- unit IsoLandscape;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Isometric Landscape with "Wave" effect
- // Written by Yuriy Kotsarenko (
- //
- // This unit was taken from very old sources and I never got my hands on
- // rewriting this. The current implementation is... let's say not very good.
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- interface
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- const
- Undefined= -1;
- TileWidth = 64;
- TileHeight = 32;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- type
- MapRec = record
- Heights: array[0..3] of Byte;
- Light : array[0..3] of Byte;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- TLand = class
- private
- Wave: array[0..63, 0..63] of Real;
- function Sine(Value: Real): Real;
- procedure CalculateWave();
- procedure CalculateHeights();
- public
- XView,
- YView,
- Width,
- Height: Integer;
- XViewFloat,
- YViewFloat,
- XViewVel,
- YViewVel: Real;
- Alpha,
- Beta,
- Gamma: Real;
- Grid: Boolean;
- Map: array[0..127, 0..63] of MapRec;
- constructor Create();
- function SquareHeight(Xp, Yp, Corner: Integer): Integer;
- function SquareLight(Xp, Yp, Corner: Integer): Integer;
- procedure Render();
- procedure Process();
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- implementation
- uses
- IsoUtil, AsphyreTypes, AsphyreDevices, AsphyreEffects;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- constructor TLand.Create();
- begin
- inherited;
- FillChar(Map, SizeOf(Map), 0);
- Width:= 64;
- Height:= 128;
- XView:= 1280;
- YView:= 768;
- XViewFloat:= 1280;
- YViewFloat:= 768;
- XViewVel:= 0;
- YViewVel:= 0;
- Alpha:= 0;
- Beta:= 0;
- Gamma:= 0;
- CalculateWave();
- CalculateHeights();
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function TLand.Sine(Value: Real): Real;
- begin
- Result:= (Sin(Value * pi) + 1) / 2;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure TLand.CalculateWave();
- var
- i, j: Integer;
- begin
- for j:= 0 to 63 do
- for i:= 0 to 63 do
- Wave[j, i]:= Sine((i / 8) + Alpha) + (Sine((i / 4) + Beta) / 2) + (Sine((j / 16) + Gamma) / 2);
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure TLand.CalculateHeights();
- var
- i, j, DeltaX, Value, Light, x, y: Integer;
- begin
- for j:= 1 to Height - 2 do
- for i:= 1 to Width - 2 do
- begin
- DeltaX:= 1 - (j and $01);
- Iso2Line(I, j + 64, x, y);
- x:= x - 64;
- if (x >= 0)and(y >= 0)and(x < 64)and(y < 64) then
- begin
- Value:= Round(Wave[y, x] * 96) + 32;
- end else Value:= 0;
- Light:= Value;
- if (Light > 255) then Light:= 255;
- Map[j, i].Heights[0]:= Value;
- Map[j, i].Light[0]:= Light;
- Map[j + 1, i - DeltaX].Heights[1]:= Value;
- Map[j + 1, i - DeltaX].Light[1]:= Light;
- Map[j - 1, i - DeltaX].Heights[2]:= Value;
- Map[j - 1, i - DeltaX].Light[2]:= Light;
- Map[j, i - 1].Heights[3]:= Value;
- Map[j, i - 1].Light[3]:= Light;
- end;
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function TLand.SquareHeight(Xp, Yp, Corner: Integer): Integer;
- begin
- if (Xp < 0) then Xp:= 0;
- if (Yp < 0) then Yp:= 0;
- if (Xp > Width - 1) then Xp:= Width - 1;
- if (Yp > Height - 1) then Yp:= Height - 1;
- Result:= Map[Yp,Xp].Heights[Corner];
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function TLand.SquareLight(Xp, Yp, Corner: Integer): Integer;
- begin
- if (Xp < 0) then Xp:=0;
- if (Yp < 0) then Yp:=0;
- if (Xp > Width - 1) then Xp:= Width - 1;
- if (Yp > Height - 1) then Yp:= Height - 1;
- Result:= Map[Yp, Xp].Light[Corner];
