



  1. /**
  2.  *
  3.  *
  4.  * This file was auto-generated from WSDL
  5.  * by the Apache Axis 1.2.1 Jun 14, 2005 (09:15:57 EDT) WSDL2Java emitter.
  6.  */
  7. package;
  8. public class StockQuotesSoapStub extends org.apache.axis.client.Stub implements {
  9.     private java.util.Vector cachedSerClasses = new java.util.Vector();
  10.     private java.util.Vector cachedSerQNames = new java.util.Vector();
  11.     private java.util.Vector cachedSerFactories = new java.util.Vector();
  12.     private java.util.Vector cachedDeserFactories = new java.util.Vector();
  13.     static org.apache.axis.description.OperationDesc [] _operations;
  14.     static {
  15.         _operations = new org.apache.axis.description.OperationDesc[1];
  16.         _initOperationDesc1();
  17.     }
  18.     private static void _initOperationDesc1(){
  19.         org.apache.axis.description.OperationDesc oper;
  20.         org.apache.axis.description.ParameterDesc param;
  21.         oper = new org.apache.axis.description.OperationDesc();
  22.         oper.setName("GetStockQuotes");
  23.         param = new org.apache.axis.description.ParameterDesc(new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "GetQuotes"), org.apache.axis.description.ParameterDesc.IN, new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", ">GetQuotes"),, false, false);
  24.         oper.addParameter(param);
  25.         oper.setReturnType(new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", ">GetQuotesResponse"));
  26.         oper.setReturnClass(;
  27.         oper.setReturnQName(new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "GetQuotesResponse"));
  28.         oper.setStyle(org.apache.axis.constants.Style.DOCUMENT);
  29.         oper.setUse(org.apache.axis.constants.Use.LITERAL);
  30.         _operations[0] = oper;
  31.     }
  32.     public StockQuotesSoapStub() throws org.apache.axis.AxisFault {
  33.          this(null);
  34.     }
  35.     public StockQuotesSoapStub( endpointURL, javax.xml.rpc.Service service) throws org.apache.axis.AxisFault {
  36.          this(service);
  37.          super.cachedEndpoint = endpointURL;
  38.     }
  39.     public StockQuotesSoapStub(javax.xml.rpc.Service service) throws org.apache.axis.AxisFault {
  40.         if (service == null) {
  41.             super.service = new org.apache.axis.client.Service();
  42.         } else {
  43.             super.service = service;
  44.         }
  45.         ((org.apache.axis.client.Service)super.service).setTypeMappingVersion("1.2");
  46.             java.lang.Class cls;
  47.             javax.xml.namespace.QName qName;
  48.             javax.xml.namespace.QName qName2;
  49.             java.lang.Class beansf = org.apache.axis.encoding.ser.BeanSerializerFactory.class;
  50.             java.lang.Class beandf = org.apache.axis.encoding.ser.BeanDeserializerFactory.class;
  51.             java.lang.Class enumsf = org.apache.axis.encoding.ser.EnumSerializerFactory.class;
  52.             java.lang.Class enumdf = org.apache.axis.encoding.ser.EnumDeserializerFactory.class;
  53.             java.lang.Class arraysf = org.apache.axis.encoding.ser.ArraySerializerFactory.class;
  54.             java.lang.Class arraydf = org.apache.axis.encoding.ser.ArrayDeserializerFactory.class;
  55.             java.lang.Class simplesf = org.apache.axis.encoding.ser.SimpleSerializerFactory.class;
  56.             java.lang.Class simpledf = org.apache.axis.encoding.ser.SimpleDeserializerFactory.class;
  57.             java.lang.Class simplelistsf = org.apache.axis.encoding.ser.SimpleListSerializerFactory.class;
  58.             java.lang.Class simplelistdf = org.apache.axis.encoding.ser.SimpleListDeserializerFactory.class;
  59.             qName = new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", ">GetQuotes");
  60.             cachedSerQNames.add(qName);
  61.             cls =;
  62.             cachedSerClasses.add(cls);
  63.             cachedSerFactories.add(beansf);
  64.             cachedDeserFactories.add(beandf);
  65.             qName = new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", ">GetQuotesResponse");
  66.             cachedSerQNames.add(qName);
  67.             cls =;
  68.             cachedSerClasses.add(cls);
  69.             cachedSerFactories.add(beansf);
  70.             cachedDeserFactories.add(beandf);
  71.             qName = new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "ArrayOfQuote");
  72.             cachedSerQNames.add(qName);
  73.             cls =;
  74.             cachedSerClasses.add(cls);
  75.             cachedSerFactories.add(beansf);
  76.             cachedDeserFactories.add(beandf);
  77.             qName = new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "Quote");
  78.             cachedSerQNames.add(qName);
  79.             cls =;
  80.             cachedSerClasses.add(cls);
  81.             cachedSerFactories.add(beansf);
  82.             cachedDeserFactories.add(beandf);
  83.     }
  84.     protected org.apache.axis.client.Call createCall() throws java.rmi.RemoteException {
  85.         try {
  86.             org.apache.axis.client.Call _call = super._createCall();
  87.             if (super.maintainSessionSet) {
  88.                 _call.setMaintainSession(super.maintainSession);
  89.             }
  90.             if (super.cachedUsername != null) {
  91.                 _call.setUsername(super.cachedUsername);
  92.             }
  93.             if (super.cachedPassword != null) {
  94.                 _call.setPassword(super.cachedPassword);
  95.             }
  96.             if (super.cachedEndpoint != null) {
  97.                 _call.setTargetEndpointAddress(super.cachedEndpoint);
  98.             }
  99.             if (super.cachedTimeout != null) {
  100.                 _call.setTimeout(super.cachedTimeout);
  101.             }
  102.             if (super.cachedPortName != null) {
  103.                 _call.setPortName(super.cachedPortName);
  104.             }
  105.             java.util.Enumeration keys = super.cachedProperties.keys();
  106.             while (keys.hasMoreElements()) {
  107.                 java.lang.String key = (java.lang.String) keys.nextElement();
  108.                 _call.setProperty(key, super.cachedProperties.get(key));
  109.             }
  110.             // All the type mapping information is registered
  111.             // when the first call is made.
