- unit ImageFx;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // ImageFx.pas Modified: 18-Ago-2005
- // Image and pixel routines Version 1.1
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Changes since v1.0:
- //
- // * Moved several routines from AsphyreBmp.pas for processing certain
- // bitmaps and their patterns.
- // + Added alpha-channel extraction routines
- //
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
- // Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- // compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- //
- //
- // Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
- // basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
- // License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
- // under the License.
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- interface
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- uses
- Types, Classes, SysUtils, Graphics, Math, CommonDef;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // RenderLineAlpha()
- //
- // Renders source scanline with alpha-channel onto destination address.
- // The source alpha-channel is multiplied by the specified Alpha coefficient.
- // Alpha can be [0..255]
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure RenderLineAlpha(Source, Dest: Pointer; Count, Alpha: Integer); stdcall;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // RenderLineAlphaAdd()
- //
- // Renders source scanline onto destination address.
- // The source is multiplied bu its alpha-channel and Alpha coefficient.
- // Alpha can be [0..255]
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure RenderLineAlphaAdd(Source, Dest: Pointer; Count, Alpha: Integer); stdcall;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // RenderLineDiffuse()
- //
- // Similar in effect to RenderLineAlpha() except that source pixels are also
- // multiplied by the specified color.
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure RenderLineDiffuse(Source, Dest: Pointer; Count: Integer;
- Diffuse: Longword); stdcall;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // BlendPixels()
- //
- // This function blends two pixels together by the specified alpha value.
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function BlendPixels(Px0, Px1: Longword; Alpha: Integer): Longword; stdcall;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // ShrinkLine2x()
- //
- // Resamples source scanlines into a single line of half length.
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure ShrinkLine2x(Src0, Src1, Dest: Pointer;
- PixCount: Integer); stdcall;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Pixel2Gray()
- //
- // Transforms the specified 32-bit RGB pixel into grayscale (approx)
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function Pixel2Gray(Pixel: Longword): Longword; stdcall;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Pixel2GrayEx()
- //
- // Transforms the specified 32-bit RGB pixel into grayscale floating point
- // value. This version is more precise than Pixel2Gray but slower.
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function Pixel2GrayEx(Pixel: Cardinal): Real;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // ExtractAlpha()
- //
- // This takes ttwo grayscale pixels rendered on two different backgrounds
- // and attempts to extract original pixel and its alpha-channel.
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure ExtractAlpha(Src1, Src2, Bk1, Bk2: Real; out Alpha, Px: Real);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // ExtractAlpha()
- //
- // This takes the grayscale graphics rendered on two different backgrounds
- // and attempts to extract original image and its alpha-channel.
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure FindAlphaChannel(Dest, Image0, Image1: TBitmap; Bk1, Bk2: Cardinal);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // ClearBitmap()
- //
- // This routine takes the specified image, converts its bitdepth to 32-bit
- // and then fills the surface with the specified color.
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure ClearBitmap(Image: TBitmap; Color: Longword);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // TileBitmap()
- //
- // Takes source bitmap and attempts to tile its patterns on destination
- // bitmap using different pattern accomodation.
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure TileBitmap(Dest, Source: TBitmap; const TexSize, InPSize,
- OutPSize: TPoint; NeedMask: Boolean; MaskColor: Cardinal; Tolerance: Integer);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- implementation
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure RenderLineAlpha(Source, Dest: Pointer; Count, Alpha: Integer); stdcall;
- asm
- push esi
- push edi
- push ebx
- mov esi, Source // ESI -> source pointer
- mov edi, Dest // EDI -> destination pointer
- mov ecx, Count // ECX -> a number of pixels to process
- pxor mm7, mm7 // MM7 -> zero register
- mov eax, 0FFFFFFFFh
- movd mm2, eax
- punpcklbw mm2, mm7 // MM2 -> 255,255,255,255 (words)
- mov eax, 01010101h
- movd mm3, eax
- punpcklbw mm3, mm7 // MM3 -> 1, 1, 1, 1 (words)
- paddusw mm2, mm3 // MM2 -> 256,256,256,256 (words)
- mov eax, Alpha
- and eax, 0FFh
- mov ebx, eax
- shl ebx, 8
- or eax , ebx
- shl ebx, 8
- or eax , ebx
- movd mm3, eax
- punpcklbw mm3, mm7 // MM3 -> alpha,alpha,alpha
- // Pixel processing loop.
