资源名称:chapter15.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*!
- *************************************************************************************
- * file me_epzs.c
- *
- * brief
- * Motion Estimation using EPZS
- *
- * author
- * Main contributors (see contributors.h for copyright, address and affiliation details)
- * - Alexis Michael Tourapis <>
- * - Athanasios Leontaris <>
- *
- *************************************************************************************
- */
- #include "contributors.h"
- #include <limits.h>
- #include "global.h"
- #include "image.h"
- #include "memalloc.h"
- #include "mb_access.h"
- #include "refbuf.h"
- #include "me_distortion.h"
- #include "me_epzs.h"
- #include "mv-search.h"
- #define EPZSREF 1
- // Define Global Parameters
- static const short blk_parent[8] = {1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 4, 4, 5}; //!< {skip, 16x16, 16x8, 8x16, 8x8, 8x4, 4x8, 4x4}
- //static const short blk_child[8] = {1, 2, 4, 4, 5, 7, 7, 7}; //!< {skip, 16x16, 16x8, 8x16, 8x8, 8x4, 4x8, 4x4}
- static const int minthres_base[8] = {0, 64, 32, 32, 16, 8, 8, 4};
- static const int medthres_base[8] = {0, 256, 128, 128, 64, 32, 32, 16};
- static const int maxthres_base[8] = {0, 768, 384, 384, 192, 96, 96, 48};
- static const short search_point_hp[10][2] = {{0,0},{-2,0}, {0,2}, {2,0}, {0,-2}, {-2,2}, {2,2}, {2,-2}, {-2,-2}, {-2,2}};
- static const short search_point_qp[10][2] = {{0,0},{-1,0}, {0,1}, {1,0}, {0,-1}, {-1,1}, {1,1}, {1,-1}, {-1,-1}, {-1,1}};
- //static const int next_subpel_pos_start[5][5] = {};
- //static const int next_subpel_pos_end [5][5] = {};
- static int (*computePred)(imgpel* , int , int , int , int , int );
- static short EPZSBlkCount;
- static int searcharray;
- static int mv_rescale;
- //! Define EPZS Refinement patterns
- static int pattern_data[5][12][4] =
- {
- { // Small Diamond pattern
- { 0, 4, 3, 3 }, { 4, 0, 0, 3 }, { 0, -4, 1, 3 }, { -4, 0, 2, 3 }
- },
- { // Square pattern
- { 0, 4, 7, 3 }, { 4, 4, 7, 5 }, { 4, 0, 1, 3 }, { 4, -4, 1, 5 },
- { 0, -4, 3, 3 }, { -4, -4, 3, 5 }, { -4, 0, 5, 3 }, { -4, 4, 5, 5 }
- },
- { // Enhanced Diamond pattern
- { -4, 4, 10, 5 }, { 0, 8, 10, 8 }, { 0, 4, 10, 7 }, { 4, 4, 1, 5 },
- { 8, 0, 1, 8 }, { 4, 0, 1, 7 }, { 4, -4, 4, 5 }, { 0, -8, 4, 8 },
- { 0, -4, 4, 7 }, { -4, -4, 7, 5 }, { -8, 0, 7, 8 }, { -4, 0, 7, 7 }
- },
- { // Large Diamond pattern
- { 0, 8, 6, 5 }, { 4, 4, 0, 3 }, { 8, 0, 0, 5 }, { 4, -4, 2, 3 },
- { 0, -8, 2, 5 }, { -4, -4, 4, 3 }, { -8, 0, 4, 5 }, { -4, 4, 6, 3 }
- },
- { // Extended Subpixel pattern
- { 0, 8, 6, 12 }, { 4, 4, 0, 12 }, { 8, 0, 0, 12 }, { 4, -4, 2, 12 },
- { 0, -8, 2, 12 }, { -4, -4, 4, 12 }, { -8, 0, 4, 12 }, { -4, 4, 6, 12 },
- { 0, 2, 6, 12 }, { 2, 0, 0, 12 }, { 0, -2, 2, 12 }, { -2, 0, 4, 12 }
- }
- };
- // Other definitions
- static const char c_EPZSPattern[6][20] = { "Diamond", "Square", "Extended Diamond", "Large Diamond", "SBP Large Diamond", "PMVFAST"};
- static const char c_EPZSDualPattern[7][20] = { "Disabled","Diamond", "Square", "Extended Diamond", "Large Diamond", "SBP Large Diamond", "PMVFAST"};
- static const char c_EPZSFixed[3][20] = { "Disabled","All P", "All P + B"};
- static const char c_EPZSOther[2][20] = { "Disabled","Enabled"};
- static int medthres[8];
- static int maxthres[8];
- static int minthres[8];
- static int subthres[8];
- static short **EPZSMap; //!< Memory Map definition
- int ***EPZSDistortion; //!< Array for storing SAD Values
- int ***EPZSBiDistortion; //!< Array for storing SAD Values
- MotionVector *****EPZS_Motion; //!< Array for storing Motion Vectors
- short ******EPZSMotion; //!< Array for storing Motion Vectors
- #else
- MotionVector ****EPZS_Motion; //!< Array for storing Motion Vectors
- short *****EPZSMotion; //!< Array for storing Motion Vectors
- #endif
- //
- EPZSStructure *searchPattern,*searchPatternD, *predictor;
- EPZSStructure *window_predictor, *window_predictor_extended;
- EPZSStructure *sdiamond,*square,*ediamond,*ldiamond, *sbdiamond, *pmvfast;
- EPZSColocParams *EPZSCo_located;
- // Functions
- /*!
- *************************************************************************************
- * brief
- * Determine stop criterion for EPZS
- *************************************************************************************
- */
- static int EPZSDetermineStopCriterion(int* prevSad, PixelPos *block_a, PixelPos *block_b, PixelPos *block_c, int pic_pix_x2, int blocktype, int blockshape_x)
- {
- int sadA, sadB, sadC, stopCriterion;
- sadA = block_a->available ? prevSad[pic_pix_x2 - blockshape_x] : INT_MAX;
- sadB = block_b->available ? prevSad[pic_pix_x2] : INT_MAX;
- sadC = block_c->available ? prevSad[pic_pix_x2 + blockshape_x] : INT_MAX;
- stopCriterion = imin(sadA,imin(sadB,sadC));
- stopCriterion = imax(stopCriterion,minthres[blocktype]);
- stopCriterion = imin(stopCriterion,maxthres[blocktype]);
- stopCriterion = (9 * imax (medthres[blocktype], stopCriterion) + 2 * medthres[blocktype]) >> 3;
- return stopCriterion;
- }
- /*!
- ************************************************************************
- * brief
- * Allocate co-located memory
- *
- * param size_x
- * horizontal luma size
- * param size_y
- * vertical luma size
- * param mb_adaptive_frame_field_flag
- * flag that indicates macroblock adaptive frame/field coding
- *
- * return
- * the allocated EPZSColocParams structure
- ************************************************************************
- */
- static EPZSColocParams* allocEPZScolocated(int size_x, int size_y, int mb_adaptive_frame_field_flag)
- {
- EPZSColocParams *s;
- s = calloc(1, sizeof(EPZSColocParams));
- if (NULL == s)
- no_mem_exit("alloc_EPZScolocated: s");
- s->size_x = size_x;
- s->size_y = size_y;
- get_mem3Dmv(&(s->frame), 2, size_y / BLOCK_SIZE, size_x / BLOCK_SIZE);
- if (mb_adaptive_frame_field_flag)
- {
- get_mem3Dmv(&(s->top), 2, size_y / (BLOCK_SIZE * 2), size_x / BLOCK_SIZE);
- get_mem3Dmv(&(s->bot), 2, size_y / (BLOCK_SIZE * 2), size_x / BLOCK_SIZE);
- }
- s->mb_adaptive_frame_field_flag = mb_adaptive_frame_field_flag;
- return s;
- }
- /*!
- ************************************************************************
- * brief
- * Free co-located memory.
- *
- * param p
- * structure to be freed
- *
- ************************************************************************
- */
- static void freeEPZScolocated(EPZSColocParams* p)
- {
- if (p)
- {
- free_mem3Dmv (p->frame);
- if (p->mb_adaptive_frame_field_flag)
- {
- free_mem3Dmv (p->top);
- free_mem3Dmv (p->bot);
- }
- free(p);
- p=NULL;
- }
- }
- /*!
- ************************************************************************
- * brief
- * Allocate EPZS pattern memory
- *
- * param searchpoints
- * number of searchpoints to allocate
- *
- * return
- * the allocated EPZSStructure structure
- ************************************************************************
- */
- static EPZSStructure* allocEPZSpattern(int searchpoints)
- {
- EPZSStructure *s;
- s = calloc(1, sizeof(EPZSStructure));
- if (NULL == s)
- no_mem_exit("alloc_EPZSpattern: s");
- s->searchPoints = searchpoints;
- s->point = (SPoint*) calloc(searchpoints, sizeof(SPoint));
- return s;
- }
- /*!
- ************************************************************************
- * brief
- * Free EPZS pattern memory.
- *
- * param p
- * structure to be freed
- *
- ************************************************************************
- */
- static void freeEPZSpattern(EPZSStructure* p)
- {
- if (p)
- {
- free ( (SPoint*) p->point);
- free(p);
- p=NULL;
- }
- }
- static void assignEPZSpattern(EPZSStructure *pattern,int type, int stopSearch, int nextLast, EPZSStructure *nextpattern)
- {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < pattern->searchPoints; i++)
- {
- pattern->point[i].motion.mv_x = pattern_data[type][i][0] >> mv_rescale;
- pattern->point[i].motion.mv_y = pattern_data[type][i][1] >> mv_rescale;
- pattern->point[i].start_nmbr = pattern_data[type][i][2];
- pattern->point[i].next_points = pattern_data[type][i][3];
- }
- pattern->stopSearch = stopSearch;
- pattern->nextLast = nextLast;
- pattern->nextpattern = nextpattern;
- }
- /*!
- ************************************************************************
- * brief
- * calculate RoundLog2(uiVal)
- ************************************************************************
- */
- static int RoundLog2 (int iValue)
- {
- int iRet = 0;
- int iValue_square = iValue * iValue;
- while ((1 << (iRet + 1)) <= iValue_square)
- iRet++;
- iRet = (iRet + 1) >> 1;
- return iRet;
- }
- /*!
- ***********************************************************************
- * brief
- * Add Predictor function
- *
- ***********************************************************************
- */
- static inline int add_predictor(MotionVector *cur_mv, MotionVector prd_mv, int mvScale, int shift_mv)
- {
- *cur_mv = prd_mv;
- cur_mv->mv_x = rshift_rnd_sf((mvScale * cur_mv->mv_x), shift_mv);
- cur_mv->mv_y = rshift_rnd_sf((mvScale * cur_mv->mv_y), shift_mv);
- return (*((int*) cur_mv) != 0);
- }
- /*!
- ************************************************************************
- * brief
- * EPZS Search Window Predictor Initialization
- ************************************************************************
- */
- static void EPZSWindowPredictorInit (short search_range, EPZSStructure * predictor, short mode)
- {
- int pos;
- int searchpos, fieldsearchpos;
- int prednum = 0;
- int i;
- int search_range_qpel = params->EPZSSubPelGrid ? 2 : 0;
- if (mode == 0)
- {
- for (pos = RoundLog2 (search_range) - 2; pos > -1; pos--)
- {
- searchpos = ((search_range << search_range_qpel)>> pos);
- for (i=1; i>=-1; i-=2)
- {
- predictor->point[prednum ].motion.mv_x = i * searchpos;
- predictor->point[prednum++].motion.mv_y = 0;
- predictor->point[prednum ].motion.mv_x = i * searchpos;
- predictor->point[prednum++].motion.mv_y = i * searchpos;
- predictor->point[prednum ].motion.mv_x = 0;
- predictor->point[prednum++].motion.mv_y = i * searchpos;
- predictor->point[prednum ].motion.mv_x = -i * searchpos;
- predictor->point[prednum++].motion.mv_y = i * searchpos;
- }
- }
- }
- else // if (mode == 0)
- {
- for (pos = RoundLog2 (search_range) - 2; pos > -1; pos--)
- {
- searchpos = ((search_range << search_range_qpel) >> pos);
- fieldsearchpos = ((3 * searchpos + 1) << search_range_qpel) >> 1;
- for (i=1; i>=-1; i-=2)
- {
- predictor->point[prednum ].motion.mv_x = i * searchpos;
- predictor->point[prednum++].motion.mv_y = 0;
- predictor->point[prednum ].motion.mv_x = i * searchpos;
- predictor->point[prednum++].motion.mv_y = i * searchpos;
- predictor->point[prednum ].motion.mv_x = 0;
- predictor->point[prednum++].motion.mv_y = i * searchpos;
- predictor->point[prednum ].motion.mv_x = -i * searchpos;
- predictor->point[prednum++].motion.mv_y = i * searchpos;
- }
- for (i=1; i>=-1; i-=2)
- {
- predictor->point[prednum ].motion.mv_x = i * fieldsearchpos;
- predictor->point[prednum++].motion.mv_y = -i * searchpos;
- predictor->point[prednum ].motion.mv_x = i * fieldsearchpos;
- predictor->point[prednum++].motion.mv_y = 0;
- predictor->point[prednum ].motion.mv_x = i * fieldsearchpos;
- predictor->point[prednum++].motion.mv_y = i * searchpos;
- predictor->point[prednum ].motion.mv_x = i * searchpos;
- predictor->point[prednum++].motion.mv_y = i * fieldsearchpos;
- predictor->point[prednum ].motion.mv_x = 0;
- predictor->point[prednum++].motion.mv_y = i * fieldsearchpos;
- predictor->point[prednum ].motion.mv_x = -i * searchpos;
- predictor->point[prednum++].motion.mv_y = i * fieldsearchpos;
- }
- }
- }
- predictor->searchPoints = prednum;
- }
- /*!
- ************************************************************************
- * brief
- * EPZS Global Initialization
- ************************************************************************
- */
- int EPZSInit (InputParameters *params, ImageParameters *img)
- {
- int pel_error_me = 1 << (img->bitdepth_luma - 8);
- int pel_error_me_cr = 1 << (img->bitdepth_chroma - 8);
- int i, memory_size = 0;
- double chroma_weight = params->ChromaMEEnable ? pel_error_me_cr * params->ChromaMEWeight * (double) (img->width_cr * img->height_cr) / (double) (img->width * img->height) : 0;
- int searchlevels = RoundLog2 (params->search_range) - 1;
- searcharray = params->BiPredMotionEstimation? (2 * imax (params->search_range, params->BiPredMESearchRange) + 1) << (params->EPZSGrid) : (2 * params->search_range + 1)<< (params->EPZSGrid);
- mv_rescale = params->EPZSSubPelGrid ? 0 : 2;
- //! In this implementation we keep threshold limits fixed.
- //! However one could adapt these limits based on lagrangian
- //! optimization considerations (i.e. qp), while also allow
- //! adaptation of the limits themselves based on content or complexity.
- for (i=0;i<8;i++)
- {
- medthres[i] = params->EPZSMedThresScale * (medthres_base[i] * pel_error_me + (int) (medthres_base[i] * chroma_weight + 0.5));
- maxthres[i] = params->EPZSMaxThresScale * (maxthres_base[i] * pel_error_me + (int) (maxthres_base[i] * chroma_weight + 0.5));
- minthres[i] = params->EPZSMinThresScale * (minthres_base[i] * pel_error_me + (int) (minthres_base[i] * chroma_weight + 0.5));
- subthres[i] = params->EPZSSubPelThresScale * (medthres_base[i] * pel_error_me + (int) (medthres_base[i] * chroma_weight + 0.5));
- }
- //! Definition of pottential EPZS patterns.
- //! It is possible to also define other patterns, or even use
- //! resizing patterns (such as the PMVFAST scheme. These patterns
- //! are only shown here as reference, while the same also holds
- //! for this implementation (i.e. new conditions could be added
- //! on adapting predictors, or thresholds etc. Note that search
- //! could also be performed on subpel positions directly while
- //! pattern needs not be restricted on integer positions only.
- //! Allocate memory and assign search patterns
- sdiamond = allocEPZSpattern(4);
- assignEPZSpattern(sdiamond, SDIAMOND, TRUE, TRUE, sdiamond);
- square = allocEPZSpattern(8);
- assignEPZSpattern(square, SQUARE, TRUE, TRUE, square);
- ediamond = allocEPZSpattern(12);
- assignEPZSpattern(ediamond, EDIAMOND, TRUE, TRUE, ediamond);
- ldiamond = allocEPZSpattern(8);
- assignEPZSpattern(ldiamond, LDIAMOND, TRUE, TRUE, ldiamond);
- sbdiamond = allocEPZSpattern(12);
- assignEPZSpattern(sbdiamond, SBDIAMOND, FALSE, TRUE, sdiamond);
- pmvfast = allocEPZSpattern(8);
- assignEPZSpattern(pmvfast, LDIAMOND, FALSE, TRUE, sdiamond);
- //! Allocate and assign window based predictors.
