- #include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream.h>
#include <fstream.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "Utils_1.h"
#include "LDPC_1.h"
- #include "LDPC_2.h"
void message::DFT2() // A real-valued DFT - also IDFT
static message Aux;
GFq mask, n0_index, n1_index;
BYTE j_bit;
if (GFq::IsPrimeQ)
cout << "Error, message::DFT2: Only q that is a power of 2 is supported.n";
for (int i = 0; i < GFq::log_2_q; i++)
Aux = *this; // Initialize
mask.val = 1 << i;
for (GFq j(0); j.val < q; j.val++)
j_bit = (j.val & mask.val) >> i; // obtain value of j
n0_index.val = j.val & (~mask.val); // turn bit off
n1_index.val = j.val | mask.val; // turn bit on
//cout << (int)j_bit;
if (j_bit == 0)
Probs[j.val] = Aux[n0_index] + Aux[n1_index];
Probs[j.val] = Aux[n0_index] - Aux[n1_index];
void channel::SimulateOutputVector(vector &InVector, vector &OutVector)
for (int i = 0; i < InVector.GetSize(); i++) // Add noise to each component
OutVector[i] = this->SimulateOutput( /* channel in */ InVector[i] );
* BSC Channel
void BSC_Channel::ProcessMapping(LDPC_Code &Code)
mapping &MapInUse = Code.MapInUse;
for (GFq i(0); i.val < MapInUse.q; i.val++)
if ((MapInUse.map(i) != 0) && (MapInUse.map(i) != 1))
cout << "mapping levels must be (0,1)n";
double H2(double p)
return -p*log2(p) - (1-p)*log2(1-p);
double H2Reverse(double H)
double pmin = 0,
pmax = 0.5,
tol = 0.0000001,
if (H == 0)
return 0;
else if (H == 1.)
return 0.5;
while ((pmax - pmin) > tol)
pmid = (pmin + pmax) / 2.;
if (H2(pmid) > H)
pmax = pmid;
pmin = pmid;
return pmid;
double BSC_Channel::CapacityInBits()
return 1 - H2(channel_p);
void BSC_Channel::PrintChannelData(LDPC_Code &Code)
double BitRate;
BitRate = Code.Calc_Bit_Rate();
cout << "channel_p = " << channel_p
<< "nCapacity (bits per channel use) = " << 1 - H2(channel_p)
<< " Max channel_p for Bit rate: " << H2Reverse(1. - BitRate);
* AWGN Channel
double GaussGenerate(double sigma)
// Simulate the result of passing the zero vector through the AWGN
static const double pi = 3.141592653;
double normal_random_number, x1, x2;
x1 = my_rand();
x2 = my_rand();
- if (x1 < EPSILON)
- x1 = EPSILON;
normal_random_number = sqrt(-2 * log(x1)) * cos(2*pi * x2);
return sigma * normal_random_number;
void AWGN_Channel::ProcessMapping(LDPC_Code &Code)
- }
double AWGN_Channel::CapacityInBits()
double No = pow(noise_sigma,2.);
double SNR = 1./No;
return 0.5 * log(1. + SNR) / log(2.);
void AWGN_Channel::PrintChannelData(LDPC_Code &Code)
double BitRate, No, SNR, SNR_dB;
BitRate = Code.Calc_Bit_Rate();
No = pow(noise_sigma,2.);
SNR = 1./No;
SNR_dB = 10. * log10(SNR);
cout << "SNR(dB) = " << SNR_dB
<< " SNR = " << SNR
<< " Noise Sigma = " << noise_sigma
<< "nCapacity at SNR (symbols per channel use) = "
<< 0.5 * log(1. + SNR) / log((double)GFq::q)
<< "nCapacity at SNR (bits per channel use) = "
<< 0.5 * log(1. + SNR) / log(2.)
<< "nMinimum SNR for rate (dB) = "
<< 10. * log(pow(2., 2.*BitRate) - 1.) / log(10.)