- // On entry, these registers are defined:
- // ESI - source
- // EDI - dest
- // ECX - pixel count
- // MM2 - 256,256,256,256
- // MM3 - alpha,alpha,alpha
- // MM7 - zero
- @rLoop:
- mov eax, [esi] // EAX -> source pixel
- movd mm0, eax
- punpcklbw mm0, mm7 // MM0 -> source pixel (words)
- shr eax, 24
- mov ebx, eax
- shl ebx, 8
- or eax, ebx
- shl ebx, 8
- or eax, ebx
- movd mm4, eax
- punpcklbw mm4, mm7 // MM4 -> srcA, srcA, srcA (words)
- pmullw mm4, mm3
- psrlw mm4, 8 // MM4 -> srcA * alpha (words)
- // pmullw mm0, mm4
- // psrlw mm0, 8
- movd mm5, [edi]
- punpcklbw mm5, mm7 // MM5 -> dest pixel (words)
- pmullw mm0, mm4 // MM0 -> source pixel, multiplied by alpha-channel
- psrlw mm0, 8
- movq mm6, mm2
- psubusw mm6, mm4 // MM6 -> inverse alpha channel (words)
- pmullw mm5, mm6
- psrlw mm5, 8 // MM5 -> dest pixel, multiplied by inverse alpha-channel
- paddusw mm0, mm5
- packuswb mm0, mm7 // MM0 -> final pixel (bytes)
- movd [edi], mm0
- add esi, 4
- add edi, 4
- dec ecx
- jnz @rLoop
- emms
- pop ebx
- pop edi
- pop esi
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure RenderLineAlphaAdd(Source, Dest: Pointer; Count, Alpha: Integer); stdcall;
- asm
- push esi
- push edi
- push ebx
- mov esi, Source // ESI -> source pointer
- mov edi, Dest // EDI -> destination pointer
- mov ecx, Count // ECX -> a number of pixels to process
- pxor mm7, mm7 // MM7 -> zero register
- mov eax, Alpha
- and eax, 0FFh
- mov ebx, eax
- shl ebx, 8
- or eax , ebx
- shl ebx, 8
- or eax , ebx
- movd mm3, eax
- punpcklbw mm3, mm7 // MM3 -> alpha,alpha,alpha
- // Pixel processing loop.
- // On entry, these registers are defined:
- // ESI - source
- // EDI - dest
- // ECX - pixel count
- // MM3 - alpha,alpha,alpha
- // MM7 - zero
- @rLoop:
- mov eax, [esi] // EAX -> source pixel
- movd mm0, eax
- punpcklbw mm0, mm7 // MM0 -> source pixel (words)
- shr eax, 24
- mov ebx, eax
- shl ebx, 8
- or eax, ebx
- shl ebx, 8
- or eax, ebx
- movd mm4, eax
- punpcklbw mm4, mm7 // MM4 -> srcA, srcA, srcA (words)
- pmullw mm4, mm3
- psrlw mm4, 8 // MM4 -> srcA * alpha (words)
- movd mm5, [edi]
- punpcklbw mm5, mm7 // MM5 -> dest pixel (words)
- pmullw mm0, mm4 // MM0 -> source pixel, multiplied by alpha-channel
- psrlw mm0, 8
- paddusw mm0, mm5
- packuswb mm0, mm7 // MM0 -> final pixel (bytes)
- movd [edi], mm0
- add esi, 4
- add edi, 4
- dec ecx
- jnz @rLoop
- emms
- pop ebx
- pop edi
- pop esi
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure RenderLineDiffuse(Source, Dest: Pointer; Count: Integer;
- Diffuse: Longword); stdcall;
- asm
- push esi
- push edi
- push ebx
- mov esi, Source // ESI -> source pointer
- mov edi, Dest // EDI -> destination pointer
- mov ecx, Count // ECX -> a number of pixels to process
- pxor mm7, mm7 // MM7 -> zero register
- mov eax, 0FFFFFFFFh
- movd mm6, eax
- punpcklbw mm6, mm7 // MM6 -> 255,255,255,255 (words)
- mov eax, 01010101h
- movd mm0, eax
- punpcklbw mm0, mm7 // MM0 -> 1, 1, 1, 1 (words)
- paddusw mm6, mm0 // MM6 -> 256,256,256,256 (words)
- mov eax, Diffuse
- movd mm5, eax
- punpcklbw mm5, mm7 // MM5 -> diffuse color (words)
- // Pixel processing loop.
