatusLocalToRemoteACCompression   OBJECT-TYPE
  249.                SYNTAX    INTEGER {
  250.                          enabled(1),
  251.                          disabled(2)
  252.                     }
  253.                ACCESS    read-only
  254.                STATUS    mandatory
  255.                DESCRIPTION
  256.                          "Indicates whether the local PPP entity will
  257.                          use Address and Control Compression when
  258.                          transmitting packets to the remote PPP entity.
  259.                          The value of this object is meaningful only
  260.                          when the link has reached the open state
  261.                          (ifOperStatus is up)."
  262.                ::= { pppLinkStatusEntry 12 }
  263.           pppLinkStatusRemoteToLocalACCompression   OBJECT-TYPE
  264.                SYNTAX    INTEGER {
  265.                          enabled(1),
  266.                          disabled(2)
  267.                     }
  268.                ACCESS    read-only
  269.                STATUS    mandatory
  270.                DESCRIPTION
  271.                          "Indicates whether the remote PPP entity will
  272.                          use Address and Control Compression when
  273.                          transmitting packets to the local PPP entity.
  274.                          The value of this object is meaningful only
  275.                          when the link has reached the open state
  276.                          (ifOperStatus is up)."
  277.                ::= { pppLinkStatusEntry 13 }
  278.           pppLinkStatusTransmitFcsSize   OBJECT-TYPE
  279.                SYNTAX    INTEGER (0..128)
  280.                ACCESS    read-only
  281.                STATUS    mandatory
  282.                DESCRIPTION
  283.                          "The size of the Frame Check Sequence (FCS) in
  284.                          bits that the local node will generate when
  285.                          sending packets to the remote node. The value
  286.                          of this object is meaningful only when the link
  287.                          has reached the open state (ifOperStatus is
  288.                          up)."
  289.                ::= { pppLinkStatusEntry 14 }
  290.           pppLinkStatusReceiveFcsSize   OBJECT-TYPE
  291.                SYNTAX    INTEGER (0..128)
  292.                ACCESS    read-only
  293.                STATUS    mandatory
  294.                DESCRIPTION
  295.                          "The size of the Frame Check Sequence (FCS) in
  296.                          bits that the remote node will generate when
  297.                          sending packets to the local node. The value of
  298.                          this object is meaningful only when the link
  299.                          has reached the open state (ifOperStatus is
  300.                          up)."
  301.                ::= { pppLinkStatusEntry 15 }
  302.           pppLinkConfigTable   OBJECT-TYPE
  303.                SYNTAX    SEQUENCE OF PppLinkConfigEntry
  304.                ACCESS    not-accessible
  305.                STATUS    mandatory
  306.                DESCRIPTION
  307.                          "A table containing the LCP configuration
  308.                          parameters for this PPP Link. These variables
  309.                          represent the initial configuration of the PPP
  310.                          Link. The actual values of the parameters may
  311.                          be changed when the link is brought up via the
  312.                          LCP options negotiation mechanism."
  313.                ::= { pppLink 2 }
  314.           pppLinkConfigEntry   OBJECT-TYPE
  315.                SYNTAX    PppLinkConfigEntry
  316.                ACCESS    not-accessible
  317.                STATUS    mandatory
  318.                DESCRIPTION
  319.                          "Configuration information about a particular
  320.                          PPP Link."
  321.                INDEX     { ifIndex }
  322.                ::= { pppLinkConfigTable 1 }
  323.           PppLinkConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
  324.                pppLinkConfigInitialMRU
  325.                     INTEGER,
  326.                pppLinkConfigReceiveACCMap
  327.                     OCTET STRING,
  328.                pppLinkConfigTransmitACCMap
  329.                     OCTET STRING,
  330.                pppLinkConfigMagicNumber
  331.                     INTEGER,
  332.                pppLinkConfigFcsSize
  333.                     INTEGER
  334.                }
  335.           pppLinkConfigInitialMRU   OBJECT-TYPE
  336.                SYNTAX    INTEGER(0..2147483647)
  337.                ACCESS    read-write
  338.                STATUS    mandatory
  339.                DESCRIPTION
  340.                          "The initial Maximum Receive Unit (MRU) that
  341.                          the local PPP entity will advertise to the
  342.                          remote entity. If the value of this variable is
  343.                          0 then the local PPP entity will not advertise
  344.                          any MRU to the remote entity and the default
  345.                          MRU will be assumed. Changing this object will
  346.                          have effect when the link is next restarted."
