- unit AsphyreDb;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // AsphyreDb.pas Modified: 07-Jan-2007
- // Asphyre Secure Database (ASDb) implementation Version 1.1
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
- // Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- // compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- //
- //
- // Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
- // basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
- // License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
- // under the License.
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // This library uses RSA Data Security, Inc., MD5 message-digest algorithm to
- // verify data integrity.
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- interface
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- uses
- Windows, Classes, Math, SysUtils, StreamEx, AsphyreData, AsphyreMD5,
- AsphyreXTEA;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- const
- ASDbSignature = $62445341; // 'ASDb'
- // record type enumerations
- recUnknown = 0;
- recGraphics = 1;
- recFile = 2;
- recFont = 3;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- type
- PASDbHeader = ^TASDbHeader;
- TASDbHeader = packed record
- Signature : Longword; // signature ('ASDb' = 62445341h)
- RecordCount: Longword; // number of records in the archive
- TableOffset: Longword; // table offset
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- {
- ASDb Table structure:
- Key Name - 4+ bytes (dword: length; [length-bytes]: string chars)
- Offset - unsigned dword
- ASDb Record structure:
- RecordType - word
- OrigSize - unsigned dword
- PhysSize - unsigned dword
- DateTime - double (unsigned qword)
- Checksum - 16 bytes (MD5 message-digest)
- Encoding - word
- IV - unsigned qword (8 bytes) as IV
- DataBlock - DataSize bytes
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- TRecordInfo = record
- Key : string; // record unique identifier
- Offset : Longword; // record offset in archive
- RecordType: Cardinal; // type of the record (generic, file, graphics, etc)
- OrigSize: Cardinal; // original data size
- PhysSize: Cardinal; // physical data size
- DateTime: TDateTime; // record date & time
- Checksum: TKey128; // MD5 message-digest
- Secure : Boolean; // whether record is encrypted
- InitVec: TBlock64;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- TOpenModes = (opUpdate, opOverwrite, opReadOnly);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- TASDb = class
- private
- FUpdatedOnce: Boolean;
- FFileSize : Cardinal;
- FFileName : string;
- FOpenMode : TOpenModes;
- FRecords : array of TRecordInfo;
- ASDbHeader: TASDbHeader;
- FPassword : Pointer;
- InsideKey : TKey128;
- function GetRecordDate(Num: Integer): TDateTime;
- function GetRecordCount(): Integer;
- function GetRecordPhysSize(Num: Integer): Integer;
- function GetRecordKey(Num: Integer): string;
- function GetRecordNum(Key: string): Integer;
- function GetRecordOrigSize(Num: Integer): Integer;
- procedure SetFileName(const Value: string);
- function CreateEmtpyFile(): Boolean;
- function GetRecordType(Num: Integer): Integer;
- function GetRecordSecure(Num: Integer): Boolean;
- function GetRecordChecksum(Num: Integer): PKey128;
- function ReadASDbHeader(Stream: TStream; ASDbHeader: PASDbHeader): Boolean;
- function ReadASDbInfo(Stream: TStream): Boolean;
- function WriteRecordTable(): Boolean;
- function CompressData(Source: Pointer; SourceSize: Cardinal;
- out Data: Pointer; out DataSize: Cardinal): Boolean;
- function DecompressData(Source: Pointer; SourceSize: Cardinal;
- out Data: Pointer; DataSize: Cardinal): Boolean;
- public
- //=========================================================================