- // On entry, these registers are defined:
- // ESI - source
- // EDI - dest
- // ECX - pixel count
- // MM5 - diffuse color
- // MM6 - 256,256,256,256
- // MM7 - zero
- @rLoop:
- mov eax, [esi] // EAX -> source pixel
- movd mm0, eax
- punpcklbw mm0, mm7 // MM0 -> source pixel (words)
- pmullw mm0, mm5
- psrlw mm0, 8 // MM0 -> "diffused" pixel (words)
- movq mm1, mm0
- packuswb mm1, mm7
- movd eax, mm1 // eax -> diffused pixel
- // extract alpha-channel from diffused pixel
- shr eax, 24
- mov ebx, eax
- shl ebx, 8
- or eax, ebx
- shl ebx, 8
- or eax, ebx
- movd mm4, eax
- punpcklbw mm4, mm7 // MM4 -> alpha, alpha, alpha (words)
- movd mm3, [edi]
- punpcklbw mm3, mm7 // MM3 -> dest pixel (words)
- pmullw mm0, mm4 // MM0 -> source pixel, multiplied by alpha-channel
- psrlw mm0, 8
- movq mm1, mm6
- psubusw mm1, mm4 // MM1 -> inverse alpha channel (words)
- pmullw mm3, mm1
- psrlw mm3, 8 // MM3 -> dest pixel, multiplied by inverse alpha-channel
- paddusw mm0, mm3
- packuswb mm0, mm7 // MM0 -> final pixel (bytes)
- movd [edi], mm0
- add esi, 4
- add edi, 4
- dec ecx
- jnz @rLoop
- emms
- pop ebx
- pop edi
- pop esi
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function BlendPixels(Px0, Px1: Longword; Alpha: Integer): Longword; stdcall;
- asm
- pxor mm7, mm7
- mov eax, 0FFFFFFFFh
- movd mm6, eax
- punpcklbw mm6, mm7 // MM6 -> 255,255,255,255 (words)
- mov eax, 01010101h
- movd mm0, eax
- punpcklbw mm0, mm7 // MM0 -> 1, 1, 1, 1 (words)
- paddusw mm6, mm0 // MM6 -> 256,256,256,256 (words)
- mov eax, Alpha
- and eax, 0FFh
- mov ecx, eax
- shl ecx, 8
- or eax, ecx
- shl ecx, 8
- or eax, ecx
- shl ecx, 8
- or eax, ecx
- movd mm2, eax
- punpcklbw mm2, mm7 // MM2 -> alpha,alpha,alpha
- movd mm0, Px0
- movd mm1, Px1
- punpcklbw mm0, mm7
- punpcklbw mm1, mm7
- pmullw mm0, mm2
- psrlw mm0, 8
- psubusw mm6, mm2
- pmullw mm1, mm6
- psrlw mm1, 8
- paddusw mm0, mm1
- packuswb mm0, mm7
- movd eax, mm0
- emms
- mov Result, eax
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure ShrinkLine2x(Src0, Src1, Dest: Pointer;
- PixCount: Integer); stdcall;
- begin
- asm
- push edi
- push esi
- push ebx
- mov ecx, PixCount
- mov esi, Src0
- mov edx, Src1
- mov edi, Dest
- pxor mm7, mm7
- @ConvLoop:
- movd mm0, [esi]
- punpcklbw mm0, mm7
- movd mm1, [esi + 4]
- punpcklbw mm1, mm7
- paddsw mm0, mm1
- movd mm2, [edx]
- punpcklbw mm2, mm7
- movd mm3, [edx + 4]
- punpcklbw mm3, mm7
- paddsw mm0, mm2
- paddsw mm0, mm3
- psrlw mm0, 2
- packuswb mm0, mm7
- movd [edi], mm0
- add esi, 8
- add edx, 8
- add edi, 4
- dec ecx
- jnz @ConvLoop
- emms
- pop ebx
- pop esi
- pop edi
- end;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function Pixel2Gray(Pixel: Longword): Longword; stdcall;
