- /* vim: set tabstop=4 : */
- #ifndef __febird_io_id_generator_h__
- #define __febird_io_id_generator_h__
- #if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
- # pragma once
- #endif
- #include "../config.h"
- #include <assert.h>
- #include <vector>
- #include <map>
- #if defined(__GNUC__)
- # include <stdint.h>
- #endif
- #if defined(linux) || defined(__linux) || defined(__linux__)
- # include <linux/types.h>
- #else
- # include <sys/types.h>
- #endif
- #include <boost/current_function.hpp>
- #include <boost/intrusive_ptr.hpp>
- namespace febird {
- class FEBIRD_DLL_EXPORT id_generator
- {
- // use free-list structure, same as memory management
- // id may not be 0
- std::vector<uintptr_t> id_list; // id_list[0] is linked list head
- long m_nUsed;
- void chain(long newHead);
- public:
- void clear() { id_list.clear(); }
- explicit id_generator(long maxID);
- virtual ~id_generator();
- long alloc_id();
- void free_id(long id);
- uintptr_t get_val(long id) const
- {
- assert(id >= 1);
- assert(id <= long(id_list.size()-1));
- return id_list[id];
- }
- long add_val(uintptr_t val);
- bool is_valid(long id) const
- {
- return id >= 1 && id <= long(id_list.size()-1);
- }
- long maxid() const { return id_list.size()-1; }
- long size() const { return m_nUsed; }
- void get_used_id(std::vector<uintptr_t>& used_id) const;
- };
- // do not allow T to be non-pointer type
- template<class T> class access_byid;
- template<> class FEBIRD_DLL_EXPORT access_byid<void*> : public id_generator
- {
- protected:
- virtual void on_destroy(void* vp);
- void* get_ptr_imp(long id, const char* func) const;
- using id_generator::add_val; // hide it
- public:
- access_byid(long maxID = 3) : id_generator(maxID) { }
- //! delete all object in list, and clear self
- void destroy();
- void* get_ptr(long id) const { return access_byid<void*>::get_ptr_imp(id, BOOST_CURRENT_FUNCTION); }
- long add_ptr(void* x) { return this->add_val((uintptr_t)(x)); }
- };
- template<class T> class access_byid<T*> : public access_byid<void*>
- {
- virtual void on_destroy(void* vp) { delete (T*)vp; }
- public:
- access_byid(long maxID = 3) : access_byid<void*>(maxID) { }
- T* get_ptr(long id) const { return access_byid<void*>::get_ptr_imp(id, BOOST_CURRENT_FUNCTION); }
- long add_ptr(T* x) { return this->add_val((uintptr_t)(x)); }
- };
- template<class T> class AccessByNameID;
- template<> class FEBIRD_DLL_EXPORT AccessByNameID<void*>
- {
- protected:
- access_byid<void*> m_byid;
- std::map<std::string, void*> m_byname;
- virtual void on_destroy(void* vp);
- public:
- long add_ptr(void* x, const std::string& name, void** existed);
- long add_ptr(void* x) { return m_byid.add_ptr(x); }
- void* get_byid(long id) const { return m_byid.get_ptr(id); }
- void* get_byname(const std::string& name) const;
- bool is_valid(long id) const { return m_byid.is_valid(id); }
- void destroy();
- void remove(long id, const std::string& name);
- void remove(long id);
- long size() const { return m_byid.size(); }
- bool check_id(long id, const char* szClassName, std::string& err) const;
- };
- template<class T> class AccessByNameID<T*> : public AccessByNameID<void*>
- {
- virtual void on_destroy(void* vp)
- {
- delete (T*)vp;
- }
- public:
- long add_ptr(T* x, const std::string& name, T** existed)
- {
- return AccessByNameID<void*>::add_ptr(x, name, (void**)existed);
- }
- long add_ptr(T* x) // add without name
- {
- assert(0 != x);
- return m_byid.add_ptr(x);
- }
- T* get_byid(long id) const { return (T*) m_byid.get_ptr(id); }
- T* get_byname(const std::string& name) const
- {
- return (T*)AccessByNameID<void*>::get_byname(name);
- }
- };
- template<class T>
- class AccessByNameID<boost::intrusive_ptr<T> > : public AccessByNameID<void*>
- {
- virtual void on_destroy(void* vp)
- {
- intrusive_ptr_release((T*)vp);
- }
- public:
- long add_ptr(boost::intrusive_ptr<T> x, const std::string& name, boost::intrusive_ptr<T>* existed)
- {
- assert(0 != x.get());
- T* vpExisted;
- long id = AccessByNameID<void*>::add_ptr(x.get(), name, (void**)&vpExisted);
- if (0 == vpExisted)
- {
- intrusive_ptr_add_ref(x.get());
- *existed = vpExisted;
- }
- return id;
- }
- long add_ptr(boost::intrusive_ptr<T> x) // add without name
- {
- assert(0 != x.get());
- intrusive_ptr_add_ref(x.get());
- return m_byid.add_ptr(x.get());
- }
- long add_ptr(T* x, const std::string& name, T** existed)
- {
- assert(0 != x);
- assert(0 != existed);
- long id = AccessByNameID<void*>::add_ptr(x, name, (void**)existed);
- if (0 == *existed)
- intrusive_ptr_add_ref(x);
- return id;
- }
- long add_ptr(T* x) // add without name
- {
- assert(0 != x);
- intrusive_ptr_add_ref(x);
- return m_byid.add_ptr(x);
- }
- boost::intrusive_ptr<T> get_byid(long id) const { return (T*)m_byid.get_ptr(id); }
- boost::intrusive_ptr<T> get_byname(const std::string& name) const
- {
- return (T*)AccessByNameID<void*>::get_byname(name);
- }
- T* get_rawptr_byid(long id) const
- {
- return (T*)m_byid.get_ptr(id);
- }
- T* get_rawptr_byname(const std::string& name) const
- {
- return (T*)AccessByNameID<void*>::get_byname(name);
- }
- ~AccessByNameID() { destroy(); }
- };
- } // namespace febird
- #endif // __febird_io_id_generator_h__