- unit Matrices4;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Matrices4.pas Modified: 02-Apr-2007
- // Definitions and functions working with 3D 4x4 matrices Version 1.0
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Important Notice:
- //
- // If you modify/use this code or one of its parts either in original or
- // modified form, you must comply with Mozilla Public License v1.1,
- // specifically section 3, "Distribution Obligations". Failure to do so will
- // result in the license breach, which will be resolved in the court.
- // Remember that violating author's rights is considered a serious crime in
- // many countries. Thank you!
- //
- // !! Please *read* Mozilla Public License 1.1 document located at:
- //
- //
- // If you require any clarifications about the license, feel free to contact
- // us or post your question on our forums at:
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
- // Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- // compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- //
- //
- // Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
- // basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
- // License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
- // under the License.
- //
- // The Original Code is Matrices4.pas.
- //
- // The Initial Developer of the Original Code is M. Sc. Yuriy Kotsarenko.
- // Portions created by M. Sc. Yuriy Kotsarenko are Copyright (C) 2007,
- // M. Sc. Yuriy Kotsarenko. All Rights Reserved.
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- interface
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Enable the following option to take advantage of mathematical routines
- // from D3DX interface.
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- {$define SupportD3DX}
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- uses
- {$ifdef SupportD3DX}d3dx9,{$endif} SysUtils, Math, Vectors3;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- type
- PMatrix4 = ^TMatrix4;
- TMatrix4 = record
- Data: array[0..3, 0..3] of Single;
- class operator Add(const a, b: TMatrix4): TMatrix4;
- class operator Subtract(const a, b: TMatrix4): TMatrix4;
- class operator Multiply(const a, b: TMatrix4): TMatrix4;
- class operator Multiply(const Mtx: TMatrix4; Theta: Single): TMatrix4;
- class operator Multiply(const v: TVector3; const m: TMatrix4): TVector3;
- class operator Divide(const Mtx: TMatrix4; Theta: Single): TMatrix4;
- function GetPos(): TVector3;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- const
- IdentityMtx4: TMatrix4 = (Data: ((1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0),
- (0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)));
- ZeroMtx4: TMatrix4 = (Data: ((0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
- (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)));
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Matrix Transposition
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function TransposeMtx4(const Mtx: TMatrix4): TMatrix4;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Inverse of the Matrix
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function InvertMtx4(const m: TMatrix4): TMatrix4;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Translation Matrix
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function TranslateMtx4(const Offset: TVector3): TMatrix4;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Scaling Matrix
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function ScaleMtx4(const Coef: TVector3): TMatrix4;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // String Representation of Matrix
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function StringMtx4(const m: TMatrix4): string;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Rotation Matrix around X-axis
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function RotateXMtx4(Angle: Single): TMatrix4;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Rotation Matrix around Y-axis
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function RotateYMtx4(Angle: Single): TMatrix4;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Rotation Matrix around Z-axis
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function RotateZMtx4(Angle: Single): TMatrix4;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Rotation Matrix around an arbitrary axis
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function RotateMtx4(const Axis: TVector3; Angle: Single): TMatrix4;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Reflection Matrix
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function ReflectMtx4(const Axis: TVector3): TMatrix4;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Look at given point Matrix (left-handed coordinates)
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function LookAtMtx4(const Origin, Target, Roof: TVector3): TMatrix4;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Perspective Projection with Field of View in Y-axis
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function PerspectiveFOVYMtx4(FieldOfView, AspectRatio, MinRange,
- MaxRange: Single): TMatrix4;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Perspective Projection with Field of View in X-axis
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function PerspectiveFOVXMtx4(FieldOfView, AspectRatio, MinRange,
- MaxRange: Single): TMatrix4;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Perspective Projection with View Volume
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function PerspectiveVOLMtx4(Width, Height, MinRange, MaxRange: Single): TMatrix4;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Perspective Projection with Axis Boundaries
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function PerspectiveBDSMtx4(Left, Right, Top, Bottom, MinRange,
- MaxRange: Single): TMatrix4;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Orthogonal Projection with View Volume
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function OrthogonalVOLMtx4(Width, Height, MinRange, MaxRange: Single): TMatrix4;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Orthogonal Projection with Axis Boundaries
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function OrthogonalBDSMtx4(Left, Right, Top, Bottom, MinRange,
- MaxRange: Single): TMatrix4;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Euler rotation matrix with respective heading, pitch and bank.
