- Dest2 := pChar(Longint(Dest) + Col div 2);
- {Copy data}
- Byte(Dest2^) := Byte(Dest2^) or ((((Byte(Src^) shr CurBit) shl 2) and $F)
- shl (4 - (Col*4) mod 8));
- {Move to next column}
- inc(Col, ColumnIncrement[Pass]);
- {Will read next bits}
- dec(CurBit, 2);
- until CurBit < 0;
- {Move to next byte in source}
- inc(Src);
- until Col >= ImageWidth;
- end;
- {Copy 韒ages with palette using 2 bytes for each pixel}
- procedure TChunkIDAT.CopyInterlacedGrayscale16(const Pass: Byte;
- Src, Dest, Trans{$IFDEF Store16bits}, Extra{$ENDIF}: pChar);
- var
- Col: Integer;
- begin
- {Get first column and enter in loop}
- Col := ColumnStart[Pass];
- Dest := pChar(Longint(Dest) + Col);
- repeat
- {Copy this row}
- Dest^ := Src^; inc(Dest);
- {$IFDEF Store16bits}
- Extra^ := pChar(Longint(Src) + 1)^; inc(Extra);
- {$ENDIF}
- {Move to next column}
- inc(Src, 2);
- inc(Dest, ColumnIncrement[Pass] - 1);
- inc(Col, ColumnIncrement[Pass]);
- until Col >= ImageWidth;
- end;
- {Decodes interlaced RGB alpha with 1 byte for each sample}
- procedure TChunkIDAT.CopyInterlacedRGBAlpha8(const Pass: Byte;
- Src, Dest, Trans{$IFDEF Store16bits}, Extra{$ENDIF}: pChar);
- var
- Col: Integer;
- begin
- {Get first column and enter in loop}
- Col := ColumnStart[Pass];
- Dest := pChar(Longint(Dest) + Col * 3);
- Trans := pChar(Longint(Trans) + Col);
- repeat
- {Copy this row and alpha value}
- Trans^ := pChar(Longint(Src) + 3)^;
- Byte(Dest^) := fOwner.GammaTable[pByte(Longint(Src) + 2)^]; inc(Dest);
- Byte(Dest^) := fOwner.GammaTable[pByte(Longint(Src) + 1)^]; inc(Dest);
- Byte(Dest^) := fOwner.GammaTable[pByte(Longint(Src) )^]; inc(Dest);
- {Move to next column}
- inc(Src, 4);
- inc(Dest, ColumnIncrement[Pass] * 3 - 3);
- inc(Trans, ColumnIncrement[Pass]);
- inc(Col, ColumnIncrement[Pass]);
- until Col >= ImageWidth;
- end;
- {Decodes interlaced RGB alpha with 2 bytes for each sample}
- procedure TChunkIDAT.CopyInterlacedRGBAlpha16(const Pass: Byte;
- Src, Dest, Trans{$IFDEF Store16bits}, Extra{$ENDIF}: pChar);
- var
- Col: Integer;
- begin
- {Get first column and enter in loop}
- Col := ColumnStart[Pass];
- Dest := pChar(Longint(Dest) + Col * 3);
- Trans := pChar(Longint(Trans) + Col);
- repeat
- {Copy this row and alpha value}
- Trans^ := pChar(Longint(Src) + 6)^;
- Byte(Dest^) := fOwner.GammaTable[pByte(Longint(Src) + 4)^]; inc(Dest);
- Byte(Dest^) := fOwner.GammaTable[pByte(Longint(Src) + 2)^]; inc(Dest);
- Byte(Dest^) := fOwner.GammaTable[pByte(Longint(Src) )^]; inc(Dest);
- {$IFDEF Store16bits}
- {Copy extra pixel values}
- Byte(Extra^) := fOwner.GammaTable[pByte(Longint(Src) + 5)^]; inc(Extra);
- Byte(Extra^) := fOwner.GammaTable[pByte(Longint(Src) + 3)^]; inc(Extra);
- Byte(Extra^) := fOwner.GammaTable[pByte(Longint(Src) + 1)^]; inc(Extra);
- {$ENDIF}
- {Move to next column}
- inc(Src, 8);
- inc(Dest, ColumnIncrement[Pass] * 3 - 3);
- inc(Trans, ColumnIncrement[Pass]);
- inc(Col, ColumnIncrement[Pass]);
- until Col >= ImageWidth;
- end;
- {Decodes 8 bit grayscale image followed by an alpha sample}
- procedure TChunkIDAT.CopyInterlacedGrayscaleAlpha8(const Pass: Byte;
- Src, Dest, Trans{$IFDEF Store16bits}, Extra{$ENDIF}: pChar);
- var
- Col: Integer;
- begin
- {Get first column, pointers to the data and enter in loop}
- Col := ColumnStart[Pass];
- Dest := pChar(Longint(Dest) + Col);
- Trans := pChar(Longint(Trans) + Col);
- repeat
- {Copy this grayscale value and alpha}
- Dest^ := Src^; inc(Src);
- Trans^ := Src^; inc(Src);
- {Move to next column}
- inc(Dest, ColumnIncrement[Pass]);
- inc(Trans, ColumnIncrement[Pass]);
- inc(Col, ColumnIncrement[Pass]);
- until Col >= ImageWidth;
- end;
- {Decodes 16 bit grayscale image followed by an alpha sample}
- procedure TChunkIDAT.CopyInterlacedGrayscaleAlpha16(const Pass: Byte;
- Src, Dest, Trans{$IFDEF Store16bits}, Extra{$ENDIF}: pChar);
- var
- Col: Integer;
- begin
- {Get first column, pointers to the data and enter in loop}
- Col := ColumnStart[Pass];
- Dest := pChar(Longint(Dest) + Col);
- Trans := pChar(Longint(Trans) + Col);
- repeat
- {$IFDEF Store16bits}
- Extra^ := pChar(Longint(Src) + 1)^; inc(Extra);
- {$ENDIF}
- {Copy this grayscale value and alpha, transforming 16 bits into 8}
- Dest^ := Src^; inc(Src, 2);
- Trans^ := Src^; inc(Src, 2);
- {Move to next column}
- inc(Dest, ColumnIncrement[Pass]);
- inc(Trans, ColumnIncrement[Pass]);
- inc(Col, ColumnIncrement[Pass]);
- until Col >= ImageWidth;
- end;
- {Decodes an interlaced image}
- procedure TChunkIDAT.DecodeInterlacedAdam7(Stream: TStream;
- var ZLIBStream: TZStreamRec2; const Size: Integer; var crcfile: Cardinal);
- var
- CurrentPass: Byte;
- PixelsThisRow: Integer;
- CurrentRow: Integer;
- Trans, Data{$IFDEF Store16bits}, Extra{$ENDIF}: pChar;
- CopyProc: procedure(const Pass: Byte; Src, Dest,
- Trans{$IFDEF Store16bits}, Extra{$ENDIF}: pChar) of object;
- begin
- CopyProc := nil; {Initialize}
- {Determine method to copy the image data}
- case Header.ColorType of
- {R, G, B values for each pixel}
- case Header.BitDepth of
- 8: CopyProc := CopyInterlacedRGB8;
- 16: CopyProc := CopyInterlacedRGB16;
- end {case Header.BitDepth};
- {Palette}
- case Header.BitDepth of
- 1, 4, 8: CopyProc := CopyInterlacedPalette148;
- 2 : if Header.ColorType = COLOR_PALETTE then
- CopyProc := CopyInterlacedPalette2
- else
- CopyProc := CopyInterlacedGray2;
- 16 : CopyProc := CopyInterlacedGrayscale16;
- end;
- {RGB followed by alpha}
- case Header.BitDepth of
- 8: CopyProc := CopyInterlacedRGBAlpha8;
- 16: CopyProc := CopyInterlacedRGBAlpha16;
- end;
- {Grayscale followed by alpha}
- case Header.BitDepth of
- 8: CopyProc := CopyInterlacedGrayscaleAlpha8;
- 16: CopyProc := CopyInterlacedGrayscaleAlpha16;
- end;
- end {case Header.ColorType};
- {Adam7 method has 7 passes to make the final image}
- FOR CurrentPass := 0 TO 6 DO
- begin
- {Calculates the number of pixels and bytes for this pass row}
- PixelsThisRow := (ImageWidth - ColumnStart[CurrentPass] +
- ColumnIncrement[CurrentPass] - 1) div ColumnIncrement[CurrentPass];
- Row_Bytes := BytesForPixels(PixelsThisRow, Header.ColorType,
- Header.BitDepth);
- {Clear buffer for this pass}
- ZeroMemory(Row_Buffer[not RowUsed], Row_Bytes);
- {Get current row index}
- CurrentRow := RowStart[CurrentPass];
- {Get a pointer to the current row image data}
- Data := Ptr(Longint(Header.ImageData) + Header.BytesPerRow *
- (ImageHeight - 1 - CurrentRow));
- Trans := Ptr(Longint(Header.ImageAlpha) + ImageWidth * CurrentRow);
- {$IFDEF Store16bits}
- Extra := Ptr(Longint(Header.ExtraImageData) + Header.BytesPerRow *
- (ImageHeight - 1 - CurrentRow));
- {$ENDIF}
- if Row_Bytes > 0 then {There must have bytes for this interlaced pass}
- while CurrentRow < ImageHeight do
- begin
- {Reads this line and filter}
- if IDATZlibRead(ZLIBStream, @Row_Buffer[RowUsed][0], Row_Bytes + 1,
- EndPos, CRCFile) = 0 then break;
- FilterRow;
- {Copy image data}
- CopyProc(CurrentPass, @Row_Buffer[RowUsed][1], Data, Trans
- {$IFDEF Store16bits}, Extra{$ENDIF});
- {Use the other RowBuffer item}
- RowUsed := not RowUsed;
- {Move to the next row}
- inc(CurrentRow, RowIncrement[CurrentPass]);
- {Move pointer to the next line}
- dec(Data, RowIncrement[CurrentPass] * Header.BytesPerRow);
- inc(Trans, RowIncrement[CurrentPass] * ImageWidth);
- {$IFDEF Store16bits}
- dec(Extra, RowIncrement[CurrentPass] * Header.BytesPerRow);
- {$ENDIF}
- end {while CurrentRow < ImageHeight};
- end {FOR CurrentPass};
- end;
- {Copy 8 bits RGB image}
- procedure TChunkIDAT.CopyNonInterlacedRGB8(
- Src, Dest, Trans{$IFDEF Store16bits}, Extra{$ENDIF}: pChar);
- var
- I: Integer;
- begin
- FOR I := 1 TO ImageWidth DO
- begin
- {Copy pixel values}
- Byte(Dest^) := fOwner.GammaTable[pByte(Longint(Src) + 2)^]; inc(Dest);
- Byte(Dest^) := fOwner.GammaTable[pByte(Longint(Src) + 1)^]; inc(Dest);
- Byte(Dest^) := fOwner.GammaTable[pByte(Longint(Src) )^]; inc(Dest);
- {Move to next pixel}
- inc(Src, 3);
- end {for I}
- end;
- {Copy 16 bits RGB image}
- procedure TChunkIDAT.CopyNonInterlacedRGB16(
- Src, Dest, Trans{$IFDEF Store16bits}, Extra{$ENDIF}: pChar);
- var
- I: Integer;
- begin
- FOR I := 1 TO ImageWidth DO
- begin
- //Since windows does not supports 2 bytes for
- //each R, G, B value, the method will read only 1 byte from it
- {Copy pixel values}
- Byte(Dest^) := fOwner.GammaTable[pByte(Longint(Src) + 4)^]; inc(Dest);
- Byte(Dest^) := fOwner.GammaTable[pByte(Longint(Src) + 2)^]; inc(Dest);
- Byte(Dest^) := fOwner.GammaTable[pByte(Longint(Src) )^]; inc(Dest);
- {$IFDEF Store16bits}
- {Copy extra pixel values}
- Byte(Extra^) := fOwner.GammaTable[pByte(Longint(Src) + 5)^]; inc(Extra);
- Byte(Extra^) := fOwner.GammaTable[pByte(Longint(Src) + 3)^]; inc(Extra);
- Byte(Extra^) := fOwner.GammaTable[pByte(Longint(Src) + 1)^]; inc(Extra);
- {$ENDIF}
- {Move to next pixel}
- inc(Src, 6);
- end {for I}
- end;
- {Copy types using palettes (1, 4 or 8 bits per pixel)}
- procedure TChunkIDAT.CopyNonInterlacedPalette148(
- Src, Dest, Trans{$IFDEF Store16bits}, Extra{$ENDIF}: pChar);
- begin
- {It's simple as copying the data}
- CopyMemory(Dest, Src, Row_Bytes);
- end;
- {Copy grayscale types using 2 bits for each pixel}
- procedure TChunkIDAT.CopyNonInterlacedGray2(
- Src, Dest, Trans{$IFDEF Store16bits}, Extra{$ENDIF}: pChar);
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- {2 bits is not supported, this routine will converted into 4 bits}
- FOR i := 1 TO Row_Bytes do
- begin
- Byte(Dest^) := ((Byte(Src^) shr 2) and $F) or ((Byte(Src^)) and $F0); inc(Dest);
- Byte(Dest^) := ((Byte(Src^) shl 2) and $F) or ((Byte(Src^) shl 4) and $F0); inc(Dest);
- inc(Src);
- end {FOR i}
- end;
- {Copy types using palette with 2 bits for each pixel}
