- /*
- ** Copyright (C) 1999-2009 Erik de Castro Lopo <>
- **
- ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- ** it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
- ** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
- ** (at your option) any later version.
- **
- ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- ** GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
- **
- ** You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- ** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- */
- #include "sfconfig.h"
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #include "sndfile.h"
- #include "sfendian.h"
- #include "common.h"
- #include "wav_w64.h"
- /* These required here because we write the header in this file. */
- #define RIFF_MARKER (MAKE_MARKER ('R', 'I', 'F', 'F'))
- #define WAVE_MARKER (MAKE_MARKER ('W', 'A', 'V', 'E'))
- #define fmt_MARKER (MAKE_MARKER ('f', 'm', 't', ' '))
- #define fact_MARKER (MAKE_MARKER ('f', 'a', 'c', 't'))
- #define data_MARKER (MAKE_MARKER ('d', 'a', 't', 'a'))
- #define WAVE_FORMAT_MS_ADPCM 0x0002
- typedef struct
- { int channels, blocksize, samplesperblock, blocks, dataremaining ;
- int blockcount ;
- sf_count_t samplecount ;
- short *samples ;
- unsigned char *block ;
- short dummydata [] ; /* ISO C99 struct flexible array. */
- #else
- short dummydata [0] ; /* This is a hack an might not work. */
- #endif
- /*============================================================================================
- ** MS ADPCM static data and functions.
- */
- static int AdaptationTable [] =
- { 230, 230, 230, 230, 307, 409, 512, 614,
- 768, 614, 512, 409, 307, 230, 230, 230
- } ;
- /* TODO : The first 7 coef's are are always hardcode and must
- appear in the actual WAVE file. They should be read in
- in case a sound program added extras to the list. */
- static int AdaptCoeff1 [MSADPCM_ADAPT_COEFF_COUNT] =
- { 256, 512, 0, 192, 240, 460, 392
- } ;
- static int AdaptCoeff2 [MSADPCM_ADAPT_COEFF_COUNT] =
- { 0, -256, 0, 64, 0, -208, -232
- } ;
- /*============================================================================================
- ** MS ADPCM Block Layout.
- ** ======================
- ** Block is usually 256, 512 or 1024 bytes depending on sample rate.
- ** For a mono file, the block is laid out as follows:
- ** byte purpose
- ** 0 block predictor [0..6]
- ** 1,2 initial idelta (positive)
- ** 3,4 sample 1
- ** 5,6 sample 0
- ** 7..n packed bytecodes
- **
- ** For a stereo file, the block is laid out as follows:
- ** byte purpose
- ** 0 block predictor [0..6] for left channel
- ** 1 block predictor [0..6] for right channel
- ** 2,3 initial idelta (positive) for left channel
- ** 4,5 initial idelta (positive) for right channel
- ** 6,7 sample 1 for left channel
- ** 8,9 sample 1 for right channel
- ** 10,11 sample 0 for left channel
- ** 12,13 sample 0 for right channel
- ** 14..n packed bytecodes
- */
- /*============================================================================================
- ** Static functions.
- */
- static int msadpcm_decode_block (SF_PRIVATE *psf, MSADPCM_PRIVATE *pms) ;
- static sf_count_t msadpcm_read_block (SF_PRIVATE *psf, MSADPCM_PRIVATE *pms, short *ptr, int len) ;
- static int msadpcm_encode_block (SF_PRIVATE *psf, MSADPCM_PRIVATE *pms) ;
- static sf_count_t msadpcm_write_block (SF_PRIVATE *psf, MSADPCM_PRIVATE *pms, const short *ptr, int len) ;
- static sf_count_t msadpcm_read_s (SF_PRIVATE *psf, short *ptr, sf_count_t len) ;
- static sf_count_t msadpcm_read_i (SF_PRIVATE *psf, int *ptr, sf_count_t len) ;
- static sf_count_t msadpcm_read_f (SF_PRIVATE *psf, float *ptr, sf_count_t len) ;
- static sf_count_t msadpcm_read_d (SF_PRIVATE *psf, double *ptr, sf_count_t len) ;
- static sf_count_t msadpcm_write_s (SF_PRIVATE *psf, const short *ptr, sf_count_t len) ;
- static sf_count_t msadpcm_write_i (SF_PRIVATE *psf, const int *ptr, sf_count_t len) ;
- static sf_count_t msadpcm_write_f (SF_PRIVATE *psf, const float *ptr, sf_count_t len) ;
- static sf_count_t msadpcm_write_d (SF_PRIVATE *psf, const double *ptr, sf_count_t len) ;
- static sf_count_t msadpcm_seek (SF_PRIVATE *psf, int mode, sf_count_t offset) ;
- static int msadpcm_close (SF_PRIVATE *psf) ;
- static void choose_predictor (unsigned int channels, short *data, int *bpred, int *idelta) ;
- /*============================================================================================
- ** MS ADPCM Read Functions.
