- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // fdctmm32.c - AP922 MMX fDCT
- // ----------
- // Intel Application Note AP-922 - fast, precise implementation of DCT
- // http://developer.intel.com/vtune/cbts/appnotes.htm
- // ----------
- //
- // This code will run on any MMX CPU. The dct_row operation can be
- // further optimized using PentiumIII/Athlon instructions (pshufw.)
- // If the code will be run on a 3D-Now CPU (AMD K6-2/Athlon), a slight
- // accruacy-boost can be obtained. Please see fdctam32.c for details.
- //
- // For a fast, precise MMX implementation of inverse-DCT
- // visit http://www.elecard.com/peter
- // or check out Avery Lee's Virtualdub source-code
- // http://www.concentric.net/~psilon
- //
- // Revision history
- // ----------------
- //
- // v1.01 08/26/2000 (clipper bugfix)
- // In my haste to get this code out the door, I neglected to consider
- // the numerical range of output. I *believe* an IEEE-1180/1990 fdct
- // is range-limited to {-2048, +2047}.
- // fdctmm32.c now saturates the output DCT coefficients to this range.
- // A few comment typos were corrected. Equivalent-C code for
- // the forward_dct column stage has also been added. The pseudo-C
- // code in Intel's AP-922 omits several important operations that
- // would cause dct8_frw_col() to fail, if it were used directly without
- // modification.
- // There is still room for additional optimization in the
- // frw_dct_row_mmx() function. The data pack/unpack operation could be
- // shortened with pshufw.
- //
- // v1.0 07/20/2000 (initial release)
- // Initial release of AP922 MMX forward_DCT.
- //
- //
- // liaor@iname.com http://members.tripod.com/~liaor
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #define INP eax // pointer to (short *blk)
- #define OUT ecx // pointer to output (temporary store space qwTemp[])
- #define TABLE ebx // pointer to tab_frw_01234567[]
- #define TABLEF ebx // pointer to tg_all_16
- #define round_frw_row edx
- //#define round_frw_col edx
- #define x0 INP + 0*16
- #define x1 INP + 1*16
- #define x2 INP + 2*16
- #define x3 INP + 3*16
- #define x4 INP + 4*16
- #define x5 INP + 5*16
- #define x6 INP + 6*16
- #define x7 INP + 7*16
- #define y0 OUT + 0*16
- #define y1 OUT + 1*16
- #define y2 OUT + 2*16
- #define y3 OUT + 3*16
- #define y4 OUT + 4*16
- #define y5 OUT + 5*16
- #define y6 OUT + 6*16
- #define y7 OUT + 7*16
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // constants for the forward DCT
- // -----------------------------
- //
- // Be sure to check that your compiler is aligning all constants to QWORD
- // (8-byte) memory boundaries! Otherwise the unaligned memory access will
- // severely stall MMX execution.
- //
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #define BITS_FRW_ACC 3 //; 2 or 3 for accuracy
- #define SHIFT_FRW_ROW (BITS_FRW_ACC + 17)
- // v1.01 The original SHIFT_FRW_ROW constant has been replaced by a
- // "two stage" shift operation. The 1st-shift (CLIP1) aligns the
- // intermediate 32-bit integer data to a {-32768, +32768} (16-bit word)
- // range. The MMX instruction "packssdw" simultaneous clips and packs
- // the intermediate-data into 16-bit format.
- // The 2nd-shift (CLIP2) restores the proper final range {-2048,+2047}
- #define SHIFT_FRW_ROW_CLIP2 (4) // 4-bit shift -> { 32768 <> 2048 }
- //#define RND_FRW_ROW (262144 * (BITS_FRW_ACC - 1)) //; 1 << (SHIFT_FRW_ROW-1)
- #define RND_FRW_ROW (1 << (SHIFT_FRW_ROW-1))
- //#define RND_FRW_COL (2 * (BITS_FRW_ACC - 1)) //; 1 << (SHIFT_FRW_COL-1)
- #define RND_FRW_COL (1 << (SHIFT_FRW_COL-1))
- const static __int64 one_corr = 0x0001000100010001;
- const static long r_frw_row[2] = {RND_FRW_ROW, RND_FRW_ROW };
- //const static short tg_1_16[4] = {13036, 13036, 13036, 13036 }; //tg * (2<<16) + 0.5
- //const static short tg_2_16[4] = {27146, 27146, 27146, 27146 }; //tg * (2<<16) + 0.5
- //const static short tg_3_16[4] = {-21746, -21746, -21746, -21746 }; //tg * (2<<16) + 0.5
- //const static short cos_4_16[4] = {-19195, -19195, -19195, -19195 }; //cos * (2<<16) + 0.5
- //const static short ocos_4_16[4] = {23170, 23170, 23170, 23170 }; //cos * (2<<15) + 0.5
- //concatenated table, for forward DCT-column transformation
- const static short tg_all_16[] = {
- 13036, 13036, 13036, 13036, // tg * (2<<16) + 0.5
- 27146, 27146, 27146, 27146, // tg * (2<<16) + 0.5