- procedure TChunkIDAT.CopyNonInterlacedPalette2(
- Src, Dest, Trans{$IFDEF Store16bits}, Extra{$ENDIF}: pChar);
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- {2 bits is not supported, this routine will converted into 4 bits}
- FOR i := 1 TO Row_Bytes do
- begin
- Byte(Dest^) := ((Byte(Src^) shr 4) and $3) or ((Byte(Src^) shr 2) and $30); inc(Dest);
- Byte(Dest^) := (Byte(Src^) and $3) or ((Byte(Src^) shl 2) and $30); inc(Dest);
- inc(Src);
- end {FOR i}
- end;
- {Copy grayscale images with 16 bits}
- procedure TChunkIDAT.CopyNonInterlacedGrayscale16(
- Src, Dest, Trans{$IFDEF Store16bits}, Extra{$ENDIF}: pChar);
- var
- I: Integer;
- begin
- FOR I := 1 TO ImageWidth DO
- begin
- {Windows does not supports 16 bits for each pixel in grayscale}
- {mode, so reduce to 8}
- Dest^ := Src^; inc(Dest);
- {$IFDEF Store16bits}
- Extra^ := pChar(Longint(Src) + 1)^; inc(Extra);
- {$ENDIF}
- {Move to next pixel}
- inc(Src, 2);
- end {for I}
- end;
- {Copy 8 bits per sample RGB images followed by an alpha byte}
- procedure TChunkIDAT.CopyNonInterlacedRGBAlpha8(
- Src, Dest, Trans{$IFDEF Store16bits}, Extra{$ENDIF}: pChar);
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- FOR I := 1 TO ImageWidth DO
- begin
- {Copy pixel values and transparency}
- Trans^ := pChar(Longint(Src) + 3)^;
- Byte(Dest^) := fOwner.GammaTable[pByte(Longint(Src) + 2)^]; inc(Dest);
- Byte(Dest^) := fOwner.GammaTable[pByte(Longint(Src) + 1)^]; inc(Dest);
- Byte(Dest^) := fOwner.GammaTable[pByte(Longint(Src) )^]; inc(Dest);
- {Move to next pixel}
- inc(Src, 4); inc(Trans);
- end {for I}
- end;
- {Copy 16 bits RGB image with alpha using 2 bytes for each sample}
- procedure TChunkIDAT.CopyNonInterlacedRGBAlpha16(
- Src, Dest, Trans{$IFDEF Store16bits}, Extra{$ENDIF}: pChar);
- var
- I: Integer;
- begin
- FOR I := 1 TO ImageWidth DO
- begin
- //Copy rgb and alpha values (transforming from 16 bits to 8 bits)
- {Copy pixel values}
- Trans^ := pChar(Longint(Src) + 6)^;
- Byte(Dest^) := fOwner.GammaTable[pByte(Longint(Src) + 4)^]; inc(Dest);
- Byte(Dest^) := fOwner.GammaTable[pByte(Longint(Src) + 2)^]; inc(Dest);
- Byte(Dest^) := fOwner.GammaTable[pByte(Longint(Src) )^]; inc(Dest);
- {$IFDEF Store16bits}
- {Copy extra pixel values}
- Byte(Extra^) := fOwner.GammaTable[pByte(Longint(Src) + 5)^]; inc(Extra);
- Byte(Extra^) := fOwner.GammaTable[pByte(Longint(Src) + 3)^]; inc(Extra);
- Byte(Extra^) := fOwner.GammaTable[pByte(Longint(Src) + 1)^]; inc(Extra);
- {$ENDIF}
- {Move to next pixel}
- inc(Src, 8); inc(Trans);
- end {for I}
- end;
- {Copy 8 bits per sample grayscale followed by alpha}
- procedure TChunkIDAT.CopyNonInterlacedGrayscaleAlpha8(
- Src, Dest, Trans{$IFDEF Store16bits}, Extra{$ENDIF}: pChar);
- var
- I: Integer;
- begin
- FOR I := 1 TO ImageWidth DO
- begin
- {Copy alpha value and then gray value}
- Dest^ := Src^; inc(Src);
- Trans^ := Src^; inc(Src);
- inc(Dest); inc(Trans);
- end;
- end;
- {Copy 16 bits per sample grayscale followed by alpha}
- procedure TChunkIDAT.CopyNonInterlacedGrayscaleAlpha16(
- Src, Dest, Trans{$IFDEF Store16bits}, Extra{$ENDIF}: pChar);
- var
- I: Integer;
- begin
- FOR I := 1 TO ImageWidth DO
- begin
- {Copy alpha value and then gray value}
- {$IFDEF Store16bits}
- Extra^ := pChar(Longint(Src) + 1)^; inc(Extra);
- {$ENDIF}
- Dest^ := Src^; inc(Src, 2);
- Trans^ := Src^; inc(Src, 2);
- inc(Dest); inc(Trans);
- end;
- end;
- {Decode non interlaced image}
- procedure TChunkIDAT.DecodeNonInterlaced(Stream: TStream;
- var ZLIBStream: TZStreamRec2; const Size: Integer; var crcfile: Cardinal);
- var
- j: Cardinal;
- Trans, Data{$IFDEF Store16bits}, Extra{$ENDIF}: pChar;
- CopyProc: procedure(
- Src, Dest, Trans{$IFDEF Store16bits}, Extra{$ENDIF}: pChar) of object;
- begin
- CopyProc := nil; {Initialize}
- {Determines the method to copy the image data}
- case Header.ColorType of
- {R, G, B values}
- case Header.BitDepth of
- 8: CopyProc := CopyNonInterlacedRGB8;
- 16: CopyProc := CopyNonInterlacedRGB16;
- end;
- {Types using palettes}
- case Header.BitDepth of
- 1, 4, 8: CopyProc := CopyNonInterlacedPalette148;
- 2 : if Header.ColorType = COLOR_PALETTE then
- CopyProc := CopyNonInterlacedPalette2
- else
- CopyProc := CopyNonInterlacedGray2;
- 16 : CopyProc := CopyNonInterlacedGrayscale16;
- end;
- {R, G, B followed by alpha}
- case Header.BitDepth of
- 8 : CopyProc := CopyNonInterlacedRGBAlpha8;
- 16 : CopyProc := CopyNonInterlacedRGBAlpha16;
- end;
- {Grayscale followed by alpha}
- case Header.BitDepth of
- 8 : CopyProc := CopyNonInterlacedGrayscaleAlpha8;
- 16 : CopyProc := CopyNonInterlacedGrayscaleAlpha16;
- end;
- end;
- {Get the image data pointer}
- Longint(Data) := Longint(Header.ImageData) +
- Header.BytesPerRow * (ImageHeight - 1);
- Trans := Header.ImageAlpha;
- {$IFDEF Store16bits}
- Longint(Extra) := Longint(Header.ExtraImageData) +
- Header.BytesPerRow * (ImageHeight - 1);
- {$ENDIF}
- {Reads each line}
- FOR j := 0 to ImageHeight - 1 do
- begin
- {Read this line Row_Buffer[RowUsed][0] if the filter type for this line}
- if IDATZlibRead(ZLIBStream, @Row_Buffer[RowUsed][0], Row_Bytes + 1, EndPos,
- CRCFile) = 0 then break;
- {Filter the current row}
- FilterRow;
- {Copies non interlaced row to image}
- CopyProc(@Row_Buffer[RowUsed][1], Data, Trans{$IFDEF Store16bits}, Extra
- {$ENDIF});
- {Invert line used}
- RowUsed := not RowUsed;
- dec(Data, Header.BytesPerRow);
- {$IFDEF Store16bits}dec(Extra, Header.BytesPerRow);{$ENDIF}
- inc(Trans, ImageWidth);
- end {for I};
- end;
- {Filter the current line}
- procedure TChunkIDAT.FilterRow;
- var
- pp: Byte;
- vv, left, above, aboveleft: Integer;
- Col: Cardinal;
- begin
- {Test the filter}
- case Row_Buffer[RowUsed]^[0] of
- {No filtering for this line}
- FILTER_NONE: begin end;
- {AND 255 serves only to never let the result be larger than one byte}
- {Sub filter}
- FOR Col := Offset + 1 to Row_Bytes DO
- Row_Buffer[RowUsed][Col] := (Row_Buffer[RowUsed][Col] +
- Row_Buffer[RowUsed][Col - Offset]) and 255;
- {Up filter}
- FOR Col := 1 to Row_Bytes DO
- Row_Buffer[RowUsed][Col] := (Row_Buffer[RowUsed][Col] +
- Row_Buffer[not RowUsed][Col]) and 255;
- {Average filter}
- FOR Col := 1 to Row_Bytes DO
- begin
- {Obtains up and left pixels}
- above := Row_Buffer[not RowUsed][Col];
- if col - 1 < Offset then
- left := 0
- else
- Left := Row_Buffer[RowUsed][Col - Offset];
- {Calculates}
- Row_Buffer[RowUsed][Col] := (Row_Buffer[RowUsed][Col] +
- (left + above) div 2) and 255;
- end;
- {Paeth filter}
- begin
- {Initialize}
- left := 0;
- aboveleft := 0;
- {Test each byte}
- FOR Col := 1 to Row_Bytes DO
- begin
- {Obtains above pixel}
- above := Row_Buffer[not RowUsed][Col];
- {Obtains left and top-left pixels}
- if (col - 1 >= offset) Then
- begin
- left := row_buffer[RowUsed][col - offset];
- aboveleft := row_buffer[not RowUsed][col - offset];
- end;
- {Obtains current pixel and paeth predictor}
- vv := row_buffer[RowUsed][Col];
- pp := PaethPredictor(left, above, aboveleft);
- {Calculates}
- Row_Buffer[RowUsed][Col] := (pp + vv) and $FF;
- end {for};
- end;
- end {case};
- end;
- {Reads the image data from the stream}
- function TChunkIDAT.LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream; const ChunkName: TChunkName;
- Size: Integer): Boolean;
- var
- ZLIBStream: TZStreamRec2;
- CRCCheck,
- CRCFile : Cardinal;
- begin
- {Get pointer to the header chunk}
- Header := Owner.Chunks.Item[0] as TChunkIHDR;
- {Build palette if necessary}
- if Header.HasPalette then PreparePalette();
- {Copy image width and height}
- ImageWidth := Header.Width;
- ImageHeight := Header.Height;
- {Initialize to calculate CRC}
- {$IFDEF CheckCRC}
- CRCFile := update_crc($ffffffff, @ChunkName[0], 4);
- {$ENDIF}
- Owner.GetPixelInfo(Row_Bytes, Offset); {Obtain line information}
- ZLIBStream := ZLIBInitInflate(Stream); {Initializes decompression}
- {Calculate ending position for the current IDAT chunk}
- EndPos := Stream.Position + Size;
- {Allocate memory}
- GetMem(Row_Buffer[false], Row_Bytes + 1);
- GetMem(Row_Buffer[true], Row_Bytes + 1);
- ZeroMemory(Row_Buffer[false], Row_bytes + 1);
- {Set the variable to alternate the Row_Buffer item to use}
- RowUsed := TRUE;
- {Call special methods for the different interlace methods}
- case Owner.InterlaceMethod of
- imNone: DecodeNonInterlaced(stream, ZLIBStream, Size, crcfile);
- imAdam7: DecodeInterlacedAdam7(stream, ZLIBStream, size, crcfile);
- end;
- {Free memory}
- ZLIBTerminateInflate(ZLIBStream); {Terminates decompression}
- FreeMem(Row_Buffer[False], Row_Bytes + 1);
- FreeMem(Row_Buffer[True], Row_Bytes + 1);
- {Now checks CRC}
- Stream.Read(CRCCheck, 4);
- {$IFDEF CheckCRC}
- CRCFile := CRCFile xor $ffffffff;
- CRCCheck := ByteSwap(CRCCheck);
- Result := CRCCheck = CRCFile;
- {Handle CRC error}
- if not Result then
- begin
- {In case it coult not load chunk}
- Owner.RaiseError(EPngInvalidCRC, EPngInvalidCRCText);
- exit;
- end;
- {$ELSE}Result := TRUE; {$ENDIF}
- end;
- const
- IDATHeader: Array[0..3] of char = ('I', 'D', 'A', 'T');
- BUFFER = 5;
- {Saves the IDAT chunk to a stream}
- function TChunkIDAT.SaveToStream(Stream: TStream): Boolean;
- var
- ZLIBStream : TZStreamRec2;
- begin
- {Get pointer to the header chunk}
- Header := Owner.Chunks.Item[0] as TChunkIHDR;
- {Copy image width and height}
- ImageWidth := Header.Width;
- ImageHeight := Header.Height;
- Owner.GetPixelInfo(Row_Bytes, Offset); {Obtain line information}
- {Allocate memory}
- GetMem(Encode_Buffer[BUFFER], Row_Bytes);
- ZeroMemory(Encode_Buffer[BUFFER], Row_Bytes);
- {Allocate buffers for the filters selected}
- {Filter none will always be calculated to the other filters to work}
