资源名称:FTPClient.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- FTPclient.cpp (c) GDI 1999
- V1.0.0 (10/4/99)
- Phil Anderson. philip@gd-ind.com
- Simple FTP client functionality. If you have any problems with it,
- please tell me about them (or better still e-mail me the fixed
- code). Please feel free to use this code however you wish, although
- if you make changes please put your name in the source & comment what
- you did.
- Nothing awesome going on here at all (all sockets are used in
- synchronous blocking mode), but it does the following
- things WinInet doesn't seem to:
- * Supports loads of different firewalls (I think, I don't
- have access to all types so they haven't all been fully
- tested yet)
- * Allows you to execute any command on the FTP server
- * Adds 10K to your app install rather than 1Mb #;-)
- Functions return TRUE if everything went OK, FALSE if there was an,
- error. A message describing the outcome (normally the one returned
- from the server) will be in m_retmsg on return from the function.
- There are a few error msgs in the app's string table that you'll
- need to paste into your app, along with this file & FTPclient.h
- If you created your app without checking the "Use Windows Sockets"
- checkbox in AppWizard, you'll need to add the following bit of code
- to you app's InitInstance()
- if(!AfxSocketInit())
- {
- AfxMessageBox("Could not initialize Windows Sockets!");
- return FALSE;
- }
- To use:
- 1/ Create an object of CFTPclient.
- 2/ Use LogOnToServer() to connect to the server. Any arguments
- not used (e.g. if you're not using a firewall), pass an empty
- string or zero for numeric args. You must pass a server port
- number, use the FTP default of 21 if you don't know what it is.
- 3/ Use MoveFile() to upload/download a file, 1st arg is local file
- path, 2nd arg is remote file path, 3rd arg is TRUE for a PASV
- connection (required by some firewalls), FALSE otherwise, 4th arg
- is TRUE to upload, FALSE to download file. MoveFile only works in
- synchronous mode (ie the function will not return 'till the transfer
- is finished). File transfers are always of type BINARY.
- 4/ You can use FTPcommand() to execute FTP commands (eg
- FTPcommand("CWD /home/mydir") to change directory on the server),
- note that this function will return FALSE unless the server response
- is a 200 series code. This should work fine for most FTP commands,
- otherwise you can use WriteStr() and ReadStr() to send commands &
- interpret the response yourself. Use LogOffServer() to disconnect
- when done.
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "FTPSOCKET.h"
- #include "FTPClass.h"
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- #undef THIS_FILE
- static char THIS_FILE[]=__FILE__;
- #define new DEBUG_NEW
- #endif
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Construction/Destruction
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //构造函数,变量初始化
- CFTPclient::CFTPclient()
- {
- m_pCtrlsokfile=NULL;
- m_pCtrlTxarch=NULL;
- m_pCtrlRxarch=NULL;
- m_Ctrlsok=NULL;
- }
- CFTPclient::~CFTPclient()
- {
- CloseControlChannel();
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Public Functions
