资源名称:chapter15.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- ;*****************************************************************************
- ;* quant-a.asm: h264 encoder library
- ;*****************************************************************************
- ;* Copyright (C) 2005 x264 project
- ;*
- ;* Authors: Alex Izvorski <aizvorksi@gmail.com>
- ;* Christian Heine <sennindemokrit@gmx.net>
- ;*
- ;* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- ;* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- ;* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- ;* (at your option) any later version.
- ;*
- ;* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- ;* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- ;* GNU General Public License for more details.
- ;*
- ;* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- ;* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- ;* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA.
- ;*****************************************************************************
- ;*****************************************************************************
- ;* *
- ;* Revision history: *
- ;* *
- ;* 2005.07.26 quant 4x4 & 8x8 MMX functions (AI) *
- ;* 2005.09.04 quant MMXEXT (added precision) and DC (CH) *
- ;* 2005.09.21 faster MMX and added MMXEXT16 (CH) *
- ;* *
- ;*****************************************************************************
- BITS 64
- %include "amd64inc.asm"
- SECTION .rodata
- pd_1: times 2 dd 1
- SECTION .text
- cglobal x264_quant_2x2_dc_core15_mmx
- cglobal x264_quant_4x4_dc_core15_mmx
- cglobal x264_quant_4x4_core15_mmx
- cglobal x264_quant_8x8_core15_mmx
- cglobal x264_quant_2x2_dc_core16_mmxext
- cglobal x264_quant_4x4_dc_core16_mmxext
- cglobal x264_quant_4x4_core16_mmxext
- cglobal x264_quant_8x8_core16_mmxext
- cglobal x264_quant_2x2_dc_core32_mmxext
- cglobal x264_quant_4x4_dc_core32_mmxext
- cglobal x264_quant_4x4_core32_mmxext
- cglobal x264_quant_8x8_core32_mmxext
- cglobal x264_dequant_4x4_mmx
- cglobal x264_dequant_8x8_mmx
- ; mov rdi, rdi ; &dct[0][0]
- ; mov rsi, rsi ; &quant_mf[0][0]
- movd mm6, parm3d ; i_qbits
- movd mm7, parm4d ; f
- punpckldq mm7, mm7 ; f in each dword
- %endmacro
- %macro MMX_QUANT15_DC_START 0
- ; mov rdi, rdi ; &dct[0][0]
- movd mm5, parm2d ; i_qmf
- movd mm6, parm3d ; i_qbits
- movd mm7, parm4d ; f
- punpcklwd mm5, mm5
- punpcklwd mm5, mm5 ; i_qmf in each word
- punpckldq mm7, mm7 ; f in each dword
- %endmacro
- %macro MMX_QUANT15_1x4 4
- ;;; %1 (m64) dct[y][x]
- ;;; %2 (m64/mmx) quant_mf[y][x] or quant_mf[0][0] (as int16_t)
- ;;; %3 (mmx) i_qbits in the low doubleword
- ;;; %4 (mmx) f as doublewords
- ;;; trashes mm0-mm2,mm4
- movq mm0, %1 ; load dct coeffs
- pxor mm4, mm4
- pcmpgtw mm4, mm0 ; sign(coeff)
- pxor mm0, mm4
- psubw mm0, mm4 ; abs(coeff)
- movq mm2, mm0
- pmullw mm0, %2
- pmulhw mm2, %2
- movq mm1, mm0
- punpcklwd mm0, mm2
- punpckhwd mm1, mm2
- paddd mm0, %4 ; round with f
- paddd mm1, %4
- psrad mm0, %3
- psrad mm1, %3
- packssdw mm0, mm1 ; pack
- pxor mm0, mm4 ; restore sign
- psubw mm0, mm4
- movq %1, mm0 ; store
- %endmacro
- ALIGN 16
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; void x264_quant_2x2_dc_core15_mmx( int16_t dct[2][2],
- ; int const i_qmf, int const i_qbits, int const f );
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- x264_quant_2x2_dc_core15_mmx:
- MMX_QUANT15_1x4 [parm1q], mm5, mm6, mm7
- ret
- ALIGN 16
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; void x264_quant_4x4_dc_core15_mmx( int16_t dct[4][4],
- ; int const i_qmf, int const i_qbits, int const f );
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- x264_quant_4x4_dc_core15_mmx:
- %rep 4
- MMX_QUANT15_1x4 [parm1q], mm5, mm6, mm7
- add parm1q, byte 8
- %endrep
- ret
- ALIGN 16
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; void x264_quant_4x4_core15_mmx( int16_t dct[4][4],
- ; int const quant_mf[4][4], int const i_qbits, int const f );