<< " (absolute value) = " << pow(2., 2.*BitRate) - 1;
// override virtual functions
double AWGN_Channel::CalcProbForInput( double ChannelOutput,
double ChannelInput )
static const double sqrt_2pi = sqrt(2*3.141592653);
double noise_prob = (1/(sqrt_2pi * noise_sigma)*
return noise_prob;
double AWGN_Channel::SimulateOutput(double ChannelInput)
// Simulate the result of passing the zero vector through the AWGN
return ChannelInput + GaussGenerate(noise_sigma);
double AWGN_Channel::NoiseVariance()
return pow(noise_sigma, 2);
double AWGN_Channel::NoiseStdDev()
return noise_sigma;
* Check node
- GFq &check_node::Value()
- {
- static GFq Aux;
- Aux = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < GetDegree(); i++)
- Aux += GetEdge(i).label * GetEdge(i).LeftNode().Symbol;
- return Aux;
- }
node &check_node::AdjacentNode(int index)
return GetEdge(index).LeftNode();
message &FastCalcLeftboundMessage(message AuxLeft[],
message AuxRight[],
int left_index,
int degree)
static message Aux;
// Init to delta pulse
Aux = AuxLeft[left_index];
Aux *= AuxRight[left_index];
Aux.Reverse(); // estimate of symbol value = (- sum of others)
return Aux;
void check_node::CalcAllLeftboundMessages( )
static message Vectors[MAX_DEGREE];
static message AuxLeft[MAX_DEGREE];
static message AuxRight[MAX_DEGREE];
static GFq ZERO(0);
// Calc auxiliary DFTs
for (int i = 0; i < GetDegree(); i++)
Vectors[i] = GetEdge(i).RightBoundMessage;
- //-------------------------------------------------------------
- // If power of two - use DFT2
- //-------------------------------------------------------------
- if (!GFq::IsPrimeQ)
- {
for (int i = 0; i < GetDegree(); i++)
- {
- Vectors[i].DFT2();
- }
- // Calc auxiliary values
AuxLeft[0] = 1.;
for (int i = 1; i < GetDegree(); i++)
AuxLeft[i] = AuxLeft[i - 1];
AuxLeft[i] *= Vectors[i - 1];
AuxRight[GetDegree() - 1].Set_q(GFq::q);
AuxRight[GetDegree() - 1] = 1.;
for (int i = GetDegree() - 2; i >= 0; i--)
AuxRight[i] = AuxRight[i + 1];
AuxRight[i] *= Vectors[i + 1];
// Calc leftbound messages
for (int i = 0; i < GetDegree(); i++)
GetEdge(i).LeftBoundMessage = FastCalcLeftboundMessage(AuxLeft, AuxRight, i, GetDegree());
- GetEdge(i).LeftBoundMessage.PermuteTimes(GetEdge(i).label);
- }
- }
* Node
void node::Disconnect()
// while edges remain, disconnect the first one
while (degree > 0) edges[0]->Disconnect();
* Variable node
node &variable_node::AdjacentNode(int index)
return GetEdge(index).RightNode();
message &variable_node::CalcRightboundMessage( int rightbound_index )
// rightbound_index is -1 if calculation is meant for final estimate
static message Aux;
Aux = InitialMessage;
for (int i = 0; i < GetDegree(); i++)
// ignore intrinsic information
if (i == rightbound_index) continue;
Aux *= GetEdge(i).LeftBoundMessage;
return Aux;
void variable_node::CalcFinalMessage()
FinalEstimate = CalcRightboundMessage( /* NO rightbound index */ -1 );
Symbol = FinalEstimate.Decision();
void variable_node::CalcAllRightboundMessages()
for (int i = 0; i < GetDegree(); i++)
GetEdge(i).RightBoundMessage = CalcRightboundMessage( /* rightbound index */ i);
message &GenerateChannelMessage(GFq v,
channel &TransmitChannel,
mapping &MapInUse,
double ChannelOut )
static message InitialMessage;
int q = MapInUse.GetQ();
double CandidateIn, ChannelIn;
ChannelIn = MapInUse.map(v); // mapping of (0 + v) % q;
// Generate InitialMessage
for (GFq i(0); i.val < q; i.val++)
CandidateIn = MapInUse.map(i + v);
InitialMessage[i.val] = TransmitChannel.CalcProbForInput(
ChannelOut, CandidateIn );
InitialMessage.Normalize(); // Make valid probability vector
return InitialMessage;
void variable_node::Initialize( channel &TransmitChannel, double ChannelOut )
InitialMessage = GenerateChannelMessage(v, TransmitChannel, *MapInUse, ChannelOut );
FinalEstimate = InitialMessage;
// Generate Rightbound messages
for (int j = 0; j < degree; j++)