- GetMem(Encode_Buffer[FILTER_NONE], Row_Bytes);
- ZeroMemory(Encode_Buffer[FILTER_NONE], Row_Bytes);
- if pfSub in Owner.Filters then
- GetMem(Encode_Buffer[FILTER_SUB], Row_Bytes);
- if pfUp in Owner.Filters then
- GetMem(Encode_Buffer[FILTER_UP], Row_Bytes);
- if pfAverage in Owner.Filters then
- GetMem(Encode_Buffer[FILTER_AVERAGE], Row_Bytes);
- if pfPaeth in Owner.Filters then
- GetMem(Encode_Buffer[FILTER_PAETH], Row_Bytes);
- {Initialize ZLIB}
- ZLIBStream := ZLIBInitDeflate(Stream, Owner.fCompressionLevel,
- Owner.MaxIdatSize);
- {Write data depending on the interlace method}
- case Owner.InterlaceMethod of
- imNone: EncodeNonInterlaced(stream, ZLIBStream);
- imAdam7: EncodeInterlacedAdam7(stream, ZLIBStream);
- end;
- {Terminates ZLIB}
- ZLIBTerminateDeflate(ZLIBStream);
- {Release allocated memory}
- FreeMem(Encode_Buffer[BUFFER], Row_Bytes);
- FreeMem(Encode_Buffer[FILTER_NONE], Row_Bytes);
- if pfSub in Owner.Filters then
- FreeMem(Encode_Buffer[FILTER_SUB], Row_Bytes);
- if pfUp in Owner.Filters then
- FreeMem(Encode_Buffer[FILTER_UP], Row_Bytes);
- if pfAverage in Owner.Filters then
- FreeMem(Encode_Buffer[FILTER_AVERAGE], Row_Bytes);
- if pfPaeth in Owner.Filters then
- FreeMem(Encode_Buffer[FILTER_PAETH], Row_Bytes);
- {Everything went ok}
- Result := True;
- end;
- {Writes the IDAT using the settings}
- procedure WriteIDAT(Stream: TStream; Data: Pointer; const Length: Cardinal);
- var
- ChunkLen, CRC: Cardinal;
- begin
- {Writes IDAT header}
- ChunkLen := ByteSwap(Length);
- Stream.Write(ChunkLen, 4); {Chunk length}
- Stream.Write(IDATHeader[0], 4); {Idat header}
- CRC := update_crc($ffffffff, @IDATHeader[0], 4); {Crc part for header}
- {Writes IDAT data and calculates CRC for data}
- Stream.Write(Data^, Length);
- CRC := Byteswap(update_crc(CRC, Data, Length) xor $ffffffff);
- {Writes final CRC}
- Stream.Write(CRC, 4);
- end;
- {Compress and writes IDAT chunk data}
- procedure TChunkIDAT.IDATZlibWrite(var ZLIBStream: TZStreamRec2;
- Buffer: Pointer; const Length: Cardinal);
- begin
- with ZLIBStream, ZLIBStream.ZLIB do
- begin
- {Set data to be compressed}
- next_in := Buffer;
- avail_in := Length;
- {Compress all the data avaliable to compress}
- while avail_in > 0 do
- begin
- deflate(ZLIB, Z_NO_FLUSH);
- {The whole buffer was used, save data to stream and restore buffer}
- if avail_out = 0 then
- begin
- {Writes this IDAT chunk}
- WriteIDAT(fStream, Data, Owner.MaxIdatSize);
- {Restore buffer}
- next_out := Data;
- avail_out := Owner.MaxIdatSize;
- end {if avail_out = 0};
- end {while avail_in};
- end {with ZLIBStream, ZLIBStream.ZLIB}
- end;
- {Finishes compressing data to write IDAT chunk}
- procedure TChunkIDAT.FinishIDATZlib(var ZLIBStream: TZStreamRec2);
- begin
- with ZLIBStream, ZLIBStream.ZLIB do
- begin
- {Set data to be compressed}
- next_in := nil;
- avail_in := 0;
- while deflate(ZLIB,Z_FINISH) <> Z_STREAM_END do
- begin
- {Writes this IDAT chunk}
- WriteIDAT(fStream, Data, Owner.MaxIdatSize - avail_out);
- {Re-update buffer}
- next_out := Data;
- avail_out := Owner.MaxIdatSize;
- end;
- if avail_out < Owner.MaxIdatSize then
- {Writes final IDAT}
- WriteIDAT(fStream, Data, Owner.MaxIdatSize - avail_out);
- end {with ZLIBStream, ZLIBStream.ZLIB};
- end;
- {Copy memory to encode RGB image with 1 byte for each color sample}
- procedure TChunkIDAT.EncodeNonInterlacedRGB8(Src, Dest, Trans: pChar);
- var
- I: Integer;
- begin
- FOR I := 1 TO ImageWidth DO
- begin
- {Copy pixel values}
- Byte(Dest^) := fOwner.InverseGamma[pByte(Longint(Src) + 2)^]; inc(Dest);
- Byte(Dest^) := fOwner.InverseGamma[pByte(Longint(Src) + 1)^]; inc(Dest);
- Byte(Dest^) := fOwner.InverseGamma[pByte(Longint(Src) )^]; inc(Dest);
- {Move to next pixel}
- inc(Src, 3);
- end {for I}
- end;
- {Copy memory to encode RGB images with 16 bits for each color sample}
- procedure TChunkIDAT.EncodeNonInterlacedRGB16(Src, Dest, Trans: pChar);
- var
- I: Integer;
- begin
- FOR I := 1 TO ImageWidth DO
- begin
- //Now we copy from 1 byte for each sample stored to a 2 bytes (or 1 word)
- //for sample
- {Copy pixel values}
- pWORD(Dest)^ := fOwner.InverseGamma[pByte(Longint(Src) + 2)^]; inc(Dest, 2);
- pWORD(Dest)^ := fOwner.InverseGamma[pByte(Longint(Src) + 1)^]; inc(Dest, 2);
- pWORD(Dest)^ := fOwner.InverseGamma[pByte(Longint(Src) )^]; inc(Dest, 2);
- {Move to next pixel}
- inc(Src, 3);
- end {for I}
- end;
- {Copy memory to encode types using palettes (1, 4 or 8 bits per pixel)}
- procedure TChunkIDAT.EncodeNonInterlacedPalette148(Src, Dest, Trans: pChar);
- begin
- {It's simple as copying the data}
- CopyMemory(Dest, Src, Row_Bytes);
- end;
- {Copy memory to encode grayscale images with 2 bytes for each sample}
- procedure TChunkIDAT.EncodeNonInterlacedGrayscale16(Src, Dest, Trans: pChar);
- var
- I: Integer;
- begin
- FOR I := 1 TO ImageWidth DO
- begin
- //Now we copy from 1 byte for each sample stored to a 2 bytes (or 1 word)
- //for sample
- pWORD(Dest)^ := pByte(Longint(Src))^; inc(Dest, 2);
- {Move to next pixel}
- inc(Src);
- end {for I}
- end;
- {Encode images using RGB followed by an alpha value using 1 byte for each}
- procedure TChunkIDAT.EncodeNonInterlacedRGBAlpha8(Src, Dest, Trans: pChar);
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- {Copy the data to the destination, including data from Trans pointer}
- FOR i := 1 TO ImageWidth do
- begin
- Byte(Dest^) := Owner.InverseGamma[PByte(Longint(Src) + 2)^]; inc(Dest);
- Byte(Dest^) := Owner.InverseGamma[PByte(Longint(Src) + 1)^]; inc(Dest);
- Byte(Dest^) := Owner.InverseGamma[PByte(Longint(Src) )^]; inc(Dest);
- Dest^ := Trans^; inc(Dest);
- inc(Src, 3); inc(Trans);
- end {for i};
- end;
- {Encode images using RGB followed by an alpha value using 2 byte for each}
- procedure TChunkIDAT.EncodeNonInterlacedRGBAlpha16(Src, Dest, Trans: pChar);
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- {Copy the data to the destination, including data from Trans pointer}
- FOR i := 1 TO ImageWidth do
- begin
- pWord(Dest)^ := Owner.InverseGamma[PByte(Longint(Src) + 2)^]; inc(Dest, 2);
- pWord(Dest)^ := Owner.InverseGamma[PByte(Longint(Src) + 1)^]; inc(Dest, 2);
- pWord(Dest)^ := Owner.InverseGamma[PByte(Longint(Src) )^]; inc(Dest, 2);
- pWord(Dest)^ := PByte(Longint(Trans) )^; inc(Dest, 2);
- inc(Src, 3); inc(Trans);
- end {for i};
- end;
- {Encode grayscale images followed by an alpha value using 1 byte for each}
- procedure TChunkIDAT.EncodeNonInterlacedGrayscaleAlpha8(
- Src, Dest, Trans: pChar);
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- {Copy the data to the destination, including data from Trans pointer}
- FOR i := 1 TO ImageWidth do
- begin
- Dest^ := Src^; inc(Dest);
- Dest^ := Trans^; inc(Dest);
- inc(Src); inc(Trans);
- end {for i};
- end;
- {Encode grayscale images followed by an alpha value using 2 byte for each}
- procedure TChunkIDAT.EncodeNonInterlacedGrayscaleAlpha16(
- Src, Dest, Trans: pChar);
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- {Copy the data to the destination, including data from Trans pointer}
- FOR i := 1 TO ImageWidth do
- begin
- pWord(Dest)^ := pByte(Src)^; inc(Dest, 2);
- pWord(Dest)^ := pByte(Trans)^; inc(Dest, 2);
- inc(Src); inc(Trans);
- end {for i};
- end;
- {Encode non interlaced images}
- procedure TChunkIDAT.EncodeNonInterlaced(Stream: TStream;
- var ZLIBStream: TZStreamRec2);
- var
- {Current line}
- j: Cardinal;
- {Pointers to image data}
- Data, Trans: PChar;
- {Filter used for this line}
- Filter: Byte;
- {Method which will copy the data into the buffer}
- CopyProc: procedure(Src, Dest, Trans: pChar) of object;
- begin
- CopyProc := nil; {Initialize to avoid warnings}
- {Defines the method to copy the data to the buffer depending on}
- {the image parameters}
- case Header.ColorType of
- {R, G, B values}
- case Header.BitDepth of
- 8: CopyProc := EncodeNonInterlacedRGB8;
- 16: CopyProc := EncodeNonInterlacedRGB16;
- end;
- {Palette and grayscale values}
- case Header.BitDepth of
- 1, 4, 8: CopyProc := EncodeNonInterlacedPalette148;
- 16: CopyProc := EncodeNonInterlacedGrayscale16;
- end;
- {RGB with a following alpha value}
- case Header.BitDepth of
- 8: CopyProc := EncodeNonInterlacedRGBAlpha8;
- 16: CopyProc := EncodeNonInterlacedRGBAlpha16;
- end;
- {Grayscale images followed by an alpha}
- case Header.BitDepth of
- 8: CopyProc := EncodeNonInterlacedGrayscaleAlpha8;
- 16: CopyProc := EncodeNonInterlacedGrayscaleAlpha16;
- end;
- end {case Header.ColorType};
- {Get the image data pointer}
- Longint(Data) := Longint(Header.ImageData) +
- Header.BytesPerRow * (ImageHeight - 1);
- Trans := Header.ImageAlpha;
- {Writes each line}
- FOR j := 0 to ImageHeight - 1 do
- begin
- {Copy data into buffer}
- CopyProc(Data, @Encode_Buffer[BUFFER][0], Trans);
- {Filter data}
- Filter := FilterToEncode;
- {Compress data}
- IDATZlibWrite(ZLIBStream, @Filter, 1);
- IDATZlibWrite(ZLIBStream, @Encode_Buffer[Filter][0], Row_Bytes);
- {Adjust pointers to the actual image data}
- dec(Data, Header.BytesPerRow);
- inc(Trans, ImageWidth);
- end;
- {Compress and finishes copying the remaining data}
- FinishIDATZlib(ZLIBStream);
- end;
- {Copy memory to encode interlaced images using RGB value with 1 byte for}
- {each color sample}
- procedure TChunkIDAT.EncodeInterlacedRGB8(const Pass: Byte;
- Src, Dest, Trans: pChar);
- var
- Col: Integer;
- begin
- {Get first column and enter in loop}
- Col := ColumnStart[Pass];
- Src := pChar(Longint(Src) + Col * 3);
- repeat
- {Copy this row}
- Byte(Dest^) := fOwner.InverseGamma[pByte(Longint(Src) + 2)^]; inc(Dest);
- Byte(Dest^) := fOwner.InverseGamma[pByte(Longint(Src) + 1)^]; inc(Dest);
- Byte(Dest^) := fOwner.InverseGamma[pByte(Longint(Src) )^]; inc(Dest);
