资源名称:chapter15.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*!
- ************************************************************************
- * file output.c
- *
- * brief
- * Output an image and Trance support
- *
- * author
- * Main contributors (see contributors.h for copyright, address and affiliation details)
- * - Karsten Suehring <suehring@hhi.de>
- ************************************************************************
- */
- #include "contributors.h"
- #include "global.h"
- #include "mbuffer.h"
- #include "image.h"
- #include "memalloc.h"
- #include "sei.h"
- FrameStore* out_buffer;
- StorablePicture *pending_output = NULL;
- int pending_output_state = FRAME;
- int recovery_flag = 0;
- extern int non_conforming_stream;
- static void write_out_picture(StorablePicture *p, int p_out);
- static void (*img2buf) (imgpel** imgX, unsigned char* buf, int size_x, int size_y, int symbol_size_in_bytes, int crop_left, int crop_right, int crop_top, int crop_bottom);
- static void img2buf_byte (imgpel** imgX, unsigned char* buf, int size_x, int size_y, int symbol_size_in_bytes, int crop_left, int crop_right, int crop_top, int crop_bottom);
- static void img2buf_normal (imgpel** imgX, unsigned char* buf, int size_x, int size_y, int symbol_size_in_bytes, int crop_left, int crop_right, int crop_top, int crop_bottom);
- static void img2buf_endian (imgpel** imgX, unsigned char* buf, int size_x, int size_y, int symbol_size_in_bytes, int crop_left, int crop_right, int crop_top, int crop_bottom);
- /*!
- ************************************************************************
- * brief
- * checks if the System is big- or little-endian
- * return
- * 0, little-endian (e.g. Intel architectures)
- * 1, big-endian (e.g. SPARC, MIPS, PowerPC)
- ************************************************************************
- */
- int testEndian(void)
- {
- short s;
- byte *p;
- p=(byte*)&s;
- s=1;
- return (*p==0);
- }
- /*!
- ************************************************************************
- * brief
- * selects appropriate output function given system arch. and data
- * return
- *
- ************************************************************************
- */
- static void initOutput(int symbol_size_in_bytes)
- {
- if (( sizeof(char) == sizeof (imgpel)) && ( sizeof(char) == symbol_size_in_bytes))
- {
- img2buf = img2buf_byte;
- }
- else
- {
- if (( sizeof(char) != sizeof (imgpel)) && testEndian())
- img2buf = img2buf_endian;
- else
- img2buf = img2buf_normal;
- }
- }
- /*!
- ************************************************************************
- * brief
- * Convert image plane to temporary buffer for file writing
- * param imgX
- * Pointer to image plane
- * param buf
- * Buffer for file output
- * param size_x
- * horizontal size
- * param size_y
- * vertical size
- * param symbol_size_in_bytes
- * number of bytes used per pel
- * param crop_left
- * pixels to crop from left
- * param crop_right
- * pixels to crop from right
- * param crop_top
- * pixels to crop from top
- * param crop_bottom
- * pixels to crop from bottom
- ************************************************************************
- */
- static void img2buf_normal (imgpel** imgX, unsigned char* buf, int size_x, int size_y, int symbol_size_in_bytes, int crop_left, int crop_right, int crop_top, int crop_bottom)
- {
- int i,j;
- int twidth = size_x - crop_left - crop_right;
- int theight = size_y - crop_top - crop_bottom;
- int size = 0;
- // sizeof (imgpel) > sizeof(char)
- // little endian
- if (sizeof (imgpel) < symbol_size_in_bytes)
- {
- // this should not happen. we should not have smaller imgpel than our source material.
- size = sizeof (imgpel);
- // clear buffer
- memset (buf, 0, (twidth * theight * symbol_size_in_bytes));
- }
- else
- {
- size = symbol_size_in_bytes;
- }
- if ((crop_top || crop_bottom || crop_left || crop_right) || (size != 1))
- {
- for(i=crop_top;i<size_y-crop_bottom;i++)
- {
- int ipos = (i - crop_top) * (twidth);
- for(j=crop_left;j<size_x-crop_right;j++)
- {
- memcpy(buf+((j-crop_left+(ipos))*symbol_size_in_bytes),&(imgX[i][j]), size);
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- imgpel *cur_pixel = &(imgX[0][0]);;
- for(i = 0; i < size_y * size_x; i++)
- {
- *(buf++)=(char) *(cur_pixel++);
- }
- }
- }
- /*!