- -21746, -21746, -21746, -21746, // tg * (2<<16) + 0.5
- -19195, -19195, -19195, -19195, //cos * (2<<16) + 0.5
- 23170, 23170, 23170, 23170 }; //cos * (2<<15) + 0.5
- #define tg_1_16 (TABLEF + 0)
- #define tg_2_16 (TABLEF + 8)
- #define tg_3_16 (TABLEF + 16)
- #define cos_4_16 (TABLEF + 24)
- #define ocos_4_16 (TABLEF + 32)
- // CONCATENATED IDCT COEFF TABLE, rows 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 (in order )
- //
- /*
- static const short tab_inv_01234567[] = { // inverse_dct coeff table
- //row0, this row is required
- 16384, 16384, 16384, -16384, // ; movq-> w06 w04 w02 w00
- 21407, 8867, 8867, -21407, // w07 w05 w03 w01
- 16384, -16384, 16384, 16384, //; w14 w12 w10 w08
- -8867, 21407, -21407, -8867, //; w15 w13 w11 w09
- 22725, 12873, 19266, -22725, //; w22 w20 w18 w16
- 19266, 4520, -4520, -12873, //; w23 w21 w19 w17
- 12873, 4520, 4520, 19266, //; w30 w28 w26 w24
- -22725, 19266, -12873, -22725, //w31 w29 w27 w25
- //row1
- 22725, 22725, 22725, -22725, // ; movq-> w06 w04 w02 w00
- 29692, 12299, 12299, -29692, // ; w07 w05 w03 w01
- 22725, -22725, 22725, 22725, //; w14 w12 w10 w08
- -12299, 29692, -29692, -12299, //; w15 w13 w11 w09
- 31521, 17855, 26722, -31521, //; w22 w20 w18 w16
- 26722, 6270, -6270, -17855, //; w23 w21 w19 w17
- 17855, 6270, 6270, 26722, //; w30 w28 w26 w24
- -31521, 26722, -17855, -31521, // w31 w29 w27 w25
- //row2
- 21407, 21407, 21407, -21407, // ; movq-> w06 w04 w02 w00
- 27969, 11585, 11585, -27969, // ; w07 w05 w03 w01
- 21407, -21407, 21407, 21407, // ; w14 w12 w10 w08
- -11585, 27969, -27969, -11585, // ;w15 w13 w11 w09
- 29692, 16819, 25172, -29692, // ;w22 w20 w18 w16
- 25172, 5906, -5906, -16819, // ;w23 w21 w19 w17
- 16819, 5906, 5906, 25172, // ;w30 w28 w26 w24
- -29692, 25172, -16819, -29692, // ;w31 w29 w27 w25
- //row3
- 19266, 19266, 19266, -19266, //; movq-> w06 w04 w02 w00
- 25172, 10426, 10426, -25172, //; w07 w05 w03 w01
- 19266, -19266, 19266, 19266, //; w14 w12 w10 w08
- -10426, 25172, -25172, -10426, //; w15 w13 w11 w09
- 26722, 15137, 22654, -26722, //; w22 w20 w18 w16
- 22654, 5315, -5315, -15137, //; w23 w21 w19 w17
- 15137, 5315, 5315, 22654, //; w30 w28 w26 w24
- -26722, 22654, -15137, -26722, //; w31 w29 w27 w25
- //row4
- 16384, 16384, 16384, -16384, // ; movq-> w06 w04 w02 w00
- 21407, 8867, 8867, -21407, // w07 w05 w03 w01
- 16384, -16384, 16384, 16384, //; w14 w12 w10 w08
- -8867, 21407, -21407, -8867, //; w15 w13 w11 w09
- 22725, 12873, 19266, -22725, //; w22 w20 w18 w16
- 19266, 4520, -4520, -12873, //; w23 w21 w19 w17
- 12873, 4520, 4520, 19266, //; w30 w28 w26 w24
- -22725, 19266, -12873, -22725, //w31 w29 w27 w25
- //row5
- 19266, 19266, 19266, -19266, //; movq-> w06 w04 w02 w00
- 25172, 10426, 10426, -25172, //; w07 w05 w03 w01
- 19266, -19266, 19266, 19266, //; w14 w12 w10 w08
- -10426, 25172, -25172, -10426, //; w15 w13 w11 w09
- 26722, 15137, 22654, -26722, //; w22 w20 w18 w16
- 22654, 5315, -5315, -15137, //; w23 w21 w19 w17
- 15137, 5315, 5315, 22654, //; w30 w28 w26 w24
- -26722, 22654, -15137, -26722, //; w31 w29 w27 w25
- //row6
- 21407, 21407, 21407, -21407, // ; movq-> w06 w04 w02 w00
- 27969, 11585, 11585, -27969, // ; w07 w05 w03 w01
- 21407, -21407, 21407, 21407, // ; w14 w12 w10 w08
- -11585, 27969, -27969, -11585, // ;w15 w13 w11 w09
- 29692, 16819, 25172, -29692, // ;w22 w20 w18 w16
- 25172, 5906, -5906, -16819, // ;w23 w21 w19 w17
- 16819, 5906, 5906, 25172, // ;w30 w28 w26 w24
- -29692, 25172, -16819, -29692, // ;w31 w29 w27 w25
- //row7
- 22725, 22725, 22725, -22725, // ; movq-> w06 w04 w02 w00
- 29692, 12299, 12299, -29692, // ; w07 w05 w03 w01
- 22725, -22725, 22725, 22725, //; w14 w12 w10 w08
- -12299, 29692, -29692, -12299, //; w15 w13 w11 w09
- 31521, 17855, 26722, -31521, //; w22 w20 w18 w16
- 26722, 6270, -6270, -17855, //; w23 w21 w19 w17
- 17855, 6270, 6270, 26722, //; w30 w28 w26 w24
- -31521, 26722, -17855, -31521}; // w31 w29 w27 w25
- */
- static const short tab_frw_01234567[] = { // forward_dct coeff table
- //row0
- 16384, 16384, 21407, -8867, // w09 w01 w08 w00
- 16384, 16384, 8867, -21407, // w13 w05 w12 w04
- 16384, -16384, 8867, 21407, // w11 w03 w10 w02
- -16384, 16384, -21407, -8867, // w15 w07 w14 w06
- 22725, 12873, 19266, -22725, // w22 w20 w18 w16
- 19266, 4520, -4520, -12873, // w23 w21 w19 w17
- 12873, 4520, 4520, 19266, // w30 w28 w26 w24
- -22725, 19266, -12873, -22725, // w31 w29 w27 w25