- */
- int
- wav_w64_msadpcm_init (SF_PRIVATE *psf, int blockalign, int samplesperblock)
- unsigned int pmssize ;
- int count ;
- if (psf->codec_data != NULL)
- { psf_log_printf (psf, "*** psf->codec_data is not NULL.n") ;
- return SFE_INTERNAL ;
- } ;
- if (psf->file.mode == SFM_WRITE)
- samplesperblock = 2 + 2 * (blockalign - 7 * psf->sf.channels) / psf->sf.channels ;
- pmssize = sizeof (MSADPCM_PRIVATE) + blockalign + 3 * psf->sf.channels * samplesperblock ;
- if (! (psf->codec_data = malloc (pmssize)))
- pms = (MSADPCM_PRIVATE*) psf->codec_data ;
- memset (pms, 0, pmssize) ;
- pms->samples = pms->dummydata ;
- pms->block = (unsigned char*) (pms->dummydata + psf->sf.channels * samplesperblock) ;
- pms->channels = psf->sf.channels ;
- pms->blocksize = blockalign ;
- pms->samplesperblock = samplesperblock ;
- if (pms->blocksize == 0)
- { psf_log_printf (psf, "*** Error : pms->blocksize should not be zero.n") ;
- return SFE_INTERNAL ;
- } ;
- if (psf->file.mode == SFM_READ)
- { pms->dataremaining = psf->datalength ;
- if (psf->datalength % pms->blocksize)
- pms->blocks = psf->datalength / pms->blocksize + 1 ;
- else
- pms->blocks = psf->datalength / pms->blocksize ;
- count = 2 * (pms->blocksize - 6 * pms->channels) / pms->channels ;
- if (pms->samplesperblock != count)
- { psf_log_printf (psf, "*** Error : samplesperblock should be %d.n", count) ;
- return SFE_INTERNAL ;
- } ;
- psf->sf.frames = (psf->datalength / pms->blocksize) * pms->samplesperblock ;
- psf_log_printf (psf, " bpred ideltan") ;
- msadpcm_decode_block (psf, pms) ;
- psf->read_short = msadpcm_read_s ;
- psf->read_int = msadpcm_read_i ;
- psf->read_float = msadpcm_read_f ;
- psf->read_double = msadpcm_read_d ;
- } ;
- if (psf->file.mode == SFM_WRITE)
- { pms->samples = pms->dummydata ;
- pms->samplecount = 0 ;
- psf->write_short = msadpcm_write_s ;
- psf->write_int = msadpcm_write_i ;
- psf->write_float = msadpcm_write_f ;
- psf->write_double = msadpcm_write_d ;
- } ;
- psf->codec_close = msadpcm_close ;
- psf->seek = msadpcm_seek ;
- return 0 ;
- } /* wav_w64_msadpcm_init */
- static int
- msadpcm_decode_block (SF_PRIVATE *psf, MSADPCM_PRIVATE *pms)
- { int chan, k, blockindx, sampleindx ;
- short bytecode, bpred [2], chan_idelta [2] ;
- int predict ;
- int current ;
- int idelta ;
- pms->blockcount ++ ;
- pms->samplecount = 0 ;
- if (pms->blockcount > pms->blocks)
- { memset (pms->samples, 0, pms->samplesperblock * pms->channels) ;
- return 1 ;
- } ;
- if ((k = psf_fread (pms->block, 1, pms->blocksize, psf)) != pms->blocksize)
- psf_log_printf (psf, "*** Warning : short read (%d != %d).n", k, pms->blocksize) ;
- /* Read and check the block header. */
- if (pms->channels == 1)
- { bpred [0] = pms->block [0] ;
- if (bpred [0] >= 7)
- psf_log_printf (psf, "MS ADPCM synchronisation error (%d).n", bpred [0]) ;
- chan_idelta [0] = pms->block [1] | (pms->block [2] << 8) ;
- chan_idelta [1] = 0 ;
- psf_log_printf (psf, "(%d) (%d)n", bpred [0], chan_idelta [0]) ;
- pms->samples [1] = pms->block [3] | (pms->block [4] << 8) ;
- pms->samples [0] = pms->block [5] | (pms->block [6] << 8) ;
- blockindx = 7 ;
- }
- else
- { bpred [0] = pms->block [0] ;
- bpred [1] = pms->block [1] ;
- if (bpred [0] >= 7 || bpred [1] >= 7)
- psf_log_printf (psf, "MS ADPCM synchronisation error (%d %d).n", bpred [0], bpred [1]) ;
- chan_idelta [0] = pms->block [2] | (pms->block [3] << 8) ;