- ************************************************************************
- * brief
- * Convert image plane to temporary buffer for file writing
- * param imgX
- * Pointer to image plane
- * param buf
- * Buffer for file output
- * param size_x
- * horizontal size
- * param size_y
- * vertical size
- * param symbol_size_in_bytes
- * number of bytes used per pel
- * param crop_left
- * pixels to crop from left
- * param crop_right
- * pixels to crop from right
- * param crop_top
- * pixels to crop from top
- * param crop_bottom
- * pixels to crop from bottom
- ************************************************************************
- */
- static void img2buf_byte (imgpel** imgX, unsigned char* buf, int size_x, int size_y, int symbol_size_in_bytes, int crop_left, int crop_right, int crop_top, int crop_bottom)
- {
- int i;
- int twidth = size_x - crop_left - crop_right;
- int theight = size_y - crop_top - crop_bottom;
- // imgpel == pixel_in_file == 1 byte -> simple copy
- buf += crop_left;
- for(i = 0; i < theight; i++)
- {
- memcpy(buf, &(imgX[i + crop_top][crop_left]), twidth);
- buf += twidth;
- }
- }
- /*!
- ************************************************************************
- * brief
- * Convert image plane to temporary buffer for file writing
- * param imgX
- * Pointer to image plane
- * param buf
- * Buffer for file output
- * param size_x
- * horizontal size
- * param size_y
- * vertical size
- * param symbol_size_in_bytes
- * number of bytes used per pel
- * param crop_left
- * pixels to crop from left
- * param crop_right
- * pixels to crop from right
- * param crop_top
- * pixels to crop from top
- * param crop_bottom
- * pixels to crop from bottom
- ************************************************************************
- */
- static void img2buf_endian (imgpel** imgX, unsigned char* buf, int size_x, int size_y, int symbol_size_in_bytes, int crop_left, int crop_right, int crop_top, int crop_bottom)
- {
- int i,j;
- static unsigned char ui8;
- static unsigned short tmp16, ui16;
- static unsigned long tmp32, ui32;
- int twidth = size_x - crop_left - crop_right;
- // big endian
- switch (symbol_size_in_bytes)
- {
- case 1:
- {
- for(i=crop_top;i<size_y-crop_bottom;i++)
- for(j=crop_left;j<size_x-crop_right;j++)
- {
- ui8 = (unsigned char) (imgX[i][j]);
- buf[(j-crop_left+((i-crop_top)*(twidth)))] = ui8;
- }
- break;
- }
- case 2:
- {
- for(i=crop_top;i<size_y-crop_bottom;i++)
- for(j=crop_left;j<size_x-crop_right;j++)
- {
- tmp16 = (unsigned short) (imgX[i][j]);
- ui16 = (unsigned short) ((tmp16 >> 8) | ((tmp16&0xFF)<<8));
- memcpy(buf+((j-crop_left+((i-crop_top)*(twidth)))*2),&(ui16), 2);
- }
- break;
- }
- case 4:
- {
- for(i=crop_top;i<size_y-crop_bottom;i++)
- for(j=crop_left;j<size_x-crop_right;j++)
- {
- tmp32 = (unsigned long) (imgX[i][j]);
- ui32 = (unsigned long) (((tmp32&0xFF00)<<8) | ((tmp32&0xFF)<<24) | ((tmp32&0xFF0000)>>8) | ((tmp32&0xFF000000)>>24));
- memcpy(buf+((j-crop_left+((i-crop_top)*(twidth)))*4),&(ui32), 4);
- }
- break;
- }
- default:
- {
- error ("writing only to formats of 8, 16 or 32 bit allowed on big endian architecture", 500);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- void clear_picture(StorablePicture *p);
- /*!
- ************************************************************************
- * brief
- * output the pending frame buffer
- * param p_out
- * Output file
- ************************************************************************
- */
- void flush_pending_output(int p_out)
- {
- if (pending_output_state!=FRAME)
- {
- write_out_picture(pending_output, p_out);
- }
- if (pending_output->imgY)
- {
- free_mem2Dpel (pending_output->imgY);
- pending_output->imgY=NULL;
- }
- if (pending_output->imgUV)
- {
- free_mem3Dpel (pending_output->imgUV, 2);
- pending_output->imgUV=NULL;
- }
- pending_output_state = FRAME;
- }
- /*!
- ************************************************************************
- * brief
- * Writes out a storable picture
- * If the picture is a field, the output buffers the picture and tries
- * to pair it with the next field.
