资源名称:chapter15.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*!
- *************************************************************************************
- * file errdo_mc_prediction.c
- *
- * brief
- * Functions for motion compensated prediction
- *
- * author
- * Main contributors (see contributors.h for copyright,
- * address and affiliation details)
- * - Alexis Michael Tourapis <>
- * - Modified for encoder from ldecod/src/mc_prediction.c
- * by Peshala V. Pahalawatta <>
- *************************************************************************************
- */
- #include "global.h"
- #include "mbuffer.h"
- #include "mb_access.h"
- #include "macroblock.h"
- #include "errdo_mc_prediction.h"
- //extern StorablePicture *no_reference_picture;
- #if defined(USEMMX)
- #if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) // ICC
- __declspec(align(16)) imgpel tmp_block_l0[MB_BLOCK_SIZE][MB_BLOCK_SIZE];
- __declspec(align(16)) imgpel tmp_block_l1[MB_BLOCK_SIZE][MB_BLOCK_SIZE];
- # else
- imgpel tmp_block_l0[MB_BLOCK_SIZE][MB_BLOCK_SIZE] __attribute__ ((aligned (16)));
- imgpel tmp_block_l1[MB_BLOCK_SIZE][MB_BLOCK_SIZE] __attribute__ ((aligned (16)));
- # endif
- #else
- imgpel tmp_block_l0[MB_BLOCK_SIZE][MB_BLOCK_SIZE]; //!< l0 prediction
- imgpel tmp_block_l1[MB_BLOCK_SIZE][MB_BLOCK_SIZE]; //!< l1 prediction
- #endif
- static const int COEF[6] = { 1, -5, 20, 20, -5, 1 };
- /*!
- ************************************************************************
- * brief
- * block single list prediction
- ************************************************************************
- */
- static inline void mc_prediction(imgpel mb_pred[MB_BLOCK_SIZE][MB_BLOCK_SIZE],
- int ver_block_size,
- int hor_block_size,
- int ioff,
- imgpel block[MB_BLOCK_SIZE][MB_BLOCK_SIZE])
- {
- static int jj;
- if (hor_block_size == MB_BLOCK_SIZE)
- {
- memcpy(&(mb_pred[0][ioff]), &(block[0][0]), hor_block_size * ver_block_size * sizeof(imgpel));
- }
- else
- {
- for(jj = 0; jj < ver_block_size; jj++)
- {
- memcpy(&(mb_pred[jj][ioff]), &(block[jj][0]), hor_block_size * sizeof(imgpel));
- }
- }
- }
- /*!
- ************************************************************************
- * brief
- * block single list weighted prediction
- ************************************************************************
- */
- static inline void weighted_mc_prediction(imgpel mb_pred[MB_BLOCK_SIZE][MB_BLOCK_SIZE],
- int ver_block_size,
- int hor_block_size,
- int ioff,
- imgpel block[MB_BLOCK_SIZE][MB_BLOCK_SIZE],
- int wp_scale,
- int wp_offset,
- int weight_denom,
- int color_clip)
- {
- static int ii, jj;
- static imgpel *mpr, *b0;
- for(jj=0;jj<ver_block_size;jj++)
- {
- mpr = &mb_pred[jj][ioff];
- b0 = block[jj];
- for(ii=0;ii<hor_block_size;ii++)
- *(mpr++) = (imgpel) iClip1(color_clip, (rshift_rnd((wp_scale * *(b0++)), weight_denom) + wp_offset ));
- }
- }
- /*!
- ************************************************************************
- * brief
- * block biprediction
- ************************************************************************
- */
- static inline void bi_prediction(imgpel mb_pred[MB_BLOCK_SIZE][MB_BLOCK_SIZE],
- imgpel block_l0[MB_BLOCK_SIZE][MB_BLOCK_SIZE],
- imgpel block_l1[MB_BLOCK_SIZE][MB_BLOCK_SIZE],
- int ver_block_size,
- int hor_block_size,
- int ioff)
- {
- static int ii, jj;
- static imgpel *mpr, *b0, *b1;
- for(jj = 0;jj < ver_block_size;jj++)
- {
- mpr = &mb_pred[jj][ioff];
- b0 = block_l0[jj];
- b1 = block_l1[jj];
- for(ii = 0; ii < hor_block_size;ii++)
- *(mpr++) = (imgpel) rshift_rnd_sf((*(b0++) + *(b1++)), 1);
- }
- }
- /*!
- ************************************************************************
- * brief
- * block weighted biprediction
- ************************************************************************
- */
- static inline void weighted_bi_prediction(imgpel mb_pred[MB_BLOCK_SIZE][MB_BLOCK_SIZE],
- imgpel block_l0[MB_BLOCK_SIZE][MB_BLOCK_SIZE],
- imgpel block_l1[MB_BLOCK_SIZE][MB_BLOCK_SIZE],
- int ver_block_size,
- int hor_block_size,
- int ioff,
- int wp_scale_l0,
- int wp_scale_l1,
- int wp_offset,
- int weight_denom,
- int color_clip)
- {
- static int ii, jj;
- static imgpel *mpr, *b0, *b1;
- for(jj = 0; jj < ver_block_size; jj++)
- {
- mpr = &mb_pred[jj][ioff];
- b0 = block_l0[jj];
- b1 = block_l1[jj];
- for(ii=0;ii<hor_block_size;ii++)
- *(mpr++) = (imgpel) iClip1(color_clip, (rshift_rnd((wp_scale_l0 * *(b0++) + wp_scale_l1 * *(b1++)), weight_denom) + wp_offset));
- }
- }
- void get_block_luma(int decoder, ColorPlane pl, StorablePicture* dec_picture, StorablePicture *curr_ref, int x_pos, int y_pos, int hor_block_size, int ver_block_size, ImageParameters *img, imgpel block[MB_BLOCK_SIZE][MB_BLOCK_SIZE])
- {
- static int tmp_res[21][21];
- static int *tmp_line;
- static imgpel *p0, *p1, *p2, *p3, *p4, *p5;
- static int *x0, *x1, *x2, *x3, *x4, *x5;
- static imgpel **cur_imgY, *cur_lineY;
- static int ipos_m2, ipos_m1, ipos, ipos_p1, ipos_p2, ipos_p3;
- static imgpel *orig_line;
- int tmp_pos;
- int dx = (x_pos & 3), dy = (y_pos & 3);
- int i, j, jj;
- int shift_x = dec_picture->size_x;
- int maxold_x = dec_picture->size_x - 1;
- int maxold_y = (dec_picture->motion.mb_field[img->current_mb_nr]) ? (dec_picture->size_y >> 1) - 1 : dec_picture->size_y - 1;
- int result;
- int pres_x;
- int max_imgpel_value = img->max_imgpel_value_comp[pl];
- if( IS_INDEPENDENT(params) )
