- unit MediaUtils;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // MediaUtils.pas Modified: 22-Jan-2007
- // Utility routines for handling media files Version 1.0
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Important Notice:
- //
- // If you modify/use this code or one of its parts either in original or
- // modified form, you must comply with Mozilla Public License v1.1,
- // specifically section 3, "Distribution Obligations". Failure to do so will
- // result in the license breach, which will be resolved in the court.
- // Remember that violating author's rights is considered a serious crime in
- // many countries. Thank you!
- //
- // !! Please *read* Mozilla Public License 1.1 document located at:
- //
- //
- // If you require any clarifications about the license, feel free to contact
- // us or post your question on our forums at:
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
- // Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- // compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- //
- //
- // Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
- // basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
- // License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
- // under the License.
- //
- // The Original Code is MediaUtils.pas.
- //
- // The Initial Developer of the Original Code is M. Sc. Yuriy Kotsarenko.
- // Portions created by M. Sc. Yuriy Kotsarenko are Copyright (C) 2007,
- // Afterwarp Interactive. All Rights Reserved.
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- interface
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- uses
- Windows, Direct3D9, Classes, SysUtils, AsphyreDb, AsphyreXML, AsphyreTypes;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- type
- TImageDescType = (idtImage, idtSurface, idtDraft);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- TFontDescType = (fdtSystem, fdtBitmap);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // IsArchiveLink()
- //
- // Validates if the specified link points to Archive.
- // Example:
- // /data/media/ | test.image
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function IsArchiveLink(const Text: string): Boolean;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // ExtractArchiveName()
- //
- // Generates a valid archive file name with full path from the archive link.
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function ExtractArchiveName(const Text: string): string;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // ExtractArchiveKey()
- //
- // Generates a valid key from the archive link.
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function ExtractArchiveKey(const Text: string): string;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // LoadLinkXML()
- //
- // Attempts to load a link pointing to XML file
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function LoadLinkXML(const Link: string): TXMLNode;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // GetWindowsDir()
- //
- // Retreives Windows System path.
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function GetWindowsPath(): TFileName;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // GetTempDir()
- //
- // Retreives Temporary path.
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function GetTempPath(): TFileName;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // MakeValidPath()
- //
- // Assures that the specified path ends with "", so a file name can be
- // added to it.
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function MakeValidPath(const Path: string): string;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // MakeValidFileName()
- //
- // Assures that the specified file name does not begin with "", so a path
- // can be added to it.
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function MakeValidFileName(const FileName: string): string;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // ParseInt()
- //
- // Parses a signed integer value read from XML. If no AutoValue is provided,
- // in case of empty or non-parseable text, -1 will be returned.
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function ParseInt(const Text: string): Integer; overload;
- function ParseInt(const Text: string; AutoValue: Integer): Integer; overload;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // ParseCardinal()
- //
- // Parses an unsigned integer value read from XML. If no AutoValue is provided,
- // in case of empty or non-parseable text, High(Cardinal) will be returned.
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function ParseCardinal(const Text: string): Cardinal; overload;
- function ParseCardinal(const Text: string;
- AutoValue: Cardinal): Cardinal; overload;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // ParseFloat()
- //
- // Parses a floating-point unsigned integer value read from XML. If no
- // AutoValue is provided, in case of empty or non-parseable text,
- // High(Cardinal) will be returned.
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function ParseFloat(const Text: string): Real; overload;
- function ParseFloat(const Text: string; AutoValue: Real): Real; overload;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // ParseBoolean()
- //
- // Parses Boolean text representation (true, false, yes, no).
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function ParseBoolean(const Text: string;
- AutoValue: Boolean): Boolean; overload;
- function ParseBoolean(const Text: string): Boolean; overload;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // ParseColor()
- //
- // Parses an HTML or hexadecimal color.
- // -> For HTML colors (#RRGGBB), alpha is always 255.
- // -> If no AutoValue is specified, unparseable text gives opaque white.
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function ParseColor(const Text: string): Cardinal; overload;
- function ParseColor(const Text: string;
- AutoColor: Cardinal): Cardinal; overload;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // ParseFormat()
- //
- // Parses a text representation of TD3DFormat without "D3DFMT_" prefix.
- // Example: "a8r8g8b8" will return D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8 value.
- // -> The string must be in low case!
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function ParseFormat(const Text: string): TD3DFormat;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // ParseImageType()
- //
- // Parses a text representation of TImageDescType.
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function ParseImageType(const Text: string): TImageDescType;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // ParseFontType()
- //
- // Parses a text representation of TFontDescType.
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function ParseFontType(const Text: string): TFontDescType;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // BooleanToString()
- //
- // Returns string representation of boolean.
