资源名称:chapter15.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- # New Input File Format is as follows
- # <ParameterName> = <ParameterValue> # Comment
- #
- # See configfile.h for a list of supported ParameterNames
- #
- # For bug reporting and known issues see:
- # https://ipbt.hhi.de
- ##########################################################################################
- # Files
- ##########################################################################################
- InputFile = "Crew_10.rgb" # Input sequence
- InputHeaderLength = 0 # If the inputfile has a header, state it's length in byte here
- StartFrame = 0 # Start frame for encoding. (0-N)
- FramesToBeEncoded = 10 # Number of frames to be coded
- FrameRate = 30.0 # Frame Rate per second (0.1-100.0)
- SourceWidth = 1280 # Source frame width
- SourceHeight = 720 # Source frame height
- SourceResize = 0 # Resize source size for output
- OutputWidth = 1280 # Output frame width
- OutputHeight = 720 # Output frame height
- TraceFile = "trace_enc.txt" # Trace file
- ReconFile = "test_rec.yuv" # Recontruction YUV file
- OutputFile = "test.264" # Bitstream
- StatsFile = "stats.dat" # Coding statistics file
- ##########################################################################################
- # Encoder Control
- ##########################################################################################
- ProfileIDC = 144 # Profile IDC (66=baseline, 77=main, 88=extended; FREXT Profiles: 100=High, 110=High 10, 122=High 4:2:2, 244=High 4:4:4, 44=CAVLC 4:4:4 Intra)
- IntraProfile = 0 # Activate Intra Profile for FRExt (0: false, 1: true)
- # (e.g. ProfileIDC=110, IntraProfile=1 => High 10 Intra Profile)
- LevelIDC = 51 # Level IDC (e.g. 20 = level 2.0)
- IntraPeriod = 1 # Period of I-pictures (0=only first)
- IDRPeriod = 0 # Period of IDR pictures (0=only first)
- AdaptiveIntraPeriod = 1 # Adaptive intra period
- AdaptiveIDRPeriod = 1 # Adaptive IDR period
- IntraDelay = 0 # Intra (IDR) picture delay (i.e. coding structure of PPIPPP... )
- EnableIDRGOP = 0 # Support for IDR closed GOPs (0: disabled, 1: enabled)
- EnableOpenGOP = 0 # Support for open GOPs (0: disabled, 1: enabled)
- QPISlice = 28 # Quant. param for I Slices (0-51)
- QPPSlice = 28 # Quant. param for P Slices (0-51)
- FrameSkip = 0 # Number of frames to be skipped in input (e.g 2 will code every third frame)
- ChromaQPOffset = 0 # Chroma QP offset (-51..51)
- DisableSubpelME = 0 # Disable Subpixel Motion Estimation (0=off/default, 1=on)
- SearchRange = 32 # Max search range
- MEDistortionFPel = 0 # Select error metric for Full-Pel ME (0: SAD, 1: SSE, 2: Hadamard SAD)
- MEDistortionHPel = 2 # Select error metric for Half-Pel ME (0: SAD, 1: SSE, 2: Hadamard SAD)
- MEDistortionQPel = 2 # Select error metric for Quarter-Pel ME (0: SAD, 1: SSE, 2: Hadamard SAD)
- MDDistortion = 2 # Select error metric for Mode Decision (0: SAD, 1: SSE, 2: Hadamard SAD)
- SkipDeBlockNonRef = 0 # Skip Deblocking (regardless of DFParametersFlag) for non-reference frames (0: off, 1: on)
- ChromaMCBuffer = 1 # Calculate Color component interpolated values in advance and store them.
- # Provides a trade-off between memory and computational complexity
- # (0: disabled/default, 1: enabled)
- ChromaMEEnable = 0 # Take into account Color component information during ME
- # (0: only first component/default,
- # 1: All Color components - Integer refinement only
- # 2: All Color components - All refinements)
- ChromaMEWeight = 1 # Weighting for chroma components. This parameter should have a relationship with color format.
