- unit AsphyreCanvas;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // AsphyreCanvas.pas Modified: 21-Feb-2007
- // Hardware-accelerated 2D implementation Version 2.1
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Important Notice:
- //
- // If you modify/use this code or one of its parts either in original or
- // modified form, you must comply with Mozilla Public License v1.1,
- // specifically section 3, "Distribution Obligations". Failure to do so will
- // result in the license breach, which will be resolved in the court.
- // Remember that violating author's rights is considered a serious crime in
- // many countries. Thank you!
- //
- // !! Please *read* Mozilla Public License 1.1 document located at:
- //
- //
- // If you require any clarifications about the license, feel free to contact
- // us or post your question on our forums at:
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
- // Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- // compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- //
- //
- // Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
- // basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
- // License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
- // under the License.
- //
- // The Original Code is AsphyreCanvas.pas.
- //
- // The Initial Developer of the Original Code is M. Sc. Yuriy Kotsarenko.
- // Portions created by M. Sc. Yuriy Kotsarenko are Copyright (C) 2007,
- // Afterwarp Interactive. All Rights Reserved.
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- interface
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- uses
- Windows, Direct3D9, D3DX9, Types, Vectors2, Vectors2px, AsphyreColors,
- AsphyreTypes, AsphyreUtils, AsphyreEvents, AsphyreEffects, AsphyreTextures,
- AsphyreImages, AsphyrePalettes;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // The following options control the way how primitives are rendered.
- // Generally, there are two ways to render a single primitive:
- // a) Using lists of triangles that are cached together
- // b) Using triangle strips or fans individually
- //
- // Although the second option reduces the bandwidth usage by producing
- // considerably less vertices (and may not need indexes at all), it is
- // generally much slower because of Direct3D overhead.
- //
- // Therefore, the ideal would be using option a) and drawing everything in
- // groups of similar primitives, e.g.: first draw all rectangles, then all
- // images with the same index/pattern, then all text, etc.
- //
- // However, grouping similar primitives may not be possible in some cases,
- // such as when drawing GUI that need to be "layered".
- //
- // The options below specify how individual primitive is rendered. Enable
- // each one of the option to use the option b) for rendering primitives, by
- // removing the dot before "$DEFINE". If you want to use option a) for
- // rendering, then disable the declaration by adding dot to the define,
- // thus effectively disabling it, e.g.:
- // {.$DEFINE FillTriUncached} -> use option a) for drawing filled triangles.
- // {$DEFINE FillTriUncached} -> use option b) for drawing filled triangles.
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- {.$DEFINE FillTriUncached}
- {.$DEFINE FillQuadUncached}
- {.$DEFINE FillQuadExUncached}
- {.$DEFINE FillArcUncached}
- {.$DEFINE FillRibbonUncached}
- {.$DEFINE FrameRibbonUncached}
- {.$DEFINE TexMapUncached}
- {.$DEFINE TexTriUncached}
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- const
- // The following parameters highly affect the rendering performance. The
- // higher values means that more primitives will fit in cache, but it will
- // also occupy more bandwidth, even when few primitives are rendered.
- //
- // These parameters can be fine-tuned in a finished product to improve the
- // overall performance.
- MaxCachedPrimitives = 2048;
- MaxCachedIndexes = 4096;
- MaxCachedVertices = 4096;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- type
- TDrawingMode = (dmUnspecified, dmPointList, dmLineList, dmLineStrip,
- dmTriangleList, dmTriangleStrip, dmTriangleFan);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- TAsphyreCanvas = class
- private
- FDevice: TObject;
- VertexBuffer: IDirect3DVertexBuffer9;
- IndexBuffer : IDirect3DIndexBuffer9;
- DXLine : ID3DXLine;
- VertexArray : Pointer;
- IndexArray : Pointer;
- FDrawingMode: TDrawingMode;
- FIndexedMode: Boolean;
- FVertexCache: Integer;
- FIndexCache : Integer;
- FVertexCount: Integer;
- FIndexCount : Integer;
- FPrimitives : Integer;
- FMaxPrimitives: Integer;
- FCacheStall : Integer;
- FDithering : Boolean;
- FAntialias : TAntialiasType;
- FAlphaTest : Boolean;
- CachedDrawFx: Integer;
- CachedTex : TAsphyreCustomTexture;
- ActiveTex : TAsphyreCustomTexture;
- QuadMapping : TPoint4;
- FClipRect : TRect;
- FMipMapping: TMipmappingType;
- procedure InitCacheSpec();
- function CreateStaticObjects(): Boolean;
- procedure DestroyStaticObjects();
- procedure PrepareVertexArray();
- procedure OnDeviceCreate(Sender: TObject; EventParam: Pointer;
- var Success: Boolean);
- procedure OnDeviceDestroy(Sender: TObject; EventParam: Pointer;
- var Success: Boolean);
- function CreateDynamicBuffers(): Boolean;
- procedure DestroyDynamicBuffers();
- procedure ResetDeviceStates();
- procedure OnDeviceReset(Sender: TObject; EventParam: Pointer;
- var Success: Boolean);
- procedure OnDeviceLost(Sender: TObject; EventParam: Pointer;
- var Success: Boolean);
- procedure SetAntialias(const Value: TAntialiasType);
- procedure SetMipmapping(const Value: TMipmappingType);
- procedure SetDithering(const Value: Boolean);
- function GetLineAntialias(): Boolean;
- function GetLineWidth(): Real;
- procedure SetLineAntialias(const Value: Boolean);
- procedure SetLineWidth(const Value: Real);
- function GetClipRect(): TRect;
- procedure SetClipRect(const Value: TRect);
- procedure OnEndScene(Sender: TObject; EventParam: Pointer;
- var Success: Boolean);
- protected
- AfterFlush: Boolean;
- function UploadVertexBuffer(): Boolean; virtual;
- function UploadIndexBuffer(): Boolean; virtual;
- function PrepareDraw(): Boolean; virtual;
- function BufferDraw(): Boolean; virtual;
- procedure ResetCache(); virtual;
- function NextVertexEntry(): Pointer;
- procedure AddIndexEntry(Index: Integer);
- procedure RequestCache(Mode: TDrawingMode; Indexed: Boolean; Vertices,
- Indices, DrawFx: Integer; ReqTex: TAsphyreCustomTexture); virtual;
- public
- // This property should always point to a valid and active TAsphyreDevice.
- property Device: TObject read FDevice;
- // The following properties indicate the current type of buffer cache.
- property DrawingMode: TDrawingMode read FDrawingMode;
- property IndexedMode: Boolean read FIndexedMode;
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // The following parameters indicate the cache characteristics.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- property VertexCache: Integer read FVertexCache;
- property IndexCache : Integer read FIndexCache;
- property VertexCount: Integer read FVertexCount;
- property IndexCount : Integer read FIndexCount;
- property Primitives : Integer read FPrimitives;
- property MaxPrimitives: Integer read FMaxPrimitives;
- // Whether the image should be antialiased while rendering.
- property Antialias : TAntialiasType read FAntialias write SetAntialias;
- property MipMapping: TMipmappingType read FMipMapping write SetMipmapping;
- // Whether the image should be dithered, when rendered on lower-quality
- // surface.
- property Dithering: Boolean read FDithering write SetDithering;
- // Enable this option to discard the pixels with alpha = 0. This can
- // improve the performance slightly when drawing many transparent sprites.
- property AlphaTest: Boolean read FAlphaTest write FAlphaTest;
- // The clipping rectangle used for rendering. Nothing will be visible
- // outside of this rectangle.
- property ClipRect: TRect read GetClipRect write SetClipRect;
- // Parameters that indicate the appearance of lines when drawing them
- // using methods ending with "Ex", e.g. LineEx().
- property LineWidth : Real read GetLineWidth write SetLineWidth;
- property LineAntialias: Boolean read GetLineAntialias write SetLineAntialias;
- // Indicates how many times the buffer has been flushed out inside current
- // scene block.
- property CacheStall: Integer read FCacheStall;
- // Flushes the buffer cache.
- procedure Flush(); virtual;
- // Pixel drawing routines.
- procedure PutPixel(const Point: TPoint2; Color: Cardinal;
- DrawFx: Integer); overload;
- procedure PutPixel(x, y: Single; Color: Cardinal; DrawFx: Integer); overload;
- // Line drawing routines which support antialiased lines with custom width.
- procedure LineEx(const Src, Dest: TPoint2; Color: Cardinal); overload;
- procedure LineEx(x1, y1, x2, y2: Single; Color: Cardinal); overload;
- procedure LineEx(const Src, Dest: TPoint; Color: Cardinal); overload;
- // Hardware line drawing routines. These are much faster than LineEx,
- // but they are not always antialiased and you can't change their width.
- procedure LineHw(const Src, Dest: TPoint2; Color0, Color1: Cardinal;
- DrawFx: Integer); overload;
- procedure LineHw(x1, y1, x2, y2: Single; Color0, Color1: Cardinal;
- DrawFx: Integer); overload;
- procedure LineHw(const Src, Dest: TPoint; Color0, Color1: Cardinal;
- DrawFx: Integer); overload;
- // These routines render filled triangles.