- //row1
- 22725, 22725, 29692, -12299, // w09 w01 w08 w00
- 22725, 22725, 12299, -29692, // w13 w05 w12 w04
- 22725, -22725, 12299, 29692, // w11 w03 w10 w02
- -22725, 22725, -29692, -12299, // w15 w07 w14 w06
- 31521, 17855, 26722, -31521, // w22 w20 w18 w16
- 26722, 6270, -6270, -17855, // w23 w21 w19 w17
- 17855, 6270, 6270, 26722, // w30 w28 w26 w24
- -31521, 26722, -17855, -31521, // w31 w29 w27 w25
- //row2
- 21407, 21407, 27969, -11585, // w09 w01 w08 w00
- 21407, 21407, 11585, -27969, // w13 w05 w12 w04
- 21407, -21407, 11585, 27969, // w11 w03 w10 w02
- -21407, 21407, -27969, -11585, // w15 w07 w14 w06
- 29692, 16819, 25172, -29692, // w22 w20 w18 w16
- 25172, 5906, -5906, -16819, // w23 w21 w19 w17
- 16819, 5906, 5906, 25172, // w30 w28 w26 w24
- -29692, 25172, -16819, -29692, // w31 w29 w27 w25
- //row3
- 19266, 19266, 25172, -10426, // w09 w01 w08 w00
- 19266, 19266, 10426, -25172, // w13 w05 w12 w04
- 19266, -19266, 10426, 25172, // w11 w03 w10 w02
- -19266, 19266, -25172, -10426, // w15 w07 w14 w06,
- 26722, 15137, 22654, -26722, // w22 w20 w18 w16
- 22654, 5315, -5315, -15137, // w23 w21 w19 w17
- 15137, 5315, 5315, 22654, // w30 w28 w26 w24
- -26722, 22654, -15137, -26722, // w31 w29 w27 w25,
- //row4
- 16384, 16384, 21407, -8867, // w09 w01 w08 w00
- 16384, 16384, 8867, -21407, // w13 w05 w12 w04
- 16384, -16384, 8867, 21407, // w11 w03 w10 w02
- -16384, 16384, -21407, -8867, // w15 w07 w14 w06
- 22725, 12873, 19266, -22725, // w22 w20 w18 w16
- 19266, 4520, -4520, -12873, // w23 w21 w19 w17
- 12873, 4520, 4520, 19266, // w30 w28 w26 w24
- -22725, 19266, -12873, -22725, // w31 w29 w27 w25
- //row5
- 19266, 19266, 25172, -10426, // w09 w01 w08 w00
- 19266, 19266, 10426, -25172, // w13 w05 w12 w04
- 19266, -19266, 10426, 25172, // w11 w03 w10 w02
- -19266, 19266, -25172, -10426, // w15 w07 w14 w06
- 26722, 15137, 22654, -26722, // w22 w20 w18 w16
- 22654, 5315, -5315, -15137, // w23 w21 w19 w17
- 15137, 5315, 5315, 22654, // w30 w28 w26 w24
- -26722, 22654, -15137, -26722, // w31 w29 w27 w25
- //row6
- 21407, 21407, 27969, -11585, // w09 w01 w08 w00
- 21407, 21407, 11585, -27969, // w13 w05 w12 w04
- 21407, -21407, 11585, 27969, // w11 w03 w10 w02
- -21407, 21407, -27969, -11585, // w15 w07 w14 w06,
- 29692, 16819, 25172, -29692, // w22 w20 w18 w16
- 25172, 5906, -5906, -16819, // w23 w21 w19 w17
- 16819, 5906, 5906, 25172, // w30 w28 w26 w24
- -29692, 25172, -16819, -29692, // w31 w29 w27 w25,
- //row7
- 22725, 22725, 29692, -12299, // w09 w01 w08 w00
- 22725, 22725, 12299, -29692, // w13 w05 w12 w04
- 22725, -22725, 12299, 29692, // w11 w03 w10 w02
- -22725, 22725, -29692, -12299, // w15 w07 w14 w06,
- 31521, 17855, 26722, -31521, // w22 w20 w18 w16
- 26722, 6270, -6270, -17855, // w23 w21 w19 w17
- 17855, 6270, 6270, 26722, // w30 w28 w26 w24
- -31521, 26722, -17855, -31521 // w31 w29 w27 w25
- };
- void
- fdct_mm32( short *blk )
- {
- static __int64 xt70[2]; // xt7xt6xt5xt4, xt3xt2xt1xt0
- static int a0, a1, a2, a3, b0, b1, b2, b3;
- static short *sptr, *optr, *tf; // tf = table_ptr
- static short *xt = (short *) &xt70[0];
- static int j;
- const static short _tg_1_16 = 13036; //tg * (2<<16) + 0.5
- const static short _tg_2_16 = 27146; //tg * (2<<16) + 0.5
- const static short _tg_3_16 =-21746; //tg * (2<<16) + 0.5
- const static short _cos_4_16 =-19195; //cos * (2<<16) + 0.5
- const static short _ocos_4_16 = 23170; //cos * (2<<15) + 0.5
- const static short _one_corr = 1; //rounding compensation
- static short t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7;
- static short tp03, tm03, tp12, tm12, tp65, tm65;
- static short tp465, tm465, tp765, tm765;
- __asm {
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // The high-level pseudocode for the fdct_mm32() routine :
- //
- // fdct_mm32()
- // {
- // forward_dct_col03(); // dct_column transform on cols 0-3
- // forward_dct_col47(); // dct_column transform on cols 4-7
- // for ( j = 0; j < 8; j=j+1 )
- // forward_dct_row1(j); // dct_row transform on row #j
- // }
- mov INP, dword ptr [blk]; ;// input data is row 0 of blk[]
- ;// transform the left half of the matrix (4 columns)
- lea TABLEF, dword ptr [tg_all_16];
- mov OUT, INP;
- // lea round_frw_col, dword ptr [r_frw_col]
- // for ( i = 0; i < 2; i = i + 1)
- // the for-loop is executed twice. We are better off unrolling the
- // loop to avoid branch misprediction.
