资源名称:chapter15.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*!
- *************************************************************************************
- * file explicit_gop.c
- *
- * brief
- * Code for explicit gop support and hierarchical coding.
- *
- * author
- * Main contributors (see contributors.h for copyright, address and affiliation details)
- * - Alexis Michael Tourapis <alexismt@ieee.org>
- *************************************************************************************
- */
- #include "contributors.h"
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <limits.h>
- #include "global.h"
- #include "explicit_gop.h"
- #include "image.h"
- #include "nalucommon.h"
- #include "report.h"
- /*!
- ************************************************************************
- * brief
- * Generation of hierarchical GOP
- ************************************************************************
- */
- void create_hierarchy()
- {
- int i, j;
- int centerB=params->successive_Bframe/2;
- GOP_DATA tmp;
- if (params->HierarchicalCoding == 1)
- {
- for (i=0;i<params->successive_Bframe;i++)
- {
- if (i < centerB)
- {
- gop_structure[i].slice_type = B_SLICE;
- gop_structure[i].display_no = i * 2 + 1;
- gop_structure[i].hierarchy_layer = 1;
- gop_structure[i].reference_idc = NALU_PRIORITY_LOW;
- gop_structure[i].slice_qp = imax(0, (params->qpB + (params->HierarchyLevelQPEnable ? -1: params->qpBRSOffset)));
- }
- else
- {
- gop_structure[i].slice_type = B_SLICE;
- gop_structure[i].display_no = (i - centerB) * 2;
- gop_structure[i].hierarchy_layer = 0;
- gop_structure[i].reference_idc = NALU_PRIORITY_DISPOSABLE;
- gop_structure[i].slice_qp = params->qpB;
- }
- }
- img->GopLevels = 2;
- }
- else
- {
- int GOPlevels = 1;
- int Bframes = params->successive_Bframe;
- int *curGOPLevelfrm,*curGOPLeveldist ;
- int curlevel = GOPlevels ;
- int i;
- while (((Bframes + 1 ) >> GOPlevels) > 1)
- {
- GOPlevels ++;
- }
- curlevel = GOPlevels;
- img->GopLevels = GOPlevels;
- if (NULL == (curGOPLevelfrm = (int*)malloc(GOPlevels * sizeof(int)))) no_mem_exit("create_hierarchy:curGOPLevelfrm");
- if (NULL == (curGOPLeveldist= (int*)malloc(GOPlevels * sizeof(int)))) no_mem_exit("create_hierarchy:curGOPLeveldist");
- for (i=0; i <params->successive_Bframe; i++)
- {
- gop_structure[i].display_no = i;
- gop_structure[i].slice_type = B_SLICE;
- gop_structure[i].hierarchy_layer = 0;
- gop_structure[i].reference_idc = NALU_PRIORITY_DISPOSABLE;
- gop_structure[i].slice_qp = params->qpB;
- }
- for (j = 1; j < GOPlevels; j++)
- {
- for (i = (1 << j) - 1; i < Bframes + 1 - (1 << j); i += (1 << j))
- {
- gop_structure[i].hierarchy_layer = j;
- gop_structure[i].reference_idc = NALU_PRIORITY_LOW;
- gop_structure[i].slice_qp = imax(0, params->qpB + (params->HierarchyLevelQPEnable ? -j: params->qpBRSOffset));
- //KHHan, for inter lossless code(referenced B picture)
- //if(!params->lossless_qpprime_y_zero_flag)
- // gop_structure[i].slice_qp = imax(0, params->qpB + (params->HierarchyLevelQPEnable ? -j: params->qpBRSOffset));
- //else
- // gop_structure[i].slice_qp = params->qpB;
- }
- }
- for (i = 1; i < Bframes; i++)
- {
- j = i;
- while (j > 0 && gop_structure[j].hierarchy_layer > gop_structure[j-1].hierarchy_layer)
- {
- tmp = gop_structure[j-1];
- gop_structure[j-1] = gop_structure[j];
- gop_structure[j] = tmp;
- j--;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /*!
- ************************************************************************
- * brief
- * Initialization of GOP structure.