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function HeadingPitchBankMtx4(Heading, Pitch,
- Bank: Single): TMatrix4; overload;
- function HeadingPitchBankMtx4(const v: TVector3): TMatrix4; overload;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- {$ifdef SupportD3DX}
- function YawPitchRollMtx4(Yaw, Pitch, Roll: Single): TMatrix4; overload;
- function YawPitchRollMtx4(const v: TVector3): TMatrix4; overload;
- {$endif}
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- implementation
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- type
- PLMatrix4 = ^TLMatrix4;
- TLMatrix4 = array[0..15] of Single;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function TMatrix4.GetPos(): TVector3;
- var
- View: PLMatrix4;
- begin
- View:= @Data[0, 0];
- Result.x:= -View[0] * View[12] - View[1] * View[13] - View[2] * View[14];
- Result.y:= -View[4] * View[12] - View[5] * View[13] - View[6] * View[14];
- Result.z:= -View[8] * View[12] - View[9] * View[13] - View[10] * View[14];
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class operator TMatrix4.Add(const a, b: TMatrix4): TMatrix4;
- var
- i, j: Integer;
- begin
- for j:= 0 to 3 do
- for i:= 0 to 3 do
- Result.Data[j, i]:= a.Data[j, i] + b.Data[j, i];
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class operator TMatrix4.Subtract(const a, b: TMatrix4): TMatrix4;
- var
- i, j: Integer;
- begin
- for j:= 0 to 3 do
- for i:= 0 to 3 do
- Result.Data[j, i]:= a.Data[j, i] - b.Data[j, i];
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class operator TMatrix4.Multiply(const a, b: TMatrix4): TMatrix4;
- {$ifndef SupportD3DX}
- var
- i, j: Integer;
- {$endif}
- begin
- {$ifdef SupportD3DX}
- D3DXMatrixMultiply(TD3DXMatrix(Result), TD3DXMatrix(a), TD3DXMatrix(b));
- {$else}
- for j:= 0 to 3 do
- for i:= 0 to 3 do
- Result.Data[j, i]:= (a.Data[j, 0] * b.Data[0, i]) +
- (a.Data[j, 1] * b.Data[1, i]) +
- (a.Data[j, 2] * b.Data[2, i]) +
- (a.Data[j, 3] * b.Data[3, i]);
- {$endif}
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class operator TMatrix4.Multiply(const Mtx: TMatrix4; Theta: Single): TMatrix4;
- var
- i, j: Integer;
- begin
- for j:= 0 to 3 do
- for i:= 0 to 3 do
- Result.Data[j, i]:= Mtx.Data[j, i] * Theta;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class operator TMatrix4.Divide(const Mtx: TMatrix4; Theta: Single): TMatrix4;
- var
- i, j: Integer;
- begin
- for j:= 0 to 3 do
- for i:= 0 to 3 do
- Result.Data[j, i]:= Mtx.Data[j, i] / Theta;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class operator TMatrix4.Multiply(const v: TVector3;
- const m: TMatrix4): TVector3;
- begin
- Result.x:= (v.x * m.Data[0, 0]) + (v.y * m.Data[1, 0]) +