- {
- cur_imgY = curr_ref->p_dec_img[img->colour_plane_id][decoder];
- }
- else
- {
- cur_imgY = curr_ref->p_dec_img[pl][decoder];
- }
- x_pos = x_pos >> 2;
- y_pos = y_pos >> 2;
- if ( (y_pos > 1) && (y_pos < maxold_y - 2 - ver_block_size) && (x_pos > 1) && (x_pos < maxold_x - 2 - hor_block_size))
- {
- cur_imgY = &cur_imgY[ y_pos];
- if (dx == 0 && dy == 0)
- { /* fullpel position */
- for (j = 0; j < ver_block_size; j++)
- {
- memcpy(&(block[j][0]), &(cur_imgY[j][x_pos]), hor_block_size * sizeof(imgpel));
- }
- }
- else
- { /* other positions */
- if (dy == 0)
- { /* No vertical interpolation */
- for (j = 0; j < ver_block_size; j++)
- {
- p0 = &cur_imgY[j][x_pos - 2];
- p1 = p0 + 1;
- p2 = p1 + 1;
- p3 = p2 + 1;
- p4 = p3 + 1;
- p5 = p4 + 1;
- orig_line = block[j];
- for (i = 0; i < hor_block_size; i++)
- {
- result = (*(p0++) + *(p5++)) * COEF[0]
- + (*(p1++) + *(p4++)) * COEF[1]
- + (*(p2++) + *(p3++)) * COEF[2];
- *orig_line++ = (imgpel) iClip1(max_imgpel_value, ((result + 16)>>5));
- }
- }
- if ((dx&1) == 1)
- {
- for (j = 0; j < ver_block_size; j++)
- {
- cur_lineY = &(cur_imgY[j][x_pos + (dx >> 1)]);
- orig_line = block[j];
- for (i = 0; i < hor_block_size; i++)
- {
- *orig_line = (imgpel) ((*orig_line + *(cur_lineY++) + 1 ) >> 1);
- orig_line++;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else if (dx == 0)
- { /* No horizontal interpolation */
- p0 = &(cur_imgY[ - 2][x_pos]);
- for (j = 0; j < ver_block_size; j++)
- {
- p1 = p0 + shift_x;
- p2 = p1 + shift_x;
- p3 = p2 + shift_x;
- p4 = p3 + shift_x;
- p5 = p4 + shift_x;
- orig_line = block[j];
- for (i = 0; i < hor_block_size; i++)
- {
- result = (*(p0++) + *(p5++)) * COEF[0]
- + (*(p1++) + *(p4++)) * COEF[1]
- + (*(p2++) + *(p3++)) * COEF[2];
- *orig_line++ = (imgpel) iClip1(max_imgpel_value, ((result + 16)>>5));
- }
- p0 = p1 - hor_block_size;
- }
- if ((dy&1) == 1)
- {
- jj = (dy >> 1);
- for (j = 0; j < ver_block_size; j++)
- {
- cur_lineY = &(cur_imgY[jj++][x_pos]);
- orig_line = block[j];
- for (i = 0; i < hor_block_size; i++)
- {
- *orig_line = (imgpel) ((*orig_line + *(cur_lineY++) + 1 ) >> 1);
- orig_line++;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else if (dx == 2)
- { /* Vertical & horizontal interpolation */
- jj = - 2;
- for (j = 0; j < ver_block_size + 5; j++)
- {
- p0 = &cur_imgY[jj++][x_pos - 2];
- p1 = p0 + 1;
- p2 = p1 + 1;
- p3 = p2 + 1;
- p4 = p3 + 1;
- p5 = p4 + 1;
- orig_line = block[j];
- tmp_line = tmp_res[j];
- for (i = 0; i < hor_block_size; i++)
- {
- *(tmp_line++) = (*(p0++) + *(p5++)) * COEF[0]
- + (*(p1++) + *(p4++)) * COEF[1]
- + (*(p2++) + *(p3++)) * COEF[2];
- }
- }
- for (j = 0; j < ver_block_size; j++)
- {
- x0 = tmp_res[j ];
- x1 = tmp_res[j + 1];
- x2 = tmp_res[j + 2];
- x3 = tmp_res[j + 3];
- x4 = tmp_res[j + 4];
- x5 = tmp_res[j + 5];
- orig_line = block[j];
- for (i = 0; i < hor_block_size; i++)
- {
- result = (*x0++ + *x5++) * COEF[0]
- + (*x1++ + *x4++) * COEF[1]
- + (*x2++ + *x3++) * COEF[2];
- *(orig_line++) = (imgpel) iClip1(max_imgpel_value, ((result+512)>>10));
- }
- }
- if ((dy&1) == 1)
- {
- jj = 2 + (dy>>1);
- for (j = 0; j < ver_block_size; j++)
- {
- tmp_line = tmp_res[jj++];
- orig_line = block[j];
- for (i = 0; i < hor_block_size; i++)
- {
- *orig_line = (imgpel) ((*orig_line + iClip1(max_imgpel_value, ((*(tmp_line++) + 16) >> 5)) + 1 )>> 1);
- orig_line++;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else if (dy == 2)
- { /* Horizontal & vertical interpolation */
- p0 = &(cur_imgY[ -2][x_pos - 2]);
- for (j = 0; j < ver_block_size; j++)
- {
- p1 = p0 + shift_x;
- p2 = p1 + shift_x;
- p3 = p2 + shift_x;
- p4 = p3 + shift_x;
- p5 = p4 + shift_x;
- tmp_line = tmp_res[j];
- for (i = 0; i < hor_block_size + 5; i++)
- {
- *(tmp_line++) = (*(p0++) + *(p5++)) * COEF[0]
- + (*(p1++) + *(p4++)) * COEF[1]
- + (*(p2++) + *(p3++)) * COEF[2];
- }
- p0 = p1 - (hor_block_size + 5);
- }
- for (j = 0; j < ver_block_size; j++)
- {
- orig_line = block[j];
- x0 = tmp_res[j];
- x1 = x0 + 1;
- x2 = x1 + 1;
- x3 = x2 + 1;
- x4 = x3 + 1;
- x5 = x4 + 1;
- for (i = 0; i < hor_block_size; i++)
- {
- result = (*(x0++) + *(x5++)) * COEF[0]
- + (*(x1++) + *(x4++)) * COEF[1]
- + (*(x2++) + *(x3++)) * COEF[2];
- *(orig_line++) = (imgpel) iClip1(max_imgpel_value, ((result + 512)>>10));
- }
- }
- if ((dx&1) == 1)
- {
- for (j = 0; j < ver_block_size; j++)
- {
- tmp_line = &tmp_res[j][2 + (dx>>1)];
- orig_line = block[j];
- for (i = 0; i < hor_block_size; i++)
- {
- *orig_line = (imgpel) ((*orig_line + iClip1(max_imgpel_value, ((*(tmp_line++) + 16)>>5))+1)>>1);
- orig_line ++;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else
- { /* Diagonal interpolation */
- jj = (dy == 1 ? 0 : 1);
- for (j = 0; j < ver_block_size; j++)
- {
- p0 = &cur_imgY[jj++][x_pos - 2];
- p1 = p0 + 1;
- p2 = p1 + 1;
- p3 = p2 + 1;
- p4 = p3 + 1;
- p5 = p4 + 1;
- orig_line = block[j];
- for (i = 0; i < hor_block_size; i++)
- {
- result = (*(p0++) + *(p5++)) * COEF[0]
- + (*(p1++) + *(p4++)) * COEF[1]
- + (*(p2++) + *(p3++)) * COEF[2];
- *(orig_line++) = (imgpel) iClip1(max_imgpel_value, ((result + 16)>>5));
- }
- }
- p0 = &(cur_imgY[-2][(dx == 1 ? x_pos : x_pos + 1)]);
- for (j = 0; j < ver_block_size; j++)
- {
- p1 = p0 + shift_x;
- p2 = p1 + shift_x;
- p3 = p2 + shift_x;
- p4 = p3 + shift_x;
- p5 = p4 + shift_x;
- orig_line = block[j];
- for (i = 0; i < hor_block_size; i++)