- //! Other window types could also be used, while method could be
- //! made a bit more adaptive (i.e. patterns could be assigned
- //! based on neighborhood
- window_predictor = allocEPZSpattern(searchlevels * 8);
- window_predictor_extended = allocEPZSpattern(searchlevels * 20);
- EPZSWindowPredictorInit ((short) params->search_range, window_predictor, 0);
- EPZSWindowPredictorInit ((short) params->search_range, window_predictor_extended, 1);
- //! Also assing search predictor memory
- // maxwindow + spatial + blocktype + temporal + memspatial
- predictor = allocEPZSpattern(searchlevels * 20 + 5 + 5 + 9 * (params->EPZSTemporal) + 3 * (params->EPZSSpatialMem));
- //! Finally assign memory for all other elements
- //! (distortion, EPZSMap, and temporal predictors)
- //memory_size += get_offset_mem2Dshort(&EPZSMap, searcharray, searcharray, (searcharray>>1), (searcharray>>1));
- memory_size += get_mem3Dint (&EPZSDistortion, 6, 7, img->width/BLOCK_SIZE);
- if (params->BiPredMotionEstimation)
- memory_size += get_mem3Dint (&EPZSBiDistortion, 6, 7, img->width/BLOCK_SIZE);
- memory_size += get_mem2Dshort (&EPZSMap, searcharray, searcharray );
- if (params->EPZSSpatialMem)
- {
- memory_size += get_mem5Dmv (&EPZS_Motion, 6, img->max_num_references, 7, 4, img->width/BLOCK_SIZE);
- memory_size += get_mem6Dshort (&EPZSMotion, 6, img->max_num_references, 7, 4, img->width/BLOCK_SIZE, 2);
- #else
- memory_size += get_mem4Dmv (&EPZS_Motion, 6, 7, 4, img->width/BLOCK_SIZE);
- memory_size += get_mem5Dshort (&EPZSMotion, 6, 7, 4, img->width/BLOCK_SIZE, 2);
- #endif
- }
- if (params->EPZSTemporal)
- EPZSCo_located = allocEPZScolocated (img->width, img->height, active_sps->mb_adaptive_frame_field_flag);
- switch (params->EPZSPattern)
- {
- case 5:
- searchPattern = pmvfast;
- break;
- case 4:
- searchPattern = sbdiamond;
- break;
- case 3:
- searchPattern = ldiamond;
- break;
- case 2:
- searchPattern = ediamond;
- break;
- case 1:
- searchPattern = square;
- break;
- case 0:
- default:
- searchPattern = sdiamond;
- break;
- }
- switch (params->EPZSDual)
- {
- case 6:
- searchPatternD = pmvfast;
- break;
- case 5:
- searchPatternD = sbdiamond;
- break;
- case 4:
- searchPatternD = ldiamond;
- break;
- case 3:
- searchPatternD = ediamond;
- break;
- case 2:
- searchPatternD = square;
- break;
- case 1:
- default:
- searchPatternD = sdiamond;
- break;
- }
- return memory_size;
- }
- /*!
- ************************************************************************
- * brief
- * Delete EPZS Alocated memory
- ************************************************************************
- */
- void EPZSDelete (InputParameters *params)
- {
- if (params->EPZSTemporal)
- freeEPZScolocated (EPZSCo_located);
- //free_offset_mem2Dshort(EPZSMap, searcharray, (searcharray>>1), (searcharray>>1));
- free_mem2Dshort(EPZSMap);
- free_mem3Dint (EPZSDistortion);
- if (params->BiPredMotionEstimation)
- free_mem3Dint (EPZSBiDistortion);
- freeEPZSpattern(window_predictor_extended);
- freeEPZSpattern(window_predictor);
- freeEPZSpattern(predictor);
- // Free search patterns
- freeEPZSpattern(pmvfast);
- freeEPZSpattern(sbdiamond);
- freeEPZSpattern(ldiamond);
- freeEPZSpattern(ediamond);
- freeEPZSpattern(sdiamond);
- freeEPZSpattern(square);
- if (params->EPZSSpatialMem)
- {
- free_mem5Dmv (EPZS_Motion);
- free_mem6Dshort (EPZSMotion);
- #else
- free_mem4Dmv (EPZS_Motion);
- free_mem5Dshort (EPZSMotion);
- #endif
- }
- }
- //! For ME purposes restricting the co-located partition is not necessary.
- /*!
- ************************************************************************
- * brief
- * EPZS Slice Level Initialization
- ************************************************************************
- */
- void EPZSSliceInit (InputParameters *params, ImageParameters *img, EPZSColocParams * p, StorablePicture ** listX[6])
- {
- StorablePicture *fs, *fs_top, *fs_bottom;
- StorablePicture *fs1, *fs_top1, *fs_bottom1, *fsx;
- int i, j, k, jj, jdiv, loffset;
- int prescale, iTRb, iTRp;
- int list = img->type == B_SLICE ? LIST_1 : LIST_0;
- int tempmv_scale[2];
- int epzs_scale[2][6][MAX_LIST_SIZE];
- int iref;
- int invmv_precision = 8;
- // Lets compute scaling factoes between all references in lists.
- // Needed to scale spatial predictors.
- for (j = LIST_0; j < 2 + (img->MbaffFrameFlag * 4); j ++)
- {
- for (k = 0; k < listXsize[j]; k++)
- {
- for (i = 0; i < listXsize[j]; i++)
- {
- if ((j >> 1) == 0)
- {
- iTRb = iClip3 (-128, 127, enc_picture->poc - listX[j][i]->poc);
- iTRp = iClip3 (-128, 127, enc_picture->poc - listX[j][k]->poc);
- }
- else if ((j >> 1) == 1)
- {
- iTRb = iClip3 (-128, 127, enc_picture->top_poc - listX[j][i]->poc);
- iTRp = iClip3 (-128, 127, enc_picture->top_poc - listX[j][k]->poc);
- }
- else
- {
- iTRb = iClip3 (-128, 127, enc_picture->bottom_poc - listX[j][i]->poc);
- iTRp = iClip3 (-128, 127, enc_picture->bottom_poc - listX[j][k]->poc);
- }
- if (iTRp != 0)
- {
- prescale = (16384 + iabs (iTRp / 2)) / iTRp;
- mv_scale[j][i][k] = iClip3 (-2048, 2047, rshift_rnd_sf((iTRb * prescale), 6));
- }
- else
- mv_scale[j][i][k] = 256;
- }
- }
- }
- if (params->EPZSTemporal)
- {
- fs_top = fs_bottom = fs = listX[list][0];
- if (listXsize[list]> 1)
- fs_top1 = fs_bottom1 = fs1 = listX[list][1];
- else
- fs_top1 = fs_bottom1 = fs1 = listX[list][0];
- for (j = 0; j < 6; j++)
- {
- for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
- {
- epzs_scale[0][j][i] = 256;
- epzs_scale[1][j][i] = 256;
- }
- }
- for (j = 0; j < 2 + (img->MbaffFrameFlag * 4); j += 2)
- {
- for (i = 0; i < listXsize[j]; i++)
- {
- if (j == 0)
- iTRb = iClip3 (-128, 127, enc_picture->poc - listX[LIST_0 + j][i]->poc);
- else if (j == 2)
- iTRb = iClip3 (-128, 127, enc_picture->top_poc - listX[LIST_0 + j][i]->poc);
- else
- iTRb = iClip3 (-128, 127, enc_picture->bottom_poc - listX[LIST_0 + j][i]->poc);
- iTRp = iClip3 (-128, 127, listX[list + j][0]->poc - listX[LIST_0 + j][i]->poc);
- if (iTRp != 0)
- {
- prescale = (16384 + iabs (iTRp / 2)) / iTRp;
- prescale = iClip3 (-2048, 2047, rshift_rnd_sf((iTRb * prescale), 6));
- //prescale = (iTRb * prescale + 32) >> 6;
- }
- else // This could not happen but lets use it in case that reference is removed.
- prescale = 256;
- epzs_scale[0][j][i] = rshift_rnd_sf((mv_scale[j][0][i] * prescale), 8);
- epzs_scale[0][j + 1][i] = prescale - 256;
- if (listXsize[list + j]>1)
- {
- iTRp = iClip3 (-128, 127, listX[list + j][1]->poc - listX[LIST_0 + j][i]->poc);
- if (iTRp != 0)
- {
- prescale = (16384 + iabs (iTRp / 2)) / iTRp;
- prescale = iClip3 (-2048, 2047, rshift_rnd_sf((iTRb * prescale), 6));
- //prescale = (iTRb * prescale + 32) >> 6;
- }
- else // This could not happen but lets use it for case that reference is removed.
- prescale = 256;
- epzs_scale[1][j][i] = rshift_rnd_sf((mv_scale[j][1][i] * prescale), 8);
- epzs_scale[1][j + 1][i] = prescale - 256;
- }
- else
- {
- epzs_scale[1][j][i] = epzs_scale[0][j][i];
- epzs_scale[1][j + 1][i] = epzs_scale[0][j + 1][i];
- }
- }
- }
- if (img->MbaffFrameFlag)
- {
- fs_top = listX[list + 2][0];
- fs_bottom = listX[list + 4][0];
- if (listXsize[0]> 1)
- {
- fs_top1 = listX[list + 2][1];
- fs_bottom = listX[list + 4][1];
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (img->structure != FRAME)
- {
- if ((img->structure != fs->structure) && (fs->coded_frame))
- {
- if (img->structure == TOP_FIELD)
- {
- fs_top = fs_bottom = fs = listX[list][0]->top_field;
- fs_top1 = fs_bottom1 = fs1 = listX[list][0]->bottom_field;
- }
- else
- {
- fs_top = fs_bottom = fs = listX[list][0]->bottom_field;
- fs_top1 = fs_bottom1 = fs1 = listX[list][0]->top_field;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (!active_sps->frame_mbs_only_flag)
- {
- if (img->MbaffFrameFlag)
- {
- for (j = 0; j < fs->size_y >> 2; j++)
- {
- jj = j >> 1;
- jdiv = jj + 4 * (j >> 3);
- for (i = 0; i < fs->size_x >> 2; i++)
- {
- if (fs->motion.field_frame[j][i])
- {
- //! Assign frame buffers for field MBs
- //! Check whether we should use top or bottom field mvs.
- //! Depending on the assigned poc values.
- if (iabs (enc_picture->poc - fs_bottom->poc) > iabs (enc_picture->poc - fs_top->poc))
- {
- tempmv_scale[LIST_0] = 256;
- tempmv_scale[LIST_1] = 0;
- if (fs->motion.ref_id [LIST_0][jdiv][i] < 0 && listXsize[LIST_0] > 1)
- {
- fsx = fs_top1;
- loffset = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- fsx = fs_top;
- loffset = 0;
- }
- if (fs->motion.ref_id [LIST_0][jdiv][i] != -1)
- {
- for (iref = 0; iref < imin(img->num_ref_idx_l0_active,listXsize[LIST_0]); iref++)
- {
- if (enc_picture->ref_pic_num[LIST_0][iref]==fs->motion.ref_id [LIST_0][jdiv][i])
- {
- tempmv_scale[LIST_0] = epzs_scale[loffset][LIST_0][iref];
- tempmv_scale[LIST_1] = epzs_scale[loffset][LIST_1][iref];
- break;
- }
- }
- p->frame[LIST_0][j][i].mv_x = iClip3 (-32768, 32767, rshift_rnd_sf((tempmv_scale[LIST_0] * fsx->[LIST_0][jj][i][0]), invmv_precision));
- p->frame[LIST_0][j][i].mv_y = iClip3 (-32768, 32767, rshift_rnd_sf((tempmv_scale[LIST_0] * fsx->[LIST_0][jj][i][1]), invmv_precision));
- p->frame[LIST_1][j][i].mv_x = iClip3 (-32768, 32767, rshift_rnd_sf((tempmv_scale[LIST_1] * fsx->[LIST_0][jj][i][0]), invmv_precision));
- p->frame[LIST_1][j][i].mv_y = iClip3 (-32768, 32767, rshift_rnd_sf((tempmv_scale[LIST_1] * fsx->[LIST_0][jj][i][1]), invmv_precision));
- }
- else
- {
- p->frame[LIST_0][j][i].mv_x = 0;
- p->frame[LIST_0][j][i].mv_y = 0;
- p->frame[LIST_1][j][i].mv_x = 0;
- p->frame[LIST_1][j][i].mv_y = 0;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- tempmv_scale[LIST_0] = 256;
- tempmv_scale[LIST_1] = 0;
- if (fs->motion.ref_id [LIST_0][jdiv + 4][i] < 0 && listXsize[LIST_0] > 1)
- {
- fsx = fs_bottom1;
- loffset = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- fsx = fs_bottom;
- loffset = 0;
- }
- if (fs->motion.ref_id [LIST_0][jdiv + 4][i] != -1)
- {
- for (iref = 0; iref < imin(img->num_ref_idx_l0_active,listXsize[LIST_0]); iref++)
- {
- if (enc_picture->ref_pic_num[LIST_0][iref]==fs->motion.ref_id [LIST_0][jdiv + 4][i])
- {
- tempmv_scale[LIST_0] = epzs_scale[loffset][LIST_0][iref];
- tempmv_scale[LIST_1] = epzs_scale[loffset][LIST_1][iref];
- break;
- }
- }
- p->frame[LIST_0][j][i].mv_x = iClip3 (-32768, 32767, rshift_rnd_sf((tempmv_scale[LIST_0] * fsx->[LIST_0][jj][i][0]), invmv_precision));
- p->frame[LIST_0][j][i].mv_y = iClip3 (-32768, 32767, rshift_rnd_sf((tempmv_scale[LIST_0] * fsx->[LIST_0][jj][i][1]), invmv_precision));
- p->frame[LIST_1][j][i].mv_x = iClip3 (-32768, 32767, rshift_rnd_sf((tempmv_scale[LIST_1] * fsx->[LIST_0][jj][i][0]), invmv_precision));
- p->frame[LIST_1][j][i].mv_y = iClip3 (-32768, 32767, rshift_rnd_sf((tempmv_scale[LIST_1] * fsx->[LIST_0][jj][i][1]), invmv_precision));
- }
- else
- {
- p->frame[LIST_0][j][i].mv_x = 0;
- p->frame[LIST_0][j][i].mv_y = 0;
- p->frame[LIST_1][j][i].mv_x = 0;
- p->frame[LIST_1][j][i].mv_y = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- tempmv_scale[LIST_0] = 256;
- tempmv_scale[LIST_1] = 0;
- if (fs->motion.ref_id [LIST_0][j][i] < 0 && listXsize[LIST_0] > 1)
- {
- fsx = fs1;
- loffset = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- fsx = fs;
- loffset = 0;
- }
- if (fsx->motion.ref_id [LIST_0][j][i] != -1)
- {
- for (iref = 0; iref < imin(img->num_ref_idx_l0_active,listXsize[LIST_0]); iref++)
- {
- if (enc_picture->ref_pic_num[LIST_0][iref]==fsx->motion.ref_id [LIST_0][j][i])
- {
- tempmv_scale[LIST_0] = epzs_scale[loffset][LIST_0][iref];
- tempmv_scale[LIST_1] = epzs_scale[loffset][LIST_1][iref];
- break;
- }
- }
