资源名称:H3_OA.rar [点击查看]
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- """
- FCKeditor - The text editor for internet
- Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Frederico Caldeira Knabben
- Licensed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License:
- For further information visit:
- "Support Open Source software. What about a donation today?"
- File Name:
- Connector for Python.
- Tested With:
- Standard:
- Python 2.3.3
- Zope:
- Zope Version: (Zope 2.8.1-final, python 2.3.5, linux2)
- Python Version: 2.3.5 (#4, Mar 10 2005, 01:40:25)
- [GCC 3.3.3 20040412 (Red Hat Linux 3.3.3-7)]
- System Platform: linux2
- File Authors:
- Andrew Liu (
- """
- """
- Author Notes (04 December 2005):
- This module has gone through quite a few phases of change. Obviously,
- I am only supporting that part of the code that I use. Initially
- I had the upload directory as a part of zope (ie. uploading files
- directly into Zope), before realising that there were too many
- complex intricacies within Zope to deal with. Zope is one ugly piece
- of code. So I decided to complement Zope by an Apache server (which
- I had running anyway, and doing nothing). So I mapped all uploads
- from an arbitrary server directory to an arbitrary web directory.
- All the FCKeditor uploading occurred this way, and I didn't have to
- stuff around with fiddling with Zope objects and the like (which are
- terribly complex and something you don't want to do - trust me).
- Maybe a Zope expert can touch up the Zope components. In the end,
- I had FCKeditor loaded in Zope (probably a bad idea as well), and
- I replaced the with an alias to a server module.
- Right now, all Zope components will simple remain as is because
- I've had enough of Zope.
- See notes right at the end of this file for how I aliased out of Zope.
- Anyway, most of you probably wont use Zope, so things are pretty
- simple in that regard.
- Typically, SERVER_DIR is the root of WEB_DIR (not necessarily).
- Most definitely, SERVER_USERFILES_DIR points to WEB_USERFILES_DIR.
- """
- import cgi
- import re
- import os
- import string
- """
- escape
- Converts the special characters '<', '>', and '&'.
- RFC 1866 specifies that these characters be represented
- in HTML as < > and & respectively. In Python
- 1.5 we use the new string.replace() function for speed.
- """
- def escape(text, replace=string.replace):
- text = replace(text, '&', '&') # must be done 1st
- text = replace(text, '<', '<')
- text = replace(text, '>', '>')
- text = replace(text, '"', '"')
- return text
- """
- getFCKeditorConnector
- Creates a new instance of an FCKeditorConnector, and runs it
- """
- def getFCKeditorConnector(context=None):
- # Called from Zope. Passes the context through
- connector = FCKeditorConnector(context=context)
- return
- """
- FCKeditorRequest
- A wrapper around the request object
- Can handle normal CGI request, or a Zope request
- Extend as required
- """
- class FCKeditorRequest(object):
- def __init__(self, context=None):
- if (context is not None):
- r = context.REQUEST
- else:
- r = cgi.FieldStorage()
- self.context = context
- self.request = r
- def isZope(self):
- if (self.context is not None):
- return True
- return False
- def has_key(self, key):
- return self.request.has_key(key)
- def get(self, key, default=None):
- value = None
- if (self.isZope()):
- value = self.request.get(key, default)
- else:
- if key in self.request.keys():
- value = self.request[key].value
- else:
- value = default
- return value
- """
- FCKeditorConnector
- The connector class
- """
- class FCKeditorConnector(object):
- # Configuration for FCKEditor
