- unit Vectors4;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Vectors4.pas Modified: 09-Mar-2007
- // Definitions and functions working with 4D vectors Version 1.0
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Important Notice:
- //
- // If you modify/use this code or one of its parts either in original or
- // modified form, you must comply with Mozilla Public License v1.1,
- // specifically section 3, "Distribution Obligations". Failure to do so will
- // result in the license breach, which will be resolved in the court.
- // Remember that violating author's rights is considered a serious crime in
- // many countries. Thank you!
- //
- // !! Please *read* Mozilla Public License 1.1 document located at:
- //
- //
- // If you require any clarifications about the license, feel free to contact
- // us or post your question on our forums at:
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
- // Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- // compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- //
- //
- // Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
- // basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
- // License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
- // under the License.
- //
- // The Original Code is Vectors4.pas.
- //
- // The Initial Developer of the Original Code is M. Sc. Yuriy Kotsarenko.
- // Portions created by M. Sc. Yuriy Kotsarenko are Copyright (C) 2007,
- // Afterwarp Interactive. All Rights Reserved.
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- interface
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- uses
- Math, D3DX9, Vectors3, Matrices4;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- type
- PVector4 = ^TVector4;
- TVector4 = record
- x, y, z, w: Single;
- class operator Implicit(const v: TVector4): TVector3;
- class operator Implicit(const v: TVector3): TVector4;
- class operator Explicit(const v: TVector4): TVector3;
- class operator Explicit(const v: TVector3): TVector4;
- class operator Add(const a, b: TVector4): TVector4;
- class operator Subtract(const a, b: TVector4): TVector4;
- class operator Multiply(const a, b: TVector4): TVector4;
- class operator Divide(const a, b: TVector4): TVector4;
- class operator Negative(const v: TVector4): TVector4;
- class operator Multiply(const v: TVector4; const k: Single): TVector4;
- class operator Divide(const v: TVector4; const k: Single): TVector4;
- class operator Multiply(const v: TVector4; const m: TMatrix4): TVector4;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- TVectors4 = class
- private
- NativeAddr : Pointer;
- AlignedAddr: Pointer;
- Capacity : Integer;
- DataCount : Integer;
- procedure Request(Amount: Integer);
- procedure Reallocate(Amount: Integer);
- function GetVector(Num: Integer): PVector4;
- function GetItem(Num: Integer): TVector4;
- procedure SetItem(Num: Integer; const Value: TVector4);
- public
- property MemAddr: Pointer read AlignedAddr;
- property Count: Integer read DataCount;
- property Items[Num: Integer]: TVector4 read GetItem write SetItem; default;
- property Vector[Num: Integer]: PVector4 read GetVector;
- function Add(const Vector: TVector4): Integer; overload;
- function Add(x, y, z: Single): Integer; overload;
- procedure Remove(Index: Integer);
- procedure RemoveAll();
- procedure CopyFrom(Source: TVectors4);
- procedure AddFrom(Source: TVectors4);
- procedure Transform(Source: TVectors4; Matrix: PMatrix4);
- constructor Create();
- destructor Destroy(); override;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- const
- ZeroVec4 : TVector4 = (x: 0.0; y: 0.0; z: 0.0; w: 1.0);
- UnityVec4: TVector4 = (x: 1.0; y: 1.0; z: 1.0; w: 1.0);
- AxisXVec4: TVector4 = (x: 1.0; y: 0.0; z: 0.0; w: 1.0);
- AxisYVec4: TVector4 = (x: 0.0; y: 1.0; z: 0.0; w: 1.0);
- AxisZVec4: TVector4 = (x: 0.0; y: 0.0; z: 1.0; w: 1.0);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function Vector4(x, y, z: Single): TVector4;
- function Length4(const v: TVector4): Single;
- function Norm4(const v: TVector4): TVector4;
- function Lerp4(const v0, v1: TVector4; Alpha: Single): TVector4;
- function Dot4(const a, b: TVector4): Single;
- function Cross4(const a, b: TVector4): TVector4;
- function Angle4(const a, b: TVector4): Single;
- function Parallel4(const v, n: TVector4): TVector4;