- procedure FillTri(const p1, p2, p3: TPoint2; c1, c2, c3: Cardinal;
- DrawFx: Integer); overload;
- procedure FillTri(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3: Single; c1, c2, c3: Cardinal;
- DrawFx: Integer); overload;
- // This routine renders filled quad.
- procedure FillQuad(const Points: TPoint4; const Colors: TColor4;
- DrawFx: Integer);
- // This does the same job as FillQuad(), but uses subdivision to provide
- // better gradient-filling precision. It draws 6 triangles instead of 2.
- procedure FillQuadEx(const Points: TPoint4; const Colors: TColor4;
- DrawFx: Integer);
- // Draws lines along the specified 4 corners to complete a rectangle.
- // This uses hardware lines (e.g. LineHw).
- procedure WireQuadHw(const Points: TPoint4; const Colors: TColor4;
- DrawFx: Integer);
- // Draws lines across four specified points using LineEx() approach.
- procedure WireQuadEx(const Points: TPoint4; Color: Cardinal);
- // Draw a triangle frame using LineEx() method.
- procedure WireTriEx(const p1, p2, p3: TPoint2; Color: Cardinal);
- // The following functions call FillQuad() to render filled rectangles.
- procedure FillRect(const Rect: TRect; const Colors: TColor4;
- DrawFx: Integer); overload;
- procedure FillRect(const Rect: TRect; Color: Cardinal;
- DrawFx: Integer); overload;
- procedure FillRect(Left, Top, Width, Height: Integer; Color: Cardinal;
- DrawFx: Integer); overload;
- // The following routines draw rectangles using WireQuadHw.
- procedure FrameRect(const Rect: TRect; const Colors: TColor4;
- DrawFx: Integer); overload;
- procedure FrameRect(const Rect: TRect; Color: Cardinal;
- DrawFx: Integer); overload;
- procedure FrameRect(Left, Top, Width, Height: Integer; Color: Cardinal;
- DrawFx: Integer); overload;
- // Draws a filled arc.
- procedure FillArc(x, y, RadiusX, RadiusY, InitPhi, EndPhi: Single;
- Steps: Integer; const Colors: TColor4; DrawFx: Integer);
- // The following routines draw filled ellipses and circles.
- procedure FillEllipse(x, y, RadiusX, RadiusY: Single; Steps: Integer;
- const Colors: TColor4; DrawFx: Integer);
- procedure FillCircle(x, y, Radius: Single; Steps: Integer;
- const Colors: TColor4; DrawFx: Integer); overload;
- // The following routines draw ellipses and circles using LineEx routines.
- procedure Ellipse(x, y, RadiusX, RadiusY: Single; Steps: Integer;
- Color: Cardinal);
- procedure Circle(x, y, Radius: Single; Steps: Integer; Color: Cardinal);
- // The following routines draw a filled-ribbon, which is an arc with a
- // hole inside it.
- procedure FillRibbon(x, y, InRadiusX, InRadiusY, OutRadiusX, OutRadiusY,
- InitPhi, EndPhi: single; Steps: Integer; const Colors: TColor4;
- DrawFx: Integer); overload;
- procedure FillRibbon(x, y, InRadiusX, InRadiusY, OutRadiusX, OutRadiusY,
- InitPhi, EndPhi: Single; Steps: Integer; Palette: TAsphyrePalette;
- DrawFx: Integer); overload;
- // The following routines draw a border made of lines for the ribbon,
- // which is drawn with the above FillRibbon routines.
- procedure FrameRibbonHw(x, y, InRadiusX, InRadiusY, OutRadiusX, OutRadiusY,
- InitPhi, EndPhi: Single; Steps: Integer; Color: Cardinal;
- DrawFx: Integer);
- procedure FrameRibbonEx(x, y, InRadiusX, InRadiusY, OutRadiusX, OutRadiusY,
- InitPhi, EndPhi: Single; Steps: Integer; Color: Cardinal);
- // Specify texture coordinates for rendering textured quads.
- procedure UseImage(Image: TAsphyreCustomImage;
- const Mapping: TPoint4; TexNum: Integer = 0); overload;
- procedure UseImage(Image: TAsphyreCustomImage;
- const Mapping: TPoint4px; TexNum: Integer = 0); overload;
- procedure UseImage(Image: TAsphyreCustomImage; Pattern: Integer); overload;
- procedure UseImage(Image: TAsphyreCustomImage; Pattern: Integer;
- const SrcRect: TRect; Mirror: Boolean = False;
- Flip: Boolean = False); overload;
- // Renders the textured quad.
- procedure TexMap(const Points: TPoint4; const Colors: TColor4;
- DrawFx: Integer);
- // Specify texture coordinates for rendering textured triangles.
- procedure UseImageTri(Image: TAsphyreCustomImage; const tx0, tx1,
- tx2: TPoint2; TexNum: Integer = 0); overload;
- procedure UseImageTri(Image: TAsphyreCustomImage; const tx0, tx1,
- tx2: TPoint2px; TexNum: Integer = 0); overload;
- // Renders the textured triangle.
- procedure TexTri(const p1, p2, p3: TPoint2; c1, c2, c3: Cardinal;
- DrawFx: Integer);
- constructor Create(ADevice: TObject);
- destructor Destroy(); override;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- implementation
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- uses
- AsphyreDevices;
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- const
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- type
- PVertexRecord = ^TVertexRecord;
- TVertexRecord = record
- Vertex: TD3DVector;
- rhw : Single;
- Color : Longword;
- u, v : Single;
- end;
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- constructor TAsphyreCanvas.Create(ADevice: TObject);
- begin
- inherited Create();
- FDevice:= ADevice;
- EventDeviceCreate.Subscribe(OnDeviceCreate, FDevice);
- EventDeviceDestroy.Subscribe(OnDeviceDestroy, FDevice);
- EventDeviceReset.Subscribe(OnDeviceReset, FDevice);
- EventDeviceLost.Subscribe(OnDeviceLost, FDevice);
- EventEndScene.Subscribe(OnEndScene, FDevice);
- VertexArray := nil;
- IndexArray := nil;
- VertexBuffer:= nil;
- IndexBuffer := nil;
- FAntialias := atBest;
- FMipMapping := mtNone;
- FDithering := False;
- FAlphaTest := True;
- end;
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- destructor TAsphyreCanvas.Destroy();
- begin
- DestroyDynamicBuffers();
- DestroyStaticObjects();
- EventEndScene.Unsubscribe(OnEndScene);
- EventDeviceLost.Unsubscribe(OnDeviceLost);
- EventDeviceReset.Unsubscribe(OnDeviceReset);
- EventDeviceDestroy.Unsubscribe(OnDeviceDestroy);
- EventDeviceCreate.Unsubscribe(OnDeviceCreate);
- inherited;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure TAsphyreCanvas.InitCacheSpec();
- begin
- with TAsphyreDevice(FDevice).Caps9 do
- begin
- FMaxPrimitives:= Min2(MaxPrimitiveCount, MaxCachedPrimitives);
- FVertexCache:= Min2(MaxVertexIndex, MaxCachedVertices);
- FIndexCache:= Min2(MaxVertexIndex, MaxCachedIndexes);
- end;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure TAsphyreCanvas.PrepareVertexArray();
- var
- Entry: PVertexRecord;
- Index: Integer;
- begin
- Entry:= VertexArray;
- for Index:= 0 to FVertexCache - 1 do
- begin
- FillChar(Entry^, SizeOf(TVertexRecord), 0);
- Entry.Vertex.z:= 0.0;
- Entry.rhw := 1.0;
- Inc(Entry);
- end;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function TAsphyreCanvas.CreateStaticObjects(): Boolean;
- begin
- // -> D3DXLine object
- Result:= Succeeded(D3DXCreateLine(TAsphyreDevice(FDevice).Dev9,
- DXLine));
- if (not Result) then Exit;
- // -> Enable DX3DXLine Antialiasing by default
- Result:= Succeeded(DXLine.SetAntialias(True));
- if (not Result) then Exit;
- // -> Static Arrays
- ReallocMem(VertexArray, FVertexCache * SizeOf(TVertexRecord));
- FillChar(VertexArray^, FVertexCache * SizeOf(TVertexRecord), 0);
- ReallocMem(IndexArray, FIndexCache * SizeOf(Word));
- FillChar(IndexArray^, FIndexCache * SizeOf(Word), 0);
- PrepareVertexArray();
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure TAsphyreCanvas.DestroyStaticObjects();
- begin
- if (IndexArray <> nil) then
- begin
- FreeMem(IndexArray);
- IndexArray:= nil;
- end;
- if (VertexArray <> nil) then
- begin
- FreeMem(VertexArray);
- VertexArray:= nil;
- end;
- if (DXLine <> nil) then DXLine:= nil;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure TAsphyreCanvas.OnDeviceCreate(Sender: TObject; EventParam: Pointer;
- var Success: Boolean);
- begin
- Success:= (FDevice <> nil)and(FDevice is TAsphyreDevice);
- if (Success) then
- begin
- InitCacheSpec();
- CreateStaticObjects();
- end;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure TAsphyreCanvas.OnDeviceDestroy(Sender: TObject; EventParam: Pointer;
- var Success: Boolean);
- begin
- DestroyStaticObjects();
- end;
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function TAsphyreCanvas.CreateDynamicBuffers(): Boolean;
- begin
- // -> Dynamic Vertex Buffer
- Result:= Succeeded(TAsphyreDevice(FDevice).Dev9.CreateVertexBuffer(FVertexCache *
- SizeOf(TVertexRecord), D3DUSAGE_WRITEONLY or D3DUSAGE_DYNAMIC, VertexType,
- D3DPOOL_DEFAULT, VertexBuffer, nil));
- if (not Result) then Exit;
- // -> Dynamic Index Buffer
- Result:= Succeeded(TAsphyreDevice(FDevice).Dev9.CreateIndexBuffer(FIndexCache *
- D3DPOOL_DEFAULT, IndexBuffer, nil));
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure TAsphyreCanvas.DestroyDynamicBuffers();
- begin
- if (IndexBuffer <> nil) then IndexBuffer:= nil;
- if (VertexBuffer <> nil) then VertexBuffer:= nil;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure TAsphyreCanvas.ResetDeviceStates();
- begin
- FVertexCount:= 0;
- FIndexCount := 0;
- FPrimitives := 0;
- FDrawingMode:= dmUnspecified;
- CachedDrawFx:= fxUndefined;
- CachedTex := nil;
- ActiveTex := nil;
- with TAsphyreDevice(FDevice).Dev9 do
- begin
- //========================================================================
- // In the following code, we try to disable any Direct3D states that might
- // affect or disrupt our behavior.