- {Move to next column}
- inc(Src, ColumnIncrement[Pass] * 3);
- inc(Col, ColumnIncrement[Pass]);
- until Col >= ImageWidth;
- end;
- {Copy memory to encode interlaced RGB images with 2 bytes each color sample}
- procedure TChunkIDAT.EncodeInterlacedRGB16(const Pass: Byte;
- Src, Dest, Trans: pChar);
- var
- Col: Integer;
- begin
- {Get first column and enter in loop}
- Col := ColumnStart[Pass];
- Src := pChar(Longint(Src) + Col * 3);
- repeat
- {Copy this row}
- pWord(Dest)^ := Owner.InverseGamma[pByte(Longint(Src) + 2)^]; inc(Dest, 2);
- pWord(Dest)^ := Owner.InverseGamma[pByte(Longint(Src) + 1)^]; inc(Dest, 2);
- pWord(Dest)^ := Owner.InverseGamma[pByte(Longint(Src) )^]; inc(Dest, 2);
- {Move to next column}
- inc(Src, ColumnIncrement[Pass] * 3);
- inc(Col, ColumnIncrement[Pass]);
- until Col >= ImageWidth;
- end;
- {Copy memory to encode interlaced images using palettes using bit depths}
- {1, 4, 8 (each pixel in the image)}
- procedure TChunkIDAT.EncodeInterlacedPalette148(const Pass: Byte;
- Src, Dest, Trans: pChar);
- const
- BitTable: Array[1..8] of Integer = ($1, $3, 0, $F, 0, 0, 0, $FF);
- StartBit: Array[1..8] of Integer = (7 , 0 , 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- var
- CurBit, Col: Integer;
- Src2: PChar;
- begin
- {Clean the line}
- fillchar(Dest^, Row_Bytes, #0);
- {Get first column and enter in loop}
- Col := ColumnStart[Pass];
- with Header.BitmapInfo.bmiHeader do
- repeat
- {Copy data}
- CurBit := StartBit[biBitCount];
- repeat
- {Adjust pointer to pixel byte bounds}
- Src2 := pChar(Longint(Src) + (biBitCount * Col) div 8);
- {Copy data}
- Byte(Dest^) := Byte(Dest^) or
- (((Byte(Src2^) shr (StartBit[Header.BitDepth] - (biBitCount * Col)
- mod 8))) and (BitTable[biBitCount])) shl CurBit;
- {Move to next column}
- inc(Col, ColumnIncrement[Pass]);
- {Will read next bits}
- dec(CurBit, biBitCount);
- until CurBit < 0;
- {Move to next byte in source}
- inc(Dest);
- until Col >= ImageWidth;
- end;
- {Copy to encode interlaced grayscale images using 16 bits for each sample}
- procedure TChunkIDAT.EncodeInterlacedGrayscale16(const Pass: Byte;
- Src, Dest, Trans: pChar);
- var
- Col: Integer;
- begin
- {Get first column and enter in loop}
- Col := ColumnStart[Pass];
- Src := pChar(Longint(Src) + Col);
- repeat
- {Copy this row}
- pWord(Dest)^ := Byte(Src^); inc(Dest, 2);
- {Move to next column}
- inc(Src, ColumnIncrement[Pass]);
- inc(Col, ColumnIncrement[Pass]);
- until Col >= ImageWidth;
- end;
- {Copy to encode interlaced rgb images followed by an alpha value, all using}
- {one byte for each sample}
- procedure TChunkIDAT.EncodeInterlacedRGBAlpha8(const Pass: Byte;
- Src, Dest, Trans: pChar);
- var
- Col: Integer;
- begin
- {Get first column and enter in loop}
- Col := ColumnStart[Pass];
- Src := pChar(Longint(Src) + Col * 3);
- Trans := pChar(Longint(Trans) + Col);
- repeat
- {Copy this row}
- Byte(Dest^) := Owner.InverseGamma[pByte(Longint(Src) + 2)^]; inc(Dest);
- Byte(Dest^) := Owner.InverseGamma[pByte(Longint(Src) + 1)^]; inc(Dest);
- Byte(Dest^) := Owner.InverseGamma[pByte(Longint(Src) )^]; inc(Dest);
- Dest^ := Trans^; inc(Dest);
- {Move to next column}
- inc(Src, ColumnIncrement[Pass] * 3);
- inc(Trans, ColumnIncrement[Pass]);
- inc(Col, ColumnIncrement[Pass]);
- until Col >= ImageWidth;
- end;
- {Copy to encode interlaced rgb images followed by an alpha value, all using}
- {two byte for each sample}
- procedure TChunkIDAT.EncodeInterlacedRGBAlpha16(const Pass: Byte;
- Src, Dest, Trans: pChar);
- var
- Col: Integer;
- begin
- {Get first column and enter in loop}
- Col := ColumnStart[Pass];
- Src := pChar(Longint(Src) + Col * 3);
- Trans := pChar(Longint(Trans) + Col);
- repeat
- {Copy this row}
- pWord(Dest)^ := pByte(Longint(Src) + 2)^; inc(Dest, 2);
- pWord(Dest)^ := pByte(Longint(Src) + 1)^; inc(Dest, 2);
- pWord(Dest)^ := pByte(Longint(Src) )^; inc(Dest, 2);
- pWord(Dest)^ := pByte(Trans)^; inc(Dest, 2);
- {Move to next column}
- inc(Src, ColumnIncrement[Pass] * 3);
- inc(Trans, ColumnIncrement[Pass]);
- inc(Col, ColumnIncrement[Pass]);
- until Col >= ImageWidth;
- end;
- {Copy to encode grayscale interlaced images followed by an alpha value, all}
- {using 1 byte for each sample}
- procedure TChunkIDAT.EncodeInterlacedGrayscaleAlpha8(const Pass: Byte;
- Src, Dest, Trans: pChar);
- var
- Col: Integer;
- begin
- {Get first column and enter in loop}
- Col := ColumnStart[Pass];
- Src := pChar(Longint(Src) + Col);
- Trans := pChar(Longint(Trans) + Col);
- repeat
- {Copy this row}
- Dest^ := Src^; inc(Dest);
- Dest^ := Trans^; inc(Dest);
- {Move to next column}
- inc(Src, ColumnIncrement[Pass]);
- inc(Trans, ColumnIncrement[Pass]);
- inc(Col, ColumnIncrement[Pass]);
- until Col >= ImageWidth;
- end;
- {Copy to encode grayscale interlaced images followed by an alpha value, all}
- {using 2 bytes for each sample}
- procedure TChunkIDAT.EncodeInterlacedGrayscaleAlpha16(const Pass: Byte;
- Src, Dest, Trans: pChar);
- var
- Col: Integer;
- begin
- {Get first column and enter in loop}
- Col := ColumnStart[Pass];
- Src := pChar(Longint(Src) + Col);
- Trans := pChar(Longint(Trans) + Col);
- repeat
- {Copy this row}
- pWord(Dest)^ := pByte(Src)^; inc(Dest, 2);
- pWord(Dest)^ := pByte(Trans)^; inc(Dest, 2);
- {Move to next column}
- inc(Src, ColumnIncrement[Pass]);
- inc(Trans, ColumnIncrement[Pass]);
- inc(Col, ColumnIncrement[Pass]);
- until Col >= ImageWidth;
- end;
- {Encode interlaced images}
- procedure TChunkIDAT.EncodeInterlacedAdam7(Stream: TStream;
- var ZLIBStream: TZStreamRec2);
- var
- CurrentPass, Filter: Byte;
- PixelsThisRow: Integer;
- CurrentRow : Integer;
- Trans, Data: pChar;
- CopyProc: procedure(const Pass: Byte;
- Src, Dest, Trans: pChar) of object;
- begin
- CopyProc := nil; {Initialize to avoid warnings}
- {Defines the method to copy the data to the buffer depending on}
- {the image parameters}
- case Header.ColorType of
- {R, G, B values}
- case Header.BitDepth of
- 8: CopyProc := EncodeInterlacedRGB8;
- 16: CopyProc := EncodeInterlacedRGB16;
- end;
- {Grayscale and palette}
- case Header.BitDepth of
- 1, 4, 8: CopyProc := EncodeInterlacedPalette148;
- 16: CopyProc := EncodeInterlacedGrayscale16;
- end;
- {RGB followed by alpha}
- case Header.BitDepth of
- 8: CopyProc := EncodeInterlacedRGBAlpha8;
- 16: CopyProc := EncodeInterlacedRGBAlpha16;
- end;
- {Grayscale followed by alpha}
- case Header.BitDepth of
- 8: CopyProc := EncodeInterlacedGrayscaleAlpha8;
- 16: CopyProc := EncodeInterlacedGrayscaleAlpha16;
- end;
- end {case Header.ColorType};
- {Compress the image using the seven passes for ADAM 7}
- FOR CurrentPass := 0 TO 6 DO
- begin
- {Calculates the number of pixels and bytes for this pass row}
- PixelsThisRow := (ImageWidth - ColumnStart[CurrentPass] +
- ColumnIncrement[CurrentPass] - 1) div ColumnIncrement[CurrentPass];
- Row_Bytes := BytesForPixels(PixelsThisRow, Header.ColorType,
- Header.BitDepth);
- ZeroMemory(Encode_Buffer[FILTER_NONE], Row_Bytes);
- {Get current row index}
- CurrentRow := RowStart[CurrentPass];
- {Get a pointer to the current row image data}
- Data := Ptr(Longint(Header.ImageData) + Header.BytesPerRow *
- (ImageHeight - 1 - CurrentRow));
- Trans := Ptr(Longint(Header.ImageAlpha) + ImageWidth * CurrentRow);
- {Process all the image rows}
- if Row_Bytes > 0 then
- while CurrentRow < ImageHeight do
- begin
- {Copy data into buffer}
- CopyProc(CurrentPass, Data, @Encode_Buffer[BUFFER][0], Trans);
- {Filter data}
- Filter := FilterToEncode;
- {Compress data}
- IDATZlibWrite(ZLIBStream, @Filter, 1);
- IDATZlibWrite(ZLIBStream, @Encode_Buffer[Filter][0], Row_Bytes);
- {Move to the next row}
- inc(CurrentRow, RowIncrement[CurrentPass]);
- {Move pointer to the next line}
- dec(Data, RowIncrement[CurrentPass] * Header.BytesPerRow);
- inc(Trans, RowIncrement[CurrentPass] * ImageWidth);
- end {while CurrentRow < ImageHeight}
- end {CurrentPass};
- {Compress and finishes copying the remaining data}
- FinishIDATZlib(ZLIBStream);
- end;
- {Filters the row to be encoded and returns the best filter}
- function TChunkIDAT.FilterToEncode: Byte;
- var
- Run, LongestRun, ii, jj: Cardinal;
- Last, Above, LastAbove: Byte;
- begin
- {Selecting more filters using the Filters property from TPngObject}
- {increases the chances to the file be much smaller, but decreases}
- {the performace}
- {This method will creates the same line data using the different}
- {filter methods and select the best}
- {Sub-filter}
- if pfSub in Owner.Filters then
- for ii := 0 to Row_Bytes - 1 do
- begin
- {There is no previous pixel when it's on the first pixel, so}
- {set last as zero when in the first}
- if (ii >= Offset) then
- last := Encode_Buffer[BUFFER]^[ii - Offset]
- else
- last := 0;
- Encode_Buffer[FILTER_SUB]^[ii] := Encode_Buffer[BUFFER]^[ii] - last;
- end;
- {Up filter}
- if pfUp in Owner.Filters then
- for ii := 0 to Row_Bytes - 1 do
- Encode_Buffer[FILTER_UP]^[ii] := Encode_Buffer[BUFFER]^[ii] -
- Encode_Buffer[FILTER_NONE]^[ii];
- {Average filter}
- if pfAverage in Owner.Filters then
- for ii := 0 to Row_Bytes - 1 do
- begin
- {Get the previous pixel, if the current pixel is the first, the}
- {previous is considered to be 0}
- if (ii >= Offset) then
- last := Encode_Buffer[BUFFER]^[ii - Offset]
- else
- last := 0;
- {Get the pixel above}
- above := Encode_Buffer[FILTER_NONE]^[ii];
- {Calculates formula to the average pixel}
- Encode_Buffer[FILTER_AVERAGE]^[ii] := Encode_Buffer[BUFFER]^[ii] -
- (above + last) div 2 ;
- end;
- {Paeth filter (the slower)}
- if pfPaeth in Owner.Filters then
- begin
- {Initialize}
- last := 0;
- lastabove := 0;
- for ii := 0 to Row_Bytes - 1 do
- begin