- NumberReferenceFrames = 5 # Number of previous frames used for inter motion search (0-16)
- PList0References = 0 # P slice List 0 reference override (0 disable, N <= NumberReferenceFrames)
- Log2MaxFNumMinus4 = 0 # Sets log2_max_frame_num_minus4 (-1 : based on FramesToBeEncoded/Auto, >=0 : Log2MaxFNumMinus4)
- Log2MaxPOCLsbMinus4 = -1 # Sets log2_max_pic_order_cnt_lsb_minus4 (-1 : Auto, >=0 : Log2MaxPOCLsbMinus4)
- GenerateMultiplePPS = 0 # Transmit multiple parameter sets. Currently parameters basically enable all WP modes (0: diabled, 1: enabled)
- ResendPPS = 0 # Resend PPS (with pic_parameter_set_id 0) for every coded Frame/Field pair (0: disabled, 1: enabled)
- MbLineIntraUpdate = 0 # Error robustness(extra intra macro block updates)(0=off, N: One GOB every N frames are intra coded)
- RandomIntraMBRefresh = 0 # Forced intra MBs per picture
- PSliceSkip = 1 # P-Slice Skip mode consideration (0=disable, 1=enable)
- PSliceSearch16x16 = 1 # P-Slice Inter block search 16x16 (0=disable, 1=enable)
- PSliceSearch16x8 = 1 # P-Slice Inter block search 16x8 (0=disable, 1=enable)
- PSliceSearch8x16 = 1 # P-Slice Inter block search 8x16 (0=disable, 1=enable)
- PSliceSearch8x8 = 1 # P-Slice Inter block search 8x8 (0=disable, 1=enable)
- PSliceSearch8x4 = 1 # P-Slice Inter block search 8x4 (0=disable, 1=enable)
- PSliceSearch4x8 = 1 # P-Slice Inter block search 4x8 (0=disable, 1=enable)
- PSliceSearch4x4 = 1 # P-Slice Inter block search 4x4 (0=disable, 1=enable)
- BSliceDirect = 1 # B-Slice Skip mode consideration (0=disable, 1=enable)
- BSliceSearch16x16 = 1 # B-Slice Inter block search 16x16 (0=disable, 1=enable)
- BSliceSearch16x8 = 1 # B-Slice Inter block search 16x8 (0=disable, 1=enable)
- BSliceSearch8x16 = 1 # B-Slice Inter block search 8x16 (0=disable, 1=enable)
- BSliceSearch8x8 = 1 # B-Slice Inter block search 8x8 (0=disable, 1=enable)
- BSliceSearch8x4 = 1 # B-Slice Inter block search 8x4 (0=disable, 1=enable)
- BSliceSearch4x8 = 1 # B-Slice Inter block search 4x8 (0=disable, 1=enable)
- BSliceSearch4x4 = 1 # B-Slice Inter block search 4x4 (0=disable, 1=enable)
- BiPredSearch16x16 = 1 # B-Slice Bi-prediction block search 16x16 (0=disable, 1=enable)
- BiPredSearch16x8 = 1 # B-Slice Bi-prediction block search 16x8 (0=disable, 1=enable)
- BiPredSearch8x16 = 1 # B-Slice Bi-prediction block search 8x16 (0=disable, 1=enable)
- BiPredSearch8x8 = 0 # B-Slice Bi-prediction block search 8x8 (0=disable, 1=enable)
- DisableIntra4x4 = 0 # Disable Intra 4x4 modes
- DisableIntra16x16 = 0 # Disable Intra 16x16 modes
- DisableIntraInInter = 0 # Disable Intra modes for inter slices
- IntraDisableInterOnly = 0 # Apply Disabling Intra conditions only to Inter Slices (0:disable/default,1: enable)
- Intra4x4ParDisable = 0 # Disable Vertical & Horizontal 4x4
- Intra4x4DiagDisable = 0 # Disable Diagonal 45degree 4x4
- Intra4x4DirDisable = 0 # Disable Other Diagonal 4x4
- Intra16x16ParDisable = 0 # Disable Vertical & Horizontal 16x16
- Intra16x16PlaneDisable = 0 # Disable Planar 16x16
- ChromaIntraDisable = 0 # Disable Intra Chroma modes other than DC
- EnableIPCM = 1 # Enable IPCM macroblock mode
- DisposableP = 0 # Enable Disposable P slices in the primary layer (0: disable/default, 1: enable)
- DispPQPOffset = 0 # Quantizer offset for disposable P slices (0: default)
- ##########################################################################################
- # B Slices
- ##########################################################################################
- NumberBFrames = 0 # Number of B coded frames inserted (0=not used)
- QPBSlice = 30 # Quant. param for B slices (0-51)
- BRefPicQPOffset = -1 # Quantization offset for reference B coded pictures (-51..51)
- DirectModeType = 1 # Direct Mode Type (0:Temporal 1:Spatial)
- DirectInferenceFlag = 1 # Direct Inference Flag (0: Disable 1: Enable)
- BList0References = 0 # B slice List 0 reference override (0 disable, N <= NumberReferenceFrames)
- BList1References = 1 # B slice List 1 reference override (0 disable, N <= NumberReferenceFrames)
- # 1 List1 reference is usually recommended for normal GOP Structures.