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- x264_quant_4x4_core15_mmx:
- %rep 4
- movq mm5, [parm2q]
- packssdw mm5, [parm2q+8]
- MMX_QUANT15_1x4 [parm1q], mm5, mm6, mm7
- add parm2q, byte 16
- add parm1q, byte 8
- %endrep
- ret
- ALIGN 16
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; void x264_quant_8x8_core15_mmx( int16_t dct[8][8],
- ; int const quant_mf[8][8], int const i_qbits, int const f );
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- x264_quant_8x8_core15_mmx:
- %rep 16
- movq mm5, [parm2q]
- packssdw mm5, [parm2q+8]
- MMX_QUANT15_1x4 [parm1q], mm5, mm6, mm7
- add parm2q, byte 16
- add parm1q, byte 8
- %endrep
- ret
- ; ============================================================================
- ; mov rdi, rdi ; &dct[0][0]
- movd mm5, parm2d ; i_qmf
- movd mm6, parm3d ; i_qbits
- movd mm7, parm4d ; f
- pshufw mm5, mm5, 0 ; i_qmf in each word
- punpckldq mm7, mm7 ; f in each dword
- %endmacro
- %macro MMXEXT_QUANT16_1x4 4
- ;;; %1 (m64) dct[y][x]
- ;;; %2 (m64/mmx) quant_mf[y][x] or quant_mf[0][0] (as uint16_t)
- ;;; %3 (mmx) i_qbits in the low doubleword
- ;;; %4 (mmx) f as doublewords
- ;;; trashes mm0-mm2,mm4
- movq mm0, %1 ; load dct coeffs
- pxor mm4, mm4
- pcmpgtw mm4, mm0 ; sign(coeff)
- pxor mm0, mm4
- psubw mm0, mm4 ; abs(coeff)
- movq mm2, mm0
- pmullw mm0, %2
- pmulhuw mm2, %2
- movq mm1, mm0
- punpcklwd mm0, mm2
- punpckhwd mm1, mm2
- paddd mm0, %4 ; round with f
- paddd mm1, %4
- psrad mm0, %3
- psrad mm1, %3
- packssdw mm0, mm1 ; pack
- pxor mm0, mm4 ; restore sign
- psubw mm0, mm4
- movq %1, mm0 ; store
- %endmacro
- ALIGN 16
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; void x264_quant_2x2_dc_core16_mmxext( int16_t dct[2][2],
- ; int const i_qmf, int const i_qbits, int const f );
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- x264_quant_2x2_dc_core16_mmxext:
- MMXEXT_QUANT16_1x4 [parm1q], mm5, mm6, mm7
- ret
- ALIGN 16
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; void x264_quant_4x4_dc_core16_mmxext( int16_t dct[4][4],
- ; int const i_qmf, int const i_qbits, int const f );
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- x264_quant_4x4_dc_core16_mmxext:
- %rep 4
- MMXEXT_QUANT16_1x4 [parm1q], mm5, mm6, mm7
- add parm1q, byte 8
- %endrep
- ret
- ALIGN 16
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; void x264_quant_4x4_core16_mmxext( int16_t dct[4][4],
- ; int const quant_mf[4][4], int const i_qbits, int const f );
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- x264_quant_4x4_core16_mmxext:
- %rep 4
- pshufw mm5, [parm2q], 10110001b
- paddw mm5, [parm2q+8]
- pshufw mm5, mm5, 10001101b
- MMXEXT_QUANT16_1x4 [parm1q], mm5, mm6, mm7
- add parm2q, byte 16
- add parm1q, byte 8
- %endrep
- ret
- ALIGN 16
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; void x264_quant_8x8_core16_mmxext( int16_t dct[8][8],
- ; int const quant_mf[8][8], int const i_qbits, int const f );
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- x264_quant_8x8_core16_mmxext:
- %rep 16
- pshufw mm5, [parm2q], 10110001b
- paddw mm5, [parm2q+8]
- pshufw mm5, mm5, 10001101b
- MMXEXT_QUANT16_1x4 [parm1q], mm5, mm6, mm7
- add parm2q, byte 16
- add parm1q, byte 8
- %endrep
- ret
- %macro MMX_QUANT32_DC_START 0
- ; mov rdi, rdi ; &dct[0][0]
- movd mm5, parm2d ; i_qmf
- movd mm6, parm3d ; i_qbits
- movd mm7, parm4d ; f
- punpckldq mm5, mm5 ; i_qmf in each dword
- punpckldq mm7, mm7 ; f in each dword
- %endmacro
- %macro MMXEXT_QUANT32_1x4 5
- ;;; %1 (m64) dct[y][x]
- ;;; %2,%3 (m64/mmx) quant_mf[y][x] or quant_mf[0][0] (as int16_t)
- ;;; %4 (mmx) i_qbits in the low quadword
- ;;; %5 (mmx) f as doublewords
- ;;; trashes mm0-mm4
- movq mm0, %1 ; load dct coeffs
- pxor mm4, mm4
- pcmpgtw mm4, mm0 ; sign(mm0)
- pxor mm0, mm4
- psubw mm0, mm4 ; abs(mm0)
- movq mm1, mm0
- punpcklwd mm0, mm0 ; duplicate the words for the upcomming
- punpckhwd mm1, mm1 ; 32 bit multiplication
- movq mm2, mm0 ; like in school ...
- movq mm3, mm1
- pmulhuw mm0, %2 ; ... multiply the parts ...