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // 登录到服务器
- BOOL CFTPclient::LogOnToServer(CString hostname,int hostport,CString username, CString password, CString acct, CString fwhost,CString fwusername, CString fwpassword,int fwport,int logontype) {
- int port,logonpoint=0;
- const int LO=-2, ER=-1;
- CString buf,temp;
- const int NUMLOGIN=9; // 支持9种不同的登录方式
- int logonseq[NUMLOGIN][100] = {
- // 下面的数组保存了针对不同防火墙的登录序列
- {0,LO,3, 1,LO,6, 2,LO,ER}, // 没有防火墙
- {3,6,3, 4,6,ER, 5,ER,9, 0,LO,12, 1,LO,15, 2,LO,ER}, // 主机名
- {3,6,3, 4,6,ER, 6,LO,9, 1,LO,12, 2,LO,ER}, // USER after logon
- {7,3,3, 0,LO,6, 1,LO,9, 2,LO,ER}, //proxy OPEN
- {3,6,3, 4,6,ER, 0,LO,9, 1,LO,12, 2,LO,ER}, // Transparent
- {6,LO,3, 1,LO,6, 2,LO,ER}, // USER with no logon
- {8,6,3, 4,6,ER, 0,LO,9, 1,LO,12, 2,LO,ER}, //USER fireID@remotehost
- {9,ER,3, 1,LO,6, 2,LO,ER}, //USER remoteID@remotehost fireID
- {10,LO,3, 11,LO,6, 2,LO,ER} // USER remoteID@fireID@remotehost
- };
- if(logontype<0||logontype>=NUMLOGIN) return FALSE; // illegal connect code
- if(!logontype) {
- temp=hostname;
- port=hostport;
- }
- else {
- temp=fwhost;
- port=fwport;
- }
- if(hostport!=21) hostname.Format(hostname+":%d",hostport); // 如果端口不是默认端口21,则设定端口
- if(!OpenControlChannel(temp,port)) return false;
- if(!FTPcommand("")) return FALSE; // 获得连接服务器初始化信息
- // 获得登录类型
- while(1) {
- switch(logonseq[logontype][logonpoint]) {
- case 0:
- temp="USER "+username;
- break;
- case 1:
- temp="PASS "+password;
- break;
- case 2:
- temp="ACCT "+acct;
- break;
- case 3:
- temp="USER "+fwusername;
- break;
- case 4:
- temp="PASS "+fwpassword;
- break;
- case 5:
- temp="SITE "+hostname;
- break;
- case 6:
- temp="USER "+username+"@"+hostname;
- break;
- case 7:
- temp="OPEN "+hostname;
- break;
- case 8:
- temp="USER "+fwusername+"@"+hostname;
- break;
- case 9:
- temp="USER "+username+"@"+hostname+" "+fwusername;
- break;
- case 10:
- temp="USER "+username+"@"+fwusername+"@"+hostname;
- break;
- case 11:
- temp="PASS "+password+"@"+fwpassword;
- break;
- }
- // 发出命令,获得响应
- if(!WriteStr(temp)) return FALSE;
- if(!ReadStr()) return FALSE;
- // 只有这些响应是合法的
- if(m_fc!=2&&m_fc!=3) return FALSE;
- logonpoint=logonseq[logontype][logonpoint+m_fc-1]; //get next command from array
- switch(logonpoint) {
- case ER: // 出现错误
- m_retmsg.LoadString(IDS_FTPMSG1);
- return FALSE;
- case LO: // L0表示成功登录
- return TRUE;
- }
- }
- }
- // 退出服务器
- void CFTPclient::LogOffServer() {
- WriteStr("QUIT");
- CloseControlChannel();
- }
- // 发送命令到服务器
- BOOL CFTPclient::FTPcommand(CString command) {
- if(command!=""&&!WriteStr(command)) return FALSE;
- if((!ReadStr())||(m_fc!=2)) return FALSE;
- return TRUE;
- }
- // 上载或者下载文件
- BOOL CFTPclient::MoveFile(CString remotefile, CString localfile,BOOL pasv,BOOL get) {
- CString lhost,temp,rhost;
- UINT localsock,serversock,i,j;
- CFile datafile;
- CSocket sockSrvr;
- CAsyncSocket datachannel;
- int num,numread,numsent;
- const int BUFSIZE=4096;
- char cbuf[BUFSIZE];
- DWORD lpArgument=0;
- // 打开本地文件
- if(!datafile.Open(localfile,(get?CFile::modeWrite|CFile::modeCreate:CFile::modeRead))) {
- m_retmsg.LoadString(IDS_FTPMSG4);
- return FALSE;
- }
- if(!FTPcommand("TYPE I")) return FALSE; // 请求二进制传输