- chan_idelta [1] = pms->block [4] | (pms->block [5] << 8) ;
- psf_log_printf (psf, "(%d, %d) (%d, %d)n", bpred [0], bpred [1], chan_idelta [0], chan_idelta [1]) ;
- pms->samples [2] = pms->block [6] | (pms->block [7] << 8) ;
- pms->samples [3] = pms->block [8] | (pms->block [9] << 8) ;
- pms->samples [0] = pms->block [10] | (pms->block [11] << 8) ;
- pms->samples [1] = pms->block [12] | (pms->block [13] << 8) ;
- blockindx = 14 ;
- } ;
- /*--------------------------------------------------------
- This was left over from a time when calculations were done
- as ints rather than shorts. Keep this around as a reminder
- in case I ever find a file which decodes incorrectly.
- if (chan_idelta [0] & 0x8000)
- chan_idelta [0] -= 0x10000 ;
- if (chan_idelta [1] & 0x8000)
- chan_idelta [1] -= 0x10000 ;
- --------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* Pull apart the packed 4 bit samples and store them in their
- ** correct sample positions.
- */
- sampleindx = 2 * pms->channels ;
- while (blockindx < pms->blocksize)
- { bytecode = pms->block [blockindx++] ;
- pms->samples [sampleindx++] = (bytecode >> 4) & 0x0F ;
- pms->samples [sampleindx++] = bytecode & 0x0F ;
- } ;
- /* Decode the encoded 4 bit samples. */
- for (k = 2 * pms->channels ; k < (pms->samplesperblock * pms->channels) ; k ++)
- { chan = (pms->channels > 1) ? (k % 2) : 0 ;
- bytecode = pms->samples [k] & 0xF ;
- /* Compute next Adaptive Scale Factor (ASF) */
- idelta = chan_idelta [chan] ;
- chan_idelta [chan] = (AdaptationTable [bytecode] * idelta) >> 8 ; /* => / 256 => FIXED_POINT_ADAPTATION_BASE == 256 */
- if (chan_idelta [chan] < 16)
- chan_idelta [chan] = 16 ;
- if (bytecode & 0x8)
- bytecode -= 0x10 ;
- predict = ((pms->samples [k - pms->channels] * AdaptCoeff1 [bpred [chan]])
- + (pms->samples [k - 2 * pms->channels] * AdaptCoeff2 [bpred [chan]])) >> 8 ; /* => / 256 => FIXED_POINT_COEFF_BASE == 256 */
- current = (bytecode * idelta) + predict ;
- if (current > 32767)
- current = 32767 ;
- else if (current < -32768)
- current = -32768 ;
- pms->samples [k] = current ;
- } ;
- return 1 ;
- } /* msadpcm_decode_block */
- static sf_count_t
- msadpcm_read_block (SF_PRIVATE *psf, MSADPCM_PRIVATE *pms, short *ptr, int len)
- { int count, total = 0, indx = 0 ;
- while (indx < len)
- { if (pms->blockcount >= pms->blocks && pms->samplecount >= pms->samplesperblock)
- { memset (&(ptr [indx]), 0, (size_t) ((len - indx) * sizeof (short))) ;
- return total ;
- } ;
- if (pms->samplecount >= pms->samplesperblock)
- msadpcm_decode_block (psf, pms) ;
- count = (pms->samplesperblock - pms->samplecount) * pms->channels ;
- count = (len - indx > count) ? count : len - indx ;
- memcpy (&(ptr [indx]), &(pms->samples [pms->samplecount * pms->channels]), count * sizeof (short)) ;
- indx += count ;
- pms->samplecount += count / pms->channels ;
- total = indx ;
- } ;
- return total ;
- } /* msadpcm_read_block */
- static sf_count_t
- msadpcm_read_s (SF_PRIVATE *psf, short *ptr, sf_count_t len)
- int readcount, count ;
- sf_count_t total = 0 ;
- if (! psf->codec_data)
- return 0 ;
- pms = (MSADPCM_PRIVATE*) psf->codec_data ;
- while (len > 0)
- { readcount = (len > 0x10000000) ? 0x10000000 : (int) len ;
- count = msadpcm_read_block (psf, pms, ptr, readcount) ;
- total += count ;
- len -= count ;
- if (count != readcount)
- break ;
- } ;
- return total ;
