- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Cook-Torrance reflection model
- // Original code by Jack Hoxley posted at http://www.GameDev.Net
- // Modifications by Yuriy Kotsarenko (
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- uniform extern float4x4 WorldInverseTranspose : WorldInverseTranspose;
- uniform extern float4x4 WorldViewProjection : WorldViewProjection;
- uniform extern float4x4 World : World;
- uniform extern float3 EyePos : CameraPosition;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- uniform extern float Ambient
- <
- string UIWidget = "slider";
- float UIMin = -0.5;
- float UIMax = 1.5;
- float UIStep = 0.01;
- string UIName = "Ambient";
- > = 0.1;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- uniform extern float3 Diffuse : Diffuse
- <
- string UIName = "DiffuseColor";
- string UIWidget = "Color";
- > = {0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f};
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- uniform extern float Specular
- <
- string UIWidget = "slider";
- float UIMin = -1.0;
- float UIMax = 5.0;
- float UIStep = 0.01;
- string UIName = "Specular";
- > = 1.5;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- uniform extern float RoughnessX
- <
- string UIWidget = "slider";
- float UIMin = 0.0;
- float UIMax = 2.0;
- float UIStep = 0.01;
- string UIName = "RoughnessX";
- > = 0.85;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- uniform extern float RoughnessY
- <
- string UIWidget = "slider";
- float UIMin = 0.0;
- float UIMax = 2.0;
- float UIStep = 0.01;
- string UIName = "RoughnessY";
- > = 0.9;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- uniform extern float3 LightDir : Direction
- <
- string Object = "DirectionalLight";
- string Space = "World";
- > = {1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f};
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- float4 ApplyCookTorrance(float3 NormalW, float3 PosW)
- {
- float3 RoughnessParams = {0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f};
- float3 ViewDir = normalize(EyePos - PosW);
- float3 vHalf = normalize(LightDir + ViewDir);
- float NormalDotHalf = dot(NormalW, vHalf);
- float ViewDotHalf = dot(vHalf, ViewDir);
- float NormalDotView = dot(NormalW, ViewDir);
- float NormalDotLight = dot(NormalW, LightDir);
- // Compute the geometric term
- float G1 = (2.0f * NormalDotHalf * NormalDotView) / ViewDotHalf;
- float G2 = (2.0f * NormalDotHalf * NormalDotLight) / ViewDotHalf;
- float G = min(1.0f, max(0.0f, min(G1, G2)));
- // Compute the fresnel term
- float F = RoughnessY + (1.0f - RoughnessY) *
- pow(1.0f - NormalDotView, 5.0f);
- // Compute the roughness term
- float R_2 = RoughnessX * RoughnessX;
- float NDotH_2 = NormalDotHalf * NormalDotHalf;
- float A = 1.0f / (4.0f * R_2 * NDotH_2 * NDotH_2);
- float B = exp(-(1.0f - NDotH_2) / (R_2 * NDotH_2));
- float R = A * B;
- float Irradiance = max(0.0f, NormalDotLight);
- // Compute the final term
- float SpecularTerm = Specular * Irradiance * G * F * R /
- (NormalDotLight * NormalDotView);
- float3 DiffuseTerm = Diffuse * (Ambient + Irradiance);
- return float4(DiffuseTerm + SpecularTerm, 1.0f);
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void PerfVS(
- float3 PosL : POSITION0,
- float3 NormalL: NORMAL0,
- out float4 PosH: POSITION,
- out float4 Col : COLOR)
- {
- float3 NormalW = mul(float4(NormalL, 0.0f), WorldInverseTranspose).xyz;
- NormalW = normalize(NormalW);
- float3 PosW = mul(float4(PosL, 1.0f), World);
- /*float3 LightToPos = normalize(LightPos - PosW);
- float Spot = saturate(pow(saturate(dot(LightToPos, -LightVector)), 4.0) * 4);*/
- PosH = mul(float4(PosL, 1.0f), WorldViewProjection);
- // Col = ApplyCookTorrance(NormalW, PosW, LightToPos) * Spot;
- Col = ApplyCookTorrance(NormalW, PosW);
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void QualityVS(
- float3 PosL : POSITION0,
- float3 NormalL : NORMAL0,
- out float4 PosH : POSITION,
- out float3 NormalW : TEXCOORD0,
- out float3 PosW : TEXCOORD1
- // out float3 LightToPos : TEXCOORD2
- // out float2 Spot : TEXCOORD3
- )
- {
- NormalW = mul(float4(NormalL, 0.0f), WorldInverseTranspose).xyz;
- PosW = mul(float4(PosL, 1.0f), World);
- // LightToPos = normalize(LightPos - PosW);
- //Spot = pow(saturate(dot(LightToPos, -LightVector)), 4.0) * 4;
- PosH = mul(float4(PosL, 1.0f), WorldViewProjection);
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- float4 QualityPS(
- float3 NormalW : TEXCOORD0,
- float3 PosW : TEXCOORD1
- // float3 LightToPos : TEXCOORD2
- /*float2 Spot : TEXCOORD3*/
- ): COLOR
- {
- // float Spot = pow(saturate(dot(normalize(LightToPos), -LightVector)), 4.0) * 4;
- /* return ApplyCookTorrance(normalize(NormalW), PosW, normalize(LightToPos)) *
- saturate(Spot);*/
- return ApplyCookTorrance(normalize(NormalW), PosW);
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- technique CompatTech
- {
- pass p0
- {
- VertexShader = compile vs_1_1 PerfVS();
- }
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- technique PerfTech
- {
- pass p0
- {
- VertexShader = compile vs_2_0 PerfVS();
- }
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- technique QualityTech
- {
- pass p0
- {
- VertexShader = compile vs_2_0 QualityVS();
- PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 QualityPS();
- }
- }