- *
- ************************************************************************
- */
- void init_gop_structure()
- {
- int max_gopsize = params->HierarchicalCoding != 3 ? params->successive_Bframe : params->jumpd;
- gop_structure = calloc(imax(10,max_gopsize), sizeof (GOP_DATA)); // +1 for reordering
- if (NULL==gop_structure)
- no_mem_exit("init_gop_structure: gop_structure");
- }
- /*!
- ************************************************************************
- * brief
- * Clear GOP structure
- ************************************************************************
- */
- void clear_gop_structure()
- {
- if (gop_structure)
- free(gop_structure);
- }
- /*!
- ************************************************************************
- * brief
- * Interpret GOP struct from input parameters
- ************************************************************************
- */
- void interpret_gop_structure()
- {
- int nLength = strlen(params->ExplicitHierarchyFormat);
- int i =0, k, dqp, display_no;
- int slice_read =0, order_read = 0, stored_read = 0, qp_read =0;
- int coded_frame = 0;
- if (nLength > 0)
- {
- for (i = 0; i < nLength ; i++)
- {
- //! First lets read slice type
- if (slice_read == 0)
- {
- switch (params->ExplicitHierarchyFormat[i])
- {
- case 'P':
- case 'p':
- gop_structure[coded_frame].slice_type=P_SLICE;
- break;
- case 'B':
- case 'b':
- gop_structure[coded_frame].slice_type=B_SLICE;
- break;
- case 'I':
- case 'i':
- gop_structure[coded_frame].slice_type=I_SLICE;
- break;
- default:
- snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "Slice Type invalid in ExplicitHierarchyFormat param. Please check configuration file.");
- error (errortext, 400);
- break;
- }
- slice_read = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- //! Next is Display Order
- if (order_read == 0)
- {
- if (isdigit((int)(*(params->ExplicitHierarchyFormat+i))))
- {
- sscanf(params->ExplicitHierarchyFormat+i,"%d",&display_no);
- gop_structure[coded_frame].display_no = display_no;
- order_read = 1;
- if (display_no<0 || display_no>=params->jumpd)
- {
- snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "Invalid Frame Order value. Frame position needs to be in [0,%d] range.",params->jumpd-1);
- error (errortext, 400);
- }
- for (k=0;k<coded_frame;k++)
- {
- if (gop_structure[k].display_no == display_no)
- {
- snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "Frame Order value %d in frame %d already used for enhancement frame %d.",display_no,coded_frame,k);
- error (errortext, 400);
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "Slice Type needs to be followed by Display Order. Please check configuration file.");
- error (errortext, 400);
- }
- }
- else if (order_read == 1)
- {
- if (stored_read == 0 && !(isdigit((int)(*(params->ExplicitHierarchyFormat+i)))))
- {
- switch (params->ExplicitHierarchyFormat[i])
- {
- case 'E':
- case 'e':
- gop_structure[coded_frame].reference_idc = NALU_PRIORITY_DISPOSABLE;
- gop_structure[coded_frame].hierarchy_layer = 0;
- break;
- case 'R':
- case 'r':
- gop_structure[coded_frame].reference_idc= NALU_PRIORITY_LOW;
- gop_structure[coded_frame].hierarchy_layer = 1;
- img->GopLevels = 2;
- break;
- default:
- snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "Reference_IDC invalid in ExplicitHierarchyFormat param. Please check configuration file.");
- error (errortext, 400);
- break;
- }
- stored_read = 1;
- }
- else if (stored_read == 1 && qp_read == 0)
- {
- if (isdigit((int)(*(params->ExplicitHierarchyFormat+i))))
- {
- sscanf(params->ExplicitHierarchyFormat+i,"%d",&dqp);
- if (gop_structure[coded_frame].slice_type == I_SLICE)
- gop_structure[coded_frame].slice_qp = params->qp0;
- else if (gop_structure[coded_frame].slice_type == P_SLICE)
- gop_structure[coded_frame].slice_qp = params->qpN;
- else
- gop_structure[coded_frame].slice_qp = params->qpB;
- gop_structure[coded_frame].slice_qp = iClip3(-img->bitdepth_luma_qp_scale, 51,gop_structure[coded_frame].slice_qp + dqp);
- qp_read = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "Reference_IDC needs to be followed by QP. Please check configuration file.");
- error (errortext, 400);
- }
- }
- else if (stored_read == 1 && qp_read == 1 && !(isdigit((int)(*(params->ExplicitHierarchyFormat+i)))) && (i < nLength - 2))
- {
- stored_read =0;
- qp_read=0;
- order_read=0;
- slice_read=0;
- i--;
- coded_frame ++;
- if (coded_frame >= params->jumpd )
- {
- snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "Total number of frames in Enhancement GOP need to be fewer or equal to FrameSkip parameter.");
- error (errortext, 400);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "ExplicitHierarchyFormat is empty. Please check configuration file.");
- error (errortext, 400);
- }
- params->successive_Bframe = coded_frame + 1;
- }
- /*!
