资源名称:chapter15.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- ;*****************************************************************************
- ;* amd64inc.asm: h264 encoder library
- ;*****************************************************************************
- ;* Copyright (C) 2005 x264 project
- ;*
- ;* Authors: Andrew Dunstan
- ;*
- ;* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- ;* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- ;* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- ;* (at your option) any later version.
- ;*
- ;* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- ;* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- ;* GNU General Public License for more details.
- ;*
- ;* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- ;* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- ;* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA.
- ;*****************************************************************************
- BITS 64
- ; FIXME: All of the 64bit asm functions that take a stride as an argument
- ; via register, assume that the high dword of that register is filled with 0.
- ; This is true in practice (since we never do any 64bit arithmetic on strides),
- ; but is not guaranteed by the ABI.
- %macro cglobal 1
- %ifdef PREFIX
- global _%1
- %define %1 _%1
- %else
- global %1
- %endif
- %ifdef WIN64
- %define %1 pad %1
- %endif
- %endmacro
- %macro pad 1
- %undef %1
- %ifdef PREFIX
- %define %1 _%1
- %endif
- %ifdef WIN64
- times 6 nop
- align 16
- %1
- .startfunc
- %assign unwindcount 0
- %assign framereg 0
- %else
- align 16
- %1
- %endif
- %endmacro
- %ifdef WIN64
- %define __PIC__
- %define parm1q rcx
- %define parm2q rdx
- %define parm3q r8
- %define parm4q r9
- %define parm5q [rsp+40]
- %define parm6q [rsp+48]
- %define parm7q [rsp+56]
- %define parm8q [rsp+64]
- %define parm1d ecx
- %define parm2d edx
- %define parm3d r8d
- %define parm4d r9d
- %define parm5d dword parm5q
- %define parm6d dword parm6q
- %define parm7d dword parm7q
- %define parm8d dword parm8q
- %macro firstpush 1
- db 0x48
- push %1
- %endmacro
- %define unwindcode(count, code) .unwind %+ count EQU code
- %define regcoderax 0
- %define regcodercx 1
- %define regcoderdx 2
- %define regcoderbx 3
- %define regcodersp 4
- %define regcoderbp 5
- %define regcodersi 6
- %define regcoderdi 7
- %define regcoder8 8
- %define regcoder9 9
- %define regcoder10 10
- %define regcoder11 11
- %define regcoder12 12
- %define regcoder13 13
- %define regcoder14 14
- %define regcoder15 15
- %define regcodexmm0 0
- %define regcodexmm1 1
- %define regcodexmm2 2
- %define regcodexmm3 3
- %define regcodexmm4 4
- %define regcodexmm5 5
- %define regcodexmm6 6
- %define regcodexmm7 7
- %define regcodexmm8 8
- %define regcodexmm9 9
- %define regcodexmm10 10
- %define regcodexmm11 11
- %define regcodexmm12 12
- %define regcodexmm13 13
- %define regcodexmm14 14
- %define regcodexmm15 15
- %macro allocstack 1
- %if %1 < 8
- %error Stack Allocation must be at least 8 bytes.
- %elif %1 < 129
- %assign unwindcount unwindcount+1
- unwindcode(unwindcount, $-.startfunc + 0x200 + (((%1-8)/8)<<12))
- %elif %1 < 524288
- %assign unwindcount unwindcount+1
- unwindcode(unwindcount, %1/8)
- %assign unwindcount unwindcount+1
- unwindcode(unwindcount, $-.startfunc + 0x100)
- %else
- %assign unwindcount unwindcount+1
- unwindcode(unwindcount, %1>>16)
- %assign unwindcount unwindcount+1
- unwindcode(unwindcount, %1 & 0x0000FFFF)
- %assign unwindcount unwindcount+1
- unwindcode(unwindcount, $-.startfunc + 0x1100)
- %endif
- %endmacro
- %macro pushreg 1
- %assign unwindcount unwindcount+1
- unwindcode(unwindcount, $-.startfunc + 0 + (regcode%1 << 12))
- %endmacro
- %macro setframe 2
- %if ((%2 % 16) | (%2 > 240) | (%2 < 0))
- %error Frame offset must be a multiple of 16 between 0 and 240.
