- unit AsphyreTGA;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // AsphyreTGA.pas Modified: 08-Ago-2005
- // Truevision TARGA format support for Asphyre Version 1.0
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
- // Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- // compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- //
- //
- // Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
- // basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
- // License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
- // under the License.
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- interface
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- uses
- Types, Classes, SysUtils, Graphics;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- type
- TTGAFlag = (tfMirrored, tfFlipped, tfCompressed);
- TTGAFlags = set of TTGAFlag;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // LoadTGAtoBMP()
- //
- // Loads 24-bit or 32-bit Truevision TARGA file from stream and stores all
- // information in destination bitmap.
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function LoadTGAtoBMP(Stream: TStream; Dest: TBitmap): Boolean; overload;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // SaveBMPtoTGA()
- //
- // Saves 24-bit or 32-bit bitmap as Truevision TARGA file to stream.
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function SaveBMPtoTGA(Stream: TStream; Source: TBitmap;
- Flags: TTGAFlags): Boolean; overload;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Overloaded functions to save/load TGAs to/from external files.
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function LoadTGAtoBMP(const FileName: string; Dest: TBitmap): Boolean; overload;
- function SaveBMPtoTGA(const FileName: string; Source: TBitmap;
- Flags: TTGAFlags): Boolean; overload;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- implementation
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- type
- TTGAHeader = packed record
- tfIDLength : Byte;
- tfColorMapType : Byte;
- tfImageType : Byte;
- tfColorMapSpec : packed array[0..4] of Byte;
- tfOrigX : Word;
- tfOrigY : Word;
- tfWidth : Word;
- tfHeight : Word;
- tfBpp : Byte;
- tfImageDesc : Byte;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure DecodeTargaRLE(Stream: TStream; Dest: Pointer; DestSize,
- tgaBpp: Integer);
- var
- Write: Pointer;
- Count, bSize: Integer;
- RLEHeader,
- BlockLength: Byte;
- RLEBuf: Longword;
- begin
- // bytes to write
- Count:= DestSize;
- // pointer to destination
- Write:= Dest;
- // read pixels
- while (Count > 0) do
- begin
- // read the RLE header
- Stream.ReadBuffer(RLEHeader, SizeOf(RLEHeader));
- // RLE Block length
- BlockLength:= (RLEHeader and $7F) + 1;
- if (RLEHeader and $80) = $80 then
- begin
- // if highest bit is set, the read one pixel and repeat it BlockLength times
- Stream.ReadBuffer(RLEBuf, tgaBpp);
- // write BlockLength pixels of RLEBuf
- while (BlockLength > 0) do
- begin
- Move(RLEBuf, Write^, tgaBpp); // repeat the pixel, one at a time
- Inc(Integer(Write), tgaBpp);
- Dec(Count, tgaBpp);
- Dec(BlockLength);
- end;
- end else
- begin
- // size of scanline to read
- bSize:= Integer(BlockLength) * tgaBpp;
- // read BlockLength pixels
- Stream.ReadBuffer(Write^, bSize);
- // increment destination pointer
- Inc(Integer(Write), bSize);
- // decrement the remaining byte count
- Dec(Count, bSize);
- end; // if RLEHeader
- end; // while
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure Flip(Image: TBitmap);
- var
- i, j: Integer;
- ScanBuf: Pointer;
- MyPitch: Integer;
- begin
- if (Image.PixelFormat <> pf32bit) then Image.PixelFormat:= pf32bit;
- // determine scanline size
- MyPitch:= Image.Width * 4;
- // proceed only if scanline exists
- if (MyPitch > 0) then
- begin
- // allocate memory for temporary buffer
- GetMem(ScanBuf, MyPitch);
- // flip the image
- for i:= 0 to (Image.Height div 2) - 1 do
- begin
- // calculate the opposite line
- j:= (Image.Height - 1) - i;
- // copy scanline[i] to buffer
- Move(Image.Scanline[i]^, ScanBuf^, MyPitch);
- // copy scanline[j] to scanline[i]
- Move(Image.Scanline[j]^, Image.Scanline[i]^, MyPitch);
- // copy buffer to scanline[j]
- Move(ScanBuf^, Image.Scanline[j]^, MyPitch);
- end;
- // free unused memory
- FreeMem(ScanBuf);