- // PUBLIC Properties
- //=========================================================================
- property UpdatedOnce: Boolean read FUpdatedOnce;
- property FileSize: Cardinal read FFileSize;
- property Password: Pointer read FPassword write FPassword;
- property RecordCount: Integer read GetRecordCount;
- property RecordKey[Num: Integer]: string read GetRecordKey;
- property RecordPhysSize[Num: Integer]: Integer read GetRecordPhysSize;
- property RecordOrigSize[Num: Integer]: Integer read GetRecordOrigSize;
- property RecordNum[Key: string]: Integer read GetRecordNum;
- property RecordType[Num: Integer]: Integer read GetRecordType;
- property RecordDate[Num: Integer]: TDateTime read GetRecordDate;
- property RecordSecure[Num: Integer]: Boolean read GetRecordSecure;
- property RecordChecksum[Num: Integer]: PKey128 read GetRecordChecksum;
- //=========================================================================
- // PUBLIC Methods
- //=========================================================================
- procedure SetPassword(const Pass: ShortString);
- procedure BurnPassword();
- // writes the specific record to ASDb archive
- function WriteRecord(const Key: string; Source: Pointer;
- SourceSize: Cardinal; RecordType: Integer): Boolean;
- // writes the entire stream to ASDb archive
- function WriteStream(const Key: string; Stream: TStream;
- RecordType: Integer): Boolean;
- function WriteString(const Key, Text: string;
- RecordType: Integer): Boolean;
- // reads the specified record from ASDb archive
- // NOTE: this method allocates memory which needs to be freed by FreeMem
- function ReadRecord(const Key: string; out Data: Pointer;
- out DataSize: Cardinal): Boolean;
- // reads the record and stores it in the stream
- function ReadStream(const Key: string; Stream: TStream): Boolean;
- // reads ASDb record contents as a text string
- function ReadString(const Key: string; out Text: string): Boolean;
- // removes the record from archive
- function RemoveRecord(const Key: string): Boolean;
- // changes the key of the record without physically moving it
- function RenameRecord(const Key, NewKey: string): Boolean;
- // switches the positions of two records
- function SwitchRecords(Index1, Index2: Integer): Boolean;
- // sorts the records by type not affecting order of items with the same type
- function SortRecords(): Boolean;
- constructor Create();
- // updates the list of ASDb records
- function Update(): Boolean;
- // updates the record list only once
- function UpdateOnce(): Boolean;
- published
- // The name of the archive
- property FileName: string read FFileName write SetFileName;
- // open mode (e.g. WriteBuffer-only)
- property OpenMode: TOpenModes read FOpenMode write FOpeNmode;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- implementation
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- const
- // A record name returned when invalid index is specified
- invRecordName = '[invalid-record-#]';
- // When using compression, a temporary buffer is used to store the final
- // output. Under certain circumstances, the output data size is bigger than
- // the original. For these cases, output buffer is created slightly bigger
- // than the original. The additional percentage added is specified below.
- BufferGrow = 5; // default: 5 (in %)
- // For the same purpose as BufferGrow, this value is simply added to the
- // buffer size previously increased by BufferGrow (for very short buffers).
- BufferGrowAdd = 256; // default: 256
- // In original record position, this offset determines where record data
- // is allocated. This is used for ReadRecord method to get directly to
- // record data. Also used for removing records.