- ************************************************************************
- * brief
- * Encode Enhancement Layer.
- ************************************************************************
- */
- void encode_enhancement_layer()
- {
- //int previous_ref_idc = 1;
- if ((params->successive_Bframe != 0) && (IMG_NUMBER > 0) && (params->EnableIDRGOP == 0 || img->idr_gop_number)) // B-frame(s) to encode
- {
- set_slice_type( ( params->PReplaceBSlice ) ? P_SLICE : B_SLICE); // set slice type
- img->layer = (params->NumFramesInELSubSeq == 0) ? 0 : 1;
- img->nal_reference_idc = NALU_PRIORITY_DISPOSABLE;
- if (params->HierarchicalCoding)
- {
- for(img->b_frame_to_code = 1; img->b_frame_to_code <= params->successive_Bframe; img->b_frame_to_code++)
- {
- img->nal_reference_idc = NALU_PRIORITY_DISPOSABLE;
- set_slice_type( gop_structure[img->b_frame_to_code - 1].slice_type);
- if (img->last_ref_idc == 1)
- {
- img->frame_num++; //increment frame_num for each stored B slice
- img->frame_num %= max_frame_num;
- }
- img->nal_reference_idc = gop_structure[img->b_frame_to_code - 1].reference_idc;
- img->b_interval = ((double) (params->jumpd + 1) / (params->successive_Bframe + 1.0) );
- if (params->HierarchicalCoding == 3)
- img->b_interval = 1.0;
- if (IMG_NUMBER && (IMG_NUMBER <= params->intra_delay))
- {
- if(params->idr_period && ((!params->adaptive_idr_period && ( img->frm_number - img->lastIDRnumber ) % params->idr_period == 0)
- || (params->adaptive_idr_period == 1 && ( img->frm_number - imax(img->lastIntraNumber, img->lastIDRnumber) ) % params->idr_period == 0)) )
- img->toppoc = (int)(img->b_interval * (double)(1 + gop_structure[img->b_frame_to_code - 1].display_no));
- else
- img->toppoc = 2*((-img->frm_number + img->lastIDRnumber)*(params->jumpd + 1)
- + (int)(img->b_interval * (double)(1 + gop_structure[img->b_frame_to_code -1].display_no)));
- if (img->b_frame_to_code == 1)
- img->delta_pic_order_cnt[0] = img->toppoc - 2*(start_tr_in_this_IGOP + (params->intra_delay - IMG_NUMBER)*((params->jumpd + 1)));
- else
- img->delta_pic_order_cnt[0] = img->toppoc - 2*(start_tr_in_this_IGOP + (params->intra_delay - IMG_NUMBER)*((params->jumpd + 1))
- + (int) (2.0 *img->b_interval * (double) (1 + gop_structure[img->b_frame_to_code - 2].display_no)));
- }
- else
- {
- if(params->idr_period && !params->adaptive_idr_period)
- img->toppoc = 2*((( ( img->frm_number - img->lastIDRnumber - params->intra_delay) % params->idr_period ) - 1)*(params->jumpd + 1)
- + (int)(img->b_interval * (double)(1 + gop_structure[img->b_frame_to_code - 1].display_no)));
- else if(params->idr_period && params->adaptive_idr_period == 1)
- img->toppoc = 2*((( img->frm_number - img->lastIDRnumber - params->intra_delay ) - 1)*(params->jumpd + 1)
- + (int)(img->b_interval * (double)(1 + gop_structure[img->b_frame_to_code - 1].display_no)));
- else
- img->toppoc = 2*((img->frm_number - img->lastIDRnumber - 1 - params->intra_delay)*(params->jumpd + 1)
- + (int)(img->b_interval * (double)(1 + gop_structure[img->b_frame_to_code - 1].display_no)));
- if (img->b_frame_to_code == 1)
- img->delta_pic_order_cnt[0] = img->toppoc - 2*(start_tr_in_this_IGOP + (img->frm_number - img->lastIDRnumber)*((params->jumpd + 1)));