- } /* msadpcm_read_s */
- static sf_count_t
- msadpcm_read_i (SF_PRIVATE *psf, int *ptr, sf_count_t len)
- short *sptr ;
- int k, bufferlen, readcount = 0, count ;
- sf_count_t total = 0 ;
- if (! psf->codec_data)
- return 0 ;
- pms = (MSADPCM_PRIVATE*) psf->codec_data ;
- sptr = psf->u.sbuf ;
- bufferlen = ARRAY_LEN (psf->u.sbuf) ;
- while (len > 0)
- { readcount = (len >= bufferlen) ? bufferlen : len ;
- count = msadpcm_read_block (psf, pms, sptr, readcount) ;
- for (k = 0 ; k < readcount ; k++)
- ptr [total + k] = sptr [k] << 16 ;
- total += count ;
- len -= readcount ;
- if (count != readcount)
- break ;
- } ;
- return total ;
- } /* msadpcm_read_i */
- static sf_count_t
- msadpcm_read_f (SF_PRIVATE *psf, float *ptr, sf_count_t len)
- short *sptr ;
- int k, bufferlen, readcount = 0, count ;
- sf_count_t total = 0 ;
- float normfact ;
- if (! psf->codec_data)
- return 0 ;
- pms = (MSADPCM_PRIVATE*) psf->codec_data ;
- normfact = (psf->norm_float == SF_TRUE) ? 1.0 / ((float) 0x8000) : 1.0 ;
- sptr = psf->u.sbuf ;
- bufferlen = ARRAY_LEN (psf->u.sbuf) ;
- while (len > 0)
- { readcount = (len >= bufferlen) ? bufferlen : len ;
- count = msadpcm_read_block (psf, pms, sptr, readcount) ;
- for (k = 0 ; k < readcount ; k++)
- ptr [total + k] = normfact * (float) (sptr [k]) ;
- total += count ;
- len -= readcount ;
- if (count != readcount)
- break ;
- } ;
- return total ;
- } /* msadpcm_read_f */
- static sf_count_t
- msadpcm_read_d (SF_PRIVATE *psf, double *ptr, sf_count_t len)
- short *sptr ;
- int k, bufferlen, readcount = 0, count ;
- sf_count_t total = 0 ;
- double normfact ;
- normfact = (psf->norm_double == SF_TRUE) ? 1.0 / ((double) 0x8000) : 1.0 ;
- if (! psf->codec_data)
- return 0 ;
- pms = (MSADPCM_PRIVATE*) psf->codec_data ;
- sptr = psf->u.sbuf ;
- bufferlen = ARRAY_LEN (psf->u.sbuf) ;
- while (len > 0)
- { readcount = (len >= bufferlen) ? bufferlen : len ;
- count = msadpcm_read_block (psf, pms, sptr, readcount) ;
- for (k = 0 ; k < readcount ; k++)
- ptr [total + k] = normfact * (double) (sptr [k]) ;
- total += count ;
- len -= readcount ;
- if (count != readcount)
- break ;
- } ;
- return total ;
- } /* msadpcm_read_d */
- static sf_count_t
- msadpcm_seek (SF_PRIVATE *psf, int mode, sf_count_t offset)
- int newblock, newsample ;
- if (! psf->codec_data)
- return 0 ;
- pms = (MSADPCM_PRIVATE*) psf->codec_data ;
- if (psf->datalength < 0 || psf->dataoffset < 0)
- { psf->error = SFE_BAD_SEEK ;
- return PSF_SEEK_ERROR ;
- } ;
- if (offset == 0)
- { psf_fseek (psf, psf->dataoffset, SEEK_SET) ;
- pms->blockcount = 0 ;
- msadpcm_decode_block (psf, pms) ;
- pms->samplecount = 0 ;
- return 0 ;
- } ;
- if (offset < 0 || offset > pms->blocks * pms->samplesperblock)
- { psf->error = SFE_BAD_SEEK ;
- return PSF_SEEK_ERROR ;
- } ;
- newblock = offset / pms->samplesperblock ;
- newsample = offset % pms->samplesperblock ;
- if (mode == SFM_READ)
- { psf_fseek (psf, psf->dataoffset + newblock * pms->blocksize, SEEK_SET) ;
- pms->blockcount = newblock ;
- msadpcm_decode_block (psf, pms) ;
- pms->samplecount = newsample ;
- }
- else
- { /* What to do about write??? */
- psf->error = SFE_BAD_SEEK ;
- return PSF_SEEK_ERROR ;
- } ;
- return newblock * pms->samplesperblock + newsample ;
- } /* msadpcm_seek */
- /*==========================================================================================
- ** MS ADPCM Write Functions.