- mmx32_fdct_col03: // begin processing columns 0-3
- movq mm0, [x1] ; 0 ; x1
- ;//
- movq mm1, [x6] ; 1 ; x6
- movq mm2, mm0 ; 2 ; x1
- movq mm3, [x2] ; 3 ; x2
- paddsw mm0, mm1 ; t1 = x[1] + x[6]
- movq mm4, [x5] ; 4 ; x5
- psllw mm0, SHIFT_FRW_COL ; t1
- movq mm5, [x0] ; 5 ; x0
- paddsw mm4, mm3 ; t2 = x[2] + x[5]
- paddsw mm5, [x7] ; t0 = x[0] + x[7]
- psllw mm4, SHIFT_FRW_COL ; t2
- movq mm6, mm0 ; 6 ; t1
- psubsw mm2, mm1 ; 1 ; t6 = x[1] - x[6]
- movq mm1, qword ptr [tg_2_16] ; 1 ; tg_2_16
- psubsw mm0, mm4 ; tm12 = t1 - t2
- movq mm7, [x3] ; 7 ; x3
- pmulhw mm1, mm0 ; tm12*tg_2_16
- paddsw mm7, [x4] ; t3 = x[3] + x[4]
- psllw mm5, SHIFT_FRW_COL ; t0
- paddsw mm6, mm4 ; 4 ; tp12 = t1 + t2
- psllw mm7, SHIFT_FRW_COL ; t3
- movq mm4, mm5 ; 4 ; t0
- psubsw mm5, mm7 ; tm03 = t0 - t3
- paddsw mm1, mm5 ; y2 = tm03 + tm12*tg_2_16
- paddsw mm4, mm7 ; 7 ; tp03 = t0 + t3
- por mm1, qword ptr one_corr ; correction y2 +0.5
- psllw mm2, SHIFT_FRW_COL+1 ; t6
- pmulhw mm5, qword ptr [tg_2_16] ; tm03*tg_2_16
- movq mm7, mm4 ; 7 ; tp03
- psubsw mm3, [x5] ; t5 = x[2] - x[5]
- psubsw mm4, mm6 ; y4 = tp03 - tp12
- movq [y2], mm1 ; 1 ; save y2
- paddsw mm7, mm6 ; 6 ; y0 = tp03 + tp12
- movq mm1, [x3] ; 1 ; x3
- psllw mm3, SHIFT_FRW_COL+1 ; t5
- psubsw mm1, [x4] ; t4 = x[3] - x[4]
- movq mm6, mm2 ; 6 ; t6
- movq [y4], mm4 ; 4 ; save y4
- paddsw mm2, mm3 ; t6 + t5
- pmulhw mm2, qword ptr [ocos_4_16] ; tp65 = (t6 + t5)*cos_4_16
- psubsw mm6, mm3 ; 3 ; t6 - t5
- pmulhw mm6, qword ptr [ocos_4_16] ; tm65 = (t6 - t5)*cos_4_16
- psubsw mm5, mm0 ; 0 ; y6 = tm03*tg_2_16 - tm12
- por mm5, qword ptr one_corr ; correction y6 +0.5
- psllw mm1, SHIFT_FRW_COL ; t4
- por mm2, qword ptr one_corr ; correction tp65 +0.5
- movq mm4, mm1 ; 4 ; t4
- movq mm3, [x0] ; 3 ; x0
- paddsw mm1, mm6 ; tp465 = t4 + tm65
- psubsw mm3, [x7] ; t7 = x[0] - x[7]
- psubsw mm4, mm6 ; 6 ; tm465 = t4 - tm65
- movq mm0, qword ptr [tg_1_16] ; 0 ; tg_1_16
- psllw mm3, SHIFT_FRW_COL ; t7
- movq mm6, qword ptr [tg_3_16] ; 6 ; tg_3_16
- pmulhw mm0, mm1 ; tp465*tg_1_16
- movq [y0], mm7 ; 7 ; save y0
- pmulhw mm6, mm4 ; tm465*tg_3_16
- movq [y6], mm5 ; 5 ; save y6
- movq mm7, mm3 ; 7 ; t7
- movq mm5, qword ptr [tg_3_16] ; 5 ; tg_3_16
- psubsw mm7, mm2 ; tm765 = t7 - tp65
- paddsw mm3, mm2 ; 2 ; tp765 = t7 + tp65
- pmulhw mm5, mm7 ; tm765*tg_3_16
- paddsw mm0, mm3 ; y1 = tp765 + tp465*tg_1_16
- paddsw mm6, mm4 ; tm465*tg_3_16
- pmulhw mm3, qword ptr [tg_1_16] ; tp765*tg_1_16
- ;//
- por mm0, qword ptr one_corr ; correction y1 +0.5
- paddsw mm5, mm7 ; tm765*tg_3_16
- psubsw mm7, mm6 ; 6 ; y3 = tm765 - tm465*tg_3_16
- add INP, 0x08 ; // increment pointer
- movq [y1], mm0 ; 0 ; save y1
- paddsw mm5, mm4 ; 4 ; y5 = tm765*tg_3_16 + tm465
- movq [y3], mm7 ; 7 ; save y3
- psubsw mm3, mm1 ; 1 ; y7 = tp765*tg_1_16 - tp465
- movq [y5], mm5 ; 5 ; save y5
- mmx32_fdct_col47: // begin processing columns 4-7
- movq mm0, [x1] ; 0 ; x1
- ;//
- movq [y7], mm3 ; 3 ; save y7 (columns 0-4)
- ;//
- movq mm1, [x6] ; 1 ; x6
- movq mm2, mm0 ; 2 ; x1
