- var history = new Object;
- history.items = [];
- history.cursor = -1;
- // saveHistory(): Saves a copy of the document in the history.items.items buffer
- function saveHistory() {
- if (!getOption("history")) return;
- codeSweeper();
- history.items[history.items.length] = doc.innerHTML;
- history.cursor = history.items.length;
- // window.status = 'saveHistory() cursor=' + history.cursor + ', items = ' + history.items.length;
- showHistory();
- }
- // goHistory(): Advance or retreat the history.items.items cursor and show the
- // document as it was at that point in time.
- function goHistory(value) {
- if (!RichEditor.txtView) return;
- switch(value) {
- case -1:
- i = history.cursor - 1;
- // when first start undoing, save final state at end of history buffer
- // so it can be re-done.
- if (history.cursor == history.items.length) {
- saveHistory();
- }
- history.cursor = i;
- break;
- case 1:
- history.cursor ++;
- break;
- }
- if (history.items[history.cursor]) {
- doc.innerHTML = history.items[history.cursor];
- }
- // window.status = 'goHistory(' + value + ') cursor=' + history.cursor + ', items = ' + history.items.length;
- showHistory()
- }
- // showHistory(): enable and disable the history.items buttons as appropriate
- function showHistory() {
- if (history.cursor > 0) {
- btnPrev.className = "";
- btnPrev.disabled = false;
- } else {
- btnPrev.className = "disabled";
- btnPrev.disabled = true;
- }
- if (history.cursor < history.items.length - 1) {
- btnNext.className = "";
- btnNext.disabled = false;
- } else {
- btnNext.className = "disabled";
- btnNext.disabled = true;
- }
- }