- {
- result = (*(p0++) + *(p5++)) * COEF[0]
- + (*(p1++) + *(p4++)) * COEF[1]
- + (*(p2++) + *(p3++)) * COEF[2];
- *orig_line = (imgpel) ((*orig_line + iClip1(max_imgpel_value, ((result + 16) >> 5)) + 1) >> 1);
- orig_line++;
- }
- p0 = p1 - hor_block_size ;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else // unsafe positions
- {
- if (dx == 0 && dy == 0)
- { /* fullpel position */
- for (j = 0; j < ver_block_size; j++)
- {
- cur_lineY = cur_imgY[iClip3(0, maxold_y, y_pos + j)];
- orig_line = block[j];
- for (i = 0; i < hor_block_size; i++)
- {
- *(orig_line++) = cur_lineY[iClip3(0, maxold_x, x_pos + i )];
- }
- }
- }
- else
- { /* other positions */
- if (dy == 0)
- { /* No vertical interpolation */
- tmp_pos = x_pos - 2;
- for (i = 0; i < hor_block_size; i++)
- {
- ipos_m2 = iClip3(0, maxold_x, tmp_pos++);
- ipos_m1 = iClip3(0, maxold_x, tmp_pos++);
- ipos = iClip3(0, maxold_x, tmp_pos++);
- ipos_p1 = iClip3(0, maxold_x, tmp_pos++);
- ipos_p2 = iClip3(0, maxold_x, tmp_pos++);
- ipos_p3 = iClip3(0, maxold_x, tmp_pos );
- tmp_pos -= 4;
- for (j = 0; j < ver_block_size; j++)
- {
- cur_lineY = cur_imgY[iClip3(0,maxold_y,y_pos+j)];
- result = (cur_lineY[ipos_m2] + cur_lineY[ipos_p3]) * COEF[0];
- result += (cur_lineY[ipos_m1] + cur_lineY[ipos_p2]) * COEF[1];
- result += (cur_lineY[ipos ] + cur_lineY[ipos_p1]) * COEF[2];
- block[j][i] = (imgpel) iClip1(max_imgpel_value, ((result + 16)>>5));
- }
- }
- if ((dx&1) == 1)
- {
- for (j = 0; j < ver_block_size; j++)
- {
- cur_lineY = cur_imgY[iClip3(0,maxold_y,y_pos+j)];
- orig_line = block[j];
- for (i = 0; i < hor_block_size; i++)
- {
- *orig_line = (imgpel) ((*orig_line + cur_lineY[iClip3(0, maxold_x, x_pos + i + (dx >> 1))] + 1 ) >> 1);
- orig_line++;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else if (dx == 0)
- { /* No horizontal interpolation */
- tmp_pos = y_pos - 2;
- for (j = 0; j < ver_block_size; j++)
- {
- p0 = cur_imgY[iClip3(0, maxold_y, tmp_pos++)];
- p1 = cur_imgY[iClip3(0, maxold_y, tmp_pos++)];
- p2 = cur_imgY[iClip3(0, maxold_y, tmp_pos++)];
- p3 = cur_imgY[iClip3(0, maxold_y, tmp_pos++)];
- p4 = cur_imgY[iClip3(0, maxold_y, tmp_pos++)];
- p5 = cur_imgY[iClip3(0, maxold_y, tmp_pos )];
- tmp_pos -= 4;
- orig_line = block[j];
- for (i = 0; i < hor_block_size; i++)
- {
- pres_x = iClip3(0,maxold_x,x_pos+i);
- result = (p0[pres_x] + p5[pres_x]) * COEF[0];
- result += (p1[pres_x] + p4[pres_x]) * COEF[1];
- result += (p2[pres_x] + p3[pres_x]) * COEF[2];
- *(orig_line++) = (imgpel) iClip1(max_imgpel_value, ((result+16)>>5));
- }
- }
- if ((dy&1) == 1)
- {
- for (j = 0; j < ver_block_size; j++)
- {
- cur_lineY = cur_imgY[iClip3(0,maxold_y,y_pos+j+(dy>>1))];
- orig_line = block[j];
- for (i = 0; i < hor_block_size; i++)
- {
- *orig_line = (imgpel) ((*orig_line + cur_lineY[iClip3(0, maxold_x, x_pos + i)] + 1 ) >> 1);
- orig_line++;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else if (dx == 2)
- { /* Vertical & horizontal interpolation */
- tmp_pos = x_pos - 2;
- for (i = 0; i < hor_block_size; i++)
- {
- ipos_m2 = iClip3(0, maxold_x, tmp_pos++);
- ipos_m1 = iClip3(0, maxold_x, tmp_pos++);
- ipos = iClip3(0, maxold_x, tmp_pos++);
- ipos_p1 = iClip3(0, maxold_x, tmp_pos++);
- ipos_p2 = iClip3(0, maxold_x, tmp_pos++);
- ipos_p3 = iClip3(0, maxold_x, tmp_pos );
- tmp_pos -= 4;
- for (j = 0; j < ver_block_size + 5; j++)
- {
- cur_lineY = cur_imgY[iClip3(0,maxold_y,y_pos + j - 2)];
- tmp_res[j][i] = (cur_lineY[ipos_m2] + cur_lineY[ipos_p3]) * COEF[0];
- tmp_res[j][i] += (cur_lineY[ipos_m1] + cur_lineY[ipos_p2]) * COEF[1];
- tmp_res[j][i] += (cur_lineY[ipos ] + cur_lineY[ipos_p1]) * COEF[2];
- }
- }
- for (j = 0; j < ver_block_size; j++)
- {
- x0 = tmp_res[j ];
- x1 = tmp_res[j + 1];
- x2 = tmp_res[j + 2];
- x3 = tmp_res[j + 3];
- x4 = tmp_res[j + 4];
- x5 = tmp_res[j + 5];
- orig_line = block[j];
- for (i = 0; i < hor_block_size; i++)
- {
- result = (*x0++ + *x5++) * COEF[0]
- + (*x1++ + *x4++) * COEF[1]
- + (*x2++ + *x3++) * COEF[2];
- *(orig_line++) = (imgpel) iClip1(max_imgpel_value, ((result+512)>>10));
- }
- }
- if ((dy&1) == 1)
- {
- for (j = 0; j < ver_block_size; j++)
- {
- tmp_line = tmp_res[j + 2 + (dy>>1)];
- orig_line = block[j];
- for (i = 0; i < hor_block_size; i++)
- {
- *orig_line = (imgpel) ((*orig_line + iClip1(max_imgpel_value, ((*(tmp_line++) + 16) >> 5)) + 1 )>>1);
- orig_line++;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else if (dy == 2)
- { /* Horizontal & vertical interpolation */
- tmp_pos = y_pos - 2;
- for (j = 0; j < ver_block_size; j++)
- {
- p0 = cur_imgY[iClip3(0, maxold_y, tmp_pos++)];
- p1 = cur_imgY[iClip3(0, maxold_y, tmp_pos++)];
- p2 = cur_imgY[iClip3(0, maxold_y, tmp_pos++)];
- p3 = cur_imgY[iClip3(0, maxold_y, tmp_pos++)];
- p4 = cur_imgY[iClip3(0, maxold_y, tmp_pos++)];
- p5 = cur_imgY[iClip3(0, maxold_y, tmp_pos )];
- tmp_pos -= 4;
- for (i = 0; i < hor_block_size + 5; i++)
- {
- pres_x = iClip3(0,maxold_x, x_pos + i - 2);
- result = (p0[pres_x] + p5[pres_x])*COEF[0]
- + (p1[pres_x] + p4[pres_x])*COEF[1]
- + (p2[pres_x] + p3[pres_x])*COEF[2];
- tmp_res[j][i] = result;
- }
- }
- for (j = 0; j < ver_block_size; j++)
- {
- orig_line = block[j];
- tmp_line = tmp_res[j];
- x0 = tmp_res[j];
- x1 = x0 + 1;
- x2 = x1 + 1;
- x3 = x2 + 1;
- x4 = x3 + 1;
- x5 = x4 + 1;
- for (i = 0; i < hor_block_size; i++)
- {
- result = (*(x0++) + *(x5++)) * COEF[0]
