- /*
- 2.4 kbps MELP Proposed Federal Standard speech coder
- version 1.2
- Copyright (c) 1996, Texas Instruments, Inc.
- Texas Instruments has intellectual property rights on the MELP
- algorithm. The Texas Instruments contact for licensing issues for
- commercial and non-government use is William Gordon, Director,
- Government Contracts, Texas Instruments Incorporated, Semiconductor
- Group (phone 972 480 7442).
- */
- /*
- lpc_lib.c: LPC function library
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #include "spbstd.h"
- #include "lpc.h"
- /*
- Name: lpc_aejw- Compute square of A(z) evaluated at exp(jw)
- Description:
- Compute the magnitude squared of the z-transform of
- <nf>
- A(z) = 1+a(1)z^-1 + ... +a(p)z^-p
- </nf>
- evaluated at z=exp(jw)
- Inputs:
- a- LPC filter (a[0] is undefined, a[1..p])
- w- radian frequency
- p- predictor order
- Returns:
- |A(exp(jw))|^2
- See_Also: cos(3), sin(3)
- Includes:
- spbstd.h
- lpc.h
- Systems and Info. Science Lab
- Copyright (c) 1995 by Texas Instruments, Inc. All rights reserved.
- */
- float lpc_aejw(float *a,float w,int p)
- {
- int i;
- float c_re,c_im;
- float cs,sn,tmp;
- if (p==0)
- return(1.);
- /* use horners method
- A(exp(jw)) = 1+ e(-jw)[a(1)+e(-jw)[a(2)+e(-jw)[a(3)+..
- ...[a(p-1)+e(-jw)a(p)]]]]
- */
- cs = (float)cos((double)w);
- sn = -(float)sin((double)w);
- c_re = cs*a[p];
- c_im = sn*a[p];
- for(i=p-1; i > 0; i--)
- {
- /* add a[i] */
- c_re += a[i];
- /* multiply by exp(-jw) */
- c_im = cs*(tmp=c_im) + sn*c_re;
- c_re = cs*c_re - sn*tmp;
- }
- /* add one */
- c_re += 1.0;
- return(SQR(c_re) + SQR(c_im));
- } /* LPC_AEJW */
- /*
- Name: lpc_bwex- Move the zeros of A(z) toward the origin.
- Aliases: lpc_bw_expand
- Description:
- Expand the zeros of the LPC filter by gamma, which
- moves each zero radially into the origin.
- <nf>
- for j = 1 to p
- aw[j] = a[j]*gamma^j
- </nf>
- (Can also be used to perform an exponential windowing procedure).
- Inputs:
- a- lpc vector (order p, a[1..p])
- gamma- the bandwidth expansion factor
- p- order of lpc filter
- Outputs:
- aw- the bandwidth expanded LPC filter
- Returns: NULL
- See_Also: lpc_lagw(3l)
- Includes:
- spbstd.h
- lpc.h
- Systems and Info. Science Lab
- Copyright (c) 1995 by Texas Instruments, Inc. All rights reserved.
- */
- int lpc_bwex(float *a, float *aw, float gamma, int p)
- {
- int i;
- float gk;
- for(i=1,gk=gamma; i <= p; i++, gk *= gamma)
- aw[i] = a[i]*gk;
- return(0);
- }
- /*
- Name: lpc_clmp- Sort and ensure minimum separation in LSPs.
- Aliases: lpc_clamp
- Description:
- Ensure that all LSPs are ordered and separated
- by at least delta. The algorithm isn't guarenteed
- to work, so it prints an error message when it fails
- to sort the LSPs properly.
- Inputs:
- w- lsp vector (order p, w[1..p])
- delta- the clamping factor
- p- order of lpc filter
- Outputs:
- w- the sorted and clamped lsps
- Returns: NULL
- See_Also:
- Includes:
- spbstd.h
- lpc.h
- Bugs:
- Currently only supports 10 loops, which is too
- complex and perhaps unneccesary.
- Systems and Info. Science Lab
- Copyright (c) 1995 by Texas Instruments, Inc. All rights reserved.