- p->frame[LIST_0][j][i].mv_x = iClip3 (-32768, 32767, rshift_rnd_sf((tempmv_scale[LIST_0] * fsx->[LIST_0][j][i][0]), invmv_precision));
- p->frame[LIST_0][j][i].mv_y = iClip3 (-32768, 32767, rshift_rnd_sf((tempmv_scale[LIST_0] * fsx->[LIST_0][j][i][1]), invmv_precision));
- p->frame[LIST_1][j][i].mv_x = iClip3 (-32768, 32767, rshift_rnd_sf((tempmv_scale[LIST_1] * fsx->[LIST_0][j][i][0]), invmv_precision));
- p->frame[LIST_1][j][i].mv_y = iClip3 (-32768, 32767, rshift_rnd_sf((tempmv_scale[LIST_1] * fsx->[LIST_0][j][i][1]), invmv_precision));
- }
- else
- {
- p->frame[LIST_0][j][i].mv_x = 0;
- p->frame[LIST_0][j][i].mv_y = 0;
- p->frame[LIST_1][j][i].mv_x = 0;
- p->frame[LIST_1][j][i].mv_y = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- for (j = 0; j < fs->size_y >> 2; j++)
- {
- jj = j >> 1;
- jdiv = jj + 4 * (j >> 3);
- for (i = 0; i < fs->size_x >> 2; i++)
- {
- tempmv_scale[LIST_0] = 256;
- tempmv_scale[LIST_1] = 0;
- if (fs->motion.ref_id [LIST_0][j][i] < 0 && listXsize[LIST_0] > 1)
- {
- fsx = fs1;
- loffset = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- fsx = fs;
- loffset = 0;
- }
- if (fsx->motion.ref_id [LIST_0][j][i] != -1)
- {
- for (iref = 0; iref < imin(img->num_ref_idx_l0_active,listXsize[LIST_0]); iref++)
- {
- if (enc_picture->ref_pic_num[LIST_0][iref]==fsx->motion.ref_id [LIST_0][j][i])
- {
- tempmv_scale[LIST_0] = epzs_scale[loffset][LIST_0][iref];
- tempmv_scale[LIST_1] = epzs_scale[loffset][LIST_1][iref];
- break;
- }
- }
- p->frame[LIST_0][j][i].mv_x = iClip3 (-32768, 32767, rshift_rnd_sf((tempmv_scale[LIST_0] * fsx->[LIST_0][j][i][0]), invmv_precision));
- p->frame[LIST_0][j][i].mv_y = iClip3 (-32768, 32767, rshift_rnd_sf((tempmv_scale[LIST_0] * fsx->[LIST_0][j][i][1]), invmv_precision));
- p->frame[LIST_1][j][i].mv_x = iClip3 (-32768, 32767, rshift_rnd_sf((tempmv_scale[LIST_1] * fsx->[LIST_0][j][i][0]), invmv_precision));
- p->frame[LIST_1][j][i].mv_y = iClip3 (-32768, 32767, rshift_rnd_sf((tempmv_scale[LIST_1] * fsx->[LIST_0][j][i][1]), invmv_precision));
- }
- else
- {
- p->frame[LIST_0][j][i].mv_x = 0;
- p->frame[LIST_0][j][i].mv_y = 0;
- p->frame[LIST_1][j][i].mv_x = 0;
- p->frame[LIST_1][j][i].mv_y = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //! Generate field MVs from Frame MVs
- if (img->structure || img->MbaffFrameFlag)
- {
- for (j = 0; j < fs->size_y / 8; j++)
- {
- for (i = 0; i < fs->size_x / 4; i++)
- {
- if (!img->MbaffFrameFlag)
- {
- tempmv_scale[LIST_0] = 256;
- tempmv_scale[LIST_1] = 0;
- if (fs->motion.ref_id [LIST_0][j][i] < 0 && listXsize[LIST_0] > 1)
- {
- fsx = fs1;
- loffset = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- fsx = fs;
- loffset = 0;
- }
- if (fsx->motion.ref_id [LIST_0][j][i] != -1)
- {
- for (iref = 0; iref < imin(img->num_ref_idx_l0_active,listXsize[LIST_0]); iref++)
- {
- if (enc_picture->ref_pic_num[LIST_0][iref]==fsx->motion.ref_id [LIST_0][j][i])
- {
- tempmv_scale[LIST_0] = epzs_scale[loffset][LIST_0][iref];
- tempmv_scale[LIST_1] = epzs_scale[loffset][LIST_1][iref];
- break;
- }
- }
- p->frame[LIST_0][j][i].mv_x = iClip3 (-32768, 32767, rshift_rnd_sf((tempmv_scale[LIST_0] * fsx->[LIST_0][j][i][0]), invmv_precision));
- p->frame[LIST_0][j][i].mv_y = iClip3 (-32768, 32767, rshift_rnd_sf((tempmv_scale[LIST_0] * fsx->[LIST_0][j][i][1]), invmv_precision));
- p->frame[LIST_1][j][i].mv_x = iClip3 (-32768, 32767, rshift_rnd_sf((tempmv_scale[LIST_1] * fsx->[LIST_0][j][i][0]), invmv_precision));
- p->frame[LIST_1][j][i].mv_y = iClip3 (-32768, 32767, rshift_rnd_sf((tempmv_scale[LIST_1] * fsx->[LIST_0][j][i][1]), invmv_precision));
- }
- else
- {
- p->frame[LIST_0][j][i].mv_x = 0;
- p->frame[LIST_0][j][i].mv_y = 0;
- p->frame[LIST_1][j][i].mv_x = 0;
- p->frame[LIST_1][j][i].mv_y = 0;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- tempmv_scale[LIST_0] = 256;
- tempmv_scale[LIST_1] = 0;
- if (fs_bottom->motion.ref_id [LIST_0][j][i] < 0 && listXsize[LIST_0] > 1)
- {
- fsx = fs_bottom1;
- loffset = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- fsx = fs_bottom;
- loffset = 0;
- }
- if (fsx->motion.ref_id [LIST_0][j][i] != -1)
- {
- for (iref = 0; iref < imin(2*img->num_ref_idx_l0_active,listXsize[LIST_0 + 4]); iref++)
- {
- if (enc_picture->ref_pic_num[LIST_0 + 4][iref]==fsx->motion.ref_id [LIST_0][j][i])
- {
- tempmv_scale[LIST_0] = epzs_scale[loffset][LIST_0 + 4][iref];
- tempmv_scale[LIST_1] = epzs_scale[loffset][LIST_1 + 4][iref];
- break;
- }
- }
- p->bot[LIST_0][j][i].mv_x = iClip3 (-32768, 32767, rshift_rnd_sf((tempmv_scale[LIST_0] * fsx->[LIST_0][j][i][0]), invmv_precision));
- p->bot[LIST_0][j][i].mv_y = iClip3 (-32768, 32767, rshift_rnd_sf((tempmv_scale[LIST_0] * fsx->[LIST_0][j][i][1]), invmv_precision));
- p->bot[LIST_1][j][i].mv_x = iClip3 (-32768, 32767, rshift_rnd_sf((tempmv_scale[LIST_1] * fsx->[LIST_0][j][i][0]), invmv_precision));
- p->bot[LIST_1][j][i].mv_y = iClip3 (-32768, 32767, rshift_rnd_sf((tempmv_scale[LIST_1] * fsx->[LIST_0][j][i][1]), invmv_precision));
- }
- else
- {
- p->bot[LIST_0][j][i].mv_x = 0;
- p->bot[LIST_0][j][i].mv_y = 0;
- p->bot[LIST_1][j][i].mv_x = 0;
- p->bot[LIST_1][j][i].mv_y = 0;
- }
- if (!fs->motion.field_frame[2 * j][i])
- {
- p->bot[LIST_0][j][i].mv_y = (p->bot[LIST_0][j][i].mv_y + 1) >> 1;
- p->bot[LIST_1][j][i].mv_y = (p->bot[LIST_1][j][i].mv_y + 1) >> 1;
- }
- tempmv_scale[LIST_0] = 256;
- tempmv_scale[LIST_1] = 0;
- if (fs_top->motion.ref_id [LIST_0][j][i] < 0 && listXsize[LIST_0] > 1)
- {
- fsx = fs_top1;
- loffset = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- fsx = fs_top;
- loffset = 0;
- }
- if (fsx->motion.ref_id [LIST_0][j][i] != -1)
- {
- for (iref = 0; iref < imin(2*img->num_ref_idx_l0_active,listXsize[LIST_0 + 2]); iref++)
- {
- if (enc_picture->ref_pic_num[LIST_0 + 2][iref]==fsx->motion.ref_id [LIST_0][j][i])
- {
- tempmv_scale[LIST_0] = epzs_scale[loffset][LIST_0 + 2][iref];
- tempmv_scale[LIST_1] = epzs_scale[loffset][LIST_1 + 2][iref];
- break;
- }
- }
- p->top[LIST_0][j][i].mv_x = iClip3 (-32768, 32767, rshift_rnd_sf((tempmv_scale[LIST_0] * fsx->[LIST_0][j][i][0]), invmv_precision));
- p->top[LIST_0][j][i].mv_y = iClip3 (-32768, 32767, rshift_rnd_sf((tempmv_scale[LIST_0] * fsx->[LIST_0][j][i][1]), invmv_precision));
- p->top[LIST_1][j][i].mv_x = iClip3 (-32768, 32767, rshift_rnd_sf((tempmv_scale[LIST_1] * fsx->[LIST_0][j][i][0]), invmv_precision));
- p->top[LIST_1][j][i].mv_y = iClip3 (-32768, 32767, rshift_rnd_sf((tempmv_scale[LIST_1] * fsx->[LIST_0][j][i][1]), invmv_precision));
- }
- else
- {
- p->top[LIST_0][j][i].mv_x = 0;
- p->top[LIST_0][j][i].mv_y = 0;
- p->top[LIST_1][j][i].mv_x = 0;
- p->top[LIST_1][j][i].mv_y = 0;
- }
- if (!fs->motion.field_frame[2 * j][i])
- {
- p->top[LIST_0][j][i].mv_y = (p->top[LIST_0][j][i].mv_y + 1) >> 1;
- p->top[LIST_1][j][i].mv_y = (p->top[LIST_1][j][i].mv_y + 1) >> 1;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //if (!active_sps->frame_mbs_only_flag || active_sps->direct_8x8_inference_flag)
- if (!active_sps->frame_mbs_only_flag )
- {
- //! Use inference flag to remap mvs/references
- //! Frame with field co-located
- if (!img->structure)
- {
- for (j = 0; j < fs->size_y >> 2; j++)
- {
- jj = j>>1;
- jdiv = (j>>1) + ((j>>3) << 2);
- for (i = 0; i < fs->size_x >> 2; i++)
- {
- if (fs->motion.field_frame[j][i])
- {
- tempmv_scale[LIST_0] = 256;
- tempmv_scale[LIST_1] = 0;
- if (fs->motion.ref_id [LIST_0][jdiv][i] < 0 && listXsize[LIST_0] > 1)
- {
- fsx = fs1;
- loffset = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- fsx = fs;
- loffset = 0;
- }
- if (fsx->motion.ref_id [LIST_0][jdiv][i] != -1)
- {
- for (iref = 0; iref < imin(img->num_ref_idx_l0_active,listXsize[LIST_0]); iref++)
- {
- if (enc_picture->ref_pic_num[LIST_0][iref]==fsx->motion.ref_id [LIST_0][jdiv][i])
- {
- tempmv_scale[LIST_0] = epzs_scale[loffset][LIST_0][iref];
- tempmv_scale[LIST_1] = epzs_scale[loffset][LIST_1][iref];
- break;
- }
- }
- if (iabs (enc_picture->poc - fsx->bottom_field->poc) > iabs (enc_picture->poc - fsx->top_field->poc))
- {
- p->frame[LIST_0][j][i].mv_x = iClip3 (-32768, 32767, rshift_rnd_sf((tempmv_scale[LIST_0] * fsx->top_field->[LIST_0][jj][i][0]), invmv_precision));
- p->frame[LIST_0][j][i].mv_y = iClip3 (-32768, 32767, rshift_rnd_sf((tempmv_scale[LIST_0] * fsx->top_field->[LIST_0][jj][i][1]), invmv_precision));
- p->frame[LIST_1][j][i].mv_x = iClip3 (-32768, 32767, rshift_rnd_sf((tempmv_scale[LIST_1] * fsx->top_field->[LIST_0][jj][i][0]), invmv_precision));
- p->frame[LIST_1][j][i].mv_y = iClip3 (-32768, 32767, rshift_rnd_sf((tempmv_scale[LIST_1] * fsx->top_field->[LIST_0][jj][i][1]), invmv_precision));
- }
- else
- {
- p->frame[LIST_0][j][i].mv_x = iClip3 (-32768, 32767, rshift_rnd_sf((tempmv_scale[LIST_0] * fsx->bottom_field->[LIST_0][jj][i][0]), invmv_precision));
- p->frame[LIST_0][j][i].mv_y = iClip3 (-32768, 32767, rshift_rnd_sf((tempmv_scale[LIST_0] * fsx->bottom_field->[LIST_0][jj][i][1]), invmv_precision));
- p->frame[LIST_1][j][i].mv_x = iClip3 (-32768, 32767, rshift_rnd_sf((tempmv_scale[LIST_1] * fsx->bottom_field->[LIST_0][jj][i][0]), invmv_precision));
- p->frame[LIST_1][j][i].mv_y = iClip3 (-32768, 32767, rshift_rnd_sf((tempmv_scale[LIST_1] * fsx->bottom_field->[LIST_0][jj][i][1]), invmv_precision));
- }
- }
- else
- {
- p->frame[LIST_0][j][i].mv_x = 0;
- p->frame[LIST_0][j][i].mv_y = 0;
- p->frame[LIST_1][j][i].mv_x = 0;
- p->frame[LIST_1][j][i].mv_y = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (active_sps->frame_mbs_only_flag)
- {
- for (j = 0; j < fs->size_y >> 2; j++)
- {
- for (i = 0; i < fs->size_x >> 2; i++)
- {
- tempmv_scale[LIST_0] = 256;
- tempmv_scale[LIST_1] = 0;
- if (fs->motion.ref_id [LIST_0][j][i] < 0 && listXsize[LIST_0] > 1)
- {
- fsx = fs1;
- loffset = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- fsx = fs;
- loffset = 0;
- }
- if (fsx->motion.ref_id [LIST_0][j][i] != -1)
- {
- for (iref = 0; iref < imin(img->num_ref_idx_l0_active,listXsize[LIST_0]); iref++)
- {
- if (enc_picture->ref_pic_num[LIST_0][iref]==fsx->motion.ref_id [LIST_0][j][i])
- {
- tempmv_scale[LIST_0] = epzs_scale[loffset][LIST_0][iref];
- tempmv_scale[LIST_1] = epzs_scale[loffset][LIST_1][iref];
- break;
- }
- }
- p->frame[LIST_0][j][i].mv_x = iClip3 (-32768, 32767, rshift_rnd_sf((tempmv_scale[LIST_0] * fsx->[LIST_0][j][i][0]), invmv_precision));
- p->frame[LIST_0][j][i].mv_y = iClip3 (-32768, 32767, rshift_rnd_sf((tempmv_scale[LIST_0] * fsx->[LIST_0][j][i][1]), invmv_precision));
- p->frame[LIST_1][j][i].mv_x = iClip3 (-32768, 32767, rshift_rnd_sf((tempmv_scale[LIST_1] * fsx->[LIST_0][j][i][0]), invmv_precision));
- p->frame[LIST_1][j][i].mv_y = iClip3 (-32768, 32767, rshift_rnd_sf((tempmv_scale[LIST_1] * fsx->[LIST_0][j][i][1]), invmv_precision));
- }
- else
- {
- p->frame[LIST_0][j][i].mv_x = 0;
- p->frame[LIST_0][j][i].mv_y = 0;
- p->frame[LIST_1][j][i].mv_x = 0;
- p->frame[LIST_1][j][i].mv_y = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (!active_sps->frame_mbs_only_flag)
- {
- for (j = 0; j < fs->size_y >> 2; j++)
- {
- for (i = 0; i < fs->size_x >> 2; i++)
- {
- if ((!img->MbaffFrameFlag && !img->structure && fs->motion.field_frame[j][i]) || (img->MbaffFrameFlag && fs->motion.field_frame[j][i]))
- {
- p->frame[LIST_0][j][i].mv_y *= 2;
- p->frame[LIST_1][j][i].mv_y *= 2;
- }
- else if (img->structure && !fs->motion.field_frame[j][i])
- {
- p->frame[LIST_0][j][i].mv_y = rshift_rnd_sf(p->frame[LIST_0][j][i].mv_y, 1);
- p->frame[LIST_1][j][i].mv_y = rshift_rnd_sf(p->frame[LIST_1][j][i].mv_y, 1);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /*!