- DataOffset = 44;
- // Temporary archive name to be used when deleting or overwriting records
- TempFilename = 'asdb.tmp';
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- constructor TASDb.Create();
- begin
- inherited;
- FUpdatedOnce:= False;
- FFileSize:= 0;
- FFileName:= '';
- FOpenMode:= opUpdate;
- FPassword:= nil;
- SetLength(FRecords, 0);
- FillChar(ASDbHeader, SizeOf(TASDbHeader), 0);
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function TASDb.GetRecordCount(): Integer;
- begin
- Result:= Length(FRecords);
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function TASDb.GetRecordPhysSize(Num: Integer): Integer;
- begin
- if (Num >= 0)and(Num < Length(FRecords)) then
- begin
- Result:= FRecords[Num].PhysSize;
- end else Result:= 0;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function TASDb.GetRecordOrigSize(Num: Integer): Integer;
- begin
- if (Num >= 0)and(Num < Length(FRecords)) then
- begin
- Result:= FRecords[Num].OrigSize;
- end else Result:= 0;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function TASDb.GetRecordType(Num: Integer): Integer;
- begin
- if (Num >= 0)and(Num < Length(FRecords)) then
- begin
- Result:= FRecords[Num].RecordType;
- end else Result:= 0;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function TASDb.GetRecordKey(Num: Integer): string;
- begin
- if (Num >= 0)and(Num < Length(FRecords)) then
- begin
- Result:= FRecords[Num].Key;
- end else Result:= invRecordName;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function TASDb.GetRecordDate(Num: Integer): TDateTime;
- begin
- if (Num >= 0)and(Num < Length(FRecords)) then
- begin
- Result:= FRecords[Num].DateTime;
- end else Result:= Now();
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function TASDb.GetRecordSecure(Num: Integer): Boolean;
- begin
- if (Num >= 0)and(Num < Length(FRecords)) then
- begin
- Result:= FRecords[Num].Secure;
- end else Result:= False;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function TASDb.GetRecordChecksum(Num: Integer): PKey128;
- begin
- if (Num >= 0)and(Num < Length(FRecords)) then
- begin
- Result:= @FRecords[Num].Checksum;
- end else Result:= nil;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure TASDb.SetFileName(const Value: string);
- begin
- FFileName:= Value;
- FUpdatedOnce:= False;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure TASDb.SetPassword(const Pass: ShortString);
- begin
- MD5Checksum(@Pass[1], Length(Pass), @InsideKey);
- FPassword:= @InsideKey;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure TASDb.BurnPassword();
- begin
- FillChar(InsideKey, SizeOf(TKey128), 0);
- FPassword:= nil;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function TASDb.GetRecordNum(Key: string): Integer;
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- Key:= LowerCase(Key);
- for i:= 0 to Length(FRecords) - 1 do
- if (LowerCase(FRecords[i].Key) = Key) then
- begin
- Result:= i;
- Exit;
- end;
- Result:= -1;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function TASDb.CreateEmtpyFile(): Boolean;
- var
- fs: TStream;
- begin
- // prepare empty header
- FillChar(ASDbHeader, SizeOf(TASDbHeader), 0);
- ASDbHeader.Signature:= ASDbSignature;
- ASDbHeader.RecordCount:= 0;
- // offset to non-existant table
- ASDbHeader.TableOffset:= SizeOf(TASDbHeader);
- // create file stream
- try
- fs:= TFileStream.Create(FFileName, fmCreate or fmShareExclusive);
- except
- Result:= False;
- Exit;
- end;
- // write header
- Result:= True;
- try