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure TLand.Render();
- var
- ImageIndex: Integer;
- x, y, Xpos, Ypos, XposAdd, XMap, YMap, TileHWidth, TileHHeight: Integer;
- begin
- TileHWidth:= TileWidth div 2;
- TileHHeight:= TileHeight div 2;
- ImageIndex:= Devices[0].Images.Image['water'].ImageIndex;
- // render tiles
- for Y:= -1 to (Integer(Devices[0].Params.BackBufferHeight) div TileHHeight) + 14 do
- begin
- Ymap:= (YView div TileHHeight) + Y;
- Ypos:= (Ymap * TileHHeight) - YView - TileHHeight;
- XposAdd:= ((Ymap and $01) * TileHWidth) - XView - TileHWidth;
- for X:= -1 to (Devices[0].Params.BackBufferWidth div TileWidth) + 2 do
- begin
- Xmap:= (XView div TileWidth) + X;
- Xpos:= (Xmap * TileWidth) + XposAdd;
- if (Xmap >= 0)and(Ymap >= 0)and(Xmap < Width)and(Ymap < Height)and(Map[Ymap, Xmap].Light[0] > 0)
- and(Map[Ymap, Xmap].Light[1] > 0)and(Map[Ymap, Xmap].Light[2] > 0)and(Map[Ymap, Xmap].Light[3] > 0) then
- begin
- Devices[0].Canvas.UseImage(Devices[0].Images[ImageIndex], TexFull4);
- Devices[0].Canvas.TexMap(Point4(Xpos, (Ypos + TileHHeight) -
- SquareHeight(Xmap, Ymap,0), Xpos + TileHWidth, Ypos -
- SquareHeight(Xmap, Ymap, 1), Xpos + TileWidth, (Ypos + TileHHeight) -
- SquareHeight(Xmap,Ymap,3), Xpos + TileHWidth, (Ypos + TileHeight) -
- SquareHeight(Xmap,Ymap,2)), cGray4(SquareLight(Xmap,Ymap,0),
- SquareLight(Xmap,Ymap,1), SquareLight(Xmap,Ymap,3), SquareLight(Xmap,
- Ymap, 2)), fxuAdd or fxfDiffuse);
- // NOTE: if you render GRID *HERE*, it'll stall Asphyre buffering and
- // will reduce performance dramatically!
- end;
- end;{ for X:=-1 to ... }
- end;{ for Y:=-1 to ... }
- if (not Grid) then Exit;
- // render grid
- for Y:= -1 to (Integer(Devices[0].Params.BackBufferHeight) div TileHHeight) + 14 do
- begin
- Ymap:= (YView div TileHHeight) + Y;
- Ypos:= (Ymap * TileHHeight) - YView - TileHHeight;
- XposAdd:= ((Ymap and $01) * TileHWidth) - XView - TileHWidth;
- for X:= -1 to (Devices[0].Params.BackBufferWidth div TileWidth) + 2 do
- begin
- Xmap:= (XView div TileWidth) + X;
- Xpos:= (Xmap * TileWidth) + XposAdd;
- if (Xmap >= 0)and(Ymap >= 0)and(Xmap < Width)and(Ymap < Height)and(Map[Ymap, Xmap].Light[0] > 0)
- and(Map[Ymap, Xmap].Light[1] > 0)and(Map[Ymap, Xmap].Light[2] > 0)and(Map[Ymap, Xmap].Light[3] > 0) then
- begin
- Devices[0].Canvas.WireQuadHw(Point4(Xpos, (Ypos + TileHHeight) -
- SquareHeight(Xmap, Ymap,0) - 4, Xpos + TileHWidth, Ypos -
- SquareHeight(Xmap, Ymap, 1) - 4, Xpos + TileWidth, (Ypos +
- TileHHeight) - SquareHeight(Xmap,Ymap,3) - 4, Xpos + TileHWidth,
- (Ypos + TileHeight) - SquareHeight(Xmap,Ymap,2) - 4),
- cColor4($40FFFFFF), fxuBlend);
- end;
- end;{ for X:=-1 to ... }
- end;{ for Y:=-1 to ... }
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure TLand.Process();
- begin
- if (XViewVel > 8) then XViewVel:= 8;
- if (YViewVel > 8) then YViewVel:= 8;
- if (XViewVel < -8) then XViewVel:= -8;
- if (YViewVel < -8) then YViewVel:= -8;
- XViewFloat:= XViewFloat + XViewVel;
- YViewFloat:= YViewFloat + YViewVel;
- if (Abs(XViewVel) < 0.3) then XViewVel:= 0;
- if (Abs(YViewVel) < 0.3) then YViewVel:= 0;
- if (XViewVel > 0) then XViewVel:= XViewVel - 0.5;
- if (YViewVel > 0) then YViewVel:= YViewVel - 0.5;
- if (XViewVel < 0) then XViewVel:= XViewVel + 0.5;
- if (YViewVel < 0) then YViewVel:= YViewVel + 0.5;
- XView:= Round(XViewFloat);
- YView:= Round(YViewFloat);
- Alpha:= Alpha - 0.02;
- Beta:= Beta - 0.0257;
- Gamma:= Gamma - 0.033;
- CalculateWave();
- CalculateHeights();
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- end.