- # A larger value is usually more appropriate if a more flexible
- # structure is used (i.e. using HierarchicalCoding)
- BReferencePictures = 0 # Referenced B coded pictures (0=off, 1=B references for secondary layer, 2=B references for primary layer)
- HierarchicalCoding = 0 # B hierarchical coding (0= off, 1= 2 layers, 2= 2 full hierarchy, 3 = explicit)
- HierarchyLevelQPEnable = 1 # Adjust QP based on hierarchy level (in increments of 1). Overrides BRefPicQPOffset behavior.(0=off, 1=on)
- ExplicitHierarchyFormat = "b1r0b3r0b2e2b0e2b4r2" # Explicit Enhancement GOP. Format is {FrameDisplay_orderReferenceQP}.
- # Valid values for reference type is r:reference, e:non reference.
- ReferenceReorder = 1 # Reorder References according to Poc distance for HierarchicalCoding (0=off, 1=enable)
- PocMemoryManagement = 1 # Memory management based on Poc Distances for HierarchicalCoding (0=off, 1=on)
- BiPredMotionEstimation = 1 # Enable Bipredictive based Motion Estimation (0:disabled, 1:enabled)
- BiPredMERefinements = 3 # Bipredictive ME extra refinements (0: single, N: N extra refinements (1 default)
- BiPredMESearchRange = 16 # Bipredictive ME Search range (8 default). Note that range is halved for every extra refinement.
- BiPredMESubPel = 2 # Bipredictive ME Subpixel Consideration (0: disabled, 1: single level, 2: dual level)
- ##########################################################################################
- # SP Frames
- ##########################################################################################
- SPPicturePeriodicity = 0 # SP-Picture Periodicity (0=not used)
- QPSPSlice = 36 # Quant. param of SP-Slices for Prediction Error (0-51)
- QPSP2Slice = 35 # Quant. param of SP-Slices for Predicted Blocks (0-51)
- SI_FRAMES = 0 # SI frame encoding flag (0=not used, 1=used)
- SP_output = 0 # Controls whether coefficients will be output to encode switching SP frames (0=no, 1=yes)
- SP_output_name = "low_quality.dat" # Filename for SP output coefficients
- SP2_FRAMES = 0 # switching SP frame encoding flag (0=not used, 1=used)
- SP2_input_name1 = "high_quality.dat" # Filename for the first swithed bitstream coefficients
- SP2_input_name2 = "low_quality.dat" # Filename for the second switched bitstream coefficients
- ##########################################################################################
- # Output Control, NALs
- ##########################################################################################
- SymbolMode = 1 # Symbol mode (Entropy coding method: 0=UVLC, 1=CABAC)
- OutFileMode = 0 # Output file mode, 0:Annex B, 1:RTP
- PartitionMode = 0 # Partition Mode, 0: no DP, 1: 3 Partitions per Slice
- ##########################################################################################
- # CABAC context initialization
- ##########################################################################################
- ContextInitMethod = 1 # Context init (0: fixed, 1: adaptive)
- FixedModelNumber = 0 # model number for fixed decision for inter slices ( 0, 1, or 2 )
- ##########################################################################################
- # Interlace Handling
- #########################################################################################
- PicInterlace = 0 # Picture AFF (0: frame coding, 1: field coding, 2:adaptive frame/field coding)
- MbInterlace = 0 # Macroblock AFF (0: frame coding, 1: field coding, 2:adaptive frame/field coding, 3: frame MB-only AFF)
- IntraBottom = 0 # Force Intra Bottom at GOP Period
- ##########################################################################################
- # Weighted Prediction
- #########################################################################################
- WeightedPrediction = 0 # P picture Weighted Prediction (0=off, 1=explicit mode)
- WeightedBiprediction = 0 # B picture Weighted Prediciton (0=off, 1=explicit mode, 2=implicit mode)
- ChromaWeightSupport = 1 # Enable consideration of weights for Chroma components
- UseWeightedReferenceME = 1 # Use weighted reference for ME (0=off, 1=on)
- WPMethod = 1 # WP method (0: DC based, 1: LMS based)
- EnhancedBWeightSupport = 0 # Enhanced B Weight support (needs revisit if we wish to merge with WPMethod)
- WPMCPrecision = 0 # Improved Motion Compensation Precision using WP based methods.
- # Clones WP references with slightly modified rounding offsets (Requires RDPictureDecision and GenerateMultiplePPS) :
- # 0: disabled (default)
- # 1: Up to one additional coding pass. Ref0 is 0, ref1 is 0 with a -1 offset
- # 2: Up to two additional coding passes. (1) Ref0 is 0, ref1 is 0 with a -1 offset, (1) Ref0 is 0 with a -1 offset, ref1 is 0
- WPMCPrecFullRef = 0 # Increases the number of references in the reference picture lists to account
- # for the lost reference slot when reordering is used during a coding pass in WPMCPrecision for reference replication.
- # The number of references in non-reordered passes stays unchanged
- WPMCPrecBSlice = 1 # 2: Apply rounding on every B slice. This efectively disables the evaluation of alternative QPs during RDPictureDecision.