GetEdge(j).RightBoundMessage = InitialMessage;
BOOLEAN variable_node::IsRightConnectedTo( node *n )
for (int i = 0; i < degree; i++)
if (&edges[i]->RightNode() == n) return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* Graph
void bipartite_graph::Reset(
int p_N, // number of variable nodes
int lambda_degs[], // left-degrees, terminated by -1
double lambda_wts[], // weights corresponding to above degrees
- int rho_degs[], // right-degree, terminated by NULL
double rho_wts[], // weights corresponding to above degrees
- mapping &MapInUse)
// Clean up
// Calc M, N and E
double Ratio; // M/N
double Nominator, Denominator;
Nominator = 0;
for (int i = 0; rho_degs[i] != -1; i++)
Nominator += rho_wts[i] / rho_degs[i];
Denominator = 0;
for (int j = 0; lambda_degs[j] != -1; j++)
Denominator += lambda_wts[j] / lambda_degs[j];
Ratio = Nominator / Denominator;
N = p_N;
M = (int)ceil(Ratio * N);
E = (int)floor(N / Denominator);
// Create variables, checks and edges
edges = new edge[E];
variable_nodes = new variable_node[N];
check_nodes = new check_node[M];
EdgeStack = new edge* [E * 2]; // Buffer used to manage memory allocation for nodes
if ((edges == NULL) ||
(variable_nodes == NULL) ||
(check_nodes == NULL) ||
(EdgeStack == NULL))
cout << "Error allocating memoryn";
// Generate sockets
variable_node **left_sockets = new variable_node*[E];
check_node **right_sockets = new check_node*[E];
edge **EdgeStackPointer = EdgeStack; // Auxiliary pointer to stack
int node_index, socket_index, count_nodes_of_degree;
node_index = 0;
socket_index = 0;
for (int i = 0; lambda_degs[i] != -1; i++) // Loop through all left-degrees
int count_nodes_of_degree = (int)floor(lambda_wts[i] * E / lambda_degs[i]); // No. nodes of required degree
for (int j = 0; j < count_nodes_of_degree; j++) // Number of nodes with required left-degree
for (int k = 0; k < lambda_degs[i]; k++) // Number of sockets for each degree
left_sockets[socket_index++] = &variable_nodes[node_index];
variable_nodes[node_index].AllocateEdges(EdgeStackPointer, lambda_degs[i]);
- variable_nodes[node_index].SetID(node_index);
// Record no. of left sockets, may be different than E
// due to the fact that lambda * E may not be whole numbers
int count_left_sockets = socket_index;
// Modify N for same reason
N = node_index;
// Generate right sockets
node_index = 0;
socket_index = 0;
for (int i = 0; rho_degs[i] != -1; i++) // Loop through all right-degrees
int CurrentDegree = rho_degs[i];
count_nodes_of_degree = (int)floor(rho_wts[i] * E /
CurrentDegree ); // No of nodes of required degree
for (int j = 0; j < count_nodes_of_degree; j++)
for (int k = 0; k < CurrentDegree; k++) // Number of sockets for each degree
right_sockets[socket_index++] = &check_nodes[node_index];
check_nodes[node_index].AllocateEdges( EdgeStackPointer, CurrentDegree );
// Record no. of right sockets, may be different than E
// due to the fact that lambda * E may not be whole numbers
int count_right_sockets = socket_index;
// Modify M,E for same reason
M = node_index;
E = min(count_left_sockets, count_right_sockets);
// Generate permutations
srand(time(NULL)); // Init random seed so that each call to function returns different set of values
cout << "Starting bipartite graph...";
int left_index, right_index;
for (int i = 0; i < E; i++)
// Randomly select socket from first E - left_index (last left_index sockets represent
// sockets that have already been selected)
// cout << " i = " << i << " E = " << E;
int attempts = 0;
// It is important to select left_index randomly and not only right_index,
// because there is a significance to the order of bits within a code, sometimes with
// first or last bits better protected. If left_index is not selected randomly,
// the result would be a random tree, but in which lower degree left-nodes are of
// lower index within each constituent code, contrary to complete randomness.