- end; // if
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure Mirror(Image: TBitmap);
- var
- i, j: Integer;
- ScanBuf, Dest, Source: Pointer;
- MyPitch: Integer;
- begin
- if (Image.PixelFormat <> pf32bit) then Image.PixelFormat:= pf32bit;
- // determine scanline size
- MyPitch:= Image.Width * 4;
- // proceed only if scanline exists
- if (MyPitch > 0) then
- begin
- // allocate memory for temporary buffer
- GetMem(ScanBuf, MyPitch);
- // mirror the image
- for j:= 0 to Image.Height - 1 do
- begin
- // assume the destination is the same as source
- Move(Image.Scanline[j]^, ScanBuf^, MyPitch);
- // point destination to the first pixel
- Dest:= ScanBuf;
- // point source to last pixel
- Source:= Pointer(Integer(Image.Scanline[j]) + (MyPitch - 4));
- for i:= 0 to Image.Width - 1 do
- begin
- Longword(Dest^):= Longword(Source^);
- Dec(Integer(Source), 4);
- Inc(Integer(Dest), 4);
- end; // for i
- // copy the mirrored scanline back
- Move(ScanBuf^, Image.Scanline[j]^, MyPitch);
- end; // for j
- // free unused memory
- FreeMem(ScanBuf);
- end; // if
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function LoadTGAtoBMP(Stream: TStream; Dest: TBitmap): Boolean;
- var
- tgaHeader: TTGAHeader;
- tgaBpp, i: Integer;
- BufSize, ScanLength: Integer;
- PixBuffer, Read: Pointer;
- begin
- Result:= False;
- PixBuffer:= nil;
- try
- // read TGA header
- Stream.ReadBuffer(tgaHeader, SizeOf(TTGAHeader));
- // check if the image is either True-Color or RLE encoded
- if (tgaHeader.tfImageType <> 2)and(tgaHeader.tfImageType <> 10) then Exit;
- // color-mapping
- if (tgaHeader.tfColorMapType <> 0) then Exit;
- // bit-depth check
- tgaBpp:= tgaHeader.tfBpp;
- if (tgaBpp <> 32)and(tgaBpp <> 24) then Exit;
- // skip Image ID field
- if (tgaHeader.tfIDLength <> 0) then
- Stream.Seek(tgaHeader.tfIDLength, soFromCurrent);
- // create pixel buffer
- BufSize:= Integer(tgaHeader.tfWidth) * tgaHeader.tfHeight * (tgaBpp div 8);
- PixBuffer:= AllocMem(BufSize);
- // read pixels
- if (tgaHeader.tfImageType <> 10) then
- begin
- // read raw pixel data
- Stream.ReadBuffer(pixBuffer^, bufSize);
- end else
- begin
- // read RLE data
- DecodeTargaRLE(Stream, pixBuffer, bufSize, tgaBpp div 8);
- end;
- except
- if (PixBuffer <> nil) then FreeMem(PixBuffer);
- Exit;
- end;
- // specify file size
- Dest.Width := tgaHeader.tfWidth;
- Dest.Height:= tgaHeader.tfHeight;
- // specify bit-depth
- if (tgaBpp = 32) then Dest.PixelFormat:= pf32bit else Dest.PixelFormat:= pf24bit;
- // source pointer
- Read:= pixBuffer;
- // scanline width
- ScanLength:= Dest.Width * (tgaBpp div 8);
- // set pixel data
- for i:= 0 to Dest.Height - 1 do
- begin
- Move(Read^, Dest.Scanline[i]^, ScanLength);
- Inc(Integer(Read), ScanLength);
- end;
- // check if the image is mirrored
- if (tgaHeader.tfImageDesc and $10 = $10) then Mirror(Dest);
- // check if the image is flipped
- if (tgaHeader.tfImageDesc and $20 <> $20) then Flip(Dest);
- // release the buffer memory and reading stream
- FreeMem(PixBuffer);
- Result:= True;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure ScanRLE(Data: Pointer; PixRemain, iBpp: Integer;
- out PixCount: Integer; out DoRepeat: Boolean);
- var
- Pixels: array[0..2] of Longword;
- nPixel: Longword;
- i: Integer;
- begin
- // case 0: less than 3 pixels to write
- if (PixRemain < 3) then
- begin
- PixCount:= PixRemain;
- DoRepeat:= False;
- Exit;
- end;
- // read next 3 pixels
- for i:= 0 to 2 do
- begin
- Pixels[i]:= 0;
- Move(Pointer(Integer(Data) + (iBpp * i))^, Pixels[i], iBpp);
- end;
- // case 1: repeating pixels
- nPixel:= 0;
- if (Pixels[0] = Pixels[1])and(Pixels[1] = Pixels[2]) then
- begin
- PixCount:= 3;
- nPixel:= Pixels[0];
- while (PixCount < PixRemain)and(PixCount < $80)and(nPixel = Pixels[0]) do
- begin
- // increment repeated pixel count
- Inc(PixCount);
- Move(Pointer(Integer(Data) + (iBpp * PixCount))^, nPixel, iBpp);
- end;
- DoRepeat:= True;
- Exit;
- end;
- // case 2: non-repeating pixels
- PixCount:= 2;
- while (PixCount < PixRemain - 1)and(PixCount < $80) do
- begin
- // read next 3 pixels
- for i:= 0 to 2 do
- begin
- Pixels[i]:= 0;
- Move(Pointer(Integer(Data) + (iBpp * (i + PixCount)))^, Pixels[i], iBpp);
- end;
- // check if the pixels are different
- if (Pixels[0] = Pixels[1])and(Pixels[1] = Pixels[2]) then break