- function Perp4(const v, n: TVector4): TVector4;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- implementation
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- const
- VectorCache = 256;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class operator TVector4.Explicit(const v: TVector4): TVector3;
- begin
- Result.x:= v.x / v.w;
- Result.y:= v.y / v.w;
- Result.z:= v.z / v.w;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class operator TVector4.Explicit(const v: TVector3): TVector4;
- begin
- Result.x:= v.x;
- Result.y:= v.y;
- Result.z:= v.z;
- Result.w:= 1.0;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class operator TVector4.Implicit(const v: TVector4): TVector3;
- begin
- Result.x:= v.x / v.w;
- Result.y:= v.y / v.w;
- Result.z:= v.z / v.w;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class operator TVector4.Implicit(const v: TVector3): TVector4;
- begin
- Result.x:= v.x;
- Result.y:= v.y;
- Result.z:= v.z;
- Result.w:= 1.0;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class operator TVector4.Add(const a, b: TVector4): TVector4;
- begin
- Result.x:= a.x + b.x;
- Result.y:= a.y + b.y;
- Result.z:= a.z + b.z;
- Result.w:= 1.0;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class operator TVector4.Subtract(const a, b: TVector4): TVector4;
- begin
- Result.x:= a.x - b.x;
- Result.y:= a.y - b.y;
- Result.z:= a.z - b.z;
- Result.w:= 1.0;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class operator TVector4.Multiply(const a, b: TVector4): TVector4;
- begin
- Result.x:= a.x * b.x;
- Result.y:= a.y * b.y;
- Result.z:= a.z * b.z;
- Result.w:= 1.0;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class operator TVector4.Divide(const a, b: TVector4): TVector4;
- begin
- Result.x:= a.x / b.x;
- Result.y:= a.y / b.y;
- Result.z:= a.z / b.z;
- Result.w:= 1.0;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class operator TVector4.Negative(const v: TVector4): TVector4;
- begin
- Result.x:= -v.x;
- Result.y:= -v.y;
- Result.z:= -v.z;
- Result.w:= 1.0;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class operator TVector4.Multiply(const v: TVector4;
- const k: Single): TVector4;
- begin
- Result.x:= v.x * k;
- Result.y:= v.y * k;
- Result.z:= v.z * k;
- Result.w:= 1.0;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class operator TVector4.Divide(const v: TVector4;
- const k: Single): TVector4;
- begin
- Result.x:= v.x / k;
- Result.y:= v.y / k;
- Result.z:= v.z / k;
- Result.w:= 1.0;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class operator TVector4.Multiply(const v: TVector4;
- const m: TMatrix4): TVector4;
- begin
- Result.x:= (v.x * m.Data[0, 0]) + (v.y * m.Data[1, 0]) +
- (v.z * m.Data[2, 0]) + (v.w * m.Data[3, 0]);
- Result.y:= (v.x * m.Data[0, 1]) + (v.y * m.Data[1, 1]) +
- (v.z * m.Data[2, 1]) + (v.w * m.Data[3, 1]);
- Result.z:= (v.x * m.Data[0, 2]) + (v.y * m.Data[1, 2]) +
- (v.z * m.Data[2, 2]) + (v.w * m.Data[3, 2]);
- Result.w:= (v.x * m.Data[0, 3]) + (v.y * m.Data[1, 3]) +
- (v.z * m.Data[2, 3]) + (v.w * m.Data[3, 3]);
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function Vector4(x, y, z: Single): TVector4;
- begin
- Result.x:= x;
- Result.y:= y;
- Result.z:= z;
- Result.w:= 1.0;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function Length4(const v: TVector4): Single;
- begin
- Result:= Sqrt(v.x * v.x + v.y * v.y + v.z * v.z);
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function Norm4(const v: TVector4): TVector4;
- var
- Amp: Single;
- begin
- Amp:= Length3(v);
- if (Amp <> 0.0) then
- begin
- Result.x:= v.x / Amp;
- Result.y:= v.y / Amp;
- Result.z:= v.z / Amp;
- Result.w:= 1.0;
- end else Result:= ZeroVec4;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function Lerp4(const v0, v1: TVector4; Alpha: Single): TVector4;
- begin
- Result.x:= v0.x + (v1.x - v0.x) * Alpha;
- Result.y:= v0.y + (v1.y - v0.y) * Alpha;
- Result.z:= v0.z + (v1.z - v0.z) * Alpha;
- Result.w:= 1.0;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function Dot4(const a, b: TVector4): Single;
- begin
- Result:= (a.x * b.x) + (a.y * b.y) + (a.z * b.z);
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function Cross4(const a, b: TVector4): TVector4;
- begin
- Result.x:= (a.y * b.z) - (a.z * b.y);
- Result.y:= (a.z * b.x) - (a.x * b.z);
- Result.z:= (a.x * b.y) - (a.y * b.x);
- Result.w:= 1.0;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function Angle4(const a, b: TVector4): Single;
