- Visual C++源码
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- Borland C++源码
- Others源码
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- matlab源码
- PowerBuilder源码
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- Flex源码
- MathCAD源码
- VBA源码
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- Lisp/Scheme源码
- VHDL源码
- Objective-C源码
- Fortran源码
- tcl/tk源码
- QT源码
资源名称:saac.tar.gz [点击查看]
- #include "version.h"
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #ifndef WIN32
- #include <unistd.h>
- #include <strings.h>
- #endif
- #include "main.h"
- #include "saacproto_util.h"
- #ifdef saacproto__ENCRYPT
- long saacproto_ringoCompressor( unsigned char *code , long codelen , unsigned char *text , long textlen);
- long saacproto_ringoDecompressor( unsigned char *text , long textlen , unsigned char *code , long codelen);
- #endif
- /*
- lsrpc routines
- */
- int saacproto_AllocateCommonWork(int bufsiz)
- {
- saacproto.workbufsize = bufsiz;
- saacproto.work = NULL;
- saacproto.arraywork = NULL;
- saacproto.escapework = NULL;
- saacproto.val_str = NULL;
- saacproto.token_list = NULL;
- saacproto.cryptwork = NULL;
- saacproto.jencodecopy = NULL;
- saacproto.jencodeout = NULL;
- saacproto.compresswork = NULL;
- saacproto.work = (char*)calloc( 1, saacproto.workbufsize );
- saacproto.arraywork = (char*)calloc( 1, saacproto.workbufsize );
- saacproto.escapework = (char*)calloc( 1, saacproto.workbufsize );
- saacproto.val_str = (char*)calloc( 1, saacproto.workbufsize );
- saacproto.token_list = (char**)calloc( 1, saacproto.workbufsize *sizeof( char** ) );
- saacproto.cryptwork = (char*)calloc( 1, saacproto.workbufsize * 3 );
- saacproto.jencodecopy = (char*)calloc( 1, saacproto.workbufsize * 3 );
- saacproto.jencodeout = (char*)calloc( 1, saacproto.workbufsize * 3 );
- saacproto.compresswork = (char*)calloc( 1, saacproto.workbufsize * 3 );
- memset( saacproto.work , 0, saacproto.workbufsize );
- memset( saacproto.arraywork , 0, saacproto.workbufsize );
- memset( saacproto.escapework , 0, saacproto.workbufsize );
- memset( saacproto.val_str , 0, saacproto.workbufsize );
- memset( (char*)saacproto.token_list ,0, saacproto.workbufsize*sizeof(char**) );
- memset( saacproto.cryptwork , 0, saacproto.workbufsize*3 );
- memset( saacproto.jencodecopy , 0, saacproto.workbufsize*3 );
- memset( saacproto.jencodeout , 0, saacproto.workbufsize*3 );
- memset( saacproto.compresswork , 0, saacproto.workbufsize*3 );
- if( saacproto.work == NULL ||
- saacproto.arraywork == NULL ||
- saacproto.escapework == NULL ||
- saacproto.val_str == NULL ||
- saacproto.token_list == NULL ||
- saacproto.cryptwork == NULL ||
- saacproto.jencodecopy == NULL ||
- saacproto.jencodeout == NULL ||
- saacproto.compresswork == NULL ){
- free( saacproto.work);free( saacproto.val_str);
- free( saacproto.escapework);free( saacproto.arraywork );
- free( saacproto.token_list);free( saacproto.cryptwork );
- free( saacproto.jencodecopy);free( saacproto.jencodeout );
- free( saacproto.compresswork );
- return -1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /**********
- Get message information from a network input
- **********/
- void saacproto_GetMessageInfo( int *id , char *funcname , int len, char **tk )
- {
- if( tk[0] == NULL || tk[1] == NULL ){
- *id = 0;
- saacproto_strcpysafe( funcname , "" , len );
- return;
- }
- *id = strtoul( tk[0] ,NULL,10);
- saacproto_strcpysafe( funcname , tk[1] , len );
- return;
- }
- /********************************************
- string utilities
- *********************************************/
- void saacproto_strcpysafe( char *dest, char *src, int maxlen )
- {
- int i;
- for(i=0;i<maxlen-1;i++){
- dest[i] = src[i];
- if( src[i]==0)break;
- }
- dest[i]=0;
- }
- void saacproto_strcatsafe( char *dest , char *src , int maxlen )
- {
- int i,j;
- for(i=0;i<maxlen-1;i++){
- if( dest[i] == 0 ){
- for(j=i;j<maxlen-1;j++){
- dest[j]= src[j-i];
- if( src[j-i] == 0 )break;
- }
- dest[j]=0;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- char*saacproto_mkstr_int( int i )
- {
- #define MKSTR_INT(v) saacproto_Ltoa( (long)(v))
- saacproto_strcpysafe( saacproto.val_str , (char*)MKSTR_INT(i) , saacproto.workbufsize );
- saacproto_strcatsafe( saacproto.val_str ," " , saacproto.workbufsize );
- return saacproto.val_str;
- }
- char*saacproto_mkstr_u_int( unsigned int i )
- {
- #define MKSTR_U_INT(v) saacproto_Ultoa( (unsigned long ) (v) )
- saacproto_strcpysafe( saacproto.val_str , MKSTR_U_INT(i) , saacproto.workbufsize );
- saacproto_strcatsafe( saacproto.val_str ," " , saacproto.workbufsize );
- return saacproto.val_str;
- }
- char*saacproto_mkstr_long( long l )
- {
- #define MKSTR_LONG(v) saacproto_Ltoa( v )
- saacproto_strcpysafe( saacproto.val_str , MKSTR_LONG(l) , saacproto.workbufsize );
- saacproto_strcatsafe( saacproto.val_str ," " , saacproto.workbufsize );
- return saacproto.val_str;
- }
- char*saacproto_mkstr_u_long( unsigned long l )
- {
- #define MKSTR_U_LONG(v) saacproto_Ultoa(v )
- saacproto_strcpysafe( saacproto.val_str , MKSTR_U_LONG(l) , saacproto.workbufsize );
- saacproto_strcatsafe( saacproto.val_str ," " , saacproto.workbufsize );
- return saacproto.val_str;
- }
- char*saacproto_mkstr_short( short s )
- {
- #define MKSTR_SHORT16(v) saacproto_Ltoa( (long)((int)(v) ))
- saacproto_strcpysafe( saacproto.val_str , MKSTR_SHORT16(s) , saacproto.workbufsize );