- pmulhuw mm1, %3
- pmullw mm2, %2
- pmullw mm3, %3
- pslld mm0, 16 ; ... shift ...
- pslld mm1, 16
- paddd mm0, mm2 ; ... and add them
- paddd mm1, mm3
- paddd mm0, %5 ; round with f
- paddd mm1, %5
- psrad mm0, %4
- psrad mm1, %4
- packssdw mm0, mm1 ; pack to int16_t
- pxor mm0, mm4 ; restore sign
- psubw mm0, mm4
- movq %1, mm0 ; store
- %endmacro
- ALIGN 16
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; void x264_quant_2x2_dc_core32_mmxext( int16_t dct[2][2],
- ; int const i_qmf, int const i_qbits, int const f );
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- x264_quant_2x2_dc_core32_mmxext:
- MMXEXT_QUANT32_1x4 [parm1q], mm5, mm5, mm6, mm7
- ret
- ALIGN 16
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; void x264_quant_4x4_dc_core32_mmxext( int16_t dct[4][4],
- ; int const i_qmf, int const i_qbits, int const f );
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- x264_quant_4x4_dc_core32_mmxext:
- %rep 4
- MMXEXT_QUANT32_1x4 [parm1q], mm5, mm5, mm6, mm7
- add parm1q, byte 8
- %endrep
- ret
- ALIGN 16
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; void x264_quant_4x4_core32_mmxext( int16_t dct[4][4],
- ; int const quant_mf[4][4], int const i_qbits, int const f );
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- x264_quant_4x4_core32_mmxext:
- %rep 4
- MMXEXT_QUANT32_1x4 [parm1q], [parm2q], [parm2q+8], mm6, mm7
- add parm1q, byte 8
- add parm2q, byte 16
- %endrep
- ret
- ALIGN 16
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; void x264_quant_8x8_core32_mmxext( int16_t dct[8][8],
- ; int const quant_mf[8][8], int const i_qbits, int const f );
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- x264_quant_8x8_core32_mmxext:
- %rep 16
- MMXEXT_QUANT32_1x4 [parm1q], [parm2q], [parm2q+8], mm6, mm7
- add parm1q, byte 8
- add parm2q, byte 16
- %endrep
- ret
- ;=============================================================================
- ; dequant
- ;=============================================================================
- %macro DEQUANT16_L_1x4 3
- ;;; %1 dct[y][x]
- ;;; %2,%3 dequant_mf[i_mf][y][x]
- ;;; mm5 i_qbits
- movq mm1, %2
- movq mm2, %3
- movq mm0, %1
- packssdw mm1, mm2
- pmullw mm0, mm1
- psllw mm0, mm5
- movq %1, mm0
- %endmacro
- %macro DEQUANT32_R_1x4 3
- ;;; %1 dct[y][x]
- ;;; %2,%3 dequant_mf[i_mf][y][x]
- ;;; mm5 -i_qbits
- ;;; mm6 f as dwords
- ;;; mm7 0
- movq mm0, %1
- movq mm1, mm0
- punpcklwd mm0, mm0
- punpckhwd mm1, mm1
- movq mm2, mm0
- movq mm3, mm1
- pmulhw mm0, %2
- pmulhw mm1, %3
- pmullw mm2, %2
- pmullw mm3, %3
- pslld mm0, 16
- pslld mm1, 16
- paddd mm0, mm2
- paddd mm1, mm3
- paddd mm0, mm6
- paddd mm1, mm6
- psrad mm0, mm5
- psrad mm1, mm5
- packssdw mm0, mm1
- movq %1, mm0
- %endmacro
- %macro DEQUANT_WxH 3
- ALIGN 16
- ;;; void x264_dequant_4x4_mmx( int16_t dct[4][4], int dequant_mf[6][4][4], int i_qp )
- %1:
- ; mov rdi, rdi ; dct
- ; mov rsi, rsi ; dequant_mf
- ; mov edx, edx ; i_qp
- imul eax, edx, 0x2b
- shr eax, 8 ; i_qbits = i_qp / 6
- lea ecx, [eax+eax*2]
- sub edx, ecx
- sub edx, ecx ; i_mf = i_qp % 6
- shl edx, %3+2
- movsxd rdx, edx
- add rsi, rdx ; dequant_mf[i_mf]
- sub eax, %3
- jl .rshift32 ; negative qbits => rightshift
- .lshift:
- movd mm5, eax
- %rep %2
- DEQUANT16_L_1x4 [rdi], [rsi], [rsi+8]
- add rsi, byte 16
- add rdi, byte 8
- %endrep
- ret
- .rshift32:
- neg eax
- movd mm5, eax
- movq mm6, [pd_1 GLOBAL]
- pxor mm7, mm7
- pslld mm6, mm5
- psrld mm6, 1
- %rep %2
- DEQUANT32_R_1x4 [rdi], [rsi], [rsi+8]
- add rsi, byte 16
- add rdi, byte 8
- %endrep
- ret
- %endmacro
- DEQUANT_WxH x264_dequant_4x4_mmx, 4, 4
- DEQUANT_WxH x264_dequant_8x8_mmx, 16, 6