



  1. [Copyright]
  2. This dictionary is based on a subset of the original 
  3. English wordlist created by Kevin Atkinson for Pspell 
  4. and  Aspell and thus is covered by his original 
  5. LGPL license.  The affix file is a heavily modified
  6. version of the original english.aff file which was
  7. released as part of Geoff Kuenning's Ispell and as 
  8. such is covered by his BSD license.
  9. [Try]
  10. esianrtolcdugmphbyfvkwESIANRTOLCDUGMPHBYFVKW
  11. [Replace]
  12. a ei
  13. ei a
  14. a ey
  15. ey a
  16. ai ie
  17. ie ai
  18. are air
  19. are ear
  20. are eir
  21. air are
  22. air ere
  23. ere air
  24. ere ear
  25. ere eir
  26. ear are
  27. ear air
  28. ear ere
  29. eir are
  30. eir ere
  31. ch te
  32. te ch
  33. ch ti
  34. ti ch
  35. ch tu
  36. tu ch
  37. ch s
  38. s ch
  39. ch k
  40. k ch
  41. f ph
  42. ph f
  43. gh f
  44. f gh
  45. i igh
  46. igh i
  47. i uy
  48. uy i
  49. i ee
  50. ee i
  51. j di
  52. di j
  53. j gg
  54. gg j
  55. j ge
  56. ge j
  57. s ti
  58. ti s
  59. s ci
  60. ci s
  61. k cc
  62. cc k
  63. k qu
  64. qu k
  65. kw qu
  66. o eau
  67. eau o
  68. o ew
  69. ew o
  70. oo ew
  71. ew oo
  72. ew ui
  73. ui ew
  74. oo ui
  75. ui oo
  76. ew u
  77. u ew
  78. oo u
  79. u oo
  80. u oe
  81. oe u
  82. u ieu
  83. ieu u
  84. ue ew
  85. ew ue
  86. uff ough
  87. oo ieu
  88. ieu oo
  89. ier ear
  90. ear ier
  91. ear air
  92. air ear
  93. w qu
  94. qu w
  95. z ss
  96. ss z
  97. shun tion
  98. shun sion
  99. shun cion
  100. [Prefix]
  101. A Y 1
  102. A   0     re         .
  103. I Y 1
  104. I   0     in         .
  105. U Y 1
  106. U   0     un         .
  107. C Y 1
  108. C   0     de          .
  109. E Y 1
  110. E   0     dis         .
  111. F Y 1
  112. F   0     con         .
  113. K Y 1
  114. K   0     pro         .
  115. [Suffix]
  116. V N 2
  117. V   e     ive        e
  118. V   0     ive        [^e]
  119. N Y 3
  120. N   e     ion        e
  121. N   y     ication    y
  122. N   0     en         [^ey]
  123. X Y 3
  124. X   e     ions       e
  125. X   y     ications   y
  126. X   0     ens        [^ey]
  127. H N 2
  128. H   y     ieth       y
  129. H   0     th         [^y]
  130. Y Y 1
  131. Y   0     ly         .
  132. G Y 2
  133. G   e     ing        e
  134. G   0     ing        [^e]
  135. J Y 2
  136. J   e     ings       e
  137. J   0     ings       [^e]
  138. D Y 4
  139. D   0     d          e
  140. D   y     ied        [^aeiou]y
  141. D   0     ed         [^ey]
  142. D   0     ed         [aeiou]y
  143. T N 4
  144. T   0     st         e
  145. T   y     iest       [^aeiou]y
  146. T   0     est        [aeiou]y
  147. T   0     est        [^ey]
  148. R Y 4
  149. R   0     r          e
  150. R   y     ier        [^aeiou]y
  151. R   0     er         [aeiou]y
  152. R   0     er         [^ey]
  153. Z Y 4
  154. Z   0     rs         e
  155. Z   y     iers       [^aeiou]y
  156. Z   0     ers        [aeiou]y
  157. Z   0     ers        [^ey]
  158. S Y 4
  159. S   y     ies        [^aeiou]y
  160. S   0     s          [aeiou]y
  161. S   0     es         [sxzh]
  162. S   0     s          [^sxzhy]
  163. P Y 3
  164. P   y     iness      [^aeiou]y
  165. P   0     ness       [aeiou]y
  166. P   0     ness       [^y]
  167. M Y 1
  168. M   0     's         .
  169. B Y 3
  170. B   0     able       [^aeiou]
  171. B   0     able       ee
  172. B   e     able       [^aeiou]e
  173. L Y 1
  174. L   0     ment       .
  175. [Phonetic]
  176. AH(AEIOUY)-^         *H
  177. AR(AEIOUY)-^         *R
  178. A(HR)^               *
  179. A^                   *
  180. AH(AEIOUY)-          H
  181. AR(AEIOUY)-          R
  182. A(HR)                _
  183. BB-                  _
  184. B                    B
  185. CQ-                  _
  186. CIA                  X
  187. CH                   X
  188. C(EIY)-              S
  189. CK                   K
  190. COUGH^               KF
  191. CC<                  C
  192. C                    K
  193. DG(EIY)              K
  194. DD-                  _
  195. D                    T
  196. É<                   E
  197. EH(AEIOUY)-^         *H
  198. ER(AEIOUY)-^         *R
  199. E(HR)^               *
  200. ENOUGH^$             *NF
  201. E^                   *
  202. EH(AEIOUY)-          H
  203. ER(AEIOUY)-          R
  204. E(HR)                _
  205. FF-                  _
  206. F                    F
  207. GN^                  N
  208. GN$                  N
  209. GNS$                 NS
  210. GNED$                N
  211. GH(AEIOUY)-          K
  212. GH                   _
  213. GG9                  K
  214. G                    K
  215. H                    H
  216. IH(AEIOUY)-^         *H
  217. IR(AEIOUY)-^         *R
  218. I(HR)^               *
  219. I^                   *
  220. ING6                 N
  221. IH(AEIOUY)-          H
  222. IR(AEIOUY)-          R
  223. I(HR)                _
  224. J                    K
  225. KN^                  N
  226. KK-                  _
  227. K                    K
  228. LAUGH^               LF
  229. LL-                  _
  230. L                    L
  231. MB$                  M
  232. MM                   M
  233. M                    M
  234. NN-                  _
  235. N                    N
  236. OH(AEIOUY)-^         *H
  237. OR(AEIOUY)-^         *R
  238. O(HR)^               *
  239. O^                   *
  240. OH(AEIOUY)-          H
  241. OR(AEIOUY)-          R
  242. O(HR)                _
  243. PH                   F
  244. PN^                  N
  245. PP-                  _
  246. P                    P
  247. Q                    K
  248. RH^                  R
  249. ROUGH^               RF
  250. RR-                  _
  251. R                    R
  252. SCH(EOU)-            SK
  253. SC(IEY)-             S
  254. SH                   X
  255. SI(AO)-              X
  256. SS-                  _
  257. S                    S
  258. TI(AO)-              X
  259. TH                   @
  260. TCH--                _
  261. TOUGH^               TF
  262. TT-                  _
  263. T                    T
  264. UH(AEIOUY)-^         *H
  265. UR(AEIOUY)-^         *R
  266. U(HR)^               *
  267. U^                   *
  268. UH(AEIOUY)-          H
  269. UR(AEIOUY)-          R
  270. U(HR)                _
  271. V^                   W
  272. V                    F
  273. WR^                  R
  274. WH^                  W
  275. W(AEIOU)-            W
  276. X^                   S
  277. X                    KS
  278. Y(AEIOU)-            Y
  279. ZZ-                  _
  280. Z                    S
  281. [Words]
  282. a//*
  283. A//*
  284. AA//*
  285. AAA//*
  286. Aachen/M/*XN
  287. aardvark/SM/*TFK
  288. Aaren/M/*RN
  289. Aarhus/M/*HS
  290. Aarika/M/*RK
  291. Aaron/M/*RN
  292. AB//*B
  293. ab/DY/*B
  294. Ab/M/*B
  295. aback//*BK
  296. abacus/SM/*BKS
  297. abaft//*BFT
  298. Abagael/M/*BKL
  299. Abagail/M/*BKL
  300. abalone/SM/*BLN
  301. abandon/LGDRS/*BNTN
  302. abandoner/M/*BNTN
  303. abandonment/SM/*BNTNMNT
  304. abase/LGDSR/*BS
  305. abasement/S/*BSMNT
  306. abaser/M/*BS
  307. abash/SDLG/*BX
  308. abashed/UY/*BXT
  309. abashment/MS/*BXMNT
  310. abate/DSRLG/*BT
  311. abated/U/*BTT
  312. abatement/MS/*BTMNT
  313. abater/M/*BT
  314. abattoir/SM/*BT
  315. Abba/M/*B
  316. Abbe/M/*B
  317. abbé/S/*B
  318. abbess/SM/*BS
  319. Abbey/M/*B
  320. abbey/MS/*B
  321. Abbi/M/*B
  322. Abbie/M/*B
  323. Abbot/M/*BT
  324. abbot/MS/*BT
  325. Abbott/M/*BT
  326. abbr//*BR
  327. abbrev//*BRF
  328. abbreviate/XDSNG/*BRFT
  329. abbreviated/UA/*BRFTT
  330. abbreviates/A/*BRFTS
  331. abbreviating/A/*BRFTN
  332. abbreviation/M/*BRFXN
  333. Abby/M/*B
  334. Abbye/M/*BY
  335. ABC/M/*BK
  336. Abdel/M/*BTL
  337. abdicate/NGDSX/*BTKT
  338. abdication/M/*BTKXN
  339. abdomen/SM/*BTMN
  340. abdominal/YS/*BTMNL
  341. abduct/DGS/*BTKT
  342. abduction/SM/*BTKXN
  343. abductor/SM/*BTKT
  344. Abdul/M/*BTL
  345. Abe/M/*B
  346. abeam//*BM
  347. Abel/M/*BL
  348. Abelard/M/*BLT
  349. Abelson/M/*BLSN
  350. Aberdeen/M/*BTN
  351. Abernathy/M/*BN@
  352. aberrant/YS/*BRNT
  353. aberration/SM/*BRXN
  354. aberrational//*BRXNL
  355. abet/S/*BT
  356. abetted//*BTT
  357. abetting//*BTN
  358. abettor/SM/*BT
  359. Abeu/M/*B
  360. Abey/M/*B
  361. abeyance/MS/*BYNS
  362. abeyant//*BYNT
  363. abhor/S/*BH
  364. abhorred//*BHRT
  365. abhorrence/MS/*BHRNS
  366. abhorrent/Y/*BHRNT
  367. abhorrer/M/*BHR
  368. abhorring//*BHRN
  369. abidance/MS/*BTNS
  370. abide/JGSR/*BT
  371. abider/M/*BT
  372. abiding/Y/*BTN
  373. Abidjan/M/*BTKN
  374. Abie/M/*B
  375. Abigael/M/*BKL
  376. Abigail/M/*BKL
  377. Abigale/M/*BKL
  378. Abilene/M/*BLN
  379. ability/IMES/*BLT
  380. abject/SGPDY/*BKKT
  381. abjection/MS/*BKKXN
  382. abjectness/SM/*BKKTNS
  383. abjuration/SM/*BKRXN
  384. abjuratory//*BKRTR
  385. abjure/ZGSRD/*BKR
  386. abjurer/M/*BKR
  387. ablate/VGNSDX/*BLT
  388. ablation/M/*BLXN
  389. ablative/SY/*BLTF
  390. ablaze//*BLS
  391. able/U/*BL
  392. abler/E/*BL
  393. ables/E/*BLS
  394. ablest//*BLST
  395. abloom//*BLM
  396. ablution/MS/*BLXN
  397. ABM/S/*BM
  398. abnegate/NGSDX/*BNKT
  399. abnegation/M/*BNKXN
  400. Abner/M/*BN
  401. abnormal/SY/*BNML
  402. abnormality/SM/*BNMLT
  403. Abo/SM/*B
  404. aboard//*BT
  405. abode/GMDS/*BT
  406. abolish/LZRSDG/*BLX
  407. abolisher/M/*BLX
  408. abolishment/MS/*BLXMNT
  409. abolition/SM/*BLXN
  410. abolitionism/SM/*BLXNSM
  411. abolitionist/SM/*BLXNST
  412. abominable//*BMNBL
  413. abominably//*BMNBL
  414. abominate/XSDGN/*BMNT
  415. abomination/M/*BMNXN
  416. aboriginal/YS/*BRKNL
  417. aborigine/SM/*BRKN
  418. Aborigine/SM/*BRKN
  419. aborning//*BNN
  420. abort/SRDVG/*BT
  421. abortion/MS/*BXN
  422. abortionist/MS/*BXNST
  423. abortive/PY/*BTF
  424. abortiveness/M/*BTFNS
  425. abound/GDS/*BNT
  426. about/S/*BT
  427. above/S/*BF
  428. aboveboard//*BFBT
  429. aboveground//*BFKRNT
  430. Abra/M/*BR
  431. abracadabra/S/*BRKTBR
  432. abrade/SRDG/*BRT
  433. abrader/M/*BRT
  434. Abraham/M/*BRHM
  435. Abrahan/M/*BRHN
  436. Abram/SM/*BRM
  437. Abramo/M/*BRM
  438. Abramson/M/*BRMSN
  439. Abran/M/*BRN
  440. abrasion/MS/*BRXN
  441. abrasive/SYMP/*BRSF
  442. abrasiveness/S/*BRSFNS
  443. abreaction/MS/*BRKXN
  444. abreast//*BRST
  445. abridge/DSRG/*BRK
  446. abridged/U/*BRKT
  447. abridger/M/*BRKR
  448. abridgment/SM/*BRTKMNT
  449. abroad//*BRT
  450. abrogate/XDSNG/*BRKT
  451. abrogation/M/*BRKXN
  452. abrogator/SM/*BRKT
  453. abrupt/TRYP/*BRPT
  454. abruptness/SM/*BRPTNS
  455. ABS//*BS
  456. abs/M/*BS
  457. abscess/GDSM/*BSS
  458. abscissa/SM/*BSS
  459. abscission/SM/*BSXN
  460. abscond/SDRZG/*BSKNT
  461. absconder/M/*BSKNT
  462. abseil/SGDR/*BSL
  463. absence/SM/*BSNS
  464. absent/SGDRY/*BSNT
  465. absentee/MS/*BSNT
  466. absenteeism/SM/*BSNTSM
  467. absentia/M/*BSNX
  468. absentminded/PY/*BSNTMNTT
  469. absentmindedness/S/*BSNTMNTTNS
  470. absinthe/SM/*BSN@
  471. absolute/NPRSYTX/*BSLT
  472. absoluteness/SM/*BSLTNS
  473. absolution/M/*BSLXN
  474. absolutism/MS/*BSLTSM
  475. absolutist/SM/*BSLTST
  476. absolve/GDSR/*BSLF
  477. absolver/M/*BSLF
  478. absorb/ASGD/*BSB
  479. absorbed/U/*BSBT
  480. absorbency/MS/*BSBNS
  481. absorbent/MS/*BSBNT
  482. absorber/SM/*BSB
  483. absorbing/Y/*BSBN
  484. absorption/MS/*BSPXN
  485. absorptive//*BSPTF
  486. absorptivity/M/*BSPTFT
  487. abstain/GSDRZ/*BSTN
  488. abstainer/M/*BSTN
  489. abstemious/YP/*BSTMS
  490. abstemiousness/MS/*BSTMSNS
  491. abstention/SM/*BSTNXN
  492. abstinence/MS/*BSTNNS
  493. abstinent/Y/*BSTNNT
  494. abstract/PTVGRDYS/*BSTRKT
  495. abstracted/YP/*BSTRKTT
  496. abstractedness/SM/*BSTRKTTNS
  497. abstracter/M/*BSTRKT
  498. abstraction/SM/*BSTRKXN
  499. abstractionism/M/*BSTRKXNSM
  500. abstractionist/SM/*BSTRKXNST
  501. abstractness/SM/*BSTRKTNS
  502. abstractor/MS/*BSTRKT
  503. abstruse/PRYT/*BSTRS
  504. abstruseness/SM/*BSTRSNS
  505. absurd/PRYST/*BST
  506. absurdity/SM/*BSTT
  507. absurdness/SM/*BSTNS
  508. Abuja//*BK
  509. abundance/SM/*BNTNS
  510. abundant/Y/*BNTNT
  511. abuse/GVZDSRB/*BS
  512. abused/E/*BST
  513. abuser/M/*BS
  514. abuses/E/*BSS
  515. abusing/E/*BSN
  516. abusive/YP/*BSF
  517. abusiveness/SM/*BSFNS
  518. abut/LS/*BT
  519. abutment/SM/*BTMNT
  520. abutted//*BTT
  521. abutter/MS/*BT
  522. abutting//*BTN
  523. abuzz//*BS
  524. abysmal/Y/*BSML
  525. abyss/SM/*BS
  526. abyssal//*BSL
  527. Abyssinia/M/*BSN
  528. Abyssinian//*BSNN
  529. AC//*K
  530. ac/DRG/*K
  531. Ac/M/*K
  532. acacia/SM/*KX
  533. academe/MS/*KTM
  534. academia/SM/*KTM
  535. academic/S/*KTMK
  536. academical/Y/*KTMKL
  537. academician/SM/*KTMXN
  538. academicianship//*KTMXNXP
  539. academy/SM/*KTM
  540. Acadia/M/*KT
  541. acanthus/MS/*KN@S
  542. Acapulco/M/*KPLK
  543. accede/SDG/*ST
  544. accelerate/NGSDXV/*SLRT
  545. accelerated/U/*SLRTT
  546. accelerating/Y/*SLRTN
  547. acceleration/M/*SLRXN
  548. accelerator/SM/*SLRT
  549. accelerometer/SM/*SLRMT
  550. accent/SGMD/*SNT
  551. accented/U/*SNTT
  552. accentual/Y/*SNTL
  553. accentuate/XNGSD/*SNTT
  554. accentuation/M/*SNTXN
  555. accept/RDBSZVG/*SPT
  556. acceptability/SM/*SPTBLT
  557. acceptability's/U/*SPTBLTS
  558. acceptable/P/*SPTBL
  559. acceptableness/SM/*SPTBLNS
  560. acceptably/U/*SPTBL
  561. acceptance/SM/*SPTNS
  562. acceptant//*SPTNT
  563. acceptation/SM/*SPTXN
  564. accepted/Y/*SPTT
  565. accepter/M/*SPT
  566. accepting/PY/*SPTN
  567. acceptor/MS/*SPT
  568. access/SDMG/*SS
  569. accessed/A/*SST
  570. accessibility/IMS/*SSBLT
  571. accessible/IU/*SSBL
  572. accessibly/I/*SSBL
  573. accession/SMDG/*SXN
  574. accessors//*SSS
  575. accessory/SM/*SSR
  576. accidence/M/*STNS
  577. accident/MS/*STNT
  578. accidental/SPY/*STNTL
  579. accidentalness/M/*STNTLNS
  580. acclaim/SDRG/*KLM
  581. acclaimer/M/*KLM
  582. acclamation/MS/*KLMXN
  583. acclimate/XSDGN/*KLMT
  584. acclimation/M/*KLMXN
  585. acclimatisation//*KLMTSXN
  586. acclimatise/DG/*KLMTS
  587. acclimatization/AMS/*KLMTSXN
  588. acclimatize/RSDGZ/*KLMTS
  589. acclimatized/U/*KLMTST
  590. acclimatizes/A/*KLMTSS
  591. acclivity/SM/*KLFT
  592. accolade/GDSM/*KLT
  593. accommodate/XVNGSD/*KMTT
  594. accommodated/U/*KMTTT
  595. accommodating/Y/*KMTTN
  596. accommodation/M/*KMTXN
  597. accommodative/P/*KMTTF
  598. accommodativeness/M/*KMTTFNS
  599. accompanied/U/*KMPNT
  600. accompanier/M/*KMPN
  601. accompaniment/MS/*KMPNMNT
  602. accompanist/SM/*KMPNST
  603. accompany/DRSG/*KMPN
  604. accomplice/MS/*KMPLS
  605. accomplish/SRDLZG/*KMPLX
  606. accomplished/U/*KMPLXT
  607. accomplisher/M/*KMPLX
  608. accomplishment/SM/*KMPLXMNT
  609. accord/SZGMRD/*KT
  610. accordance/SM/*KTNS
  611. accordant/Y/*KTNT
  612. accorder/M/*KT
  613. according/Y/*KTN
  614. accordion/MS/*KTN
  615. accordionist/SM/*KTNST
  616. accost/SGD/*KST
  617. account/BMDSGJ/*KNT
  618. accountability/MS/*KNTBLT
  619. accountability's/U/*KNTBLTS
  620. accountable/U/*KNTBL
  621. accountableness/M/*KNTBLNS
  622. accountably/U/*KNTBL
  623. accountancy/SM/*KNTNS
  624. accountant/MS/*KNTNT
  625. accounted/U/*KNTT
  626. accounting/M/*KNTN
  627. accouter/GSD/*KT
  628. accouterments//*KTMNTS
  629. accouterment's//*KTMNTS
  630. accoutrement/M/*KTRMNT
  631. Accra/M/*KR
  632. accredit/SGD/*KRTT
  633. accreditation/SM/*KRTTXN
  634. accredited/U/*KRTTT
  635. accretion/SM/*KRXN
  636. accrual/MS/*KRL
  637. accrue/SDG/*KR
  638. acct//*KT
  639. acculturate/XSDVNG/*KLTRT
  640. acculturation/M/*KLTRXN
  641. accumulate/VNGSDX/*KMLT
  642. accumulation/M/*KMLXN
  643. accumulative/YP/*KMLTF
  644. accumulativeness/M/*KMLTFNS
  645. accumulator/MS/*KMLT
  646. accuracy/IMS/*KRS
  647. accurate/IY/*KRT
  648. accurateness/SM/*KRTNS
  649. accursed/YP/*KST
  650. accursedness/SM/*KSTNS
  651. accusal/M/*KSL
  652. accusation/SM/*KSXN
  653. accusative/S/*KSTF
  654. accusatory//*KSTR
  655. accuse/SRDZG/*KS
  656. accused/M/*KST
  657. accuser/M/*KS
  658. accusing/Y/*KSN
  659. accustom/SGD/*KSTM
  660. accustomed/P/*KSTMT
  661. accustomedness/M/*KSTMTNS
  662. ace/SM/*S
  663. aced/M/*ST
  664. acerbate/DSG/*SBT
  665. acerbic//*SBK
  666. acerbically//*SBKL
  667. acerbity/MS/*SBT
  668. acetaminophen/S/*STMNFN
  669. acetate/MS/*STT
  670. acetic//*STK
  671. acetone/SM/*STN
  672. acetonic//*STNK
  673. acetylene/MS/*STLN
  674. Acevedo/M/*SFT
  675. Achaean/M/*XN
  676. ache/DSG/*X
  677. Achebe/M/*XB
  678. ached/A/*XT
  679. achene/SM/*XN
  680. Achernar/M/*XN
  681. aches/A/*XS
  682. Acheson/M/*XSN
  683. achievable/U/*XFBL
  684. achieve/LZGRSDB/*XF
  685. achieved/UA/*XFT
  686. achievement/SM/*XFMNT
  687. achiever/M/*XF
  688. Achilles//*XLS
  689. aching/Y/*XN
  690. achoo//*X
  691. achromatic//*XRMTK
  692. achy/TR/*X
  693. acid/SMYP/*ST
  694. acidic//*STK
  695. acidification/M/*STFKXN
  696. acidify/NSDG/*STF
  697. acidity/SM/*STT
  698. acidness/M/*STNS
  699. acidoses//*STSS
  700. acidosis/M/*STSS
  701. acidulous//*STLS
  702. acing/M/*SN
  703. Ackerman/M/*KMN
  704. acknowledge/GZDRS/*KNLK
  705. acknowledgeable//*KNLKBL
  706. acknowledged/U/*KNLKT
  707. acknowledgedly//*KNLKTL
  708. acknowledger/M/*KNLKR
  709. acknowledgment/SAM/*KNLTKMNT
  710. ACLU//*KL
  711. ACM//*KM
  712. acme/SM/*KM
  713. acne/MDS/*KN
  714. acolyte/MS/*KLT
  715. Aconcagua/M/*KNKK
  716. aconite/MS/*KNT
  717. acorn/SM/*KN
  718. Acosta/M/*KST
  719. acoustic/S/*KSTK
  720. acoustical/Y/*KSTKL
  721. acoustician/M/*KSTXN
  722. acoustics/M/*KSTKS
  723. acquaint/GASD/*KNT
  724. acquaintance/MS/*KNTNS
  725. acquaintanceship/S/*KNTNSXP
  726. acquainted/U/*KNTT
  727. acquiesce/GSD/*KS
  728. acquiescence/SM/*KSNS
  729. acquiescent/Y/*KSNT
  730. acquirable//*KRBL
  731. acquire/ASDG/*KR
  732. acquirement/SM/*KRMNT
  733. acquisition/SM/*KSXN
  734. acquisition's/A/*KSXNS
  735. acquisitive/PY/*KSTF
  736. acquisitiveness/MS/*KSTFNS
  737. acquit/S/*KT
  738. acquittal/MS/*KTL
  739. acquittance/M/*KTNS
  740. acquitted//*KTT
  741. acquitter/M/*KT
  742. acquitting//*KTN
  743. acre/MS/*KR
  744. acreage/MS/*KRK
  745. acrid/TPRY/*KRT
  746. acridity/MS/*KRTT
  747. acridness/SM/*KRTNS
  748. acrimonious/YP/*KRMNS
  749. acrimoniousness/MS/*KRMNSNS
  750. acrimony/MS/*KRMN
  751. acrobat/SM/*KRBT
  752. acrobatic/S/*KRBTK
  753. acrobatically//*KRBTKL
  754. acrobatics/M/*KRBTKS
  755. acronym/SM/*KRNM
  756. acrophobia/SM/*KRFB
  757. Acropolis/M/*KRPLS
  758. acropolis/SM/*KRPLS
  759. across//*KRS
  760. acrostic/SM/*KRSTK
  761. Acrux/M/*KRKS
  762. acrylate/M/*KRLT
  763. acrylic/S/*KRLK
  764. ACT//*KT
  765. act/SADVG/*KT
  766. Acta/M/*KT
  767. Actaeon/M/*KTN
  768. ACTH//*K@
  769. acting/S/*KTN
  770. actinic//*KTNK
  771. actinide/SM/*KTNT
  772. actinium/MS/*KTNM
  773. actinometer/MS/*KTNMT
  774. action/DMSGB/*KXN
  775. actions/AI/*KXNS
  776. action's/IA/*KXNS
  777. activate/AXCDSNGI/*KTFT
  778. activated/U/*KTFTT
  779. activation/AMCI/*KTFXN
  780. activator/SM/*KTFT
  781. active/APY/*KTF
  782. actively/I/*KTFL
  783. activeness/MS/*KTFNS
  784. actives//*KTFS
  785. activism/MS/*KTFSM
  786. activist/MS/*KTFST
  787. activities/A/*KTFTS
  788. activity/MSI/*KTFT
  789. Acton/M/*KTN
  790. actor/MAS/*KT
  791. actress/SM/*KTRS
  792. act's//*KTS
  793. Acts//*KTS
  794. actual/SY/*KTL
  795. actuality/SM/*KTLT
  796. actualization/MAS/*KTLSXN
  797. actualize/GSD/*KTLS
  798. actualizes/A/*KTLSS
  799. actuarial/Y/*KTRL
  800. actuary/MS/*KTR
  801. actuate/GNXSD/*KTT
  802. actuation/M/*KTXN
  803. actuator/SM/*KTT
  804. acuity/MS/*KT
  805. acumen/SM/*KMN
  806. acupressure/S/*KPRSR
  807. acupuncture/SM/*KPNKTR
  808. acupuncturist/S/*KPNKTRST
  809. acute/YTSRP/*KT
  810. acuteness/MS/*KTNS
  811. acyclic//*SKLK
  812. acyclically//*SKLKL
  813. acyclovir/S/*SKLF
  814. AD//*T
  815. ad/AS/*T
  816. Ad/MN/*T
  817. Ada/M/*T
  818. adage/MS/*TK
  819. adagio/S/*TK
  820. Adah/M/*T
  821. Adair/M/*T
  822. Adaline/M/*TLN
  823. Adam/SM/*TM
  824. adamant/SY/*TMNT
  825. Adamo/M/*TM
  826. Adamson/M/*TMSN
  827. Adan/M/*TN
  828. Adana/M/*TN
  829. adapt/SRDBZVG/*TPT
  830. adaptability/MS/*TPTBLT
  831. adaptable/U/*TPTBL
  832. adaptation/MS/*TPTXN
  833. adapted/P/*TPTT
  834. adaptedness/M/*TPTTNS
  835. adapter/M/*TPT
  836. adapting/A/*TPTN
  837. adaption//*TPXN
  838. adaptive/U/*TPTF
  839. adaptively//*TPTFL
  840. adaptiveness/M/*TPTFNS
  841. adaptivity//*TPTFT
  842. Adara/M/*TR
  843. ADC//*TK
  844. add/ZGBSDR/*T
  845. Adda/M/*T
  846. Addams//*TMS
  847. addend/SM/*TNT
  848. addenda//*TNT
  849. addendum/M/*TNTM
  850. adder/M/*T
  851. Addi/M/*T
  852. Addia/M/*T
  853. addict/SGVD/*TKT
  854. addiction/MS/*TKXN
  855. addictive/P/*TKTF
  856. Addie/M/*T
  857. Addison/M/*TSN
  858. addition/MS/*TXN
  859. additional/Y/*TXNL
  860. additive/YMS/*TTF
  861. additivity//*TTFT
  862. addle/GDS/*TL
  863. address/MDRSZGB/*TRS