- (v.z * m.Data[2, 0]) + (1.0 * m.Data[3, 0]);
- Result.y:= (v.x * m.Data[0, 1]) + (v.y * m.Data[1, 1]) +
- (v.z * m.Data[2, 1]) + (1.0 * m.Data[3, 1]);
- Result.z:= (v.x * m.Data[0, 2]) + (v.y * m.Data[1, 2]) +
- (v.z * m.Data[2, 2]) + (1.0 * m.Data[3, 2]);
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function StringMtx4(const m: TMatrix4): string;
- var
- s: string;
- i, j: Integer;
- begin
- s:= '{';
- for i:= 0 to 3 do
- begin
- s:= s + '(';
- for j:= 0 to 3 do
- begin
- s:= s + Format('%1.2f', [m.Data[i, j]]);
- if (j < 3) then s:= s + ', ';
- end;
- s:= s + ')';
- if (i < 3) then s:= s + #13#10;
- end;
- Result:= s + '}';
- end;
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function TransposeMtx4(const Mtx: TMatrix4): TMatrix4;
- var
- i, j: Integer;
- begin
- for i:= 0 to 3 do
- for j:= 0 to 3 do
- Result.Data[i, j]:= Mtx.Data[j, i];
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function TranslateMtx4(const Offset: TVector3): TMatrix4;
- begin
- Result:= IdentityMtx4;
- Result.Data[3, 0]:= Offset.x;
- Result.Data[3, 1]:= Offset.y;
- Result.Data[3, 2]:= Offset.z;
- end;
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function ScaleMtx4(const Coef: TVector3): TMatrix4;
- begin
- Result:= IdentityMtx4;
- Result.Data[0, 0]:= Coef.x;
- Result.Data[1, 1]:= Coef.y;
- Result.Data[2, 2]:= Coef.z;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function DetMtx3(a1, a2, a3, b1, b2, b3, c1, c2, c3: Single): Single;
- begin
- Result:= a1 * (b2 * c3 - b3 * c2) - b1 * (a2 * c3 - a3 * c2) +
- c1 * (a2 * b3 - a3 * b2);
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function AdjointMtx4(const m: TMatrix4): TMatrix4;
- begin
- Result.Data[0, 0]:= DetMtx3(m.Data[1, 1], m.Data[2, 1], m.Data[3, 1],
- m.Data[1, 2], m.Data[2, 2], m.Data[3, 2], m.Data[1, 3], m.Data[2, 3],
- m.Data[3, 3]);
- Result.Data[1, 0]:= -DetMtx3(m.Data[1, 0], m.Data[2, 0], m.Data[3, 0],
- m.Data[1, 2], m.Data[2, 2], m.Data[3, 2], m.Data[1, 3], m.Data[2, 3],
- m.Data[3, 3]);
- Result.Data[2, 0]:= DetMtx3(m.Data[1, 0], m.Data[2, 0], m.Data[3, 0],
- m.Data[1, 1], m.Data[2, 1], m.Data[3, 1], m.Data[1, 3], m.Data[2, 3],
- m.Data[3, 3]);
- Result.Data[3, 0]:= -DetMtx3(m.Data[1, 0], m.Data[2, 0], m.Data[3, 0],
- m.Data[1, 1], m.Data[2, 1], m.Data[3, 1], m.Data[1, 2], m.Data[2, 2],
- m.Data[3, 2]);
- Result.Data[0, 1]:= -DetMtx3(m.Data[0, 1], m.Data[2, 1], m.Data[3, 1],
- m.Data[0, 2], m.Data[2, 2], m.Data[3, 2], m.Data[0, 3], m.Data[2, 3],
- m.Data[3, 3]);
- Result.Data[1, 1]:= DetMtx3(m.Data[0, 0], m.Data[2, 0], m.Data[3, 0],
- m.Data[0, 2], m.Data[2, 2], m.Data[3, 2], m.Data[0, 3], m.Data[2, 3],
- m.Data[3, 3]);
- Result.Data[2, 1]:= -DetMtx3(m.Data[0, 0], m.Data[2, 0], m.Data[3, 0],