- * param p
- * Picture to be written
- * param p_out
- * Output file
- ************************************************************************
- */
- void write_picture(StorablePicture *p, int p_out, int real_structure)
- {
- int i, add;
- if (real_structure==FRAME)
- {
- flush_pending_output(p_out);
- write_out_picture(p, p_out);
- return;
- }
- if (real_structure==pending_output_state)
- {
- flush_pending_output(p_out);
- write_picture(p, p_out, real_structure);
- return;
- }
- if (pending_output_state == FRAME)
- {
- pending_output->size_x = p->size_x;
- pending_output->size_y = p->size_y;
- pending_output->size_x_cr = p->size_x_cr;
- pending_output->size_y_cr = p->size_y_cr;
- pending_output->chroma_format_idc = p->chroma_format_idc;
- pending_output->frame_mbs_only_flag = p->frame_mbs_only_flag;
- pending_output->frame_cropping_flag = p->frame_cropping_flag;
- if (pending_output->frame_cropping_flag)
- {
- pending_output->frame_cropping_rect_left_offset = p->frame_cropping_rect_left_offset;
- pending_output->frame_cropping_rect_right_offset = p->frame_cropping_rect_right_offset;
- pending_output->frame_cropping_rect_top_offset = p->frame_cropping_rect_top_offset;
- pending_output->frame_cropping_rect_bottom_offset = p->frame_cropping_rect_bottom_offset;
- }
- get_mem2Dpel (&(pending_output->imgY), pending_output->size_y, pending_output->size_x);
- get_mem3Dpel (&(pending_output->imgUV), 2, pending_output->size_y_cr, pending_output->size_x_cr);
- clear_picture(pending_output);
- // copy first field
- if (real_structure == TOP_FIELD)
- {
- add = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- add = 1;
- }
- for (i=0; i<pending_output->size_y; i+=2)
- {
- memcpy(pending_output->imgY[(i+add)], p->imgY[(i+add)], p->size_x * sizeof(imgpel));
- }
- for (i=0; i<pending_output->size_y_cr; i+=2)
- {
- memcpy(pending_output->imgUV[0][(i+add)], p->imgUV[0][(i+add)], p->size_x_cr * sizeof(imgpel));
- memcpy(pending_output->imgUV[1][(i+add)], p->imgUV[1][(i+add)], p->size_x_cr * sizeof(imgpel));
- }
- pending_output_state = real_structure;
- }
- else
- {
- if ( (pending_output->size_x!=p->size_x) || (pending_output->size_y!= p->size_y)
- || (pending_output->frame_mbs_only_flag != p->frame_mbs_only_flag)
- || (pending_output->frame_cropping_flag != p->frame_cropping_flag)
- || ( pending_output->frame_cropping_flag &&
- ( (pending_output->frame_cropping_rect_left_offset != p->frame_cropping_rect_left_offset)
- ||(pending_output->frame_cropping_rect_right_offset != p->frame_cropping_rect_right_offset)
- ||(pending_output->frame_cropping_rect_top_offset != p->frame_cropping_rect_top_offset)
- ||(pending_output->frame_cropping_rect_bottom_offset != p->frame_cropping_rect_bottom_offset)
- )
- )
- )
- {
- flush_pending_output(p_out);
- write_picture (p, p_out, real_structure);
- return;
- }
- // copy second field
- if (real_structure == TOP_FIELD)
- {
- add = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- add = 1;
- }
- for (i=0; i<pending_output->size_y; i+=2)
- {
- memcpy(pending_output->imgY[(i+add)], p->imgY[(i+add)], p->size_x * sizeof(imgpel));
- }
- for (i=0; i<pending_output->size_y_cr; i+=2)
- {
- memcpy(pending_output->imgUV[0][(i+add)], p->imgUV[0][(i+add)], p->size_x_cr * sizeof(imgpel));
- memcpy(pending_output->imgUV[1][(i+add)], p->imgUV[1][(i+add)], p->size_x_cr * sizeof(imgpel));
- }
- flush_pending_output(p_out);
- }
- }
- #else
- /*!
- ************************************************************************
- * brief
- * Writes out a storable picture without doing any output modifications
- * param p
- * Picture to be written
- * param p_out
- * Output file
- * param real_structure
- * real picture structure
- ************************************************************************
- */
- void write_picture(StorablePicture *p, int p_out, int real_structure)
- {
- write_out_picture(p, p_out);
- }
- #endif
- /*!