- fs.WriteBuffer(ASDbHeader, SizeOf(ASDbHeader));
- except
- Result:= False;
- end;
- // free file stream
- fs.Free();
- // file size
- FFileSize:= SizeOf(ASDbHeader);
- // assume no records exist
- SetLength(FRecords, 0);
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function TASDb.ReadASDbHeader(Stream: TStream; ASDbHeader: PASDbHeader): Boolean;
- begin
- if (Stream = nil) then
- begin
- Result:= False;
- Exit;
- end;
- Result:= True;
- try
- // read ASDb Header
- Stream.Seek(0, soFromBeginning);
- Stream.ReadBuffer(ASDbHeader^, SizeOf(TASDbHeader));
- except
- Result:= False;
- end;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function TASDb.ReadASDbInfo(Stream: TStream): Boolean;
- var
- i: Integer;
- NoStream: Boolean;
- begin
- // release records
- SetLength(FRecords, 0);
- NoStream:= (Stream = nil);
- if (NoStream) then
- begin
- // open the specified file
- try
- Stream:= TFileStream.Create(FFileName, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite);
- except
- Result:= False;
- Exit;
- end;
- end;
- // read & validate ASDbHeader
- Result:= ReadASDbHeader(Stream, @ASDbHeader);
- if (not Result) then
- begin
- if (NoStream) then Stream.Free();
- Exit;
- end;
- // retreive file size
- FFileSize:= Stream.Size;
- // seek record table in archive
- Stream.Seek(ASDbHeader.TableOffset, soFromBeginning);
- // specify record count
- SetLength(FRecords, ASDbHeader.RecordCount);
- // read record names and positions
- try
- for i:= 0 to Length(FRecords) - 1 do
- begin
- // read record name
- FRecords[i].Key:= stReadString(Stream);
- FRecords[i].Offset:= stReadLongword(Stream);
- end;
- except
- Result:= False;
- end;
- // check for Read errors
- if (not Result) then
- begin
- // no records are saved on error
- SetLength(FRecords, 0);
- if (NoStream) then Stream.Free();
- Exit;
- end;
- // check if any records exist in archive
- if (ASDbHeader.RecordCount < 1) then
- begin
- if (NoStream) then Stream.Free();
- Exit;
- end;
- // read record detailed information
- try
- for i:= 0 to Length(FRecords) - 1 do
- begin
- // seek record's position
- Stream.Seek(FRecords[i].Offset, soFromBeginning);
- // record type
- FRecords[i].RecordType:= stReadWord(Stream);
- // basic info
- FRecords[i].OrigSize:= stReadLongword(Stream);
- FRecords[i].PhysSize:= stReadLongword(Stream);
- FRecordS[i].DateTime:= stReadDouble(Stream);
- // MD5 message-digest of record's contents
- Stream.ReadBuffer(FRecords[i].Checksum, SizeOf(TKey128));
- // security information
- FRecords[i].Secure:= Boolean(stReadWord(Stream));
- Stream.ReadBuffer(FRecords[i].InitVec, SizeOf(TBlock64));
- end; // for
- except
- Result:= False;
- end;
- // release stream's memory
- if (NoStream) then Stream.Free();
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function TASDb.Update(): Boolean;
- begin
- Result:= True;
- // act depending of opening mode
- case FOpenMode of
- // create new file
- opOverwrite:
- Result:= CreateEmtpyFile();
- // open file for reading
- opReadOnly:
- Result:= ReadASDbInfo(nil);
- // open file for update
- opUpdate:
- begin
- if (FileExists(FFileName)) then Result:= ReadASDbInfo(nil)
- else Result:= CreateEmtpyFile();
- end;
- end;
- FUpdatedOnce:= Result;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function TASDb.UpdateOnce(): Boolean;
- begin
- Result:= FUpdatedOnce;
- if (not Result) then Result:= Update();
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function TASDb.CompressData(Source: Pointer; SourceSize: Cardinal;
- out Data: Pointer; out DataSize: Cardinal): Boolean;