- saacproto_strcatsafe( saacproto.val_str ," " , saacproto.workbufsize );
- return saacproto.val_str;
- }
- char*saacproto_mkstr_u_short( short s )
- {
- #define MKSTR_U_SHORT16(v) saacproto_Ltoa( (long)( ((long)(v)) & 0xffff ))
- saacproto_strcpysafe( saacproto.val_str , MKSTR_U_SHORT16(s) , saacproto.workbufsize );
- saacproto_strcatsafe( saacproto.val_str ," " , saacproto.workbufsize );
- return saacproto.val_str;
- }
- char*saacproto_mkstr_char( char c )
- {
- #define MKSTR_CHAR8(v) saacproto_Ltoa( ( long)((int)(v)))
- saacproto_strcpysafe( saacproto.val_str , MKSTR_CHAR8(c) , saacproto.workbufsize );
- saacproto_strcatsafe( saacproto.val_str ," ", saacproto.workbufsize );
- return saacproto.val_str;
- }
- char*saacproto_mkstr_u_char( char c)
- {
- #define MKSTR_U_CHAR8(v) saacproto_Ltoa( (long)( ((long)(v)) & 0xff ))
- saacproto_strcpysafe( saacproto.val_str , MKSTR_U_CHAR8(c) , saacproto.workbufsize );
- saacproto_strcatsafe( saacproto.val_str ," " , saacproto.workbufsize );
- return saacproto.val_str;
- }
- char*saacproto_mkstr_string( char*a )
- {
- char *ret = saacproto_escapeString( a );
- saacproto_strcatsafe( ret , " ", saacproto.workbufsize );
- return ret;
- }
- char*saacproto_mkstr_float(float f )
- {
- sprintf( saacproto.val_str , "%f " , f );
- return saacproto.val_str;
- }
- char*saacproto_mkstr_double( double d )
- {
- sprintf( saacproto.val_str , "%f " , d );
- return saacproto.val_str;
- }
- char*saacproto_mkstr_int_array( int size , int *array )
- {
- #define MKSTR_ARRAYMACRO( func)
- {
- int i;
- saacproto.arraywork[0] = '';
- for(i=0;i<size;i++){
- saacproto_strcatsafe( saacproto.arraywork , func(array[i]) , saacproto.workbufsize );
- }
- return saacproto.arraywork;
- }
- MKSTR_ARRAYMACRO( saacproto_mkstr_int );
- }
- char*saacproto_mkstr_u_int_array( int size , int *array )
- {
- MKSTR_ARRAYMACRO( saacproto_mkstr_u_int );
- }
- char*saacproto_mkstr_short_array( int size , short *array )
- {
- MKSTR_ARRAYMACRO( saacproto_mkstr_short );
- }
- char*saacproto_mkstr_u_short_array( int size , short *array )
- {
- MKSTR_ARRAYMACRO( saacproto_mkstr_u_short );
- }
- char *saacproto_mkstr_char_array( int size , char *array )
- {
- MKSTR_ARRAYMACRO( saacproto_mkstr_char );
- }
- char *saacproto_mkstr_u_char_array( int size , unsigned char *array )
- {
- MKSTR_ARRAYMACRO( saacproto_mkstr_u_char );
- }
- char *saacproto_mkstr_float_array( int size , float *array )
- {
- MKSTR_ARRAYMACRO( saacproto_mkstr_float );
- }
- char *saacproto_mkstr_double_array( int size , double *array )
- {
- MKSTR_ARRAYMACRO( saacproto_mkstr_double );
- }
- /*********************
- translate string into base types
- *********************/
- int saacproto_demkstr_int( char*a )
- {
- if( a == (char*)NULL)return 0;
- /* return (int)strtol( a ,NULL , 10);*/
- return saacproto_a62toi( a );
- }
- unsigned int saacproto_demkstr_u_int( char*a )
- {
- if( a == (char*)NULL)return 0;
- return (unsigned int ) strtoul( a ,NULL,10);
- }
- long saacproto_demkstr_long( char*a )
- {
- if( a == (char*)NULL)return 0;
- return (long)strtol( a , NULL , 10 );
- }
- unsigned long saacproto_demkstr_u_long(char*a )
- {
- if( a == (char*)NULL)return 0;
- return (unsigned long ) strtoul( a , NULL , 10 ) ;
- }
- short saacproto_demkstr_short( char*a )
- {
- if( a == (char*)NULL)return 0;
- return (short) strtol( a , NULL , 10 );
- }
- unsigned short saacproto_demkstr_u_short( char*a )
- {
- if( a == (char*)NULL)return 0;
- return (unsigned short) strtoul( a , NULL , 10 );
- }
- char saacproto_demkstr_char( char*a )
- {
- if( a == (char*)NULL)return 0;
- return (char) strtol( a , NULL , 10 );
- }
- unsigned char saacproto_demkstr_u_char( char*a )
- {
- if( a == (char*)NULL)return 0;
- return (unsigned char ) strtoul( a,NULL , 10 );
- }
- float saacproto_demkstr_float( char*a )
- {
- if( a == (char*)NULL)return 0.0F;
- return (float) atof( a);
- }
- double saacproto_demkstr_double(char*a )
- {
- if( a == (char*)NULL)return 0.0F;
- return (double) strtod( a , NULL );
- }
- char* saacproto_demkstr_string( char*a)
- {
- if( a == (char*)NULL){
- saacproto_strcpysafe( saacproto.escapework , "" , saacproto.workbufsize );
- return saacproto.escapework;
- }
- return saacproto_descapeString( a );
- }
- int *saacproto_demkstr_int_array( char**tk ,int *buf ,int start , int size )
- {
- #define DEMKSTR_ARRAYMACRO( func, defaultvalue )
- {
- int i;
- for(i=start;i<(start+size);i++){
- if( tk[i] == NULL ){
- buf[i-start]=defaultvalue ;
- } else {
- buf[i-start] = func( tk[i] );
- }
- }
- return buf;
- }
- DEMKSTR_ARRAYMACRO( saacproto_demkstr_int , 0 );
- }
- int *saacproto_demkstr_u_int_array( char **tk , int *buf , int start , int size )
- {
- DEMKSTR_ARRAYMACRO( saacproto_demkstr_u_int , 0 );
- }
- unsigned int *saacproto_demkstr_long_array(
- char **tk , unsigned int *buf , int start , int size )
- {
- DEMKSTR_ARRAYMACRO( saacproto_demkstr_long , 0);
- }
- unsigned long *saacproto_demkstr_u_long_array(
- char **tk , unsigned long *buf , int start , int size )
- {
- DEMKSTR_ARRAYMACRO( saacproto_demkstr_u_long , 0);
- }
- short *saacproto_demkstr_short_array( char **tk , short *buf , int start , int size )
- {
- DEMKSTR_ARRAYMACRO( saacproto_demkstr_short , 0);
- }
- unsigned short* saacproto_demkstr_u_short_array(
- char **tk , unsigned short *buf , int start , int size )
- {
- DEMKSTR_ARRAYMACRO( saacproto_demkstr_u_short , 0);