  864. addressability//*TRSBLT
  865. addressable/U/*TRSBL
  866. addressed/A/*TRST
  867. addressee/SM/*TRS
  868. addresser/M/*TRS
  869. addresses/A/*TRSS
  870. Addressograph/M/*TRSKRF
  871. adduce/GRSD/*TS
  872. adducer/M/*TS
  873. adduct/DGVS/*TKT
  874. adduction/M/*TKXN
  875. adductor/M/*TKT
  876. Addy/M/*T
  877. Ade/M/*T
  878. Adel/M/*TL
  879. Adela/M/*TL
  880. Adelaida/M/*TLT
  881. Adelaide/M/*TLT
  882. Adelbert/M/*TLBT
  883. Adele/M/*TL
  884. Adelheid/M/*TLHT
  885. Adelice/M/*TLS
  886. Adelina/M/*TLN
  887. Adelind/M/*TLNT
  888. Adeline/M/*TLN
  889. Adella/M/*TL
  890. Adelle/M/*TL
  891. Aden/M/*TN
  892. Adena/M/*TN
  893. Adenauer/M/*TN
  894. adenine/SM/*TNN
  895. adenoid/S/*TNT
  896. adenoidal//*TNTL
  897. adept/RYPTS/*TPT
  898. adeptness/MS/*TPTNS
  899. adequacy/IMS/*TKS
  900. adequate/IPY/*TKT
  901. adequateness/SM/*TKTNS
  902. adequateness's/I/*TKTNSS
  903. Adey/M/*T
  904. Adham/M/*THM
  905. Adhara/M/*THR
  906. adhere/ZGRSD/*THR
  907. adherence/SM/*THRNS
  908. adherent/YMS/*THRNT
  909. adherer/M/*THR
  910. adhesion/MS/*THXN
  911. adhesive/PYMS/*THSF
  912. adhesiveness/MS/*THSFNS
  913. Adi/M/*T
  914. adiabatic//*TBTK
  915. adiabatically//*TBTKL
  916. Adiana/M/*TN
  917. Adidas/M/*TTS
  918. adieu/S/*T
  919. Adina/M/*TN
  920. adiós//*TS
  921. adipose/S/*TPS
  922. Adirondack/SM/*TRNTK
  923. adj//*TK
  924. adjacency/MS/*TKSNS
  925. adjacent/Y/*TKSNT
  926. adjectival/Y/*TKKTFL
  927. adjective/MYS/*TKKTF
  928. adjoin/SDG/*TKN
  929. adjoint/M/*TKNT
  930. adjourn/DGLS/*TKN
  931. adjournment/SM/*TKNMNT
  932. adjudge/DSG/*TKK
  933. adjudicate/VNGXSD/*TKTKT
  934. adjudication/M/*TKTKXN
  935. adjudicator/SM/*TKTKT
  936. adjudicatory//*TKTKTR
  937. adjunct/VSYM/*TKNKT
  938. adjuration/SM/*TKRXN
  939. adjure/GSD/*TKR
  940. adjust/DRALGSB/*TKST
  941. adjustable/U/*TKSTBL
  942. adjustably//*TKSTBL
  943. adjusted/U/*TKSTT
  944. adjuster/SM/*TKST
  945. adjuster's/A/*TKSTS
  946. adjustive//*TKSTF
  947. adjustment/MAS/*TKSTMNT
  948. adjustor's//*TKSTS
  949. adjutant/SM/*TKTNT
  950. Adkins/M/*TKNS
  951. Adlai/M/*TL
  952. Adler/M/*TL
  953. Adm/M/*TM
  954. adman/M/*TMN
  955. admen//*TMN
  956. administer/GDJS/*TMNST
  957. administrable//*TMNSTRBL
  958. administrate/XSDVNG/*TMNSTRT
  959. administration/M/*TMNSTRXN
  960. administrative/Y/*TMNSTRTF
  961. administrator/MS/*TMNSTRT
  962. administratrix/M/*TMNSTRTRKS
  963. admirable/P/*TMRBL
  964. admirableness/M/*TMRBLNS
  965. admirably//*TMRBL
  966. admiral/SM/*TMRL
  967. admiralty/MS/*TMRLT
  968. Admiralty/S/*TMRLT
  969. admiration/MS/*TMRXN
  970. admire/RSDZBG/*TMR
  971. admirer/M/*TMR
  972. admiring/Y/*TMRN
  973. admissibility/ISM/*TMSBLT
  974. admissible/I/*TMSBL
  975. admissibly//*TMSBL
  976. admission/AMS/*TMXN
  977. admit/AS/*TMT
  978. admittance/MS/*TMTNS
  979. admitted/A/*TMTT
  980. admittedly//*TMTTL
  981. admitting/A/*TMTN
  982. admix/SDG/*TMKS
  983. admixture/SM/*TMKSTR
  984. admonish/GLSRD/*TMNX
  985. admonisher/M/*TMNX
  986. admonishing/Y/*TMNXN
  987. admonishment/SM/*TMNXMNT
  988. admonition/MS/*TMNXN
  989. admonitory//*TMNTR
  990. Ado/M/*T
  991. ado/MS/*T
  992. adobe/MS/*TB
  993. adolescence/MS/*TLSNS
  994. adolescent/SYM/*TLSNT
  995. Adolf/M/*TLF
  996. Adolfo/M/*TLF
  997. Adolph/M/*TLF
  998. Adolphe/M/*TLF
  999. Adolpho/M/*TLF
  1000. Adolphus/M/*TLFS
  1001. Adonis/SM/*TNS
  1002. adopt/RDSBZVG/*TPT
  1003. adopted/AU/*TPTT
  1004. adopter/M/*TPT
  1005. adoption/MS/*TPXN
  1006. adoptive/Y/*TPTF
  1007. adopts/A/*TPTS
  1008. Adora/M/*TR
  1009. adorable/P/*TRBL
  1010. adorableness/SM/*TRBLNS
  1011. adorably//*TRBL
  1012. adoration/SM/*TRXN
  1013. adore/DSRGZB/*TR
  1014. Adore/M/*TR
  1015. Adoree/M/*TR
  1016. adorer/M/*TR
  1017. adoring/Y/*TRN
  1018. adorn/SGLD/*TN
  1019. Adorne/M/*TN
  1020. adorned/U/*TNT
  1021. adornment/SM/*TNMNT
  1022. ADP//*TP
  1023. Adrea/M/*TR
  1024. adrenal/YS/*TRNL
  1025. adrenalin//*TRNLN
  1026. Adrenalin/MS/*TRNLN
  1027. adrenaline/MS/*TRNLN
  1028. Adria/MX/*TR
  1029. Adrian/M/*TRN
  1030. Adriana/M/*TRN
  1031. Adriane/M/*TRN
  1032. Adrianna/M/*TRN
  1033. Adrianne/M/*TRN
  1034. Adriano/M/*TRN
  1035. Adriatic//*TRTK
  1036. Adrien/M/*TRN
  1037. Adriena/M/*TRN
  1038. Adrienne/M/*TRN
  1039. adrift//*TRFT
  1040. adroit/RTYP/*TRT
  1041. adroitness/MS/*TRTNS
  1042. ads//*TS
  1043. ad's//*TS
  1044. adsorb/GSD/*TSB
  1045. adsorbate/M/*TSBT
  1046. adsorbent/S/*TSBNT
  1047. adsorption/MS/*TSPXN
  1048. adsorptive/Y/*TSPTF
  1049. adulate/GNDSX/*TLT
  1050. adulation/M/*TLXN
  1051. adulator/SM/*TLT
  1052. adulatory//*TLTR
  1053. adult/MYPS/*TLT
  1054. adulterant/SM/*TLTRNT
  1055. adulterate/NGSDX/*TLTRT
  1056. adulterated/U/*TLTRTT
  1057. adulteration/M/*TLTRXN
  1058. adulterer/SM/*TLTR
  1059. adulteress/MS/*TLTRS
  1060. adulterous/Y/*TLTRS
  1061. adultery/SM/*TLTR
  1062. adulthood/MS/*TL@T
  1063. adultness/M/*TLTNS
  1064. adumbrate/XSDVGN/*TMBRT
  1065. adumbration/M/*TMBRXN
  1066. adumbrative/Y/*TMBRTF
  1067. adv//*TF
  1068. advance/DSRLZG/*TFNS
  1069. advancement/MS/*TFNSMNT
  1070. advancer/M/*TFNS
  1071. advantage/GMEDS/*TFNTK
  1072. advantageous/EY/*TFNTKS
  1073. advantageousness/M/*TFNTKSNS
  1074. Advent/SM/*TFNT
  1075. advent/SVM/*TFNT
  1076. Adventist/M/*TFNTST
  1077. adventist/S/*TFNTST
  1078. adventitious/PY/*TFNTXS
  1079. adventitiousness/M/*TFNTXSNS
  1080. adventive/Y/*TFNTF
  1081. adventure/SRDGMZ/*TFNTR
  1082. adventurer/M/*TFNTR
  1083. adventuresome//*TFNTRSM
  1084. adventuress/SM/*TFNTRS
  1085. adventurous/YP/*TFNTRS
  1086. adventurousness/SM/*TFNTRSNS
  1087. adverb/SM/*TFB
  1088. adverbial/MYS/*TFBL
  1089. adversarial//*TFSRL
  1090. adversary/SM/*TFSR
  1091. adverse/DSRPYTG/*TFS
  1092. adverseness/MS/*TFSNS
  1093. adversity/SM/*TFST
  1094. advert/GSD/*TFT
  1095. advertise/JGZSRDL/*TFTS
  1096. advertised/U/*TFTST
  1097. advertisement/SM/*TFTSMNT
  1098. advertiser/M/*TFTS
  1099. advertising/M/*TFTSN
  1100. advertorial/S/*TFTRL
  1101. advice/SM/*TFS
  1102. Advil/M/*TFL
  1103. advisability/SIM/*TFSBLT
  1104. advisable/I/*TFSBL
  1105. advisableness/M/*TFSBLNS
  1106. advisably//*TFSBL
  1107. advise/ZRSDGLB/*TFS
  1108. advised/YU/*TFST
  1109. advisedly/I/*TFSTL
  1110. advisee/MS/*TFS
  1111. advisement/MS/*TFSMNT
  1112. adviser/M/*TFS
  1113. advisor's//*TFSS
  1114. advisory/S/*TFSR
  1115. advocacy/SM/*TFKS
  1116. advocate/NGVDS/*TFKT
  1117. advocation/M/*TFKXN
  1118. advt//*TFT
  1119. adz/MDSG/*TS
  1120. adze's//*TSS
  1121. Aegean//*KN
  1122. aegis/SM/*KS
  1123. Aelfric/M/*LFRK
  1124. Aeneas//*NS
  1125. Aeneid/M/*NT
  1126. aeolian//*LN
  1127. Aeolus/M/*LS
  1128. aeon's//*NS
  1129. aerate/XNGSD/*RT
  1130. aeration/M/*RXN
  1131. aerator/MS/*RT
  1132. aerial/SMY/*RL
  1133. aerialist/MS/*RLST
  1134. aerie/SRMT/*R
  1135. Aeriel/M/*RL
  1136. Aeriela/M/*RL
  1137. Aeriell/M/*RL
  1138. aeroacoustic//*RKSTK
  1139. aerobatic/S/*RBTK
  1140. aerobic/S/*RBK
  1141. aerobically//*RBKL
  1142. aerodrome/SM/*RTRM
  1143. aerodynamic/S/*RTNMK
  1144. aerodynamically//*RTNMKL
  1145. aerodynamics/M/*RTNMKS
  1146. aeronautic/S/*RNTK
  1147. aeronautical/Y/*RNTKL
  1148. aeronautics/M/*RNTKS
  1149. aerosol/MS/*RSL
  1150. aerosolize/D/*RSLS
  1151. aerospace/SM/*RSPS
  1152. Aeschylus/M/*SXLS
  1153. Aesculapius/M/*SKLPS
  1154. Aesop/M/*SP
  1155. aesthete/S/*S@T
  1156. aesthetic/U/*S@TK
  1157. aesthetically//*S@TKL
  1158. aestheticism/MS/*S@TSSM
  1159. aesthetics/M/*S@TKS
  1160. aether/M/*@
  1161. aetiology/M/*XLK
  1162. AF//*F
  1163. AFAIK//*FK
  1164. afar/S/*F
  1165. AFB//*FB
  1166. AFC//*FK
  1167. AFDC//*FTK
  1168. affability/MS/*FBLT
  1169. affable/TR/*FBL
  1170. affably//*FBL
  1171. affair/SM/*F
  1172. affect/EGSD/*FKT
  1173. affectation/MS/*FKTXN
  1174. affected/UEYP/*FKTT
  1175. affectedness/EM/*FKTTNS
  1176. affecter/M/*FKT
  1177. affecting/Y/*FKTN
  1178. affection/EMS/*FKXN
  1179. affectionate/UY/*FKXNT
  1180. affectioned//*FKXNT
  1181. affectioning//*FKXNN
  1182. affective/MY/*FKTF
  1183. afferent/YS/*FRNT
  1184. affiance/GDS/*FNS
  1185. affidavit/SM/*FTFT
  1186. affiliate/EXSDNG/*FLT
  1187. affiliated/U/*FLTT
  1188. affiliation/EM/*FLXN
  1189. affine//*FN
  1190. affinity/SM/*FNT
  1191. affirm/ASDG/*FM
  1192. affirmation/SAM/*FMXN
  1193. affirmative/SY/*FMTF
  1194. affix/SDG/*FKS
  1195. afflatus/MS/*FLTS
  1196. afflict/GVDS/*FLKT
  1197. affliction/SM/*FLKXN
  1198. afflictive/Y/*FLKTF
  1199. affluence/SM/*FLNS
  1200. affluent/YS/*FLNT
  1201. afford/DSBG/*FT
  1202. afforest/A/*FRST
  1203. afforestation/SM/*FRSTXN
  1204. afforested//*FRSTT
  1205. afforesting//*FRSTN
  1206. afforests//*FRSTS
  1207. affray/MDSG/*FR
  1208. affricate/VNMS/*FRKT
  1209. affrication/M/*FRKXN
  1210. affricative/M/*FRKTF
  1211. affright//*FRT
  1212. affront/GSDM/*FRNT
  1213. afghan/MS/*FKN
  1214. Afghan/SM/*FKN
  1215. Afghani/SM/*FKN
  1216. Afghanistan/M/*FKNSTN
  1217. aficionado/MS/*FSNT
  1218. afield//*FLT
  1219. afire//*FR
  1220. aflame//*FLM
  1221. afloat//*FLT
  1222. aflutter//*FLT
  1223. afoot//*FT
  1224. afore//*FR
  1225. aforementioned//*FRMNXNT
  1226. aforesaid//*FRST
  1227. aforethought/S/*FR@T
  1228. afoul//*FL
  1229. Afr//*FR
  1230. afraid/U/*FRT
  1231. afresh//*FRX
  1232. Africa/M/*FRK
  1233. African/MS/*FRKN
  1234. Afrikaans/M/*FRKNS
  1235. Afrikaner/SM/*FRKN
  1236. afro//*FR
  1237. Afro/MS/*FR
  1238. Afrocentric//*FRSNTRK
  1239. Afrocentrism/S/*FRSNTRSM
  1240. aft/ZR/*FT
  1241. afterbirth/M/*FTB@
  1242. afterbirths//*FTB@S
  1243. afterburner/MS/*FTBN
  1244. aftercare/SM/*FTKR
  1245. aftereffect/MS/*FTRFKT
  1246. afterglow/MS/*FTKL
  1247. afterimage/MS/*FTRMK
  1248. afterlife/M/*FTLF
  1249. afterlives//*FTLFS
  1250. aftermath/M/*FTM@
  1251. aftermaths//*FTM@S
  1252. aftermost//*FTMST
  1253. afternoon/SM/*FTNN
  1254. afters/M/*FTS
  1255. aftershave/S/*FTXF
  1256. aftershock/SM/*FTXK
  1257. aftertaste/SM/*FTTST
  1258. afterthought/MS/*FT@T
  1259. afterward//*FTWT
  1260. afterword/MS/*FTWT
  1261. Afton/M/*FTN
  1262. Ag/M/*K
  1263. Agace/M/*KS
  1264. again//*KN
  1265. against//*KNST
  1266. Agamemnon/M/*KMMNN
  1267. agapae//*KP
  1268. agape/S/*KP
  1269. agar/MS/*K
  1270. Agassiz/M/*KSS
  1271. Agata/M/*KT
  1272. agate/SM/*KT
  1273. Agatha/M/*K@
  1274. Agathe/M/*K@
  1275. agave/SM/*KF
  1276. age/GJDRSMZ/*K
  1277. aged/PY/*KT
  1278. agedness/M/*KTNS
  1279. ageism/S/*KSM
  1280. ageist/S/*KST
  1281. ageless/YP/*KLS
  1282. agelessness/MS/*KLSNS
  1283. agency/SM/*KNS
  1284. agenda/MS/*KNT
  1285. agent/AMS/*KNT
  1286. agented//*KNTT
  1287. agenting//*KNTN
  1288. agentive//*KNTF
  1289. ageratum/M/*KRTM
  1290. Aggi/M/*K
  1291. Aggie/M/*K
  1292. agglomerate/XNGVDS/*KLMRT
  1293. agglomeration/M/*KLMRXN
  1294. agglutinate/VNGXSD/*KLTNT
  1295. agglutination/M/*KLTNXN
  1296. agglutinin/MS/*KLTNN
  1297. aggrandize/LDSG/*KRNTS
  1298. aggrandizement/SM/*KRNTSMNT
  1299. aggravate/SDNGX/*KRFT
  1300. aggravating/Y/*KRFTN
  1301. aggravation/M/*KRFXN
  1302. aggregate/EGNVD/*KRKT
  1303. aggregated/U/*KRKTT
  1304. aggregately//*KRKTL
  1305. aggregateness/M/*KRKTNS
  1306. aggregates//*KRKTS
  1307. aggregation/SM/*KRKXN
  1308. aggregative/Y/*KRKTF
  1309. aggression/SM/*KRXN
  1310. aggressive/U/*KRSF
  1311. aggressively//*KRSFL
  1312. aggressiveness/S/*KRSFNS
  1313. aggressor/MS/*KRS
  1314. aggrieve/GDS/*KRF
  1315. aggrieved/Y/*KRFT
  1316. Aggy/SM/*K
  1317. aghast//*KST
  1318. agile/YTR/*KL
  1319. agility/MS/*KLT
  1320. agitate/XVNGSD/*KTT
  1321. agitated/Y/*KTTT
  1322. agitation/M/*KTXN
  1323. agitator/SM/*KTT
  1324. agitprop/MS/*KTPRP
  1325. Aglaia/M/*KL
  1326. agleam//*KLM
  1327. aglitter//*KLT
  1328. aglow//*KL
  1329. Agna/M/*KN
  1330. Agnella/M/*KNL
  1331. Agnes/M/*KNS
  1332. Agnese/M/*KNS
  1333. Agnesse/M/*KNS
  1334. Agneta/M/*KNT
  1335. Agnew/M/*KN
  1336. Agni/M/*KN
  1337. Agnola/M/*KNL
  1338. agnostic/SM/*KNSTK
  1339. agnosticism/MS/*KNSTSSM
  1340. ago//*K
  1341. agog//*KK
  1342. agonize/ZGRSD/*KNS
  1343. agonized/Y/*KNST
  1344. agonizedly/S/*KNSTL
  1345. agonizing/Y/*KNSN
  1346. agony/SM/*KN
  1347. agoraphobia/MS/*KRFB
  1348. agoraphobic/S/*KRFBK
  1349. Agosto/M/*KST
  1350. Agra/M/*KR
  1351. agrarian/S/*KRRN
  1352. agrarianism/MS/*KRRNSM
  1353. agree/LEBDS/*KR
  1354. agreeable/EP/*KRBL
  1355. agreeableness/SME/*KRBLNS
  1356. agreeably/E/*KRBL
  1357. agreeing/E/*KRN
  1358. agreement/ESM/*KRMNT
  1359. agreer/S/*KR
  1360. Agretha/M/*KR@
  1361. agribusiness/SM/*KRBSNS
  1362. Agricola/M/*KRKL
  1363. agricultural/Y/*KRKLTRL
  1364. agriculturalist/S/*KRKLTRLST
  1365. agriculture/MS/*KRKLTR
  1366. agriculturist/SM/*KRKLTRST
  1367. Agrippa/M/*KRP
  1368. Agrippina/M/*KRPN
  1369. agrochemicals//*KRXMKLS
  1370. agronomic/S/*KRNMK
  1371. agronomist/SM/*KRNMST
  1372. agronomy/MS/*KRNM
  1373. aground//*KRNT
  1374. Aguascalientes/M/*KSKLNTS
  1375. ague/MS/*K
  1376. Aguie/M/*K
  1377. Aguilar/M/*KL
  1378. Aguinaldo/M/*KNLT
  1379. Aguirre/M/*KR
  1380. Aguistin/M/*KSTN
  1381. Aguste/M/*KST
  1382. Agustin/M/*KSTN
  1383. ah//*
  1384. aha/S/*H
  1385. Ahab/M/*HB
  1386. Aharon/M/*HRN
  1387. ahead//*HT
  1388. ahem/S/*HM
  1389. Ahmad/M/*MT
  1390. Ahmadabad//*MTBT
  1391. Ahmed/M/*MT
  1392. ahoy/S/*H
  1393. Ahriman/M/*RMN
  1394. AI//*
  1395. aid/ZGDRS/*T
  1396. Aida/M/*T
  1397. Aidan/M/*TN
  1398. aide/MS/*T
  1399. aided/U/*TT
  1400. aider/M/*T
  1401. AIDS//*TS
  1402. Aigneis/M/*KNS
  1403. aigrette/SM/*KRT
  1404. Aiken/M/*KN
  1405. ail/LSDG/*L
  1406. Aila/M/*L
  1407. Ailbert/M/*LBT
  1408. Aile/M/*L
  1409. Ailee/M/*L
  1410. Aileen/M/*LN
  1411. Ailene/M/*LN
  1412. aileron/MS/*LRN
  1413. Ailey/M/*L
  1414. Aili/SM/*L
  1415. Ailina/M/*LN
  1416. ailment/SM/*LMNT
  1417. Ailsun/M/*LSN
  1418. Ailyn/M/*LN
  1419. aim/ZSGDR/*M
  1420. Aime/M/*M
  1421. Aimee/M/*M
  1422. aimer/M/*M
  1423. Aimil/M/*ML
  1424. aimless/YP/*MLS
  1425. aimlessness/MS/*MLSNS
  1426. Aindrea/M/*NTR
  1427. Ainslee/M/*NSL
  1428. Ainsley/M/*NSL
  1429. Ainslie/M/*NSL
  1430. ain't//*NT
  1431. Ainu/M/*N
  1432. air/MDRTZGJS/*
  1433. airbag/MS/*BK
  1434. airbase/S/*BS
  1435. airborne//*BN
  1436. airbrush/SDMG/*BRX
  1437. Airbus/M/*BS
  1438. airbus/SM/*BS
  1439. aircraft/MS/*KRFT
  1440. aircrew/M/*KR
  1441. airdrop/MS/*TRP
  1442. airdropped//*TRPT
  1443. airdropping//*TRPN
  1444. Airedale/SM/*RTL
  1445. Aires//*RS
  1446. airfare/S/*FR
  1447. airfield/MS/*FLT
  1448. airflow/SM/*FL
  1449. airfoil/MS/*FL
  1450. airframe/MS/*FRM
  1451. airfreight/SGD/*FRT
  1452. airhead/MS/*HT
  1453. airily//*RL
  1454. airiness/MS/*RNS
  1455. airing/M/*RN
  1456. airless/P/*LS
  1457. airlessness/S/*LSNS
  1458. airlift/MDSG/*LFT
  1459. airline/SRMZ/*LN
  1460. airliner/M/*LN
  1461. airlock/MS/*LK
  1462. airmail/DSG/*ML
  1463. airman/M/*MN
  1464. airmass//*MS
  1465. airmen//*MN
  1466. airpark//*PK
  1467. airplane/SM/*PLN
  1468. airplay/S/*PL
  1469. airport/MS/*PT
  1470. airship/MS/*XP
  1471. airsick/P/*SK
  1472. airsickness/SM/*SKNS
  1473. airspace/SM/*SPS
  1474. airspeed/SM/*SPT
  1475. airstrip/MS/*STRP
  1476. airtight/P/*TT
  1477. airtightness/M/*TTNS
  1478. airtime//*TM
  1479. airwaves//*WFS
  1480. airway/SM/*W
  1481. airworthiness/SM/*W@NS
  1482. airworthy/PTR/*W@
  1483. airy/PRT/*R
  1484. Aisha/M/*X
  1485. aisle/DSGM/*SL
  1486. aitch/MS/*X
  1487. ajar//*K
  1488. Ajax/M/*KKS
  1489. Ajay/M/*K
  1490. AK//*K
  1491. aka//*K
  1492. Akbar/M/*KB
  1493. Akihito/M/*KHT
  1494. Akim/M/*KM
  1495. akimbo//*KMB
  1496. akin//*KN
  1497. Akita/M/*KT
  1498. Akkad/M/*KT
  1499. Akron/M/*KRN
  1500. Aksel/M/*KSL
  1501. AL//*L
  1502. Al/MRY/*L
  1503. ala/MS/*L
  1504. Ala/MS/*L
  1505. Alabama/M/*LBM
  1506. Alabaman/S/*LBMN
  1507. Alabamian/MS/*LBMN
  1508. alabaster/MS/*LBST
  1509. alack/S/*LK
  1510. alacrity/SM/*LKRT
  1511. Aladdin/M/*LTN
  1512. Alain/M/*LN
  1513. Alaine/M/*LN
  1514. Alair/M/*L
  1515. Alameda/M/*LMT
  1516. Alamo/SM/*LM
  1517. Alamogordo/M/*LMKT
  1518. Alan/M/*LN
  1519. Alana/M/*LN
  1520. Alanah/M/*LN
  1521. Aland/M/*LNT
  1522. Alane/M/*LN
  1523. alanine/M/*LNN
  1524. Alanna/M/*LN
  1525. Alano/M/*LN
  1526. Alanson/M/*LNSN
  1527. Alar/M/*L
  1528. Alard/M/*LT
  1529. Alaric/M/*LRK
  1530. alarm/SDG/*LM
  1531. alarming/Y/*LMN
  1532. alarmist/MS/*LMST
  1533. alas/S/*LS
  1534. Alasdair/M/*LST
  1535. Alaska/M/*LSK
  1536. Alaskan/S/*LSKN
  1537. Alastair/M/*LST
  1538. Alasteir/M/*LST
  1539. Alaster/M/*LST
  1540. Alayne/M/*LN
  1541. alb/MS/*LB
  1542. alba/M/*LB
  1543. Alba/M/*LB
  1544. albacore/SM/*LBKR
  1545. Albania/M/*LBN
  1546. Albanian/SM/*LBNN
  1547. Albany/M/*LBN
  1548. albatross/SM/*LBTRS
  1549. albedo/M/*LBT
  1550. Albee/M/*LB
  1551. albeit//*LBT
  1552. Alberich/M/*LBRX
  1553. Alberik/M/*LBRK
  1554. Alberio/M/*LBR
  1555. Albert/M/*LBT
  1556. Alberta/M/*LBT
  1557. Albertan/S/*LBTN
  1558. Albertina/M/*LBTN
  1559. Albertine/M/*LBTN
  1560. Alberto/M/*LBT
  1561. Albie/M/*LB
  1562. Albigensian//*LBKNXN
  1563. Albina/M/*LBN
  1564. albinism/SM/*LBNSM
  1565. albino/MS/*LBN
  1566. Albion/M/*LBN
  1567. Albireo/M/*LBR
  1568. Albrecht/M/*LBRXT
  1569. album/MNXS/*LBM
  1570. albumen/M/*LBMN
  1571. albumin/MS/*LBMN
  1572. albuminous//*LBMNS
  1573. Albuquerque/M/*LBKK
  1574. Alcatraz/M/*LKTRS
  1575. Alcestis/M/*LSSTS
  1576. alchemical//*LXMKL
  1577. alchemist/SM/*LXMST
  1578. alchemy/MS/*LXM
  1579. Alcibiades/M/*LSBTS
  1580. Alcmena/M/*LKMN
  1581. Alcoa/M/*LK
  1582. alcohol/MS/*LKHL
  1583. alcoholic/MS/*LKHLK
  1584. alcoholically//*LKHLKL
  1585. alcoholism/SM/*LKHLSM
  1586. Alcott/M/*LKT
  1587. alcove/MSD/*LKF
  1588. Alcuin/M/*LKN
  1589. Alcyone/M/*LSYN
  1590. Aldan/M/*LTN
  1591. Aldebaran/M/*LTBRN
  1592. aldehyde/M/*LTHT
  1593. Alden/M/*LTN
  1594. alder/SM/*LT
  1595. Alderamin/M/*LTRMN
  1596. alderman/M/*LTMN
  1597. aldermen//*LTMN
  1598. alderwoman//*LTWMN
  1599. alderwomen//*LTWMN
  1600. Aldin/M/*LTN
  1601. Aldis/M/*LTS
  1602. Aldo/M/*LT
  1603. Aldon/M/*LTN
  1604. Aldous/M/*LTS
  1605. Aldric/M/*LTRK
  1606. Aldrich/M/*LTRX
  1607. Aldridge/M/*LTRK
  1608. Aldrin/M/*LTRN
  1609. Aldus/M/*LTS
  1610. Aldwin/M/*LTWN
  1611. ale/MVS/*L
  1612. aleatory//*LTR
  1613. Alec/M/*LK
  1614. Alecia/M/*LX
  1615. Aleck/M/*LK
  1616. Aleda/M/*LT
  1617. alee//*L
  1618. Aleece/M/*LS
  1619. Aleen/M/*LN
  1620. alehouse/MS/*LHS
  1621. Aleichem/M/*LXM
  1622. Alejandra/M/*LKNTR
  1623. Alejandrina/M/*LKNTRN
  1624. Alejandro/M/*LKNTR
  1625. Alejoa/M/*LK
  1626. Aleksandr/M/*LKSNTR
  1627. Alembert/M/*LMBT
  1628. alembic/SM/*LMBK
  1629. Alena/M/*LN
  1630. Alene/M/*LN
  1631. aleph/M/*LF
  1632. Aleppo/M/*LP
  1633. Aler/M/*L
  1634. alert/STZGPRDY/*LT
  1635. alerted/Y/*LTT
  1636. alertness/MS/*LTNS
  1637. Alessandra/M/*LSNTR
  1638. Alessandro/M/*LSNTR
  1639. Aleta/M/*LT
  1640. Alethea/M/*L@
  1641. Aleut/SM/*LT
  1642. Aleutian/S/*LXN
  1643. alewife/M/*LWF
  1644. alewives//*LWFS
  1645. Alex/M/*LKS
  1646. Alexa/M/*LKS
  1647. Alexander/SM/*LKSNT
  1648. Alexandr/M/*LKSNTR
  1649. Alexandra/M/*LKSNTR
  1650. Alexandre/M/*LKSNTR
  1651. Alexandria/M/*LKSNTR
  1652. Alexandrian/S/*LKSNTRN
  1653. Alexandrina/M/*LKSNTRN
  1654. Alexandro/MS/*LKSNTR
  1655. Alexei/M/*LKS
  1656. Alexi/SM/*LKS
  1657. Alexia/M/*LKS
  1658. Alexina/M/*LKSN
  1659. Alexine/M/*LKSN
  1660. Alexio/M/*LKS
  1661. Alf/M/*LF
  1662. Alfa/M/*LF
  1663. alfalfa/MS/*LFLF
  1664. Alfi/M/*LF
  1665. Alfie/M/*LF
  1666. Alfons/M/*LFNS
  1667. Alfonse/M/*LFNS
  1668. Alfonso/M/*LFNS
  1669. Alfonzo/M/*LFNS
  1670. Alford/M/*LFT
  1671. Alfred/M/*LFRT
  1672. Alfreda/M/*LFRT
  1673. Alfredo/M/*LFRT
  1674. alfresco//*LFRSK
  1675. Alfy/M/*LF
  1676. alga/M/*LK
  1677. algae//*LK
  1678. algaecide//*LKST
  1679. algal//*LKL
  1680. algebra/MS/*LKBR
  1681. algebraic//*LKBRK
  1682. algebraical/Y/*LKBRKL
  1683. algebraist/M/*LKBRST
  1684. Algenib/M/*LKNB
  1685. Alger/M/*LK
  1686. Algeria/M/*LKR
  1687. Algerian/MS/*LKRN
  1688. Algernon/M/*LKNN
  1689. Algieba/M/*LKB
  1690. Algiers/M/*LKS
  1691. alginate/SM/*LKNT
  1692. ALGOL//*LKL
  1693. Algol/M/*LKL
  1694. Algonquian/SM/*LKNKN
  1695. Algonquin/SM/*LKNKN
  1696. algorithm/MS/*LKR@M
  1697. algorithmic//*LKR@MK
  1698. algorithmically//*LKR@MKL
  1699. Alhambra/M/*LHMBR
  1700. Alhena/M/*LHN
  1701. Ali/MS/*L
  1702. Alia/M/*L
  1703. alias/GSD/*LS
  1704. alibi/MDSG/*LB
  1705. Alic/M/*LK
  1706. Alica/M/*LK
  1707. Alice/M/*LS
  1708. Alicea/M/*LS
  1709. Alicia/M/*LX
  1710. Alick/M/*LK
  1711. Alida/M/*LT
  1712. Alidia/M/*LT
  1713. Alie/M/*L
  1714. alien/RDGMBS/*LN
  1715. alienable/IU/*LNBL
  1716. alienate/SDNGX/*LNT
  1717. alienation/M/*LNXN
  1718. alienist/MS/*LNST
  1719. Alighieri/M/*LKR
  1720. alight/DSG/*LT
  1721. align/LASDG/*LN
  1722. aligned/U/*LN
  1723. aligner/SM/*LKN
  1724. alignment/SAM/*LKNMNT
  1725. Alika/M/*LK
  1726. alike/U/*LK
  1727. Alikee/M/*LK
  1728. alikeness/M/*LKNS
  1729. aliment/SDMG/*LMNT
  1730. alimentary//*LMNTR
  1731. alimony/MS/*LMN