- *
- */
- #define MAX_LOOPS 10
- int lpc_clmp(float *w, float delta, int p)
- {
- int i,j,unsorted;
- float tmp,d,step1,step2;
- /* sort the LSPs- for 10 loops, complexity is approximately 150 p */
- for (j=0,unsorted=TRUE; unsorted && (j < MAX_LOOPS); j++)
- {
- for(i=1,unsorted=FALSE; i < p; i++)
- if (w[i] > w[i+1])
- {
- tmp = w[i+1];
- w[i+1] = w[i];
- w[i] = tmp;
- unsorted = TRUE;
- }
- }
- /* ensure minimum separation */
- if (!unsorted)
- {
- for(j=0; j < MAX_LOOPS; j++)
- {
- for(i=1; i < p; i++)
- {
- if ((d = w[i+1]-w[i]) < delta)
- {
- step1 = step2 = (delta-d)/2.0;
- if (i==1 && (w[i] < delta))
- {
- step1 = w[i]/2.0;
- }
- else if (i > 1)
- {
- if ((tmp = w[i] - w[i-1]) < delta)
- step1 = 0;
- else if (tmp < 2*delta)
- step1 = (tmp-delta)/2.0;
- }
- if (i==(p-1) && (w[i+1] > (1.0-delta)))
- {
- step2 = (1-w[i+1])/2.0;
- }
- else if (i < (p-1))
- {
- if ((tmp = w[i+2] - w[i+1]) < delta)
- step2 = 0;
- else if (tmp < 2*delta)
- step2 = (tmp-delta)/2.0;
- }
- w[i] -= step1;
- w[i+1] += step2;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /* Debug: check if the minimum separation rule was met */
- for(j=1; j < p; j++)
- if ((w[j+1]-w[j]) < 0.99*delta)
- (void)fprintf(stderr,"%s: LSPs not separated by enough (line %d)n",
- __FILE__,__LINE__);
- if (unsorted)
- (void)fprintf(stderr,"%s: LSPs still unsorted (line %d)n",
- __FILE__,__LINE__);
- return(0);
- }
- /*
- Name: lpc_schr- Schur recursion (autocorrelations to refl coef)
- Aliases: lpc_schur
- Description:
- Compute reflection coefficients from autocorrelations
- based on schur recursion. Will also compute predictor
- parameters by calling lpc_refl2pred(3l) if necessary.
- Inputs:
- r- autocorrelation vector (r[0..p]).
- p- order of lpc filter.
- Outputs:
- a- predictor parameters (can be NULL)
- k_tmp- reflection coefficients (can be NULL)
- Returns:
- alphap- the minimum residual energy
- Includes:
- spbstd.h
- lpc.h
- See_Also:
- lpc_refl2pred(3l) in lpc.h or lpc(3l)
- */
- float lpc_schr(float *r, float *a, float *k_tmp, int p)
- {
- int i,j;
- float temp,alphap,*y1,*y2,*k;
- MEM_ALLOC(MALLOC,y1,p+2,float);
- MEM_ALLOC(MALLOC,y2,p+2,float);
- if (k_tmp == NULL)
- {
- MEM_ALLOC(MALLOC,k,p+1,float);
- }
- else
- k = k_tmp;
- k[1] = -r[1]/r[0];
- alphap = r[0]*(1-SQR(k[1]));
- y2[1] = r[1];
- y2[2] = r[0]+k[1]*r[1];
- for(i=2; i <= p; i++)
- {
- y1[1] = temp = r[i];
- for(j=1; j < i; j++)
- {
- y1[j+1] = y2[j] + k[j]*temp;
- temp += k[j]*y2[j];
- y2[j] = y1[j];
- }
- k[i] = -temp/y2[i];
- y2[i+1] = y2[i]+k[i]*temp;
- y2[i] = y1[i];
- alphap *= 1-SQR(k[i]);
- }
- if (a != NULL)
- {
- (void)lpc_refl2pred(k,a,p);
- }
- if (k_tmp == NULL)
- {
- }
- return(alphap);
- }