- + (*(x1++) + *(x4++)) * COEF[1]
- + (*(x2++) + *(x3++)) * COEF[2];
- *(orig_line++) = (imgpel) iClip1(max_imgpel_value, ((result + 512)>>10));
- }
- }
- if ((dx&1) == 1)
- {
- for (j = 0; j < ver_block_size; j++)
- {
- tmp_line = &tmp_res[j][2 + (dx>>1)];
- orig_line = block[j];
- for (i = 0; i < hor_block_size; i++)
- {
- *orig_line = (imgpel) ((*orig_line + iClip1(max_imgpel_value, ((*(tmp_line++) + 16)>>5)) + 1)>> 1);
- orig_line++;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else
- { /* Diagonal interpolation */
- tmp_pos = x_pos - 2;
- for (i = 0; i < hor_block_size; i++)
- {
- ipos_m2 = iClip3(0, maxold_x, tmp_pos++);
- ipos_m1 = iClip3(0, maxold_x, tmp_pos++);
- ipos = iClip3(0, maxold_x, tmp_pos++);
- ipos_p1 = iClip3(0, maxold_x, tmp_pos++);
- ipos_p2 = iClip3(0, maxold_x, tmp_pos++);
- ipos_p3 = iClip3(0, maxold_x, tmp_pos );
- tmp_pos -= 4;
- for (j = 0; j < ver_block_size; j++)
- {
- cur_lineY = cur_imgY[iClip3(0,maxold_y,(dy == 1 ? y_pos+j : y_pos+j+1))];
- result = (cur_lineY[ipos_m2] + cur_lineY[ipos_p3]) * COEF[0];
- result += (cur_lineY[ipos_m1] + cur_lineY[ipos_p2]) * COEF[1];
- result += (cur_lineY[ipos ] + cur_lineY[ipos_p1]) * COEF[2];
- block[j][i] = (imgpel) iClip1(max_imgpel_value, ((result+16)>>5));
- }
- }
- tmp_pos = y_pos - 2;
- for (j = 0; j < ver_block_size; j++)
- {
- p0 = cur_imgY[iClip3(0, maxold_y, tmp_pos++)];
- p1 = cur_imgY[iClip3(0, maxold_y, tmp_pos++)];
- p2 = cur_imgY[iClip3(0, maxold_y, tmp_pos++)];
- p3 = cur_imgY[iClip3(0, maxold_y, tmp_pos++)];
- p4 = cur_imgY[iClip3(0, maxold_y, tmp_pos++)];
- p5 = cur_imgY[iClip3(0, maxold_y, tmp_pos )];
- tmp_pos -= 4;
- orig_line = block[j];
- for (i = 0; i < hor_block_size; i++)
- {
- pres_x = dx == 1 ? x_pos+i : x_pos+i+1;
- pres_x = iClip3(0, maxold_x, pres_x);
- result = (p0[pres_x] + p5[pres_x]) * COEF[0];
- result += (p1[pres_x] + p4[pres_x]) * COEF[1];
- result += (p2[pres_x] + p3[pres_x]) * COEF[2];
- *orig_line = (imgpel) ((*orig_line + iClip1(max_imgpel_value, ((result+16)>>5)) + 1 ) >> 1);
- orig_line++;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void get_block_chroma(int decoder, int uv, StorablePicture* dec_picture, StorablePicture *curr_ref, int x_pos, int y_pos, int hor_block_size, int ver_block_size, ImageParameters *img, imgpel block[MB_BLOCK_SIZE][MB_BLOCK_SIZE])
- {
- int subpel_x = img->mb_cr_size_x == 8 ? 7 : 3;
- int subpel_y = img->mb_cr_size_y == 8 ? 7 : 3;
- int shiftpel_x = img->mb_cr_size_x == 8 ? 3 : 2;
- int shiftpel_y = img->mb_cr_size_y == 8 ? 3 : 2;
- int total_scale = shiftpel_x + shiftpel_y;
- int dx = (x_pos & subpel_x);
- int dy = (y_pos & subpel_y);
- int dxcur = (subpel_x + 1 - dx);
- int dycur = (subpel_y + 1 - dy);
- int w00 = dxcur * dycur;
- int w01 = dxcur * dy;
- int w10 = dx * dycur;
- int w11 = dx * dy;
- int i, j;
- int maxold_x = dec_picture->size_x_cr - 1;
- int maxold_y = (dec_picture->motion.mb_field[img->current_mb_nr]) ? (dec_picture->size_y_cr >> 1) - 1 : dec_picture->size_y_cr - 1;
- int result;
- static imgpel **cur_img, *blk_line;
- static imgpel *cur_line, *cur_line_p1;
- int tmp_pos;
- static int ipos, ipos_p1;
- int max_imgpel_value = img->max_imgpel_value_comp[uv + 1];
- #if 0
- if (curr_ref == no_reference_picture && img->framepoc < img->recovery_poc)
- {
- printf("list[ref_frame] is equal to 'no reference picture' before RAPn");
- /* fill the block with sample value 128 */
- for (j = 0; j < ver_block_size; j++)
- for (i = 0; i < hor_block_size; i++)
- block[j][i] = 128;
- return;
- }
- #endif
- cur_img = curr_ref->p_dec_img[uv+1][decoder];
- x_pos = x_pos >> shiftpel_x;
- y_pos = y_pos >> shiftpel_y;
- if ((y_pos >= 0) && (y_pos < maxold_y - ver_block_size) && (x_pos >= 0) && (x_pos < maxold_x - hor_block_size))
- {
- if (dx == 0 && dy == 0)
- { /* fullpel position */
- for (j = 0; j < ver_block_size; j++)
- {
- memcpy(&(block[j][0]), &(cur_img[ y_pos + j ][x_pos]), hor_block_size * sizeof(imgpel));
- }
- }
- else if (dx == 0)
- {
- for (j = 0; j < ver_block_size; j++)
- {
- cur_line = &cur_img[y_pos + j ][x_pos];
- cur_line_p1 = &cur_img[y_pos + j + 1][x_pos];
- blk_line = block[j];
- for (i = 0; i < hor_block_size; i++)
- {
- result = (w00 * *cur_line++ + w01 * *cur_line_p1++);
- *(blk_line++) = (imgpel) iClip1(max_imgpel_value, rshift_rnd_sf(result, total_scale));
- }
- }
- }
- else if (dy == 0)
- {
- for (j = 0; j < ver_block_size; j++)
- {
- cur_line = &cur_img[y_pos + j][x_pos];
- cur_line_p1 = cur_line + 1;
- blk_line = block[j];
- for (i = 0; i < hor_block_size; i++)
- {
- result = (w00 * *cur_line++ + w10 * *cur_line_p1++);
- *(blk_line++) = (imgpel) iClip1(max_imgpel_value, rshift_rnd_sf(result, total_scale));
- }
- }
- }
- else
- { /* other positions */
- for (j = 0; j < ver_block_size; j++)
- {
- cur_line = &cur_img[y_pos + j ][x_pos];
- cur_line_p1 = &cur_img[y_pos + j + 1][x_pos];
- blk_line = block[j];
- for (i = 0; i < hor_block_size; i++)
- {
- result = (w00 * *(cur_line++) + w01 * *(cur_line_p1++));
- result += (w10 * *(cur_line ) + w11 * *(cur_line_p1 ));
- *(blk_line++) = (imgpel) iClip1(max_imgpel_value, rshift_rnd_sf(result, total_scale));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else // unsafe positions
- {
- if (dx == 0 && dy == 0)
- { /* fullpel position */
- for (j = 0; j < ver_block_size; j++)
- {
- cur_line = cur_img[iClip3(0, maxold_y, y_pos + j)];
- blk_line = block[j];
