- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Copyright (C) 1998 by J鰎g K鰊ig
- // All rights reserved
- //
- // This file is part of the completely free tetris clone "CGTetris".
- //
- // This is free software.
- // You may redistribute it by any means providing it is not sold for profit
- // without the authors written consent.
- //
- // No warrantee of any kind, expressed or implied, is included with this
- // software; use at your own risk, responsibility for damages (if any) to
- // anyone resulting from the use of this software rests entirely with the
- // user.
- //
- // Send bug reports, bug fixes, enhancements, requests, flames, etc., and
- // I'll try to keep a version up to date. I can be reached as follows:
- // J.Koenig@adg.de (company site)
- // Joerg.Koenig@rhein-neckar.de (private site)
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #ifndef DIB256_h
- #define DIB256_h
- class CDIBitmap
- {
- friend class CBmpPalette;
- BITMAPINFO * m_pInfo;
- BYTE * m_pPixels;
- CBmpPalette * m_pPal;
- BOOL m_bIsPadded;
- public: //constructors
- CDIBitmap();
- virtual ~CDIBitmap();
- private:
- CDIBitmap( const CDIBitmap& dbmp );
- public: // attributes
- BITMAPINFO * GetHeaderPtr() const;
- BYTE * GetPixelPtr() const;
- RGBQUAD * GetColorTablePtr() const;
- int GetWidth() const;
- int GetHeight() const;
- CBmpPalette * GetPalette() { return m_pPal; }
- public: // operations
- BOOL CreatePalette(); // auto. made by "Load()" and "CreateFromBitmap()"
- void ClearPalette(); // destroy the palette associated with this image
- BOOL CreateFromBitmap( CDC *, CBitmap * );
- BOOL LoadResource(LPCTSTR ID);
- BOOL LoadResource(UINT ID) { return LoadResource(MAKEINTRESOURCE(ID)); }
- BOOL LoadBitmap(UINT ID) { return LoadResource(ID); }
- BOOL LoadBitmap(LPCTSTR ID) { return LoadResource(ID); }
- void DestroyBitmap();
- BOOL DeleteObject() { DestroyBitmap(); return TRUE; }
- public: // overridables
- // draw the bitmap at the specified location
- virtual void DrawDIB( CDC * pDC, int x=0, int y=0 );
- // draw the bitmap and stretch/compress it to the desired size
- virtual void DrawDIB( CDC * pDC, int x, int y, int width, int height );
- // draw parts of the dib into a given area of the DC
- virtual int DrawDIB( CDC * pDC, CRect & rectDC, CRect & rectDIB );
- // load a bitmap from disk
- virtual BOOL Load( CFile * pFile );
- virtual BOOL Load( const CString & );
- // save the bitmap to disk
- virtual BOOL Save( CFile * pFile );
- virtual BOOL Save( const CString & );
- protected:
- int GetPalEntries() const;
- int GetPalEntries( BITMAPINFOHEADER& infoHeader ) const;
- DWORD GetBitsPerPixel() const;
- DWORD LastByte( DWORD BitsPerPixel, DWORD PixelCount ) const;
- DWORD GetBytesPerLine( DWORD BitsPerPixel, DWORD Width ) const;
- BOOL PadBits();
- BOOL UnPadBits();
- WORD GetColorCount() const;
- };
- #include "dibpal.h"
- #endif // DIB256_h