- # can point to another server here, if linked correctly
- #WEB_HOST = ""
- WEB_HOST = ""
- SERVER_DIR = "/var/www/html/"
- # Allow access (Zope)
- __allow_access_to_unprotected_subobjects__ = 1
- # Class Attributes
- parentFolderRe = re.compile("[/][^/]+[/]?$")
- """
- Constructor
- """
- def __init__(self, context=None):
- # The given root path will NOT be shown to the user
- # Only the userFilesPath will be shown
- # Instance Attributes
- self.context = context
- self.request = FCKeditorRequest(context=context)
- self.rootPath = self.SERVER_DIR
- self.userFilesFolder = self.SERVER_USERFILES_FOLDER
- self.webUserFilesFolder = self.WEB_USERFILES_FOLDER
- # Enables / Disables the connector
- self.enabled = False # Set to True to enable this connector
- # These are instance variables
- self.zopeRootContext = None
- self.zopeUploadContext = None
- # Copied from php module =)
- self.allowedExtensions = {
- "File": None,
- "Image": None,
- "Flash": None,
- "Media": None
- }
- self.deniedExtensions = {
- "File": [ "php","php2","php3","php4","php5","phtml","pwml","inc","asp","aspx","ascx","jsp","cfm","cfc","pl","bat","exe","com","dll","vbs","js","reg","cgi","htaccess" ],
- "Image": [ "php","php2","php3","php4","php5","phtml","pwml","inc","asp","aspx","ascx","jsp","cfm","cfc","pl","bat","exe","com","dll","vbs","js","reg","cgi","htaccess" ],
- "Flash": [ "php","php2","php3","php4","php5","phtml","pwml","inc","asp","aspx","ascx","jsp","cfm","cfc","pl","bat","exe","com","dll","vbs","js","reg","cgi","htaccess" ],
- "Media": [ "php","php2","php3","php4","php5","phtml","pwml","inc","asp","aspx","ascx","jsp","cfm","cfc","pl","bat","exe","com","dll","vbs","js","reg","cgi","htaccess" ]
- }
- """
- Zope specific functions
- """
- def isZope(self):
- # The context object is the zope object
- if (self.context is not None):
- return True
- return False
- def getZopeRootContext(self):
- if self.zopeRootContext is None:
- self.zopeRootContext = self.context.getPhysicalRoot()
- return self.zopeRootContext
- def getZopeUploadContext(self):
- if self.zopeUploadContext is None:
- folderNames = self.userFilesFolder.split("/")
- c = self.getZopeRootContext()
- for folderName in folderNames:
- if (folderName <> ""):
- c = c[folderName]
- self.zopeUploadContext = c
- return self.zopeUploadContext
- """
- Generic manipulation functions
- """
- def getUserFilesFolder(self):
- return self.userFilesFolder
- def getWebUserFilesFolder(self):
- return self.webUserFilesFolder
- def getAllowedExtensions(self, resourceType):
- return self.allowedExtensions[resourceType]
- def getDeniedExtensions(self, resourceType):
- return self.deniedExtensions[resourceType]
- def removeFromStart(self, string, char):
- return string.lstrip(char)
- def removeFromEnd(self, string, char):
- return string.rstrip(char)
- def convertToXmlAttribute(self, value):
- if (value is None):
- value = ""
- return escape(value)
- def convertToPath(self, path):
- if (path[-1] <> "/"):
- return path + "/"
- else:
- return path
- def getUrlFromPath(self, resourceType, path):
- if (resourceType is None) or (resourceType == ''):
- url = "%s%s" % (
- self.removeFromEnd(self.getUserFilesFolder(), '/'),
- path
- )
- else:
- url = "%s%s%s" % (
- self.getUserFilesFolder(),
- resourceType,
- path
- )
- return url
- def getWebUrlFromPath(self, resourceType, path):
- if (resourceType is None) or (resourceType == ''):
- url = "%s%s" % (
- self.removeFromEnd(self.getWebUserFilesFolder(), '/'),
- path
- )
- else:
- url = "%s%s%s" % (
- self.getWebUserFilesFolder(),
- resourceType,
- path
- )
- return url
- def removeExtension(self, fileName):
- index = fileName.rindex(".")