- }
- char *saacproto_demkstr_char_array( char **tk , char *buf , int start , int size )
- {
- DEMKSTR_ARRAYMACRO( saacproto_demkstr_u_char , 0);
- }
- unsigned char *saacproto_demkstr_u_char_array(
- char **tk , unsigned char*buf , int start , int size )
- {
- DEMKSTR_ARRAYMACRO( saacproto_demkstr_u_char , 0);
- }
- float *saacproto_demkstr_float_array( char **tk , float *buf , int start , int size )
- {
- DEMKSTR_ARRAYMACRO( saacproto_demkstr_float , (float)0.0);
- }
- double *saacproto_demkstr_u_double_array( char **tk , double *buf , int start , int size )
- {
- DEMKSTR_ARRAYMACRO( saacproto_demkstr_double , (double)0.0);
- }
- char* saacproto_escapeString( char*a )
- {
- int i,c=0;
- saacproto.escapework[0] = '';
- for(i=0;;i++){
- if( a[i] == '' ){
- saacproto.escapework[c++] = '';
- break;
- } else if( ( char )0x80 <= a[i] && a[i] <= ( char )0xFF ){
- // for 2 Byte Word
- saacproto.escapework[c++] = a[i++];
- saacproto.escapework[c++] = a[i];
- } else if( a[i] == '\' ){
- saacproto.escapework[c++] = '\';
- saacproto.escapework[c++] = '\';
- } else if( a[i] == ' ' ){
- saacproto.escapework[c++] = '\';
- saacproto.escapework[c++] = 'S';
- } else if( a[i] == 'n' ){
- saacproto.escapework[c++] = '\';
- saacproto.escapework[c++] = 'n';
- } else if( a[i] == 'r' ){
- saacproto.escapework[c++] = '\';
- saacproto.escapework[c++] = 'r';
- } else {
- saacproto.escapework[c++] = a[i];
- }
- }
- return saacproto.escapework;
- }
- char* saacproto_descapeString( char*a )
- {
- int i ,c =0;
- saacproto.escapework[0] = '';
- for(i=0;;i++){
- if( a[i] == '' ){
- saacproto.escapework[c++]='';
- break;
- } else if( (char)0x80 <= a[i] && a[i] <= (char)0xFF ){
- // for 2 Byte Word
- saacproto.escapework[c++] = a[i++];
- saacproto.escapework[c++] = a[i];
- } else if( a[i] == '\' ){
- if( a[i+1] == 'S' ){ /* space */
- saacproto.escapework[c++] = ' ';
- } else if( a[i+1] == 'n' ){
- saacproto.escapework[c++] = 'n';
- } else if( a[i+1] == 'r' ){
- saacproto.escapework[c++] = 'r';
- } else if( a[i+1] == '\' ){
- saacproto.escapework[c++] = '\';
- } else {
- saacproto.escapework[c++] = a[i];
- }
- i++;
- } else {
- saacproto.escapework[c++] = a[i];
- }
- }
- return saacproto.escapework;
- }
- /*
- This function works only when char*src is escaped
- NOTICE: Effects and Modifies the contents of char*src!
- NOTICE : Ends the output token list with NULL pointer
- Ex:
- v out[0] v out[1]
- " asdjfhasfdasdf asdf asf asdf "
- */
- #ifdef saacproto__ENCRYPT
- static void saacproto_decodeString( char *src , char *out );
- static void saacproto_encodeString( char *src , char *out , int maxoutlen );
- #endif
- void saacproto_splitString( char *src )
- {
- int i,c=0;
- char *decoded;
- #ifdef saacproto__ENCRYPT
- decoded = saacproto.cryptwork;
- saacproto_decodeString( src , decoded );
- #else
- decoded = src;
- #endif
- if( saacproto_readlogfilename[0] != ''){
- FILE *rfp;
- rfp = fopen( saacproto_readlogfilename , "a+" );
- if(rfp)fprintf( rfp, "%sn",decoded );
- if(rfp)fclose(rfp);
- }
- for(i = 0 ; ; i++ ){
- if( decoded[i] == '' ) break;
- if( i==0){
- saacproto.token_list[c++]=&(decoded[i]);
- }
- if( decoded[i]== ' '){
- saacproto.token_list[c++]=&(decoded[i+1]);
- }
- }
- while( *decoded ){
- if( ( *decoded ) == ' ' || (*decoded ) == 'n' || (*decoded ) == 'r' ) *decoded = '';
- decoded++;
- }
- saacproto.token_list[c] = (char*)NULL;
- }
- int saacproto_default_write_wrap( int fd , char *buf , int size )
- {
- #ifndef WIN32
- return write( fd , buf , size );
- #else
- return 0;
- #endif
- }
- void saacproto_consumeLine(char *buf , int offset )
- {
- int i;
- int shift=0;
- buf+= offset;
- for(i=0;;i++){
- if( buf[i] == 'n' ){
- shift = i + 1;
- break;
- }
- }
- if( shift == 0 )return;
- for(i=shift;;i++){
- buf[i - shift] = buf[i];
- if( buf[i] == '')break;
- }
- }
- void saacproto_copyLine( char*src , char *out , int outlen )
- {
- int i;
- for(i=0;;i++){
- out[i] = src[i];
- if( src[i] == 'n' ){
- out[i+1] = '' ;
- return;
- }
- if( src[i] == '' )return;
- }
- saacproto_strcpysafe( out , "" , outlen );
- }
- unsigned int saacproto_GetNewMessageID(void)
- {
- return saacproto.message_id++;
- }
- /*****************
- int flg : if 1, actually write. Otherwise no Network access
- *****************/
- void saacproto_DebugSend( int fd , char *msg )
- {
- saacproto_Send( fd, msg );
- }
- void saacproto_Send( int fd , char *msg )
- {
- char *encoded;
- if( saacproto_writelogfilename[0] != '' ){
- FILE *wfp = fopen( saacproto_writelogfilename , "a+" );
- if(wfp)fprintf( wfp , "%sn", msg );
- if(wfp)fclose(wfp);
- }
- #ifdef saacproto__ENCRYPT
- encoded = saacproto.cryptwork;
- saacproto_encodeString( msg , encoded , saacproto.workbufsize*3 );
- #else
- encoded = msg;
- #endif
- {
- /* add a newline character*/
- unsigned int l = strlen( encoded );
- if( l < saacproto.workbufsize *3){
- encoded[l] = 'n';
- encoded[l+1] = 0;
- l++;
- }else{
- //andy_log
- log( "l:%d < workbufsize:%d err : n (%s)n", l, saacproto.workbufsize, msg );
- }
- saacproto.write_func( fd , encoded , l);
- }
- }
- /****************
- create a header which has function name and new Message ID
- ****************/
- void saacproto_CreateHeader( char *out ,char *fname )
- {
- sprintf( out ,"%u %s " , saacproto_GetNewMessageID() , fname );
- }
- void saacproto_CreateHeaderID( char *out,unsigned long msgid , char *fname )
- {