- //========================================================================
- SetRenderState(D3DRS_LIGHTING, iFalse);
- SetRenderState(D3DRS_FOGENABLE, iFalse);
- SetRenderState(D3DRS_ALPHAREF, $00000001);
- SetRenderState(D3DRS_ALPHATESTENABLE, iFalse);
- SetTextureStageState(0, D3DTSS_COLOROP, D3DTOP_SELECTARG1);
- SetTextureStageState(0, D3DTSS_ALPHAOP, D3DTOP_SELECTARG1);
- SetTextureStageState(0, D3DTSS_COLORARG1, D3DTA_TEXTURE);
- SetTextureStageState(0, D3DTSS_ALPHAARG1, D3DTA_TEXTURE);
- SetTextureStageState(1, D3DTSS_COLOROP, D3DTOP_DISABLE);
- SetTextureStageState(1, D3DTSS_ALPHAOP, D3DTOP_DISABLE);
- SetTextureStageState(1, D3DTSS_COLORARG1, D3DTA_CURRENT);
- SetTextureStageState(1, D3DTSS_ALPHAARG1, D3DTA_CURRENT);
- SetTextureStageState(0, D3DTSS_TEXCOORDINDEX, 0);
- SetTexture(0, nil);
- SetTexture(1, nil);
- //==========================================================================
- // Update user-specified states.
- //==========================================================================
- SetDithering(FDithering);
- SetAntialias(FAntialias);
- SetMipMapping(FMipMapping);
- end;
- AfterFlush := False;
- FCacheStall:= 0;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure TAsphyreCanvas.OnDeviceReset(Sender: TObject; EventParam: Pointer;
- var Success: Boolean);
- begin
- Success:= CreateDynamicBuffers();
- if (Success) then ResetDeviceStates();
- if (Success)and(DXLine <> nil) then
- Success:= Succeeded(DXLine.OnResetDevice());
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure TAsphyreCanvas.OnDeviceLost(Sender: TObject; EventParam: Pointer;
- var Success: Boolean);
- begin
- DXLine.OnLostDevice();
- DestroyDynamicBuffers();
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure TAsphyreCanvas.SetAntialias(const Value: TAntialiasType);
- begin
- FAntialias:= Value;
- if (FDevice = nil)or(not (FDevice is TAsphyreDevice))or
- (TAsphyreDevice(FDevice).Dev9 = nil) then Exit;
- ResetCache();
- with TAsphyreDevice(FDevice).Dev9 do
- case FAntialias of
- atNone:
- begin
- end;
- atNormal:
- begin
- end;
- atBest:
- begin
- end;
- end;
- end;
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure TAsphyreCanvas.SetMipmapping(const Value: TMipmappingType);
- begin
- FMipMapping:= Value;
- if (FDevice = nil)or(not (FDevice is TAsphyreDevice))or
- (TAsphyreDevice(FDevice).Dev9 = nil) then Exit;
- ResetCache();
- with TAsphyreDevice(FDevice).Dev9 do
- case FMipMapping of
- mtNone:
- mtSingle:
- mtSmooth:
- end;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure TAsphyreCanvas.SetDithering(const Value: Boolean);
- begin
- FDithering:= Value;
- if (FDevice = nil)or(not (FDevice is TAsphyreDevice))or
- (TAsphyreDevice(FDevice).Dev9 = nil) then Exit;
- ResetCache();
- TAsphyreDevice(FDevice).Dev9.SetRenderState(D3DRS_DITHERENABLE,
- Cardinal(FDithering));
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function TAsphyreCanvas.GetLineAntialias(): Boolean;
- begin
- if (DXLine <> nil) then Result:= DXLine.GetAntialias()
- else Result:= True;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure TAsphyreCanvas.SetLineAntialias(const Value: Boolean);
- begin
- if (DXLine <> nil) then DXLine.SetAntialias(Value);
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function TAsphyreCanvas.GetLineWidth(): Real;
- begin
- if (DXLine <> nil) then Result:= DXLine.GetWidth() else Result:= 1.0;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure TAsphyreCanvas.SetLineWidth(const Value: Real);
- begin
- if (DXLine <> nil) then DXLine.SetWidth(Value);
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function TAsphyreCanvas.UploadVertexBuffer(): Boolean;
- var
- MemAddr: Pointer;
- BufSize: Integer;
- begin
- BufSize:= FVertexCount * SizeOf(TVertexRecord);
- Result:= Succeeded(VertexBuffer.Lock(0, BufSize, MemAddr, D3DLOCK_DISCARD));
- if (Result) then
- begin
- Move(VertexArray^, MemAddr^, BufSize);
- Result:= Succeeded(VertexBuffer.Unlock());
- end;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function TAsphyreCanvas.UploadIndexBuffer(): Boolean;
- var
- MemAddr: Pointer;
- BufSize: Integer;
- begin
- BufSize:= FIndexCount * SizeOf(Word);
- Result:= Succeeded(IndexBuffer.Lock(0, BufSize, MemAddr, D3DLOCK_DISCARD));
- if (Result) then
- begin
- Move(IndexArray^, MemAddr^, BufSize);
- Result:= Succeeded(IndexBuffer.Unlock());
- end;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function TAsphyreCanvas.PrepareDraw(): Boolean;
- begin
- with TAsphyreDevice(FDevice).Dev9 do
- begin
- // (1) Use our vertex buffer for displaying primitives.
- Result:= Succeeded(SetStreamSource(0, VertexBuffer, 0,
- SizeOf(TVertexRecord)));
- // (2) Use our index buffer to indicate the vertices of our primitives.
- if (FIndexedMode)and(Result) then
- Result:= Succeeded(SetIndices(IndexBuffer));
- // (3) Disable vertex shader.
- if (Result) then
- Result:= Succeeded(SetVertexShader(nil));
- // (4) Set the flexible vertex format of our vertex buffer.
- if (Result) then
- Result:= Succeeded(SetFVF(VertexType));
- end;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function TAsphyreCanvas.BufferDraw(): Boolean;
- var
- Primitive: TD3DPrimitiveType;
- begin
- // (1) Determine primitive type.
- case FDrawingMode of
- dmPointList : Primitive:= D3DPT_POINTLIST;
- dmLineList : Primitive:= D3DPT_LINELIST;
- dmLineStrip : Primitive:= D3DPT_LINESTRIP;
- dmTriangleStrip: Primitive:= D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP;
- dmTriangleFan : Primitive:= D3DPT_TRIANGLEFAN;
- end;
- // (2) Render uploaded primitives.
- with TAsphyreDevice(FDevice).Dev9 do
- if (FIndexedMode) then
- begin
- Result:= Succeeded(DrawIndexedPrimitive(Primitive, 0, 0, FVertexCount, 0,
- FPrimitives));
- end else
- begin
- Result:= Succeeded(DrawPrimitive(Primitive, 0, FPrimitives));
- end;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure TAsphyreCanvas.ResetCache();
- begin
- // (1) Flush the cache, if needed.
- if (FVertexCount > 0)and(FPrimitives > 0) then
- begin
- if (UploadVertexBuffer())and(UploadIndexBuffer())and(PrepareDraw()) then
- BufferDraw();
- Inc(FCacheStall);
- end;
- // (2) Reset buffer info.