- {In case this pixel is not the first in the line obtains the}
- {previous one and the one above the previous}
- if (ii >= Offset) then
- begin
- last := Encode_Buffer[BUFFER]^[ii - Offset];
- lastabove := Encode_Buffer[FILTER_NONE]^[ii - Offset];
- end;
- {Obtains the pixel above}
- above := Encode_Buffer[FILTER_NONE]^[ii];
- {Calculate paeth filter for this byte}
- Encode_Buffer[FILTER_PAETH]^[ii] := Encode_Buffer[BUFFER]^[ii] -
- PaethPredictor(last, above, lastabove);
- end;
- end;
- {Now calculates the same line using no filter, which is necessary}
- {in order to have data to the filters when the next line comes}
- CopyMemory(@Encode_Buffer[FILTER_NONE]^[0],
- @Encode_Buffer[BUFFER]^[0], Row_Bytes);
- {If only filter none is selected in the filter list, we don't need}
- {to proceed and further}
- if (Owner.Filters = [pfNone]) or (Owner.Filters = []) then
- begin
- Result := FILTER_NONE;
- exit;
- end {if (Owner.Filters = [pfNone...};
- {Check which filter is the best by checking which has the larger}
- {sequence of the same byte, since they are best compressed}
- LongestRun := 0; Result := FILTER_NONE;
- {Check if this filter was selected}
- if TFilter(ii) in Owner.Filters then
- begin
- Run := 0;
- {Check if it's the only filter}
- if Owner.Filters = [TFilter(ii)] then
- begin
- Result := ii;
- exit;
- end;
- {Check using a sequence of four bytes}
- for jj := 2 to Row_Bytes - 1 do
- if (Encode_Buffer[ii]^[jj] = Encode_Buffer [ii]^[jj-1]) or
- (Encode_Buffer[ii]^[jj] = Encode_Buffer [ii]^[jj-2]) then
- inc(Run); {Count the number of sequences}
- {Check if this one is the best so far}
- if (Run > LongestRun) then
- begin
- Result := ii;
- LongestRun := Run;
- end {if (Run > LongestRun)};
- end {if TFilter(ii) in Owner.Filters};
- end;
- {TChunkPLTE implementation}
- {Returns an item in the palette}
- function TChunkPLTE.GetPaletteItem(Index: Byte): TRGBQuad;
- begin
- {Test if item is valid, if not raise error}
- if Index > Count - 1 then
- Owner.RaiseError(EPNGError, EPNGUnknownPalEntryText)
- else
- {Returns the item}
- Result := Header.BitmapInfo.bmiColors[Index];
- end;
- {Loads the palette chunk from a stream}
- function TChunkPLTE.LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream;
- const ChunkName: TChunkName; Size: Integer): Boolean;
- type
- pPalEntry = ^PalEntry;
- PalEntry = record
- r, g, b: Byte;
- end;
- var
- j : Integer; {For the FOR}
- PalColor : pPalEntry;
- begin
- {Let ancestor load data and check CRC}
- Result := inherited LoadFromStream(Stream, ChunkName, Size);
- if not Result then exit;
- {This chunk must be divisible by 3 in order to be valid}
- if (Size mod 3 <> 0) or (Size div 3 > 256) then
- begin
- {Raise error}
- Result := FALSE;
- Owner.RaiseError(EPNGInvalidPalette, EPNGInvalidPaletteText);
- exit;
- end {if Size mod 3 <> 0};
- {Fill array with the palette entries}
- fCount := Size div 3;
- PalColor := Data;
- FOR j := 0 TO fCount - 1 DO
- with Header.BitmapInfo.bmiColors[j] do
- begin
- rgbRed := Owner.GammaTable[PalColor.r];
- rgbGreen := Owner.GammaTable[PalColor.g];
- rgbBlue := Owner.GammaTable[PalColor.b];
- rgbReserved := 0;
- {Move to next palette entry}
- inc(PalColor);
- end;
- end;
- {Saves the PLTE chunk to a stream}
- function TChunkPLTE.SaveToStream(Stream: TStream): Boolean;
- var
- J: Integer;
- DataPtr: pByte;
- begin
- {Adjust size to hold all the palette items}
- ResizeData(fCount * 3);
- {Copy pointer to data}
- DataPtr := fData;
- {Copy palette items}
- with Header do
- FOR j := 0 TO fCount - 1 DO
- with BitmapInfo.bmiColors[j] do
- begin
- DataPtr^ := Owner.InverseGamma[rgbRed]; inc(DataPtr);
- DataPtr^ := Owner.InverseGamma[rgbGreen]; inc(DataPtr);
- DataPtr^ := Owner.InverseGamma[rgbBlue]; inc(DataPtr);
- end {with BitmapInfo};
- {Let ancestor do the rest of the work}
- Result := inherited SaveToStream(Stream);
- end;
- {Assigns from another PLTE chunk}
- procedure TChunkPLTE.Assign(Source: TChunk);
- begin
- {Copy the number of palette items}
- if Source is TChunkPLTE then
- fCount := TChunkPLTE(Source).fCount
- else
- Owner.RaiseError(EPNGError, EPNGCannotAssignChunkText);
- end;
- {TChunkgAMA implementation}
- {Assigns from another chunk}
- procedure TChunkgAMA.Assign(Source: TChunk);
- begin
- {Copy the gamma value}
- if Source is TChunkgAMA then
- Gamma := TChunkgAMA(Source).Gamma
- else
- Owner.RaiseError(EPNGError, EPNGCannotAssignChunkText);
- end;
- {Gamma chunk being created}
- constructor TChunkgAMA.Create(Owner: TPngObject);
- begin
- {Call ancestor}
- inherited Create(Owner);
- Gamma := 1; {Initial value}
- end;
- {Returns gamma value}
- function TChunkgAMA.GetValue: Cardinal;
- begin
- {Make sure that the size is four bytes}
- if DataSize <> 4 then
- begin
- {Adjust size and returns 1}
- ResizeData(4);
- Result := 1;
- end
- {If it's right, read the value}
- else Result := Cardinal(ByteSwap(pCardinal(Data)^))
- end;
- function Power(Base, Exponent: Extended): Extended;
- begin
- if Exponent = 0.0 then
- Result := 1.0 {Math rule}
- else if (Base = 0) or (Exponent = 0) then Result := 0
- else
- Result := Exp(Exponent * Ln(Base));
- end;
- {Loading the chunk from a stream}
- function TChunkgAMA.LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream;
- const ChunkName: TChunkName; Size: Integer): Boolean;
- var
- i: Integer;
- Value: Cardinal;
- begin
- {Call ancestor and test if it went ok}
- Result := inherited LoadFromStream(Stream, ChunkName, Size);
- if not Result then exit;
- Value := Gamma;
- {Build gamma table and inverse table for saving}
- if Value <> 0 then
- with Owner do
- FOR i := 0 TO 255 DO
- begin
- GammaTable[I] := Round(Power((I / 255), 1 /
- (Value / 100000 * 2.2)) * 255);
- InverseGamma[Round(Power((I / 255), 1 /
- (Value / 100000 * 2.2)) * 255)] := I;
- end
- end;
- {Sets the gamma value}
- procedure TChunkgAMA.SetValue(const Value: Cardinal);
- begin
- {Make sure that the size is four bytes}
- if DataSize <> 4 then ResizeData(4);
- {If it's right, set the value}
- pCardinal(Data)^ := ByteSwap(Value);
- end;
- {TPngObject implementation}
- {Assigns from another object}
- procedure TPngObject.Assign(Source: TPersistent);
- begin
- {Being cleared}
- if Source = nil then
- ClearChunks
- {Assigns contents from another TPNGObject}
- else if Source is TPNGObject then
- AssignPNG(Source as TPNGObject)
- {Copy contents from a TBitmap}
- {$IFDEF UseDelphi}else if Source is TBitmap then
- with Source as TBitmap do
- AssignHandle(Handle, Transparent,
- ColorToRGB(TransparentColor)){$ENDIF}
- {Unknown source, let ancestor deal with it}
- else
- inherited;
- end;
- {Clear all the chunks in the list}
- procedure TPngObject.ClearChunks;
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- {Initialize gamma}
- InitializeGamma();
- {Free all the objects and memory (0 chunks Bug fixed by Noel Sharpe)}
- for i := 0 TO Integer(Chunks.Count) - 1 do
- TChunk(Chunks.Item[i]).Free;
- Chunks.Count := 0;
- end;
- {Portable Network Graphics object being created}
- constructor TPngObject.Create;
- begin
- {Let it be created}
- inherited Create;
- {Initial properties}
- TempPalette := 0;
- fFilters := [pfSub];
- fCompressionLevel := 7;
- fInterlaceMethod := imNone;
- fMaxIdatSize := High(Word);
- {Create chunklist object}
- fChunkList := TPngList.Create(Self);
- end;
- {Portable Network Graphics object being destroyed}
- destructor TPngObject.Destroy;
- begin
- {Free object list}
- ClearChunks;
- fChunkList.Free;
- {Free the temporary palette}
- if TempPalette <> 0 then DeleteObject(TempPalette);
- {Call ancestor destroy}
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- {Returns linesize and byte offset for pixels}
- procedure TPngObject.GetPixelInfo(var LineSize, Offset: Cardinal);
- begin
- {There must be an Header chunk to calculate size}
- if HeaderPresent then
- begin
- {Calculate number of bytes for each line}
- LineSize := BytesForPixels(Header.Width, Header.ColorType, Header.BitDepth);
- {Calculates byte offset}
- Case Header.ColorType of
- {Grayscale}
- If Header.BitDepth = 16 Then
- Offset := 2
- Else
- Offset := 1 ;
- {It always smaller or equal one byte, so it occupes one byte}
- offset := 1;
- {It might be 3 or 6 bytes}
- offset := 3 * Header.BitDepth Div 8;
- {It might be 2 or 4 bytes}
- offset := 2 * Header.BitDepth Div 8;
- {4 or 8 bytes}
- offset := 4 * Header.BitDepth Div 8;
- else
- Offset := 0;
- End ;
- end
- else
- begin
- {In case if there isn't any Header chunk}
- Offset := 0;
- LineSize := 0;
- end;
- end;
- {Returns image height}
- function TPngObject.GetHeight: Integer;
- begin
- {There must be a Header chunk to get the size, otherwise returns 0}
- if HeaderPresent then
- Result := TChunkIHDR(Chunks.Item[0]).Height
- else Result := 0;
- end;
- {Returns image width}
- function TPngObject.GetWidth: Integer;
- begin
- {There must be a Header chunk to get the size, otherwise returns 0}
- if HeaderPresent then
- Result := Header.Width
- else Result := 0;
- end;
- {Returns if the image is empty}
- function TPngObject.GetEmpty: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := (Chunks.Count = 0);
- end;
- {Raises an error}
- procedure TPngObject.RaiseError(ExceptionClass: ExceptClass; Text: String);
- begin
- raise ExceptionClass.Create(Text);
- end;
- {Set the maximum size for IDAT chunk}
- procedure TPngObject.SetMaxIdatSize(const Value: Integer);
- begin
- {Make sure the size is at least 65535}
- if Value < High(Word) then
- fMaxIdatSize := High(Word) else fMaxIdatSize := Value;
- end;
- {$IFNDEF UseDelphi}
- {Creates a file stream reading from the filename in the parameter and load}
- procedure TPngObject.LoadFromFile(const Filename: String);
- var
- FileStream: TFileStream;