- sprintf( out ,"%u %s " , (unsigned int)msgid , fname );
- }
- char *saacproto_Ltoa( long v )
- {
- static char _ltoa_out[64];
- saacproto_cnv10to62( (int)v , _ltoa_out , sizeof( _ltoa_out ));
- /* sprintf( _ltoa_out , "%d" , (int)v );*/
- return _ltoa_out;
- }
- char *saacproto_Ultoa( unsigned long v )
- {
- static char _ultoa_out[64];
- sprintf( _ultoa_out , "%u" , (unsigned int)v );
- return _ultoa_out;
- }
- /****************
- string address wrapper
- ****************/
- char *saacproto_wrapStringAddr( char *copy , int maxcopylen , char*src )
- {
- saacproto_strcpysafe( copy , src , maxcopylen );
- return copy;
- }
- /***************
- bzero buffer ( some OSs like win32 don't have bzero )
- ***************/
- void saacproto_bzero( char *b , int siz )
- {
- unsigned int i;
- int *p;
- p = (int*)b;
- for(i=0;i<siz/sizeof(int);i++) {
- *(p+i)=0;
- }
- for(i=0;i<siz%sizeof(int);i++) {
- *(b+siz-1-i)=0;
- }
- }
- /***************
- copy buffer
- ***************/
- void saacproto_bcopy(char*s , char *d , int siz )
- {
- unsigned int i;
- int *ps,*pd;
- ps = (int*)s;
- pd = (int*)d;
- for(i=0;i<siz/sizeof(int);i++) {
- *(pd+i) = *(ps+i);
- }
- for(i=0;i<siz%sizeof(int);i++) {
- *(d+siz-1-i)=*(s+siz-1-i);
- }
- }
- #ifdef saacproto__ENCRYPT
- /* define function body only if the macro is set( but it's default) */
- static void saacproto_encode64( unsigned char *in , int i, unsigned char *out );
- static int saacproto_decode64( unsigned char *in , unsigned char *out );
- static void saacproto_jDecode(char *src,int srclen,int key,char *decoded,int *decodedlen);
- static void saacproto_jEncode(char *src,int srclen,int key,char *encoded,int *encodedlen,int maxencodedlen);
- #define JENCODE_KEY 1000
- /* translate original lsrpc text to code64 text */
- static void saacproto_encodeString( char *src , char *out , int maxoutlen )
- {
- int jencodedlen=0;
- long compressed_l = 0;
- int srclen = strlen( src ) + 1;
- int flag=srclen;
- if( srclen < 100 ){
- if( (int)srclen > (int)( saacproto.workbufsize*3-2) ){
- fprintf( stderr, "lsgen: badly configured work buflenn" );
- exit(1);
- }
- if( (flag%2) == 1 ) flag ++;
- saacproto.compresswork[0] = flag;
- memcpy( saacproto.compresswork+1,src,srclen );
- compressed_l = srclen + 1;
- } else {
- if((flag%2)==0)flag++;
- saacproto.compresswork[0] = flag;
- compressed_l = saacproto_ringoCompressor(
- (unsigned char*)saacproto.compresswork + 1 ,
- (long)saacproto.workbufsize*3 - 1,
- (unsigned char*)src ,
- (long)strlen(src) ) + 1; /* be careful! */
- }
- /* return empty line if error or buffer excess */
- if( compressed_l <= 0 ){
- saacproto_strcpysafe( out , "n" , maxoutlen );
- return;
- }
- memcpy( saacproto.jencodecopy ,saacproto.compresswork ,compressed_l );
- saacproto_jEncode( saacproto.jencodecopy , compressed_l , JENCODE_KEY ,
- saacproto.jencodeout, &jencodedlen , saacproto.workbufsize*3 -1 );
- saacproto_encode64( (unsigned char*)saacproto.jencodeout , jencodedlen, (unsigned char*)out );
- }
- /* translate code64 text to original lsrpc text */
- static void saacproto_decodeString( char *src , char *out )
- {
- int compressed_l =0, outlen64;
- int l;
- long decompressed_l = 0;
- /* copy src to copybuffer because jencoder modifies the input buffer */
- l = strlen( src );
- if( src[l-1]=='n' || src[l-1]=='r' )src[l-1]=0;
- if( src[l-2]=='n' || src[l-2]=='r' )src[l-2]=0;
- outlen64 = saacproto_decode64( (unsigned char*)src , (unsigned char*)saacproto.jencodecopy );
- saacproto_jDecode( saacproto.jencodecopy , outlen64 , JENCODE_KEY,
- saacproto.compresswork , &compressed_l);
- /*out[outlen]=0; PENDING*/
- if( (saacproto.compresswork[0] % 2 ) == 0 ){
- if( compressed_l <= 0 ){
- decompressed_l = 0;
- fprintf( stderr, "LSRPC: too short:[%s]n", src );
- } else {
- memcpy( out, saacproto.compresswork+1, compressed_l -1 );
- decompressed_l = compressed_l -1;
- }
- } else {
- decompressed_l =
- saacproto_ringoDecompressor( (unsigned char*)out ,
- (long)saacproto.workbufsize ,
- (unsigned char*)saacproto.compresswork+1 ,
- (long)compressed_l -1 );
- }
- out[decompressed_l] = 0;
- }
- /* followings are taken from code64.c */
- char saacproto_charset[64]={
- 'A','B','C','D', 'E','F','G','H',
- 'I','J','K','L', 'M','N','O','P',
- 'Q','R','S','T', 'U','V','W','X',
- 'Y','Z','a','b', 'c','d','e','f',
- 'g','h','i','j', 'k','l','m','n',
- 'o','p','q','r', 's','t','u','v',
- 'w','x','y','z', '0','1','2','3',
- '4','5','6','7', '8','9','+','-'
- };
- char saacproto_reversecharset[256]={
- 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,
- 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,
- 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,
- 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,
- 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,
- 0,0,0,62, 0,63,0,0,
- 52,53,54,55, 56,57,58,59,
- 60,61,0,0, 0,0,0,0,
- 0,0,1,2, 3,4,5,6,
- 7,8,9,10, 11,12,13,14,
- 15,16,17,18, 19,20,21,22,
- 23,24,25,0, 0,0,0,0,
- 0,26,27,28, 29,30,31,32,
- 33,34,35,36, 37,38,39,40,
- 41,42,43,44, 45,46,47,48,
- 49,50,51,0, 0,0,0,0,
- 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,
- 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,
- 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,
- 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,
- 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,
- 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,