- ***********************************************************************
- * brief
- * Spatial Predictors
- ***********************************************************************
- */
- static short EPZSSpatialPredictors (PixelPos block_a,
- PixelPos block_b,
- PixelPos block_c,
- PixelPos block_d,
- int list,
- int list_offset,
- short ref,
- char **refPic,
- short ***tmp_mv,
- EPZSStructure * predictor)
- {
- int refA, refB, refC, refD;
- int *mot_scale = mv_scale[list + list_offset][ref];
- short sp_shift_mv = 8 + mv_rescale;
- int fixed_mv = (12 >> mv_rescale);
- // zero predictor
- predictor->point[0].motion.mv_x = 0;
- predictor->point[0].motion.mv_y = 0;
- // Non MB-AFF mode
- if (!img->MbaffFrameFlag)
- {
- refA = block_a.available ? (int) refPic[block_a.pos_y][block_a.pos_x] : -1;
- refB = block_b.available ? (int) refPic[block_b.pos_y][block_b.pos_x] : -1;
- refC = block_c.available ? (int) refPic[block_c.pos_y][block_c.pos_x] : -1;
- refD = block_d.available ? (int) refPic[block_d.pos_y][block_d.pos_x] : -1;
- // Left Predictor
- if (block_a.available)
- {
- predictor->point[1].motion.mv_x = rshift_rnd_sf((mot_scale[refA] * tmp_mv[block_a.pos_y][block_a.pos_x][0]), sp_shift_mv);
- predictor->point[1].motion.mv_y = rshift_rnd_sf((mot_scale[refA] * tmp_mv[block_a.pos_y][block_a.pos_x][1]), sp_shift_mv);
- }
- else
- {
- predictor->point[1].motion.mv_x = fixed_mv;
- predictor->point[1].motion.mv_y = 0;
- }
- // Up predictor
- if (block_b.available)
- {
- predictor->point[2].motion.mv_x = rshift_rnd_sf((mot_scale[refB] * tmp_mv[block_b.pos_y][block_b.pos_x][0]), sp_shift_mv);
- predictor->point[2].motion.mv_y = rshift_rnd_sf((mot_scale[refB] * tmp_mv[block_b.pos_y][block_b.pos_x][1]), sp_shift_mv);
- }
- else
- {
- predictor->point[2].motion.mv_x = 0;
- predictor->point[2].motion.mv_y = fixed_mv;
- }
- // Up-Right predictor
- if (block_c.available)
- {
- predictor->point[3].motion.mv_x = rshift_rnd_sf((mot_scale[refC] * tmp_mv[block_c.pos_y][block_c.pos_x][0]), sp_shift_mv);
- predictor->point[3].motion.mv_y = rshift_rnd_sf((mot_scale[refC] * tmp_mv[block_c.pos_y][block_c.pos_x][1]), sp_shift_mv);
- }
- else
- {
- predictor->point[3].motion.mv_x = -fixed_mv;
- predictor->point[3].motion.mv_y = 0;
- }
- //Up-Left predictor
- if (block_d.available)
- {
- predictor->point[4].motion.mv_x = rshift_rnd_sf((mot_scale[refD] * tmp_mv[block_d.pos_y][block_d.pos_x][0]), sp_shift_mv);
- predictor->point[4].motion.mv_y = rshift_rnd_sf((mot_scale[refD] * tmp_mv[block_d.pos_y][block_d.pos_x][1]), sp_shift_mv);
- }
- else
- {
- predictor->point[4].motion.mv_x = 0;
- predictor->point[4].motion.mv_y = -fixed_mv;
- }
- }
- else // MB-AFF mode
- {
- // Field Macroblock
- if (list_offset)
- {
- refA = block_a.available
- ? img->mb_data[block_a.mb_addr].mb_field
- ? (int) refPic[block_a.pos_y][block_a.pos_x]
- : (int) refPic[block_a.pos_y][block_a.pos_x] * 2 : -1;
- refB =block_b.available
- ? img->mb_data[block_b.mb_addr].mb_field
- ? (int) refPic[block_b.pos_y][block_b.pos_x]
- : (int) refPic[block_b.pos_y][block_b.pos_x] * 2 : -1;
- refC = block_c.available
- ? img->mb_data[block_c.mb_addr].mb_field
- ? (int) refPic[block_c.pos_y][block_c.pos_x]
- : (int) refPic[block_c.pos_y][block_c.pos_x] * 2 : -1;
- refD = block_d.available
- ? img->mb_data[block_d.mb_addr].mb_field
- ? (int) refPic[block_d.pos_y][block_d.pos_x]
- : (int) refPic[block_d.pos_y][block_d.pos_x] * 2 : -1;
- // Left Predictor
- predictor->point[1].motion.mv_x = (block_a.available)
- ? rshift_rnd_sf((mot_scale[refA] * tmp_mv[block_a.pos_y][block_a.pos_x][0]), sp_shift_mv) : fixed_mv;
- predictor->point[1].motion.mv_y = (block_a.available)
- ? img->mb_data[block_a.mb_addr].mb_field
- ? rshift_rnd_sf((mot_scale[refA] * tmp_mv[block_a.pos_y][block_a.pos_x][1]), sp_shift_mv)
- : rshift_rnd_sf((mot_scale[refA] * tmp_mv[block_a.pos_y][block_a.pos_x][1]), sp_shift_mv + 1) : 0;
- // Up predictor
- predictor->point[2].motion.mv_x = (block_b.available)
- ? rshift_rnd_sf((mot_scale[refB] * tmp_mv[block_b.pos_y][block_b.pos_x][0]), sp_shift_mv) : 0;
- predictor->point[2].motion.mv_y = (block_b.available)
- ? img->mb_data[block_b.mb_addr].mb_field
- ? rshift_rnd_sf((mot_scale[refB] * tmp_mv[block_b.pos_y][block_b.pos_x][1]), sp_shift_mv)
- : rshift_rnd_sf((mot_scale[refB] * tmp_mv[block_b.pos_y][block_b.pos_x][1]), sp_shift_mv + 1) : fixed_mv;
- // Up-Right predictor
- predictor->point[3].motion.mv_x = (block_c.available)
- ? rshift_rnd_sf((mot_scale[refC] * tmp_mv[block_c.pos_y][block_c.pos_x][0]), sp_shift_mv) : -fixed_mv;
- predictor->point[3].motion.mv_y = (block_c.available)
- ? img->mb_data[block_c.mb_addr].mb_field
- ? rshift_rnd_sf((mot_scale[refC] * tmp_mv[block_c.pos_y][block_c.pos_x][1]), sp_shift_mv)
- : rshift_rnd_sf((mot_scale[refC] * tmp_mv[block_c.pos_y][block_c.pos_x][1]), sp_shift_mv + 1) : 0;
- //Up-Left predictor
- predictor->point[4].motion.mv_x = (block_d.available)
- ? rshift_rnd_sf((mot_scale[refD] * tmp_mv[block_d.pos_y][block_d.pos_x][0]), sp_shift_mv) : 0;
- predictor->point[4].motion.mv_y = (block_d.available)
- ? img->mb_data[block_d.mb_addr].mb_field
- ? rshift_rnd_sf((mot_scale[refD] * tmp_mv[block_d.pos_y][block_d.pos_x][1]), sp_shift_mv)
- : rshift_rnd_sf((mot_scale[refD] * tmp_mv[block_d.pos_y][block_d.pos_x][1]), sp_shift_mv + 1) : -fixed_mv;
- }
- else // Frame macroblock
- {
- refA = block_a.available
- ? img->mb_data[block_a.mb_addr].mb_field
- ? (int) refPic[block_a.pos_y][block_a.pos_x] >> 1
- : (int) refPic[block_a.pos_y][block_a.pos_x] : -1;
- refB = block_b.available
- ? img->mb_data[block_b.mb_addr].mb_field
- ? (int) refPic[block_b.pos_y][block_b.pos_x] >> 1
- : (int) refPic[block_b.pos_y][block_b.pos_x] : -1;
- refC = block_c.available
- ? img->mb_data[block_c.mb_addr].mb_field
- ? (int) refPic[block_c.pos_y][block_c.pos_x] >> 1
- : (int) refPic[block_c.pos_y][block_c.pos_x] : -1;
- refD = block_d.available
- ? img->mb_data[block_d.mb_addr].mb_field
- ? (int) refPic[block_d.pos_y][block_d.pos_x] >> 1
- : (int) refPic[block_d.pos_y][block_d.pos_x] : -1;
- // Left Predictor
- predictor->point[1].motion.mv_x = (block_a.available)
- ? rshift_rnd_sf((mot_scale[refA] * tmp_mv[block_a.pos_y][block_a.pos_x][0]), sp_shift_mv) : fixed_mv;
- predictor->point[1].motion.mv_y = (block_a.available)
- ? img->mb_data[block_a.mb_addr].mb_field
- ? rshift_rnd_sf((mot_scale[refA] * tmp_mv[block_a.pos_y][block_a.pos_x][1]), sp_shift_mv - 1)
- : rshift_rnd_sf((mot_scale[refA] * tmp_mv[block_a.pos_y][block_a.pos_x][1]), sp_shift_mv) : 0;
- // Up predictor
- predictor->point[2].motion.mv_x = (block_b.available)
- ? rshift_rnd_sf((mot_scale[refB] * tmp_mv[block_b.pos_y][block_b.pos_x][0]), sp_shift_mv) : 0;
- predictor->point[2].motion.mv_y = (block_b.available)
- ? img->mb_data[block_b.mb_addr].mb_field
- ? rshift_rnd_sf((mot_scale[refB] * tmp_mv[block_b.pos_y][block_b.pos_x][1]), sp_shift_mv - 1)
- : rshift_rnd_sf((mot_scale[refB] * tmp_mv[block_b.pos_y][block_b.pos_x][1]), sp_shift_mv) : fixed_mv;
- // Up-Right predictor
- predictor->point[3].motion.mv_x = (block_c.available)
- ? rshift_rnd_sf((mot_scale[refC] * tmp_mv[block_c.pos_y][block_c.pos_x][0]), sp_shift_mv) : -fixed_mv;
- predictor->point[3].motion.mv_y = (block_c.available)
- ? img->mb_data[block_c.mb_addr].mb_field
- ? rshift_rnd_sf((mot_scale[refC] * tmp_mv[block_c.pos_y][block_c.pos_x][1]), sp_shift_mv - 1)
- : rshift_rnd_sf((mot_scale[refC] * tmp_mv[block_c.pos_y][block_c.pos_x][1]), sp_shift_mv) : 0;
- //Up-Left predictor
- predictor->point[4].motion.mv_x = (block_d.available)
- ? rshift_rnd_sf((mot_scale[refD] * tmp_mv[block_d.pos_y][block_d.pos_x][0]), sp_shift_mv) : 0;
- predictor->point[4].motion.mv_y = (block_d.available)
- ? img->mb_data[block_d.mb_addr].mb_field
- ? rshift_rnd_sf((mot_scale[refD] * tmp_mv[block_d.pos_y][block_d.pos_x][1]), sp_shift_mv - 1)
- : rshift_rnd_sf((mot_scale[refD] * tmp_mv[block_d.pos_y][block_d.pos_x][1]), sp_shift_mv) : -fixed_mv;
- }
- }
- return ((refA == -1) + (refB == -1) + (refC == -1 && refD == -1));
- }
- /*!
- ***********************************************************************
- * brief
- * Spatial Predictors
- ***********************************************************************
- */
- static void EPZSSpatialMemPredictors (int list,
- short ref,
- int blocktype,
- int pic_x,
- int bs_x,
- int bs_y,
- int by,
- int *prednum,
- int img_width,
- EPZSStructure * predictor)
- {
- short ***mv = EPZSMotion[list][ref][blocktype];
- //MotionVector ***prd_mv = &EPZS_Motion[list][ref][blocktype];
- MotionVector *cur_mv = &predictor->point[*prednum].motion;
- // Left Predictor
- if (pic_x > 0)
- {
- cur_mv->mv_x = mv[by][pic_x - bs_x][0];
- cur_mv->mv_y = mv[by][pic_x - bs_x][1];
- *prednum += (*((int*) cur_mv) != 0);
- cur_mv = &predictor->point[*prednum].motion;
- }
- by = (by > 0) ? by - bs_y: 4 - bs_y;
- // Up predictor
- cur_mv->mv_x = mv[by][pic_x][0];
- cur_mv->mv_y = mv[by][pic_x][1];
- *prednum += (*((int*) cur_mv) != 0);
- // Up-Right predictor
- if (pic_x + bs_x < img_width)
- {
- cur_mv = &predictor->point[*prednum].motion;
- cur_mv->mv_x = mv[by][pic_x + bs_x][0];
- cur_mv->mv_y = mv[by][pic_x + bs_x][1];
- *prednum += (*((int*) cur_mv) != 0);
- }
- #else
- int mot_scale = mv_scale[list][ref][0];
- short **mv = EPZSMotion[list][blocktype];
- MotionVector **predictor = &EPZS_Motion[list][blocktype];
- // Left Predictor
- predictor->point[*prednum].motion.mv_x = (pic_x > 0)
- ? rshift_rnd_sf((mot_scale * mv[by][pic_x - bs_x][0]), 8)
- : 0;
- predictor->point[*prednum].motion.mv_y = (pic_x > 0)
- ? rshift_rnd_sf((mot_scale * mv[by][pic_x - bs_x][1]), 8)
- : 0;
- *prednum += ((predictor->point[*prednum].motion.mv_x != 0) || (predictor->point[*prednum].motion.mv_y != 0));
- // Up predictor
- predictor->point[*prednum].motion.mv_x = (by > 0)
- ? rshift_rnd_sf((mot_scale * mv[by - bs_y][pic_x][0]), 8)
- : rshift_rnd_sf((mot_scale * mv[4 - bs_y][pic_x][0]), 8);
- predictor->point[*prednum].motion.mv_y = (by > 0)
- ? rshift_rnd_sf((mot_scale * mv[by - bs_y][pic_x][1]), 8)
- : rshift_rnd_sf((mot_scale * mv[4 - bs_y][pic_x][1]), 8);
- *prednum += ((predictor->point[*prednum].motion.mv_x != 0) || (predictor->point[*prednum].motion.mv_y != 0));
- // Up-Right predictor
- predictor->point[*prednum].motion.mv_x = (pic_x + bs_x < img_width)
- ? (by > 0)
- ? rshift_rnd_sf((mot_scale * mv[by - bs_y][pic_x + bs_x][0]), 8)
- : rshift_rnd_sf((mot_scale * mv[4 - bs_y][pic_x + bs_x][0]), 8)
- : 0;
- predictor->point[*prednum].motion.mv_y = (pic_x + bs_x < img_width)
- ? (by > 0)
- ? rshift_rnd_sf((mot_scale * mv[by - bs_y][pic_x + bs_x][1]), 8)
- : rshift_rnd_sf((mot_scale * mv[4 - bs_y][pic_x + bs_x][1]), 8)
- : 0;
- *prednum += ((predictor->point[*prednum].motion.mv_x != 0) || (predictor->point[*prednum].motion.mv_y != 0));
- #endif
- }
- /*!
- ***********************************************************************
- * brief
- * Temporal Predictors
- ***********************************************************************
- */
- static void
- EPZSTemporalPredictors (int list, // <-- current list
- int list_offset, // <-- list offset for MBAFF
- short ref, // <-- current reference frame
- int o_block_x, // <-- absolute x-coordinate of regarded AxB block
- int o_block_y, // <-- absolute y-coordinate of regarded AxB block
- EPZSStructure * predictor,
- int *prednum,
- int block_available_left,
- int block_available_up,
- int block_available_right,
- int block_available_below,
- int blockshape_x,
- int blockshape_y,
- int stopCriterion,
- int min_mcost)
- {
- int mvScale = mv_scale[list + list_offset][ref][0];
- MotionVector **col_mv = (list_offset == 0) ? EPZSCo_located->frame[list]
- : (list_offset == 2) ? EPZSCo_located->top[list] : EPZSCo_located->bot[list];
- short temp_shift_mv = 8 + mv_rescale; // 16 - invmv_precision + mv_rescale
- MotionVector *cur_mv = &predictor->point[*prednum].motion;
- *prednum += add_predictor(cur_mv, col_mv[o_block_y][o_block_x], mvScale, temp_shift_mv);
- if (min_mcost > stopCriterion && ref < 2)
- {
- if (block_available_left)
- {
- *prednum += add_predictor( &predictor->point[*prednum].motion, col_mv[o_block_y][o_block_x - 1], mvScale, temp_shift_mv);
- //Up_Left
- if (block_available_up)
- {
- *prednum += add_predictor( &predictor->point[*prednum].motion, col_mv[o_block_y - 1][o_block_x - 1], mvScale, temp_shift_mv);
- }
- //Down_Left
- if (block_available_below)
- {
- *prednum += add_predictor( &predictor->point[*prednum].motion, col_mv[o_block_y + blockshape_y][o_block_x - 1], mvScale, temp_shift_mv);
- }
- }
- // Up
- if (block_available_up)
- {
- *prednum += add_predictor( &predictor->point[*prednum].motion, col_mv[o_block_y - 1][o_block_x], mvScale, temp_shift_mv);
- }
- // Up - Right
- if (block_available_right)
- {
- *prednum += add_predictor( &predictor->point[*prednum].motion, col_mv[o_block_y][o_block_x + blockshape_x], mvScale, temp_shift_mv);
- if (block_available_up)
- {
- *prednum += add_predictor( &predictor->point[*prednum].motion, col_mv[o_block_y - 1][o_block_x + blockshape_x], mvScale, temp_shift_mv);
- }
- if (block_available_below)
- {
- *prednum += add_predictor( &predictor->point[*prednum].motion, col_mv[o_block_y + blockshape_y][o_block_x + blockshape_x], mvScale, temp_shift_mv);
- }
- }
- if (block_available_below)
- {
- *prednum += add_predictor( &predictor->point[*prednum].motion, col_mv[o_block_y + blockshape_y][o_block_x], mvScale, temp_shift_mv);
- }
- }
- }
- /*!