- ************************************************************************
- * brief
- * Writes out a storable picture
- * param p
- * Picture to be written
- * param p_out
- * Output file
- ************************************************************************
- */
- static void write_out_picture(StorablePicture *p, int p_out)
- {
- static int SubWidthC [4]= { 1, 2, 2, 1};
- static int SubHeightC [4]= { 1, 2, 1, 1};
- int crop_left, crop_right, crop_top, crop_bottom;
- int symbol_size_in_bytes = (img->pic_unit_bitsize_on_disk >> 3);
- Boolean rgb_output = (Boolean) (active_sps->vui_seq_parameters.matrix_coefficients==0);
- unsigned char *buf;
- if (p->non_existing)
- return;
- // note: this tone-mapping is working for RGB format only. Sharp
- if (p->seiHasTone_mapping && rgb_output)
- {
- //printf("output frame %d with tone model id %dn", p->frame_num, p->tone_mapping_model_id);
- symbol_size_in_bytes = (p->tonemapped_bit_depth>8)? 2 : 1;
- tone_map(p->imgY, p->tone_mapping_lut, p->size_x, p->size_y);
- tone_map(p->imgUV[0], p->tone_mapping_lut, p->size_x_cr, p->size_y_cr);
- tone_map(p->imgUV[1], p->tone_mapping_lut, p->size_x_cr, p->size_y_cr);
- }
- #endif
- if (p->frame_cropping_flag)
- {
- crop_left = SubWidthC[p->chroma_format_idc] * p->frame_cropping_rect_left_offset;
- crop_right = SubWidthC[p->chroma_format_idc] * p->frame_cropping_rect_right_offset;
- crop_top = SubHeightC[p->chroma_format_idc]*( 2 - p->frame_mbs_only_flag ) * p->frame_cropping_rect_top_offset;
- crop_bottom = SubHeightC[p->chroma_format_idc]*( 2 - p->frame_mbs_only_flag ) * p->frame_cropping_rect_bottom_offset;
- }
- else
- {
- crop_left = crop_right = crop_top = crop_bottom = 0;
- }
- //printf ("write frame size: %dx%dn", p->size_x-crop_left-crop_right,p->size_y-crop_top-crop_bottom );
- initOutput(symbol_size_in_bytes);
- // KS: this buffer should actually be allocated only once, but this is still much faster than the previous version
- buf = malloc (p->size_x*p->size_y*symbol_size_in_bytes);
- if (NULL==buf)
- {
- no_mem_exit("write_out_picture: buf");
- }
- if(rgb_output)
- {
- crop_left = p->frame_cropping_rect_left_offset;
- crop_right = p->frame_cropping_rect_right_offset;
- crop_top = ( 2 - p->frame_mbs_only_flag ) * p->frame_cropping_rect_top_offset;
- crop_bottom = ( 2 - p->frame_mbs_only_flag ) * p->frame_cropping_rect_bottom_offset;
- img2buf_normal (p->imgUV[1], buf, p->size_x_cr, p->size_y_cr, symbol_size_in_bytes, crop_left, crop_right, crop_top, crop_bottom);
- write(p_out, buf, (p->size_y_cr-crop_bottom-crop_top)*(p->size_x_cr-crop_right-crop_left)*symbol_size_in_bytes);
- if (p->frame_cropping_flag)
- {
- crop_left = SubWidthC[p->chroma_format_idc] * p->frame_cropping_rect_left_offset;
- crop_right = SubWidthC[p->chroma_format_idc] * p->frame_cropping_rect_right_offset;
- crop_top = SubHeightC[p->chroma_format_idc]*( 2 - p->frame_mbs_only_flag ) * p->frame_cropping_rect_top_offset;
- crop_bottom = SubHeightC[p->chroma_format_idc]*( 2 - p->frame_mbs_only_flag ) * p->frame_cropping_rect_bottom_offset;
- }
- else
- {
- crop_left = crop_right = crop_top = crop_bottom = 0;
- }
- }
- img2buf_normal (p->imgY, buf, p->size_x, p->size_y, symbol_size_in_bytes, crop_left, crop_right, crop_top, crop_bottom);
- write(p_out, buf, (p->size_y-crop_bottom-crop_top)*(p->size_x-crop_right-crop_left)*symbol_size_in_bytes);