  347.                REFERENCE
  348.                          "Section 7.2, Maximum Receive Unit of RFC1331."
  349.                DEFVAL    { 1500 }
  350.                ::= { pppLinkConfigEntry 1 }
  351.           pppLinkConfigReceiveACCMap   OBJECT-TYPE
  352.                SYNTAX    OCTET STRING (SIZE (4))
  353.                ACCESS    read-write
  354.                STATUS    mandatory
  355.                DESCRIPTION
  356.                          "The Asynchronous-Control-Character-Map (ACC)
  357.                          that the local PPP entity requires for use on
  358.                          its receive side. In effect, this is the ACC
  359.                          Map that is required in order to ensure that
  360.                          the local modem will successfully receive all
  361.                          characters. The actual ACC map used on the
  362.                          receive side of the link will be a combination
  363.                          of the local node's pppLinkConfigReceiveACCMap
  364.                          and the remote node's
  365.                          pppLinkConfigTransmitACCMap. Changing this
  366.                          object will have effect when the link is next
  367.                          restarted."
  368.                REFERENCE
  369.                          "Section 7.3, page 4, Async-Control-Character-
  370.                          Map of RFC1331."
  371.                DEFVAL    { 'ffffffff'h }
  372.                ::= { pppLinkConfigEntry 2 }
  373.           pppLinkConfigTransmitACCMap   OBJECT-TYPE
  374.                SYNTAX    OCTET STRING (SIZE (4))
  375.                ACCESS    read-write
  376.                STATUS    mandatory
  377.                DESCRIPTION
  378.                          "The Asynchronous-Control-Character-Map (ACC)
  379.                          that the local PPP entity requires for use on
  380.                          its transmit side. In effect, this is the ACC
  381.                          Map that is required in order to ensure that
  382.                          all characters can be successfully transmitted
  383.                          through the local modem.  The actual ACC map
  384.                          used on the transmit side of the link will be a
  385.                          combination of the local node's
  386.                          pppLinkConfigTransmitACCMap and the remote
  387.                          node's pppLinkConfigReceiveACCMap. Changing
  388.                          this object will have effect when the link is
  389.                          next restarted."
  390.                REFERENCE
  391.                          "Section 7.3, page 4, Async-Control-Character-
  392.                          Map of RFC1331."
  393.                DEFVAL    { 'ffffffff'h }
  394.                ::= { pppLinkConfigEntry 3 }
  395.           pppLinkConfigMagicNumber   OBJECT-TYPE
  396.                SYNTAX    INTEGER {false (1), true (2)}
  397.                ACCESS    read-write
  398.                STATUS    mandatory
  399.                DESCRIPTION
  400.                          "If true(2) then the local node will attempt to
  401.                          perform Magic Number negotiation with the
  402.                          remote node. If false(1) then this negotiation
  403.                          is not performed. In any event, the local node
  404.                          will comply with any magic number negotiations
  405.                          attempted by the remote node, per the PPP
  406.                          specification. Changing this object will have
  407.                          effect when the link is next restarted."
  408.                REFERENCE
  409.                          "Section 7.6, Magic Number, of RFC1331."
  410.                DEFVAL    { false }
  411.                ::= { pppLinkConfigEntry 4 }
  412.           pppLinkConfigFcsSize   OBJECT-TYPE
  413.                SYNTAX    INTEGER (0..128)
  414.                ACCESS    read-write
  415.                STATUS    mandatory
  416.                DESCRIPTION
  417.                          "The size of the FCS, in bits, the local node
  418.                          will attempt to negotiate for use with the
  419.                          remote node. Regardless of the value of this
  420.                          object, the local node will comply with any FCS
  421.                          size negotiations initiated by the remote node,
  422.                          per the PPP specification. Changing this object
  423.                          will have effect when the link is next
  424.                          restarted."