- if(pasv) { // 建立被动传输方式
- if(!FTPcommand("PASV")) return FALSE;
- // 分析出服务器传回的临时IP地址以及端口号
- if((i=m_retmsg.Find("("))==-1||(j=m_retmsg.Find(")"))==-1) return FALSE;
- temp=m_retmsg.Mid(i+1,(j-i)-1);
- i=temp.ReverseFind(',');
- serversock=atol(temp.Right(temp.GetLength()-(i+1))); //get ls byte of server socket
- temp=temp.Left(i);
- i=temp.ReverseFind(',');
- serversock+=256*atol(temp.Right(temp.GetLength()-(i+1))); // add ms byte to server socket
- rhost=temp.Left(i);
- while(1) { // 将逗号转化成点
- if((i=rhost.Find(","))==-1) break;
- rhost.SetAt(i,'.');
- }
- }
- else { // 设置主动的传输模式
- m_retmsg.LoadString(IDS_FTPMSG6);
- //获取本地的ip地址,发送到服务器
- if(!m_Ctrlsok->GetSockName(lhost,localsock)) return FALSE;;
- while(1) { // 将IP地址中的点转化成逗号
- if((i=lhost.Find("."))==-1) break;
- lhost.SetAt(i,',');
- }
- // 创建本地侦听进程
- if((!sockSrvr.Create(0,SOCK_STREAM,NULL))||(!sockSrvr.Listen())) return FALSE;
- if(!sockSrvr.GetSockName(temp,localsock)) return FALSE;// get the port that MFC chose
- // 将端口转化成2字节,然后加入到本地IP地址中
- lhost.Format(lhost+",%d,%d",localsock/256,localsock%256);
- if(!FTPcommand("PORT "+lhost)) return FALSE;// 发送端口到服务器
- }
- // 发送 RETR/STOR 命令到服务器
- if(!WriteStr((get?"RETR ":"STOR ")+remotefile)) return FALSE;
- if(pasv) {// 如果是PASV模式,则创建socket并初始化外部数据连接,即数据传输通道
- if(!datachannel.Create()) {
- m_retmsg.LoadString(IDS_FTPMSG6);
- return FALSE;
- }
- datachannel.Connect(rhost,serversock); // 试图异步连接服务器
- }
- if(!ReadStr()||m_fc!=1) return FALSE; // 获得服务器响应
- if(!pasv&&!sockSrvr.Accept(datachannel)) return FALSE; // 接收从服务器来的内部绑定数据
- // 连接成功,然后进行阻塞式数据传输
- if((!datachannel.AsyncSelect(0))||(!datachannel.IOCtl(FIONBIO,&lpArgument))) {
- m_retmsg.LoadString(IDS_FTPMSG6);
- return FALSE;
- }
- while(1) { // 开始传输数据
- TRY {
- if(get) {
- if(!(num=datachannel.Receive(cbuf,BUFSIZE,0))||num==SOCKET_ERROR) break; // (EOF||network error)
- else datafile.Write(cbuf,num);
- }
- else {
- if(!(numread=datafile.Read(cbuf,BUFSIZE))) break; //EOF
- if((numsent=datachannel.Send(cbuf,numread,0))==SOCKET_ERROR) break;
- // 如果发送出去的字节少于从文件读取的字节,则调整发送指针,以使得数据发送正确
- if(numread!=numsent) datafile.Seek(numsent-numread,CFile::current);
- }
- }
- CATCH (CException,e) {
- m_retmsg.LoadString(IDS_FTPMSG5);
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- datachannel.Close();
- datafile.Close();
- if(!FTPcommand("")) return FALSE; // 检查从服务器发送的传输结果信息
- return TRUE; // 传输成功
- }
- // 通过控制通道向服务器发送命令
- BOOL CFTPclient::WriteStr(CString outputstring) {
- m_retmsg.LoadString(IDS_FTPMSG6); // pre-load "network error" msg (in case there is one) #-)
- TRY {
- m_pCtrlTxarch->WriteString(outputstring+"rn");
- m_pCtrlTxarch->Flush();
- }
- CATCH(CException,e) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- // 获得服务器的响应
- BOOL CFTPclient::ReadStr() {
- int retcode;
- if(!ReadStr2()) return FALSE;
- if(m_retmsg.GetLength()<4||m_retmsg.GetAt(3)!='-') return TRUE;
- retcode=atol(m_retmsg);
- while(1) { //处理多行服务器响应
- if(m_retmsg.GetLength()>3&&(m_retmsg.GetAt(3)==' '&&atol(m_retmsg)==retcode)) return TRUE;
- if(!ReadStr2()) return FALSE;
- }
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Private functions
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // 从服务器控制通道获取一行响应