- movq mm3, [x2] ; 3 ; x2
- paddsw mm0, mm1 ; t1 = x[1] + x[6]
- movq mm4, [x5] ; 4 ; x5
- psllw mm0, SHIFT_FRW_COL ; t1
- movq mm5, [x0] ; 5 ; x0
- paddsw mm4, mm3 ; t2 = x[2] + x[5]
- paddsw mm5, [x7] ; t0 = x[0] + x[7]
- psllw mm4, SHIFT_FRW_COL ; t2
- movq mm6, mm0 ; 6 ; t1
- psubsw mm2, mm1 ; 1 ; t6 = x[1] - x[6]
- movq mm1, qword ptr [tg_2_16] ; 1 ; tg_2_16
- psubsw mm0, mm4 ; tm12 = t1 - t2
- movq mm7, [x3] ; 7 ; x3
- pmulhw mm1, mm0 ; tm12*tg_2_16
- paddsw mm7, [x4] ; t3 = x[3] + x[4]
- psllw mm5, SHIFT_FRW_COL ; t0
- paddsw mm6, mm4 ; 4 ; tp12 = t1 + t2
- psllw mm7, SHIFT_FRW_COL ; t3
- movq mm4, mm5 ; 4 ; t0
- psubsw mm5, mm7 ; tm03 = t0 - t3
- paddsw mm1, mm5 ; y2 = tm03 + tm12*tg_2_16
- paddsw mm4, mm7 ; 7 ; tp03 = t0 + t3
- por mm1, qword ptr one_corr ; correction y2 +0.5
- psllw mm2, SHIFT_FRW_COL+1 ; t6
- pmulhw mm5, qword ptr [tg_2_16] ; tm03*tg_2_16
- movq mm7, mm4 ; 7 ; tp03
- psubsw mm3, [x5] ; t5 = x[2] - x[5]
- psubsw mm4, mm6 ; y4 = tp03 - tp12
- movq [y2+8], mm1 ; 1 ; save y2
- paddsw mm7, mm6 ; 6 ; y0 = tp03 + tp12
- movq mm1, [x3] ; 1 ; x3
- psllw mm3, SHIFT_FRW_COL+1 ; t5
- psubsw mm1, [x4] ; t4 = x[3] - x[4]
- movq mm6, mm2 ; 6 ; t6
- movq [y4+8], mm4 ; 4 ; save y4
- paddsw mm2, mm3 ; t6 + t5
- pmulhw mm2, qword ptr [ocos_4_16] ; tp65 = (t6 + t5)*cos_4_16
- psubsw mm6, mm3 ; 3 ; t6 - t5
- pmulhw mm6, qword ptr [ocos_4_16] ; tm65 = (t6 - t5)*cos_4_16
- psubsw mm5, mm0 ; 0 ; y6 = tm03*tg_2_16 - tm12
- por mm5, qword ptr one_corr ; correction y6 +0.5
- psllw mm1, SHIFT_FRW_COL ; t4
- por mm2, qword ptr one_corr ; correction tp65 +0.5
- movq mm4, mm1 ; 4 ; t4
- movq mm3, [x0] ; 3 ; x0
- paddsw mm1, mm6 ; tp465 = t4 + tm65
- psubsw mm3, [x7] ; t7 = x[0] - x[7]
- psubsw mm4, mm6 ; 6 ; tm465 = t4 - tm65
- movq mm0, qword ptr [tg_1_16] ; 0 ; tg_1_16
- psllw mm3, SHIFT_FRW_COL ; t7
- movq mm6, qword ptr [tg_3_16] ; 6 ; tg_3_16
- pmulhw mm0, mm1 ; tp465*tg_1_16
- movq [y0+8], mm7 ; 7 ; save y0
- pmulhw mm6, mm4 ; tm465*tg_3_16
- movq [y6+8], mm5 ; 5 ; save y6
- movq mm7, mm3 ; 7 ; t7
- movq mm5, qword ptr [tg_3_16] ; 5 ; tg_3_16
- psubsw mm7, mm2 ; tm765 = t7 - tp65
- paddsw mm3, mm2 ; 2 ; tp765 = t7 + tp65
- pmulhw mm5, mm7 ; tm765*tg_3_16
- paddsw mm0, mm3 ; y1 = tp765 + tp465*tg_1_16
- paddsw mm6, mm4 ; tm465*tg_3_16
- pmulhw mm3, qword ptr [tg_1_16] ; tp765*tg_1_16
- ;//
- por mm0, qword ptr one_corr ; correction y1 +0.5
- paddsw mm5, mm7 ; tm765*tg_3_16
- psubsw mm7, mm6 ; 6 ; y3 = tm765 - tm465*tg_3_16
- ;//
- movq [y1+8], mm0 ; 0 ; save y1
- paddsw mm5, mm4 ; 4 ; y5 = tm765*tg_3_16 + tm465
- movq [y3+8], mm7 ; 7 ; save y3
- psubsw mm3, mm1 ; 1 ; y7 = tp765*tg_1_16 - tp465
- movq [y5+8], mm5 ; 5 ; save y5
- movq [y7+8], mm3 ; 3 ; save y7
- // emms;
- // } // end of forward_dct_col07()
- // done with dct_col transform
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // fdct_mmx32_rows() --
- // the following subroutine performs the row-transform operation,
- //
- // The output is stored into blk[], destroying the original
- // source data.