- if (p->chroma_format_idc!=YUV400)
- {
- crop_left = p->frame_cropping_rect_left_offset;
- crop_right = p->frame_cropping_rect_right_offset;
- crop_top = ( 2 - p->frame_mbs_only_flag ) * p->frame_cropping_rect_top_offset;
- crop_bottom = ( 2 - p->frame_mbs_only_flag ) * p->frame_cropping_rect_bottom_offset;
- img2buf_normal (p->imgUV[0], buf, p->size_x_cr, p->size_y_cr, symbol_size_in_bytes, crop_left, crop_right, crop_top, crop_bottom);
- write(p_out, buf, (p->size_y_cr-crop_bottom-crop_top)*(p->size_x_cr-crop_right-crop_left)* symbol_size_in_bytes);
- if (!rgb_output)
- {
- img2buf_normal (p->imgUV[1], buf, p->size_x_cr, p->size_y_cr, symbol_size_in_bytes, crop_left, crop_right, crop_top, crop_bottom);
- write(p_out, buf, (p->size_y_cr-crop_bottom-crop_top)*(p->size_x_cr-crop_right-crop_left)*symbol_size_in_bytes);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (params->write_uv)
- {
- int i,j;
- imgpel cr_val = (imgpel) (1<<(img->bitdepth_luma - 1));
- get_mem3Dpel (&(p->imgUV), 1, p->size_y/2, p->size_x/2);
- for (j=0; j<p->size_y/2; j++)
- for (i=0; i<p->size_x/2; i++)
- p->imgUV[0][j][i]=cr_val;
- // fake out U=V=128 to make a YUV 4:2:0 stream
- img2buf_normal (p->imgUV[0], buf, p->size_x/2, p->size_y/2, symbol_size_in_bytes, crop_left/2, crop_right/2, crop_top/2, crop_bottom/2);
- write(p_out, buf, symbol_size_in_bytes * (p->size_y-crop_bottom-crop_top)/2 * (p->size_x-crop_right-crop_left)/2 );
- write(p_out, buf, symbol_size_in_bytes * (p->size_y-crop_bottom-crop_top)/2 * (p->size_x-crop_right-crop_left)/2 );
- free_mem3Dpel(p->imgUV);
- p->imgUV=NULL;
- }
- }
- free(buf);
- // fsync(p_out);
- }
- /*!
- ************************************************************************
- * brief
- * Initialize output buffer for direct output
- ************************************************************************
- */
- void init_out_buffer(void)
- {
- out_buffer = alloc_frame_store();
- pending_output = calloc (sizeof(StorablePicture), 1);
- if (NULL==pending_output) no_mem_exit("init_out_buffer");
- pending_output->imgUV = NULL;
- pending_output->imgY = NULL;
- #endif
- }
- /*!
- ************************************************************************
- * brief
- * Uninitialize output buffer for direct output
- ************************************************************************
- */
- void uninit_out_buffer(void)
- {
- free_frame_store(out_buffer);
- out_buffer=NULL;
- flush_pending_output(p_out);
- free (pending_output);
- #endif
- }
- /*!
- ************************************************************************
- * brief
- * Initialize picture memory with (Y:0,U:128,V:128)
- ************************************************************************
- */
- void clear_picture(StorablePicture *p)
- {
- int i,j;
- for(i=0;i<p->size_y;i++)
- {
- for (j=0; j<p->size_x; j++)
- p->imgY[i][j] = (imgpel) img->dc_pred_value_comp[0];
- }
- for(i=0;i<p->size_y_cr;i++)
- {
- for (j=0; j<p->size_x_cr; j++)
- p->imgUV[0][i][j] = (imgpel) img->dc_pred_value_comp[1];
- }
- for(i=0;i<p->size_y_cr;i++)
- {
- for (j=0; j<p->size_x_cr; j++)
- p->imgUV[1][i][j] = (imgpel) img->dc_pred_value_comp[2];
- }
- }
- /*!
- ************************************************************************
- * brief
- * Write out not paired direct output fields. A second empty field is generated
- * and combined into the frame buffer.
