- ****************** MoMuSys Acknowledgement ******************
- The following is a list of people who has contributed to the
- MoMuSys codes that we derive some of our works from.
- Aasmund Sandvand (Telenor / ACTS-MoMuSys)
- Angel Pacheco (UPM-GTI / ACTS-MoMuSys)
- Bob Eifrig (NextLevel Systems)
- C.S. Boon (Matsushita Corporation)
- Cecile Dufour (LEP / ACTS-MoMuSys)
- Cheol Soo Park (HYUNDAI)
- Cor Quist (KPN / ACTS-MoMuSys)
- Fernando Jaureguizar (UPM / ACTS-MoMuSys)
- Ferran Marques (UPC / ACTS-MoMuSys)
- Gunnar Nitsche (Bosch / ACTS-MoMuSyS)
- Hung-Ju Lee (Sarnoff Corporation)
- J. Ignacio Ronda (UPM / ACTS-MoMuSys)
- J. Takahashi
- Ji Heon Kweon (HYUNDAI)
- Jong Deuk Kim (HYUNDAI)
- Jordi Ribas (Sharp Labs of America)
- Luis Ducla-Soares (IST / ACTS-MoMuSys)
- Marc Mongenet (EPFL)
- Martina Eckert (UPM / ACTS-MoMuSys)
- Michael Frater (UNSW)
- Michael Wollborn (TUH / ACTS-MoMuSys)
- Minhua Zhou (HHI / ACTS-MoMuSys)
- Noel Brady (TELTEC IRELAND / ACTS-MoMuSys)
- Noel O'Connor (TELTEC IRELAND / ACTS-MoMuSys)
- Paulo Nunes (IST / ACTS-MoMuSyS)
- Prabhudev Irappa Hosur (Nanyang Tech. Univ. Singapore)
- Robert Danielsen (Telenor / ACTS-MoMuSys)
- Sven Brandau, Guido Heising (HHI / ACTS-MoMuSys)
- Sylvie Jeannin (LEP / ACTS-MoMuSys)
- Tihao Chiang (Sarnoff Corporation)
- U. Benzler
- Ulrike Pestel (TUH / ACTS-MoMuSys)
- This MoMuSys implementation of MPEG-4 was originally
- developed in the course of development of the MPEG-4 Video
- (ISO/IEC 14496-2) standard. This software module is an
- implementation of a part of one or more MPEG-4 Video
- (ISO/IEC 14496-2) tools as specified by the MPEG-4 Video
- (ISO/IEC 14496-2) standard.
- ISO/IEC gives users of the MPEG-4 Video (ISO/IEC 14496-2)
- standard free license to this software module or modifications
- thereof for use in hardware or software products claiming
- conformance to the MPEG-4 Video (ISO/IEC 14496-2) standard.
- *************************************************************
- ************* MMX fDCT module acknowledgement ***************
- We would like to thank Royce Shih-Wea Liao for permission to
- use the fast MMX fDCT from
- We would also like to thank Intel, whose AP-922 is the basis
- of this fDCT.
- *************************************************************
- ************* MMX iDCT module acknowledgement ***************
- We would like to thank Peter Gubanov for permission to
- use his MMX iDCT from
- And thank you, Michel Lespinasse for the clever rounding
- algorithm that makes this iDCT even more accurate.
- We would also like to thank Intel, whose AP-922 is the basis
- of this iDCT.
- *************************************************************
- ************* C i/fDCT module acknowledgement ***************
- Our generic C iDCT/fDCT is from the MPEG-2 SSG's code. Thanks
- to, among others:
- Stefan Eckart <>
- Chad Fogg <>
- Copyright (C) 1996, MPEG Software Simulation Group. All Rights
- Reserved.
- Disclaimer of Warranty
- These software programs are available to the user without any
- license fee or royalty on an "as is" basis. The MPEG Software
- Simulation Group disclaims any and all warranties, whether
- express, implied, or statuary, including any implied warranties
- or merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose. In
- no event shall the copyright-holder be liable for any
- incidental, punitive, or consequential damages of any kind
- whatsoever arising from the use of these programs.
- This disclaimer of warranty extends to the user of these
- programs and user's customers, employees, agents, transferees,
- successors, and assigns.
- The MPEG Software Simulation Group does not represent or
- warrant that the programs furnished hereunder are free of
- infringement of any third-party patents.
- Commercial implementations of MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 video,
- including shareware, are subject to royalty fees to patent
- holders. Many of these patents are general enough such that
- they are unavoidable regardless of implementation design.
- *************************************************************