- # 1: Disable rounding for non-reference B slices. Non-reference B slices are evaluated for alternative QPs during RDPictureDecision.
- # 0: Disable rounding for B slices.
- ##########################################################################################
- # Picture based Multi-pass encoding
- #########################################################################################
- RDPictureDecision = 0 # Perform RD optimal decision between different coded picture versions.
- # If GenerateMultiplePPS is enabled then this will test different WP methods.
- # Otherwise it will test QP +-1 (0: disabled, 1: enabled)
- RDPictureIntra = 0 # Perform RD optimal decision also for intra coded pictures (0: disabled (default), 1: enabled).
- RDPSliceWeightOnly = 1 # Only consider Weighted Prediction for P slices in Picture RD decision. (0: disabled, 1: enabled (default))
- RDBSliceWeightOnly = 0 # Only consider Weighted Prediction for B slices in Picture RD decision. (0: disabled (default), 1: enabled )
- RDPSliceBTest = 1 # Perform Slice level RD decision between P and B slices.
- # Requires GenerateMultiplePPS = 1 and RDPSliceWeightOnly = 0. (0: disabled (default), 1: enabled )
- ##########################################################################################
- # Deblocking filter parameters
- ##########################################################################################
- DFParametersFlag = 0 # Configure deblocking filter (0=parameters below ignored, 1=parameters sent)
- # Note that for pictures with multiple slice types,
- # only the type of the first slice will be considered.
- DFDisableRefISlice = 0 # Disable deblocking filter in reference I coded pictures (0=Filter, 1=No Filter).
- DFAlphaRefISlice = 0 # Reference I coded pictures Alpha offset div. 2, {-6, -5, ... 0, +1, .. +6}
- DFBetaRefISlice = 0 # Reference I coded pictures Beta offset div. 2, {-6, -5, ... 0, +1, .. +6}
- DFDisableNRefISlice = 0 # Disable deblocking filter in non reference I coded pictures (0=Filter, 1=No Filter).
- DFAlphaNRefISlice = 0 # Non Reference I coded pictures Alpha offset div. 2, {-6, -5, ... 0, +1, .. +6}
- DFBetaNRefISlice = 0 # Non Reference I coded pictures Beta offset div. 2, {-6, -5, ... 0, +1, .. +6}
- DFDisableRefPSlice = 0 # Disable deblocking filter in reference P coded pictures (0=Filter, 1=No Filter).
- DFAlphaRefPSlice = 0 # Reference P coded pictures Alpha offset div. 2, {-6, -5, ... 0, +1, .. +6}
- DFBetaRefPSlice = 0 # Reference P coded pictures Beta offset div. 2, {-6, -5, ... 0, +1, .. +6}
- DFDisableNRefPSlice = 0 # Disable deblocking filter in non reference P coded pictures (0=Filter, 1=No Filter).
- DFAlphaNRefPSlice = 0 # Non Reference P coded pictures Alpha offset div. 2, {-6, -5, ... 0, +1, .. +6}
- DFBetaNRefPSlice = 0 # Non Reference P coded pictures Beta offset div. 2, {-6, -5, ... 0, +1, .. +6}
- DFDisableRefBSlice = 0 # Disable deblocking filter in reference B coded pictures (0=Filter, 1=No Filter).
- DFAlphaRefBSlice = 0 # Reference B coded pictures Alpha offset div. 2, {-6, -5, ... 0, +1, .. +6}
- DFBetaRefBSlice = 0 # Reference B coded pictures Beta offset div. 2, {-6, -5, ... 0, +1, .. +6}
- DFDisableNRefBSlice = 0 # Disable deblocking filter in non reference B coded pictures (0=Filter, 1=No Filter).
- DFAlphaNRefBSlice = 0 # Non Reference B coded pictures Alpha offset div. 2, {-6, -5, ... 0, +1, .. +6}
- DFBetaNRefBSlice = 0 # Non Reference B coded pictures Beta offset div. 2, {-6, -5, ... 0, +1, .. +6}
- ##########################################################################################
- # Error Resilience / Slices
- ##########################################################################################
- SliceMode = 0 # Slice mode (0=off 1=fixed #mb in slice 2=fixed #bytes in slice 3=use callback)
- SliceArgument = 50 # Slice argument (Arguments to modes 1 and 2 above)
- num_slice_groups_minus1 = 0 # Number of Slice Groups Minus 1, 0 == no FMO, 1 == two slice groups, etc.