- * param fs
- * FrameStore that contains a single field
- * param p_out
- * Output file
- ************************************************************************
- */
- void write_unpaired_field(FrameStore* fs, int p_out)
- {
- StorablePicture *p;
- assert (fs->is_used<3);
- if(fs->is_used & 0x01)
- {
- // we have a top field
- // construct an empty bottom field
- p = fs->top_field;
- fs->bottom_field = alloc_storable_picture(BOTTOM_FIELD, p->size_x, 2*p->size_y, p->size_x_cr, 2*p->size_y_cr);
- fs->bottom_field->chroma_format_idc = p->chroma_format_idc;
- clear_picture(fs->bottom_field);
- dpb_combine_field_yuv(fs);
- write_picture (fs->frame, p_out, TOP_FIELD);
- }
- if(fs->is_used & 0x02)
- {
- // we have a bottom field
- // construct an empty top field
- p = fs->bottom_field;
- fs->top_field = alloc_storable_picture(TOP_FIELD, p->size_x, 2*p->size_y, p->size_x_cr, 2*p->size_y_cr);
- fs->top_field->chroma_format_idc = p->chroma_format_idc;
- clear_picture(fs->top_field);
- fs ->top_field->frame_cropping_flag = fs->bottom_field->frame_cropping_flag;
- if(fs ->top_field->frame_cropping_flag)
- {
- fs ->top_field->frame_cropping_rect_top_offset = fs->bottom_field->frame_cropping_rect_top_offset;
- fs ->top_field->frame_cropping_rect_bottom_offset = fs->bottom_field->frame_cropping_rect_bottom_offset;
- fs ->top_field->frame_cropping_rect_left_offset = fs->bottom_field->frame_cropping_rect_left_offset;
- fs ->top_field->frame_cropping_rect_right_offset = fs->bottom_field->frame_cropping_rect_right_offset;
- }
- dpb_combine_field_yuv(fs);
- write_picture (fs->frame, p_out, BOTTOM_FIELD);
- }
- fs->is_used = 3;
- }
- /*!
- ************************************************************************
- * brief
- * Write out unpaired fields from output buffer.
- * param p_out
- * Output file
- ************************************************************************
- */
- void flush_direct_output(int p_out)
- {
- write_unpaired_field(out_buffer, p_out);
- free_storable_picture(out_buffer->frame);
- out_buffer->frame = NULL;
- free_storable_picture(out_buffer->top_field);
- out_buffer->top_field = NULL;
- free_storable_picture(out_buffer->bottom_field);
- out_buffer->bottom_field = NULL;
- out_buffer->is_used = 0;
- }
- /*!
- ************************************************************************
- * brief
- * Write a frame (from FrameStore)
- * param fs
- * FrameStore containing the frame
- * param p_out
- * Output file
- ************************************************************************
- */
- void write_stored_frame( FrameStore *fs,int p_out)
- {
- // make sure no direct output field is pending
- flush_direct_output(p_out);
- if (fs->is_used<3)
- {
- write_unpaired_field(fs, p_out);
- }
- else
- {
- if (fs->recovery_frame)
- recovery_flag = 1;
- if ((!non_conforming_stream) || recovery_flag)
- write_picture(fs->frame, p_out, FRAME);
- }
- fs->is_output = 1;
- }
- /*!
- ************************************************************************
- * brief
- * Directly output a picture without storing it in the DPB. Fields
- * are buffered before they are written to the file.
- * param p
- * Picture for output
- * param p_out
- * Output file
- ************************************************************************
- */
- void direct_output(StorablePicture *p, int p_out)
- {
- if (p->structure==FRAME)
- {
- // we have a frame (or complementary field pair)
- // so output it directly
- flush_direct_output(p_out);
- write_picture (p, p_out, FRAME);
- calculate_frame_no(p);
- if (-1!=p_ref && !params->silent)
- find_snr(snr, p, p_ref);
- free_storable_picture(p);
- return;
- }
- if (p->structure == TOP_FIELD)
- {
- if (out_buffer->is_used &1)
- flush_direct_output(p_out);
- out_buffer->top_field = p;
- out_buffer->is_used |= 1;
- }
- if (p->structure == BOTTOM_FIELD)
- {
- if (out_buffer->is_used &2)
- flush_direct_output(p_out);
- out_buffer->bottom_field = p;
- out_buffer->is_used |= 2;
- }
- if (out_buffer->is_used == 3)
- {
- // we have both fields, so output them
- dpb_combine_field_yuv(out_buffer);
- write_picture (out_buffer->frame, p_out, FRAME);
- calculate_frame_no(p);
- if (-1!=p_ref && !params->silent)
- find_snr(snr, out_buffer->frame, p_ref);
- free_storable_picture(out_buffer->frame);
- out_buffer->frame = NULL;
- free_storable_picture(out_buffer->top_field);
- out_buffer->top_field = NULL;
- free_storable_picture(out_buffer->bottom_field);
- out_buffer->bottom_field = NULL;
- out_buffer->is_used = 0;
- }
- }