- */
- void
- msadpcm_write_adapt_coeffs (SF_PRIVATE *psf)
- { int k ;
- for (k = 0 ; k < MSADPCM_ADAPT_COEFF_COUNT ; k++)
- psf_binheader_writef (psf, "22", AdaptCoeff1 [k], AdaptCoeff2 [k]) ;
- } /* msadpcm_write_adapt_coeffs */
- /*==========================================================================================
- */
- static int
- msadpcm_encode_block (SF_PRIVATE *psf, MSADPCM_PRIVATE *pms)
- { unsigned int blockindx ;
- unsigned char byte ;
- int chan, k, predict, bpred [2], idelta [2], errordelta, newsamp ;
- choose_predictor (pms->channels, pms->samples, bpred, idelta) ;
- /* Write the block header. */
- if (pms->channels == 1)
- { pms->block [0] = bpred [0] ;
- pms->block [1] = idelta [0] & 0xFF ;
- pms->block [2] = idelta [0] >> 8 ;
- pms->block [3] = pms->samples [1] & 0xFF ;
- pms->block [4] = pms->samples [1] >> 8 ;
- pms->block [5] = pms->samples [0] & 0xFF ;
- pms->block [6] = pms->samples [0] >> 8 ;
- blockindx = 7 ;
- byte = 0 ;
- /* Encode the samples as 4 bit. */
- for (k = 2 ; k < pms->samplesperblock ; k++)
- { predict = (pms->samples [k-1] * AdaptCoeff1 [bpred [0]] + pms->samples [k-2] * AdaptCoeff2 [bpred [0]]) >> 8 ;
- errordelta = (pms->samples [k] - predict) / idelta [0] ;
- if (errordelta < -8)
- errordelta = -8 ;
- else if (errordelta > 7)
- errordelta = 7 ;
- newsamp = predict + (idelta [0] * errordelta) ;
- if (newsamp > 32767)
- newsamp = 32767 ;
- else if (newsamp < -32768)
- newsamp = -32768 ;
- if (errordelta < 0)
- errordelta += 0x10 ;
- byte = (byte << 4) | (errordelta & 0xF) ;
- if (k % 2)
- { pms->block [blockindx++] = byte ;
- byte = 0 ;
- } ;
- idelta [0] = (idelta [0] * AdaptationTable [errordelta]) >> 8 ;
- if (idelta [0] < 16)
- idelta [0] = 16 ;
- pms->samples [k] = newsamp ;
- } ;
- }
- else
- { /* Stereo file. */
- pms->block [0] = bpred [0] ;
- pms->block [1] = bpred [1] ;
- pms->block [2] = idelta [0] & 0xFF ;
- pms->block [3] = idelta [0] >> 8 ;
- pms->block [4] = idelta [1] & 0xFF ;
- pms->block [5] = idelta [1] >> 8 ;
- pms->block [6] = pms->samples [2] & 0xFF ;
- pms->block [7] = pms->samples [2] >> 8 ;
- pms->block [8] = pms->samples [3] & 0xFF ;
- pms->block [9] = pms->samples [3] >> 8 ;
- pms->block [10] = pms->samples [0] & 0xFF ;
- pms->block [11] = pms->samples [0] >> 8 ;
- pms->block [12] = pms->samples [1] & 0xFF ;
- pms->block [13] = pms->samples [1] >> 8 ;
- blockindx = 14 ;
- byte = 0 ;
- chan = 1 ;
- for (k = 4 ; k < 2 * pms->samplesperblock ; k++)
- { chan = k & 1 ;
- predict = (pms->samples [k-2] * AdaptCoeff1 [bpred [chan]] + pms->samples [k-4] * AdaptCoeff2 [bpred [chan]]) >> 8 ;
- errordelta = (pms->samples [k] - predict) / idelta [chan] ;
- if (errordelta < -8)
- errordelta = -8 ;
- else if (errordelta > 7)
- errordelta = 7 ;
- newsamp = predict + (idelta [chan] * errordelta) ;
- if (newsamp > 32767)
- newsamp = 32767 ;
- else if (newsamp < -32768)
- newsamp = -32768 ;
- if (errordelta < 0)
- errordelta += 0x10 ;
- byte = (byte << 4) | (errordelta & 0xF) ;
- if (chan)
- { pms->block [blockindx++] = byte ;
- byte = 0 ;
- } ;
- idelta [chan] = (idelta [chan] * AdaptationTable [errordelta]) >> 8 ;