  425.                DEFVAL    { 16 }
  426.                ::= { pppLinkConfigEntry 5 }
  427.                -- 4.2.  PPP LQR Group
  428.                --
  429.                -- The PPP LQR Group.
  430.                -- Implementation of this group is mandatory for all
  431.                -- PPP implementations that implement LQR.
  432.                --
  433.           pppLqrTable   OBJECT-TYPE
  434.                SYNTAX    SEQUENCE OF PppLqrEntry
  435.                ACCESS    not-accessible
  436.                STATUS    mandatory
  437.                DESCRIPTION
  438.                          "Table containing the LQR parameters and
  439.                          statistics for the local PPP entity."
  440.                ::= { pppLqr 1 }
  441.           pppLqrEntry   OBJECT-TYPE
  442.                SYNTAX    PppLqrEntry
  443.                ACCESS    not-accessible
  444.                STATUS    mandatory
  445.                DESCRIPTION
  446.                          "LQR information for a particular PPP link. A
  447.                          PPP link will have an entry in this table if
  448.                          and only if LQR Quality Monitoring has been
  449.                          successfully negotiated for said link."
  450.                INDEX     { ifIndex }
  451.                ::= { pppLqrTable 1 }
  452.           PppLqrEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
  453.                pppLqrQuality
  454.                     INTEGER,
  455.                pppLqrInGoodOctets
  456.                     Counter,
  457.                pppLqrLocalPeriod
  458.                     INTEGER,
  459.                pppLqrRemotePeriod
  460.                     INTEGER,
  461.                pppLqrOutLQRs
  462.                     Counter,
  463.                pppLqrInLQRs
  464.                     Counter
  465.           }
  466.           pppLqrQuality   OBJECT-TYPE
  467.                SYNTAX    INTEGER {
  468.                          good(1),
  469.                          bad(2),
  470.                          not-determined(3)
  471.                     }
  472.                ACCESS    read-only
  473.                STATUS    mandatory
  474.                DESCRIPTION
  475.                          "The current quality of the link as declared by
  476.                          the local PPP entity's Link-Quality Management
  477.                          modules. No effort is made to define good or
  478.                          bad, nor the policy used to determine it. The
  479.                          not-determined value indicates that the entity
  480.                          does not actually evaluate the link's quality.
  481.                          This value is used to disambiguate the
  482.                          `determined to be good' case from the `no
  483.                          determination made and presumed to be good'
  484.                          case."
  485.                ::= { pppLqrEntry 1 }
  486.           pppLqrInGoodOctets   OBJECT-TYPE
  487.                SYNTAX    Counter
  488.                ACCESS    read-only
  489.                STATUS    mandatory
  490.                DESCRIPTION
  491.                          "The LQR InGoodOctets counter for this link."
  492.                REFERENCE
  493.                          "Section 2.2, Counters, of RFC1333."
  494.                ::= { pppLqrEntry 2 }
  495.           pppLqrLocalPeriod   OBJECT-TYPE
  496.                SYNTAX    INTEGER(1..2147483648)
  497.                ACCESS    read-only
  498.                STATUS    mandatory
  499.                DESCRIPTION
  500.                          "The LQR reporting period, in hundredths of a
  501.                          second that is in effect for the local PPP
  502.                          entity."
  503.                REFERENCE
  504.                          "Section 2.5, Configuration Option Format, of
  505.                          RFC1333."
  506.                ::= { pppLqrEntry 3 }
  507.           pppLqrRemotePeriod   OBJECT-TYPE
  508.                SYNTAX    INTEGER(1..2147483648)
  509.                ACCESS    read-only
  510.                STATUS    mandatory
  511.                DESCRIPTION
  512.                          "The LQR reporting period, in hundredths of a
  513.                          second, that is in effect for the remote PPP
  514.                          entity."