  1732. Alina/M/*LN
  1733. Aline/M/*LN
  1734. alinement's//*LNMNTS
  1735. Alioth/M/*L@
  1736. aliquot/S/*LKT
  1737. Alisa/M/*LS
  1738. Alisander/M/*LSNT
  1739. Alisha/M/*LX
  1740. Alison/M/*LSN
  1741. Alissa/M/*LS
  1742. Alistair/M/*LST
  1743. Alister/M/*LST
  1744. Alisun/M/*LSN
  1745. alive/P/*LF
  1746. aliveness/MS/*LFNS
  1747. Alix/M/*LKS
  1748. aliyah/M/*LY
  1749. aliyahs//*LYS
  1750. Aliza/M/*LS
  1751. Alkaid/M/*LKT
  1752. alkali/M/*LKL
  1753. alkalies//*LKLS
  1754. alkaline//*LKLN
  1755. alkalinity/MS/*LKLNT
  1756. alkalize/SDG/*LKLS
  1757. alkaloid/MS/*LKLT
  1758. alkyd/S/*LKT
  1759. alkyl/M/*LKL
  1760. all/S/*L
  1761. Alla/M/*L
  1762. Allah/M/*L
  1763. Allahabad/M/*LHBT
  1764. Allan/M/*LN
  1765. Allard/M/*LT
  1766. allay/GDS/*L
  1767. Allayne/M/*LN
  1768. Alleen/M/*LN
  1769. allegation/SM/*LKXN
  1770. allege/SDG/*LK
  1771. alleged/Y/*LKT
  1772. Allegheny/MS/*LKN
  1773. allegiance/SM/*LKNS
  1774. allegiant//*LKNT
  1775. allegoric//*LKRK
  1776. allegorical/YP/*LKRKL
  1777. allegoricalness/M/*LKRKLNS
  1778. allegorist/MS/*LKRST
  1779. allegory/SM/*LKR
  1780. Allegra/M/*LKR
  1781. allegretto/MS/*LKRT
  1782. allegri//*LKR
  1783. allegro/MS/*LKR
  1784. allele/SM/*LL
  1785. alleluia/S/*LL
  1786. allemande/M/*LMNT
  1787. Allen/M/*LN
  1788. Allendale/M/*LNTL
  1789. Allende/M/*LNT
  1790. Allene/M/*LN
  1791. Allentown/M/*LNTN
  1792. allergen/MS/*LKN
  1793. allergenic//*LKNK
  1794. allergic//*LKK
  1795. allergically//*LKKL
  1796. allergist/MS/*LKST
  1797. allergy/MS/*LK
  1798. alleviate/SDVGNX/*LFT
  1799. alleviation/M/*LFXN
  1800. alleviator/MS/*LFT
  1801. Alley/M/*L
  1802. alley/MS/*L
  1803. Alleyn/M/*LN
  1804. alleyway/MS/*LW
  1805. Allhallows//*LHLS
  1806. Alli/MS/*L
  1807. alliance/MS/*LNS
  1808. Allianora/M/*LNR
  1809. Allie/M/*L
  1810. allier//*L
  1811. allies/M/*LS
  1812. alligator/DMGS/*LKT
  1813. Allin/M/*LN
  1814. Allina/M/*LN
  1815. Allison/M/*LSN
  1816. Allissa/M/*LS
  1817. Allister/M/*LST
  1818. Allistir/M/*LST
  1819. alliterate/XVNGSD/*LTRT
  1820. alliteration/M/*LTRXN
  1821. alliterative/Y/*LTRTF
  1822. Allix/M/*LKS
  1823. allocable/U/*LKBL
  1824. allocatable//*LKTBL
  1825. allocate/ACSDNGX/*LKT
  1826. allocated/U/*LKTT
  1827. allocation/AMC/*LKXN
  1828. allocative//*LKTF
  1829. allocator/AMS/*LKT
  1830. allophone/MS/*LFN
  1831. allophonic//*LFNK
  1832. allot/SDL/*LT
  1833. allotment/MS/*LTMNT
  1834. allotments/A/*LTMNTS
  1835. allotrope/M/*LTRP
  1836. allotropic//*LTRPK
  1837. allots/A/*LTS
  1838. allotted/A/*LTT
  1839. allotter/M/*LT
  1840. allotting/A/*LTN
  1841. allover/S/*LF
  1842. allow/SBGD/*L
  1843. allowable/P/*LWBL
  1844. allowableness/M/*LWBLNS
  1845. allowably//*LWBL
  1846. allowance/GSDM/*LWNS
  1847. allowed/Y/*LWT
  1848. allowing/E/*LWN
  1849. allows/E/*LS
  1850. alloy/SGMD/*L
  1851. alloyed/U/*LYT
  1852. allspice/MS/*LSPS
  1853. Allstate/M/*LSTT
  1854. Allsun/M/*LSN
  1855. allude/GSD/*LT
  1856. allure/GLSD/*LR
  1857. allurement/SM/*LRMNT
  1858. alluring/Y/*LRN
  1859. allusion/MS/*LXN
  1860. allusive/PY/*LSF
  1861. allusiveness/MS/*LSFNS
  1862. alluvial/S/*LFL
  1863. alluvions//*LFNS
  1864. alluvium/MS/*LFM
  1865. Allx/M/*LKS
  1866. ally/ASDG/*L
  1867. Ally/MS/*L
  1868. Allyce/M/*LS
  1869. Allyn/M/*LN
  1870. Allys//*LS
  1871. Allyson/M/*LSN
  1872. alma//*LM
  1873. Alma/M/*LM
  1874. Almach/M/*LMX
  1875. Almaden/M/*LMTN
  1876. almagest//*LMKST
  1877. almanac/MS/*LMNK
  1878. Almaty/M/*LMT
  1879. Almeda/M/*LMT
  1880. Almeria/M/*LMR
  1881. Almeta/M/*LMT
  1882. almightiness/M/*LMTNS
  1883. Almighty/M/*LMT
  1884. almighty/P/*LMT
  1885. Almira/M/*LMR
  1886. Almire/M/*LMR
  1887. almond/SM/*LMNT
  1888. almoner/MS/*LMN
  1889. almost//*LMST
  1890. alms/A/*LMS
  1891. almshouse/SM/*LMXS
  1892. almsman/M/*LMSMN
  1893. alnico//*LNK
  1894. Alnilam/M/*LNLM
  1895. Alnitak/M/*LNTK
  1896. aloe/MS/*L
  1897. aloft//*LFT
  1898. aloha/SM/*LH
  1899. Aloin/M/*LN
  1900. Aloise/M/*LS
  1901. Aloisia/M/*LX
  1902. Alon/M/*LN
  1903. alone/P/*LN
  1904. aloneness/M/*LNNS
  1905. along//*LNK
  1906. alongshore//*LNKXR
  1907. alongside//*LNKST
  1908. Alonso/M/*LNS
  1909. Alonzo/M/*LNS
  1910. aloof/YP/*LF
  1911. aloofness/MS/*LFNS
  1912. aloud//*LT
  1913. Aloysia/M/*LX
  1914. Aloysius/M/*LSS
  1915. alp/MS/*LP
  1916. alpaca/SM/*LPK
  1917. Alpert/M/*LPT
  1918. alpha/MS/*LF
  1919. alphabet/SGDM/*LFBT
  1920. alphabetic/S/*LFBTK
  1921. alphabetical/Y/*LFBTKL
  1922. alphabetization/SM/*LFBTSXN
  1923. alphabetize/SRDGZ/*LFBTS
  1924. alphabetizer/M/*LFBTS
  1925. alphanumeric/S/*LFNMRK
  1926. alphanumerical/Y/*LFNMRKL
  1927. Alphard/M/*LFT
  1928. Alphecca/M/*LFK
  1929. Alpheratz/M/*LFRTS
  1930. Alphonse/M/*LFNS
  1931. Alphonso/M/*LFNS
  1932. Alpine//*LPN
  1933. alpine/S/*LPN
  1934. Alps//*LPS
  1935. already//*LRT
  1936. Alric/M/*LRK
  1937. alright//*LRT
  1938. Alsace/M/*LSS
  1939. Alsatian/MS/*LSXN
  1940. also//*LS
  1941. Alsop/M/*LSP
  1942. Alston/M/*LSTN
  1943. alt/RZS/*LT
  1944. Alta/M/*LT
  1945. Altai/M/*LT
  1946. Altaic/M/*LTK
  1947. Altair/M/*LT
  1948. altar/MS/*LT
  1949. altarpiece/SM/*LTPS
  1950. alter/RDZBG/*LT
  1951. alterable/UI/*LTRBL
  1952. alteration/MS/*LTRXN
  1953. altercate/NX/*LTKT
  1954. altercation/M/*LTKXN
  1955. altered/U/*LTRT
  1956. alternate/SDVGNYX/*LTNT
  1957. alternation/M/*LTNXN
  1958. alternative/YMSP/*LTNTF
  1959. alternativeness/M/*LTNTFNS
  1960. alternator/MS/*LTNT
  1961. Althea/M/*L@
  1962. although//*L@
  1963. altimeter/SM/*LTMT
  1964. Altiplano/M/*LTPLN
  1965. altitude/SM/*LTTT
  1966. alto/SM/*LT
  1967. altogether/S/*LTK@
  1968. Alton/M/*LTN
  1969. Altos/M/*LTS
  1970. altruism/SM/*LTRSM
  1971. altruist/SM/*LTRST
  1972. altruistic//*LTRSTK
  1973. altruistically//*LTRSTKL
  1974. ALU//*L
  1975. Aludra/M/*LTR
  1976. Aluin/M/*LN
  1977. Aluino/M/*LN
  1978. alum/SM/*LM
  1979. alumina/SM/*LMN
  1980. aluminum/MS/*LMNM
  1981. alumna/M/*LMN
  1982. alumnae//*LMN
  1983. alumni//*LMN
  1984. alumnus/MS/*LMNS
  1985. alundum//*LNTM
  1986. Alva/M/*LF
  1987. Alvan/M/*LFN
  1988. Alvarado/M/*LFRT
  1989. Alvarez/M/*LFRS
  1990. Alvaro/M/*LFR
  1991. alveolar/Y/*LFL
  1992. alveoli//*LFL
  1993. alveolus/M/*LFLS
  1994. Alvera/M/*LFR
  1995. Alverta/M/*LFT
  1996. Alvie/M/*LF
  1997. Alvin/M/*LFN
  1998. Alvina/M/*LFN
  1999. Alvinia/M/*LFN
  2000. Alvira/M/*LFR
  2001. Alvis/M/*LFS
  2002. Alvy/M/*LF
  2003. alway/S/*LW
  2004. Alwin/M/*LWN
  2005. Alwyn/M/*LN
  2006. Alyce/M/*LS
  2007. Alyda/M/*LT
  2008. Alyosha/M/*LYX
  2009. Alys/M/*LS
  2010. Alysa/M/*LS
  2011. Alyse/M/*LS
  2012. Alysia/M/*LX
  2013. Alyson/M/*LSN
  2014. Alyss//*LS
  2015. Alyssa/M/*LS
  2016. Alzheimer/M/*LSHM
  2017. AM//*M
  2018. am/AS/*M
  2019. Am/MR/*M
  2020. AMA//*M
  2021. Amabel/M/*MBL
  2022. Amabelle/M/*MBL
  2023. Amadeus/M/*MTS
  2024. Amado/M/*MT
  2025. amain//*MN
  2026. Amalea/M/*ML
  2027. Amalee/M/*ML
  2028. Amaleta/M/*MLT
  2029. amalgam/MS/*MLKM
  2030. amalgamate/VNGXSD/*MLKMT
  2031. amalgamation/M/*MLKMXN
  2032. Amalia/M/*ML
  2033. Amalie/M/*ML
  2034. Amalita/M/*MLT
  2035. Amalle/M/*ML
  2036. Amanda/M/*MNT
  2037. Amandi/M/*MNT
  2038. Amandie/M/*MNT
  2039. Amandy/M/*MNT
  2040. amanuenses//*MNNSS
  2041. amanuensis/M/*MNNSS
  2042. Amara/M/*MR
  2043. amaranth/M/*MRN@
  2044. amaranths//*MRN@S
  2045. amaretto/S/*MRT
  2046. Amargo/M/*MK
  2047. Amarillo/M/*MRL
  2048. amaryllis/MS/*MRLS
  2049. amass/GRSD/*MS
  2050. amasser/M/*MS
  2051. Amata/M/*MT
  2052. amateur/SM/*MT
  2053. amateurish/YP/*MTRX
  2054. amateurishness/MS/*MTRXNS
  2055. amateurism/MS/*MTRSM
  2056. Amati/M/*MT
  2057. amatory//*MTR
  2058. amaze/LDSRGZ/*MS
  2059. amazed/Y/*MST
  2060. amazement/MS/*MSMNT
  2061. amazing/Y/*MSN
  2062. amazon/MS/*MSN
  2063. Amazon/SM/*MSN
  2064. amazonian//*MSNN
  2065. Amazonian//*MSNN
  2066. ambassador/MS/*MBST
  2067. ambassadorial//*MBSTRL
  2068. ambassadorship/MS/*MBSTXP
  2069. ambassadress/SM/*MBSTRS
  2070. amber/MS/*MB
  2071. Amber/YM/*MB
  2072. ambergris/SM/*MBKRS
  2073. Amberly/M/*MBL
  2074. ambiance/MS/*MBNS
  2075. ambidexterity/MS/*MBTKSTRT
  2076. ambidextrous/Y/*MBTKSTRS
  2077. ambience's//*MBNSS
  2078. ambient/S/*MBNT
  2079. ambiguity/MS/*MBKT
  2080. ambiguous/YP/*MBKS
  2081. ambiguously/U/*MBKSL
  2082. ambiguousness/M/*MBKSNS
  2083. ambit/M/*MBT
  2084. ambition/GMDS/*MBXN
  2085. ambitious/PY/*MBXS
  2086. ambitiousness/MS/*MBXSNS
  2087. ambivalence/SM/*MBFLNS
  2088. ambivalent/Y/*MBFLNT
  2089. amble/GZDSR/*MBL
  2090. Amble/M/*MBL
  2091. ambler/M/*MBL
  2092. Ambros/M/*MBRS
  2093. ambrose//*MBRS
  2094. Ambrose/M/*MBRS
  2095. Ambrosi/M/*MBRS
  2096. ambrosia/SM/*MBRX
  2097. ambrosial/Y/*MBRXL
  2098. Ambrosio/M/*MBRX
  2099. Ambrosius/M/*MBRSS
  2100. ambulance/MS/*MBLNS
  2101. ambulant/S/*MBLNT
  2102. ambulate/DSNGX/*MBLT
  2103. ambulation/M/*MBLXN
  2104. ambulatory/S/*MBLTR
  2105. Ambur/M/*MB
  2106. ambuscade/MGSRD/*MBSKT
  2107. ambuscader/M/*MBSKT
  2108. ambush/MZRSDG/*MBX
  2109. ambusher/M/*MBX
  2110. Amby/M/*MB
  2111. Amdahl/M/*MTL
  2112. Ame/SM/*M
  2113. ameba's//*MBS
  2114. Amelia/M/*ML
  2115. Amelie/M/*ML
  2116. Amelina/M/*MLN
  2117. Ameline/M/*MLN
  2118. ameliorate/XVGNSD/*MLRT
  2119. amelioration/M/*MLRXN
  2120. Amelita/M/*MLT
  2121. amen/DRGTSB/*MN
  2122. amenability/SM/*MNBLT
  2123. amenably//*MNBL
  2124. amend/SBRDGL/*MNT
  2125. amended/U/*MNTT
  2126. amender/M/*MNT
  2127. amendment/SM/*MNTMNT
  2128. amends/M/*MNTS
  2129. Amenhotep/M/*MNHTP
  2130. amenity/MS/*MNT
  2131. amenorrhea/M/*MNRH
  2132. Amer/M/*M
  2133. Amerada/M/*MRT
  2134. Amerasian/S/*MRXN
  2135. amerce/SDLG/*MS
  2136. amercement/MS/*MSMNT
  2137. America/SM/*MRK
  2138. American/MS/*MRKN
  2139. Americana/M/*MRKN
  2140. Americanism/SM/*MRKNSM
  2141. Americanization/SM/*MRKNSXN
  2142. Americanize/SDG/*MRKNS
  2143. americanized//*MRKNST
  2144. americium/MS/*MRSM
  2145. Amerigo/M/*MRK
  2146. Amerind/MS/*MRNT
  2147. Amerindian/MS/*MRNTN
  2148. Amery/M/*MR
  2149. Ameslan/M/*MSLN
  2150. amethyst/MS/*M@ST
  2151. amethystine//*M@STN
  2152. Amharic/M/*MHRK
  2153. Amherst/M/*MHST
  2154. Ami/M/*M
  2155. amiability/MS/*MBLT
  2156. amiable/RPT/*MBL
  2157. amiableness/M/*MBLNS
  2158. amiably//*MBL
  2159. amicability/SM/*MKBLT
  2160. amicable/P/*MKBL
  2161. amicableness/M/*MKBLNS
  2162. amicably//*MKBL
  2163. amid/S/*MT
  2164. amide/SM/*MT
  2165. amidships//*MTXPS
  2166. amidst//*MTST
  2167. Amie/M/*M
  2168. Amiga/M/*MK
  2169. amigo/MS/*MK
  2170. Amii/M/*M
  2171. Amil/M/*ML
  2172. amines//*MNS
  2173. amino/M/*MN
  2174. aminobenzoic//*MNBNSK
  2175. amir's//*MS
  2176. Amish//*MX
  2177. amiss//*MS
  2178. Amitie/M/*MT
  2179. Amity/M/*MT
  2180. amity/SM/*MT
  2181. Ammamaria/M/*MMR
  2182. Amman/M/*MN
  2183. Ammerman/M/*MMN
  2184. ammeter/MS/*MT
  2185. ammo/MS/*M
  2186. ammonia/MS/*MN
  2187. ammoniac//*MNK
  2188. ammonium/M/*MNM
  2189. ammunition/MS/*MNXN
  2190. amnesia/SM/*MNX
  2191. amnesiac/MS/*MNXK
  2192. amnesic/S/*MNSK
  2193. amnesty/GMSD/*MNST
  2194. amniocenteses//*MNSNTSS
  2195. amniocentesis/M/*MNSNTSS
  2196. amnion/SM/*MNN
  2197. amniotic//*MNTK
  2198. Amoco/M/*MK
  2199. amoeba/SM/*MB
  2200. amoebic//*MBK
  2201. amoeboid//*MBT
  2202. amok/MS/*MK
  2203. among//*MNK
  2204. amongst//*MNKST
  2205. Amontillado/M/*MNTLT
  2206. amontillado/MS/*MNTLT
  2207. amoral/Y/*MRL
  2208. amorality/MS/*MRLT
  2209. amorous/PY/*MRS
  2210. amorousness/SM/*MRSNS
  2211. amorphous/PY/*MFS
  2212. amorphousness/MS/*MFSNS
  2213. amortization/SUM/*MTSXN
  2214. amortize/SDG/*MTS
  2215. amortized/U/*MTST
  2216. Amory/M/*MR
  2217. Amos//*MS
  2218. amount/SMRDZG/*MNT
  2219. amour/MS/*M
  2220. amp/SGMDY/*MP
  2221. Amparo/M/*MPR
  2222. amperage/SM/*MPRK
  2223. Ampere/M/*MPR
  2224. ampere/MS/*MPR
  2225. ampersand/MS/*MPSNT
  2226. Ampex/M/*MPKS
  2227. amphetamine/MS/*MFTMN
  2228. amphibian/SM/*MFBN
  2229. amphibious/PY/*MFBS
  2230. amphibiousness/M/*MFBSNS
  2231. amphibology/M/*MFBLK
  2232. amphitheater/SM/*MF@T
  2233. amphora/M/*MFR
  2234. amphorae//*MFR
  2235. ample/PTR/*MPL
  2236. ampleness/M/*MPLNS
  2237. amplification/M/*MPLFKXN
  2238. amplifier/M/*MPLF
  2239. amplify/DRSXGNZ/*MPLF
  2240. amplitude/MS/*MPLTT
  2241. ampoule's//*MPLS
  2242. ampule/SM/*MPL
  2243. amputate/DSNGX/*MPTT
  2244. amputation/M/*MPTXN
  2245. amputee/SM/*MPT
  2246. Amritsar/M/*MRTS
  2247. ams//*MS
  2248. Amsterdam/M/*MSTTM
  2249. amt//*MT
  2250. Amtrak/M/*MTRK
  2251. amuck's//*MKS
  2252. amulet/SM/*MLT
  2253. Amundsen/M/*MNTSN
  2254. Amur/M/*M
  2255. amuse/LDSRGVZ/*MS
  2256. amused/Y/*MST
  2257. amusement/SM/*MSMNT
  2258. amuser/M/*MS
  2259. amusing/YP/*MSN
  2260. amusingness/M/*MSNNS
  2261. Amway/M/*MW
  2262. Amy/M/*M
  2263. Amye/M/*MY
  2264. amyl/M/*ML
  2265. amylase/MS/*MLS
  2266. an/CS/*N
  2267. Ana/M/*N
  2268. Anabal/M/*NBL
  2269. Anabaptist/SM/*NBPTST
  2270. Anabel/M/*NBL
  2271. Anabella/M/*NBL
  2272. Anabelle/M/*NBL
  2273. anabolic//*NBLK
  2274. anabolism/MS/*NBLSM
  2275. anachronism/SM/*NXRNSM
  2276. anachronistic//*NXRNSTK
  2277. anachronistically//*NXRNSTKL
  2278. Anacin/M/*NSN
  2279. anaconda/MS/*NKNT
  2280. Anacreon/M/*NKRN
  2281. anaerobe/SM/*NRB
  2282. anaerobic//*NRBK
  2283. anaerobically//*NRBKL
  2284. anaglyph/M/*NKLF
  2285. anagram/MS/*NKRM
  2286. anagrammatic//*NKRMTK
  2287. anagrammatically//*NKRMTKL
  2288. anagrammed//*NKRMT
  2289. anagramming//*NKRMN
  2290. Anaheim/M/*NHM
  2291. anal/Y/*NL
  2292. Analects/M/*NLKTS
  2293. analgesia/MS/*NLKX
  2294. analgesic/S/*NLKSK
  2295. Analiese/M/*NLS
  2296. Analise/M/*NLS
  2297. Anallese/M/*NLS
  2298. Anallise/M/*NLS
  2299. analog/SM/*NLK
  2300. analogical/Y/*NLKKL
  2301. analogize/SDG/*NLKS
  2302. analogous/YP/*NLKS
  2303. analogousness/MS/*NLKSNS
  2304. analogue/SM/*NLK
  2305. analogy/MS/*NLK
  2306. analysand/MS/*NLSNT
  2307. analysis/AM/*NLSS
  2308. analyst/SM/*NLST
  2309. analytic/S/*NLTK
  2310. analytical/Y/*NLTKL
  2311. analyticity/S/*NLTST
  2312. analytics/M/*NLTKS
  2313. analyzable/U/*NLSBL
  2314. analyze/DRSZGA/*NLS
  2315. analyzed/U/*NLST
  2316. analyzer/M/*NLS
  2317. anamorphic//*NMFK
  2318. Ananias/M/*NNS
  2319. anapaest's//*NPSTS
  2320. anapest/SM/*NPST
  2321. anapestic/S/*NPSTK
  2322. anaphora/M/*NFR
  2323. anaphoric//*NFRK
  2324. anaphorically//*NFRKL
  2325. anaplasmosis/M/*NPLSMSS
  2326. anarchic//*NXK
  2327. anarchical/Y/*NXKL
  2328. anarchism/MS/*NXSM
  2329. anarchist/MS/*NXST
  2330. anarchistic//*NXSTK
  2331. anarchy/MS/*NX
  2332. Anastasia/M/*NSTX
  2333. Anastasie/M/*NSTS
  2334. Anastassia/M/*NSTX
  2335. anastigmatic//*NSTKMTK
  2336. anastomoses//*NSTMSS
  2337. anastomosis/M/*NSTMSS
  2338. anastomotic//*NSTMTK
  2339. anathema/MS/*N@M
  2340. anathematize/GSD/*N@MTS
  2341. Anatol/M/*NTL
  2342. Anatola/M/*NTL
  2343. Anatole/M/*NTL
  2344. Anatolia/M/*NTL
  2345. Anatolian//*NTLN
  2346. Anatollo/M/*NTL
  2347. anatomic//*NTMK
  2348. anatomical/YS/*NTMKL
  2349. anatomist/MS/*NTMST
  2350. anatomize/GSD/*NTMS
  2351. anatomy/MS/*NTM
  2352. Anaxagoras/M/*NKSKRS
  2353. Ancell/M/*NSL
  2354. ancestor/SMDG/*NSST
  2355. ancestral/Y/*NSSTRL
  2356. ancestress/SM/*NSSTRS
  2357. ancestry/SM/*NSSTR
  2358. anchor/SGDM/*NX
  2359. Anchorage/M/*NXRK
  2360. anchorage/SM/*NXRK
  2361. anchored/U/*NXRT
  2362. anchorite/MS/*NXRT
  2363. anchoritism/M/*NXRTSM
  2364. anchorman/M/*NXMN
  2365. anchormen//*NXMN
  2366. anchorpeople//*NXPPL
  2367. anchorperson/S/*NXPSN
  2368. anchorwoman//*NXWMN
  2369. anchorwomen//*NXWMN
  2370. anchovy/MS/*NXF
  2371. ancient/SRYTP/*NSNT
  2372. ancientness/MS/*NSNTNS
  2373. ancillary/S/*NSLR
  2374. and/DZGS/*NT
  2375. Andalusia/M/*NTLX
  2376. Andalusian//*NTLXN
  2377. Andaman//*NTMN
  2378. andante/S/*NTNT
  2379. Andean/M/*NTN
  2380. Andee/M/*NT
  2381. Andeee/M/*NT
  2382. Anderea/M/*NTR
  2383. Anders/N/*NTS
  2384. Andersen/M/*NTSN
  2385. Anderson/M/*NTSN
  2386. Andes//*NTS
  2387. Andi/M/*NT
  2388. Andie/M/*NT
  2389. andiron/MS/*NTRN
  2390. Andonis/M/*NTNS
  2391. Andorra/M/*NTR
  2392. Andover/M/*NTF
  2393. Andra/SM/*NTR
  2394. Andre/SM/*NTR
  2395. Andrea/MS/*NTR
  2396. Andreana/M/*NTRN
  2397. Andree/M/*NTR
  2398. Andrei/M/*NTR
  2399. Andrej/M/*NTRK
  2400. Andrew/MS/*NTR
  2401. Andrey/M/*NTR
  2402. Andria/M/*NTR
  2403. Andriana/M/*NTRN
  2404. Andriette/M/*NTRT
  2405. Andris//*NTRS
  2406. androgen/SM/*NTRKN
  2407. androgenic//*NTRKNK
  2408. androgynous//*NTRKNS
  2409. androgyny/SM/*NTRKN
  2410. android/MS/*NTRT
  2411. Andromache/M/*NTRMX
  2412. Andromeda/M/*NTRMT
  2413. Andropov/M/*NTRPF
  2414. Andros/M/*NTRS
  2415. Andrus/M/*NTRS
  2416. Andy/M/*NT
  2417. anecdotal/Y/*NKTTL
  2418. anecdote/SM/*NKTT
  2419. anechoic//*NXK
  2420. anemia/SM/*NM
  2421. anemic/S/*NMK
  2422. anemically//*NMKL
  2423. anemometer/MS/*NMMT
  2424. anemometry/M/*NMMTR
  2425. anemone/SM/*NMN
  2426. anent//*NNT
  2427. aneroid//*NRT
  2428. Anestassia/M/*NSTX
  2429. anesthesia/MS/*NS@X
  2430. anesthesiologist/MS/*NS@XLKST
  2431. anesthesiology/SM/*NS@XLK
  2432. anesthetic/SM/*NS@TK
  2433. anesthetically//*NS@TKL
  2434. anesthetist/MS/*NS@TST
  2435. anesthetization/SM/*NS@TSXN
  2436. anesthetize/ZSRDG/*NS@TS
  2437. anesthetizer/M/*NS@TS
  2438. Anet/M/*NT
  2439. Anett/M/*NT
  2440. Anetta/M/*NT
  2441. Anette/M/*NT
  2442. aneurysm/MS/*NRSM
  2443. anew//*N
  2444. Angara/M/*NKR
  2445. Ange/M/*NK
  2446. Angel/M/*NKL
  2447. angel/MDSG/*NKL
  2448. Angela/M/*NKL
  2449. Angele/SM/*NKL
  2450. Angeleno/SM/*NKLN
  2451. angelfish/SM/*NKLFX
  2452. Angeli/M/*NKL
  2453. Angelia/M/*NKL
  2454. angelic//*NKLK
  2455. Angelica/M/*NKLK
  2456. angelica/MS/*NKLK
  2457. angelical/Y/*NKLKL
  2458. Angelico/M/*NKLK
  2459. Angelika/M/*NKLK
  2460. Angelina/M/*NKLN
  2461. Angeline/M/*NKLN
  2462. Angelique/M/*NKLK
  2463. Angelita/M/*NKLT
  2464. Angelle/M/*NKL
  2465. Angelo/M/*NKL
  2466. Angelou/M/*NKL
  2467. anger/GDMS/*NK
  2468. Angevin/M/*NKFN
  2469. Angie/M/*NK
  2470. Angil/M/*NKL
  2471. angina/MS/*NKN
  2472. angiography//*NKKRF
  2473. angioplasty/S/*NKPLST
  2474. angiosperm/MS/*NKSPM
  2475. Angkor/M/*NKK
  2476. angle/GMZDSRJ/*NKL
  2477. angler/M/*NKL
  2478. Angles//*NKLS
  2479. angleworm/MS/*NKLWM
  2480. Anglia/M/*NKL
  2481. Anglican/MS/*NKLKN
  2482. Anglicanism/MS/*NKLKNSM
  2483. Anglicism/SM/*NKLSSM
  2484. Anglicization/MS/*NKLSSXN
  2485. anglicize/SDG/*NKLSS
  2486. Anglicize/SDG/*NKLSS
  2487. angling/M/*NKLN
  2488. Anglo/MS/*NKL
  2489. Anglophile/SM/*NKLFL
  2490. Anglophilia/M/*NKLFL
  2491. Anglophobe/MS/*NKLFB
  2492. Anglophobia/M/*NKLFB
  2493. Angola/M/*NKL
  2494. Angolan/S/*NKLN
  2495. angora/MS/*NKR
  2496. Angora/MS/*NKR
  2497. angrily//*NKRL
  2498. angriness/M/*NKRNS
  2499. angry/RTP/*NKR
  2500. angst/MS/*NKST
  2501. Ångström/M/NKSTRM
  2502. angstrom/MS/*NKSTRM
  2503. Anguilla/M/*NKL
  2504. anguish/DSMG/*NKX
  2505. angular/Y/*NKL
  2506. angularity/MS/*NKLRT
  2507. Angus/M/*NKS
  2508. Angy/M/*NK
  2509. Anheuser/M/*NHS
  2510. anhydride/M/*NHTRT
  2511. anhydrite/M/*NHTRT
  2512. anhydrous/Y/*NHTRS
  2513. Ania/M/*N
  2514. Aniakchak/M/*NKXK
  2515. Anibal/M/*NBL
  2516. Anica/M/*NK
  2517. aniline/SM/*NLN
  2518. animadversion/SM/*NMTFXN
  2519. animadvert/DSG/*NMTFT
  2520. animal/MYPS/*NML
  2521. animalcule/MS/*NMLKL
  2522. animate/YNGXDSP/*NMT
  2523. animated/A/*NMTT
  2524. animatedly//*NMTTL
  2525. animately/I/*NMTL
  2526. animateness/MI/*NMTNS
  2527. animates/A/*NMTS
  2528. animating/A/*NMTN
  2529. animation/AMS/*NMXN
  2530. animator/SM/*NMT
  2531. animism/SM/*NMSM
  2532. animist/S/*NMST
  2533. animistic//*NMSTK
  2534. animized//*NMST
  2535. animosity/MS/*NMST
  2536. animus/SM/*NMS
  2537. anion/MS/*NN
  2538. anionic/S/*NNK
  2539. anise/MS/*NS
  2540. aniseed/MS/*NST
  2541. aniseikonic//*NSKNK
  2542. anisette/SM/*NST
  2543. anisotropic//*NSTRPK
  2544. anisotropy/MS/*NSTRP
  2545. Anissa/M/*NS
  2546. Anita/M/*NT
  2547. Anitra/M/*NTR
  2548. Anjanette/M/*NKNT
  2549. Anjela/M/*NKL
  2550. Ankara/M/*NKR
  2551. ankh/M/*NKH
  2552. ankhs//*NKHS
  2553. ankle/GMDS/*NKL
  2554. anklebone/SM/*NKLBN
  2555. anklet/MS/*NKLT
  2556. Ann/M/*N
  2557. Anna/M/*N
  2558. Annabal/M/*NBL
  2559. Annabel/M/*NBL
  2560. Annabela/M/*NBL
  2561. Annabell/M/*NBL
  2562. Annabella/M/*NBL
  2563. Annabelle/M/*NBL
  2564. Annadiana/M/*NTN
  2565. Annadiane/M/*NTN
  2566. annal/MNS/*NL
  2567. Annalee/M/*NL
  2568. Annaliese/M/*NLS
  2569. Annalise/M/*NLS
  2570. annalist/MS/*NLST
  2571. Annamaria/M/*NMR
  2572. Annamarie/M/*NMR
  2573. Annapolis/M/*NPLS
  2574. Annapurna/M/*NPN
  2575. Anne/M/*N
  2576. anneal/DRSZG/*NL
  2577. annealer/M/*NL
  2578. Annecorinne/M/*NKRN
  2579. annelid/MS/*NLT
  2580. Anneliese/M/*NLS
  2581. Annelise/M/*NLS
  2582. Annemarie/M/*NMR
  2583. Annetta/M/*NT
  2584. Annette/M/*NT
  2585. annex/GSD/*NKS
  2586. annexation/SM/*NKSXN
  2587. annexe/M/*NKS
  2588. Anni/MS/*N
  2589. Annice/M/*NS
  2590. Annie/M/*N