- ************************************************************************
- * brief
- * EPZS Block Type Predictors
- ************************************************************************
- */
- static void EPZSBlockTypePredictors (int block_x, int block_y, int blocktype, int ref, int list,
- EPZSStructure * predictor, int *prednum)
- {
- short *****all_mv = img->all_mv[list];
- short block_shift_mv = 8 + mv_rescale;
- MotionVector *cur_mv = &predictor->point[*prednum].motion;
- cur_mv->mv_x = rshift_rnd((all_mv[ref][blk_parent[blocktype]][block_y][block_x][0]), mv_rescale);
- cur_mv->mv_y = rshift_rnd((all_mv[ref][blk_parent[blocktype]][block_y][block_x][1]), mv_rescale);
- //*prednum += ((cur_mv->mv_x | cur_mv->mv_y) != 0);
- *prednum += (*((int*) cur_mv) != 0);
- if ((ref > 0) && (blocktype < 5 || img->structure != FRAME))
- {
- cur_mv = &predictor->point[*prednum].motion;
- cur_mv->mv_x = rshift_rnd_sf((mv_scale[list][ref][ref-1] * all_mv[ref-1][blocktype][block_y][block_x][0]), block_shift_mv );
- cur_mv->mv_y = rshift_rnd_sf((mv_scale[list][ref][ref-1] * all_mv[ref-1][blocktype][block_y][block_x][1]), block_shift_mv );
- //*prednum += ((cur_mv->mv_x | cur_mv->mv_y) != 0);
- *prednum += (*((int*) cur_mv) != 0);
- cur_mv = &predictor->point[*prednum].motion;
- cur_mv->mv_x = rshift_rnd_sf((mv_scale[list][ref][0] * all_mv[0][blocktype][block_y][block_x][0]), block_shift_mv );
- cur_mv->mv_y = rshift_rnd_sf((mv_scale[list][ref][0] * all_mv[0][blocktype][block_y][block_x][1]), block_shift_mv );
- //*prednum += ((cur_mv->mv_x | cur_mv->mv_y) != 0);
- *prednum += (*((int*) cur_mv) != 0);
- }
- if (blocktype != 1)
- {
- cur_mv = &predictor->point[*prednum].motion;
- cur_mv->mv_x = rshift_rnd((all_mv[ref][1][block_y][block_x][0]), mv_rescale);
- cur_mv->mv_y = rshift_rnd((all_mv[ref][1][block_y][block_x][1]), mv_rescale);
- //*prednum += ((cur_mv->mv_x | cur_mv->mv_y) != 0);
- *prednum += (*((int*) cur_mv) != 0);
- }
- if (blocktype != 4)
- {
- cur_mv = &predictor->point[*prednum].motion;
- cur_mv->mv_x = rshift_rnd((all_mv[ref][4][block_y][block_x][0]), mv_rescale);
- cur_mv->mv_y = rshift_rnd((all_mv[ref][4][block_y][block_x][1]), mv_rescale);
- //*prednum += ((cur_mv->mv_x | cur_mv->mv_y) != 0);
- *prednum += (*((int*) cur_mv) != 0);
- }
- }
- /*!
- ************************************************************************
- * brief
- * EPZS Window Based Predictors
- ************************************************************************
- */
- static void EPZSWindowPredictors (short mv[2], EPZSStructure *predictor, int *prednum, int extended)
- {
- int pos;
- EPZSStructure *windowPred = (extended) ? window_predictor_extended : window_predictor;
- SPoint *wPoint = &windowPred->point[0];
- SPoint *pPoint = &predictor->point[(*prednum)];
- for (pos = 0; pos < windowPred->searchPoints; pos++)
- {
- (pPoint )->motion.mv_x = mv[0] + (wPoint )->motion.mv_x;
- (pPoint++)->motion.mv_y = mv[1] + (wPoint++)->motion.mv_y;
- }
- *prednum += windowPred->searchPoints;
- }
- /*!
- ***********************************************************************
- * brief
- * FAST Motion Estimation using EPZS
- ***********************************************************************
- */
- int // ==> minimum motion cost after search
- EPZSPelBlockMotionSearch (Macroblock *currMB, // <-- current Macroblock
- imgpel * cur_pic, // <-- original pixel values for the AxB block
- short ref, // <-- reference picture
- int list, // <-- reference list
- int list_offset, // <-- offset for Mbaff
- char ***refPic, // <-- reference array
- short ****tmp_mv, // <-- mv array
- int pic_pix_x, // <-- absolute x-coordinate of regarded AxB block
- int pic_pix_y, // <-- absolute y-coordinate of regarded AxB block
- int blocktype, // <-- block type (1-16x16 ... 7-4x4)
- short pred_mv[2], // <-- motion vector predictor in sub-pel units
- short mv[2], // <--> in: search center (x|y) / out: motion vector (x|y) - in pel units
- int search_range, // <-- 1-d search range in pel units
- int min_mcost, // <-- minimum motion cost (cost for center or huge value)
- int lambda_factor, // <-- lagrangian parameter for determining motion cost
- int apply_weights) // <-- perform weight based ME
- {
- StorablePicture *ref_picture = listX[list+list_offset][ref];
- short blocksize_y = params->blc_size[blocktype][1]; // vertical block size
- short blocksize_x = params->blc_size[blocktype][0]; // horizontal block size
- short blockshape_x = (blocksize_x >> 2); // horizontal block size in 4-pel units
- short blockshape_y = (blocksize_y >> 2); // vertical block size in 4-pel units
- short mb_x = pic_pix_x - img->opix_x;
- short mb_y = pic_pix_y - img->opix_y;
- short pic_pix_x2 = pic_pix_x >> 2;
- short pic_pix_y2 = pic_pix_y >> 2;
- short block_x = (mb_x >> 2);
- short block_y = (mb_y >> 2);
- int stopCriterion = medthres[blocktype];
- int mapCenter_x = search_range - mv[0];
- int mapCenter_y = search_range - mv[1];
- int second_mcost = INT_MAX;
- int *prevSad = EPZSDistortion[list + list_offset][blocktype - 1];
- short *motion=NULL;
- MotionVector *p_motion = NULL;
- short invalid_refs = 0;
- byte checkMedian = FALSE;
- EPZSStructure *searchPatternF = searchPattern;
- MotionVector center, tmp, tmp2, cand, pred;
- pred.mv_x = (pic_pix_x << 2) + pred_mv[0]; // predicted position x (in sub-pel units)
- pred.mv_y = (pic_pix_y << 2) + pred_mv[1]; // predicted position x (in sub-pel units)
- center.mv_x = (pic_pix_x << (params->EPZSGrid))+ mv[0];
- center.mv_y = (pic_pix_y << (params->EPZSGrid))+ mv[1];
- cand.mv_x = center.mv_x << mv_rescale;
- cand.mv_y = center.mv_y << mv_rescale;
- tmp.mv_x = mv[0];
- tmp.mv_y = mv[1];
- tmp2.mv_x = 0;
- tmp2.mv_y = 0;
- computePred = computeUniPred[F_PEL + 3 * apply_weights];
- EPZSBlkCount ++;
- if (EPZSBlkCount == 0)
- EPZSBlkCount ++;
- ref_pic_sub.luma = ref_picture->p_curr_img_sub;
- img_width = ref_picture->size_x;
- img_height = ref_picture->size_y;
- width_pad = ref_picture->size_x_pad;
- height_pad = ref_picture->size_y_pad;
- if (ChromaMEEnable)
- {
- ref_pic_sub.crcb[0] = ref_picture->imgUV_sub[0];
- ref_pic_sub.crcb[1] = ref_picture->imgUV_sub[1];
- width_pad_cr = ref_picture->size_x_cr_pad;
- height_pad_cr = ref_picture->size_y_cr_pad;
- }
- pic_pix_x = (pic_pix_x << (params->EPZSGrid));
- pic_pix_y = (pic_pix_y << (params->EPZSGrid));
- if (params->EPZSSpatialMem)
- {
- motion = EPZSMotion [list + list_offset][ref][blocktype - 1][block_y][pic_pix_x2];
- p_motion = &EPZS_Motion[list + list_offset][ref][blocktype - 1][block_y][pic_pix_x2];
- #else
- motion = EPZSMotion [list + list_offset][blocktype - 1][block_y][pic_pix_x2];
- p_motion = &EPZS_Motion[list + list_offset][blocktype - 1][block_y][pic_pix_x2];
- #endif
- }
- //===== set function for getting reference picture lines =====
- ref_access_method = CHECK_RANGE ? FAST_ACCESS : UMV_ACCESS;
- // Clear EPZSMap
- // memset(EPZSMap[0],FALSE,searcharray*searcharray);
- // Check median candidate;
- //EPZSMap[0][0] = EPZSBlkCount;
- EPZSMap[search_range][search_range] = EPZSBlkCount;
- //--- initialize motion cost (cost for motion vector) and check ---
- min_mcost = MV_COST_SMP (lambda_factor, cand.mv_x, cand.mv_y, pred.mv_x, pred.mv_y);
- //--- add residual cost to motion cost ---
- min_mcost += computePred(cur_pic, blocksize_y, blocksize_x,
- INT_MAX, cand.mv_x + IMG_PAD_SIZE_TIMES4, cand.mv_y + IMG_PAD_SIZE_TIMES4);
- // Additional threshold for ref>0
- if ((ref>0 && img->structure == FRAME)
- && (prevSad[pic_pix_x2] < imin(medthres[blocktype],min_mcost)))
- {
- if (params->EPZSSpatialMem)
- #else
- if (params->EPZSSpatialMem && ref == 0)
- #endif
- {
- motion[0] = tmp.mv_x;
- motion[1] = tmp.mv_y;
- *p_motion = tmp;
- }
- return min_mcost;
- }
- // if ((center.mv_x > search_range) && (center.mv_x < img_width - search_range - blocksize_x) &&
- //(center.mv_y > search_range) && (center.mv_y < img_height - search_range - blocksize_y) )
- if ( (center.mv_x > search_range) && (center.mv_x < ((img_width - blocksize_x) << (params->EPZSGrid)) - search_range)
- && (center.mv_y > search_range) && (center.mv_y < ((img_height - blocksize_y) << (params->EPZSGrid)) - search_range))
- {
- ref_access_method = FAST_ACCESS;
- }
- else
- {
- ref_access_method = UMV_ACCESS;
- }
- //! If medthres satisfied, then terminate, otherwise generate Predictors
- //! Condition could be strengthened by consideration distortion of adjacent partitions.
- if (min_mcost > stopCriterion)
- {
- int mb_available_right = (img->mb_x < (img_width >> 4) - 1);
- int mb_available_below = (img->mb_y < (img_height >> 4) - 1);
- int block_available_right;
- int block_available_below;
- int prednum = 5;
- int patternStop = 0, pointNumber = 0, checkPts, nextLast = 0;
- int totalCheckPts = 0, motionDirection = 0;
- int conditionEPZS;
- MotionVector tmv;
- int pos, mcost;
- PixelPos block_a, block_b, block_c, block_d;
- int *mb_size = img->mb_size[IS_LUMA];
- get4x4Neighbour (currMB, mb_x - 1 , mb_y , mb_size, &block_a);
- get4x4Neighbour (currMB, mb_x , mb_y - 1, mb_size, &block_b);
- get4x4Neighbour (currMB, mb_x + blocksize_x, mb_y - 1, mb_size, &block_c);
- get4x4Neighbour (currMB, mb_x - 1 , mb_y - 1, mb_size, &block_d);
- if (mb_y > 0)
- {
- if (mb_x < 8) // first column of 8x8 blocks
- {
- if (mb_y == 8)
- {
- block_available_right = (blocksize_x != MB_BLOCK_SIZE) || mb_available_right;
- if (blocksize_x == MB_BLOCK_SIZE)
- block_c.available = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- block_available_right = (mb_x + blocksize_x != 8) || mb_available_right;
- if (mb_x + blocksize_x == 8)
- block_c.available = 0;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- block_available_right = (mb_x + blocksize_x != MB_BLOCK_SIZE) || mb_available_right;
- if (mb_x + blocksize_x == MB_BLOCK_SIZE)
- block_c.available = 0;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- block_available_right = (mb_x + blocksize_x != MB_BLOCK_SIZE) || mb_available_right;
- }
- block_available_below = (mb_y + blocksize_y != MB_BLOCK_SIZE) || (mb_available_below);
- stopCriterion = EPZSDetermineStopCriterion(prevSad, &block_a, &block_b, &block_c, pic_pix_x2, blocktype, blockshape_x);
- //! Add Spatial Predictors in predictor list.
- //! Scheme adds zero, left, top-left, top, top-right. Note that top-left adds very little
- //! in terms of performance and could be removed with little penalty if any.
- invalid_refs = EPZSSpatialPredictors (block_a, block_b, block_c, block_d,
- list, list_offset, ref, refPic[list], tmp_mv[list], predictor);
- if (params->EPZSSpatialMem)
- EPZSSpatialMemPredictors (list + list_offset, ref, blocktype - 1, pic_pix_x2,
- blockshape_x, blockshape_y, block_y, &prednum, img_width>>2, predictor);
- // Temporal predictors
- if (params->EPZSTemporal)
- EPZSTemporalPredictors (list, list_offset, ref, pic_pix_x2, pic_pix_y2, predictor, &prednum,
- block_a.available, block_b.available, block_available_right,
- block_available_below, blockshape_x, blockshape_y, stopCriterion, min_mcost);
- //! Window Size Based Predictors
- //! Basically replaces a Hierarchical ME concept and helps escaping local minima, or
- //! determining large motion variations.
- //! Following predictors can be adjusted further (i.e. removed, conditioned etc)
- //! based on distortion, correlation of adjacent MVs, complexity etc. These predictors
- //! and their conditioning could also be moved after all other predictors have been
- //! tested. Adaptation could also be based on type of material and coding mode (i.e.
- //! field/frame coding,MBAFF etc considering the higher dependency with opposite parity field
- //conditionEPZS = ((min_mcost > stopCriterion)
- // && (params->EPZSFixed > 1 || (params->EPZSFixed && img->type == P_SLICE)));
- //conditionEPZS = ((ref == 0) && (blocktype < 5) && (min_mcost > stopCriterion)
- //&& (params->EPZSFixed > 1 || (params->EPZSFixed && img->type == P_SLICE)));
- conditionEPZS = ((min_mcost > stopCriterion) && ((ref < 2 && blocktype < 5)
- || ((img->structure!=FRAME || list_offset) && ref < 3))
- && (params->EPZSFixed > 1 || (params->EPZSFixed && img->type == P_SLICE)));
- if (conditionEPZS)
- EPZSWindowPredictors (mv, predictor, &prednum,
- (blocktype < 5) && (invalid_refs > 2) && (ref < 1 + (img->structure!=FRAME || list_offset)));
- //! Blocktype/Reference dependent predictors.