- else Inc(PixCount);
- end;
- DoRepeat:= False;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure EncodeTargaRLE(Stream: TStream; Source: Pointer;
- SourceSize, tgaBpp: Integer);
- var
- Read: Pointer;
- Count, bSize: Integer;
- RLEHeader: Byte;
- PixCount: Integer;
- DoRepeat: Boolean;
- begin
- // bytes to read
- Count:= SourceSize;
- // pointer to source
- Read:= Source;
- // write pixels
- while (Count > 0) do
- begin
- // scan repeating pixels
- ScanRLE(Read, Count div tgaBpp, tgaBpp, PixCount, DoRepeat);
- // calculate scanline size
- bSize:= PixCount * tgaBpp;
- // set # of pixels
- RLEHeader:= (PixCount - 1) and $7F;
- if (DoRepeat) then
- begin
- // update RLE header
- RLEHeader:= RLEHeader or $80; // set RLE bit
- // write updated RLE header
- Stream.WriteBuffer(RLEHeader, SizeOf(RLEHeader));
- // write the repeating pixel data
- Stream.WriteBuffer(Read^, tgaBpp);
- end else
- begin
- // write RLE header
- Stream.WriteBuffer(RLEHeader, SizeOf(RLEHeader));
- // write pixel data
- Stream.WriteBuffer(Read^, bSize);
- end;
- // increment source pointer by number of scanned pixels
- Inc(Integer(Read), bSize);
- // decrement bytes remaining
- Dec(Count, bSize);
- end; // while
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function SaveBMPtoTGA(Stream: TStream; Source: TBitmap;
- Flags: TTGAFlags): Boolean;
- var
- tgaHeader: TTGAHeader;
- tgaBpp, i: Integer;
- BufSize, ScanLength: Integer;
- PixBuffer, Write: Pointer;
- begin
- // check bit-depth
- if (not (Source.PixelFormat in [pf24bit, pf32bit])) then
- begin
- Result:= False;
- Exit;
- end;
- // bit-depth configuration
- tgaBpp:= 24;
- if (Source.PixelFormat = pf32bit) then tgaBpp:= 32;
- // create pixel buffer
- BufSize:= Source.Width * Source.Height * (tgaBpp div 8);
- GetMem(PixBuffer, BufSize);
- // source pointer
- Write:= PixBuffer;
- // scanline width
- ScanLength:= Source.Width * (tgaBpp div 8);
- // apply flip & mirror attributes
- if (tfFlipped in Flags) then Flip(Source);
- if (tfMirrored in Flags) then Mirror(Source);
- // set pixel data
- for i:= 0 to Source.Height - 1 do
- begin
- Move(Source.Scanline[i]^, Write^, ScanLength);
- Inc(Integer(Write), ScanLength);
- end;
- // return image to normal state
- if (tfFlipped in Flags) then Flip(Source);
- if (tfMirrored in Flags) then Mirror(Source);
- // clear TARGA header
- FillChar(tgaHeader, SizeOf(TTGAHeader), 0);
- // create new TARGA header
- tgaHeader.tfImageType:= 2; // True-color
- if (tfCompressed in Flags) then tgaHeader.tfImageType:= 10; // RLE-encoded
- // set flip & mirror attributes
- tgaHeader.tfImageDesc:= $00; // the image is flipped
- // mirrored
- if (tfFlipped in Flags) then
- tgaHeader.tfImageDesc:= tgaHeader.tfImageDesc or $20;
- // flipped
- if (tfMirrored in Flags) then
- tgaHeader.tfImageDesc:= tgaHeader.tfImageDesc or $10;
- tgaHeader.tfColorMapType := 0; // no colormapping
- tgaHeader.tfWidth := Source.Width; // image width
- tgaHeader.tfHeight := Source.Height;// image height
- tgaHeader.tfBpp := tgaBpp;// image bit-depth
- Result:= True;
- try
- // write new TARGA header
- Stream.WriteBuffer(tgaHeader, SizeOf(TTGAHeader));
- // encode pixel data
- if (tfCompressed in Flags) then
- begin
- EncodeTargaRLE(Stream, pixBuffer, bufSize, tgaBpp div 8);
- end else
- begin
- Stream.WriteBuffer(pixBuffer^, bufSize);
- end;
- except
- Result:= False;
- end;
- // release the buffer memory and reading stream
- FreeMem(PixBuffer);
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function LoadTGAtoBMP(const FileName: string; Dest: TBitmap): Boolean; overload;
- var
- Stream: TStream;
- begin
- try
- Stream:= TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite);
- except
- Result:= False;
- Exit;
- end;
- try
- Result:= LoadTGAtoBMP(Stream, Dest);
- finally
- Stream.Free();
- end;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function SaveBMPtoTGA(const FileName: string; Source: TBitmap;
- Flags: TTGAFlags): Boolean;
- var
- Stream: TStream;
- begin
- try
- Stream:= TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmCreate or fmShareExclusive);
- except
- Result:= False;
- Exit;
- end;
- try
- Result:= SaveBMPtoTGA(Stream, Source, Flags);
- finally
- Stream.Free();
- end;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- end.