- 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,
- 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,
- 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,
- 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,
- 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,
- 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,
- 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,
- 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,
- 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,
- 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0
- };
- static void saacproto_encode64( unsigned char *in , int len , unsigned char *out )
- {
- int i;
- int use_bytes;
- int address = 0;
- out[0] = 0;
- for(i=0;;i+=3){
- unsigned char in1 , in2 , in3;
- unsigned char out1 ,out2 , out3 , out4;
- if( i >= len ) break;
- if( i >= (len-1)){ /* the last letter ( to be thrown away ) */
- in1 = in[i] & 0xff;
- in2 = in3 = 0;
- use_bytes = 2;
- } else if( i >= (len-2)){ /* the last 2 letters ( process only 1 byte)*/
- in1 = in[i] & 0xff;
- in2 = in[i+1] & 0xff;
- in3 = 0;
- use_bytes = 3;
- } else { /* there are more or equal than 3 letters */
- in1 = in[i] & 0xff;
- in2 = in[i+1] & 0xff;
- in3 = in[i+2] & 0xff;
- use_bytes = 4;
- }
- out1 = ((in1 & 0xfc)>>2) & 0x3f;
- out2 = ((in1 & 0x03)<<4) | ((( in2 & 0xf0)>>4)&0x0f);
- out3 = ((in2 & 0x0f)<<2) | ((( in3 & 0xc0)>>6)&0x03);
- out4 = (in3 & 0x3f );
- if( use_bytes >= 2 ){
- out[address++] = saacproto_charset[out1];
- out[address++] = saacproto_charset[out2];
- out[address]=0;
- }
- if( use_bytes >= 3 ){
- out[address++] = saacproto_charset[out3];
- out[address]=0;
- }
- if( use_bytes >= 4 ){
- out[address++] = saacproto_charset[out4];
- out[address]=0;
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * Decode it
- * char *in : encoded ascii chars
- * char *out : decoded( output)
- * return value : output byte count
- *
- * note: no need to have bigger buffer. because output is to
- * be smaller than input string size
- */
- static int saacproto_decode64( unsigned char *in , unsigned char *out )
- {
- unsigned char in1 , in2 , in3 , in4;
- unsigned char out1 , out2 , out3;
- int use_bytes;
- int address= 0;
- int i;
- for(i=0;;i+=4 ){
- if( in[i] == 0 ){
- break;
- } else if( in[i+1] == 0 ){ /* the last letter */
- break;
- } else if( in[i+2] == 0 ){ /* the last 2 letters */
- in1 = saacproto_reversecharset[in[i]];
- in2 = saacproto_reversecharset[in[i+1]];
- in3 = in4 = 0;
- use_bytes = 1;
- } else if( in[i+3] == 0 ){ /* the last 3 letters */
- in1 = saacproto_reversecharset[in[i]];
- in2 = saacproto_reversecharset[in[i+1]];
- in3 = saacproto_reversecharset[in[i+2]];
- in4 = 0;
- use_bytes = 2;
- } else { /* process 4 letters */
- in1 = saacproto_reversecharset[in[i]];
- in2 = saacproto_reversecharset[in[i+1]];
- in3 = saacproto_reversecharset[in[i+2]];
- in4 = saacproto_reversecharset[in[i+3]];
- use_bytes = 3;
- }
- out1 = (in1<<2) | (((in2 & 0x30)>>4)&0x0f) ;
- out2 = ((in2 & 0x0f )<<4) | ((( in3 & 0x3c)>>2)&0x0f);
- out3 = ( (in3 &0x03)<<6) | ( in4 & 0x3f );
- if( use_bytes >= 1 ){
- out[address++] = out1;
- }
- if( use_bytes >= 2 ){
- out[address++] = out2;
- }
- if( use_bytes >= 3 ){
- out[address++] = out3;
- }
- if( use_bytes != 3 ){
- break;
- }
- }
- return address;
- }
- /* followings are taken from Jencode.c by jun */
- static void saacproto_jEncode(char *src,int srclen,int key,char *encoded,int *encodedlen,int maxencodedlen)
- {
- char sum=0;
- int i;
- if(srclen+1 > maxencodedlen){
- *encodedlen = maxencodedlen;
- for(i=0;i<(*encodedlen);i++)encoded[i] = src[i];
- }
- if(srclen+1 <= maxencodedlen){
- *encodedlen=srclen+1;
- for(i=0;i<srclen;i++){
- sum = sum + src[i];
- if(((key%7) == (i%5))||((key%2) == (i%2))) src[i] = ~src[i];
- }
- for(i=0;i<(*encodedlen);i++){
- if(abs((key%srclen)) > i) encoded[i] = src[i] + sum*((i*i)%3);
- if(abs((key%srclen)) == i) encoded[i] = sum;
- if(abs((key%srclen)) < i) encoded[i] = src[i-1] + sum*((i*i)%7);
- }
- }
- }
- static void saacproto_jDecode(char *src,int srclen,int key,char *decoded,int *decodedlen)
- {
- char sum=0;
- int i;
- *decodedlen=srclen-1;
- if( *decodedlen == 0 ){
- return; /* return error if length is 0 */
- }
- sum = src[abs(key%(*decodedlen))];
- for(i=0;i<srclen;i++){
- if(abs((key%(*decodedlen))) > i) decoded[i] = src[i] - sum*((i*i)%3);
- if(abs((key%(*decodedlen))) < i) decoded[i-1] = src[i] - sum*((i*i)%7);
- }
- for(i=0;i<(*decodedlen);i++){
- if(((key%7) == (i%5))||((key%2) == (i%2)))decoded[i] = ~decoded[i];
- }
- }
- /*****************************************************************/
- /* Compress / Decompress routine */
- /*****************************************************************/
- #define B00000000 0
- #define B00000001 1
- #define B00000010 2
- #define B00000011 3
- #define B00000100 4
- #define B00000101 5
- #define B00000110 6
- #define B00000111 7
- #define B00001000 8
- #define B00001001 9
- #define B00001010 10
- #define B00001011 11
- #define B00001100 12
- #define B00001101 13
- #define B00001110 14
- #define B00001111 15
- #define B00010000 16
- #define B00010001 17
- #define B00010010 18
- #define B00010011 19
- #define B00010100 20
- #define B00010101 21
- #define B00010110 22
- #define B00010111 23
- #define B00011000 24
- #define B00011001 25
- #define B00011010 26
- #define B00011011 27