- for (i = 0; i < hor_block_size; i++)
- {
- *(blk_line++) = cur_line[iClip3(0, maxold_x, x_pos + i )];
- }
- }
- }
- else if (dx == 0)
- {
- for (j = 0; j < ver_block_size; j++)
- {
- cur_line = cur_img[iClip3(0, maxold_y, y_pos + j)];
- cur_line_p1 = cur_img[iClip3(0, maxold_y, y_pos + j + 1)];
- tmp_pos = x_pos;
- blk_line = block[j];
- for (i = 0; i < hor_block_size; i++)
- {
- ipos = iClip3(0, maxold_x, tmp_pos++);
- result = (w00 * cur_line[ipos] + w01 * cur_line_p1[ipos]);
- *(blk_line++) = (imgpel) iClip1(max_imgpel_value, rshift_rnd_sf(result, total_scale));
- }
- }
- }
- else if (dy == 0)
- {
- for (j = 0; j < ver_block_size; j++)
- {
- cur_line = cur_img[iClip3(0, maxold_y, y_pos + j)];
- tmp_pos = x_pos;
- blk_line = block[j];
- for (i = 0; i < hor_block_size; i++)
- {
- ipos = iClip3(0, maxold_x, tmp_pos++);
- ipos_p1 = iClip3(0, maxold_x, tmp_pos );
- result = (w00 * cur_line[ipos ] + w10 * cur_line[ipos_p1]);
- *(blk_line++) = (imgpel)iClip1(max_imgpel_value, rshift_rnd_sf(result, total_scale));
- }
- }
- }
- else
- { /* other positions */
- for (j = 0; j < ver_block_size; j++)
- {
- cur_line = cur_img[iClip3(0, maxold_y, y_pos + j)];
- cur_line_p1 = cur_img[iClip3(0, maxold_y, y_pos + j + 1)];
- tmp_pos = x_pos;
- blk_line = block[j];
- for (i = 0; i < hor_block_size; i++)
- {
- ipos = iClip3(0, maxold_x, tmp_pos++);
- ipos_p1 = iClip3(0, maxold_x, tmp_pos );
- result = (
- w00 * cur_line [ipos ] +
- w10 * cur_line [ipos_p1] +
- w01 * cur_line_p1[ipos ] +
- w11 * cur_line_p1[ipos_p1]);
- *(blk_line++) = (imgpel) iClip1(max_imgpel_value, rshift_rnd_sf(result, total_scale));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- #if 0
- void intra_cr_decoding(Macroblock *currMB, int yuv, ImageParameters *img, int smb)
- {
- imgpel **curUV, *cur_img;
- int (*m7UV)[16], *m7;
- int uv;
- int b8,b4;
- int ioff, joff, ii, jj;
- for(uv = 0; uv < 2; uv++)
- {
- Boolean lossless_qpprime = (Boolean) ((img->lossless_qpprime_flag == 1) &&((img->qp + dec_picture->chroma_qp_offset[uv] + img->bitdepth_chroma_qp_scale) == 0));
- itrans_4x4 = (!lossless_qpprime) ? itrans4x4 : itrans4x4_ls;
- curUV = dec_picture->imgUV[uv];
- m7UV = img->mb_rres[uv+1];
- intrapred_chroma(img, currMB, uv);
- if (!smb && (currMB->cbp >> 4))
- {
- for (b8 = 0; b8 < (img->num_uv_blocks); b8++)
- {
- for(b4 = 0; b4 < 4; b4++)
- {
- joff = subblk_offset_y[yuv][b8][b4];
- ioff = subblk_offset_x[yuv][b8][b4];
- itrans_4x4(img, (ColorPlane) (uv + 1), ioff, joff);
- for(jj=joff; jj<joff + 4;jj++)
- {
- cur_img = &curUV[img->pix_c_y+jj][img->pix_c_x + ioff];
- m7 = &m7UV[jj][ioff];
- for(ii=0; ii<4;ii++)
- {
- *cur_img++ = (imgpel) *m7++;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else if ((currMB->cbp >> 4) == 0)
- {
- for (b8 = 0; b8 < (img->num_uv_blocks); b8++)
- {
- for(b4 = 0; b4 < 4; b4++)
- {
- joff = subblk_offset_y[yuv][b8][b4];
- ioff = subblk_offset_x[yuv][b8][b4];
- for(jj = joff; jj < 4 + joff;jj++)
- memcpy(&(curUV[img->pix_c_y + jj][img->pix_c_x + ioff]), &(img->mb_pred[uv + 1][jj][ioff]), BLOCK_SIZE * sizeof(imgpel));
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- itrans_sp_cr(img, uv);
- for (joff = 0; joff < 8; joff += 4)
- {
- for(ioff = 0; ioff < 8;ioff+=4)
- {
- itrans_4x4(img, (ColorPlane) (uv + 1), ioff, joff);
- for(jj = joff; jj < joff + 4; jj++)
- for(ii = ioff; ii < ioff + 4; ii++)
- {
- curUV[img->pix_c_y+jj][ii + img->pix_c_x] = (imgpel) img->mb_rres[uv+1][jj][ii];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void prepare_direct_params(Macroblock *currMB, StorablePicture *dec_picture, ImageParameters *img, short pmvl0[2], short pmvl1[2],char *l0_rFrame, char *l1_rFrame)
- {
- char l0_rFrameL, l0_rFrameU, l0_rFrameUL, l0_rFrameUR;
- char l1_rFrameL, l1_rFrameU, l1_rFrameUL, l1_rFrameUR;
- PixelPos mb_left, mb_up, mb_upleft, mb_upright;
- get4x4Neighbour(currMB, -1, 0, img->mb_size[IS_LUMA], &mb_left);
- get4x4Neighbour(currMB, 0, -1, img->mb_size[IS_LUMA], &mb_up);
- get4x4Neighbour(currMB, 16, -1, img->mb_size[IS_LUMA], &mb_upright);
- get4x4Neighbour(currMB, -1, -1, img->mb_size[IS_LUMA], &mb_upleft);
- if (!img->MbaffFrameFlag)
- {
- l0_rFrameL = (char) (mb_left.available ? dec_picture->motion.ref_idx[LIST_0][mb_left.pos_y][mb_left.pos_x] : -1);
- l0_rFrameU = (char) (mb_up.available ? dec_picture->motion.ref_idx[LIST_0][mb_up.pos_y][mb_up.pos_x] : -1);
- l0_rFrameUL = (char) (mb_upleft.available ? dec_picture->motion.ref_idx[LIST_0][mb_upleft.pos_y][mb_upleft.pos_x] : -1);
- l0_rFrameUR = (char) (mb_upright.available ? dec_picture->motion.ref_idx[LIST_0][mb_upright.pos_y][mb_upright.pos_x] : l0_rFrameUL);
- l1_rFrameL = (char) (mb_left.available ? dec_picture->motion.ref_idx[LIST_1][mb_left.pos_y][mb_left.pos_x] : -1);
- l1_rFrameU = (char) (mb_up.available ? dec_picture->motion.ref_idx[LIST_1][mb_up.pos_y][mb_up.pos_x] : -1);
- l1_rFrameUL = (char) (mb_upleft.available ? dec_picture->motion.ref_idx[LIST_1][mb_upleft.pos_y][mb_upleft.pos_x] : -1);
- l1_rFrameUR = (char) (mb_upright.available ? dec_picture->motion.ref_idx[LIST_1][mb_upright.pos_y][mb_upright.pos_x] : l1_rFrameUL);
- }
- else
- {
- if (currMB->mb_field)
- {
- l0_rFrameL = (char) (mb_left.available
- ? img->mb_data[mb_left.mb_addr].mb_field || dec_picture->motion.ref_idx[LIST_0][mb_left.pos_y][mb_left.pos_x] < 0
- ? dec_picture->motion.ref_idx[LIST_0][mb_left.pos_y][mb_left.pos_x]