- if (idelta [chan] < 16)
- idelta [chan] = 16 ;
- pms->samples [k] = newsamp ;
- } ;
- } ;
- /* Write the block to disk. */
- if ((k = psf_fwrite (pms->block, 1, pms->blocksize, psf)) != pms->blocksize)
- psf_log_printf (psf, "*** Warning : short write (%d != %d).n", k, pms->blocksize) ;
- memset (pms->samples, 0, pms->samplesperblock * sizeof (short)) ;
- pms->blockcount ++ ;
- pms->samplecount = 0 ;
- return 1 ;
- } /* msadpcm_encode_block */
- static sf_count_t
- msadpcm_write_block (SF_PRIVATE *psf, MSADPCM_PRIVATE *pms, const short *ptr, int len)
- { int count, total = 0, indx = 0 ;
- while (indx < len)
- { count = (pms->samplesperblock - pms->samplecount) * pms->channels ;
- if (count > len - indx)
- count = len - indx ;
- memcpy (&(pms->samples [pms->samplecount * pms->channels]), &(ptr [total]), count * sizeof (short)) ;
- indx += count ;
- pms->samplecount += count / pms->channels ;
- total = indx ;
- if (pms->samplecount >= pms->samplesperblock)
- msadpcm_encode_block (psf, pms) ;
- } ;
- return total ;
- } /* msadpcm_write_block */
- static sf_count_t
- msadpcm_write_s (SF_PRIVATE *psf, const short *ptr, sf_count_t len)
- int writecount, count ;
- sf_count_t total = 0 ;
- if (! psf->codec_data)
- return 0 ;
- pms = (MSADPCM_PRIVATE*) psf->codec_data ;
- while (len > 0)
- { writecount = (len > 0x10000000) ? 0x10000000 : (int) len ;
- count = msadpcm_write_block (psf, pms, ptr, writecount) ;
- total += count ;
- len -= count ;
- if (count != writecount)
- break ;
- } ;
- return total ;
- } /* msadpcm_write_s */
- static sf_count_t
- msadpcm_write_i (SF_PRIVATE *psf, const int *ptr, sf_count_t len)
- short *sptr ;
- int k, bufferlen, writecount, count ;
- sf_count_t total = 0 ;
- if (! psf->codec_data)
- return 0 ;
- pms = (MSADPCM_PRIVATE*) psf->codec_data ;
- sptr = psf->u.sbuf ;
- bufferlen = ARRAY_LEN (psf->u.sbuf) ;
- while (len > 0)
- { writecount = (len >= bufferlen) ? bufferlen : len ;
- for (k = 0 ; k < writecount ; k++)
- sptr [k] = ptr [total + k] >> 16 ;
- count = msadpcm_write_block (psf, pms, sptr, writecount) ;
- total += count ;
- len -= writecount ;
- if (count != writecount)
- break ;
- } ;
- return total ;
- } /* msadpcm_write_i */
- static sf_count_t
- msadpcm_write_f (SF_PRIVATE *psf, const float *ptr, sf_count_t len)
- short *sptr ;
- int k, bufferlen, writecount, count ;
- sf_count_t total = 0 ;
- float normfact ;
- if (! psf->codec_data)
- return 0 ;
- pms = (MSADPCM_PRIVATE*) psf->codec_data ;
- normfact = (psf->norm_float == SF_TRUE) ? (1.0 * 0x7FFF) : 1.0 ;
- sptr = psf->u.sbuf ;
- bufferlen = ARRAY_LEN (psf->u.sbuf) ;
- while (len > 0)
- { writecount = (len >= bufferlen) ? bufferlen : len ;
- for (k = 0 ; k < writecount ; k++)
- sptr [k] = lrintf (normfact * ptr [total + k]) ;
- count = msadpcm_write_block (psf, pms, sptr, writecount) ;
- total += count ;
- len -= writecount ;
- if (count != writecount)
- break ;
- } ;
- return total ;
- } /* msadpcm_write_f */
- static sf_count_t
- msadpcm_write_d (SF_PRIVATE *psf, const double *ptr, sf_count_t len)
- short *sptr ;