- // v1.01 - output is range-clipped to {-2048, +2047}
- mov INP, dword ptr [blk]; ;// row 0
- mov edi, 0x08; //x = 8
- lea TABLE, dword ptr [tab_frw_01234567]; // row 0
- mov OUT, INP;
- lea round_frw_row, dword ptr [r_frw_row];
- // for ( x = 8; x > 0; --x ) // transform 1 row per iteration
- // ---------- loop begin
- lp_mmx_fdct_row1:
- movd mm5, dword ptr [INP+12]; // mm5 = 7 6
- punpcklwd mm5, dword ptr [INP+8] // mm5 = 5 7 4 6
- movq mm2, mm5; // mm2 = 5 7 4 6
- psrlq mm5, 32; // mm5 = _ _ 5 7
- movq mm0, qword ptr [INP]; // mm0 = 3 2 1 0
- punpcklwd mm5, mm2;// mm5 = 4 5 6 7
- movq mm1, mm0; // mm1 = 3 2 1 0
- paddsw mm0, mm5; // mm0 = [3+4, 2+5, 1+6, 0+7] (xt3, xt2, xt1, xt0)
- psubsw mm1, mm5; // mm1 = [3-4, 2-5, 1-6, 0-7] (xt7, xt6, xt5, xt4)
- movq mm2, mm0; // mm2 = [ xt3 xt2 xt1 xt0 ]
- //movq [ xt3xt2xt1xt0 ], mm0; // debugging
- //movq [ xt7xt6xt5xt4 ], mm1; // debugging
- punpcklwd mm0, mm1;// mm0 = [ xt5 xt1 xt4 xt0 ]
- punpckhwd mm2, mm1;// mm2 = [ xt7 xt3 xt6 xt2 ]
- movq mm1, mm2; // mm1
- ;// shuffle bytes around
- // movq mm0, qword ptr [INP] ; 0 ; x3 x2 x1 x0
- // movq mm1, qword ptr [INP+8] ; 1 ; x7 x6 x5 x4
- movq mm2, mm0 ; 2 ; x3 x2 x1 x0
- movq mm3, qword ptr [TABLE] ; 3 ; w06 w04 w02 w00
- punpcklwd mm0, mm1 ; x5 x1 x4 x0
- movq mm5, mm0 ; 5 ; x5 x1 x4 x0
- punpckldq mm0, mm0 ; x4 x0 x4 x0 [ xt2 xt0 xt2 xt0 ]
- movq mm4, qword ptr [TABLE+8] ; 4 ; w07 w05 w03 w01
- punpckhwd mm2, mm1 ; 1 ; x7 x3 x6 x2
- pmaddwd mm3, mm0 ; x4*w06+x0*w04 x4*w02+x0*w00
- movq mm6, mm2 ; 6 ; x7 x3 x6 x2
- movq mm1, qword ptr [TABLE+32] ; 1 ; w22 w20 w18 w16
- punpckldq mm2, mm2 ; x6 x2 x6 x2 [ xt3 xt1 xt3 xt1 ]
- pmaddwd mm4, mm2 ; x6*w07+x2*w05 x6*w03+x2*w01
- punpckhdq mm5, mm5 ; x5 x1 x5 x1 [ xt6 xt4 xt6 xt4 ]
- pmaddwd mm0, qword ptr [TABLE+16] ; x4*w14+x0*w12 x4*w10+x0*w08
- punpckhdq mm6, mm6 ; x7 x3 x7 x3 [ xt7 xt5 xt7 xt5 ]
- movq mm7, qword ptr [TABLE+40] ; 7 ; w23 w21 w19 w17
- pmaddwd mm1, mm5 ; x5*w22+x1*w20 x5*w18+x1*w16
- //mm3 = a1, a0 (y2,y0)
- //mm1 = b1, b0 (y3,y1)
- //mm0 = a3,a2 (y6,y4)
- //mm5 = b3,b2 (y7,y5)
- paddd mm3, qword ptr [round_frw_row] ; +rounder (y2,y0)
- pmaddwd mm7, mm6 ; x7*w23+x3*w21 x7*w19+x3*w17
- pmaddwd mm2, qword ptr [TABLE+24] ; x6*w15+x2*w13 x6*w11+x2*w09
- paddd mm3, mm4 ; 4 ; a1=sum(even1) a0=sum(even0) // now ( y2, y0)
- pmaddwd mm5, qword ptr [TABLE+48] ; x5*w30+x1*w28 x5*w26+x1*w24
- ;//
- pmaddwd mm6, qword ptr [TABLE+56] ; x7*w31+x3*w29 x7*w27+x3*w25
- paddd mm1, mm7 ; 7 ; b1=sum(odd1) b0=sum(odd0) // now ( y3, y1)
- paddd mm0, qword ptr [round_frw_row] ; +rounder (y6,y4)
- psrad mm3, SHIFT_FRW_ROW_CLIP1 ;// (y2, y0)
- paddd mm1, qword ptr [round_frw_row] ; +rounder (y3,y1)
- paddd mm0, mm2 ; 2 ; a3=sum(even3) a2=sum(even2) // now (y6, y4)
- paddd mm5, qword ptr [round_frw_row] ; +rounder (y7,y5)
- psrad mm1, SHIFT_FRW_ROW_CLIP1 ;// y1=a1+b1 y0=a0+b0
- paddd mm5, mm6 ; 6 ; b3=sum(odd3) b2=sum(odd2) // now ( y7, y5)
- psrad mm0, SHIFT_FRW_ROW_CLIP1 ;//y3=a3+b3 y2=a2+b2
- add OUT, 16; // increment row-output address by 1 row
- psrad mm5, SHIFT_FRW_ROW_CLIP1;// y4=a3-b3 y5=a2-b2
- add INP, 16; // increment row-address by 1 row
- packssdw mm3, mm0 ;// 0 ; y6 y4 y2 y0, saturate {-32768,+32767}
- packssdw mm1, mm5 ;// 3 ; y7 y5 y3 y1, saturate {-32768,+32767}