- : dec_picture->motion.ref_idx[LIST_0][mb_left.pos_y][mb_left.pos_x] * 2: -1);
- l0_rFrameU = (char) (mb_up.available
- ? img->mb_data[mb_up.mb_addr].mb_field || dec_picture->motion.ref_idx[LIST_0][mb_up.pos_y][mb_up.pos_x] < 0
- ? dec_picture->motion.ref_idx[LIST_0][mb_up.pos_y][mb_up.pos_x]
- : dec_picture->motion.ref_idx[LIST_0][mb_up.pos_y][mb_up.pos_x] * 2: -1);
- l0_rFrameUL = (char) (mb_upleft.available
- ? img->mb_data[mb_upleft.mb_addr].mb_field || dec_picture->motion.ref_idx[LIST_0][mb_upleft.pos_y][mb_upleft.pos_x] < 0
- ? dec_picture->motion.ref_idx[LIST_0][mb_upleft.pos_y][mb_upleft.pos_x]
- : dec_picture->motion.ref_idx[LIST_0][mb_upleft.pos_y][mb_upleft.pos_x] *2: -1);
- l0_rFrameUR = (char) (mb_upright.available
- ? img->mb_data[mb_upright.mb_addr].mb_field || dec_picture->motion.ref_idx[LIST_0][mb_upright.pos_y][mb_upright.pos_x] < 0
- ? dec_picture->motion.ref_idx[LIST_0][mb_upright.pos_y][mb_upright.pos_x]
- : dec_picture->motion.ref_idx[LIST_0][mb_upright.pos_y][mb_upright.pos_x] * 2: l0_rFrameUL);
- l1_rFrameL = (char) (mb_left.available
- ? img->mb_data[mb_left.mb_addr].mb_field || dec_picture->motion.ref_idx[LIST_1][mb_left.pos_y][mb_left.pos_x] < 0
- ? dec_picture->motion.ref_idx[LIST_1][mb_left.pos_y][mb_left.pos_x]
- : dec_picture->motion.ref_idx[LIST_1][mb_left.pos_y][mb_left.pos_x] * 2: -1);
- l1_rFrameU = (char) (mb_up.available
- ? img->mb_data[mb_up.mb_addr].mb_field || dec_picture->motion.ref_idx[LIST_1][mb_up.pos_y][mb_up.pos_x] < 0
- ? dec_picture->motion.ref_idx[LIST_1][mb_up.pos_y][mb_up.pos_x]
- : dec_picture->motion.ref_idx[LIST_1][mb_up.pos_y][mb_up.pos_x] * 2: -1);
- l1_rFrameUL = (char) (mb_upleft.available
- ? img->mb_data[mb_upleft.mb_addr].mb_field || dec_picture->motion.ref_idx[LIST_1][mb_upleft.pos_y][mb_upleft.pos_x] < 0
- ? dec_picture->motion.ref_idx[LIST_1][mb_upleft.pos_y][mb_upleft.pos_x]
- : dec_picture->motion.ref_idx[LIST_1][mb_upleft.pos_y][mb_upleft.pos_x] *2 : -1);
- l1_rFrameUR = (char) (mb_upright.available
- ? img->mb_data[mb_upright.mb_addr].mb_field || dec_picture->motion.ref_idx[LIST_1][mb_upright.pos_y][mb_upright.pos_x] < 0
- ? dec_picture->motion.ref_idx[LIST_1][mb_upright.pos_y][mb_upright.pos_x]
- : dec_picture->motion.ref_idx[LIST_1][mb_upright.pos_y][mb_upright.pos_x] * 2: l1_rFrameUL);
- }
- else
- {
- l0_rFrameL = (char) (mb_left.available
- ? img->mb_data[mb_left.mb_addr].mb_field || dec_picture->motion.ref_idx[LIST_0][mb_left.pos_y][mb_left.pos_x] < 0
- ? dec_picture->motion.ref_idx[LIST_0][mb_left.pos_y][mb_left.pos_x] >> 1
- : dec_picture->motion.ref_idx[LIST_0][mb_left.pos_y][mb_left.pos_x]: -1);
- l0_rFrameU = (char) (mb_up.available
- ? img->mb_data[mb_up.mb_addr].mb_field || dec_picture->motion.ref_idx[LIST_0][mb_up.pos_y][mb_up.pos_x] < 0
- ? dec_picture->motion.ref_idx[LIST_0][mb_up.pos_y][mb_up.pos_x] >> 1
- : dec_picture->motion.ref_idx[LIST_0][mb_up.pos_y][mb_up.pos_x] : -1);
- l0_rFrameUL = (char) (mb_upleft.available
- ? img->mb_data[mb_upleft.mb_addr].mb_field || dec_picture->motion.ref_idx[LIST_0][mb_upleft.pos_y][mb_upleft.pos_x] < 0
- ? dec_picture->motion.ref_idx[LIST_0][mb_upleft.pos_y][mb_upleft.pos_x]>> 1
- : dec_picture->motion.ref_idx[LIST_0][mb_upleft.pos_y][mb_upleft.pos_x] : -1);
- l0_rFrameUR = (char) (mb_upright.available
- ? img->mb_data[mb_upright.mb_addr].mb_field || dec_picture->motion.ref_idx[LIST_0][mb_upright.pos_y][mb_upright.pos_x] < 0
- ? dec_picture->motion.ref_idx[LIST_0][mb_upright.pos_y][mb_upright.pos_x] >> 1
- : dec_picture->motion.ref_idx[LIST_0][mb_upright.pos_y][mb_upright.pos_x] : l0_rFrameUL);
- l1_rFrameL = (char) (mb_left.available
- ? img->mb_data[mb_left.mb_addr].mb_field || dec_picture->motion.ref_idx[LIST_1][mb_left.pos_y][mb_left.pos_x] < 0
- ? dec_picture->motion.ref_idx[LIST_1][mb_left.pos_y][mb_left.pos_x] >> 1
- : dec_picture->motion.ref_idx[LIST_1][mb_left.pos_y][mb_left.pos_x] : -1);
- l1_rFrameU = (char) (mb_up.available
- ? img->mb_data[mb_up.mb_addr].mb_field || dec_picture->motion.ref_idx[LIST_1][mb_up.pos_y][mb_up.pos_x] < 0
- ? dec_picture->motion.ref_idx[LIST_1][mb_up.pos_y][mb_up.pos_x] >> 1
- : dec_picture->motion.ref_idx[LIST_1][mb_up.pos_y][mb_up.pos_x] : -1);
- l1_rFrameUL = (char) (mb_upleft.available
- ? img->mb_data[mb_upleft.mb_addr].mb_field || dec_picture->motion.ref_idx[LIST_1][mb_upleft.pos_y][mb_upleft.pos_x] < 0
- ? dec_picture->motion.ref_idx[LIST_1][mb_upleft.pos_y][mb_upleft.pos_x] >> 1
- : dec_picture->motion.ref_idx[LIST_1][mb_upleft.pos_y][mb_upleft.pos_x] : -1);
- l1_rFrameUR = (char) (mb_upright.available
- ? img->mb_data[mb_upright.mb_addr].mb_field || dec_picture->motion.ref_idx[LIST_1][mb_upright.pos_y][mb_upright.pos_x] < 0
- ? dec_picture->motion.ref_idx[LIST_1][mb_upright.pos_y][mb_upright.pos_x] >> 1
- : dec_picture->motion.ref_idx[LIST_1][mb_upright.pos_y][mb_upright.pos_x] : l1_rFrameUL);
- }
- }
- *l0_rFrame = (char) ((l0_rFrameL >= 0 && l0_rFrameU >= 0) ? imin(l0_rFrameL,l0_rFrameU) : imax(l0_rFrameL,l0_rFrameU));
- *l0_rFrame = (char) ((*l0_rFrame >= 0 && l0_rFrameUR >= 0) ? imin(*l0_rFrame,l0_rFrameUR): imax(*l0_rFrame,l0_rFrameUR));
- *l1_rFrame = (char) ((l1_rFrameL >= 0 && l1_rFrameU >= 0) ? imin(l1_rFrameL,l1_rFrameU) : imax(l1_rFrameL,l1_rFrameU));
- *l1_rFrame = (char) ((*l1_rFrame >= 0 && l1_rFrameUR >= 0) ? imin(*l1_rFrame,l1_rFrameUR): imax(*l1_rFrame,l1_rFrameUR));