  515.                REFERENCE
  516.                          "Section 2.5, Configuration Option Format, of
  517.                          RFC1333."
  518.                ::= { pppLqrEntry 4 }
  519.           pppLqrOutLQRs   OBJECT-TYPE
  520.                SYNTAX    Counter
  521.                ACCESS    read-only
  522.                STATUS    mandatory
  523.                DESCRIPTION
  524.                          "The value of the OutLQRs counter on the local
  525.                          node for the link identified by ifIndex."
  526.                REFERENCE
  527.                          "Section 2.2, Counters, of RFC1333."
  528.                ::= { pppLqrEntry 5 }
  529.           pppLqrInLQRs   OBJECT-TYPE
  530.                SYNTAX    Counter
  531.                ACCESS    read-only
  532.                STATUS    mandatory
  533.                DESCRIPTION
  534.                          "The value of the InLQRs counter on the local
  535.                          node for the link identified by ifIndex."
  536.                REFERENCE
  537.                          "Section 2.2, Counters, of RFC1333."
  538.                ::= { pppLqrEntry 6 }
  539.           --
  540.           -- The PPP LQR Configuration table.
  541.           --
  542.           pppLqrConfigTable   OBJECT-TYPE
  543.                SYNTAX    SEQUENCE OF PppLqrConfigEntry
  544.                ACCESS    not-accessible
  545.                STATUS    mandatory
  546.                DESCRIPTION
  547.                          "Table containing the LQR Configuration
  548.                          parameters for the local PPP entity."
  549.                ::= { pppLqr 2 }
  550.           pppLqrConfigEntry   OBJECT-TYPE
  551.                SYNTAX    PppLqrConfigEntry
  552.                ACCESS    not-accessible
  553.                STATUS    mandatory
  554.                DESCRIPTION
  555.                          "LQR configuration information for a particular
  556.                          PPP link."
  557.                INDEX     { ifIndex }
  558.                ::= { pppLqrConfigTable 1 }
  559.           PppLqrConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
  560.                pppLqrConfigPeriod
  561.                     INTEGER,
  562.                pppLqrConfigStatus
  563.                     INTEGER
  564.           }
  565.           pppLqrConfigPeriod   OBJECT-TYPE
  566.                SYNTAX    INTEGER(0..2147483647)
  567.                ACCESS    read-write
  568.                STATUS    mandatory
  569.                DESCRIPTION
  570.                          "The LQR Reporting Period that the local PPP
  571.                          entity will attempt to negotiate with the
  572.                          remote entity, in units of hundredths of a
  573.                          second. Changing this object will have effect
  574.                          when the link is next restarted."
  575.                REFERENCE
  576.                          "Section 2.5, Configuration Option Format, of
  577.                          RFC1333."
  578.                DEFVAL    { 0 }
  579.                ::= { pppLqrConfigEntry 1 }
  580.           pppLqrConfigStatus   OBJECT-TYPE
  581.                SYNTAX    INTEGER {disabled (1), enabled (2)}
  582.                ACCESS    read-write
  583.                STATUS    mandatory
  584.                DESCRIPTION
  585.                          "If enabled(2) then the local node will attempt
  586.                          to perform LQR negotiation with the remote
  587.                          node. If disabled(1) then this negotiation is
  588.                          not performed. In any event, the local node
  589.                          will comply with any magic number negotiations
  590.                          attempted by the remote node, per the PPP
  591.                          specification. Changing this object will have
  592.                          effect when the link is next restarted.
  593.                          Setting this object to the value disabled(1)
  594.                          has the effect of invalidating the
  595.                          corresponding entry in the pppLqrConfigTable
  596.                          object. It is an implementation-specific matter
  597.                          as to whether the agent removes an invalidated
  598.                          entry from the table. Accordingly, management
  599.                          stations must be prepared to receive tabular
  600.                          information from agents that corresponds to
  601.                          entries not currently in use."
  602.                REFERENCE
  603.                          "Section 7.6, Magic Number, of RFC1331."
  604.                DEFVAL    { enabled }
  605.                ::= { pppLqrConfigEntry 2 }
  606.           -- 4.3.  PPP LQR Extensions Group
  607.           --
  608.           -- The PPP LQR Extensions Group.
  609.           -- Implementation of this group is optional.