- var
- CodeBuf : Pointer;
- BufferSize: Cardinal;
- begin
- Result:= True;
- // guaranteed buffer size
- BufferSize:= Ceil((SourceSize * (100 + BufferGrow)) / 100) + BufferGrowAdd;
- // allocate encoding buffer
- GetMem(CodeBuf, BufferSize);
- // inflate the buffer
- DataSize:= AsphyreData.CompressData(Source, CodeBuf, SourceSize, BufferSize,
- clHighest);
- if (DataSize = 0) then
- begin
- FreeMem(CodeBuf);
- Result:= False;
- Exit;
- end;
- // allocate real data container
- GetMem(Data, DataSize);
- // copy the compressed data
- Move(CodeBuf^, Data^, DataSize);
- // release encoding buffer
- FreeMem(CodeBuf);
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function TASDb.DecompressData(Source: Pointer; SourceSize: Cardinal;
- out Data: Pointer; DataSize: Longword): Boolean;
- var
- OutSize: Integer;
- begin
- Result:= True;
- // allocate output buffer
- GetMem(Data, DataSize);
- // decompress the data stream
- OutSize:= AsphyreData.DecompressData(Source, Data, SourceSize, DataSize);
- if (OutSize = 0)or(Int64(OutSize) <> DataSize) then
- begin
- FreeMem(Data);
- Data:= nil;
- Result:= False;
- end;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function TASDb.WriteRecordTable(): Boolean;
- var
- Stream: TFileStream;
- i: Integer;
- begin
- Result:= True;
- // (1) OPEN THE ARCHIVE for *writing*
- try
- Stream:= TFileStream.Create(FFileName, fmOpenWrite or fmShareExclusive);
- except
- Result:= False;
- Exit;
- end;
- try
- // (2) go to the position of record table
- Stream.Seek(ASDbHeader.TableOffset, soFromBeginning);
- // (3) flush the record table
- for i:= 0 to Length(FRecords) - 1 do
- begin
- stWriteString(Stream, FRecords[i].Key);
- stWriteLongword(Stream, FRecords[i].Offset);
- end;
- except
- Result:= False;
- end;
- // (4) release the file stream
- Stream.Free();
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function TASDb.WriteRecord(const Key: string; Source: Pointer;
- SourceSize: Cardinal; RecordType: Integer): Boolean;
- var
- Data: Pointer;
- DataSize: Cardinal;
- i, NewIndex: Integer;
- Stream: TStream;
- RecordOffset: Cardinal;
- InitVec : TBlock64;
- Checksum: TKey128;
- CurDate : TDateTime;
- begin
- Result := False;
- CurDate:= Now();
- // (1) verify open mode
- if (FOpenMode = opReadOnly) then Exit;
- // (2) if the record exists, remove it
- if (GetRecordNum(Key) <> -1) then RemoveRecord(Key);
- // (3) calculate checksum and digest
- MD5Checksum(Source, SourceSize, @Checksum);
- // (4) compress input data
- Result:= CompressData(Source, SourceSize, Data, DataSize);
- if (not Result) then Exit;
- // (5) Apply security
- if (FPassword <> nil) then
- begin
- // -> generate random IV keys
- InitVec[0]:= Round(Random * High(Longword));
- InitVec[1]:= Round(Random * High(Longword));
- // -> encrypt compressed data
- CipherDataXTEA(Data, Data, DataSize, FPassword, @InitVec);
- end else
- begin
- InitVec[0]:= 0;
- InitVec[1]:= 0;
- end;
- // (6) OPEN THE ARCHIVE for reading & writing
- try
- Stream:= TFileStream.Create(FFileName, fmOpenReadWrite or fmShareExclusive);
- except
- Result:= False;
- Exit;
- end;
- // (7) update ASDb info, in case it has been changed
- Result:= ReadASDbInfo(Stream);
- if (not Result) then
- begin
- Stream.Free();
- Exit;
- end;
- // (8) if the record still exists, we cannot proceed
- if (GetRecordNum(Key) <> -1) then
- begin
- Stream.Free();
- Result:= False;
- Exit;
- end;
- // (9) write the ENTIRE RECORD
- try
- // seek the record table position and write the record there!