- //! Since already mvs for other blocktypes/references have been computed, we can reuse
- //! them in order to easier determine the optimal point. Use of predictors could depend
- //! on cost,
- //conditionEPZS = (ref == 0 || (ref > 0 && min_mcost > stopCriterion) || img->structure != FRAME || list_offset);
- conditionEPZS = (ref == 0 || (ref > 0 && min_mcost > stopCriterion));
- // above seems to result in memory leak issues which need to be resolved
- if (conditionEPZS && img->current_mb_nr != 0 && params->EPZSBlockType)
- EPZSBlockTypePredictors (block_x, block_y, blocktype, ref, list, predictor, &prednum);
- //! Check all predictors
- for (pos = 0; pos < prednum; pos++)
- {
- tmv = predictor->point[pos].motion;
- //if (((iabs (tmv.mv_x - mv[0]) > search_range || iabs (tmv.mv_y - mv[1]) > search_range)) && (tmv.mv_x || tmv.mv_y))
- if (iabs (tmv.mv_x - mv[0]) > search_range || iabs (tmv.mv_y - mv[1]) > search_range)
- continue;
- if ((iabs (tmv.mv_x - mv[0]) <= search_range) && (iabs (tmv.mv_y - mv[1]) <= search_range))
- {
- if (EPZSMap[mapCenter_y + tmv.mv_y][mapCenter_x + tmv.mv_x] == EPZSBlkCount)
- continue;
- else
- EPZSMap[mapCenter_y + tmv.mv_y][mapCenter_x + tmv.mv_x] = EPZSBlkCount;
- }
- cand.mv_x = (pic_pix_x + tmv.mv_x)<<mv_rescale;
- cand.mv_y = (pic_pix_y + tmv.mv_y)<<mv_rescale;
- //--- set motion cost (cost for motion vector) and check ---
- mcost = MV_COST_SMP (lambda_factor, cand.mv_x, cand.mv_y, pred.mv_x, pred.mv_y);
- if (mcost >= second_mcost) continue;
- //ref_access_method = CHECK_RANGE ? FAST_ACCESS : UMV_ACCESS;
- mcost += computePred(cur_pic, blocksize_y,blocksize_x,
- second_mcost - mcost, cand.mv_x + IMG_PAD_SIZE_TIMES4,cand.mv_y + IMG_PAD_SIZE_TIMES4);
- //--- check if motion cost is less than minimum cost ---
- if (mcost < min_mcost)
- {
- tmp2 = tmp;
- tmp = tmv;
- second_mcost = min_mcost;
- min_mcost = mcost;
- checkMedian = TRUE;
- }
- //else if (mcost < second_mcost && (tmp.mv_x != tmv.mv_x || tmp.mv_y != tmv.mv_y))
- else if (mcost < second_mcost)
- {
- tmp2 = tmv;
- second_mcost = mcost;
- checkMedian = TRUE;
- }
- }
- //! Refine using EPZS pattern if needed
- //! Note that we are using a conservative threshold method. Threshold
- //! could be tested after checking only a certain number of predictors
- //! instead of the full set. Code could be easily modified for this task.
- if (min_mcost > stopCriterion)
- {
- //! Adapt pattern based on different conditions.
- if (params->EPZSPattern != 0)
- {
- if ((min_mcost < stopCriterion + ((3 * medthres[blocktype]) >> 1)))
- {
- if ((tmp.mv_x == 0 && tmp.mv_y == 0)
- || (iabs (tmp.mv_x - mv[0]) < (2<<(2-mv_rescale)) && iabs (tmp.mv_y - mv[1]) < (2<<(2-mv_rescale))))
- searchPatternF = sdiamond;
- else
- searchPatternF = square;
- }
- else if (blocktype > 5 || (ref > 0 && blocktype != 1))
- searchPatternF = square;
- else
- searchPatternF = searchPattern;
- }
- totalCheckPts = searchPatternF->searchPoints;
- //! center on best predictor
- center = tmp;
- while(1)
- {
- do
- {
- checkPts = totalCheckPts;
- do
- {
- tmv.mv_x = center.mv_x + searchPatternF->point[pointNumber].motion.mv_x;
- tmv.mv_y = center.mv_y + searchPatternF->point[pointNumber].motion.mv_y;
- cand.mv_x = (pic_pix_x + tmv.mv_x)<<mv_rescale;
- cand.mv_y = (pic_pix_y + tmv.mv_y)<<mv_rescale;
- if ((iabs (tmv.mv_x - mv[0]) <= search_range) && (iabs (tmv.mv_y - mv[1]) <= search_range))
- {
- if (EPZSMap[mapCenter_y + tmv.mv_y][mapCenter_x + tmv.mv_x] != EPZSBlkCount)
- EPZSMap[mapCenter_y + tmv.mv_y][mapCenter_x + tmv.mv_x] = EPZSBlkCount;
- else
- {
- pointNumber += 1;
- if (pointNumber >= searchPatternF->searchPoints)
- pointNumber -= searchPatternF->searchPoints;
- checkPts -= 1;
- continue;
- }
- mcost = MV_COST_SMP (lambda_factor, cand.mv_x, cand.mv_y, pred.mv_x, pred.mv_y);
- if (mcost < min_mcost)
- {
- ref_access_method = CHECK_RANGE ? FAST_ACCESS : UMV_ACCESS;
- mcost += computePred(cur_pic, blocksize_y,blocksize_x,
- min_mcost - mcost, cand.mv_x + IMG_PAD_SIZE_TIMES4, cand.mv_y + IMG_PAD_SIZE_TIMES4);
- if (mcost < min_mcost)
- {
- tmp = tmv;
- min_mcost = mcost;
- motionDirection = pointNumber;
- }
- }
- }
- pointNumber += 1;
- if (pointNumber >= searchPatternF->searchPoints)
- pointNumber -= searchPatternF->searchPoints;
- checkPts -= 1;
- }
- while (checkPts > 0);
- if (nextLast || ((tmp.mv_x == center.mv_x) && (tmp.mv_y == center.mv_y)))
- {
- patternStop = searchPatternF->stopSearch;
- searchPatternF = searchPatternF->nextpattern;
- totalCheckPts = searchPatternF->searchPoints;
- nextLast = searchPatternF->nextLast;
- motionDirection = 0;
- pointNumber = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- totalCheckPts = searchPatternF->point[motionDirection].next_points;
- pointNumber = searchPatternF->point[motionDirection].start_nmbr;
- center = tmp;
- }
- }
- while (patternStop != 1);
- if ((ref>0) && (img->structure == FRAME) && (( 4 * prevSad[pic_pix_x2] < min_mcost) ||
- ((3 * prevSad[pic_pix_x2] < min_mcost) && (prevSad[pic_pix_x2] <= stopCriterion))))
- {
- mv[0] = tmp.mv_x;
- mv[1] = tmp.mv_y;
- if (params->EPZSSpatialMem)
- #else
- if (params->EPZSSpatialMem && ref == 0)
- #endif
- {
- motion[0] = tmp.mv_x;
- motion[1] = tmp.mv_y;
- *p_motion = tmp;
- }
- return min_mcost;
- }
- //! Check Second best predictor with EPZS pattern
- conditionEPZS = (checkMedian == TRUE)
- && ((img->type == P_SLICE) || (blocktype < 5))
- && (min_mcost > stopCriterion) && (params->EPZSDual > 0);
- if (!conditionEPZS) break;
- pointNumber = 0;
- patternStop = 0;
- motionDirection = 0;
- nextLast = 0;
- if ((tmp.mv_x == 0 && tmp.mv_y == 0) || (tmp.mv_x == mv[0] && tmp.mv_y == mv[1]))
- {
- if (iabs (tmp.mv_x - mv[0]) < (2<<(2-mv_rescale)) && iabs (tmp.mv_y - mv[1]) < (2<<(2-mv_rescale)))
- searchPatternF = sdiamond;
- else
- searchPatternF = square;
- }
- else
- searchPatternF = searchPatternD;
- totalCheckPts = searchPatternF->searchPoints;
- //! Second best. Note that following code is identical as for best predictor.
- center = tmp2;
- checkMedian = FALSE;
- }
- }
- }
- if ((ref==0) || (prevSad[pic_pix_x2] > min_mcost))
- prevSad[pic_pix_x2] = min_mcost;
- if (params->EPZSSpatialMem)
- #else
- if (params->EPZSSpatialMem && ref == 0)
- #endif
- {
- motion[0] = tmp.mv_x;
- motion[1] = tmp.mv_y;
- *p_motion = tmp;
- //printf("value %d %d %d %dn", p_motion->mv_x, p_motion->mv_y, EPZS_Motion[list + list_offset][ref][0][0][0].mv_x, EPZS_Motion[list + list_offset][ref][0][0][0].mv_y);
- //printf("xxxxx %d %d %d %dn", p_motion->mv_x, p_motion->mv_y, EPZS_Motion[list + list_offset][ref][blocktype - 1][block_y][pic_pix_x2].mv_x, EPZS_Motion[list + list_offset][ref][blocktype - 1][block_y][pic_pix_x2].mv_y);
- }
- mv[0] = tmp.mv_x;
- mv[1] = tmp.mv_y;
- return min_mcost;
- }
- /*!
- ***********************************************************************
- * brief
- * FAST Motion Estimation using EPZS
- ***********************************************************************
- */
- int // ==> minimum motion cost after search
- EPZSBiPredBlockMotionSearch (Macroblock *currMB, // <-- Current Macroblock
- imgpel * cur_pic, // <-- original pixel values for the AxB block
- short ref, // <-- reference picture
- int list, // <-- reference list
- int list_offset, // <-- offset for Mbaff
- char ***refPic, // <-- reference array
- short ****tmp_mv, // <-- mv array
- int pic_pix_x, // <-- absolute x-coordinate of regarded AxB block
- int pic_pix_y, // <-- absolute y-coordinate of regarded AxB block
- int blocktype, // <-- block type (1-16x16 ... 7-4x4)
- short pred_mv1[2], // <-- motion vector predictor in sub-pel units
- short pred_mv2[2], // <-- motion vector predictor in sub-pel units
- short mv[2], // <--> in: search center (x|y) / out: motion vector (x|y) - in pel units
- short static_mv[2], // <--> in: search center (x|y)
- int search_range, // <-- 1-d search range in pel units
- int min_mcost, // <-- minimum motion cost (cost for center or huge value)
- int iteration_no, // <-- bi pred iteration number
- int lambda_factor, // <-- lagrangian parameter for determining motion cost
- int apply_weights // <-- perform weight based ME
- )
- {
- StorablePicture *ref_picture1 = listX[list + list_offset][ref];
- StorablePicture *ref_picture2 = listX[(list ^ 1) + list_offset][0];
- short blocksize_y = params->blc_size[blocktype][1]; // vertical block size
- short blocksize_x = params->blc_size[blocktype][0]; // horizontal block size
- short blockshape_x = (blocksize_x >> 2); // horizontal block size in 4-pel units
- // short blockshape_y = (blocksize_y >> 2); // vertical block size in 4-pel units
- short mb_x = pic_pix_x - img->opix_x;
- short mb_y = pic_pix_y - img->opix_y;
- short pic_pix_x2 = pic_pix_x >> 2;
- //short pic_pix_y2 = pic_pix_y >> 2;
- int stopCriterion = medthres[blocktype];
- int mapCenter_x = search_range - mv[0];
- int mapCenter_y = search_range - mv[1];
- int second_mcost = INT_MAX;
- int *prevSad = EPZSBiDistortion[list + list_offset][blocktype - 1];
- short invalid_refs = 0;
- byte checkMedian = FALSE;
- EPZSStructure *searchPatternF = searchPattern;
- static MotionVector center1, center2, tmp, tmp2, cand, cand1, cand2, pred1, pred2;
- pred1.mv_x = (pic_pix_x << 2) + pred_mv1[0]; // predicted position x (in sub-pel units)
- pred1.mv_y = (pic_pix_y << 2) + pred_mv1[1]; // predicted position y (in sub-pel units)
- pred2.mv_x = (pic_pix_x << 2) + pred_mv2[0]; // predicted position x (in sub-pel units)
- pred2.mv_y = (pic_pix_y << 2) + pred_mv2[1]; // predicted position y (in sub-pel units)
- center1.mv_x = (pic_pix_x << (params->EPZSGrid))+ mv[0];
- center1.mv_y = (pic_pix_y << (params->EPZSGrid))+ mv[1];
- center2.mv_x = (pic_pix_x << (params->EPZSGrid))+ static_mv[0];
- center2.mv_y = (pic_pix_y << (params->EPZSGrid))+ static_mv[1];
- cand1.mv_x = center1.mv_x << mv_rescale;
- cand1.mv_y = center1.mv_y << mv_rescale;
- cand2.mv_x = center2.mv_x << mv_rescale;
- cand2.mv_y = center2.mv_y << mv_rescale;
- tmp.mv_x = mv[0];
- tmp.mv_y = mv[1];
- tmp2.mv_x = 0;
- tmp2.mv_y = 0;
- EPZSBlkCount ++;
- if (EPZSBlkCount == 0)
- EPZSBlkCount ++;
- ref_pic1_sub.luma = ref_picture1->p_curr_img_sub;
- ref_pic2_sub.luma = ref_picture2->p_curr_img_sub;
- img_width = ref_picture1->size_x;
- img_height = ref_picture1->size_y;
- width_pad = ref_picture1->size_x_pad;
- height_pad = ref_picture1->size_y_pad;
- if (apply_weights)
- {
- computeBiPred = computeBiPred2[F_PEL];
- }
- else
- {
- computeBiPred = computeBiPred1[F_PEL];
- }
- if ( ChromaMEEnable )
- {
- ref_pic1_sub.crcb[0] = ref_picture1->imgUV_sub[0];
- ref_pic1_sub.crcb[1] = ref_picture1->imgUV_sub[1];
- ref_pic2_sub.crcb[0] = ref_picture2->imgUV_sub[0];
- ref_pic2_sub.crcb[1] = ref_picture2->imgUV_sub[1];
- width_pad_cr = ref_picture1->size_x_cr_pad;
- height_pad_cr = ref_picture1->size_y_cr_pad;
- }
- pic_pix_x = (pic_pix_x << (params->EPZSGrid));
- pic_pix_y = (pic_pix_y << (params->EPZSGrid));
- //===== set function for getting reference picture lines from reference 1 =====
- if ((cand1.mv_x >= 0) && (cand1.mv_x < img_width - blocksize_x) &&(cand.mv_y >= 0) && (cand1.mv_y < img_height - blocksize_y))
- {
- bipred1_access_method = FAST_ACCESS;
- }
- else
- {
- bipred1_access_method = UMV_ACCESS;
- }
- //===== set function for getting reference picture lines from reference 2 =====
- if ((cand2.mv_x >= 0) && (cand2.mv_x < img_width - blocksize_x) &&(cand.mv_y >= 0) && (cand2.mv_y < img_height - blocksize_y))
- {
- bipred2_access_method = FAST_ACCESS;
- }
- else
- {
- bipred2_access_method = UMV_ACCESS;
- }
- // Clear EPZSMap
- //memset(EPZSMap[0],FALSE,searcharray*searcharray);
- // Check median candidate;
- //EPZSMap[0][0] = EPZSBlkCount;
- EPZSMap[search_range][search_range] = EPZSBlkCount;
- //--- initialize motion cost (cost for motion vector) and check ---
- min_mcost = MV_COST_SMP (lambda_factor, cand1.mv_x, cand1.mv_y, pred1.mv_x, pred1.mv_y);
- min_mcost += MV_COST_SMP (lambda_factor, cand2.mv_x, cand2.mv_y, pred2.mv_x, pred2.mv_y);
- //--- add residual cost to motion cost ---
- min_mcost += computeBiPred(cur_pic, blocksize_y, blocksize_x, INT_MAX,
- cand1.mv_x + IMG_PAD_SIZE_TIMES4,
- cand1.mv_y + IMG_PAD_SIZE_TIMES4,
- cand2.mv_x + IMG_PAD_SIZE_TIMES4,
- cand2.mv_y + IMG_PAD_SIZE_TIMES4);
- //! If medthres satisfied, then terminate, otherwise generate Predictors
- if (min_mcost > stopCriterion)
- {
- int mb_available_right = (img->mb_x < (img_width >> 4) - 1);
- int mb_available_below = (img->mb_y < (img_height >> 4) - 1);
- int block_available_right;
- int block_available_below;
- int prednum = 5;
- int patternStop = 0, pointNumber = 0, checkPts, nextLast = 0;
- int totalCheckPts = 0, motionDirection = 0;
- int conditionEPZS;
- MotionVector tmv;
- int pos, mcost;
- PixelPos block_a, block_b, block_c, block_d;
- int *mb_size = img->mb_size[IS_LUMA];
- get4x4Neighbour (currMB, mb_x - 1 , mb_y , mb_size, &block_a);
- get4x4Neighbour (currMB, mb_x , mb_y - 1, mb_size, &block_b);
- get4x4Neighbour (currMB, mb_x + blocksize_x, mb_y - 1, mb_size, &block_c);
- get4x4Neighbour (currMB, mb_x - 1 , mb_y - 1, mb_size, &block_d);
- if (mb_y > 0)
- {
- if (mb_x < 8) // first column of 8x8 blocks
- {
- if (mb_y == 8)
- {
- block_available_right = (blocksize_x != MB_BLOCK_SIZE) || mb_available_right;
- if (blocksize_x == MB_BLOCK_SIZE)
- block_c.available = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- block_available_right = (mb_x + blocksize_x != 8) || mb_available_right;
- if (mb_x + blocksize_x == 8)
- block_c.available = 0;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- block_available_right = (mb_x + blocksize_x != MB_BLOCK_SIZE) || mb_available_right;
- if (mb_x + blocksize_x == MB_BLOCK_SIZE)
- block_c.available = 0;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- block_available_right = (mb_x + blocksize_x != MB_BLOCK_SIZE) || mb_available_right;
- }
- block_available_below = (mb_y + blocksize_y != MB_BLOCK_SIZE) || (mb_available_below);
- stopCriterion = EPZSDetermineStopCriterion(prevSad, &block_a, &block_b, &block_c, pic_pix_x2, blocktype, blockshape_x);
- // stopCriterion = (11 * medthres[blocktype]) >> 3;
- //! Add Spatial Predictors in predictor list.