  112.             // The type mapping information is actually registered in
  113.             // the TypeMappingRegistry of the service, which
  114.             // is the reason why registration is only needed for the first call.
  115.             synchronized (this) {
  116.                 if (firstCall()) {
  117.                     // must set encoding style before registering serializers
  118.                     _call.setEncodingStyle(null);
  119.                     for (int i = 0; i < cachedSerFactories.size(); ++i) {
  120.                         java.lang.Class cls = (java.lang.Class) cachedSerClasses.get(i);
  121.                         javax.xml.namespace.QName qName =
  122.                                 (javax.xml.namespace.QName) cachedSerQNames.get(i);
  123.                         java.lang.Object x = cachedSerFactories.get(i);
  124.                         if (x instanceof Class) {
  125.                             java.lang.Class sf = (java.lang.Class)
  126.                                  cachedSerFactories.get(i);
  127.                             java.lang.Class df = (java.lang.Class)
  128.                                  cachedDeserFactories.get(i);
  129.                             _call.registerTypeMapping(cls, qName, sf, df, false);
  130.                         }
  131.                         else if (x instanceof javax.xml.rpc.encoding.SerializerFactory) {
  132.                             org.apache.axis.encoding.SerializerFactory sf = (org.apache.axis.encoding.SerializerFactory)
  133.                                  cachedSerFactories.get(i);
  134.                             org.apache.axis.encoding.DeserializerFactory df = (org.apache.axis.encoding.DeserializerFactory)
  135.                                  cachedDeserFactories.get(i);
  136.                             _call.registerTypeMapping(cls, qName, sf, df, false);
  137.                         }
  138.                     }
  139.                 }
  140.             }
  141.             return _call;
  142.         }
  143.         catch (java.lang.Throwable _t) {
  144.             throw new org.apache.axis.AxisFault("Failure trying to get the Call object", _t);
  145.         }
  146.     }
  147.     public getStockQuotes( parameters) throws java.rmi.RemoteException {
  148.         if (super.cachedEndpoint == null) {
  149.             throw new org.apache.axis.NoEndPointException();
  150.         }
  151.         org.apache.axis.client.Call _call = createCall();
  152.         _call.setOperation(_operations[0]);
  153.         _call.setUseSOAPAction(true);
  154.         _call.setSOAPActionURI("");
  155.         _call.setEncodingStyle(null);
  156.         _call.setProperty(org.apache.axis.client.Call.SEND_TYPE_ATTR, Boolean.FALSE);
  157.         _call.setProperty(org.apache.axis.AxisEngine.PROP_DOMULTIREFS, Boolean.FALSE);
  158.         _call.setSOAPVersion(org.apache.axis.soap.SOAPConstants.SOAP11_CONSTANTS);
  159.         _call.setOperationName(new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "GetStockQuotes"));
  160.         setRequestHeaders(_call);
  161.         setAttachments(_call);
  162.  try {        java.lang.Object _resp = _call.invoke(new java.lang.Object[] {parameters});
  163.         if (_resp instanceof java.rmi.RemoteException) {
  164.             throw (java.rmi.RemoteException)_resp;
  165.         }
  166.         else {
  167.             extractAttachments(_call);
  168.             try {
  169.                 return ( _resp;
  170.             } catch (java.lang.Exception _exception) {
  171.                 return ( org.apache.axis.utils.JavaUtils.convert(_resp,;
  172.             }
  173.         }
  174.   } catch (org.apache.axis.AxisFault axisFaultException) {
  175.   throw axisFaultException;
  176. }
  177.     }
  178. }