- slice_group_map_type = 0 # 0: Interleave, 1: Dispersed, 2: Foreground with left-over,
- # 3: Box-out, 4: Raster Scan 5: Wipe
- # 6: Explicit, slice_group_id read from SliceGroupConfigFileName
- slice_group_change_direction_flag = 0 # 0: box-out clockwise, raster scan or wipe right,
- # 1: box-out counter clockwise, reverse raster scan or wipe left
- slice_group_change_rate_minus1 = 85 #
- SliceGroupConfigFileName = "sg0conf.cfg" # Used for slice_group_map_type 0, 2, 6
- UseRedundantPicture = 0 # 0: not used, 1: enabled
- NumRedundantHierarchy = 1 # 0-4
- PrimaryGOPLength = 10 # GOP length for redundant allocation (1-16)
- # NumberReferenceFrames must be no less than PrimaryGOPLength when redundant slice enabled
- NumRefPrimary = 1 # Actually used number of references for primary slices (1-16)
- ##########################################################################################
- # Search Range Restriction / RD Optimization
- ##########################################################################################
- RestrictSearchRange = 2 # restriction for (0: blocks and ref, 1: ref, 2: no restrictions)
- RDOptimization = 1 # rd-optimized mode decision
- # 0: RD-off (Low complexity mode)
- # 1: RD-on (High complexity mode)
- # 2: RD-on (Fast high complexity mode - not work in FREX Profiles)
- # 3: with losses
- DistortionSSIM = 0 # Compute SSIM distortion. (0: disabled/default, 1: enabled)
- SSIMOverlapSize = 8 # Overlap size to calculate SSIM distortion (1: pixel by pixel, 8: no overlap)
- DistortionYUVtoRGB = 0 # Calculate distortion in RGB domain after conversion from YCbCr (0:off, 1:on)
- CtxAdptLagrangeMult = 0 # Context Adaptive Lagrange Multiplier
- # 0: disabled (default)
- # 1: enabled (works best when RDOptimization=0)
- FastCrIntraDecision = 1 # Fast Chroma intra mode decision (0:off, 1:on)
- DisableThresholding = 0 # Disable Thresholding of Transform Coefficients (0:off, 1:on)
- DisableBSkipRDO = 0 # Disable B Skip Mode consideration from RDO Mode decision (0:off, 1:on)
- SkipIntraInInterSlices = 0 # Skips Intra mode checking in inter slices if certain mode decisions are satisfied (0: off, 1: on)
- WeightY = 1 # Luma weight for RDO
- WeightCb = 1 # Cb weight for RDO
- WeightCr = 1 # Cr weight for RDO
- ##########################################################################################
- # Explicit Lambda Usage
- ##########################################################################################
- UseExplicitLambdaParams = 0 # Use explicit lambda scaling parameters (0:disabled, 1:enable lambda weight, 2: use explicit lambda value)
- UpdateLambdaChromaME = 0 # Update lambda given Chroma ME consideration
- FixedLambdaIslice = 0.1 # Fixed Lambda value for I slices
- FixedLambdaPslice = 0.1 # Fixed Lambda value for P slices
- FixedLambdaBslice = 0.1 # Fixed Lambda value for B slices
- FixedLambdaRefBslice = 0.1 # Fixed Lambda value for Referenced B slices
- FixedLambdaSPslice = 0.1 # Fixed Lambda value for SP slices
- FixedLambdaSIslice = 0.1 # Fixed Lambda value for SI slices
- LambdaWeightIslice = 0.65 # scaling param for I slices. This will be used as a multiplier i.e. lambda=LambdaWeightISlice * 2^((QP-12)/3)
- LambdaWeightPslice = 0.68 # scaling param for P slices. This will be used as a multiplier i.e. lambda=LambdaWeightPSlice * 2^((QP-12)/3)
- LambdaWeightBslice = 0.68 # scaling param for B slices. This will be used as a multiplier i.e. lambda=LambdaWeightBSlice * 2^((QP-12)/3)
- LambdaWeightRefBslice = 0.68 # scaling param for Referenced B slices. This will be used as a multiplier i.e. lambda=LambdaWeightRefBSlice * 2^((QP-12)/3)
- LambdaWeightSPslice = 0.68 # scaling param for SP slices. This will be used as a multiplier i.e. lambda=LambdaWeightSPSlice * 2^((QP-12)/3)
- LambdaWeightSIslice = 0.65 # scaling param for SI slices. This will be used as a multiplier i.e. lambda=LambdaWeightSISlice * 2^((QP-12)/3)
- LossRateA = 5 # expected packet loss rate of the channel for the first partition, only valid if RDOptimization = 3
- LossRateB = 0 # expected packet loss rate of the channel for the second partition, only valid if RDOptimization = 3
- LossRateC = 0 # expected packet loss rate of the channel for the third partition, only valid if RDOptimization = 3
- NumberOfDecoders = 30 # Numbers of decoders used to simulate the channel, only valid if RDOptimization = 3
- RestrictRefFrames = 0 # Doesnt allow reference to areas that have been intra updated in a later frame.
- ##########################################################################################
- # Additional Stuff
- #########################################################################################
- UseConstrainedIntraPred = 0 # If 1, Inter pixels are not used for Intra macroblock prediction.