- %endif
- %assign unwindcount unwindcount+1
- unwindcode(unwindcount, $-.startfunc + (3 << 8 )+ (regcode%1 << 12))
- %assign framereg regcode%1 + %2
- %endmacro
- %macro savereg 2
- %if ((%2 % 8) | (%2 < 0))
- %error Offset must be a positive multiple of 8.
- %endif
- %if (%2 < 64504)
- %assign unwindcount unwindcount+1
- unwindcode(unwindcount, %2/8)
- %assign unwindcount unwindcount +1
- unwindcode(unwindcount, $-.startfunc + (4 << 8) + (regcode%1 << 12))
- %else
- %assign unwindcount unwindcount+1
- unwindcode(unwindcount, %2 >> 16)
- %assign unwindcount unwindcount+1
- unwindcode(unwindcount, %2 & 0x0000FFFF)
- %assign unwindcount unwindcount+1
- unwindcode(unwindcount, $-.startfunc + (5 << 8) + (regcode%1 << 12))
- %endif
- %endmacro
- %macro savexmm128 2
- %if ((%2 % 16) | (%2 < 0))
- %error Offset must be a positive multiple of 16.
- %endif
- %if (%2 < 64512)
- %assign unwindcount unwindcount+1
- unwindcode(unwindcount, %2/16)
- %assign unwindcount unwindcount +1
- unwindcode(unwindcount, $-.startfunc + (8 << 8) + (regcode%1 << 12))
- %else
- %assign unwindcount unwindcount+1
- unwindcode(unwindcount, %2 >> 16)
- %assign unwindcount unwindcount+1
- unwindcode(unwindcount, %2 & 0x0000FFFF)
- %assign unwindcount unwindcount+1
- unwindcode(unwindcount, $-.startfunc + (9 << 8) + (regcode%1 << 12))
- %endif
- %endmacro
- %macro endprolog 0
- .endprolog
- SECTION .xdata
- .unwindinfo
- db 0x01
- db .endprolog-.startfunc
- db unwindcount
- db framereg
- %rep unwindcount
- dw .unwind %+ unwindcount
- %assign unwindcount unwindcount-1
- %endrep
- align 4,db 0
- SECTION .text
- %endmacro
- %macro endfunc 0
- .endfunc
- SECTION .pdata
- dd .startfunc
- dd .endfunc
- dd .unwindinfo
- SECTION .text
- %endmacro
- %else ;linux
- %define parm1q rdi
- %define parm2q rsi
- %define parm3q rdx
- %define parm4q rcx
- %define parm5q r8
- %define parm6q r9
- %define parm7q [rsp+8]
- %define parm8q [rsp+16]
- %define parm1d edi
- %define parm2d esi
- %define parm3d edx
- %define parm4d ecx
- %define parm5d r8d
- %define parm6d r9d
- %define parm7d dword parm7q
- %define parm8d dword parm8q
- %macro allocstack 1
- %endmacro
- %macro firstpush 1
- push %1
- %endmacro
- %macro pushreg 1
- %endmacro
- %macro setframe 2
- %endmacro
- %macro savereg 2
- %endmacro
- %macro savexmm128 2
- %endmacro
- %define endprolog
- %define endfunc
- %endif ;linux
- ; PIC support macros. On x86_64 we just use RIP-relative addressing, which is
- ; much simpler than the GOT handling we need to perform on x86.
- ;
- ; - GLOBAL should be used as a suffix for global addressing, eg.
- ; mov eax, [foo GLOBAL]
- ; instead of
- ; mov eax, [foo]
- ;
- %ifdef __PIC__
- %define GLOBAL wrt rip
- %else
- %define GLOBAL
- %endif
- %assign FDEC_STRIDE 32