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function BooleanToString(Value: Boolean): string;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // ParseColorField()
- //
- // Parses XML color fields e.g.: <tag color="#00FF00" alpha="128" />
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function ParseColorField(Node: TXMLNode;
- AutoColor: Cardinal = $FFFFFFFF): Cardinal;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // ParseColor2Field()
- //
- // Parses XML color field representing TColor2. It accepts single color
- // and multicolor entries.
- // Single color entry: <tag color="#00FF00" alpha="128" />
- // Multi-color entry: <tag c1="#00FF00" a1="128" c2="#FFFFFF" a2="255" />
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function ParseColor2Field(Node: TXMLNode): TColor2; overload;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // ParseHAlign()
- //
- // Parses text horizontal alignment attribute.
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function ParseHAlign(const Text: string;
- AutoAlign: THorizontalAlign = haLeft): THorizontalAlign;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // ParseVAlign()
- //
- // Parses text vertical alignment attribute.
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function ParseVAlign(const Text: string;
- AutoAlign: TVerticalAlign = vaCenter): TVerticalAlign;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- implementation
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- uses
- AsphyreArchives, AsphyreEffects;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function IsArchiveLink(const Text: string): Boolean;
- var
- xPos: Integer;
- begin
- xPos:= Pos('|', Text);
- Result:= (Length(Text) >= 3)and(xPos > 1)and(xPos < Length(Text));
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function ExtractArchiveName(const Text: string): string;
- var
- xPos, i: Integer;
- begin
- Result:= Text;
- // Step 1. Remove "key" part from the link.
- xPos:= Pos('|', Text);
- if (xPos <> 0) then
- Delete(Result, xPos, Length(Result) + 1 - xPos);
- // Step 2. Replace "/" with "".
- for i:= 1 to Length(Result) do
- if (Result[i] = '/') then Result[i]:= '';
- // Step 3. Trim all leading and trailing spaces.
- Result:= Trim(Result);
- // Step 4. Remove leading "", if such exists.
- if (Length(Result) > 0)and(Result[1] = '') then Delete(Result, 1, 1);
- // Step 5. Include program path
- Result:= ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) + Result;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function ExtractArchiveKey(const Text: string): string;
- var
- xPos: Integer;
- begin
- Result:= Text;
- // Step 1. Remove "archive" part from the link.
- xPos:= Pos('|', Text);
- if (xPos <> 0) then
- Delete(Result, 1, xPos);
- // Step 2. Trim all leading and trailing spaces.
- Result:= Trim(Result);
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function LoadLinkXML(const Link: string): TXMLNode;
- var
- Stream: TMemoryStream;
- begin
- if (IsArchiveLink(Link)) then
- begin
- Stream:= TMemoryStream.Create();
- if (not ArchiveManager.ExtractToStream(Link, Stream)) then
- begin
- Result:= nil;
- Stream.Free();
- Exit;
- end;
- Stream.Seek(0, soFromBeginning);
- try
- Result:= LoadXMLFromStream(Stream);
- finally
- Stream.Free();
- end;
- end else Result:= LoadXMLFromFile(ExtractArchiveName(Link));
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function GetWindowsPath(): TFileName;
- var
- WinDir: array [0..MAX_PATH - 1] of Char;
- begin
- SetString(Result, WinDir, GetWindowsDirectory(WinDir, MAX_PATH));
- if (Result = '') then Result:= ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0));
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function GetTempPath(): TFileName;
- var
- TempDir: array[0..MAX_PATH - 1] of Char;
- begin
- try
- SetString(Result, TempDir, Windows.GetTempPath(MAX_PATH, TempDir));
- if (not DirectoryExists(Result)) then
- if (not CreateDirectory(PChar(Result), nil)) then
- begin
- Result:= IncludeTrailingBackslash(GetWindowsPath()) + 'TEMP';
- if (not DirectoryExists(Result)) then
- if (not CreateDirectory(Pointer(Result), nil)) then
- begin