- LastFrameNumber = 0 # Last frame number that have to be coded (0: no effect)
- ChangeQPI = 16 # QP (I-slices) for second part of sequence (0-51)
- ChangeQPP = 16 # QP (P-slices) for second part of sequence (0-51)
- ChangeQPB = 18 # QP (B-slices) for second part of sequence (0-51)
- ChangeQPBSRefOffset = 2 # QP offset (stored B-slices) for second part of sequence (-51..51)
- ChangeQPStart = 0 # Frame no. for second part of sequence (0: no second part)
- NumberofLeakyBuckets = 8 # Number of Leaky Bucket values
- LeakyBucketRateFile = "leakybucketrate.cfg" # File from which encoder derives rate values
- LeakyBucketParamFile = "leakybucketparam.cfg" # File where encoder stores leakybucketparams
- NumFramesInELayerSubSeq = 0 # number of frames in the Enhanced Scalability Layer(0: no Enhanced Layer)
- SparePictureOption = 0 # (0: no spare picture info, 1: spare picture available)
- SparePictureDetectionThr = 6 # Threshold for spare reference pictures detection
- SparePicturePercentageThr = 92 # Threshold for the spare macroblock percentage
- PicOrderCntType = 0 # (0: POC mode 0, 1: POC mode 1, 2: POC mode 2)
- ########################################################################################
- #Rate control
- ########################################################################################
- RateControlEnable = 0 # 0 Disable, 1 Enable
- Bitrate = 45020 # Bitrate(bps)
- InitialQP = 0 # Initial Quantization Parameter for the first I frame
- # InitialQp depends on two values: Bits Per Picture,
- # and the GOP length
- BasicUnit = 11 # Number of MBs in the basic unit
- # should be a fraction of the total number
- # of MBs in a frame
- ChannelType = 0 # type of channel( 1=time varying channel; 0=Constant channel)
- RCUpdateMode = 0 # Rate Control type. Modes supported :
- # 0 = original JM rate control,
- # 1 = rate control that is applied to all frames regardless of the slice type,
- # 2 = original plus intelligent QP selection for I and B slices (including Hierarchical),
- # 3 = original + hybrid quadratic rate control for I and B slice using bit rate statistics
- #
- RCISliceBitRatio = 1.0 # target ratio of bits for I-coded pictures compared to P-coded Pictures (for RCUpdateMode=3)
- RCBSliceBitRatio0 = 0.5 # target ratio of bits for B-coded pictures compared to P-coded Pictures - temporal level 0 (for RCUpdateMode=3)
- RCBSliceBitRatio1 = 0.25 # target ratio of bits for B-coded pictures compared to P-coded Pictures - temporal level 1 (for RCUpdateMode=3)
- RCBSliceBitRatio2 = 0.25 # target ratio of bits for B-coded pictures compared to P-coded Pictures - temporal level 2 (for RCUpdateMode=3)
- RCBSliceBitRatio3 = 0.25 # target ratio of bits for B-coded pictures compared to P-coded Pictures - temporal level 3 (for RCUpdateMode=3)
- RCBSliceBitRatio4 = 0.25 # target ratio of bits for B-coded pictures compared to P-coded Pictures - temporal level 4 (for RCUpdateMode=3)
- RCBoverPRatio = 0.45 # ratio of bit rate usage of a B-coded picture over a P-coded picture for the SAME QP (for RCUpdateMode=3)
- RCIoverPRatio = 3.80 # ratio of bit rate usage of an I-coded picture over a P-coded picture for the SAME QP (for RCUpdateMode=3)
- RCMinQPPSlice = 8 # minimum P Slice QP value for rate control
- RCMaxQPPSlice = 44 # maximum P Slice QP value for rate control
- RCMinQPBSlice = 8 # minimum B Slice QP value for rate control
- RCMaxQPBSlice = 46 # maximum B Slice QP value for rate control
- RCMinQPISlice = 8 # minimum I Slice QP value for rate control
- RCMaxQPISlice = 36 # maximum I Slice QP value for rate control
- RCMinQPSPSlice = 8 # minimum SP Slice QP value for rate control
- RCMaxQPSPSlice = 40 # maximum SP Slice QP value for rate control
- RCMinQPSISlice = 8 # minimum SI Slice QP value for rate control
- RCMaxQPSISlice = 36 # maximum SI Slice QP value for rate control
- RCMaxQPChange = 4 # maximum QP change for frames of the base layer
- ########################################################################################
- #Fast Mode Decision
- ########################################################################################
