- #ifndef _MOM_STRUCTS_H_
- #define _MOM_STRUCTS_H_
- #include "momusys.h"
- #define VERSION 1 /* Image Structure Version */
- /*****
- *
- * Basic and generic image structure
- *
- *****/
- typedef enum image_type ImageType;
- union image_data
- {
- SInt *s; /* SHORT data */
- Float *f; /* FLOAT data */
- UChar *u; /* UCHAR data */
- };
- typedef union image_data ImageData;
- struct image
- {
- Int version; /* Version number */
- UInt x,y; /* Image size */
- Char upperodd; /* Flag to tell if the top line is considered
- as even or odd (used for hex grids) */
- Char grid; /* Grid type: s = square, h = hexagonal */
- SInt *f; /* Image data with short int values */
- ImageData *data; /* NEW: pointer to image data */
- ImageType type; /* NEW: type of the image */
- };
- typedef struct image Image;
- typedef struct image ImageI; /* For compatibility with old source code */
- typedef struct image ImageF; /* For compatibility with old source code */
- /*****
- *
- * Recommended structures for VOPs, VOLs and VOs (now compliant with VM3.0)
- * (in the VOP structure *all* entries from the VOL syntax which
- * are necessary for decoding the VOP are duplicated. These entries
- * are marked as "VOL ...")
- *
- *****/
- struct vop
- {
- /* Actual syntax elements for VOP (standard) */
- Int prediction_type; /* VOP prediction type */
- Int mod_time_base; /* VOP modulo time base (absolute) */
- Float time_inc; /* VOP time increment (relative to last mtb) */
- Int rounding_type;
- Int width; /* VOP height (smallest rectangle) */
- Int height; /* VOP width (smallest rectangle) */
- Int hor_spat_ref; /* VOP horizontal ref. (for composition) */
- Int ver_spat_ref; /* VOP vertical ref. (for composition) */
- Int intra_dc_vlc_thr;
- Int quantizer; /* VOP quantizer for P-VOPs */
- Int intra_quantizer; /* VOP quantizer for I-VOPs */
- /* Syntax elements copied from VOL (standard) */
- Int time_increment_resolution;
- Int intra_acdc_pred_disable; /* VOL disable INTRA DC prediction */
- Int sr_for; /* VOP search range of motion vectors */
- Int fcode_for; /* VOP dynamic range of motion vectors */
- Int quant_precision;
- Int bits_per_pixel;
- /* Pointers to the images (YUVA) and to related VOPs */
- Image *y_chan; /* Y component of the VOP texture */
- Image *u_chan; /* U component of the VOP texture */
- Image *v_chan; /* V component of the VOP texture */
- };
- typedef struct vop Vop;
- struct object_layer_cfg
- {
- Float frame_rate; /* VOL frame rate */
- Int M; /* M-1 number of B-VOPs between consecutive P-VOPs*/
- Int start_frame; /* Frame at which to start coding */
- Int end_frame; /* Frame at which to end coding */
- Int bit_rate; /* Target bitrate */
- Int frame_skip; /* Number of frames to skip between codings */
- Int quantizer; /* Initial value for H.263 INTRA quantizer */
- Int intra_quantizer; /* Initial value for H.263 INTER quantizer */
- Int intra_period; /* Regular rate of INTRA VOP */
- /* Automatically calculated coding fields */
- Int modulo_time_base[2]; /* Modulo time base must be maintained for VOL */
- };
- typedef struct object_layer_cfg VolConfig;
- #include "mom_util.h"
- #include "mom_access.h"
- #endif /* _MOM_STRUCTS_H_ */