- else
- img->delta_pic_order_cnt[0] = img->toppoc - 2*(start_tr_in_this_IGOP + (img->frm_number - img->lastIDRnumber - 1)*((params->jumpd + 1))
- + (int) (2.0 *img->b_interval * (double) (1+ gop_structure[img->b_frame_to_code - 2].display_no)));
- }
- img->bottompoc = ((params->PicInterlace==FRAME_CODING)&&(params->MbInterlace==FRAME_CODING)) ? img->toppoc : img->toppoc + 1;
- img->framepoc = imin (img->toppoc, img->bottompoc);
- img->delta_pic_order_cnt[1]= 0;
- FrameNumberInFile = CalculateFrameNumber();
- encode_one_frame(); // encode one frame
- img->last_ref_idc = img->nal_reference_idc ? 1 : 0;
- if (params->ReportFrameStats)
- report_frame_statistic();
- }
- img->b_frame_to_code = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- for(img->b_frame_to_code = 1; img->b_frame_to_code <= params->successive_Bframe; img->b_frame_to_code++)
- {
- img->nal_reference_idc = (params->BRefPictures == 1 ) ? NALU_PRIORITY_LOW : NALU_PRIORITY_DISPOSABLE;
- if (img->last_ref_idc)
- {
- img->frame_num++; //increment frame_num once for B-frames
- img->frame_num %= max_frame_num;
- }
- img->b_interval =
- ((double) (params->jumpd + 1) / (params->successive_Bframe + 1.0) );
- if (params->HierarchicalCoding == 3)
- img->b_interval = 1.0;
- if (IMG_NUMBER && (IMG_NUMBER <= params->intra_delay))
- {
- if(params->idr_period && ((!params->adaptive_idr_period && ( img->frm_number - img->lastIDRnumber ) % params->idr_period == 0)
- || (params->adaptive_idr_period == 1 && ( img->frm_number - imax(img->lastIntraNumber, img->lastIDRnumber) ) % params->idr_period == 0)) )
- img->toppoc = (int) (img->b_interval * (double)img->b_frame_to_code);
- else
- img->toppoc = 2*((-img->frm_number + img->lastIDRnumber)*(params->jumpd + 1)
- + (int) (img->b_interval * (double)img->b_frame_to_code));
- }
- else
- {
- if(params->idr_period && !params->adaptive_idr_period)
- img->toppoc = 2*((( ( img->frm_number - img->lastIDRnumber - params->intra_delay) % params->idr_period )-1)*(params->jumpd+1) + (int) (img->b_interval * (double)img->b_frame_to_code));
- else if(params->idr_period && params->adaptive_idr_period == 1)
- img->toppoc = 2*((( img->frm_number - img->lastIDRnumber - params->intra_delay )-1)*(params->jumpd+1) + (int) (img->b_interval * (double)img->b_frame_to_code));
- else
- img->toppoc = 2*((img->frm_number - img->lastIDRnumber - 1 - params->intra_delay)*(params->jumpd+1) + (int) (img->b_interval * (double)img->b_frame_to_code));
- }
- if ((params->PicInterlace==FRAME_CODING)&&(params->MbInterlace==FRAME_CODING))
- img->bottompoc = img->toppoc; //progressive
- else
- img->bottompoc = img->toppoc+1;
- img->framepoc = imin (img->toppoc, img->bottompoc);
- //the following is sent in the slice header
- if (params->BRefPictures != 1)
- {
- img->delta_pic_order_cnt[0]= 2 * (img->b_frame_to_code - 1);
- }
- else
- {
- img->delta_pic_order_cnt[0]= -2;
- }
- img->delta_pic_order_cnt[1]= 0; // POC200301
- FrameNumberInFile = CalculateFrameNumber();
- encode_one_frame(); // encode one B-frame
- img->last_ref_idc = img->nal_reference_idc ? 1 : 0;
- if (params->ReportFrameStats)
- report_frame_statistic();
- }
- }
- }
- img->b_frame_to_code = 0;
- }
- /*!