- EarlySkipEnable = 0 # Early skip detection (0: Disable 1: Enable)
- SelectiveIntraEnable = 0 # Selective Intra mode decision (0: Disable 1: Enable)
- ########################################################################################
- #FREXT stuff
- ########################################################################################
- YUVFormat = 3 # YUV format (0=4:0:0, 1=4:2:0, 2=4:2:2, 3=4:4:4)
- RGBInput = 1 # 1=RGB input, 0=GBR or YUV input
- SeparateColourPlane = 0 # 4:4:4 coding: 0=Common mode, 1=Independent mode
- SourceBitDepthLuma = 10 # Source Bit Depth for Luma color component (8...14 bits)
- SourceBitDepthChroma = 10 # Source Bit Depth for Chroma color components (8...14 bits)
- SourceBitDepthRescale = 0 # Rescale bit depth of source for output (0: Disable 1: Enable)
- OutputBitDepthLuma = 8 # Output Bit Depth for Luma color component (8...14 bits)
- OutputBitDepthChroma = 8 # Output Bit Depth for Chroma color components (8...14 bits)
- CbQPOffset = 0 # Chroma QP offset for Cb-part (-51..51)
- CrQPOffset = 0 # Chroma QP offset for Cr-part (-51..51)
- Transform8x8Mode = 1 # (0: only 4x4 transform, 1: allow using 8x8 transform additionally, 2: only 8x8 transform)
- ReportFrameStats = 0 # (0:Disable Frame Statistics 1: Enable)
- DisplayEncParams = 0 # (0:Disable Display of Encoder Params 1: Enable)
- Verbose = 1 # level of display verboseness (0:short, 1:normal, 2:detailed)
- ########################################################################################
- #Q-Matrix (FREXT)
- ########################################################################################
- QmatrixFile = "q_matrix.cfg"
- ScalingMatrixPresentFlag = 0 # Enable Q_Matrix (0 Not present, 1 Present in SPS, 2 Present in PPS, 3 Present in both SPS & PPS)
- ScalingListPresentFlag0 = 3 # Intra4x4_Luma (0 Not present, 1 Present in SPS, 2 Present in PPS, 3 Present in both SPS & PPS)
- ScalingListPresentFlag1 = 3 # Intra4x4_ChromaU (0 Not present, 1 Present in SPS, 2 Present in PPS, 3 Present in both SPS & PPS)
- ScalingListPresentFlag2 = 3 # Intra4x4_chromaV (0 Not present, 1 Present in SPS, 2 Present in PPS, 3 Present in both SPS & PPS)
- ScalingListPresentFlag3 = 3 # Inter4x4_Luma (0 Not present, 1 Present in SPS, 2 Present in PPS, 3 Present in both SPS & PPS)
- ScalingListPresentFlag4 = 3 # Inter4x4_ChromaU (0 Not present, 1 Present in SPS, 2 Present in PPS, 3 Present in both SPS & PPS)
- ScalingListPresentFlag5 = 3 # Inter4x4_ChromaV (0 Not present, 1 Present in SPS, 2 Present in PPS, 3 Present in both SPS & PPS)
- ScalingListPresentFlag6 = 3 # Intra8x8_Luma (0 Not present, 1 Present in SPS, 2 Present in PPS, 3 Present in both SPS & PPS)
- ScalingListPresentFlag7 = 3 # Inter8x8_Luma (0 Not present, 1 Present in SPS, 2 Present in PPS, 3 Present in both SPS & PPS)
- ScalingListPresentFlag8 = 1 # Intra8x8_ChromaU for 4:4:4 (0 Not present, 1 Present in SPS, 2 Present in PPS, 3 Present in both SPS & PPS)
- ScalingListPresentFlag9 = 3 # Inter8x8_ChromaU for 4:4:4 (0 Not present, 1 Present in SPS, 2 Present in PPS, 3 Present in both SPS & PPS)
- ScalingListPresentFlag10 = 2 # Intra8x8_ChromaV for 4:4:4 (0 Not present, 1 Present in SPS, 2 Present in PPS, 3 Present in both SPS & PPS)
- ScalingListPresentFlag11 = 3 # Inter8x8_ChromaV for 4:4:4 (0 Not present, 1 Present in SPS, 2 Present in PPS, 3 Present in both SPS & PPS)
- ########################################################################################
- #Rounding Offset control
- ########################################################################################
- OffsetMatrixPresentFlag = 0 # Enable Explicit Offset Quantization Matrices (0: disable 1: enable)
- QOffsetMatrixFile = "q_offset.cfg" # Explicit Quantization Matrices file
- AdaptiveRounding = 1 # Enable Adaptive Rounding based on JVT-N011 (0: disable, 1: enable)
- AdaptRoundingFixed = 1 # Enable Global Adaptive rounding for all qps (0: disable, 1: enable - default/old)
- AdaptRndPeriod = 16 # Period in terms of MBs for updating rounding offsets.
- # 0 performs update at the picture level. Default is 16. 1 is as in JVT-N011.