- BOOL CFTPclient::ReadStr2() {
- TRY {
- if(!m_pCtrlRxarch->ReadString(m_retmsg)) {
- m_retmsg.LoadString(IDS_FTPMSG6);
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- CATCH(CException,e) {
- m_retmsg.LoadString(IDS_FTPMSG6);
- return FALSE;
- }
- if(m_retmsg.GetLength()>0) m_fc=m_retmsg.GetAt(0)-48; // get 1st digit of the return code (indicates primary result)
- return TRUE;
- }
- // 打开控制通道
- BOOL CFTPclient::OpenControlChannel(CString serverhost,int serverport) {
- m_retmsg.LoadString(IDS_FTPMSG2);
- if(!(m_Ctrlsok=new CSocket)) return FALSE;
- if(!(m_Ctrlsok->Create())) return FALSE;
- m_retmsg.LoadString(IDS_FTPMSG3);
- if(!(m_Ctrlsok->Connect(serverhost,serverport))) return FALSE;
- m_retmsg.LoadString(IDS_FTPMSG2);
- if(!(m_pCtrlsokfile=new CSocketFile(m_Ctrlsok))) return FALSE;
- if(!(m_pCtrlRxarch=new CArchive(m_pCtrlsokfile,CArchive::load))) return FALSE;
- if(!(m_pCtrlTxarch=new CArchive(m_pCtrlsokfile,CArchive::store))) return FALSE;
- return TRUE;
- }
- // 关闭控制通道
- void CFTPclient::CloseControlChannel() {
- if(m_pCtrlTxarch) delete m_pCtrlTxarch;
- m_pCtrlTxarch=NULL;
- if(m_pCtrlRxarch) delete m_pCtrlRxarch;
- m_pCtrlRxarch=NULL;
- if(m_pCtrlsokfile) delete m_pCtrlsokfile;
- m_pCtrlsokfile=NULL;
- if(m_Ctrlsok) delete m_Ctrlsok;
- m_Ctrlsok=NULL;
- return;
- }
- //列出文件列表
- BOOL CFTPclient::List()
- {
- CString lhost,temp,rhost;
- UINT localsock,i;
- CFile datafile;
- CSocket sockSrvr;
- CAsyncSocket datachannel;
- int num, sum;
- const int BUFSIZE = 4096;
- DWORD lpArgument=0;
- m_buf.RemoveAll();
- m_buf.SetSize(BUFSIZE);
- if(!FTPcommand("TYPE I"))
- return FALSE; // 请求二进制模式
- m_retmsg.LoadString(IDS_FTPMSG6);
- // 获取本地IP地址
- if(!m_Ctrlsok->GetSockName(lhost,localsock))
- return FALSE;;
- while(1) {
- // 将点转化成逗号
- if((i=lhost.Find("."))==-1) break;
- lhost.SetAt(i,',');
- }
- if((!sockSrvr.Create(0, SOCK_STREAM, NULL))
- || (!sockSrvr.Listen()))
- return FALSE;
- if(!sockSrvr.GetSockName(temp,localsock))
- return FALSE;
- lhost.Format(lhost+",%d,%d", localsock / 256, localsock % 256);
- if(!FTPcommand("PORT "+lhost))
- return FALSE;
- if(!WriteStr("LIST") )
- return FALSE;
- if(!ReadStr())
- return FALSE;
- if(!sockSrvr.Accept(datachannel))
- return FALSE;
- if((!datachannel.AsyncSelect(0)) ||
- (!datachannel.IOCtl(FIONBIO,&lpArgument))) {
- m_retmsg.LoadString(IDS_FTPMSG6);
- return FALSE;
- }
- sum = 0;
- while(1) { // 获得数据
- TRY {
- if(!(num = datachannel.Receive(m_buf.GetData() + sum, BUFSIZE, 0))
- || num == SOCKET_ERROR)
- break;
- TRACE("Received :%dn", num);
- Sleep(0);
- sum += num;
- m_buf.SetSize(sum + BUFSIZE);
- }
- CATCH (CException,e) {
- m_retmsg.LoadString(IDS_FTPMSG5);
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- datachannel.Close();
- }
- void CFTPclient::ProcessList()
- {
- }
- BOOL CFTPclient::GetLine(int& ndx)
- {
- m_strLine.Empty();
- int nBytes = m_buf.GetSize();
- BOOL bLine = FALSE;
- while ( bLine == FALSE && ndx < nBytes )
- {
- char ch = (char)(m_buf.GetAt( ndx ));
- switch( ch )
- {
- case 'n': // 行尾
- bLine = TRUE;
- break;
- default: // 其他情况
- m_strLine += ch;
- break;
- }
- ++ndx;
- }
- m_strLine = m_strLine.Left(m_strLine.GetLength() - 1);
- return bLine;
- }