- m.Data[0, 1], m.Data[2, 1], m.Data[3, 1], m.Data[0, 3], m.Data[2, 3],
- m.Data[3, 3]);
- Result.Data[3, 1]:= DetMtx3(m.Data[0, 0], m.Data[2, 0], m.Data[3, 0],
- m.Data[0, 1], m.Data[2, 1], m.Data[3, 1], m.Data[0, 2], m.Data[2, 2],
- m.Data[3, 2]);
- Result.Data[0, 2]:= DetMtx3(m.Data[0, 1], m.Data[1, 1], m.Data[3, 1],
- m.Data[0, 2], m.Data[1, 2], m.Data[3, 2], m.Data[0, 3], m.Data[1, 3],
- m.Data[3, 3]);
- Result.Data[1, 2]:= -DetMtx3(m.Data[0, 0], m.Data[1, 0], m.Data[3, 0],
- m.Data[0, 2], m.Data[1, 2], m.Data[3, 2], m.Data[0, 3], m.Data[1, 3],
- m.Data[3, 3]);
- Result.Data[2, 2]:= DetMtx3(m.Data[0, 0], m.Data[1, 0], m.Data[3, 0],
- m.Data[0, 1], m.Data[1, 1], m.Data[3, 1], m.Data[0, 3], m.Data[1, 3],
- m.Data[3, 3]);
- Result.Data[3, 2]:= -DetMtx3(m.Data[0, 0], m.Data[1, 0], m.Data[3, 0],
- m.Data[0, 1], m.Data[1, 1], m.Data[3, 1], m.Data[0, 2], m.Data[1, 2],
- m.Data[3, 2]);
- Result.Data[0, 3]:= -DetMtx3(m.Data[0, 1], m.Data[1, 1], m.Data[2, 1],
- m.Data[0, 2], m.Data[1, 2], m.Data[2, 2], m.Data[0, 3], m.Data[1, 3],
- m.Data[2, 3]);
- Result.Data[1, 3]:= DetMtx3(m.Data[0, 0], m.Data[1, 0], m.Data[2, 0],
- m.Data[0, 2], m.Data[1, 2], m.Data[2, 2], m.Data[0, 3], m.Data[1, 3],
- m.Data[2, 3]);
- Result.Data[2, 3]:= -DetMtx3(m.Data[0, 0], m.Data[1, 0], m.Data[2, 0],
- m.Data[0, 1], m.Data[1, 1], m.Data[2, 1], m.Data[0, 3], m.Data[1, 3],
- m.Data[2, 3]);
- Result.Data[3, 3]:= DetMtx3(m.Data[0, 0], m.Data[1, 0], m.Data[2, 0],
- m.Data[0, 1], m.Data[1, 1], m.Data[2, 1], m.Data[0, 2], m.Data[1, 2],
- m.Data[2, 2]);
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function DetMtx4(const m: TMatrix4): Single;
- begin
- {$ifdef SupportD3DX}
- Result:= D3DXMatrixDeterminant(TD3DXMatrix(m));
- {$else}
- Result:= m.Data[0, 0] * DetMtx3(m.Data[1, 1], m.Data[2, 1], m.Data[3, 1],
- m.Data[1, 2], m.Data[2, 2], m.Data[3, 2], m.Data[1, 3], m.Data[2, 3],
- m.Data[3, 3]) - m.Data[0, 1] * DetMtx3(m.Data[1, 0], m.Data[2, 0],
- m.Data[3, 0], m.Data[1, 2], m.Data[2, 2], m.Data[3, 2], m.Data[1, 3],
- m.Data[2, 3], m.Data[3, 3]) + m.Data[0, 2] * DetMtx3(m.Data[1, 0],
- m.Data[2, 0], m.Data[3, 0], m.Data[1, 1], m.Data[2, 1], m.Data[3, 1],
- m.Data[1, 3], m.Data[2, 3], m.Data[3, 3]) - m.Data[0, 3] *
- DetMtx3(m.Data[1, 0], m.Data[2, 0], m.Data[3, 0], m.Data[1, 1],
- m.Data[2, 1], m.Data[3, 1], m.Data[1, 2], m.Data[2, 2], m.Data[3, 2]);
- {$endif}
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function InvertMtx4(const m: TMatrix4): TMatrix4;
- {$ifndef SupportD3DX}
- var
- Det: Single;
- {$endif}
- begin
- {$ifdef SupportD3DX}
- D3DXMatrixInverse(TD3DXMatrix(Result), nil, TD3DXMatrix(m));
- {$else}
- Det:= DetMtx4(m);
- if (Det <> 0.0) then
- begin