- /* minimum LSP separation-- a global variable */
- float lsp_delta = 0.0;
- /* private functions */
- static float lsp_g(float x,float *c,int p2);
- static int lsp_roots(float *w,float **c,int p2);
- #define DELTA 0.00781250
- #define BISECTIONS 4
- get LSP coeffs from the predictor coeffs
- Input:
- a- the predictor coefficients
- p- the predictor order
- Output:
- w- the lsp coefficients
- Reference: Kabal and Ramachandran
- */
- int lpc_pred2lsp(float *a,float *w,int p)
- {
- int i,p2;
- float **c;
- p2 = p/2;
- MEM_2ALLOC(MALLOC,c,2,p2+1,float);
- c[0][p2] = c[1][p2] = 1.0;
- for(i=1; i <= p2; i++)
- {
- c[0][p2-i] = (a[i] + a[p+1-i] - c[0][p2+1-i]);
- c[1][p2-i] = c[1][p2+1-i] + a[i] - a[p+1-i];
- }
- c[0][0] /= 2.0;
- c[1][0] /= 2.0;
- i = lsp_roots(w,c,p2);
- if (i)
- {
- for(i=1; i <= p; i++)
- (void)fprintf(stderr,"%11.7f ",a[i]);
- (void)fprintf(stderr,"n");
- }
- /* ensure minimum separation and sort */
- (void)lpc_clamp(w,lsp_delta,p);
- return(i);
- } /* LPC_PRED2LSP */
- get refl coeffs from the predictor coeffs
- Input:
- a- the predictor coefficients
- p- the predictor order
- Output:
- k- the reflection coefficients
- Reference: Markel and Gray, Linear Prediction of Speech
- */
- int lpc_pred2refl(float *a,float *k,int p)
- {
- float *b,*b1,e;
- int i,j;
- MEM_ALLOC(MALLOC,b,p+1,float);
- MEM_ALLOC(MALLOC,b1,p+1,float);
- /* equate temporary variables (b = a) */
- for(i=1; i <= p; i++)
- b[i] = a[i];
- /* compute reflection coefficients */
- for(i=p; i > 0; i--)
- {
- k[i] = b[i];
- e = 1 - SQR(k[i]);
- for(j=1; j < i; j++)
- b1[j] = b[j];
- for(j=1; j < i; j++)
- b[j] = (b1[j] - k[i]*b1[i-j])/e;
- }
- return(0);
- }
- get predictor coefficients from the LSPs
- Synopsis: lpc_lsp2pred(w,a,p)
- Input:
- w- the LSPs
- p- the predictor order
- Output:
- a- the predictor coefficients
- Reference: Kabal and Ramachandran
- */
- int lpc_lsp2pred(float *w,float *a,int p)
- {
- int i,j,k,p2;
- float **f,c[2];
- /* ensure minimum separation and sort */
- (void)lpc_clamp(w,lsp_delta,p);
- p2 = p/2;
- MEM_2ALLOC(MALLOC,f,2,p2+1,float);
- f[0][0] = f[1][0] = 1.0;
- f[0][1] = (float)-2.0*cos((double)w[1]*M_PI);
- f[1][1] = (float)-2.0*cos((double)w[2]*M_PI);
- k = 3;
- for(i=2; i <= p2; i++)
- {
- c[0] = (float)-2.0*cos((double)w[k++]*M_PI);
- c[1] = (float)-2.0*cos((double)w[k++]*M_PI);
- f[0][i] = f[0][i-2];
- f[1][i] = f[1][i-2];
- for(j=i; j >= 2; j--)
- {
- f[0][j] += c[0]*f[0][j-1]+f[0][j-2];
- f[1][j] += c[1]*f[1][j-1]+f[1][j-2];
- }
- f[0][1] += c[0]*f[0][0];
- f[1][1] += c[1]*f[1][0];
- }
- for(i=p2; i > 0; i--)
- {
- f[0][i] += f[0][i-1];
- f[1][i] -= f[1][i-1];
- a[i] = 0.50*(f[0][i]+f[1][i]);
- a[p+1-i] = 0.50*(f[0][i]-f[1][i]);
- }
- return(0);
- }
