- ;*********** WINDLX Ex.1: Greatest common measure *************
- ;*********** (c) 1991 G黱ther Raidl *************
- ;*********** Modified 1992 Maziar Khosravipour *************
- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Program begins at symbol main
- ; requires module INPUT
- ; Read two positive integer numbers from stdin, calculate the gcm
- ; and write the result to stdout
- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------
- .data
- ;*** Prompts for input
- Prompt1: .asciiz "First Number:"
- Prompt2: .asciiz "Second Number: "
- ;*** Data for printf-Trap
- PrintfFormat: .asciiz "gcM=%dnn"
- .align 2
- PrintfPar: .word PrintfFormat
- PrintfValue: .space 4
- .text
- .global main
- main:
- ;*** Read two positive integer numbers into R1 and R2
- addi r1,r0,Prompt1
- jal InputUnsigned ;read uns.-integer into R1
- add r2,r1,r0 ;R2 <- R1
- addi r1,r0,Prompt2
- jal InputUnsigned ;read uns.-integer into R1
- Loop: ;*** Compare R1 and R2
- seq r3,r1,r2 ;R1 == R2 ?
- bnez r3,Result
- sgt r3,r1,r2 ;R1 > R2 ?
- bnez r3,r1Greater
- r2Greater: ;*** subtract r1 from r2
- sub r2,r2,r1
- j Loop
- r1Greater: ;*** subtract r2 from r1
- sub r1,r1,r2
- j Loop
- Result: ;*** Write the result (R1)
- sw PrintfValue,r1
- addi r14,r0,PrintfPar
- trap 5
- ;*** end
- trap 0