- movq mm6, mm3; // mm0 = y6 y4 y2 y0
- punpcklwd mm3, mm1; // y3 y2 y1 y0
- sub edi, 0x01; // i = i - 1
- punpckhwd mm6, mm1; // y7 y6 y5 y4
- add TABLE,64; // increment to next table
- psraw mm3, SHIFT_FRW_ROW_CLIP2; // descale [y3 y2 y1 y0] to {-2048,+2047}
- psraw mm6, SHIFT_FRW_ROW_CLIP2; // descale [y7 y6 y5 y4] to {-2048,+2047}
- movq qword ptr [OUT-16], mm3 ; 1 ; save y3 y2 y1 y0
- movq qword ptr [OUT-8], mm6 ; 7 ; save y7 y6 y5 y4
- cmp edi, 0x00;
- jg lp_mmx_fdct_row1; // begin fdct processing on next row
- emms;
- }
- /*
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // DCT_8_FRW_COL(), equivalent c_code
- //
- // This C-code can be substituted for the same __asm block
- //
- // I found several *DISCREPANCIES* between the AP-922 C-listing
- // and actual corrected code (shown below).
- //
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- sptr = (short *) blk;
- optr = (short *) blk; // output will overwrite source data!
- for ( j = 0; j < 8; j=j+1 ) // dct_frw_col1 loop
- {
- // read source-data column #j into xt[0..7]
- xt[7] = sptr[7*8];
- xt[6] = sptr[6*8];
- xt[5] = sptr[5*8];
- xt[4] = sptr[4*8];
- xt[3] = sptr[3*8];
- xt[2] = sptr[2*8];
- xt[1] = sptr[1*8];
- xt[0] = sptr[0*8];
- #define LEFT_SHIFT( x ) ((x) << (SHIFT_FRW_COL) ) // left shift
- #define LEFT_SHIFT1( x ) ((x) << (SHIFT_FRW_COL+1) ) // left shift+1
- t0 = LEFT_SHIFT ( xt[0] + xt[7] );
- t1 = LEFT_SHIFT ( xt[1] + xt[6] );
- t2 = LEFT_SHIFT ( xt[2] + xt[5] );
- t3 = LEFT_SHIFT ( xt[3] + xt[4] );
- t4 = LEFT_SHIFT ( xt[3] - xt[4] );
- t5 = LEFT_SHIFT1( xt[2] - xt[5] ); // *** DISCREPANCY
- t6 = LEFT_SHIFT1( xt[1] - xt[6] ); // *** DISCREPANCY
- t7 = LEFT_SHIFT ( xt[0] - xt[7] );
- tp03 = t0 + t3;
- tm03 = t0 - t3;
- tp12 = t1 + t2;
- tm12 = t1 - t2;
- // pmulhw/pmulhrw emulation macros
- #define X86_PMULHW( X ) ((short) ( ((int)X)>>16 )) //Intel MMX
- //#define X86_PMULHRW( X ) ((short) ( ( (((int)X)>>15)+1) >>1) ) //3DNow-MMX
- optr[0*8] = tp03 + tp12;
- optr[4*8] = tp03 - tp12;
- optr[2*8] = tm03 + X86_PMULHW( tm12 * _tg_2_16 );
- optr[2*8] = optr[2*8] | _one_corr; // one_correction
- optr[6*8] = X86_PMULHW( tm03 * _tg_2_16 ) - tm12;
- optr[6*8] = optr[6*8] | _one_corr; // one_correction
- tp65 = X86_PMULHW( (t6 +t5 )*_ocos_4_16 ); // *** DISCREPANCY
- tp65 = tp65 | _one_corr; // one_correction
- tm65 = X86_PMULHW( (t6 -t5 )*_ocos_4_16 ); // *** DISCREPANCY
- tp765 = t7 + tp65;
- tm765 = t7 - tp65;
- tp465 = t4 + tm65;
- tm465 = t4 - tm65;
- optr[1*8] = tp765 + X86_PMULHW( tp465 * _tg_1_16 );
- optr[1*8] = optr[1*8] | _one_corr; // one_correction
- optr[7*8] = X86_PMULHW( tp765 * _tg_1_16 ) - tp465;
- // optr[5*8] = X86_PMULHW( tm765 * _tg_3_16 ) + tm465; // *** DISCREPANCY
- // from pg8 of AP-922, ICONST = [ const*(2^16) + 0.5 ]
- // const * x = PMULHW( ICONST,x ) + x
- // The constant "tg_3_16" > 0.5, thus _tg_3_16 is encoded as tg_3_16-1.0
- // optr[5*8] = X86_PMULHW( tm765 * ( tg_3_16 - 1.0 ) ) + tm465
- // = [tm765*tg_3_16 - tm765] + tm465
- //
- // optr[5*8] + tm765 = [ tm765*tg_3_16 ] + tm465 + tm765
- // = [ tm765*tg_3_16 ] + tm465 <-- what we want
- optr[5*8] = X86_PMULHW( tm765 * _tg_3_16 ) + tm465 + tm765;
- // optr[3*8] = tm765 - X86_PMULHW( tm465 * _tg_3_16 ); // *** DISCREPANCY
- // The following operations must be performed in the shown order!