- AdaptRndChroma = 1 # Enables coefficient rounding adaptation for chroma
- AdaptRndWFactorIRef = 4 # Adaptive Rounding Weight for I/SI slices in reference pictures /4096
- AdaptRndWFactorPRef = 4 # Adaptive Rounding Weight for P/SP slices in reference pictures /4096
- AdaptRndWFactorBRef = 4 # Adaptive Rounding Weight for B slices in reference pictures /4096
- AdaptRndWFactorINRef = 4 # Adaptive Rounding Weight for I/SI slices in non reference pictures /4096
- AdaptRndWFactorPNRef = 4 # Adaptive Rounding Weight for P/SP slices in non reference pictures /4096
- AdaptRndWFactorBNRef = 4 # Adaptive Rounding Weight for B slices in non reference pictures /4096
- AdaptRndCrWFactorIRef = 4 # Chroma Adaptive Rounding Weight for I/SI slices in reference pictures /4096
- AdaptRndCrWFactorPRef = 4 # Chroma Adaptive Rounding Weight for P/SP slices in reference pictures /4096
- AdaptRndCrWFactorBRef = 4 # Chroma Adaptive Rounding Weight for B slices in reference pictures /4096
- AdaptRndCrWFactorINRef = 4 # Chroma Adaptive Rounding Weight for I/SI slices in non reference pictures /4096
- AdaptRndCrWFactorPNRef = 4 # Chroma Adaptive Rounding Weight for P/SP slices in non reference pictures /4096
- AdaptRndCrWFactorBNRef = 4 # Chroma Adaptive Rounding Weight for B slices in non reference pictures /4096
- ########################################################################################
- #Lossless Coding (FREXT)
- ########################################################################################
- QPPrimeYZeroTransformBypassFlag = 0 # Enable lossless coding when qpprime_y is zero (0 Disabled, 1 Enabled)
- ########################################################################################
- #Fast Motion Estimation Control Parameters
- ########################################################################################
- SearchMode = 0 # Motion estimation mode
- # -1 = Full Search
- # 0 = Fast Full Search (default)
- # 1 = UMHexagon Search
- # 2 = Simplified UMHexagon Search
- # 3 = Enhanced Predictive Zonal Search (EPZS)
- UMHexDSR = 1 # Use Search Range Prediction. Only for UMHexagonS method
- # (0:disable, 1:enabled/default)
- UMHexScale = 3 # Use Scale_factor for different image sizes. Only for UMHexagonS method
- # (0:disable, 3:/default)
- # Increasing value can speed up Motion Search.
- EPZSPattern = 2 # Select EPZS primary refinement pattern.
- # (0: small diamond, 1: square, 2: extended diamond/default,
- # 3: large diamond, 4: SBP Large Diamond,
- # 5: PMVFAST )
- EPZSDualRefinement = 3 # Enables secondary refinement pattern.
- # (0:disabled, 1: small diamond, 2: square,
- # 3: extended diamond/default, 4: large diamond,
- # 5: SBP Large Diamond, 6: PMVFAST )
- EPZSFixedPredictors = 2 # Enables Window based predictors
- # (0:disabled, 1: P only, 2: P and B/default)
- EPZSTemporal = 1 # Enables temporal predictors
- # (0: disabled, 1: enabled/default)
- EPZSSpatialMem = 1 # Enables spatial memory predictors
- # (0: disabled, 1: enabled/default)
- EPZSBlockType = 1 # Enables block type Predictors
- # (0: disabled, 1: enabled/default)
- EPZSMinThresScale = 0 # Scaler for EPZS minimum threshold (0 default).
- # Increasing value can speed up encoding.
- EPZSMedThresScale = 1 # Scaler for EPZS median threshold (1 default).
- # Increasing value can speed up encoding.
- EPZSMaxThresScale = 2 # Scaler for EPZS maximum threshold (1 default).
- # Increasing value can speed up encoding.
- EPZSSubPelME = 1 # EPZS Subpel ME consideration
- EPZSSubPelMEBiPred = 1 # EPZS Subpel ME consideration for BiPred partitions
- EPZSSubPelThresScale = 2 # EPZS Subpel ME Threshold scaler
- EPZSSubPelGrid = 1 # Perform EPZS using a subpixel grid
- ########################################################################################
- # SEI Parameters
- ########################################################################################
- ToneMappingSEIPresentFlag = 1 # Enable Tone mapping SEI (0 Not present, 1 Present)
- ToneMappingFile = "ToneMapping.cfg"
- GenerateSEIMessage = 0 # Generate an SEI Text Message
- SEIMessageText = "H.264/AVC Encoder" # Text SEI Message
- ########################################################################################
- # VUI Parameters
- ########################################################################################
- # the variables below do not affect encoding and decoding
- # (many are dummy variables but others can be useful when supported by the decoder)
- EnableVUISupport = 0 # Enable VUI Parameters