- Result:= AdjointMtx4(m) / Det;
- end else Result:= IdentityMtx4
- {$endif}
- end;
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function RotateXMtx4(Angle: Single): TMatrix4;
- begin
- {$ifdef SupportD3DX}
- D3DXMatrixRotationX(TD3DXMatrix(Result), Angle);
- {$else}
- Result:= IdentityMtx4;
- Result.Data[1, 1]:= Cos(Angle);
- Result.Data[1, 2]:= Sin(Angle);
- Result.Data[2, 1]:= -Result.Data[1, 2];
- Result.Data[2, 2]:= Result.Data[1, 1];
- {$endif}
- end;
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function RotateYMtx4(Angle: Single): TMatrix4;
- begin
- {$ifdef SupportD3DX}
- D3DXMatrixRotationY(TD3DXMatrix(Result), Angle);
- {$else}
- Result:= IdentityMtx4;
- Result.Data[0, 0]:= Cos(Angle);
- Result.Data[0, 2]:= -Sin(Angle);
- Result.Data[2, 0]:= -Result.Data[0, 2];
- Result.Data[2, 2]:= Result.Data[0, 0];
- {$endif}
- end;
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function RotateZMtx4(Angle: Single): TMatrix4;
- begin
- {$ifdef SupportD3DX}
- D3DXMatrixRotationZ(TD3DXMatrix(Result), Angle);
- {$else}
- Result:= IdentityMtx4;
- Result.Data[0, 0]:= Cos(Angle);
- Result.Data[0, 1]:= Sin(Angle);
- Result.Data[1, 0]:= -Result.Data[0, 1];
- Result.Data[1, 1]:= Result.Data[0, 0];
- {$endif}
- end;
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function RotateMtx4(const Axis: TVector3; Angle: Single): TMatrix4;
- {$ifndef SupportD3DX}
- var
- CosTh, iCosTh, SinTh: Single;
- xy, xz, yz, xSin, ySin, zSin: Single;
- {$endif}
- begin
- {$ifdef SupportD3DX}
- D3DXMatrixRotationAxis(TD3DXMatrix(Result), TD3DXVector3(Axis), Angle);
- {$else}
- CosTh := Cos(Angle);
- iCosTh:= 1.0 - CosTh;
- SinTh := Sin(Angle);
- xy := Axis.x * Axis.y * iCosTh;
- xz := Axis.x * Axis.z * iCosTh;
- yz := Axis.y * Axis.z * iCosTh;
- xSin := Axis.x * SinTh;
- ySin := Axis.y * SinTh;
- zSin := Axis.z * SinTh;
- Result:= IdentityMtx4;
- Result.Data[0, 0]:= (Sqr(Axis.x) * iCosTh) + CosTh;
- Result.Data[0, 1]:= xy + zSin;
- Result.Data[0, 2]:= xz - ySin;
- Result.Data[1, 0]:= xy - zSin;
- Result.Data[1, 1]:= (Sqr(Axis.y) * iCosTh) + CosTh;
- Result.Data[1, 2]:= yz + xSin;
- Result.Data[2, 0]:= xz + ySin;
- Result.Data[2, 1]:= yz - xSin;
- Result.Data[2, 2]:= (Sqr(Axis.z) * iCosTh) + CosTh;
- {$endif}
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function ReflectMtx4(const Axis: TVector3): TMatrix4;
- var
- xy, yz, xz: Single;
- begin
- xy:= -2.0 * Axis.x * Axis.y;
- xz:= -2.0 * Axis.x * Axis.z;
- yz:= -2.0 * Axis.y * Axis.z;
- Result:= IdentityMtx4;
- Result.Data[0, 0]:= 1.0 - (2.0 * Sqr(Axis.x));
- Result.Data[0, 1]:= xy;
- Result.Data[0, 2]:= xz;
- Result.Data[1, 0]:= xy;
- Result.Data[1, 1]:= 1.0 - (2.0 * Sqr(Axis.y));
- Result.Data[1, 2]:= yz;