  610.           --
  611.           -- The intent of this group is to allow external
  612.           -- implementation of the policy mechanisms that
  613.           -- are used to declare a link to be "bad" or not.
  614.           --
  615.           -- It is not practical to examine the MIB objects
  616.           -- which are used to generate LQR packets since
  617.           -- LQR policies tend to require synchronization of
  618.           -- the values of all data used to determine Link
  619.           -- Quality; i.e. the values of the relevant counters
  620.           -- must all be taken at the same instant in time.
  621.           --
  622.           pppLqrExtnsTable   OBJECT-TYPE
  623.                SYNTAX    SEQUENCE OF PppLqrExtnsEntry
  624.                ACCESS    not-accessible
  625.                STATUS    mandatory
  626.                DESCRIPTION
  627.                          "Table containing additional LQR information
  628.                          for the local PPP entity."
  629.                ::= { pppLqr 3 }
  630.           pppLqrExtnsEntry   OBJECT-TYPE
  631.                SYNTAX    PppLqrExtnsEntry
  632.                ACCESS    not-accessible
  633.                STATUS    mandatory
  634.                DESCRIPTION
  635.                          "Extended LQR information for a particular PPP
  636.                          link. Assuming that this group has been
  637.                          implemented, a PPP link will have an entry in
  638.                          this table if and only if LQR Quality
  639.                          Monitoring has been successfully negotiated for
  640.                          said link."
  641.                INDEX     { ifIndex }
  642.                ::= { pppLqrExtnsTable 1 }
  643.           PppLqrExtnsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
  644.                pppLqrExtnsLastReceivedLqrPacket
  645.                     OCTET STRING(SIZE(68))
  646.           }
  647.           pppLqrExtnsLastReceivedLqrPacket   OBJECT-TYPE
  648.                SYNTAX    OCTET STRING(SIZE(68))
  649.                ACCESS    read-only
  650.                STATUS    mandatory
  651.                DESCRIPTION
  652.                          "This object contains the most recently
  653.                          received LQR packet.  The format of the packet
  654.                          is as described in the LQM Protocol
  655.                          specificiation. All fields of the packet,
  656.                          including the `save' fields, are stored in this
  657.                          object.
  658.                          The LQR packet is stored in network byte order.
  659.                          The LAP-B and PPP headers are not stored in
  660.                          this object; the first four octets of this
  661.                          variable contain the Magic-Number field, the
  662.                          second four octets contain the LastOutLQRs
  663.                          field and so on. The last four octets of this
  664.                          object contain the SaveInOctets field of the
  665.                          LQR packet."
  666.                REFERENCE
  667.                          "Section 2.6, Packet Format, of RFC1333"
  668.                ::= { pppLqrExtnsEntry 1 }
  669.           -- 4.4.  PPP Tests
  670.           -- The extensions to the interface table in RFC1229 define a
  671.           -- table through which the network manager can instruct the
  672.           -- managed object to perform various tests of the interface. This
  673.           -- is the ifExtnsTestTable.
  674.           -- The PPP MIB defines two such tests.
  675.           -- 4.4.1.  PPP Echo Test
  676.           -- The PPP Echo Test is defined as
  677.                pppEchoTest    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pppTests 1 }
  678.           -- Invoking this test causes a PPP Echo Packet to be sent on the
  679.           -- line. ifExtnsTestResult returns success(2) if the echo
  680.           -- response came back properly. It returns failed(7) if the
  681.           -- response did not properly return. The definition of "proper"
  682.           -- in this context is left to the discretion of the implementor.
  683.           -- 4.4.2.  PPP Discard Test
  684.           -- The PPP Discard Test is defined as
  685.                pppDiscardTest OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pppTests 2 }
  686.           -- Invoking this test causes a PPP Discard Packet to be sent on
  687.           -- the line. ifExtnsTestResult returns success(2) if the discard
  688.           -- packet was successfully transmitted and failed(7) if an error
  689.           -- was detected on transmission. The definition of "transmission
  690.           -- error" in this context is left to the discretion of the
  691.           -- implementor.
  692. END