- Result:= ExtractFileDrive(Result) + 'TEMP';
- if (not DirectoryExists(Result)) then
- if (not CreateDirectory(Pointer(Result), nil)) then
- begin
- Result:= ExtractFileDrive(Result) + 'TMP';
- if (not DirectoryExists(Result)) then
- if (not CreateDirectory(Pointer(Result), nil)) then
- Result:= ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0));
- end;
- end;
- end;
- except
- Result:= ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0));
- end;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function MakeValidPath(const Path: string): string;
- begin
- Result:= Trim(Path);
- if (Length(Result) > 0)and(Result[Length(Result)] <> '') then
- Result:= Result + '';
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function MakeValidFileName(const FileName: string): string;
- begin
- Result:= Trim(FileName);
- while (Length(Result) > 0)and(Result[1] = '') do Delete(Result, 1, 1);
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function ParseInt(const Text: string): Integer;
- begin
- Result:= StrToIntDef(Text, -1);
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function ParseInt(const Text: string; AutoValue: Integer): Integer;
- begin
- Result:= StrToIntDef(Text, AutoValue);
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function ParseCardinal(const Text: string): Cardinal;
- begin
- Result:= Cardinal(StrToIntDef(Text, Integer(High(Cardinal))));
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function ParseCardinal(const Text: string; AutoValue: Cardinal): Cardinal;
- begin
- Result:= Cardinal(StrToIntDef(Text, Integer(AutoValue)));
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function ParseBoolean(const Text: string; AutoValue: Boolean): Boolean;
- begin
- Result:= AutoValue;
- if (Text = 'no')or(Text = 'false') then Result:= False;
- if (Text = 'yes')or(Text = 'true') then Result:= True;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function ParseBoolean(const Text: string): Boolean;
- begin
- Result:= ParseBoolean(Text, False);
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function ParseFloat(const Text: string): Real;
- begin
- Result:= ParseFloat(Text, 0.0);
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function ParseFloat(const Text: string; AutoValue: Real): Real;
- var
- PrevDecimalSpeparator: Char;
- begin
- PrevDecimalSpeparator:= DecimalSeparator;
- DecimalSeparator := '.';
- Result:= StrToFloatDef(Text, AutoValue);
- DecimalSeparator := PrevDecimalSpeparator;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function ParseColor(const Text: string; AutoColor: Cardinal): Cardinal;
- begin
- if (Text = 'source')or(Text = 'auto')or(Text = 'none') then
- begin
- Result:= AutoColor;
- Exit;
- end;
- Result:= $FFFFFFFF;
- if (Length(Text) < 2)or((Text[1] <> '#')and(Text[1] <> '$')) then Exit;
- if (Text[1] = '#') then
- begin
- Result:= Cardinal(StrToIntDef('$' + Copy(Text, 2, Length(Text) - 1),
- Integer(AutoColor))) or $FF000000;
- end else Result:= Cardinal(StrToIntDef(Text, Integer(AutoColor)));
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function ParseColor(const Text: string): Cardinal;
- begin
- Result:= ParseColor(Text, $FFFFFFFF);
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function ParseFormat(const Text: string): TD3DFormat;
- begin
- Result:= D3DFMT_UNKNOWN;
- if (Text = 'a2r10g10b10') then Result:= D3DFMT_A2R10G10B10;
- if (Text = 'r8g8b8') then Result:= D3DFMT_R8G8B8;
- if (Text = 'a8r8g8b8') then Result:= D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8;
- if (Text = 'x8r8g8b8') then Result:= D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8;
- if (Text = 'r5g6b5') then Result:= D3DFMT_R5G6B5;
- if (Text = 'x1r5g5b5') then Result:= D3DFMT_X1R5G5B5;
- if (Text = 'a1r5g5b5') then Result:= D3DFMT_A1R5G5B5;
- if (Text = 'a4r4g4b4') then Result:= D3DFMT_A4R4G4B4;
- if (Text = 'a4r4g4b4') then Result:= D3DFMT_A4R4G4B4;
- if (Text = 'r3g3b2') then Result:= D3DFMT_R3G3B2;
- if (Text = 'a8') then Result:= D3DFMT_A8;
- if (Text = 'a8r3g3b2') then Result:= D3DFMT_A8R3G3B2;
- if (Text = 'x4r4g4b4') then Result:= D3DFMT_X4R4G4B4;
- if (Text = 'a2b10g10r10') then Result:= D3DFMT_A2B10G10R10;