- // same trick (as shown for optr[5*8]) applies to optr[3*8]
- optr[3*8] = X86_PMULHW( tm465 * _tg_3_16 ) + tm465;
- optr[3*8] = tm765 - optr[3*8];
- ++sptr; // increment source pointer +1 column
- ++optr; // increment output pointer +1 column
- } // end for ( j = 0 ..., end of C_equivalent code for forward_dct_col_1
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // DCT8_FRW_ROW1(), equivalent c_code
- //
- // This C-code can be substituted for the same __asm block
- // For a derivation of this code, please read fdctmm32.doc
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- sptr = (short *) blk;
- optr = (short *) blk; // output will overwrite source data!
- tf = &tab_frw_01234567[ 0 ]; // fdct_row load table_forward_w
- for ( j = 0; j < 8; j=j+1 ) // dct_frw_row1 loop
- {
- // forward_dct_row input arithmetic + shuffle
- xt[3] = sptr[3] + sptr[4];
- xt[2] = sptr[2] + sptr[5];
- xt[1] = sptr[1] + sptr[6];
- xt[0] = sptr[0] + sptr[7];
- xt[7] = sptr[3] - sptr[4];
- xt[6] = sptr[2] - sptr[5];
- xt[5] = sptr[1] - sptr[6];
- xt[4] = sptr[0] - sptr[7];
- a3 = ( xt[0]*tf[10]+ xt[2]*tf[11]) + ( xt[1]*tf[14]+ xt[3]*tf[15]);
- a2 = ( xt[0]*tf[8] + xt[2]*tf[9] ) + ( xt[1]*tf[12]+ xt[3]*tf[13]);
- a1 = ( xt[0]*tf[2] + xt[2]*tf[3] ) + ( xt[1]*tf[6] + xt[3]*tf[7] );
- a0 = ( xt[0]*tf[0] + xt[2]*tf[1] ) + ( xt[1]*tf[4] + xt[3]*tf[5] );
- tf += 16; // increment table pointer
- b3 = ( xt[4]*tf[10]+ xt[6]*tf[11]) + ( xt[5]*tf[14]+ xt[7]*tf[15]);
- b2 = ( xt[4]*tf[8] + xt[6]*tf[9] ) + ( xt[5]*tf[12]+ xt[7]*tf[13]);
- b1 = ( xt[4]*tf[2] + xt[6]*tf[3] ) + ( xt[5]*tf[6] + xt[7]*tf[7] );
- b0 = ( xt[4]*tf[0] + xt[6]*tf[1] ) + ( xt[5]*tf[4] + xt[7]*tf[5] );
- tf += 16; // increment table pointer
- // apply rounding constants to scaled elements
- // note, in the MMX implementation, the shift&round is done *last.*
- // Here, the C-code applies the shifts 1st, then the clipping.
- // v1.01, clip output results to range {-2048, +2047}
- // In the MMX implementation, the "clipper" is integrated into
- // the shift&round operation (thanks to packssdw)
- a3 = (a3 > 2047) ? 2047 : a3; // ceiling @ +2047
- a2 = (a2 > 2047) ? 2047 : a2; // ceiling @ +2047
- a1 = (a1 > 2047) ? 2047 : a1; // ceiling @ +2047
- a0 = (a0 > 2047) ? 2047 : a0; // ceiling @ +2047
- b3 = (b3 > 2047) ? 2047 : b3; // ceiling @ +2047
- b2 = (b2 > 2047) ? 2047 : b2; // ceiling @ +2047
- b1 = (b1 > 2047) ? 2047 : b1; // ceiling @ +2047
- b0 = (b0 > 2047) ? 2047 : b0; // ceiling @ +2047
- a3 = (a3 <-2048) ? -2048 : a3; // floor @ -2048
- a2 = (a2 <-2048) ? -2048 : a2; // floor @ -2048
- a1 = (a1 <-2048) ? -2048 : a1; // floor @ -2048
- a0 = (a0 <-2048) ? -2048 : a0; // floor @ -2048
- b3 = (b3 <-2048) ? -2048 : b3; // floor @ -2048
- b2 = (b2 <-2048) ? -2048 : b2; // floor @ -2048
- b1 = (b1 <-2048) ? -2048 : b1; // floor @ -2048
- b0 = (b0 <-2048) ? -2048 : b0; // floor @ -2048
- // forward_dct_row, assign outputs
- optr[ 3 ] = b1;
- optr[ 2 ] = a1;
- optr[ 1 ] = b0;
- optr[ 0 ] = a0;
- optr[ 7 ] = b3;
- optr[ 6 ] = a3;
- optr[ 5 ] = b2;
- optr[ 4 ] = a2;
- sptr += 8; // increment source pointer +1 row
- optr += 8; // increment output pointer +1 row
- } // end for ( j = 0 ..., end of C_equivalent code for forward_dct_row_1
- */
- } // fdct_mm32( short *blk )