left_index = uniform_random(E - i);
//left_index = i;
right_index = uniform_random(E - i);
if ((attempts++) > 100)
cout << "Warning: cyclesn";
while (left_sockets[left_index]->IsRightConnectedTo(right_sockets[right_index]));
if (right_index >= (E-i))
cout << "right index or left_index exceed rangen"
<< "right_index = " << right_index
<< " left_index = " << left_index
<< " E = " << E
<< " left_index = " << left_index << "n";
edges[i].set_nodes(left_sockets[left_index], right_sockets[right_index]);
// Overwrite current sockets with last sockets, so that they are not selected again
right_sockets[right_index] = right_sockets[E - i - 1];
left_sockets[left_index] = left_sockets[E - i - 1];
cout << "Donen";
// Clean-up
delete left_sockets;
delete right_sockets;
* LDPC code
void LDPC_Code::Init_Messages( vector &ChannelOutput )
if (ChannelOutput.GetSize() != Variables.GetLength())
cout << "LDPC_Code::Init_Messages: Incompatible sizesn";
for (int i = 0; i < Variables.GetLength(); i++)
- Variables[i].Initialize( *Channel, ChannelOutput[i] );
- }
void LDPC_Code::GetZeroCodeword( vector &Codeword )
for (int i = 0; i < Variables.GetLength(); i++)
Codeword[i] = Variables[i].GetZeroSignal();
void LDPC_Code::Leftbound_Iteration()
for (int i = 0; i < Checks.GetLength(); i++)
void LDPC_Code::Rightbound_Iteration()
for (int i = 0; i < Variables.GetLength(); i++)
void LDPC_Code::FinalIteration()
for (int i = 0; i < Variables.GetLength(); i++)
double LDPC_Code::Calc_Symbol_Error_Rate()
double acc_correct = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < Variables.GetLength(); i++)
acc_correct += Variables[i].FinalEstimate.Decision().IsZero();
return 1.0 - acc_correct / (double)Variables.GetLength();
double LDPC_Code::Calc_Rightbound_Symbol_Error_Rate()
double acc_correct = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < Graph.E; i++)
acc_correct += Graph.edges[i].RightBoundMessage.Decision().IsZero();
return 1.0 - acc_correct / Graph.E;
double LDPC_Code::Belief_Propagation_Decoder(int Count_Iterations)
static char buffer[500];
double Func_RC;
double LastMin = INF;
int CountIncreaseIterations = 0;
cout << "Initial symbol error rate = " << Calc_Symbol_Error_Rate() << "n";
for (int i = 0; i < Count_Iterations; i++)
Leftbound_Iteration( );
Func_RC = Calc_Rightbound_Symbol_Error_Rate();
sprintf(buffer, "%d: Rightbound SER = %1.10f, %s", i+1, Func_RC, CharTime());
cout << buffer;
// Stop when Func_RC doesn't fall for some consecutive iterations
if (Func_RC < LastMin)
LastMin = Func_RC;
CountIncreaseIterations = 0;
if (CountIncreaseIterations > 50)
if (Func_RC < 1e-7) break;
return Func_RC;