- if (Text = 'a8b8g8r8') then Result:= D3DFMT_A8B8G8R8;
- if (Text = 'x8b8g8r8') then Result:= D3DFMT_X8B8G8R8;
- if (Text = 'g16r16') then Result:= D3DFMT_G16R16;
- if (Text = 'a4r4g4b4') then Result:= D3DFMT_A4R4G4B4;
- if (Text = 'a2r10g10b10') then Result:= D3DFMT_A2R10G10B10;
- if (Text = 'a16b16g16r16') then Result:= D3DFMT_A16B16G16R16;
- if (Text = 'a8p8') then Result:= D3DFMT_A8P8;
- if (Text = 'p8') then Result:= D3DFMT_P8;
- if (Text = 'l8') then Result:= D3DFMT_L8;
- if (Text = 'a8l8') then Result:= D3DFMT_A8L8;
- if (Text = 'a4l4') then Result:= D3DFMT_A4L4;
- if (Text = 'v8u8') then Result:= D3DFMT_V8U8;
- if (Text = 'l6v5u5') then Result:= D3DFMT_L6V5U5;
- if (Text = 'x8l8v8u8') then Result:= D3DFMT_X8L8V8U8;
- if (Text = 'q8w8v8u8') then Result:= D3DFMT_Q8W8V8U8;
- if (Text = 'v16u16') then Result:= D3DFMT_V16U16;
- if (Text = 'a2w10v10u10') then Result:= D3DFMT_A2W10V10U10;
- if (Text = 'a8x8v8u8') then Result:= D3DFMT_A8X8V8U8;
- if (Text = 'l8x8v8u8') then Result:= D3DFMT_L8X8V8U8;
- if (Text = 'uyvy') then Result:= D3DFMT_UYVY;
- if (Text = 'rgbg') then Result:= D3DFMT_RGBG;
- if (Text = 'yuy2') then Result:= D3DFMT_YUY2;
- if (Text = 'grgb') then Result:= D3DFMT_GRGB;
- if (Text = 'dxt1') then Result:= D3DFMT_DXT1;
- if (Text = 'dxt2') then Result:= D3DFMT_DXT2;
- if (Text = 'dxt3') then Result:= D3DFMT_DXT3;
- if (Text = 'dxt4') then Result:= D3DFMT_DXT4;
- if (Text = 'dxt5') then Result:= D3DFMT_DXT5;
- if (Text = 'q16w16v16u16') then Result:= D3DFMT_Q16W16V16U16;
- if (Text = 'multi2_argb8') then Result:= D3DFMT_MULTI2_ARGB8;
- if (Text = 'r16f') then Result:= D3DFMT_R16F;
- if (Text = 'g16r16f') then Result:= D3DFMT_G16R16F;
- if (Text = 'a16b16g16r16f') then Result:= D3DFMT_A16B16G16R16F;
- if (Text = 'r32f') then Result:= D3DFMT_R32F;
- if (Text = 'g32r32f') then Result:= D3DFMT_G32R32F;
- if (Text = 'a32b32g32r32f') then Result:= D3DFMT_A32B32G32R32F;
- if (Text = 'cxv8u8') then Result:= D3DFMT_CxV8U8;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function ParseImageType(const Text: string): TImageDescType;
- begin
- Result:= idtImage;
- if (Text = 'surface') then Result:= idtSurface;
- if (Text = 'draft') then Result:= idtDraft;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function ParseFontType(const Text: string): TFontDescType;
- begin
- Result:= fdtSystem;
- if (Text = 'bitmap') then Result:= fdtBitmap;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function BooleanToString(Value: Boolean): string;
- begin
- if (Value) then Result:= 'yes' else Result:= 'no';
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function ParseColorField(Node: TXMLNode;
- AutoColor: Cardinal = $FFFFFFFF): Cardinal;
- begin
- Result:= ParseColor(Node.FieldValue['color'], AutoColor);
- Result:= (Result and $FFFFFF) or (ParseCardinal(Node.FieldValue['alpha'],
- AutoColor shr 24) shl 24);
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function ParseColor2Field(Node: TXMLNode): TColor2; overload;
- begin
- if (Node.FindFieldByName('color') <> -1) then
- begin
- Result:= cColor2(ParseColorField(Node, $FFFFFFFF));
- Exit;
- end;
- Result[0]:= ParseColor(Node.FieldValue['c1']);
- Result[0]:= (Result[0] and $FFFFFF) or
- (ParseCardinal(Node.FieldValue['a1']) shl 24);
- Result[1]:= ParseColor(Node.FieldValue['c2']);
- Result[1]:= (Result[1] and $FFFFFF) or
- (ParseCardinal(Node.FieldValue['a2']) shl 24);
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function ParseHAlign(const Text: string;
- AutoAlign: THorizontalAlign = haLeft): THorizontalAlign;
- begin
- Result:= AutoAlign;
- if (Text = 'left') then Result:= haLeft;
- if (Text = 'right') then Result:= haRight;
- if (Text = 'center') then Result:= haCenter;
- if (Text = 'justified') then Result:= haJustified;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function ParseVAlign(const Text: string;
- AutoAlign: TVerticalAlign = vaCenter): TVerticalAlign;
- begin
- Result:= AutoAlign;
- if (Text = 'top') then Result:= vaTop;
- if (Text = 'bottom') then Result:= vaBottom;
- if (Text = 'center') then Result:= vaCenter;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- end.