- #define B00011100 28
- #define B00011101 29
- #define B00011110 30
- #define B00011111 31
- #define B00100000 32
- #define B00100001 33
- #define B00100010 34
- #define B00100011 35
- #define B00100100 36
- #define B00100101 37
- #define B00100110 38
- #define B00100111 39
- #define B00101000 40
- #define B00101001 41
- #define B00101010 42
- #define B00101011 43
- #define B00101100 44
- #define B00101101 45
- #define B00101110 46
- #define B00101111 47
- #define B00110000 48
- #define B00110001 49
- #define B00110010 50
- #define B00110011 51
- #define B00110100 52
- #define B00110101 53
- #define B00110110 54
- #define B00110111 55
- #define B00111000 56
- #define B00111001 57
- #define B00111010 58
- #define B00111011 59
- #define B00111100 60
- #define B00111101 61
- #define B00111110 62
- #define B00111111 63
- #define B01000000 64
- #define B01000001 65
- #define B01000010 66
- #define B01000011 67
- #define B01000100 68
- #define B01000101 69
- #define B01000110 70
- #define B01000111 71
- #define B01001000 72
- #define B01001001 73
- #define B01001010 74
- #define B01001011 75
- #define B01001100 76
- #define B01001101 77
- #define B01001110 78
- #define B01001111 79
- #define B01010000 80
- #define B01010001 81
- #define B01010010 82
- #define B01010011 83
- #define B01010100 84
- #define B01010101 85
- #define B01010110 86
- #define B01010111 87
- #define B01011000 88
- #define B01011001 89
- #define B01011010 90
- #define B01011011 91
- #define B01011100 92
- #define B01011101 93
- #define B01011110 94
- #define B01011111 95
- #define B01100000 96
- #define B01100001 97
- #define B01100010 98
- #define B01100011 99
- #define B01100100 100
- #define B01100101 101
- #define B01100110 102
- #define B01100111 103
- #define B01101000 104
- #define B01101001 105
- #define B01101010 106
- #define B01101011 107
- #define B01101100 108
- #define B01101101 109
- #define B01101110 110
- #define B01101111 111
- #define B01110000 112
- #define B01110001 113
- #define B01110010 114
- #define B01110011 115
- #define B01110100 116
- #define B01110101 117
- #define B01110110 118
- #define B01110111 119
- #define B01111000 120
- #define B01111001 121
- #define B01111010 122
- #define B01111011 123
- #define B01111100 124
- #define B01111101 125
- #define B01111110 126
- #define B01111111 127
- #define B10000000 128
- #define B10000001 129
- #define B10000010 130
- #define B10000011 131
- #define B10000100 132
- #define B10000101 133
- #define B10000110 134
- #define B10000111 135
- #define B10001000 136
- #define B10001001 137
- #define B10001010 138
- #define B10001011 139
- #define B10001100 140
- #define B10001101 141
- #define B10001110 142
- #define B10001111 143
- #define B10010000 144
- #define B10010001 145
- #define B10010010 146
- #define B10010011 147
- #define B10010100 148
- #define B10010101 149
- #define B10010110 150
- #define B10010111 151
- #define B10011000 152
- #define B10011001 153
- #define B10011010 154
- #define B10011011 155
- #define B10011100 156
- #define B10011101 157
- #define B10011110 158
- #define B10011111 159
- #define B10100000 160
- #define B10100001 161
- #define B10100010 162
- #define B10100011 163
- #define B10100100 164
- #define B10100101 165
- #define B10100110 166
- #define B10100111 167
- #define B10101000 168
- #define B10101001 169
- #define B10101010 170
- #define B10101011 171
- #define B10101100 172
- #define B10101101 173
- #define B10101110 174
- #define B10101111 175
- #define B10110000 176
- #define B10110001 177
- #define B10110010 178
- #define B10110011 179
- #define B10110100 180
- #define B10110101 181
- #define B10110110 182
- #define B10110111 183
- #define B10111000 184
- #define B10111001 185
- #define B10111010 186
- #define B10111011 187
- #define B10111100 188
- #define B10111101 189
- #define B10111110 190
- #define B10111111 191
- #define B11000000 192
- #define B11000001 193
- #define B11000010 194
- #define B11000011 195
- #define B11000100 196
- #define B11000101 197
- #define B11000110 198
- #define B11000111 199
- #define B11001000 200
- #define B11001001 201
- #define B11001010 202
- #define B11001011 203
- #define B11001100 204
- #define B11001101 205
- #define B11001110 206
- #define B11001111 207
- #define B11010000 208
- #define B11010001 209
- #define B11010010 210
- #define B11010011 211
- #define B11010100 212
- #define B11010101 213
- #define B11010110 214
- #define B11010111 215
- #define B11011000 216
- #define B11011001 217
- #define B11011010 218
- #define B11011011 219
- #define B11011100 220
- #define B11011101 221
- #define B11011110 222
- #define B11011111 223
- #define B11100000 224
- #define B11100001 225
- #define B11100010 226
- #define B11100011 227
- #define B11100100 228
- #define B11100101 229
- #define B11100110 230
- #define B11100111 231
- #define B11101000 232
- #define B11101001 233
- #define B11101010 234
- #define B11101011 235
- #define B11101100 236
- #define B11101101 237
- #define B11101110 238
- #define B11101111 239
- #define B11110000 240
- #define B11110001 241
- #define B11110010 242
- #define B11110011 243
- #define B11110100 244
- #define B11110101 245
- #define B11110110 246
- #define B11110111 247
- #define B11111000 248
- #define B11111001 249
- #define B11111010 250
- #define B11111011 251
- #define B11111100 252
- #define B11111101 253
- #define B11111110 254