- FVertexCount:= 0;
- FIndexCount := 0;
- FPrimitives := 0;
- FDrawingMode:= dmUnspecified;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure TAsphyreCanvas.OnEndScene(Sender: TObject; EventParam: Pointer;
- var Success: Boolean);
- begin
- Flush();
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure TAsphyreCanvas.Flush();
- begin
- ResetCache();
- AfterFlush:= True;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function TAsphyreCanvas.GetClipRect(): TRect;
- var
- vp: TD3DViewport9;
- begin
- if (FDevice = nil)or(not (FDevice is TAsphyreDevice))or
- (TAsphyreDevice(FDevice).Dev9 = nil) then
- begin
- Result:= Rect(0, 0, 0, 0);
- Exit;
- end;
- FillChar(vp, SizeOf(vp), 0);
- TAsphyreDevice(FDevice).Dev9.GetViewport(vp);
- Result.Left := vp.X;
- Result.Top := vp.Y;
- Result.Right := vp.X + vp.Width;
- Result.Bottom:= vp.Y + vp.Height;
- FClipRect:= Result;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure TAsphyreCanvas.SetClipRect(const Value: TRect);
- var
- vp: TD3DViewport9;
- begin
- if (FDevice = nil)or(not (FDevice is TAsphyreDevice))or
- (TAsphyreDevice(FDevice).Dev9 = nil) then Exit;
- ResetCache();
- vp.X:= Value.Left;
- vp.Y:= Value.Top;
- vp.Width := (Value.Right - Value.Left);
- vp.Height:= (Value.Bottom - Value.Top);
- vp.MinZ:= 0.0;
- vp.MaxZ:= 1.0;
- TAsphyreDevice(FDevice).Dev9.SetViewport(vp);
- FClipRect:= Value;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure TAsphyreCanvas.RequestCache(Mode: TDrawingMode; Indexed: Boolean;
- Vertices, Indices, DrawFx: Integer; ReqTex: TAsphyreCustomTexture);
- var
- NeedReset: Boolean;
- begin
- // (1) Reset device, if needed.
- if (AfterFlush) then ResetDeviceStates();
- // (2) Check whether reset should be applied
- NeedReset:= (FVertexCount + Vertices > FVertexCache);
- NeedReset:= NeedReset or ((Indexed)and(FIndexCount + Indices > FIndexCache));
- NeedReset:= NeedReset or (FDrawingMode = dmUnspecified) or
- (FDrawingMode <> Mode) or (FIndexedMode <> Indexed);
- NeedReset:= NeedReset or (CachedDrawFx <> DrawFx) or (CachedTex <> ReqTex);
- // (3) Apply reset, if needed.
- if (NeedReset) then
- begin
- ResetCache();
- // Update currently active texture.
- if (FDrawingMode = dmUnspecified)or(CachedTex <> ReqTex) then
- with TAsphyreDevice(FDevice).Dev9 do
- begin
- if (ReqTex <> nil) then ReqTex.Activate(0) else SetTexture(0, nil);
- CachedTex:= ReqTex;
- end;
- // Update currently active effect.
- if (CachedDrawFx = fxUndefined)or(CachedDrawFx <> DrawFx) then
- EffectManager.HandleCode(Self, TAsphyreDevice(FDevice).Dev9, DrawFx);
- FIndexedMode:= Indexed;
- FDrawingMode:= Mode;
- CachedDrawFx:= DrawFx;
- end;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function TAsphyreCanvas.NextVertexEntry(): Pointer;
- begin
- Result:= Pointer(Integer(VertexArray) + (FVertexCount * SizeOf(TVertexRecord)));
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure TAsphyreCanvas.PutPixel(const Point: TPoint2; Color: Cardinal;
- DrawFx: Integer);
- var
- Entry: PVertexRecord;
- begin
- RequestCache(dmPointList, False, 1, 0, DrawFx, nil);
- Entry:= NextVertexEntry();
- Entry.Vertex.x:= Point.x;
- Entry.Vertex.y:= Point.y;
- Entry.Color := Color;
- Inc(FVertexCount);
- Inc(FPrimitives);
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure TAsphyreCanvas.PutPixel(x, y: Single; Color: Cardinal; DrawFx: Integer);
- begin
- PutPixel(Point2(x, y), Color, DrawFx);
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure TAsphyreCanvas.LineHw(const Src, Dest: TPoint2; Color0, Color1: Cardinal;
- DrawFx: Integer);
- var
- Entry: PVertexRecord;
- begin
- RequestCache(dmLineList, False, 2, 0, DrawFx, nil);
- // -> 1st point
- Entry:= NextVertexEntry();
- Entry.Vertex.x:= Src.x;
- Entry.Vertex.y:= Src.y;
- Entry.Color := Color0;
- Inc(FVertexCount);
- // -> 2nd point
- Entry:= NextVertexEntry();
- Entry.Vertex.x:= Dest.x;
- Entry.Vertex.y:= Dest.y;
- Entry.Color := Color1;
- Inc(FVertexCount);
- Inc(FPrimitives);
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure TAsphyreCanvas.LineHw(x1, y1, x2, y2: Single; Color0, Color1: Cardinal;
- DrawFx: Integer);
- begin
- LineHw(Point2(x1, y1), Point2(x2, y2), Color0, Color1, DrawFx);
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure TAsphyreCanvas.LineHw(const Src, Dest: TPoint; Color0, Color1: Cardinal;
- DrawFx: Integer);
- begin
- LineHw(Point2(Src.X, Src.Y), Point2(Dest.X, Dest.Y), Color0, Color1, DrawFx);
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure TAsphyreCanvas.LineEx(const Src, Dest: TPoint2; Color: Cardinal);
- var
- Vertices: array[0..1] of TD3DXVector2;
- begin
- Flush();
- Vertices[0]:= TD3DXVector2(Src);
- Vertices[1]:= TD3DXVector2(Dest);
- DXLine.Draw(@Vertices[0], 2, Color);
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure TAsphyreCanvas.LineEx(x1, y1, x2, y2: Single;
- Color: Cardinal);
- var
- Vertices: array[0..1] of TD3DXVector2;
- begin
- Flush();
- Vertices[0].x:= x1 - FClipRect.Left;
- Vertices[0].y:= y1 - FClipRect.Top;
- Vertices[1].x:= x2 - FClipRect.Left;
- Vertices[1].y:= y2 - FClipRect.Top;
- DXLine.Draw(@Vertices[0], 2, Color);
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure TAsphyreCanvas.LineEx(const Src, Dest: TPoint;
- Color: Cardinal);
- var
- Vertices: array[0..1] of TD3DXVector2;
- begin
- Flush();
- Vertices[0].x:= Src.X - FClipRect.Left;
- Vertices[0].y:= Src.Y - FClipRect.Top;
- Vertices[1].x:= Dest.X - FClipRect.Left;
- Vertices[1].y:= Dest.Y - FClipRect.Top;
- DXLine.Draw(@Vertices[0], 2, Color);
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure TAsphyreCanvas.WireQuadEx(const Points: TPoint4;
- Color: Cardinal);
- var
- Vertices: array[0..4] of TD3DXVector2;
- begin
- Flush();
- Vertices[0]:= TD3DXVector2(Points[0] - TPoint2(FClipRect.TopLeft));
- Vertices[1]:= TD3DXVector2(Points[1] - TPoint2(FClipRect.TopLeft));
- Vertices[2]:= TD3DXVector2(Points[2] - TPoint2(FClipRect.TopLeft));
- Vertices[3]:= TD3DXVector2(Points[3] - TPoint2(FClipRect.TopLeft));
- Vertices[4]:= TD3DXVector2(Points[0] - TPoint2(FClipRect.TopLeft));
- DXLine.Draw(@Vertices[0], 5, Color);
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure TAsphyreCanvas.WireTriEx(const p1, p2, p3: TPoint2; Color: Cardinal);
- var
- Vertices: array[0..3] of TD3DXVector2;
- begin
- Flush();
- Vertices[0]:= TD3DXVector2(p1 - TPoint2(FClipRect.TopLeft));
- Vertices[1]:= TD3DXVector2(p2 - TPoint2(FClipRect.TopLeft));
- Vertices[2]:= TD3DXVector2(p3 - TPoint2(FClipRect.TopLeft));
- Vertices[3]:= TD3DXVector2(p1 - TPoint2(FClipRect.TopLeft));
- DXLine.Draw(@Vertices[0], 4, Color);
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure TAsphyreCanvas.WireQuadHw(const Points: TPoint4;
- const Colors: TColor4; DrawFx: Integer);
- var
- MyPts: TPoint4;
- begin
- MyPts:= Points;
- // last pixel fix -> not very good implementation :(
- if (MyPts[0].y = MyPts[1].y)and(MyPts[2].y = MyPts[3].y)and
- (MyPts[0].x = MyPts[3].x)and(MyPts[1].x = MyPts[2].x) then
- begin
- MyPts[1].x:= MyPts[1].x - 1.0;
- MyPts[2].x:= MyPts[2].x - 1.0;
- MyPts[2].y:= MyPts[2].y - 1.0;
- MyPts[3].y:= MyPts[3].y - 1.0;
- end;