  2591. annihilate/XSDVGN/*NHLT
  2592. annihilation/M/*NHLXN
  2593. annihilator/MS/*NHLT
  2594. Annissa/M/*NS
  2595. anniversary/MS/*NFSR
  2596. Annmaria/M/*NMR
  2597. Annmarie/M/*NMR
  2598. Annnora/M/*NR
  2599. Annora/M/*NR
  2600. annotate/VNGXSD/*NTT
  2601. annotated/U/*NTTT
  2602. annotation/M/*NTXN
  2603. annotator/MS/*NTT
  2604. announce/ZGLRSD/*NNS
  2605. announced/U/*NNST
  2606. announcement/SM/*NNSMNT
  2607. announcer/M/*NNS
  2608. annoy/ZGSRD/*N
  2609. annoyance/MS/*NYNS
  2610. annoyer/M/*NY
  2611. annoying/Y/*NYN
  2612. annual/YS/*NL
  2613. annualized//*NLST
  2614. annuitant/MS/*NTNT
  2615. annuity/MS/*NT
  2616. annul/SL/*NL
  2617. annular/YS/*NL
  2618. annuli//*NL
  2619. annulled//*NLT
  2620. annulling//*NLN
  2621. annulment/MS/*NLMNT
  2622. annulus/M/*NLS
  2623. annum//*NM
  2624. annunciate/XNGSD/*NNXT
  2625. annunciation/M/*NNXXN
  2626. Annunciation/S/*NNXXN
  2627. annunciator/SM/*NNXT
  2628. Anny/M/*N
  2629. anode/SM/*NT
  2630. anodic//*NTK
  2631. anodize/GDS/*NTS
  2632. anodyne/SM/*NTN
  2633. anoint/DRLGS/*NNT
  2634. anointer/M/*NNT
  2635. anointment/SM/*NNTMNT
  2636. anomalous/YP/*NMLS
  2637. anomalousness/M/*NMLSNS
  2638. anomaly/MS/*NML
  2639. anomic//*NMK
  2640. anomie/M/*NM
  2641. anon/S/*NN
  2642. anonymity/MS/*NNMT
  2643. anonymous/YP/*NNMS
  2644. anonymousness/M/*NNMSNS
  2645. anopheles/M/*NFLS
  2646. anorak/SM/*NRK
  2647. anorectic/S/*NRKTK
  2648. anorexia/SM/*NRKS
  2649. anorexic/S/*NRKSK
  2650. another/M/*N@
  2651. Anouilh/M/*NLH
  2652. ans/M/*NS
  2653. Ansel/M/*NSL
  2654. Ansell/M/*NSL
  2655. Anselm/M/*NSLM
  2656. Anselma/M/*NSLM
  2657. Anselmo/M/*NSLM
  2658. Anshan/M/*NXN
  2659. ANSI/M/*NS
  2660. Ansley/M/*NSL
  2661. Anson/M/*NSN
  2662. Anstice/M/*NSTS
  2663. answer/MZGBSDR/*NSW
  2664. answerable/U/*NSWRBL
  2665. answered/U/*NSWRT
  2666. answerer/M/*NSWR
  2667. ant/GSMD/*NT
  2668. antacid/MS/*NTST
  2669. Antaeus/M/*NTS
  2670. antagonism/MS/*NTKNSM
  2671. antagonist/MS/*NTKNST
  2672. antagonistic//*NTKNSTK
  2673. antagonistically//*NTKNSTKL
  2674. antagonize/GZRSD/*NTKNS
  2675. antagonized/U/*NTKNST
  2676. antagonizing/U/*NTKNSN
  2677. Antananarivo/M/*NTNNRF
  2678. antarctic//*NTKTK
  2679. Antarctic/M/*NTKTK
  2680. Antarctica/M/*NTKTK
  2681. Antares//*NTRS
  2682. ante/MS/*NT
  2683. anteater/MS/*NTT
  2684. antebellum//*NTBLM
  2685. antecedence/MS/*NTSTNS
  2686. antecedent/SMY/*NTSTNT
  2687. antechamber/SM/*NTXMB
  2688. antedate/GDS/*NTTT
  2689. antediluvian/S/*NTTLFN
  2690. anteing//*NTN
  2691. antelope/MS/*NTLP
  2692. antenatal//*NTNTL
  2693. antenna/MS/*NTN
  2694. antennae//*NTN
  2695. anterior/SY/*NTR
  2696. anteroom/SM/*NTRM
  2697. Anthe/M/*N@
  2698. Anthea/M/*N@
  2699. anthem/MGDS/*N@M
  2700. anther/MS/*N@
  2701. Anthia/M/*N@
  2702. Anthiathia/M/*N@@
  2703. anthill/S/*N@L
  2704. anthologist/MS/*N@LKST
  2705. anthologize/GDS/*N@LKS
  2706. anthology/SM/*N@LK
  2707. Anthony/M/*N@N
  2708. anthraces//*N@RSS
  2709. anthracite/MS/*N@RST
  2710. anthrax/M/*N@RKS
  2711. anthropic//*N@RPK
  2712. anthropocentric//*N@RPSNTRK
  2713. anthropogenic//*N@RPKNK
  2714. anthropoid/S/*N@RPT
  2715. anthropological/Y/*N@RPLKKL
  2716. anthropologist/MS/*N@RPLKST
  2717. anthropology/SM/*N@RPLK
  2718. anthropometric/S/*N@RPMTRK
  2719. anthropometry/M/*N@RPMTR
  2720. anthropomorphic//*N@RPMFK
  2721. anthropomorphically//*N@RPMFKL
  2722. anthropomorphism/SM/*N@RPMFSM
  2723. anthropomorphizing//*N@RPMFSN
  2724. anthropomorphous//*N@RPMFS
  2725. anti/S/*NT
  2726. antiabortion//*NXBXN
  2727. antiabortionist/S/*NXBXNST
  2728. antiaircraft//*NXKRFT
  2729. antibacterial/S/*NTBKTRL
  2730. antibiotic/SM/*NTBTK
  2731. antibody/MS/*NTBT
  2732. antic/MS/*NTK
  2733. anticancer//*NTKNS
  2734. Antichrist/MS/*NTXRST
  2735. anticipate/XVGNSD/*NTSPT
  2736. anticipated/U/*NTSPTT
  2737. anticipation/M/*NTSPXN
  2738. anticipative/Y/*NTSPTF
  2739. anticipatory//*NTSPTR
  2740. anticked//*NTKT
  2741. anticking//*NTKN
  2742. anticlerical/S/*NTKLRKL
  2743. anticlimactic//*NTKLMKTK
  2744. anticlimactically//*NTKLMKTKL
  2745. anticlimax/SM/*NTKLMKS
  2746. anticline/SM/*NTKLN
  2747. anticlockwise//*NTKLKWS
  2748. anticoagulant/S/*NTKKLNT
  2749. anticoagulation/M/*NTKKLXN
  2750. anticommunism/SM/*NTKMNSM
  2751. anticommunist/SM/*NTKMNST
  2752. anticompetitive//*NTKMPTTF
  2753. anticyclone/MS/*NTSKLN
  2754. anticyclonic//*NTSKLNK
  2755. antidemocratic//*NTTMKRTK
  2756. antidepressant/SM/*NTTPRSNT
  2757. antidisestablishmentarianism/M/*NTTSSTBLXMNTRNSM
  2758. antidote/DSMG/*NTTT
  2759. Antietam/M/*NTTM
  2760. antifascist/SM/*NTFSST
  2761. antiformant//*NTFMNT
  2762. antifreeze/SM/*NTFRS
  2763. antifundamentalist/M/*NTFNTMNTLST
  2764. antigen/MS/*NTKN
  2765. antigenic//*NTKNK
  2766. antigenicity/SM/*NTKNST
  2767. antigone//*NTKN
  2768. Antigone/M/*NTKN
  2769. Antigua/M/*NTK
  2770. antihero/M/*NTHR
  2771. antiheroes//*NTHRS
  2772. antihistamine/MS/*NTHSTMN
  2773. antihistorical//*NTHSTRKL
  2774. antiknock/MS/*NTKNK
  2775. antilabor//*NTLB
  2776. Antillean//*NTLN
  2777. Antilles//*NTLS
  2778. antilogarithm/SM/*NTLKR@M
  2779. antilogs//*NTLKS
  2780. antimacassar/SM/*NTMKS
  2781. antimalarial/S/*NTMLRL
  2782. antimatter/SM/*NTMT
  2783. antimicrobial/S/*NTMKRBL
  2784. antimissile/S/*NTMSL
  2785. antimony/SM/*NTMN
  2786. Antin/M/*NTN
  2787. anting/M/*NTN
  2788. antinomian//*NTNMN
  2789. antinomy/M/*NTNM
  2790. antinuclear//*NTNKL
  2791. Antioch/M/*NXX
  2792. antioxidant/MS/*NXKSTNT
  2793. antiparticle/SM/*NTPTKL
  2794. Antipas/M/*NTPS
  2795. antipasti//*NTPST
  2796. antipasto/MS/*NTPST
  2797. antipathetic//*NTP@TK
  2798. antipathy/SM/*NTP@
  2799. antipersonnel//*NTPSNL
  2800. antiperspirant/MS/*NTPSPRNT
  2801. antiphon/SM/*NTFN
  2802. antiphonal/SY/*NTFNL
  2803. antipodal/S/*NTPTL
  2804. antipode/MS/*NTPT
  2805. antipodean/S/*NTPTN
  2806. Antipodes//*NTPTS
  2807. antipollution/S/*NTPLXN
  2808. antipoverty//*NTPFT
  2809. antiquarian/MS/*NTKRN
  2810. antiquarianism/MS/*NTKRNSM
  2811. antiquary/SM/*NTKR
  2812. antiquate/NGSD/*NTKT
  2813. antiquation/M/*NTKXN
  2814. antique/MGDS/*NTK
  2815. antiquity/SM/*NTKT
  2816. antiredeposition//*NTRTPSXN
  2817. antiresonance/M/*NTRSNNS
  2818. antiresonator//*NTRSNT
  2819. antisemitic//*NTSMTK
  2820. antisemitism/M/*NTSMTSM
  2821. antisepses//*NTSPSS
  2822. antisepsis/M/*NTSPSS
  2823. antiseptic/S/*NTSPTK
  2824. antiseptically//*NTSPTKL
  2825. antiserum/SM/*NTSRM
  2826. antislavery/S/*NTSLFR
  2827. antisocial/Y/*NTSXL
  2828. antispasmodic/S/*NTSPSMTK
  2829. antisubmarine//*NTSBMRN
  2830. antisymmetric//*NTSMTRK
  2831. antisymmetry//*NTSMTR
  2832. antitank//*NTTNK
  2833. antitheses//*NT@SS
  2834. antithesis/M/*NT@SS
  2835. antithetic//*NT@TK
  2836. antithetical/Y/*NT@TKL
  2837. antithyroid//*NT@RT
  2838. antitoxin/MS/*NTTKSN
  2839. antitrust/MR/*NTTRST
  2840. antivenin/MS/*NTFNN
  2841. antiviral/S/*NTFRL
  2842. antivivisectionist/S/*NTFFSKXNST
  2843. antiwar//*NTW
  2844. antler/SDM/*NTL
  2845. Antofagasta/M/*NTFKST
  2846. Antoine/M/*NTN
  2847. Antoinette/M/*NTNT
  2848. Anton/MS/*NTN
  2849. Antone/M/*NTN
  2850. Antonella/M/*NTNL
  2851. Antonetta/M/*NTNT
  2852. Antoni/M/*NTN
  2853. Antonia/M/*NTN
  2854. Antonie/M/*NTN
  2855. Antonietta/M/*NTNT
  2856. Antonin/M/*NTNN
  2857. Antonina/M/*NTNN
  2858. Antonino/M/*NTNN
  2859. Antoninus/M/*NTNNS
  2860. Antonio/M/*NTN
  2861. Antonius/M/*NTNS
  2862. Antonovics/M/*NTNFKS
  2863. Antony/M/*NTN
  2864. antonym/SM/*NTNM
  2865. antonymous//*NTNMS
  2866. antral//*NTRL
  2867. antsy/RT/*NTS
  2868. Antwan/M/*NTWN
  2869. Antwerp/M/*NTWP
  2870. Anubis/M/*NBS
  2871. anus/SM/*NS
  2872. anvil/MDSG/*NFL
  2873. anxiety/MS/*NKST
  2874. anxious/PY/*NKSS
  2875. anxiousness/SM/*NKSSNS
  2876. any//*N
  2877. Any/M/*N
  2878. Anya/M/*NY
  2879. anybody/S/*NBT
  2880. anyhow//*NH
  2881. anymore//*NMR
  2882. anyone/MS/*NYN
  2883. anyplace//*NPLS
  2884. anything/S/*N@N
  2885. anytime//*NTM
  2886. anyway/S/*NW
  2887. anywhere/S/*NHR
  2888. anywise//*NWS
  2889. AOL/M/*L
  2890. aorta/MS/*T
  2891. aortic//*TK
  2892. AP//*P
  2893. apace//*PS
  2894. apache/MS/*PX
  2895. Apache/MS/*PX
  2896. Apalachicola/M/*PLXKL
  2897. apart/LP/*PT
  2898. apartheid/SM/*P@T
  2899. apartment/MS/*PTMNT
  2900. apartness/M/*PTNS
  2901. apathetic//*P@TK
  2902. apathetically//*P@TKL
  2903. apathy/SM/*P@
  2904. apatite/MS/*PTT
  2905. APB//*PB
  2906. ape/MDRSG/*P
  2907. aped/A/*PT
  2908. apelike//*PLK
  2909. Apennines//*PNNS
  2910. aper/A/*P
  2911. aperiodic//*PRTK
  2912. aperiodically//*PRTKL
  2913. aperiodicity/M/*PRTST
  2914. aperitif/S/*PRTF
  2915. aperture/MDS/*PTR
  2916. apex/MS/*PKS
  2917. aphasia/SM/*FX
  2918. aphasic/S/*FSK
  2919. aphelia//*FL
  2920. aphelion/SM/*FLN
  2921. aphid/MS/*FT
  2922. aphonic//*FNK
  2923. aphorism/MS/*FRSM
  2924. aphoristic//*FRSTK
  2925. aphoristically//*FRSTKL
  2926. aphrodisiac/SM/*FRTXK
  2927. Aphrodite/M/*FRTT
  2928. Apia/M/*P
  2929. apiarist/SM/*PRST
  2930. apiary/SM/*PR
  2931. apical/YS/*PKL
  2932. apices's//*PSSS
  2933. apiece//*PS
  2934. apish/YP/*PX
  2935. apishness/M/*PXNS
  2936. aplenty//*PLNT
  2937. aplomb/SM/*PLM
  2938. APO//*P
  2939. Apocalypse/M/*PKLPS
  2940. apocalypse/MS/*PKLPS
  2941. apocalyptic//*PKLPTK
  2942. apocrypha/M/*PKRF
  2943. Apocrypha/M/*PKRF
  2944. apocryphal/YP/*PKRFL
  2945. apocryphalness/M/*PKRFLNS
  2946. apogee/MS/*PK
  2947. apolar//*PL
  2948. apolitical/Y/*PLTKL
  2949. Apollinaire/M/*PLNR
  2950. Apollo/SM/*PL
  2951. Apollonian//*PLNN
  2952. apologetic/S/*PLKTK
  2953. apologetically/U/*PLKTKL
  2954. apologetics/M/*PLKTKS
  2955. apologia/SM/*PLK
  2956. apologist/MS/*PLKST
  2957. apologize/GZSRD/*PLKS
  2958. apologizer/M/*PLKS
  2959. apologizes/A/*PLKSS
  2960. apologizing/U/*PLKSN
  2961. apology/MS/*PLK
  2962. apoplectic//*PPLKTK
  2963. apoplexy/SM/*PPLKS
  2964. apostasy/SM/*PSTS
  2965. apostate/SM/*PSTT
  2966. apostatize/DSG/*PSTTS
  2967. apostle/SM/*PSTL
  2968. apostleship/SM/*PSTLXP
  2969. apostolic//*PSTLK
  2970. apostrophe/SM/*PSTRF
  2971. apostrophized//*PSTRFST
  2972. apothecary/MS/*P@KR
  2973. apothegm/MS/*P@KM
  2974. apotheoses//*P@SS
  2975. apotheosis/M/*P@SS
  2976. apotheosized//*P@SST
  2977. apotheosizes//*P@SSS
  2978. apotheosizing//*P@SSN
  2979. Appalachia/M/*PLX
  2980. Appalachian/MS/*PLXN
  2981. appall/SDG/*PL
  2982. appalling/Y/*PLN
  2983. Appaloosa/MS/*PLS
  2984. appaloosa/S/*PLS
  2985. appanage/M/*PNK
  2986. apparatus/SM/*PRTS
  2987. apparel/SGMD/*PRL
  2988. apparency//*PRNS
  2989. apparent/U/*PRNT
  2990. apparently/I/*PRNTL
  2991. apparentness/M/*PRNTNS
  2992. apparition/SM/*PRXN
  2993. appeal/SGMDRZ/*PL
  2994. appealer/M/*PL
  2995. appealing/UY/*PLN
  2996. appear/AEGDS/*P
  2997. appearance/AMES/*PRNS
  2998. appearer/S/*PR
  2999. appease/DSRGZL/*PS
  3000. appeased/U/*PST
  3001. appeasement/MS/*PSMNT
  3002. appeaser/M/*PS
  3003. appellant/MS/*PLNT
  3004. appellate/VNX/*PLT
  3005. appellation/M/*PLXN
  3006. appellative/MY/*PLTF
  3007. append/SGZDR/*PNT
  3008. appendage/MS/*PNTK
  3009. appendectomy/SM/*PNTKTM
  3010. appendices//*PNTSS
  3011. appendicitis/SM/*PNTSTS
  3012. appendix/SM/*PNTKS
  3013. appertain/DSG/*PTN
  3014. appetite/MVS/*PTT
  3015. appetizer/SM/*PTS
  3016. appetizing/YU/*PTSN
  3017. Appia/M/*P
  3018. Appian/M/*PN
  3019. applaud/ZGSDR/*PLT
  3020. applauder/M/*PLT
  3021. applause/MS/*PLS
  3022. Apple/M/*PL
  3023. apple/MS/*PL
  3024. applecart/M/*PLKT
  3025. applejack/MS/*PLKK
  3026. applesauce/SM/*PLSS
  3027. Appleseed/M/*PLST
  3028. applet/S/*PLT
  3029. Appleton/M/*PLTN
  3030. appliance/SM/*PLNS
  3031. applicabilities//*PLKBLTS
  3032. applicability/IM/*PLKBLT
  3033. applicable/I/*PLKBL
  3034. applicably//*PLKBL
  3035. applicant/MS/*PLKNT
  3036. applicate/V/*PLKT
  3037. application/MA/*PLKXN
  3038. applicative/Y/*PLKTF
  3039. applicator/MS/*PLKT
  3040. applier/SM/*PL
  3041. appliqué/MSG/*PLK
  3042. appliquéd//*PLKT
  3043. apply/AGSDXN/*PL
  3044. appoint/ELSADG/*PNT
  3045. appointee/SM/*PNT
  3046. appointer/MS/*PNT
  3047. appointive//*PNTF
  3048. appointment/ASEM/*PNTMNT
  3049. Appolonia/M/*PLN
  3050. Appomattox/M/*PMTKS
  3051. apportion/GADLS/*PXN
  3052. apportionment/SAM/*PXNMNT
  3053. appose/SDG/*PS
  3054. apposite/XYNVP/*PST
  3055. appositeness/MS/*PSTNS
  3056. apposition/M/*PSXN
  3057. appositive/SY/*PSTF
  3058. appraisal/SAM/*PRSL
  3059. appraise/ZGDRS/*PRS
  3060. appraised/A/*PRST
  3061. appraisees//*PRSS
  3062. appraiser/M/*PRS
  3063. appraises/A/*PRSS
  3064. appraising/Y/*PRSN
  3065. appreciable/I/*PRXBL
  3066. appreciably/I/*PRXBL
  3067. appreciate/XDSNGV/*PRXT
  3068. appreciated/U/*PRXTT
  3069. appreciation/M/*PRXXN
  3070. appreciative/PIY/*PRXTF
  3071. appreciativeness/MI/*PRXTFNS
  3072. appreciator/MS/*PRXT
  3073. appreciatory//*PRXTR
  3074. apprehend/DRSG/*PRHNT
  3075. apprehender/M/*PRHNT
  3076. apprehensible//*PRHNSBL
  3077. apprehension/SM/*PRHNXN
  3078. apprehensive/YP/*PRHNSF
  3079. apprehensiveness/SM/*PRHNSFNS
  3080. apprentice/DSGM/*PRNTS
  3081. apprenticeship/SM/*PRNTSXP
  3082. apprise/DSG/*PRS
  3083. apprizer/SM/*PRS
  3084. apprizingly//*PRSNL
  3085. apprizings//*PRSNS
  3086. approach/BRSDZG/*PRX
  3087. approachability/UM/*PRXBLT
  3088. approachable/UI/*PRXBL
  3089. approacher/M/*PRX
  3090. approbate/NX/*PRBT
  3091. approbation/EMS/*PRBXN
  3092. appropriable//*PRPRBL
  3093. appropriate/XDSGNVYTP/*PRPRT
  3094. appropriated/U/*PRPRTT
  3095. appropriately/I/*PRPRTL
  3096. appropriateness/SMI/*PRPRTNS
  3097. appropriation/M/*PRPRXN
  3098. appropriator/SM/*PRPRT
  3099. approval/ESM/*PRFL
  3100. approve/DSREG/*PRF
  3101. approved/U/*PRFT
  3102. approver/SM/*PRF
  3103. approver's/E/*PRFS
  3104. approving/YE/*PRFN
  3105. approx//*PRKS
  3106. approximate/XGNVYDS/*PRKSMT
  3107. approximation/M/*PRKSMXN
  3108. approximative/Y/*PRKSMTF
  3109. appurtenance/MS/*PTNNS
  3110. appurtenant/S/*PTNNT
  3111. APR//*PR
  3112. Apr/M/*PR
  3113. apricot/MS/*PRKT
  3114. April/MS/*PRL
  3115. Aprilette/M/*PRLT
  3116. apron/SDMG/*PRN
  3117. apropos//*PRPS
  3118. apse/MS/*PS
  3119. apsis/M/*PSS
  3120. apt/UPYI/*PT
  3121. apter//*PT
  3122. aptest//*PTST
  3123. aptitude/SM/*PTTT
  3124. aptness/SMI/*PTNS
  3125. aptness's/U/*PTNSS
  3126. Apuleius/M/*PLS
  3127. aqua/SM/*K
  3128. aquaculture/MS/*KKLTR
  3129. aqualung/SM/*KLNK
  3130. aquamarine/SM/*KMRN
  3131. aquanaut/SM/*KNT
  3132. aquaplane/GSDM/*KPLN
  3133. aquarium/MS/*KRM
  3134. Aquarius/MS/*KRS
  3135. aquatic/S/*KTK
  3136. aquatically//*KTKL
  3137. aquavit/SM/*KFT
  3138. aqueduct/MS/*KTKT
  3139. aqueous/Y/*KS
  3140. aquiculture's//*KKLTRS
  3141. aquifer/SM/*KF
  3142. Aquila/M/*KL
  3143. aquiline//*KLN
  3144. Aquinas/M/*KNS
  3145. Aquino/M/*KN
  3146. Aquitaine/M/*KTN
  3147. AR//*
  3148. Ar/MY/*
  3149. Ara/M/*R
  3150. Arab/MS/*RB
  3151. Arabel/M/*RBL
  3152. Arabela/M/*RBL
  3153. Arabele/M/*RBL
  3154. Arabella/M/*RBL
  3155. Arabelle/M/*RBL
  3156. arabesque/SM/*RBSK
  3157. Arabia/M/*RB
  3158. Arabian/MS/*RBN
  3159. Arabic/M/*RBK
  3160. arability/MS/*RBLT
  3161. Arabist/MS/*RBST
  3162. arable/S/*RBL
  3163. Araby/M/*RB
  3164. Araceli/M/*RSL
  3165. arachnid/MS/*RXNT
  3166. arachnoid/M/*RXNT
  3167. arachnophobia//*RXNFB
  3168. Arafat/M/*RFT
  3169. Araguaya/M/*RKY
  3170. Aral/M/*RL
  3171. Araldo/M/*RLT
  3172. Aramaic/M/*RMK
  3173. Aramco/M/*RMK
  3174. Arapaho/MS/*RPH
  3175. Arapahoes//*RPHS
  3176. Arapahoe's//*RPHS
  3177. Ararat/M/*RRT
  3178. Araucanian/M/*RKNN
  3179. Arawak/M/*RWK
  3180. Arawakan/M/*RWKN
  3181. arbiter/MS/*BT
  3182. arbitrage/GMZRSD/*BTRK
  3183. arbitrager/M/*BTRK
  3184. arbitrageur/S/*BTRK
  3185. arbitrament/MS/*BTRMNT
  3186. arbitrarily//*BTRRL
  3187. arbitrariness/MS/*BTRRNS
  3188. arbitrary/P/*BTRR
  3189. arbitrate/SDXVNG/*BTRT
  3190. arbitration/M/*BTRXN
  3191. arbitrator/SM/*BTRT
  3192. arbor/DMS/*B
  3193. arboreal/Y/*BRL
  3194. arbores//*BRS
  3195. arboretum/MS/*BRTM
  3196. arborvitae/MS/*BFT
  3197. arbutus/SM/*BTS
  3198. ARC//*K
  3199. arc/DSGM/*K
  3200. arcade/SDMG/*KT
  3201. Arcadia/M/*KT
  3202. Arcadian//*KTN
  3203. arcana/M/*KN
  3204. arcane/P/*KN
  3205. Arch/MR/*X
  3206. arch/PGVZTMYDSR/*X
  3207. archaeological/Y/*XLKKL
  3208. archaeologist/SM/*XLKST
  3209. archaic/P/*XK
  3210. archaically//*XKL
  3211. Archaimbaud/M/*XMBT
  3212. archaism/SM/*XSM
  3213. archaist/MS/*XST
  3214. archaize/GDRSZ/*XS
  3215. archaizer/M/*XS
  3216. Archambault/M/*XMBLT
  3217. archangel/SM/*XNKL
  3218. archbishop/SM/*XBXP
  3219. archbishopric/SM/*XBXPRK
  3220. archdeacon/MS/*XTKN
  3221. archdiocesan//*XTSSN
  3222. archdiocese/SM/*XTSS
  3223. archduchess/MS/*XTXS
  3224. archduke/MS/*XTK
  3225. Archean//*XN
  3226. archenemy/SM/*XNM
  3227. archeologist's//*XLKSTS
  3228. archeology/MS/*XLK
  3229. archer/M/*X
  3230. Archer/M/*X
  3231. archery/MS/*XR
  3232. archetypal//*XTPL
  3233. archetype/SM/*XTP
  3234. archfiend/SM/*XFNT
  3235. archfool//*XFL
  3236. Archibald/M/*XBLT
  3237. Archibaldo/M/*XBLT
  3238. Archibold/M/*XBLT
  3239. Archie/M/*X
  3240. archiepiscopal//*XPSKPL
  3241. Archimedes/M/*XMTS
  3242. arching/M/*XN
  3243. archipelago/SM/*XPLK
  3244. architect/MS/*XTKT
  3245. architectonic/S/*XTKTNK
  3246. architectonics/M/*XTKTNKS
  3247. architectural/Y/*XTKTRL
  3248. architecture/SM/*XTKTR
  3249. architrave/MS/*XTRF
  3250. archival//*XFL
  3251. archive/DRSGMZ/*XF
  3252. archived/U/*XFT
  3253. archivist/MS/*XFST
  3254. archness/MS/*XNS
  3255. archway/SM/*XW
  3256. Archy/M/*X
  3257. arclike//*KLK
  3258. ARCO/M/*K
  3259. arcsine//*KSN
  3260. arctangent//*KTNKNT
  3261. Arctic/M/*KTK
  3262. arctic/S/*KTK
  3263. Arcturus/M/*KTRS
  3264. Arda/MH/*T
  3265. Ardabil//*TBL
  3266. Ardath/M/*T@
  3267. Ardeen/M/*TN
  3268. Ardelia/M/*TL
  3269. Ardelis/M/*TLS
  3270. Ardella/M/*TL
  3271. Ardelle/M/*TL
  3272. Arden/M/*TN
  3273. ardency/M/*TNS
  3274. Ardene/M/*TN
  3275. Ardenia/M/*TN
  3276. ardent/Y/*TNT
  3277. Ardine/M/*TN
  3278. Ardis/M/*TS
  3279. Ardisj/M/*TSK
  3280. Ardith/M/*T@
  3281. ardor/SM/*T
  3282. Ardra/M/*TR
  3283. arduous/YP/*TS
  3284. arduousness/SM/*TSNS
  3285. Ardyce/M/*TS
  3286. Ardys//*TS
  3287. Ardyth/M/*T@
  3288. are/BS/*R
  3289. area/SM/*R
  3290. areal//*RL
  3291. areawide//*RWT
  3292. Arel/M/*RL
  3293. arena/SM/*RN
  3294. arenaceous//*RNSS
  3295. aren't//*RNT
  3296. Arequipa/M/*RKP
  3297. Ares//*RS
  3298. Aretha/M/*R@
  3299. argent/MS/*KNT
  3300. Argentina/M/*KNTN
  3301. Argentine/SM/*KNTN
  3302. Argentinean/S/*KNTNN
  3303. Argentinian/S/*KNTNN
  3304. Argo/SM/*K
  3305. argon/MS/*KN
  3306. Argonaut/MS/*KNT
  3307. argonaut/S/*KNT
  3308. Argonne/M/*KN
  3309. argosy/SM/*KS
  3310. argot/SM/*KT
  3311. arguable/IU/*KBL
  3312. arguably/IU/*KBL
  3313. argue/DSRGZ/*K
  3314. arguer/M/*K
  3315. argument/SM/*KMNT
  3316. argumentation/SM/*KMNTXN
  3317. argumentative/YP/*KMNTTF
  3318. argumentativeness/MS/*KMNTTFNS
  3319. Argus/M/*KS
  3320. argyle/S/*KL
  3321. Ari/M/*R
  3322. aria/SM/*R
  3323. Ariadne/M/*RTN
  3324. Ariana/M/*RN
  3325. Arianism/M/*RNSM
  3326. Arianist/SM/*RNST
  3327. arid/TYRP/*RT
  3328. Aridatha/M/*RT@
  3329. aridity/SM/*RTT
  3330. aridness/M/*RTNS
  3331. Arie/SM/*R
  3332. Ariel/M/*RL
  3333. Ariela/M/*RL
  3334. Ariella/M/*RL
  3335. Arielle/M/*RL
  3336. Aries/S/*RS
  3337. aright//*RT
  3338. Arin/M/*RN
  3339. Ario/M/*R
  3340. Ariosto/M/*RST
  3341. arise/GJSR/*RS
  3342. arisen//*RSN
  3343. Aristarchus/M/*RSTXS
  3344. Aristides//*RSTTS
  3345. aristocracy/SM/*RSTKRS
  3346. aristocrat/MS/*RSTKRT
  3347. aristocratic//*RSTKRTK
  3348. aristocratically//*RSTKRTKL
  3349. Aristophanes/M/*RSTFNS
  3350. Aristotelean//*RSTTLN
  3351. Aristotelian/M/*RSTTLN
  3352. Aristotle/M/*RSTTL
  3353. arithmetic/MS/*R@MTK
  3354. arithmetical/Y/*R@MTKL
  3355. arithmetician/SM/*R@MTXN
  3356. arithmetize/SD/*R@MTS
  3357. Arius/M/*RS
  3358. Ariz/M/*RS
  3359. Arizona/M/*RSN
  3360. Arizonan/S/*RSNN
  3361. Arizonian/S/*RSNN
  3362. Arjuna/M/*KN
  3363. Ark/M/*K
  3364. ark/MS/*K
  3365. Arkansan/MS/*KNSN
  3366. Arkansas/M/*KNSS
  3367. Arkhangelsk/M/*KHNKLSK
  3368. Arkwright/M/*KRT
  3369. Arlan/M/*LN
  3370. Arlana/M/*LN
  3371. Arlee/M/*L
  3372. Arleen/M/*LN
  3373. Arlen/M/*LN
  3374. Arlena/M/*LN
  3375. Arlene/M/*LN
  3376. Arleta/M/*LT
  3377. Arlette/M/*LT
  3378. Arley/M/*L
  3379. Arleyne/M/*LN
  3380. Arlie/M/*L
  3381. Arliene/M/*LN
  3382. Arlin/M/*LN
  3383. Arlina/M/*LN
  3384. Arlinda/M/*LNT
  3385. Arline/M/*LN
  3386. Arlington/M/*LNTN
  3387. Arluene/M/*LN
  3388. Arly/M/*L
  3389. Arlyn/M/*LN
  3390. Arlyne/M/*LN
  3391. arm/ASEDG/*M
  3392. Armada/M/*MT
  3393. armada/SM/*MT
  3394. armadillo/MS/*MTL
  3395. Armageddon/SM/*MKTN
  3396. Armagnac/M/*MKNK
  3397. armament/EAS/*MMNT
  3398. armament's/E/*MMNTS
  3399. Arman/M/*MN
  3400. Armand/M/*MNT
  3401. Armando/M/*MNT
  3402. Armata/M/*MT
  3403. armature/MGSD/*MTR
  3404. armband/SM/*MBNT