- //! Scheme adds zero, left, top-left, top, top-right. Note that top-left adds very little
- //! in terms of performance and could be removed with little penalty if any.
- invalid_refs = EPZSSpatialPredictors (block_a, block_b, block_c, block_d,
- list, list_offset, ref, refPic[list], tmp_mv[list], predictor);
- //! Check all predictors
- for (pos = 0; pos < prednum; pos++)
- {
- tmv = predictor->point[pos].motion;
- //if ((iabs (tmv.mv_x - mv[0]) > search_range || iabs (tmv.mv_y - mv[1]) > search_range) && (tmv.mv_x || tmv.mv_y))
- if (iabs (tmv.mv_x - mv[0]) > search_range || iabs (tmv.mv_y - mv[1]) > search_range)
- continue;
- if ((iabs (tmv.mv_x - mv[0]) <= search_range) && (iabs (tmv.mv_y - mv[1]) <= search_range))
- {
- if (EPZSMap[mapCenter_y + tmv.mv_y][mapCenter_x + tmv.mv_x] == EPZSBlkCount)
- continue;
- else
- EPZSMap[mapCenter_y + tmv.mv_y][mapCenter_x + tmv.mv_x] = EPZSBlkCount;
- }
- cand.mv_x = (pic_pix_x + tmv.mv_x)<<mv_rescale;
- cand.mv_y = (pic_pix_y + tmv.mv_y)<<mv_rescale;
- //--- set motion cost (cost for motion vector) and check ---
- mcost = MV_COST_SMP (lambda_factor, cand.mv_x, cand.mv_y, pred1.mv_x, pred1.mv_y);
- mcost += MV_COST_SMP (lambda_factor, cand2.mv_x, cand2.mv_y, pred2.mv_x, pred2.mv_y);
- if (mcost >= second_mcost) continue;
- mcost += computeBiPred(cur_pic, blocksize_y, blocksize_x,
- second_mcost - mcost,
- cand.mv_x + IMG_PAD_SIZE_TIMES4 , cand.mv_y + IMG_PAD_SIZE_TIMES4,
- cand2.mv_x + IMG_PAD_SIZE_TIMES4, cand2.mv_y + IMG_PAD_SIZE_TIMES4);
- //--- check if motion cost is less than minimum cost ---
- if (mcost < min_mcost)
- {
- tmp2 = tmp;
- tmp = tmv;
- second_mcost = min_mcost;
- min_mcost = mcost;
- checkMedian = TRUE;
- }
- //else if (mcost < second_mcost && (tmp.mv_x != tmv.mv_x || tmp.mv_y != tmv.mv_y))
- else if (mcost < second_mcost)
- {
- tmp2 = tmv;
- second_mcost = mcost;
- checkMedian = TRUE;
- }
- }
- //! Refine using EPZS pattern if needed
- //! Note that we are using a conservative threshold method. Threshold
- //! could be tested after checking only a certain number of predictors
- //! instead of the full set. Code could be easily modified for this task.
- if (min_mcost > stopCriterion)
- {
- //! Adapt pattern based on different conditions.
- if (params->EPZSPattern != 0)
- {
- if ((min_mcost < stopCriterion + ((3 * medthres[blocktype]) >> 1)))
- {
- if ((tmp.mv_x == 0 && tmp.mv_y == 0)
- || (iabs (tmp.mv_x - mv[0]) < (2<<(2-mv_rescale)) && iabs (tmp.mv_y - mv[1]) < (2<<(2-mv_rescale))))
- searchPatternF = sdiamond;
- else
- searchPatternF = square;
- }
- else if (blocktype > 5 || (ref > 0 && blocktype != 1))
- searchPatternF = square;
- else
- searchPatternF = searchPattern;
- }
- totalCheckPts = searchPatternF->searchPoints;
- //! center on best predictor
- center1 = tmp;
- while (1)
- {
- do
- {
- checkPts = totalCheckPts;
- do
- {
- tmv.mv_x = center1.mv_x + searchPatternF->point[pointNumber].motion.mv_x;
- tmv.mv_y = center1.mv_y + searchPatternF->point[pointNumber].motion.mv_y;
- cand.mv_x = (pic_pix_x + tmv.mv_x)<<mv_rescale;
- cand.mv_y = (pic_pix_y + tmv.mv_y)<<mv_rescale;
- if ((iabs (tmv.mv_x - mv[0]) <= search_range) && (iabs (tmv.mv_y - mv[1]) <= search_range))
- {
- if (EPZSMap[mapCenter_y + tmv.mv_y][mapCenter_x + tmv.mv_x] != EPZSBlkCount)
- EPZSMap[mapCenter_y + tmv.mv_y][mapCenter_x + tmv.mv_x] = EPZSBlkCount;
- else
- {
- pointNumber += 1;
- if (pointNumber >= searchPatternF->searchPoints)
- pointNumber -= searchPatternF->searchPoints;
- checkPts -= 1;
- continue;
- }
- mcost = MV_COST_SMP (lambda_factor, cand.mv_x, cand.mv_y, pred2.mv_x, pred2.mv_y);
- mcost += MV_COST_SMP (lambda_factor, cand2.mv_x, cand2.mv_y, pred2.mv_x, pred2.mv_y);
- if (mcost < min_mcost)
- {
- mcost += computeBiPred(cur_pic,
- blocksize_y, blocksize_x, min_mcost - mcost,
- cand.mv_x + IMG_PAD_SIZE_TIMES4, cand.mv_y + IMG_PAD_SIZE_TIMES4,
- cand2.mv_x + IMG_PAD_SIZE_TIMES4,
- cand2.mv_y + IMG_PAD_SIZE_TIMES4);
- if (mcost < min_mcost)
- {
- tmp = tmv;
- min_mcost = mcost;
- motionDirection = pointNumber;
- }
- }
- }
- pointNumber += 1;
- if (pointNumber >= searchPatternF->searchPoints)
- pointNumber -= searchPatternF->searchPoints;
- checkPts -= 1;
- }
- while (checkPts > 0);
- if (nextLast || ((tmp.mv_x == center1.mv_x) && (tmp.mv_y == center1.mv_y)))
- {
- patternStop = searchPatternF->stopSearch;
- searchPatternF = searchPatternF->nextpattern;
- totalCheckPts = searchPatternF->searchPoints;
- nextLast = searchPatternF->nextLast;
- motionDirection = 0;
- pointNumber = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- totalCheckPts = searchPatternF->point[motionDirection].next_points;
- pointNumber = searchPatternF->point[motionDirection].start_nmbr;
- center1 = tmp;
- }
- }
- while (patternStop != 1);
- //! Check Second best predictor with EPZS pattern
- conditionEPZS = (checkMedian == TRUE)
- && (blocktype < 5)
- && (min_mcost > stopCriterion) && (params->EPZSDual > 0);
- if (!conditionEPZS) break;
- pointNumber = 0;
- patternStop = 0;
- motionDirection = 0;
- nextLast = 0;
- if ((tmp.mv_x == 0 && tmp.mv_y == 0) || (tmp.mv_x == mv[0] && tmp.mv_y == mv[1]))
- {
- if (iabs (tmp.mv_x - mv[0]) < (2<<(2-mv_rescale)) && iabs (tmp.mv_y - mv[1]) < (2<<(2-mv_rescale)))
- searchPatternF = sdiamond;
- else
- searchPatternF = square;
- }
- else
- searchPatternF = searchPatternD;
- totalCheckPts = searchPatternF->searchPoints;
- //! Second best. Note that following code is identical as for best predictor.
- center1 = tmp2;
- checkMedian = FALSE;
- }
- }
- }
- if (iteration_no == 0)
- {
- prevSad[pic_pix_x2] = min_mcost;
- }
- mv[0] = tmp.mv_x;
- mv[1] = tmp.mv_y;
- return min_mcost;
- }
- /*!
- ***********************************************************************
- * brief
- * Report function for EPZS Fast ME
- ***********************************************************************
- */
- void EPZSOutputStats (InputParameters *params, FILE * stat, short stats_file)
- {
- if (stats_file == 1)
- {
- fprintf (stat, " EPZS Pattern : %sn",c_EPZSPattern[params->EPZSPattern]);
- fprintf (stat, " EPZS Dual Pattern : %sn",c_EPZSDualPattern[params->EPZSDual]);
- fprintf (stat, " EPZS Fixed Predictors : %sn",c_EPZSFixed[params->EPZSFixed]);
- fprintf (stat, " EPZS Temporal Predictors : %sn",c_EPZSOther[params->EPZSTemporal]);
- fprintf (stat, " EPZS Spatial Predictors : %sn",c_EPZSOther[params->EPZSSpatialMem]);
- fprintf (stat, " EPZS Thresholds (16x16) : (%d %d %d)n",medthres[1], minthres[1], maxthres[1]);
- fprintf (stat, " EPZS Subpel ME : %sn",c_EPZSOther[params->EPZSSubPelME]);
- fprintf (stat, " EPZS Subpel ME BiPred : %sn",c_EPZSOther[params->EPZSSubPelMEBiPred]);
- }
- else
- {
- fprintf (stat, " EPZS Pattern : %sn",c_EPZSPattern[params->EPZSPattern]);
- fprintf (stat, " EPZS Dual Pattern : %sn",c_EPZSDualPattern[params->EPZSDual]);
- fprintf (stat, " EPZS Fixed Predictors : %sn",c_EPZSFixed[params->EPZSFixed]);
- fprintf (stat, " EPZS Temporal Predictors : %sn",c_EPZSOther[params->EPZSTemporal]);
- fprintf (stat, " EPZS Spatial Predictors : %sn",c_EPZSOther[params->EPZSSpatialMem]);
- fprintf (stat, " EPZS Thresholds (16x16) : (%d %d %d)n",medthres[1], minthres[1], maxthres[1]);
- fprintf (stat, " EPZS Subpel ME : %sn",c_EPZSOther[params->EPZSSubPelME]);
- fprintf (stat, " EPZS Subpel ME BiPred : %sn",c_EPZSOther[params->EPZSSubPelMEBiPred]);
- }
- }
- /*!
- ***********************************************************************
- * brief
- * Fast sub pixel block motion search to support EPZS
- ***********************************************************************
- */
- int // ==> minimum motion cost after search
- EPZSSubPelBlockMotionSearch (imgpel* orig_pic, // <-- original pixel values for the AxB block
- short ref, // <-- reference frame (0... or -1 (backward))
- int list, // <-- reference picture list
- int list_offset, // <-- MBAFF list offset
- int pic_pix_x, // <-- absolute x-coordinate of regarded AxB block
- int pic_pix_y, // <-- absolute y-coordinate of regarded AxB block
- int blocktype, // <-- block type (1-16x16 ... 7-4x4)
- short pred_mv[2], // <-- motion vector predictor in sub-pel units
- short mv[2], // <--> in: search center / out: motion vector - in pel units
- int search_pos2, // <-- search positions for half-pel search (default: 9)
- int search_pos4, // <-- search positions for quarter-pel search (default: 9)
- int min_mcost, // <-- minimum motion cost (cost for center or huge value)
- int* lambda, // <-- lagrangian parameter for determining motion cost
- int apply_weights // <-- use weight based ME
- )
- {
- int pos, best_pos = 0, second_pos = 0, mcost;
- int second_mcost = INT_MAX;
- int cand_mv_x, cand_mv_y;
- int blocksize_x = params->blc_size[blocktype][0];
- int blocksize_y = params->blc_size[blocktype][1];
- int pic4_pix_x = ((pic_pix_x + IMG_PAD_SIZE)<< 2);
- int pic4_pix_y = ((pic_pix_y + IMG_PAD_SIZE)<< 2);
- int max_pos2 = ( (!start_me_refinement_hp || !start_me_refinement_qp) ? imax(1,search_pos2) : search_pos2);
- StorablePicture *ref_picture = listX[list+list_offset][ref];
- int max_pos_x4 = ((ref_picture->size_x - blocksize_x + 2*IMG_PAD_SIZE)<<2);
- int max_pos_y4 = ((ref_picture->size_y - blocksize_y + 2*IMG_PAD_SIZE)<<2);
- int start_pos = 5, end_pos = max_pos2;
- int lambda_factor = lambda[H_PEL];
- computePred = computeUniPred[H_PEL + 3 * apply_weights];
- ref_pic_sub.luma = ref_picture->p_curr_img_sub;
- width_pad = ref_picture->size_x_pad;
- height_pad = ref_picture->size_y_pad;
- if ( ChromaMEEnable )
- {
- ref_pic_sub.crcb[0] = ref_picture->imgUV_sub[0];
- ref_pic_sub.crcb[1] = ref_picture->imgUV_sub[1];
- width_pad_cr = ref_picture->size_x_cr_pad;
- height_pad_cr = ref_picture->size_y_cr_pad;
- }
- /*********************************
- ***** *****
- ***** *****
- *********************************/
- //===== set function for getting pixel values =====
- if ((pic4_pix_x + mv[0] > 1) && (pic4_pix_x + mv[0] < max_pos_x4 - 1) &&
- (pic4_pix_y + mv[1] > 1) && (pic4_pix_y + mv[1] < max_pos_y4 - 1))
- {
- ref_access_method = FAST_ACCESS;
- }
- else
- {
- ref_access_method = UMV_ACCESS;
- }
- //===== loop over search positions =====
- for (best_pos = 0, pos = start_me_refinement_hp; pos < 5; pos++)
- {
- cand_mv_x = mv[0] + search_point_hp[pos][0]; // quarter-pel units
- cand_mv_y = mv[1] + search_point_hp[pos][1]; // quarter-pel units
- //----- set motion vector cost -----
- mcost = MV_COST_SMP (lambda_factor, cand_mv_x, cand_mv_y, pred_mv[0], pred_mv[1]);
- mcost += computePred( orig_pic, blocksize_y, blocksize_x,
- INT_MAX, cand_mv_x + pic4_pix_x, cand_mv_y + pic4_pix_y);
- if (mcost < min_mcost)
- {
- second_mcost = min_mcost;
- second_pos = best_pos;
- min_mcost = mcost;
- best_pos = pos;
- }
- else if (mcost < second_mcost)
- {
- second_mcost = mcost;
- second_pos = pos;
- }
- }
- if (best_pos ==0 && (pred_mv[0] == mv[0]) && (pred_mv[1] - mv[1])== 0 && min_mcost < subthres[blocktype])
- return min_mcost;
- if (best_pos != 0 && second_pos != 0)
- {
- switch (best_pos ^ second_pos)
- {
- case 1:
- start_pos = 6;
- end_pos = 7;
- break;
- case 3:
- start_pos = 5;
- end_pos = 6;
- break;
- case 5:
- start_pos = 8;
- end_pos = 9;
- break;
- case 7:
- start_pos = 7;
- end_pos = 8;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- switch (best_pos + second_pos)
- {
- case 0:
- start_pos = 5;
- end_pos = 5;
- break;
- case 1:
- start_pos = 8;
- end_pos = 10;
- break;
- case 2:
- start_pos = 5;
- end_pos = 7;
- break;
- case 5:
- start_pos = 6;
- end_pos = 8;
- break;
- case 7:
- start_pos = 7;
- end_pos = 9;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- if (best_pos !=0 || (iabs(pred_mv[0] - mv[0]) + iabs(pred_mv[1] - mv[1])))
- {
- for (pos = start_pos; pos < end_pos; pos++)
- {
- cand_mv_x = mv[0] + search_point_hp[pos][0]; // quarter-pel units
- cand_mv_y = mv[1] + search_point_hp[pos][1]; // quarter-pel units
- //----- set motion vector cost -----
- mcost = MV_COST_SMP (lambda_factor, cand_mv_x, cand_mv_y, pred_mv[0], pred_mv[1]);
- if (mcost >= min_mcost) continue;
- mcost += computePred( orig_pic, blocksize_y, blocksize_x,
- min_mcost - mcost, cand_mv_x + pic4_pix_x, cand_mv_y + pic4_pix_y);
- if (mcost < min_mcost)
- {
- min_mcost = mcost;
- best_pos = pos;
- }
- }
- }
- if (best_pos)
- {
- mv[0] += search_point_hp[best_pos][0];
- mv[1] += search_point_hp[best_pos][1];
- }
- if ( !start_me_refinement_qp )
- min_mcost = INT_MAX;
- /************************************
- ***** *****
- ***** *****
- ************************************/
- //===== set function for getting pixel values =====
- if ((pic4_pix_x + mv[0] > 0) && (pic4_pix_x + mv[0] < max_pos_x4) &&
- (pic4_pix_y + mv[1] > 0) && (pic4_pix_y + mv[1] < max_pos_y4) )
- {
- ref_access_method = FAST_ACCESS;
- }
- else
- {
- ref_access_method = UMV_ACCESS;
- }
- computePred = computeUniPred[Q_PEL + 3 * apply_weights];
- lambda_factor = lambda[Q_PEL];
- second_pos = 0;
- second_mcost = INT_MAX;
- //===== loop over search positions =====
- for (best_pos = 0, pos = start_me_refinement_qp; pos < 5; pos++)
- {
- cand_mv_x = mv[0] + search_point_qp[pos][0]; // quarter-pel units
- cand_mv_y = mv[1] + search_point_qp[pos][1]; // quarter-pel units
- //----- set motion vector cost -----
- mcost = MV_COST_SMP (lambda_factor, cand_mv_x, cand_mv_y, pred_mv[0], pred_mv[1]);
- mcost += computePred( orig_pic, blocksize_y, blocksize_x,
- INT_MAX, cand_mv_x + pic4_pix_x, cand_mv_y + pic4_pix_y);
- if (mcost < min_mcost)
- {
- second_mcost = min_mcost;
- second_pos = best_pos;
- min_mcost = mcost;
- best_pos = pos;
- }
- else if (mcost < second_mcost)
- {
- second_mcost = mcost;
- second_pos = pos;
- }
- }
- if (best_pos ==0 && (pred_mv[0] == mv[0]) && (pred_mv[1] - mv[1])== 0 && min_mcost < subthres[blocktype])
- {
- return min_mcost;
- }
- start_pos = 5;
- end_pos = search_pos4;
- if (best_pos != 0 && second_pos != 0)
- {
- switch (best_pos ^ second_pos)
- {
- case 1:
- start_pos = 6;
- end_pos = 7;
- break;
- case 3:
- start_pos = 5;
- end_pos = 6;
- break;
- case 5:
- start_pos = 8;
- end_pos = 9;
- break;
- case 7:
- start_pos = 7;
- end_pos = 8;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- switch (best_pos + second_pos)
- {
- //case 0:
- //start_pos = 5;
- //end_pos = 5;
- //break;
- case 1:
- start_pos = 8;
- end_pos = 10;
- break;
- case 2:
- start_pos = 5;
- end_pos = 7;
- break;
- case 5:
- start_pos = 6;
- end_pos = 8;
- break;
- case 7:
- start_pos = 7;
- end_pos = 9;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- if (best_pos !=0 || (iabs(pred_mv[0] - mv[0]) + iabs(pred_mv[1] - mv[1])))
- {
- for (pos = start_pos; pos < end_pos; pos++)
- {
- cand_mv_x = mv[0] + search_point_qp[pos][0]; // quarter-pel units
- cand_mv_y = mv[1] + search_point_qp[pos][1]; // quarter-pel units
- //----- set motion vector cost -----
- mcost = MV_COST_SMP (lambda_factor, cand_mv_x, cand_mv_y, pred_mv[0], pred_mv[1]);
- if (mcost >= min_mcost) continue;
- mcost += computePred( orig_pic, blocksize_y, blocksize_x,
- min_mcost - mcost, cand_mv_x + pic4_pix_x, cand_mv_y + pic4_pix_y);
- if (mcost < min_mcost)
- {
- min_mcost = mcost;
- best_pos = pos;
- }
- }
- }
- if (best_pos)
- {
- mv[0] += search_point_qp [best_pos][0];
- mv[1] += search_point_qp [best_pos][1];
- }
- //===== return minimum motion cost =====
- return min_mcost;
- }
- /*!