- newFileName = fileName[0:index]
- return newFileName
- def getExtension(self, fileName):
- index = fileName.rindex(".") + 1
- fileExtension = fileName[index:]
- return fileExtension
- def getParentFolder(self, folderPath):
- parentFolderPath = self.parentFolderRe.sub('', folderPath)
- return parentFolderPath
- """
- serverMapFolder
- Purpose: works out the folder map on the server
- """
- def serverMapFolder(self, resourceType, folderPath):
- # Get the resource type directory
- resourceTypeFolder = "%s%s/" % (
- self.getUserFilesFolder(),
- resourceType
- )
- # Ensure that the directory exists
- self.createServerFolder(resourceTypeFolder)
- # Return the resource type directory combined with the
- # required path
- return "%s%s" % (
- resourceTypeFolder,
- self.removeFromStart(folderPath, '/')
- )
- """
- createServerFolder
- Purpose: physically creates a folder on the server
- """
- def createServerFolder(self, folderPath):
- # Check if the parent exists
- parentFolderPath = self.getParentFolder(folderPath)
- if not(os.path.exists(parentFolderPath)):
- errorMsg = self.createServerFolder(parentFolderPath)
- if errorMsg is not None:
- return errorMsg
- # Check if this exists
- if not(os.path.exists(folderPath)):
- os.mkdir(folderPath)
- os.chmod(folderPath, 0755)
- errorMsg = None
- else:
- if os.path.isdir(folderPath):
- errorMsg = None
- else:
- raise "createServerFolder: Non-folder of same name already exists"
- return errorMsg
- """
- getRootPath
- Purpose: returns the root path on the server
- """
- def getRootPath(self):
- return self.rootPath
- """
- setXmlHeaders
- Purpose: to prepare the headers for the xml to return
- """
- def setXmlHeaders(self):
- #now = self.context.BS_get_now()
- #yesterday = now - 1
- self.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/xml")
- #self.setHeader("Expires", yesterday)
- #self.setHeader("Last-Modified", now)
- #self.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate")
- self.printHeaders()
- return
- def setHeader(self, key, value):
- if (self.isZope()):
- self.context.REQUEST.RESPONSE.setHeader(key, value)
- else:
- print "%s: %s" % (key, value)
- return
- def printHeaders(self):
- # For non-Zope requests, we need to print an empty line
- # to denote the end of headers
- if (not(self.isZope())):
- print ""
- """
- createXmlFooter
- Purpose: returns the xml header
- """
- def createXmlHeader(self, command, resourceType, currentFolder):
- self.setXmlHeaders()
- s = ""
- # Create the XML document header
- s += """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>"""
- # Create the main connector node
- s += """<Connector command="%s" resourceType="%s">""" % (
- command,
- resourceType
- )
- # Add the current folder node
- s += """<CurrentFolder path="%s" url="%s" />""" % (
- self.convertToXmlAttribute(currentFolder),
- self.convertToXmlAttribute(
- self.getWebUrlFromPath(
- resourceType,
- currentFolder
- )
- ),
- )
- return s
- """
- createXmlFooter
- Purpose: returns the xml footer
- """
- def createXmlFooter(self):
- s = """</Connector>"""
- return s
- """
- sendError
- Purpose: in the event of an error, return an xml based error
- """
- def sendError(self, number, text):
- self.setXmlHeaders()
- s = ""
- # Create the XML document header
- s += """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>"""
- s += """<Connector>"""
- s += """<Error number="%s" text="%s" />""" % (number, text)
- s += """</Connector>"""
- return s
- """
- getFolders
- Purpose: command to recieve a list of folders
- """
- def getFolders(self, resourceType, currentFolder):
- if (self.isZope()):
- return self.getZopeFolders(resourceType, currentFolder)
- else:
- return self.getNonZopeFolders(resourceType, currentFolder)
- def getZopeFolders(self, resourceType, currentFolder):
- # Open the folders node
- s = ""
- s += """<Folders>"""
- zopeFolder = self.findZopeFolder(resourceType, currentFolder)
- for (name, o) in zopeFolder.objectItems(["Folder"]):
- s += """<Folder name="%s" />""" % (
- self.convertToXmlAttribute(name)
- )
- # Close the folders node
- s += """</Folders>"""
- return s
- def getNonZopeFolders(self, resourceType, currentFolder):
- # Map the virtual path to our local server
- serverPath = self.serverMapFolder(resourceType, currentFolder)
- # Open the folders node
- s = ""
- s += """<Folders>"""
- for someObject in os.listdir(serverPath):
- someObjectPath = os.path.join(serverPath, someObject)
- if os.path.isdir(someObjectPath):
- s += """<Folder name="%s" />""" % (
- self.convertToXmlAttribute(someObject)
- )
- # Close the folders node
- s += """</Folders>"""
- return s