- LineHw(MyPts[0], MyPts[1], Colors[0], Colors[1], DrawFx);
- LineHw(MyPts[1], MyPts[2], Colors[1], Colors[2], DrawFx);
- LineHw(MyPts[2], MyPts[3], Colors[2], Colors[3], DrawFx);
- LineHw(MyPts[3], MyPts[0], Colors[3], Colors[0], DrawFx);
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure TAsphyreCanvas.AddIndexEntry(Index: Integer);
- var
- Entry: PWord;
- begin
- Entry:= Pointer(Integer(IndexArray) + (FIndexCount * SizeOf(Word)));
- Entry^:= Index;
- Inc(FIndexCount);
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure TAsphyreCanvas.FillTri(const p1, p2, p3: TPoint2; c1, c2, c3: Cardinal;
- DrawFx: Integer);
- var
- Entry: PVertexRecord;
- begin
- {$IFDEF FillTriUncached}
- // request non-indexed triangle list to reduce bandwidth
- RequestCache(dmTriangleList, False, 3, 0, DrawFx, nil);
- {$ELSE}
- // request indexed triangle list to improve cache performance
- RequestCache(dmTriangleList, True, 3, 3, DrawFx, nil);
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFNDEF FillTriUncached}
- // insert index entries, if using index buffers
- AddIndexEntry(FVertexCount);
- AddIndexEntry(FVertexCount + 1);
- AddIndexEntry(FVertexCount + 2);
- {$ENDIF}
- // insert vertices
- Entry:= NextVertexEntry();
- Entry.Vertex.x:= p1.x;
- Entry.Vertex.y:= p1.y;
- Entry.Color := c1;
- Inc(FVertexCount);
- Entry:= NextVertexEntry();
- Entry.Vertex.x:= p2.x;
- Entry.Vertex.y:= p2.y;
- Entry.Color := c2;
- Inc(FVertexCount);
- Entry:= NextVertexEntry();
- Entry.Vertex.x:= p3.x;
- Entry.Vertex.y:= p3.y;
- Entry.Color := c3;
- Inc(FVertexCount);
- Inc(FPrimitives);
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure TAsphyreCanvas.FillTri(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3: Single; c1, c2,
- c3: Cardinal; DrawFx: Integer);
- begin
- FillTri(Point2(x1, y1), Point2(x2, y2), Point2(x3, y3), c1, c2, c3, DrawFx);
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure TAsphyreCanvas.FillQuad(const Points: TPoint4; const Colors: TColor4;
- DrawFx: Integer);
- var
- Entry: PVertexRecord;
- begin
- {$IFDEF FillQuadUncached}
- // request non-indexed triangle strip to reduce bandwidth
- RequestCache(dmTriangleStrip, False, 4, 0, DrawFx, nil);
- {$ELSE}
- // request indexed triangle list to improve cache performance
- RequestCache(dmTriangleList, True, 4, 6, DrawFx, nil);
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFNDEF FillQuadUncached}
- // insert index entries, if using index buffers
- AddIndexEntry(FVertexCount + 2);
- AddIndexEntry(FVertexCount);
- AddIndexEntry(FVertexCount + 1);
- AddIndexEntry(FVertexCount + 3);
- AddIndexEntry(FVertexCount + 2);
- AddIndexEntry(FVertexCount + 1);
- {$ENDIF}
- // insert vertices
- Entry:= NextVertexEntry();
- Entry.Vertex.x:= Points[0].x;
- Entry.Vertex.y:= Points[0].y;
- Entry.Color := Colors[0];
- Inc(FVertexCount);
- Entry:= NextVertexEntry();
- Entry.Vertex.x:= Points[1].x;
- Entry.Vertex.y:= Points[1].y;
- Entry.Color := Colors[1];
- Inc(FVertexCount);
- Entry:= NextVertexEntry();
- Entry.Vertex.x:= Points[3].x;
- Entry.Vertex.y:= Points[3].y;
- Entry.Color := Colors[3];
- Inc(FVertexCount);
- Entry:= NextVertexEntry();
- Entry.Vertex.x:= Points[2].x;
- Entry.Vertex.y:= Points[2].y;
- Entry.Color := Colors[2];
- Inc(FVertexCount);
- Inc(FPrimitives, 2);
- {$IFDEF FillQuadUncached}
- ResetCache();
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure TAsphyreCanvas.FillQuadEx(const Points: TPoint4;
- const Colors: TColor4; DrawFx: Integer);
- var
- i: Integer;
- Entry: PVertexRecord;
- begin
- RequestCache(dmTriangleList, True, 8, 18, DrawFx, nil);
- // Insert indexes.
- AddIndexEntry(FVertexCount + 0);
- AddIndexEntry(FVertexCount + 4);
- AddIndexEntry(FVertexCount + 7);
- AddIndexEntry(FVertexCount + 4);
- AddIndexEntry(FVertexCount + 1);
- AddIndexEntry(FVertexCount + 5);
- AddIndexEntry(FVertexCount + 4);
- AddIndexEntry(FVertexCount + 6);
- AddIndexEntry(FVertexCount + 7);
- AddIndexEntry(FVertexCount + 4);
- AddIndexEntry(FVertexCount + 5);
- AddIndexEntry(FVertexCount + 6);
- AddIndexEntry(FVertexCount + 7);
- AddIndexEntry(FVertexCount + 6);
- AddIndexEntry(FVertexCount + 3);
- AddIndexEntry(FVertexCount + 5);
- AddIndexEntry(FVertexCount + 2);
- AddIndexEntry(FVertexCount + 6);
- // Insert first four vertices.
- for i:= 0 to 3 do
- begin
- Entry:= NextVertexEntry();
- Entry.Vertex.x:= Points[i].x;
- Entry.Vertex.y:= Points[i].y;
- Entry.Color := Colors[i];
- Inc(FVertexCount);
- end;
- // Insert subdivision vertices.
- Entry:= NextVertexEntry();
- Entry.Vertex.x:= (Points[0].x + Points[1].x) * 0.5;
- Entry.Vertex.y:= (Points[0].y + Points[1].y) * 0.5;
- Entry.Color := (TAsphyreColor(Colors[0]) + TAsphyreColor(Colors[1])) / 2;
- Inc(FVertexCount);
- Entry:= NextVertexEntry();
- Entry.Vertex.x:= (Points[1].x + Points[2].x) * 0.5;
- Entry.Vertex.y:= (Points[1].y + Points[2].y) * 0.5;
- Entry.Color := (TAsphyreColor(Colors[1]) + TAsphyreColor(Colors[2])) / 2;
- Inc(FVertexCount);
- Entry:= NextVertexEntry();
- Entry.Vertex.x:= (Points[2].x + Points[3].x) * 0.5;
- Entry.Vertex.y:= (Points[2].y + Points[3].y) * 0.5;
- Entry.Color := (TAsphyreColor(Colors[2]) + TAsphyreColor(Colors[3])) / 2;
- Inc(FVertexCount);
- Entry:= NextVertexEntry();
- Entry.Vertex.x:= (Points[3].x + Points[0].x) * 0.5;
- Entry.Vertex.y:= (Points[3].y + Points[0].y) * 0.5;
- Entry.Color := (TAsphyreColor(Colors[3]) + TAsphyreColor(Colors[0])) / 2;
- Inc(FVertexCount);
- Inc(FPrimitives, 6);
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure TAsphyreCanvas.FillRect(const Rect: TRect; const Colors: TColor4;
- DrawFx: Integer);
- begin
- FillQuad(pRect4(Rect), Colors, DrawFx);
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure TAsphyreCanvas.FillRect(const Rect: TRect; Color: Cardinal;
- DrawFx: Integer);
- begin
- FillRect(Rect, cColor4(Color), DrawFx);
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure TAsphyreCanvas.FillRect(Left, Top, Width, Height: Integer;
- Color: Cardinal; DrawFx: Integer);
- begin
- FillRect(Bounds(Left, Top, Width, Height), Color, DrawFx);
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure TAsphyreCanvas.FrameRect(const Rect: TRect; const Colors: TColor4;
- DrawFx: Integer);
- begin
- WireQuadHw(pRect4(Rect), Colors, DrawFx);
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure TAsphyreCanvas.FrameRect(const Rect: TRect; Color: Cardinal;
- DrawFx: Integer);
- begin
- FrameRect(Rect, cColor4(Color), DrawFx);
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure TAsphyreCanvas.FrameRect(Left, Top, Width, Height: Integer;
- Color: Cardinal; DrawFx: Integer);
- begin
- FrameRect(Bounds(Left, Top, Width, Height), Color, DrawFx);
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure TAsphyreCanvas.FillArc(x, y, RadiusX, RadiusY, InitPhi,
- EndPhi: Single; Steps: Integer; const Colors: TColor4; DrawFx: Integer);
- var
- x1, y1, x2, y2: Real;
- cs: TAsphyreColor4;
- i: Integer;
- Alpha: Real;
- xAlpha, yAlpha: Integer;
- CurPt: TPoint2;
- Entry: PVertexRecord;
- {$IFNDEF FillArcUncached}VertexZero: Integer;{$ENDIF}
- begin
- if (Steps < 1) then Exit;
- // (1) Convert 32-bit RGBA colors to fixed-point color set.