- Result.Data[2, 0]:= xz;
- Result.Data[2, 1]:= yz;
- Result.Data[2, 2]:= 1.0 - (2.0 * Sqr(Axis.z));
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function LookAtMtx4(const Origin, Target, Roof: TVector3): TMatrix4;
- {$ifndef SupportD3DX}
- var
- xAxis, yAxis, zAxis: TVector3;
- {$endif}
- begin
- {$ifdef SupportD3DX}
- D3DXMatrixLookAtLH(TD3DXMatrix(Result), TD3DXVector3(Origin),
- TD3DXVector3(Target), TD3DXVector3(Roof));
- {$else}
- zAxis:= Norm3(Target - Origin);
- xAxis:= Norm3(Cross3(Roof, zAxis));
- yAxis:= Cross3(zAxis, xAxis);
- Result.Data[0, 0]:= xAxis.x;
- Result.Data[0, 1]:= yAxis.x;
- Result.Data[0, 2]:= zAxis.x;
- Result.Data[0, 3]:= 0.0;
- Result.Data[1, 0]:= xAxis.y;
- Result.Data[1, 1]:= yAxis.y;
- Result.Data[1, 2]:= zAxis.y;
- Result.Data[1, 3]:= 0.0;
- Result.Data[2, 0]:= xAxis.z;
- Result.Data[2, 1]:= yAxis.z;
- Result.Data[2, 2]:= zAxis.z;
- Result.Data[2, 3]:= 0.0;
- Result.Data[3, 0]:= -Dot3(xAxis, Origin);
- Result.Data[3, 1]:= -Dot3(yAxis, Origin);
- Result.Data[3, 2]:= -Dot3(zAxis, Origin);
- Result.Data[3, 3]:= 1.0;
- {$endif}
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function PerspectiveFOVYMtx4(FieldOfView, AspectRatio, MinRange,
- MaxRange: Single): TMatrix4;
- var
- xScale, yScale, zCoef: Single;
- begin
- yScale:= Cot(FieldOfView * 0.5);
- xScale:= yScale / AspectRatio;
- zCoef := MaxRange / (MaxRange - MinRange);
- Result:= ZeroMtx4;
- Result.Data[0, 0]:= xScale;
- Result.Data[1, 1]:= yScale;
- Result.Data[2, 2]:= zCoef;
- Result.Data[2, 3]:= 1.0;
- Result.Data[3, 2]:= -MinRange * zCoef;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function PerspectiveFOVXMtx4(FieldOfView, AspectRatio, MinRange,
- MaxRange: Single): TMatrix4;
- var
- xScale, yScale, zCoef: Single;
- begin
- xScale:= Cot(FieldOfView * 0.5);
- yScale:= xScale / AspectRatio;
- zCoef := MaxRange / (MaxRange - MinRange);
- Result:= ZeroMtx4;
- Result.Data[0, 0]:= xScale;
- Result.Data[1, 1]:= yScale;
- Result.Data[2, 2]:= zCoef;
- Result.Data[2, 3]:= 1.0;
- Result.Data[3, 2]:= -MinRange * zCoef;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function PerspectiveVOLMtx4(Width, Height, MinRange, MaxRange: Single): TMatrix4;
- begin
- Result:= ZeroMtx4;
- Result.Data[0, 0]:= (2.0 * MinRange) / Width;
- Result.Data[1, 1]:= (2.0 * MinRange) / Height;
- Result.Data[2, 2]:= MaxRange / (MaxRange - MinRange);
- Result.Data[2, 3]:= 1.0;
- Result.Data[3, 2]:= MinRange * MaxRange / (MinRange - MaxRange);
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function PerspectiveBDSMtx4(Left, Right, Top, Bottom, MinRange,
- MaxRange: Single): TMatrix4;
- begin
- Result:= ZeroMtx4;
- Result.Data[0, 0]:= (2.0 * MinRange) / (Right - Left);