- const
- rConst = 5;
- gConst = 8;
- bConst = 3;
- asm
- push ebx
- mov eax, Pixel
- mov ecx, eax
- and eax, 0FFh
- imul eax, rConst
- mov ebx, eax
- mov eax, ecx
- shl eax, 16
- shr eax, 24
- imul eax, gConst
- add ebx, eax
- mov eax, ecx
- shl eax, 8
- shr eax, 24
- imul eax, bConst
- add ebx, eax
- shr ebx, 4
- mov Result, ebx
- pop ebx
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function Pixel2GrayEx(Pixel: Cardinal): Real;
- begin
- Result:= ((Pixel and $FF) * 0.3 + ((Pixel shr 8) and $FF) * 0.59 +
- ((Pixel shr 16) and $FF) * 0.11) / 255.0;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure ExtractAlpha(Src1, Src2, Bk1, Bk2: Real; out Alpha, Px: Real);
- begin
- Alpha:= (1.0 - (Src2 - Src1)) / (Bk2 - Bk1);
- Px:= Src1;
- if (Alpha > 0.0) then
- Px:= (Src1 - (1.0 - Alpha) * Bk1) / Alpha;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure FindAlphaChannel(Dest, Image0, Image1: TBitmap; Bk1, Bk2: Cardinal);
- var
- Index : Integer;
- ScanIndx: Integer;
- BackValue1: Real;
- BackValue2: Real;
- Pixel1: Real;
- Pixel2: Real;
- Pixel : Real;
- Alpha : Real;
- Read0: PCardinal;
- Read1: PCardinal;
- Write: PCardinal;
- Color: Cardinal;
- begin
- BackValue1:= Pixel2GrayEx(Bk1);
- BackValue2:= Pixel2GrayEx(Bk2);
- if (Image0.PixelFormat <> pf32bit) then Image0.PixelFormat:= pf32bit;
- if (Image1.PixelFormat <> pf32bit) then Image1.PixelFormat:= pf32bit;
- Dest.Width := Image0.Width;
- Dest.Height:= Image0.Height;
- if (Dest.PixelFormat <> pf32bit) then Dest.PixelFormat:= pf32bit;
- for ScanIndx:= 0 to Dest.Height - 1 do
- begin
- Read0:= Image0.Scanline[ScanIndx];
- Read1:= Image1.Scanline[ScanIndx];
- Write:= Dest.Scanline[ScanIndx];
- for Index:= 0 to Dest.Width - 1 do
- begin
- // retreive source grayscale pixels
- Pixel1:= Pixel2GrayEx(Read0^);
- Pixel2:= Pixel2GrayEx(Read1^);
- // calculate alpha-value and original pixel
- ExtractAlpha(Pixel1, Pixel2, BackValue1, BackValue2, Alpha, Pixel);
- // convert normalized pixel to color index
- Color:= Round(Pixel * 255.0);
- // prepare a 24-bit RGB color
- Color:= Color or (Color shl 8) or (Color shl 16);
- // add alpha-channel to 24-bit RGB color and write it to destination
- Write^:= Color or (Round(Alpha * 255.0) shl 24);
- // move through pixels
- Inc(Read0);
- Inc(Read1);
- Inc(Write);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure ClearBitmap(Image: TBitmap; Color: Longword);
- var
- j, i: Integer;
- px: PCardinal;
- begin
- if (Image.PixelFormat <> pf32bit) then Image.PixelFormat:= pf32bit;
- Color:= DisplaceRB(Color);
- for j:= 0 to Image.Height - 1 do
- begin
- px:= Image.Scanline[j];