- if (*l0_rFrame >=0)
- SetMotionVectorPredictor (img, currMB, pmvl0, *l0_rFrame, LIST_0, dec_picture->motion.ref_idx, dec_picture->, 0, 0, 16, 16);
- if (*l1_rFrame >=0)
- SetMotionVectorPredictor (img, currMB, pmvl1, *l1_rFrame, LIST_1, dec_picture->motion.ref_idx, dec_picture->, 0, 0, 16, 16);
- }
- void check_motion_vector_range(ImageParameters *img, short mv_x, short mv_y)
- {
- if (mv_x > 8191 || mv_x < -8192)
- {
- fprintf(stderr,"ERROR! Horizontal motion vector %d is out of allowed range {-8192, 8191} in picture %d, macroblock %dn", mv_x, img->number, img->current_mb_nr);
- error("invalid stream: too big horizontal motion vector", 500);
- }
- if (mv_y > (img->max_mb_vmv_r - 1) || mv_y < (-img->max_mb_vmv_r))
- {
- fprintf(stderr,"ERROR! Vertical motion vector %d is out of allowed range {%d, %d} in picture %d, macroblock %dn", mv_y, (-img->max_mb_vmv_r), (img->max_mb_vmv_r - 1), img->number, img->current_mb_nr);
- error("invalid stream: too big vertical motion vector", 500);
- }
- }
- #endif
- void perform_mc(int decoder, ColorPlane pl, StorablePicture *dec_picture, ImageParameters *img, int pred_dir, int l0_mode, int l1_mode, int i, int j, int list_offset, int block_size_x, int block_size_y, int curr_mb_field)
- {
- static int vec1_x=0, vec1_y=0;
- #if 0
- static int vec2_x=0, vec2_y=0;
- static int vec1_y_cr = 0, vec2_y_cr = 0;
- static int alpha_l0, alpha_l1, wp_offset;
- int max_imgpel_value = img->max_imgpel_value_comp[pl];
- #endif
- static const int mv_mul = 16; // 4 * 4
- int i4 = img->block_x + i;
- int j4 = img->block_y + j;
- int ioff = (i << 2);
- int joff = (j << 2);
- assert (pred_dir<=2);
- if (pred_dir != 2)
- {
- //===== Single List Prediction =====
- short ref_idx = dec_picture->motion.ref_idx[pred_dir][j4][i4];
- //short ref_idx_wp = ref_idx;
- short ***mv_array = img->all_mv[pred_dir][ref_idx][l0_mode];
- StorablePicture **list = listX[list_offset + pred_dir];
- //check_motion_vector_range(img, mv_array[j4][i4][0], mv_array[j4][i4][1]);
- vec1_x = i4 * mv_mul + mv_array[j][i][0];
- //vec1_y = (img->block_y_aff + j) * mv_mul + mv_array[j4][i4][1];
- vec1_y = j4 * mv_mul + mv_array[j][i][1];
- get_block_luma (decoder, pl, dec_picture, list[ref_idx], vec1_x, vec1_y, block_size_x, block_size_y, img, tmp_block_l0);
- #if 0 //Currently not used
- if (img->apply_weights)
- {
- if (curr_mb_field && ((active_pps->weighted_pred_flag&&(img->type==P_SLICE|| img->type == SP_SLICE))||
- (active_pps->weighted_bipred_idc==1 && (img->type==B_SLICE))))
- {
- ref_idx_wp >>=1;
- }
- alpha_l0 = img->wp_weight[pred_dir][ref_idx_wp][0];
- wp_offset = img->wp_offset[pred_dir][ref_idx_wp][0];
- weighted_mc_prediction(&img->mb_pred[pl][joff], block_size_y, block_size_x, ioff, tmp_block_l0, alpha_l0, wp_offset, img->luma_log2_weight_denom, max_imgpel_value);
- }
- else
- #endif
- {
- mc_prediction(&img->mb_pred[pl][joff], block_size_y, block_size_x, ioff, tmp_block_l0);
- }
- #if 0
- if ((dec_picture->chroma_format_idc != YUV400) && (dec_picture->chroma_format_idc != YUV444) )
- {
- int uv;
- int ioff_cr = (img->mb_cr_size_x == MB_BLOCK_SIZE) ? ioff : ioff >> 1;
- int joff_cr = (img->mb_cr_size_y == MB_BLOCK_SIZE) ? joff : joff >> 1;
- int block_size_x_cr = img->mb_cr_size_x == MB_BLOCK_SIZE ? block_size_x : block_size_x >> 1;
- int block_size_y_cr = img->mb_cr_size_y == MB_BLOCK_SIZE ? block_size_y : block_size_y >> 1;
- vec1_y_cr = vec1_y + ((active_sps->chroma_format_idc == 1)? list[ref_idx]->chroma_vector_adjustment : 0);
- for(uv=0;uv<2;uv++)
- {
- get_block_chroma (uv, list[ref_idx], vec1_x, vec1_y_cr, block_size_x_cr, block_size_y_cr, img, tmp_block_l0);
- if (img->apply_weights)
- {
- alpha_l0 = img->wp_weight[pred_dir][ref_idx_wp][uv + 1];
- wp_offset = img->wp_offset[pred_dir][ref_idx_wp][uv + 1];
- weighted_mc_prediction(&img->mb_pred[uv + 1][joff_cr], block_size_y_cr, block_size_x_cr, ioff_cr, tmp_block_l0, alpha_l0, wp_offset, img->chroma_log2_weight_denom, img->max_imgpel_value_comp[uv + 1]);
- }
- else
- {
- mc_prediction(&img->mb_pred[uv + 1][joff_cr], block_size_y_cr, block_size_x_cr, ioff_cr, tmp_block_l0);
- }
- }
- }
- #endif
- }
- else
- {
- #if 0
- //===== BI-PREDICTION =====
- short ***l0_mv_array = dec_picture->[LIST_0];
- short ***l1_mv_array = dec_picture->[LIST_1];
- short l0_refframe = dec_picture->motion.ref_idx[LIST_0][j4][i4];
- short l1_refframe = dec_picture->motion.ref_idx[LIST_1][j4][i4];
- short l0_ref_idx = l0_refframe;
- short l1_ref_idx = l1_refframe;
- check_motion_vector_range(img, l0_mv_array[j4][i4][0], l0_mv_array[j4][i4][1]);
- check_motion_vector_range(img, l1_mv_array[j4][i4][0], l1_mv_array[j4][i4][1]);
- vec1_x = i4 * mv_mul + l0_mv_array[j4][i4][0];
- vec2_x = i4 * mv_mul + l1_mv_array[j4][i4][0];
- vec1_y = (img->block_y_aff + j) * mv_mul + l0_mv_array[j4][i4][1];
- vec2_y = (img->block_y_aff + j) * mv_mul + l1_mv_array[j4][i4][1];
- get_block_luma(pl, listX[LIST_0 + list_offset][l0_refframe], vec1_x, vec1_y, block_size_x, block_size_y, img, tmp_block_l0);
- get_block_luma(pl, listX[LIST_1 + list_offset][l1_refframe], vec2_x, vec2_y, block_size_x, block_size_y, img, tmp_block_l1);
- if(img->apply_weights)
- {
- int wt_list_offset = (active_pps->weighted_bipred_idc==2)? list_offset : 0;
- // This code existed in the original. Seems pointless but copying it here for reference and in case temporal direct breaks.