- RecordOffset:= ASDbHeader.TableOffset;
- Stream.Seek(RecordOffset, soFromBeginning);
- stWriteWord(Stream, RecordType);
- stWriteLongword(Stream, SourceSize);
- stWriteLongword(Stream, DataSize);
- // DATE & TIME
- stWriteDouble(Stream, CurDate);
- // Checksum: MD5 message-digest
- Stream.WriteBuffer(Checksum, SizeOf(Checksum));
- // Security Information
- stWriteWord(Stream, Word(FPassword <> nil));
- Stream.WriteBuffer(InitVec, SizeOf(TBlock64));
- Stream.WriteBuffer(Data^, DataSize);
- except
- Result:= False;
- FreeMem(Data);
- Stream.Free();
- Exit;
- end;
- // (10) add new record to the record list
- NewIndex:= Length(FRecords);
- SetLength(FRecords, NewIndex + 1);
- FRecords[NewIndex].Key:= Key;
- Move(Checksum, FRecords[NewIndex].Checksum, SizeOf(Checksum));
- FRecords[NewIndex].RecordType:= RecordType;
- FRecords[NewIndex].OrigSize:= SourceSize;
- FRecords[NewIndex].PhysSize:= DataSize;
- FRecords[NewIndex].Offset := RecordOffset;
- FRecords[NewIndex].DateTime:= CurDate;
- FRecords[NewIndex].Secure := (FPassword <> nil);
- FRecords[NewIndex].InitVec[0]:= InitVec[0];
- FRecords[NewIndex].InitVec[1]:= InitVec[1];
- // (11) update ASDb Header information
- ASDbHeader.TableOffset:= Stream.Position;
- ASDbHeader.RecordCount:= ASDbHeader.RecordCount + 1;
- try
- // (12) rewrite entire RECORD TABLE
- for i:= 0 to Length(FRecords) - 1 do
- begin
- stWriteString(Stream, FRecords[i].Key);
- stWriteLongword(Stream, FRecords[i].Offset);
- end;
- // (13) write down ASDb HEADER
- Stream.Seek(0, soFromBeginning);
- Stream.WriteBuffer(ASDbHeader, SizeOf(TASDbHeader));
- except
- Result:= False;
- end;
- // (14) Release the stream and memory
- FreeMem(Data);
- Stream.Free();
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function TASDb.WriteStream(const Key: string; Stream: TStream;
- RecordType: Integer): Boolean;
- var
- Data: Pointer;
- DataSize, ReadBytes: Integer;
- begin
- Result:= False;
- // verify open mode
- if (FOpenMode = opReadOnly) then Exit;
- // allocate memory for stream data
- DataSize:= Stream.Size - Stream.Position;
- Data:= AllocMem(DataSize);
- // read the stream data
- ReadBytes:= Stream.Read(Data^, DataSize);
- if (ReadBytes <> DataSize) then
- begin
- FreeMem(Data);
- Exit;
- end;
- // write the data to ASDb
- Result:= WriteRecord(Key, Data, DataSize, RecordType);
- // free the unused memory
- FreeMem(Data);
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function TASDb.WriteString(const Key, Text: string; RecordType: Integer): Boolean;
- begin
- if (Length(Text) < 1) then
- begin
- Result:= False;
- Exit;
- end;
- Result:= WriteRecord(Key, @Text[1], Length(Text), RecordType);
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function TASDb.ReadRecord(const Key: string; out Data: Pointer;
- out DataSize: Cardinal): Boolean;
- var
- PreRelease: Boolean;
- PreBuf : Pointer;
- PreSize : Cardinal;
- Index : Integer;
- Stream : TStream;
- Checksum: TKey128;
- begin
- Result:= False;
- // (1) OPEN archive
- try
- Stream:= TFileStream.Create(FFileName, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite);
- except
- Exit;
- end;
- // (2) update ASDb info, in case it has been changed
- Result:= ReadASDbInfo(Stream);
- if (not Result) then
- begin
- Stream.Free();
- Exit;
- end;
- // (3) find record index
- Index:= GetRecordNum(Key);
- if (Index = -1) then
- begin
- Stream.Free();
- Result:= False;
- Exit;
- end;
- // assign data size
- DataSize:= FRecords[Index].OrigSize;