- for i:= 0 to Image.Width - 1 do
- begin
- px^:= Color;
- Inc(px);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure UnmaskAlpha(Dest: TBitmap);
- var
- i, j: Integer;
- pl: PLongword;
- begin
- Dest.PixelFormat:= pf32bit;
- for j:= 0 to Dest.Height - 1 do
- begin
- pl:= Dest.Scanline[j];
- for i:= 0 to Dest.Width - 1 do
- begin
- pl^:= pl^ or $FF000000;
- Inc(pl);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure TileBitmap(Dest, Source: TBitmap; const TexSize, InPSize,
- OutPSize: TPoint; NeedMask: Boolean; MaskColor: Cardinal; Tolerance: Integer);
- var
- SrcInRow: Integer;
- SrcInCol: Integer;
- SrcCount: Integer;
- DstInRow: Integer;
- DstInCol: Integer;
- ImgInTex: Integer;
- TexCount: Integer;
- AuxMem : Pointer;
- AuxPitch: Integer;
- SrcIndex: Integer;
- TexIndex: Integer;
- PatIndex: Integer;
- DestPt : TPoint;
- SrcPt : TPoint;
- Index : Integer;
- MemAddr : Pointer;
- DestIndx: Integer;
- begin
- // Step 1. Determine source attributes
- SrcInRow:= Source.Width div InPSize.X;
- SrcInCol:= Source.Height div InPSize.Y;
- SrcCount:= SrcInRow * SrcInCol;
- // Step 2. Determine destination attributes
- DstInRow:= TexSize.X div OutPSize.X;
- DstInCol:= TexSize.Y div OutPSize.Y;
- ImgInTex:= DstInRow * DstInCol;
- TexCount:= Ceil(SrcCount / ImgInTex);
- // Step 3. Allocate auxiliary memory
- AuxPitch:= InPSize.X * 4;
- AuxMem := AllocMem(AuxPitch);
- // Step 4. Prepare source and destination images
- if (Source.PixelFormat <> pf32bit) then UnmaskAlpha(Source);
- Dest.Width := TexSize.X;
- Dest.Height:= TexSize.Y * TexCount;
- ClearBitmap(Dest, $00000000);
- // Step 5. Place individual patterns
- SrcIndex:= 0;
- for TexIndex:= 0 to TexCount - 1 do
- for PatIndex:= 0 to ImgInTex - 1 do
- begin
- DestPt.X:= (PatIndex mod DstInRow) * OutPSize.X;
- DestPt.Y:= ((PatIndex div DstInRow) mod DstInCol) * OutPSize.Y;
- SrcPt.X := (SrcIndex mod SrcInRow) * InPSize.X;
- SrcPt.Y := ((SrcIndex div SrcInRow) mod SrcInCol) * InPSize.Y;
- // render scanlines
- for Index:= 0 to InPSize.Y - 1 do
- begin
- // prepare source pointer
- MemAddr:= Pointer(Integer(Source.Scanline[(Index + SrcPt.Y)]) + (SrcPt.X * 4));
- if (NeedMask) then
- begin
- LineConvMasked(MemAddr, AuxMem, InPSize.X, Tolerance,
- DisplaceRB(MaskColor));
- end else Move(MemAddr^, AuxMem^, InPSize.X * 4);
- DestIndx:= DestPt.Y + (TexSize.Y * TexIndex) + Index;
- MemAddr:= Pointer(Integer(Dest.Scanline[DestIndx]) + (DestPt.X * 4));
- Move(AuxMem^, MemAddr^, AuxPitch);
- end;
- Inc(SrcIndex);
- if (SrcIndex >= SrcCount) then Break;
- end;
- // Step 6. Release auxiliary memory
- FreeMem(AuxMem);
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- end.