- """
- getFoldersAndFiles
- Purpose: command to recieve a list of folders and files
- """
- def getFoldersAndFiles(self, resourceType, currentFolder):
- if (self.isZope()):
- return self.getZopeFoldersAndFiles(resourceType, currentFolder)
- else:
- return self.getNonZopeFoldersAndFiles(resourceType, currentFolder)
- def getNonZopeFoldersAndFiles(self, resourceType, currentFolder):
- # Map the virtual path to our local server
- serverPath = self.serverMapFolder(resourceType, currentFolder)
- # Open the folders / files node
- folders = """<Folders>"""
- files = """<Files>"""
- for someObject in os.listdir(serverPath):
- someObjectPath = os.path.join(serverPath, someObject)
- if os.path.isdir(someObjectPath):
- folders += """<Folder name="%s" />""" % (
- self.convertToXmlAttribute(someObject)
- )
- elif os.path.isfile(someObjectPath):
- size = os.path.getsize(someObjectPath)
- files += """<File name="%s" size="%s" />""" % (
- self.convertToXmlAttribute(someObject),
- os.path.getsize(someObjectPath)
- )
- # Close the folders / files node
- folders += """</Folders>"""
- files += """</Files>"""
- # Return it
- s = folders + files
- return s
- def getZopeFoldersAndFiles(self, resourceType, currentFolder):
- folders = self.getZopeFolders(resourceType, currentFolder)
- files = self.getZopeFiles(resourceType, currentFolder)
- s = folders + files
- return s
- def getZopeFiles(self, resourceType, currentFolder):
- # Open the files node
- s = ""
- s += """<Files>"""
- zopeFolder = self.findZopeFolder(resourceType, currentFolder)
- for (name, o) in zopeFolder.objectItems(["File","Image"]):
- s += """<File name="%s" size="%s" />""" % (
- self.convertToXmlAttribute(name),
- ((o.get_size() / 1024) + 1)
- )
- # Close the files node
- s += """</Files>"""
- return s
- def findZopeFolder(self, resourceType, folderName):
- # returns the context of the resource / folder
- zopeFolder = self.getZopeUploadContext()
- folderName = self.removeFromStart(folderName, "/")
- folderName = self.removeFromEnd(folderName, "/")
- if (resourceType <> ""):
- try:
- zopeFolder = zopeFolder[resourceType]
- except:
- zopeFolder.manage_addProduct["OFSP"].manage_addFolder(id=resourceType, title=resourceType)
- zopeFolder = zopeFolder[resourceType]
- if (folderName <> ""):
- folderNames = folderName.split("/")
- for folderName in folderNames:
- zopeFolder = zopeFolder[folderName]
- return zopeFolder
- """
- createFolder
- Purpose: command to create a new folder
- """
- def createFolder(self, resourceType, currentFolder):
- if (self.isZope()):
- return self.createZopeFolder(resourceType, currentFolder)
- else:
- return self.createNonZopeFolder(resourceType, currentFolder)
- def createZopeFolder(self, resourceType, currentFolder):
- # Find out where we are
- zopeFolder = self.findZopeFolder(resourceType, currentFolder)
- errorNo = 0
- errorMsg = ""
- if self.request.has_key("NewFolderName"):
- newFolder = self.request.get("NewFolderName", None)
- zopeFolder.manage_addProduct["OFSP"].manage_addFolder(id=newFolder, title=newFolder)
- else:
- errorNo = 102
- error = """<Error number="%s" originalDescription="%s" />""" % (
- errorNo,
- self.convertToXmlAttribute(errorMsg)
- )
- return error
- def createNonZopeFolder(self, resourceType, currentFolder):
- errorNo = 0
- errorMsg = ""
- if self.request.has_key("NewFolderName"):
- newFolder = self.request.get("NewFolderName", None)
- currentFolderPath = self.serverMapFolder(
- resourceType,
- currentFolder
- )
- try:
- newFolderPath = currentFolderPath + newFolder
- errorMsg = self.createServerFolder(newFolderPath)
- if (errorMsg is not None):
- errorNo = 110
- except:
- errorNo = 103
- else:
- errorNo = 102
- error = """<Error number="%s" originalDescription="%s" />""" % (
- errorNo,
- self.convertToXmlAttribute(errorMsg)
- )
- return error
- """
- getFileName
- Purpose: helper function to extrapolate the filename
- """
- def getFileName(self, filename):
- for splitChar in ["/", "\"]:
- array = filename.split(splitChar)
- if (len(array) > 1):
- filename = array[-1]
- return filename
- """
- fileUpload
- Purpose: command to upload files to server
- """
- def fileUpload(self, resourceType, currentFolder):
- if (self.isZope()):
- return self.zopeFileUpload(resourceType, currentFolder)
- else:
- return self.nonZopeFileUpload(resourceType, currentFolder)
- def zopeFileUpload(self, resourceType, currentFolder, count=None):
- zopeFolder = self.findZopeFolder(resourceType, currentFolder)
- file = self.request.get("NewFile", None)
- fileName = self.getFileName(file.filename)
- fileNameOnly = self.removeExtension(fileName)