- // (4) create temporary buffers
- PreSize:= FRecords[Index].PhysSize;
- GetMem(PreBuf, PreSize);
- PreRelease:= True;
- // (5) read the ENTIRE RECORD
- try
- // seek the record position in the file
- Stream.Seek(FRecords[Index].Offset + DataOffset, soFromBeginning);
- // read record data
- Stream.ReadBuffer(PreBuf^, PreSize);
- except
- Result:= False;
- FreeMem(PreBuf);
- Stream.Free();
- Exit;
- end;
- // close the file stream
- Stream.Free();
- // (6) Apply security
- if (FRecords[Index].Secure)and(FPassword <> nil) then
- begin
- DecipherDataXTEA(PreBuf, PreBuf, PreSize, FPassword,
- @FRecords[Index].InitVec);
- end;
- // (7) decompress the data stream
- Result:= DecompressData(PreBuf, PreSize, Data, DataSize);
- if (not Result) then
- begin
- FreeMem(PreBuf);
- Exit;
- end;
- // (8) release buffers
- if (PreRelease) then FreeMem(PreBuf);
- // (9) checksum verification
- MD5Checksum(Data, DataSize, @Checksum);
- Result:= CompareMem(@Checksum, @FRecords[Index].Checksum, SizeOf(Checksum));
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function TASDb.ReadStream(const Key: string; Stream: TStream): Boolean;
- var
- Data: Pointer;
- DataSize, BytesWritten: Cardinal;
- begin
- // read the record data
- Result:= ReadRecord(Key, Data, DataSize);
- // write the record data to stream
- if (Result) then
- begin
- BytesWritten:= Stream.Write(Data^, DataSize);
- Result:= (BytesWritten = DataSize);
- // free the unused memory
- FreeMem(Data);
- end;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function TASDb.ReadString(const Key: string; out Text: string): Boolean;
- var
- Data: Pointer;
- Size: Cardinal;
- begin
- Result:= ReadRecord(Key, Data, Size);
- if (Result) then
- begin
- if (Size > 0) then
- begin
- SetLength(Text, Size);
- Move(Data^, (@Text[1])^, Size);
- FreeMem(Data);
- end else Text:= '';
- end;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function TASDb.RemoveRecord(const Key: string): Boolean;
- var
- InStream, OutStream: TFileStream;
- NewHeader: TASDbHeader;
- NewRecords: array of TRecordInfo;
- i, Index, NewIndex: Integer;
- Data: Pointer;
- DataSize: Cardinal;
- begin
- SetLength(NewRecords, 0);
- Data:= nil;
- // (1) Update record list
- Result:= Update();
- if (not Result) then Exit;
- // (2) retreive record index
- Index:= GetRecordNum(Key);
- if (Index = -1) then
- begin
- Result:= False;
- Exit;
- end;
- // (3) OPEN THE SOURCE for reading & writing
- try
- InStream:= TFileStream.Create(FFileName, fmOpenReadWrite or fmShareDenyWrite);
- except
- Exit;
- end;
- // (4) OPEN THE DESTINATION for writing
- try
- OutStream:= TFileStream.Create(TempFilename, fmCreate);
- except
- Exit;
- end;
- // (5) update ASDb info, in case it has been changed
- Result:= ReadASDbInfo(InStream);
- if (not Result) then
- begin
- InStream.Free();
- OutStream.Free();
- Exit;
- end;
- // (6) create NEW HEADER
- Move(ASDbHeader, NewHeader, SizeOf(TASDbHeader));
- NewHeader.RecordCount:= ASDbHeader.RecordCount - 1;
- // (7) Write temporary ASDb header
- try
- OutStream.WriteBuffer(NewHeader, SizeOf(TASDbHeader));
- except
- Result:= False;
- InStream.Free();
- OutStream.Free();
- Exit;
- end;
- // (8) Completely rewrite RECORD LIST
- for i:= 0 to Length(FRecords) - 1 do
- if (i <> Index) then
- begin
- // create a copy of previous record
- NewIndex:= Length(NewRecords);
- SetLength(NewRecords, NewIndex + 1);
- NewRecords[NewIndex]:= FRecords[i];
- // update record offset