  3405. armchair/MS/*MX
  3406. Armco/M/*MK
  3407. armed/U/*MT
  3408. Armenia/M/*MN
  3409. Armenian/MS/*MNN
  3410. armer/MES/*M
  3411. armful/SM/*MFL
  3412. armhole/MS/*MHL
  3413. Armin/M/*MN
  3414. arming/M/*MN
  3415. Arminius/M/*MNS
  3416. armistice/MS/*MSTS
  3417. armless//*MLS
  3418. armlet/SM/*MLT
  3419. armload/M/*MLT
  3420. Armonk/M/*MNK
  3421. armor/ZRDMGS/*M
  3422. armored/U/*MRT
  3423. armorer/M/*MR
  3424. armorial/S/*MRL
  3425. armory/DSM/*MR
  3426. Armour/M/*M
  3427. armpit/MS/*MPT
  3428. armrest/MS/*MRST
  3429. arm's//*MS
  3430. Armstrong/M/*MSTRNK
  3431. army/SM/*M
  3432. Arnaldo/M/*NLT
  3433. Arne/M/*N
  3434. Arneb/M/*NB
  3435. Arney/M/*N
  3436. Arnhem/M/*NHM
  3437. Arni/M/*N
  3438. Arnie/M/*N
  3439. Arno/M/*N
  3440. Arnold/M/*NLT
  3441. Arnoldo/M/*NLT
  3442. Arnuad/M/*NT
  3443. Arnulfo/M/*NLF
  3444. Arny/M/*N
  3445. aroma/SM/*RM
  3446. aromatherapist/S/*RM@RPST
  3447. aromatherapy/S/*RM@RP
  3448. aromatic/SP/*RMTK
  3449. aromatically//*RMTKL
  3450. aromaticity/M/*RMTST
  3451. aromaticness/M/*RMTKNS
  3452. Aron/M/*RN
  3453. arose//*RS
  3454. around//*RNT
  3455. arousal/MS/*RSL
  3456. arouse/GSD/*RS
  3457. aroused/U/*RST
  3458. ARPA/M/*P
  3459. Arpanet/M/*PNT
  3460. ARPANET/M/*PNT
  3461. arpeggio/SM/*PK
  3462. arr/TV/*R
  3463. arrack/M/*RK
  3464. Arragon/M/*RKN
  3465. arraign/SDGL/*RN
  3466. arraignment/MS/*RKNMNT
  3467. arrange/ZDSRLG/*RNK
  3468. arrangeable/A/*RNKBL
  3469. arranged/EA/*RNKT
  3470. arrangement/AMSE/*RNKMNT
  3471. arranger/M/*RNK
  3472. arranges/EA/*RNKS
  3473. arranging/EA/*RNKN
  3474. arrant/Y/*RNT
  3475. arras/SM/*RS
  3476. array/ESGMD/*R
  3477. arrayer//*RY
  3478. arrear/SM/*R
  3479. arrest/ADSG/*RST
  3480. arrestee/MS/*RST
  3481. arrester/MS/*RST
  3482. arresting/Y/*RSTN
  3483. arrestor/MS/*RST
  3484. Arrhenius/M/*RHNS
  3485. arrhythmia/SM/*RH@M
  3486. arrhythmic//*RH@MK
  3487. arrhythmical//*RH@MKL
  3488. Arri/M/*R
  3489. arrival/MS/*RFL
  3490. arrive/SRDG/*RF
  3491. arriver/M/*RF
  3492. arrogance/MS/*RKNS
  3493. arrogant/Y/*RKNT
  3494. arrogate/XNGDS/*RKT
  3495. arrogation/M/*RKXN
  3496. Arron/M/*RN
  3497. arrow/SDMG/*R
  3498. arrowhead/SM/*RHT
  3499. arrowroot/MS/*RRT
  3500. arroyo/MS/*RY
  3501. arsenal/MS/*SNL
  3502. arsenate/M/*SNT
  3503. arsenic/MS/*SNK
  3504. arsenide/M/*SNT
  3505. arsine/MS/*SN
  3506. arson/SM/*SN
  3507. arsonist/MS/*SNST
  3508. Art/M/*T
  3509. art/SM/*T
  3510. Artair/M/*T
  3511. Artaxerxes/M/*TKSKSS
  3512. Arte/M/*T
  3513. artefact's//*TFKTS
  3514. Artemas//*TMS
  3515. Artemis/M/*TMS
  3516. Artemus/M/*TMS
  3517. arterial/SY/*TRL
  3518. arteriolar//*TRL
  3519. arteriole/SM/*TRL
  3520. arterioscleroses//*TRSKLRSS
  3521. arteriosclerosis/M/*TRSKLRSS
  3522. artery/SM/*TR
  3523. artesian//*TXN
  3524. artful/YP/*TFL
  3525. artfulness/SM/*TFLNS
  3526. Arther/M/*@
  3527. arthritic/S/*@RTK
  3528. arthritides//*@RTTS
  3529. arthritis/M/*@RTS
  3530. arthrogram/MS/*@RKRM
  3531. arthropod/SM/*@RPT
  3532. arthroscope/S/*@RSKP
  3533. arthroscopic//*@RSKPK
  3534. Arthur/M/*@
  3535. Arthurian//*@RN
  3536. artichoke/SM/*TXK
  3537. article/GMDS/*TKL
  3538. articulable/I/*TKLBL
  3539. articular//*TKL
  3540. articulate/VGNYXPSD/*TKLT
  3541. articulated/EU/*TKLTT
  3542. articulately/I/*TKLTL
  3543. articulateness/IMS/*TKLTNS
  3544. articulates/I/*TKLTS
  3545. articulation/M/*TKLXN
  3546. articulator/SM/*TKLT
  3547. articulatory//*TKLTR
  3548. Artie/M/*T
  3549. artifact/MS/*TFKT
  3550. artifice/ZRSM/*TFS
  3551. artificer/M/*TFS
  3552. artificial/PY/*TFXL
  3553. artificiality/MS/*TFXLT
  3554. artificialness/M/*TFXLNS
  3555. artillerist//*TLRST
  3556. artillery/SM/*TLR
  3557. artilleryman/M/*TLRMN
  3558. artillerymen//*TLRMN
  3559. artiness/MS/*TNS
  3560. artisan/SM/*TSN
  3561. artist/MS/*TST
  3562. artiste/SM/*TST
  3563. artistic/I/*TSTK
  3564. artistically/I/*TSTKL
  3565. artistry/SM/*TSTR
  3566. artless/YP/*TLS
  3567. artlessness/MS/*TLSNS
  3568. artsy/RT/*TS
  3569. Artur/M/*T
  3570. Arturo/M/*TR
  3571. Artus/M/*TS
  3572. artwork/MS/*TWK
  3573. Arty/M/*T
  3574. arty/TPR/*T
  3575. Aruba/M/*RB
  3576. arum/MS/*RM
  3577. Arv/M/*F
  3578. Arvie/M/*F
  3579. Arvin/M/*FN
  3580. Arvy/M/*F
  3581. Aryan/MS/*RYN
  3582. Aryn/M/*RN
  3583. as//*S
  3584. As//*S
  3585. A's//*S
  3586. Asa/M/*S
  3587. Asama/M/*SM
  3588. asap//*SP
  3589. ASAP//*SP
  3590. asbestos/MS/*SBSTS
  3591. Ascella/M/*SL
  3592. ascend/ADGS/*SNT
  3593. ascendancy/MS/*SNTNS
  3594. ascendant/SY/*SNTNT
  3595. ascender/SM/*SNT
  3596. Ascension/M/*SNXN
  3597. ascension/SM/*SNXN
  3598. ascent/SM/*SNT
  3599. ascertain/DSBLG/*STN
  3600. ascertainment/MS/*STNMNT
  3601. ascetic/SM/*STK
  3602. ascetically//*STKL
  3603. asceticism/MS/*STSSM
  3604. ASCII//*S
  3605. ascot/MS/*SKT
  3606. ascribe/GSDB/*SKRB
  3607. ascription/MS/*SKRPXN
  3608. ascriptive//*SKRPTF
  3609. Ase/M/*S
  3610. aseptic/S/*SPTK
  3611. aseptically//*SPTKL
  3612. asexual/Y/*SKSL
  3613. asexuality/MS/*SKSLT
  3614. Asgard/M/*SKT
  3615. ash/MNDRSG/*X
  3616. Ash/MRY/*X
  3617. ashame/D/*XM
  3618. ashamed/UY/*XMT
  3619. Ashanti/M/*XNT
  3620. Ashbey/M/*XB
  3621. Ashby/M/*XB
  3622. ashcan/SM/*XKN
  3623. Ashely/M/*XL
  3624. Asher/M/*X
  3625. Asheville/M/*XFL
  3626. Ashia/M/*X
  3627. Ashien/M/*XN
  3628. Ashil/M/*XL
  3629. Ashkenazim//*XKNSM
  3630. Ashkhabad/M/*XKHBT
  3631. Ashla/M/*XL
  3632. Ashlan/M/*XLN
  3633. Ashland/M/*XLNT
  3634. ashlar/GSDM/*XL
  3635. Ashlee/M/*XL
  3636. Ashleigh/M/*XL
  3637. Ashlen/M/*XLN
  3638. Ashley/M/*XL
  3639. Ashli/M/*XL
  3640. Ashlie/M/*XL
  3641. Ashlin/M/*XLN
  3642. Ashly/M/*XL
  3643. ashman/M/*XMN
  3644. Ashmolean/M/*XMLN
  3645. ashore//*XR
  3646. ashram/SM/*XRM
  3647. Ashton/M/*XTN
  3648. ashtray/MS/*XTR
  3649. Ashurbanipal/M/*XBNPL
  3650. ashy/RT/*X
  3651. Asia/M/*X
  3652. Asian/MS/*XN
  3653. Asiatic/SM/*XTK
  3654. aside/S/*ST
  3655. Asilomar/M/*SLM
  3656. Asimov//*SMF
  3657. asinine/Y/*SNN
  3658. asininity/MS/*SNNT
  3659. ask/DRZGS/*SK
  3660. askance//*SKNS
  3661. asked/U/*SKT
  3662. asker/M/*SK
  3663. askew/P/*SK
  3664. ASL//*SL
  3665. aslant//*SLNT
  3666. asleep//*SLP
  3667. Asmara/M/*SMR
  3668. asocial/S/*SXL
  3669. Asoka/M/*SK
  3670. asp/MNRXS/*SP
  3671. asparagus/MS/*SPRKS
  3672. aspartame/S/*SPTM
  3673. ASPCA//*SPK
  3674. aspect/SM/*SPKT
  3675. Aspell/M/*SPL
  3676. aspen/M/*SPN
  3677. Aspen/M/*SPN
  3678. asper/M/*SP
  3679. asperity/SM/*SPRT
  3680. aspersion/SM/*SPXN
  3681. asphalt/MDRSG/*SFLT
  3682. asphodel/MS/*SFTL
  3683. asphyxia/MS/*SFKS
  3684. asphyxiate/GNXSD/*SFKST
  3685. asphyxiation/M/*SFKSXN
  3686. aspic/MS/*SPK
  3687. Aspidiske/M/*SPTSK
  3688. aspidistra/MS/*SPTSTR
  3689. aspirant/MS/*SPRNT
  3690. aspirate/NGDSX/*SPRT
  3691. aspiration/M/*SPRXN
  3692. aspirational//*SPRXNL
  3693. aspirator/SM/*SPRT
  3694. aspire/GSRD/*SPR
  3695. aspirer/M/*SPR
  3696. aspirin/SM/*SPRN
  3697. asplenium//*SPLNM
  3698. Asquith/M/*SK@
  3699. ass/MNS/*S
  3700. Assad/M/*ST
  3701. assail/BGDS/*SL
  3702. assailable/U/*SLBL
  3703. assailant/SM/*SLNT
  3704. Assam/M/*SM
  3705. Assamese/M/*SMS
  3706. assassin/MS/*SSN
  3707. assassinate/DSGNX/*SSNT
  3708. assassination/M/*SSNXN
  3709. assault/SGVMDR/*SLT
  3710. assaulter/M/*SLT
  3711. assaultive/YP/*SLTF
  3712. assay/SZGRD/*S
  3713. assayer/M/*SY
  3714. assemblage/MS/*SMBLK
  3715. assemble/ADSREG/*SMBL
  3716. assembled/U/*SMBLT
  3717. assembler/EMS/*SMBL
  3718. assemblies/A/*SMBLS
  3719. assembly/EAM/*SMBL
  3720. Assembly/MS/*SMBL
  3721. assemblyman/M/*SMBLMN
  3722. assemblymen//*SMBLMN
  3723. assemblywoman//*SMBLWMN
  3724. assemblywomen//*SMBLWMN
  3725. assent/SGMRD/*SNT
  3726. assert/ADGS/*ST
  3727. asserter/MS/*ST
  3728. assertion/AMS/*SXN
  3729. assertional//*SXNL
  3730. assertive/PY/*STF
  3731. assertiveness/SM/*STFNS
  3732. assess/BLSDG/*SS
  3733. assessed/A/*SST
  3734. assesses/A/*SSS
  3735. assessment/SAM/*SSMNT
  3736. assessor/MS/*SS
  3737. asset/SM/*ST
  3738. asseverate/XSDNG/*SFRT
  3739. asseveration/M/*SFRXN
  3740. asshole/MS/*XL
  3741. assiduity/SM/*STT
  3742. assiduous/PY/*STS
  3743. assiduousness/SM/*STSNS
  3744. assign/ALBSGD/*SN
  3745. assignation/MS/*SKNXN
  3746. assigned/U/*SN
  3747. assignee/MS/*SKN
  3748. assigner/MS/*SKN
  3749. assignment/MAS/*SKNMNT
  3750. assignor/MS/*SKN
  3751. assigns/CU/*SNS
  3752. assimilate/VNGXSD/*SMLT
  3753. assimilation/M/*SMLXN
  3754. assimilationist/M/*SMLXNST
  3755. Assisi/M/*SS
  3756. assist/RDGS/*SST
  3757. assistance/SM/*SSTNS
  3758. assistant/SM/*SSTNT
  3759. assistantship/SM/*SSTNTXP
  3760. assisted/U/*SSTT
  3761. assister/M/*SST
  3762. assize/MGSD/*SS
  3763. assn//*SN
  3764. assoc//*SK
  3765. associable//*SXBL
  3766. associate/SDEXNG/*SXT
  3767. associated/U/*SXTT
  3768. associateship//*SXTXP
  3769. association/ME/*SXXN
  3770. associational//*SXXNL
  3771. associative/Y/*SXTF
  3772. associativity/S/*SXTFT
  3773. associator/MS/*SXT
  3774. assonance/SM/*SNNS
  3775. assonant/S/*SNNT
  3776. assort/LRDSG/*ST
  3777. assorter/M/*ST
  3778. assortment/SM/*STMNT
  3779. asst//*ST
  3780. assuage/SDG/*SK
  3781. assuaged/U/*SKT
  3782. assumability//*SMBLT
  3783. assume/SRDBJG/*SM
  3784. assumer/M/*SM
  3785. assuming/UA/*SMN
  3786. assumption/SM/*SMPXN
  3787. assumptive//*SMPTF
  3788. assurance/AMS/*SRNS
  3789. assure/AGSD/*SR
  3790. assured/PYS/*SRT
  3791. assuredness/M/*SRTNS
  3792. assurer/SM/*SR
  3793. assuring/YA/*SRN
  3794. Assyria/M/*SR
  3795. Assyrian/SM/*SRN
  3796. Assyriology/M/*SRLK
  3797. Astaire/SM/*STR
  3798. Astarte/M/*STT
  3799. astatine/MS/*STTN
  3800. aster/ESM/*ST
  3801. asteria//*STR
  3802. asterisk/SGMD/*STRSK
  3803. asterisked/U/*STRSKT
  3804. astern//*STN
  3805. asteroid/SM/*STRT
  3806. asteroidal//*STRTL
  3807. asthma/MS/*S@M
  3808. asthmatic/S/*S@MTK
  3809. astigmatic/S/*STKMTK
  3810. astigmatism/SM/*STKMTSM
  3811. astir//*ST
  3812. Aston/M/*STN
  3813. astonish/GSDL/*STNX
  3814. astonishing/Y/*STNXN
  3815. astonishment/SM/*STNXMNT
  3816. Astor/M/*ST
  3817. Astoria/M/*STR
  3818. astound/SDG/*STNT
  3819. astounding/Y/*STNTN
  3820. Astra/M/*STR
  3821. astraddle//*STRTL
  3822. Astrakhan/M/*STRKHN
  3823. astrakhan/SM/*STRKHN
  3824. astral/SY/*STRL
  3825. astray//*STR
  3826. Astrid/M/*STRT
  3827. astride//*STRT
  3828. astringency/SM/*STRNNS
  3829. astringent/YS/*STRNNT
  3830. Astrix/M/*STRKS
  3831. astrolabe/MS/*STRLB
  3832. astrologer/MS/*STRLK
  3833. astrological/Y/*STRLKKL
  3834. astrologist/M/*STRLKST
  3835. astrology/SM/*STRLK
  3836. astronaut/SM/*STRNT
  3837. astronautic/S/*STRNTK
  3838. astronautical//*STRNTKL
  3839. astronautics/M/*STRNTKS
  3840. astronomer/MS/*STRNM
  3841. astronomic//*STRNMK
  3842. astronomical/Y/*STRNMKL
  3843. astronomy/SM/*STRNM
  3844. astrophysical//*STRFSKL
  3845. astrophysicist/SM/*STRFSSST
  3846. astrophysics/M/*STRFSKS
  3847. Astroturf/M/*STRTF
  3848. AstroTurf/S/*STRTF
  3849. Asturias/M/*STRS
  3850. astute/RTYP/*STT
  3851. astuteness/MS/*STTNS
  3852. Asunción/M/*SNSN
  3853. asunder//*SNT
  3854. Aswan/M/*SWN
  3855. asylum/MS/*SLM
  3856. asymmetric//*SMTRK
  3857. asymmetrical/Y/*SMTRKL
  3858. asymmetry/MS/*SMTR
  3859. asymptomatic//*SMPTMTK
  3860. asymptomatically//*SMPTMTKL
  3861. asymptote/MS/*SMPTT
  3862. asymptotic/Y/*SMPTTK
  3863. asymptotically//*SMPTTKL
  3864. asynchronism/M/*SNXRNSM
  3865. asynchronous/Y/*SNXRNS
  3866. asynchrony//*SNXRN
  3867. at//*T
  3868. At/M/*T
  3869. Atacama/M/*TKM
  3870. Atahualpa/M/*THLP
  3871. Atalanta/M/*TLNT
  3872. Atari/M/*TR
  3873. Atatürk/M/*TTRK
  3874. atavism/MS/*TFSM
  3875. atavist/MS/*TFST
  3876. atavistic//*TFSTK
  3877. ataxia/MS/*TKS
  3878. ataxic/S/*TKSK
  3879. ate/S/*T
  3880. atelier/SM/*TL
  3881. atemporal//*TMPRL
  3882. Athabasca/M/*@BSK
  3883. Athabascan's//*@BSKNS
  3884. Athabaskan/MS/*@BSKN
  3885. Athabaska's//*@BSKS
  3886. atheism/SM/*@SM
  3887. atheist/SM/*@ST
  3888. atheistic//*@STK
  3889. Athena/M/*@N
  3890. Athene/M/*@N
  3891. Athenian/SM/*@NN
  3892. Athens/M/*@NS
  3893. atheroscleroses//*@RSKLRSS
  3894. atherosclerosis/M/*@RSKLRSS
  3895. athirst//*@ST
  3896. athlete/MS/*@LT
  3897. athletic/S/*@LTK
  3898. athletically//*@LTKL
  3899. athleticism/M/*@LTSSM
  3900. athletics/M/*@LTKS
  3901. athwart//*@WT
  3902. atilt//*TLT
  3903. Atkins/M/*TKNS
  3904. Atkinson/M/*TKNSN
  3905. Atlanta/M/*TLNT
  3906. Atlante/MS/*TLNT
  3907. atlantes//*TLNTS
  3908. Atlantic/M/*TLNTK
  3909. Atlantis/M/*TLNTS
  3910. atlas/SM/*TLS
  3911. Atlas/SM/*TLS
  3912. ATM/M/*TM
  3913. Atman//*TMN
  3914. atmosphere/DSM/*TMSFR
  3915. atmospheric/S/*TMSFRK
  3916. atmospherically//*TMSFRKL
  3917. atoll/MS/*TL
  3918. atom/SM/*TM
  3919. atomic/S/*TMK
  3920. atomically//*TMKL
  3921. atomicity/M/*TMST
  3922. atomics/M/*TMKS
  3923. atomistic//*TMSTK
  3924. atomization/SM/*TMSXN
  3925. atomize/GZDRS/*TMS
  3926. atomizer/M/*TMS
  3927. atonal/Y/*TNL
  3928. atonality/MS/*TNLT
  3929. atone/LDSG/*TN
  3930. atonement/SM/*TNMNT
  3931. atop//*TP
  3932. ATP//*TP
  3933. Atreus/M/*TRS
  3934. atria//*TR
  3935. Atria/M/*TR
  3936. atrial//*TRL
  3937. atrium/M/*TRM
  3938. atrocious/YP/*TRSS
  3939. atrociousness/SM/*TRSSNS
  3940. atrocity/SM/*TRST
  3941. atrophic//*TRFK
  3942. atrophy/DSGM/*TRF
  3943. atropine/SM/*TRPN
  3944. Atropos/M/*TRPS
  3945. Ats//*TS
  3946. attach/BLGZMDR/*TX
  3947. attaché/S/*TX
  3948. attached/UA/*TXT
  3949. attacher/M/*TX
  3950. attachment/ASM/*TXMNT
  3951. attack/GBZSDR/*TK
  3952. attacker/M/*TK
  3953. attain/AGSD/*TN
  3954. attainabilities//*TNBLTS
  3955. attainability/UM/*TNBLT
  3956. attainable/U/*TNBL
  3957. attainableness/M/*TNBLNS
  3958. attainably/U/*TNBL
  3959. attainder/MS/*TNT
  3960. attained/U/*TNT
  3961. attainer/MS/*TN
  3962. attainment/MS/*TNMNT
  3963. attar/MS/*T
  3964. attempt/ADSG/*TMPT
  3965. attempter/MS/*TMPT
  3966. attend/SGZDR/*TNT
  3967. attendance/MS/*TNTNS
  3968. attendant/SM/*TNTNT
  3969. attended/U/*TNTT
  3970. attendee/SM/*TNT
  3971. attender/M/*TNT
  3972. attention/IMS/*TNXN
  3973. attentional//*TNXNL
  3974. attentionality//*TNXNLT
  3975. attentive/YIP/*TNTF
  3976. attentiveness/IMS/*TNTFNS
  3977. attenuate/SDXGN/*TNT
  3978. attenuated/U/*TNTT
  3979. attenuation/M/*TNXN
  3980. attenuator/MS/*TNT
  3981. attest/GSDR/*TST
  3982. attestation/SM/*TSTXN
  3983. attested/U/*TSTT
  3984. attester/M/*TST
  3985. Attic//*TK
  3986. attic/MS/*TK
  3987. Attica/M/*TK
  3988. Attila/M/*TL
  3989. attire/SDG/*TR
  3990. attitude/MS/*TTT
  3991. attitudinal/Y/*TTTNL
  3992. attitudinize/SDG/*TTTNS
  3993. Attlee/M/*TL
  3994. attn//*TN
  3995. Attn//*TN
  3996. attorney/SM/*TN
  3997. attract/BSDGV/*TRKT
  3998. attractant/SM/*TRKTNT
  3999. attraction/MS/*TRKXN
  4000. attractive/UYP/*TRKTF
  4001. attractiveness/UM/*TRKTFNS
  4002. attractivenesses//*TRKTFNSS
  4003. attractor/MS/*TRKT
  4004. attributable/U/*TRBTBL
  4005. attribute/BVNGRSDX/*TRBT
  4006. attributed/U/*TRBTT
  4007. attributer/M/*TRBT
  4008. attribution/M/*TRBXN
  4009. attributional//*TRBXNL
  4010. attributive/SY/*TRBTF
  4011. attrition/MS/*TRXN
  4012. Attucks//*TKS
  4013. attune/SDG/*TN
  4014. atty//*T
  4015. ATV/S/*TF
  4016. atwitter//*TWT
  4017. Atwood/M/*TWT
  4018. atypical/Y/*TPKL
  4019. Au/M/*
  4020. Aube/M/*B
  4021. Auberge/M/*BK
  4022. aubergine/MS/*BKN
  4023. Auberon/M/*BRN
  4024. Aubert/M/*BT
  4025. Auberta/M/*BT
  4026. Aubine/M/*BN
  4027. Aubree/M/*BR
  4028. Aubrette/M/*BRT
  4029. Aubrey/M/*BR
  4030. Aubrie/M/*BR
  4031. Aubry/M/*BR
  4032. auburn/SM/*BN
  4033. Auckland/M/*KLNT
  4034. auction/MDSG/*KXN
  4035. auctioneer/SDMG/*KXN
  4036. audacious/PY/*TSS
  4037. audaciousness/SM/*TSSNS
  4038. audacity/MS/*TST
  4039. Auden/M/*TN
  4040. Audi/M/*T
  4041. audibility/MSI/*TBLT
  4042. audible/I/*TBL
  4043. audibles//*TBLS
  4044. audibly/I/*TBL
  4045. Audie/M/*T
  4046. audience/MS/*TNS
  4047. audio/SM/*T
  4048. audiogram/SM/*TKRM
  4049. audiological//*TLKKL
  4050. audiologist/MS/*TLKST
  4051. audiology/SM/*TLK
  4052. audiometer/MS/*TMT
  4053. audiometric//*TMTRK
  4054. audiometry/M/*TMTR
  4055. audiophile/SM/*TFL
  4056. audiotape/S/*TTP
  4057. audiovisual/S/*TFSL
  4058. audit/SMDVG/*TT
  4059. audited/U/*TTT
  4060. audition/MDSG/*TXN
  4061. auditor/MS/*TT
  4062. auditorium/MS/*TTRM
  4063. auditory/S/*TTR
  4064. Audra/M/*TR
  4065. Audre/M/*TR
  4066. Audrey/M/*TR
  4067. Audrie/M/*TR
  4068. Audry/M/*TR
  4069. Audrye/M/*TRY
  4070. Audubon/M/*TBN
  4071. Audy/M/*T
  4072. Auerbach/M/*BX
  4073. Aug/M/*K
  4074. Augean//*KN
  4075. auger/SM/*K
  4076. aught/S/*T
  4077. Augie/M/*K
  4078. augment/DRZGS/*KMNT
  4079. augmentation/SM/*KMNTXN
  4080. augmentative/S/*KMNTTF
  4081. augmenter/M/*KMNT
  4082. augur/GDMS/*K
  4083. augury/SM/*KR
  4084. August/SM/*KST
  4085. august/STPYR/*KST
  4086. Augusta/M/*KST
  4087. Augustan/S/*KSTN
  4088. Auguste/M/*KST
  4089. Augustin/M/*KSTN
  4090. Augustina/M/*KSTN
  4091. Augustine/M/*KSTN
  4092. Augustinian/S/*KSTNN
  4093. augustness/SM/*KSTNS
  4094. Augusto/M/*KST
  4095. Augustus/M/*KSTS
  4096. Augy/M/*K
  4097. auk/MS/*K
  4098. Aundrea/M/*NTR
  4099. aunt/MYS/*NT
  4100. auntie/MS/*NT
  4101. aunty's//*NTS
  4102. Aura/M/*R
  4103. aura/SM/*R
  4104. aural/Y/*RL
  4105. Aurea/M/*R
  4106. Aurel/M/*RL
  4107. Aurelea/M/*RL
  4108. Aurelia/M/*RL
  4109. Aurelie/M/*RL
  4110. Aurelio/M/*RL
  4111. Aurelius/M/*RLS
  4112. aureole/GMSD/*RL
  4113. aureomycin//*RMSN
  4114. Aureomycin/M/*RMSN
  4115. Auria/M/*R
  4116. auric//*RK
  4117. auricle/SM/*RKL
  4118. auricular//*RKL
  4119. Aurie/M/*R
  4120. Auriga/M/*RK
  4121. Aurilia/M/*RL
  4122. Aurlie/M/*L
  4123. Auroora/M/*RR
  4124. Aurora/M/*RR
  4125. aurora/SM/*RR
  4126. auroral//*RRL
  4127. Aurore/M/*RR
  4128. Aurthur/M/*@
  4129. Auschwitz/M/*SXWTS
  4130. auscultate/XDSNG/*SKLTT
  4131. auscultation/M/*SKLTXN
  4132. auspice/SM/*SPS
  4133. auspicious/IPY/*SPSS
  4134. auspiciousness/IM/*SPSSNS
  4135. auspiciousnesses//*SPSSNSS
  4136. Aussie/MS/*S
  4137. Austen/M/*STN
  4138. austere/TYRP/*STR
  4139. austereness/M/*STRNS
  4140. austerity/SM/*STRT
  4141. Austin/SM/*STN
  4142. Austina/M/*STN
  4143. Austine/M/*STN
  4144. austral//*STRL
  4145. Australasia/M/*STRLX
  4146. Australasian/S/*STRLXN
  4147. australes//*STRLS
  4148. Australia/M/*STRL
  4149. Australian/MS/*STRLN
  4150. Australis/M/*STRLS
  4151. australites//*STRLTS
  4152. Australoid//*STRLT
  4153. Australopithecus/M/*STRLP@KS
  4154. Austria/M/*STR
  4155. Austrian/SM/*STRN
  4156. Austronesian//*STRNXN
  4157. authentic/UI/*@NTK
  4158. authentically//*@NTKL
  4159. authenticate/GNDSX/*@NTKT
  4160. authenticated/U/*@NTKTT
  4161. authentication/M/*@NTKXN
  4162. authenticator/MS/*@NTKT
  4163. authenticity/MS/*@NTST
  4164. author/DMGS/*@
  4165. authoress/S/*@RS
  4166. authorial//*@RL
  4167. authoritarian/S/*@RTRN
  4168. authoritarianism/MS/*@RTRNSM
  4169. authoritative/PY/*@RTTF
  4170. authoritativeness/SM/*@RTTFNS
  4171. authority/SM/*@RT
  4172. authorization/MAS/*@RSXN
  4173. authorize/AGDS/*@RS
  4174. authorized/U/*@RST
  4175. authorizer/SM/*@RS
  4176. authorizes/U/*@RSS
  4177. authorship/MS/*@XP
  4178. autism/MS/*TSM
  4179. autistic/S/*TSTK
  4180. auto/SDMG/*T
  4181. autobahn/MS/*TBN
  4182. autobiographer/MS/*TBKRF
  4183. autobiographic//*TBKRFK
  4184. autobiographical/Y/*TBKRFKL
  4185. autobiography/MS/*TBKRF
  4186. autoclave/SDGM/*TKLF
  4187. autocollimator/M/*TKLMT
  4188. autocorrelate/GNSDX/*TKRLT
  4189. autocorrelation/M/*TKRLXN
  4190. autocracy/SM/*TKRS
  4191. autocrat/SM/*TKRT
  4192. autocratic//*TKRTK
  4193. autocratically//*TKRTKL
  4194. autodial/R/*TTL
  4195. autodidact/MS/*TTTKT
  4196. autofluorescence//*TFLRSNS
  4197. autograph/MDG/*TKRF
  4198. autographs//*TKRFS
  4199. autoignition/M/*TKNXN
  4200. autoimmune//*TMN
  4201. autoimmunity/S/*TMNT
  4202. autoloader//*TLT
  4203. automaker/S/*TMK
  4204. automata's//*TMTS
  4205. automate/NGDSX/*TMT
  4206. automatic/S/*TMTK
  4207. automatically//*TMTKL
  4208. automation/M/*TMXN
  4209. automatism/SM/*TMTSM
  4210. automatize/DSG/*TMTS
  4211. automaton/SM/*TMTN
  4212. automobile/GDSM/*TMBL
  4213. automorphism/SM/*TMFSM
  4214. automotive//*TMTF
  4215. autonavigator/SM/*TNFKT
  4216. autonomic/S/*TNMK
  4217. autonomous/Y/*TNMS
  4218. autonomy/MS/*TNM
  4219. autopilot/SM/*TPLT
  4220. autopsy/MDSG/*TPS
  4221. autoregressive//*TRKRSF
  4222. autorepeat/GS/*TRPT
  4223. autostart//*TSTT
  4224. autosuggestibility/M/*TSKSTBLT
  4225. autotransformer/M/*TTRNSFM
  4226. autoworker/S/*TWK
  4227. Autumn/M/*TMN
  4228. autumn/MS/*TMN
  4229. autumnal/Y/*TMNL
  4230. aux//*KS
  4231. auxiliary/S/*KSLR
  4232. auxin/MS/*KSN
  4233. AV//*F
  4234. av/ZR/*F
  4235. Ava/M/*F
  4236. avail/BSZGRD/*FL
  4237. availability/USM/*FLBLT
  4238. available/U/*FLBL
  4239. availableness/M/*FLBLNS
  4240. availably//*FLBL
  4241. availing/U/*FLN
  4242. avalanche/MGSD/*FLNX