- int k, bufferlen, writecount, count ;
- sf_count_t total = 0 ;
- double normfact ;
- normfact = (psf->norm_double == SF_TRUE) ? (1.0 * 0x7FFF) : 1.0 ;
- if (! psf->codec_data)
- return 0 ;
- pms = (MSADPCM_PRIVATE*) psf->codec_data ;
- sptr = psf->u.sbuf ;
- bufferlen = ARRAY_LEN (psf->u.sbuf) ;
- while (len > 0)
- { writecount = (len >= bufferlen) ? bufferlen : len ;
- for (k = 0 ; k < writecount ; k++)
- sptr [k] = lrint (normfact * ptr [total + k]) ;
- count = msadpcm_write_block (psf, pms, sptr, writecount) ;
- total += count ;
- len -= writecount ;
- if (count != writecount)
- break ;
- } ;
- return total ;
- } /* msadpcm_write_d */
- /*========================================================================================
- */
- static int
- msadpcm_close (SF_PRIVATE *psf)
- pms = (MSADPCM_PRIVATE*) psf->codec_data ;
- if (psf->file.mode == SFM_WRITE)
- { /* Now we know static int for certain the length of the file we can
- ** re-write the header.
- */
- if (pms->samplecount && pms->samplecount < pms->samplesperblock)
- msadpcm_encode_block (psf, pms) ;
- } ;
- return 0 ;
- } /* msadpcm_close */
- /*========================================================================================
- ** Static functions.
- */
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Choosing the block predictor.
- ** Each block requires a predictor and an idelta for each channel.
- ** The predictor is in the range [0..6] which is an indx into the two AdaptCoeff tables.
- ** The predictor is chosen by trying all of the possible predictors on a small set of
- ** samples at the beginning of the block. The predictor with the smallest average
- ** abs (idelta) is chosen as the best predictor for this block.
- ** The value of idelta is chosen to to give a 4 bit code value of +/- 4 (approx. half the
- ** max. code value). If the average abs (idelta) is zero, the sixth predictor is chosen.
- ** If the value of idelta is less then 16 it is set to 16.
- **
- ** Microsoft uses an IDELTA_COUNT (number of sample pairs used to choose best predictor)
- ** value of 3. The best possible results would be obtained by using all the samples to
- ** choose the predictor.
- */
- #define IDELTA_COUNT 3
- static void
- choose_predictor (unsigned int channels, short *data, int *block_pred, int *idelta)
- { unsigned int chan, k, bpred, idelta_sum, best_bpred, best_idelta ;
- for (chan = 0 ; chan < channels ; chan++)
- { best_bpred = best_idelta = 0 ;
- for (bpred = 0 ; bpred < 7 ; bpred++)
- { idelta_sum = 0 ;
- for (k = 2 ; k < 2 + IDELTA_COUNT ; k++)
- idelta_sum += abs (data [k * channels] - ((data [(k - 1) * channels] * AdaptCoeff1 [bpred] + data [(k - 2) * channels] * AdaptCoeff2 [bpred]) >> 8)) ;
- idelta_sum /= (4 * IDELTA_COUNT) ;
- if (bpred == 0 || idelta_sum < best_idelta)
- { best_bpred = bpred ;
- best_idelta = idelta_sum ;
- } ;
- if (! idelta_sum)
- { best_bpred = bpred ;
- best_idelta = 16 ;
- break ;
- } ;
- } ; /* for bpred ... */
- if (best_idelta < 16)
- best_idelta = 16 ;
- block_pred [chan] = best_bpred ;
- idelta [chan] = best_idelta ;
- } ;
- return ;
- } /* choose_predictor */