- #define B11111111 255
- /* masks for first byte ( write )*/
- int saacproto_modifymask_first[8][9]={
- {0, B00000001,B00000011,B00000111,B00001111,B00011111,B00111111,B01111111,B11111111},/* mod 0*/
- {0, B00000011,B00000111,B00001111,B00011111,B00111111,B01111111,B11111111,B11111111},/* mod 1*/
- {0, B00000111,B00001111,B00011111,B00111111,B01111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111},/* mod 2*/
- {0, B00001111,B00011111,B00111111,B01111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111},/* mod 3*/
- {0, B00011111,B00111111,B01111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111},/* mod 4*/
- {0, B00111111,B01111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111},/* mod 5*/
- {0, B01111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111},/* mod 6*/
- {0, B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111,B11111111},/* mod 7*/
- };
- /* masks for second byte ( write ) */
- int saacproto_modifymask_second[8][9]={
- {0, B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000},/* mod 0 */
- {0, B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000001},/* mod 1 */
- {0, B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000001,B00000011},/* mod 2 */
- {0, B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000001,B00000011,B00000111},/* mod 3 */
- {0, B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000001,B00000011,B00000111,B00001111},/* mod 4 */
- {0, B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000001,B00000011,B00000111,B00001111,B00011111},/* mod 5 */
- {0, B00000000,B00000000,B00000001,B00000011,B00000111,B00001111,B00011111,B00111111},/* mod 6 */
- {0, B00000000,B00000001,B00000011,B00000111,B00001111,B00011111,B00111111,B01111111},/* mod 7 */
- };
- /*
- * used by bitstream routines
- */
- int bitstream_maxbyte, bitstream_bitaddr ;
- char *bitstream_buf;
- /* initialize bitstream for output */
- static int initOutputBitStream( char *buf ,int buflen)
- {
- bitstream_bitaddr = 0;
- bitstream_maxbyte = buflen;
- bitstream_buf = buf;
- memset( buf,0, buflen);
- return 0;
- }
- /* initialize bitstream for input */
- static int initInputBitStream( char *buf , int buflen)
- {
- bitstream_bitaddr = 0;
- bitstream_maxbyte = buflen;
- bitstream_buf = buf;
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * read from bit stream. used only from 1 bit to 8 bits
- * this is a base routine
- */
- static unsigned int readInputBitStreamBody( int bwidth )
- {
- int mod = bitstream_bitaddr % 8;
- int byteaddr = bitstream_bitaddr / 8;
- /* return if excess */
- if( byteaddr >= bitstream_maxbyte)return 0;
- if( bwidth >= 1 && bwidth <= 8){
- int b1 = (( bitstream_buf[byteaddr] & saacproto_modifymask_first[mod][bwidth] )>>mod);
- int b2 = (( bitstream_buf[byteaddr+1] & saacproto_modifymask_second[mod][bwidth])<<(8-mod));
- bitstream_bitaddr += bwidth;
- return b1 | b2;
- } else {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- /*
- * read from bit stream. used from 1 bit to 32 bits
- *
- */
- static unsigned int readInputBitStream( int bwidth )
- {
- if( bwidth <= 0 ){
- return 0;
- } else if( bwidth >= 1 && bwidth <= 8 ){
- return readInputBitStreamBody( bwidth );
- } else if( bwidth >= 9 && bwidth <= 16 ){
- unsigned int first = readInputBitStreamBody(8);
- unsigned int second = readInputBitStreamBody( bwidth-8);
- return first + (second << 8 );
- } else if( bwidth >= 17 && bwidth <= 24 ){
- unsigned int first = readInputBitStreamBody(8);
- unsigned int second = readInputBitStreamBody(8);
- unsigned int third = readInputBitStreamBody(bwidth-8);
- return first + ( second << 8 ) + ( third << 16 );
- } else if( bwidth >= 25 && bwidth <= 32 ){
- unsigned int first = readInputBitStreamBody(8);
- unsigned int second = readInputBitStreamBody(8);
- unsigned int third = readInputBitStreamBody(8);
- unsigned int forth = readInputBitStreamBody(bwidth-8);
- return first + ( second << 8 ) + ( third << 16 ) + ( forth << 24 );
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * write to a bitstream. only used from 1 bit to 8 bits
- * this is a base routine.
- */
- static int writeOutputBitStreamBody( int bwidth , unsigned char b)
- {
- int mod = bitstream_bitaddr % 8;
- int byteaddr = bitstream_bitaddr / 8;
- /* return error if excess */
- if( bitstream_maxbyte <= (byteaddr+1)) return -1;
- bitstream_buf[byteaddr] &= saacproto_modifymask_first[mod][bwidth];
- bitstream_buf[byteaddr] |= (b << mod) & saacproto_modifymask_first[mod][bwidth];
- bitstream_buf[byteaddr+1] &= saacproto_modifymask_second[mod][bwidth];
- bitstream_buf[byteaddr+1] |= (b>>(8-mod))& saacproto_modifymask_second[mod][bwidth];
- bitstream_bitaddr += bwidth;
- return byteaddr+1;
- }
- /*
- * write to a bitstream. used from 1 bits to 32 bits
- * returns -1 if error or buffer excession
- */
- static int writeOutputBitStream( int bwidth, unsigned int dat)
- {
- int ret;
- if( bwidth <= 0){
- return -1;
- } else if( bwidth >= 1 && bwidth <= 8 ){
- if((ret=writeOutputBitStreamBody( bwidth , (unsigned char)dat))<0)return -1;
- } else if( bwidth > 8 && bwidth <= 16 ){
- if(writeOutputBitStreamBody( 8 , (unsigned char)(dat&0xff))<0)return -1;
- if((ret=writeOutputBitStreamBody( bwidth - 8 , ( unsigned char)((dat>>8)&0xff)))<0)return -1;
- } else if( bwidth > 16 && bwidth <= 24 ){
- if(writeOutputBitStreamBody( 8 , (unsigned char)(dat&0xff))<0)return -1;