- fileExtension = self.getExtension(fileName).lower()
- if (count):
- nid = "%s.%s.%s" % (fileNameOnly, count, fileExtension)
- else:
- nid = fileName
- title = nid
- try:
- zopeFolder.manage_addProduct['OFSP'].manage_addFile(
- id=nid,
- title=title,
- )
- except:
- if (count):
- count += 1
- else:
- count = 1
- self.zopeFileUpload(resourceType, currentFolder, count)
- return
- def nonZopeFileUpload(self, resourceType, currentFolder):
- errorNo = 0
- errorMsg = ""
- if self.request.has_key("NewFile"):
- # newFile has all the contents we need
- newFile = self.request.get("NewFile", "")
- # Get the file name
- newFileName = newFile.filename
- newFileNameOnly = self.removeExtension(newFileName)
- newFileExtension = self.getExtension(newFileName).lower()
- allowedExtensions = self.getAllowedExtensions(resourceType)
- deniedExtensions = self.getDeniedExtensions(resourceType)
- if (allowedExtensions is not None):
- # Check for allowed
- isAllowed = False
- if (newFileExtension in allowedExtensions):
- isAllowed = True
- elif (deniedExtensions is not None):
- # Check for denied
- isAllowed = True
- if (newFileExtension in deniedExtensions):
- isAllowed = False
- else:
- # No extension limitations
- isAllowed = True
- if (isAllowed):
- if (self.isZope()):
- # Upload into zope
- self.zopeFileUpload(resourceType, currentFolder)
- else:
- # Upload to operating system
- # Map the virtual path to the local server path
- currentFolderPath = self.serverMapFolder(
- resourceType,
- currentFolder
- )
- i = 0
- while (True):
- newFilePath = "%s%s" % (
- currentFolderPath,
- newFileName
- )
- if os.path.exists(newFilePath):
- i += 1
- newFilePath = "%s%s(%s).%s" % (
- currentFolderPath,
- newFileNameOnly,
- i,
- newFileExtension
- )
- errorNo = 201
- break
- else:
- fileHandle = open(newFilePath,'w')
- linecount = 0
- while (1):
- #line = newFile.file.readline()
- line = newFile.readline()
- if not line: break
- fileHandle.write("%s" % line)
- linecount += 1
- os.chmod(newFilePath, 0777)
- break
- else:
- newFileName = "Extension not allowed"
- errorNo = 203
- else:
- newFileName = "No File"
- errorNo = 202
- string = """
- <script type="text/javascript">
- window.parent.frames["frmUpload"].OnUploadCompleted(%s,"%s");
- </script>
- """ % (
- errorNo,
- newFileName.replace('"',"'")
- )
- return string
- def run(self):
- s = ""
- try:
- # Check if this is disabled
- if not(self.enabled):
- return self.sendError(1, "This connector is disabled. Please check the connector configurations and try again")
- # Make sure we have valid inputs
- if not(
- (self.request.has_key("Command")) and
- (self.request.has_key("Type")) and
- (self.request.has_key("CurrentFolder"))
- ):
- return
- # Get command
- command = self.request.get("Command", None)
- # Get resource type
- resourceType = self.request.get("Type", None)
- # folder syntax must start and end with "/"
- currentFolder = self.request.get("CurrentFolder", None)
- if (currentFolder[-1] <> "/"):
- currentFolder += "/"
- if (currentFolder[0] <> "/"):
- currentFolder = "/" + currentFolder
- # Check for invalid paths
- if (".." in currentFolder):
- return self.sendError(102, "")
- # File upload doesn't have to return XML, so intercept
- # her:e
- if (command == "FileUpload"):
- return self.fileUpload(resourceType, currentFolder)
- # Begin XML
- s += self.createXmlHeader(command, resourceType, currentFolder)
- # Execute the command
- if (command == "GetFolders"):
- f = self.getFolders
- elif (command == "GetFoldersAndFiles"):
- f = self.getFoldersAndFiles
- elif (command == "CreateFolder"):
- f = self.createFolder
- else:
- f = None
- if (f is not None):
- s += f(resourceType, currentFolder)
- s += self.createXmlFooter()
- except Exception, e:
- s = "ERROR: %s" % e
- return s
- # Running from command line
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- # To test the output, uncomment the standard headers
- #print "Content-Type: text/html"
- #print ""
- print getFCKeditorConnector()
- """
- Running from zope, you will need to modify this connector.
- If you have uploaded the FCKeditor into Zope (like me), you need to
- move this connector out of Zope, and replace the "connector" with an
- alias as below. The key to it is to pass the Zope context in, as
- we then have a like to the Zope context.
- ## Script (Python) ""
- ##bind container=container
- ##bind context=context
- ##bind namespace=
- ##bind script=script
- ##bind subpath=traverse_subpath
- ##parameters=*args, **kws
- ##title=ALIAS
- ##
- import Products.connector as connector
- return connector.getFCKeditorConnector(context=context).run()
- """