- cs:= ColorToFixed4(Colors);
- // (2) Find (x, y) margins for color interpolation.
- x1:= x - RadiusX;
- x2:= x + RadiusX;
- y1:= y - RadiusY;
- y2:= y + RadiusY;
- // (3) Before doing anything else, check cache availability.
- {$IFDEF FillArcUncached}
- // request non-indexed triangle fan to reduce bandwidth
- RequestCache(dmTriangleFan, False, Steps + 2, 0, DrawFx, nil);
- {$ELSE}
- // request indexed triangle list to improve cache performance
- RequestCache(dmTriangleList, True, Steps + 2, Steps * 3, DrawFx, nil);
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFNDEF FillArcUncached}
- VertexZero:= FVertexCount;
- {$ENDIF}
- // (4) Insert initial vertex placed at the arc's center
- Entry:= NextVertexEntry();
- Entry.Vertex.x:= x;
- Entry.Vertex.y:= y;
- Entry.Color := (cs[0] + cs[1] + cs[2] + cs[3]) * 0.25;
- Inc(FVertexCount);
- // (5) Insert the rest of vertices
- for i:= 0 to Steps - 1 do
- begin
- // initial and final angles for this vertex
- Alpha:= (i * (EndPhi - InitPhi) / Steps) + InitPhi;
- // determine second and third points of the processed vertex
- CurPt.x:= x + Cos(Alpha) * RadiusX;
- CurPt.y:= y - Sin(Alpha) * RadiusY;
- // find color interpolation values
- xAlpha:= Round((CurPt.x - x1) * 255.0 / (x2 - x1));
- yAlpha:= Round((CurPt.y - y1) * 255.0 / (y2 - y1));
- {$IFNDEF FillArcUncached}
- // insert new index buffer entry
- AddIndexEntry(VertexZero);
- AddIndexEntry(FVertexCount);
- AddIndexEntry(FVertexCount + 1);
- {$ENDIF}
- // insert the entry into vertex array
- Entry:= NextVertexEntry();
- Entry.Vertex.x:= CurPt.x;
- Entry.Vertex.y:= CurPt.y;
- Entry.Color:= cBlend(cBlend(cs[0], cs[1], xAlpha), cBlend(cs[3], cs[2],
- xAlpha), yAlpha);
- Inc(FVertexCount);
- end;
- // find the latest vertex to finish the arc
- CurPt.x:= x + Cos(EndPhi) * RadiusX;
- CurPt.y:= y - Sin(EndPhi) * RadiusY;
- // find color interpolation values
- xAlpha:= Round((CurPt.x - x1) * 255.0 / (x2 - x1));
- yAlpha:= Round((CurPt.y - y1) * 255.0 / (y2 - y1));
- // insert the entry into vertex array
- Entry:= NextVertexEntry();
- Entry.Vertex.x:= CurPt.x;
- Entry.Vertex.y:= CurPt.y;
- Entry.Color:= cBlend(cBlend(cs[0], cs[1], xAlpha), cBlend(cs[3], cs[2],
- xAlpha), yAlpha);
- Inc(FVertexCount);
- Inc(FPrimitives, Steps);
- {$IFDEF FillArcUncached}
- ResetCache();
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure TAsphyreCanvas.FillEllipse(x, y, RadiusX, RadiusY: Single;
- Steps: Integer; const Colors: TColor4; DrawFx: Integer);
- begin
- FillArc(x, y, RadiusX, RadiusY, 0, Pi * 2.0, Steps, Colors, DrawFx);
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure TAsphyreCanvas.FillCircle(x, y, Radius: Single;
- Steps: Integer; const Colors: TColor4; DrawFx: Integer);
- begin
- FillArc(x, y, Radius, Radius, 0, Pi * 2.0, Steps, Colors, DrawFx);
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure TAsphyreCanvas.Ellipse(x, y, RadiusX, RadiusY: Single;
- Steps: Integer; Color: Cardinal);
- const
- Pi2 = Pi * 2.0;
- var
- Vertices: array of TD3DXVector2;
- i: Integer;
- Alpha: Real;
- begin
- SetLength(Vertices, Steps + 1);
- for i:= 0 to Steps do
- begin
- Alpha:= i * Pi2 / Steps;
- Vertices[i].x:= x + Cos(Alpha) * RadiusX;
- Vertices[i].y:= y - Sin(Alpha) * RadiusY;
- // 1-pixel gap bug fix
- if (i = Steps) then Vertices[i].y:= Vertices[i].y - 1;
- end;
- DXLine.Draw(@Vertices[0], Steps + 1, Color);
- end;
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure TAsphyreCanvas.Circle(x, y, Radius: Single; Steps: Integer;
- Color: Cardinal);
- begin
- Ellipse(x, y, Radius, Radius, Steps, Color);
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure TAsphyreCanvas.FillRibbon(x, y, InRadiusX, InRadiusY, OutRadiusX,
- OutRadiusY, InitPhi, EndPhi: single; Steps: Integer; const Colors: TColor4;
- DrawFx: Integer);
- var
- x1, y1, x2, y2: Single;
- cs: TAsphyreColor4;
- i: Integer;
- Alpha: Real;
- xAlpha, yAlpha: Integer;
- CurPt: TPoint2;
- Entry: PVertexRecord;
- {$IFNDEF FillRibbonUncached}PreVtx: Integer;{$ENDIF}
- begin
- if (Steps < 1) then Exit;
- // (1) Convert 32-bit RGBA colors to fixed-point color set.
- cs:= ColorToFixed4(Colors);
- // (2) Find (x, y) margins for color interpolation.
- x1:= x - OutRadiusX;
- x2:= x + OutRadiusX;
- y1:= y - OutRadiusY;
- y2:= y + OutRadiusY;
- // (3) Check cache availability first.
- {$IFDEF FillRibbonUncached}
- // request non-indexed triangle strip to reduce bandwidth
- RequestCache(dmTriangleStrip, False, (Steps * 2) + 2, 0, DrawFx, nil);
- {$ELSE}
- // request indexed triangle list to improve cache performance
- RequestCache(dmTriangleList, True, (Steps * 2) + 2, Steps * 6, DrawFx, nil);
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFNDEF FillRibbonUncached}
- PreVtx:= FVertexCount;
- {$ENDIF}
- // (4) Create first inner vertex
- CurPt.x:= x + Cos(InitPhi) * InRadiusX;
- CurPt.y:= y - Sin(InitPhi) * InRadiusY;
- // -> color interpolation values
- xAlpha:= Round((CurPt.x - x1) * 255.0 / (x2 - x1));
- yAlpha:= Round((CurPt.y - y1) * 255.0 / (y2 - y1));
- // -> insert the vertex
- Entry:= NextVertexEntry();
- Entry.Vertex.x:= CurPt.x;
- Entry.Vertex.y:= CurPt.y;
- Entry.Color := cBlend(cBlend(cs[0], cs[1], xAlpha), cBlend(cs[3], cs[2],
- xAlpha), yAlpha);
- Inc(FVertexCount);
- // (5) Create first outer vertex
- CurPt.x:= x + Cos(InitPhi) * OutRadiusX;
- CurPt.y:= y - Sin(InitPhi) * OutRadiusY;
- // -> color interpolation values
- xAlpha:= Round((CurPt.x - x1) * 255.0 / (x2 - x1));
- yAlpha:= Round((CurPt.y - y1) * 255.0 / (y2 - y1));
- // -> insert the vertex
- Entry:= NextVertexEntry();
- Entry.Vertex.x:= CurPt.x;
- Entry.Vertex.y:= CurPt.y;
- Entry.Color := cBlend(cBlend(cs[0], cs[1], xAlpha), cBlend(cs[3], cs[2],
- xAlpha), yAlpha);
- Inc(FVertexCount);
- // (6) Insert the rest of vertices
- for i:= 1 to Steps do
- begin
- // 6a. Insert inner vertex
- // -> angular position
- Alpha:= (i * (EndPhi - InitPhi) / Steps) + InitPhi;
- // -> vertex position
- CurPt.x:= x + Cos(Alpha) * InRadiusX;
- CurPt.y:= y - Sin(Alpha) * InRadiusY;
- // -> color interpolation values
- xAlpha:= Round((CurPt.x - x1) * 255.0 / (x2 - x1));
- yAlpha:= Round((CurPt.y - y1) * 255.0 / (y2 - y1));
- // -> insert the vertex
- Entry:= NextVertexEntry();
- Entry.Vertex.x:= CurPt.x;
- Entry.Vertex.y:= CurPt.y;
- Entry.Color:= cBlend(cBlend(cs[0], cs[1], xAlpha), cBlend(cs[3], cs[2],
- xAlpha), yAlpha);
- Inc(FVertexCount);
- // 6b. Insert outer vertex
- // -> angular position
- Alpha:= (i * (EndPhi - InitPhi) / Steps) + InitPhi;
- // -> vertex position
- CurPt.x:= x + Cos(Alpha) * OutRadiusX;
- CurPt.y:= y - Sin(Alpha) * OutRadiusY;
- // -> color interpolation values
- xAlpha:= Round((CurPt.x - x1) * 255.0 / (x2 - x1));
- yAlpha:= Round((CurPt.y - y1) * 255.0 / (y2 - y1));
- // -> insert the vertex
- Entry:= NextVertexEntry();
- Entry.Vertex.x:= CurPt.x;
- Entry.Vertex.y:= CurPt.y;
- Entry.Color:= cBlend(cBlend(cs[0], cs[1], xAlpha), cBlend(cs[3], cs[2],
- xAlpha), yAlpha);
- end;
- {$IFNDEF FillRibbonUncached}
- // (7) Insert indexes
- for i:= 0 to Steps - 1 do
- begin
- AddIndexEntry(PreVtx);
- AddIndexEntry(PreVtx + 1);
- AddIndexEntry(PreVtx + 2);
- AddIndexEntry(PreVtx + 1);
- AddIndexEntry(PreVtx + 3);
- AddIndexEntry(PreVtx + 2);
- Inc(PreVtx, 2);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- Inc(FPrimitives, Steps * 2);
- {$IFDEF FillRibbonUncached}
- ResetCache();
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure TAsphyreCanvas.FillRibbon(x, y, InRadiusX, InRadiusY, OutRadiusX,
- OutRadiusY, InitPhi, EndPhi: single; Steps: Integer; Palette: TAsphyrePalette;
- DrawFx: Integer);
- var
- i: Integer;
- Alpha: Single;
- CurPt: TPoint2;
- Color: Cardinal;
- Entry: PVertexRecord;
- {$IFNDEF FillRibbonUncached}PreVtx: Integer;{$ENDIF}
- begin
- if (Steps < 1) then Exit;
- // (1) Check cache availability.