- get predictor coefficients from the reflection coeffs
- Input:
- k- the reflection coeffs
- p- the predictor order
- Output:
- a- the predictor coefficients
- Reference: Markel and Gray, Linear Prediction of Speech
- */
- int lpc_refl2pred(float *k,float *a,int p)
- {
- int i,j;
- float *a1;
- MEM_ALLOC(MALLOC,a1,p+1,float);
- for(i=1; i <= p; i++)
- {
- /* refl to a recursion */
- a[i] = k[i];
- for(j=1; j < i; j++)
- a1[j] = a[j];
- for(j=1; j < i; j++)
- a[j] = a1[j] + k[i]*a1[i-j];
- }
- return(0);
- } /* LPC_REFL2PRED */
- /* G - compute the value of the Chebychev series
- sum c_k T_k(x) = x b_1(x) - b_2(x) + c_0
- b_k(x) = 2x b_{k+1}(x) - b_{k+2}(x) + c_k */
- static float lsp_g(float x,float *c,int p2)
- {
- int i;
- float b[3];
- b[1] = b[2] = 0.0;
- for(i=p2; i > 0; i--)
- {
- b[0] = 2.0*x*b[1] - b[2] + c[i];
- b[2] = b[1];
- b[1] = b[0];
- }
- b[0] = x*b[1]-b[2]+c[0];
- return(b[0]);
- } /* G */
- - find the roots of the two polynomials G_1(x) and G_2(x)
- the first root corresponds to G_1(x)
- compute the inverse cos (and these are the LSFs) */
- static int lsp_roots(float *w,float **c,int p2)
- {
- int i,k;
- float x,x0,x1,y,*ptr,g0,g1;
- w[0] = 0.0;
- ptr = c[0];
- x = 1.0;
- g0 = lsp_g(x,ptr,p2);
- for(k=1,x = 1.0-DELTA; x > -DELTA-1.0; x -= DELTA)
- {
- /* Search for a zero crossing */
- if (g0*(g1 = lsp_g(x,ptr,p2)) <= 0.0)
- {
- /* Search Incrementally using bisection */
- x0 = x+DELTA;
- x1 = x;
- for(i=0; i < BISECTIONS; i++)
- {
- x = (x0+x1)/2.0;
- y = lsp_g(x,ptr,p2);
- if(y*g0 < 0.0)
- {
- x1 = x;
- g1 = y;
- }
- else
- {
- x0 = x;
- g0 = y;
- }
- }
- /* Linear interpolate */
- x = (g1*x0-g0*x1)/(g1-g0);
- /* Evaluate the LSF */
- w[k] = (float)acos((double)x)/M_PI;
- ptr = c[k % 2];
- k++;
- if (k > 2*p2)
- return(0);
- g1 = lsp_g(x,ptr,p2);
- }
- g0 = g1;
- }
- (void)fprintf(stderr,"n Error(lsp_roots): LSPs Not All Foundn");
- return(1);
- } /* LSP_ROOTS */
- /*
- Name: lpc_syn- LPC synthesis filter.
- Aliases: lpc_synthesis
- Description:
- LPC all-pole synthesis filter
- <nf>
- for j = 0 to n-1
- y[j] = x[j] - sum(k=1 to p) y[j-k] a[k]
- </nf>
- Inputs:
- x- input vector (n samples, x[0..n-1])
- a- lpc vector (order p, a[1..p])
- p- order of lpc filter
- n- number of elements in vector which is to be filtered
- y[-p..-1]- filter memory (past outputs)
- Outputs:
- y- output vector (n samples, y[0..n-1])
- Returns: NULL
- Includes:
- spbstd.h
- lpc.h
- Systems and Info. Science Lab
- Copyright (c) 1995 by Texas Instruments, Inc. All rights reserved.
- */
- int lpc_syn(float *x,float *y,float *a,int p,int n)
- {
- int i,j;
- for(j=0; j < n; j++)
- {
- for(i=p,y[j]=x[j]; i > 0; i--)
- y[j] -= y[j-i]*a[i];
- }
- return(0);
- }