- // if (mv_mode==0 && img->direct_spatial_mv_pred_flag==0 ) l1_ref_idx=0;
- if (((active_pps->weighted_pred_flag&&(img->type==P_SLICE|| img->type == SP_SLICE))||
- (active_pps->weighted_bipred_idc==1 && (img->type==B_SLICE))) && curr_mb_field)
- {
- l0_ref_idx >>=1;
- l1_ref_idx >>=1;
- }
- alpha_l0 = img->wbp_weight[LIST_0 + wt_list_offset][l0_ref_idx][l1_ref_idx][0];
- alpha_l1 = img->wbp_weight[LIST_1 + wt_list_offset][l0_ref_idx][l1_ref_idx][0];
- wp_offset = ((img->wp_offset [LIST_0 + wt_list_offset][l0_ref_idx][0] + img->wp_offset[LIST_1 + wt_list_offset][l1_ref_idx][0] + 1) >>1);
- weighted_bi_prediction(&img->mb_pred[pl][joff], tmp_block_l0, tmp_block_l1, block_size_y, block_size_x, ioff, alpha_l0, alpha_l1, wp_offset, (img->luma_log2_weight_denom + 1), max_imgpel_value);
- }
- else
- {
- bi_prediction(&img->mb_pred[pl][joff], tmp_block_l0, tmp_block_l1, block_size_y, block_size_x, ioff);
- }
- if ((dec_picture->chroma_format_idc != YUV400) && (dec_picture->chroma_format_idc != YUV444) )
- {
- int uv;
- int ioff_cr = img->mb_cr_size_x == MB_BLOCK_SIZE ? ioff : ioff >> 1;
- int joff_cr = img->mb_cr_size_y == MB_BLOCK_SIZE ? joff : joff >> 1;
- int block_size_x_cr = img->mb_cr_size_x == MB_BLOCK_SIZE ? block_size_x : block_size_x >> 1;
- int block_size_y_cr = img->mb_cr_size_y == MB_BLOCK_SIZE ? block_size_y : block_size_y >> 1;
- vec1_y_cr = vec1_y + ((active_sps->chroma_format_idc == 1)? listX[LIST_0 + list_offset][l0_refframe]->chroma_vector_adjustment : 0);
- vec2_y_cr = vec2_y + ((active_sps->chroma_format_idc == 1)? listX[LIST_1 + list_offset][l1_refframe]->chroma_vector_adjustment : 0);
- for(uv=0;uv<2;uv++)
- {
- get_block_chroma (uv, listX[LIST_0 + list_offset][l0_refframe], vec1_x, vec1_y_cr, block_size_x_cr, block_size_y_cr, img, tmp_block_l0);
- get_block_chroma (uv, listX[LIST_1 + list_offset][l1_refframe], vec2_x, vec2_y_cr, block_size_x_cr, block_size_y_cr, img, tmp_block_l1);
- if(img->apply_weights)
- {
- int wt_list_offset = (active_pps->weighted_bipred_idc==2)? list_offset : 0;
- alpha_l0 = img->wbp_weight[LIST_0 + wt_list_offset][l0_ref_idx][l1_ref_idx][uv + 1];
- alpha_l1 = img->wbp_weight[LIST_1 + wt_list_offset][l0_ref_idx][l1_ref_idx][uv + 1];
- wp_offset = ((img->wp_offset [LIST_0 + wt_list_offset][l0_ref_idx][uv + 1] + img->wp_offset[LIST_1 + wt_list_offset][l1_ref_idx][uv + 1] + 1) >>1);
- weighted_bi_prediction(&img->mb_pred[uv+1][joff_cr], tmp_block_l0, tmp_block_l1, block_size_y_cr, block_size_x_cr, ioff_cr, alpha_l0, alpha_l1, wp_offset, (img->chroma_log2_weight_denom + 1), img->max_imgpel_value_comp[uv + 1]);
- }
- else
- {
- bi_prediction(&img->mb_pred[uv + 1][joff_cr], tmp_block_l0, tmp_block_l1, block_size_y_cr, block_size_x_cr, ioff_cr);
- }
- }
- }
- #endif
- }
- }
- void perform_mc_concealment(int decoder, ColorPlane pl, StorablePicture *dec_picture, ImageParameters *img, int pred_dir, int i, int j, int block_size_x, int block_size_y)
- {
- static int vec1_x=0, vec1_y=0;
- static const int mv_mul = 16; // 4 * 4
- int i4 = img->block_x + i;
- int j4 = img->block_y + j;
- int ioff = (i << 2);
- int joff = (j << 2);
- assert (pred_dir<=2);
- if (pred_dir != 2)
- {
- //===== Single List Prediction =====
- short ref_idx = dec_picture->motion.ref_idx[pred_dir][j4][i4];
- short ***mv_array = dec_picture->[pred_dir];
- StorablePicture **list = listX[pred_dir];
- vec1_x = i4 * mv_mul + mv_array[j4][i4][0];
- vec1_y = j4 * mv_mul + mv_array[j4][i4][1];
- get_block_luma (decoder, pl, dec_picture, list[ref_idx], vec1_x, vec1_y, block_size_x, block_size_y, img, tmp_block_l0);
- mc_prediction(&img->mb_pred[pl][joff], block_size_y, block_size_x, ioff, tmp_block_l0);
- }
- }