- {$IFDEF FillRibbonUncached}
- // request non-indexed triangle strip to reduce bandwidth
- RequestCache(dmTriangleStrip, False, (Steps * 2) + 2, 0, DrawFx, nil);
- {$ELSE}
- // request indexed triangle list to improve cache performance
- RequestCache(dmTriangleList, True, (Steps * 2) + 2, Steps * 6, DrawFx, nil);
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFNDEF FillRibbonUncached}
- PreVtx:= FVertexCount;
- {$ENDIF}
- // (2) Retreive first color from the palette.
- Color:= Palette.Color[0.0];
- // (3) Create first inner vertex
- CurPt.x:= x + Cos(InitPhi) * InRadiusX;
- CurPt.y:= y - Sin(InitPhi) * InRadiusY;
- // -> insert the vertex
- Entry:= NextVertexEntry();
- Entry.Vertex.x:= CurPt.x;
- Entry.Vertex.y:= CurPt.y;
- Entry.Color := Color;
- Inc(FVertexCount);
- // (4) Create first outer vertex
- CurPt.x:= x + Cos(InitPhi) * OutRadiusX;
- CurPt.y:= y - Sin(InitPhi) * OutRadiusY;
- // -> insert the vertex
- Entry:= NextVertexEntry();
- Entry.Vertex.x:= CurPt.x;
- Entry.Vertex.y:= CurPt.y;
- Entry.Color := Color;
- Inc(FVertexCount);
- // (5) Insert the rest of vertices
- for i:= 1 to Steps do
- begin
- // 5a. Retreive next color from palette
- Color:= Palette.Color[i / Steps];
- // 5b. Insert inner vertex
- // -> angular position
- Alpha:= (i * (EndPhi - InitPhi) / Steps) + InitPhi;
- // -> vertex position
- CurPt.x:= x + Cos(Alpha) * InRadiusX;
- CurPt.y:= y - Sin(Alpha) * InRadiusY;
- // -> insert the vertex
- Entry:= NextVertexEntry();
- Entry.Vertex.x:= CurPt.x;
- Entry.Vertex.y:= CurPt.y;
- Entry.Color:= Color;
- Inc(FVertexCount);
- // 5c. Insert outer vertex
- // -> angular position
- Alpha:= (i * (EndPhi - InitPhi) / Steps) + InitPhi;
- // -> vertex position
- CurPt.x:= x + Cos(Alpha) * OutRadiusX;
- CurPt.y:= y - Sin(Alpha) * OutRadiusY;
- // -> insert the vertex
- Entry:= NextVertexEntry();
- Entry.Vertex.x:= CurPt.x;
- Entry.Vertex.y:= CurPt.y;
- Entry.Color:= Color;
- Inc(FVertexCount);
- end;
- {$IFNDEF FillRibbonUncached}
- // (6) Insert indexes
- for i:= 0 to Steps - 1 do
- begin
- AddIndexEntry(PreVtx);
- AddIndexEntry(PreVtx + 1);
- AddIndexEntry(PreVtx + 2);
- AddIndexEntry(PreVtx + 1);
- AddIndexEntry(PreVtx + 3);
- AddIndexEntry(PreVtx + 2);
- Inc(PreVtx, 2);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- Inc(FPrimitives, Steps * 2);
- {$IFDEF FillRibbonUncached}
- ResetCache();
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure TAsphyreCanvas.FrameRibbonHw(x, y, InRadiusX, InRadiusY,
- OutRadiusX, OutRadiusY, InitPhi, EndPhi: Single; Steps: Integer;
- Color: Cardinal; DrawFx: Integer);
- var
- i: Integer;
- Alpha: Single;
- CurPt: TPoint2;
- Entry: PVertexRecord;
- {$IFNDEF FrameRibbonUncached}PreVtx: Integer;{$ENDIF}
- begin
- if (Steps < 1) then Exit;
- // (1) Check cache availability.
- {$IFDEF FrameRibbonUncached}
- // request non-indexed line strip to reduce bandwidth
- RequestCache(dmLineStrip, False, (Steps * 2) + 3, 0, DrawFx, nil);
- {$ELSE}
- // request indexed line list to improve cache performance
- RequestCache(dmLineList, True, (Steps * 2) + 2, (Steps * 2) + 3, DrawFx, nil);
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFNDEF FrameRibbonUncached}
- PreVtx:= FVertexCount;
- {$ENDIF}
- // (2) Create first inner vertex
- CurPt.x:= x + Cos(InitPhi) * InRadiusX;
- CurPt.y:= y - Sin(InitPhi) * InRadiusY;
- // -> insert the vertex
- Entry:= NextVertexEntry();
- Entry.Vertex.x:= CurPt.x;
- Entry.Vertex.y:= CurPt.y;
- Entry.Color := Color;
- Inc(FVertexCount);
- // (3) Create first outer vertex
- CurPt.x:= x + Cos(InitPhi) * OutRadiusX;
- CurPt.y:= y - Sin(InitPhi) * OutRadiusY;
- // -> insert the vertex
- Entry:= NextVertexEntry();
- Entry.Vertex.x:= CurPt.x;
- Entry.Vertex.y:= CurPt.y;
- Entry.Color := Color;
- Inc(FVertexCount);
- // (4) Insert outer vertices.
- for i:= 1 to Steps do
- begin
- // -> angular position
- Alpha:= (i * (EndPhi - InitPhi) / Steps) + InitPhi;
- // -> vertex position
- CurPt.x:= x + Cos(Alpha) * OutRadiusX;
- CurPt.y:= y - Sin(Alpha) * OutRadiusY;
- // -> insert the vertex
- Entry:= NextVertexEntry();
- Entry.Vertex.x:= CurPt.x;
- Entry.Vertex.y:= CurPt.y;
- Entry.Color:= Color;
- Inc(FVertexCount);
- end;
- // (5) Insert inner vertices.
- {$IFDEF FrameRibbonUncached}
- for i:= Steps downto 0 do
- {$ELSE}
- for i:= Steps downto 1 do
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- // -> angular position
- Alpha:= (i * (EndPhi - InitPhi) / Steps) + InitPhi;
- // -> vertex position
- CurPt.x:= x + Cos(Alpha) * InRadiusX;
- CurPt.y:= y - Sin(Alpha) * InRadiusY;
- // -> insert the vertex
- Entry:= NextVertexEntry();
- Entry.Vertex.x:= CurPt.x;
- Entry.Vertex.y:= CurPt.y;
- Entry.Color:= Color;
- Inc(FVertexCount);
- end;
- {$IFNDEF FrameRibbonUncached}
- AddIndexEntry(PreVtx);
- AddIndexEntry(PreVtx + 1);
- // (6) Insert indexes.
- for i:= 0 to (Steps * 2) - 1 do
- begin
- AddIndexEntry(PreVtx + 1 + i);
- AddIndexEntry(PreVtx + 2 + i);
- end;
- AddIndexEntry(PreVtx + (Steps * 2) + 1);
- AddIndexEntry(PreVtx);
- {$ENDIF}
- Inc(FPrimitives, 2 + Steps * 2);
- {$IFDEF FrameRibbonUncached}
- ResetCache();
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure TAsphyreCanvas.FrameRibbonEx(x, y, InRadiusX, InRadiusY,
- OutRadiusX, OutRadiusY, InitPhi, EndPhi: Single; Steps: Integer;
- Color: Cardinal);
- var
- Vertices: array of TD3DXVector2;
- vIndex : Integer;
- i: Integer;
- Alpha: Single;
- begin
- if (Steps < 1) then Exit;
- Flush();
- SetLength(Vertices, (Steps * 2) + 3);
- // (1) Create first inner vertex
- Vertices[0].x:= x + Cos(InitPhi) * InRadiusX;
- Vertices[0].y:= y - Sin(InitPhi) * InRadiusY;
- // (2) Create first outer vertex
- Vertices[1].x:= x + Cos(InitPhi) * OutRadiusX;
- Vertices[1].y:= y - Sin(InitPhi) * OutRadiusY;
- // (3) Insert outer vertices.