  4243. Avalon/M/*FLN
  4244. avant//*FNT
  4245. avarice/SM/*FRS
  4246. avaricious/PY/*FRSS
  4247. avariciousness/M/*FRSSNS
  4248. avast/S/*FST
  4249. avatar/MS/*FT
  4250. avaunt/S/*FNT
  4251. avdp//*FTP
  4252. Ave/MS/*F
  4253. ave/S/*F
  4254. Aveline/M/*FLN
  4255. avenge/ZGSRD/*FNK
  4256. avenged/U/*FNKT
  4257. avenger/M/*FNK
  4258. Aventine/M/*FNTN
  4259. Aventino/M/*FNTN
  4260. avenue/MS/*FN
  4261. average/DSPGYM/*FRK
  4262. Averell/M/*FRL
  4263. Averil/M/*FRL
  4264. Averill/M/*FRL
  4265. Avernus/M/*FNS
  4266. averred//*FRT
  4267. averrer//*FR
  4268. averring//*FRN
  4269. Averroes/M/*FRS
  4270. avers/V/*FS
  4271. averse/YNXP/*FS
  4272. averseness/M/*FSNS
  4273. aversion/M/*FXN
  4274. avert/GSD/*FT
  4275. Avery/M/*FR
  4276. Averyl/M/*FRL
  4277. aves/C/*FS
  4278. Avesta/M/*FST
  4279. avg//*FK
  4280. avian/S/*FN
  4281. aviary/SM/*FR
  4282. aviate/NX/*FT
  4283. aviation/M/*FXN
  4284. aviator/SM/*FT
  4285. aviatrices//*FTRSS
  4286. aviatrix/SM/*FTRKS
  4287. Avicenna/M/*FSN
  4288. Avictor/M/*FKT
  4289. avid/TPYR/*FT
  4290. avidity/MS/*FTT
  4291. Avie/M/*F
  4292. Avigdor/M/*FKT
  4293. Avignon/M/*FKNN
  4294. Avila/M/*FL
  4295. avionic/S/*FNK
  4296. avionics/M/*FNKS
  4297. Avior/M/*F
  4298. Avis//*FS
  4299. avitaminoses//*FTMNSS
  4300. avitaminosis/M/*FTMNSS
  4301. Aviv/M/*FF
  4302. Aviva/M/*FF
  4303. Avivah/M/*FF
  4304. avocado/MS/*FKT
  4305. avocation/SM/*FKXN
  4306. avocational//*FKXNL
  4307. Avogadro/M/*FKTR
  4308. avoid/ZRDBGS/*FT
  4309. avoidable/U/*FTBL
  4310. avoidably/U/*FTBL
  4311. avoidance/SM/*FTNS
  4312. avoider/M/*FT
  4313. avoirdupois/MS/*FTPS
  4314. Avon/M/*FN
  4315. avouch/GDS/*FX
  4316. avow/GEDS/*F
  4317. avowal/EMS/*FWL
  4318. avowed/Y/*FWT
  4319. avower/M/*FW
  4320. Avram/M/*FRM
  4321. Avril/M/*FRL
  4322. Avrit/M/*FRT
  4323. Avrom/M/*FRM
  4324. avuncular//*FNKL
  4325. aw/GD/*
  4326. AWACS//*WKS
  4327. await/SDG/*WT
  4328. awake/GS/*WK
  4329. awaken/SADG/*WKN
  4330. awakened/U/*WKNT
  4331. awakener/M/*WKN
  4332. awakening/S/*WKNN
  4333. award/RDSZG/*WT
  4334. awarder/M/*WT
  4335. aware/TRP/*WR
  4336. awareness/MSU/*WRNS
  4337. awash//*WX
  4338. away/PS/*W
  4339. awe/SM/*W
  4340. aweigh//*W
  4341. awesome/PY/*WSM
  4342. awesomeness/SM/*WSMNS
  4343. awestruck//*WSTRK
  4344. awful/YP/*FL
  4345. awfuller//*FL
  4346. awfullest//*FLST
  4347. awfulness/SM/*FLNS
  4348. awhile/S/*HL
  4349. awkward/PRYT/*KWT
  4350. awkwardness/MS/*KWTNS
  4351. awl/MS/*L
  4352. awn/MDJGS/*N
  4353. awning/DM/*NN
  4354. awoke//*WK
  4355. awoken//*WKN
  4356. AWOL//*WL
  4357. awry/RT/*R
  4358. ax/DRSZGM/*KS
  4359. Ax/M/*KS
  4360. Axe/M/*KS
  4361. axehead/S/*KSHT
  4362. Axel/M/*KSL
  4363. axeman//*KSMN
  4364. axial/Y/*KSL
  4365. axillary//*KSLR
  4366. axiological/Y/*KSLKKL
  4367. axiology/M/*KSLK
  4368. axiom/SM/*KSM
  4369. axiomatic/S/*KSMTK
  4370. axiomatically//*KSMTKL
  4371. axiomatization/MS/*KSMTSXN
  4372. axiomatize/GDS/*KSMTS
  4373. axion/SM/*KSN
  4374. axis/SM/*KSS
  4375. axle/MS/*KSL
  4376. axletree/MS/*KSLTR
  4377. axolotl/SM/*KSLTL
  4378. axon/SM/*KSN
  4379. ayah/M/*Y
  4380. ayahs//*YS
  4381. Ayala/M/*YL
  4382. ayatollah//*YTL
  4383. ayatollahs//*YTLS
  4384. aye/MZRS/*Y
  4385. Ayers//*YS
  4386. Aylmar/M/*LM
  4387. Aylmer/M/*LM
  4388. Aymara/M/*MR
  4389. Aymer/M/*M
  4390. Ayn/M/*N
  4391. AZ//*S
  4392. azalea/SM/*SL
  4393. Azania/M/*SN
  4394. Azazel/M/*SSL
  4395. Azerbaijan/M/*SBKN
  4396. azimuth/M/*SM@
  4397. azimuthal/Y/*SM@L
  4398. azimuths//*SM@S
  4399. Azores//*SRS
  4400. Azov/M/*SF
  4401. AZT//*ST
  4402. Aztec/MS/*STK
  4403. Aztecan//*STKN
  4404. azure/MS/*SR
  4405. B/GT/B
  4406. b/KGD/B
  4407. BA//B
  4408. Ba/M/B
  4409. baa/SDG/B
  4410. Baal/SM/BL
  4411. Bab/SM/BB
  4412. Babara/M/BBR
  4413. Babar's//BBS
  4414. Babb/M/BB
  4415. Babbage/M/BBK
  4416. Babbette/M/BBT
  4417. Babbie/M/BB
  4418. babbitt/GDS/BBT
  4419. Babbitt/M/BBT
  4420. babble/RSDGZ/BBL
  4421. babbler/M/BBL
  4422. Babcock/M/BBKK
  4423. babe/SM/BB
  4424. Babel/MS/BBL
  4425. babel/S/BBL
  4426. Babette/M/BBT
  4427. Babita/M/BBT
  4428. Babka/M/BBK
  4429. baboon/MS/BBN
  4430. babushka/MS/BBXK
  4431. baby/TDSRMG/BB
  4432. babyhood/MS/BBHT
  4433. babyish//BBYX
  4434. Babylon/MS/BBLN
  4435. Babylonia/M/BBLN
  4436. Babylonian/SM/BBLNN
  4437. babysat//BBST
  4438. babysit/S/BBST
  4439. babysitter/S/BBST
  4440. babysitting//BBSTN
  4441. Bacall/M/BKL
  4442. Bacardi/M/BKT
  4443. baccalaureate/MS/BKLRT
  4444. baccarat/SM/BKRT
  4445. bacchanal/SM/BXNL
  4446. bacchanalia//BXNL
  4447. Bacchanalia/M/BXNL
  4448. bacchanalian/S/BXNLN
  4449. Bacchic//BXK
  4450. Bacchus/M/BXS
  4451. Bach/M/BX
  4452. bachelor/SM/BXL
  4453. bachelorhood/SM/BXLHT
  4454. bacillary//BSLR
  4455. bacilli//BSL
  4456. bacillus/MS/BSLS
  4457. back/GZDRMSJ/BK
  4458. backache/SM/BKX
  4459. backarrow//BKR
  4460. backbench/ZR/BKBNX
  4461. backbencher/M/BKBNX
  4462. backbit/ZGJR/BKBT
  4463. backbite/S/BKBT
  4464. backbiter/M/BKBT
  4465. backbitten//BKBTN
  4466. backboard/SM/BKBT
  4467. backbone/SM/BKBN
  4468. backbreaking//BKBRKN
  4469. backchaining//BKXNN
  4470. backcloth/M/BKKL@
  4471. backdate/GDS/BKTT
  4472. backdrop/MS/BKTRP
  4473. backdropped//BKTRPT
  4474. backdropping//BKTRPN
  4475. backed/U/BKT
  4476. backer/M/BK
  4477. backfield/SM/BKFLT
  4478. backfill/SDG/BKFL
  4479. backfire/GDS/BKFR
  4480. backgammon/MS/BKKMN
  4481. background/SDRMZG/BKKRNT
  4482. backhand/RDMSZG/BKHNT
  4483. backhanded/Y/BKHNTT
  4484. backhander/M/BKHNT
  4485. backhoe/S/BKH
  4486. backing/M/BKN
  4487. backlash/GRSDM/BKLX
  4488. backless//BKLS
  4489. backlog/MS/BKLK
  4490. backlogged//BKLKT
  4491. backlogging//BKLKN
  4492. backorder//BKT
  4493. backpack/ZGSMRD/BKPK
  4494. backpacker/M/BKPK
  4495. backpedal/DGS/BKPTL
  4496. backplane/MS/BKPLN
  4497. backplate/SM/BKPLT
  4498. backrest/MS/BKRST
  4499. backscatter/SMDG/BKSKT
  4500. backseat/S/BKST
  4501. backside/SM/BKST
  4502. backslapper/MS/BKSLP
  4503. backslapping/M/BKSLPN
  4504. backslash/DSG/BKSLX
  4505. backslid/RZG/BKSLT
  4506. backslide/S/BKSLT
  4507. backslider/M/BKSLT
  4508. backspace/GSD/BKSPS
  4509. backspin/SM/BKSPN
  4510. backstabber/M/BKSTB
  4511. backstabbing//BKSTBN
  4512. backstage//BKSTK
  4513. backstair/S/BKST
  4514. backstitch/GDSM/BKSTX
  4515. backstop/MS/BKSTP
  4516. backstopped//BKSTPT
  4517. backstopping//BKSTPN
  4518. backstreet/M/BKSTRT
  4519. backstretch/SM/BKSTRX
  4520. backstroke/GMDS/BKSTRK
  4521. backtalk/S/BKTLK
  4522. backtrack/SDRGZ/BKTRK
  4523. backup/SM/BKP
  4524. Backus/M/BKS
  4525. backward/YSP/BKWT
  4526. backwardness/MS/BKWTNS
  4527. backwash/SDMG/BKWX
  4528. backwater/SM/BKWT
  4529. backwood/S/BKWT
  4530. backwoodsman/M/BKWTSMN
  4531. backwoodsmen//BKWTSMN
  4532. backyard/MS/BKYT
  4533. Bacon/M/BKN
  4534. bacon/SRM/BKN
  4535. baconer/M/BKN
  4536. bacteria/MS/BKTR
  4537. bacterial/Y/BKTRL
  4538. bactericidal//BKTRSTL
  4539. bactericide/SM/BKTRST
  4540. bacteriologic//BKTRLKK
  4541. bacteriological//BKTRLKKL
  4542. bacteriologist/MS/BKTRLKST
  4543. bacteriology/SM/BKTRLK
  4544. bacterium/M/BKTRM
  4545. Bactria/M/BKTR
  4546. bad/PSNY/BT
  4547. badder//BT
  4548. baddest//BTST
  4549. baddie/MS/BT
  4550. bade//BT
  4551. Baden/M/BTN
  4552. badge/DSRGMZ/BK
  4553. badger/DMG/BKR
  4554. badinage/DSMG/BTNK
  4555. badland/S/BTLNT
  4556. Badlands/M/BTLNTS
  4557. badman/M/BTMN
  4558. badmen//BTMN
  4559. badminton/MS/BTMNTN
  4560. badmouth/DG/BTM@
  4561. badmouths//BTM@S
  4562. badness/SM/BTNS
  4563. Baedeker/SM/BTK
  4564. Baez/M/BS
  4565. Baffin/M/BFN
  4566. baffle/RSDGZL/BFL
  4567. bafflement/MS/BFLMNT
  4568. baffler/M/BFL
  4569. baffling/Y/BFLN
  4570. bag/SM/BK
  4571. bagatelle/MS/BKTL
  4572. bagel/SM/BKL
  4573. bagful/MS/BKFL
  4574. baggage/SM/BKK
  4575. baggageman//BKKMN
  4576. baggagemen//BKKMN
  4577. bagged/M/BKT
  4578. bagger/SM/BK
  4579. baggily//BKL
  4580. bagginess/MS/BKNS
  4581. bagging/M/BKN
  4582. baggy/PRST/BK
  4583. Baghdad/M/BTT
  4584. bagpipe/RSMZ/BKPP
  4585. bagpiper/M/BKPP
  4586. Bagrodia/MS/BKRT
  4587. baguette/SM/BKT
  4588. Baguio/M/BK
  4589. bah//B
  4590. Baha'i//BH
  4591. Bahama/MS/BHM
  4592. Bahamanian/S/BHMNN
  4593. Bahamian/MS/BHMN
  4594. Baha'ullah//BHL
  4595. Bahia/M/BH
  4596. Bahrain/M/BRN
  4597. bahs//BS
  4598. Baikal/M/BKL
  4599. bail/GSMYDRB/BL
  4600. Bail/M/BL
  4601. Bailey/SM/BL
  4602. Bailie/M/BL
  4603. bailiff/SM/BLF
  4604. bailiwick/MS/BLWK
  4605. Baillie/M/BL
  4606. bailout/MS/BLT
  4607. bailsman/M/BLSMN
  4608. bailsmen//BLSMN
  4609. Baily/M/BL
  4610. Baird/M/BT
  4611. bairn/SM/BN
  4612. bait/GSMDR/BT
  4613. baiter/M/BT
  4614. baize/GMDS/BS
  4615. Baja/M/BK
  4616. bake/ZGJDRS/BK
  4617. baked/U/BKT
  4618. bakehouse/M/BKHS
  4619. Bakelite/M/BKLT
  4620. baker/M/BK
  4621. Baker/M/BK
  4622. Bakersfield/M/BKSFLT
  4623. bakery/SM/BKR
  4624. bakeshop/S/BKXP
  4625. baking/M/BKN
  4626. baklava/M/BKLF
  4627. baksheesh/SM/BKXX
  4628. Baku/M/BK
  4629. Bakunin/M/BKNN
  4630. balaclava/MS/BLKLF
  4631. balalaika/MS/BLLK
  4632. balance/USDG/BLNS
  4633. balanced/A/BLNST
  4634. balancedness//BLNSTNS
  4635. balancer/MS/BLNS
  4636. balance's//BLNSS
  4637. Balanchine/M/BLNXN
  4638. Balboa/M/BLB
  4639. balboa/SM/BLB
  4640. balcony/MSD/BLKN
  4641. Bald/MR/BLT
  4642. bald/PYDRGST/BLT
  4643. Balder/M/BLT
  4644. balderdash/MS/BLTTX
  4645. baldfaced//BLTFST
  4646. baldness/MS/BLTNS
  4647. baldric/SM/BLTRK
  4648. Balduin/M/BLTN
  4649. Baldwin/M/BLTWN
  4650. baldy//BLT
  4651. Bale/M/BL
  4652. bale/MZGDRS/BL
  4653. Balearic/M/BLRK
  4654. baleen/MS/BLN
  4655. baleful/YP/BLFL
  4656. balefuller//BLFL
  4657. balefullest//BLFLST
  4658. balefulness/MS/BLFLNS
  4659. baler/M/BL
  4660. Balfour/M/BLF
  4661. Bali/M/BL
  4662. Balinese//BLNS
  4663. balk/GDRS/BLK
  4664. Balkan/SM/BLKN
  4665. balkanization//BLKNSXN
  4666. balkanize/DG/BLKNS
  4667. balker/M/BLK
  4668. Balkhash/M/BLKHX
  4669. balkiness/M/BLKNS
  4670. balky/PRT/BLK
  4671. ball/GZMSDR/BL
  4672. Ball/M/BL
  4673. ballad/SM/BLT
  4674. ballade/MS/BLT
  4675. balladeer/MS/BLT
  4676. balladry/MS/BLTR
  4677. Ballard/SM/BLT
  4678. ballast/SGMD/BLST
  4679. ballcock/S/BLKK
  4680. baller/M/BL
  4681. ballerina/MS/BLRN
  4682. ballet/MS/BLT
  4683. balletic//BLTK
  4684. ballfields//BLFLTS
  4685. ballgame/S/BLKM
  4686. ballistic/S/BLSTK
  4687. ballistics/M/BLSTKS
  4688. balloon/RDMZGS/BLN
  4689. balloonist/S/BLNST
  4690. ballot/MRDGS/BLT
  4691. balloter/M/BLT
  4692. ballpark/SM/BLPK
  4693. ballplayer/SM/BLPLY
  4694. ballpoint/SM/BLPNT
  4695. ballroom/SM/BLRM
  4696. ballsy/TR/BLS
  4697. ballyhoo/SGMD/BLH
  4698. balm/MS/BLM
  4699. balminess/SM/BLMNS
  4700. balmy/PRT/BLM
  4701. baloney/SM/BLN
  4702. balsa/MS/BLS
  4703. balsam/GMDS/BLSM
  4704. balsamic//BLSMK
  4705. Balthazar/M/BL@S
  4706. Baltic/M/BLTK
  4707. Baltimore/M/BLTMR
  4708. Baluchistan/M/BLXSTN
  4709. baluster/MS/BLST
  4710. balustrade/SM/BLSTRT
  4711. Balzac/M/BLSK
  4712. Bamako/M/BMK
  4713. Bamberger/M/BMBK
  4714. Bambi/M/BMB
  4715. Bambie/M/BMB
  4716. bamboo/SM/BMB
  4717. bamboozle/GSD/BMBSL
  4718. Bamby/M/BMB
  4719. Ban/M/BN
  4720. ban/SGMD/BN
  4721. Banach/M/BNX
  4722. banal/TYR/BNL
  4723. banality/MS/BNLT
  4724. banana/SM/BNN
  4725. Bancroft/M/BNKRFT
  4726. band/EDGS/BNT
  4727. bandage/RSDMG/BNTK
  4728. bandager/M/BNTK
  4729. bandanna/SM/BNTN
  4730. bandbox/MS/BNTBKS
  4731. bandeau/M/BNT
  4732. bandeaux//BNTKS
  4733. bander/M/BNT
  4734. banding/M/BNTN
  4735. bandit/MS/BNTT
  4736. banditry/MS/BNTTR
  4737. bandmaster/MS/BNTMST
  4738. bandoleer/SM/BNTL
  4739. bandpass//BNTPS
  4740. band's//BNTS
  4741. bandsman/M/BNTSMN
  4742. bandsmen//BNTSMN
  4743. bandstand/SM/BNTSTNT
  4744. bandstop//BNTSTP
  4745. Bandung/M/BNTNK
  4746. bandwagon/MS/BNTWKN
  4747. bandwidth/M/BNTWT@
  4748. bandwidths//BNTWT@S
  4749. bandy/TGRSD/BNT
  4750. bane/MS/BN
  4751. baneful/Y/BNFL
  4752. banefuller//BNFL
  4753. banefullest//BNFLST
  4754. bang/GDRZMS/BNK
  4755. Bangalore/M/BNKLR
  4756. banger/M/BNK
  4757. bangkok//BNKKK
  4758. Bangkok/M/BNKKK
  4759. Bangladesh/M/BNKLTX
  4760. Bangladeshi/S/BNKLTX
  4761. bangle/MS/BNKL
  4762. Bangor/M/BNK
  4763. Bangui/M/BNK
  4764. bani//BN
  4765. banish/RSDGL/BNX
  4766. banisher/M/BNX
  4767. banishment/MS/BNXMNT
  4768. banister/MS/BNST
  4769. Banjarmasin/M/BNKMSN
  4770. banjo/MS/BNK
  4771. banjoist/SM/BNKST
  4772. Banjul/M/BNKL
  4773. bank/GZJDRMBS/BNK
  4774. Bank/MS/BNK
  4775. bankbook/SM/BNKBK
  4776. bankcard/S/BNKKT
  4777. banker/M/BNK
  4778. banking/M/BNKN
  4779. banknote/S/BNKNT
  4780. bankroll/DMSG/BNKRL
  4781. bankrupt/DMGS/BNKRPT
  4782. bankruptcy/MS/BNKRPTS
  4783. Banky/M/BNK
  4784. banned/U/BNT
  4785. Banneker/M/BNK
  4786. banner/SDMG/BN
  4787. banning/U/BNN
  4788. Bannister/M/BNST
  4789. bannister's//BNSTS
  4790. bannock/SM/BNK
  4791. banns//BNS
  4792. banquet/SZGJMRD/BNKT
  4793. banqueter/M/BNKT
  4794. banquette/MS/BNKT
  4795. bans/U/BNS
  4796. banshee/MS/BNX
  4797. bantam/MS/BNTM
  4798. bantamweight/MS/BNTMWT
  4799. banter/RDSG/BNT
  4800. banterer/M/BNTR
  4801. bantering/Y/BNTRN
  4802. Banting/M/BNTN
  4803. Bantu/SM/BNT
  4804. banyan/MS/BNYN
  4805. banzai/S/BNS
  4806. baobab/SM/BBB
  4807. Baotou/M/BT
  4808. baptism/SM/BPTSM
  4809. baptismal/Y/BPTSML
  4810. baptist/MS/BPTST
  4811. Baptist/MS/BPTST
  4812. Baptiste/M/BPTST
  4813. baptistery/MS/BPTSTR
  4814. baptistry's//BPTSTRS
  4815. baptize/SRDZG/BPTS
  4816. baptized/U/BPTST
  4817. baptizer/M/BPTS
  4818. baptizes/U/BPTSS
  4819. Bar/MH/B
  4820. bar/TGMDRS/B
  4821. Barabbas/M/BRBS
  4822. barb/DRMSGZ/BB
  4823. Barb/RM/BB
  4824. Barbabas/M/BBBS
  4825. Barbabra/M/BBBR
  4826. Barbadian/S/BBTN
  4827. Barbados/M/BBTS
  4828. Barbara/M/BBR
  4829. Barbaraanne/M/BBRN
  4830. Barbarella/M/BBRL
  4831. barbarian/MS/BBRN
  4832. barbarianism/MS/BBRNSM
  4833. barbaric//BBRK
  4834. barbarically//BBRKL
  4835. barbarism/MS/BBRSM
  4836. barbarity/SM/BBRT
  4837. barbarize/SDG/BBRS
  4838. Barbarossa/M/BBRS
  4839. barbarous/PY/BBRS
  4840. barbarousness/M/BBRSNS
  4841. Barbary/M/BBR
  4842. Barbe/M/BB
  4843. barbecue/DRSMG/BBK
  4844. barbed/P/BBT
  4845. Barbee/M/BB
  4846. barbel/MS/BBL
  4847. barbell/SM/BBL
  4848. barbeque's//BBKS
  4849. barber/DMG/BB
  4850. Barber/M/BB
  4851. barbered/U/BBRT
  4852. barberry/MS/BBR
  4853. barbershop/MS/BBXP
  4854. Barbette/M/BBT
  4855. Barbey/M/BB
  4856. Barbi/M/BB
  4857. Barbie/M/BB
  4858. barbital/M/BBTL
  4859. barbiturate/MS/BBTRT
  4860. Barbour/M/BB
  4861. Barbra/M/BBR
  4862. Barbuda/M/BBT
  4863. barbwire/SM/BBWR
  4864. Barby/M/BB
  4865. barcarole/SM/BKRL
  4866. Barcelona/M/BSLN
  4867. Barclay/M/BKL
  4868. Bard/M/BT
  4869. bard/MDSG/BT
  4870. Barde/M/BT
  4871. Bardeen/M/BTN
  4872. bardic//BTK
  4873. bare/YSP/BR
  4874. bareback/D/BRBK
  4875. barefaced/YP/BRFST
  4876. barefacedness/M/BRFSTNS
  4877. barefoot/D/BRFT
  4878. barehanded//BRHNTT
  4879. bareheaded//BRHTT
  4880. barelegged//BRLKT
  4881. bareness/MS/BRNS
  4882. Barents/M/BRNTS
  4883. barf/YDSG/BF
  4884. barfly/SM/BFL
  4885. bargain/ZGSDRM/BKN
  4886. bargainer/M/BKN
  4887. barge/DSGM/BK
  4888. bargeman/M/BKMN
  4889. bargemen//BKMN
  4890. bargepole/M/BKPL
  4891. barhop/S/BHP
  4892. barhopped//BHPT
  4893. barhopping//BHPN
  4894. Bari/M/BR
  4895. baritone/MS/BRTN
  4896. barium/MS/BRM
  4897. bark/GZDRMS/BK
  4898. barked/C/BKT
  4899. barkeep/SRZ/BKP
  4900. barkeeper/M/BKP
  4901. barker/M/BK
  4902. Barker/M/BK
  4903. Barkley/M/BKL
  4904. barks/C/BKS
  4905. barley/MS/BL
  4906. barleycorn/MS/BLKN
  4907. Barlow/M/BL
  4908. barmaid/SM/BMT
  4909. barman/M/BMN
  4910. barmen//BMN
  4911. barn/GDSM/BN
  4912. Barn/M/BN
  4913. Barnabas//BNBS
  4914. Barnabe/M/BNB
  4915. Barnaby/M/BNB
  4916. barnacle/MDS/BNKL
  4917. Barnard/M/BNT
  4918. Barnaul/M/BNL
  4919. Barnebas/M/BNBS
  4920. Barnes//BNS
  4921. Barnett/M/BNT
  4922. Barney/M/BN
  4923. barnful//BNFL
  4924. Barnhard/M/BNHT
  4925. Barnie/M/BN
  4926. barnsful//BNSFL
  4927. barnstorm/DRGZS/BNSTM
  4928. barnstormer/M/BNSTM
  4929. Barnum/M/BNM
  4930. Barny/M/BN
  4931. barnyard/MS/BNYT
  4932. Baroda/M/BRT
  4933. barometer/MS/BRMT
  4934. barometric//BRMTRK
  4935. barometrically//BRMTRKL
  4936. Baron/M/BRN
  4937. baron/SM/BRN
  4938. baronage/MS/BRNK
  4939. baroness/MS/BRNS
  4940. baronet/MS/BRNT
  4941. baronetcy/SM/BRNTS
  4942. baronial//BRNL
  4943. barony/SM/BRN
  4944. baroque/SPMY/BRK
  4945. barque's//BKS
  4946. Barquisimeto/M/BKSMT
  4947. Barr/M/BR
  4948. barrack/SDRG/BRK
  4949. barracker/M/BRK
  4950. barracuda/MS/BRKT
  4951. barrage/MGSD/BRK
  4952. Barranquilla/M/BRNKL
  4953. barre/GMDSJ/BR
  4954. barred/ECU/BRT
  4955. barrel/SGMD/BRL
  4956. barren/SPRT/BRN
  4957. barrenness/SM/BRNS
  4958. Barrera/M/BRR
  4959. Barret/M/BRT
  4960. Barrett/M/BRT
  4961. barrette/SM/BRT
  4962. Barri/SM/BR
  4963. barricade/SDMG/BRKT
  4964. Barrie/M/BR
  4965. barrier/MS/BR
  4966. barring/R/BRN
  4967. barrio/SM/BR
  4968. barrister/MS/BRST
  4969. Barron/M/BRN
  4970. barroom/SM/BRM
  4971. barrow/MS/BR
  4972. Barry/M/BR
  4973. Barrymore/MS/BRMR
  4974. bars/ECU/BS
  4975. barstool/SM/BSTL
  4976. Barstow/M/BST
  4977. Bart/M/BT
  4978. Bartel/M/BTL
  4979. bartend/ZR/BTNT
  4980. bartender/M/BTNT
  4981. barter/SRDZG/BT
  4982. barterer/M/BTR
  4983. Barth/M/B@
  4984. Barthel/M/B@L
  4985. Bartholdi/M/B@LT
  4986. Bartholemy/M/B@LM
  4987. Bartholomeo/M/B@LM
  4988. Bartholomeus/M/B@LMS
  4989. Bartholomew/M/B@LM
  4990. Bartie/M/BT
  4991. Bartlet/M/BTLT
  4992. Bartlett/M/BTLT
  4993. Bartók/M/BTK
  4994. Bartolemo/M/BTLM
  4995. Bartolomeo/M/BTLM
  4996. Barton/M/BTN
  4997. Bartram/M/BTRM
  4998. Barty/M/BT
  4999. Bary/M/BR
  5000. barycenter//BRSNT
  5001. barycentre's//BRSNTRS
  5002. barycentric//BRSNTRK
  5003. baryon/SM/BRYN
  5004. Baryram/M/BRRM
  5005. Baryshnikov/M/BRXNKF
  5006. bas/DRSTG/BS
  5007. basal/Y/BSL
  5008. basalt/SM/BSLT
  5009. basaltic//BSLTK
  5010. Bascom/M/BSKM
  5011. base/CGRSDL/BS
  5012. Base/M/BS
  5013. baseball/MS/BSBL
  5014. baseband//BSBNT
  5015. baseboard/MS/BSBT
  5016. Basel/M/BSL
  5017. baseless//BSLS
  5018. baseline/SM/BSLN
  5019. basely//BSL
  5020. baseman/M/BSMN
  5021. basemen//BSMN
  5022. basement/CSM/BSMNT
  5023. baseness/MS/BSNS
  5024. baseplate/M/BSPLT
  5025. base's//BSS
  5026. basetting//BSTN
  5027. bash/JGDSR/BX
  5028. bashful/PY/BXFL
  5029. bashfulness/MS/BXFLNS
  5030. Basho/M/BX
  5031. Basia/M/BX
  5032. BASIC//BSK
  5033. basic/S/BSK
  5034. basically//BSKL
  5035. Basie/M/BS
  5036. Basil/M/BSL
  5037. basil/MS/BSL
  5038. basilar//BSL
  5039. Basile/M/BSL
  5040. basilica/SM/BSLK
  5041. Basilio/M/BSL
  5042. basilisk/SM/BSLSK
  5043. Basilius/M/BSLS
  5044. basin/DMS/BSN
  5045. basinful/S/BSNFL
  5046. basis/M/BSS
  5047. bask/GSD/BSK
  5048. basket/SM/BSKT
  5049. basketball/MS/BSKTBL
  5050. basketry/MS/BSKTR
  5051. basketwork/SM/BSKTWK
  5052. basophilic//BSFLK
  5053. Basque/SM/BSK
  5054. Basra/M/BSR
  5055. Bass/M/BS
  5056. bass/SM/BS
  5057. basset/GMDS/BST
  5058. Basseterre/M/BSTR
  5059. Bassett/M/BST
  5060. bassinet/SM/BSNT
  5061. bassist/MS/BSST
  5062. basso/MS/BS
  5063. bassoon/MS/BSN
  5064. bassoonist/MS/BSNST
  5065. basswood/SM/BSWT
  5066. bast/SGZMDR/BST
  5067. bastard/MYS/BSTT
  5068. bastardization/MS/BSTTSXN
  5069. bastardize/SDG/BSTTS
  5070. bastardized/U/BSTTST
  5071. bastardy/MS/BSTT
  5072. baste/NXS/BST
  5073. baster/M/BST
  5074. Bastian/M/BSXN
  5075. Bastien/M/BSTN
  5076. Bastille/M/BSTL
  5077. basting/M/BSTN
  5078. bastion/DM/BSXN
  5079. Basutoland/M/BSTLNT
  5080. Bat/M/BT
  5081. bat/SMDRG/BT
  5082. Bataan/M/BTN
  5083. Batavia/M/BTF
  5084. batch/MRSDG/BX
  5085. bate/KGSADC/BT
  5086. bated/U/BTT
  5087. bater/AC/BT
  5088. Bates//BTS
  5089. bath/JMDSRGZ/B@
  5090. bathe//B@
  5091. bather/M/B@
  5092. bathetic//B@TK
  5093. bathhouse/SM/B@HS
  5094. bathmat/S/B@MT
  5095. Batholomew/M/B@LM
  5096. bathos/SM/B@S
  5097. bathrobe/MS/B@RB
  5098. bathroom/SDM/B@RM
  5099. baths//B@S
  5100. Bathsheba/M/B@XB
  5101. bathtub/MS/B@TB
  5102. bathwater//B@WT
  5103. bathyscaphe's//B@SKFS
  5104. bathysphere/MS/B@SFR
  5105. batik/DMSG/BTK
  5106. Batista/M/BTST
  5107. batiste/SM/BTST
  5108. batman/M/BTMN
  5109. Batman/M/BTMN
  5110. batmen//BTMN
  5111. baton/SM/BTN
  5112. Batsheva/M/BTXF
  5113. batsman/M/BTSMN
  5114. batsmen//BTSMN
  5115. battalion/MS/BTLN
  5116. batted//BTT
  5117. batten/SDMG/BTN
  5118. batter/SRDZG/BT
  5119. battery/MS/BTR
  5120. batting/MS/BTN
  5121. battle/GMZRSDL/BTL
  5122. Battle/M/BTL
  5123. battledore/MS/BTLTR
  5124. battledress//BTLTRS
  5125. battlefield/SM/BTLFLT
  5126. battlefront/SM/BTLFRNT
  5127. battleground/SM/BTLKRNT
  5128. battlement/SMD/BTLMNT
  5129. battler/M/BTL
  5130. battleship/MS/BTLXP
  5131. batty/RT/BT
  5132. Batu/M/BT
  5133. batwings//BTWNS
  5134. bauble/SM/BBL
  5135. baud/M/BT
