资源名称:chapter15.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*!
- *************************************************************************************
- * file img_dist_ssim.c
- *
- * brief
- * Compute structural similarity (SSIM) index using the encoded image and the reference image
- *
- * author
- * Main contributors (see contributors.h for copyright, address and affiliation details)
- * - Woo-Shik Kim <>
- * - Zhen Li <>
- * - Alexis Michael Tourapis <>
- *************************************************************************************
- */
- #include "contributors.h"
- #include "global.h"
- #include "img_distortion.h"
- #include "enc_statistics.h"
- //#define UNBIASED_VARIANCE // unbiased estimation of the variance
- float compute_ssim (imgpel **refImg, imgpel **encImg, int height, int width, int win_height, int win_width, int comp)
- {
- static const float K1 = 0.01f, K2 = 0.03f;
- static float max_pix_value_sqd;
- float C1, C2;
- float win_pixels = (float) (win_width * win_height);
- float win_pixels_bias = win_pixels - 1;
- #else
- float win_pixels_bias = win_pixels;
- #endif
- float mb_ssim, meanOrg, meanEnc;
- float varOrg, varEnc, covOrgEnc;
- int imeanOrg, imeanEnc, ivarOrg, ivarEnc, icovOrgEnc;
- float cur_distortion = 0.0;
- int i, j, n, m, win_cnt = 0;
- int overlapSize = params->SSIMOverlapSize;
- max_pix_value_sqd = (float) (img->max_imgpel_value_comp[comp] * img->max_imgpel_value_comp[comp]);
- C1 = K1 * K1 * max_pix_value_sqd;
- C2 = K2 * K2 * max_pix_value_sqd;
- for (j = 0; j <= height - win_height; j += overlapSize)
- {
- for (i = 0; i <= width - win_width; i += overlapSize)
- {
- imeanOrg = 0;
- imeanEnc = 0;
- ivarOrg = 0;
- ivarEnc = 0;
- icovOrgEnc = 0;
- for ( n = j;n < j + win_height;n ++)
- {
- for (m = i;m < i + win_width;m ++)
- {
- imeanOrg += refImg[n][m];
- imeanEnc += encImg[n][m];
- ivarOrg += refImg[n][m] * refImg[n][m];
- ivarEnc += encImg[n][m] * encImg[n][m];
- icovOrgEnc += refImg[n][m] * encImg[n][m];
- }
- }
- meanOrg = (float) imeanOrg / win_pixels;
- meanEnc = (float) imeanEnc / win_pixels;
- varOrg = ((float) ivarOrg - ((float) imeanOrg) * meanOrg) / win_pixels_bias;
- varEnc = ((float) ivarEnc - ((float) imeanEnc) * meanEnc) / win_pixels_bias;
- covOrgEnc = ((float) icovOrgEnc - ((float) imeanOrg) * meanEnc) / win_pixels_bias;
- mb_ssim = (float) ((2.0 * meanOrg * meanEnc + C1) * (2.0 * covOrgEnc + C2));
- mb_ssim /= (float) (meanOrg * meanOrg + meanEnc * meanEnc + C1) * (varOrg + varEnc + C2);
- cur_distortion += mb_ssim;
- win_cnt++;
- }
- }
- cur_distortion /= (float) win_cnt;
- if (cur_distortion >= 1.0 && cur_distortion < 1.01) // avoid float accuracy problem at very low QP(e.g.2)
- cur_distortion = 1.0;
- return cur_distortion;
- }
- /*!
- ************************************************************************
- * brief
- * Find SSIM for all three components
- ************************************************************************
- */
- void find_ssim (ImageStructure *ref, ImageStructure *src, DistMetric *metricSSIM)
- {
- FrameFormat *format = &ref->format;
- metricSSIM->value[0] = compute_ssim (ref->data[0], src->data[0], format->height, format->width, BLOCK_SIZE_8x8, BLOCK_SIZE_8x8, 0);
- // Chroma.
- if (format->yuv_format != YUV400)
- {
- metricSSIM->value[1] = compute_ssim (ref->data[1], src->data[1], format->height_cr, format->width_cr, img->mb_cr_size_y, img->mb_cr_size_x, 1);
- metricSSIM->value[2] = compute_ssim (ref->data[2], src->data[2], format->height_cr, format->width_cr, img->mb_cr_size_y, img->mb_cr_size_x, 2);
- }
- {
- accumulate_average(metricSSIM, dist->frame_ctr);
- accumulate_avslice(metricSSIM, img->type, stats->frame_ctr[img->type]);
- }
- }