- vIndex:= 2;
- for i:= 1 to Steps do
- begin
- // -> angular position
- Alpha:= (i * (EndPhi - InitPhi) / Steps) + InitPhi;
- // -> vertex position
- Vertices[vIndex].x:= x + Cos(Alpha) * OutRadiusX;
- Vertices[vIndex].y:= y - Sin(Alpha) * OutRadiusY;
- Inc(vIndex);
- end;
- for i:= Steps downto 0 do
- begin
- // -> angular position
- Alpha:= (i * (EndPhi - InitPhi) / Steps) + InitPhi;
- // -> vertex position
- Vertices[vIndex].x:= x + Cos(Alpha) * InRadiusX - FClipRect.Left;
- Vertices[vIndex].y:= y - (Sin(Alpha) * InRadiusY + FClipRect.Top);
- Inc(vIndex);
- end;
- DXLine.Draw(@Vertices[0], (Steps * 2) + 3, Color);
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure TAsphyreCanvas.UseImage(Image: TAsphyreCustomImage;
- const Mapping: TPoint4; TexNum: Integer = 0);
- begin
- if (Image <> nil) then ActiveTex:= Image.Texture[TexNum]
- else ActiveTex:= nil;
- QuadMapping:= Mapping;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure TAsphyreCanvas.UseImage(Image: TAsphyreCustomImage;
- const Mapping: TPoint4px; TexNum: Integer = 0);
- begin
- if (Image <> nil) then ActiveTex:= Image.Texture[TexNum]
- else ActiveTex:= nil;
- if (ActiveTex <> nil) then
- begin
- QuadMapping[0]:= ActiveTex.CoordToLogical(Mapping[0]);
- QuadMapping[1]:= ActiveTex.CoordToLogical(Mapping[1]);
- QuadMapping[2]:= ActiveTex.CoordToLogical(Mapping[2]);
- QuadMapping[3]:= ActiveTex.CoordToLogical(Mapping[3]);
- end else QuadMapping:= TexFull4;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure TAsphyreCanvas.UseImage(Image: TAsphyreCustomImage; Pattern: Integer);
- begin
- if (Image <> nil) then
- begin
- if (Image is TAsphyreImage) then
- begin // Mapping using Pattern information
- ActiveTex:= TAsphyreImage(Image).RetreiveTex(Pattern, @QuadMapping);
- end else
- begin // Default mapping
- ActiveTex := Image.Texture[0];
- QuadMapping:= TexFull4;
- end;
- end else ActiveTex:= nil;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure TAsphyreCanvas.UseImage(Image: TAsphyreCustomImage; Pattern: Integer;
- const SrcRect: TRect; Mirror: Boolean = False; Flip: Boolean = False);
- begin
- if (Image <> nil) then
- begin
- if (Image is TAsphyreImage) then
- begin // Mapping using Pattern information
- ActiveTex:= TAsphyreImage(Image).RetreiveTex(Pattern, SrcRect, Mirror,
- Flip, @QuadMapping);
- end else UseImage(Image, pxRect4(SrcRect));
- end else
- begin
- ActiveTex := nil;
- QuadMapping:= TexFull4;
- end;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure TAsphyreCanvas.UseImageTri(Image: TAsphyreCustomImage; const tx0,
- tx1, tx2: TPoint2; TexNum: Integer = 0);
- begin
- if (Image <> nil) then ActiveTex:= Image.Texture[TexNum]
- else ActiveTex:= nil;
- QuadMapping[0]:= tx0;
- QuadMapping[1]:= tx1;
- QuadMapping[2]:= tx2;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure TAsphyreCanvas.UseImageTri(Image: TAsphyreCustomImage; const tx0,
- tx1, tx2: TPoint2px; TexNum: Integer = 0);
- begin
- if (Image <> nil) then ActiveTex:= Image.Texture[TexNum]
- else ActiveTex:= nil;
- if (ActiveTex <> nil) then
- begin
- QuadMapping[0]:= ActiveTex.CoordToLogical(tx0);
- QuadMapping[1]:= ActiveTex.CoordToLogical(tx1);
- QuadMapping[2]:= ActiveTex.CoordToLogical(tx2);
- end;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure TAsphyreCanvas.TexMap(const Points: TPoint4; const Colors: TColor4;
- DrawFx: Integer);
- var
- Entry: PVertexRecord;
- begin
- {$IFDEF TexMapUncached}
- // request non-indexed triangle strip to reduce bandwidth
- RequestCache(dmTriangleStrip, False, 4, 0, DrawFx, ActiveTex);
- {$ELSE}
- // request indexed triangle list to improve cache performance
- RequestCache(dmTriangleList, True, 4, 6, DrawFx, ActiveTex);
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFNDEF TexMapUncached}
- // insert index entries, if using index buffers
- AddIndexEntry(FVertexCount + 2);
- AddIndexEntry(FVertexCount);
- AddIndexEntry(FVertexCount + 1);
- AddIndexEntry(FVertexCount + 3);
- AddIndexEntry(FVertexCount + 2);
- AddIndexEntry(FVertexCount + 1);
- {$ENDIF}
- // insert vertices
- Entry:= NextVertexEntry();
- Entry.Vertex.x:= Points[0].x - 0.5;
- Entry.Vertex.y:= Points[0].y - 0.5;
- Entry.Color := Colors[0];
- Entry.u:= QuadMapping[0].x;
- Entry.v:= QuadMapping[0].y;
- Inc(FVertexCount);
- Entry:= NextVertexEntry();
- Entry.Vertex.x:= Points[1].x - 0.5;
- Entry.Vertex.y:= Points[1].y - 0.5;
- Entry.Color := Colors[1];
- Entry.u:= QuadMapping[1].x;
- Entry.v:= QuadMapping[1].y;
- Inc(FVertexCount);
- Entry:= NextVertexEntry();
- Entry.Vertex.x:= Points[3].x - 0.5;
- Entry.Vertex.y:= Points[3].y - 0.5;
- Entry.Color := Colors[3];
- Entry.u:= QuadMapping[3].x;
- Entry.v:= QuadMapping[3].y;
- Inc(FVertexCount);
- Entry:= NextVertexEntry();
- Entry.Vertex.x:= Points[2].x - 0.5;
- Entry.Vertex.y:= Points[2].y - 0.5;
- Entry.Color := Colors[2];
- Entry.u:= QuadMapping[2].x;
- Entry.v:= QuadMapping[2].y;
- Inc(FVertexCount);
- Inc(FPrimitives, 2);
- {$IFDEF TexMapUncached}
- ResetCache();
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure TAsphyreCanvas.TexTri(const p1, p2, p3: TPoint2; c1, c2,
- c3: Cardinal; DrawFx: Integer);
- var
- Entry: PVertexRecord;
- begin
- {$IFDEF TexTriUncached}
- // request non-indexed triangle strip to reduce bandwidth
- RequestCache(dmTriangleStrip, False, 3, 0, DrawFx, ActiveTex);
- {$ELSE}
- // request indexed triangle list to improve cache performance
- RequestCache(dmTriangleList, True, 3, 3, DrawFx, ActiveTex);
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFNDEF TexTriUncached}
- // insert index entries, if using index buffers
- AddIndexEntry(FVertexCount);
- AddIndexEntry(FVertexCount + 1);
- AddIndexEntry(FVertexCount + 2);
- {$ENDIF}
- // insert vertices
- Entry:= NextVertexEntry();
- Entry.Vertex.x:= p1.x - 0.5;
- Entry.Vertex.y:= p1.y - 0.5;
- Entry.Color := c1;
- Entry.u:= QuadMapping[0].x;
- Entry.v:= QuadMapping[0].y;
- Inc(FVertexCount);
- Entry:= NextVertexEntry();
- Entry.Vertex.x:= p2.x - 0.5;
- Entry.Vertex.y:= p2.y - 0.5;
- Entry.Color := c2;
- Entry.u:= QuadMapping[1].x;
- Entry.v:= QuadMapping[1].y;
- Inc(FVertexCount);
- Entry:= NextVertexEntry();
- Entry.Vertex.x:= p3.x - 0.5;
- Entry.Vertex.y:= p3.y - 0.5;
- Entry.Color := c3;
- Entry.u:= QuadMapping[3].x;
- Entry.v:= QuadMapping[3].y;
- Inc(FVertexCount);
- Inc(FPrimitives);
- {$IFDEF TexTriUncached}
- ResetCache();
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- end.