- if(writeOutputBitStreamBody( 8 , (unsigned char)((dat>>8)&0xff))<0)return -1;
- if((ret=writeOutputBitStreamBody( bwidth-16,(unsigned char)((dat>>16)&0xff)))<0)return -1;
- } else if( bwidth > 24 && bwidth <= 32 ){
- if(writeOutputBitStreamBody( 8 , (unsigned char)(dat&0xff))<0)return -1;
- if(writeOutputBitStreamBody( 8 , (unsigned char)((dat>>8)&0xff))<0)return -1;
- if(writeOutputBitStreamBody( 8 , (unsigned char)((dat>>16)&0xff))<0)return -1;
- if((ret=writeOutputBitStreamBody( bwidth-24,(unsigned char)((dat>>24)&0xff)))<0)return -1;
- } else {
- return -1;
- }
- return ret;
- }
- #define CHAR_SIZE 256
- #define NODE_SIZE 512
- #define BITS_LEN 9 /* 9 bit lzw compression */
- typedef struct {
- unsigned char chr;
- int parent;
- int brother;
- int child;
- }NODE;
- long saacproto_ringoCompressor( unsigned char *code , long codelen ,
- unsigned char *text , long textlen)
- {
- int freeNode;
- int w,k; /* used in this algo */
- int textind; /* index to text buffer */
- int i;
- int position = 0; /* indicates the last byte of code buffer */
- if( textlen <= 0 ) return -1;
- initOutputBitStream((char*) code,codelen);
- /* fill characters ( 0 ~ 255 ) in the beggining part of
- Node list */
- for(i=0; i<= CHAR_SIZE; i++){
- node[i].chr = (unsigned char)i;
- node[i].brother = i + 1;
- node[i].parent = 0;
- node[i].child = 0;
- }
- node[CHAR_SIZE].brother = 0;
- freeNode = CHAR_SIZE + 1;
- w = text[0];
- textind = 1;
- while(1){
- int rv;
- if( textind >= textlen ){
- k = CHAR_SIZE; /* indicates EOF */
- } else {
- k = text[textind];
- }
- /* search if pattern 'wk' is registered or not. */
- rv = node[w].child;
- while(1){
- if( rv <= 0 ) break;
- if( node[rv].chr == k ) break;
- rv = node[rv].brother;
- }
- if( rv > 0 ){
- /* found it */
- w = rv;
- } else {
- position = writeOutputBitStream( BITS_LEN ,w );
- /* return if buffer excession */
- if( position > codelen ) return -1;
- /* register pattern 'wk' in the dictionary */
- if( freeNode < NODE_SIZE ){
- node[freeNode].parent = w;
- node[freeNode].chr = k;
- node[freeNode].brother = node[w].child;
- node[freeNode].child = 0;
- node[w].child = freeNode;
- freeNode++;
- }
- w = k;
- }
- if( textind == ( textlen + 1 ) ) break;
- textind++;
- }
- return position;
- }
- /*
- * Decoder.
- * return -1 if buffer excession. Notice buffer text
- * is modified .
- */
- long saacproto_ringoDecompressor( unsigned char *text , long textlen ,
- unsigned char *code , long codelen)
- {
- int stack[NODE_SIZE];
- int sp;
- int freeNode;
- int len;
- int i;
- int k = 0;
- int w = 0;
- if( codelen <= 0 ) return -1;
- initInputBitStream( (char*)code , codelen );
- for(i=0;i<CHAR_SIZE;i++){
- node[i].chr = (unsigned char)i;
- node[i].brother = i+1;
- node[i].parent = 0;
- node[i].child = 0;
- }
- node[CHAR_SIZE].brother = 0;
- freeNode = CHAR_SIZE + 1;
- len=0; /* index to text buffer */
- sp=0; /* stack pointer */
- while(1){
- int rv = 0;
- rv = readInputBitStream( BITS_LEN );
- /* return OK if EOF */
- if( rv == CHAR_SIZE ) break;
- if( rv >= freeNode ){
- stack[sp++] = k; /* exception */
- if( sp >=( sizeof( stack ) /sizeof(stack[0] )) )return -1;
- k = w;
- } else {
- k = rv;
- }
- while(k> CHAR_SIZE ){
- if( k >= (sizeof(node)/sizeof(node[0]))) return -1;
- stack[sp++] = node[k].chr;
- k = node[k].parent;
- if( sp >=( sizeof( stack ) /sizeof(stack[0] )) ) return -1;
- }
- stack[sp++] = k;
- if( sp >= ( sizeof( stack ) /sizeof(stack[0] )) ) return -1;
- /* output to text buffer from stack.*/
- while(sp){
- if( ++len > textlen ) return -1;
- *text++ = stack[--sp];
- }
- /* register the pattern 'wk'*/
- if( len > 1 && freeNode < NODE_SIZE ){
- node[freeNode].parent = w;
- node[freeNode].chr = k;
- if( w >= (sizeof(node)/sizeof(node[0])))return -1;
- node[freeNode].brother = node[w].child;
- node[freeNode].child = 0;
- node[w].child = freeNode;
- freeNode++;
- }
- w = rv;
- }
- return len;
- }
- #endif /* ifdef saacproto__ENCRYPT */
- /* Convert 62-base digits to 10 digits */
- int saacproto_a62toi( char *a )
- {
- int ret = 0;
- int minus ;
- if( a[0] == '-' ){
- minus = -1;
- a++;
- } else {
- minus = 1;
- }
- while( *a != '' )
- {
- ret *= 62;
- if( '0' <= (*a) && (*a) <= '9' )
- ret += (*a)-'0';
- else
- if( 'a' <= (*a) && (*a) <= 'z' )
- ret += (*a)-'a'+10;
- else
- if( 'A' <= (*a) && (*a) <= 'Z' )
- ret += (*a)-'A'+36;
- else
- return 0;
- a++;
- }
- return ret * minus;
- }
- /* Convert 10-base digits into 62-base digits. */
- char *saacproto_cnv10to62( int a, char *out, int outlen )
- {
- int i, j;
- char base[] = { "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"};
- int tmp[64];
- int src;
- int minus;
- int baselen = sizeof( base)-1;
- if( a < 0 ){
- minus = 1;
- a *= -1;
- } else {
- minus = 0;
- }
- /* special case */
- if( a < baselen) {
- if( minus ){
- *(out) = '-';
- *(out+1) = base[a];
- *(out+2) = '';
- return (out);
- } else {
- *out = base[a];
- *(out+1) = '';
- return( out);
- }
- }
- src = a;
- for( i = 0; src >= baselen; i ++ ) {
- tmp[i] = src % baselen;
- src /= baselen;
- }
- i--;
- if( minus ){
- *out = '-';
- *(out+1) = base[src];
- for( j = 2; i >= 0; i --, j ++ ) {
- if( j > outlen - 2 ) return NULL;
- *(out+j) = base[tmp[i]];
- }
- } else {
- *out = base[src];
- for( j = 1; i >= 0; i --, j ++ ) {
- if( j > outlen - 2 ) return NULL;
- *(out+j) = base[tmp[i]];
- }
- }
- *(out+j) = '';
- return( out);
- }