  5136. Baudelaire/M/BTLR
  5137. Baudoin/M/BTN
  5138. Baudouin/M/BTN
  5139. Bauer/M/B
  5140. Bauhaus/M/BHS
  5141. baulk/GSDM/BLK
  5142. Bausch/M/BSX
  5143. bauxite/SM/BKST
  5144. Bavaria/M/BFR
  5145. Bavarian/S/BFRN
  5146. bawd/SM/BT
  5147. bawdily//BTL
  5148. bawdiness/MS/BTNS
  5149. bawdy/PRST/BT
  5150. bawl/SGDR/BL
  5151. bawler/M/BL
  5152. Bax/M/BKS
  5153. Baxie/M/BKS
  5154. Baxter/M/BKST
  5155. Baxy/M/BKS
  5156. bay/GSMDY/B
  5157. Bay/MR/B
  5158. Bayamon//BYMN
  5159. Bayard/M/BYT
  5160. bayberry/MS/BBR
  5161. Bayda/M/BT
  5162. Bayer/M/BY
  5163. Bayes//BYS
  5164. Bayesian//BYXN
  5165. Baylor/M/BL
  5166. bayonet/SGMD/BYNT
  5167. Bayonne/M/BYN
  5168. bayou/MS/BY
  5169. Bayreuth/M/BR@
  5170. bazaar/MS/BS
  5171. bazillion/S/BSLN
  5172. bazooka/MS/BSK
  5173. BB//B
  5174. BBB//B
  5175. BBC//BK
  5176. bbl//BL
  5177. BBQ//BK
  5178. BBS//BS
  5179. BC//BK
  5180. BCD//BKT
  5181. bdrm//BTRM
  5182. be/KS/B
  5183. Be/MH/B
  5184. Bea/M/B
  5185. Beach/M/BX
  5186. beach/MSDG/BX
  5187. beachcomber/SM/BXKMB
  5188. beachhead/SM/BXHT
  5189. beachwear/M/BXW
  5190. beacon/DMSG/BKN
  5191. bead/SJGMD/BT
  5192. beading/M/BTN
  5193. Beadle/M/BTL
  5194. beadle/SM/BTL
  5195. beadsman/M/BTSMN
  5196. beadworker//BTWK
  5197. beady/TR/BT
  5198. beagle/SDGM/BKL
  5199. beak/ZSDRM/BK
  5200. beaker/M/BK
  5201. Beale/M/BL
  5202. Bealle/M/BL
  5203. beam/MDRSGZ/BM
  5204. bean/DRMGZS/BN
  5205. Bean/M/BN
  5206. beanbag/SM/BNBK
  5207. beanie/SM/BN
  5208. beanpole/MS/BNPL
  5209. beanstalk/SM/BNSTLK
  5210. Bear/M/B
  5211. bear/ZBRSJG/B
  5212. bearable/U/BRBL
  5213. bearably/U/BRBL
  5214. beard/DSGM/BT
  5215. Beard/M/BT
  5216. bearded/P/BTT
  5217. beardless//BTLS
  5218. Beardmore/M/BTMR
  5219. Beardsley/M/BTSL
  5220. bearer/M/BR
  5221. bearing/M/BRN
  5222. bearish/PY/BRX
  5223. bearishness/SM/BRXNS
  5224. bearlike//BLK
  5225. Bearnaise/M/BNS
  5226. Bearnard/M/BNT
  5227. bearskin/MS/BSKN
  5228. Beasley/M/BSL
  5229. beast/SJMY/BST
  5230. beasties//BSTS
  5231. beastings/M/BSTNS
  5232. beastliness/MS/BSTLNS
  5233. beastly/PTR/BSTL
  5234. beat/NRGSBZJ/BT
  5235. beatable/U/BTBL
  5236. beatably/U/BTBL
  5237. beaten/U/BTN
  5238. beater/M/BT
  5239. beatific//BTFK
  5240. beatifically//BTFKL
  5241. beatification/M/BTFKXN
  5242. beatify/GNXDS/BTF
  5243. beating/M/BTN
  5244. beatitude/MS/BTTT
  5245. Beatlemania/M/BTLMN
  5246. Beatles/M/BTLS
  5247. beatnik/SM/BTNK
  5248. Beatrice/M/BTRS
  5249. Beatrisa/M/BTRS
  5250. Beatrix/M/BTRKS
  5251. Beatriz/M/BTRS
  5252. Beau/M/B
  5253. beau/MS/B
  5254. Beauchamps//BXMPS
  5255. Beaufort/M/BFT
  5256. Beaujolais/M/BKLS
  5257. Beaumarchais/M/BMXS
  5258. Beaumont/M/BMNT
  5259. Beauregard/M/BRKT
  5260. beaut/SM/BT
  5261. beauteous/YP/BTS
  5262. beauteousness/M/BTSNS
  5263. beautician/MS/BTXN
  5264. beautification/M/BTFKXN
  5265. beautifier/M/BTF
  5266. beautiful/PTYR/BTFL
  5267. beautifully/U/BTFL
  5268. beautifulness/M/BTFLNS
  5269. beautify/SRDNGXZ/BTF
  5270. beauty/SM/BT
  5271. Beauvoir/M/BF
  5272. beaux's//BKSS
  5273. beaver/DMSG/BF
  5274. Beaverton/M/BFTN
  5275. Bebe/M/BB
  5276. bebop/MS/BBP
  5277. becalm/GDS/BKLM
  5278. became//BKM
  5279. because//BKS
  5280. Becca/M/BK
  5281. Bechtel/M/BXTL
  5282. beck/GSDM/BK
  5283. Beck/RM/BK
  5284. Becka/M/BK
  5285. Becker/M/BK
  5286. Becket/M/BKT
  5287. Beckett/M/BKT
  5288. Becki/M/BK
  5289. Beckie/M/BK
  5290. beckon/SDG/BKN
  5291. Becky/M/BK
  5292. becloud/SGD/BKLT
  5293. become/GJS/BKM
  5294. becoming/UY/BKMN
  5295. Becquerel/M/BKRL
  5296. bed/MS/BT
  5297. bedaub/GDS/BTB
  5298. bedazzle/GLDS/BTSL
  5299. bedazzlement/SM/BTSLMNT
  5300. bedbug/SM/BTBK
  5301. bedchamber/M/BTXMB
  5302. bedclothes//BTKL@S
  5303. bedded//BTT
  5304. bedder/MS/BT
  5305. bedding/MS/BTN
  5306. Bede/M/BT
  5307. bedeck/DGS/BTK
  5308. bedevil/DGLS/BTFL
  5309. bedevilment/SM/BTFLMNT
  5310. bedfast//BTFST
  5311. bedfellow/MS/BTFL
  5312. Bedford/M/BTFT
  5313. bedim/S/BTM
  5314. bedimmed//BTMT
  5315. bedimming//BTMN
  5316. bedizen/DGS/BTSN
  5317. bedlam/MS/BTLM
  5318. bedlinen//BTLNN
  5319. bedmaker/SM/BTMK
  5320. bedmate/MS/BTMT
  5321. Bedouin/SM/BTN
  5322. bedpan/SM/BTPN
  5323. bedpost/SM/BTPST
  5324. bedraggle/GSD/BTRKL
  5325. bedridden//BTRTN
  5326. bedrock/SM/BTRK
  5327. bedroll/SM/BTRL
  5328. bedroom/DMS/BTRM
  5329. bedsheets//BTXTS
  5330. bedside/MS/BTST
  5331. bedsit//BTST
  5332. bedsitter/M/BTST
  5333. bedsore/MS/BTSR
  5334. bedspread/SM/BTSPRT
  5335. bedspring/SM/BTSPRN
  5336. bedstead/SM/BTSTT
  5337. bedstraw/M/BTSTR
  5338. bedtime/SM/BTTM
  5339. Bee/M/B
  5340. bee/MZGJRS/B
  5341. Beebe/M/BB
  5342. beebread/MS/BBRT
  5343. beech/MRSN/BX
  5344. Beecher/M/BX
  5345. beechnut/MS/BXNT
  5346. beechwood//BXWT
  5347. beef/GZSDRM/BF
  5348. beefburger/SM/BFBK
  5349. beefcake/MS/BFKK
  5350. beefiness/MS/BFNS
  5351. beefsteak/MS/BFSTK
  5352. beefy/TRP/BF
  5353. beehive/MS/BHF
  5354. beekeeper/MS/BKP
  5355. beekeeping/SM/BKPN
  5356. beeline/MGSD/BLN
  5357. Beelzebub/M/BLSBB
  5358. been/S/BN
  5359. beep/GZSMDR/BP
  5360. beeper/M/BP
  5361. beer/M/B
  5362. Beerbohm/M/BBM
  5363. beermat/S/BMT
  5364. beery/TR/BR
  5365. beeswax/DSMG/BSWKS
  5366. beet/SM/BT
  5367. Beethoven/M/B@FN
  5368. beetle/GMRSD/BTL
  5369. Beeton/M/BTN
  5370. beetroot/M/BTRT
  5371. beeves/M/BFS
  5372. befall/SGN/BFL
  5373. befell//BFL
  5374. befit/SM/BFT
  5375. befitted//BFTT
  5376. befitting/Y/BFTN
  5377. befog/S/BFK
  5378. befogged//BFKT
  5379. befogging//BFKN
  5380. before//BFR
  5381. beforehand//BFRHNT
  5382. befoul/GSD/BFL
  5383. befriend/DGS/BFRNT
  5384. befuddle/GLDS/BFTL
  5385. befuddlement/SM/BFTLMNT
  5386. beg/S/BK
  5387. began//BKN
  5388. beget/S/BKT
  5389. begetting//BKTN
  5390. beggar/DYMSG/BK
  5391. beggarliness/M/BKLNS
  5392. beggarly/P/BKL
  5393. beggary/MS/BKR
  5394. begged//BKT
  5395. begging//BKN
  5396. Begin/M/BKN
  5397. begin/S/BKN
  5398. beginner/MS/BKN
  5399. beginning/MS/BKNN
  5400. begone/S/BKN
  5401. begonia/SM/BKN
  5402. begot//BKT
  5403. begotten//BKTN
  5404. begrime/SDG/BKRM
  5405. begrudge/GDRS/BKRK
  5406. begrudging/Y/BKRKNK
  5407. beguile/RSDLZG/BKL
  5408. beguilement/SM/BKLMNT
  5409. beguiler/M/BKL
  5410. beguiling/Y/BKLN
  5411. beguine/SM/BKN
  5412. begum/MS/BKM
  5413. begun//BKN
  5414. behalf/M/BHLF
  5415. behalves//BHLFS
  5416. Behan/M/BHN
  5417. behave/GRSD/BHF
  5418. behavior/SMD/BHF
  5419. behavioral/Y/BHFRL
  5420. behaviorism/MS/BHFRSM
  5421. behaviorist/S/BHFRST
  5422. behavioristic/S/BHFRSTK
  5423. behead/GSD/BHT
  5424. beheld//BHLT
  5425. behemoth/M/BHM@
  5426. behemoths//BHM@S
  5427. behest/SM/BHST
  5428. behind/S/BHNT
  5429. behindhand//BHNTHNT
  5430. behold/ZGRNS/BHLT
  5431. beholder/M/BHLT
  5432. behoofs//BHFS
  5433. behoove/SDJMG/BHF
  5434. behooving/YM/BHFN
  5435. Behring/M/BRN
  5436. Beiderbecke/M/BTBK
  5437. beige/MS/BK
  5438. Beijing//BKN
  5439. Beilul/M/BLL
  5440. being/M/BN
  5441. Beirut/M/BRT
  5442. Beitris/M/BTRS
  5443. bejewel/SDG/BKWL
  5444. Bekesy/M/BKS
  5445. Bekki/M/BK
  5446. Bel/M/BL
  5447. Bela/M/BL
  5448. belabor/MDSG/BLB
  5449. Belarus//BLRS
  5450. belate/D/BLT
  5451. belated/PY/BLTT
  5452. belatedness/M/BLTTNS
  5453. Belau/M/BL
  5454. belay/GSD/BL
  5455. belch/GSD/BLX
  5456. beleaguer/GDS/BLK
  5457. Belem/M/BLM
  5458. Belfast/M/BLFST
  5459. belfry/SM/BLFR
  5460. Belg/M/BLK
  5461. Belgian/MS/BLKN
  5462. Belgium/M/BLKM
  5463. Belgrade/M/BLKRT
  5464. Belia/M/BL
  5465. Belicia/M/BLX
  5466. belie//BL
  5467. belief/ESUM/BLF
  5468. belier/M/BL
  5469. believability/U/BLFBLT
  5470. believability's//BLFBLTS
  5471. believable/U/BLFBL
  5472. believably/U/BLFBL
  5473. believe/EZGDRS/BLF
  5474. believed/U/BLFT
  5475. believer/MUSE/BLF
  5476. believing/U/BLFN
  5477. Belinda/M/BLNT
  5478. Belita/M/BLT
  5479. belittle/RSDGL/BLTL
  5480. belittlement/MS/BLTLMNT
  5481. belittler/M/BLTL
  5482. Belize/M/BLS
  5483. bell/GSMD/BL
  5484. Bell/M/BL
  5485. Bella/M/BL
  5486. belladonna/MS/BLTN
  5487. Bellamy/M/BLM
  5488. Bellanca/M/BLNK
  5489. Bellatrix/M/BLTRKS
  5490. bellboy/MS/BLB
  5491. Belle/M/BL
  5492. belle/MS/BL
  5493. belled/A/BLT
  5494. belletrist/SM/BLTRST
  5495. belletristic//BLTRSTK
  5496. Belleville/M/BLFL
  5497. bellflower/M/BLFLW
  5498. bellhop/MS/BLHP
  5499. bellicose/YP/BLKS
  5500. bellicoseness/M/BLKSNS
  5501. bellicosity/MS/BLKST
  5502. belligerence/SM/BLKRNS
  5503. belligerency/MS/BLKRNS
  5504. belligerent/SMY/BLKRNT
  5505. Bellina/M/BLN
  5506. belling/A/BLN
  5507. Bellini/M/BLN
  5508. bellman/M/BLMN
  5509. bellmen//BLMN
  5510. Bellovin/M/BLFN
  5511. bellow/DGS/BL
  5512. Bellow/M/BL
  5513. bellows/M/BLS
  5514. bells/A/BLS
  5515. bellwether/MS/BLW@
  5516. Bellwood/M/BLWT
  5517. belly/SDGM/BL
  5518. bellyache/SRDGM/BLYX
  5519. bellyacher/M/BLYX
  5520. bellybutton/MS/BLBTN
  5521. bellyful/MS/BLFL
  5522. bellyfull//BLFL
  5523. Belmont/M/BLMNT
  5524. Belmopan/M/BLMPN
  5525. Beloit/M/BLT
  5526. belong/DGJS/BLNK
  5527. belonging/MP/BLNKN
  5528. Belorussian/S/BLRXN
  5529. Belorussia's//BLRXS
  5530. belove/D/BLF
  5531. beloved/S/BLFT
  5532. below/S/BL
  5533. Belshazzar/M/BLXS
  5534. belt/GSMD/BLT
  5535. belted/U/BLTT
  5536. belting/M/BLTN
  5537. Belton/M/BLTN
  5538. Beltran/M/BLTRN
  5539. Beltsville/M/BLTSFL
  5540. beltway/SM/BLTW
  5541. beluga/SM/BLK
  5542. Belushi/M/BLX
  5543. Belva/M/BLF
  5544. belvedere/M/BLFTR
  5545. Belvia/M/BLF
  5546. bely/DSRG/BL
  5547. beman//BMN
  5548. bemire/SDG/BMR
  5549. bemoan/GDS/BMN
  5550. bemuse/GSDL/BMS
  5551. bemused/Y/BMST
  5552. bemusement/SM/BMSMNT
  5553. Ben/M/BN
  5554. Benacerraf/M/BNSRF
  5555. Benares's//BNRSS
  5556. bench/MRSDG/BNX
  5557. bencher/M/BNX
  5558. benchmark/GDMS/BNXMK
  5559. bend/BUSG/BNT
  5560. bended//BNTT
  5561. Bender/M/BNT
  5562. bender/MS/BNT
  5563. Bendick/M/BNTK
  5564. Bendicty/M/BNTKT
  5565. Bendite/M/BNTT
  5566. Bendix/M/BNTKS
  5567. beneath//BN@
  5568. Benedetta/M/BNTT
  5569. Benedetto/M/BNTT
  5570. Benedick/M/BNTK
  5571. Benedict/M/BNTKT
  5572. Benedicta/M/BNTKT
  5573. Benedictine/MS/BNTKTN
  5574. benediction/MS/BNTKXN
  5575. Benedicto/M/BNTKT
  5576. benedictory//BNTKTR
  5577. Benedikt/M/BNTKT
  5578. Benedikta/M/BNTKT
  5579. benefaction/MS/BNFKXN
  5580. benefactor/MS/BNFKT
  5581. benefactress/S/BNFKTRS
  5582. benefice/MGSD/BNFS
  5583. beneficence/SM/BNFSNS
  5584. beneficent/Y/BNFSNT
  5585. beneficial/PY/BNFXL
  5586. beneficialness/M/BNFXLNS
  5587. beneficiary/MS/BNFXR
  5588. benefit/SRDMZG/BNFT
  5589. benefiter/M/BNFT
  5590. Benelux/M/BNLKS
  5591. Benet/M/BNT
  5592. Benetta/M/BNT
  5593. Benetton/M/BNTN
  5594. benevolence/SM/BNFLNS
  5595. benevolent/YP/BNFLNT
  5596. benevolentness/M/BNFLNTNS
  5597. Bengal/SM/BNKL
  5598. Bengali/M/BNKL
  5599. Benghazi/M/BNKS
  5600. Bengt/M/BNKT
  5601. Beniamino/M/BNMN
  5602. benighted/YP/BNTT
  5603. benightedness/M/BNTTNS
  5604. benign/Y/BNN
  5605. benignant//BNKNNT
  5606. benignity/MS/BNKNT
  5607. Benin/M/BNN
  5608. Beninese//BNNS
  5609. Benita/M/BNT
  5610. Benito/M/BNT
  5611. Benjamen/M/BNKMN
  5612. Benjamin/M/BNKMN
  5613. Benji/M/BNK
  5614. Benjie/M/BNK
  5615. Benjy/M/BNK
  5616. Benn/M/BN
  5617. Bennett/M/BNT
  5618. Benni/M/BN
  5619. Bennie/M/BN
  5620. Bennington/M/BNNTN
  5621. Benny/M/BN
  5622. Benoit/M/BNT
  5623. Benoite/M/BNT
  5624. Benson/M/BNSN
  5625. Bent/M/BNT
  5626. bent/U/BNT
  5627. Bentham/M/BN@M
  5628. Bentlee/M/BNTL
  5629. Bentley/MS/BNTL
  5630. Benton/M/BNTN
  5631. bents//BNTS
  5632. bentwood/SM/BNTWT
  5633. benumb/SGD/BNM
  5634. Benyamin/M/BNYMN
  5635. Benz/M/BNS
  5636. Benzedrine/M/BNSTRN
  5637. benzene/MS/BNSN
  5638. benzine/SM/BNSN
  5639. Beograd's//BKRTS
  5640. Beowulf/M/BWLF
  5641. bequeath/GSD/BK@
  5642. bequeaths//BK@S
  5643. bequest/MS/BKST
  5644. Ber/MG/B
  5645. berate/GSD/BRT
  5646. Berber/MS/BB
  5647. bereave/GLSD/BRF
  5648. bereavement/MS/BRFMNT
  5649. bereft//BRFT
  5650. Berenice/M/BRNS
  5651. Beret/M/BRT
  5652. beret/SM/BRT
  5653. Berg/NRM/BK
  5654. berg/NRSM/BK
  5655. Bergen/M/BKN
  5656. Berger/M/BK
  5657. Bergerac/M/BKRK
  5658. Berget/M/BKT
  5659. Berglund/M/BKLNT
  5660. Bergman/M/BKMN
  5661. Bergson/M/BKSN
  5662. Bergsten/M/BKSTN
  5663. Bergstrom/M/BKSTRM
  5664. beribbon/D/BRBN
  5665. beriberi/SM/BRBR
  5666. Bering/RM/BRN
  5667. Beringer/M/BRN
  5668. Berk/YM/BK
  5669. Berke/M/BK
  5670. Berkeley/M/BKL
  5671. berkelium/SM/BKLM
  5672. Berkie/M/BK
  5673. Berkley/M/BKL
  5674. Berkly/M/BKL
  5675. Berkowitz/M/BKWTS
  5676. Berkshire/SM/BKXR
  5677. Berky/M/BK
  5678. Berle/M/BL
  5679. Berlin/SZRM/BLN
  5680. Berliner/M/BLN
  5681. Berlioz/M/BLS
  5682. Berlitz/M/BLTS
  5683. berm/SM/BM
  5684. Berman/M/BMN
  5685. Bermuda/MS/BMT
  5686. Bermudan/S/BMTN
  5687. Bermudian/S/BMTN
  5688. Bern/M/BN
  5689. Berna/M/BN
  5690. Bernadene/M/BNTN
  5691. Bernadette/M/BNTT
  5692. Bernadina/M/BNTN
  5693. Bernadine/M/BNTN
  5694. Bernard/M/BNT
  5695. Bernardina/M/BNTN
  5696. Bernardine/M/BNTN
  5697. Bernardino/M/BNTN
  5698. Bernardo/M/BNT
  5699. Bernarr/M/BNR
  5700. Bernays/M/BNS
  5701. Bernbach/M/BNBX
  5702. Bernelle/M/BNL
  5703. Berne's//BNS
  5704. Bernese//BNS
  5705. Bernete/M/BNT
  5706. Bernetta/M/BNT
  5707. Bernette/M/BNT
  5708. Bernhard/M/BNHT
  5709. Bernhardt/M/BNHTT
  5710. Berni/M/BN
  5711. Bernice/M/BNS
  5712. Bernie/M/BN
  5713. Berniece/M/BNS
  5714. Bernini/M/BNN
  5715. Bernita/M/BNT
  5716. Bernoulli/M/BNL
  5717. Bernstein/M/BNSTN
  5718. Berny/M/BN
  5719. Berra/M/BR
  5720. Berri/M/BR
  5721. Berrie/M/BR
  5722. Berry/M/BR
  5723. berry/SDMG/BR
  5724. berrylike//BRLK
  5725. berserk/SR/BSK
  5726. berserker/M/BSK
  5727. Bert/M/BT
  5728. Berta/M/BT
  5729. Berte/M/BT
  5730. berth/MDGJ/B@
  5731. Bertha/M/B@
  5732. Berthe/M/B@
  5733. berths//B@S
  5734. Berti/M/BT
  5735. Bertie/M/BT
  5736. Bertillon/M/BTLN
  5737. Bertina/M/BTN
  5738. Bertine/M/BTN
  5739. Berton/M/BTN
  5740. Bertram/M/BTRM
  5741. Bertrand/M/BTRNT
  5742. Bertrando/M/BTRNT
  5743. Berty/M/BT
  5744. Beryl/M/BRL
  5745. beryl/SM/BRL
  5746. Beryle/M/BRL
  5747. beryllium/MS/BRLM
  5748. Berzelius/M/BSLS
  5749. bes//BS
  5750. beseech/RSJZG/BSX
  5751. beseecher/M/BSX
  5752. beseeching/Y/BSXN
  5753. beseem/GDS/BSM
  5754. beset/S/BST
  5755. besetting//BSTN
  5756. beside/S/BST
  5757. besiege/SRDZG/BSK
  5758. besieger/M/BSK
  5759. besmear/GSD/BSM
  5760. besmirch/GSD/BSMX
  5761. besom/GMDS/BSM
  5762. besot/S/BST
  5763. besotted//BSTT
  5764. besotting//BSTN
  5765. besought//BST
  5766. bespangle/GSD/BSPNKL
  5767. bespatter/SGD/BSPT
  5768. bespeak/SG/BSPK
  5769. bespectacled//BSPKTKLT
  5770. bespoke//BSPK
  5771. bespoken//BSPKN
  5772. Bess//BS
  5773. Bessel/M/BSL
  5774. Bessemer/M/BSM
  5775. Bessie/M/BS
  5776. Bessy/M/BS
  5777. best/DRSG/BST
  5778. Best/M/BST
  5779. bestial/Y/BSXL
  5780. bestiality/MS/BSXLT
  5781. bestiary/MS/BSXR
  5782. bestir/S/BST
  5783. bestirred//BSTRT
  5784. bestirring//BSTRN
  5785. bestow/SGD/BST
  5786. bestowal/SM/BSTWL
  5787. bestrew/DGS/BSTR
  5788. bestrewn//BSTRN
  5789. bestridden//BSTRTN
  5790. bestride/SG/BSTRT
  5791. bestrode//BSTRT
  5792. bestseller/MS/BSTSL
  5793. bestselling//BSTSLN
  5794. bestubble/D/BSTBL
  5795. bet/MS/BT
  5796. beta/SM/BT
  5797. betake/SG/BTK
  5798. betaken//BTKN
  5799. betatron/M/BTTRN
  5800. betcha//BX
  5801. betel/MS/BTL
  5802. Betelgeuse/M/BTLKS
  5803. beth/M/B@
  5804. Beth/M/B@
  5805. Bethanne/M/B@N
  5806. Bethany/M/B@N
  5807. Bethe/M/B@
  5808. bethel/M/B@L
  5809. Bethena/M/B@N
  5810. Bethesda/M/B@ST
  5811. Bethina/M/B@N
  5812. bethink/GS/B@NK
  5813. Bethlehem/M/B@LHM
  5814. bethought//B@T
  5815. Bethune//B@N
  5816. betide/GSD/BTT
  5817. betimes//BTMS
  5818. betoken/GSD/BTKN
  5819. betook//BTK
  5820. betray/SRDZG/BTR
  5821. betrayal/SM/BTRYL
  5822. betrayer/M/BTRY
  5823. betroth/GD/BTR@
  5824. betrothal/SM/BTR@L
  5825. betrothed/U/BTR@T
  5826. betroths//BTR@S
  5827. Betsey/M/BTS
  5828. Betsy/M/BTS
  5829. Betta/M/BT
  5830. Bette/M/BT
  5831. Betteann/M/BTN
  5832. Betteanne/M/BTN
  5833. better/SDLG/BT
  5834. betterment/MS/BTMNT
  5835. Betti/M/BT
  5836. Bettie/M/BT
  5837. Bettina/M/BTN
  5838. Bettine/M/BTN
  5839. betting//BTN
  5840. bettor/SM/BT
  5841. Betty/SM/BT
  5842. Bettye/M/BTY
  5843. between/SP/BTWN
  5844. betweenness/M/BTWNS
  5845. betwixt//BTWKST
  5846. Beulah/M/BL
  5847. Bevan/M/BFN
  5848. bevel/SJGMRD/BFL
  5849. beverage/MS/BFRK
  5850. Beverie/M/BFR
  5851. Beverlee/M/BFL
  5852. Beverley/M/BFL
  5853. Beverlie/M/BFL
  5854. Beverly/M/BFL
  5855. Bevin/M/BFN
  5856. Bevon/M/BFN
  5857. Bev's//BFS
  5858. Bevvy/M/BFF
  5859. bevy/SM/BF
  5860. bewail/GDS/BWL
  5861. beware/GSD/BWR
  5862. bewhisker/D/BHSK
  5863. bewigged//BWKT
  5864. bewilder/LDSG/BWLT
  5865. bewildered/PY/BWLTRT
  5866. bewildering/Y/BWLTRN
  5867. bewilderment/SM/BWLTMNT
  5868. bewitch/LGDS/BWX
  5869. bewitching/Y/BWXN
  5870. bewitchment/SM/BWXMNT
  5871. bey/MS/B
  5872. beyond/S/BYNT
  5873. bezel/MS/BSL
  5874. bf//BF
  5875. Bhopal/M/BHPL
  5876. Bhutan/M/BHTN
  5877. Bhutanese//BHTNS
  5878. Bhutto/M/BHT
  5879. bi/M/B
  5880. Bi/M/B
  5881. Bialystok/M/BLSTK
  5882. Bianca/M/BNK
  5883. Bianco/M/BNK
  5884. Bianka/M/BNK
  5885. biannual/Y/BNL
  5886. bias/DSMPG/BS
  5887. biased/U/BST
  5888. biathlon/MS/B@LN
  5889. biaxial/Y/BKSL
  5890. Bib/M/BB
  5891. bib/MS/BB
  5892. bibbed//BBT
  5893. Bibbie/M/BB
  5894. bibbing//BBN
  5895. Bibby/M/BB
  5896. Bibbye/M/BBY
  5897. Bibi/M/BB
  5898. bible/MS/BBL
  5899. Bible/MS/BBL
  5900. biblical/Y/BBLKL
  5901. biblicists//BBLSSTS
  5902. bibliographer/MS/BBLKRF
  5903. bibliographic/S/BBLKRFK
  5904. bibliographical/Y/BBLKRFKL
  5905. bibliography/MS/BBLKRF
  5906. bibliophile/MS/BBLFL
  5907. bibulous//BBLS
  5908. bicameral//BKMRL
  5909. bicameralism/MS/BKMRLSM
  5910. bicarb/MS/BKB
  5911. bicarbonate/MS/BKBNT
  5912. bicentenary/S/BSNTNR
  5913. bicentennial/S/BSNTNL
  5914. bicep/S/BSP
  5915. biceps/M/BSPS
  5916. bichromate/DM/BXRMT
  5917. bicker/SRDZG/BK
  5918. bickerer/M/BKR
  5919. bickering/M/BKRN
  5920. biconcave//BKNKF
  5921. biconnected//BKNKTT
  5922. biconvex//BKNFKS
  5923. bicuspid/S/BKSPT
  5924. bicycle/RSDMZG/BSKL
  5925. bicycler/M/BSKL
  5926. bicyclist/SM/BSKLST
  5927. bid/GMRS/BT
  5928. biddable//BTBL
  5929. bidden/U/BTN
  5930. bidder/MS/BT
  5931. Biddie/M/BT
  5932. bidding/MS/BTN
  5933. Biddle/M/BTL
  5934. Biddy/M/BT
  5935. biddy/SM/BT
  5936. bide/S/BT
  5937. bider/M/BT
  5938. bidet/SM/BTT
  5939. Bidget/M/BKT
  5940. bidiagonal//BTKNL
  5941. bidirectional/Y/BTRKXNL
  5942. bids/A/BTS
  5943. biennial/SY/BNL
  5944. biennium/SM/BNM
  5945. Bienville/M/BNFL
  5946. bier/M/B
  5947. Bierce/M/BS
  5948. bifocal/S/BFKL
  5949. bifurcate/SDXGNY/BFKT
  5950. bifurcation/M/BFKXN
  5951. big/PYS/BK
  5952. bigamist/SM/BKMST
  5953. bigamous//BKMS
  5954. bigamy/SM/BKM
  5955. Bigelow/M/BKL
  5956. Bigfoot//BKFT
  5957. bigged//BKT
  5958. bigger//BK
  5959. biggest//BKST
  5960. biggie/SM/BK
  5961. bigging//BKN
  5962. biggish//BKX
  5963. bighead/MS/BKT
  5964. bighearted/P/BKTT
  5965. bigheartedness/S/BKTTNS
  5966. bighorn/MS/BKN
  5967. bight/SMDG/BT
  5968. bigmouth/M/BKM@
  5969. bigmouths//BKM@S
  5970. bigness/SM/BKNS
  5971. bigot/MDSG/BKT
  5972. bigoted/Y/BKTT
  5973. bigotry/MS/BKTR
  5974. bigwig/MS/BKWK
  5975. biharmonic//BHMNK
  5976. bijection/MS/BKKXN
  5977. bijective/Y/BKKTF
  5978. bijou/M/BK
  5979. bijoux//BKKS
  5980. bike/MZGDRS/BK
  5981. biker/M/BK
  5982. bikini/SMD/BKN
  5983. Biko/M/BK
  5984. Bil/MY/BL
  5985. bilabial/S/BLBL
  5986. bilateral/PY/BLTRL
  5987. bilateralness/M/BLTRLNS
  5988. bilayer/S/BLY
  5989. Bilbao/M/BLB
  5990. bilberry/MS/BLBR
  5991. Bilbo/M/BLB
  5992. bile/SM/BL
  5993. bilge/GMDS/BLK
  5994. Bili/M/BL
  5995. biliary//BLR
  5996. bilinear//BLN
  5997. bilingual/SY/BLNL
  5998. bilingualism/SM/BLNLSM
  5999. bilious/P/BLS
  6000. biliousness/SM/BLSNS
  6001. bilk/GZSDR/BLK
  6002. bilker/M/BLK
  6003. bill/JGZSBMDR/BL
  6004. Bill/JM/BL
  6005. billboard/MDGS/BLBT
  6006. biller/M/BL
  6007. billet/MDGS/BLT
  6008. billfold/MS/BLFLT
  6009. Billi/M/BL
  6010. billiard/SM/BLT
  6011. Billie/M/BL
  6012. billing/M/BLN
  6013. Billings/M/BLNS
  6014. billingsgate/SM/BLNSKT
  6015. billion/SHM/BLN
  6016. billionaire/MS/BLNR
  6017. billionths//BLN@S
  6018. billow/DMGS/BL
  6019. billowy/RT/BL
  6020. billposters//BLPSTS
  6021. Billy/M/BL
  6022. billy/SM/BL
  6023. Billye/M/BLY
  6024. bimbo/MS/BMB
  6025. bimetallic/S/BMTLK
  6026. bimetallism/MS/BMTLSM
  6027. Bimini/M/BMN
  6028. bimodal//BMTL
  6029. bimolecular/Y/BMLKL
  6030. bimonthly/S/BMN@L
  6031. bin/SM/BN
  6032. binary/S/BNR
  6033. binaural/Y/BNRL
  6034. bind/JDRGZS/BNT
  6035. binder/M/BNT
  6036. bindery/MS/BNTR
  6037. binding/MPY/BNTN
  6038. bindingness/M/BNTNNS
  6039. bindle/M/BNTL
  6040. binds/AU/BNTS
  6041. bindweed/MS/BNTWT
  6042. bing/GNDM/BN
  6043. Bing/M/BN
  6044. binge/MS/BN