- begin
- {Test if the file exists}
- if not FileExists(Filename) then
- begin
- {In case it does not exists, raise error}
- RaiseError(EPNGNotExists, EPNGNotExistsText);
- exit;
- end;
- {Creates the file stream to read}
- FileStream := TFileStream.Create(Filename, [fsmRead]);
- LoadFromStream(FileStream); {Loads the data}
- FileStream.Free; {Free file stream}
- end;
- {Saves the current png image to a file}
- procedure TPngObject.SaveToFile(const Filename: String);
- var
- FileStream: TFileStream;
- begin
- {Creates the file stream to write}
- FileStream := TFileStream.Create(Filename, [fsmWrite]);
- SaveToStream(FileStream); {Saves the data}
- FileStream.Free; {Free file stream}
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {Returns pointer to the chunk TChunkIHDR which should be the first}
- function TPngObject.GetHeader: TChunkIHDR;
- begin
- {If there is a TChunkIHDR returns it, otherwise returns nil}
- if (Chunks.Count <> 0) and (Chunks.Item[0] is TChunkIHDR) then
- Result := Chunks.Item[0] as TChunkIHDR
- else
- begin
- {No header, throw error message}
- RaiseError(EPNGHeaderNotPresent, EPNGHeaderNotPresentText);
- Result := nil
- end
- end;
- {Draws using partial transparency}
- procedure TPngObject.DrawPartialTrans(DC: HDC; Rect: TRect);
- {Adjust the rectangle structure}
- procedure AdjustRect(var Rect: TRect);
- var
- t: Integer;
- begin
- if Rect.Right < Rect.Left then
- begin
- t := Rect.Right;
- Rect.Right := Rect.Left;
- Rect.Left := t;
- end;
- if Rect.Bottom < Rect.Top then
- begin
- t := Rect.Bottom;
- Rect.Bottom := Rect.Top;
- Rect.Top := t;
- end
- end;
- type
- {Access to pixels}
- TPixelLine = Array[Word] of TRGBQuad;
- pPixelLine = ^TPixelLine;
- const
- {Structure used to create the bitmap}
- BitmapInfoHeader: TBitmapInfoHeader =
- (biSize: sizeof(TBitmapInfoHeader);
- biWidth: 100;
- biHeight: 100;
- biPlanes: 1;
- biBitCount: 32;
- biCompression: BI_RGB;
- biSizeImage: 0;
- biXPelsPerMeter: 0;
- biYPelsPerMeter: 0;
- biClrUsed: 0;
- biClrImportant: 0);
- var
- {Buffer bitmap creation}
- BitmapInfo : TBitmapInfo;
- BufferDC : HDC;
- BufferBits : Pointer;
- OldBitmap,
- BufferBitmap: HBitmap;
- Header: TChunkIHDR;
- {Transparency/palette chunks}
- TransparencyChunk: TChunktRNS;
- PaletteChunk: TChunkPLTE;
- TransValue, PaletteIndex: Byte;
- CurBit: Integer;
- Data: PByte;
- {Buffer bitmap modification}
- BytesPerRowDest,
- BytesPerRowSrc,
- BytesPerRowAlpha: Integer;
- ImageSource, ImageSourceOrg,
- AlphaSource : pByteArray;
- ImageData : pPixelLine;
- i, j, i2, j2 : Integer;
- {For bitmap stretching}
- W, H : Cardinal;
- Stretch : Boolean;
- FactorX, FactorY: Double;
- begin
- {Prepares the rectangle structure to stretch draw}
- if (Rect.Right = Rect.Left) or (Rect.Bottom = Rect.Top) then exit;
- AdjustRect(Rect);
- {Gets the width and height}
- W := Rect.Right - Rect.Left;
- H := Rect.Bottom - Rect.Top;
- Header := Self.Header; {Fast access to header}
- Stretch := (W <> Header.Width) or (H <> Header.Height);
- if Stretch then FactorX := W / Header.Width else FactorX := 1;
- if Stretch then FactorY := H / Header.Height else FactorY := 1;
- {Prepare to create the bitmap}
- Fillchar(BitmapInfo, sizeof(BitmapInfo), #0);
- BitmapInfoHeader.biWidth := W;
- BitmapInfoHeader.biHeight := -Integer(H);
- BitmapInfo.bmiHeader := BitmapInfoHeader;
- {Create the bitmap which will receive the background, the applied}
- {alpha blending and then will be painted on the background}
- BufferDC := CreateCompatibleDC(0);
- {In case BufferDC could not be created}
- if (BufferDC = 0) then RaiseError(EPNGOutMemory, EPNGOutMemoryText);
- BufferBitmap := CreateDIBSection(BufferDC, BitmapInfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS,
- BufferBits, 0, 0);
- {In case buffer bitmap could not be created}
- if (BufferBitmap = 0) or (BufferBits = Nil) then
- begin
- if BufferBitmap <> 0 then DeleteObject(BufferBitmap);
- DeleteDC(BufferDC);
- RaiseError(EPNGOutMemory, EPNGOutMemoryText);
- end;
- {Selects new bitmap and release old bitmap}
- OldBitmap := SelectObject(BufferDC, BufferBitmap);
- {Draws the background on the buffer image}
- BitBlt(BufferDC, 0, 0, W, H, DC, Rect.Left, Rect.Top, SRCCOPY);
- {Obtain number of bytes for each row}
- BytesPerRowAlpha := Header.Width;
- BytesPerRowDest := (((BitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biBitCount * W) + 31)
- and not 31) div 8; {Number of bytes for each image row in destination}
- BytesPerRowSrc := (((Header.BitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biBitCount * Header.Width) +
- 31) and not 31) div 8; {Number of bytes for each image row in source}
- {Obtains image pointers}
- ImageData := BufferBits;
- AlphaSource := Header.ImageAlpha;
- Longint(ImageSource) := Longint(Header.ImageData) +
- Header.BytesPerRow * Longint(Header.Height - 1);
- ImageSourceOrg := ImageSource;
- case Header.BitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biBitCount of
- {R, G, B images}
- 24:
- FOR j := 1 TO H DO
- begin
- {Process all the pixels in this line}
- FOR i := 0 TO W - 1 DO
- begin
- if Stretch then i2 := trunc(i / FactorX) else i2 := i;
- {Optmize when we don磘 have transparency}
- if (AlphaSource[i2] <> 0) then
- if (AlphaSource[i2] = 255) then
- ImageData[i] := pRGBQuad(@ImageSource[i2 * 3])^
- else
- with ImageData[i] do
- begin
- rgbRed := (255+ImageSource[2+i2*3] * AlphaSource[i2] + rgbRed *
- (not AlphaSource[i2])) shr 8;
- rgbGreen := (255+ImageSource[1+i2*3] * AlphaSource[i2] +
- rgbGreen * (not AlphaSource[i2])) shr 8;
- rgbBlue := (255+ImageSource[i2*3] * AlphaSource[i2] + rgbBlue *
- (not AlphaSource[i2])) shr 8;
- end;
- end;
- {Move pointers}
- inc(Longint(ImageData), BytesPerRowDest);
- if Stretch then j2 := trunc(j / FactorY) else j2 := j;
- Longint(ImageSource) := Longint(ImageSourceOrg) - BytesPerRowSrc * j2;
- Longint(AlphaSource) := Longint(Header.ImageAlpha) +
- BytesPerRowAlpha * j2;
- end;
- {Palette images with 1 byte for each pixel}
- 1,4,8: if Header.ColorType = COLOR_GRAYSCALEALPHA then
- FOR j := 1 TO H DO
- begin
- {Process all the pixels in this line}
- FOR i := 0 TO W - 1 DO
- with ImageData[i], Header.BitmapInfo do begin
- if Stretch then i2 := trunc(i / FactorX) else i2 := i;
- rgbRed := (255 + ImageSource[i2] * AlphaSource[i2] +
- rgbRed * (255 - AlphaSource[i2])) shr 8;
- rgbGreen := (255 + ImageSource[i2] * AlphaSource[i2] +
- rgbGreen * (255 - AlphaSource[i2])) shr 8;
- rgbBlue := (255 + ImageSource[i2] * AlphaSource[i2] +
- rgbBlue * (255 - AlphaSource[i2])) shr 8;
- end;
- {Move pointers}
- Longint(ImageData) := Longint(ImageData) + BytesPerRowDest;
- if Stretch then j2 := trunc(j / FactorY) else j2 := j;
- Longint(ImageSource) := Longint(ImageSourceOrg) - BytesPerRowSrc * j2;
- Longint(AlphaSource) := Longint(Header.ImageAlpha) +
- BytesPerRowAlpha * j2;
- end
- else {Palette images}
- begin
- {Obtain pointer to the transparency chunk}
- TransparencyChunk := TChunktRNS(Chunks.ItemFromClass(TChunktRNS));
- PaletteChunk := TChunkPLTE(Chunks.ItemFromClass(TChunkPLTE));
- FOR j := 1 TO H DO
- begin
- {Process all the pixels in this line}
- i := 0;
- repeat
- CurBit := 0;
- if Stretch then i2 := trunc(i / FactorX) else i2 := i;
- Data := @ImageSource[i2];
- repeat
- {Obtains the palette index}
- case Header.BitDepth of
- 1: PaletteIndex := (Data^ shr (7-(I Mod 8))) and 1;
- 2,4: PaletteIndex := (Data^ shr ((1-(I Mod 2))*4)) and $0F;
- else PaletteIndex := Data^;
- end;
- {Updates the image with the new pixel}
- with ImageData[i] do
- begin
- TransValue := TransparencyChunk.PaletteValues[PaletteIndex];
- rgbRed := (255 + PaletteChunk.Item[PaletteIndex].rgbRed *
- TransValue + rgbRed * (255 - TransValue)) shr 8;
- rgbGreen := (255 + PaletteChunk.Item[PaletteIndex].rgbGreen *
- TransValue + rgbGreen * (255 - TransValue)) shr 8;
- rgbBlue := (255 + PaletteChunk.Item[PaletteIndex].rgbBlue *
- TransValue + rgbBlue * (255 - TransValue)) shr 8;
- end;
- {Move to next data}
- inc(i); inc(CurBit, Header.BitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biBitCount);
- until CurBit >= 8;
- {Move to next source data}
- //inc(Data);
- until i >= Integer(W);
- {Move pointers}
- Longint(ImageData) := Longint(ImageData) + BytesPerRowDest;
- if Stretch then j2 := trunc(j / FactorY) else j2 := j;
- Longint(ImageSource) := Longint(ImageSourceOrg) - BytesPerRowSrc * j2;
- end
- end {Palette images}
- end {case Header.BitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biBitCount};
- {Draws the new bitmap on the foreground}
- BitBlt(DC, Rect.Left, Rect.Top, W, H, BufferDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
- {Free bitmap}
- SelectObject(BufferDC, OldBitmap);
- DeleteObject(BufferBitmap);
- DeleteDC(BufferDC);
- end;
- {Draws the image into a canvas}
- procedure TPngObject.Draw(ACanvas: TCanvas; const Rect: TRect);
- var
- Header: TChunkIHDR;
- begin
- {Quit in case there is no header, otherwise obtain it}
- if Empty then Exit;
- Header := Chunks.GetItem(0) as TChunkIHDR;
- {Copy the data to the canvas}
- case Self.TransparencyMode of
- {$IFDEF PartialTransparentDraw}
- ptmPartial:
- DrawPartialTrans(ACanvas{$IFDEF UseDelphi}.Handle{$ENDIF}, Rect);
- {$ENDIF}
- ptmBit: DrawTransparentBitmap(ACanvas{$IFDEF UseDelphi}.Handle{$ENDIF},
- Header.ImageData, Header.BitmapInfo.bmiHeader,
- pBitmapInfo(@Header.BitmapInfo), Rect,
- {$IFDEF UseDelphi}ColorToRGB({$ENDIF}TransparentColor)
- {$IFDEF UseDelphi}){$ENDIF}
- else
- begin
- SetStretchBltMode(ACanvas{$IFDEF UseDelphi}.Handle{$ENDIF}, COLORONCOLOR);
- StretchDiBits(ACanvas{$IFDEF UseDelphi}.Handle{$ENDIF}, Rect.Left,
- Rect.Top, Rect.Right - Rect.Left, Rect.Bottom - Rect.Top, 0, 0,