- Result.Data[1, 1]:= (2.0 * MinRange) / (Top - Bottom);
- Result.Data[2, 0]:= (Left + Right) / (Left - Right);
- Result.Data[2, 1]:= (Top + Bottom) / (Bottom - Top);
- Result.Data[2, 2]:= MaxRange / (MaxRange - MinRange);
- Result.Data[2, 3]:= 1.0;
- Result.Data[3, 2]:= MinRange * MaxRange / (MinRange - MaxRange);
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function OrthogonalVOLMtx4(Width, Height, MinRange, MaxRange: Single): TMatrix4;
- begin
- Result:= ZeroMtx4;
- Result.Data[0, 0]:= 2.0 / Width;
- Result.Data[1, 1]:= 2.0 / Height;
- Result.Data[2, 2]:= 1.0 / (MaxRange - MinRange);
- Result.Data[2, 3]:= MinRange / (MinRange - MaxRange);
- Result.Data[3, 3]:= 1.0;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function OrthogonalBDSMtx4(Left, Right, Top, Bottom, MinRange,
- MaxRange: Single): TMatrix4;
- begin
- Result:= ZeroMtx4;
- Result.Data[0, 0]:= 2.0 / (Right - Left);
- Result.Data[1, 1]:= 2.0 / (Top - Bottom);
- Result.Data[2, 2]:= 1.0 / (MaxRange - MinRange);
- Result.Data[2, 3]:= MinRange / (MinRange - MaxRange);
- Result.Data[3, 0]:= (Left + Right) / (Left - Right);
- Result.Data[3, 1]:= (Top + Bottom) / (Bottom - Top);
- Result.Data[3, 2]:= MinRange / (MinRange - MaxRange);
- Result.Data[3, 3]:= 1.0;
- end;
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function HeadingPitchBankMtx4(Heading, Pitch, Bank: Single): TMatrix4;
- var
- CosH, SinH: Single;
- CosP, SinP: Single;
- CosB, SinB: Single;
- begin
- Result:= IdentityMtx4;
- CosH:= Cos(Heading);
- SinH:= Sin(Heading);
- CosP:= Cos(Pitch);
- SinP:= Sin(Pitch);
- CosB:= Cos(Bank);
- SinB:= Sin(Bank);
- Result.Data[0, 0]:= (CosH * CosB) + (SinH * SinP * SinB);
- Result.Data[0, 1]:= (-CosH * SinB) + (SinH * SinP * CosB);
- Result.Data[0, 2]:= SinH * CosP;
- Result.Data[1, 0]:= SinB * CosP;
- Result.Data[1, 1]:= CosB * CosP;
- Result.Data[1, 2]:= -SinP;
- Result.Data[2, 0]:= (-SinH * CosB) + (CosH * SinP * SinB);
- Result.Data[2, 1]:= (SinB * SinH) + (CosH * SinP * CosB);
- Result.Data[2, 2]:= CosH * CosP;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function HeadingPitchBankMtx4(const v: TVector3): TMatrix4; overload;
- begin
- Result:= HeadingPitchBankMtx4(v.y, v.x, v.z);
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- {$ifdef SupportD3DX}
- function YawPitchRollMtx4(Yaw, Pitch, Roll: Single): TMatrix4; overload;
- begin
- D3DXMatrixRotationYawPitchRoll(TD3DXMatrix(Result), Yaw, Pitch, Roll);
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function YawPitchRollMtx4(const v: TVector3): TMatrix4; overload;
- begin
- D3DXMatrixRotationYawPitchRoll(TD3DXMatrix(Result), v.y, v.x, v.z);
- end;
- {$endif}
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- end.