- ************************************************************************
- * brief
- * POC-based reference management (FRAME)
- ************************************************************************
- */
- void poc_based_ref_management_frame_pic(int current_pic_num)
- {
- unsigned i, pic_num = 0;
- int min_poc=INT_MAX;
- DecRefPicMarking_t *tmp_drpm,*tmp_drpm2;
- if (img->dec_ref_pic_marking_buffer!=NULL)
- return;
- if ((dpb.ref_frames_in_buffer + dpb.ltref_frames_in_buffer)==0)
- return;
- for (i=0; i<dpb.used_size;i++)
- {
- if (dpb.fs[i]->is_reference && (!(dpb.fs[i]->is_long_term)) && dpb.fs[i]->poc < min_poc)
- {
- min_poc = dpb.fs[i]->frame->poc ;
- pic_num = dpb.fs[i]->frame->pic_num;
- }
- }
- if (NULL==(tmp_drpm=(DecRefPicMarking_t*)calloc (1,sizeof (DecRefPicMarking_t)))) no_mem_exit("poc_based_ref_management: tmp_drpm");
- tmp_drpm->Next=NULL;
- tmp_drpm->memory_management_control_operation = 0;
- if (NULL==(tmp_drpm2=(DecRefPicMarking_t*)calloc (1,sizeof (DecRefPicMarking_t)))) no_mem_exit("poc_based_ref_management: tmp_drpm2");
- tmp_drpm2->Next=tmp_drpm;
- tmp_drpm2->memory_management_control_operation = 1;
- tmp_drpm2->difference_of_pic_nums_minus1 = current_pic_num - pic_num - 1;
- img->dec_ref_pic_marking_buffer = tmp_drpm2;
- }
- /*!
- ************************************************************************
- * brief
- * POC-based reference management (FIELD)
- ************************************************************************
- */
- void poc_based_ref_management_field_pic(int current_pic_num)
- {
- unsigned int i, pic_num1 = 0, pic_num2 = 0;
- int min_poc=INT_MAX;
- DecRefPicMarking_t *tmp_drpm,*tmp_drpm2, *tmp_drpm3;
- if (img->dec_ref_pic_marking_buffer!=NULL)
- return;
- if ((dpb.ref_frames_in_buffer+dpb.ltref_frames_in_buffer)==0)
- return;
- if ( img->structure == TOP_FIELD )
- {
- for (i=0; i<dpb.used_size;i++)
- {
- if (dpb.fs[i]->is_reference && (!(dpb.fs[i]->is_long_term)) && dpb.fs[i]->poc < min_poc)
- {
- min_poc = dpb.fs[i]->poc;
- pic_num1 = dpb.fs[i]->top_field->pic_num;
- pic_num2 = dpb.fs[i]->bottom_field->pic_num;
- }
- }
- }
- if (NULL==(tmp_drpm=(DecRefPicMarking_t*)calloc (1,sizeof (DecRefPicMarking_t)))) no_mem_exit("poc_based_ref_management_field_pic: tmp_drpm");
- tmp_drpm->Next=NULL;
- tmp_drpm->memory_management_control_operation = 0;
- if ( img->structure == BOTTOM_FIELD )
- {
- img->dec_ref_pic_marking_buffer = tmp_drpm;
- return;
- }
- if (NULL==(tmp_drpm2=(DecRefPicMarking_t*)calloc (1,sizeof (DecRefPicMarking_t)))) no_mem_exit("poc_based_ref_management_field_pic: tmp_drpm2");
- tmp_drpm2->Next=tmp_drpm;
- tmp_drpm2->memory_management_control_operation = 1;
- tmp_drpm2->difference_of_pic_nums_minus1 = current_pic_num - pic_num1 - 1;
- if (NULL==(tmp_drpm3=(DecRefPicMarking_t*)calloc (1,sizeof (DecRefPicMarking_t)))) no_mem_exit("poc_based_ref_management_field_pic: tmp_drpm3");
- tmp_drpm3->Next=tmp_drpm2;
- tmp_drpm3->memory_management_control_operation = 1;
- tmp_drpm3->difference_of_pic_nums_minus1 = current_pic_num - pic_num2 - 1;
- img->dec_ref_pic_marking_buffer = tmp_drpm3;
- }