- var
- v: Single;
- begin
- v:= Dot3(a, b) / (Length4(a) * Length4(b));
- if (v < -1.0) then v:= -1.0
- else if (v > 1.0) then v:= 1.0;
- Result:= ArcCos(v);
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function Parallel4(const v, n: TVector4): TVector4;
- begin
- Result:= n * (Dot4(v, n) / Sqr(Length4(n)));
- end;
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function Perp4(const v, n: TVector4): TVector4;
- begin
- Result:= v - Parallel4(v, n);
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- constructor TVectors4.Create();
- begin
- inherited;
- NativeAddr := nil;
- AlignedAddr:= nil;
- Capacity := 0;
- DataCount := 0;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- destructor TVectors4.Destroy();
- begin
- if (NativeAddr <> nil) then
- begin
- FreeMem(NativeAddr);
- NativeAddr := nil;
- AlignedAddr:= nil;
- Capacity := 0;
- DataCount := 0;
- end;
- inherited;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure TVectors4.Request(Amount: Integer);
- var
- Required: Integer;
- begin
- Required:= ((Amount + VectorCache - 1) div VectorCache) * VectorCache;
- if (Capacity < Required) then Reallocate(Required);
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure TVectors4.Reallocate(Amount: Integer);
- var
- NewAddr : Pointer;
- NewAligned: Pointer;
- begin
- // allocate the requested amount of memory
- GetMem(NewAddr, (Amount * SizeOf(TVector4)) + 16);
- // align the memory address to 16-byte
- NewAligned:= Pointer(Integer(NewAddr) + ($10 - (Integer(NewAddr) and $0F)));
- // copy the contents of old buffer to the new one
- if (DataCount > 0) then
- Move(AlignedAddr^, NewAligned^, DataCount * SizeOf(TVector4));
- // release the previously allocated memory
- if (NativeAddr <> nil) then FreeMem(NativeAddr);
- // update memory pointers
- NativeAddr := NewAddr;
- AlignedAddr:= NewAligned;
- // update the capacity
- Capacity:= Amount;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function TVectors4.GetVector(Num: Integer): PVector4;
- begin
- Result:= Pointer(Integer(AlignedAddr) + (Num * SizeOf(TVector4)));
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function TVectors4.GetItem(Num: Integer): TVector4;
- var
- pVec: PVector4;
- begin
- pVec:= GetVector(Num);
- if (pVec <> nil) then Result:= pVec^
- else Result:= ZeroVec4;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure TVectors4.SetItem(Num: Integer; const Value: TVector4);
- var
- pVec: PVector4;
- begin
- pVec:= GetVector(Num);
- if (pVec <> nil) then pVec^:= Value;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function TVectors4.Add(const Vector: TVector4): Integer;
- var
- Index: Integer;
- pVec : PVector4;
- begin
- Index:= DataCount;
- Request(DataCount + 1);
- Inc(DataCount);
- pVec:= GetVector(Index);
- pVec^:= Vector;
- Result:= Index;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function TVectors4.Add(x, y, z: Single): Integer;
- begin
- Result:= Add(Vector4(x, y, z));
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure TVectors4.Remove(Index: Integer);
- var
- Source: Pointer;
- Dest : Pointer;
- Amount: Integer;
- begin
- if (Index < 0)or(Index >= DataCount) then Exit;
- Amount:= (DataCount - Index) - 1;
- if (Amount > 0) then
- begin
- Source:= GetVector(Index + 1);
- Dest := GetVector(Index);
- Move(Source^, Dest^, Amount * SizeOf(TVector4));
- end;
- Dec(DataCount);
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure TVectors4.RemoveAll();
- begin
- DataCount:= 0;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure TVectors4.CopyFrom(Source: TVectors4);
- begin
- Request(Source.Count);
- if (Source.Count > 0) then
- Move(Source.MemAddr^, AlignedAddr^, Source.Count * SizeOf(TVector4));
- DataCount:= Source.Count;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure TVectors4.AddFrom(Source: TVectors4);
- var
- DestAddr: Pointer;
- begin
- Request(DataCount + Source.Count);
- DestAddr:= GetVector(DataCount);
- Move(Source.MemAddr^, DestAddr^, Source.Count * SizeOf(TVector4));
- Inc(DataCount, Source.Count);
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure TVectors4.Transform(Source: TVectors4; Matrix: PMatrix4);
- begin
- Request(Source.Count);
- D3DXVec4TransformArray(AlignedAddr, SizeOf(TVector4), Source.MemAddr,
- SizeOf(TVector4), PD3DXMatrix(Matrix)^, Source.Count);
- DataCount:= Source.Count;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- end.