- ***********************************************************************
- * brief
- * Fast bipred sub pixel block motion search to support EPZS
- ***********************************************************************
- */
- int // ==> minimum motion cost after search
- EPZSSubPelBlockSearchBiPred (imgpel* orig_pic, // <-- original pixel values for the AxB block
- short ref, // <-- reference frame (0... or -1 (backward))
- int list, // <-- reference picture list
- int pic_pix_x, // <-- absolute x-coordinate of regarded AxB block
- int pic_pix_y, // <-- absolute y-coordinate of regarded AxB block
- int blocktype, // <-- block type (1-16x16 ... 7-4x4)
- short pred_mv1[2], // <-- motion vector predictor (x) in sub-pel units
- short pred_mv2[2], // <-- motion vector predictor (x) in sub-pel units
- short mv[2], // <--> in: search center (x) / out: motion vector (x) - in pel units
- short static_mv[2], // <--> in: search center (x) / out: motion vector (x) - in pel units
- int search_pos2, // <-- search positions for half-pel search (default: 9)
- int search_pos4, // <-- search positions for quarter-pel search (default: 9)
- int min_mcost, // <-- minimum motion cost (cost for center or huge value)
- int *lambda, // <-- lagrangian parameter for determining motion cost
- int apply_weights // <-- perform weight based ME
- )
- {
- int list_offset = img->mb_data[img->current_mb_nr].list_offset;
- int pos, best_pos = 0, second_pos = 0, mcost;
- int second_mcost = INT_MAX;
- int cand_mv_x, cand_mv_y;
- int blocksize_x = params->blc_size[blocktype][0];
- int blocksize_y = params->blc_size[blocktype][1];
- int pic4_pix_x = ((pic_pix_x + IMG_PAD_SIZE)<< 2);
- int pic4_pix_y = ((pic_pix_y + IMG_PAD_SIZE)<< 2);
- int start_hp = (min_mcost == INT_MAX) ? 0 : start_me_refinement_hp;
- int max_pos2 = ( (!start_me_refinement_hp || !start_me_refinement_qp) ? imax(1,search_pos2) : search_pos2);
- int smv_x = static_mv[0] + pic4_pix_x;
- int smv_y = static_mv[1] + pic4_pix_y;
- StorablePicture *ref_picture1 = listX[list + list_offset][ref];
- StorablePicture *ref_picture2 = listX[(list ^ 1) + list_offset][0];
- int max_pos_x4 = ((ref_picture1->size_x - blocksize_x + 2*IMG_PAD_SIZE)<<2);
- int max_pos_y4 = ((ref_picture1->size_y - blocksize_y + 2*IMG_PAD_SIZE)<<2);
- int start_pos = 5, end_pos = max_pos2;
- int lambda_factor = lambda[H_PEL];
- ref_pic1_sub.luma = ref_picture1->p_curr_img_sub;
- ref_pic2_sub.luma = ref_picture2->p_curr_img_sub;
- img_width = ref_picture1->size_x;
- img_height = ref_picture1->size_y;
- width_pad = ref_picture1->size_x_pad;
- height_pad = ref_picture1->size_y_pad;
- if (apply_weights)
- {
- computeBiPred = computeBiPred2[H_PEL];
- }
- else
- {
- computeBiPred = computeBiPred1[H_PEL];
- }
- if ( ChromaMEEnable )
- {
- ref_pic1_sub.crcb[0] = ref_picture1->imgUV_sub[0];
- ref_pic1_sub.crcb[1] = ref_picture1->imgUV_sub[1];
- ref_pic2_sub.crcb[0] = ref_picture2->imgUV_sub[0];
- ref_pic2_sub.crcb[1] = ref_picture2->imgUV_sub[1];
- width_pad_cr = ref_picture1->size_x_cr_pad;
- height_pad_cr = ref_picture1->size_y_cr_pad;
- }
- /*********************************
- ***** *****
- ***** *****
- *********************************/
- //===== set function for getting pixel values =====
- if ((pic4_pix_x + mv[0] > 1) && (pic4_pix_x + mv[0] < max_pos_x4 - 1) &&
- (pic4_pix_y + mv[1] > 1) && (pic4_pix_y + mv[1] < max_pos_y4 - 1))
- {
- bipred1_access_method = FAST_ACCESS;
- }
- else
- {
- bipred1_access_method = UMV_ACCESS;
- }
- if ((pic4_pix_x + static_mv[0] > 1) && (pic4_pix_x + static_mv[0] < max_pos_x4 - 1) &&
- (pic4_pix_y + static_mv[1] > 1) && (pic4_pix_y + static_mv[1] < max_pos_y4 - 1))
- {
- bipred2_access_method = FAST_ACCESS;
- }
- else
- {
- bipred2_access_method = UMV_ACCESS;
- }
- //===== loop over search positions =====
- for (best_pos = 0, pos = start_hp; pos < 5; pos++)
- {
- cand_mv_x = mv[0] + search_point_hp[pos][0]; // quarter-pel units
- cand_mv_y = mv[1] + search_point_hp[pos][1]; // quarter-pel units
- //----- set motion vector cost -----
- mcost = MV_COST_SMP (lambda_factor, cand_mv_x, cand_mv_y, pred_mv1[0], pred_mv1[1]);
- mcost += MV_COST_SMP (lambda_factor, static_mv[0], static_mv[1], pred_mv2[0], pred_mv2[1]);
- mcost += computeBiPred(orig_pic, blocksize_y, blocksize_x, INT_MAX,
- cand_mv_x + pic4_pix_x, cand_mv_y + pic4_pix_y, smv_x, smv_y);
- if (mcost < min_mcost)
- {
- second_mcost = min_mcost;
- second_pos = best_pos;
- min_mcost = mcost;
- best_pos = pos;
- }
- else if (mcost < second_mcost)
- {
- second_mcost = mcost;
- second_pos = pos;
- }
- }
- // if (best_pos ==0 && (pred_mv1[0] == mv[0]) && (pred_mv1[1] - mv[1])== 0 && min_mcost < subthres[blocktype])
- //return min_mcost;
- if (best_pos != 0 && second_pos != 0)
- {
- switch (best_pos ^ second_pos)
- {
- case 1:
- start_pos = 6;
- end_pos = 7;
- break;
- case 3:
- start_pos = 5;
- end_pos = 6;
- break;
- case 5:
- start_pos = 8;
- end_pos = 9;
- break;
- case 7:
- start_pos = 7;
- end_pos = 8;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- switch (best_pos + second_pos)
- {
- case 0:
- start_pos = 5;
- end_pos = 5;
- break;
- case 1:
- start_pos = 8;
- end_pos = 10;
- break;
- case 2:
- start_pos = 5;
- end_pos = 7;
- break;
- case 5:
- start_pos = 6;
- end_pos = 8;
- break;
- case 7:
- start_pos = 7;
- end_pos = 9;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- if (best_pos !=0 || (iabs(pred_mv1[0] - mv[0]) + iabs(pred_mv1[1] - mv[1])))
- {
- for (pos = start_pos; pos < end_pos; pos++)
- {
- cand_mv_x = mv[0] + search_point_hp[pos][0]; // quarter-pel units
- cand_mv_y = mv[1] + search_point_hp[pos][1]; // quarter-pel units
- //----- set motion vector cost -----
- mcost = MV_COST_SMP (lambda_factor, cand_mv_x, cand_mv_y, pred_mv1[0], pred_mv1[1]);
- mcost += MV_COST_SMP (lambda_factor, static_mv[0], static_mv[1], pred_mv2[0], pred_mv2[1]);
- if (mcost >= min_mcost) continue;
- mcost += computeBiPred(orig_pic, blocksize_y, blocksize_x, min_mcost - mcost,
- cand_mv_x + pic4_pix_x, cand_mv_y + pic4_pix_y, smv_x, smv_y);
- if (mcost < min_mcost)
- {
- min_mcost = mcost;
- best_pos = pos;
- }
- }
- }
- if (best_pos)
- {
- mv[0] += search_point_hp [best_pos][0];
- mv[1] += search_point_hp [best_pos][1];
- }
- computeBiPred = apply_weights? computeBiPred2[Q_PEL] : computeBiPred1[Q_PEL];
- /************************************
- ***** *****
- ***** *****
- ************************************/
- //===== set function for getting pixel values =====
- if ((pic4_pix_x + mv[0] > 0) && (pic4_pix_x + mv[0] < max_pos_x4) &&
- (pic4_pix_y + mv[1] > 0) && (pic4_pix_y + mv[1] < max_pos_y4))
- {
- bipred1_access_method = FAST_ACCESS;
- }
- else
- {
- bipred1_access_method = UMV_ACCESS;
- }
- if ((pic4_pix_x + static_mv[0] > 0) && (pic4_pix_x + static_mv[0] < max_pos_x4) &&
- (pic4_pix_y + static_mv[1] > 0) && (pic4_pix_y + static_mv[1] < max_pos_y4))
- {
- bipred2_access_method = FAST_ACCESS;
- }
- else
- {
- bipred2_access_method = UMV_ACCESS;
- }
- if ( !start_me_refinement_qp )
- min_mcost = INT_MAX;
- lambda_factor = lambda[Q_PEL];
- second_pos = 0;
- second_mcost = INT_MAX;
- //===== loop over search positions =====
- for (best_pos = 0, pos = start_me_refinement_qp; pos < 5; pos++)
- {
- cand_mv_x = mv[0] + search_point_qp[pos][0]; // quarter-pel units
- cand_mv_y = mv[1] + search_point_qp[pos][1]; // quarter-pel units
- //----- set motion vector cost -----
- mcost = MV_COST_SMP (lambda_factor, cand_mv_x, cand_mv_y, pred_mv1[0], pred_mv1[1]);
- mcost += MV_COST_SMP (lambda_factor, static_mv[0], static_mv[1], pred_mv2[0], pred_mv2[1]);
- mcost += computeBiPred(orig_pic, blocksize_y, blocksize_x, INT_MAX,
- cand_mv_x + pic4_pix_x, cand_mv_y + pic4_pix_y, smv_x, smv_y);
- if (mcost < min_mcost)
- {
- second_mcost = min_mcost;
- second_pos = best_pos;
- min_mcost = mcost;
- best_pos = pos;
- }
- else if (mcost < second_mcost)
- {
- second_mcost = mcost;
- second_pos = pos;
- }
- }
- start_pos = 5;
- end_pos = search_pos4;
- if (best_pos != 0 && second_pos != 0)
- {
- switch (best_pos ^ second_pos)
- {
- case 1:
- start_pos = 6;
- end_pos = 7;
- break;
- case 3:
- start_pos = 5;
- end_pos = 6;
- break;
- case 5:
- start_pos = 8;
- end_pos = 9;
- break;
- case 7:
- start_pos = 7;
- end_pos = 8;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- switch (best_pos + second_pos)
- {
- //case 0:
- //start_pos = 5;
- //end_pos = 5;
- //break;
- case 1:
- start_pos = 8;
- end_pos = 10;
- break;
- case 2:
- start_pos = 5;
- end_pos = 7;
- break;
- case 5:
- start_pos = 6;
- end_pos = 8;
- break;
- case 7:
- start_pos = 7;
- end_pos = 9;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- if (best_pos !=0 || (iabs(pred_mv1[0] - mv[0]) + iabs(pred_mv1[1] - mv[1])))
- {
- for (pos = start_pos; pos < end_pos; pos++)
- {
- cand_mv_x = mv[0] + search_point_qp[pos][0]; // quarter-pel units
- cand_mv_y = mv[1] + search_point_qp[pos][1]; // quarter-pel units
- //----- set motion vector cost -----
- mcost = MV_COST_SMP (lambda_factor, cand_mv_x, cand_mv_y, pred_mv1[0], pred_mv1[1]);
- mcost += MV_COST_SMP (lambda_factor, static_mv[0], static_mv[1], pred_mv2[0], pred_mv2[1]);
- if (mcost >= min_mcost) continue;
- mcost += computeBiPred(orig_pic, blocksize_y, blocksize_x, min_mcost - mcost,
- cand_mv_x + pic4_pix_x, cand_mv_y + pic4_pix_y, smv_x, smv_y);
- if (mcost < min_mcost)
- {
- min_mcost = mcost;
- best_pos = pos;
- }
- }
- }
- if (best_pos)
- {
- mv[0] += search_point_qp[best_pos][0];
- mv[1] += search_point_qp[best_pos][1];
- }
- //===== return minimum motion cost =====
- return min_mcost;
- }