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Visual C++
- #ifndef ERRORS_H
- #define ERRORS_H
- #define ERRORMSG "nAPISpy32 is unable to continue and will now terminate."
- #define ERROR_GETWINDOWSVERSION "An error occured while obtaining Windows version information."
- #define ERROR_MAILSLOT "An error occured while creating APISpy32_Mailslot."
- #define ERROR_APISPY32DLL_NT "An error occured while loading APISpyNT.dll."
- #define ERROR_APISPY32DLL_9X "An error occured while loading APISpy9x.dll."
- #define ERROR_PSAPI "An error occured while initializing psapi.dll."
- #define ERROR_TOOLHELP32 "An error occured while initializing toolhelp functions."
- #define ERROR_LOGMUTEX "An error occured while creating APISpy32_LogMutex."
- #define ERROR_OVERFLOWEVENT "An error occured while creating APISpy32_OverflowEvent."
- #define ERROR_LOGEVENT "An error occured while creating APISpy32_LogEvent."
- #define ERROR_LOGTHREADEXITEVENT "An error occured while creating LogThreadExitEvent."
- #define ERROR_INJECTTHREADEXITEVENT "An error occured while creating InjectThreadExitEvent."
- #define ERROR_LISTVIEWMUTEX "An error occured while creating ListViewMutex."
- #define ERROR_GETLOGPARAMETERS "An error occured while obtaining address of GetLogParameters."
- #define ERROR_ADVANCETONEXTLOGENTRY "An error occured while obtaining address of AdvanceToNextLogEntry."
- #define ERROR_SETCAPTUREEVENTSFLAG "An error occured while obtaining address of SetCaptureEventsFlag."
- #define ERROR_SETAPISPY32PROCESSID "An error occured while obtaining address of SetAPISpy32ProcessId."
- #define ERROR_INJECTDLLTHREAD "An error occured while creating the DLL injection thread."
- #define ERROR_LOGTHREAD "An error occured while creating the event logging thread."
- #define ERROR_REGISTERCLASS "An error occured during registration of the main window class."
- #define ERROR_INITINSTANCE "An error occured while creating main window."
- #define ERROR_LISTVIEW "An error occured while creating main list view control."
- #define WARNING_ACCELERATORS "An error occured while loading the keyboard accelerators.nYou can still use APISpy32, but you will not be able to use keyboard shortcutsnto access menu commands."
- #define WARNING_TOOLBAR "An error occured while creating the toolbar.nYou can still use APISpy32, but you will need to access the main menu for issuing commands."
- #define WARNING_DEBUGPRIVILEGE "An error occured while obtaining debug privileges.nAPISpy32 will not intercept API calls made by system processes."
- #define WARNING_SHELLEXECUTE "An error occured while loading help file."
- #define WARNING_OPENLOGFILE "An error occured while creating log file."
- #endif