- NewRecords[NewIndex].Offset:= OutStream.Position;
- // allocate temporary buffers
- DataSize:= NewRecords[NewIndex].PhysSize + DataOffset;
- ReallocMem(Data, DataSize);
- // read the whole record block
- try
- InStream.Seek(FRecords[i].Offset, soFromBeginning);
- InStream.ReadBuffer(Data^, DataSize);
- except
- InStream.Free();
- OutStream.Free();
- FreeMem(Data);
- Result:= False;
- Exit;
- end;
- // write the whole record block
- try
- OutStream.WriteBuffer(Data^, DataSize);
- except
- InStream.Free();
- OutStream.Free();
- FreeMem(Data);
- Result:= False;
- Exit;
- end;
- end; // rewrite records
- // the record table follows, update ASDb header
- NewHeader.TableOffset:= OutStream.Position;
- // (9) write NEW RECORD table (and update the current one)
- SetLength(FRecords, Length(NewRecords));
- try
- for i:= 0 to Length(NewRecords) - 1 do
- begin
- // write record info
- stWriteString(OutStream, NewRecords[i].Key);
- stWriteLongword(OutStream, NewRecords[i].Offset);
- // update the record table
- FRecords[i]:= NewRecords[i];
- end;
- // (10) write updated ASDb header
- OutStream.Seek(0, soFromBeginning);
- OutStream.WriteBuffer(NewHeader, SizeOf(TASDbHeader));
- except
- Result:= False;
- InStream.Free();
- OutStream.Free();
- Exit;
- end;
- // update file size
- FFileSize:= OutStream.Size;
- // (11) Release allocated buffers
- if (Data <> nil) then FreeMem(Data);
- InStream.Free();
- OutStream.Free();
- // (12) Switch between temporary file and real one
- try
- DeleteFile(FFileName);
- RenameFile(TempFilename, FFileName);
- except
- Result:= False;
- end;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function TASDb.RenameRecord(const Key, NewKey: string): Boolean;
- var
- Index: Integer;
- begin
- // (1) Check the validity of OpenMode.
- if (FOpenMode in [opOverwrite, opReadonly]) then
- begin
- Result:= False;
- Exit;
- end;
- // (2) Refresh record list.
- Result:= ReadASDbInfo(nil);
- if (not Result) then Exit;
- // (3) Check the validity of specified keys.
- Index:= GetRecordNum(Key);
- if (Index = -1)or(GetRecordNum(NewKey) <> -1) then
- begin
- Result:= False;
- Exit;
- end;
- // (4) Modify record table.
- FRecords[Index].Key:= NewKey;
- // (5) Write new record table.
- Result:= WriteRecordTable();
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function TASDb.SwitchRecords(Index1, Index2: Integer): Boolean;
- var
- Aux: TRecordInfo;
- begin
- // (1) Check the validity of OpenMode.
- if (FOpenMode in [opOverwrite, opReadonly]) then
- begin
- Result:= False;
- Exit;
- end;
- // (2) Refresh record list.
- Result:= ReadASDbInfo(nil);
- if (not Result) then Exit;
- // (3) Validate indexes with updated list.
- if (Index1 < 0)or(Index2 < 0)or(Index1 >= Length(FRecords))or
- (Index2 >= Length(FRecords)) then
- begin
- Result:= False;
- Exit;
- end;
- // (4) Exchange two records.
- Aux:= FRecords[Index1];
- FRecords[Index1]:= FRecords[Index2];
- FRecords[Index2]:= Aux;
- // (5) Write new record table.
- Result:= WriteRecordTable();
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function TASDb.SortRecords(): Boolean;
- var
- i, j: Integer;
- Aux: TRecordInfo;
- begin
- for i:= 0 to Length(FRecords) - 2 do
- for j:= 0 to Length(FRecords) - i - 2 do
- if (FRecords[j].RecordType > FRecords[j + 1].RecordType) then
- begin
- Aux:= FRecords[j];
- FRecords[j]:= FRecords[j + 1];
- FRecords[j + 1]:= Aux;
- end;
- Result:= WriteRecordTable();
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- end.