- Header.Width, Header.Height, Header.ImageData,
- pBitmapInfo(@Header.BitmapInfo)^, DIB_RGB_COLORS, SRCCOPY)
- end
- end {case}
- end;
- {Characters for the header}
- const
- PngHeader: Array[0..7] of Char = (#137, #80, #78, #71, #13, #10, #26, #10);
- {Loads the image from a stream of data}
- procedure TPngObject.LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream);
- var
- Header : Array[0..7] of Char;
- HasIDAT : Boolean;
- {Chunks reading}
- ChunkCount : Cardinal;
- ChunkLength: Cardinal;
- ChunkName : TChunkName;
- begin
- {Initialize before start loading chunks}
- ChunkCount := 0;
- ClearChunks();
- {Reads the header}
- Stream.Read(Header[0], 8);
- {Test if the header matches}
- if Header <> PngHeader then
- begin
- RaiseError(EPNGInvalidFileHeader, EPNGInvalidFileHeaderText);
- Exit;
- end;
- Chunks.Count := 10;
- {Load chunks}
- repeat
- inc(ChunkCount); {Increment number of chunks}
- if Chunks.Count < ChunkCount then {Resize the chunks list if needed}
- Chunks.Count := Chunks.Count + 10;
- {Reads chunk length and invert since it is in network order}
- {also checks the Read method return, if it returns 0, it}
- {means that no bytes was readed, probably because it reached}
- {the end of the file}
- if Stream.Read(ChunkLength, 4) = 0 then
- begin
- {In case it found the end of the file here}
- Chunks.Count := ChunkCount - 1;
- RaiseError(EPNGUnexpectedEnd, EPNGUnexpectedEndText);
- end;
- ChunkLength := ByteSwap(ChunkLength);
- {Reads chunk name}
- Stream.Read(Chunkname, 4);
- {Here we check if the first chunk is the Header which is necessary}
- {to the file in order to be a valid Portable Network Graphics image}
- if (ChunkCount = 1) and (ChunkName <> 'IHDR') then
- begin
- Chunks.Count := ChunkCount - 1;
- RaiseError(EPNGIHDRNotFirst, EPNGIHDRNotFirstText);
- exit;
- end;
- {Has a previous IDAT}
- if (HasIDAT and (ChunkName = 'IDAT')) or (ChunkName = 'cHRM') then
- begin
- dec(ChunkCount);
- Stream.Seek(ChunkLength + 4, soFromCurrent);
- Continue;
- end;
- {Tell it has an IDAT chunk}
- if ChunkName = 'IDAT' then HasIDAT := TRUE;
- {Creates object for this chunk}
- Chunks.SetItem(ChunkCount - 1, CreateClassChunk(Self, ChunkName));
- {Check if the chunk is critical and unknown}
- {$IFDEF ErrorOnUnknownCritical}
- if (TChunk(Chunks.Item[ChunkCount - 1]).ClassType = TChunk) and
- ((Byte(ChunkName[0]) AND $20) = 0) and (ChunkName <> '') then
- begin
- Chunks.Count := ChunkCount;
- RaiseError(EPNGUnknownCriticalChunk, EPNGUnknownCriticalChunkText);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {Loads it}
- try if not TChunk(Chunks.Item[ChunkCount - 1]).LoadFromStream(Stream,
- ChunkName, ChunkLength) then break;
- except
- Chunks.Count := ChunkCount;
- raise;
- end;
- {Terminates when it reaches the IEND chunk}
- until (ChunkName = 'IEND');
- {Resize the list to the appropriate size}
- Chunks.Count := ChunkCount;
- {Check if there is data}
- if not HasIDAT then
- RaiseError(EPNGNoImageData, EPNGNoImageDataText);
- end;
- {Changing height is not supported}
- procedure TPngObject.SetHeight(Value: Integer);
- begin
- RaiseError(EPNGError, EPNGCannotChangeSizeText);
- end;
- {Changing width is not supported}
- procedure TPngObject.SetWidth(Value: Integer);
- begin
- RaiseError(EPNGError, EPNGCannotChangeSizeText);
- end;
- {$IFDEF UseDelphi}
- {Saves to clipboard format (thanks to Antoine Pottern)}
- procedure TPNGObject.SaveToClipboardFormat(var AFormat: Word;
- var AData: THandle; var APalette: HPalette);
- begin
- with TBitmap.Create do
- try
- Width := Self.Width;
- Height := Self.Height;
- Self.Draw(Canvas, Rect(0, 0, Width, Height));
- SaveToClipboardFormat(AFormat, AData, APalette);
- finally
- Free;
- end {try}
- end;
- {Loads data from clipboard}
- procedure TPngObject.LoadFromClipboardFormat(AFormat: Word;
- AData: THandle; APalette: HPalette);
- begin
- with TBitmap.Create do
- try
- LoadFromClipboardFormat(AFormat, AData, APalette);
- Self.AssignHandle(Handle, False, 0);
- finally
- Free;
- end {try}
- end;
- {Returns if the image is transparent}
- function TPngObject.GetTransparent: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := (TransparencyMode <> ptmNone);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {Saving the PNG image to a stream of data}
- procedure TPngObject.SaveToStream(Stream: TStream);
- var
- j: Integer;
- begin
- {Reads the header}
- Stream.Write(PNGHeader[0], 8);
- {Write each chunk}
- FOR j := 0 TO Chunks.Count - 1 DO
- Chunks.Item[j].SaveToStream(Stream)
- end;
- {Prepares the Header chunk}
- procedure BuildHeader(Header: TChunkIHDR; Handle: HBitmap; Info: pBitmap;
- HasPalette: Boolean);
- var
- DC: HDC;
- begin
- {Set width and height}
- Header.Width := Info.bmWidth;
- Header.Height := abs(Info.bmHeight);
- {Set bit depth}
- if Info.bmBitsPixel >= 16 then
- Header.BitDepth := 8 else Header.BitDepth := Info.bmBitsPixel;
- {Set color type}
- if Info.bmBitsPixel >= 16 then
- Header.ColorType := COLOR_RGB else Header.ColorType := COLOR_PALETTE;
- {Set other info}
- Header.CompressionMethod := 0; {deflate/inflate}
- Header.InterlaceMethod := 0; {no interlace}
- {Prepares bitmap headers to hold data}
- Header.PrepareImageData();
- {Copy image data}
- DC := CreateCompatibleDC(0);
- GetDIBits(DC, Handle, 0, Header.Height, Header.ImageData,
- pBitmapInfo(@Header.BitmapInfo)^, DIB_RGB_COLORS);
- DeleteDC(DC);
- end;
- {Loads the image from a resource}
- procedure TPngObject.LoadFromResourceName(Instance: HInst;
- const Name: String);
- var
- ResStream: TResourceStream;
- begin
- {Creates an especial stream to load from the resource}
- try ResStream := TResourceStream.Create(Instance, Name, RT_RCDATA);
- except RaiseError(EPNGCouldNotLoadResource, EPNGCouldNotLoadResourceText);
- exit; end;
- {Loads the png image from the resource}
- try
- LoadFromStream(ResStream);
- finally
- ResStream.Free;
- end;
- end;
- {Loads the png from a resource ID}
- procedure TPngObject.LoadFromResourceID(Instance: HInst; ResID: Integer);
- begin
- LoadFromResourceName(Instance, String(ResID));
- end;
- {Assigns this tpngobject to another object}
- procedure TPngObject.AssignTo(Dest: TPersistent);
- {$IFDEF UseDelphi}
- var
- DeskDC: HDC;
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- {If the destination is also a TPNGObject make it assign}
- {this one}
- if Dest is TPNGObject then
- TPNGObject(Dest).AssignPNG(Self)
- {$IFDEF UseDelphi}
- {In case the destination is a bitmap}
- else if (Dest is TBitmap) and HeaderPresent then
- begin
- {Tests for the best pixelformat
- case Header.BitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biBitCount of
- 1: TBitmap(Dest).PixelFormat := pf1Bit;
- 4: TBitmap(Dest).PixelFormat := pf4Bit;
- 8: TBitmap(Dest).PixelFormat := pf8Bit;
- 24: TBitmap(Dest).PixelFormat := pf24Bit;
- 32: TBitmap(Dest).PixelFormat := pf32Bit;
- end {case Header.BitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biBitCount};
- {Device context}
- DeskDC := GetDC(0);
- {Copy the data}
- TBitmap(Dest).Handle := CreateDIBitmap(DeskDC,
- Header.BitmapInfo.bmiHeader, CBM_INIT, Header.ImageData,
- pBitmapInfo(@Header.BitmapInfo)^, DIB_RGB_COLORS);
- ReleaseDC(0, DeskDC);
- {Copy transparency mode}
- if (TransparencyMode = ptmBit) then
- begin
- TRNS := Chunks.ItemFromClass(TChunkTRNS) as TChunkTRNS;
- TBitmap(Dest).TransparentColor := TRNS.TransparentColor;
- TBitmap(Dest).Transparent := True
- end {if (TransparencyMode = ptmBit)}
- end
- else
- {Unknown destination kind, }
- inherited AssignTo(Dest);
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- {Assigns from a bitmap object}
- procedure TPngObject.AssignHandle(Handle: HBitmap; Transparent: Boolean;
- TransparentColor: ColorRef);
- var
- BitmapInfo: Windows.TBitmap;
- HasPalette: Boolean;
- {Chunks}
- Header: TChunkIHDR;
- begin
- {Obtain bitmap info}
- GetObject(Handle, SizeOf(BitmapInfo), @BitmapInfo);
- {Only bit depths 1, 4 and 8 needs a palette}
- HasPalette := (BitmapInfo.bmBitsPixel < 16);
- {Clear old chunks and prepare}
- ClearChunks();
- {Create the chunks}
- Header := TChunkIHDR.Create(Self);
- if HasPalette then PLTE := TChunkPLTE.Create(Self) else PLTE := nil;
- if Transparent then TRNS := TChunkTRNS.Create(Self) else TRNS := nil;
- IDAT := TChunkIDAT.Create(Self);
- IEND := TChunkIEND.Create(Self);
- {Add chunks}
- TPNGPointerList(Chunks).Add(Header);
- if HasPalette then TPNGPointerList(Chunks).Add(PLTE);
- if Transparent then TPNGPointerList(Chunks).Add(TRNS);
- TPNGPointerList(Chunks).Add(IDAT);
- TPNGPointerList(Chunks).Add(IEND);
- {This method will fill the Header chunk with bitmap information}
- {and copy the image data}
- BuildHeader(Header, Handle, @BitmapInfo, HasPalette);
- {In case there is a image data, set the PLTE chunk fCount variable}
- {to the actual number of palette colors which is 2^(Bits for each pixel)}
- if HasPalette then PLTE.fCount := 1 shl BitmapInfo.bmBitsPixel;
- {In case it is a transparent bitmap, prepares it}
- if Transparent then TRNS.TransparentColor := TransparentColor;
- end;
- {Assigns from another PNG}
- procedure TPngObject.AssignPNG(Source: TPNGObject);
- var
- J: Integer;
- begin
- {Copy properties}
- InterlaceMethod := Source.InterlaceMethod;
- MaxIdatSize := Source.MaxIdatSize;
- CompressionLevel := Source.CompressionLevel;
- Filters := Source.Filters;
- {Clear old chunks and prepare}
- ClearChunks();
- Chunks.Count := Source.Chunks.Count;
- {Create chunks and makes a copy from the source}
- FOR J := 0 TO Chunks.Count - 1 DO
- with Source.Chunks do
- begin
- Chunks.SetItem(J, TChunkClass(TChunk(Item[J]).ClassType).Create(Self));
- TChunk(Chunks.Item[J]).Assign(TChunk(Item[J]));
- end {with};