  6045. Bingham/M/BNHM
  6046. Binghamton/M/BNHMTN
  6047. bingo/MS/BN
  6048. Bini/M/BN
  6049. Bink/M/BNK
  6050. Binky/M/BNK
  6051. binnacle/MS/BNKL
  6052. binned//BNT
  6053. Binni/M/BN
  6054. Binnie/M/BN
  6055. binning//BNN
  6056. Binny/M/BN
  6057. binocular/SY/BNKL
  6058. binodal//BNTL
  6059. binomial/SYM/BNML
  6060. binuclear//BNKL
  6061. biochemical/SY/BXMKL
  6062. biochemist/MS/BXMST
  6063. biochemistry/MS/BXMSTR
  6064. biodegradability/S/BTKRTBLT
  6065. biodegradable//BTKRTBL
  6066. biodiversity/S/BTFST
  6067. bioengineering/M/BNKNRN
  6068. bioethics//B@KS
  6069. biofeedback/SM/BFTBK
  6070. biog/S/BK
  6071. biograph/RZ/BKRF
  6072. biographer/M/BKRF
  6073. biographic//BKRFK
  6074. biographical/Y/BKRFKL
  6075. biography/MS/BKRF
  6076. Bioko/M/BK
  6077. biol//BL
  6078. biologic/S/BLKK
  6079. biological/SY/BLKKL
  6080. biologist/SM/BLKST
  6081. biology/MS/BLK
  6082. biomass/SM/BMS
  6083. biomedical//BMTKL
  6084. biomedicine/M/BMTSN
  6085. biometric/S/BMTRK
  6086. biometrics/M/BMTRKS
  6087. biometry/M/BMTR
  6088. biomolecule/S/BMLKL
  6089. biomorph//BMF
  6090. bionic/S/BNK
  6091. bionically//BNKL
  6092. bionics/M/BNKS
  6093. biophysic/S/BFSK
  6094. biophysical/Y/BFSKL
  6095. biophysicist/SM/BFSSST
  6096. biophysics/M/BFSKS
  6097. biopic/S/BPK
  6098. biopsy/SDGM/BPS
  6099. biorhythm/S/BH@M
  6100. BIOS//BS
  6101. bioscience/S/BSNS
  6102. biosphere/MS/BSFR
  6103. biostatistic/S/BSTTSTK
  6104. biosynthesized//BSN@SST
  6105. biotechnological//BTXNLKKL
  6106. biotechnologist//BTXNLKST
  6107. biotechnology/SM/BTXNLK
  6108. biotic//BTK
  6109. biotin/SM/BTN
  6110. bipartisan//BPTSN
  6111. bipartisanship/MS/BPTSNXP
  6112. bipartite/YN/BPTT
  6113. bipartition/M/BPTXN
  6114. biped/MS/BPT
  6115. bipedal//BPTL
  6116. biplane/MS/BPLN
  6117. bipolar//BPL
  6118. bipolarity/MS/BPLRT
  6119. biracial//BRXL
  6120. Birch/M/BX
  6121. birch/MRSDNG/BX
  6122. Bird/M/BT
  6123. bird/SMDRGZ/BT
  6124. birdbath/M/BTB@
  6125. birdbaths//BTB@S
  6126. birdbrain/SDM/BTBRN
  6127. birdcage/SM/BTKK
  6128. birder/M/BT
  6129. birdhouse/MS/BTHS
  6130. Birdie/M/BT
  6131. birdie/MSD/BT
  6132. birdieing//BTN
  6133. birdlike//BTLK
  6134. birdlime/MGDS/BTLM
  6135. birdseed/MS/BTST
  6136. Birdseye/M/BTSY
  6137. birdsong//BTSNK
  6138. birdtables//BTTBLS
  6139. birdwatch/GZR/BTWX
  6140. birefringence/M/BRFRNNS
  6141. birefringent//BRFRNNT
  6142. biretta/SM/BRT
  6143. Birgit/M/BKT
  6144. Birgitta/M/BKT
  6145. Birk/M/BK
  6146. Birkenstock/M/BKNSTK
  6147. Birmingham/M/BMNHM
  6148. Biro/M/BR
  6149. Biron/M/BRN
  6150. birth/MDG/B@
  6151. birthday/SM/B@T
  6152. birthmark/MS/B@MK
  6153. birthplace/SM/B@PLS
  6154. birthrate/MS/B@RT
  6155. birthright/MS/B@RT
  6156. births/A/B@S
  6157. birth's/A/B@S
  6158. birthstone/SM/B@STN
  6159. bis//BS
  6160. Biscay/M/BSK
  6161. Biscayne/M/BSKN
  6162. biscuit/MS/BSKT
  6163. bisect/DSG/BSKT
  6164. bisection/MS/BSKXN
  6165. bisector/MS/BSKT
  6166. biserial//BSRL
  6167. bisexual/YMS/BSKSL
  6168. bisexuality/MS/BSKSLT
  6169. Bishkek//BXKK
  6170. bishop/DGSM/BXP
  6171. Bishop/M/BXP
  6172. bishopric/SM/BXPRK
  6173. Bismarck/M/BSMK
  6174. Bismark/M/BSMK
  6175. bismuth/M/BSM@
  6176. bismuths//BSM@S
  6177. bison/M/BSN
  6178. bisque/SM/BSK
  6179. Bissau/M/BS
  6180. bistable//BSTBL
  6181. bistate//BSTT
  6182. bistro/SM/BSTR
  6183. bisyllabic//BSLBK
  6184. bit/MRJSZG/BT
  6185. bitblt/S/BTBLT
  6186. bitch/MSDG/BX
  6187. bitchily//BXL
  6188. bitchiness/MS/BXNS
  6189. bitchy/PTR/BX
  6190. bite/S/BT
  6191. biter/M/BT
  6192. biting/Y/BTN
  6193. bitmap/SM/BTMP
  6195. bits/C/BTS
  6196. bit's/C/BTS
  6197. bitser/M/BTS
  6198. bitted//BTT
  6199. bitten//BTN
  6200. bitter/PSRDYTG/BT
  6201. bittern/SM/BTN
  6202. bitterness/SM/BTNS
  6203. bitternut/M/BTNT
  6204. bitterroot/M/BTRT
  6205. bittersweet/YMSP/BTSWT
  6206. bitting//BTN
  6207. bitty/PRT/BT
  6208. bitumen/MS/BTMN
  6209. bituminous//BTMNS
  6210. bitwise//BTWS
  6211. bivalent/S/BFLNT
  6212. bivalve/MSD/BFLF
  6213. bivariate//BFRT
  6214. bivouac/MS/BFK
  6215. bivouacked//BFKT
  6216. bivouacking//BFKN
  6217. biweekly/S/BWKL
  6218. biyearly//BYL
  6219. biz/M/BS
  6220. bizarre/YSP/BSR
  6221. bizarreness/M/BSRNS
  6222. Bizet/M/BST
  6223. bizzes//BSS
  6224. Bjorn/M/BKN
  6225. bk//BK
  6226. Bk/M/BK
  6227. bl/D/BL
  6228. blab/S/BLB
  6229. blabbed//BLBT
  6230. blabber/GMDS/BLB
  6231. blabbermouth/M/BLBM@
  6232. blabbermouths//BLBM@S
  6233. blabbing//BLBN
  6234. black/SJTXPYRDNG/BLK
  6235. blackamoor/SM/BLKM
  6236. blackball/SDMG/BLKBL
  6237. blackberry/GMS/BLKBR
  6238. blackbird/SGDRM/BLKBT
  6239. blackbirder/M/BLKBT
  6240. blackboard/SM/BLKBT
  6241. blackbody/S/BLKBT
  6242. Blackburn/M/BLKBN
  6243. blackcurrant/M/BLKKRNT
  6244. blacken/GDR/BLKN
  6245. blackener/M/BLKN
  6246. Blackfeet//BLKFT
  6247. Blackfoot/M/BLKFT
  6248. blackguard/MDSG/BLKKT
  6249. blackhead/SM/BLKHT
  6250. blacking/M/BLKN
  6251. blackish//BLKX
  6252. blackjack/SGMD/BLKKK
  6253. blackleg/M/BLKLK
  6254. blacklist/DRMSG/BLKLST
  6255. blackmail/DRMGZS/BLKML
  6256. blackmailer/M/BLKML
  6257. Blackman/M/BLKMN
  6258. Blackmer/M/BLKM
  6259. blackness/MS/BLKNS
  6260. blackout/SM/BLKT
  6261. Blackpool/M/BLKPL
  6262. Black's//BLKS
  6263. blacksmith/MG/BLKSM@
  6264. blacksmiths//BLKSM@S
  6265. blacksnake/MS/BLKSNK
  6266. blackspot//BLKSPT
  6267. Blackstone/M/BLKSTN
  6268. blackthorn/MS/BLK@N
  6269. blacktop/MS/BLKTP
  6270. blacktopped//BLKTPT
  6271. blacktopping//BLKTPN
  6272. Blackwell/MS/BLKWL
  6273. bladder/MS/BLT
  6274. bladdernut/M/BLTNT
  6275. bladderwort/M/BLTWT
  6276. blade/DSGM/BLT
  6277. blah/MDG/BL
  6278. blahs//BLS
  6279. Blaine/M/BLN
  6280. Blair/M/BL
  6281. Blaire/M/BLR
  6282. Blake/M/BLK
  6283. Blakelee/M/BLKL
  6284. Blakeley/M/BLKL
  6285. Blakey/M/BLK
  6286. blame/DSRBGMZ/BLM
  6287. blameless/YP/BLMLS
  6288. blamelessness/SM/BLMLSNS
  6289. blamer/M/BLM
  6290. blameworthiness/SM/BLMW@NS
  6291. blameworthy/P/BLMW@
  6292. blanc/M/BLNK
  6293. Blanca/M/BLNK
  6294. blanch/DRSG/BLNX
  6295. Blanch/M/BLNX
  6296. Blancha/M/BLNX
  6297. Blanchard/M/BLNXT
  6298. Blanche/M/BLNX
  6299. blancher/M/BLNX
  6300. blancmange/SM/BLNKMNK
  6301. bland/PYRT/BLNT
  6302. blandish/SDGL/BLNTX
  6303. blandishment/MS/BLNTXMNT
  6304. blandness/MS/BLNTNS
  6305. Blane/M/BLN
  6306. blank/SPGTYRD/BLNK
  6307. Blankenship/M/BLNKNXP
  6308. blanket/SDRMZG/BLNKT
  6309. blanketing/M/BLNKTN
  6310. blankness/MS/BLNKNS
  6311. Blanton/M/BLNTN
  6312. Blantyre/M/BLNTR
  6313. blare/DSG/BLR
  6314. blarney/DMGS/BLN
  6315. blasé//BLS
  6316. blaspheme/RSDZG/BLSFM
  6317. blasphemer/M/BLSFM
  6318. blasphemous/PY/BLSFMS
  6319. blasphemousness/M/BLSFMSNS
  6320. blasphemy/SM/BLSFM
  6321. blast/SMRDGZ/BLST
  6322. blaster/M/BLST
  6323. blasting/M/BLSTN
  6324. blastoff/SM/BLSTF
  6325. blatancy/SM/BLTNS
  6326. blatant/YP/BLTNT
  6327. blather/DRGS/BL@
  6328. blatting//BLTN
  6329. Blatz/M/BLTS
  6330. Blavatsky/M/BLFTSK
  6331. Blayne/M/BLN
  6332. blaze/DSRGMZ/BLS
  6333. blazer/M/BLS
  6334. blazing/Y/BLSN
  6335. blazon/SGDR/BLSN
  6336. blazoner/M/BLSN
  6337. bldg//BLTK
  6338. bleach/DRSZG/BLX
  6339. bleached/U/BLXT
  6340. bleacher/M/BLX
  6341. bleak/TPYRS/BLK
  6342. bleakness/MS/BLKNS
  6343. blear/GDS/BL
  6344. blearily//BLRL
  6345. bleariness/SM/BLRNS
  6346. bleary/PRT/BLR
  6347. bleat/RDGS/BLT
  6348. bleater/M/BLT
  6349. bleed/ZRJSG/BLT
  6350. bleeder/M/BLT
  6351. Bleeker/M/BLK
  6352. bleep/GMRDZS/BLP
  6353. blemish/DSMG/BLMX
  6354. blemished/U/BLMXT
  6355. blench/DSG/BLNX
  6356. blend/GZRDS/BLNT
  6357. blender/M/BLNT
  6358. Blenheim/M/BLNHM
  6359. bless/JGSD/BLS
  6360. blessed/PRYT/BLST
  6361. blessedness/MS/BLSTNS
  6362. blessing/M/BLSN
  6363. Blevins/M/BLFNS
  6364. blew//BL
  6365. Bligh/M/BL
  6366. blight/GSMDR/BLT
  6367. blighter/M/BLT
  6368. blimey/S/BLM
  6369. blimp/MS/BLMP
  6370. blind/JGTZPYRDS/BLNT
  6371. blinded/U/BLNTT
  6372. blinder/M/BLNT
  6373. blindfold/SDG/BLNTFLT
  6374. blinding/MY/BLNTN
  6375. blindness/MS/BLNTNS
  6376. blindside/SDG/BLNTST
  6377. blink/RDGSZ/BLNK
  6378. blinker/MDG/BLNK
  6379. blinking/U/BLNKN
  6380. blinks/M/BLNKS
  6381. Blinni/M/BLN
  6382. Blinnie/M/BLN
  6383. Blinny/M/BLN
  6384. blintz/SM/BLNTS
  6385. blintze/M/BLNTS
  6386. blip/MS/BLP
  6387. blipped//BLPT
  6388. blipping//BLPN
  6389. Bliss/M/BLS
  6390. bliss/SDMG/BLS
  6391. Blisse/M/BLS
  6392. blissful/PY/BLSFL
  6393. blissfulness/MS/BLSFLNS
  6394. blister/SMDG/BLST
  6395. blistering/Y/BLSTRN
  6396. blistery//BLSTR
  6397. Blithe/M/BL@
  6398. blithe/TYPR/BL@
  6399. blitheness/SM/BL@NS
  6400. blither/G/BL@
  6401. blithesome//BL@SM
  6402. blitz/GSDM/BLTS
  6403. blitzkrieg/SM/BLTSKRK
  6404. blizzard/MS/BLST
  6405. bloat/SRDGZ/BLT
  6406. bloater/M/BLT
  6407. blob/MS/BLB
  6408. blobbed//BLBT
  6409. blobbing//BLBN
  6410. bloc/MS/BLK
  6411. Bloch/M/BLX
  6412. block/USDG/BLK
  6413. blockade/ZMGRSD/BLKT
  6414. blockader/M/BLKT
  6415. blockage/MS/BLKK
  6416. blockbuster/SM/BLKBST
  6417. blockbusting/MS/BLKBSTN
  6418. blocker/MS/BLK
  6419. blockhead/MS/BLKHT
  6420. blockhouse/SM/BLKHS
  6421. block's//BLKS
  6422. blocky/R/BLK
  6423. Bloemfontein/M/BLMFNTN
  6424. bloke/SM/BLK
  6425. Blomberg/M/BLMBK
  6426. Blomquist/M/BLMKST
  6427. blond/SPMRT/BLNT
  6428. Blondell/M/BLNTL
  6429. Blondelle/M/BLNTL
  6430. blonde's//BLNTS
  6431. Blondie/M/BLNT
  6432. blondish//BLNTX
  6433. blondness/MS/BLNTNS
  6434. Blondy/M/BLNT
  6435. blood/SMDG/BLT
  6436. bloodbath//BLTB@
  6437. bloodbaths//BLTB@S
  6438. bloodcurdling//BLTKTLN
  6439. bloodhound/SM/BLTHNT
  6440. bloodied/U/BLTT
  6441. bloodiness/MS/BLTNS
  6442. bloodless/PY/BLTLS
  6443. bloodlessness/SM/BLTLSNS
  6444. bloodletting/MS/BLTLTN
  6445. bloodline/SM/BLTLN
  6446. bloodmobile/MS/BLTMBL
  6447. bloodroot/M/BLTRT
  6448. bloodshed/SM/BLTXT
  6449. bloodshot//BLTXT
  6450. bloodsport/S/BLTSPT
  6451. bloodstain/MDS/BLTSTN
  6452. bloodstock/SM/BLTSTK
  6453. bloodstone/M/BLTSTN
  6454. bloodstream/SM/BLTSTRM
  6455. bloodsucker/SM/BLTSK
  6456. bloodsucking/S/BLTSKN
  6457. bloodthirstily//BLT@STL
  6458. bloodthirstiness/MS/BLT@STNS
  6459. bloodthirsty/RTP/BLT@ST
  6460. bloodworm/M/BLTWM
  6461. bloody/TPGDRS/BLT
  6462. bloodymindedness//BLTMNTTNS
  6463. Bloom/MR/BLM
  6464. bloom/SMRDGZ/BLM
  6465. bloomer/M/BLM
  6466. Bloomer/M/BLM
  6467. Bloomfield/M/BLMFLT
  6468. Bloomington/M/BLMNTN
  6469. bloop/GSZRD/BLP
  6470. blooper/M/BLP
  6471. blossom/DMGS/BLSM
  6472. blossomy//BLSM
  6473. blot/MS/BLT
  6474. blotch/GMDS/BLX
  6475. blotchy/RT/BLX
  6476. blotted//BLTT
  6477. blotter/MS/BLT
  6478. blotting//BLTN
  6479. blotto//BLT
  6480. blouse/GMSD/BLS
  6481. blow/GZRS/BL
  6482. blower/M/BLW
  6483. blowfish/M/BLFX
  6484. blowfly/MS/BLFL
  6485. blowgun/SM/BLKN
  6486. blowing/M/BLWN
  6487. blown/U/BLN
  6488. blowout/MS/BLWT
  6489. blowpipe/SM/BLPP
  6490. blowtorch/SM/BLTX
  6491. blowup/MS/BLWP
  6492. blowy/RST/BL
  6493. blowzy/RT/BLS
  6494. BLT//BLT
  6495. blubber/GSDR/BLB
  6496. blubbery//BLBR
  6497. Blucher/M/BLX
  6498. bludgeon/GSMD/BLKN
  6499. blue/JMYTGDRSP/BL
  6500. blueback//BLBK
  6501. Bluebeard/M/BLBT
  6502. bluebell/MS/BLBL
  6503. blueberry/SM/BLBR
  6504. bluebill/M/BLBL
  6505. bluebird/MS/BLBT
  6506. bluebonnet/SM/BLBNT
  6507. bluebook/M/BLBK
  6508. bluebottle/MS/BLBTL
  6509. bluebush//BLBX
  6510. bluefish/SM/BLFX
  6511. bluegill/SM/BLKL
  6512. bluegrass/MS/BLKRS
  6513. blueing's//BLNS
  6514. blueish//BLX
  6515. bluejacket/MS/BLKKT
  6516. bluejeans//BLKNS
  6517. blueness/MS/BLNS
  6518. bluenose/MS/BLNS
  6519. bluepoint/SM/BLPNT
  6520. blueprint/GDMS/BLPRNT
  6521. bluer/M/BL
  6522. bluest/M/BLST
  6523. bluestocking/SM/BLSTKN
  6524. bluesy/TR/BLS
  6525. bluet/MS/BLT
  6526. bluff/SPGTZYRD/BLF
  6527. bluffer/M/BLF
  6528. bluffness/MS/BLFNS
  6529. bluing/M/BLN
  6530. bluish/P/BLX
  6531. bluishness/M/BLXNS
  6532. Blum/M/BLM
  6533. Blumenthal/M/BLMN@L
  6534. blunder/GSMDRJZ/BLNT
  6535. blunderbuss/MS/BLNTBS
  6536. blunderer/M/BLNTR
  6537. blundering/Y/BLNTRN
  6538. blunt/PSGTYRD/BLNT
  6539. bluntness/MS/BLNTNS
  6540. blur/MS/BL
  6541. blurb/GSDM/BLB
  6542. blurred/Y/BLRT
  6543. blurriness/S/BLRNS
  6544. blurring/Y/BLRN
  6545. blurry/RPT/BLR
  6546. blurt/GSRD/BLT
  6547. blush/RSDGZ/BLX
  6548. blusher/M/BLX
  6549. blushing/UY/BLXN
  6550. bluster/SDRZG/BLST
  6551. blusterer/M/BLSTR
  6552. blustering/Y/BLSTRN
  6553. blusterous//BLSTRS
  6554. blustery//BLSTR
  6555. blvd//BLFT
  6556. Blvd//BLFT
  6557. Blythe/M/BL@
  6558. BM//BM
  6559. BMW/M/BM
  6560. BO//B
  6561. Bo/MRZ/B
  6562. boa/SM/B
  6563. boar/MS/B
  6564. board/IS/BT
  6565. boarded//BTT
  6566. boarder/SM/BT
  6567. boardgames//BTKMS
  6568. boarding/SM/BTN
  6569. boardinghouse/SM/BTNHS
  6570. boardroom/MS/BTRM
  6571. board's//BTS
  6572. boardwalk/SM/BTWLK
  6573. boast/SJRDGZ/BST
  6574. boaster/M/BST
  6575. boastful/YP/BSTFL
  6576. boastfulness/MS/BSTFLNS
  6577. boat/MDRGZJS/BT
  6578. boatclubs//BTKLBS
  6579. boater/M/BT
  6580. boathouse/SM/B@S
  6581. boating/M/BTN
  6582. boatload/SM/BTLT
  6583. boatman/M/BTMN
  6584. boatmen//BTMN
  6585. boatswain/SM/BTSWN
  6586. boatyard/SM/BTYT
  6587. Bob/M/BB
  6588. bob/SM/BB
  6589. Bobbe/M/BB
  6590. bobbed//BBT
  6591. Bobbee/M/BB
  6592. Bobbette/M/BBT
  6593. Bobbi/M/BB
  6594. Bobbie/M/BB
  6595. bobbin/MS/BBN
  6596. bobbing/M/BBN
  6597. Bobbitt/M/BBT
  6598. bobble/SDGM/BBL
  6599. Bobbsey/M/BBS
  6600. Bobby/M/BB
  6601. bobby/SM/BB
  6602. Bobbye/M/BBY
  6603. bobbysoxer's//BBSKSS
  6604. bobcat/MS/BBKT
  6605. Bobette/M/BBT
  6606. Bobina/M/BBN
  6607. Bobine/M/BBN
  6608. Bobinette/M/BBNT
  6609. bobolink/SM/BBLNK
  6610. Bobrow/M/BBR
  6611. bobs/M/BBS
  6612. bobsled/MS/BBSLT
  6613. bobsledded//BBSLTT
  6614. bobsledder/MS/BBSLT
  6615. bobsledding/M/BBSLTN
  6616. bobsleigh/M/BBSL
  6617. bobsleighs//BBSLS
  6618. bobtail/SGDM/BBTL
  6619. bobwhite/SM/BBHT
  6620. Boca/M/BK
  6621. Boccaccio/M/BKS
  6622. boccie/SM/BS
  6623. bock/GDS/BK
  6624. bockwurst//BKWST
  6625. bod/SGMD/BT
  6626. bode/S/BT
  6627. bodega/MS/BTK
  6628. Bodenheim/M/BTNHM
  6629. Bodhidharma/M/BTHTHM
  6630. bodhisattva//BTHSTF
  6631. Bodhisattva/M/BTHSTF
  6632. bodice/SM/BTS
  6633. bodied/M/BTT
  6634. bodiless//BTLS
  6635. bodily//BTL
  6636. boding/M/BTN
  6637. bodkin/SM/BTKN
  6638. body/DSMG/BT
  6639. bodybuilder/SM/BTBLT
  6640. bodybuilding/S/BTBLTN
  6641. bodyguard/MS/BTKT
  6642. bodying/M/BTYN
  6643. bodysuit/S/BTST
  6644. bodyweight//BTWT
  6645. bodywork/SM/BTWK
  6646. Boeing/M/BN
  6647. Boeotia/M/BX
  6648. Boeotian//BXN
  6649. Boer/M/B
  6650. bog/MS/BK
  6651. Bogart/M/BKT
  6652. Bogartian/M/BKXN
  6653. Bogey/M/BK
  6654. bogey/SGMD/BK
  6655. bogeyman/M/BKMN
  6656. bogeymen//BKMN
  6657. bogged//BKT
  6658. bogging//BKN
  6659. boggle/SDG/BKL
  6660. boggling/Y/BKLN
  6661. boggy/RT/BK
  6662. bogie's//BKS
  6663. Bogotá/M/BKT
  6664. bogus//BKS
  6665. bogyman//BKMN
  6666. bogymen//BKMN
  6667. bogy's//BKS
  6668. Boheme/M/BHM
  6669. Bohemia/SM/BHM
  6670. bohemian/S/BHMN
  6671. Bohemian/SM/BHMN
  6672. bohemianism/S/BHMNSM
  6673. Bohr/M/BR
  6674. Boigie/M/BK
  6675. boil/JSGZDR/BL
  6676. boiled/AU/BLT
  6677. boiler/M/BL
  6678. boilermaker/MS/BLMK
  6679. boilerplate/SM/BLPLT
  6680. boils/A/BLS
  6681. Bois/M/BS
  6682. Boise/M/BS
  6683. boisterous/YP/BSTRS
  6684. boisterousness/MS/BSTRSNS
  6685. bola/SM/BL
  6686. bold/YRPST/BLT
  6687. boldface/SDMG/BLTFS
  6688. boldness/MS/BLTNS
  6689. bole/MS/BL
  6690. bolero/MS/BLR
  6691. Boleyn/M/BLN
  6692. Bolivar/M/BLF
  6693. bolivar/MS/BLF
  6694. bolivares//BLFRS
  6695. Bolivia/M/BLF
  6696. Bolivian/S/BLFN
  6697. boll/MDSG/BL
  6698. bollard/SM/BLT
  6699. bollix/GSD/BLKS
  6700. bolo/MS/BL
  6701. Bologna/M/BLKN
  6702. bologna/MS/BLKN
  6703. bolometer/MS/BLMT
  6704. boloney's//BLNS
  6705. Bolshevik/MS/BLXFK
  6706. Bolshevism/MS/BLXFSM
  6707. Bolshevist/MS/BLXFST
  6708. Bolshevistic/M/BLXFSTK
  6709. Bolshoi/M/BLX
  6710. bolster/SRDG/BLST
  6711. bolsterer/M/BLSTR
  6712. bolt/MDRGS/BLT
  6713. bolted/U/BLTT
  6714. bolter/M/BLT
  6715. Bolton/M/BLTN
  6716. bolts/U/BLTS
  6717. Boltzmann/M/BLTSMN
  6718. bolus/SM/BLS
  6719. bomb/SGZDRJ/BM
  6720. bombard/LDSG/BMBT
  6721. bombardier/MS/BMBT
  6722. bombardment/SM/BMBTMNT
  6723. bombast/RMS/BMBST
  6724. bombastic//BMBSTK
  6725. bombastically//BMBSTKL
  6726. Bombay/M/BMB
  6727. bomber/M/BMB
  6728. bombproof//BMBPRF
  6729. bombshell/SM/BMBXL
  6730. bona//BN
  6731. bonanza/MS/BNNS
  6732. Bonaparte/M/BNPT
  6733. Bonaventure/M/BNFNTR
  6734. bonbon/SM/BNBN
  6735. bond/JMDRSGZ/BNT
  6736. Bond/M/BNT
  6737. bondage/SM/BNTK
  6738. bonder/M/BNT
  6739. bondholder/SM/BNTHLT
  6740. Bondie/M/BNT
  6741. bondman/M/BNTMN
  6742. bondmen//BNTMN
  6743. Bondon/M/BNTN
  6744. bonds/A/BNTS
  6745. bondsman/M/BNTSMN
  6746. bondsmen//BNTSMN
  6747. bondwoman/M/BNTWMN
  6748. bondwomen//BNTWMN
  6749. Bondy/M/BNT
  6750. Bone/M/BN
  6751. bone/MZDRSG/BN
  6752. boned/U/BNT
  6753. bonehead/SDM/BNHT
  6754. boneless//BNLS
  6755. boner/M/BN
  6756. bonfire/MS/BNFR
  6757. bong/GDMS/BNK
  6758. bongo/MS/BNK
  6759. Bonham/M/BNHM
  6760. bonhomie/MS/BNHM
  6761. Boniface/M/BNFS
  6762. boniness/MS/BNNS
  6763. Bonita/M/BNT
  6764. bonito/MS/BNT
  6765. bonjour//BNK
  6766. bonkers//BNKS
  6767. Bonn/RM/BN
  6768. Bonnee/M/BN
  6769. Bonner/M/BN
  6770. bonnet/SGMD/BNT
  6771. bonneted/U/BNTT
  6772. Bonneville/M/BNFL
  6773. Bonni/M/BN
  6774. Bonnibelle/M/BNBL
  6775. bonnie//BN
  6776. Bonnie/M/BN
  6777. Bonny/M/BN
  6778. bonny/RT/BN
  6779. bonsai/SM/BNS
  6780. Bontempo/M/BNTMP
  6781. bonus/SM/BNS
  6782. bony/RTP/BN
  6783. bonzes//BNSS
  6784. boo/GSDH/B
  6785. boob/DMSG/BB
  6786. booby/SM/BB
  6787. boodle/GMSD/BTL
  6788. boogeyman's//BKMNS
  6789. boogie/SD/BK
  6790. boogieing//BKN
  6791. boohoo/GDS/BH
  6792. book/GZDRMJSB/BK
  6793. bookbind/JRGZ/BKBNT
  6794. bookbinder/M/BKBNT
  6795. bookbindery/SM/BKBNTR
  6796. bookbinding/M/BKBNTN
  6797. bookcase/MS/BKKS
  6798. booked/U/BKT
  6799. bookend/SGD/BKNT
  6800. Booker/M/BK
  6801. bookie/SM/BK
  6802. booking/M/BKN
  6803. bookish/PY/BKX
  6804. bookishness/M/BKXNS
  6805. bookkeep/GZJR/BKP
  6806. bookkeeper/M/BKP
  6807. bookkeeping/M/BKPN
  6808. booklet/MS/BKLT
  6809. bookmaker/MS/BKMK
  6810. bookmaking/MS/BKMKN
  6811. bookmark/MDGS/BKMK
  6812. bookmobile/MS/BKMBL
  6813. bookplate/SM/BKPLT
  6814. bookseller/SM/BKSL
  6815. bookshelf/M/BKXLF
  6816. bookshelves//BKXLFS
  6817. bookshop/MS/BKXP
  6818. bookstall/MS/BKSTL
  6819. bookstore/SM/BKSTR
  6820. bookwork/M/BKWK
  6821. bookworm/MS/BKWM
  6822. Boole/M/BL
  6823. Boolean//BLN
  6824. boolean/S/BLN
  6825. boom/DRGJS/BM
  6826. boomer/M/BM
  6827. boomerang/MDSG/BMRNK
  6828. boomtown/S/BMTN
  6829. boon/MS/BN
  6830. boondocks//BNTKS
  6831. boondoggle/DRSGZ/BNTKL
  6832. boondoggler/M/BNTKL
  6833. Boone/M/BN
  6834. Boonie/M/BN
  6835. boonies//BNS
  6836. Boony/M/BN
  6837. boor/MS/B
  6838. boorish/PY/BRX
  6839. boorishness/SM/BRXNS
  6840. boost/SGZMRD/BST
  6841. booster/M/BST
  6842. boosterism//BSTRSM
  6843. boot/AGDS/BT
  6844. Boot/M/BT
  6845. bootblack/MS/BTBLK
  6846. Boote/M/BT
  6847. bootee/MS/BT
  6848. Boötes//BTS
  6849. booth/M/B@
  6850. Booth/M/B@
  6851. Boothe/M/B@
  6852. booths//B@S
  6853. bootie's//BTS
  6854. bootlaces//BTLSS
  6855. Bootle/M/BTL
  6856. bootleg/S/BTLK
  6857. bootlegged/M/BTLKT
  6858. bootlegger/SM/BTLK
  6859. bootlegging/M/BTLKN
  6860. bootless//BTLS
  6861. bootprints//BTPRNTS
  6862. boot's//BTS
  6863. bootstrap/SM/BTSTRP
  6864. bootstrapped//BTSTRPT
  6865. bootstrapping//BTSTRPN
  6866. booty/SM/BT
  6867. booze/DSRGMZ/BS
  6868. boozer/M/BS
  6869. boozy/TR/BS
  6870. bop/S/BP
  6871. bopped//BPT
  6872. bopping//BPN
  6873. borate/MSD/BRT
  6874. borax/MS/BRKS
  6875. Bord/MN/BT
  6876. Bordeaux/M/BTKS
  6877. bordello/MS/BTL
  6878. Borden/M/BTN
  6879. border/JRDMGS/BT
  6880. borderer/M/BTR
  6881. borderland/SM/BTLNT
  6882. borderline/MS/BTLN
  6883. Bordie/M/BT
  6884. Bordon/M/BTN
  6885. Bordy/M/BT
  6886. bore/ZGJDRS/BR
  6887. Borealis/M/BRLS
  6888. Boreas/M/BRS
  6889. boredom/MS/BRTM
  6890. boreholes//BRHLS
  6891. borer/M/BR
  6892. Borg/M/BK
  6893. Borges//BKS
  6894. Borgia/M/BK
  6895. boric//BRK
  6896. boring/YMP/BRN
  6897. Boris//BRS
  6898. Bork/M/BK
  6899. born/AIU/BN
  6900. Born/M/BN
  6901. borne/U/BN
  6902. Borneo/M/BN
  6903. Borodin/M/BRTN
  6904. boron/SM/BRN
  6905. borosilicate/M/BRSLKT
  6906. borough/M/BR
  6907. boroughs//BRS
  6908. Borroughs/M/BRS
  6909. borrow/JZRDGBS/BR
  6910. borrower/M/BRW
  6911. borrowing/M/BRWN
  6912. borscht/SM/BSXT
  6913. borstal/MS/BSTL
  6914. Boru/M/BR
  6915. borzoi/MS/BS
  6916. Bosch/M/BSX
  6917. Bose/M/BS
  6918. bosh/MS/BX
  6919. Bosnia/M/BSN
  6920. Bosnian/S/BSNN
  6921. bosom/SGUD/BSM
  6922. bosom's//BSMS
  6923. bosomy/RT/BSM
  6924. boson/SM/BSN