- end;
- {Returns a alpha data scanline}
- function TPngObject.GetAlphaScanline(const LineIndex: Integer): pByteArray;
- begin
- with Header do
- if (ColorType = COLOR_RGBALPHA) or (ColorType = COLOR_GRAYSCALEALPHA) then
- Longint(Result) := Longint(ImageAlpha) + (LineIndex * Longint(Width))
- else Result := nil; {In case the image does not use alpha information}
- end;
- {$IFDEF Store16bits}
- {Returns a png data extra scanline}
- function TPngObject.GetExtraScanline(const LineIndex: Integer): Pointer;
- begin
- with Header do
- Longint(Result) := (Longint(ExtraImageData) + ((Longint(Height) - 1) *
- BytesPerRow)) - (LineIndex * BytesPerRow);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {Returns a png data scanline}
- function TPngObject.GetScanline(const LineIndex: Integer): Pointer;
- begin
- with Header do
- Longint(Result) := (Longint(ImageData) + ((Longint(Height) - 1) *
- BytesPerRow)) - (LineIndex * BytesPerRow);
- end;
- {Initialize gamma table}
- procedure TPngObject.InitializeGamma;
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- {Build gamma table as if there was no gamma}
- FOR i := 0 to 255 do
- begin
- GammaTable[i] := i;
- InverseGamma[i] := i;
- end {for i}
- end;
- {Returns the transparency mode used by this png}
- function TPngObject.GetTransparencyMode: TPNGTransparencyMode;
- var
- begin
- with Header do
- begin
- Result := ptmNone; {Default result}
- {Gets the TRNS chunk pointer}
- TRNS := Chunks.ItemFromClass(TChunkTRNS) as TChunkTRNS;
- {Test depending on the color type}
- case ColorType of
- {This modes are always partial}
- {This modes support bit transparency}
- COLOR_RGB, COLOR_GRAYSCALE: if TRNS <> nil then Result := ptmBit;
- {Supports booth translucid and bit}
- {A TRNS chunk must be present, otherwise it won't support transparency}
- if TRNS <> nil then
- if TRNS.BitTransparency then
- Result := ptmBit else Result := ptmPartial
- end {case}
- end {with Header}
- end;
- {Add a text chunk}
- procedure TPngObject.AddtEXt(const Keyword, Text: String);
- var
- TextChunk: TChunkTEXT;
- begin
- TextChunk := Chunks.Add(TChunkText) as TChunkTEXT;
- TextChunk.Keyword := Keyword;
- TextChunk.Text := Text;
- end;
- {Add a text chunk}
- procedure TPngObject.AddzTXt(const Keyword, Text: String);
- var
- TextChunk: TChunkzTXt;
- begin
- TextChunk := Chunks.Add(TChunkzTXt) as TChunkzTXt;
- TextChunk.Keyword := Keyword;
- TextChunk.Text := Text;
- end;
- {Removes the image transparency}
- procedure TPngObject.RemoveTransparency;
- var
- begin
- TRNS := Chunks.ItemFromClass(TChunkTRNS) as TChunkTRNS;
- if TRNS <> nil then Chunks.RemoveChunk(TRNS)
- end;
- {Generates alpha information}
- procedure TPngObject.CreateAlpha;
- var
- begin
- {Generates depending on the color type}
- with Header do
- case ColorType of
- {Png allocates different memory space to hold alpha information}
- {for these types}
- begin
- {Transform into the appropriate color type}
- if ColorType = COLOR_GRAYSCALE then
- else ColorType := COLOR_RGBALPHA;
- {Allocates memory to hold alpha information}
- GetMem(ImageAlpha, Integer(Width) * Integer(Height));
- FillChar(ImageAlpha^, Integer(Width) * Integer(Height), #255);
- end;
- {Palette uses the TChunktRNS to store alpha}
- begin
- {Gets/creates TRNS chunk}
- if Chunks.ItemFromClass(TChunkTRNS) = nil then
- TRNS := Chunks.Add(TChunkTRNS) as TChunkTRNS
- else
- TRNS := Chunks.ItemFromClass(TChunkTRNS) as TChunkTRNS;
- {Prepares the TRNS chunk}
- with TRNS do
- begin
- Fillchar(PaletteValues[0], 256, 255);
- fDataSize := 1 shl Header.BitDepth;
- fBitTransparency := False
- end {with Chunks.Add};
- end;
- end {case Header.ColorType}
- end;
- {Returns transparent color}
- function TPngObject.GetTransparentColor: TColor;
- var
- begin
- TRNS := Chunks.ItemFromClass(TChunkTRNS) as TChunkTRNS;
- {Reads the transparency chunk to get this info}
- if Assigned(TRNS) then Result := TRNS.TransparentColor
- else Result := 0
- end;
- procedure TPngObject.SetTransparentColor(const Value: TColor);
- var
- begin
- if HeaderPresent then
- {Tests the ColorType}
- case Header.ColorType of
- {Not allowed for this modes}
- EPNGCannotChangeTransparent, EPNGCannotChangeTransparentText);
- {Allowed}
- begin
- TRNS := Chunks.ItemFromClass(TChunkTRNS) as TChunkTRNS;
- if not Assigned(TRNS) then TRNS := Chunks.Add(TChunkTRNS) as TChunkTRNS;
- {Sets the transparency value from TRNS chunk}
- TRNS.TransparentColor := {$IFDEF UseDelphi}ColorToRGB({$ENDIF}Value{$IFDEF UseDelphi}){$ENDIF}
- end {case}
- end;
- {Returns if header is present}
- function TPngObject.HeaderPresent: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := ((Chunks.Count <> 0) and (Chunks.Item[0] is TChunkIHDR))
- end;
- {Returns pixel for png using palette and grayscale}
- function GetByteArrayPixel(const png: TPngObject; const X, Y: Integer): TColor;
- var
- ByteData: Byte;
- DataDepth: Byte;
- begin
- with png, Header do
- begin
- {Make sure the bitdepth is not greater than 8}
- DataDepth := BitDepth;
- if DataDepth > 8 then DataDepth := 8;
- {Obtains the byte containing this pixel}
- ByteData := pByteArray(png.Scanline[Y])^[X div (8 div DataDepth)];
- {Moves the bits we need to the right}
- ByteData := (ByteData shr ((8 - DataDepth) -
- (X mod (8 div DataDepth)) * DataDepth));
- {Discard the unwanted pixels}
- ByteData:= ByteData and ($FF shr (8 - DataDepth));
- {For palette mode map the palette entry and for grayscale convert and
- returns the intensity}
- case ColorType of
- with TChunkPLTE(png.Chunks.ItemFromClass(TChunkPLTE)).Item[ByteData] do
- Result := rgb(GammaTable[rgbRed], GammaTable[rgbGreen],
- GammaTable[rgbBlue]);
- begin
- if BitDepth = 1
- then ByteData := GammaTable[Byte(ByteData * 255)]
- else ByteData := GammaTable[Byte(ByteData * ((1 shl DataDepth) + 1))];
- Result := rgb(ByteData, ByteData, ByteData);
- end;
- else Result := 0;
- end {case};
- end {with}
- end;
- {In case vcl units are not being used}
- {$IFNDEF UseDelphi}
- function ColorToRGB(const Color: TColor): COLORREF;
- begin
- Result := Color
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {Sets a pixel for grayscale and palette pngs}
- procedure SetByteArrayPixel(const png: TPngObject; const X, Y: Integer;
- const Value: TColor);
- const
- ClearFlag: Array[1..8] of Integer = (1, 3, 0, 15, 0, 0, 0, $FF);
- var
- ByteData: pByte;
- DataDepth: Byte;
- ValEntry: Byte;
- begin
- with png.Header do
- begin
- {Map into a palette entry}
- ValEntry := GetNearestPaletteIndex(Png.Palette, ColorToRGB(Value));
- {16 bits grayscale extra bits are discarted}
- DataDepth := BitDepth;
- if DataDepth > 8 then DataDepth := 8;
- {Gets a pointer to the byte we intend to change}
- ByteData := @pByteArray(png.Scanline[Y])^[X div (8 div DataDepth)];
- {Clears the old pixel data}
- ByteData^ := ByteData^ and not (ClearFlag[DataDepth] shl ((8 - DataDepth) -
- (X mod (8 div DataDepth)) * DataDepth));
- {Setting the new pixel}
- ByteData^ := ByteData^ or (ValEntry shl ((8 - DataDepth) -
- (X mod (8 div DataDepth)) * DataDepth));
- end {with png.Header}
- end;
- {Returns pixel when png uses RGB}
- function GetRGBLinePixel(const png: TPngObject;
- const X, Y: Integer): TColor;
- begin
- with pRGBLine(png.Scanline[Y])^[X] do
- Result := RGB(rgbtRed, rgbtGreen, rgbtBlue)
- end;
- {Sets pixel when png uses RGB}
- procedure SetRGBLinePixel(const png: TPngObject;
- const X, Y: Integer; Value: TColor);
- begin
- with pRGBLine(png.Scanline[Y])^[X] do
- begin
- rgbtRed := GetRValue(Value);
- rgbtGreen := GetGValue(Value);
- rgbtBlue := GetBValue(Value)
- end
- end;
- {Sets a pixel}
- procedure TPngObject.SetPixels(const X, Y: Integer; const Value: TColor);
- begin
- if ((X >= 0) and (X <= Width - 1)) and
- ((Y >= 0) and (Y <= Height - 1)) then
- with Header do
- begin
- SetByteArrayPixel(Self, X, Y, Value)
- else
- SetRGBLinePixel(Self, X, Y, Value)
- end {with}
- end;
- {Returns a pixel}
- function TPngObject.GetPixels(const X, Y: Integer): TColor;
- begin
- if ((X >= 0) and (X <= Width - 1)) and
- ((Y >= 0) and (Y <= Height - 1)) then
- with Header do
- begin
- Result := GetByteArrayPixel(Self, X, Y)
- else
- Result := GetRGBLinePixel(Self, X, Y)
- end {with}
- else Result := 0
- end;
- {Returns the image palette}
- function TPngObject.GetPalette: HPALETTE;
- var
- LogPalette: TMaxLogPalette;
- i: Integer;
- begin
- {Palette is avaliable for COLOR_PALETTE and COLOR_GRAYSCALE modes}
- if (Header.ColorType in [COLOR_PALETTE, COLOR_GRAYSCALE]) then
- begin
- {In case the pal}
- if TempPalette = 0 then
- with LogPalette do
- begin
- {Prepares the new palette}
- palVersion := $300;
- palNumEntries := 256;
- {Copy entries}
- for i := 0 to LogPalette.palNumEntries - 1 do
- begin
- palPalEntry[i].peRed := Header.BitmapInfo.bmiColors[i].rgbRed;
- palPalEntry[i].peGreen := Header.BitmapInfo.bmiColors[i].rgbGreen;
- palPalEntry[i].peBlue := Header.BitmapInfo.bmiColors[i].rgbBlue;
- palPalEntry[i].peFlags := 0;
- end {for i};
- {Creates the palette}
- TempPalette := CreatePalette(pLogPalette(@LogPalette)^);
- end {with LogPalette, if Temppalette = 0}
- end {if Header.ColorType in ...};
- Result := TempPalette;
- end;
- initialization
- {Initialize}
- ChunkClasses := nil;
- {crc table has not being computed yet}
- crc_table_computed := FALSE;
- {Register the necessary chunks for png}
- RegisterCommonChunks;
- {Registers TPNGObject to use with TPicture}
- {$IFDEF UseDelphi}{$IFDEF RegisterGraphic}
- TPicture.RegisterFileFormat('PNG', 'Portable Network Graphics', TPNGObject);
- finalization
- {$IFDEF UseDelphi}{$IFDEF RegisterGraphic}
- TPicture.UnregisterGraphicClass(TPNGObject);
- {Free chunk classes}
- FreeChunkClassList;
- end.